- use Dojo image scripts 0.13.0
- limit output from this image init scripts
- ops: update ssh key on cicd
- drop support for python2 (breaking change)
- bump python3 to 3.13
- refresh ops scripts (tasks)
- use dojo 0.10.2 docker image scripts, to make it work on Mac using FUSE docker volume driver
- install newer devpi-client 5.2.1, was 4.4.0
- fix ownership of ~/.ssh and ~/.gitconfig files
- make it a public image (remove AIT related functionality)
- new base images: 2.7.16-slim-stretch and 3.7.3-slim-stretch
- support devpi server thanks to the environment variables: KUDU_DEVPI_INDEX, KUDU_DEVPI_LOGIN, KUDU_DEVPI_PASSWORD
- newer releaser and docker-ops
- do not use oversion
- transform from ide docker image to dojo docker image #17139
- added ait CA cert
- reproducible builds - build docker image using last version from changelog
- better order of Dockerfile directives (fast to do as last ones)
- remove configs tests (itests are enough)
- pin locustio version or else itests fail
Split into several images with many python versions (2.7, 3.5).
- updated readme
- itests: can build and upload python package without redundant complications
- ensure pretty bash prompt like:
ide@9eb0e8c9a0fd(python2-ide):/ide/work$ exit
- #10994 add devpi config
- dev: no ruby
Initial release