- merge patch from meyerj to enable deployers without component section
- rtt_gazebo_deployer: allow deployer instances without component section in SDF config (scripts only)
- Contributors: Johannes Meyer, Jonathan Bohren
- moved cmake_modules dependency lines to catkin components list
- attempting indigo build. fixed Eigen dependency by adding cmake_modules package.
- rtt_gazebo_deployer: disabling gravity on model while loading scripts, then restoring after scripts are done loading
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- deployer plugin: updates and bugfixes to scripting - fixed "inline" script parsing - added support for Lua scripts - added example using Lua scripts
- deployer plugin: minor reorg
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:jhu-lcsr/rtt_gazebo
- rtt_rosclock api changes, adding rosdeployment
- deployer plugin: Switching to only use one mutex
- Fixing stability issues when loading multiple models with rtt_gazebo plugins
- Moving potentially conflicting things into deferred load thread and adding mutex to prevent race conditions creating rtt structures
- updating doc and example
- deployer: Changing xml schema to support multiple ops scripts, fixing inline script parsing
- rtt_gazebo_deoployer: Adding support for multiple RTT components with gazebo hooks in a single model
- rtt_gazebo_deployer: Fixing issue when building in isolation
- Set up orocos logging to go out through gzlog and use runscript instead of eval
- Doc updates
- updatng doc
- updatng doc
- updating example
- Cleaning up cmakelists
- Updating documentation
- Updating gazebo deployer behavior and the test
- Functional RTT time-faking using rtt_rosclock
- wip: splitting up plugin into world and model plugin
- Update README.md
- updates to readme
- updates to readme
- Large-scale refactor to use the new rtt_rosclock, reduce complexity.
- Renaming rtt_gazebo_plugin to rtt_gazebo_deployer (fixes #11)
- Contributors: John Choi, Jonathan Bohren