An implementation of a monitor synchronization construct working in the distributed environment. It uses OpenMPI as a communicator and a Ricart-Agrawala algorithm to perform mutual exclusion.
However, it provieds a very flexible interface so it can work with any kind of communicator and algorithm. Pull requests are welcome :)
CMake 3.9 (it will probably compile using older versions too, see the last paragraph)
C++17 compliant compiler
Boost 1.63.0 (serialization) [optional]
git clone
cd DistributedMonitor
cmake .
If you don't have Boost installed, only few example programs will be compiled. If you install Boost later on you will have to repeat the two last instructions for CMake to notice the changes.
Invoke compiled executables by mpirun with at least 2 processes, for example:
mpirun -np 2 DistributedProdConsSimple
To create your own monitor you need to take the following steps:
class BufferMonitor : public DistributedMonitor {
DistributedConditionVariable queueEmptyCv;
DistributedConditionVariable queueFullCv;
BufferMonitor(const std::string& name,
const std::shared_ptr<CommunicationManager>& communicationManager,
const std::shared_ptr<IDistributedExclusionAlgorithm>& mutexAlgorithm,
const std::shared_ptr<IDistributedConditionVariableAlgorithm>& cvAlgorithm)
: DistributedMonitor(name, communicationManager, mutexAlgorithm),
queueEmptyCv("empty", cvAlgorithm), queueFullCv("full", cvAlgorithm) { }
std::string saveState() override {
// Serialize the shared variables to a single string.
void restoreState(const std::string_view state) override {
// Assign the correct values from the string to appropriate shared variables.
Both functions will be called automatically. You can write them yourself or use a BoostSerializer helper class. See examples for more information.
void produce() {
auto sync = synchronized();
queueFullCv.wait(mutex, [&]() { return queue.size() != MAX_SIZE });
T consume() {
auto sync = synchronized();
queueEmptyCv.wait(mutex, [&]() { return not queue.empty() });
T request = queue.front();
It will take care of locking the mutex at the beggining of the entry. It will also send updated state to other processes and release the mutex at the end of the entry.
Do not unlock the mutex yourself. If you want to release the lock before the end of the entry, use an artificial scope and put sync
object in it.
DistributedMutex and DistributedConditionVariable can be interacted with the similar way you would expect from their counterparts from the Stardard Template Library.
DistributedMutex conforms to the Lockable concept so it can be used with constructs like std::lock_guard
, std::unique_lock
or std::scoped_lock
DistributedConditionVariable adapts the concept of a predicate argument from the standard library.
However in STL the predicate argument is optional and you can wrap the condition variable in a while
loop yourself.
In case of DistributedConditionVariable you cannot do that and you have to provide a Predicate
You can use these classes without the need to use DistributedMonitor. They are completely functional standalone. However, you won't be able to synchronize updated states of shared variables between processes.
At the moment classes from Distributed family ane not thread-safe. They are meant to be used to procect resources shared by many distributed processes, not threads. However, thread safety is the next thing I would like to implement in the future.
Try to change the minimum required version in CMakeLists.txt to match the version you have installed. There shouldn't be any issues.