A small ActionAPI for use in my own personal plugins.
- [ActionBarMessage] (Message) - Sends an actionbar message to the player. The message supports the MiniMessage format. See below.
- [ActionBarBroadcast] (Message) - Same as ActionBarMessage, but broadcasts it to the entire server.
- [ConsoleCommand] (Command) - Execute a command as console.
- [Kick] (Message) - Kick a player. This uses the Spigot kick function, and supports the standard color codes.
- [Message] (Message) - Sends a message to the player. Supports the MiniMessage format.
- [Broadcast] (Message) - Broadcasts a message to the server. Same as Message though.
- [PlayerCommand] (Command) - Executes a command as the player.
- [Sound] (Sound) - Plays a sound to the player.
- [VaultGive] (Amount) - Give a certain amount to the player.
- [VaultTake] (Amount) - Take a certain amount from the player.
These can be used in the Sound action.
ActionBarBroadcast, ActionBarMessage, Message and Broadcast use the MiniMessage format. You can find out more here:
You can use this as a plugin dependency, or shade it into your plugin. Maven Repository:
Dependency usage:
You can access the ActionManager with:
Remember to depend on the ActionAPI on your plugin.yml.
depend: [ActionAPI]
If you want to shade it, you need to remove the scope tag in the dependency, like this:
You'll need to initialize your ActionManager object like this:
ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(JavaPlugin);