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LaluBuntu - packer-docker-build

OpenAI Image Prompt:
Create a logo with an Evoli-like pokemon for a linux distro named LaluBuntu, make it cute!

  • This ansible playbook will make your machine lovely to use.
  • This is my (@TheLaluka) own config, shared with the help & motivation of @Fransosiche!
  • Welcome to my world, now is the right time to Lower The Friction between you and your machine 🥰

See thiese videos to see how Lalubuntu will improve your daily linux & cyber life!

Global Presentation

Lower The Friction

Installation process for Ubuntu 24.04 - The current "GOLD path" 🌷

# Pre-install
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y curl wget git vim tmux
git clone
sudo mv lalubuntu /opt/lalubuntu
cd /opt/lalubuntu

# Main Install
bash 2>&1 | tee /tmp/lbt.log
# If anything fails, the install won't be complete (ansible StopOnFail intended behavior)
# So you'll have to fix (or commment) the failing task and re-run!

Then pick "Regolith X11" from lightdm, see screen below

Stay Up-To-Date by running frequently lbt-update! 💌

If you're migrating from Ubuntu 22.04 to 24.04

⚠️ Seriously, don't do that... ⚠️

  • I would strongly suggest installing a clean 24.04 Ubuntu Desktop from the official ISO 🙏
  • Then installing Lalubuntu from master 📖
  • You can try a dist-upgrate and running lalubuntu on master, but I've had really poor experiences with dist-upgrate in linux in general 🕱
  • I will provide no help, the clean way is "Fresh Ubuntu 24.04 then install from master" 😇

For what it's worth, I tried it and it worked, at some costs!

  • Ubuntu update was really long
  • Had to run lbt-update from Gnome as regolith broke
  • Fix ~/.zrhrc by hand (fix aliases path and lines order)
  • A few more hiccups...

You really should NOT go this way, and enjoy a nice and fresh install instead! 🍀

If you're still on Ubuntu 22.04

  • I won't provide any technical support 🙃
  • Run git checkout 22.04 before installing 🔨
  • This branch/tag won't be maintained, but it SHOULD still work for some time 😇

Here is an install video for convenience

  • The install time will be SIGNIFICANTLY longer (1 hour) for a first run
  • Around 10G of free space are required for a full install
  • I strongly recommend 50G for your VM so it's not full 2 days of use

LaluBuntu Setup

Install Specific Roles Only

  • roles/base-install // CLI Stuff only, make a nice generic purpose install
  • roles/offensive-stuff // CLI stuff still, mostly offensive tooling
  • roles/gui-tools // GUI stuff, regolith, wallpaper, and GUI tools

Remember that gui-tools and offensive-stuff both require base-install

ansible-playbook -vv -i inventory.ini --ask-become main.yml --tags base-install
ansible-playbook -vv -i inventory.ini --ask-become main.yml --tags offensive-stuff
ansible-playbook -vv -i inventory.ini --ask-become main.yml --tags gui-tools

Docker Images

Available Tags are: pre-install, base-install, offensive-stuff, gui-tools == latest

docker run --rm -it --name lbt -p 2222:22 -d thelaluka/lalubuntu:offensive-stuff
docker exec -it lbt bash -c 'echo hacker:offenskill | chpasswd && /etc/init.d/ssh start'
ssh -p 2222 [email protected]

docker run --rm -it --name lbt -u hacker -w /home/hacker -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ --net=host --privileged -d thelaluka/lalubuntu:latest
docker exec -it lbt meld /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/subuid # Simple 3-way visual diff

Docker Images - Custom Builds

# Installing packer with mise-en-place
mise use -g packer@latest
# Build Docker Layers
cd /opt/lalubuntu && packer init packer/lbt-docker-branches.pkr.hcl
PACKER_LOG=1 PACKER_LOG_PATH="/tmp/pocker-$(date).log" packer build -only="lbt-pre-install.docker.lbt" packer/lbt-docker-branches.pkr.hcl
# docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -u root thelaluka/lalubuntu:pre-install -il
PACKER_LOG=1 PACKER_LOG_PATH="/tmp/pocker-$(date).log" packer build -only="lbt-base-install.docker.lbt" packer/lbt-docker-branches.pkr.hcl
# docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/zsh -u hacker -w /home/hacker thelaluka/lalubuntu:base-install -il
PACKER_LOG=1 PACKER_LOG_PATH="/tmp/pocker-$(date).log" packer build -only="lbt-offensive-stuff.docker.lbt" packer/lbt-docker-branches.pkr.hcl
# docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/zsh -u hacker -w /home/hacker thelaluka/lalubuntu:offensive-stuff -il
PACKER_LOG=1 PACKER_LOG_PATH="/tmp/pocker-$(date).log" packer build -only="lbt-gui-tools.docker.lbt" packer/lbt-docker-branches.pkr.hcl
# Then refer to "Usage"

Packer - Digital Ocean

This will use your account to build the image, snapshot it, and allow easy & fast deploy, single or fleet!

# Installing packer with mise-en-place
mise use -g packer@latest
cd /opt/lalubuntu/packer && packer init lbt-digitalocean.pkr.hcl
# export DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PACKER_LOG=1 PACKER_LOG_PATH="/tmp/pocean-$(date).log" packer build lbt-digitalocean.pkr.hcl
# Then visit & create your droplet from the last SnapShot! :)
export DO_IP=X.X.X.X
ssh "root@$DO_IP" systemctl start nxserver.service # Enable Nomachine
ssh "root@$DO_IP" "echo hacker:offenskill | chpasswd" # Set your password (here "offenskill")
ssh -vNL "root@$DO_IP" # Add port forwarding to use NoMachine without net exposure
# If you have "No Display" errors
ssh "root@$DO_IP" systemctl restart nxserver.service
# Locally, start NoMachine and connect with:
# hacker:[email protected]:4000
# Remember to:
#  - NoMachine -> TopRight corner -> Input -> Grab Keyboard Input (for i3 bindings)
#  - RemoteHost -> MOD+space (Settings) -> Set resolution to 1920x1080
#  - RemoteHost -> Mod+enter (Shell) -> lbt-keyboard-layout fr
# ~ Enjoyyyy ~
  • If you just want to try it quick at no cost
    • Feel free tu use my referal link:
      • You earn 200$ credit to be used within two months
      • I (lalu) save 25$ on my next infra bill, which is nice!
      • Thank you 🌹

Lalubuntu Actual Content

  • Base-installs scripts will install all the needed sofware and packages
    • This ansible script will first update and install a lot of needed packages. You can view all the packages in default_packages variable in roles/base-install/defaults/main.yml file
    • Then, it will install and configure zsh (file is zsh-config)
    • Then, the script will install mise (former RTX) and mise packages (mise-all)
    • After, finishing the configuration of zsh with mise-en-place (file is zsh-config-post-mise)
    • After that, it will setup a directory named DATA (setup-dir)(I used it as my work dir)
    • Then, some configuration of vim will be done (vim-default)
    • Docker and docker compose will be installed (docker-install)
    • Using fresh rust install, the script will install several tools using cargo (cargo-dl)
    • A lil' bit of cleanup will be made (cleanup)
  • Offensive Stuff, as the name sounds like, will install all offensive tools (some upgrade could be made tho)
    • First, the script will install some tools using golang (golang-tooling)
    • After that, it will install some tools and wordlists from github (wordlists-and-tools)
    • A lil' bit of cleanup will be made (cleanup)
  • GUI softwares such as vscode or office will be installed
    • First, it installs common GUI softwares install-gui-tools (wireshark, vlc, obs...) (you can find all the packages in gui_tools_to_install (roles/gui-tools/defaults/main.yml))
    • Then, it will installs google chrome (install-google-chrome)
    • Last but not least, it will download and install veracrypt (install-veracrypt)
    • Then, install nomachine (install-nomachine)
    • Then, install discord (install-discord)
    • Then, install vscode (install-vscode)
    • Then, install signal (install-signal)
    • After, it will install and setup regolith because regolith is GOAT (setup-regolith)
    • To finish, some cleanup ! (cleanup)


  • If you are lost in regolith, use Mod+Shift+? to open the bindings help panel!
  • One can switch between Regolith and Gnome by logging out and picking the desired GUI
    • In Gnome: Top-Right corner then logout
    • In Regolith: CMD+SPACE then logout
  • If you're in a VM, remember to enable 3D acceleration which seems required for 24.04 and later


echo "Hello ChatGPT. Learn from my past changelogs and answer OK when you're done learning their format." | cpy # + add the past changelogs
echo -e "Now, generate changelogs for my latest linux distro changesis my git diff output: \n$(git diff origin/master)" | cpy
  • 2024/11/02
    • Renamed alias from lalupdate to lbt-update in aliases file.
    • Added new alias clean-go to remove Go installation files in aliases file.
    • Removed alias go-reshim from aliases file.
    • Added new alias lbt-keyboard-layout for setting keyboard layout configurations in aliases file.
    • Updated to include compatibility check for Ubuntu 24.04, with a warning message and exit condition if not met.
    • Added an echo statement in for additional installation details post-setup.
    • Removed the 'roles/hardening' role application from main.yml.
    • Updated entries in chrome-extensions.lst to ensure accurate version control.
    • Removed vscode-extensions.lst file, transitioning to manual management of VS Code extensions.
    • Updated image references in packer/lbt-digitalocean.pkr.hcl to Ubuntu 24.04.
    • Added a temporary checkout command in DigitalOcean Packer build for Ubuntu 24.04 compatibility in packer/lbt-digitalocean.pkr.hcl.
    • Updated Docker Packer files to use Ubuntu 24.04 images in packer/lbt-docker-branches.pkr.hcl.
    • Updated the execution command in to streamline script usage.
    • Revised to include new image guidelines and updated instructional content for new Ubuntu version.
  • 2024/05/21
    • Modified aliases file: added safety prompt to cp command using alias cp='cp -i'
    • Updated temporarily hardcoded Ansible version to 2.13.12 to avoid bugs in latest 2.13.X with Python 3.8
    • Added new Go package to roles/offensive-stuff/defaults/main.yml for latest tools
  • 2024/04/18
    • Added asciinema to cargo_tools for shell sessions recording
    • Added okular (pdf edit tool) to GUI tools in roles/gui-tools/defaults/main.yml
    • Updated wallpaper image, let's make the world a cutter place!
  • 2024/04/01
    • Updated .github/workflows/packer.yml to add a new GitHub Actions workflow for Packer
    • Modified aliases file: replaced temp alias with tmp, added new aliases aptitall, dpkgi, dkill, paste
    • Added trailofbits.weaudit extension to vscode-extensions.lst
    • Made multiple changes to packer/lbt-docker.pkr.hcl, for github-action daily builds
    • Updated with DNS settings to use Google's servers
    • Enhanced with a badge for packer-docker-build and a referral link section
    • Amended roles/base-install/defaults/main.yml with additional packages and general cleanup (size)
    • Modified roles/base-install/tasks/mise-all.yml with new tasks and zsh commands for tool installations
    • Updated roles/gui-tools/defaults/main.yml with new gui tools to install, such as dunst
    • Altered roles/gui-tools/tasks/install-nomachine.yml to handle NoMachine URL extraction
    • Adjusted roles/gui-tools/tasks/setup-regolith.yml with new Xresources configurations
    • Updated roles/offensive-stuff/defaults/main.yml by modifying the lists for go_packages, git_repositories, and removing some entries
  • 2024/02/28
    • Enhanced aliases file with additional aliases: sudo-alias trick, b for bat, v for nvim, p for python, and dps for docker ps
    • Modified sysdig alias in aliases for improved Docker container handling
    • In packer/, removed password setting for user hacker and added hacker to sudo group
    • Added new Packer configuration files lbt-digitalocean.pkr.hcl and lbt-docker.pkr.hcl for building DigitalOcean and Docker images
    • Updated script with apt-get clean and package installation changes
    • Revised with detailed Packer usage instructions for Docker and DigitalOcean, including environment setup and build commands
    • Modified roles/base-install/defaults/main.yml by removing bat from default_packages and adding it to mise_tools
    • Updated roles/base-install/tasks/default-packages.yml to check for and disable Ubuntu Pro ESM spammy messages
  • 2024/02/26
    • Updated with section "Install Specific Roles Only" with previous tag addons
    • Removed trash-cli from base-install default packages and added latest install via pipx
    • Added meld and tmate to base-install default packages
    • Added duf, neovim, websocat to mise_tools in base-install
    • Added task to disable Ubuntu Pro ESM spammy messages in base-install
    • Added download and executable setting tasks for fastgron in base-install
    • Included neovim install and config tasks in base-install aliased on v
    • Slightly reworked and unified variable use
    • Updated gui-tools tasks for cameractrls and nomachine with various fixes
    • Allow nomachine install to fail, they often make breaking changes to the install process
    • Updated offensive-stuff go_packages and git_repositories lists
  • 2024/02/24
    • Created .gitignore with patterns for lalubuntu.tar, *.log, *.pem, .env
    • Added clean-crash alias to remove files from /var/crash
    • Refactored roles in main.yml with tags for organization (base-install, offensive-stuff, gui-tools, hardening)
    • Added user creation script for user hacker with temp sudo privileges for install time
    • Implemented Packer configuration do-lalubuntu.pkr.hcl for Docker Imge and DigitalOcean snapshot creation
    • Updated with Packer instructions, and additional tools to install
    • Fixed mise sometimes not being loaded & removed xrandr unused aliases
    • Implemented security measures and cleanup in Packer build process
  • 2024/01/12
    • Added a new alias: yt-dlp
    • Created vscode-extensions.lst for VS Code extensions
    • Added auto completion for a few kube/terraform related tools
    • Added gnome-tweaks, blueman, obs-studio from the official ppa
    • Added lalutools pty4all, pypotomux, broneypote, bypass-url-parser
    • Added bindsym for sound settings
  • 2024/01/06
    • Renamed rtx to mise-en-place
    • Added a changelog section to