diff --git a/app/Http/Controllers/Abstracts/AbstractUnitsController.php b/app/Http/Controllers/Abstracts/AbstractUnitsController.php
index 142590b5..7e44e3ba 100644
--- a/app/Http/Controllers/Abstracts/AbstractUnitsController.php
+++ b/app/Http/Controllers/Abstracts/AbstractUnitsController.php
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ public function index(Request $request, PlayerService $player, ObjectService $ob
$view_model->requirements_met = $requirements_met;
$view_model->enough_resources = $enough_resources;
$view_model->currently_building = (!empty($build_active) && $build_active->object->machine_name == $object->machine_name);
+ $view_model->currently_building_amount = (!empty($build_active) && $build_active->object->machine_name == $object->machine_name) ? $build_active->object_amount_remaining : 0;
$units[$key_row][$object->id] = $view_model;
diff --git a/app/ViewModels/UnitViewModel.php b/app/ViewModels/UnitViewModel.php
index 1c73c0ee..8cb71e2c 100644
--- a/app/ViewModels/UnitViewModel.php
+++ b/app/ViewModels/UnitViewModel.php
@@ -12,4 +12,5 @@ class UnitViewModel
public bool $requirements_met;
public bool $enough_resources;
public bool $currently_building;
+ public int $currently_building_amount;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/js/chat.js b/public/js/chat.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 270848ca..00000000
--- a/public/js/chat.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1114 +0,0 @@
-ogame.chat = {
- socket: null,
- connected: false,
- connecting: false,
- timeout: null,
- retryInterval: 5000,
- playerId: null,
- associationId: null,
- data: {association: {}},
- playernames: {},
- playerList: null,
- isLoadingPlayerList: false,
- playerListSelector: new Array,
- initConnection: function () {
- console.log('ogame.chat init');
- var c = ogame.chat;
- if (c.connecting || c.connected || c.isMobile) {
- c.socket.disconnect()
- }
- c.connecting = true;
- try {
- c.socket = io.connect("/chat", nodeParams);
- c.socket.on("connect", function () {
- clearTimeout(this.timeout);
- c.socket.emit("authorize", session, function (a) {
- c.connecting = false;
- if (a) {
- c.connected = true
- } else {
- c.socket.disconnect()
- }
- })
- });
- c.socket.on("chat", function (a) {
- c.messageReceived(a)
- });
- c.socket.on("disconnect", function () {
- c.connected = false;
- c.connecting = false
- })
- } catch (d) {
- c.connecting = false
- }
- },
- initialize: function () {
- var b = ogame.chat;
- loadScript(nodeUrl, b.initConnection);
- $(".new_msg_count[data-playerid]").each(function () {
- b.saveMessageCounter($(this).data("new-messages"), $(this).data("playerid"))
- });
- this.updateTotalNewChatCounter();
- $(".js_playerlist").on("click", ".playerlist_item", function () {
- var a = $(this).hasClass("nothingThere");
- if (!a) {
- var d = $(this).data("msgid");
- if (d) {
- b.loadChatLogWithPlayer(this, d)
- } else {
- b.loadChatLogWithPlayer(this)
- }
- }
- });
- $(".js_playerlist").on("click", ".openAssociationChat", function () {
- var a = $(this).data("msgid");
- if (a) {
- b.loadChatLogWithAssociation(this, a)
- } else {
- b.loadChatLogWithAssociation(this)
- }
- });
- $("#chatMsgList").on("click", ".msg", function () {
- var e = $(this).data("playerid");
- var a = $(this).data("associationid");
- if (e !== undefined && e > 0) {
- b.saveMessageCounter(0, e);
- ogame.messagemarker.setPartnerId(e);
- ogame.messagemarker.updateNewMarker();
- ogame.chat.updateTotalNewChatCounter();
- var f = $(".playerlist .playerlist_item[data-playerId=" + e + "]").data("msgid");
- if (f) {
- b.loadChatLogWithPlayer(this, f)
- } else {
- b.loadChatLogWithPlayer(this)
- }
- } else {
- var f = $(".playerlist .playerlist_item[data-associationId=" + a + "]").data("msgid");
- b.saveMessageCounterAssociation(0, a);
- if (f) {
- b.loadChatLogWithAssociation(this, f)
- } else {
- b.loadChatLogWithAssociation(this)
- }
- }
- });
- $(".chat").on("click", ".sys_msg", function (f) {
- var h = $(this).data("foreign-player-id");
- var g = $(this).data("foreign-association-id");
- var a = {playerId: h, associationId: g, ajax: 1};
- console.log('chatLoadMoreMessages()');
- $.ajax({
- url: chatUrlLoadMoreMessages,
- type: "POST",
- dataType: "html",
- data: a,
- success: function (c) {
- $(".chat").each(function (e, d) {
- if (h !== undefined && h == $(d).data("foreign-player-id")) {
- $(d).html(c)
- } else {
- if (g !== undefined && g == $(d).data("foreign-association-id")) {
- $(d).html(c)
- }
- }
- })
- },
- error: function (e, c, d) {
- }
- })
- });
- $("body").on("click", ".js_openChat", function () {
- b.loadChatLogWithPlayer(this)
- });
- if (typeof $.cookie("maximizeId") == "string" || typeof $.cookie("maximizeId") == "number") {
- $('#chatMsgList .msg[data-playerid="' + $.cookie("maximizeId") + '"]').trigger("click");
- $.cookie("maximizeId", null)
- }
- },
- getTotalNewChatCounter: function () {
- return ogame.messagecounter.sumNewChatMessages
- },
- updateTotalNewChatCounter: function () {
- var b = 0;
- if ($(".msg .new_msg_count").length > 0) {
- $(".msg .new_msg_count").each(function () {
- b += Number($(this).data("new-messages"))
- })
- } else {
- if ($("#chatBarPlayerList .new_msg_count").length > 0) {
- $("#chatBarPlayerList .new_msg_count").each(function () {
- b += Number($(this).data("new-messages"))
- })
- }
- }
- ogame.messagecounter.initialize(ogame.messagecounter.type_chat, ogame.chat.playerId);
- if (ogame.messagecounter.sumNewChatMessages !== b) {
- ogame.messagecounter.initChatCounter(b);
- ogame.messagecounter.sumNewChatMessages = b;
- ogame.messagecounter.update()
- }
- return b
- },
- retryConnection: function () {
- var b = ogame.chat;
- setTimeout(function () {
- b.initConnection()
- }, 5000)
- },
- sendMessage: function (u, r, n, m) {
- var o = ogame.chat;
- if ($.trim(n).length == 0) {
- s("TEXT_EMPTY");
- return
- }
- if (u > 0) {
- var w = {playerId: u, text: n, mode: 1, ajax: 1}
- } else {
- var w = {associationId: r, text: n, mode: 3, ajax: 1}
- }
- if (typeof m !== "undefined" && typeof m.id !== "undefined") {
- w.msg2reply = m.id
- }
- function v() {
- console.log('v()');
- $.ajax({
- url: chatUrl,
- type: "POST",
- dataType: "json",
- data: w,
- success: function (a) {
- p(a)
- },
- error: function (a, b, c) {
- }
- })
- }
- function q(a) {
- if (typeof a.refAuthor !== "undefined" && typeof a.refContent !== "undefined") {
- $refData = {author: a.refAuthor, text: a.refContent}
- } else {
- $refData = 0
- }
- if (a.targetId !== undefined) {
- o.addChatItem(a.targetId, 0, a.text, a.id, false, $refData, a.date)
- } else {
- o.addChatItem(u, a.targetAssociationId, a.text, a.id, false, $refData, a.date)
- }
- }
- function s(a) {
- if (chatLoca[a] !== undefined) {
- errorBoxNotify(LocalizationStrings.error, chatLoca[a], LocalizationStrings.ok)
- } else {
- errorBoxNotify(LocalizationStrings.error, a, LocalizationStrings.ok)
- }
- }
- function p(a) {
- switch (a.status) {
- v();
- break;
- case"OK":
- q(a);
- ogame.chat.cleanupUrl();
- break;
- default:
- s(a.status)
- }
- }
- v()
- },
- messageReceived: function (h) {
- var g = ogame.chat;
- if (typeof h.refAuthor !== "undefined" && typeof h.refText !== "undefined") {
- $refData = {author: h.refAuhtor, text: h.refText}
- } else {
- $refData = 0
- }
- if (h.senderName !== undefined && h.senderId !== undefined) {
- g.playernames[h.senderId] = h.senderName
- }
- if ($(".chat_bar_list").length) {
- if (h.associationId !== undefined && h.associationId > 0) {
- if (g.data.association[h.associationId] === undefined) {
- g.loadChatLogWithAssociation(h.associationId, null, function () {
- g.addChatItem(h.senderId, h.associationId, h.text, h.id, true, $refData, h.date)
- }, false)
- } else {
- g.addChatItem(h.senderId, h.associationId, h.text, h.id, true, $refData, h.date)
- }
- } else {
- if (g.data[h.senderId] === undefined) {
- g.loadChatLogWithPlayer(h.senderId, null, function () {
- g.addChatItem(h.senderId, 0, h.text, h.id, true, $refData, h.date)
- }, false)
- } else {
- g.addChatItem(h.senderId, 0, h.text, h.id, true, $refData, h.date)
- }
- }
- }
- if (h.associationId !== undefined && h.associationId > 0) {
- if ($('.chat_bar_list_item.open[data-associationid="' + h.associationId + '"]').length <= 0) {
- var e = $('.new_msg_count[data-associationid="' + h.associationId + '"]').data("new-messages");
- if (isNaN(e)) {
- e = 0
- }
- e++;
- g.saveMessageCounterAssociation(e, h.associationId);
- g.updateTotalNewChatCounter()
- } else {
- var f = {
- associationId: h.associationId,
- mode: 4,
- ajax: 1,
- updateUnread: 1
- };
- console.log('chatUrl()');
- $.ajax({
- url: chatUrl,
- type: "POST",
- data: f,
- success: function (a) {
- },
- error: function (c, a, b) {
- }
- })
- }
- } else {
- if (h.senderId !== undefined && h.senderId > 0) {
- ogame.messagemarker.setPartnerId(h.senderId);
- if (!g.isOpen(h.senderId)) {
- ogame.messagecounter.initialize(ogame.messagecounter.type_chat, h.senderId);
- var e = parseInt(ogame.messagecounter.newChats[h.senderId]);
- if (isNaN(e)) {
- e = 0
- }
- e++;
- g.saveMessageCounter(e, h.senderId);
- ogame.messagemarker.updateNewMarker()
- } else {
- g.saveMessageCounter(0, $(this).data("playerid"));
- ogame.messagemarker.updateNewMarker()
- }
- }
- }
- },
- cleanupUrl: function () {
- var k = window.location.href;
- var h = k.indexOf("&");
- if (h > 0) {
- var g = k.indexOf("?");
- var l = k.substring(0, g);
- var f = l + "?page=chat";
- window.history.pushState({}, "", f)
- }
- },
- saveMessageCounter: function (c, d) {
- if (isNaN(d) || d === 0) {
- return false
- }
- $('.new_msg_count[data-playerid="' + d + '"]').data("new-messages", c);
- ogame.messagecounter.newChats[d] = c
- },
- saveMessageCounterAssociation: function (c, d) {
- if (isNaN(d) || d === 0) {
- return false
- }
- $('.new_msg_count[data-associationid="' + d + '"]').data("new-messages", c);
- $('.new_msg_count[data-associationid="' + d + '"]').text(c);
- ogame.messagemarker.updateNewMarker()
- },
- isOpen: function (e) {
- var f = false;
- var d = $(".chatContent").data("chatplayerid");
- if (d != "undefined" && d == e) {
- f = true
- } else {
- $(".chat_box").each(function () {
- if ($(this).attr("data-playerid") == e) {
- if ($(this).css("display") == "block") {
- f = true
- }
- }
- })
- }
- return f
- },
- loadChatLogWithPlayer: function (p, n, l, h) {
- var m = ogame.chat;
- var o;
- if (typeof h == "undefined") {
- h = true
- }
- if (typeof p == "number") {
- o = p
- } else {
- o = $(p).attr("data-playerId")
- }
- var k = {playerId: o, mode: 2, ajax: 1, updateUnread: (h ? 1 : 0)};
- if (typeof n == "number") {
- k.msg2reply = n
- }
- console.log('chatUrl POST()');
- $.ajax({
- url: chatUrl, type: "POST", data: k, success: function (a) {
- a = JSON.parse(a);
- m.data[a.playerId] = {
- playerstatus: a.playerstatus,
- playerName: a.playerName,
- playerId: a.playerId,
- chatItems: a.chatItems,
- chatItemsByDateAsc: a.chatItemsByDateAsc
- };
- if (typeof l == "function") {
- l()
- } else {
- if ($(p).parents("#chatBarPlayerList").length || $("body")[0].id != "chat") {
- m.showChat(a)
- } else {
- m.showChatHistory(a)
- }
- }
- var b = $(".chat_bar_list").find("[data-playerid='" + a.playerId + "']");
- m.updateCustomScrollbar(b.find(".chat_box_ctn"))
- }, error: function (c, a, b) {
- }
- })
- },
- loadChatLogWithAssociation: function (o, n, l, h) {
- var m = ogame.chat;
- var p;
- if (typeof h == "undefined") {
- h = true
- }
- if (typeof o == "number") {
- p = o
- } else {
- p = $(o).attr("data-associationid")
- }
- var k = {associationId: p, mode: 4, ajax: 1, updateUnread: (h ? 1 : 0)};
- if (typeof n == "number") {
- k.msg2reply = n
- }
- console.log('chaturl POST()');
- $.ajax({
- url: chatUrl, type: "POST", data: k, success: function (a) {
- a = JSON.parse(a);
- m.data.association[a.associationId] = {
- playerstatus: a.playerstatus,
- associationName: a.associationName,
- associationId: a.associationId,
- chatItems: a.chatItems,
- chatItemsByDateAsc: a.chatItemsByDateAsc
- };
- if (typeof l == "function") {
- l()
- } else {
- if ($(o).parents("#chatBarPlayerList").length || $("body")[0].id != "chat") {
- m.showChat(a)
- } else {
- m.showChatHistory(a)
- }
- }
- var b = $(".chat_bar_list").find("[data-associationid='" + a.associationId + "']");
- m.updateCustomScrollbar(b.find(".chat_box_ctn"))
- }, error: function (c, a, b) {
- }
- })
- },
- initChat: function (c, d) {
- ogame.chat.playerId = c;
- ogame.chat.isMobile = d;
- ogame.chat.initPlayerlist();
- ogame.chat.initialize();
- ogame.chat.toggleVisibility();
- ogame.chat.setVisibilityState();
- ogame.chat.initMaximize();
- ogame.chat.getInMaxChat()
- },
- getLastChatItemData: function () {
- var l = ogame.chat;
- var h = null;
- $(".chat_box_ctn .mCustomScrollBox .mCSB_container").each(function () {
- var a = $(this).children("ul.chat").children("li:last");
- if (h === null || a.attr("data-chat-id") > h.attr("data-chat-id")) {
- h = a
- }
- });
- if (h === null) {
- $("ul.largeChat").each(function () {
- var a = $(this).children("li:last");
- if (h === null || a.attr("data-chat-id") > h.attr("data-chat-id")) {
- h = a
- }
- })
- }
- if (h === null) {
- return null
- }
- var k = h.children(".msg_head").find(".msg_date").html();
- var f = h.find(".msg_content").html();
- var g = {date: k, text: f};
- return g
- },
- addChatItem: function (F, x, B, D, v, A, r) {
- var u = ogame.chat;
- var q;
- if (x > 0) {
- q = $(".chat_bar_list").find("[data-associationid='" + x + "']")
- } else {
- q = $(".chat_bar_list").find("[data-playerid='" + F + "']")
- }
- var y = {};
- y.date = r;
- y.newClass = "new";
- if (v) {
- if (u.data[F] !== undefined) {
- y.playerName = u.data[F].playerName
- } else {
- y.playerName = u.playernames[F]
- }
- y.altClass = ""
- } else {
- y.playerName = playerName;
- y.altClass = "odd"
- }
- y.chatID = D;
- y.chatContent = B;
- if (typeof A == "object") {
- y.refData = A
- }
- if (!q.length) {
- var E = u.createChatBarContainer(F);
- u.updateChatBar(E);
- q = $(".chat_bar_list").find("[data-playerid='" + F + "']")
- }
- var w = u.createChatItem(y);
- var s = u.getLastChatItemData();
- if (s !== null && (y.date != s.date || y.chatContent != s.text)) {
- q.find(".chat").append(w);
- u.updateCustomScrollbar(q.find(".chat_box_ctn"));
- var C = $(".js_chatHistory");
- if (C.length && (C.data("chatplayerid") == F || C.data("associationid") == x)) {
- C.find(".chat.clearfix").append(w.clone());
- u.updateCustomScrollbar($(".largeChatContainer"))
- }
- }
- },
- addToMoreBox: function (m) {
- var l = ogame.chat;
- var k = m.length;
- if (k && $(".more_chat_bar_items").length < 1) {
- $(".chat_bar_list").append(l.createMoreBox("more_chat_bar_items"))
- }
- var g = $(".more_chat_bar_items .more_items");
- var h = $(".more_chat_bar_items .chat_box");
- for (var n = 0; n <= k; n++) {
- g.append(m.pop())
- }
- l.updateCustomScrollbar(h)
- },
- createChatBarContainer: function (f) {
- var g = ogame.chat;
- if (!f) {
- return
- }
- var h = g.data[f];
- g.data.playerId = f;
- var e = $('
- e.append('');
- e.append('' + h.playerName + "");
- e.append('');
- e.prepend(g.createChatBox(f));
- return e
- },
- createChatBarContainerForAssociations: function (f) {
- var g = ogame.chat;
- if (!f) {
- return
- }
- var h = g.data.association[f];
- g.data.associationId = f;
- var e = $('');
- e.append('');
- e.append('' + h.associationName + "");
- e.append('');
- e.prepend(g.createChatBoxForAssociations(f));
- return e
- },
- closeChatBox: function (f, d) {
- var e = $(".chat_bar_list_item");
- $.each(e, function (b, a) {
- if (f !== undefined && $(a).data("playerid") == f) {
- $(a).addClass("outOfChatbar");
- $(a).removeClass("open")
- } else {
- if (d !== undefined && $(a).data("associationid") == d) {
- $(a).addClass("outOfChatbar");
- $(a).removeClass("open")
- }
- }
- })
- },
- getVisibleChats: function () {
- if (typeof visibleChats == "undefined") {
- visibleChats = {chatbar: false, players: [], associations: []}
- }
- return visibleChats
- },
- getVisibleChatPlayerIds: function () {
- var k = ogame.chat;
- var l = k.getVisibleChats();
- var h = {};
- var g = 0;
- for (var f = 0; f < l.players.length; f++) {
- if ($.inArray(l.players[f]["partnerId"], h) == -1) {
- h[g] = l.players[f]["partnerId"];
- g++
- }
- }
- return h
- },
- getVisibleChatAssociationIds: function () {
- var h = ogame.chat;
- var k = h.getVisibleChats();
- var l = {};
- var g = 0;
- for (var f = 0; f < k.associations.length; f++) {
- if ($.inArray(k.associations[f]["partnerId"], l) == -1) {
- l[g] = k.associations[f];
- g++
- }
- }
- return l
- },
- setVisibilityState: function () {
- var n = ogame.chat;
- var s = n.getVisibleChatPlayerIds();
- var m = n.getVisibleChatAssociationIds();
- var o = $("#chatBar .chat_bar_list .chat_bar_list_item");
- for (var q = 0; q < o.length; q++) {
- var l = o.get(q);
- var u = $(l).data("playerid");
- var r = $(l).data("associationid");
- if (u !== undefined && !n.isInJson(u, s)) {
- n.closeChatBox(u, 0)
- } else {
- if (r !== undefined && !n.isInJson(r, m)) {
- n.closeChatBox(0, r)
- } else {
- l.style.display = "inline";
- if ($(l).hasClass("open")) {
- var p = $(l).find("div.chat_box")[0];
- p.style.display = "inline";
- n.updateCustomScrollbar($(l).find(".chat_box_ctn"), 1)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- isInJson: function (f, d) {
- var e = null;
- if ($.isEmptyObject(d)) {
- e = false
- }
- if (e !== false) {
- $.each(d, function (a, b) {
- if (b == f) {
- e = true
- }
- });
- if (e !== true) {
- false
- }
- }
- return e
- },
- toggleVisibility: function () {
- $(".chat_bar_list_item .icon_close").on("click", function (f) {
- var e = $(this).parent().data("playerid");
- var d = $(this).closest(".chat_box");
- if (!d.length) {
- d = $(this).parent()[0];
- d.style.display = "none"
- }
- if (e > 0) {
- console.log('toggleVisibilityChat()');
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: "/game/index.php?page=ajaxChatToggleVisibility",
- data: {from: playerId, to: e, showState: 0},
- success: function (a) {
- },
- error: function (c, a, b) {
- }
- })
- }
- });
- $(".cb_playerlist_box .playerlist_item").on("click", function () {
- var b = $(this).data("playerid");
- if (b) {
- console.log('cb_playerlist_box()');
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: "/game/index.php?page=ajaxChatToggleVisibility",
- data: {from: playerId, to: b, showState: 1},
- success: function (a) {
- },
- error: function (a, e, f) {
- }
- })
- }
- })
- },
- initMaximize: function () {
- $(".chat_bar_list").on("click.chatBar", ".chat_box .chat_box_title .icon_maximize", function () {
- var c = $(this).parent();
- var d = $(c).parent().data("playerid");
- $.cookie("maximizeId", d);
- $(".chat_bar_list_item.open .chat_box_title .icon_close").trigger("click");
- window.location = bigChatLink + "&playerId=" + d
- })
- },
- getInMaxChat: function () {
- var b = location.href;
- if (typeof bigChatLink == "undefined") {
- bigChatLink = ""
- }
- if (bigChatLink == b) {
- if ($.cookie("maximizeId") !== null) {
- $("#chatMsgList .msg[data-playerId=" + $.cookie("maximizeId") + "]").trigger("click")
- }
- }
- $.cookie("maximizeId", null)
- },
- createChatBox: function (l) {
- var n = ogame.chat;
- if (!l) {
- return
- }
- var p = n.data[l];
- var r = $('');
- r.append('');
- r.append('');
- var m = $('
- var k = {};
- for (var q = 0; q < p.chatItemsByDateAsc.length; q++) {
- k = p.chatItems[p.chatItemsByDateAsc[q]];
- m.find(".chat").append(n.createChatItem(k))
- }
- var o = $('');
- o.append(r);
- o.append(m);
- o.append('');
- return o
- },
- createChatBoxForAssociations: function (r) {
- var n = ogame.chat;
- if (!r) {
- return
- }
- var p = n.data.association[r];
- var k = $('');
- k.append('');
- k.append('');
- var m = $('
- var l = {};
- for (var q = 0; q < p.chatItemsByDateAsc.length; q++) {
- l = p.chatItems[p.chatItemsByDateAsc[q]];
- m.find(".chat").append(n.createChatItem(l))
- }
- var o = $('');
- o.append(k);
- o.append(m);
- o.append('');
- return o
- },
- createChatItem: function (m) {
- if (!m) {
- console.warn("no chatItem given");
- return
- }
- var g = $('');
- g.append('' + getFormatedDate(m.date, "[d].[m].[Y] [H]:[i]:[s]") + "");
- g.append('' + m.playerName + "");
- var h = $('');
- h.append(g);
- if (typeof m.refData !== "undefined") {
- var k = $('');
- var n = '
' + m.refData.author + "
- var l = '
' + m.refData.text + "
- k.append(n);
- k.append(l);
- h.append(k)
- }
- h.append('' + m.chatContent + "");
- h.append('');
- return h
- },
- createMoreBox: function (d) {
- var c = $('
' + chatLoca.MORE_USERS + '
- c.prepend($('
- return c
- },
- filterPlayerlist: function () {
- var l = [];
- var h;
- var k = $("#playerlistFilters").find('input[type="checkbox"]');
- k.each(function () {
- l.push($(this).attr("id"))
- });
- $(".playerlist_item").show();
- h = false;
- k.each(function () {
- if ($(this).prop("checked")) {
- h = true
- }
- });
- if (!h) {
- return
- }
- var f;
- var g;
- $(".playerlist_item").filter(function () {
- f = false;
- g = $(this);
- $.each(l, function (b, a) {
- if (g.data(a) === "off" && $("#" + a).prop("checked")) {
- f = true
- }
- });
- (f === true) ? g.hide() : g.show()
- })
- },
- initChatBar: function (d) {
- var c = ogame.chat;
- ogame.chat.playerId = d;
- $("html").off(".chatBar");
- $(window).resize(function () {
- c.updateChatBar()
- });
- $(".chat_bar_list").on("click.chatBar", "#chatBarPlayerList", function (a) {
- if ($(a.target).attr("id") !== "chatBarPlayerList" && !$(a.target).hasClass("onlineCount")) {
- return
- }
- $(".cb_playerlist_box").toggle();
- c.updateCustomScrollbar($(".scrollContainer"), true);
- console.log('initChatBar()');
- $.ajax({
- url: chatUrl,
- type: "POST",
- dataType: "json",
- data: {action: "toggleChatBar"},
- success: function (b) {
- },
- error: function (h, b, g) {
- }
- })
- }).on("click.chatBar", ".chat_bar_list_item", function (a) {
- a.stopPropagation();
- if (!isNaN($(this).data("playerid"))) {
- ogame.messagemarker.toggle(ogame.messagemarker.action_remove, ogame.messagemarker.type_chattab, $(this).data("playerid"));
- ogame.messagemarker.toggle(ogame.messagemarker.action_remove, ogame.messagemarker.type_chatbar, $(this).data("playerid"));
- c.saveMessageCounter(0, $(this).data("playerid"));
- ogame.messagemarker.setPartnerId($(this).data("playerid"));
- ogame.messagemarker.updateNewMarker();
- ogame.chat.updateTotalNewChatCounter()
- } else {
- if (!isNaN($(this).data("associationid") > 0)) {
- c.saveMessageCounterAssociation(0, $(this).data("associationid"))
- }
- }
- console.log('chatUrl POST chatBarListRead()');
- $.ajax({
- url: chatUrl,
- type: "POST",
- dataType: "json",
- data: {
- playerId: $(this).data("playerid"),
- action: "chatBarListRead"
- },
- success: function (b) {
- },
- error: function (h, b, g) {
- }
- });
- if ($(this).closest(".more_items").length) {
- c.swapChatBarItem($(this))
- } else {
- c.toggleChatBox($(a.target), $(this))
- }
- c.updateVisibleState()
- }).on("click.chatBar", ".chat_bar_list_item > .icon_close", function (a) {
- a.stopPropagation();
- var b = $(this).closest(".chat_bar_list_item");
- ogame.chat.closeChatBox(b.attr("data-playerid"), b.attr("data-associationid"));
- b.remove("open");
- c.updateChatBar()
- }).on("keyup.chatBar", ".chat_box_textarea", function (a) {
- if ((a.ctrlKey || a.keyCode == 10) && a.keyCode == 13) {
- a.preventDefault();
- var b = $(this).val();
- $(this).val(b + "\n")
- } else {
- if ($.trim($(this).val().length > 0)) {
- a.preventDefault();
- c.submitChatBarMsg($(a.currentTarget), a.which, a.shiftKey, a.delegateTarget.scrollHeight)
- }
- }
- }).on("click.chatBar", ".chat_box_textarea", function (a) {
- ogame.messagemarker.toggle(ogame.messagemarker.action_remove, ogame.messagemarker.type_chattab, $(this).parent().parent().parent().data("playerid"));
- ogame.messagemarker.toggle(ogame.messagemarker.action_remove, ogame.messagemarker.type_chatbar, $(this).parent().parent().parent().data("playerid"));
- if ($(this).data("playerid") > 0) {
- c.saveMessageCounter(0, $(this).data("playerid"))
- } else {
- if ($(this).data("associationid") > 0) {
- c.saveMessageCounterAssociation(0, $(this).data("associationid"))
- }
- }
- })
- },
- initPlayerlist: function () {
- var c = ogame.chat;
- var d = ogame.tools;
- $(".js_accordion").accordion({
- collapsible: true,
- heightStyle: "content"
- });
- $(".playerlist_item:odd").addClass("odd");
- d.addHover(".playerlist_item, .msg, .playerlist_top_box .playerlist");
- $(".js_playerlist").on("click.playerList", ".pl_filter_set", function () {
- c.filterPlayerlist()
- });
- c.filterPlayerlist()
- },
- showChat: function (h) {
- var e = false;
- var g = ogame.chat;
- $(".chat_bar_list_item").each(function () {
- var a = $(this);
- if ((h.playerId !== undefined && a.data("playerid") === h.playerId) || (h.associationId !== undefined && a.data("associationid") === h.associationId)) {
- e = true;
- if (a.hasClass("outOfChatbar")) {
- a.removeClass("outOfChatbar")
- }
- if (!a.hasClass("open")) {
- a.click();
- a[0].style.display = "inline"
- } else {
- a.fadeTo("400", 0.3).fadeTo("400", 1)
- }
- a.find("textarea").focus()
- }
- });
- if (!e) {
- var f;
- if (h.playerId !== undefined) {
- f = g.createChatBarContainer(h.playerId)
- } else {
- f = g.createChatBarContainerForAssociations(h.associationId)
- }
- g.updateChatBar(f)
- }
- },
- showChatHistory: function (e) {
- var d = $(".js_chatHistory");
- var f = e.data;
- if (d.length) {
- d.remove()
- }
- $("#chatList").remove();
- $(f).insertAfter("#planet");
- $("li.playerlist_item").removeClass("active");
- $("li.playerlist_item[data-playerid='" + e.playerId + "']").addClass("active");
- initBBCodeEditor(locaKeys, itemNames, false, ".new_msg_textarea", 2000, true)
- },
- submitChatBarMsg: function (p, l, h, m) {
- var o = ogame.chat;
- var n = parseInt($(".chat_box_textarea").css("max-height"));
- var k = parseInt($(".chat_box_textarea").css("padding-top")) + parseInt($(".chat_box_textarea").css("padding-bottom"));
- if (l === 13 && h) {
- if (m <= (n + k)) {
- p.css("height", m - k)
- }
- return
- }
- if (l === 13) {
- if (p.parent(".chat_box").data("playerid") !== undefined) {
- o.sendMessage(p.parent(".chat_box").data("playerid"), 0, p.val())
- } else {
- if (p.parent(".chat_box").data("associationid") !== undefined) {
- o.sendMessage(0, p.parent(".chat_box").data("associationid"), p.val())
- }
- }
- p.val("")
- }
- },
- swapChatBarItem: function (d) {
- var f = ogame.chat;
- var e = $(".more_chat_bar_items").prev();
- e.removeClass("open").find(".icon_close").hide().end().find(".chat_box").hide();
- e.remove();
- d.addClass("open").find(".icon_close").show().end().find(".chat_box").show().end().insertBefore(".more_chat_bar_items");
- f.addToMoreBox([e]);
- f.updateChatBar();
- f.updateCustomScrollbar(d.find(".chat_box_ctn"))
- },
- toggleChatBox: function (f, l) {
- var h = ogame.chat;
- if (f.parents(".chat_box").length && !f.hasClass("icon_close")) {
- return
- }
- var k = l.children(".chat_box");
- if (k.is(":visible")) {
- k.hide();
- l.removeClass("open")
- } else {
- if (!l.hasClass("more_chat_bar_items")) {
- l.addClass("open");
- h.updateChatBar()
- }
- k.show();
- var g = k.find(".chat_box_ctn");
- if (l.hasClass("more_chat_bar_items")) {
- g = k
- }
- h.updateCustomScrollbar(g);
- k.find("textarea").focus()
- }
- ogame.messagecounter.resetCounterByType(ogame.messagecounter.type_chat)
- },
- handleTooMuchWindows: function (o, l, u, s, p, r) {
- var q = ogame.chat;
- var n = true;
- var m = [];
- $($(".chat_bar_list > .chat_bar_list_item").get().reverse()).each(function () {
- var a = $(this);
- if (n) {
- if (a.hasClass("more_chat_bar_items") || a.attr("id") === "chatBarPlayerList") {
- return
- }
- if (a.hasClass("open")) {
- o--
- } else {
- l--
- }
- a.removeClass("open").find(".icon_close").hide().end().find(".chat_box").hide();
- m.push(a);
- a.remove();
- widthTotal = s * l + u * o + p;
- n = (widthTotal >= r) ? true : false
- }
- });
- q.addToMoreBox(m)
- },
- getItemFromMorelist2Chatbar: function () {
- var c = $(".more_items .chat_bar_list_item").first().remove();
- var d = ogame.chat;
- c.addClass("open").find(".icon_close").show().end().find(".chat_box").show().end().insertBefore(".more_chat_bar_items");
- if ($(".more_items .chat_bar_list_item").length <= 0) {
- $(".more_chat_bar_items").remove()
- }
- d.updateCustomScrollbar($(".more_chat_bar_items>.chat_box"));
- d.updateCustomScrollbar(c.find(".chat_box_ctn"))
- },
- updateChatBar: function (n) {
- var r = ogame.chat;
- var o = $(".chat_bar_list > .chat_bar_list_item.open").length;
- var v = $(".more_chat_bar_items").length;
- var m = $(".chat_bar_list").children().length - o - v;
- var u = 190;
- var w = 270;
- var q = 190;
- var s = $("body").innerWidth();
- if (n) {
- o++
- }
- var p = u * m + w * o + q * v;
- if (p >= s) {
- r.handleTooMuchWindows(o, m, w, u, q, s)
- } else {
- if ((p + w) <= s && $(".more_chat_bar_items").length > 0) {
- r.getItemFromMorelist2Chatbar()
- }
- }
- if (n) {
- n.insertAfter("#chatBarPlayerList");
- r.updateCustomScrollbar(n.find(".chat_box_ctn"))
- }
- },
- updateCustomScrollbar: function (c, d) {
- if (!c || c.length == 0) {
- return
- }
- if (c.hasClass("mCustomScrollbar")) {
- c.mCustomScrollbar("update")
- } else {
- c.mCustomScrollbar({theme: "ogame"})
- }
- if (d !== true) {
- c.mCustomScrollbar("scrollTo", "bottom", {scrollInertia: 0})
- }
- c.each(function () {
- if ($(this).height() + "px" == $(this).css("max-height")) {
- $(this).addClass("scrollbarPresent")
- }
- })
- },
- updateVisibleState: function () {
- var b = {chatbar: false, players: [], associations: []};
- $(".chat_bar_list>.chat_bar_list_item").each(function () {
- var a = $(this);
- if (a.attr("id") === "chatBarPlayerList" && a.children(".cb_playerlist_box").is(":visible")) {
- b.chatbar = true
- } else {
- if (a.data("playerid") && a.children(".chat_box").is(":visible")) {
- b.players.push(a.data("playerid"))
- } else {
- if (a.data("associationid") && a.children(".chat_box").is(":visible")) {
- b.associations.push(a.data("associationid"))
- }
- }
- }
- });
- $.cookie("visibleChats", JSON.stringify(b), {expires: 7})
- },
- showPlayerList: function (d) {
- // TODO: this code is part of "0 Contact(s) online." chat system.
- // TODO: re-enable this code when working on this feature. For now its disabled.
- return;
- var c = ogame.chat;
- if ($.inArray(d, c.playerListSelector) === -1) {
- c.playerListSelector.push(d)
- }
- if (c.isLoadingPlayerList === false && c.playerList === null) {
- c.isLoadingPlayerList = true;
- console.log('showPlayerList()');
- $.ajax({
- url: chatUrl,
- type: "POST",
- dataType: "json",
- data: {action: "showPlayerList"},
- success: function (a) {
- c.playerList = a.content;
- c.isLoadingPlayerList = false;
- c._showPlayerList()
- },
- error: function (f, a, b) {
- c.isLoadingPlayerList = false
- }
- })
- } else {
- c._showPlayerList()
- }
- },
- _showPlayerList: function () {
- var b = ogame.chat;
- $.each(b.playerListSelector, function (a, d) {
- $(d).html(b.playerList)
- })
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/js/fleetdispatcher.js b/public/js/fleetdispatcher.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1340fec2..00000000
--- a/public/js/fleetdispatcher.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2097 +0,0 @@
-const FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE1 = 'fleet1';
-const FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE2 = 'fleet2';
-function FleetDispatcher(cfg) {
- this.fleetHelper = new FleetHelper(cfg);
- this.loading = false;
- this.lifeformEnabled = cfg.lifeformEnabled;
- this.checkTargetUrl = cfg.checkTargetUrl;
- this.sendFleetUrl = cfg.sendFleetUrl;
- this.saveSettingsUrl = cfg.saveSettingsUrl;
- this.fleetBoxOrder = cfg.fleetBoxOrder || {};
- this.token = cfg.token || null;
- this.currentPlanet = cfg.currentPlanet;
- this.targetPlanet = cfg.targetPlanet || null;
- this.targetInhabited = cfg.targetInhabited || false;
- this.targetPlayerId = cfg.targetPlayerId || this.fleetHelper.PLAYER_ID_SPACE;
- this.targetPlayerName = cfg.targetPlayerName || '';
- this.targetPlayerColorClass = cfg.targetPlayerColorClass || '';
- this.targetPlayerRankIcon = cfg.targetPlayerRankIcon || '';
- this.cargoCapacity = cfg.cargoCapacity;
- this.fuelCapacity = cfg.fuelCapacity;
- this.currentPage = FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE1;
- this.shipsOnPlanet = cfg.shipsOnPlanet || [];
- this.shipsToSend = cfg.shipsToSend || [];
- this.useHalfSteps = cfg.useHalfSteps || false;
- this.planets = cfg.planets || [];
- this.standardFleets = cfg.standardFleets || [];
- this.unions = cfg.unions || [];
- this.orders = [];
- this.orderNames = cfg.orderNames || [];
- this.orderDescriptions = cfg.orderDescriptions || [];
- this.mission = cfg.mission || this.fleetHelper.MISSION_NONE;
- this.union = 0;
- this.targetIsStrong = false;
- this.targetIsOutlaw = false;
- this.targetIsBuddyOrAllyMember = false;
- this.playerIsOutlaw = false;
- this.retreatAfterDefenderRetreat = false;
- this.lootFoodOnAttack = cfg.lootFoodOnAttack;
- this.holdingTime = cfg.holdingTime;
- this.expeditionTime = cfg.expeditionTime;
- this.speedPercent = 10;
- this.cargoMetal = 0;
- this.cargoCrystal = 0;
- this.cargoDeuterium = 0;
- this.cargoFood = 0;
- this.prioMetal = cfg.LOOT_PRIO_METAL;
- this.prioCrystal = cfg.LOOT_PRIO_CRYSTAL;
- this.prioDeuterium = cfg.LOOT_PRIO_DEUTERIUM;
- this.prioFood = cfg.LOOT_PRIO_FOOD;
- this.metalOnPlanet = cfg.metalOnPlanet;
- this.crystalOnPlanet = cfg.crystalOnPlanet;
- this.deuteriumOnPlanet = cfg.deuteriumOnPlanet;
- this.foodOnPlanet = 0;
- if (this.lifeformEnabled) {
- this.foodOnPlanet = cfg.foodOnPlanet;
- }
- this.fleetCount = cfg.fleetCount;
- this.maxFleetCount = cfg.maxFleetCount;
- this.expeditionCount = cfg.expeditionCount;
- this.maxExpeditionCount = cfg.maxExpeditionCount;
- this.warningsEnabled = cfg.warningsEnabled;
- this.playerId = cfg.playerId;
- this.hasAdmiral = cfg.hasAdmiral;
- this.hasCommander = cfg.hasCommander;
- this.isOnVacation = cfg.isOnVacation;
- this.moveInProgress = cfg.moveInProgress;
- this.planetCount = cfg.planetCount;
- this.explorationCount = cfg.explorationCount;
- this.apiDataJson = cfg.apiDataJson;
- this.apiCommonData = cfg.apiCommonData;
- this.apiTechData = cfg.apiTechData;
- this.apiDefenseData = cfg.apiDefenseData;
- this.apiShipBaseData = cfg.apiShipBaseData;
- this.loca = cfg.loca;
- this.locadyn = cfg.locadyn;
- this.errorCodeMap = cfg.errorCodeMap;
- this.urlFleetCheck = cfg.urlFleetCheck;
- this.additionalFlightSpeed = 0;
- this.timerTimes = null;
- this.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout = null;
- this.deferred = [];
- this.emptySystems = cfg.emptySystems;
- this.inactiveSystems = cfg.inactiveSystems;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.init = function () {
- this.initFleet1();
- this.initFleet2();
- let that = this;
- $(function () {
- $(".sortable").sortable({
- handle: ".move-box",
- tolerance: "pointer",
- revert: true,
- update: function (event, ui) {
- a = $("#fleet2 #buttonz > div");
- param = {};
- that.appendTokenParams(param);
- for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- param[a[i].id] = i;
- }
- $.post(that.saveSettingsUrl, param, function (data) {
- data = JSON.parse(data);
- that.updateToken(data.newAjaxToken);
- token = data.newAjaxToken;
- });
- }
- });
- $(".sortable").disableSelection();
- });
- $('#fleetdispatchcomponent').on('keypress', async function (e) {
- if (getKeyCode(e) === 13) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- if ($('#fleet1').is(':visible')) {
- await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 250));
- that.trySubmitFleet1();
- } else if ($('#fleet2').is(':visible')) {
- // we have to wait to the update of a token because it already started communication with backend
- // should not trigger really but just as a safety measure
- if (!that.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout) {
- await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 250));
- that.trySubmitFleet2();
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- });
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.displayErrors = function (errors) {
- // only display the first error
- let error = errors[0] || undefined;
- if (error) {
- fadeBox(error.message, true);
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refresh = function () {
- switch (this.currentPage) {
- this.refreshFleet1();
- break;
- this.refreshFleet2();
- break;
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.switchToPage = function (page) {
- let that = this;
- if (page === this.currentPage) {
- return;
- }
- if (page === FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE1) {
- this.currentPage = page;
- $('#' + FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE1).show();
- $('#' + FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE2).hide();
- that.focusSubmitFleet1();
- }
- if (page === FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE2) {
- this.currentPage = page;
- $('#' + FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE1).hide();
- $('#' + FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE2).show();
- this.setTargetType(this.targetPlanet.type);
- that.focusSendFleet();
- }
- if (this.currentPage === FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE1 && this.timerTimes !== null) {
- clearInterval(this.timerTimes);
- this.timerTimes = null;
- } // create timer to refresh fleet arrival and return times
- if (this.currentPage === FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE2) {
- if (this.timerTimes === null) {
- this.timerTimes = setInterval(function () {
- that.refreshFleetTimes();
- }, 1000);
- }
- }
- this.refresh();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.startLoading = function () {
- this.loading = true;
- $('#fleetdispatchcomponent .ajax_loading').show();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.stopLoading = function () {
- this.loading = false;
- $('#fleetdispatchcomponent .ajax_loading').hide();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateToken = function (tokenNew) {
- token = tokenNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.appendTokenParams = function (params) {
- params.token = token;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateEmptySystems = function (newData) {
- this.emptySystems = newData;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateInactiveSystems = function (newData) {
- this.inactiveSystems = newData;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.appendShipParams = function (params) {
- this.shipsToSend.forEach(function (ship) {
- params['am' + ship.id] = ship.number;
- });
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.appendTargetParams = function (params) {
- params.galaxy = this.targetPlanet.galaxy;
- params.system = this.targetPlanet.system;
- params.position = this.targetPlanet.position;
- params.type = this.targetPlanet.type;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.appendCargoParams = function (params) {
- params.metal = this.cargoMetal;
- params.crystal = this.cargoCrystal;
- params.deuterium = this.cargoDeuterium;
- if (this.lifeformEnabled) {
- params.food = this.cargoFood;
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.appendPrioParams = function (params) {
- params.prioMetal = this.prioMetal;
- params.prioCrystal = this.prioCrystal;
- params.prioDeuterium = this.prioDeuterium;
- if (this.lifeformEnabled) {
- params.prioFood = this.prioFood;
- }
- * FLEET 1
- */
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.initFleet1 = function () {
- initToggleHeader('fleet1');
- let that = this;
- let elem = $('#fleet1');
- elem.find('select.combatunits').ogameDropDown();
- that.refresh();
- elem.on('click', '#continueToFleet2', async function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 250));
- that.trySubmitFleet1();
- });
- elem.on('keyup', '#technologies li input', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- let shipId = parseInt($(e.currentTarget).closest('li').data('technology'));
- let number = getValue($(e.currentTarget).val());
- that.selectShip(shipId, number);
- });
- elem.on('focusout', '#technologies li input', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- let shipId = parseInt($(e.currentTarget).closest('li').data('technology'));
- let number = getValue($(e.currentTarget).val());
- that.selectShip(shipId, number);
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#technologies li .icon', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- let shipId = parseInt($(e.currentTarget).closest('li').data('technology'));
- if (that.getNumberOfShipsSelected(shipId) < that.getNumberOfShipsOnPlanet(shipId)) {
- that.selectMaxShips(shipId);
- } else {
- that.selectShip(shipId, 0);
- }
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSubmitFleet1();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#sendall', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectAllShips();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSubmitFleet1();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#resetall', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.resetShips();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSubmitFleet1();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#combatunits', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- initStandardFleet();
- });
- elem.on('change', '#standardfleet', function (e) {
- let standardFleetId = getValue($('select.combatunits').val());
- that.selectStandardFleet(standardFleetId);
- that.refresh();
- });
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.focusSubmitFleet1 = function () {
- $('#continueToFleet2').focus();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.hasShipsSelected = function () {
- return this.getTotalNumberOfShipsSelected() > 0;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.hasFreeSlots = function () {
- return this.maxFleetCount - this.fleetCount > 0;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.hasEnoughFuel = function () {
- return this.deuteriumOnPlanet >= this.getConsumption();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.validateFleet1 = function (onError, onSuccess) {
- if (!this.hasShipsSelected()) {
- this.displayErrors([{
- message: this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_NO_SELECTION
- }]);
- return false;
- }
- if (!this.hasFreeSlots()) {
- this.displayErrors([{
- message: this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_NO_FREE_SLOTS
- }]);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.trySubmitFleet1 = function () {
- if (this.validateFleet1() === false) {
- return;
- }
- this.switchToPage(FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE2);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshFleet1 = function () {
- this.refreshNavigationFleet1();
- this.refreshShips();
- this.refreshAPIData();
- this.refreshStatusBarFleet();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshNavigationFleet1 = function () {
- let invalidInfo = '';
- if (!this.hasShipsSelected()) {
- $('#continueToFleet2').attr('class', 'continue off');
- invalidInfo = this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_NO_SELECTION;
- } else if (!this.hasFreeSlots()) {
- $('#continueToFleet2').attr('class', 'continue off');
- invalidInfo = this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_NO_FREE_SLOTS;
- } else {
- $('#continueToFleet2').attr('class', 'continue on');
- }
- $('#allornone .info').html(invalidInfo);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshShips = function () {
- let that = this;
- $('#fleet1 #technologies li').each(function (i, elem) {
- const shipId = $(elem).data('technology');
- const ship = that.findShip(shipId);
- const inputElem = $(elem).find('input');
- const oldValue = inputElem.val() === '' ? '' : parseInt(inputElem.val());
- const number = ship?.number ?? '';
- if (oldValue !== number) {
- inputElem.val(number);
- const event = new Event('change');
- inputElem.get(0).dispatchEvent(event);
- }
- });
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshAPIData = function () {
- let apiShipData = this.shipsToSend.map(function (ship) {
- return [ship.id, ship.number];
- });
- if (apiShipData.length < 1) {
- apiShipData = this.apiShipBaseData;
- }
- let apiDataOld = [].concat(this.apiCommonData).concat(this.apiTechData).concat(apiShipData).concat(this.apiDefenseData).map(function (item) {
- return item.join(';');
- }).join('|');
- let apiData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.apiDataJson));
- if (this.shipsToSend.length > 0) {
- Object.keys(apiData.ships).forEach(key => apiData.ships[key]['amount'] = 0);
- this.shipsToSend.forEach(ship => {
- apiData.ships[ship.id] = this.apiDataJson.ships[ship.id];
- apiData.ships[ship.id].amount = ship.number;
- });
- }
- let content = JSON.stringify(apiData);
- let tooltip = document.createElement('div');
- tooltip.textContent = this.loca.LOCA_API_FLEET_DATA;
- tooltip.append(document.createElement('br'));
- tooltip.append(document.createTextNode('API 1:'));
- let oldInput = document.createElement('input');
- oldInput.setAttribute('id', 'FLEETAPI');
- oldInput.setAttribute('readonly', '1');
- oldInput.setAttribute('onclick', 'select()');
- oldInput.setAttribute('value', apiDataOld ?? '');
- oldInput.value = apiDataOld ?? '';
- tooltip.appendChild(oldInput);
- tooltip.append(document.createElement('br'));
- tooltip.append(document.createTextNode('API 2:'));
- let jsonInput = document.createElement('input');
- jsonInput.setAttribute('id', 'FLEETAPI_JSON');
- jsonInput.setAttribute('readonly', '1');
- jsonInput.setAttribute('onclick', 'select()');
- jsonInput.setAttribute('value', content);
- jsonInput.value = content;
- tooltip.appendChild(jsonInput);
- changeTooltip($(".show_fleet_apikey"), tooltip.outerHTML);
- */
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectShip = function (shipId, number) {
- let shipsAvailable = this.getNumberOfShipsOnPlanet(shipId);
- number = Math.min(shipsAvailable, number);
- if (number <= 0) {
- this.removeShip(shipId);
- } else if (this.hasShip(shipId)) {
- this.updateShip(shipId, number);
- } else {
- this.addShip(shipId, number);
- }
- this.resetCargo();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.addShip = function (shipId, number) {
- this.shipsToSend.push({
- id: shipId,
- number: number
- });
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.findShip = function (shipId) {
- return this.shipsToSend.find(function (ship) {
- return ship.id === shipId;
- });
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getNumberOfShipsSelected = function (shipId) {
- let ship = this.findShip(shipId);
- if (ship !== undefined) {
- return ship.number;
- }
- return 0;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.hasShip = function (shipId) {
- return this.findShip(shipId) !== undefined;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.hasColonizationShip = function () {
- return this.hasShip(this.SHIP_ID_COLONIZATION);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.hasRecycler = function () {
- return this.hasShip(this.SHIP_ID_RECYCLER);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.hasValidTarget = function () {
- return (this.targetPlanet.galaxy !== this.currentPlanet.galaxy || this.targetPlanet.system !== this.currentPlanet.system || this.targetPlanet.position !== this.currentPlanet.position || this.targetPlanet.type !== this.currentPlanet.type) && this.targetPlanet.galaxy > 0 && this.targetPlanet.system > 0 && this.targetPlanet.position > 0;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.removeShip = function (shipId) {
- let shipIndex = this.shipsToSend.findIndex(function (ship) {
- return ship.id === shipId;
- });
- if (shipIndex != -1) {
- this.shipsToSend.splice(shipIndex, 1);
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateShip = function (shipId, number) {
- let ship = this.findShip(shipId);
- if (ship) {
- ship.number = number;
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getNumberOfShipsOnPlanet = function (shipId) {
- let ship = this.shipsOnPlanet.find(function (ship) {
- return ship.id === shipId;
- });
- if (ship) {
- return ship.number;
- }
- return 0;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getTotalNumberOfShipsSelected = function () {
- let numberOfShipsSelected = 0;
- this.shipsToSend.forEach(function (ship) {
- numberOfShipsSelected += ship.number;
- });
- return numberOfShipsSelected;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getShipIds = function () {
- return this.shipsToSend.map(function (ship) {
- return ship.id;
- });
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.resetShips = function () {
- this.shipsToSend = [];
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectAllShips = function () {
- let that = this;
- this.shipsOnPlanet.forEach(function (ship) {
- that.selectShip(ship.id, ship.number);
- });
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMaxShips = function (shipId) {
- let number = this.getNumberOfShipsOnPlanet(shipId);
- this.selectShip(shipId, number);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectShips = function (ships) {
- for (let shipId in ships) {
- let number = ships[shipId];
- this.selectShip(parseInt(shipId), number);
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectStandardFleet = function (standardFleetId) {
- let standardFleet = this.standardFleets.find(function (item) {
- return item.id === standardFleetId;
- });
- if (standardFleet === undefined || standardFleet.ships === undefined) {
- return;
- }
- this.selectShips(standardFleet.ships);
- * FLEET 2
- */
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.initFleet2 = function () {
- // @todo jquery is loaded twice
- addPercentageBarPlugin();
- initToggleHeader('fleet2'); // reorder fleet-box snippets based on settings
- let reorderFleetBox = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(this.fleetBoxOrder).sort(([, a], [, b]) => a - b));
- let parent = $("#fleet2 #buttonz");
- for (let fleetBox in reorderFleetBox) {
- let child = $("#fleet2 #buttonz #" + fleetBox);
- $(parent).append(child);
- }
- let that = this;
- let elem = $('#fleet2').off();
- $('#speedPercentage').percentageBar().on('change', function (e) {
- that.setFleetPercent(e.value);
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.find('#slbox').ogameDropDown();
- elem.find('#aksbox').ogameDropDown();
- elem.on('click', '#backToFleet1', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.switchToPage(FLEET_DISPATCH_PAGE1);
- }); // clear inputs on focus
- elem.on('focus', '#galaxy', function () {
- clearInput('#galaxy');
- that.targetPlanet.galaxy = '';
- that.refreshFleet2();
- });
- elem.on('focus', '#system', function () {
- clearInput('#system');
- that.targetPlanet.system = '';
- that.refreshFleet2();
- });
- elem.on('focus', '#position', function () {
- clearInput('#position');
- that.targetPlanet.position = '';
- that.refreshFleet2();
- });
- elem.on('keyup', '#galaxy, #system, #position', function (e) {
- let coordinatesCount = (1 * $("#galaxy").val() > 0 ? 1 : 0) + (1 * $("#system").val() > 0 ? 1 : 0) + (1 * $("#position").val() > 0 ? 1 : 0);
- that.updateTarget(coordinatesCount === 3);
- that.updateTargetDropDowns();
- that.refresh();
- if (coordinatesCount !== 3) {
- that.clearMissions();
- that.updateTargetDropDowns();
- }
- });
- elem.on('click', '#pbutton', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.clearMissions();
- that.setTargetType(that.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_PLANET);
- that.updateTargetDropDowns();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#mbutton', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.clearMissions();
- that.setTargetType(that.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_MOON);
- that.updateTargetDropDowns();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#dbutton', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.clearMissions();
- that.setTargetType(that.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_DEBRIS);
- that.updateTargetDropDowns();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('change', '#slbox', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectShortLink($(e.currentTarget));
- that.updateTarget();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('change', '#aksbox', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectCombatUnion($(e.currentTarget));
- that.updateTarget();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#selectMaxMetal', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectMaxMetal();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#selectMinMetal', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectMinMetal();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#selectMaxCrystal', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectMaxCrystal();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#selectMinCrystal', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectMinCrystal();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#selectMaxDeuterium', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectMaxDeuterium();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#selectMinDeuterium', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectMinDeuterium();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#selectMaxFood', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectMaxFood();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#selectMinFood', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectMinFood();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#allresources', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- that.selectMaxAll();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('keyup', '#metal', function (e) {
- that.updateMetal();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('change', '#metal', function (e) {
- that.updateMetal();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('keyup', '#crystal', function (e) {
- that.updateCrystal();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('change', '#crystal', function (e) {
- that.updateCrystal();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('keyup', '#deuterium', function (e) {
- that.updateDeuterium();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('change', '#deuterium', function (e) {
- that.updateDeuterium();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('keyup', '#food', function (e) {
- that.updateFood();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('change', '#food', function (e) {
- that.updateFood();
- that.refresh();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#sendFleet', async function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 250));
- that.trySubmitFleet2();
- });
- elem.on('click', '#missions > li > a', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- let mission = parseInt($(e.currentTarget).data('mission') || this.fleetHelper.MISSION_NONE);
- that.selectMission(mission);
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('click', '.prioButton', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- let type = $(e.currentTarget).attr('data-resource-type');
- let priority = parseInt($(e.currentTarget).attr('data-resource-prio'));
- that.selectPriority(type, priority);
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- FleetDispatcher.prototype.focusSendFleet = function () {
- $('#sendFleet').focus();
- };
- elem.on('change', 'input[name=retreatAfterDefenderRetreat]', function (e) {
- that.selectRetreatAfterDefenderRetreat($(e.currentTarget).is(':checked'));
- });
- elem.on('change', 'input[name=lootFoodOnAttack]', function (e) {
- that.selectLootFoodOnAttack($(e.currentTarget).is(':checked'));
- });
- elem.on('change keyup', '#holdingtime', function () {
- that.updateHoldingTime();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- elem.on('change keyup', '#expeditiontime', function (e) {
- that.updateExpeditionTime();
- that.refresh();
- that.focusSendFleet();
- });
- this.fetchTargetPlayerData();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.validateFleet2 = function () {
- if (!this.hasValidTarget() || !this.hasMission()) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.trySubmitFleet2 = function () {
- clearTimeout(this.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout);
- this.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout = null;
- let that = this; // call refreshNavigationFleet2 to show error messages if any
- this.refreshNavigationFleet2(true);
- if ($("#sendFleet.off").length === 1) {
- return;
- }
- if (this.validateFleet2() === false) {
- return;
- }
- if (this.moveInProgress) {
- errorBoxDecision(this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NETWORK_ATTENTION, this.loca.LOCA_PLANETMOVE_BREAKUP_WARNING, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_YES, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NO, function () {
- that.submitFleet2();
- });
- } else if (this.warningsEnabled && this.targetIsStrong && !this.targetIsOutlaw && !this.targetIsBuddyOrAllyMember && !this.playerIsOutlaw && this.fleetHelper.isAggressiveMission(this.mission)) {
- errorBoxDecision(this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NETWORK_ATTENTION, this.locadyn.locaAllOutlawWarning, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_YES, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NO, function () {
- that.submitFleet2();
- });
- } else if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_COLONIZE && this.fleetHelper.COLONIZATION_ENABLED === true && !this.hasFreePlanetSlots()) {
- errorBoxDecision(this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NOTICE, this.loca.LOCA_FLEETSENDING_MAX_PLANET_WARNING, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_YES, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NO, function () {
- that.submitFleet2();
- });
- } else {
- this.submitFleet2();
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshFleet2 = function () {
- this.refreshNavigationFleet2();
- this.refreshTarget();
- this.refreshBriefing();
- this.refreshCargo();
- this.refreshPriorities();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshTarget = function () {
- if (this.targetPlanet.type === this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_PLANET) {
- $('#pbutton').attr('class', 'planet_selected');
- } else {
- $('#pbutton').attr('class', 'planet');
- }
- if (this.targetPlanet.type === this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_DEBRIS) {
- $('#dbutton').attr('class', 'debris_selected');
- } else {
- $('#dbutton').attr('class', 'debris');
- }
- if (this.targetPlanet.type === this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_MOON) {
- $('#mbutton').attr('class', 'moon_selected');
- } else {
- $('#mbutton').attr('class', 'moon');
- }
- $('#galaxy').val(this.targetPlanet.galaxy);
- $('#system').val(this.targetPlanet.system);
- $('#position').val(this.targetPlanet.position);
- $('#type').val(this.targetPlanet.type);
- $('#distanceValue').html(tsdpkt(this.getDistance()));
- let planetName = this.getOwnPlanetName(this.targetPlanet, this.targetPlanet.type);
- if (planetName !== undefined && planetName !== '') {
- $('#targetPlanetName').html(planetName);
- } else if (this.targetPlanet.type === this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_PLANET) {
- $('#targetPlanetName').html(this.loca.LOCA_ALL_PLANET);
- } else if (this.targetPlanet.type === this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_DEBRIS) {
- $('#targetPlanetName').html(this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_DEBRIS);
- } else if (this.targetPlanet.type === this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_MOON) {
- $('#targetPlanetName').html(this.loca.LOCA_ALL_MOON);
- } // After we've chosen another Planet update the Missions
- this.refreshMissions();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshBriefing = function () {
- this.refreshDuration();
- this.refreshConsumption();
- this.refreshStorage();
- this.refreshFleetTimes();
- this.refreshMaxSpeed();
- this.refreshEmptySystems();
- this.refreshInactiveSystems();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshTargetPlanet = function () {
- let targetName = '[' + this.targetPlanet.galaxy + ':' + this.targetPlanet.system + ':' + this.targetPlanet.position + '] ' + (this.targetPlanet.type === this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_DEBRIS ? this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_DEBRIS : this.targetPlanet.name);
- let elem = $('#fleet2 #targetPlanet');
- let tooltip = this.targetInhabited === true ? this.loca.LOCA_ALL_PLAYER + ': ' + this.targetPlayerName : '';
- elem.toggleClass('tooltip', this.targetInhabited).toggleClass('active', this.targetInhabited).attr('title', tooltip).html(targetName);
- changeTooltip(elem);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshDuration = function () {
- let duration = this.getDuration();
- duration = !isNaN(duration) && isFinite(duration) ? duration : 0;
- $('#fleet2 #duration').html(formatTime(duration) + ' h');
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshConsumption = function () {
- let fuelCapacity = this.getFuelCapacity();
- let deuterium = getResourcesFromHeader('deuterium');
- let consumption = this.getConsumption();
- consumption = !isNaN(consumption) && isFinite(consumption) ? consumption : 0;
- let styleClass = consumption > fuelCapacity || consumption > deuterium ? 'overmark' : 'undermark';
- let fuelLevel = Math.ceil(100 * consumption / fuelCapacity);
- let htmlConsumption = '' + tsdpkt(consumption) + ' (' + fuelLevel + '%)';
- $('#fleet2 #consumption').html(htmlConsumption);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshStorage = function () {
- let cargoSpace = this.getFreeCargoSpace();
- let styleClass = cargoSpace < 0 ? 'overmark' : 'undermark';
- let htmlStorage = '' + tsdpkt(cargoSpace) + '';
- $('#storage').html(htmlStorage);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshFleetTimes = function () {
- let duration = this.getDuration();
- let holdingTime = 0;
- if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_EXPEDITION) {
- holdingTime = this.expeditionTime * 3600;
- }
- if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_HOLD) {
- holdingTime = this.holdingTime * 3600;
- }
- duration = !isNaN(duration) && isFinite(duration) ? duration : 0;
- holdingTime = !isNaN(holdingTime) && isFinite(holdingTime) ? holdingTime : 0;
- let arrivalTime = getFormatedDate(serverTime.getTime() + duration * 1000, '[d].[m].[y] [G]:[i]:[s]');
- let returnTime = getFormatedDate(serverTime.getTime() + (2 * duration + holdingTime) * 1000, '[d].[m].[y] [G]:[i]:[s]');
- $('#fleet2 #arrivalTime').html(arrivalTime);
- $('#fleet2 #returnTime').html(returnTime);
- if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_UNIONATTACK) {
- let union = this.getUnionData(this.union);
- if (union !== null) {
- let durationAKS = parseInt(union.time - serverTime.getTime() / 1000);
- let unionArrivalTime = formatTime(durationAKS);
- $('#durationAKS').html(unionArrivalTime);
- }
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshMaxSpeed = function () {
- let maxSpeed = this.getMaxSpeed();
- $('#maxspeed').html(tsdpkt(maxSpeed));
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshEmptySystems = function () {
- $('#emptySystems').html(this.emptySystems);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshInactiveSystems = function () {
- $('#inactiveSystems').html(this.inactiveSystems);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getPlanetIcon = function (planetType, showTooltip) {
- showTooltip = showTooltip || true;
- let className = '';
- let name = '';
- switch (planetType) {
- case this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_MOON:
- className = "moon";
- name = this.loca.LOCA_ALL_MOON;
- break;
- case this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_DEBRIS:
- className = "tf";
- name = this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_DEBRIS;
- break;
- case this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_PLANET:
- default:
- className = "planet";
- name = this.loca.LOCA_ALL_PLANET;
- }
- let title = '';
- if (showTooltip) {
- className += " tooltip js_hideTipOnMobile";
- title = ' title="' + name + '"';
- }
- return '';
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateTarget = function (fetch = true) {
- let galaxy = clampInt(getValue($('#galaxy').val()), 1, this.fleetHelper.MAX_GALAXY, true);
- let system = clampInt(getValue($('#system').val()), 1, this.fleetHelper.MAX_SYSTEM, true);
- let position = clampInt(getValue($('#position').val()), 1, this.fleetHelper.MAX_POSITION, true);
- this.targetPlanet.galaxy = galaxy;
- this.targetPlanet.system = system;
- this.targetPlanet.position = position;
- if (this.targetPlanet.position === this.fleetHelper.EXPEDITION_POSITION) {
- this.targetPlanet.type = this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_PLANET;
- }
- clearTimeout(this.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout);
- if (fetch && $('#fleet2').is(':visible')) {
- let that = this;
- this.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- that.deferred.push($.Deferred()); // check if this is the only target fetch in queue or there are other pending calls
- if (that.deferred.length === 1) {
- that.fetchTargetPlayerData();
- }
- that.deferred[that.deferred.length - 1].done(() => {
- if (that.deferred.length !== 0) {
- that.fetchTargetPlayerData();
- }
- });
- }, 500);
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateTargetDropDowns = function () {
- this.resetDropDown("#slbox");
- this.resetDropDown("#aksbox");
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.resetDropDown = function (elementId) {
- let coords = [this.targetPlanet.galaxy, this.targetPlanet.system, this.targetPlanet.position, this.targetPlanet.type].join('#');
- let selection = $(elementId).find("option[value^=\"" + coords + "\"]");
- if (selection.length === 0) {
- $(elementId).ogameDropDown('select', '-');
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectShortLink = function (elem) {
- let value = elem.val();
- let parts = value.split('#');
- if (parts instanceof Array && parts.length >= 5) {
- $('#galaxy').val(parts[0]);
- $('#system').val(parts[1]);
- $('#position').val(parts[2]);
- this.setTargetType(parseInt(parts[3]), true);
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetType = function (type, doNotFetchDataAboutTarget) {
- this.targetPlanet.type = type;
- if (!doNotFetchDataAboutTarget && $('#fleet2').is(':visible')) {
- clearTimeout(this.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout);
- this.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout = null;
- this.fetchTargetPlayerData();
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectCombatUnion = function (elem) {
- let value = elem.val();
- let parts = value.split('#');
- if (parts instanceof Array && parts.length >= 5) {
- $('#galaxy').val(parts[0]);
- $('#system').val(parts[1]);
- $('#position').val(parts[2]);
- this.setTargetType(parseInt(parts[3]), true);
- this.union = parseInt(parts[5]);
- } else {
- this.mission = this.fleetHelper.MISSION_NONE;
- this.union = 0;
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setFleetPercent = function (speedPercent) {
- this.speedPercent = speedPercent;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.findOwnPlanet = function (coords, type) {
- if (!coords) return undefined;
- if (!type) return undefined;
- let planet = this.planets.find(function (elem) {
- if (elem.galaxy != coords.galaxy) return false;
- if (elem.system != coords.system) return false;
- if (elem.position != coords.position) return false;
- if (elem.type != type) return false;
- return true;
- });
- return planet;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getOwnPlanetName = function (coords, type) {
- if (!coords) return undefined;
- if (!type) return undefined;
- let planet = this.findOwnPlanet(coords, type);
- if (planet) {
- return planet.name;
- }
- return undefined;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getDistance = function () {
- return this.fleetHelper.calcDistance(this.currentPlanet, this.targetPlanet, this.emptySystems, this.inactiveSystems);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getConsumption = function () {
- return this.fleetHelper.calcConsumption(this.shipsToSend, this.getDistance(), this.speedPercent, this.getHoldingTime(), this.mission);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getDuration = function () {
- let distance = this.getDistance();
- let maxSpeed = this.getMaxSpeed();
- return this.fleetHelper.calcDuration(distance, maxSpeed, this.speedPercent, this.mission);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getHoldingTime = function () {
- switch (this.mission) {
- case this.fleetHelper.MISSION_EXPEDITION:
- return this.expeditionTime;
- case this.fleetHelper.MISSION_HOLD:
- return this.holdingTime;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getMaxSpeed = function () {
- let shipIds = this.getShipIds();
- return this.fleetHelper.getMaxSpeed(shipIds);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getCargoCapacity = function () {
- let that = this;
- let cargoCapacity = 0;
- this.shipsToSend.forEach(function (ship) {
- cargoCapacity += that.fleetHelper.calcCargoCapacity(ship.id, ship.number);
- });
- return Math.floor(cargoCapacity);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getFuelCapacity = function () {
- let that = this;
- let fuelCapacity = 0;
- this.shipsToSend.forEach(function (ship) {
- fuelCapacity += that.fleetHelper.calcFuelCapacity(ship.id, ship.number);
- });
- return Math.floor(fuelCapacity);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getFreeCargoSpace = function () {
- return this.getCargoCapacity() - this.cargoMetal - this.cargoCrystal - this.cargoDeuterium - this.cargoFood;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getUsedCargoSpace = function () {
- return this.cargoMetal + this.cargoCrystal + this.cargoDeuterium + this.cargoFood;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setOrders = function (ordersNew) {
- this.orders = ordersNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetInhabited = function (inhabitedNew) {
- this.targetInhabited = inhabitedNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetPlayerId = function (targetPlayerIdNew) {
- this.targetPlayerId = targetPlayerIdNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetPlayerName = function (targetPlayerNameNew) {
- this.targetPlayerName = targetPlayerNameNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetIsStrong = function (targetIsStrongNew) {
- this.targetIsStrong = targetIsStrongNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetIsOutlaw = function (targetIsOutlawNew) {
- this.targetIsOutlaw = targetIsOutlawNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetIsBuddyOrAllyMember = function (targetIsBuddyOrAllyMemberNew) {
- this.targetIsBuddyOrAllyMember = targetIsBuddyOrAllyMemberNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setPlayerIsOutlaw = function (playerIsOutlawNew) {
- this.playerIsOutlaw = playerIsOutlawNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetPlayerColorClass = function (targetPlayerColorClassNew) {
- this.targetPlayerColorClass = targetPlayerColorClassNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetPlayerRankIcon = function (targetPlayerRankIconNew) {
- this.targetPlayerRankIcon = targetPlayerRankIconNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetPlanet = function (targetPlanetNew) {
- this.targetPlanet = targetPlanetNew;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.fetchTargetPlayerData = function () {
- if (!this.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout) {
- this.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout = true;
- }
- let that = this; // Prevent spaming the Planets (Destination)
- this.startLoading();
- let params = {};
- this.appendShipParams(params);
- this.appendTargetParams(params);
- this.appendTokenParams(params);
- params.union = this.union;
- if (this.hasColonizationShip()) {
- params.cs = 1;
- }
- if (this.hasRecycler()) {
- params.recycler = 1;
- }
- $.post(this.checkTargetUrl, params, function (response) {
- let data = JSON.parse(response);
- let status = data.status || 'failure';
- $("#additionalFleetSpeedInfo").html(data.additionalFlightSpeedinfo);
- that.fleetHelper.shipsData = data.shipsData;
- if (status === 'success') {
- let {
- targetPlanet
- } = data;
- if (targetPlanet && parseInt($('#galaxy').val()) === targetPlanet.galaxy && parseInt($('#system').val()) === targetPlanet.system && parseInt($('#position').val()) === targetPlanet.position) {
- that.refreshDataAfterAjax(data);
- that.refreshStatusBarFleet();
- }
- } else {
- that.setTargetPlayerNameOnStatusBarFleet();
- that.setTargetPlayerPlanetNameOnStatusBarFleet();
- if (that.currentPage === "fleet2") {
- that.clearMissions();
- that.updateTargetDropDowns();
- that.displayErrors(data.errors);
- }
- }
- if (that.currentPage === "fleet2") {
- if (that.mission !== that.fleetHelper.MISSION_NONE && !that.isMissionAvailable(that.mission)) {
- that.mission = that.fleetHelper.MISSION_NONE;
- } //select ACS attack if no mission is selected and if union is selected
- if (that.union !== 0 && that.hasMission() === false && that.isMissionAvailable(that.fleetHelper.MISSION_UNIONATTACK)) {
- that.selectMission(that.fleetHelper.MISSION_UNIONATTACK);
- }
- that.validateMissions();
- }
- that.updateToken(data.newAjaxToken);
- that.updateEmptySystems(data.emptySystems);
- that.updateInactiveSystems(data.inactiveSystems);
- that.refreshTargetPlanet();
- that.refreshFleet2();
- that.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout = null;
- that.stopLoading();
- if (data.bashingSystemLimitReached) {
- $('#attackMissionsDisabledBashingLimit').show();
- } else {
- $('#attackMissionsDisabledBashingLimit').hide();
- }
- let deferred = that.deferred.shift();
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- });
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetPlayerNameOnStatusBarFleet = function (serverResponse) {
- let elemTargetPlayerName = $('#statusBarFleet .targetPlayerName');
- let targetPlayerName = '';
- if (!serverResponse) {
- targetPlayerName = this.loca.LOCA_EVENTH_ENEMY_INFINITELY_SPACE;
- } else {
- if (serverResponse.targetPlanet && serverResponse.targetPlanet.type === this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_DEBRIS) {
- targetPlayerName = this.loca.LOCA_EVENTH_ENEMY_INFINITELY_SPACE;
- } else {
- if (!serverResponse.targetPlayerName) {
- targetPlayerName = this.loca.LOCA_EVENTH_ENEMY_INFINITELY_SPACE;
- } else if (serverResponse.targetPlayerId === this.playerId) {
- targetPlayerName = serverResponse.targetPlayerName;
- } else {
- targetPlayerName = serverResponse.targetPlayerRankIcon + '{name}';
- targetPlayerName = targetPlayerName.replace('{color}', serverResponse.targetPlayerColorClass);
- targetPlayerName = targetPlayerName.replace('{name}', serverResponse.targetPlayerName);
- }
- }
- }
- elemTargetPlayerName.closest('li').show();
- elemTargetPlayerName.html(targetPlayerName);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.setTargetPlayerPlanetNameOnStatusBarFleet = function (serverResponse) {
- let targetName;
- if (!serverResponse || serverResponse && !serverResponse.targetPlanet) {
- let planetIcon = this.getPlanetIcon(this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_PLANET, false);
- targetName = `[${$('#galaxy').val()}:${$('#system').val()}:${$('#position').val()}] ${planetIcon} ?`;
- } else {
- let planetIcon = this.getPlanetIcon(serverResponse.targetPlanet.type, false);
- targetName = '[' + serverResponse.targetPlanet.galaxy + ':' + serverResponse.targetPlanet.system + ':' + serverResponse.targetPlanet.position + '] ' + planetIcon + serverResponse.targetPlanet.name;
- }
- $('#statusBarFleet .targetName').html(targetName);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.submitFleet2 = function (force) {
- force = force || false;
- let that = this;
- let params = {};
- this.appendTokenParams(params);
- this.appendShipParams(params);
- this.appendTargetParams(params);
- this.appendCargoParams(params);
- this.appendPrioParams(params);
- params.mission = this.mission;
- params.speed = this.speedPercent;
- params.retreatAfterDefenderRetreat = this.retreatAfterDefenderRetreat === true ? 1 : 0;
- params.lootFoodOnAttack = this.lootFoodOnAttack === true ? 1 : 0;
- params.union = this.union;
- if (force) params.force = force;
- params.holdingtime = this.getHoldingTime();
- this.startLoading();
- $.post(this.sendFleetUrl, params, function (response) {
- let data = JSON.parse(response); // request successful
- if (data.success === true) {
- fadeBox(data.message, false);
- $("#sendFleet").removeAttr("disabled");
- window.location = data.redirectUrl;
- } // request failed
- else {
- // @TODO display confirmation popup to infringe bashlimit rules
- if (data.responseArray && data.responseArray.limitReached && !data.responseArray.force) {
- that.updateToken(data.newAjaxToken || '');
- errorBoxDecision(that.loca.LOCA_ALL_NETWORK_ATTENTION, that.locadyn.localBashWarning, that.loca.LOCA_ALL_YES, that.loca.LOCA_ALL_NO, function () {
- that.submitFleet2(true);
- });
- } else {
- that.displayErrors(data.errors);
- that.updateToken(data.newAjaxToken || '');
- $("#sendFleet").removeAttr("disabled");
- that.stopLoading();
- }
- }
- });
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshNavigationFleet2 = function (displayErrors = false) {
- let invalidInfo = null;
- const sendFleetElement = document.getElementById('sendFleet');
- if (!this.hasShipsSelected()) {
- sendFleetElement.classList.add('off');
- sendFleetElement.classList.remove('on');
- invalidInfo = this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_NO_SELECTION;
- } else if (!this.hasMission()) {
- sendFleetElement.classList.add('off');
- sendFleetElement.classList.remove('on');
- } else if (!this.hasFreeSlots()) {
- sendFleetElement.classList.add('off');
- sendFleetElement.classList.remove('on');
- invalidInfo = this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_NO_FREE_SLOTS;
- } else if (!this.hasEnoughFuel()) {
- sendFleetElement.classList.add('off');
- sendFleetElement.classList.remove('on');
- invalidInfo = this.loca.LOCA_FLEETSENDING_NOT_ENOUGH_FOIL;
- } else {
- sendFleetElement.classList.add('on');
- sendFleetElement.classList.remove('off');
- sendFleetElement.removeAttribute('disabled');
- }
- if (displayErrors && invalidInfo != null) {
- this.displayErrors([{
- message: invalidInfo
- }]);
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshStatusBarFleet = function () {
- this.hasValidTarget();
- let missionData = this.getMissionData(this.mission);
- let missionName = missionData !== null ? missionData.name : this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_NO_SELECTION;
- let planetIcon = this.getPlanetIcon(this.targetPlanet.type, false);
- let targetName = '[' + this.targetPlanet.galaxy + ':' + this.targetPlanet.system + ':' + this.targetPlanet.position + '] ' + planetIcon + (this.targetPlanet.type === this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_DEBRIS ? this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_DEBRIS : this.targetPlanet.name);
- $('#statusBarFleet .missionName').text(missionName);
- $('#statusBarFleet .targetName').html(targetName);
- let elemTargetPlayerName = $('#statusBarFleet .targetPlayerName');
- if (this.targetPlanet.type === this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_DEBRIS) {
- elemTargetPlayerName.closest('li').hide();
- elemTargetPlayerName.html('');
- } else {
- let targetPlayerName = '';
- if (this.targetPlayerId === 0 || this.fleetHelper.isPlayerSpace(this.targetPlayerId)) {
- targetPlayerName = this.loca.LOCA_EVENTH_ENEMY_INFINITELY_SPACE;
- } else if (this.targetPlayerId === this.playerId) {
- targetPlayerName = this.targetPlayerName;
- } else {
- targetPlayerName = this.targetPlayerRankIcon + '{name}';
- targetPlayerName = targetPlayerName.replace('{color}', this.targetPlayerColorClass);
- targetPlayerName = targetPlayerName.replace('{name}', this.targetPlayerName);
- }
- elemTargetPlayerName.closest('li').show();
- elemTargetPlayerName.html(targetPlayerName);
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.clearMissions = function () {
- this.mission = this.fleetHelper.MISSION_NONE;
- for (let order in this.orders) {
- this.orders[order] = false;
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.validateMissions = function () {
- let invalid = false;
- if (!this.hasShipsSelected()) {
- invalid = true;
- } else if (!this.hasFreeSlots()) {
- invalid = true;
- } else if (!this.hasValidTarget() || Object.values(this.orders).indexOf(true) === -1) {
- invalid = true;
- }
- if (invalid) {
- this.clearMissions();
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshMissions = function () {
- $('#missions>li>a.selected').removeClass('selected'); //select expedition if no mission is selected and if it is the only one available
- if (this.isOnlyMissionAvailable(this.fleetHelper.MISSION_EXPEDITION)) {
- if (this.hasMission() === false) {
- this.selectMission(this.fleetHelper.MISSION_EXPEDITION);
- }
- this.updateExpeditionTime();
- } // refresh mission buttons
- for (let mission in this.orders) {
- let missionData = this.getMissionData(mission);
- $('#missions>li#button' + mission).toggleClass('on', missionData.isAvailable === true).toggleClass('off', missionData.isAvailable === false);
- } // @TODO LOCA_FLEET_NO_SELECTION when no mission selected
- // refresh mission
- let missionData = this.getMissionData(this.mission);
- if (missionData !== null) {
- $('.missionName').text(missionData.name);
- $('.mission_description').text(missionData.description);
- $('#missions>li#button' + this.mission + '>a').toggleClass('selected', true);
- if (missionData.isAvailable === false) {
- $('.briefing_overlay').show();
- $('#missionNameWrapper').addClass('off');
- } else {
- $('.briefing_overlay').hide();
- $('#missionNameWrapper').removeClass('off');
- }
- } else {
- $('.briefing_overlay').show();
- $('#missionNameWrapper').addClass('off');
- $('.missionName').text(this.loca.LOCA_FLEET_NO_SELECTION);
- $('.mission_description').text('');
- }
- $('form input[name="mission"]').val(this.mission);
- $('#fightAfterRetreat,' + '#aks,' + '#holdtimeline,' + '#expeditiontimeline,' + '.prioButton,' + '.fleet_dispatch_toggle_wrap').hide();
- if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_ATTACK) {
- $('#fightAfterRetreat').show();
- $('.prioButton').show();
- $('.fleet_dispatch_toggle_wrap').show();
- }
- if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_UNIONATTACK) {
- $('#aks').show();
- $('.prioButton').show();
- $('.fleet_dispatch_toggle_wrap').show();
- }
- if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_DESTROY) {
- $('.prioButton').show();
- $('.fleet_dispatch_toggle_wrap').show();
- }
- if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_HOLD) {
- $('#holdtimeline').show();
- }
- if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_EXPEDITION) {
- $('#expeditiontimeline').show();
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshCargo = function () {
- formatNumber($('#metal'), this.cargoMetal);
- formatNumber($('#crystal'), this.cargoCrystal);
- formatNumber($('#deuterium'), this.cargoDeuterium);
- if (this.lifeformEnabled) {
- formatNumber($('#food'), this.cargoFood);
- }
- let cargoSpaceUsed = this.getUsedCargoSpace();
- let cargoSpaceFree = this.getFreeCargoSpace();
- let cargoCapacity = this.getCargoCapacity();
- let styleClass = cargoSpaceFree < 0 ? 'overmark' : 'undermark';
- $('#remainingresources').html('' + tsdpkt(cargoSpaceFree) + '');
- $('#maxresources').html(tsdpkt(cargoCapacity));
- $('#loadRoom .bar_container').data('currentAmount', cargoSpaceUsed).data('capacity', cargoCapacity);
- refreshBars('bar_container', 'filllevel_bar');
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshPriorities = function () {
- $('form input[name="prioMetal"]').val(this.prioMetal);
- $('form input[name="prioCrystal"]').val(this.prioCrystal);
- $('form input[name="prioDeuterium"]').val(this.prioDeuterium);
- if (this.lifeformEnabled) {
- $('form input[name="prioFood"]').val(this.prioFood);
- }
- $('#prioM1').attr('src', '/img/icons/4b53e83f8b8583ea279fd26f3a55a5.gif');
- $('#prioM2').attr('src', '/img/icons/8afbd59ffe091239a7c6f1e961b267.gif');
- $('#prioM3').attr('src', '/img/icons/4acc67e1ca4d8debb1b114abcb7c1e.gif');
- if (this.lifeformEnabled) {
- $('#prioM4').attr('src', '/img/icons/8860dee24c03537549ad782922b6b5.gif');
- }
- switch (this.prioMetal) {
- case 1:
- $('#prioM1').attr('src', '/img/icons/b357323b99e20a46fc0b2495728351.gif');
- break;
- case 2:
- $('#prioM2').attr('src', '/img/icons/f8959fe540cd329f3a764ad9aeaf93.gif');
- break;
- case 3:
- $('#prioM3').attr('src', '/img/icons/823b3270ed0f4a243287c12d4ee5f8.gif');
- break;
- case 4:
- $('#prioM4').attr('src', '/img/icons/43bf98a73ba1abb53860f2c5b8edc3.gif');
- break;
- }
- $('#prioC1').attr('src', '/img/icons/4b53e83f8b8583ea279fd26f3a55a5.gif');
- $('#prioC2').attr('src', '/img/icons/8afbd59ffe091239a7c6f1e961b267.gif');
- $('#prioC3').attr('src', '/img/icons/4acc67e1ca4d8debb1b114abcb7c1e.gif');
- if (this.lifeformEnabled) {
- $('#prioC4').attr('src', '/img/icons/8860dee24c03537549ad782922b6b5.gif');
- }
- switch (this.prioCrystal) {
- case 1:
- $('#prioC1').attr('src', '/img/icons/b357323b99e20a46fc0b2495728351.gif');
- break;
- case 2:
- $('#prioC2').attr('src', '/img/icons/f8959fe540cd329f3a764ad9aeaf93.gif');
- break;
- case 3:
- $('#prioC3').attr('src', '/img/icons/823b3270ed0f4a243287c12d4ee5f8.gif');
- break;
- case 4:
- $('#prioC4').attr('src', '/img/icons/43bf98a73ba1abb53860f2c5b8edc3.gif');
- break;
- }
- $('#prioD1').attr('src', '/img/icons/4b53e83f8b8583ea279fd26f3a55a5.gif');
- $('#prioD2').attr('src', '/img/icons/8afbd59ffe091239a7c6f1e961b267.gif');
- $('#prioD3').attr('src', '/img/icons/4acc67e1ca4d8debb1b114abcb7c1e.gif');
- if (this.lifeformEnabled) {
- $('#prioD4').attr('src', '/img/icons/8860dee24c03537549ad782922b6b5.gif');
- }
- switch (this.prioDeuterium) {
- case 1:
- $('#prioD1').attr('src', '/img/icons/b357323b99e20a46fc0b2495728351.gif');
- break;
- case 2:
- $('#prioD2').attr('src', '/img/icons/f8959fe540cd329f3a764ad9aeaf93.gif');
- break;
- case 3:
- $('#prioD3').attr('src', '/img/icons/823b3270ed0f4a243287c12d4ee5f8.gif');
- break;
- case 4:
- $('#prioD4').attr('src', '/img/icons/43bf98a73ba1abb53860f2c5b8edc3.gif');
- break;
- }
- if (this.lifeformEnabled) {
- $('#prioF1').attr('src', '/img/icons/4b53e83f8b8583ea279fd26f3a55a5.gif');
- $('#prioF2').attr('src', '/img/icons/8afbd59ffe091239a7c6f1e961b267.gif');
- $('#prioF3').attr('src', '/img/icons/4acc67e1ca4d8debb1b114abcb7c1e.gif');
- $('#prioF4').attr('src', '/img/icons/8860dee24c03537549ad782922b6b5.gif');
- switch (this.prioFood) {
- case 1:
- $('#prioF1').attr('src', '/img/icons/b357323b99e20a46fc0b2495728351.gif');
- break;
- case 2:
- $('#prioF2').attr('src', '/img/icons/f8959fe540cd329f3a764ad9aeaf93.gif');
- break;
- case 3:
- $('#prioF3').attr('src', '/img/icons/823b3270ed0f4a243287c12d4ee5f8.gif');
- break;
- case 4:
- $('#prioF4').attr('src', '/img/icons/43bf98a73ba1abb53860f2c5b8edc3.gif');
- break;
- }
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.isMissionAvailable = function (missionId) {
- return this.orders[missionId] === true;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.hasMission = function () {
- return this.fleetHelper.isMissionValid(this.mission) && this.isMissionAvailable(this.mission);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.hasFreePlanetSlots = function () {
- return this.planetCount < this.fleetHelper.MAX_NUMBER_OF_PLANETS;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getAvailableMissions = function () {
- let missions = [];
- for (let mission in this.orders) {
- if (this.orders[mission] === true) {
- missions.push(parseInt(mission));
- }
- }
- return missions;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.isOnlyMissionAvailable = function (missionId) {
- let missionsAvailable = this.getAvailableMissions();
- return missionsAvailable.length === 1 && missionsAvailable[0] === missionId;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getMissionData = function (missionId) {
- if (missionId === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_NONE) {
- return null;
- }
- return {
- isAvailable: this.orders[missionId] || false,
- name: this.orderNames[missionId] || '',
- description: this.orderDescriptions[missionId] || ''
- };
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getUnionData = function (unionId) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.unions.length; ++i) {
- if (this.unions[i].id === unionId) {
- return this.unions[i];
- }
- }
- return null;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMaxMetal = function () {
- let amount;
- amount = this.getCargoCapacity() - this.cargoCrystal - this.cargoDeuterium - this.cargoFood;
- amount = Math.max(amount, 0);
- amount = Math.min(amount, this.metalOnPlanet);
- this.cargoMetal = Math.max(this.cargoMetal, amount);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMinMetal = function () {
- this.cargoMetal = 0;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMaxCrystal = function () {
- let amount;
- amount = this.getCargoCapacity() - this.cargoMetal - this.cargoDeuterium - this.cargoFood;
- amount = Math.max(amount, 0);
- amount = Math.min(amount, this.crystalOnPlanet);
- this.cargoCrystal = Math.max(this.cargoCrystal, amount);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.getDeuteriumOnPlanetWithoutConsumption = function () {
- return Math.max(0, this.deuteriumOnPlanet - this.getConsumption());
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMinCrystal = function () {
- this.cargoCrystal = 0;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMaxDeuterium = function () {
- let amount;
- amount = this.getCargoCapacity() - this.cargoMetal - this.cargoCrystal - this.cargoFood;
- amount = Math.max(amount, 0);
- amount = Math.min(amount, this.getDeuteriumOnPlanetWithoutConsumption());
- this.cargoDeuterium = Math.max(this.cargoDeuterium, amount);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMinDeuterium = function () {
- this.cargoDeuterium = 0;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMaxFood = function () {
- let amount;
- amount = this.getCargoCapacity() - this.cargoMetal - this.cargoCrystal - this.cargoDeuterium;
- amount = Math.max(amount, 0);
- amount = Math.min(amount, this.foodOnPlanet);
- this.cargoFood = Math.max(this.cargoFood, amount);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMinFood = function () {
- this.cargoFood = 0;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMaxAll = function () {
- this.cargoMetal = 0;
- this.cargoCrystal = 0;
- this.cargoDeuterium = 0;
- this.selectMaxDeuterium();
- this.selectMaxCrystal();
- this.selectMaxMetal();
- if ($("#food_box").length) {
- this.cargoFood = 0;
- this.selectMaxFood();
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.resetCargo = function () {
- this.cargoMetal = 0;
- this.cargoCrystal = 0;
- this.cargoDeuterium = 0;
- this.cargoFood = 0;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateCargo = function () {
- this.updateMetal();
- this.updateCrystal();
- this.updateDeuterium();
- if ($("#food_box").length) {
- this.updateFood();
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateMetal = function () {
- let amount = getValue($('#metal').val());
- let cargoSpace = this.getCargoCapacity() - this.cargoCrystal - this.cargoDeuterium - this.cargoFood;
- this.cargoMetal = Math.min(amount, this.metalOnPlanet, cargoSpace);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateCrystal = function () {
- let amount = getValue($('#crystal').val());
- let cargoSpace = this.getCargoCapacity() - this.cargoMetal - this.cargoDeuterium - this.cargoFood;
- this.cargoCrystal = Math.min(amount, this.crystalOnPlanet, cargoSpace);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateDeuterium = function () {
- let amount = getValue($('#deuterium').val());
- let cargoSpace = this.getCargoCapacity() - this.cargoMetal - this.cargoCrystal - this.cargoFood;
- let deuteriumOnPlanetWithoutConsumption = this.getDeuteriumOnPlanetWithoutConsumption();
- this.cargoDeuterium = Math.min(amount, this.deuteriumOnPlanet, cargoSpace, deuteriumOnPlanetWithoutConsumption);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateFood = function () {
- if (!this.lifeformEnabled) return;
- let amount = getValue($('#food').val());
- let cargoSpace = this.getCargoCapacity() - this.cargoMetal - this.cargoCrystal - this.cargoDeuterium;
- this.cargoFood = Math.min(amount, this.foodOnPlanet, cargoSpace);
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectMission = function (mission) {
- if (this.fleetHelper.isMissionValid(mission)) {
- this.mission = mission;
- }
- this.updateHoldingTime();
- this.updateExpeditionTime();
- this.refresh();
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectRetreatAfterDefenderRetreat = function (retreatAfterDefenderRetreat) {
- this.retreatAfterDefenderRetreat = retreatAfterDefenderRetreat;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectLootFoodOnAttack = function (lootFoodOnAttack) {
- this.lootFoodOnAttack = lootFoodOnAttack;
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateHoldingTime = function () {
- if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_HOLD) {
- this.holdingTime = getValue($('#fleet2 #holdingtime').val());
- } else {
- this.holdingTime = 0;
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateExpeditionTime = function () {
- if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_EXPEDITION) {
- this.expeditionTime = getValue($('#fleet2 #expeditiontime').val());
- } else {
- this.expeditionTime = 0;
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.selectPriority = function (type, priority) {
- if (!this.lifeformEnabled && priority === 4) return;
- switch (type) {
- case 'metal':
- if (this.prioMetal === priority) break;
- if (this.prioCrystal === priority) this.prioCrystal = this.prioMetal;
- if (this.prioDeuterium === priority) this.prioDeuterium = this.prioMetal;
- if (this.prioFood === priority) this.prioFood = this.prioMetal;
- this.prioMetal = priority;
- break;
- case 'crystal':
- if (this.prioCrystal === priority) break;
- if (this.prioMetal === priority) this.prioMetal = this.prioCrystal;
- if (this.prioDeuterium === priority) this.prioDeuterium = this.prioCrystal;
- if (this.prioFood === priority) this.prioFood = this.prioCrystal;
- this.prioCrystal = priority;
- break;
- case 'deuterium':
- if (this.prioDeuterium === priority) break;
- if (this.prioMetal === priority) this.prioMetal = this.prioDeuterium;
- if (this.prioCrystal === priority) this.prioCrystal = this.prioDeuterium;
- if (this.prioFood === priority) this.prioFood = this.prioDeuterium;
- this.prioDeuterium = priority;
- break;
- case 'food':
- if (this.prioFood === priority) break;
- if (this.prioMetal === priority) this.prioMetal = this.prioFood;
- if (this.prioCrystal === priority) this.prioCrystal = this.prioFood;
- if (this.prioDeuterium === priority) this.prioDeuterium = this.prioFood;
- this.prioFood = priority;
- break;
- }
-FleetDispatcher.prototype.refreshDataAfterAjax = function (data) {
- this.setOrders(data.orders);
- this.setTargetInhabited(data.targetInhabited);
- this.setTargetPlayerId(data.targetPlayerId);
- this.setTargetPlayerName(data.targetPlayerName);
- this.setTargetIsStrong(data.targetIsStrong);
- this.setTargetIsOutlaw(data.targetIsOutlaw);
- this.setTargetIsBuddyOrAllyMember(data.targetIsBuddyOrAllyMember);
- this.setTargetPlayerColorClass(data.targetPlayerColorClass);
- this.setTargetPlayerRankIcon(data.targetPlayerRankIcon);
- this.setPlayerIsOutlaw(data.playerIsOutlaw);
- this.setTargetPlanet(data.targetPlanet);
-function FleetHelper(cfg) {
- // player specific ship data
- this.shipsData = cfg.shipsData; // game constants
- this.PLAYER_ID_SPACE = cfg.PLAYER_ID_SPACE; // mission constants
- this.MISSION_NONE = cfg.missions.MISSION_NONE;
- this.MISSION_ATTACK = cfg.missions.MISSION_ATTACK;
- this.MISSION_DEPLOY = cfg.missions.MISSION_DEPLOY;
- this.MISSION_HOLD = cfg.missions.MISSION_HOLD;
- this.MISSION_EXPEDITION = cfg.missions.MISSION_EXPEDITION; // galaxy related constants
- this.EXPEDITION_POSITION = cfg.EXPEDITION_POSITION; // fleet related constants
-FleetHelper.prototype.isPlayerSpace = function (playerId) {
- return playerId === this.PLAYER_ID_SPACE;
-FleetHelper.prototype.isPlayerLegor = function (playerId) {
- return playerId === this.PLAYER_ID_LEGOR;
-FleetHelper.prototype.calcDistance = function (from, to, emptySystems, inactiveSystems) {
- let diffGalaxy = Math.abs(from.galaxy - to.galaxy);
- let diffSystem = Math.abs(from.system - to.system);
- let diffPlanet = Math.abs(from.position - to.position);
- if (diffGalaxy != 0) {
- let diff2 = Math.abs(diffGalaxy - this.MAX_GALAXY);
- if (this.DONUT_GALAXY == 1 && diff2 < diffGalaxy) {
- return diff2 * 20000;
- } else {
- return diffGalaxy * 20000;
- }
- } else if (diffSystem != 0) {
- let diff2 = Math.abs(diffSystem - this.MAX_SYSTEM);
- let deltaSystem = 0;
- if (this.DONUT_SYSTEM == 1 && diff2 < diffSystem) {
- deltaSystem = diff2;
- } else {
- deltaSystem = diffSystem;
- }
- deltaSystem = Math.max(deltaSystem - emptySystems - inactiveSystems, 1);
- return deltaSystem * 5 * 19 + 2700;
- } else if (diffPlanet != 0) {
- return diffPlanet * 5 + 1000;
- } else {
- return 5;
- }
-FleetHelper.prototype.getFleetSpeedFaktor = function (mission) {
- let holding = [this.MISSION_HOLD];
- if (peaceful.includes(mission)) return this.SPEEDFAKTOR_FLEET_PEACEFUL;else if (war.includes(mission)) return this.SPEEDFAKTOR_FLEET_WAR;else if (holding.includes(mission)) return this.SPEEDFAKTOR_FLEET_HOLDING;else return 0;
-FleetHelper.prototype.calcDuration = function (distance, maxSpeed, speedPercent, mission) {
- mission = mission || this.MISSION_NONE;
- return Math.max(Math.round((35000 / speedPercent * Math.sqrt(distance * 10 / maxSpeed) + 10) / this.getFleetSpeedFaktor(mission)), 1);
-FleetHelper.prototype.calcConsumption = function (ships, distance, speedPercent, holdingTime, mission) {
- mission = mission || this.MISSION_NONE;
- let that = this;
- let consumption = 0;
- let holdingCosts = 0;
- let shipIds = ships.map(function (ship) {
- return ship.id;
- });
- let maxSpeed = this.getMaxSpeed(shipIds);
- let duration = this.calcDuration(distance, maxSpeed, speedPercent, mission);
- let speedValue = Math.max(0.5, duration * this.getFleetSpeedFaktor(mission) - 10);
- ships.forEach(function (ship) {
- if (ship.number) {
- let shipData = that.getShipData(ship.id);
- let shipSpeedValue = 35000 / speedValue * Math.sqrt(distance * 10 / shipData.speed);
- holdingCosts += shipData.fuelConsumption * ship.number * holdingTime;
- consumption += Math.max(shipData.fuelConsumption * ship.number * distance / 35000 * (shipSpeedValue / 10 + 1) * (shipSpeedValue / 10 + 1), 1);
- }
- });
- consumption = Math.round(consumption);
- consumption += holdingTime > 0 ? Math.max(Math.floor(holdingCosts / 10), 1) : 0;
- return consumption;
-FleetHelper.prototype.calcCargoCapacity = function (shipId, number) {
- let shipData = this.getShipData(shipId);
- return Math.floor(shipData.baseCargoCapacity * number);
-FleetHelper.prototype.calcFuelCapacity = function (shipId, number) {
- let shipData = this.getShipData(shipId);
- return shipData.baseFuelCapacity * number;
-FleetHelper.prototype.getMaxSpeed = function (shipIds) {
- let that = this;
- let speeds = [];
- shipIds.forEach(function (shipId) {
- let shipData = that.getShipData(shipId);
- if (shipData && shipData.speed) speeds.push(shipData.speed);
- });
- let maxSpeed = speeds.reduce(function (a, b) {
- return Math.min(a, b);
- }, 1000000000);
- return maxSpeed;
-FleetHelper.prototype.getShipData = function (shipId) {
- // shipsData is undefined when you switch to fast
- // the Planets (Target Planet)
- if (typeof this.shipsData === 'undefined') return null;
- return this.shipsData[shipId];
-FleetHelper.prototype.isAggressiveMission = function (mission) {
- switch (mission) {
- case this.MISSION_ATTACK:
- case this.MISSION_DESTROY:
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-FleetHelper.prototype.isMissionValid = function (mission) {
- switch (mission) {
- case this.MISSION_ATTACK:
- case this.MISSION_DEPLOY:
- case this.MISSION_HOLD:
- case this.MISSION_RECYCLE:
- case this.MISSION_DESTROY:
- return true;
- }
- return false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/js/inventory.js b/public/js/inventory.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b076b89..00000000
--- a/public/js/inventory.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-inventoryObj = {
- currentPage: null,
- currentItems: null,
- currentItem: null,
- currentCategory: null,
- initalizeSlider: function (R, N, P, U, O, al, ac, ai, S) {
- if (inventoryObj.currentItems == R && typeof(al) == "undefined" || al == false) {
- return
- }
- inventoryObj.currentItems = R;
- O = O || "slideIn";
- ac = ac || "tooltipHTML js_hideTipOnMobile";
- if (typeof(ai) == "undefined") {
- ai = true
- }
- if (typeof(S) == "undefined") {
- S = true
- }
- $("#" + N + "Box").remove(".anythingSlider");
- var ag = [];
- var af = 0;
- for (var M in R) {
- var W = R[M];
- if (typeof(W.hide) != "undefined" && W.hide) {
- continue
- }
- if (inventoryObj.currentPage == "shop" || inventoryObj.currentPage == "inventory") {
- var T = af % inventoryObj.itemsPerSlide;
- ag[af + (2 * (T % 3)) - 2 * Math.floor(T / 3)] = W
- } else {
- ag[af] = W
- }
- af++
- }
- var Q = 0, I = 0, L = $('
- for (var ak = ag.length; I < ak; I++) {
- if (typeof(ag[I]) == "undefined") {
- K.append('
- continue
- }
- var W = ag[I];
- if (I % inventoryObj.itemsPerSlide == 0) {
- var K = $('').appendTo(L);
- Q++
- }
- var aj, V, Z;
- if (inventoryObj.currentPage == "shop") {
- aj = getNumberFormatShort(W.costs, null) + " " + loca.currency[W.currency];
- V = "price"
- } else {
- aj = getNumberFormatShort(W.amount);
- V = "amount"
- }
- var Y;
- if (ai) {
- Y = W.imageLarge + "-75x.png"
- } else {
- Y = W.imageLarge + "-100x.png"
- }
- var X;
- if (W.canBeActivated || W.canBeBoughtAndActivated) {
- X = "enabled"
- } else {
- X = "disabled"
- }
- if (W.isReduced) {
- Z = ''
- } else {
- Z = ""
- }
- var ad = (W.timeLeft != null) ? " js_is_active " : "";
- var ae = "";
- var aa = W.title;
- if (N.indexOf("js_activeItemSlider") != -1) {
- aa = "";
- ae = (W.timeLeft != null) ? '' + W.timeLeft + "" : ""
- }
- var ab = "";
- if (W.timeLeft != null && N.indexOf("js_activeItemSlider") != -1) {
- ab = ''
- }
- var ah = "";
- if ($.inArray(birthdayCategory, W.category) != -1) {
- ah = ''
- }
- K.append('