diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_de.arb b/lib/l10n/app_de.arb index 1fef808a..fde73cd7 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_de.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_de.arb @@ -858,5 +858,9 @@ "unSubscribeQuestion": "Deabonnieren?", "@unSubscribeQuestion": { "description": "Title for dialog if a user wants to unsubscribe in the subscribtion management screen" + }, + "itemlistErrorGeneric": "Daten konnten nicht abgerufen werden", + "@itemlistErrorGeneric": { + "description": "Error showing when the data can't be fetch" } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_es.arb b/lib/l10n/app_es.arb index 625ee742..a604d34e 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_es.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_es.arb @@ -563,19 +563,19 @@ "@returnYoutubeDislikeDescription": { "description": "ReturnYoutubeDislike setting description" }, - "searchHistoryDescription": "Ajustes del historial de la búsqueda", + "searchHistoryDescription": "Ajustes del historial de búsqueda", "@searchHistoryDescription": { "description": "Description for search history settings" }, - "enableSearchHistory": "Activar el historial de las búsquedas", + "enableSearchHistory": "Activar el historial de búsquedas", "@enableSearchHistory": { "description": "Settings label for enabling search history" }, - "clearSearchHistory": "Borrar el historial de las búsquedas", + "clearSearchHistory": "Limpiar el historial de búsquedas", "@clearSearchHistory": { "description": "Settings label for clearing search history" }, - "searchHistory": "Buscar en el historial", + "searchHistory": "Historial de búsquedas", "@searchHistory": { "description": "Settings label for search history" }, @@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ "@autoplayVideoOnLoadDescription": { "description": "Description for the autoplay video on load setting" }, - "searchHistoryLimit": "Límite del historial de las búsquedas", + "searchHistoryLimit": "Límite del historial de búsquedas", "@searchHistoryLimit": { "description": "Settings label for search history limit" }, @@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ "@noHistory": { "description": "Message when the user visits the history tab but it's empty" }, - "history": "Historia", + "history": "Historial", "@history": { "description": "User view history label" }, diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb b/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb index fdd10aee..d213bc7b 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb @@ -1,736 +1,772 @@ { - "noChannels": "Ei kanavia", - "@noChannels": { - "description": "when there are no channels to display" - }, - "noPlaylists": "Ei soittolistoja", - "@noPlaylists": { - "description": "when there are no playlists to display" - }, - "addServer": "Lisää palvelin", - "@addServer": { - "description": "Add server label" - }, - "invalidInvidiousServer": "Virheellinen Invidious-palvelin", - "@invalidInvidiousServer": { - "description": "Error when the user tries to add a server that is not a proper or reachable invidious server" - }, - "yourServers": "Omat palvelimet", - "@yourServers": { - "description": "Your servers label" - }, - "recommended": "Suositeltu", - "@recommended": { - "description": "Recommended label" - }, - "error": "Vihre", - "@error": {}, - "subscriptions": "Tilaukset", - "@subscriptions": { - "description": "User subscriptions" - }, - "playlists": "Soittolistat", - "@playlists": { - "description": "User playlists" - }, - "popular": "Suosittu", - "@popular": { - "description": "Popular videos title" - }, - "trending": "Nousussa", - "@trending": { - "description": "Trending videos title" - }, - "noVideoInPlayList": "Soittolistalla ei ole videota", - "@noVideoInPlayList": { - "description": "When no videos in the playlist" - }, - "removeFromPlayList": "Poista soittolistasta", - "@removeFromPlayList": { - "description": "Menu item description to show remove a video from a playlist" - }, - "deletePlayListQ": "Poistetaanko soittolista?", - "@deletePlayListQ": { - "description": "Ask user to delete a playlist" - }, - "irreversibleAction": "Tämä toiminta on peruuttamatonta", - "@irreversibleAction": { - "description": "Tell the user that the action cannot be undone" - }, - "addPlayList": "Lisää soittolista", - "@addPlayList": { - "description": "Title for add playlist dialog" - }, - "playListName": "Soittolistan nimi", - "@playListName": { - "description": "Place holder for new playlist name text field" - }, - "playlistVisibility": "Näkyvyys", - "@playlistVisibility": { - "description": "Dropdown label for playlist visibility" - }, - "publicPlaylist": "Julkinen", - "@publicPlaylist": { - "description": "Public playlist" - }, - "privatePlaylist": "Yksityinen", - "@privatePlaylist": { - "description": "Private playlist" - }, - "cancel": "Peruuta", - "@cancel": { - "description": "Cancel button label" - }, - "add": "Lisää", - "@add": { - "description": "Add button abel" - }, - "ok": "OK", - "@ok": { - "description": "Ok" - }, - "wizardIntro": "Valitse julkinen palvelin tai lisää oma. (Voidaan muuttaa myöhemmin asetuksissa)", - "@wizardIntro": { - "description": "Welcome message on frst time use" - }, - "videoAddedToPlaylist": "Video lisätty soittolistaan", - "@videoAddedToPlaylist": { - "description": "Pop up message when a video was added to a playlist" - }, - "errorAddingVideoToPlaylist": "Virhe videon lisäämisessä soittolistaan", - "@errorAddingVideoToPlaylist": { - "description": "Error while adding video to playlist" - }, - "unlistedPlaylist": "Luetteloimaton", - "@unlistedPlaylist": { - "description": "Unlisted playlist" - }, - "shareYoutubeLink": "Jaa YouTube-linkki", - "@shareYoutubeLink": { - "description": "asking user to share youtube link" - }, - "selectPlaylist": "Valitse soittolista", - "@selectPlaylist": { - "description": "Title when users wants to add a video to a playlist" - }, - "createNewPlaylist": "Luo uusi soittolista", - "@createNewPlaylist": { - "description": "Button label to create a new playlist when the user wants to add a video to a playlist" - }, - "info": "Tiedot", - "@info": { - "description": "Info label" - }, - "videos": "Videot", - "@videos": { - "description": "Videos label" - }, - "loadMore": "Lataa lisää", - "@loadMore": { - "description": "CTA to load more" - }, - "streams": "Striimaukset", - "@streams": { - "description": "Streams label" - }, - "latestVideos": "Uusimmat videot", - "@latestVideos": { - "description": "Latest channel videos" - }, - "newSorting": "Uusi", - "@newSorting": { - "description": "Content sorting: new" - }, - "streamIsLive": "Livenä", - "@streamIsLive": { - "description": "Label when a video is a live stream" - }, - "selectBrowsingCountry": "Valitse selainmaa", - "@selectBrowsingCountry": { - "description": "Select country for trending content" - }, - "settings": "Asetukset", - "@settings": { - "description": "Settings title" - }, - "browsing": "Selaus", - "@browsing": { - "description": "video browsing preferences" - }, - "country": "Maa", - "@country": { - "description": "Country label" - }, - "whenAppStartsShow": "Kun sovellus käynnistyy, näytä…", - "@whenAppStartsShow": { - "description": "Setting title for selecting the screen to show on start" - }, - "servers": "Palvelimet", - "@servers": { - "description": "Server management settings category" - }, - "loadingPublicServer": "Ladataan julkisia palvelimia", - "@loadingPublicServer": { - "description": "Message telling users the app is loading the list of public servers" - }, - "currentServer": "Tällä hetkellä käytössä {current}", - "@currentServer": { - "description": "Which server the user is currently using", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "useSponsorBlock": "Käytä SponsorBlock", - "@useSponsorBlock": { - "description": "label for sponsorblock checkbox" - }, - "sponsorBlockDescription": "Ohita yhteisön lähettämät sponsoripätkät", - "@sponsorBlockDescription": { - "description": "Sponsorblock setting description" - }, - "package": "Paketti", - "@package": { - "description": "package label" - }, - "logIn": "Kirjaudu sisään", - "@logIn": { - "description": "CTA to log in to server" - }, - "delete": "Poista", - "@delete": { - "description": "Delete label" - }, - "about": "Tietoja", - "@about": { - "description": "About" - }, - "name": "Nimi", - "@name": { - "description": "NAme label" - }, - "version": "Versio", - "@version": { - "description": "version label" - }, - "nSubscribers": "{count, select, no{Ei tilaajia} other{{count} tilajaa}}", - "@nSubscribers": { - "description": "number of subscribers", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "shareInvidiousLink": "Jaa Invidious-linkki", - "@shareInvidiousLink": { - "description": "asking user to share invidious link" - }, - "useThisServer": "Käytä tätä palvelinta", - "@useThisServer": { - "description": "Use this server label" - }, - "loggedIn": "Kirjautunut sisään", - "@loggedIn": { - "description": "Label to tell the user that he is logged in to the server" - }, - "notLoggedIn": "Ei kirjautuneena sisään", - "@notLoggedIn": { - "description": "Label when the user is not logged in to the server" - }, - "addServerHelpText": "Lisää omia palvelimia +-painikkeella tai napauta julkista palvelinta ja lisää se.", - "@addServerHelpText": { - "description": "label for when the user hasn't chosen a server yet" - }, - "publicServers": "Julkiset palvelimet", - "@publicServers": { - "description": "Public servers label" - }, - "tapToAddServer": "Lisää palvelin luetteloon napauttamalla", - "@tapToAddServer": { - "description": "public server description" - }, - "publicServersError": "Julkisten palvelimien luetteloa ei voitu hakea. Yritä uudelleen napauttamalla.", - "@publicServersError": { - "description": "Error message when trying to get public servers but it failed" - }, - "appearance": "Ulkonäkö", - "@appearance": { - "description": "Settings category title" - }, - "useDynamicTheme": "Dynaamiset värit", - "@useDynamicTheme": { - "description": "" - }, - "useDynamicThemeDescription": "Käytä Material You-värejä (käytettävissä vain Android 12+)", - "@useDynamicThemeDescription": { - "description": "" - }, - "nVideos": "{count, plural, =0{Ei videoita} =1{1 video} other{{count} videota}}", - "@nVideos": { - "description": "One or more videos", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "type": "num", - "format": "compact" - } - } - }, - "subscribed": "Tilattu", - "@subscribed": { - "description": "When the user is subscribed to a channel" - }, - "subscribe": "Tilaa", - "@subscribe": { - "description": "Label for user to subscribe to a channel" - }, - "channels": "Kanavat", - "@channels": { - "description": "Channels label" - }, - "couldntLoadVideo": "Videota ei voitu ladata", - "@couldntLoadVideo": { - "description": "Message to display when a video can't be loaded" - }, - "comments": "Kommentit", - "@comments": { - "description": "Comments label" - }, - "couldntFetchVideos": "Videoita ei voitu hakea. Yritä uudelleen napauttamalla.", - "@couldntFetchVideos": { - "description": "Can't load bunch of videos, asking user to try again" - }, - "startUsingClipious": "Aloita Clipiousin käyttö", - "@startUsingClipious": { - "description": "button label to start using the app" - }, - "nReplies": "{count, plural, =0{Ei vastauksia} =1{1 vastaus} other{{count} vastausta}}", - "@nReplies": { - "description": "number of replies to a comment", - "placeholders": { - "count": { - "type": "num", - "format": "compact" - } - } - }, - "sponsorSkipped": "Sponsori jätti väliin", - "@sponsorSkipped": { - "description": "When a sponsor segment is skipped thanks to sponsor block" - }, - "showOnStart": "Valitse, mitä näytetään sovelluksen käynnistyessä", - "@showOnStart": { - "description": "Title of dialog asking which screen the users prefers to see" - }, - "manageServers": "Hallitse palvelimia", - "@manageServers": { - "description": "Settings to manage servers" - }, - "useDash": "Käytä DASH", - "@useDash": { - "description": "Label on video options if a user wants to switch to dash urls instead of the regular quality selection" - }, - "useDashDescription": "DASH-adaptiivinen suoratoisto voi joskus olla ongelmallista, YouTube voi rajoittaa sitä.", - "@useDashDescription": { - "description": "Description for dash in the settings screen" - }, - "videoPlayer": "Videosoitin", - "@videoPlayer": { - "description": "Title for video player related options" - }, - "sponsorBlockCategorySponsor": "Sponsori", - "@sponsorBlockCategorySponsor": { - "description": "Sponsor block 'Sponsor' Category" - }, - "sponsorBlockSettingsQuickDescription": "Valitse, minkä tyyppiset segmentit ohitetaan", - "@sponsorBlockSettingsQuickDescription": { - "description": "Small description of what the sponsor block settings do" - }, - "sponsorBlockCategoryIntro": "Intro/välianimaatio", - "@sponsorBlockCategoryIntro": { - "description": "Sponsorblock 'Intro' Category" - }, - "wrongUsernamePassword": "Virheellinen käyttäjänimi tai salasana", - "@wrongUsernamePassword": { - "description": "Error message when authentication fails" - }, - "password": "Salasana", - "@password": { - "description": "Password label for login to a server" - }, - "sponsorBlockCategoryUnpaidSelfPromo": "Oma promootio / ei maksettu", - "@sponsorBlockCategoryUnpaidSelfPromo": { - "description": "Sponsor block 'Unpaid/Self promotion' Category" - }, - "sponsorBlockCategoryInteraction": "Interaktiomuistutus (Tilaus)", - "@sponsorBlockCategoryInteraction": { - "description": "Sponsor block 'Interaction' Category" - }, - "sponsorBlockCategoryIntroDescription": "Ajanjakso vailla varsinaista sisältöä. Voi olla tauko, staattinen kuva tai toistuva animaatio. Tätä ei tulisi käyttää siirtymiin, jotka sisältävät tietoa.", - "@sponsorBlockCategoryIntroDescription": { - "description": "Sponsorblock 'Intro' Category description" - }, - "sponsorBlockCategoryOutro": "Lopputekstit / Outro", - "@sponsorBlockCategoryOutro": { - "description": "Outro block 'Outro' Category" - }, - "subtitleFontSizeDescription": "Aseta sopiva tekstityksen koko näytöllesi", - "@subtitleFontSizeDescription": { - "description": "Settings description for subtitle size" - }, - "useProxy": "Käytä välityspalvelinta", - "@useProxy": { - "description": "label for settings switch to proxy videos from server" - }, - "quality": "Laatu", - "@quality": { - "description": "Name of TV ui video settings" - }, - "audio": "Ääni", - "@audio": { - "description": "Name TV ui audio settings" - }, - "subtitles": "Tekstitykset", - "@subtitles": { - "description": "Name of TV ui subtitles settings" - }, - "playbackSpeed": "Toistonopeus", - "@playbackSpeed": { - "description": "Name of TV ui Playback speed" - }, - "blackBackground": "Musta tausta", - "@blackBackground": { - "description": "Settings name for black background" - }, - "blackBackgroundDescription": "OLED-näytön tumma teema", - "@blackBackgroundDescription": { - "description": "Description for dark background setting" - }, - "search": "Etsi", - "@search": { - "description": "search title" - }, - "videoListed": "Julkinen", - "@videoListed": { - "description": "Status of a publicly available video" - }, - "videoIsFamilyFriendly": "Lapsiystävällinen", - "@videoIsFamilyFriendly": { - "description": "Displayed only when a video is family friendly" - }, - "subtitleFontSize": "Tekstityksen koko", - "@subtitleFontSize": { - "description": "Settings label for the size of the subtitles" - }, - "skipSslVerification": "Ohita SSL-varmenteen varmistus", - "@skipSslVerification": { - "description": "Setting label to skip ssl certification verification" - }, - "skipSslVerificationDescription": "Kun käytössä on itse allekirjoitettu SSL-varmenne tai palvelimella on SSL-varmenteeseen liittyviä ongelmia.", - "@skipSslVerificationDescription": { - "description": "Setting description for the skip ssl certification verification" - }, - "tapToManage": "Muokkaa napauttamalla", - "@tapToManage": { - "description": "Text shown below a server in the 'Your servers' list" - }, - "authentication": "Tunnistautuminen", - "@authentication": { - "description": "Label for server settings related to authentications" - }, - "tokenLoginDescription": "Suositeltu kirjautumistapa", - "@tokenLoginDescription": { - "description": "Recommended way to log in" - }, - "cookieLoginDescription": "Käytä tätä tapaa, jos tunnistautuminen tokenilla ei onnistu", - "@cookieLoginDescription": { - "description": "Cookie log in description" - }, - "logout": "Kirjaudu ulos", - "@logout": { - "description": "CTA to logout of a server" - }, - "username": "Käyttäjänimi", - "@username": { - "description": "Username label for login to a server" - }, - "tokenLogin": "Kirjaudu tokenilla", - "@tokenLogin": { - "description": "Textto login to a server using the recommended way" - }, - "cookieLogin": "Kirjaudu evästeellä", - "@cookieLogin": { - "description": "Text to login to a server using the cookie jar method" - }, - "videoQueue": "Jono", - "@videoQueue": { - "description": "Label for button to display the video queue" - }, - "addToQueueList": "Lisää jonoon", - "@addToQueueList": { - "description": "Label on button to add a video to the queue list" - }, - "addRecommendedToQueue": "Jatka automaattisesti suositeltuun videoon", - "@addRecommendedToQueue": { - "description": "Switch when playing a video to automatically add the recommended videos to the video queue" - }, - "themeBrightness": "Teema", - "@themeBrightness": { - "description": "Ask the user to user dark / light / system theme" - }, - "themeLight": "Vaalea", - "@themeLight": { - "description": "Light theme" - }, - "themeDark": "Tumma", - "@themeDark": { - "description": "Dark theme" - }, - "followSystem": "Järjestelmä", - "@followSystem": { - "description": "Follow system label" - }, - "requiresRestart": "Vaatii sovelluksen uudelleen käynnistämisen", - "@requiresRestart": { - "description": "Requires app restart label" - }, - "appLanguage": "Sovelluksen kieli", - "@appLanguage": { - "description": "Select app language" - }, - "appLogs": "Sovelluksen lokit", - "@appLogs": { - "description": "Title for settings that leads to application logs" - }, - "logsCopied": "Lokit kopioitu leikepöydälle", - "@logsCopied": { - "description": "Message to tell user that logs have been copied to the clipboard" - }, - "searchSortRating": "Arviointi", - "@searchSortRating": { - "description": "Sort search by rating" - }, - "videoUnlisted": "Listaamaton", - "@videoUnlisted": { - "description": "Status of a video that is only accessible by link" - }, - "searchHistory": "Hakuhistoria", - "@searchHistory": { - "description": "Settings label for search history" - }, - "searchSortUploadDate": "Latauspäivämäärä", - "@searchSortUploadDate": { - "description": "Sort search by upload date" - }, - "searchSortViewCount": "Katselumäärä", - "@searchSortViewCount": { - "description": "Sort search by view count" - }, - "clearSearchHistory": "Tyhjennä hakuhistoria", - "@clearSearchHistory": { - "description": "Settings label for clearing search history" - }, - "copyToClipBoard": "Kopioi leikepöydälle", - "@copyToClipBoard": { - "description": "Text to copy something to clipboard" - }, - "rememberSubtitleLanguage": "Muista tekstitysten kieli", - "@rememberSubtitleLanguage": { - "description": "Settings label for remembering subtitle language" - }, - "topSorting": "Top", - "@topSorting": { - "description": "Content sorting: top" - }, - "rememberPlaybackSpeed": "Muista toistonopeus", - "@rememberPlaybackSpeed": { - "description": "Setting label for remembering playback speed" - }, - "videoFilterHideLabel": "Piilota", - "@videoFilterHideLabel": { - "description": "Label to hide videos" - }, - "optional": "valinnainen", - "@optional": { - "description": "Optional label" - }, - "addToPlaylist": "Lisää soittolistaan", - "@addToPlaylist": { - "description": "Label to add a video to a playlist" - }, - "playNextAddedToQueue": "Video toistetaan seuraavaksi", - "@playNextAddedToQueue": { - "description": "Pop up message to confirm that the video has been properly set to play next" - }, - "playNext": "Toista seuraavaksi", - "@playNext": { - "description": "Label to play the video after the current one." - }, - "videoFilterAllChannels": "Kaikki kanavat", - "@videoFilterAllChannels": { - "description": "Title for the sections that applies to all channels" - }, - "videoFilterOperation": "Toiminta", - "@videoFilterOperation": { - "description": "Label for filter operation" - }, - "videoFilterValue": "Arvo", - "@videoFilterValue": { - "description": "Label for filter value" - }, - "addVideoFilter": "Luo suodatin", - "@addVideoFilter": { - "description": "Title when creating a new filter" - }, - "editVideoFilter": "Muokkaa suodatinta", - "@editVideoFilter": { - "description": "Title when editting a filter" - }, - "videoFilterType": "Tyyppi", - "@videoFilterType": { - "description": "Label for filter type" - }, - "save": "Tallenna", - "@save": { - "description": "Text for save action" - }, - "videoFilterTypeVideoTitle": "Videon otsikko", - "@videoFilterTypeVideoTitle": { - "description": "Label for video filter video title" - }, - "videoFilterTypeChannelName": "Kanavan nimi", - "@videoFilterTypeChannelName": { - "description": "Label for video filter channel name" - }, - "videoFilterTypeVideoLength": "Videon pituus (sekunteina)", - "@videoFilterTypeVideoLength": { - "description": "Label for video filter video length" - }, - "videoFilterOperationContains": "Sisältää", - "@videoFilterOperationContains": { - "description": "Label for video filter operation Contains" - }, - "videoFilterOperationNotContain": "Ei sisällä", - "@videoFilterOperationNotContain": { - "description": "Label for video filter operation Does not contain" - }, - "channel": "Kanava", - "@channel": { - "description": "A single channel" - }, - "enableSearchHistory": "Ota hakuhistoria käyttöön", - "@enableSearchHistory": { - "description": "Settings label for enabling search history" - }, - "searchHistoryDescription": "Hakuhistorian asetukset", - "@searchHistoryDescription": { - "description": "Description for search history settings" - }, - "fillFullscreen": "Suurenna video ruudulle", - "@fillFullscreen": { - "description": "Title to maximize video to fit screen" - }, - "fillFullscreenDescription": "Aseta video täyttämään koko ruutu vaakatilassa", - "@fillFullscreenDescription": { - "description": "Setting description for filling video to screen in landscape" - }, - "videoAddedToQueue": "Video lisätty jonoon", - "@videoAddedToQueue": { - "description": "Pop up message when a video was added at the end of the video queue" - }, - "build": "Build", - "@build": { - "description": "build label" - }, - "rememberPlaybackSpeedDescription": "Aseta toistonopeus automaattisesti viimeksi valittuun nopeuteen", - "@rememberPlaybackSpeedDescription": { - "description": "Settings description for remembering playback speed" - }, - "shareLinkWithTimestamp": "Lisää aikaleima", - "@shareLinkWithTimestamp": { - "description": "asking user to share link along with timestamp" - }, - "downloads": "Lataukset", - "@downloads": { - "description": "Downloads" - }, - "downloadsPlayAll": "Toista kaikki", - "@downloadsPlayAll": { - "description": "Button to play all downloaded videos" - }, - "videoDownloadStarted": "Videon lataus aloitettu", - "@videoDownloadStarted": { - "description": "Message when a video starts being downloaded" - }, - "videoFailedDownloadRetry": "Lataus epäonnistui, napauta yrittääksesi uudelleen", - "@videoFailedDownloadRetry": { - "description": "Shown on download manager when a download fails and prompt the user to retry" - }, - "videoAlreadyDownloaded": "Video on jo ladattu", - "@videoAlreadyDownloaded": { - "description": "Message when a user tries to download a video he already has" - }, - "download": "Lataa", - "@download": { - "description": "A single download or CTA for downloading a video" - }, - "noDownloadedVideos": "Ei ladattuja videoita. Lataa video painamalla pitkään videota hakutuloksissa tai paina latauspainiketta videonäkymässä", - "@noDownloadedVideos": { - "description": "Message showing when the user goes to the download screen but there are no offline videos." - }, - "rememberSubtitleLanguageDescription": "Aseta teksitykset viimeksi asetetulle kielelle, jos tekstit ovat saatavilla", - "@rememberSubtitleLanguageDescription": { - "description": "Settings description for remembering subtitle language" - }, - "searchSortRelevance": "Relevanssi", - "@searchSortRelevance": { - "description": "Sort search by relevance" - }, - "itemlistErrorGeneric": "Tietojen haku epäonnistui", - "@itemlistErrorGeneric": { - "description": "Error showing when the data can't be fetch" - }, - "manageSubscriptions": "Hallinnoi tilauksia", - "@manageSubscriptions": { - "description": "Title of manage subscriptions page" - }, - "noSubscriptions": "Ei tilauksia, selaa videoita ja tilaa kanavia, joista pidät.", - "@noSubscriptions": { - "description": "Message when the user has no subs" - }, - "history": "Historia", - "@history": { - "description": "User view history label" - }, - "noHistory": "Ei katseluhistoriaa, katsomasi videot tulevat tänne näkyviin", - "@noHistory": { - "description": "Message when the user visits the history tab but it's empty" - }, - "redirectInvidiousLink": "Jaa Invidious-uudelleenohjauksen linkki", - "@redirectInvidiousLink": { - "description": "asking user to share redirecting invidious link" - }, - "videoDownloadAudioOnly": "Vain ääni", - "@videoDownloadAudioOnly": { - "description": "Label for toggle to download audio only " - }, - "videoFilters": "Videosuodattimet", - "@videoFilters": { - "description": "Title for video filter settings" - }, - "clearHistoryQuestion": "Tyhjennetäänkö historia?", - "@clearHistoryQuestion": {}, - "unSubscribeQuestion": "Perutaanko tilaus?", - "@unSubscribeQuestion": { - "description": "Title for dialog if a user wants to unsubscribe in the subscribtion management screen" - }, - "youCanSubscribeAgainLater": "Voit tilata kanavan uudelleen myöhemmin", - "@youCanSubscribeAgainLater": { - "description": "Text for the unscubscribe confirmation dialog" - }, - "videoFilterTapToReveal": "Napauta näyttääksesi", - "@videoFilterTapToReveal": { - "description": "Label to tell user to tap to show a filtered video" + "noChannels": "Ei kanavia", + "@noChannels": { + "description": "when there are no channels to display" + }, + "noPlaylists": "Ei soittolistoja", + "@noPlaylists": { + "description": "when there are no playlists to display" + }, + "addServer": "Lisää palvelin", + "@addServer": { + "description": "Add server label" + }, + "invalidInvidiousServer": "Virheellinen Invidious-palvelin", + "@invalidInvidiousServer": { + "description": "Error when the user tries to add a server that is not a proper or reachable invidious server" + }, + "yourServers": "Omat palvelimet", + "@yourServers": { + "description": "Your servers label" + }, + "recommended": "Suositeltu", + "@recommended": { + "description": "Recommended label" + }, + "error": "Vihre", + "@error": {}, + "subscriptions": "Tilaukset", + "@subscriptions": { + "description": "User subscriptions" + }, + "playlists": "Soittolistat", + "@playlists": { + "description": "User playlists" + }, + "popular": "Suosittu", + "@popular": { + "description": "Popular videos title" + }, + "trending": "Nousussa", + "@trending": { + "description": "Trending videos title" + }, + "noVideoInPlayList": "Soittolistalla ei ole videota", + "@noVideoInPlayList": { + "description": "When no videos in the playlist" + }, + "removeFromPlayList": "Poista soittolistasta", + "@removeFromPlayList": { + "description": "Menu item description to show remove a video from a playlist" + }, + "deletePlayListQ": "Poistetaanko soittolista?", + "@deletePlayListQ": { + "description": "Ask user to delete a playlist" + }, + "irreversibleAction": "Tämä toiminta on peruuttamatonta", + "@irreversibleAction": { + "description": "Tell the user that the action cannot be undone" + }, + "addPlayList": "Lisää soittolista", + "@addPlayList": { + "description": "Title for add playlist dialog" + }, + "playListName": "Soittolistan nimi", + "@playListName": { + "description": "Place holder for new playlist name text field" + }, + "playlistVisibility": "Näkyvyys", + "@playlistVisibility": { + "description": "Dropdown label for playlist visibility" + }, + "publicPlaylist": "Julkinen", + "@publicPlaylist": { + "description": "Public playlist" + }, + "privatePlaylist": "Yksityinen", + "@privatePlaylist": { + "description": "Private playlist" + }, + "cancel": "Peruuta", + "@cancel": { + "description": "Cancel button label" + }, + "add": "Lisää", + "@add": { + "description": "Add button abel" + }, + "ok": "OK", + "@ok": { + "description": "Ok" + }, + "wizardIntro": "Valitse julkinen palvelin tai lisää oma. (Voidaan muuttaa myöhemmin asetuksissa)", + "@wizardIntro": { + "description": "Welcome message on frst time use" + }, + "videoAddedToPlaylist": "Video lisätty soittolistaan", + "@videoAddedToPlaylist": { + "description": "Pop up message when a video was added to a playlist" + }, + "errorAddingVideoToPlaylist": "Virhe videon lisäämisessä soittolistaan", + "@errorAddingVideoToPlaylist": { + "description": "Error while adding video to playlist" + }, + "unlistedPlaylist": "Luetteloimaton", + "@unlistedPlaylist": { + "description": "Unlisted playlist" + }, + "shareYoutubeLink": "Jaa YouTube-linkki", + "@shareYoutubeLink": { + "description": "asking user to share youtube link" + }, + "selectPlaylist": "Valitse soittolista", + "@selectPlaylist": { + "description": "Title when users wants to add a video to a playlist" + }, + "createNewPlaylist": "Luo uusi soittolista", + "@createNewPlaylist": { + "description": "Button label to create a new playlist when the user wants to add a video to a playlist" + }, + "info": "Tiedot", + "@info": { + "description": "Info label" + }, + "videos": "Videot", + "@videos": { + "description": "Videos label" + }, + "loadMore": "Lataa lisää", + "@loadMore": { + "description": "CTA to load more" + }, + "streams": "Striimaukset", + "@streams": { + "description": "Streams label" + }, + "latestVideos": "Uusimmat videot", + "@latestVideos": { + "description": "Latest channel videos" + }, + "newSorting": "Uusi", + "@newSorting": { + "description": "Content sorting: new" + }, + "streamIsLive": "Livenä", + "@streamIsLive": { + "description": "Label when a video is a live stream" + }, + "selectBrowsingCountry": "Valitse selainmaa", + "@selectBrowsingCountry": { + "description": "Select country for trending content" + }, + "settings": "Asetukset", + "@settings": { + "description": "Settings title" + }, + "browsing": "Selaus", + "@browsing": { + "description": "video browsing preferences" + }, + "country": "Maa", + "@country": { + "description": "Country label" + }, + "whenAppStartsShow": "Kun sovellus käynnistyy, näytä…", + "@whenAppStartsShow": { + "description": "Setting title for selecting the screen to show on start" + }, + "servers": "Palvelimet", + "@servers": { + "description": "Server management settings category" + }, + "loadingPublicServer": "Ladataan julkisia palvelimia", + "@loadingPublicServer": { + "description": "Message telling users the app is loading the list of public servers" + }, + "currentServer": "Tällä hetkellä käytössä {current}", + "@currentServer": { + "description": "Which server the user is currently using", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String" + } } + }, + "useSponsorBlock": "Käytä SponsorBlock", + "@useSponsorBlock": { + "description": "label for sponsorblock checkbox" + }, + "sponsorBlockDescription": "Ohita yhteisön lähettämät sponsoripätkät", + "@sponsorBlockDescription": { + "description": "Sponsorblock setting description" + }, + "package": "Paketti", + "@package": { + "description": "package label" + }, + "logIn": "Kirjaudu sisään", + "@logIn": { + "description": "CTA to log in to server" + }, + "delete": "Poista", + "@delete": { + "description": "Delete label" + }, + "about": "Tietoja", + "@about": { + "description": "About" + }, + "name": "Nimi", + "@name": { + "description": "NAme label" + }, + "version": "Versio", + "@version": { + "description": "version label" + }, + "nSubscribers": "{count, select, no{Ei tilaajia} other{{count} tilajaa}}", + "@nSubscribers": { + "description": "number of subscribers", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "shareInvidiousLink": "Jaa Invidious-linkki", + "@shareInvidiousLink": { + "description": "asking user to share invidious link" + }, + "useThisServer": "Käytä tätä palvelinta", + "@useThisServer": { + "description": "Use this server label" + }, + "loggedIn": "Kirjautunut sisään", + "@loggedIn": { + "description": "Label to tell the user that he is logged in to the server" + }, + "notLoggedIn": "Ei kirjautuneena sisään", + "@notLoggedIn": { + "description": "Label when the user is not logged in to the server" + }, + "addServerHelpText": "Lisää omia palvelimia +-painikkeella tai napauta julkista palvelinta ja lisää se.", + "@addServerHelpText": { + "description": "label for when the user hasn't chosen a server yet" + }, + "publicServers": "Julkiset palvelimet", + "@publicServers": { + "description": "Public servers label" + }, + "tapToAddServer": "Lisää palvelin luetteloon napauttamalla", + "@tapToAddServer": { + "description": "public server description" + }, + "publicServersError": "Julkisten palvelimien luetteloa ei voitu hakea. Yritä uudelleen napauttamalla.", + "@publicServersError": { + "description": "Error message when trying to get public servers but it failed" + }, + "appearance": "Ulkonäkö", + "@appearance": { + "description": "Settings category title" + }, + "useDynamicTheme": "Dynaamiset värit", + "@useDynamicTheme": { + "description": "" + }, + "useDynamicThemeDescription": "Käytä Material You-värejä (käytettävissä vain Android 12+)", + "@useDynamicThemeDescription": { + "description": "" + }, + "nVideos": "{count, plural, =0{Ei videoita} =1{1 video} other{{count} videota}}", + "@nVideos": { + "description": "One or more videos", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "num", + "format": "compact" + } + } + }, + "subscribed": "Tilattu", + "@subscribed": { + "description": "When the user is subscribed to a channel" + }, + "subscribe": "Tilaa", + "@subscribe": { + "description": "Label for user to subscribe to a channel" + }, + "channels": "Kanavat", + "@channels": { + "description": "Channels label" + }, + "couldntLoadVideo": "Videota ei voitu ladata", + "@couldntLoadVideo": { + "description": "Message to display when a video can't be loaded" + }, + "comments": "Kommentit", + "@comments": { + "description": "Comments label" + }, + "couldntFetchVideos": "Videoita ei voitu hakea. Yritä uudelleen napauttamalla.", + "@couldntFetchVideos": { + "description": "Can't load bunch of videos, asking user to try again" + }, + "startUsingClipious": "Aloita Clipiousin käyttö", + "@startUsingClipious": { + "description": "button label to start using the app" + }, + "nReplies": "{count, plural, =0{Ei vastauksia} =1{1 vastaus} other{{count} vastausta}}", + "@nReplies": { + "description": "number of replies to a comment", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "num", + "format": "compact" + } + } + }, + "sponsorSkipped": "Sponsori jätti väliin", + "@sponsorSkipped": { + "description": "When a sponsor segment is skipped thanks to sponsor block" + }, + "showOnStart": "Valitse, mitä näytetään sovelluksen käynnistyessä", + "@showOnStart": { + "description": "Title of dialog asking which screen the users prefers to see" + }, + "manageServers": "Hallitse palvelimia", + "@manageServers": { + "description": "Settings to manage servers" + }, + "useDash": "Käytä DASH", + "@useDash": { + "description": "Label on video options if a user wants to switch to dash urls instead of the regular quality selection" + }, + "useDashDescription": "DASH-adaptiivinen suoratoisto voi joskus olla ongelmallista, YouTube voi rajoittaa sitä.", + "@useDashDescription": { + "description": "Description for dash in the settings screen" + }, + "videoPlayer": "Videosoitin", + "@videoPlayer": { + "description": "Title for video player related options" + }, + "sponsorBlockCategorySponsor": "Sponsori", + "@sponsorBlockCategorySponsor": { + "description": "Sponsor block 'Sponsor' Category" + }, + "sponsorBlockSettingsQuickDescription": "Valitse, minkä tyyppiset segmentit ohitetaan", + "@sponsorBlockSettingsQuickDescription": { + "description": "Small description of what the sponsor block settings do" + }, + "sponsorBlockCategoryIntro": "Intro/välianimaatio", + "@sponsorBlockCategoryIntro": { + "description": "Sponsorblock 'Intro' Category" + }, + "wrongUsernamePassword": "Virheellinen käyttäjänimi tai salasana", + "@wrongUsernamePassword": { + "description": "Error message when authentication fails" + }, + "password": "Salasana", + "@password": { + "description": "Password label for login to a server" + }, + "sponsorBlockCategoryUnpaidSelfPromo": "Oma promootio / ei maksettu", + "@sponsorBlockCategoryUnpaidSelfPromo": { + "description": "Sponsor block 'Unpaid/Self promotion' Category" + }, + "sponsorBlockCategoryInteraction": "Interaktiomuistutus (Tilaus)", + "@sponsorBlockCategoryInteraction": { + "description": "Sponsor block 'Interaction' Category" + }, + "sponsorBlockCategoryIntroDescription": "Ajanjakso vailla varsinaista sisältöä. Voi olla tauko, staattinen kuva tai toistuva animaatio. Tätä ei tulisi käyttää siirtymiin, jotka sisältävät tietoa.", + "@sponsorBlockCategoryIntroDescription": { + "description": "Sponsorblock 'Intro' Category description" + }, + "sponsorBlockCategoryOutro": "Lopputekstit / Outro", + "@sponsorBlockCategoryOutro": { + "description": "Outro block 'Outro' Category" + }, + "subtitleFontSizeDescription": "Aseta sopiva tekstityksen koko näytöllesi", + "@subtitleFontSizeDescription": { + "description": "Settings description for subtitle size" + }, + "useProxy": "Käytä välityspalvelinta", + "@useProxy": { + "description": "label for settings switch to proxy videos from server" + }, + "quality": "Laatu", + "@quality": { + "description": "Name of TV ui video settings" + }, + "audio": "Ääni", + "@audio": { + "description": "Name TV ui audio settings" + }, + "subtitles": "Tekstitykset", + "@subtitles": { + "description": "Name of TV ui subtitles settings" + }, + "playbackSpeed": "Toistonopeus", + "@playbackSpeed": { + "description": "Name of TV ui Playback speed" + }, + "blackBackground": "Musta tausta", + "@blackBackground": { + "description": "Settings name for black background" + }, + "blackBackgroundDescription": "OLED-näytön tumma teema", + "@blackBackgroundDescription": { + "description": "Description for dark background setting" + }, + "search": "Etsi", + "@search": { + "description": "search title" + }, + "videoListed": "Julkinen", + "@videoListed": { + "description": "Status of a publicly available video" + }, + "videoIsFamilyFriendly": "Lapsiystävällinen", + "@videoIsFamilyFriendly": { + "description": "Displayed only when a video is family friendly" + }, + "subtitleFontSize": "Tekstityksen koko", + "@subtitleFontSize": { + "description": "Settings label for the size of the subtitles" + }, + "skipSslVerification": "Ohita SSL-varmenteen varmistus", + "@skipSslVerification": { + "description": "Setting label to skip ssl certification verification" + }, + "skipSslVerificationDescription": "Kun käytössä on itse allekirjoitettu SSL-varmenne tai palvelimella on SSL-varmenteeseen liittyviä ongelmia.", + "@skipSslVerificationDescription": { + "description": "Setting description for the skip ssl certification verification" + }, + "tapToManage": "Muokkaa napauttamalla", + "@tapToManage": { + "description": "Text shown below a server in the 'Your servers' list" + }, + "authentication": "Tunnistautuminen", + "@authentication": { + "description": "Label for server settings related to authentications" + }, + "tokenLoginDescription": "Suositeltu kirjautumistapa", + "@tokenLoginDescription": { + "description": "Recommended way to log in" + }, + "cookieLoginDescription": "Käytä tätä tapaa, jos tunnistautuminen tokenilla ei onnistu", + "@cookieLoginDescription": { + "description": "Cookie log in description" + }, + "logout": "Kirjaudu ulos", + "@logout": { + "description": "CTA to logout of a server" + }, + "username": "Käyttäjänimi", + "@username": { + "description": "Username label for login to a server" + }, + "tokenLogin": "Kirjaudu tokenilla", + "@tokenLogin": { + "description": "Textto login to a server using the recommended way" + }, + "cookieLogin": "Kirjaudu evästeellä", + "@cookieLogin": { + "description": "Text to login to a server using the cookie jar method" + }, + "videoQueue": "Jono", + "@videoQueue": { + "description": "Label for button to display the video queue" + }, + "addToQueueList": "Lisää jonoon", + "@addToQueueList": { + "description": "Label on button to add a video to the queue list" + }, + "addRecommendedToQueue": "Jatka automaattisesti suositeltuun videoon", + "@addRecommendedToQueue": { + "description": "Switch when playing a video to automatically add the recommended videos to the video queue" + }, + "themeBrightness": "Teema", + "@themeBrightness": { + "description": "Ask the user to user dark / light / system theme" + }, + "themeLight": "Vaalea", + "@themeLight": { + "description": "Light theme" + }, + "themeDark": "Tumma", + "@themeDark": { + "description": "Dark theme" + }, + "followSystem": "Järjestelmä", + "@followSystem": { + "description": "Follow system label" + }, + "requiresRestart": "Vaatii sovelluksen uudelleen käynnistämisen", + "@requiresRestart": { + "description": "Requires app restart label" + }, + "appLanguage": "Sovelluksen kieli", + "@appLanguage": { + "description": "Select app language" + }, + "appLogs": "Sovelluksen lokit", + "@appLogs": { + "description": "Title for settings that leads to application logs" + }, + "logsCopied": "Lokit kopioitu leikepöydälle", + "@logsCopied": { + "description": "Message to tell user that logs have been copied to the clipboard" + }, + "searchSortRating": "Arviointi", + "@searchSortRating": { + "description": "Sort search by rating" + }, + "videoUnlisted": "Listaamaton", + "@videoUnlisted": { + "description": "Status of a video that is only accessible by link" + }, + "searchHistory": "Hakuhistoria", + "@searchHistory": { + "description": "Settings label for search history" + }, + "searchSortUploadDate": "Latauspäivämäärä", + "@searchSortUploadDate": { + "description": "Sort search by upload date" + }, + "searchSortViewCount": "Katselumäärä", + "@searchSortViewCount": { + "description": "Sort search by view count" + }, + "clearSearchHistory": "Tyhjennä hakuhistoria", + "@clearSearchHistory": { + "description": "Settings label for clearing search history" + }, + "copyToClipBoard": "Kopioi leikepöydälle", + "@copyToClipBoard": { + "description": "Text to copy something to clipboard" + }, + "rememberSubtitleLanguage": "Muista tekstitysten kieli", + "@rememberSubtitleLanguage": { + "description": "Settings label for remembering subtitle language" + }, + "topSorting": "Top", + "@topSorting": { + "description": "Content sorting: top" + }, + "rememberPlaybackSpeed": "Muista toistonopeus", + "@rememberPlaybackSpeed": { + "description": "Setting label for remembering playback speed" + }, + "videoFilterHideLabel": "Piilota", + "@videoFilterHideLabel": { + "description": "Label to hide videos" + }, + "optional": "valinnainen", + "@optional": { + "description": "Optional label" + }, + "addToPlaylist": "Lisää soittolistaan", + "@addToPlaylist": { + "description": "Label to add a video to a playlist" + }, + "playNextAddedToQueue": "Video toistetaan seuraavaksi", + "@playNextAddedToQueue": { + "description": "Pop up message to confirm that the video has been properly set to play next" + }, + "playNext": "Toista seuraavaksi", + "@playNext": { + "description": "Label to play the video after the current one." + }, + "videoFilterAllChannels": "Kaikki kanavat", + "@videoFilterAllChannels": { + "description": "Title for the sections that applies to all channels" + }, + "videoFilterOperation": "Toiminta", + "@videoFilterOperation": { + "description": "Label for filter operation" + }, + "videoFilterValue": "Arvo", + "@videoFilterValue": { + "description": "Label for filter value" + }, + "addVideoFilter": "Luo suodatin", + "@addVideoFilter": { + "description": "Title when creating a new filter" + }, + "editVideoFilter": "Muokkaa suodatinta", + "@editVideoFilter": { + "description": "Title when editting a filter" + }, + "videoFilterType": "Tyyppi", + "@videoFilterType": { + "description": "Label for filter type" + }, + "save": "Tallenna", + "@save": { + "description": "Text for save action" + }, + "videoFilterTypeVideoTitle": "Videon otsikko", + "@videoFilterTypeVideoTitle": { + "description": "Label for video filter video title" + }, + "videoFilterTypeChannelName": "Kanavan nimi", + "@videoFilterTypeChannelName": { + "description": "Label for video filter channel name" + }, + "videoFilterTypeVideoLength": "Videon pituus (sekunteina)", + "@videoFilterTypeVideoLength": { + "description": "Label for video filter video length" + }, + "videoFilterOperationContains": "Sisältää", + "@videoFilterOperationContains": { + "description": "Label for video filter operation Contains" + }, + "videoFilterOperationNotContain": "Ei sisällä", + "@videoFilterOperationNotContain": { + "description": "Label for video filter operation Does not contain" + }, + "channel": "Kanava", + "@channel": { + "description": "A single channel" + }, + "enableSearchHistory": "Ota hakuhistoria käyttöön", + "@enableSearchHistory": { + "description": "Settings label for enabling search history" + }, + "searchHistoryDescription": "Hakuhistorian asetukset", + "@searchHistoryDescription": { + "description": "Description for search history settings" + }, + "fillFullscreen": "Suurenna video ruudulle", + "@fillFullscreen": { + "description": "Title to maximize video to fit screen" + }, + "fillFullscreenDescription": "Aseta video täyttämään koko ruutu vaakatilassa", + "@fillFullscreenDescription": { + "description": "Setting description for filling video to screen in landscape" + }, + "videoAddedToQueue": "Video lisätty jonoon", + "@videoAddedToQueue": { + "description": "Pop up message when a video was added at the end of the video queue" + }, + "build": "Build", + "@build": { + "description": "build label" + }, + "rememberPlaybackSpeedDescription": "Aseta toistonopeus automaattisesti viimeksi valittuun nopeuteen", + "@rememberPlaybackSpeedDescription": { + "description": "Settings description for remembering playback speed" + }, + "shareLinkWithTimestamp": "Lisää aikaleima", + "@shareLinkWithTimestamp": { + "description": "asking user to share link along with timestamp" + }, + "downloads": "Lataukset", + "@downloads": { + "description": "Downloads" + }, + "downloadsPlayAll": "Toista kaikki", + "@downloadsPlayAll": { + "description": "Button to play all downloaded videos" + }, + "videoDownloadStarted": "Videon lataus aloitettu", + "@videoDownloadStarted": { + "description": "Message when a video starts being downloaded" + }, + "videoFailedDownloadRetry": "Lataus epäonnistui, napauta yrittääksesi uudelleen", + "@videoFailedDownloadRetry": { + "description": "Shown on download manager when a download fails and prompt the user to retry" + }, + "videoAlreadyDownloaded": "Video on jo ladattu", + "@videoAlreadyDownloaded": { + "description": "Message when a user tries to download a video he already has" + }, + "download": "Lataa", + "@download": { + "description": "A single download or CTA for downloading a video" + }, + "noDownloadedVideos": "Ei ladattuja videoita. Lataa video painamalla pitkään videota hakutuloksissa tai paina latauspainiketta videonäkymässä", + "@noDownloadedVideos": { + "description": "Message showing when the user goes to the download screen but there are no offline videos." + }, + "rememberSubtitleLanguageDescription": "Aseta teksitykset viimeksi asetetulle kielelle, jos tekstit ovat saatavilla", + "@rememberSubtitleLanguageDescription": { + "description": "Settings description for remembering subtitle language" + }, + "searchSortRelevance": "Relevanssi", + "@searchSortRelevance": { + "description": "Sort search by relevance" + }, + "itemlistErrorGeneric": "Tietojen haku epäonnistui", + "@itemlistErrorGeneric": { + "description": "Error showing when the data can't be fetch" + }, + "manageSubscriptions": "Hallinnoi tilauksia", + "@manageSubscriptions": { + "description": "Title of manage subscriptions page" + }, + "noSubscriptions": "Ei tilauksia, selaa videoita ja tilaa kanavia, joista pidät.", + "@noSubscriptions": { + "description": "Message when the user has no subs" + }, + "history": "Historia", + "@history": { + "description": "User view history label" + }, + "noHistory": "Ei katseluhistoriaa, katsomasi videot tulevat tänne näkyviin", + "@noHistory": { + "description": "Message when the user visits the history tab but it's empty" + }, + "redirectInvidiousLink": "Jaa Invidious-uudelleenohjauksen linkki", + "@redirectInvidiousLink": { + "description": "asking user to share redirecting invidious link" + }, + "videoDownloadAudioOnly": "Vain ääni", + "@videoDownloadAudioOnly": { + "description": "Label for toggle to download audio only " + }, + "videoFilters": "Videosuodattimet", + "@videoFilters": { + "description": "Title for video filter settings" + }, + "clearHistoryQuestion": "Tyhjennetäänkö historia?", + "@clearHistoryQuestion": {}, + "unSubscribeQuestion": "Perutaanko tilaus?", + "@unSubscribeQuestion": { + "description": "Title for dialog if a user wants to unsubscribe in the subscribtion management screen" + }, + "youCanSubscribeAgainLater": "Voit tilata kanavan uudelleen myöhemmin", + "@youCanSubscribeAgainLater": { + "description": "Text for the unscubscribe confirmation dialog" + }, + "videoFilterTapToReveal": "Napauta näyttääksesi", + "@videoFilterTapToReveal": { + "description": "Label to tell user to tap to show a filtered video" + }, + "useProxyDescription": "Välityspalvelinta käyttämällä voit ohittaa ISP:n asettamat sekä aluekohtaiset YouTube-rajoitukset", + "@useProxyDescription": { + "description": "Description for the use proxy settings" + }, + "itemListErrorInvalidScope": "Sinulla ei ole käyttöoikeutta tähän. Jos kirjauduit käyttäen tokenia, yritä kirjautua ulos ja uudelleen sisään.", + "@itemListErrorInvalidScope": { + "description": "Error when the user doesn't have the proper scope to its current token" + }, + "appLogsDescription": "Näyttää sovelluksen käyttölokit. Hyödyllinen ongelmien raportoinnissa.", + "@appLogsDescription": { + "description": "Description of the app log settings" + }, + "searchHistoryLimit": "Hakuhistorian pituus", + "@searchHistoryLimit": { + "description": "Settings label for search history limit" + }, + "autoplayVideoOnLoadDescription": "Aloita videon toistaminen automaattisesti sen latauduttua", + "@autoplayVideoOnLoadDescription": { + "description": "Description for the autoplay video on load setting" + }, + "pressDownToShowSettings": "Paina alas näyttääksesi asetukset", + "@pressDownToShowSettings": { + "description": "Instruction on how to show video settings when playing a video on TV" + }, + "videoFiltersSettingTileDescriptions": "Määrittele suodatusasetukset", + "@videoFiltersSettingTileDescriptions": { + "description": "Description for the main settings page" + }, + "searchHistoryLimitDescription": "Kuinka monta aikaisempaa hakua näytetään hakuehdotuksissa", + "@searchHistoryLimitDescription": { + "description": "Settings label for search history limit description" + }, + "autoplayVideoOnLoad": "Automaattitoisto", + "@autoplayVideoOnLoad": { + "description": "Label for settings to enable autoplay when a video loads" + } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_or.arb b/lib/l10n/app_or.arb index db1ddce4..d5bb1ef2 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_or.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_or.arb @@ -1008,5 +1008,163 @@ "navigationBarStyle": "ପଥପ୍ରଦର୍ଶନ ପଟି ଶୈଳୀ", "@navigationBarStyle": { "description": "Label for settings on customizing navigation bar style" + }, + "askToEnableBackgroundServiceContent": "ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତିଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ପାଇବା ପାଇଁ, କ୍ଲିପୀୟ ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତିଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ସକ୍ରିୟ କରିବା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ, ଏହାକୁ ସକ୍ରିୟ କରିବା ପାଇଁ OK ଦବାନ୍ତୁ ।", + "@askToEnableBackgroundServiceContent": { + "description": "If the users tries to turn on notifications for a channel but hasn't enable notifications in the app we need to turn it on for them" + }, + "askForDisableBatteryOptimizationTitle": "ବ୍ୟାଟେରୀ ଅପ୍ଟିମାଇଜେସନକୁ ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ କରିବା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ", + "@askForDisableBatteryOptimizationTitle": { + "description": "Title for the dialog asking the user to turn off disabling battery optimization when turning on notifications" + }, + "askForDisableBatteryOptimizationContent": "ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତି ପଠାଇବା ପାଇଁ Clipious କୁ ଗୋଟିଏ ପୃଷ୍ଠଭୂମି ସର୍ଭିସ ଚଳାଇବା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ । ଏହାକୁ ସୁଗମ ଭାବରେ ଚଲାଇବା ପାଇଁ କ୍ଲିପିଆସକୁ ଅନଲିମିଟେଡ ବ୍ୟାଟେରୀ ବ୍ୟବହାର ଦେବା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ, ଓକେ ଟ୍ୟାପ୍ କରିବା ଦ୍ୱାରା ବ୍ୟାଟେରୀ ଅପ୍ଟିମାଇଜେସନ ସେଟିଙ୍ଗ ଖୋଲିବ ।", + "@askForDisableBatteryOptimizationContent": { + "description": "Content for the dialog asking the user to turn off disabling battery optimization when turning on notifications" + }, + "playlistNotificationTitle": "{playlist} ପ୍ଲେ ତାଲିକାରେ ନୂତନ ଭିଡିଓଗୁଡ଼ିକ", + "@playlistNotificationTitle": { + "description": "Title for the playlist notifications when there are new videos", + "placeholders": { + "playlist": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Lo-Fi girl" + } + } + }, + "notificationFrequencySettingsTitle": "ନୂତନ ଭିଡ଼ିଓ ଯାଞ୍ଚ ଫ୍ରିକ୍ୱେନ୍ସି", + "@notificationFrequencySettingsTitle": { + "description": "Title for frequency settings" + }, + "channelNotificationTitle": "{channel} ରୁ ନୂତନ ଭିଡିଓ", + "@channelNotificationTitle": { + "description": "Title for the channel notifications when there are new videos", + "placeholders": { + "channel": { + "type": "String", + "example": "MKBHD" + } + } + }, + "notificationsDescription": "ଆପଣ ଯାହା ବିଷୟରେ ବିଜ୍ଞପିତ ହୋଇଛନ୍ତି ତାହା ସକ୍ରିୟ କରନ୍ତୁ ଏବଂ ସମୀକ୍ଷା କରନ୍ତୁ", + "@notificationsDescription": { + "description": "Setting description for notifications" + }, + "playlistNotificationContent": "ଏଠାରେ {count, plural, =0{no new video} =1{1 new video} other{{count} new videos}}ଟି{playlist} playlist} ଭିଡିଓ ଅଛି", + "@playlistNotificationContent": { + "description": "Content for playlist notification when there are new videos", + "placeholders": { + "playlist": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Lo-Fi girl" + }, + "count": { + "type": "num", + "format": "compact" + } + } + }, + "subscriptionNotificationTitle": "ଆପଣଙ୍କର ସବସ୍କ୍ରିପସନରୁ ନୂତନ ଭିଡିଓ", + "@subscriptionNotificationTitle": { + "description": "Title for the notification showing that there are new videos from the subscription feed" + }, + "deleteChannelNotificationContent": "ଆପଣ ଏହି ଚ୍ୟାନେଲରୁ ଆଉ ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତି ପାଇବେ ନାହିଁ ।", + "@deleteChannelNotificationContent": { + "description": "Title for dialog to confirm whether to delete channel notifications" + }, + "subscriptionNotificationDescription": "ଆପଣଙ୍କର ସବସ୍କ୍ରିପସନ ଫିଡରୁ ନୂତନ ଭିଡିଓର ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତି ପ୍ରାପ୍ତ କରନ୍ତୁ ଯଦି ଆପଣ ଆପଣଙ୍କର ସାମ୍ପ୍ରତିକ ଉଦାହରଣକୁ ଲଗଇନ କରନ୍ତି", + "@subscriptionNotificationDescription": { + "description": "Description for subscription notifications" + }, + "notifications": "ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତି", + "@notifications": { + "description": "Notification settings title" + }, + "subscriptionNotification": "ସଦସ୍ୟତା ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତି", + "@subscriptionNotification": { + "description": "Title for subscriptions notifications" + }, + "deletePlaylistNotificationContent": "ଆପଣ ଏହି ପ୍ଲେ-ଲିଷ୍ଟରୁ ଆଉ ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତି ପାଇବେ ନାହିଁ ।", + "@deletePlaylistNotificationContent": { + "description": "Title for dialog to confirm whether to delete playlist notifications" + }, + "channelNotificationContent": "{{count, plural, =0 {no new videos} =1 {1 new video} other {{count} new videos}}ରୁ{channel} ରୁ {count, plural, = 0 {no new videos} = 1 {1 new video}} ଅଛି", + "@channelNotificationContent": { + "description": "Content for channel notification when there are new videos", + "placeholders": { + "channel": { + "type": "String", + "example": "MKBHD" + }, + "count": { + "type": "num", + "format": "compact" + } + } + }, + "deletePlaylistNotificationTitle": "ପ୍ଲେଲିଷ୍ଟ ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତିକୁ ଅପସାରଣ କରିବେ କି?", + "@deletePlaylistNotificationTitle": { + "description": "Title for dialog to confirm whether to delete playlist notifications" + }, + "enableNotificationDescriptions": "ଆପଣ ନିରୀକ୍ଷଣ କରୁଥିବା ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରିବା ଏବଂ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ସୂଚିତ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଅଗ୍ରଭୂମି ସର୍ଭିସ ଚଲାନ୍ତୁ", + "@enableNotificationDescriptions": { + "description": "" + }, + "foregroundServiceUpdatingSubscriptions": "ସଦସ୍ୟତା ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରୁଛି ..।", + "@foregroundServiceUpdatingSubscriptions": { + "description": "Foreground service notification text when checking for new subscription videos" + }, + "deleteChannelNotificationTitle": "ଚ୍ୟାନେଲ ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତିକୁ ଅପସାରଣ କରିବେ କି?", + "@deleteChannelNotificationTitle": { + "description": "Title for dialog to confirm whether to delete channel notifications" + }, + "foregroundServiceNotificationTitle": "ଭିଡ଼ିଓ ନିରୀକ୍ଷଣ", + "@foregroundServiceNotificationTitle": { + "description": "Title for the foreground service running notification when the user wants to receive notifications" + }, + "otherNotifications": "ଅନ୍ୟ ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତି ଉତ୍ସ (ଘଣ୍ଟି ଚିତ୍ରସଂକେତ)", + "@otherNotifications": { + "description": "Title for settings section in the notification settings" + }, + "notificationFrequencySliderLabel": "[ଅଗ୍ରଲେଖ, ଆଧୁନିକ ଓଡ଼ିଆ କଥା ସାହିତ୍ୟ].", + "@notificationFrequencySliderLabel": { + "description": "Short form for a number of hours going up to 1 day", + "hours": { + "type": "num", + "format": "compact" + } + }, + "foregroundServiceNotificationContent": "ଥରେ {hours, select, 1 {per hour} 24 {a day} ଅନ୍ୟ {ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ {hours} ଘଣ୍ଟା}ନୂତନ ଭିଡିଓଗୁଡିକ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରିବେ", + "@foregroundServiceNotificationContent": { + "description": "Content for the foreground service running notification when the user wants to receive notifications", + "hours": { + "type": "num", + "format": "compact" + } + }, + "foregroundServiceUpdatingChannels": "ଚ୍ୟାନେଲଗୁଡିକ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରୁଛି ..।", + "@foregroundServiceUpdatingChannels": { + "description": "Foreground service notification text when checking for new channel videos" + }, + "notificationFrequencySettingsDescription": "ପ୍ରୟୋଗଟି ନୂତନ ଭିଡ଼ିଓଗୁଡ଼ିକ ପାଇଁ କେତେଥର ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରିବ", + "@notificationFrequencySettingsDescription": { + "description": "Description for frequency settings" + }, + "foregroundServiceUpdatingPlaylist": "ପ୍ଲେଲିଷ୍ଟଗୁଡିକ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରୁଛି ..।", + "@foregroundServiceUpdatingPlaylist": { + "description": "Foreground service notification text when checking for new playlist videos" + }, + "subscriptionNotificationContent": "ଆପଣଙ୍କ ସଦସ୍ୟତା ଫିଡରେ {count, plural, =0{no new videos} =1{1 new video} other{{count} new videos}} ଅଛି", + "@subscriptionNotificationContent": { + "description": "Content for subscription notification", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "num", + "format": "compact" + } + } + }, + "askToEnableBackgroundServiceTitle": "ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତିଗୁଡ଼ିକ ବନ୍ଦ ହୋଇଯାଇଛି", + "@askToEnableBackgroundServiceTitle": { + "description": "If the users tries to turn on notifications for a channel but hasn't enable notifications in the app we need to turn it on for them" } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb b/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb index 7991916e..6bb11de5 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb @@ -1008,5 +1008,21 @@ "example": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday" } } + }, + "notificationsDescription": "Ativar e rever as notificações que lhe são enviadas", + "@notificationsDescription": { + "description": "Setting description for notifications" + }, + "notifications": "Notificações", + "@notifications": { + "description": "Notification settings title" + }, + "subscriptionNotification": "Notificações de subscrição", + "@subscriptionNotification": { + "description": "Title for subscriptions notifications" + }, + "enableNotificationDescriptions": "Executa um serviço em primeiro plano para verificar e notificar o utilizador sobre as alterações que está a monitorizar", + "@enableNotificationDescriptions": { + "description": "" } }