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Helm Chart for HAProxy Prometheus Exporter

HAProxy Exporter is a Prometheus Exporter for HAProxy.


helm repo add ksandermann
helm repo update
helm install haproxy-exporter-proxy1 ksandermann/haproxy-exporter


This chart bootstraps a HAProxy Prometheus Exporter on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


In order for HAProxy Exporter to be able to grab the stats of your HAProxy instance, add the following to your HAProxy configuration under /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:

listen stats # Define a listen section called "stats"
  bind :9000 # Listen on localhost:9000
  mode http
  stats enable  # Enable stats page
  stats hide-version  # Hide HAProxy version
  stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics  # Title text for popup window
  stats uri /haproxy_stats  # Stats URI

Installing the chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm repo add ksandermann
helm repo update
helm install haproxy-exporter-proxy1 ksandermann/haproxy-exporter

The command deploys HAProxy Exporter on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

You can specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. This is not recommended - settings should be set inside a values.yaml file that can be placed into an scm like git.

Recommended installation:

kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=default

helm upgrade haproxy-exporter-proxy1 \
    ksandermann/haproxy-exporter \
    --install \
    --version 1.0.0 \
    --namespace default \
    -f values.yaml \

helm upgrade haproxy-exporter-proxy1 \
    ksandermann/haproxy-exporter \
    --install \
    --version 1.0.0 \
    --namespace default \
    -f values.yaml

kubectl get pods

Note: I advise to install one release of this helm chart for each HAProxy you want to monitor.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

helm del haproxy-exporter-proxy1

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Image repository prom/haproxy-exporter
image.tag Image tag v0.10.0
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Specify image pull secrets nil
pod.args Specify the args of the pod - mandatory! "--haproxy.scrape-uri=;csv"
pod.annotations Specify annotations for the pod nil
service.type Specify the service type ClusterIP
service.port Specify the service port ClusterIP
service.annotations Specify annotations for the service "/metrics" "9101" "true"
resources Kubernetes resources nil
ingress Kubernetes ingress configuration nil
release_name Override Release.Name nil
release_suffix Suffix to add to Release.Name (if defined) nil