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Visualizations |
/Visualizations/ |
There's also a good list at https://gist.github.com/1515418
- d3.js - HTML5 SVG animations (a descendent of protovis)
- chart.js
- Rickshaw - visualization library for event-based data
- Kendo UI
- Raphael JS
- Highcharts JS
- Flotr2
- jqplot
- Google Chart
- amCharts
- Fusion Charts
- Javascript InfoVis toolkit
Great implementations at http://civicdashboard.org.uk
- D3 Streamgraph demo and source code (also see the gist and demo of interactive version)
- http://shutterstock.github.com/rickshaw/examples/extensions.html
- http://raphaeljs.com/analytics.html
- http://www.highcharts.com/demo/line-ajax