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scikinC is a simple tool intended for deployment of simple Machine Learning algorithms as shared objects. We consider as a target scikit-learn and keras neural networks.

There are many other options to deploy machine learning algorithms in C and C++ environments, but they usually involve either specific compilation environments or require complicated threading structures that may make it difficult to integrate the developed models into existing frameworks.

Besides, in large distributed-computing environments it may be interestring to distribute new models without the need to recompile the entiere software stack. Some libraries (e.g. TMVA or PMML or LWTNN) allow to export trained models into portable formats, that can then be converted at run-time in a sequence of function calls providing the expected results. While very effective, these libraries add a bit of overhead to function calls and requires specific compilation environment that may be uneasy to reproduce in the target environment.

The scikinC project aims at replacing these intermediate file formats, with C files, and the run-time interpretation of these files with a ahead-of-time compilation into dynamically linked shared objects.

Using C instead of C++ allows to deploy machine learning function as plugin function which can be easily binded to other languages and invoked with minimal overhead. The compiled shared object do not make use of multithreading letting the larger code infrastructure to deal with parallelization without introducing overhead.

Finally, the portable C files can be included as header files in other programs and statically compiled for less-conventional architectures such as microcontroller and FPGAs.

As in many other circumstances, distributing binaries hinder software security, exposing clients to more severe risks than dedicated ML format. Users should be aware that plugging untrusted shared objects to their program may result in severe security breachs.


scikinC is a transpiler for scikit-learn and keras models generating C files with extern "C" functions sharing the same signature:

FLOAT_T* <function_name> (FLOAT_T* output, const FLOAT_T* input);

Everything which is not either the input or the output is hardcoded in the C function, including:

  • the shape of the input and output tensors;
  • the structure of the ML method (number of trees in a forest o number of layers in a DNN);
  • the weights of the ML method.

The generated C function is inteded for immediate compilation with gcc, but most C/C++ compiler should be supported.

Once compiled, the binary file contains everything that is needed to evaluate the ML function and with no external dependency beyond standard C libraries.

scikinC is designed to be as modular as possible in order to make it easy to extend it by adding converters for additional scikit-learn models and keras layers.

Command Line Interface

The easiest way to use scikinC is through its Command Line Interface (CLI). To provide an example, let's consider the following simple python script that train a preprocessing step from scikit learn and dumps it into a pickle file.

import numpy as np
import pickle

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler 

minmax = MinMaxScaler() ( np.random.normal(0,5, (2,1000) )
with open("example_scaler.pkl", 'wb') as f:
  pickle.dump (minmax, f)

Once the file is created, one can convert the scaler into a C file, as

scikinC example_scaler.pkl > Cfile.C

Finally you can compile the C file for dynamic loading

gcc -o Cfile.C -shared -fPIC -Ofast

Python Interface

Sometimes it may be useful to include the conversion in C directly in the Python script where the training procedure is defined. This is made possible by importing the scikinC function and calling the convert method. For example,

import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
import scikinC

minmax = MinMaxScaler() ( np.random.normal(0,5, (2,1000) )

c_string = scikinC.convert({
  'myMinMaxScaler': minmax

c_string contains the text that describe MinMaxScaler transform in C. It can be stored in a text file and compiled with gcc and outlined above.

Using the compiled models in C/C++ applications

Considering the example producing the shared object above, one can easily evaluate it from a C program, linking the shared object at run-time and then pointing to the function:

// C Library for dynamic linking
#include  <dlfcn.h>

// Define the type for generic machine learning functions
typedef float *(*mlfunc)(float *, const float*);

void somewhere_in_your_code (void)
  // Open the shared object library 
  void *handle = dlopen ( "./", RTLD_LAZY );
  if (!handle)

  // Load the scaler by name (by default, the pickle file name is used as name)
  mlfunc minmax = mlfunc(dlsym (handle, "example_scaler")); 

  // Prepares the input and output buffer and evaluate the function
  float *inp [] = { /* your input goes here */ };
  float *out [ /*output n_features goes here*/ ];
  minmax ( out, inp ); 

  // Optionally, closes the linked library file

A few notes:

  1. the function prototype (FLOAT_T* <name> (FLOAT_T* output, const FLOAT_T*)) is the same for all the models converted by scikinC. This is basically the only strict requirement on what models can be converted.
  2. The floating point type, float by default, can be updgraded for numerically instable models (scikinC --float_t double or scikinC --float_t "long double"`)
  3. the symbol to load through dlsym is the name of the pickle file, stripped of its extension, if any. In this case some_model.pkl gets compiled in the symbol some_model. The compiled function name can be specified as
    scikinC desired_name=example_scaler.pkl > Cfile.C
    this is especially useful when the pickle name contains non alphanumeric characters which would break the C compilation (consider for example a pickle file named "example-scaler.pkl"
  4. More than one model can be compiled in a single shared object
    gcc -o Cfile1.C Cfile2.C Cfile3.C -shared -fPIC -Ofast
    and this considered good practice for bundling together preprocessing and machine learning steps.

Implemented converters

Scikit-Learn preprocessing

Model Implementation Test Notes
MinMaxScaler Available Available
StandardScaler Available Available
QuantileTransformer Available Available
FunctionTransformer Available Available Only functions in math.h
ColumnTransformer Available Available Only integer column indices
Pipeline Available Partial Pipelines of pipelines break

Scikit-Learn models

Model Implementation Test Notes
GradientBoostingClassifier Available Available

Keras Models

Model Implementation Test Notes
Sequential Available Available

Keras Layers

Model Implementation Test Notes
Dense Available Available
PReLU Available Available
LeakyReLU Available Available

Keras Activation functions

Model Implementation Test Notes
tanh Available Available
sigmoid Available Available
relu Available Available

Running tests

In order to install the full dependencies needed to test the whole package, install with the tag fql.

python3 bdist_wheel 
pip install dist/scikinC*.whl[fql]

Then run the tests with

pytest test

Related projects

Citing scikinC

L. Anderlini, M. Barbetti, "scikinC: a tool for deploying machine learning as binaries", Proceeding of Science (CompTools2021) 034

    author = "Anderlini, Lucio and Barbetti, Matteo",
    title = "{scikinC: a tool for deploying machine learning as binaries}",
    doi = "10.22323/1.409.0034",
    journal = "PoS",
    volume = "CompTools2021",
    pages = "034",
    year = "2022"