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"use strict";(self["webpackChunk"]=self["webpackChunk"]||[]).push([[1761],{71761:(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__,{default:()=>__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__});const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__="/*\n This file is part of web3.js.\n\n web3.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by\n the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n (at your option) any later version.\n\n web3.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.\n\n You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License\n along with web3.js. If not, see <>.\n*/\n/**\n * @file index.d.ts\n * @author Josh Stevens <[email protected]>\n * @date 2018\n */\n\nimport BN = require('bn.js');\n\nexport type Unit =\n | 'noether'\n | 'wei'\n | 'kwei'\n | 'Kwei'\n | 'babbage'\n | 'femtoether'\n | 'mwei'\n | 'Mwei'\n | 'lovelace'\n | 'picoether'\n | 'gwei'\n | 'Gwei'\n | 'shannon'\n | 'nanoether'\n | 'nano'\n | 'szabo'\n | 'microether'\n | 'micro'\n | 'finney'\n | 'milliether'\n | 'milli'\n | 'ether'\n | 'kether'\n | 'grand'\n | 'mether'\n | 'gether'\n | 'tether';\n\nexport type Mixed =\n | string\n | number\n | BN\n | {\n type: string;\n value: string;\n }\n | {\n t: string;\n v: string | BN | number;\n }\n | boolean;\n\nexport type Hex = string | number;\n\n// utils types\nexport function isBN(value: string | number): boolean;\nexport function isBigNumber(value: BN): boolean;\nexport function toBN(value: number | string): BN;\nexport function toTwosComplement(value: number | string | BN): string;\nexport function isAddress(address: string, chainId?: number): boolean;\nexport function isHex(hex: Hex): boolean;\nexport function isHexStrict(hex: Hex): boolean;\nexport function asciiToHex(string: string, length?: number): string;\nexport function hexToAscii(string: string): string;\nexport function toAscii(string: string): string;\nexport function bytesToHex(bytes: number[]): string;\nexport function numberToHex(value: number | string | BN): string;\nexport function checkAddressChecksum(address: string, chainId?: number): boolean;\nexport function fromAscii(string: string): string;\nexport function fromDecimal(value: string | number): string;\nexport function fromUtf8(string: string): string;\nexport function fromWei(value: string | BN, unit?: Unit): string;\nexport function hexToBytes(hex: Hex): number[];\nexport function hexToNumber(hex: Hex): number;\nexport function hexToNumberString(hex: Hex): string;\nexport function hexToString(hex: Hex): string;\nexport function hexToUtf8(string: string): string;\nexport function keccak256(value: string | BN): string;\nexport function padLeft(value: string | number, characterAmount: number, sign?: string): string;\nexport function leftPad(string: string | number, characterAmount: number, sign?: string): string;\nexport function rightPad(string: string | number, characterAmount: number, sign?: string): string;\nexport function padRight(string: string | number, characterAmount: number, sign?: string): string;\nexport function sha3(value: string | BN | Buffer): string | null;\nexport function sha3Raw(value: string | BN | Buffer): string;\nexport function randomHex(bytesSize: number): string;\nexport function utf8ToHex(string: string): string;\nexport function stringToHex(string: string): string;\nexport function toChecksumAddress(address: string, chainId?: number): string;\nexport function toDecimal(hex: Hex): number;\nexport function toHex(value: number | string | BN): string;\nexport function toUtf8(string: string): string;\nexport function toWei(val: BN, unit?: Unit): BN;\nexport function toWei(val: string, unit?: Unit): string;\nexport function isBloom(bloom: string): boolean;\nexport function isInBloom(bloom: string, value: string | Uint8Array): boolean;\nexport function isUserEthereumAddressInBloom(bloom: string, ethereumAddress: string): boolean;\nexport function isContractAddressInBloom(bloom: string, contractAddress: string): boolean;\nexport function isTopicInBloom(bloom: string, topic: string): boolean;\nexport function isTopic(topic: string): boolean;\nexport function jsonInterfaceMethodToString(abiItem: AbiItem): string;\nexport function soliditySha3(...val: Mixed[]): string | null;\nexport function soliditySha3Raw(...val: Mixed[]): string;\nexport function encodePacked(...val: Mixed[]): string | null;\nexport function getUnitValue(unit: Unit): string;\nexport function unitMap(): Units;\nexport function testAddress(bloom: string, address: string): boolean;\nexport function testTopic(bloom: string, topic: string): boolean;\nexport function getSignatureParameters(signature: string): {r: string; s: string; v: number};\nexport function stripHexPrefix(str: string): string;\nexport function toNumber(value: number | string | BN): number;\n\n// interfaces\nexport interface Utils {\n isBN(value: string | number): boolean;\n isBigNumber(value: BN): boolean;\n toBN(value: number | string): BN;\n toTwosComplement(value: number | string | BN): string;\n isAddress(address: string, chainId?: number): boolean;\n isHex(hex: Hex): boolean;\n isHexStrict(hex: Hex): boolean;\n asciiToHex(string: string, length?: number): string;\n hexToAscii(string: string): string;\n toAscii(string: string): string;\n bytesToHex(bytes: number[]): string;\n numberToHex(value: number | string | BN): string;\n checkAddressChecksum(address: string, chainId?: number): boolean;\n fromAscii(string: string): string;\n fromDecimal(value: string | number): string;\n fromUtf8(string: string): string;\n fromWei(value: string | BN, unit?: Unit): string;\n hexToBytes(hex: Hex): number[];\n hexToNumber(hex: Hex): number;\n hexToNumberString(hex: Hex): string;\n hexToString(hex: Hex): string;\n hexToUtf8(string: string): string;\n keccak256(value: string | BN): string;\n padLeft(value: string | number, characterAmount: number, sign?: string): string;\n leftPad(string: string | number, characterAmount: number, sign?: string): string;\n rightPad(string: string | number, characterAmount: number, sign?: string): string;\n padRight(string: string | number, characterAmount: number, sign?: string): string;\n sha3(value: string | BN): string | null;\n randomHex(bytesSize: number): string;\n utf8ToHex(string: string): string;\n stringToHex(string: string): string;\n toChecksumAddress(address: string, chainId?: number): string;\n toDecimal(hex: Hex): number;\n toHex(value: number | string | BN): string;\n toUtf8(string: string): string;\n toWei(val: BN, unit?: Unit): BN;\n toWei(val: string, unit?: Unit): string;\n isBloom(bloom: string): boolean;\n isInBloom(bloom: string, value: string | Uint8Array): boolean;\n isUserEthereumAddressInBloom(bloom: string, ethereumAddress: string): boolean;\n isContractAddressInBloom(bloom: string, contractAddress: string): boolean;\n isTopicInBloom(bloom: string, topic: string): boolean;\n isTopic(topic: string): boolean;\n _jsonInterfaceMethodToString(abiItem: AbiItem): string;\n soliditySha3(...val: Mixed[]): string | null;\n soliditySha3Raw(...val: Mixed[]): string;\n encodePacked(...val: Mixed[]): string | null;\n getUnitValue(unit: Unit): string;\n unitMap(): Units;\n testAddress(bloom: string, address: string): boolean;\n testTopic(bloom: string, topic: string): boolean;\n getSignatureParameters(signature: string): {r: string; s: string; v: number};\n stripHexPrefix(str: string): string;\n toNumber(value: number | string | BN): number;\n}\n\nexport interface Units {\n noether: string;\n wei: string;\n kwei: string;\n Kwei: string;\n babbage: string;\n femtoether: string;\n mwei: string;\n Mwei: string;\n lovelace: string;\n picoether: string;\n gwei: string;\n Gwei: string;\n shannon: string;\n nanoether: string;\n nano: string;\n szabo: string;\n microether: string;\n micro: string;\n finney: string;\n milliether: string;\n milli: string;\n ether: string;\n kether: string;\n grand: string;\n mether: string;\n gether: string;\n tether: string;\n}\n\nexport type AbiType = 'function' | 'constructor' | 'event' | 'fallback' | 'receive';\nexport type StateMutabilityType = 'pure' | 'view' | 'nonpayable' | 'payable';\n\nexport interface AbiItem {\n anonymous?: boolean;\n constant?: boolean;\n inputs?: AbiInput[];\n name?: string;\n outputs?: AbiOutput[];\n payable?: boolean;\n stateMutability?: StateMutabilityType;\n type: AbiType;\n gas?: number;\n}\n\nexport interface AbiInput {\n name: string;\n type: string;\n indexed?: boolean;\n\tcomponents?: AbiInput[];\n internalType?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface AbiOutput {\n name: string;\n type: string;\n\tcomponents?: AbiOutput[];\n internalType?: string;\n}\n"}}]);