- Telegram stops listening after a while
- mattermost stops listening after a while
- reload channelMapping and cache when new channels appear (discord,slack, working for telegram already) on the fly
- create an app
- tune up your nginx/apache to forward port (Default 3011) to an https location
- start facebook-installer, restart app
- enter these webhooks into Facebook app
- on new messages will come
several links ia message are merged into one
add comments to config.json via stripJsonComments ReceivedFrom: config,facebook,sendFrom,AdaptName.facebook, generic.downloadFile
split code into files by messenger
remove spam via telegram user
qq support qq.js
topic set in slack not sent anywhere
get rid of all ".then"
fork await-to-js to "or"
facebook: support localization of attachments like in telegram
captcha for vk
get rid of all .js sub libs.
send youtube title
- getchunks has attachment
- sendfrom has another instance: sendto itself
update default.js from new config.js
upload images in sendto.vk
add map irc on start, leave channels if not necessary
improve topic changes from irc, other action message, edit message
- LocalizeString
generic.irc.start add
restart facebook on error
check cold start - no ~/.something files
complete README.md
localize via https://www.npmjs.com/package/safe-eval
convert channel names when sending to another messenger
relayed messaging module should work independently
optimize TS performance
resend message to tg/slack/irc on fail - not more than 10 in stack for each channel. enable reject handlingin pushtask
heroku compatible
store files on dropbox
todo: get list of online users of each messenger: telethon for tg
new type of spam remover: ban user as well
check what happens on removing from slack channel: too hard, would need to delete the bot
check what happens on removing from telegram channel
check what happens on removing from irc channel
- queue should return await-to-js array object