diff --git a/docs/cassettes/summarization_0c8d41e4-664d-46f4-94e9-248971d428a6.yaml b/docs/cassettes/summarization_0c8d41e4-664d-46f4-94e9-248971d428a6.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index fa876acc9fcd7..0000000000000 --- a/docs/cassettes/summarization_0c8d41e4-664d-46f4-94e9-248971d428a6.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,412 +0,0 @@ -interactions: -- request: - body: null - headers: - Accept: - - '*/*' - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - User-Agent: - - python-requests/2.32.3 - method: GET - uri: https://mermaid.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?bgColor=!white - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/4gHYSUNDX1BST0ZJTEUAAQEAAAHIAAAAAAQwAABtbnRyUkdC - IFhZWiAH4AABAAEAAAAAAABhY3NwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAA9tYAAQAA - AADTLQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlk - ZXNjAAAA8AAAACRyWFlaAAABFAAAABRnWFlaAAABKAAAABRiWFlaAAABPAAAABR3dHB0AAABUAAA - ABRyVFJDAAABZAAAAChnVFJDAAABZAAAAChiVFJDAAABZAAAAChjcHJ0AAABjAAAADxtbHVjAAAA - AAAAAAEAAAAMZW5VUwAAAAgAAAAcAHMAUgBHAEJYWVogAAAAAAAAb6IAADj1AAADkFhZWiAAAAAA - AABimQAAt4UAABjaWFlaIAAAAAAAACSgAAAPhAAAts9YWVogAAAAAAAA9tYAAQAAAADTLXBhcmEA - AAAAAAQAAAACZmYAAPKnAAANWQAAE9AAAApbAAAAAAAAAABtbHVjAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAMZW5VUwAA - ACAAAAAcAEcAbwBvAGcAbABlACAASQBuAGMALgAgADIAMAAxADb/2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwME - BQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT/2wBDAQME - BAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQU - FBQUFBT/wAARCAITAWgDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHQABAAIDAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAUGBAcIAwIBCf/E - AFgQAAEEAQMBAggHDAgCCAMJAAEAAgMEBQYREgcTIRQVIjFBVpTTCBYXUVTR0iMkMjZCUlVhdJKy - 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\n LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\n - \

Date: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\n\n
\n - \
\n \n Table of Contents\n \n\n \n
\n\n - \

Building agents with LLM (large language - model) as its core controller is a cool concept. Several proof-of-concepts - demos, such as AutoGPT, - GPT-Engineer and - BabyAGI, serve as - inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating well-written - copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful general - problem solver.


Agent System Overview


In - a LLM-powered autonomous agent system, LLM functions as the agent’s - brain, complemented by several key components:

  • Planning\n
    • Subgoal - and decomposition: The agent breaks down large tasks into smaller, manageable - subgoals, enabling efficient handling of complex tasks.
    • \n
    • Reflection - and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism and self-reflection over past - actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for future steps, thereby improving - the quality of final results.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Memory\n
    • Short-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt - Engineering) as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.
    • \n
    • Long-term - memory: This provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) - information over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector - store and fast retrieval.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Tool use\n
    • The - agent learns to call external APIs for extra information that is missing from - the model weights (often hard to change after pre-training), including current - information, code execution capability, access to proprietary information - sources and more.
    • \n
  • \n
Fig. 1. Overview of - a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.

Component - One: Planning


A - complicated task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what - they are and plan ahead.


Task Decomposition


Chain - of thought (CoT; Wei - et al. 2022) has become a standard prompting technique for enhancing model - performance on complex tasks. The model is instructed to “think step - by step” to utilize more test-time computation to decompose hard tasks - into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms big tasks into multiple manageable - tasks and shed lights into an interpretation of the model’s thinking - process.


Tree of Thoughts (Yao - et al. 2023) extends CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities - at each step. It first decomposes the problem into multiple thought steps - and generates multiple thoughts per step, creating a tree structure. The search - process can be BFS (breadth-first search) or DFS (depth-first search) with - each state evaluated by a classifier (via a prompt) or majority vote.


Task - decomposition can be done (1) by LLM with simple prompting like "Steps - for XYZ.\\n1.", "What are the subgoals for achieving - XYZ?", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. "Write - a story outline." for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.


Another - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu - et al. 2023), involves relying on an external classical planner to do - long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the planning problem. - In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into “Problem PDDL”, - then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based on an - existing “Domain PDDL”, and finally (3) translates the PDDL plan - back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced to - an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many - other domains.




Self-reflection - is a vital aspect that allows autonomous agents to improve iteratively by - refining past action decisions and correcting previous mistakes. It plays - a crucial role in real-world tasks where trial and error are inevitable.


ReAct (Yao - et al. 2023) integrates reasoning and acting within LLM by extending the - action space to be a combination of task-specific discrete actions and the - language space. The former enables LLM to interact with the environment (e.g. - use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting LLM to generate reasoning - traces in natural language.


The ReAct prompt template incorporates - explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:

-        ...\nAction: ...\nObservation: ...\n... (Repeated many times)\n
Fig. - 2. Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. - HotpotQA, FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image - source: Yao - et al. 2023).

In both experiments on knowledge-intensive - tasks and decision-making tasks, ReAct works better than the - Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step is - removed.


Reflexion (Shinn - & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents with dynamic memory - and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. Reflexion has - a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple binary reward - and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific action - space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may - decide to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on - the self-reflection results.

Fig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion - framework. (Image source: Shinn - & Labash, 2023)

The heuristic function determines when - the trajectory is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. - Inefficient planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. - Hallucination is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical - actions that lead to the same observation in the environment.


Self-reflection - is created by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair - of (failed trajectory, ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the - plan). Then reflections are added into the agent’s working memory, up - to three, to be used as context for querying LLM.

Fig. 4. Experiments - on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination is a more common failure than - inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: Shinn & Labash, 2023)

Chain - of Hindsight (CoH; Liu - et al. 2023) encourages the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly - presenting it with a sequence of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. - Human feedback data is a collection of $D_h = \\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\}_{i=1}^n$, - where $x$ is the prompt, each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human - rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. - Assume the feedback tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\geq r_{n-1} \\geq - \\dots \\geq r_1$ The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is - a sequence in the form of $\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\dots, z_n, - y_n)$, where $\\leq i \\leq j \\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict - $y_n$ where conditioned on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect - to produce better output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally - receive multiple rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.


To - avoid overfitting, CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood - of the pre-training dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there - are many common words in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of - past tokens during training.


The training dataset in their experiments - is a combination of WebGPT - comparisons, summarization - from human feedback and human - preference dataset.

Fig. 5. After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions - to produce outputs with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: - Liu et al. - 2023)

The idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially - improved outputs in context and train the model to take on the trend to produce - better outputs. Algorithm Distillation (AD; Laskin - et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode trajectories in reinforcement - learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated in a long history-conditioned - policy. Considering that an agent interacts with the environment many times - and in each episode the agent gets a little better, AD concatenates this learning - history and feeds that into the model. Hence we should expect the next predicted - action to lead to better performance than previous trials. The goal is to - learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific policy itself.

Fig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) works. -
(Image source: Laskin - et al. 2023).

The paper hypothesizes that any algorithm - that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a neural - network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data is - generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. At - the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.


In reality, the model has limited context window - length, so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. - Multi-episodic contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal - in-context RL algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough - context.


In comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert - distillation, behavior cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning - history), source policy (used for generating trajectories for distillation - by UCB), - RL^2 (Duan et al. 2017; used - as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context RL with - performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and learns - much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training history - of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.

Fig. 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments - that require memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source - policies are trained with A3C for \"dark\" environments and DQN for watermaze.
(Image source: Laskin et al. 2023)

Component - Two: Memory


(Big - thank you to ChatGPT for helping me draft this section. I’ve learned - a lot about the human brain and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations - with ChatGPT.)


Types of Memory


Memory can be - defined as the processes used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve - information. There are several types of memory in human brains.

  1. \n

    Sensory - Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, providing the ability - to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, auditory, etc) after - the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically only lasts for up - to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), echoic memory - (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).

  2. \n
  3. \n

    Short-Term - Memory (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information - that we are currently aware of and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks - such as learning and reasoning. Short-term memory is believed to have the - capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.

  4. \n
  5. \n

    Long-Term - Memory (LTM): Long-term memory can store information for a remarkably - long time, ranging from a few days to decades, with an essentially unlimited - storage capacity. There are two subtypes of LTM:

    • Explicit / - declarative memory: This is memory of facts and events, and refers to those - memories that can be consciously recalled, including episodic memory (events - and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).
    • \n
    • Implicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.
    • \n
  6. \n
Fig. 8. Categorization of human memory.

We - can roughly consider the following mappings:

  • Sensory memory - as learning embedding representations for raw inputs, including text, image - or other modalities;
  • \n
  • Short-term memory as in-context learning. It - is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite context window length - of Transformer.
  • \n
  • Long-term memory as the external vector store that - the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.
  • \n

Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)


The - external memory can alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A - standard practice is to save the embedding representation of information into - a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product search - (MIPS). - To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k - nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.


A - couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:

  • LSH - (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such - that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.
  • \n
  • ANNOY (Approximate - Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection - trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane - splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees - are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing - function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search through - the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. The - idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.
  • \n
  • HNSW - (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small - world networks where most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within - a small number of steps; e.g. “six degrees of separation” feature - of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, - where the bottom layers contain the actual data points. The layers in the - middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW - starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards the target. - When it can’t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, until - it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.
  • \n
  • FAISS - (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high - dimensional space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution - and thus there should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies - vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters and then - refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.
  • \n
  • ScaNN - (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic - vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\tilde{x}_i$ - such that the inner product $\\langle q, x_i \\rangle$ is as similar to the - original distance of $\\angle q, \\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking - the closet quantization centroid points.
  • \n
Fig. 9. Comparison - of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)

Check more MIPS - algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.


Component Three: Tool Use


Tool - use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We - create, modify and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our - physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly - extend the model capabilities.

Fig. 10. A picture of a sea otter - using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. While some - other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with humans. - (Image source: Animals using tools)

MRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for “Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language”, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a - collection of “expert” modules and the general-purpose LLM works - as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules - can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, - currency converter, weather API).


They did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how - to use the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.


Both - TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; Parisi - et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick - et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset - is expanded based on whether a newly added API call annotation can improve - the quality of model outputs. See more details in the “External - APIs” section of Prompt Engineering.


ChatGPT Plugins - and OpenAI API function - calling are good examples of LLMs augmented with tool use capability working - in practice. The collection of tool APIs can be provided by other developers - (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function calls).


HuggingGPT - (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework - to use ChatGPT as the task planner to select models available in HuggingFace - platform according to the model descriptions and summarize the response based - on the execution results.

Fig. 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT - works. (Image source: Shen - et al. 2023)

The system comprises of 4 stages:


(1) - Task planning: LLM works as the brain and parses the user requests - into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated with each task: - task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot examples to - guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.



\nThe AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: - [{\"task\": task, \"id\", task_id, \"dep\": dependency_task_ids, \"args\": - {\"text\": text, \"image\": URL, \"audio\": URL, \"video\": URL}}]. The \"dep\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \"-task_id\" refers to - the generated text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as - task_id. The task MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available - Task List }}. There is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their - order. If the user input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here - are several cases for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history - is recorded as {{ Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the - path of the user-mentioned resources for your task planning.\n

(2) - Model selection: LLM distributes the tasks to expert models, where - the request is framed as a multiple-choice question. LLM is presented with - a list of models to choose from. Due to the limited context length, task type - based filtration is needed.



\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to - select a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. - The AI assistant merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. - The output must be in a strict JSON format: \"id\": \"id\", \"reason\": \"your - detail reason for the choice\". We have a list of models for you to choose - from {{ Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\n

(3) - Task execution: Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log - results.



\nWith the input - and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the process - and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User Input - }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, Task - Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request in - a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference - results contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\n

(4) - Response generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides - summarized results to users.


To put HuggingGPT into real world usage, - a couple challenges need to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as - both LLM inference rounds and interactions with other models slow down the - process; (2) It relies on a long context window to communicate over complicated - task content; (3) Stability improvement of LLM outputs and external model - services.


API-Bank (Li - et al. 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented - LLMs. It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM - workflow, and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection - of APIs is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, - smart home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has - access to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the - corresponding documentation to make a call.

Fig. 12. Pseudo code - of how LLM makes an API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)

In the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:

  1. Whether an API - call is needed.
  2. \n
  3. Identify the right API to call: if not good enough, - LLMs need to iteratively modify the API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords - for Search Engine API).
  4. \n
  5. Response based on the API results: the model - can choose to refine and call again if results are not satisfied.
  6. \n

This - benchmark evaluates the agent’s tool use capabilities at three levels:

  • Level-1 - evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an API’s description, - the model needs to determine whether to call a given API, call it correctly, - and respond properly to API returns.
  • \n
  • Level-2 examines the ability - to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user’s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.
  • \n
  • Level-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond - retrieve and call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, - book flight/hotel/restaurant for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple - API calls to solve it.
  • \n

Case Studies


Scientific Discovery Agent


ChemCrow - (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The - workflow, implemented in LangChain, - reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant - to the tasks:

  • The LLM is provided with a list of tool names, - descriptions of their utility, and details about the expected input/output.
  • \n
  • It - is then instructed to answer a user-given prompt using the tools provided - when necessary. The instruction suggests the model to follow the ReAct format - - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.
  • \n

One - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions - showed that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a - potential problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains - that requires deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing - its flaws and thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.


Boiko et al. (2023) also looked - into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous design, - planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent can - use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call robotics - experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.


For example, when requested - to "develop a novel anticancer drug", the model came - up with the following reasoning steps:

  1. inquired about current - trends in anticancer drug discovery;
  2. \n
  3. selected a target;
  4. \n
  5. requested - a scaffold targeting these compounds;
  6. \n
  7. Once the compound was identified, - the model attempted its synthesis.
  8. \n

They also discussed the - risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent - to synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.


Generative - Agents Simulation


Generative - Agents (Park, et al. - 2023) is super fun experiment where 25 virtual characters, each controlled - by a LLM-powered agent, are living and interacting in a sandbox environment, - inspired by The Sims. Generative agents create believable simulacra of human - behavior for interactive applications.


The design of generative agents - combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection mechanisms to enable agents - to behave conditioned on past experience, as well as to interact with other - agents.

  • Memory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents’ - experience in natural language.\n
    • Each element is an observation, - an event directly provided by the agent.\n- Inter-agent communication can - trigger new natural language statements.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Retrieval - model: surfaces the context to inform the agent’s behavior, according - to relevance, recency and importance.\n
    • Recency: recent events have - higher scores
    • \n
    • Importance: distinguish mundane from core memories. - Ask LM directly.
    • \n
    • Relevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Reflection mechanism: - synthesizes memories into higher level inferences over time and guides the - agent’s future behavior. They are higher-level summaries of past - events (<- note that this is a bit different from self-reflection - above)\n
    • Prompt LM with 100 most recent observations and to generate - 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.
    • \n
  • \n
  • Planning - & Reacting: translate the reflections and the environment information - into actions\n
    • Planning is essentially in order to optimize believability - at the moment vs in time.
    • \n
    • Prompt template: {Intro of an agent - X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)
    • \n
    • Relationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into - consideration for planning and reacting.
    • \n
    • Environment information - is present in a tree structure.
    • \n
  • \n
Fig. 13. The generative - agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)

This fun simulation - results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, relationship - memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and coordination - of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).


Proof-of-Concept - Examples


AutoGPT has - drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting up autonomous agents - with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of reliability issues - given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a cool proof-of-concept - demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.


Here is the - system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:

You are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\nYour
-        decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance.
-        Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal
-        complications.\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. {{user-provided goal 1}}\n2. {{user-provided
-        goal 2}}\n3. ...\n4. ...\n5. ...\n\nConstraints:\n1. ~4000 word limit for
-        short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important
-        information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you previously did something
-        or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you
-        remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the commands listed in
-        double quotes e.g. "command name"\n5. Use subprocesses for commands
-        that will not terminate within a few minutes\n\nCommands:\n1. Google Search:
-        "google", args: "input": "<search>"\n2. Browse
-        Website: "browse_website", args: "url": "<url>",
-        "question": "<what_you_want_to_find_on_website>"\n3.
-        Start GPT Agent: "start_agent", args: "name": "<name>",
-        "task": "<short_task_desc>", "prompt": "<prompt>"\n4.
-        Message GPT Agent: "message_agent", args: "key": "<key>",
-        "message": "<message>"\n5. List GPT Agents: "list_agents",
-        args:\n6. Delete GPT Agent: "delete_agent", args: "key": "<key>"\n7.
-        Clone Repository: "clone_repository", args: "repository_url":
-        "<url>", "clone_path": "<directory>"\n8.
-        Write to file: "write_to_file", args: "file": "<file>",
-        "text": "<text>"\n9. Read file: "read_file",
-        args: "file": "<file>"\n10. Append to file: "append_to_file",
-        args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>"\n11.
-        Delete file: "delete_file", args: "file": "<file>"\n12.
-        Search Files: "search_files", args: "directory": "<directory>"\n13.
-        Analyze Code: "analyze_code", args: "code": "<full_code_string>"\n14.
-        Get Improved Code: "improve_code", args: "suggestions": "<list_of_suggestions>",
-        "code": "<full_code_string>"\n15. Write Tests: "write_tests",
-        args: "code": "<full_code_string>", "focus":
-        "<list_of_focus_areas>"\n16. Execute Python File: "execute_python_file",
-        args: "file": "<file>"\n17. Generate Image: "generate_image",
-        args: "prompt": "<prompt>"\n18. Send Tweet: "send_tweet",
-        args: "text": "<text>"\n19. Do Nothing: "do_nothing",
-        args:\n20. Task Complete (Shutdown): "task_complete", args: "reason":
-        "<reason>"\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches and
-        information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered
-        Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1.
-        Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing
-        to the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture
-        behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine
-        your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim
-        to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nYou should only respond
-        in JSON format as described below\nResponse Format:\n{\n    "thoughts":
-        {\n        "text": "thought",\n        "reasoning":
-        "reasoning",\n        "plan": "- short bulleted\\n- list
-        that conveys\\n- long-term plan",\n        "criticism": "constructive
-        self-criticism",\n        "speak": "thoughts summary to say
-        to user"\n    },\n    "command": {\n        "name": "command
-        name",\n        "args": {\n            "arg name": "value"\n
-        \       }\n    }\n}\nEnsure the response can be parsed by Python json.loads\n

GPT-Engineer is another - project to create a whole repository of code given a task specified in natural - language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed to think over a list of smaller components - to build and ask for user input to clarify questions as needed.


Here - are a sample conversation for task clarification sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion - endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs are wrapped in {{user - input text}}.

[\n  {\n    "role":
-        "system",\n    "content": "You will read instructions
-        and not carry them out, only seek to clarify them.\\nSpecifically you will
-        first summarise a list of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\nThen
-        you will pick one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\n"\n
-        \ },\n  {\n    "role": "user",\n    "content": "We
-        are writing {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate
-        files. Keyboard control.}}\\n"\n  },\n  {\n    "role": "assistant",\n
-        \   "content": "Summary of areas that need clarification:\\n1.
-        Specifics of the Super Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay
-        mechanics)\\n2. Details about the MVC components (e.g. which components are
-        in each file)\\n3. Keyboard control implementation (e.g. which keys to use,
-        how to handle input)\\n\\nClarifying question:\\nCan you provide more details
-        about the Super Mario game, such as level design, characters, and gameplay
-        mechanics?"\n  },\n  {\n    "role": "user",\n    "content":
-        "{{There are 10 levels in total. The main character is a plumber named
-        Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical platform game just like Super
-        Mario. The main character moves from left to right, trying to get to the destination,
-        where there are many obstacles and attacks from enemies in the process.}}\\n\\nIs
-        anything else unclear? If yes, only answer in the form:\\n{remaining unclear
-        areas} remaining questions.\\n{Next question}\\nIf everything is sufficiently
-        clear, only answer \\"Nothing more to clarify.\\"."\n  },\n  {\n
-        \   "role": "assistant",\n    "content": "Remaining
-        unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\nCan you provide more information about
-        how the MVC components are split into separate files?"\n  },\n  {\n    "role":
-        "user",\n    "content": "{{Make your own assumptions and
-        state them explicitly before starting}}"\n  }\n]\n

Then - after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing mode with - a different system message.\nSystem message:

\nYou - will get instructions for code to write.\nYou will write a very long answer. - Make sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented - as code.\nMake sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, - implemented as code.\n

Think step by step and reason yourself to the right - decisions to make sure we get it right.\nYou will first lay out the names - of the core classes, functions, methods that will be necessary, as well as - a quick comment on their purpose.


Then you will output the content - of each file including ALL code.\nEach file must strictly follow a markdown - code block format, where the following tokens must be replaced such that\nFILENAME - is the lowercase file name including the file extension,\nLANG is the markup - code block language for the code’s language, and CODE is the code:




You - will start with the “entrypoint” file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.


Follow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write a - plausible implementation.\nInclude module dependency or package manager dependency - definition file.\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts of the architecture - is present in the files.


Useful to know:\nYou almost always put different - classes in different files.\nFor Python, you always create an appropriate - requirements.txt file.\nFor NodeJS, you always create an appropriate package.json - file.\nYou always add a comment briefly describing the purpose of the function - definition.\nYou try to add comments explaining very complex bits of logic.\nYou - always follow the best practices for the requested languages in terms of describing - the code written as a defined\npackage/project.


Python toolbelt preferences:

  • pytest
  • \n
  • dataclasses
  • \n

Conversatin - samples:

[\n  {\n    "role": "system",\n
-        \   "content": "You will get instructions for code to write.\\nYou
-        will write a very long answer. Make sure that every detail of the architecture
-        is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure that every detail of the
-        architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\n\\nThink step by step
-        and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get it right.\\nYou
-        will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods that
-        will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\n\\nThen
-        you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must
-        strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must
-        be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the
-        file extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's
-        language, and CODE is the code:\\n\\nFILENAME\\n```LANG\\nCODE\\n```\\n\\nYou
-        will start with the \\"entrypoint\\" file, then go to the ones that
-        are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease note that the code should be
-        fully functional. No placeholders.\\n\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate
-        best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure that files contain all imports,
-        types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible with each
-        other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write a plausible
-        implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or package manager dependency
-        definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts of the architecture
-        is present in the files.\\n\\nUseful to know:\\nYou almost always put different
-        classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always create an appropriate
-        requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create an appropriate package.json
-        file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing the purpose of the function
-        definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining very complex bits of logic.\\nYou
-        always follow the best practices for the requested languages in terms of describing
-        the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\n\\n\\nPython toolbelt preferences:\\n-
-        pytest\\n- dataclasses\\n"\n  },\n #  \u2026 same conversation as earlier,
-        ended with "Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before
-        starting".\n  {\n    "role": "assistant",\n    "content":
-        "Assumptions:\\n1. Model: The model will contain the game's data,
-        such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\n2. View:
-        The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game
-        objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\n3. Controller: The controller
-        will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\n\\nWith
-        these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control
-        implementation you would like me to clarify?"\n  },\n  {\n    "role":
-        "user",\n    "content": "Please now remember the steps:\\n\\nThink
-        step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get
-        it right.\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods
-        that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\n\\nThen
-        you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must
-        strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must
-        be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the
-        file extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's
-        language, and CODE is the code:\\n\\nFILENAME\\n```LANG\\nCODE\\n```\\n\\nPlease
-        note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\n\\nYou will
-        start with the \\"entrypoint\\" file, then go to the ones that are
-        imported by that file, and so on.\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate
-        best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure that files contain all imports,
-        types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different
-        files are compatible with each other.\\nBefore you finish, double check that
-        all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\n"\n  }\n]\n



After going through key ideas and demos - of building LLM-centered agents, I start to see a couple common limitations:

  • \n

    Finite - context length: The restricted context capacity limits the inclusion - of historical information, detailed instructions, API call context, and responses. - The design of the system has to work with this limited communication bandwidth, - while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn from past mistakes would benefit - a lot from long or infinite context windows. Although vector stores and retrieval - can provide access to a larger knowledge pool, their representation power - is not as powerful as full attention.

  • \n
  • \n

    Challenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy - history and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs - struggle to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less - robust compared to humans who learn from trial and error.

  • \n
  • \n

    Reliability - of natural language interface: Current agent system relies on natural - language as an interface between LLMs and external components such as memory - and tools. However, the reliability of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs - may make formatting errors and occasionally exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. - refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, much of the agent demo code - focuses on parsing model output.

  • \n



Cited - as:


Weng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). “LLM-powered Autonomous - Agents”. Lil’Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.



@article{weng2023agent,\n  title   = "LLM-powered
-        Autonomous Agents",\n  author  = "Weng, Lilian",\n  journal =
-        "lilianweng.github.io",\n  year    = "2023",\n  month   =
-        "Jun",\n  url     = "https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/"\n}\n



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1\nt er\nc h\n\u0120a s\n\u0120w e\n\u0120 (\nn d\ni ll\n\u0120 D\ni f\n\u0120 - 2\na g\ner s\nk e\n\u0120 \"\n\u0120 H\ne m\n\u0120c on\n\u0120 W\n\u0120 - R\nhe r\n\u0120w as\n\u0120 r\no d\n\u0120 F\nu l\nat e\n\u0120a t\nr i\np - p\no re\n\u0120T he\n\u0120s e\nu s\n\u0120p ro\n\u0120h a\nu m\n\u0120a re\n\u0120d - e\na in\nan d\n\u0120o r\nig h\nes t\nis t\na b\nr om\n\u0120 N\nt h\n\u0120c - om\n\u0120 G\nu n\no p\n0 0\n\u0120 L\n\u0120n ot\nes s\n\u0120e x\n\u0120 - v\nre s\n\u0120 E\ne w\nit y\nan t\n\u0120b y\ne l\no s\nor t\no c\nq u\n\u0120f - rom\n\u0120ha ve\n\u0120s u\ni ve\nou ld\n\u0120s h\n\u0120th is\nn t\nr a\np - e\nigh t\nar t\nm ent\n\u0120a l\nu st\nen d\n- -\nal l\n\u0120 O\nac k\n\u0120c - h\n\u0120 le\ni es\nre d\nar d\n\xE2 \u0122\nou t\n\u0120 J\n\u0120a b\ne - ar\ni v\nal ly\nou r\no st\ng h\np t\n\u0120p l\nas t\n\u0120c an\na k\nom - e\nu d\nT he\n\u0120h is\n\u0120d o\n\u0120g o\n\u0120h as\ng e\n' t\n\u0120 - U\nr ou\n\u0120s a\n\u0120 j\n\u0120b ut\n\u0120w or\n\u0120a ll\ne ct\n\u0120 - k\nam e\n\u0120w ill\no k\n\u0120w he\n\u0120the y\nid e\n0 1\nf f\nic h\np - l\nt her\n\u0120t r\n. .\n\u0120in t\ni e\nu re\nag e\n\u0120n e\ni al\na - p\nin e\nic e\n\u0120m e\n\u0120o ut\nan s\non e\non g\nion s\n\u0120wh o\n\u0120 - K\n\u0120u p\n\u0120the ir\n\u0120a d\n\u0120 3\n\u0120u s\nat ed\nou s\n\u0120m - ore\nu e\no g\n\u0120S t\nin d\ni ke\n\u0120s o\nim e\np er\n. \"\nb er\ni - z\na ct\n\u0120on e\n\u0120sa id\n\u0120 -\na re\n\u0120you r\nc c\n\u0120T - h\n\u0120c l\ne p\na ke\nab le\ni p\n\u0120con t\n\u0120wh ich\ni a\n\u0120 - im\n\u0120ab out\n\u0120we re\nver y\nu b\n\u0120h ad\n\u0120 en\n\u0120com - p\n, \"\n\u0120I n\n\u0120u n\n\u0120a g\ni re\nac e\na u\nar y\n\u0120w ould\nas - s\nr y\n\u0120 \xE2\u0122\nc l\no ok\ne re\ns o\n\u0120 V\nig n\ni b\n\u0120of - f\n\u0120t e\nv en\n\u0120 Y\ni le\no se\nit e\nor m\n\u01202 01\n\u0120re - s\n\u0120m an\n\u0120p er\n\u0120o ther\nor d\nul t\n\u0120be en\n\u0120l - ike\nas e\nan ce\nk s\nay s\now n\nen ce\n\u0120d is\nct ion\n\u0120an y\n\u0120a - pp\n\u0120s p\nin t\nres s\nation s\na il\n\u0120 4\nic al\n\u0120the m\n\u0120he - r\nou nt\n\u0120C h\n\u0120a r\n\u0120 if\n\u0120the re\n\u0120p e\n\u0120y - ear\na v\n\u0120m y\n\u0120s ome\n\u0120whe n\nou gh\nac h\n\u0120th an\nr - u\non d\nic k\n\u0120o ver\nve l\n\u0120 qu\n\u010A \u010A\n\u0120s c\nre - at\nre e\n\u0120I t\nou nd\np ort\n\u0120al so\n\u0120p art\nf ter\n\u0120k - n\n\u0120be c\n\u0120t ime\nen s\n\u0120 5\nop le\n\u0120wh at\n\u0120n o\nd - u\nm er\nan g\n\u0120n ew\n-- --\n\u0120g et\nor y\nit ion\ning s\n\u0120j - ust\n\u0120int o\n\u0120 0\nent s\no ve\nt e\n\u0120pe ople\n\u0120p re\n\u0120it - s\n\u0120re c\n\u0120t w\ni an\nir st\nar k\nor s\n\u0120wor k\nad e\no b\n\u0120s - he\n\u0120o ur\nw n\nin k\nl ic\n\u01201 9\n\u0120H e\nis h\nnd er\nau se\n\u0120h - im\non s\n\u0120 [\n\u0120 ro\nf orm\ni ld\nat es\nver s\n\u0120on ly\no ll\n\u0120s - pe\nc k\ne ll\nam p\n\u0120a cc\n\u0120b l\ni ous\nur n\nf t\no od\n\u0120h - ow\nhe d\n\u0120 '\n\u0120a fter\na w\n\u0120at t\no v\nn e\n\u0120pl ay\ner - v\nic t\n\u0120c ould\nit t\n\u0120a m\n\u0120f irst\n\u0120 6\n\u0120a ct\n\u0120 - $\ne c\nh ing\nu al\nu ll\n\u0120com m\no y\no ld\nc es\nat er\n\u0120f e\n\u0120be - t\nw e\nif f\n\u0120tw o\noc k\n\u0120b ack\n) .\nid ent\n\u0120u nder\nrou - gh\nse l\nx t\n\u0120m ay\nrou nd\n\u0120p o\np h\nis s\n\u0120d es\n\u0120m - ost\n\u0120d id\n\u0120ad d\nj ect\n\u0120in c\nf ore\n\u0120p ol\non t\n\u0120ag - ain\ncl ud\nter n\n\u0120kn ow\n\u0120ne ed\n\u0120con s\n\u0120c o\n\u0120 - .\n\u0120w ant\n\u0120se e\n\u0120 7\nn ing\ni ew\n\u0120Th is\nc ed\n\u0120e - ven\n\u0120in d\nt y\n\u0120W e\nat h\n\u0120the se\n\u0120p r\n\u0120u se\n\u0120bec - ause\n\u0120f l\nn g\n\u0120n ow\n\u0120\xE2\u0122 \u0135\nc om\nis e\n\u0120m - ake\n\u0120the n\now er\n\u0120e very\n\u0120U n\n\u0120se c\nos s\nu ch\n\u0120e - m\n\u0120 =\n\u0120R e\ni ed\nr it\n\u0120in v\nle ct\n\u0120su pp\nat ing\n\u0120l - ook\nm an\npe ct\n\u0120 8\nro w\n\u0120b u\n\u0120whe re\nif ic\n\u0120year - s\ni ly\n\u0120d iff\n\u0120sh ould\n\u0120re m\nT h\nI n\n\u0120e v\nd ay\n' - re\nri b\n\u0120re l\ns s\n\u0120de f\n\u0120r ight\n\u0120s y\n) ,\nl es\n00 - 0\nhe n\n\u0120th rough\n\u0120T r\n_ _\n\u0120w ay\n\u0120d on\n\u0120 ,\n\u01201 - 0\nas ed\n\u0120as s\nub lic\n\u0120re g\n\u0120A nd\ni x\n\u0120 very\n\u0120in - clud\not her\n\u0120im p\not h\n\u0120su b\n\u0120\xE2\u0122 \u0136\n\u0120be - ing\nar g\n\u0120W h\n= =\nib le\n\u0120do es\nan ge\nr am\n\u0120 9\ner t\np - s\nit ed\nation al\n\u0120b r\n\u0120d own\n\u0120man y\nak ing\n\u0120c all\nur - ing\nit ies\n\u0120p h\nic s\nal s\n\u0120de c\nat ive\nen er\n\u0120be fore\nil - ity\n\u0120we ll\n\u0120m uch\ners on\n\u0120th ose\n\u0120su ch\n\u0120 ke\n\u0120 - end\n\u0120B ut\nas on\nt ing\n\u0120l ong\ne f\n\u0120th ink\ny s\n\u0120be - l\n\u0120s m\nit s\na x\n\u0120o wn\n\u0120pro v\n\u0120s et\nif e\nment s\nb - le\nw ard\n\u0120sh ow\n\u0120p res\nm s\nom et\n\u0120o b\n\u0120s ay\n\u0120S - h\nt s\nf ul\n\u0120e ff\n\u0120g u\n\u0120in st\nu nd\nre n\nc ess\n\u0120 - ent\n\u0120Y ou\n\u0120go od\n\u0120st art\nin ce\n\u0120m ade\nt t\nst em\nol - og\nu p\n\u0120 |\num p\n\u0120he l\nver n\nul ar\nu ally\n\u0120a c\n\u0120m - on\n\u0120l ast\n\u01202 00\n1 0\n\u0120st ud\nu res\n\u0120A r\nsel f\nar - s\nmer ic\nu es\nc y\n\u0120m in\noll ow\n\u0120c ol\ni o\n\u0120m od\n\u0120c - ount\n\u0120C om\nhe s\n\u0120f in\na ir\ni er\n\xE2\u0122 \u0136\nre ad\nan - k\nat ch\ne ver\n\u0120st r\n\u0120po int\nor k\n\u0120N ew\n\u0120s ur\no - ol\nal k\nem ent\n\u0120us ed\nra ct\nwe en\n\u0120s ame\nou n\n\u0120A l\nc - i\n\u0120diff ere\n\u0120wh ile\n---- ----\n\u0120g ame\nce pt\n\u0120s im\n.. - .\n\u0120in ter\ne k\n\u0120re port\n\u0120pro du\n\u0120st ill\nl ed\na h\n\u0120he - re\n\u0120wor ld\n\u0120th ough\n\u0120n um\nar ch\nim es\nal e\n\u0120S e\n\u0120I - f\n/ /\n\u0120L e\n\u0120re t\n\u0120re f\n\u0120tr ans\nn er\nut ion\nter - s\n\u0120t ake\n\u0120C l\n\u0120con f\nw ay\na ve\n\u0120go ing\n\u0120s - l\nu g\n\u0120A meric\n\u0120spe c\n\u0120h and\n\u0120bet ween\nist s\n\u0120D - e\no ot\nI t\n\u0120e ar\n\u0120again st\n\u0120h igh\ng an\na z\nat her\n\u0120ex - p\n\u0120o p\n\u0120in s\n\u0120g r\n\u0120hel p\n\u0120re qu\net s\nin s\n\u0120P - ro\nis m\n\u0120f ound\nl and\nat a\nus s\nam es\n\u0120p erson\n\u0120g reat\np - r\n\u0120s ign\n\u0120A n\n' ve\n\u0120s omet\n\u0120s er\nh ip\n\u0120r un\n\u0120 - :\n\u0120t er\nire ct\n\u0120f ollow\n\u0120d et\nic es\n\u0120f ind\n1 2\n\u0120m - em\n\u0120c r\ne red\ne x\n\u0120ex t\nut h\nen se\nc o\n\u0120te am\nv ing\nou - se\nas h\nat t\nv ed\n\u0120sy stem\n\u0120A s\nd er\niv es\nm in\n\u0120le - ad\n\u0120B l\nc ent\n\u0120a round\n\u0120go vern\n\u0120c ur\nvel op\nan - y\n\u0120c our\nal th\nag es\niz e\n\u0120c ar\nod e\n\u0120l aw\n\u0120re - ad\n' m\nc on\n\u0120re al\n\u0120supp ort\n\u01201 2\n.. ..\n\u0120re ally\nn - ess\n\u0120f act\n\u0120d ay\n\u0120b oth\ny ing\n\u0120s erv\n\u0120F or\n\u0120th - ree\n\u0120w om\n\u0120m ed\nod y\n\u0120The y\n5 0\n\u0120ex per\nt on\n\u0120e - ach\nak es\n\u0120c he\n\u0120c re\nin es\n\u0120re p\n1 9\ng g\nill ion\n\u0120g - rou\nut e\ni k\nW e\ng et\nE R\n\u0120m et\n\u0120s ays\no x\n\u0120d uring\ner - n\niz ed\na red\n\u0120f am\nic ally\n\u0120ha pp\n\u0120I s\n\u0120ch ar\nm - ed\nv ent\n\u0120g ener\ni ent\np le\ni et\nre nt\n1 1\nv es\npt ion\n\u01202 - 0\nform ation\n\u0120c or\n\u0120off ic\nie ld\n\u0120to o\nis ion\n\u0120in - f\n\u0120 Z\nt he\no ad\n\u0120p ublic\n\u0120pro g\nr ic\n* *\n\u0120w ar\n\u0120p - ower\nv iew\n\u0120f ew\n\u0120l oc\n\u0120differe nt\n\u0120st ate\n\u0120he - ad\n' ll\n\u0120p oss\n\u0120st at\nre t\nant s\n\u0120v al\n\u0120is s\n\u0120c - le\ni vers\nan c\n\u0120ex pl\n\u0120an other\n\u0120 Q\n\u0120a v\nth ing\nn - ce\nW h\n\u0120ch ild\n\u0120s ince\ni red\nl ess\n\u0120l ife\n\u0120de velop\nitt - le\n\u0120de p\n\u0120p ass\n\xE3 \u0125\n\u0120t urn\nor n\nTh is\nb ers\nro - ss\n\u0120A d\n\u0120f r\n\u0120res p\n\u0120sec ond\no h\n\u0120 /\n\u0120dis - c\n\u0120 &\n\u0120somet hing\n\u0120comp le\n\u0120 ed\n\u0120f il\n\u0120mon - th\na j\nu c\n\u0120govern ment\n\u0120with out\n\u0120le g\n\u0120d ist\n\u0120p - ut\n\u0120qu est\nan n\n\u0120pro t\n2 0\n\u0120ne ver\ni ence\n\u0120le vel\n\u0120ar - t\n\u0120th ings\n\u0120m ight\n\u0120eff ect\n\u0120cont ro\n\u0120c ent\n\u01201 - 8\n\u0120all ow\n\u0120bel ie\nch ool\not t\n\u0120inc re\n\u0120fe el\n\u0120res - ult\n\u0120l ot\n\u0120f un\not e\n\u0120t y\nere st\n\u0120cont in\n\u0120us - ing\n\u0120b ig\n2 01\n\u0120as k\n\u0120b est\n\u0120 )\nI N\n\u0120o pp\n3 - 0\n\u0120num ber\nin ess\nS t\nle ase\n\u0120c a\n\u0120m ust\n\u0120d irect\n\u0120g - l\n\u0120 <\n\u0120op en\n\u0120p ost\n\u0120com e\n\u0120se em\nord ing\n\u0120we - ek\nate ly\nit al\n\u0120e l\nri end\n\u0120f ar\n\u0120t ra\nin al\n\u0120p - ri\n\u0120U S\n\u0120pl ace\n\u0120for m\n\u0120to ld\n\" :\nain s\nat ure\n\u0120Tr - ump\n\u0120st and\n\u0120 #\nid er\n\u0120F r\n\u0120ne xt\n\u0120s oc\n\u0120p - ur\n\u0120le t\n\u0120l ittle\n\u0120h um\n\u0120 i\nr on\n1 5\n\u01201 5\n\u0120comm - un\n\u0120m ark\n\u0120The re\n\u0120w r\n\u0120Th at\n\u0120in formation\nw - ays\n\u0120b us\na pp\n\u0120inv est\nm e\n\u0120h ard\nain ed\ne ad\n\u0120im - port\n\u0120app ro\n\u0120t est\n\u0120t ri\n\u0120re st\nos ed\n\u0120f ull\n\u0120c - are\n\u0120S p\n\u0120c ase\nO N\n\u0120s k\n\u0120l ess\n\u0120 +\n\u0120part - ic\n\u0120P l\nab ly\nu ck\nis hed\nch n\nb e\n\u0120l ist\nat or\n\u0120to - p\n\u0120ad v\n\u0120B e\nru ct\n\u0120d em\nr ation\nl ing\ng y\nre en\ng - er\n\u0120h ome\n\u0120le ft\n\u0120bet ter\n\u0120d ata\n\u01201 1\n\u0120att - ack\n\u0120pro ble\nl ine\nard s\n\u0120be h\nr al\n\u0120H ow\n\u0120S he\nar - ge\n\u0120 --\n: //\n\u0120b ro\n\u0120P h\nat s\n\u0120bu ild\nw w\nid ed\na - im\nas es\nen cy\n\u0120m ain\nin ed\n\u0120includ ing\n\u0120 {\n\u0120g - ot\n\u0120int erest\n\u0120ke ep\n\u0120 X\n\u0120e as\nain ing\n\u0120cl - ass\n\xE2\u0122 \xA6\n\u0120N o\n\u0120v ar\n\u0120sm all\namp le\nA T\n\u0120 - ide\n\u0120S o\n\u0120re ce\n\u0120pol it\n\u0120m ov\n\u0120pl an\n\u0120per - cent\niv ing\n\u0120c amp\n\u0120p ay\n1 4\ns c\nis ed\n\u0120u nt\none y\npl - oy\n== ==\n\u0120did n\n\u0120I nd\nel s\nert ain\n\u0120p os\n__ __\ni ver\n\u0120pro - cess\n\u0120prog ram\nif ied\n\u0120R ep\n1 6\nu ro\nolog y\nat ter\nin a\n\u0120n - ame\n\u0120A ll\n\u0120f our\n\u0120ret urn\nv ious\nb s\n\u0120call ed\n\u0120m - ove\n\u0120S c\nir d\n\u0120grou p\n\u0120b re\n\u0120m en\n\u0120c ap\nt - en\ne e\n\u0120d ri\nle g\nhe re\nuth or\n\u0120p at\n\u0120cur rent\nid es\n\u0120p - op\nt o\nent ion\n\u0120al ways\n\u0120m il\n\u0120wom en\n\u01201 6\n\u0120o - ld\niv en\nra ph\n\u0120O r\nr or\nent ly\n\u0120n ear\n\u0120E x\nre am\ns - h\n\u01201 4\n\u0120f ree\niss ion\nst and\n\u0120C on\nal ity\nus ed\n1 3\n\u0120des - ign\n\u0120ch ange\n\u0120ch ang\n\u0120b o\n\u0120v is\nem ber\n\u0120b ook\nread - y\n\u0120k ill\n2 5\npp ed\n\u0120a way\n\u0120ab le\n\u0120count ry\n\u0120con - st\nar n\n\u0120or der\nA R\ni or\ni um\nor th\n1 8\nail able\n\u0120s w\n\u0120m - illion\n\u01201 3\nat ic\nt ed\n\u0120G o\n\u0120o per\nen g\n\u0120th ing\naj - or\ncon om\n\u0120Com m\n\u0120wh y\nu red\nur al\n\u0120s chool\nb y\n\u0120M - ar\n\u0120a ff\n\u0120d ays\n\u0120an n\nus h\nan e\nI f\ne g\n\u0120pro f\n\u0120he - alth\nou th\nB ut\nion al\n. ,\n\u0120s ol\n\u0120al ready\n\u01203 0\n\u0120char - act\nH e\n\u0120f riend\nE S\ni ans\nic le\n' d\n\u0120O n\n\u0120le ast\n\u0120p - rom\n\u0120d r\n\u0120h ist\nit her\n\u0120 est\ni qu\n1 7\ns on\n\u0120te - ll\n\u0120t alk\noh n\no int\nle ction\nA N\n\u0120unt il\nau gh\n\u0120l - ater\n\u0120 ve\n\u0120v iew\nend ing\niv ed\n\u0120wor d\nw are\n\u0120c - ost\n\u0120en ough\n\u0120g ive\n\u0120Un ited\n\u0120te chn\nare nt\nO R\n\u0120p - ar\n\u0120D r\n\u0120201 6\nr ist\ner ing\n\u0120 \xC2\n\u0120l arge\ns ide\nac - y\ncc ess\n\u0120w in\n\u0120import ant\n\u012019 9\n\u0120does n\n\u01201 - 7\n\u0120bus iness\n\u0120cle ar\n\u0120re se\n\" ,\nur y\n\u0120e qu\nas - ter\nal f\n\u0120Americ an\nn ect\n\u0120ex pect\nivers ity\n\u0120o cc\n\u0120F - l\n\u0120k ind\n\u0120me an\n\u0120p ast\n\u0120de v\n\u0120b as\nle t\nra - ft\n\u0120or gan\n\u0120de l\n\u0120per form\n\u0120st ory\n\u0120se ason\n\u0120C - ol\n\u0120cl aim\n\u0120c ame\n\u0120with in\n\u0120l ine\n\u0120pro ject\n\u0120A - t\n\u0120contro l\nend ed\n\u0120S y\n\u0120a ir\niz ation\n\u0120 *\nle y\n\u0120m - oney\nid d\nY ou\nf or\n\u0120fam ily\n\u0120m aking\n\u0120b it\n\u0120pol - ice\n\u0120happ en\n\u0120 vers\non y\nu ff\n\u0120W hen\n\u0120s it\nide - o\nl f\nis on\n\u0120su re\ng in\n\u0120app ear\n\u0120l ight\n\u0120 es\no - f\n\u0120w ater\n\u0120t imes\nn ot\n\u0120g row\n\u0120comp any\n\u0120T - e\now s\n\u0120m ar\nour ce\ni ol\nar m\nb r\n\u0120ex ample\n\u0120con c\n\u0120f - ore\n\u0120T o\np ro\nE N\nri es\n\u01202 5\n\u0120C an\nne y\n\u0120act ually\n\u0120e - ver\nur ity\nak en\nap s\n\u0120t ax\n\u0120m ajor\nam a\n\u0120of ten\ner - al\n\u0120hum an\n\u0120j ob\nis ter\n\u0120av ailable\noc r\nen n\na id\niv - id\n\u0120rec ord\n? \"\n\u0120s ing\n\u0120A m\nid ence\n\u0120new s\nst - er\n\u0120e conom\n\u0120follow ing\n\u0120B r\nis ing\n\u0120h our\nm ost\num - ent\n\u0120se x\n\u0120des c\n\u0120bec ome\n\u0120E d\n\u0120to ok\n\u0120ha - ving\n\u0120produ ct\na ult\nA s\nar ing\n\u0120me ans\n\u0120h op\nun e\n\u0120ch - o\n\u0120c ertain\n\u0120n on\n\u0120de al\n2 4\nle ment\noc i\nen e\n\u0120s - ide\n\u0120P r\n\u0120M ay\n\u0120re ason\nu ed\nc hed\nul ation\n\u0120e - lect\n\u0120offic ial\n\u0120poss ible\n\u0120h old\nand s\not s\n\u0120c - ity\nor ies\n\u0120se ver\n\u0120child ren\n\u0120on ce\n\u0120act iv\nl er\n\u0120n - ight\nit ions\n\u0120J ohn\na pe\npl ay\n\u0120d one\n\u0120l im\n\u0120work - ing\n\u0120P res\nor ld\ne b\n\u0120C o\n\u0120b ody\nail s\nut es\n\u0120M - r\n\u0120whe ther\n\u0120a uthor\nro p\n\u0120pro per\n\u0120se en\n) ;\n\u0120f - ac\n\u0120S u\n\u0120con d\nit ing\n\u0120cour se\n\u0120 }\n-------- --------\na - ign\n\u0120ev ent\n\u0120en g\n\u0120p ot\n\u0120in tern\ni am\n\u0120sh ort\nem - pt\n\xE3 \u0124\n\u0120G od\nil ar\n8 0\n\u0120or ig\nI S\nour n\nab ility\nit - ive\n\u0120d am\n\u01201 00\n\u0120p ress\n\u0120do ing\n\u0120prot ect\nr - ing\n\u0120though t\n\u0120quest ion\nre w\n\u0120W ar\n\u0120sever al\n\u0120St - ate\n\u0120g iven\n\u0120f und\n\u0120T w\n\u0120w ent\nan ces\nw ork\np or\nm - y\n4 0\n\u0120ar g\nart ment\nust om\n\u0120pol ic\n\u0120me et\n\u0120c reat\n2 - 2\n\u0120St ates\n\u0120g ames\nra w\nut ure\n\u0120under stand\nur s\n\u0120O - b\nl ish\ns y\n\u0120m akes\n\u0120w on\nag on\n\u0120h tt\n\u0120l ove\nent - ial\n\u0120comple te\np ar\n\u0120I m\nA L\n\u0120acc ount\n\xC2 \u0142\nore - d\nver t\n\u0120 ident\n\u0120201 5\n\u0120other s\n\u0120M in\ni ber\nver - age\nThe re\nition al\nd d\n\u0120pro b\n\u0120you ng\n\u0120al ong\n\u0120acc - ording\n\u0120y et\n\u0120mem bers\n\u0120Wh at\no id\n\u0120M an\nA nd\n\u0120am - ong\na i\n\u0120em ploy\n\u0120R es\n\u0120 >\n\u0120inv ol\n\u0120l ow\na - f\n\u0120C ar\n\u0120h ig\n\u0120O ne\n\u0120S ec\nin ation\n\u0120like ly\n\u0120an - t\nag ed\n\u0120R uss\n\u0120b en\n\u0120re le\nF or\nb ack\n\u0120N ot\n\u0120pres - ident\nb all\n\u0120acc ess\nivid ual\n\u0120D em\n\u0120E uro\n6 0\n\u0120kn - own\nir l\n\u0120G r\n\u0120ear ly\nu se\niet y\n\xE2\u0122 \u0135\n\u0120f - ight\n\u0120s ent\n\u0120to day\n\u0120mark et\n\" .\n\u0120b ased\n\u0120str - ong\nur ther\n\u0120de b\nm ber\n\u0120proble m\n\u0120de ath\n\u0120soc ial\nim - ate\nA S\nort un\n\u0120camp aign\ner y\nC h\n\u0120e y\ni ally\n\u0120m us\nw - h\np os\n\u0120 er\n\u0120sa f\n\u0120month s\nir on\n\u0120v iol\n\u0120f - ive\n\u0120st re\n\u0120play ers\nin c\nal d\ny ear\na un\n\u0120su ccess\n\u0120pres - ent\nere nce\n\u0120201 4\n\u0120su gg\n\u0120partic ular\n\u0120tr y\n\u0120sugg - est\n\u0120Ch rist\non es\n\u0120pri v\n2 3\n\u0120c rit\n\u0120l and\n\u0120loc - al\nif y\n2 9\n\u0120a ut\nE D\n\u0120G u\n\u0120m ult\n\u0120polit ical\n\u0120ask - ed\n\u0120for mer\nit ter\nri pt\n\u0120cl ose\n\u0120p ract\n\u0120Y ork\n\u0120get - ting\n\u0120ac ross\n\u0120com b\n\u0120belie ve\n\u0120 z\n\u0120to get\n\u0120toget - her\n\u0120C ent\nir c\n\u0120ind ividual\n\u0120M c\n2 7\nis k\n\u0120E ng\n\u0120f - ace\n\u01202 4\n\u0120val ue\n\u0120are a\ne v\n\u0120w rit\n\u0120Pres ident\n\u0120v - ot\n\u0120ke y\n\u0120m om\np ut\n\u0120any thing\n\u0120exper ience\natt - le\n\u0120m ind\na ff\nom m\n\u0120f uture\ng ed\n\u0120c ut\n\u0120to t\nit - ch\n\u0120v ideo\n\u0120invest ig\n\u0120n et\n\u0120M y\nr ict\ni en\n. )\n\u0120imp - ro\nth ough\nward s\n\u0120con nect\n\u0120M ed\nsel ves\nens ive\nm b\no - ber\nat ors\nA n\n\u01205 0\n\u0120re du\nres ent\n\u0120ab ove\n\u0120f re\n\u0120Euro - pe\ns w\n\u0120am ount\n\u0120A pp\n\u0120e ither\n\u0120mil it\n\u0120an - al\n\u0120f ail\n\u0120E n\nal es\n\u0120spec ial\n\u0120bl ack\nI T\nc her\n\u0120look - ing\n\u0120f ire\ny n\n\u0120al most\no on\n\u0120stud y\n\u0120m iss\nc hes\nro - wn\n\u0120t re\n\u0120commun ity\n\u0120med ia\n\u0120f ood\n\u0120com es\n\u0120Un - iversity\n\u0120sing le\nWh at\nu ly\n\u0120h alf\nag ue\nh od\n\u0120Rep - ublic\n\u0120start ed\n\u0120qu ick\not o\nb ook\n\u0120iss ue\nit or\n\u0120el - se\n\u0120cons ider\n2 6\nro du\n\u0120t aken\n2 8\n9 9\n\u0120W ith\n\u0120tr - ue\n\u0120w a\n\u0120tr ad\n\u0120ag o\n\u0120m ess\nie f\n\u0120add ed\no - ke\n\u0120b ad\n\u0120f av\n3 3\n\u0120sim ilar\nas k\n\u0120D on\n\u0120charact - er\nort s\n\u0120H ouse\n\u0120report ed\n\u0120ty pe\nv al\ni od\n\u0120How - ever\n\u0120t arg\n\u0120ent ire\npp ing\n\u0120hist ory\n\u0120l ive\nff - ic\n.... ....\ned eral\n\u0120tr ying\n\u0120disc uss\n\u0120H ar\nac es\nl - ished\n\u0120se lf\nos p\nre st\n\u0120ro om\nel t\n\u0120f all\nol ution\n\u0120e - t\n\u0120 x\n\u0120is n\n\u0120ide a\nb o\n\u0120s ound\n\u0120D ep\n\u0120some - one\nci ally\null y\n\u0120f oc\n\u0120ob ject\nif t\nap er\n\u0120play er\n\u0120r - ather\n\u0120serv ice\nas hing\n\u0120D o\n\u0120P art\nru g\nm on\np ly\n\u0120m - or\n\u0120not hing\n\u0120prov ide\nI C\nun g\n\u0120part y\n\u0120ex ist\n\u0120m - ag\n7 0\n\u0120r ul\n\u0120h ouse\n\u0120beh ind\n\u0120how ever\n\u0120W - orld\n\u0120s um\n\u0120app lic\n\u0120 ;\n\u0120fun ction\ng r\n\u0120P ol\n\u0120fr - ont\n2 00\n\u0120ser ies\n\u0120t em\n\u0120ty p\nill s\n\u0120o pt\n\u0120point - s\n\u0120bel ow\nitt ed\n\u0120spec ific\n\u0120201 7\num b\n\u0120r a\n\u0120pre - vious\n\u0120pre t\nre me\n\u0120c ustom\n\u0120cour t\n\u0120M e\n\u0120re - pl\n\u0120who le\ng o\nc er\n\u0120t reat\n\u0120A ct\n\u0120prob ably\n\u0120le - arn\nend er\n\u0120A ss\n\u0120vers ion\nn ow\n\u0120che ck\n\u0120C al\nR - E\nmin ist\nO n\nour ces\n\u0120ben ef\n\u0120d oc\n\u0120det er\n\u0120en - c\n\u0120su per\n\u0120add ress\n\u0120v ict\n\u0120201 3\n\u0120me as\nt - r\n\u0120f ield\nW hen\n\u0120sign ific\nu ge\n\u0120fe at\n\u0120comm on\nl - oad\n\u0120be gin\n\u0120br ing\n\u0120a ction\ner man\n\u0120desc rib\n\u0120ind - ust\n\u0120want ed\nri ed\nm ing\n\u0120att empt\n4 5\nf er\n\u0120d ue\nress - ion\n# #\n\u0120sh all\n\u0120s ix\no o\n\u0120st ep\n\u0120p ub\n\u0120him - self\n\u01202 3\n\u0120c op\n\u0120d est\n\u0120st op\nA C\nib ility\n\u0120l - ab\nic ult\n\u0120hour s\n\u0120cre ate\n\u0120f urther\n\u0120Americ a\n\u0120C - ity\n\u0120d ou\nhe ad\nS T\n\u0120N orth\nc ing\n\u0120n ational\nu le\n\u0120In - st\n\u0120t aking\n\u0120Q u\nir t\n\u0120re d\n\u0120rese arch\nv iron\n\u0120G - e\n\u0120bre ak\nan a\n\u0120sp ace\nater ial\n\u0120rec ent\n\u0120A b\n\u0120gener - al\n\u0120h it\n\u0120per iod\n\u0120every thing\nive ly\n\u0120ph ys\n\u0120say - ing\nan ks\n\u0120c ou\n\u0120c ult\nac ed\ne al\nu ation\n\u0120c oun\nl - u\n\u0120includ e\n\u0120pos ition\n\u0120A fter\n\u0120Can ad\n\u0120E m\n\u0120im - m\n\u0120R ed\n\u0120p ick\n\u0120com pl\n\u0120m atter\nre g\ne xt\nang u\nis - c\no le\na ut\n\u0120comp et\ne ed\nf ect\n\u01202 1\n\u0120S en\n\u0120The - se\nas ing\n\u0120can not\n\u0120in it\n\u0120rel ations\nac hed\n\u0120b - ar\n\u01204 0\n\u0120T H\n\u0120201 2\n\u0120v ol\n\u0120g round\n\u0120sec - urity\n\u0120up d\nil t\n3 5\n\u0120conc ern\n\u0120J ust\n\u0120wh ite\n\u0120seem - s\n\u0120H er\npe cially\ni ents\n\u0120ann oun\n\u0120f ig\night s\n\u0120st - ri\nl ike\nid s\n\u0120s us\n\u0120w atch\n\u0120 \xE2\n\u0120w ind\n\u0120C - ont\n\u0120it self\n\u0120m ass\nA l\ny le\niqu e\n\u0120N ational\n\u0120ab - s\n\u0120p ack\n\u0120out side\n\u0120an im\n\u0120p ain\net er\n\u0120man - ag\ndu ct\nog n\n\u0120 ]\n\u0120Se pt\nse c\no ff\n\u0120J an\n\u0120f oot\nad - es\n\u0120th ird\n\u0120m ot\n\u0120ev idence\nint on\n\u0120th reat\na pt\npl - es\nc le\n\u0120l o\n\u0120de cl\n\u0120it em\nmed i\n\u0120rep resent\nom - b\nam er\n\u0120signific ant\nog raph\ns u\n\u0120c al\ni res\n00 00\nI D\nA - M\n\u0120sim ply\n\u0120long er\n\u0120f ile\nO T\nc he\nS o\nate g\nor g\n\u0120H - is\n\u0120en er\n\u0120d om\n\u0120up on\nil i\n\": \"\n\u0120them selves\n\u0120com - ing\n\u0120qu ite\n\u0120diff icult\n\u0120B ar\nil ities\nre l\nend s\nc - ial\n6 4\n\u0120wom an\nra p\ny r\n\u0120ne cess\nip s\n\u0120te xt\n\u0120requ - ire\n\u0120milit ary\n\u0120re view\n\u0120resp ons\n7 5\n\u0120sub ject\n\u0120inst - ead\n\u0120iss ues\n\u0120g en\n\" ,\"\n\u0120min utes\n\u0120we ap\nr ay\nam - ed\nt ime\nb l\nH ow\n\u0120c ode\n\u0120S m\n\u0120hig her\n\u0120St e\nr - is\n\u0120p age\n\u0120stud ents\n\u0120In tern\n\u0120met hod\n\u0120A ug\n\u0120P - er\n\u0120A g\n\u0120polic y\n\u0120S w\n\u0120ex ec\n\u0120ac cept\num e\nrib - ut\n\u0120word s\n\u0120fin al\n\u0120chang es\n\u0120Dem ocr\n\u0120friend - s\n\u0120res pect\n\u0120e p\n\u0120comp an\niv il\n\u0120dam age\n** **\nog - le\nviron ment\n\u0120ne g\nent al\n\u0120a p\n\u0120tot al\niv al\n! \"\nl - im\n\u0120need s\n\u0120ag re\n\u0120develop ment\n\u0120a ge\nip le\n2 1\n\u0120result - s\n\u0120A f\nS h\n\u0120g un\n\u0120Ob ama\nro ll\n\u0120 @\n\u0120right - s\n\u0120B rit\n\u0120run ning\n\u0120was n\n\u0120p ort\n\u0120r ate\n\u0120pret - ty\n\u0120targ et\n\u0120sa w\n\u0120c irc\n\u0120wor ks\nic ro\nal t\no ver\nww - w\nTh at\nl ier\n\u0120every one\nud e\n\u0120p ie\nidd le\nra el\n\u0120r - ad\n\u0120bl ock\n\u0120w alk\nT o\n\xE3 \u0123\nn es\n\u0120A ust\na ul\nro - te\n\u0120S outh\ness ion\nop h\n\u0120show s\n\u0120s ite\n\u0120j o\n\u0120r - isk\ncl us\nl t\n\u0120in j\nid ing\n\u0120S pe\n\u0120ch all\nir m\n\u01202 - 2\nitt ing\nst r\n\u0120h y\nL E\nke y\n\u0120be gan\nat ur\nashing ton\nl - am\n\u0120D av\nb it\n\u0120s ize\n\u0120P ar\n3 8\nourn al\nf ace\n\u0120dec - ision\n\u0120l arg\n\u0120j ud\nre ct\n\u0120contin ue\n\u0120O ct\nove red\n\u0120I - nt\n==== ====\n\u0120p arent\n\u0120W ill\n\u0120eas y\n\u0120d rug\nang er\n\u0120s - ense\n\u0120d i\nid ay\n\u0120ener gy\nist ic\n\u0120ass oci\nar ter\nob al\ne - ks\n\u0120E l\nur ch\n\u0120g irl\no e\nit le\n\u01202 8\n\u0120C he\n\u0120requ - est\n\u0120so on\n\u0120h ost\nk y\n\u0120st ates\nom es\n\u0120m aterial\nle - x\n\u0120mom ent\n\u0120an sw\non se\n\u0120es pecially\n\u0120n orm\n\u0120serv - ices\np ite\nr an\n\u0120ro le\n4 4\n) :\n\u0120c red\nC l\n____ ____\n\u0120m - at\n\u0120l og\n\u0120Cl inton\nO U\n\u0120off ice\n\u01202 6\n\u0120ch arg\n\u0120tr - ack\nm a\n\u0120he art\n\u0120b all\n\u0120person al\n\u0120build ing\nn a\ns - et\nb ody\n\u0120Bl ack\n\u0120incre ase\nitt en\n\u0120need ed\n3 6\n3 2\n= - \"\n\u0120l ost\n\u0120bec ame\n\u0120grou ps\n\u0120M us\n\u0120w rote\n\u0120P - e\n\u0120pro p\nj oy\n\xC3 \xA9\n\u0120Wh ite\n\u0120de ad\n. '\n\u0120htt - p\n\u0120we bs\nO S\n\u0120ins ide\n\u0120wr ong\n\u0120stat ement\n\u0120 - ...\ny l\n\u0120fil m\n\u0120mus ic\n\u0120sh are\nific ation\n\u0120re lease\n\u0120for - ward\n\u0120st ay\n\u0120comp ut\nit te\ns er\n\u0120orig inal\n\u0120c ard\n\u0120c - and\n\u0120d iv\nat ural\n\u0120fav or\nO M\n\u0120c ases\nus es\n\u0120se - ction\n\u0120le ave\ng ing\nov ed\n\u0120W ashington\n3 9\n\u0120G l\n\u0120requ - ired\nact ion\nap an\no or\nit er\n\u0120K ing\n\u0120count ries\n\u0120G - erman\nll ing\n\u01202 7\n3 4\n\u0120quest ions\n\u0120pr im\n\u0120c ell\n\u0120sh - oot\n\u0120any one\n\u0120W est\n\u0120aff ect\nep end\n\u0120on line\n\u0120Is - rael\n\u0120Sept ember\n\u0120ab ility\n\u0120cont ent\nis es\n\u0120re ve\n\u0120l - aun\n\u0120ind ic\n\u0120for ce\nc ast\n\u0120so ld\nav ing\nf l\n\u0120so - ft\n\u0120compan ies\nce ed\n\u0120art icle\n\u0120a ud\n\u0120re v\n\u0120ed - uc\n\u0120play ing\n0 5\n\u0120he ld\nct or\n\u0120rele ased\n\u0120f ederal\n3 - 7\n\u0120ad minist\n\u0120inter view\n\u0120inst all\n\u0120rece ived\n\u0120s - ource\nu k\nP h\n\u0120ser ious\n\u0120cre ated\n\u0120c ause\n\u0120im medi\n\u0120def - in\nu el\n\u0120Dep artment\nct ions\n\u0120C our\n\u0120N ow\nz e\nit es\nit - ution\n\u0120l ate\n\u0120spe ak\nn ers\n\u0120leg al\nar i\n\u0120C or\n\u0120we - eks\n\u0120mod el\n\u0120p red\n\u0120ex act\nB C\n\u0120B y\nIN G\nos ing\n\u0120t - akes\n\u0120reg ard\n\u0120opp ortun\n\u0120pr ice\n\u012019 8\n\u0120A pr\nf - ully\n\u0120or d\n\u0120proble ms\nru ction\nh am\n\u0120C ount\nle ge\n\u0120lead - ers\nE T\nle v\n\u0120de ep\nolog ical\nes e\nh aps\n\u0120S ome\n\u0120p - ers\n\u0120cont ract\n\u0120relations hip\ns p\nou d\n\u0120b ase\n4 8\nm - it\nA d\nanc ial\n\u0120cons um\n\u0120pot ential\n\u0120l angu\nre m\net - h\n\u0120rel ig\nress ed\n6 6\n\u0120l ink\n\u0120l ower\nay er\n\u0120J une\n\u0120f - em\nun t\ner c\nur d\n\u0120cont act\n\u0120 ill\n\u0120m other\n\u0120est - ab\nh tt\n\u0120M arch\n\u0120B ro\n\u0120Ch ina\n\u01202 9\n\u0120s qu\n\u0120prov - ided\n\u0120a verage\nas ons\n\u0120201 1\n\u0120ex am\nl in\n5 5\nn ed\n\u0120per - fect\n\u0120t ou\nal se\nu x\n\u0120bu y\n\u0120sh ot\n\u0120col lect\n\u0120ph - ot\n\u0120play ed\n\u0120sur pr\n\u0120official s\n\u0120sim ple\nav y\n\u0120indust - ry\n\u0120hand s\ng round\n\u0120p ull\n\u0120r ound\n\u0120us er\n\u0120r - ange\nu ary\n\u0120priv ate\nop s\ne es\n\u0120w ays\n\u0120M ich\n\u0120ve - h\n\u0120ex cept\n\u0120ter ms\nim um\npp er\nI ON\nore s\n\u0120Dr agon\nou - l\n\u0120d en\n\u0120perform ance\n\u0120b ill\nc il\n4 7\n\u0120en vironment\n\u0120ex - c\nad d\n\u0120wor th\n\u0120p ict\n\u0120ch ance\n\u0120201 8\nb or\n\u0120spe - ed\nict ion\n\u0120al leg\n\u0120J apan\nat ory\nre et\n\u0120m atch\n\u0120I - I\n\u0120st ru\nord er\n\u0120st e\n\u0120l iving\n\u0120st ruct\nin o\n\u0120se - par\nher n\n\u0120resp onse\n\u0120en joy\n\u0120v ia\nA D\num ents\nace book\n\u0120mem - ber\nib r\niz ing\n\u0120to ol\n\u0120M on\n\u0120Wh ile\nh ood\n\u0120A ng\n\u0120D - ef\n\u0120off er\nT r\na ur\n\u0120turn ed\n\u0120J uly\nd own\nan ced\n\u0120rec - ently\n\u0120E ar\n\u0120c e\n\u0120St ar\n\u0120C ong\nrough t\n\u0120bl - ood\n\u0120hop e\n\u0120com ment\nain t\n\u0120ar ri\nil es\n\u0120partic - ip\nough t\nri ption\n0 8\n4 9\n\u0120g ave\n\u0120se lect\n\u0120kill ed\nsy - ch\n\u0120go es\ni j\n\u0120c oll\n\u0120imp act\nat ives\n\u0120S er\n0 9\n\u0120Aug - ust\n\u0120b oy\nd e\n\u0120D es\n\u0120f elt\nU S\n\u0120expect ed\n\u0120im - age\n\u0120M ark\ncc ording\no ice\nE C\n\u0120M ag\nen ed\nh old\n\u0120P - ost\n\u0120pre vent\nN o\n\u0120invol ved\n\u0120ey es\n\u0120quick ly\nA - t\nun k\n\u0120beh av\n\u0120 ur\n\u0120l ed\nc ome\ne y\n\u0120cand id\n\u0120ear - lier\n\u0120foc us\net y\nP ro\nled ge\nix ed\nill ed\n\u0120pop ular\nA P\n\u0120set - t\nl ight\n\u0120var ious\nin ks\n\u0120level s\n\u0120ro ad\nell ig\nab les\nhe - l\nitte e\n\u0120G ener\ny pe\n\u0120he ard\nic les\n\u0120m is\n\u0120us - ers\n\u0120S an\n\u0120impro ve\n\u0120f ather\n\u0120se arch\nThe y\nv il\n\u0120prof - ess\n\u0120kn ew\n\u0120l oss\n\u0120ev ents\n6 5\n\u0120b illion\n0 7\n0 - 2\n\u0120New s\n\u0120A M\n\u0120co ver\nw here\nens ion\n\u0120b ott\n\u0120are - as\nen ces\nop e\n\u0120Tw itter\na el\n\u0120get s\n\u0120Go ogle\n\u0120s - n\ni ant\n\u0120v ote\n\u0120near ly\n\u0120includ ed\n\u0120rec ogn\nz z\nm - m\nal ed\n\u0120happen ed\n0 4\n\u0120h ot\n\u0120who se\n\u0120c ivil\n\u0120su - ff\no es\nit iz\n\u0120Sy ri\n\u0120resp ond\n\u0120h on\n\u0120feat ures\n\u0120econom - ic\n\u0120Apr il\nr im\n\u0120techn ology\n\u0120o ption\nag ing\n\u0120pur - ch\nR e\n\u0120l at\nch ie\nis l\n\u0120rec omm\nu f\n\u0120tr aining\n\u0120effect - s\n\u0120f ast\n\u0120201 0\n\u0120occ ur\n\u0120webs ite\n\u0120em ail\n\u0120s - ens\ne ch\n\u0120o il\n\u0120inf lu\n\u0120current ly\n\u0120S ch\n\u0120Ad - d\n\u0120go al\n\u0120sc ient\n\u0120con v\n1 00\nem y\n\u0120dec ided\n\u0120tra - vel\n\u0120m ention\nL L\n0 3\n\u0120e lection\n\u0120ph one\n\u0120look s\n\u0120sit - uation\n\u0120c y\n\u0120h or\nb ed\n\u0120Cour t\na ily\nav es\n\u0120qu - ality\n\u0120Com p\nw ise\n\u0120t able\n\u0120st aff\n\u0120W ind\net t\n\u0120tri - ed\nide red\n\u0120add ition\n\u0120b ox\n\u0120l ack\nar ily\n\u0120w ide\n\u0120m - id\n\u0120bo ard\nys is\n\u0120ant i\nh a\n\u0120d ig\nen ing\n\u0120d ro\nC - on\n6 8\n\u0120sl ow\nb ased\nse qu\n\u0120p ath\nE x\nak er\n\u0120work ed\n\u0120p - en\n\u0120eng ine\n\u0120look ed\n\u0120Su per\n\u0120S erv\n\u0120vict im\nU - n\n\u0120proper ty\n\u0120int rodu\n\u0120exec ut\n\u0120P M\nL e\n\u0120col - or\n\u0120M ore\n\u01206 0\n\u0120net work\n\u0120d ate\nc ul\nid ge\n\u0120ext - ra\n3 1\n\u0120s le\n6 7\n\u0120w ond\n\u0120report s\nj ust\n\u0120Aust ral\n\u0120cap - ital\n\u0120en s\n\u0120comm and\n\u0120allow ed\n\u0120pre p\n\u0120ca pt\nh - ib\n\u0120num bers\nch an\n\u0120f air\nm p\nom s\n\u0120re ach\nW ith\nt - ain\n\u0120bro ad\n\u0120cou ple\nec ause\nly ing\n\u0120F eb\n\u0120sc reen\n\u0120l - ives\n\u0120pri or\n\u0120Cong ress\nA r\n\u0120appro ach\n\u0120e mer\nar - ies\n\u0120D is\ns erv\n\u0120N e\n\u0120bu ilt\nc ies\n\u0120re pe\n\u0120rul - es\nfor ce\n\u0120P al\n\u0120fin ancial\n\u0120cons idered\n\u0120Ch ar\nn - ces\n\u0120I S\n\u0120b rought\n\u0120b i\ni ers\n\u0120S im\nO P\n\u0120product - s\n\u0120vis it\n\u0120doc ument\n\u0120con duct\n\u0120complete ly\nin ing\n\u0120Cal - if\nib ly\n\u0120wr itten\n\u0120T V\nem ents\n\u0120d raw\nO ne\n\u0120pub - lished\n\u0120sec ret\nr ain\nhe t\n\u0120F acebook\nond ay\n\u0120U p\n\u0120sex - ual\n\u0120th ous\n\u0120P at\n\u0120 ess\n\u0120stand ard\n\u0120ar m\ng - es\nect ion\n\u0120f ell\n\u0120fore ign\nan i\n\u0120Fr iday\n\u0120reg ular\nin - ary\n\u0120incre ased\n\u0120us ually\n\u0120dem on\n\u0120d ark\n\u0120add - itional\nro l\n\u0120O f\n\u0120produ ction\n! !\nund red\n\u0120intern ational\nid - ents\n\u0120F ree\nrou p\n\u0120r ace\n\u0120m ach\n\u0120h uge\nA ll\nle - ar\nove mber\n\u0120to wn\n\u0120att ention\n\u0120O ff\ny ond\n\u0120The - n\nf ield\n\u0120ter ror\nra z\n\u0120B o\n\u0120meet ing\n\u0120P ark\n\u0120ar - rest\n\u0120f ear\n\u0120a w\n\u0120V al\nor ing\n' ,\n\u0120ext reme\nar - r\n\u0120work ers\nA fter\n\u01203 1\nn et\nam ent\n\u0120direct ly\n\u0120pop - ulation\nub e\n\u0120Oct ober\n\u0120I N\n\u0120Jan uary\n5 9\n\u0120Dav id\n\u0120c - ross\nce mber\n\u0120F irst\n\u0120mess age\nir it\n\u0120n ation\n\u0120p - oll\nis ions\n\u0120answ er\nn y\nis ode\n\u0120car ry\n\u0120Russ ia\n\u0120he - ar\neng th\nro y\n\u0120n atural\nin ally\n\u0120do g\nm itted\n\u0120tr ade\n\u0120sub - st\n\u0120mult iple\n\u0120Af ric\n\u0120f ans\n\u0120s ort\n\u0120gl obal\nic - ation\n\u0120W ed\nar a\n\u0120a chie\n\u0120langu age\nve y\n\u0120t al\n\u0120necess - ary\n\u0120det ails\n\u0120s en\n\u0120S und\n\u0120Re g\n\u0120R ec\n0 6\n\u0120s - il\nress ive\n\u0120med ical\nun ch\norn ia\n\u0120u nd\nf ort\noc ks\n\u0120M - onday\nues day\nc raft\n7 7\nur t\n\u0120 ver\n\u0120H ill\n\u0120rece ive\n\u0120mor - ning\nes tern\n\u0120b ank\n\u0120s at\nir th\n\u0120H igh\n\u0120dev ice\n\u0120TH - E\n\u0120Cent er\n\u0120saf e\n\u0120p le\n\u0120Canad a\n\u0120system s\n\u0120ass - ist\n\u0120sur v\n\u0120b attle\n\u0120S oc\nvert is\nS he\n\u0120p aper\n\u0120grow - th\n\u0120c ast\nS c\n\u0120pl ans\nll ed\n\u0120part s\n\u0120w all\n\u0120move - ment\n\u0120pract ice\nim ately\n\u0120dis play\n\u0120somet imes\nom p\n\u0120P - aul\n\u0120Y es\nk ing\n5 8\no ly\n\u0120s on\n\u0120av oid\nok es\n\u0120J - ew\n\u0120to wards\nas c\n\u0120 //\n\u0120K ore\n\u0120talk ing\n\u0120cor - rect\n\u0120sp ent\nic ks\ni able\ne ared\n\u0120ter m\n\u0120want s\nom ing\n\u0120 - ut\n\u0120dou b\n\u0120for ces\n\u0120p lease\n6 9\n\u0120N ovember\nat form\nond - on\n\u0120on es\n\u0120immedi ately\n\u0120Russ ian\n\u0120M et\n\u0120de - g\n\u0120parent s\nC H\n\u0120Americ ans\nal y\n\u0120M od\n\u0120sh own\n\u0120cond - itions\n\u0120st uff\n\u0120re b\n\u0120Y our\n\u0120includ es\nn own\n\u0120S - am\n\u0120exper ien\nm ission\n\u0120E ven\naugh t\n\u0120announ ced\n\u0120Republic - an\n\u0120deter min\n\u0120describ ed\n\u0120Count y\n( )\n\u0120do or\n\u0120chang - ed\n\u0120ne igh\n\u0120H ere\n\u0120cle an\n\u0120p an\n\u0120De cember\n\u0120Europe - an\nir ing\nap ter\n\u0120cl ub\n\u0120T uesday\n\u0120p aid\n\u0120N et\n\u0120attack - s\n\u0120charact ers\n\u0120al one\n\u0120direct or\nd om\n\u01203 5\n\u0120l - oad\n\u0120r out\n\u0120Calif ornia\n\u0120fin ally\n\u0120r ac\n\u0120cont - r\n\u0120exact ly\nres h\np ri\n\u0120Is lam\n\u0120n ature\n\u0120care er\n\u0120lat - est\n\u0120con vers\n\u0120S l\np ose\nci ent\n\u0120In c\niv ity\n8 8\n\u0120A - tt\n\u0120M or\nnes day\n\u0120we ight\nk en\n\u0120not e\n\u0120team s\n\u0120 - \\\nair s\n\u0120G reen\n\u0120h undred\non ent\n\u0120stre ng\n\u0120cons - ist\nic ated\n\u0120reg ul\n\u0120l ic\nast ic\n\u0120t en\nurs day\nellig - ence\nous ly\n\u0120U K\nB I\n\u0120cost s\n\u0120ind epend\n\u0120A P\n\u0120norm - al\n\u0120h om\n\u0120ob vious\n\u0120s we\n\u0120st ar\n\u0120read y\nac - her\n\u0120imp lement\ng est\n\u0120s ong\n\u0120G et\n\u0120L ab\n\u0120interest - ing\nus ing\n\u0120g iving\n\u0120Sund ay\n\u0120et c\n\u0120m iddle\n\u0120rem - ember\nr ight\nos ition\nut ions\n\u0120m ax\n4 6\n\u0120your self\n\u0120dem - and\n\u0120treat ment\n\u0120d anger\n\u0120C ons\n\u0120gu y\n\u0120Brit - ish\n\u0120phys ical\n\u0120rel ated\n\u0120rem ain\n\u0120could n\n\u0120ref - er\n\u0120c itiz\nb ox\nEN T\nbo ard\n\u0120in n\nI G\ner o\n\u0120St reet\nosp - ital\nren ch\ncher s\n\u0120st ra\nO L\nag er\n\u0120A N\n\u0120eas ily\nI - A\nen ge\nin y\n\u0120cl os\nock ed\n\u0120us es\n\u0120C oun\nI m\nu ild\n? - ?\nm ore\n\u0120an g\n\u0120wr ite\nol ute\n5 7\n\u0120lead er\n\u0120read - ing\n< /\n\u0120aut om\nest s\n4 3\n\u0120leg isl\n\u0120G old\n\u0120design - ed\n\u0120S T\n\u0120Le g\na res\n\u0120be aut\n\u0120T ex\n\u0120appear s\n\u0120stru - gg\n\u0120R om\n\u0120 00\n\u0120cho ice\n\u0120particular ly\n\u0120F rom\nop - er\n\u0120L ondon\nann ed\n\u0120allow s\nob ile\n\u0120differe nce\n\xE2\u0122 - \xA2\n\u0120V iew\n\u0120Wed nesday\n\u0120al though\n\u0120rel ative\n\u0120applic - ation\nate ver\n\u0120are n\n\u0120my self\n\u0120im ag\n\u0120dis e\n\u0120soc - iety\n\u0120fre qu\n\u0120Eng lish\n\u0120po or\n\u0120D ay\n\u0120writ ing\n\u0120se - ven\n\u0120start ing\n\u0120b ud\n\u0120pr int\n\u0120Tr ans\nuf act\n\u0120St - ud\nn ew\n\u0120cr im\n\u0120g ives\n\u0120co ol\na e\ni ance\n\u0120Gener - al\n\u0120think ing\n\u0120sa ve\n\u0120lim ited\n\u0120Part y\n\u0120mean - ing\np en\now ers\n\u0120J ack\nE M\n\u0120n ice\nru pt\n\u0120g as\n\u0120e - ight\n\u0120fe et\n\u0120eff ort\n\u0120 ign\nic it\nB l\nco in\n\u0120op - in\n\u0120br ain\nWh ile\nhe st\n\u0120Th ursday\n\u0120would n\naugh ter\n\u0120tou - ch\nle ments\n\u0120stud ies\n\u0120cent er\nc ont\nor ge\n\u0120comput er\n\u0120investig - ation\nP l\nor ks\n\u0120200 8\n\u0120incre asing\n\u0120st ore\n\u0120com - ments\n\u0120b al\nm en\n\u0120do ll\n\u0120l iber\n\u0120w ife\n\u0120law - s\natur day\nit ness\n\u0120mod ern\n\u0120S k\n\u0120administ ration\n\u0120opportun - ity\n\u0120s al\n\u0120power ful\nM y\n\u0120claim s\n\u0120Ear th\nord s\n\u0120t - itle\n\u0120es c\nn ame\nN ot\nom en\n\u0120be yond\n\u0120c amer\n\u0120se - ll\nit ute\near ch\n\u0120app l\nim ent\n4 2\n\u0120Ar t\n\u0120un f\n\u0120viol - ence\nur g\n\u0120E ast\n\u0120comp ared\n\u0120opt ions\n\u0120through out\n\u0120v - s\nig r\n. [\nac hes\n7 8\n\u0120fil es\nF L\nE L\nar ian\n\u0120J ames\n\u0120A - ir\nan ch\n\u0120det ail\n\u0120pie ce\nP S\n\u0120n amed\n\u0120educ ation\n\u0120dri - ve\n\u0120item s\n\u0120stud ent\nic ed\n: :\nic o\n\u0120th row\n\u0120sc - ene\n\u0120comple x\n\u0120200 9\n\u0120pre c\n\u0120B re\n7 9\n\u0120con - cept\n\u0120stat us\nam ing\n\u0120d ied\n\u0120know ledge\n\u0120begin ning\nO - D\nru ary\n\u0120certain ly\n\u0120gu ys\n\u0120sl ight\nin n\nound s\n\u0120f - ine\n\u0120f at\nic ations\n\u0120per haps\n\u0120A nt\n\u0120inc ome\n\u0120htt - ps\n\u0120major ity\nport s\nst on\n\u0120great er\n\u0120fe ed\nent ially\n\u0120saf - ety\n\u0120un ique\nand om\n\u0120g one\n\u0120show ed\n\u0120hist or\n\u0120coun - ter\ni us\nid a\n\u0120lead ing\ni pe\n\u0120s end\n\u0120Don ald\ner ve\n\u0120def - ense\nines e\n\u0120y es\n\u0120F ire\n\u0120Mus lim\nra q\n\u0120contin ued\nos - h\n\u0120prov ides\n\u0120pr ison\n\u0120P re\n\u0120happ y\n\u0120econom - y\n\u0120tr ust\nag s\n\u0120G ame\n\u0120weap ons\num an\n\u0120C le\nit - ation\n\u0120anal ysis\n\u0120T imes\n\u0120sc ience\n- >\n\u0120fig ure\n\u0120dis - app\nent y\n\u0120soft ware\n\u0120u lt\n\u0120offic ers\nN ew\nI s\n\u0120rem - ains\n\u0120Ind ia\n\u0120p sych\nri ef\n\u0120c at\nes c\n\u0120ob serv\n\u0120st - age\n\u0120D ark\n\u0120ent er\nch ange\n\u0120pass ed\n\u0120des pite\n\u0120O - ut\n\u0120mov ie\nr s\n\u0120v oice\nm ine\n\u0120Pl ay\n\u0120to ward\n\u0120T - er\n\u0120reg ion\n\u0120val ues\nor ters\n\u0120m ount\n\u0120offic er\n\u0120O - ther\nb an\n\u0120h ous\nw ood\nro om\nI V\n\u0120S un\nse e\n\u0120O ver\nro - g\n9 0\n\u0120l ay\n\u0120T ur\na wn\n\u0120press ure\n\u0120S ub\n\u0120book - s\ned om\n\u0120S and\nA A\nag o\n\u0120re asons\nf ord\n\u0120activ ity\nU - T\nN ow\n\u0120Sen ate\nce ll\nn ight\n\u0120call s\nin ter\n\u0120let ter\n\u0120R - ob\n\u0120J e\n\u0120cho ose\n\u0120L aw\nG et\nB e\n\u0120ro b\n\u0120typ - es\n\u0120pl atform\n\u0120qu arter\nR A\n\u0120T ime\n\u0120may be\n\u0120C - r\n9 5\np re\n\u0120mov ing\n\u0120l if\n\u0120go ld\n\u0120s om\n\u0120pat - ients\n\u0120tr uth\n\u0120K e\nur ance\nant ly\nm ar\n\u0120char ge\n\u0120G - reat\n\u0120ce le\n---------------- ----------------\n\u0120ro ck\nro id\nan - cy\n\u0120cred it\na ud\nB y\n\u0120E very\n\u0120mov ed\ning er\nrib ution\n\u0120n - ames\n\u0120stra ight\n\u0120He alth\n\u0120W ell\n\u0120fe ature\n\u0120r - ule\n\u0120sc he\nin ated\n\u0120Mich ael\nber g\n4 1\nil ed\nb and\n\u0120cl - ick\n\u0120Ang el\non ents\n\xC2 \u0143\n\u0120I raq\n\u0120S aturday\n\u0120a - ware\np art\n\u0120pat tern\nO W\n\u0120L et\n\u0120gr ad\nign ed\n\u0120associ - ated\n\u0120st yle\nn o\ni ation\na ith\nil ies\n\u0120st ories\nur ation\n\u0120individual - s\n\u0120\xE2\u0122 \xA6\nm iss\n\u0120Ass oci\nish ing\nab y\n\u0120sum mer\n\u0120B - en\n\u01203 2\n\u0120ar ch\nut y\n\u0120Tex as\nh ol\n\u0120full y\n\u0120m - ill\n\u0120follow ed\n\u0120B ill\n\u0120Ind ian\n\u0120Sec ret\n\u0120B el\n\u0120Feb - ruary\n\u0120job s\n\u0120seem ed\n\u0120Go vern\ni pped\n\u0120real ity\n\u0120l - ines\n\u0120p ark\n\u0120meas ure\n\u0120O ur\nI M\n\u0120bro ther\n\u0120grow - ing\n\u0120b an\n\u0120est im\n\u0120c ry\n\u0120S chool\n\u0120me chan\n\u0120O - F\n\u0120Wind ows\n\u0120r ates\n\u0120O h\n\u0120pos itive\n\u0120cult ure\nist - ics\nic a\n\u0120h ar\ny a\nite ly\ni pp\n\u0120m ap\nen cies\n\u0120Will - iam\nI I\nak ers\n5 6\n\u0120M art\n\u0120R em\n\u0120al tern\nit ude\n\u0120co - ach\nrow d\nD on\n\u0120k ids\n\u0120j ournal\n\u0120cor por\n\u0120f alse\n\u0120we - b\n\u0120sle ep\n\u0120cont ain\n\u0120st o\n\u0120b ed\niver se\n\u0120R - ich\n\u0120Ch inese\n\u0120p un\n\u0120me ant\nk nown\n\u0120not ice\n\u0120favor - ite\na ven\n\u0120cond ition\n\u0120pur pose\n) )\n\u0120organ ization\n\u0120chall - eng\n\u0120man ufact\n\u0120sus p\n\u0120A c\n\u0120crit ic\nun es\nuc lear\n\u0120m - er\nvent ion\n\u01208 0\n\u0120m ist\n\u0120U s\n\u0120T or\nhtt p\nol f\n\u0120larg - er\n\u0120adv ant\n\u0120rese ar\n\u0120act ions\nm l\n\u0120ke pt\n\u0120a - im\n, '\nc ol\n\u0120benef its\nif ying\n\u0120act ual\n\u0120Intern ational\n\u0120veh - icle\n\u0120ch ief\n\u0120eff orts\n\u0120Le ague\n\u0120M ost\n\u0120wa it\n\u0120ad - ult\n\u0120over all\n\u0120spe ech\n\u0120high ly\n\u0120fem ale\n\u0120er - ror\n\u0120effect ive\n5 4\n\u0120enc our\nw ell\n\u0120fail ed\n\u0120cons - erv\n\u0120program s\n\u0120t rou\n\u0120a head\n5 00\nvertis ement\nI P\n\u0120F - ound\np ir\n\u0120 %\n\u0120cr ime\nand er\n\u0120loc ation\n\u0120I ran\n\u0120behav - ior\naz ing\n\u0120r are\n\u0120em b\n\u0120ca used\n\u0120sh ip\n\u0120act - ive\n\u0120cont ribut\n\u0120g reen\n\u0120ac qu\n\u0120ref lect\nven ue\n\u0120f - irm\n\u0120b irth\n] .\n\u0120clear ly\n\u0120em ot\n\u0120ag ency\nri age\n\u0120mem - ory\n9 8\nS A\n\u0120Se e\nac ing\nC C\n\u0120big gest\n\u0120r ap\n\u0120bas - ic\n\u0120b and\ne at\n\u0120sus pect\n\u0120M ac\n\u01209 0\nm ark\nist an\n\u0120sp - read\nam s\nk i\nas y\nra v\n\u0120R ober\n\u0120demon str\nr ated\n\u0120abs - olute\n\u0120pl aces\n\u0120im pl\nibr ary\n\u0120c ards\n\u0120dest roy\n\u0120v - irt\nve re\n\u0120app eared\ny an\np oint\n\u0120be g\n\u0120tem per\ns pe\nant - ed\near s\n\u0120D irect\n\u0120l ength\n\u0120bl og\nam b\n\u0120int eg\n\u0120res - ources\nac c\nif ul\n\u0120sp ot\n\u0120for ced\n\u0120thous ands\n\u0120Min - ister\n\u0120qu al\n\u0120F rench\nat ically\n\u0120gener ally\n\u0120dr ink\n\u0120th - us\nI L\nod es\n\u0120appro pri\n\u0120Re ad\n\u0120wh om\n\u0120ey e\n\u0120col - lege\n\u01204 5\nire ction\n\u0120ens ure\n\u0120app arent\nid ers\n\u0120relig - ious\n\u0120min or\nol ic\n\u0120t ro\n\u0120Wh y\nrib ute\nm et\n\u0120prim - ary\n\u0120develop ed\n\u0120pe ace\n\u0120sk in\nst e\nav a\n\u0120bl ue\n\u0120fam - ilies\n\u0120 ir\n\u0120app ly\n\u0120in form\n\u0120Sm ith\nC T\ni i\n\u0120lim - it\n\u0120res ist\n........ ........\num n\n\u0120conf lic\n\u0120tw e\nud - d\n\u0120T om\n\u0120l iter\nqu e\nb on\n\u0120ha ir\n\u0120event ually\n\u0120p - us\n\u0120help ed\n\u0120ag g\nor ney\n\u0120App le\n\u0120f it\n\u0120S ur\n\u0120pre - m\n\u0120s ales\n\u0120second s\n\u0120streng th\n\u0120feel ing\n\xBF \xBD\n\u0120t - our\n\u0120know s\no om\n\u0120ex erc\n\u0120som ew\n\xEF \xBF\xBD\n> >\n\u0120sp - okes\n\u0120ide as\n\u0120reg ist\nso ft\n\u0120D el\n\u0120P C\n\u0120pro - pos\n\u0120laun ch\n\u0120bott om\nT H\n\u0120P lease\nv est\nit z\n\u0120In - ter\n\u0120sc ript\n\u0120r at\nar ning\n\u0120 il\n\u0120J er\n\u0120A re\n\u0120wh - atever\nok en\nci ence\n\u0120mod e\n\u0120ag ree\n\u0120s ources\n\u0120init - ial\n\u0120rest rict\n\u0120wond er\nus ion\n## ##\n\u0120S il\nvil le\n\u0120b - urn\nt w\nas ion\n\u0120\xC2 \xA3\n\u0120n or\nu ing\n\u0120re ached\n\u0120s - un\n\u0120c ateg\nig ration\n\u0120c ook\n\u0120prom ot\n\u0120m ale\n\u0120cl - imate\n\u0120f ix\n\u0120alleg ed\nU R\nall ed\n\u0120im ages\nC ont\not a\n\u0120school - s\ni os\n\u0120d rop\n\u0120st ream\n\u0120M o\n\u0120previous ly\nal ing\n\u0120p - et\n\u0120dou ble\n\u0120( @\nann el\n\u0120def ault\nt ies\n\u0120r ank\n\u0120D - ec\n\u0120Coun cil\n\u0120weap on\n\u0120st ock\n\u0120anal y\n\u0120St r\n\u0120pict - ure\n\u0120Pol ice\nf erence\n\u0120cent ury\n\u0120citiz ens\n\u0120on to\n\u0120exp - and\n\u0120he ro\n\u0120S ol\n\u0120w ild\n\u0120upd ate\n\u0120custom ers\nr - ont\nd ef\n\u0120l ik\n\u0120crim inal\n\u0120Christ ian\nS P\n7 6\n\u0120le - aving\n\u0120other wise\n\u0120D ist\n\u0120bas is\n5 2\n5 3\nic ip\n\u0120B - er\n\u0120recomm end\n\u0120fl oor\n\u0120c rowd\nol es\n\u01207 0\n\u0120cent - ral\n\u0120E v\n\u0120d ream\n\u0120down load\n\u0120conf ir\n\u0120Th om\n\u0120wind - ow\n\u0120happ ens\n\u0120un it\n\u0120t end\n\u0120s pl\n\u0120bec omes\n\u0120fight - ing\n\u0120pred ict\n\u0120P ress\n\u0120P ower\n\u0120he avy\nak ed\n\u0120f - an\nor ter\nate gy\nB A\niz es\n\u0120sp end\nH ere\n\u0120200 7\n\u0120ad - op\n\u0120H am\n\u0120foot ball\n\u0120P ort\nod ay\n5 1\namp ions\n\u0120trans - fer\nh t\n\u01203 8\nter m\nac ity\n\u0120b ur\n] ,\ntern al\nr ig\nb ut\n\u0120there - fore\n\u0120B ecause\nres p\nre y\n\u0120m ission\nS ome\n\u0120not ed\n\u0120ass - um\n\u0120dise ase\n\u0120ed it\n\u0120prog ress\nr d\n\u0120B rown\noc al\n\u0120add - ing\n\u0120ra ised\n\u0120An y\n\u0120t ick\n\u0120see ing\n\u0120Pe ople\n\u0120agre - ement\n\u0120ser ver\n\u0120w at\n\u0120deb ate\n\u0120supp osed\nil ing\n\u0120larg - est\n\u0120success ful\n\u0120P ri\n\u0120Democr atic\n\u0120j ump\n\u0120Syri - a\n\u0120own ers\n\u0120off ers\n\u0120shoot ing\n\u0120eff ic\nse y\n\u0120ha - ven\nver se\nte red\n\u0120L ight\nim al\n\u0120B ig\n\u0120def end\n\u0120be - at\n\u0120record s\n% )\n\u0120sc en\n\u0120employ ees\n\u0120dev ices\nhe - m\n\u0120com mer\n\u0120M ex\n\u0120benef it\n\u0120Pro f\n\u0120il leg\n\u0120sur - face\n\u0120Al so\n\u0120h arm\ning ly\nw ide\n\u0120A lex\n\u0120sh ut\n\u0120C - ur\n\u0120l ose\np m\n\u0120chall enge\nse mb\n\u0120st ation\n\u0120int elligence\n\u0120acc - ur\n\u0120Fl or\n\u0120requ ires\n\u0120M al\nb um\n\u0120h ospital\n\u0120sp - irit\n\u0120off ered\n\u0120produ ce\n\u0120Comm un\n\u0120creat ing\n\u0120cr - is\ns pect\n\u0120end ed\n\u0120d aily\n\u0120vot ers\nland s\ni as\ni h\non - a\n\u0120sm art\n\u0120Off ice\n\u0120L ord\nri al\n\u0120Intern et\n\u0120circ - um\n\u0120extreme ly\n' .\n\u0120opin ion\n\u0120M il\n\u0120g ain\nB S\n\u0120F - in\ny p\n\u0120use ful\n\u0120bud get\n\u0120com fort\nis f\n\u0120back ground\nel - ine\n\u0120ep isode\n\u0120en emy\n\u0120tri al\n\u0120estab lish\nd ate\n\u0120C - ap\n\u0120contin ues\n\u0120show ing\n\u0120Un ion\nw ith\n\u0120post ed\n\u0120Sy - stem\n\u0120e at\nri an\n\u0120r ise\n\u0120German y\nil s\n\u0120sign ed\n\u0120v - ill\n\u0120gr and\nm or\n\u0120Eng land\n\u0120project s\num ber\n\u0120conf - erence\nz a\n\u0120respons ible\n\u0120Ar ab\n\u0120learn ed\n\xE2\u0122\u0136 - \xE2\u0122\u0136\ni pping\n\u0120Ge orge\nO C\n\u0120return ed\n\u0120Austral - ia\n\u0120b rief\nQ u\n\u0120br and\nill ing\nab led\n\u0120hig hest\n\u0120tr - ain\n\u0120Comm ission\nwh ile\n\u0120n om\ncept ion\n\u0120m ut\n\u0120Bl - ue\n\u0120inc ident\nv ant\n8 6\n\u0120I D\n\u0120n uclear\n7 4\n\u0120L ike\n\u0120R - E\n\u0120M icro\nl i\nm ail\n\u0120charg es\n8 9\n\u0120ad just\nad o\n\u0120ear - th\nN A\n\u0120pr ices\nP A\n\u0120d raft\n\u0120run s\n\u0120candid ate\nens - es\n\u0120manag ement\n\u0120Ph il\n\u0120M iss\n\u0120te ach\ng ram\n\u0120understand - ing\na it\nic ago\nA dd\n\u0120E p\nsec ut\n\u0120separ ate\n\u0120inst ance\n\u0120e - th\n\u0120un less\n**** ****\n\u0120F ore\nin ate\n\u0120oper ations\nS p\n\u0120f - aith\ng ar\n\u0120Ch urch\nron ic\n\u0120conf ig\nos ure\n\u0120activ ities\n\u0120trad - itional\n\u01203 6\n\u0120d irection\n\u0120mach ine\n\u0120sur round\n\u0120p - ush\nun ction\n\u0120E U\n\u0120eas ier\n\u0120arg ument\nG B\n\u0120m icro\n\u0120sp - ending\niz ations\n\u0120the ory\nad ow\n\u0120call ing\n\u0120L ast\n\u0120d - er\n\u0120influ ence\n\u0120comm it\n\u0120ph oto\n\u0120un c\nist ry\ng n\nast - e\nack s\n\u0120dis p\nad y\nd o\n\u0120G ood\n\u0120 `\n\u0120w ish\n\u0120reve - aled\n\xC2\u0142 \xC2\u0142\nl ig\n\u0120en force\n\u0120Comm ittee\n\u0120che - m\n\u0120mil es\n\u0120interest ed\n\u0120sol ution\nic y\nin ct\n\u0120- - >\n\u0120D et\n\u0120rem oved\n\u0120comp ar\ne ah\n\u0120pl ant\n\u0120S - ince\n\u0120achie ve\n\u0120advant age\n\u0120slight ly\nb ing\n\u0120pl aced\nu - nder\n201 5\n\u0120M ad\n\u0120t im\nos es\n\u0120c ru\n\u0120R ock\n\u0120most - ly\n\u0120neg ative\n\u0120set ting\n\u0120produ ced\n\u0120m ur\n\u0120connect - ion\n\u0120M er\n\u0120dri ver\n\u0120execut ive\n\u0120ass ault\n\u0120b - orn\n\u0120V er\nt ained\n\u0120struct ure\n\u0120redu ce\n\u0120dec ades\n\u0120d - ed\nu ke\n\u0120M any\nidd en\n\u0120le ague\nS e\n\u0120jo in\n\u0120dis - co\n\u0120d ie\nc ks\nact ions\n\u0120ass ess\nag n\n\u0120go als\nour s\nI - R\n\u0120sen ior\nill er\nm od\nip ment\noc ol\nu y\n\u0120Q ue\n\u0120part - ies\nir gin\n\u0120le arning\nit able\n\u0120stre et\n\u0120camer a\nA pp\n\u0120sk - ills\nb re\nc ious\n\u0120cele br\n\u0120Fr anc\n\u0120exist ing\n\u0120will - ing\nl or\n\u0120 id\n\u0120Sp ace\n\u0120crit ical\n\u0120L a\nortun ately\n\u0120ser - ve\n\u0120c old\n\u0120spec ies\nT S\n\u0120anim als\n\u0120B ay\n\u0120old - er\n\u0120U nder\nest ic\n\u0120T re\n\u0120te acher\n\u0120pre fer\nv is\n\u0120th - read\n\u0120M att\n\u0120manag er\n\xE3\u0125 \xBB\n\u0120profess ional\n\u0120V - ol\n\u0120not es\nThe se\nul a\n\u0120f resh\nent ed\nu zz\ned y\nclus ion\n\u0120R - el\n\u0120doub t\nE O\n\u0120open ed\n\u0120B it\nAd vertisement\n\u0120gu - ess\n\u0120U N\n\u0120se qu\n\u0120expl ain\nott en\n\u0120att ract\nak s\n\u0120str - ing\n\u0120cont ext\noss ible\n\u0120Republic ans\n\u0120sol id\n\u0120c ities\n\u0120ask - ing\n\u0120r andom\nu ps\nur ies\nar ant\ndd en\ng l\n\u0120Flor ida\n\u0120dep - end\n\u0120Sc ott\n\u01203 3\n\u0120i T\nic on\n\u0120mention ed\n\u01202 - 000\n\u0120claim ed\n\u0120defin itely\nul f\n\u0120c ore\n\u0120open ing\n\u0120Con - st\nwh ich\n\u0120T ra\nA G\n7 2\n\u0120belie ved\nad a\n\u01204 8\n\u0120Sec - urity\nyr ight\n\u0120P et\n\u0120L ou\n\u0120hold ing\n======== ========\n\u0120 - ice\n\u0120b row\n\u0120author ities\nh ost\nw ord\n\u0120sc ore\n\u0120D - iv\n\u0120cell s\n\u0120trans l\n\u0120neigh bor\n\u0120rem ove\nu ct\n\u0120dist - rict\n\u0120A ccording\n\u0120wor se\n\u0120concern s\n\u0120president ial\n\u0120polic - ies\n\u0120H all\n7 3\n\u0120h us\nA Y\n\u0120200 6\n\u0120J ud\n\u0120independ - ent\n\u0120Just ice\nili ar\npr int\nigh ter\n\u0120protect ion\nz en\n\u0120su - dden\nh ouse\n\u0120J es\nP R\n\u0120In f\n\u0120b ul\n\u0120 _\n\u0120Serv - ice\n\u0120P R\n\u0120str ategy\nff ect\n\u0120girl s\n\u0120miss ing\noy - al\n\u0120Te am\nul ated\n\u0120d at\n\u0120polit ics\nab or\nA ccording\n\u0120spe - ll\n\u0120g raph\nort hern\nT C\nA b\n\u0120lab or\nis her\n\u0120k ick\n\u0120iT - unes\n\u0120step s\npos es\n\u0120small er\nE n\nber t\n\u0120ro ll\n\u0120resear - chers\n\u0120cl osed\n\u0120trans port\n\u0120law y\n________ ________\n\u0120Ch - icago\n\u0120as pect\n\u0120n one\n\u0120mar riage\n9 6\n\u0120e lements\n\u0120F - re\n\u0120S al\n\u0120d ram\nF C\nt op\ne qu\n\u0120he aring\n\u0120support - ed\n\u0120test ing\nco hol\n\u0120mass ive\n\u0120st ick\n\u0120gu ard\nis - co\nph one\nF rom\nHow ever\n\u0120b order\n\u0120cop y\nograph y\nl ist\n7 - 1\n\u0120own er\ncl ass\nru it\nr ate\n\u0120O nce\n\u0120dig ital\n\u0120t - ask\nER S\n\u0120inc red\nt es\n+ +\n\u0120Fr ance\n\u0120b reat\now l\n\u0120iss - ued\n\u0120W estern\n\u0120det ect\n\u0120part ners\n\u0120sh ared\n\u0120C - all\n\u0120can cer\nac he\nrib e\n\u0120expl ained\n\u0120he at\n{ \"\n\u0120invest - ment\n\u0120B ook\n\u0120w ood\n\u0120tool s\n\u0120Al though\n\u0120belie - f\n\u0120cris is\n\u0120g e\n\u0120M P\n\u0120oper ation\nty pe\n~ ~\ng a\n\u0120cont - ains\nant a\n\u0120exp ress\n\u0120G roup\n\u0120J ournal\nk a\n\u0120am b\n\u0120US - A\n\u0120find ing\n\u0120fund ing\nh ow\n\u0120estab lished\nide os\n\u0120deg - ree\n\u0120danger ous\nang ing\n\u0120fre edom\npp ort\nout hern\n\u0120ch - urch\n\u0120c atch\n\u0120Tw o\n\u0120pres ence\n\u0120Gu ard\nU p\n\u0120author - ity\n\u0120Pro ject\n\u0120but ton\n\u0120con sequ\n\u0120val id\n\u0120we - ak\n\u0120start s\n\u0120ref erence\n\u0120M em\n\" )\nU N\nor age\n\u0120O - pen\n\u0120col lection\ny m\ng ency\n\u0120beaut iful\nro s\n\u0120tell s\n\u0120wa - iting\nn el\n\u0120prov iding\n\u0120Democr ats\n\u0120d aughter\n\u0120m - aster\n\u0120pur poses\n\u0120Japan ese\n\u0120equ al\n\u0120turn s\n\u0120doc - uments\n\u0120watch ing\nR es\n\u0120r an\n201 4\n\u0120re ject\n\u0120Kore - a\n\u0120victim s\nLe vel\nere nces\n\u0120w itness\n\u01203 4\n\u0120re form\ncom - ing\n\u0120occ up\n\u0120c aught\n\u0120tra ffic\nad ing\n\u0120mod els\nar - io\n\u0120serv ed\n\u0120b atter\nu ate\n\u0120Secret ary\n\u0120agre ed\n\u0120tr - uly\nyn am\n\u0120R et\n\u0120un its\n\u0120Res earch\nh and\naz ine\n\u0120M - ike\n\u0120var iety\not al\n\u0120am azing\n\u0120confir med\n\u0120entire - ly\n\u0120purch ase\n\u0120e lement\n\u0120c ash\n\u0120deter mine\nD e\n\u0120c - ars\n\u0120W all\n\xE2 \u0138\n\u0120view s\n\u0120drug s\n\u0120dep artment\n\u0120St - ep\nu it\n\u01203 9\nas ure\n\u0120Cl ass\n\u0120c overed\n\u0120B ank\n\u0120me - re\nu ana\n\u0120mult i\n\u0120m ix\n\u0120un like\nlev ision\n\u0120sto pped\n\u0120s - em\n\u0120G al\nul es\n\u0120we l\n\u0120John son\nl a\n\u0120sk ill\n\u0120bec - oming\nri e\n\u0120appropri ate\nf e\nell ow\n\u0120Pro t\nul ate\noc ation\n\u0120week - end\nod ies\n\u0120sit es\n\u0120anim al\n\u0120T im\n\u0120sc ale\n\u0120charg - ed\n\u0120inst ruct\nill a\n\u0120method s\n\u0120c ert\n\u0120jud ge\n\u0120H - el\n\u0120doll ars\n\u0120stand ing\n\u0120S qu\n\u0120deb t\nl iam\n\u0120dri - ving\n\u0120S um\n\u0120Ed ition\n\u0120al bum\nand on\nI F\n\u0120U k\n6 - 3\nad er\n\u0120commer cial\nes h\n\u0120Govern ment\n\u0120disc overed\n\u0120out - put\n\u0120Hill ary\n\u0120Car ol\n\u0120200 5\n\u0120ab use\nanc ing\n\u0120sw - itch\n\u0120ann ual\nT w\n\u0120st ated\nag ement\nin ner\n\u0120dem ocr\n\u0120res - idents\n\u0120allow ing\n\u0120fact ors\nod d\n\u0120f uck\nem ies\n\u0120occur - red\not i\n\u0120n orth\n\u0120P ublic\n\u0120inj ury\n\u0120ins urance\nC - L\noll y\n\xE3 \u0122\n\u0120repe ated\n\u0120ar ms\nang ed\n\u0120const ruction\n\u0120f - le\nP U\nic ians\n\u0120for ms\n\u0120Mc C\nant ic\n\u0120m ental\np ire\n\u0120equ - ipment\n\u0120f ant\n\u0120discuss ion\n\u0120regard ing\nk in\nar p\n\u0120ch - air\nog ue\n\u0120pro ceed\n\u0120I d\nO ur\n\u0120mur der\nM an\n\u01204 - 9\nas p\n\u0120supp ly\n\u0120in put\n\u0120we alth\nliam ent\n\u0120pro ced\nor - ial\n\u0120St at\n\u0120N FL\nhen s\n\u0120Inst itute\n\u0120put ting\nourn - ament\net ic\n\u0120loc ated\n\u0120k id\ner ia\nr un\n\u0120pr inc\n\u0120 - !\ngo ing\n\u0120B et\n\u0120cl ot\n\u0120tell ing\n\u0120prop osed\ni ot\nor - ry\n\u0120fund s\ng ment\n\u0120L ife\n\u0120b aby\n\u0120B ack\n\u0120sp - oke\nIm age\n\u0120ear n\n\u0120A T\ng u\n\u0120ex change\n\u0120L in\nov - ing\n\u0120p air\nM ore\naz on\n\u0120arrest ed\n\u0120kill ing\nc an\n\u0120C - ard\ny d\n\u0120ident ified\n\u0120m obile\n\u0120than ks\nony m\n\u0120F - orm\n\u0120hundred s\n\u0120Ch ris\n\u0120C at\n\u0120tre nd\nh at\n\u0120A - v\nom an\n\u0120elect ric\n\u0120W il\nS E\nO f\n\u0120rest aur\not ed\n\u0120tr - ig\n\u0120n ine\n\u0120b omb\nWh y\n\xC2 \xAF\n\u0120co verage\n\u0120app - eal\n\u0120Rober t\n\u0120S up\n\u0120fin ished\n\u0120fl ow\n\u0120del iver\n\u0120cal - cul\n\u0120phot os\n\u0120ph il\n\u0120pie ces\n\u0120app re\nk es\n\u0120r - ough\nD o\n\u0120part ner\n\u0120concern ed\n\u01203 7\n\u0120G en\nC ol\nct - ors\n\u0120= >\nst ate\n\u0120suggest ed\n\u0120For ce\nC E\n\u0120her self\n\u0120Pl - an\nw orks\no oth\nren cy\n\u0120cor ner\n\u0120hus band\n\u0120intern et\n\u0120A - ut\nem s\nos en\n\u0120At l\ng en\n\u0120bal ance\n6 2\n\u0120sound s\nte - xt\n\u0120ar r\nov es\n\u0120mill ions\n\u0120rad io\n\u0120sat isf\n\u0120D - am\nM r\nG o\nS pe\n\u0120comb at\nr ant\n\u0120G ree\n\u0120f uel\n\u0120dist - ance\n\u0120test s\n\u0120dec re\n\u0120E r\n\u0120man aged\nD S\n\u0120t - it\n\u0120meas ures\n\u0120L iber\n\u0120att end\nas hed\n\u0120J ose\n\u0120N - ight\nd it\n\u0120N ov\n\u0120E nd\nout s\n\u0120gener ation\n\u0120adv oc\ny - th\n\u0120convers ation\n\u0120S ky\nact ive\nce l\nri er\n\u0120Fr ank\n\u0120g - ender\n\u0120con cent\n\u0120car ried\nand a\n\u0120V irgin\n\u0120arri ved\nic - ide\nad ed\n\u0120fail ure\n\u0120min imum\nle ts\n\u0120wor st\n\u0120keep - ing\n\u0120int ended\n\u0120illeg al\n\u0120sub sc\n\u0120determin ed\n\u0120tri - p\nY es\n\u0120ra ise\n\u0120 ~\n\u0120feel s\n\u0120pack age\n\u0120J o\nh - i\n201 6\nre al\n\u0120f ra\n\u0120sy mb\nM e\nuck y\np ret\n\u0120K h\n\u0120Ed - it\n\u0120We b\nem ic\n\u0120Col or\n\u0120just ice\nI nt\n\u0120far m\nck - now\n\" >\nel ess\n\u0120redu ced\n\u01205 00\nx x\n\u0120R ad\n\u0120W ood\n\u0120cl - in\n\u0120hy p\nil er\nur a\nk ins\n8 5\n6 1\n\u0120The ir\n\u0120M ary\n\u0120s - an\n\u0120no vel\n\u0120Wh o\n\u0120cap acity\n\u0120imp ossible\n\u0120pl - ays\n\u0120min ister\nij uana\nic ate\n\u0120S et\n\u0120f ram\n\u0120 ing\n\u0120commun - ities\n\u0120F BI\nit a\n\u0120b on\n\u0120str ateg\n\u0120interest s\nl ock\ng - ers\nm as\n\u0120AN D\n\u0120conflic t\n\u0120require ments\n\u0120s ac\n\u0120oper - ating\nin i\nrel ated\n\u0120comm itted\n\u0120relative ly\n\u0120s outh\n\xC2\xAF - \xC2\xAF\n\u0120aff ord\n\u0120ident ity\n\u0120dec isions\n\u0120acc used\npl - ace\n\u0120vict ory\no ch\ni at\nN ame\nC om\nt ion\ned s\n\u0120see k\n\u0120t - ight\n\u0120Im ages\n\u0120init i\n\u0120hum ans\n\u0120fam iliar\n\u0120aud - ience\n\u0120intern al\nvent ure\n\u0120s ides\n\u0120T O\n\u0120d im\n\u0120con - clud\n\u0120app oint\n\u0120enforce ment\n\u0120J im\n\u0120Associ ation\n\u0120circum - st\n\u0120Canad ian\n\u0120jo ined\n\u0120differe nces\n\u0120L os\n\u0120prot - est\n\u0120tw ice\nw in\n\u0120gl ass\nars h\n\u0120Ar my\n\u0120exp ression\n\u0120dec - ide\n\u0120plan ning\nan ia\n\u0120hand le\n\u0120Micro soft\n\u0120N or\n\u0120max - imum\n\u0120Re v\n\u0120se a\n\u0120ev al\n\u0120hel ps\nre f\n\u0120b ound\n\u0120m - outh\n\u0120stand ards\n\u0120cl im\n\u0120C amp\n\u0120F ox\ncl es\n\u0120ar - my\n\u0120Te chn\nack ing\nx y\nS S\n\u01204 2\n\u0120bu g\n\u0120Uk rain\n\u0120M - ax\n\u0120J ones\n\u0120Sh ow\nl o\n\u0120plan et\n\u01207 5\n\u0120win ning\n\u0120f - aster\n\u0120spe ct\n\u0120bro ken\nT R\n\u0120def ined\n\u0120health y\n\u0120compet - ition\nhtt ps\n\u0120Is land\n\u0120F e\n\u0120announ ce\n\u0120C up\n\u0120Inst - ead\n\u0120cl ient\n\u0120poss ibly\nse ction\nock et\nl ook\n\u0120fin ish\n\u0120cre - w\n\u0120res erv\n\u0120ed itor\n\u0120h ate\n\u0120s ale\n\u0120contro vers\n\u0120p - ages\nw ing\n\u0120num er\n\u0120opp osition\n\u0120200 4\n\u0120ref uge\n\u0120fl - ight\n\u0120ap art\n\u0120L at\nA meric\n\u0120Afric a\n\u0120applic ations\n\u0120Pal - est\n\u0120B ur\n\u0120g ar\n\u0120Soc ial\n\u0120up gr\n\u0120sh ape\n\u0120spe - aking\nans ion\na o\n\u0120S n\n\u0120wor ry\n\u0120Brit ain\nP lease\nrou - d\n\u0120h un\n\u0120introdu ced\n\u0120d iet\nI nd\n\u0120Sec ond\n\u0120fun - ctions\nut s\n\u0120E ach\n\u0120Je ff\n\u0120st ress\n\u0120account s\n\u0120gu - arant\n\u0120An n\ned ia\n\u0120hon est\n\u0120t ree\n\u0120Afric an\n\u0120B - ush\n} ,\n\u0120s ch\n\u0120On ly\n\u0120f if\nig an\n\u0120exerc ise\n\u0120Ex - p\n\u0120scient ists\n\u0120legisl ation\n\u0120W ork\n\u0120S pr\n\xC3 \u0124\n\u0120H - uman\n\u0120 \xE8\n\u0120sur vey\n\u0120r ich\nri p\n\u0120main tain\n\u0120fl - o\n\u0120leaders hip\nst ream\n\u0120Islam ic\n\u0120 01\n\u0120Col lege\n\u0120mag - ic\n\u0120Pr ime\n\u0120fig ures\n201 7\nind er\nx ual\n\u0120De ad\n\u0120absolute - ly\n\u0120four th\n\u0120present ed\nresp ond\nrib le\n\u0120al cohol\nat - o\n\u0120D E\npor ary\n\u0120gr ab\n\u0120var i\n\u0120qu ant\n\u0120Ph oto\n\u0120pl - us\nr ick\nar ks\n\u0120altern ative\n\u0120p il\n\u0120appro x\nth at\n\u0120object - s\n\u0120R o\n\u0120And roid\n\u0120significant ly\n\u0120R oad\nk ay\nR ead\nav - or\n\u0120a cknow\n\u0120H D\n\u0120S ing\nO r\n\u0120M ont\n\u0120un s\npro - f\n\u0120neg oti\n\u0120Ar ch\nik i\n\u0120te levision\n\u0120Jew ish\n\u0120comm - ittee\n\u0120mot or\n\u0120appear ance\n\u0120s itting\n\u0120stri ke\n\u0120D - own\ncom p\n\u0120H ist\n\u0120f old\nac ement\n\u0120Lou is\n\u0120bel ong\n\u0120\xE2\u0122 - \xA2\n\u0120m ort\n\u0120prep ared\n\u01206 4\n\u0120M aster\n\u0120ind eed\n\u0120D - en\n\u0120re nt\nT A\nour ney\nar c\nS u\n9 7\n\u0120adv ice\n\u0120chang - ing\n\u0120list ed\n\u0120laun ched\nis ation\n\u0120P eter\nis hes\n\u0120l - ived\n\u0120M el\n\u0120Sup reme\n\u0120F ederal\n\u0120) ;\nruct ure\n\u0120set - s\n\u0120phil os\nu ous\n\u0120\xC2 \u0142\n\u0120appl ied\n\u0120N OT\n\u0120hous - ing\n\u0120M ount\n\u0120o dd\n\u0120su st\nD A\nffic ient\n\u0120 ?\nol ved\n\u0120p - owers\n\u0120th r\n\u0120rem aining\n\u0120W ater\nL C\n\u0120ca uses\n\xE3\u0123 - \xAE\n\u0120man ner\nad s\n\u0120suggest s\n\u0120end s\nstand ing\nf ig\n\u0120D - un\nid th\n\u0120g ay\n\u0120ter min\n\u0120Angel es\nM S\n\u0120scient ific\n\u0120co - al\nap ers\nb ar\n\u0120Thom as\n\u0120sy m\n\u0120R un\nth is\nP C\nigr ants\n\u0120min - ute\n\u0120Dist rict\ncell ent\n\u0120le aves\n\u0120comple ted\nam in\n\u0120foc - used\n\u0120mon itor\n\u0120veh icles\nM A\n\u0120M ass\n\u0120Gr and\n\u0120affect - ed\nitution al\n\u0120const ruct\n\u0120follow s\n\u0120t on\nre ens\n\u0120h - omes\n\u0120E xt\n\u0120Le vel\nr ast\n\u0120I r\n\u0120el im\n\u0120large - ly\n\u0120J oe\n\u0120vot es\nall s\n\u0120business es\n\u0120Found ation\n\u0120Cent - ral\n\u0120y ards\n\u0120material s\nul ner\n\u0120gu ide\n\u0120clos er\num - s\n\u0120sp orts\ned er\nJ ust\n\u0120tax es\n8 4\n\u0120O ld\n\u0120dec ade\nol - a\n\u0120v ir\n\u0120dro pped\n\u0120del ay\nit ect\n\u0120sec ure\nste in\nle - vel\n\u0120tre ated\n\u0120fil ed\nain e\n\u0120v an\n\u0120m ir\n\u0120col - umn\nict ed\ne per\n\u0120ro t\n\u0120cons ult\n\u0120ent ry\n\u0120mar ijuana\n\u0120D - ou\n\u0120apparent ly\nok ing\nclus ive\n\u0120incre ases\nan o\n\u0120specific - ally\n\u0120te le\nens ions\n\u0120relig ion\nab ilities\n\u0120fr ame\n\u0120N - ote\n\u0120Le e\n\u0120help ing\n\u0120ed ge\nost on\n\u0120organ izations\n\xC3 - \u0125\n\u0120B oth\nhip s\n\u0120big ger\n\u0120bo ost\n\u0120St and\n\u0120ro - w\nul s\nab ase\n\u0120r id\nL et\nare n\nra ve\n\u0120st ret\nP D\n\u0120v - ision\n\u0120we aring\n\u0120appre ci\n\u0120a ward\n\u0120U se\n\u0120fact - or\nw ar\nul ations\n) (\n\u0120g od\n\u0120ter rit\n\u0120par am\nast s\n8 - 7\n\u0120en emies\n\u0120G ames\nF F\n\u0120acc ident\nW ell\n\u0120Mart in\nT - ER\n\u0120at h\n\u0120He ll\n\u0120for g\n\u0120ve ter\n\u0120Med ic\nf ree\n\u0120st - ars\n\u0120exp ensive\n\u0120ac ad\nra wn\n\u0120W he\n\u0120l ock\n\u0120form - at\n\u0120sold iers\ns m\n\u0120ag ent\n\u0120respons ibility\nor a\n\u0120S - cience\n\u0120rap id\n\u0120t ough\n\u0120Jes us\n\u0120belie ves\nM L\n\u0120we - ar\nle te\n\xC3\u0125 \xC3\u0124\n\u0120D ri\n\u0120comm ission\n\u0120B ob\nO - h\nap ed\n\u0120war m\n\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124 \xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\n\u0120200 - 3\nort ion\n\u0120has n\nust er\n\u0120un ivers\n\u0120I ll\n\u0120k ing\nolog - ies\n9 4\n\u0120T em\n\u0120M os\n\u0120pat ient\n\u0120Mex ico\nce an\n\u0120De - ath\n\u0120Sand ers\ny ou\n\u0120C ast\n\u0120Comp any\npt y\n\u0120happen - ing\nF P\n\u0120B attle\n\u0120b ought\nA m\nM od\nU s\nut ers\n\u0120C re\n\u0120Th - ose\n\u01204 4\nis er\n\u0120s oul\n\u0120T op\n\u0120Har ry\n\u0120A w\n\u0120se - at\nff ee\n\u0120rev olution\n\u0120( \"\n\u0120D uring\net te\n\u0120r ing\n\u0120off - ensive\n\u0120return s\n\u0120v ideos\n\u0120dis cl\n\u0120fam ous\nen ced\n\u0120S - ign\n\u0120R iver\n\u01203 00\nP M\n\u0120B us\n\u0120C H\n\u0120candid ates\nard - en\n\u0120percent age\n\u0120vis ual\n\u0120than k\n\u0120trou ble\nner gy\n\u0120200 - 1\n\u0120pro ve\nash ion\n\u0120en h\n\u0120L ong\nU M\n\u0120connect ed\n\u0120poss - ibility\nO ver\n\u0120exper t\n\u0120l ibrary\nart s\n\u0120Direct or\n\u0120fell - ow\n9 2\nir ty\n\u0120d ry\n\u0120sign s\n\u0120L ove\n\u0120qu iet\nf oot\n\u0120p - ure\n\u0120H un\n\u0120f illed\nph as\n\u0120E lect\nend ment\n\u0120Ex pl\n\u0120un - able\nn s\nm o\n\u0120v ast\nob e\n\u0120ident ify\napp ing\n\u0120Carol ina\ng - ress\n\u0120pro te\n\u0120f ish\n\u0120circumst ances\nraz y\n\u0120Ph ot\n\u0120b - odies\n\u0120M ur\n\u0120develop ing\n\u0120A R\n\u0120experien ced\n\u0120subst - ant\n\u0120Bo ard\nes ome\n\u0120dom estic\n\u0120comb ined\n\u0120P ut\n\u0120chem - ical\n\u0120Ch ild\n\u0120po ol\n\u0120C y\n\u0120e gg\nc ons\nst ers\n\u0120h - urt\n\u0120mark ets\n\u0120conserv ative\n\u0120supp orters\n\u0120ag encies\nid - el\nO b\nur b\n\u01204 3\n\u0120Def ense\ny e\n\u0120A p\ndu le\n\u0120temper - ature\n\u0120conduct ed\n\u0120Ch ief\n\u0120pull ed\n\u0120f ol\nL ast\nont - o\nos is\nV ER\nD es\n\u0120P an\nF irst\n\u0120adv ance\n\u0120lic ense\nr - ors\n\u0120J on\n\u0120imag ine\n\u0120he ll\n\u0120f ixed\n\u0120inc or\nos - ite\n\u0120L og\nick en\n] :\n\u0120surpr ise\nh ab\n\u0120c raft\nol t\n\u0120J - ul\n\u0120d ial\n\u0120rele vant\n\u0120ent ered\n\u0120lead s\n\u0120A D\n\u0120Cle - an\n\u0120pict ures\ness or\n\u0120al t\n\u0120pay ing\nP er\n\u0120Mark et\n\u0120upd - ates\nam ily\n\u0120T ype\n\u0120H ome\n\u01205 5\nsemb ly\nrom e\n8 3\n\u0120great - est\n\u0120he ight\n\u0120he av\nain ts\n\u0120list en\nas er\n\u0120S H\n\u0120cap - able\nac le\n\u0120pers pect\nin ating\n\u0120off ering\nry pt\n\u0120De velop\nab - in\nr c\n\u0120br ight\nal ty\nar row\n\u0120supp l\nind ing\nack ed\ngy pt\n\u0120An - other\np g\n\u0120Virgin ia\n\u0120L u\n\u0120pl anned\n\u0120p it\n\u0120swe - et\nT ype\n\u0120D i\n\u0120typ ically\n\u0120Franc isco\n\u0120pro spect\n\u0120D - an\n\u0120te en\nre es\n\u0120sc hed\n\u0120h ol\n\u0120sc r\n\u0120lot s\nl - ife\n\u0120news p\n\u0120for get\n\u0120N one\n\u0120M iddle\n\u0120R yan\ned - d\n\u0120se vere\n\u0120su it\nll er\n9 3\n\u0120cor respond\n\u0120expl os\nu - ations\n\u0120fl ag\ng ame\nr id\n\u0120pr in\n\u0120D ata\n\u0120de ploy\n\u0120En - ter\nsu it\ngh an\n\u0120M en\n\u0120though ts\n\u0120mat ters\n\u0120ad apt\n\u0120A - ri\n\u0120f ill\n\u0120for th\n\u0120s am\n\u01204 1\n\u0120pay ment\n\u0120H - or\n\u0120sp ring\ndu c\n\u0120l osing\n\u0120bring ing\nF O\nal a\n\u0120dist - ribution\nhe red\nb our\n\u0120Israel i\nom a\n\u0120comb ination\n\u0120pl - enty\nV E\nC an\n\u0120H aw\n\u0120per man\n\u0120Spe cial\n\u0120to w\n\u0120see - king\n\u0120exam ples\n\u0120class es\nc r\n\u0120be er\n\u0120mov es\n\u0120I - P\n\u0120K n\n\u0120pan el\nE ven\n\u0120proper ly\n\u0120r is\n\u0120pl ug\n\u0120estim - ated\nE very\n\u0120def ensive\nag raph\n\u0120pre gn\n\u0120inst it\n\u0120V - ict\n\u0120vol ume\n\u0120pos itions\n\u0120l inks\n\u0120Pro gram\n\u0120We - ek\nag ues\n\u0120trans form\nk er\n\u0120C EO\n\u0120c as\n\u0120opp onent\n\u0120twe - et\n\u0120C ode\n\u0120sh op\n\u0120f ly\n\u0120tal ks\n\u0120b ag\nPh one\n\u0120a - id\n\u0120pl ants\n\u01206 5\n\u0120att orney\nar ters\nqu est\n\u0120Mag - ic\n\u0120beg ins\n\u0120my ster\n\u0120environment al\n\u0120st orage\nN - N\n\u0120m arg\n\u0120s ke\n\u0120met al\nell y\n\u0120ord ered\n\u0120rem - ained\n\u0120l oved\n\u0120prom pt\n\u0120upd ated\n\u0120exper ts\n\u0120walk - ing\n\u0120an cient\n\u0120perform ed\nAT E\n\u0120ne ither\ni ency\n\u0120manufact - ure\n\u0120P ak\n\u0120select ed\n\u0120m ine\n\u0120ult imately\n\u0120expl - an\n\u0120lab el\n\u0120Serv ices\nribut ed\nTr ump\n\u0120sy n\n\u0120U lt\nS - C\n\u0120me at\n\u0120g iant\n\u0120W ars\n\u0120O N\n\u0120ad m\n\u0120inter - pret\n\u0120even ing\n\u0120ev il\n\u0120B oston\n\u0120W ild\n\u0120 \xC3\n\u0120Bit - coin\n\u0120Am azon\nD r\n\u0120In formation\n\u0120obvious ly\n\u0120adv - anced\nPh oto\nol ar\n\u0120we ather\n\u0120symb ol\n\u0120so le\n\u0120pot - entially\nost er\n\u0120orig inally\nm un\n3 00\naz e\ness ions\n\u0120de - ck\n\u0120st ood\n\u0120you th\n\u0120B ern\nR ep\n\u0120T est\n\u0120bas - ically\not ic\n\u0120invol ve\nol it\nly n\nS ee\n\u0120air craft\n\u0120conf - irm\nE W\n\u0120mess ages\n\u0120Rich ard\n\u0120k it\n\u0120pro hib\n\u0120v - ulner\nis ters\n\u0120exist ence\n\u0120turn ing\n\u0120S P\n\u0120des ire\n\u0120fl - at\n\u0120m ent\nse ason\nang es\n\u0120neighbor hood\n\u0120L ake\nAT ION\n\u0120point - ed\nb ur\n\u0120inn ov\nuc ks\nU L\n\u0120profess or\n\u0120exp ressed\nA - B\nic ious\n\u0120200 2\n\u0120De v\n\u0120s ession\n\u0120b are\ns en\n\u0120dis - s\n\u0120C ath\n\u0120P ass\n\u0120P oint\n\u0120do ctor\nor row\nail ed\n\u0120R - ub\n\u0120D C\n\u0120Char l\np erson\n\u0120writ er\nigh ters\nure au\n\u0120ob - lig\n\u0120record ed\n\u0120bro ke\n\u0120ord ers\nil ty\n\u0120mot ion\nin - ity\nl aw\nad ium\n\u0120imm igration\n\u0120contr ast\n\u0120b att\n\u0120ex - cellent\n\u0120techn ical\nam i\n\u0120t un\n\u0120cl oud\n\u0120Y ear\nge - on\n\u0120cre ation\n\u0120str ange\n\u0120a uth\n\u0120for t\nb orn\n\u0120ext - ent\n\u0120T oday\n\u0120Cl ub\n\u0120r ain\n\u0120s ample\n\u0120accept ed\n\u0120t - act\n\u0120f ired\n\u0120S on\n\u0120stand s\n\u0120b oot\n\u01204 7\n\u0120stat - ements\n\u0120vers ions\n\u0120se lling\nound ed\n\u0120199 0\n\u0120were - n\n\u0120W atch\n\u0120exper iment\nP ost\n\u0120ret ail\nul ed\nIn st\nun - te\n\xE3\u0125 \xBC\n\u0120dep art\n\u0120b ond\ni very\nom pl\n\u0120re action\n\u0120Syri - an\n\u0120P ac\napp ed\nani el\nD P\n\u0120res olution\n\u0120re act\n\u0120appro - ved\non om\nm ond\n\u0120O ffic\n-- -\n\u0120repl ace\n\u0120t ack\n\u0120sp - ort\n\u0120ch ain\n\u0120emer gency\nr ad\n\u0120Palest in\n\u01204 6\n\u0120autom - atically\n\u0120rout e\n\u0120p al\n\u0120b anks\n\u0120Par is\n\u0120Med - ia\nro ad\nic ing\ni xt\nist ed\n\u0120g rew\n\u0120co ord\n\u0120W here\nom - in\n\u0120sub s\n\xEF\xBF\xBD \xEF\xBF\xBD\n\u0120\xC2 \xB1\n\u0120corpor - ate\n\u0120se lection\nn oon\n\u0120Rep ort\nc s\nclud ing\nord ers\nanc he\n\u0120It - s\n\u0120slow ly\n\u0120E gypt\n\u0120A cc\n\u0120col le\niqu es\nE X\n\u0120attempt - s\nur l\n\u0120C ross\n\u0120find ings\n\u0120S C\n\u0120O R\n\u0120ind ex\nens - ity\n\u0120W ay\n\u0120L and\n\u0120sh ock\nd is\n\u0120d ynam\n\u0120c art\nm - osp\nS ince\ni est\n\u0120B oy\n\u0120st orm\n\u0120Cont in\n201 3\nhe w\nil - it\n\u0120ess ential\niqu id\nO ther\nive red\n\u0120reason able\nA ct\n\u0120sub - sequ\n\u0120P ack\n\u0120F ort\n\u0120consider ing\n\u0120un iversity\nl og\n\u0120mar - ried\n\u0120ill ust\n\u0120Tr ue\n\xA3 \u0131\n\u0120numer ous\nrast ructure\n\u0120serious - ly\n\u0120refer red\nu a\n\u0120consist ent\non na\n\u0120Re al\nru ption\nci - ples\n\u0120fact s\n9 1\not es\ner g\nThe n\n\u0120acc ompl\nN ote\n\u0120re - venue\n\u0120pass ing\n\u0120m al\ne en\n\u0120Y et\n\u0120g ather\nter day\new - ork\n\u0120A uthor\nP e\n\u0120opt im\n\u0120r ub\n\u0120\xE8 \xA3\u0131\n\u0120un - known\nst one\n\u0120un ion\nol ve\n\u0120opportun ities\n\u0120brow ser\n\u0120W - al\n\u0120C ost\n\u0120report ing\nst s\np et\n\u0120s and\n\u0120sudden ly\n\u0120surpr - ising\n\u0120V R\n\u0120somew hat\n\u0120B as\nult ure\niz z\n\u0120C D\n\u0120challeng - es\n\u0120sett ings\n\u0120experien ces\n\u0120F ull\n\u0120can n\n\u0120rece - iving\nES T\n\u0120j oint\n\u0120cult ural\n\u0120a st\n8 2\nas tern\nce ived\n\u0120C - ru\n\u0120b ull\np ired\nam m\n\u0120fac ing\np ower\n\u0120b oss\n\u0120H - ol\n\u0120inst r\n\u0120increasing ly\n\u0120sh ift\n\u0120stre ets\n\u0120William - s\nab b\n\u0120l ie\n\u0120l augh\n\u0120C a\nP L\n\u0120adult s\n\u0120custom - er\n\u0120ob tained\n\u0120support ing\nht ml\nf ire\n\u0120detail ed\n\u0120pick - ed\n\u0120R ight\nld er\nE E\nst ood\n\u0120K im\n\u0120w ire\n\u0120s ight\n\u0120develop - ers\n\u0120pers ons\n\u0120s ad\n\u0120c up\n\u0120war ning\n\u0120boy s\nl - ong\n\u0120b ird\nf o\n\u0120w al\n\u0120observ ed\n\u0120z one\niven ess\n\u0120ch - annel\nc ript\n\u0120ref used\n\u0120Ag ain\n\u0120su c\n\u0120spokes man\n\u0120Re - f\nr ite\nou ston\n\xE3\u0125 \xB3\n\u0120S her\n\u0120act s\n\u0120N ame\n\u0120strugg - le\nar ry\nomet imes\n\u0120disc rim\nH T\n\u0120categ ory\n\u0120real ize\n\u0120employ - ee\n\u0120Af ghan\nen ger\n\u0120gun s\n\u0120Ste ve\n\u0120M ot\n\u0120O - l\nok ed\n\u0120th ick\n\u0120fair ly\nill y\n\u0120sur ve\n\u0120M at\nwe - ight\n\xE2 \u0136\n\u0120tro ops\n\u0120ag ents\n\u0120batter y\n\u0120mot - iv\n\xC3 \xA1\nS ec\nd en\no very\nL S\n\u0120fl u\n\u0120conf ident\n\u0120O - per\n\u0120em pty\n\u0120p hen\n\u0120se ctor\n\u0120exc ited\n\u0120rem ote\nap - h\no en\n\u0120destroy ed\n\u0120mor al\n\u0120H P\n\u0120R on\n\u0120d ress\n\u0120B - at\n\u0120l it\n\u0120M S\n\u0120a f\nH L\nr um\nis ms\n\u0120should n\n\u0120sym - pt\n\u0120Tor onto\nhet ic\n\u0120car bon\n\u0120install ed\n\u0120viol ent\n\u0120sol - ar\nj a\n\u0120pract ices\n\u0120r ide\n\u0120P enn\n\u0120impro ved\n\u0120aud - io\n\u0120behav i\n\u0120P S\n\u0120e ating\nD ata\n\u0120Re view\np ass\ncl - aim\nu ated\nang ers\nc hen\n\u0120proper ties\n\u0120any where\nAn other\n\u0120bl - ow\n\u0120Jack son\n\u0120p roud\n\u0120plan e\nl ines\n\u0120squ are\n\u0120pro - of\nans as\n\u0120talk ed\nm akers\n\u0120s ister\n\u0120hold s\n\u0120res - ident\n\u0120= =\n\u0120resist ance\n\u0120spl it\n\u0120pro secut\n\u0120conf - idence\nres ents\n\u0120cut s\n\u0120except ion\n\u0120z ero\nGet ty\n\u0120cop - yright\n\u0120tot ally\norm al\nific ations\n\u0120Austral ian\n\u0120s ick\n\u01201 - 50\n\u0120house hold\n\u0120fe es\n\u0120dri vers\nog en\n\u0120N Y\n\u0120necess - arily\n\u0120regul ations\near ing\ns l\n\u0120perspect ive\nc are\nic ial\nH - is\n\u0120esc ape\n\u0120surpr ised\n\u0120V an\nur rent\n\u0120v ac\n8 1\n\u0120Th - us\n\u0120em phas\n\u0120Ch ampions\n\u0120I ce\n\u0120n arr\n\u0120head s\n\u0120ca - using\nb el\nf ortunately\n\u0120M a\n\u0120targ ets\nci pl\n\u0120after noon\n\u0120add - s\n\u0120May be\n\u0120F our\ness ed\nple te\n\u0120us ual\nch o\ning u\n\u0120with - d\n\u0120E nergy\n\u0120E conom\nO O\n\u0120art icles\n\u0120inj ured\n\u0120man - age\n\u0120expl ains\n\u0120di agn\nR ec\nat ures\n\u0120link ed\n\u0120discuss - ed\n\u0120expl o\n\u0120occ asion\nath an\n\u0120opp osite\n\u0120fac es\n\u0120den - ied\n\u0120K night\n\u0120n ut\n\u0120approx imately\n\u0120disapp oint\nonym - ous\n\u0120B est\n\u0120L o\n\u0120H y\n\u0120A ff\n\u0120vot ing\nan while\n\u0120II - I\n\u0120instit utions\nag ram\n\u0120D aily\n\u0120dr ag\n\u0120near by\n\u0120gu - ilty\n\u0120con ver\nP re\ns hip\n\u0120re ward\n\u0120philos oph\n\u0120S - S\nu gh\n\u0120app s\nf riend\n\u0120u pper\n\u0120ad vert\n\u0120s now\n\u0120fr - ust\n\u0120our selves\nF r\n\u0120D ie\namp ion\n\u0120dis miss\n\u0120c ere\n\u0120sign - al\nf rom\n\u0120 ).\n\u01205 2\n\u0120cr imes\nit ors\nest ival\nuse um\n\u0120coun - cil\n\u0120S aud\nM ay\n\u0120G un\nic ian\net her\n\u0120su fficient\n\u0120H - en\nso le\n\u0120histor ical\n\u0120F ar\n\u0120T urn\n\u0120p in\n\u0120suc - ceed\nm at\nly mp\n\u0120trad ition\n\u0120O k\n\u0120c ro\n\u0120desc ription\nal - le\n\u0120sk y\nT e\n\u0120wide ly\n\u0120w ave\n\u0120defin ition\n\u0120Jew - s\n\u0120cy cle\n\u0120ref ere\n\u0120br ings\nus al\n\u0120al ive\n\u0120frequ - ently\n\u0120int ention\n\u0120Cont rol\nl v\ny stem\n\u0120priv acy\ng ent\nren - ce\n\u0120Qu est\n\u0120Christ mas\n\u0120r ail\n\u0120co oper\n\u0120test - ed\n\u0120C apt\nas ks\n\u0120comfort able\n\u0120del ivered\nsc ape\n\u0120dep - th\n\u0120G OP\n\u0120writ es\n\u0120ass ets\n\u0120sa v\nim ents\n\u0120trans - ition\n\u0120art ist\n\u0120L ook\n\u0120l ob\n\u0120comp onents\nar ity\n\u0120walk - ed\n\u0120ro ot\n\u0120particip ants\n\u0120not iced\n\u0120res c\n\u0120n - av\n\u0120Ad minist\nd a\nut ral\npl ate\n\u0120import ance\n\u0120ass ert\nious - ly\nc ription\n\u0120inj uries\n\u0120Che ck\n\u0120regist ered\n\u0120int - ent\n\u0120miss ed\nograph ic\n\u0120sent ence\noun ter\n\u0120assist ance\nev - in\n\u0120dat abase\n\u0120build ings\n\u0120class ic\n\u0120th inks\n\u0120Oh - io\nP r\nug g\n\u0120fe e\np an\n\u0120effect ively\n\u0120fac ility\n\u0120be - ar\n\u0120ch apter\n\u0120dog s\n\u0120Col umb\n\u0120l atter\nit ial\n\u0120ad - mitted\nT V\n\u0120Ge org\n\u0120post s\n\\ \\\n\u0120lawy er\n\u0120equ ival\n\u0120m - and\n\u0120contro lled\n\u0120W alk\n\u0120And rew\n\u0120men u\nam ental\n\u0120protect - ed\nv a\n\u0120administ r\nor al\n\u0120re in\n\u0120S ar\n\u0120amount s\n\u0120n - ative\n\u0120M oon\n\u0120rep resents\n\u0120ab andon\n\u0120carry ing\n\u0120t - ank\nm ary\n\u0120decl ared\nT ube\n\u0120h at\n\u0120pun ish\nel lect\nm - es\n\u0120un iverse\n\u0120R od\nph y\n\u0120inf rastructure\n\u01205 1\n\u0120opp - osed\now nt\nc a\n\u0120M ake\n\u0120hard ware\n\u0120co ffee\nR el\nb al\nw - orld\n\u0120S af\n\u0120Se a\nin als\n\u0120own ed\n\u0120h all\ners ion\n\u0120describ - e\n\u0120P ot\n\u0120port ion\n\u0120at mosp\n\u0120govern ments\n\u0120dep - ending\n\u0120off ense\n\u0120tr ick\naw a\n\u0120L ine\n\u0120V is\n\u0120H - ard\n\u0120Or ig\n\u0120Cl ick\n\u0120des k\n\u0120Val ley\n\u0120S ov\n\u0120mov - ies\n\u0120rem ark\n\u0120m ail\n\u0120cons cious\n\u0120rul ing\n\u0120R - ights\n\u0120med ic\nhe nt\n\u0120W omen\n> <\n\u0120repl aced\n\u0120P rem\n\u0120Th - anks\n\u0120re new\n\u0120B all\nif orm\n\u0120sh ots\nC omm\n\u0120ar med\n\u0120const - ant\n\u0120t aste\n\u0120real ized\n\u0120bu ff\n\u0120m o\n\u0120effic ient\nM - ost\nor ation\nif ies\n\u0120commun ication\n\u0120fl ood\n\u0120consequ ences\n\u0120any - way\nig g\n\u0120G M\n\u0120Th ank\n\u0120 iron\n\u0120ev olution\n\u0120C - op\ntw itter\n\u01209 5\n\u0120relationship s\nad el\n\u0120You ng\n\u0120propos - al\nay ers\nuild ing\n\u0120H ot\nOR E\nc os\n\u0120coll abor\nP G\nax y\n\u0120know - ing\n\u0120support s\now ed\n\u0120control s\n\u0120mere ly\num er\n\u0120ath - let\n\u0120f ashion\np ath\n\u0120g ift\n\u0120er a\nAN D\n\u0120kind s\n\u0120Kore - an\n\u0120leg it\nul ous\n\u0120ess entially\n\u0120the rap\nn ic\n\u0120suff - ered\n\u0120h ur\n\u0120prom ise\n\u0120ex cess\n\u0120over w\n\u0120pr ime\n\u0120H - ouston\ner ry\n\u0120M s\nR S\n201 2\n\u0120st ores\n\u0120O lymp\n\u0120j - ourney\nAl though\nS ub\n\u0120E duc\n\u0120Ch apter\n\u0120request s\n\u0120consum - ers\n\u0120t iny\n\u0120is ol\n\u0120F air\nb a\n\u0120Y OU\n\u0120cr ash\nce - ler\n\u0120emot ional\n\u0120good s\n\u0120elect ed\n\u0120mod er\n\u0120Lin - ux\n\u0120bl ocks\n\u0120is land\n\u0120Soc iety\n\u0120elect ions\n\u0120broad - cast\n\u0120che ap\n\u0120n ations\n\u0120se asons\n4 00\n\u0120was te\n\u0120S - at\n\u0120field s\nem ploy\n\u0120prof ile\n\u0120auth ors\nAL L\n\u0120G - ra\nw est\n\u0120T y\n\u0120death s\n\u0120v acc\n\u0120for med\n\u0120d u\n\u0120on - going\n\u0120Muslim s\nel f\nig ure\n\u0120ass ume\n\u0120Ukrain e\nw ater\n\u0120co - ast\n\u0120vot ed\ng or\n\u0120A S\n\u0120Mich igan\naz a\n\u0120Ar m\ni ro\n\u0120f - lex\nas ters\n' '\n\u0120wel come\nar l\n\u0120loc ations\nig ation\n\u0120F - il\n\u0120bu ying\n\u0120arch itect\n\u0120hard er\n\u0120C ub\n\u0120inter - face\n\u0120restaur ant\n\u0120disco ver\n\u0120ex ceed\n\u0120fav our\nger - y\n\u0120d uty\n\u0120p itch\nad or\n\u0120M ach\nb oy\n\u0120respond ed\n\u0120ext - ended\nher s\nM any\nra id\nif er\n\u0120In s\nS er\n\u0120med ium\ns he\n\u0120S - ports\n\u0120mag azine\nut ation\n\u0120lim its\n\u0120G all\n\u0120ex ternal\nraz - il\n\u0120young er\nt le\n\u0120rem ind\n\u0120C ON\n\u0120immedi ate\n\u0120h - idden\n\u0120vol unte\n\u0120sim pl\nod cast\n\u0120ph ase\nd r\n\u0120pl - ot\n\u0120exp osure\nR I\nog rap\nv in\nan ish\n\u0120Ac ad\n\u0120Eng ine\n\u0120exp - ansion\n\u0120P ay\nY our\n\u0120pus hed\n\u0120E ll\n\u0120He ad\n\u0120market - ing\n\u0120A C\nk et\n\u0120h its\n\u0120g ro\n\u0120A ge\n\u0120Sc ot\n] - [\n\u0120st im\n\u0120i Phone\n\u012A \u0134\n\u0120n arrow\n\u0120Get ty\n\u0120Tur - key\n\u0120perfect ly\n\u0120en able\nut ch\n\u0120prec ise\n\u0120reg ime\n\u0120sh - if\n\u0120comp ens\ng un\nd iv\n\u0120ch osen\n\u0120K en\nAn y\n\u0120tre - es\n\u0120recomm ended\n\u0120R en\nu able\n\u0120H T\nF ollow\nE G\n\u0120H - and\n\u0120K enn\n\u0120arg uments\n\u0120ex ists\n\u0120b ike\n\u0120Cons - erv\n\u0120bre aking\n\u0120G ar\n\u0120c razy\n\u0120virt ual\nay lor\nix - el\n\u012019 80\n\u0120per mission\n\u0120Ser ies\n\u0120consum er\n\u0120close - ly\nc alled\n\u01205 4\n\u0120hop es\n\u0120ar ray\n\u0120W in\n\u0120Lab - our\n\u0120sp ons\n\u0120I re\n\u0120p ow\n\u0120read ers\n\u0120employ ment\n\u0120creat - ure\n\u0120result ing\n\u0120accur ate\n\u0120mom ents\n\u0120arg ued\n\u0120p - ed\nD uring\n\u01205 3\n\u0120T al\n\u0120s ought\n\u0120suff ering\n\u0120 - icon\nle e\n\u0120( $\nal ian\n\xC2 \xB0\n\u0120p ra\n\u0120bon us\n( \"\nk - o\n\u0120act ing\nD E\nf all\n\u0120compar ison\n\u0120sm ooth\n\u0120N AS\nu - pp\n\u0120Jose ph\nep ing\n\u0120T ake\n\u0120M id\n\u0120s ending\nf ast\n\u0120F - all\n\u0120deal ing\nus er\n\u0120Or gan\nC o\n\u0120att ached\n\u0120se es\n% - .\n\u0120typ ical\nAR T\n\u0120find s\n\u0120As ia\num in\n\u0120C ore\n\u0120E - nt\nin ent\nu ce\n\u0120Bl ood\n\u0120N ever\n\u0120em ails\n\u0120high light\n\u0120conf - ront\nat us\nut ed\n\u0120un us\n\u0120top ic\n\u0120Ad am\n\u0120b le\nat - i\n\u0120under stood\nS et\nst ruct\nT P\n\u0120m ob\na a\n\u0120St art\npect - ed\nse ll\n\u0120ded icated\n\u0120C A\nu an\n\u0120song s\nesc ription\n\u0120te - ch\n\u0120r ape\n\u0120as ide\n\u0120gr ant\n\u01205 6\ns ub\n\u0120arg ue\n\u0120cont - aining\n\u0120sche dule\n\u0120liber al\n\u0120public ly\n\u0120heav ily\n\u0120U - t\nin er\n\u0120S ection\n\u0120C are\nwe et\nl s\nD is\n\xE2\u0136 \u0122\n\u0120F - ollow\nB ack\n\u0120I T\n\u0120b es\nj i\n\u0120H it\nest ed\n\u0120every - body\n\u0120Sw ed\n\u0120fem in\n\u0120fac ilities\n\u0120con ven\nC omp\n\u0120O - S\nc ore\n\u0120an x\n\u0120div ision\n\u0120C am\n\u0120St an\nm ates\n\u0120expl - ore\npl om\n\u0120sh ares\npl oad\nan es\n\u0120ide al\net ers\n\u0120B ase\n\u0120pl - astic\n\u0120dist inct\n\u0120Net work\n\u0120Se attle\n\u0120trad ing\nens - us\nint end\n\u0120ex hib\n\u0120init ially\n\u0120F ood\n\u0120thous and\n\u0120Bus - iness\nact er\n\u0120par agraph\n\u0120rough ly\n\u0120w ww\n\u0120creat ive\n\u0120Con - f\n\u0120consum ption\n\u0120fil ms\nag an\n\u0120ob tain\n\u0120t all\n\u0120t - or\n\u0120acknow led\n\u0120g rown\nal o\nK E\n\u01204 00\nend ers\nt aining\nU - G\n\u0120su icide\n\u0120wat ched\n\u0120L ist\nal i\nre hens\n\u0120surround - ing\n\u0120p ip\n\u0120f lying\n\u0120J ava\nord an\n\u0120serv ing\nin ations\np - ost\n\u0120sh o\nA v\n\u0120j ail\nz y\n\u0120199 9\n\u0120< /\n\u0120liter - ally\n\u0120S ir\n\u0120exp osed\n\u0120l ies\nst ar\n\u0120b at\n\u0120ear - ned\n\u0120D ig\n\u0120spec ified\n\u0120Se ason\n\u0120deg rees\nDon ald\n\u0120cent - re\n\u0120sh aring\n\u0120win ter\n\u0120C O\nC he\n\u0120 \xCE\nM P\n\u0120un - w\n\u0120few er\n\u0120M ir\n\u0120somew here\n\u0120K ey\n\u0120attack ed\n\u0120K - ir\n\u0120dom ain\n\u0120strong er\n\u01209 9\n\u0120pen alty\nI d\nSc ript\n\u0120decl - ined\n\u0120ne ck\n\u0120fra ud\n\u0120cur rency\n\u0120r ising\nR C\n\xE2\u0122\xA6 - \xE2\u0122\xA6\nH z\n\u0120t ab\n\u0120tal ent\nn am\n\u0120N BA\n\u0120vill - age\n\u0120leg s\n\u0120N ext\nE d\n\u0120ac id\n\u0120hy d\n8 00\n\u0120invol - ving\n\u0120Im age\n\u0120Be fore\nF l\n\u0120yes terday\nS ource\n\u0120terror - ist\n\u0120su p\n\u0120sy nt\n\u0120Saud i\n\u0120w est\n\u0120r u\nb urg\n\u0120vis - ible\n\u0120stru ck\nr ison\n\u0120aw esome\n\u0120d rawn\n\u0120answ ers\n\u0120G - irl\n\u0120R am\n\u0120threat s\n\u0120def eat\nos it\n\u0120v ent\natur ally\nAmeric - an\nend a\n\u0120H oly\n\u0120r um\n% ,\nc ase\n\u0120Hist ory\n\u0120You - Tube\n\u0120sit uations\n\u0120D NA\nS te\n\u0120sa ved\nIt em\n\u0120rec - ip\nolog ist\n\u0120fac ed\n\u0120el ig\nO nce\n\u0120L i\nu h\n\u0120mist - ake\n\u0120Div ision\n\u0120B ell\n\u0120sympt oms\n\xC2 \xAE\n\u0120dom in\n\u0120fall - ing\n\u0120end ing\nas hes\n\u0120mat ches\n\u0120On line\n\u0120explan ation\nD - ef\nred it\n\u0120any more\n\u0120T otal\n\u0120F OR\nus hed\n\u0120let ters\n\u0120ris - ks\n\u0120O K\n\u0120reported ly\n: \\\n\u0120pl ate\n\u0120subject s\n\u0120attempt - ed\nif ier\nian a\n\u0120unlike ly\n\u0120Th ough\num a\n\u0120In vest\n\u0120Pr - in\nic an\n\u0120D ar\n\u0120Color ado\nau g\n\u0120ve get\na os\nri a\n\u0120she - l\n\u0120mark ed\n\u0120( )\n\u0120sp r\np o\n\u0120L ink\n\u0120def e\n\u0120J - r\n\u0120them e\n\u0120pass ion\n\u0120P en\n\u0120inf o\niz er\n\u0120sh - it\n\u0120C ivil\nap se\nc re\n\u0120po ly\n\u0120comp onent\n\u0120Char les\n\u0120Ire - land\n\u0120Pro v\n\u0120do ctors\n\u0120gr anted\n\u0120pain t\n\u0120hon - or\n\u0120sm oke\n\u0120pay ments\n\u0120prim arily\n\u0120King dom\nr ich\nate - ll\n\u0120de als\n\u0120sched uled\n\u0120fund amental\n\u0120prote in\n\u0120newsp - aper\n\u0120cl ients\nyth on\n\u0120D ate\nh us\n\u0120feed back\n\u0120stret - ch\n\u0120c ock\n\u0120hot el\n\u0120Que en\n\u0120su gar\n\u0120j u\n\u0120mil - k\n\u0120appro val\n\u0120L ive\n\u0120equival ent\nef ully\n\u0120ins ert\nz - ona\n\u0120ext ension\nd ri\nJ ohn\n\u0120acc omp\nS m\n\u0120F und\n\u0120const - antly\n\u0120` `\n\u0120gener ated\n\u0120A ction\n\u0120P sych\n\u0120T ri\n\u0120recogn - ize\n\u0120v ary\nph a\n\u0120R a\nd f\net ch\n\u0120Sov iet\nTw o\n\u0120pattern - s\n\u0120prof ession\nan ing\nT ime\n\u0120L im\n\u0120col ors\n\u0120A z\n\u0120T - R\n\u0120inf ect\n\u0120phen omen\n\u0120she ll\nAl so\n\u0120put s\n\u0120del - ivery\n\u0120bro wn\n\u0120process ing\n\u0120light s\ness age\n\u0120Bro - ok\n\u0120A ud\nl ation\n\u0120indust rial\nL ike\n\u0120B razil\nrou s\nES - S\n\u0120L uc\n\u0120some how\n\u01208 5\n\u0120pro port\n\u0120polit icians\n\u0120indic - ate\n\u0120h ole\n\u0120techn iques\n\u0120compet itive\n\u0120ph r\n\u0120v - o\nist ent\n\u0120D ream\n\u0120camp us\n\u0120aspect s\n\u0120help ful\n\u0120sh - ield\nor se\n\u0120trig ger\nm al\n\u01205 8\n\u0120t ort\n\u0120person ally\n\u0120t - ag\n\u0120keep s\n\u0120V ideo\n\u0120ben ch\n\u0120g ap\na ire\n\u0120e ast\n\u0120rec - overy\nper ial\n\u0120prof it\n\u0120M ic\n\u01205 7\n\u0120col on\n\u0120strong - ly\nst yle\n\u0120alleg ations\nh an\n\u0120rep orters\nj o\nr ine\narg et\nand - al\n\u01200 3\n\u0120fl ash\ntr ans\n\u0120str ict\n\u0120park ing\n\u0120Pak - istan\n\u0120l i\n\u0120we ird\n\u0120E ric\n\u0120reg ions\n\u0120J un\n\u0120int - ellect\n\u0120W H\nod ing\nrib utes\nup id\n\u0120T it\n\u0120f inger\nor - ia\n\u0120e lev\n\u0120F ield\n\u0120con clusion\n; ;\n\u0120feel ings\n\u0120ext - ensive\n\u0120m ixed\n\u0120ne uro\nv y\n\u0120har ass\n\u0120C irc\nou ch\n\u0120territ - ory\n\u0120success fully\nM ar\n\u0120ing red\n\u0120overw hel\n\u0120l ayer\nV - iew\n\u0120all ies\nill ance\n\u0120Th ree\n\u0120b unch\n\u0120norm ally\n\u0120net - works\n\u0120sac r\n\u0120C IA\nb les\n\u0120ch ose\n\u0120opp onents\n\u0120regard - less\n\u0120fr anch\n\u0120pre f\n\u0120P o\n\u0120br idge\nann a\n\u0120Sil - ver\n\u0120w age\np age\nri or\n\u0120rad ical\n\u0120L ittle\n\u0120man ip\n\u0120secret - ary\n\u0120g ang\nD R\nF A\n\u0120dec ent\n\u0120Sp irit\n\u0120un cle\n\u0120Develop - ment\n\u0120invest ors\n\u0120wall s\n\u0120pub lish\n\u0120gener ate\niss - ions\nc ar\n\u0120prom ote\n\u0120cut ting\n\u0120che st\n\u0120drink ing\n\u0120collect - ed\n\u01207 2\n\u0120hop ing\n\u0120em br\ngor ith\n\u0120war ned\n\u0120instruct - ions\nO G\n\u0120D id\n\u0120Ag ency\n\u0120g ear\n\u0120critic ism\n\u0120F - urther\n\u0120ut il\nann y\nR ed\n\u0120coun sel\n\u0120As ian\n\u0120redu - ction\np ool\n\u0120teach ing\n\u0120deep ly\ni y\n\u0120estim ates\n\u0120cho - ices\n\u0120perman ent\nin em\nke l\n\u0120f asc\np se\nf ile\n\u0120L ow\n\u0120P - erson\n\u0120t ournament\nst al\n\u0120m el\nU ST\n\u0120R ay\naz i\nV al\n\u0120cont - ained\n\u0120H olly\n\u0120w ake\n\u0120reve al\n\u0120process es\n\u0120IS - IS\n\u01200 9\n\u0120bl ind\n\u0120ste el\n\u0120B ad\n\u0120care fully\napp - y\nro it\n\u0120g aming\n\u0120hous es\n\u0120C oll\n\u0120tr uck\ner m\n\u0120sc - ored\n\u0120occ as\nret urn\nb ound\nv ar\n\u0120sh arp\n\u0120af raid\n\u0120E - X\nam ber\nc ific\n\u0120sche me\nN C\n\u0120Pol it\n\u0120decl ine\n\u0120199 - 8\n\u0120pus hing\n\u0120poss ession\n\u0120priv ile\n\u0120teacher s\n\u0120y - ield\nH A\n\u0120Dav is\nit led\n#### ####\n\u0120r ig\n\u0120D aniel\nac - on\n\u0120h ide\nut en\n\u0120colle agues\n\u0120prin ciples\n\u0120l oud\n\u0120s - in\n\u0120Dem on\n\u0120st one\n\u01200 2\n\u0120t aught\n\u0120ter rible\n\u0120st - uck\n\u0120Pol icy\nte en\n\u0120implement ation\n\u0120B BC\n\u0120AP I\n\u0120whe - el\nall as\n\u0120ch ampions\nol ars\nplay er\n\u0120repeated ly\n\u0120St - ill\n\u0120lik es\nast y\nes ter\n\u0120Cath olic\nR L\n\u0120b ath\n\u0120no - ise\nt itle\n\u0120n orthern\nP art\n\u0120mag n\n\u0120f ab\n\u0120As h\n\u0120dis - pl\n\u0120tick et\n\u0120m urd\n\u0120along side\n\u0120Mus ic\n\u0120r iver\n\u0120Ste - el\n\u0120C L\n\u0120Pl ayer\n\u0120M ult\now ing\nre p\ns ize\n\u0120t ur\n\u0120Georg - ia\nisc al\nra ction\n\u0120c able\n\u01205 9\n\u0120w ins\n\u0120up coming\n\u0120surv - ive\n\u0120ins pired\n\u0120Educ ation\n\u0120stat istics\n\u0120F oot\niam - i\n\u0120y ellow\n\u0120P age\n. -\n\u0120H as\n\u0120ur ban\n\u0120a x\nes - sel\n\\ \"\n\u0120quarter back\n\u0120reg ister\n\u0120Lab or\n\u0120ab ilities\n\u0120F - amily\n\u0120var iable\n\u0120Pr ice\n\u0120cont em\n\u0120th in\n\u0120E - qu\nd ata\n\u0120g otten\n\u0120const it\n\u0120as ks\n\u0120t ail\n\u0120exc - iting\n\u0120E ffect\n\u0120Sp anish\n\u0120encour age\nins on\n\u0120A h\n\u0120commit - ment\nC S\n\u0120r ally\n\u0120: :\n\u0120subs id\n\u0120sp in\n\u0120capt - ured\n201 8\n\u0120inn oc\n\u0120alleged ly\n\u0120C ome\n\u0120art ists\n\u0120N - umber\n\u0120elect ronic\n\u0120reg ional\nap es\n\u0120w ra\n\u0120my th\npr - ise\n\u0120M iller\n\u0120C reat\n\u0120Ep isode\nb ell\n\u0120direct ed\n\u0120ext - ract\n\u0120s orry\n\u0120v ice\nag ger\n\u0120Su pport\n\u01206 6\n\u0120I - ron\n\u0120wonder ful\n\u0120g ra\nN et\nion e\nE ng\n\u0120sh ips\nik es\n\u0120K - evin\nit ar\n\u0120activ ists\ntr ue\n\u0120Ari zona\nent h\n\u0120Des pite\n\u0120S - E\n\u0120ha bit\nern el\n\u0120in qu\n\u0120ab ortion\n\u0120v oid\n\u0120expl - icit\n\u0120eng aged\n\u0120ang ry\n\u0120r ating\n\u0120fr ag\nb ro\nick - ing\nd ev\n\u0120wor ried\n\u0120ob ser\n\u0120ap artment\n\u0120G T\n\u0120est - ate\n\u0120Const itution\nem on\n\u0120S now\n\u0120count y\n\u0120dis ag\n\u0120Step - hen\n\u0120imm igrants\nw ind\n\u0120N ations\n\u0120fol ks\nO ut\n\u0120g - all\n\u0120target ed\n\u0120st ead\n\u0120B on\n\u0120L ib\n\u0120inform ed\n\u012012 - 0\nch ain\nidel ines\nor ough\n\u0120dri ven\n\u0120regular ly\n\u0120bas - ket\n\u0120princ iple\noc ument\n\u0120st un\nib ilities\n\u0120Rom an\n\u0120Ab - out\n\u0120al ert\n\u0120democr acy\n\u0120represent ed\nH S\nc ers\np arent\nAr - t\np ack\n\u0120di plom\nre ts\n\u0120N O\n\u0120capt ure\n\u0120Ad v\n\u0126 - \xA2\n\u0120announce ment\n\u0120L ear\n\u0120h ook\n\u0120pur s\n\u0120S - uch\n\u0120C amer\n\u0120refuge es\n\u0120V e\nP ol\n\u0120recogn ized\nl - ib\n\u0120had n\nA ss\n\u0120pil ot\nus hing\n\u0120return ing\n\u0120tra - il\n\u0120St one\n\u0120rout ine\n\u0120cour ts\n\u0120des per\n\u0120friend - ly\n\u0120It aly\n\u0120pl ed\n\u0120breat h\n\u0120stud io\nN S\n\u0120imp - ressive\n\u0120Afghan istan\n\u0120f ing\n\u0120d ownt\nink ing\n\u0120R og\ni - ary\ncol or\nse x\nar on\n\u0120f ault\n\u0120N ick\nD own\n\u0120R ose\n\u0120S - outhern\nX X\nis odes\nL ist\n6 00\n\u0120out come\ner r\n\u0120else where\n\u0120ret - ire\n\u0120p ounds\n\u0120Gl obal\nPe ople\n\u0120commun ications\n\u0120lo - an\n\u0120rat io\n\u0120Em pire\n\u0120g onna\n\u0120inv ent\nD F\n\u012019 - 70\n\u0120Comm on\np at\n\u0120prom ised\n\u0120d inner\n\u0120H om\n\u0120creat - es\n\u0120oper ate\nver ty\n\u0120J ordan\net ime\n\u0120sust ain\nR eg\n\u0120incred - ible\nim a\n\u0120war rant\n\u0120m m\nA tt\n\u0120law suit\n\u0120review - s\nit ure\n\u0120S ource\nl ights\n\u0120F ord\n\u01206 3\ng roup\nst ore\n\u0120feat - ured\n\u0120fore ver\n\u0120po verty\n\u0120P op\n\u0120C NN\naz z\nab is\nach - ing\n\u0120l aid\n\u0120Su pp\n\u0120fil ter\nen a\n\u0120Commun ity\n\u0120creat - ures\nu ction\n\u0120R oyal\n\u0120associ ation\n\u0120Con nect\n\u0120Br - ad\n\xE2\u0138 \u012A\nl ers\nthe re\n\u0120G i\n\u0120val uable\nAC K\n\u0120T - aylor\n\u0120l iquid\n\u0120Att orney\n\u0120Car l\n\u0120F inal\nag a\n\u0120Wil - son\nB ecause\n\u0120Prof essor\nak a\n\u0120incred ibly\nr ance\n! )\nR ef\ns - k\n\u0120sol utions\n\u0120atmosp here\n\u0120bl ame\num es\n\u0120N ob\nC - A\num ps\nr ical\n\u0120Put in\n\u0120D est\nor ic\n\u0120P A\n\u0120respect - ively\nw an\n\u0120fif th\n\xE2 \u0126\xA2\n\u0120C ry\n\u0120govern or\nres - ident\n\u0120purch ased\n\u0120h ack\n\u0120int ense\nob s\n\u0120orig in\n\u0120def - ine\n\u0120care ful\n** *\n\u0120should er\nCl ick\n\u0120t ied\n\u0120dest - ruction\nou red\n\u0120no body\n\u0120h o\n\u0120Ex per\n\u0120t ip\n\" ;\n\u0120techn - ique\n\u0120j ur\n\u0120P ok\nb ow\n\u0120leg end\n\u0120acc ord\n\u0120bus - y\n\u0120Int el\n\u0120h ang\nak i\n. ]\n\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136 - \xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\n\u0120sur gery\n\u0120rep rodu\n\u0120un - iform\n\u0120scen es\nc ode\n\u01206 2\nl isher\n\u0120H ave\nph ia\n\u0120cry - pt\n\u0120rec on\n\u0120sc ream\n\u0120adop ted\n\u0120sc ores\nN e\n\u0120It - alian\nin cluding\nB O\n\u0120indic ated\n\u0120ent ertain\nG u\nT ext\ni - el\n\u0120tw enty\n\u0120eng age\noff s\n\u0120Pac ific\n\u0120sm ile\n\u0120person - nel\n\u0120to ler\n\u0120do ors\n\u0120t one\n\u0120mach ines\n\u0120ent ering\nten - ance\nC O\n\u0120Jer sey\n\u0120fore st\n\u0120hor se\n\u0120compl aint\n\u0120Spr - ing\ny o\n\u0120Pl us\ned ing\n\u0120Ret urn\nqu arters\nial s\nc ow\n\u0120acad - emic\n\u0120f ruit\n\u0120199 6\nog ether\n\u0120w ine\n\u0120pur su\n\u0120Ste - ven\n\u0120lic ens\nWh o\n\u0120clot hes\nre ction\n\u0120squ ad\n\u0120st - able\n\u0120r aw\nz ens\nSt ar\nut ies\nanc er\n\u0120ke ys\n\u0120M u\n\u0120compl - icated\nig er\n\u0120Te xt\n\u0120abs or\n\u01206 8\n\u0120fun ny\n\u0120rel - ief\n\u0120L ew\n\u0120C ook\n\u0120ch art\n\u0120draw ing\nG E\n\u0120mod - ule\n\u0120B ull\nI LL\n\u0120s alt\n0000 0000\nil le\n\u0120res ource\naw - ay\nadel phia\n\u0120B ru\n\u01206 7\n\u0120some body\n\u0120particip ate\n\u0120ro - se\nwe red\n\u0120mus cle\n\u0120cons ent\n\u0120contin uing\n\u0120Guard - ian\n\u0120Or der\nreg on\n\u0120re ar\n\u0120prov ision\n\u0120lik ed\nri - ent\n\u0120b ra\nTr ans\n\u0120meet ings\n\u0120to x\n\u0120con vent\n\u0120aut - o\n\u0120rec ording\n\u0120So ft\n00 1\n\u0120R oll\n\u0120program ming\n\u0120p - ic\n\u0120prov ed\n\u0120st ab\n\u0120A st\n\u0120ca ption\nul ating\n\u0120Att - ack\n\u0120new ly\n\u0120199 7\nf r\n\u0120dis cipl\n\u0120Gree k\n\u0120ed - ition\n\u0120Do es\n\u0120B ox\nif le\nack et\n\u0120pass es\n\u0120gu est\n\u0120ac - celer\nit als\nU D\n\u0120aut hent\n\u0120R est\nov al\nt a\nu ine\n\u0120arm - or\n\u0120T own\n\u0120comp at\n\u0120inc hes\nDes pite\n\u0120ass ign\nhe - rent\n\u0120prep are\n\u0120M eg\noc key\n\u0120dep ends\n\u0120track s\nw - atch\n\u0120l ists\n\u0120N orthern\n\u0120al ter\nre c\n\u0120E astern\n\u0120cond - em\n\u0120every where\n? '\n\u0120aff ili\n\u0120f ought\n\": {\"\n\u0120m - ac\nit arian\n\u0120sc ope\n\u0120A L\naw s\nar ms\n\u0120qu e\n\u0120enjoy - ed\nnes ota\n\u0120agg ressive\n\u0120St ory\n\u0120I V\n\u0120rec ipe\n\u0120rare - ly\n\u0120Med ical\nval ue\nang el\nay ing\nomet hing\n\u0120sub section\n\u0120s - outhern\n\u0120frequ ency\nre te\nroll ed\nult s\n\u0120N ic\n\u0120beh alf\n\u0120sequ - ence\nab et\n\u0120controvers ial\n\u0120comp rom\n\u0120work er\n\u0120main - ly\n\u0120al gorith\n\u0120M ajor\nor ce\ng ender\n\u0120organ ized\n\u0120f - ake\n\u0120conclud ed\n\u0120E D\n\u0120Ex ec\nr age\n\u0120ch ances\nber - ry\n\u0120Tr ad\n\u0120config uration\n\u0120withd raw\n\u0120f ro\nud es\n\u0120Bro - ther\n\u0120B rian\n\u0120tri es\n\u0120sam ples\n\u0120b id\n\u0120Gold en\n\u0120phot - ograph\nif est\n\u0120D O\n\u0120Par liament\n******** ********\nR em\n\u0120cont - est\n\u0120sign ing\np x\n\u0120Z eal\n\xE2\u0136\u0122 \xE2\u0136\u0122\nE - ar\n\u0120ex it\nBe fore\n\u0120Cor por\nn ull\nmon th\n\u0120rac ial\nott - ed\n\u0120V eg\n\u0120Re uters\n\u0120sw ord\nps on\n\u0120Rom ney\na ed\n\u0120t - rib\n\u0120in ner\n\u0120prot ocol\n\u0120B i\n\u0120M iami\never al\np ress\n\u0120sh - ipping\n\u0120Am endment\n\u0120How ard\ncon nect\n\u0120D isc\n\u0120J ac\niam - ond\n\u0120There fore\ns es\n\u0120Prin cess\n\u0120US B\n\u0120An th\n\u0120surve - illance\n\u0120ap olog\n\u01206 1\now a\n\u0120f ulf\nj s\n\u0120l uck\nust - ed\n\u0120\xC2 \xA7\nn i\n\u0120ant icip\nem an\n\u0120win ner\n\u0120sil - ver\nll a\nic ity\n\u0120unus ual\n\u0120cr ack\n\u0120t ies\ne z\n\u0120pract - ical\n\u0120prov ince\n\u0120Pl ace\n\u0120prior ity\nIC E\n\u0120describ - es\n\u0120br anch\nF orm\nask a\nmiss ions\nb i\n\u0120p orn\n\u0120Tur k\n\u0120ent - hus\n\u0120f ighters\n\u01200 8\n\u0120Det roit\n\u0120found ation\nav id\nA - re\n\u0120jud gment\ncl ing\n\u0120sol ve\n\u0120Des ign\nW here\nhes is\n\u0120T - ro\na fter\n\u0120ne utral\n\u0120Palestin ian\n\u0120Holly wood\n\u0120adv - is\n\u0120N on\ny es\nol is\n\u0120rep utation\n\u0120sm ell\n\u0120b read\n\u0120B - ul\n\u0120Be ach\n\u0120claim ing\n\u0120gen etic\n\u0120techn ologies\n\u0120upgr - ade\nrow s\n\u0120develop er\n\u0120J osh\n\u0120Dis ney\nerv ed\nip al\n\u0120un - ex\n\u0120bare ly\nt hen\n\u0120P ub\n\u0120ill ness\net ary\n\u0120B al\n\u0120p - atch\n\u0120but t\n\u0120st upid\n\u0120D og\n\u0120D allas\nf ront\nie ce\n\u0120prot - ests\n\u0120ch at\noen ix\n\u0120w ing\n\u0120par liament\n\u01207 7\nose - xual\n\u0120re nder\npt ions\n\u0120Co ast\nos a\n\u0120G reg\nh op\n\u0120Man - agement\n\u0120bit coin\n\u0120rec over\n\u0120incor por\nor ne\n\u0120Us - ing\n\u0120pre ced\n\u0120threat ened\n\u0120spirit ual\n\u0120E vent\n\u0120F - red\n\u0120advert ising\n\u0120improve ments\n\u0120C ustom\n\u0120er rors\n\u0120sens - itive\n\u0120N avy\n\u0120cre am\nL ook\n\u0120ex clusive\n\u0120comp rehens\n\u0120de - leg\n\u0120con ce\n\u0120rem em\n\u0120struct ures\n\u0120st ored\nN D\n\u01201 - 000\nU P\n\u0120B udd\nA F\nw oman\n\u0120Acad emy\n\xF0 \u0141\nse a\n\u0120tem - porary\nAb out\nes ters\n\u0120tick ets\n\u0120poss ess\nin ch\no z\n\u0120l - a\n\u0120contract s\n\u0120un p\n\u0120c ig\n\u0120K at\nult ural\nas m\n\u0120mount - ain\n\u0120Capt ain\nSt ep\nm aking\n\u0120Sp ain\n\u0120equ ally\n\u0120l - ands\nat ers\n\u0120reject ed\ner a\nim m\nri x\nC D\n\u0120trans action\ng - ener\nless ly\n\u0120| |\n\u0120c os\n\u0120Hen ry\n\u0120prov isions\n\u0120g - ained\n\u0120direct ory\n\u0120ra ising\n\u0120S ep\nol en\nond er\n\u0120con - sole\nin st\n\u0120b om\n\u0120unc ertain\n1 50\nock ing\n\u0120meas ured\n\u0120pl - ain\n\u0120se ats\n\u0120d ict\nS L\naf e\n\u0120est imate\niz on\nat hered\n\u0120contribut - ed\n\u0120ep isodes\nomm od\nG r\nAN T\n\u01206 9\nG ener\n\u01202 50\nvious - ly\nrog en\n\u0120terror ism\n\u0120move ments\nent le\noun ce\n\u0120S oul\n\u0120pre - v\n\u0120T able\nact s\nri ors\nt ab\n\u0120suff er\n\u0120n erv\n\u0120main - stream\n\u0120W olf\n\u0120franch ise\nb at\n\u0120dem ands\n\u0120ag enda\n\u0120do - zen\n\u0120clin ical\niz ard\n\u0120O p\nt d\n\u0120vis ited\n\u0120Per haps\n\u0120act - or\n\u0120de lic\n\u0120cont ribute\n\u0120in ject\n\u0120E s\nac co\n\u0120list - ening\n\u0120con gress\nepend ent\n\u0120prem ium\n\u01207 6\n\u0120Ir ish\n\u0120ass - igned\n\u0120Ph ys\n\u0120world wide\n\u0120narr ative\not ype\nm ont\nb ase\n\u0120B - owl\n\u0120Administ ration\n\u0120rel ation\n\u0120E V\nC P\n\u0120co vers\n\u01207 - 8\n\u0120cert ific\n\u0120gr ass\n\u01200 4\npir acy\nir a\n\u0120engine ering\n\u0120M - ars\n\u0120un employ\n\u0120Fore ign\nst ract\n\u0120v en\n\u0120st eal\n\u0120repl - ied\n\u0120ult imate\n\u0120tit les\nd ated\n\u0120j oy\na us\n\u0120hy per\nak - u\n\u0120offic ially\n\u0120Pro duct\n\u0120difficult y\nper or\n\u0120result - ed\nrib ed\nl ink\nwh o\n~~ ~~\n\u0120Spe ed\n\u0120V iet\nW ind\n\u0120Bar - ack\n\u0120restrict ions\n\u0120Sh are\n\u0120199 5\nition ally\n\u0120beaut - y\nop t\n\u0120m aps\n\u0120C R\n\u0120N ation\n\u0120Cru z\nW ill\n\u0120electric - ity\n\u0120or g\n\u0120b urd\n\u0120viol ation\n\u0120us age\n\u0120per mit\n\u0120Ch - ron\n\u0120F ant\n\u0120n aturally\n\u01200 7\n\u0120th rown\n\u0120Aw oken\n\u0120al - ien\n\u0120Her o\n\u0120K ent\n\u0120R ick\nri ke\n\u0120p ace\n}, {\"\nG - L\n\u0120po ison\n\u0120T ower\n\u0120form al\nal ysis\n\u0120gen uine\n\u0120k - il\na ver\n\u0120proced ure\n\u0120Pro p\nintend o\n\u0120M ain\nas ant\n\u0120tr - ained\nG ame\n\u0120L oad\n\u0120M A\n\u0120cru cial\n\u0120le ts\n\u0120F - R\n\u0120ch ampion\n1 01\n\u0120Con ference\n\u0120writ ers\n\u0120connect - ions\n\u0120o kay\nir ms\n\u0120R and\n\u0120enc ounter\n\u0120B uff\n\u0120achie - ved\n\u0120che cks\nisc ons\n\u0120assist ant\n\u0120when ever\n\u0120A ccess\n\u0120U - r\nb in\n\u0120cl ock\nis p\nop her\n\u0120b orrow\n\u0120m ad\n\u0120person - ality\non ly\nIS T\nab ama\n\u0120g ains\n\u0120common ly\n\u0120ter r\n\u0120hyp - ot\n\u0120re ly\n\u0120t iss\niscons in\n\u0120rid ic\nf unction\n\u0120O - regon\n\u0120un com\nr ating\nel and\n\u0120N C\n\u0120m oon\nann on\n\u0120vulner - able\nut ive\n\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142 \xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\n\u0120Rad io\n\u0120w - estern\nse ct\n\u0120T ony\n\u0120occ urs\n\u0120O s\n\u0120H on\n\xC3 \u0143\n\u0120v - essel\n\u0120Scot land\n\u0120discrim ination\n\u0120subsequ ent\nst ring\n\u0120fant - asy\n\u0120Sh adow\n\u0120test im\nW E\nit i\nr as\n\u0120bo at\n\u0120mar - ks\n\u0120ord inary\n\u0120re n\n\u0120represent ative\n\u0120pet ition\n\u01207 - 3\n\u0120ad venture\n\u0120ign ore\n\u0120Phil adelphia\n\u0120S av\nV P\n\u0120fact - ory\n\u0120t asks\n\u0120dep ression\nz ed\n................ ................\n\u0120St - orm\n\u0120c ogn\n\u0120elig ible\n\u0120redu cing\nv ia\n\u01200 5\n\u0120stri - king\n\u0120doll ar\nh o\nO V\n\u0120instr ument\n\u0120philosoph y\n\u0120Mo - ore\n\u0120A venue\n\u0120rul ed\n\u0120Fr ont\nIN E\n\u0120M ah\n\u0120scen - ario\n\u0120NAS A\n\u0120en orm\n\u0120deb ut\n\u0120te a\nT oday\n\u0120abs - ence\nS im\n\u0120h am\nle ep\n\u0120t ables\n\u0120He art\nM I\nK e\nre qu\nV - D\nm ap\n\u0120chair man\n\u0120p ump\n\u0120rapid ly\nv i\n\u0120substant - ial\nE P\nd es\nch ant\nili pp\n\u0120S anta\nri ers\nanche ster\nL oad\n\u0120C - ase\n\u0120sa ving\n\u01207 4\n\u0120A FP\ner ning\noun ced\n\u0120Min nesota\n\u0120W - as\n\u0120rec ru\n\u0120assess ment\n\u0120B ron\nU E\n\u0120dynam ic\n\u0120f - urn\nul ator\n\u0120prop ag\nh igh\n\u0120acc ommod\n\u0120st ack\n\u0120S - us\nw rit\n\u0120re ven\n\u0120God d\n\u0120Zeal and\nab s\n\u0120br ut\n\u0120per - pet\nh ot\n\u0120hard ly\n\u0120B urn\n\xE3\u0124 \xB9\n\u0120st y\n\u0120trans - actions\n\u0120g ate\n\u0120sc reens\n\u0120sub mitted\n\u01201 01\n\u0120langu - ages\nugh t\nem en\n\u0120fall s\n\u0120c oc\n\u0124 \xAC\n\u0120stri kes\np - a\n\u0120del iber\n\u0120I M\n\u0120rel ax\nann els\n\u0120Sen ator\n\u0120ext - rem\n\u0120} ,\n\u0120De b\n\u0120be ll\n\u0120dis order\nc ut\n\u0120i OS\n\u0120l - ocked\n\u0120em issions\n\u0120short ly\n\" ]\n\u0120Jud ge\n\u0120S ometimes\n\u0120r - ival\n\u0120d ust\n\u0120reach ing\nF ile\n\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF \xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\nino - is\n\u0120J ason\n\u0120s atell\nare t\n\u0120st ations\n\u0120ag ric\n\u0120Techn - ology\ncom es\n\u0120Un fortunately\n\u0120Child ren\n\u0120appl ies\nast - ed\n\u0120an ger\nail ability\n\u0120Dam age\n\u0120comp are\n\u0120Stand - ard\n\u0120aim ed\n\u0120B a\nangu age\n\u0120reg ulation\n\u0120j ury\n\u0120air - port\n\u0120se ctions\n\u0120Pr ince\nem ed\n\u0120medic ine\n\u0120h itting\n\u0120sp - ark\nol ves\n\u0120ad s\nSt ate\n\u0120food s\n\u0120repl acement\n\u0120ch - icken\n\u0120low est\n\u0120mind s\n\u0120invol ves\nu i\n\u0120arr ang\n\u0120proced - ures\n\u0120Wh ich\nivers ary\n\u0120b ills\n\u0120improve ment\n\u0120in - ev\n\u0120expect ations\n\u0120intellect ual\n\u0120sp aces\n\u0120mechan - ism\n2 50\nbre ak\n\u0120Z e\n\u0120T enn\n\u0120B alt\n\u0120bar rel\n\u0120stat - ic\nman n\nPol ice\n\u0120t ips\n\u0120hand ling\nc us\nod ed\nil ton\nir - y\n\u0120journal ists\nour se\n\u0120com ic\n\u0120nom ine\nIT Y\n\u0120vers - us\n\u0120lo op\n\u0120sur f\n\u0120Ind ust\n\u0120Hun ter\n\u0120belief s\nis - an\n\u0120set up\n\u0120bre w\nim age\n\u0120comput ers\nf ol\n} ,\"\n\u0120Med - al\n\u0120tax p\n\u0120display ed\n\u0120g rav\n\u0120f iscal\nM on\n\u0120Mos - cow\n\u0120K ong\n\u0120Cent re\n\u0120camer as\n\u0120Mr s\n\u0120H ay\n\u0120a - ver\n\u0120K elly\np y\n\u0120require ment\n\u0120ent itled\nomb ie\n\u0120sh - adow\nag ic\n\u0120A k\n\u0120el ite\n\u0120div ided\n\u0120head ing\n\u0120cop - ies\n\u0120loss es\n\u0120v it\nk ed\n\u0120B ry\n\u0120an s\n\u0120Ste am\n\u0120rep - orter\nhe im\n\u0120It em\n\u0120super ior\nd on\nere nt\n\xC3 \xB6\n\u0120therap - y\n\u0120pe ak\n\u0120Mod el\n\u0120l ying\n\u0120g am\nz er\nr itten\n\u0120respons - es\n\u0120consider ation\n\u0120B ible\n\u0120l oyal\n\u0120inst ant\n\u0120p - m\n\u0120Fore st\n\xC3 \xBC\n\u0120ext end\n\u0120conv icted\n\u0120found - er\n\u0120conv in\n\u0120O ak\nche ck\n\u0120sch olars\np ed\n\u0120over se\nT - op\nc ount\n\u0120Ar k\n\xC2 \xB7\n\u01200 6\n\u0120L A\nm d\n\u0120Lat in\nim - ental\n\u0120C PU\n\u0120subst ance\n\u0120minor ity\n\u0120manufact uring\nE - r\nocol ate\n\u0120att ended\n\u0120Man ager\nr ations\n\u0120appreci ate\nom - y\nGB T\nid ency\nB L\n\u0120guarant ee\npos ition\n\u0120o cean\nclud e\n\u0120head - ed\n\u0120t ape\n\u0120lo ose\n\u0120log ic\n\u0120pro ven\n\u0120sp ir\n\u0120ad - mit\nis a\n\u0120investig ate\n\u0120199 4\nsy lv\n\u0120L ost\nc est\n\u01207 - 1\n\u0120request ed\n\u0120wind ows\n\u0120Pok \xC3\xA9\n\u0120With out\nM - et\n\u0120behavi our\n\u0120read er\n\u0120h ung\n\u0120Ke ep\n\u0120ro les\n\u0120implement - ed\n\u0120bl ank\n\u0120serv es\n\u0120J ay\n\u0120c ited\n\u0120F riend\nprof - it\nap on\n\u0120rep air\nit em\narr ass\n\u0120crit ics\nad i\n\u0120F ather\n\u0120sh - out\n\u0120f ool\n\u01208 8\n\u0120produ cing\n\u0120l ib\n\u0120round s\n\u0120circ - le\n\u0120pre par\n\u0120sub mit\n\u0120n ic\nmor row\n\xE3\u0125 \xAB\nU - nder\n\u0120v ital\nater n\n\u0120pass word\n\u0120public ation\n\u0120prom - inent\n\u0120speak s\n\u0120b ars\n\u0120de eper\n\u0120M ill\nport ed\n\u0120w - id\n\u0120but ter\n\u0120sm oking\n\u0120indic ates\nK ey\nrop ri\n\u0120F - ile\nall ing\nast ing\n\u0120R us\n\u0120ad j\n\u01207 9\nav al\n\u0120pres - um\nbur gh\non ic\n\u0120f ur\n\u0120poll s\nik a\n\u0120second ary\n\u0120mon - ster\nig s\n\u0120Cur rent\nE vent\n\u0120owners hip\nend ar\n\u0120arri ve\n\u0120T - ax\n\u0120n ull\n\u0120Pri v\n\u0120th ro\n\u0120k iss\nc at\n\u0120up set\nang - le\nit ches\nect or\nolog ists\n\u0120Gal axy\n\u0120cor ruption\n\u0120h - int\nent er\n\u0120H ospital\n\u0120great ly\n\u0120beg un\nes y\n\u0120so - il\n\u0120Ant on\n\u0120main tenance\n\xE3\u0125 \xA9\n\u0120do zens\n\u0120human - ity\n\u0120Al abama\n\u0120r om\nw orth\nap ing\nsylv ania\nl ah\n\u0120g - athered\nG A\n\u0120attack ing\nf ound\n\u0120Squ are\n\u0120ar bit\nict ions\n\u0120W - isconsin\n\u0120d ance\n\u0120S aint\narch y\n\u0120base ball\n\u0120contribut - ions\n\u0120liter ature\n\u0120ex ha\nper ty\nt est\n\u0120b ab\n\u0120contain - er\nlet ter\n\u0120fall en\n\u0120webs ites\n\u0120bott le\n\u0120S ac\n\u0120bre - ast\n\u0120P L\n\u0120veter an\n\u0120interview s\n\u0120A le\n\u0120b anned\neng - ers\n\u0120Rev olution\nin th\n\u0120conc erning\nIV E\n\u0120exp enses\n\u0120Matt - hew\n\u0120Columb ia\nd s\nist ance\n\u0120ent ity\n.. .\"\n\u0120rel iable\n\u0120par - alle\n\u0120Christ ians\n\u0120opin ions\n\u0120in du\nl ow\n\u0120compet - e\n\u0120th orough\n\u0120employ ed\n\u0120establish ment\nig en\n\u0120C - ro\n\u0120lawy ers\n\u0120St ation\nT E\n\u0120L ind\n\u0120P ur\nit ary\n\u0120effic - iency\n\xE2\u0122 \u0132\n\u0120L y\n\u0120m ask\n\u0120dis aster\n\u0120ag - es\nER E\nes is\n\u0120H old\n\u0120cas ual\nb led\n\u0120en abled\n\u0120En - vironment\n\u0120Int elligence\ni per\n\u0120M ap\n\u0120B E\n\u0120emer ged\nis - dom\n\u0120c abin\n\u0120regist ration\n\u0120fing ers\n\u0120ro ster\n\u0120fram - ework\n\u0120Do ctor\net ts\n\u0120transport ation\n\u0120aware ness\nH er\n\u0120attempt - ing\nO ff\n\u0120St ore\n\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124 \xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\n\u0120K - now\n\u0120def ence\n\u0120sc an\n\u0120T en\n\u0120Ch air\n\u0120P H\n\u0120Atl - anta\n\u0120fuck ing\n\u0120ans wered\nb n\n\u0120K ar\n\u0120categ ories\n\u0120r - ational\n\u0120c ust\n\u0120rob ot\n\u0120correct ly\n\u0120g if\n\u0120graph - ics\nm ic\n\u0120ground s\n\u0120O pp\ni ate\n\u0120dist ributed\n\u0120san - ctions\n\u0120challeng ing\nut o\n\u0120ingred ients\n\u0120inv ited\n\u0120found - ed\n\u0120Re qu\nd ed\n\u0120b owl\n\u0120brother s\n\u0120H a\nI O\n\u0120w - ages\nim ore\noc ial\n\u0120se ed\native ly\n\u0120address es\n\u0120I owa\nab - eth\n\u0120att itude\nis d\nch ild\n\u0120m ole\n\u0120disco very\ny ard\nB - r\n\u01208 2\n\u0120suppl ies\nell ing\n\u0120dist ingu\nC R\n\u0120re cept\n\u0120 - vert\n\u0120sw im\nb ec\nd oor\n\u0120Y eah\n\u0120g al\n\u0120inter act\n\u0120E - SP\n\u0120C S\namp s\n\u0120convin ced\n\u0120object ive\n\u0120dis h\n\u0120Phot - os\nl ad\n\u0120downt own\no il\nin ction\n\u0120to morrow\n\u0120C OM\n\u0120surv - ival\nsh ot\n\u0120sett lement\nC ons\n\u0120X box\nint erest\n\u0120S M\narg - o\nen ess\n\u0120eth nic\nb ered\nM in\n\u0120T ok\n\u0120inc ent\n\u0120Comm - and\n\u0120main tained\n\u0120break s\nbr idge\nat ar\nag g\n\u0120F inally\nun - icip\n\u0120O nt\nle ft\n\u0120recogn ition\n\u0120* /\n\u0120P ers\n\u0120we - lf\n\u0120address ed\n\u0120K ansas\n\u0120vir us\n\u0120where as\n\u0120p - apers\nram s\n\u0120Min istry\n\u0120ple asure\n\u0120acqu ired\n\u0120d uration\nj - pg\n\u0120cal m\n\u0120N HL\n\u0120burn ing\n\u0120fold er\nick ed\n\u0120P - y\n\u0120Ill inois\nCl ass\n\u0120Godd ess\n\u0120perform ing\n\u0120welf - are\nj ar\nIn ter\n\u0120l in\n\u0120enh ance\n\u0120not ion\nf are\nyp es\n\u0120Are - a\n\u0120cann abis\n\u0120Die go\nf s\n\u0120M anchester\ncom m\nin ite\n\u0120cover - ing\n\u0120S ound\n\u012019 60\n\u01208 4\ne lect\nz ing\n\u0120citiz en\n\u0120ph - ones\n\u0120r aid\n\u0120ign ored\n\u0120Ob ject\n\u0120u pload\nc ard\n\u0120mod - ified\n\u0120room s\nia h\nr ange\nhe ast\nach us\n\u0120suggest ing\n\xE2\u0122 - \u012D\ngr ade\nE l\n\u0120clot hing\n\u0120r h\n\u0120H an\nun ity\nen cing\n\u0120Aust - in\nsec ution\nt ra\nd em\n\u0120Q ual\n\u0120he aven\n\u0120st ages\n\u0120w - edd\npl us\nific ial\n\u0120Im m\n\u0120H o\niet ies\n\u0120phr ase\n\u0120br - ill\nact ory\n\u0120prov iders\n\u0120sil ence\n\u0120a er\n\u0120A I\n\u0120Ad - venture\n\u0120platform s\n\u0120demonstr ated\n\u0120inter f\ning ton\n\u0120r - aces\n\u0120gr ade\nult ane\n\u0120Th rough\nf alse\n\u0120b ow\n\u0120A B\n\u0120fl - avor\n\u0120histor ic\ng ov\n\u0120col our\n\u0120view ed\n\u0120Em ail\nel - come\n\u0120inter vention\n\u0120d iversity\n\u0120period s\n\u0120re verse\n\u0120V - ery\n\u0120qu ote\n\u0120Le ft\nth rough\n\u0120sc rew\n\u0120land ing\n\u0120p - ill\n\u0120w et\n\u0120prot esters\n\u0120repe at\nav ed\ner k\n\u0120sal - ary\n\u0120Penn sylvania\nSt ill\n\u0120may or\n\u0120kit chen\n\u0120feat - uring\n\u0120M useum\n\u0120T ournament\n\u0120F al\n\u0120ser vers\nU C\n\u0120any - body\nim g\n\u0120Tr ade\nixt ure\nthe less\n\u0120fin ance\n\u0120cl osing\n\u0120Pat - ri\ni ac\nab el\n\u0120> >\nor ous\n\u0120f irms\nsc reen\nun a\n\u0120emb - arrass\nul se\n\u0120let ting\n\u0120th rew\nile y\n\u0120ch annels\nl an\n\u0120Veg - as\n\u0120se ar\n\u0120fant astic\nar re\nuzz le\n\u0120D er\nTh ose\n\u0120sw - ing\n\u0120she et\nind ex\nco ver\nog an\n\u0120vari ables\n\u0120Te ch\n\u0120sp - oken\nac hel\n\u0120D a\n\u0120Mount ain\n\u0120load ed\n\u0120foot age\nvers - ion\n\u0120un l\n\u0120Ph oenix\n\u0120throw ing\n\u0120f iring\n\u0120track - ing\n\u0120w idth\n\u0120strugg ling\nro oms\not ion\n\u0120month ly\n\u0120Ser - ver\n\u0120egg s\nop en\nM C\n\u0120199 3\n\u0120h ired\n\u0120stay ed\n\u0120All - en\n\u0120st ro\n\u01209 8\nst ep\n\u0120Turk ish\n\u0120fab ric\nist ing\n\u0120D - om\n\u0120d ates\n\u0120pr on\n\u0120basket ball\n\u0120l ucky\n\u0120Arab - ia\n\u0120assum ed\nest y\n\u0120aff airs\n\u0120gl ad\n\u0120Ind eed\n\u0120F - A\n\u0120W ord\n\u0120jo ining\nif ice\np read\nir ts\n\u0120Se lect\n\u0120pop - ulations\naw are\n\u0120n ose\n\u0120compl aints\nst art\n\u0120sc oring\nTh - anks\n\u0120min ing\n\u0120visit ors\nS H\n\u0120dam aged\n\u0120character - istics\n\u0120P ent\nD C\n\u01208 3\n\u0120S ix\nr ates\n\u0120fl ags\n\u0120B - rew\nd og\nM ark\n// //\n\u0120exec ution\n\u0120j oke\nph ones\n\u0120testim - ony\n\u0120ob st\nQ L\n\u0120C ut\n\u0120stud ied\n\u0120N intendo\nick et\n\u0120N - BC\n\u0120l ad\n\u0120B ra\n\u0120M oh\n\u0120k ernel\n\u0120overwhel ming\n\u0120ag - ed\n\u0120applic able\n\u0120C ond\n\u0120road s\n\u0120Bl ock\nm ade\nod - ge\n\u0120comm ands\n\u0120off ices\nvel and\n\u0120t ut\n\u0120rece iver\n\u0120F - ro\n\u0120sho pping\n\u0120i P\n\u0120St re\n\u0120A BC\n\u0120entertain ment\n\u0120B - ow\nort ed\nM c\n\u0120read s\ngr ad\n\u0120Col lect\n\u0120\xE2 \u012A\u0134\n\u0120Cap - ital\neder ation\n\u0120employ er\n\u0120involve ment\n\u0120anx iety\nal - ia\n\u0120ro of\n\u0120Am ong\n\u0120Democr at\n\u0120stat s\n\u0120V ill\n\u0120const - itutional\n\u0120refer ring\nitt y\n\u0120tack le\nout ube\n\u0120back ed\n\u0120H - ong\n\u0120Bro ad\n\u0120e le\n\u0120O tt\n\u0120199 2\nh our\nachus etts\nC - al\n\u0120defe ated\n\u01208 1\nes p\n\u0120seem ingly\nw as\n\u0120J enn\n\u0120K - urd\n\u0120g ene\n\u0120disc ount\nR et\nEC T\n( );\n\u0120club s\n\u0120s - id\n\u0120M arsh\nChe ck\n\u0120p p\n\u0120E ag\nides pread\n\u0120be ings\nF - T\n\u0120introdu ction\n\u0120Ch ange\nAR D\n\u01201 10\nad ows\nier ce\n\u0120me - al\na uthor\n\u0120B ang\nlah oma\n\u0120r anks\n201 1\n?? ??\nm ax\n\u0120coll - apse\n\u0120op ens\n\u0120e cho\n\u0120s oph\n\u0120rac ist\n\u0120enorm ous\n\u0120w - aves\n\u0120t ap\n\u0120comprehens ive\n. --\n\u0120R oy\n\u0120farm ers\nRel - ated\na ired\nron es\n\u0120C rim\n\u0120proport ion\n\u0120design s\n\u0120negoti - ations\n\u0120virt ually\n\u0120Bat man\n\u0120war n\n\u0120legit imate\nm - ate\n\u0120con vention\n, ,\nnet ic\n\u0120S D\n\u0120consist ently\n\u0120compens - ation\n\u0120punish ment\n\u0120y e\n\u0120t ie\n\u0120B ureau\nir lf\n\u0120B - u\n\u0120A ren\n\u0120Ph ilipp\n\u0120kn ife\n\u0120mem ories\n\u0120R oss\n\u0120ang - le\n\u01208 6\n\u0120Th under\n\u0120re nd\n\u0120T our\n\u0120count s\ns - ung\n\u0120Im p\n\u0120educ ational\n\u0120access ible\nC OM\n\u0120d rew\ny - er\nG l\nam ine\nOR T\nO B\nI B\nm aster\n\u0120tri als\nog y\nh ar\n\u0120Tr - ust\n\u0120prefer red\nirlf riend\n\u0120N ev\n\u0120b in\n\u0120c ow\nP age\n\u0120sign - ature\n\u0120B L\n7 00\n\u0120ret ired\n\u0120by tes\n\u0120neigh b\n\u0120Leg - end\n\u0120dev ast\n\u0120suspect ed\nis ons\n\u0120Pok\xC3\xA9 mon\nsc ale\n\u0120cap - abilities\n\u0120re vel\n\u0120che ese\nd y\nigr ant\n\u0120fail ing\nb its\n\u0120Her - oes\n\u0120G host\n\u0120S cient\n\u0120appoint ed\nur i\n\u0120inst itution\n\u0120expand - ed\ng reg\n\u0120monitor ing\n\u0120p odcast\n\u0120coal ition\n\u01209 6\nJ - o\n\u0120st olen\n\u0120S ab\n\u0120stop s\n\u0120hol iday\n\u0120int r\nC - ar\nBl ack\n\u0120L GBT\n\u0120war ming\n\u0120And erson\n\u01208 9\n\u0120produ - cer\nM ed\n\u0120accur acy\n\u0120Mar vel\niz abeth\n\u0120Pat rick\nm ony\n\u0120min - i\nac les\n\u0120over t\nthe y\n\u0120members hip\n\u0120V en\n\u0120ex ch\n\u0120rem - oval\n\u0120D ave\nT Y\nm ad\n\u0120F ind\n\u0120ad equ\n\u0120e c\n\u0120te - eth\n\u0120emot ion\n\u0120per m\n\u0120sole ly\nd b\n\u0120extra ord\nIG - HT\nc al\n\u0120gu idelines\n\u0120d ying\n\u0120susp ended\n\u0120Prem ier\n\u0120Anth - ony\nel ve\n\u0120d ad\n\u0120E th\n\u0120Foot ball\n\u0120abandon ed\n\u0120< - <\n\u0120m arch\n\u0120hor ror\n\xE2\u0122\xA6 \"\n\u0120child hood\n\u0120campaign - s\n\u0120l unch\n\u0120Al bert\nbl ock\n\xE2\u0138\u012A \xE2\u0138\u012A\nound - ing\n\u0120b one\nor gan\nad ers\n\u0120Fl ash\n\u0120Dri ve\n\u0120ton ight\n\u0120w - ars\n\u0120F L\n\u0120form ation\ncon st\nNew s\n\u0120com pe\nor ious\n\u0120St - aff\n\u0120discuss ions\n\u0120Prot ection\n\u0120J am\n\u0120crit eria\n\u0120install - ation\n\u0120accompl ish\niz za\n\u0120pub lisher\n\u0120resc ue\n\u0120T - ry\nU LL\n\u0120S om\n\u0120H op\nore t\nth s\nord on\n\u0120p ocket\n\u0120In - v\nDown load\n\u0120Cr ime\n\u0120b ene\n\u0120Gu ide\n\u0120As sembly\n\u0120param - eters\nI E\n\u0120Alex ander\n\u0120conc ert\n\u0120Sc he\n\u0120sh oes\n\u0120vis - iting\n\u0120rec all\n\u0120b ub\n\u0120r ural\n\u0120conc rete\n\u0120R os\nN - ext\nR uss\n\u0120lo ans\n\u0120Sh ield\n\u0120tre m\nhem at\nk g\n\u0120Har - ris\nis ition\n\u0120M ove\n\u0120F C\n\u0120f ate\n\u0120Ch o\n\u0120t ired\n\u0120princ - ipal\nh ist\nien ces\nath y\n\u0120se vent\n\u0120m ood\n\u0120strateg ic\n\u0120dise - ases\n\u0120for um\n\u0120tem por\n\u0120head quarters\nP ar\nig e\nfl ix\n\u0120gu - itar\n\u01209 4\nOn ly\n\u0120rele ases\nro ph\n================ ================\n\u01206 - 00\n\u0120Contin ue\nig ate\n\u0120C rit\nsy stem\n\u0120dis abled\n\u0120unex - pected\nith ub\n\u0120uncle ar\n\u0120E st\n\u0120contr ad\n\u0120strateg - ies\nvent ures\n\u0120pass age\nAM E\n\u0120impro ving\n\u0120reve als\n\u0120decre - ase\nov a\n\u0120ann oy\n\u0120Sh ort\n\u0120L ibrary\n\u0120cy ber\nn ell\n\u0120H - ur\n\u0120C B\n\u0120phot ograp\nU I\n\u0120s ed\nG e\n\u01208 7\n\u0120d - iverse\n\u0120encour aged\n\u0120cons piracy\n\u0120bird s\n\u0120oper ator\n\u0120hand - ful\n\u0120class ified\n? )\n\u0120dram atic\n\u0120investig ators\nit o\n\u0120w - idespread\n\u0120R oom\n-------------------------------- --------------------------------\n\u0120collect - ive\n\u0120journal ist\nSt ring\n\u0120temper atures\nil a\n\u0120gu id\n\u0120ins - pect\n\u0120miss ile\n\u0120May or\n\u0120man ual\n\u0120sim ultane\n\u0120rat - ings\n\u0120su ck\n\u01209 7\n\u0120univers al\n\u0120ph arm\n\u0120dis rupt\nian - o\nA V\n\u0120f t\n\u0120stat ist\nold s\n\u0120Walk er\nph p\n\u0120under - t\n\u0120L as\nish op\nnt il\nres hold\n\u0120Whe ther\nM s\n\u0120den y\n\u0120Cl - oud\n\u0120prov ider\n\u0120surv iv\n\u0120Up date\nh as\n\u0120mist akes\nch - arge\npl ed\nr ity\n\u0120n ode\n\u0120Mass achusetts\nool s\nlic ation\n\u0120f - ails\nem ale\nor i\nback s\n\u0120sh irt\n\u0120' '\n\u0120N AT\n\u0120wat - ers\nels on\n\u0120e ase\n\u0120sc ar\n\u0120cont ents\nm ind\n\u0120cont - ribution\n\u0120sh r\n\u0120hand ed\n\u0120st ability\n\u0120tra ve\nE m\n\u0120mir - ror\n12 3\n\u0120we igh\n\u0120f iction\nou ver\nist ant\nr ition\n\u0120F - ed\n\u0120phys ically\n\u0120st ake\n\u0120Art icle\n\u0120Ar c\n\u0120Lew - is\n\u0120M ind\n\u0120demonstr ate\n\u0120prof its\nv ision\nom ic\nol id\n\u0120batt - les\n\u0120dri ves\n\u0120eas tern\n\u0120S ony\n!! !\nar ation\nv ard\n\u0120G - L\nport ation\n\u01209 2\n\u0120law makers\n\u0120protect ing\n\u0120E PA\n\u0120y - eah\n\u0120sh ame\nol ph\ne ven\nx it\n\u0120att ach\n\u0120represent ing\n\u0120ob - s\n\u0120Ut ah\niff s\n\u0120Fre edom\n\xC3 \xB3\nA K\n\u0120inc idents\nit - age\n\u0120view ers\nc d\n\u0120m ouse\n\u0120cl ar\n\u0120accord ance\n\u0120b - ot\nc or\n\u0120Sum mer\nhe ld\n\u0120innoc ent\n\u0120initi ative\nol s\n________________ - ________________\n\u0120sp ots\np ace\n\u0120convent ional\n\u0120corpor ations\n\u0120block - ed\nH D\nat tered\n\u0120ref ers\n\u0120bu ck\n\u0120Dig ital\n12 0\n\u0120top - ics\nT F\n\xC4 \u0123\nbr id\nre ement\n\u0120under lying\n\u0120M ember\n\u0120investig - ating\n\u0120pregn ancy\n\u0120touch down\n\u0120B and\n\u0120Call er\n\u0120inst - ances\nP P\nw a\nG ood\n\u0120199 1\n\u0120C old\n\u0120fear s\n\u0120rem - arks\n\u0128 \u0134\nat al\n\u0120m it\n\u0120exper iments\ni pt\nCol or\nind - u\nUp date\n\u01209 3\nA g\n\u0120 \xE5\nanc ouver\nB oth\n\u0120jud ges\nOb - ject\n\u0120st ere\numb n\n\u0120particip ation\n\u0120St ars\n\u0120J ere\n\u0120week - ly\n\u0120B an\n\u0120convers ations\n\u0120P itt\nu z\n\u0120Indian a\n\u0120K - ick\n\u0120inf ection\n\u0120hero es\n\u0120sett led\n\u0120stri p\n\u0120h - al\n\u0120d ump\n\u0120S ci\n\u0120l es\n\u0120ref erences\n\u0120U RL\n\u0120Br - idge\n\u0120want ing\nFor ce\n\u0120ex clus\nMe anwhile\nm n\n\u0120g entle\nm - aker\nsen al\n\u0120G ro\nou ri\n\u0120R ain\n\u0120All iance\n\u0120l ift\nel - a\nS D\n\u0120Cle veland\n\u0120rank ed\n\u0120st adium\n\u0120dead ly\n\xE4 - \xB8\n\u0120r iding\nar ia\n\u0120Ar mor\n\u0120document ation\n\u0120Gree - ce\nree k\n\u0120l ens\n\u0120S a\n\u0120g ross\n\u0120E mer\nag ers\n\u0120D - ub\n\u0120R h\n\u0120AM D\n\u0120arri val\n\u0120des ert\n\u0120supp lement\n\u0120Res - p\n\u0120kn ee\n\u0120marg in\nf ont\nog g\n201 0\n\u0120P ir\n\u0120P rom\niv - als\n\u0120int ake\n\u0120different ly\nug s\n\u0120b its\nclud ed\n\u0120search - ing\n\u0120D u\num ble\n\u0120function al\n\u0120Balt imore\n\u0120C ould\n\u0120des - ired\n\u0120circ uit\n\u0120L yn\n\u0120G O\n\u0120F alse\nre pre\n' :\nalt - ies\n\u0120min im\n\u0120dro ve\n\u0120Sh ould\n\u0120h ip\n\u0120pro s\n\u0120ut - ility\n\u0120N ature\n\u0120M ode\nP resident\no pp\nr at\nform ance\n\u0120concent - ration\n\u0120f ont\n\u0120B ud\n\u0120am id\n\u0120re vers\n\u0120M L\nB - ar\n\u0120inter action\n\u0120jur isd\n\u0120spell s\nd ep\nf il\n\u0120civil - ians\nut ter\n\u0120Co oper\n\u0120Bel ow\n\u0120ent rance\n\u0120con vert\n\u0120controvers - y\now ered\n\u0120contr ary\n\u0120ar c\n\u0120Exec utive\n\u0120Offic er\n\u0120pack - ages\n\u0120prog ressive\nw idth\n\u0120reserv ed\nv ol\n\u0120Sam sung\n\u0120print - ed\n\u0120cent ers\n\u0120introdu ce\n\u0120Kenn edy\n\u0120odd s\n\u0120sure - ly\n\u0120independ ence\n\u0120pass engers\nrepre ne\n\u0120Be h\n\u0120l - oves\n\u0120ESP N\n\u0120fac ilit\n\u0120ident ical\n\u0120do ct\n\u0120partners - hip\ncon f\n\u0120H ide\n\u0120conf used\n\u0120C ow\nM en\n\u0120w rest\n\u0120Iraq - i\n\u0120h oles\n\u0120Stud ies\n\u0120pregn ant\nh ard\n\u0120sign als\nI - X\n\u0120pull ing\n\u0120grad uate\n\u0120nomine e\nD ate\n\u0120per mitted\n\u0120\xE2 - \u0124\xAC\n\u0120Ok lahoma\nSt art\n\u0120author ized\n\u0120al arm\n\u0120C - os\nv an\n\u0120gener ations\nc ular\n\u0120dr agon\n\u0120Soft ware\n\u0120Ed - ward\n\u0120contro ller\nS en\nge red\n\u0120V ik\n\u0120appro ached\nTh ank\n\u0120can - ce\n\u0120form ula\n\u0120Sm all\n\u0120weak ness\n\u0120r amp\nit udes\nj - ud\n\u0120brill iant\n\u0120acc us\ns ource\n\u01208 00\n\u0120E vil\nS w\n\u0120hom - eless\nwe ek\ni ens\nr ics\n\u0120Th ird\nT O\n\u0120organ ic\n\u0120present - ation\nag h\n\u0120Down load\nv ation\n\u0120as sembly\nor able\nhold ers\n\u0120Bern - ie\n\u0120Hel p\n\u0120t ong\n\u0120F ight\n\u0120be ach\nB ook\n\u0120L ic\n\u0120r - ush\n\u0120R ound\nou p\n\u0120Mar x\n\u0120calcul ated\n\u0120De vil\n\u0120Sar - ah\n\u0120occasion ally\n\u0120bul let\nAv ailable\ng ate\n\u01209 1\n\u0120h - osp\n\u0120prom ises\n\u0120H IV\n\u0120St adium\n\u0120St ock\n\u0120Corpor - ation\ng age\nN G\n\u0120C redit\n\u0120s ne\nib l\n\u0120acc um\ns uch\n\u0120terror - ists\n\u0120conscious ness\n\u0120Z h\n\u0120dram a\nool a\npir ation\n\u0120lab - our\n\u0120N in\n\u0120ut ter\n\u0120democr atic\n\u0120ass ass\nil ation\n\u0120g - est\n\u0120ab road\n\u0120met ab\n\u0120s orts\n\u0120fl av\nU B\n\u0120m - g\n\u0120Not hing\n\u0120O d\n\u0120mus ical\n200 9\n\u0120dro ps\noc ated\nater - al\n0000 00\n\u0120g re\n\u0120equ ality\n\u0120burd en\n\u0120v ig\n\u0120Le - ader\n-------- ----\n\u0120cere mony\n\u0120f ighter\n\u0120act ors\n\u0120 - \xE6\nam an\nF i\n\u0120al ign\nput er\n\u0120e lder\n\u0120N SA\n\u0120represent - ation\n\u0120Ont ario\nIT H\nusal em\n\u0120harass ment\nitz er\n\u0120sy - mp\n\u0120box es\n\u0120D R\n\u0120man ifest\nat re\n\u0120 ^\n\u0120d ies\nle - ton\n\u0120miss ions\net he\n\u0120res olve\n\u0120follow ers\n\u0120as c\n\u0120k - m\nl ord\nam med\n\u0120sil ent\n\u0120Associ ated\n\u0120tim ing\n\u0120prison - ers\n\u0120K ings\n\u0120F ive\n\u0120tow er\n\u0120appro aches\n\u0120precise - ly\n\u0120b ureau\n\u0120M other\n\u0120I ss\n\u0120key board\nit ual\n\u0120fund - ed\n\u0120stay ing\n\u0120psych ological\n\u0120m ile\n\u0120Le on\n\u0120Bar - b\nw ill\n\u0120w ider\n\u0120Atl antic\n\u0120t ill\n\u0120R ome\nro t\n\u0120accomp - an\n\u0120fl our\nac o\nW orld\n\u0120Exp ress\n\u0120Y u\nC or\n\u0120ple - ased\npart y\n\u0120point ing\n\u0120inf lation\n\u0120ro y\n\u0120 ),\nain - er\n\u0120wedd ing\norm on\n\u0120requ iring\n\u0120qual ified\n\u0120se gment\nEN - D\n\u0120s izes\ne als\n\u0120cor rupt\nass ador\n\u0120cele b\n\u0120dream - s\n\u0120M ess\n\u0120check ing\n\u0120V ersion\n\u0120prep aring\n\u0120act - ively\n\u0120D iff\n\u0120l ux\n\u0120W inter\nact eria\n\u0120N E\n\u0120dep - uty\n\u0120trans gender\n\u0120sum mary\n\u0120in her\ner ies\nch ar\n\u0120Y - an\n\u0120kn ock\n\u0120P ath\n\u0120l ip\nroll er\n\u0120imp ression\n\u0120celebr - ate\n\u0120sl ide\n\u0120gu ests\n\u0120cl ip\nF S\n\u0120sav ings\n\u0120capt - ain\n\u0120leg acy\n\u0120Den ver\n\u0120w ounded\ntab oola\nAC T\n\u0120purs - ue\n\u0120o xy\n\u0120 q\n\u0120sem i\n\u0120N eed\n\u0120Aff airs\n\u0120ob - sc\n\u0120check ed\n\u0120d ual\nC ode\n\u0120M D\nle m\nult y\n\u0120\xC2 - \xA9\n\u0120El izabeth\n\u0120cent uries\nard ed\ns rc\n\u0120ev ident\nenn - is\nat in\n\u0120unemploy ment\n\u0120Mar io\n\u0120int im\nCh rist\n\u0120bi - ological\n\u0120sold ier\n\u0120Add ed\n\u0120m ath\n\u0120G il\n\u0120bi - as\n\u0120d ating\n\u0120O cean\n\u0120m ice\nM us\nh ire\n\u0120T es\nSer - ver\nlim ited\nS ize\n\u0120met ers\n\u0120rock et\nes see\n\u0120certific - ate\n\u0120Iran ian\nAS S\n\u0120gr id\nD ec\n\u0120ro lling\ncom mun\n\u0120Swed - en\nb ury\n\u0120tiss ue\n\u0120rac ism\n\u0120L ocal\n\u0120myster y\n\u0120exam - ine\n\u0120st em\n\u0120s its\n\u0120hop ed\not ing\n\u0120dial ogue\n\u0120pers - u\nW atch\nl ay\nM AN\n\u0120ch ronic\n\u0120Port land\nmark et\n\u0120S EC\n\u0120paralle - l\n\u0120sc andal\n\u0120car ries\n\u0120phenomen on\nh uman\nack er\n\u0120O - x\n\u0120retire ment\ntain ment\nov ie\n\u0120G ear\n\u0120d uties\n\u0120do - se\n\u0120sc roll\nM B\nin f\n\u0120sa uce\n\u0120land scape\nred dit\n\u0120Champions - hip\n\u0120Red dit\nal id\n\u0120co in\n\u0120over s\n\u0120post ing\nab out\n\u0120f - el\nand y\n\u0120b old\n\u0120focus ing\ne ffect\nG R\n\u0120de emed\n\u0120recommend - ations\n\u0120ste pped\n\u0120vot er\n\u0120De ep\n\u0120Inst agram\n\u0120moder - ate\n\u0120Mary land\n\u0120restrict ed\n\u0120M B\n\u0120Ch all\n\u0120to - b\n\u0120c ir\n\u0120O cc\n\u0120E ver\n\u0120coll aps\nIN FO\n= -\n\u0120P - ict\n\u0120Acc ount\nn c\n\u0120o ught\n\u0120ex port\n\u0120dr unk\n( '\n\u0120w - ise\n\u0120M ort\nne cess\n\u0120an cest\n\u0120Inc re\n\u0120frequ ent\nm - ir\n\u0120interpret ation\n\u0120depend ent\n\u0120co ins\n\u0120B ol\nV ideo\n\u0120Just - in\n\u0120fat al\n\u0120cook ing\n\u0120conf usion\nip her\n\u0120cust ody\n\u0120Mor - gan\nom ach\n\u0120Govern or\n\u0120restaur ants\nel ing\n\u0120acknowled - ged\n\u0120the r\n\u0120gen es\nch ing\nHe y\n\u0120tact ics\n\u0120Mex ican\n\u0120v - end\n\u0120he s\nqu er\n\u0120not ing\n\u0120Camer on\n\u0120target ing\nro - ck\n\u0120cred its\n\u0120emot ions\n\u0120represent atives\nnew s\n\u0120legisl - ative\n\u0120rem oving\n\u0120tweet ed\n\u0120Car ter\n\u0120F ixed\n\u0120for - cing\n\u0120speak er\n\u0120m ales\n\u0120Viet nam\nl ined\n\u0120concept - s\n\u0120vo ices\no ir\n\u0120T rib\nW he\n\u0120Jer usalem\n\u0120S ant\n\u0120c - ul\n\u0120l ady\n\u0120Haw ai\n\u0120ar ts\n\u0120In n\n\u0120Mach ine\n\u0120Em - peror\n\u0120sl ot\ng ly\n\u0120Pro cess\nII I\n\u0120athlet es\n\u0120Tem - ple\n\u0120Rep resent\n\u0120pres c\n\u0120t ons\n\u0120gold en\n\u0120p unch\n\u0120G - R\niver pool\n\u0120en act\n\u0120lob by\n\u0120m os\n\u0120pick ing\n\u0120lif - etime\n\u0120cogn itive\nE ach\nz o\n\u0120d ub\n\u0120cons ists\nol n\n\u0120f - estival\nam ous\n\u0120int ellig\nw ords\n\u0120Sm art\n\u0120de le\n\u0120l - apt\n\u0120mag ical\n\u0120S in\nb us\nur ities\nigh th\n\u0120Rub y\n\u0120S - ure\nol ving\n\u0120j un\nO ST\n\u0120imp osed\n\u0120ast ron\n\u0120cor rel\n\u0120N - S\n\u0120K it\n\u0120F uture\nb urn\n\u0120imm une\noc us\n\u0120cour ses\n\u0120St - ring\n\u0120le an\n\u0120g host\n\u0120out comes\n\u0120exp ense\n\u0120every - day\n\u0120accept able\nA h\n\u0120equ ipped\n\u0120or ange\nF R\n\u0120D - utch\nTh ough\n\u0120R ank\nQ U\n\u0120Rober ts\nwh at\nre nd\n\u0120disapp - ear\n\u0120sp awn\n\u0120L am\no is\n\u0120des erve\n\u0120min imal\n\u0120nerv - ous\n\u0120W ould\n\u0120ro ok\n\u0120V ancouver\n\u0120res ign\nsh ire\n\u0120W - orks\n\u0120B uild\n\u0120afford able\n\u0120G ary\n\u0120Aren a\n\u0120h - anging\n\u0120impl ications\n\u0120S ong\n\u0120main taining\n\u0120gu ards\nC - ON\n\u0120der ived\n\u0120execut ed\n\u0120the ories\n\u0120qu oted\n\u0120And - re\nog a\nsel ess\nin fo\n\u0120Bel g\n\u0120t ears\n\u0120Sur v\n\u0120birth - day\nig ious\nim mer\n\u0120spect rum\n\u0120architect ure\n\u0120rec ruit\narm - a\nT able\n\u0120mon sters\n\u0120G ov\n\u0120dest ination\n\u0120attract - ive\n\u0120f oss\n\u0120More over\n\u0120pres ents\nTH E\n\u0120rep ly\npt - on\n\u0120c um\n\u0120del ight\n\u0120affect s\n\u0120don ations\n\u0120T - oy\n\u0120H im\nM ENT\n\u0120over come\nit ched\n\u0120Fant asy\n\u0120H at\n\u0120Be - ast\nb ott\n\u0120investig ations\nR un\n\u0120hun ting\nd i\nf und\n\u0120s - essions\nest yle\n\u0120port ray\noid s\nY eah\n\u0120commun icate\n\u0120com - edy\n\u0120Y ang\n\u0120bel t\n\u0120Mar ine\n\u0120predict ed\nPl ay\n\u0120important - ly\n\u0120remark able\n\u0120elim inate\nD avid\n\u0120b ind\nV ID\n\u0120advoc - ates\n\u0120G aza\nim p\nD B\n\u0120N a\n\u0120Sim ilar\nI ES\n\u0120char - ity\nv as\nm ath\n\u0120\xE2 \u0138\nok er\nnd um\n\u0120cap s\n\u0120H al\n2 - 000\ne an\n\u0120fle et\n\u0120rec re\nR ight\n\u0120sleep ing\nij ing\nk - ind\n\u0120design ated\n\xC3 \xA4\n\u0120anim ation\nke e\n\u0120Int rodu\n\u0120/ - >\n\u0120delay ed\n\u0120trem end\n\u0120cur ious\nU se\n\u0120le ct\nd am\n\u0120innov - ation\n\u0120Point s\n\u0120load ing\n\u0120disp ute\nct ic\nird s\n\u0120B - Y\n\u0120n urs\n\u0120Val ue\nION S\n\u0120H um\n\u0120tem plate\nm ers\n\u0120appear - ances\n\u0120Enter tainment\n\u0120transl ation\n\u0120sa ke\n\u0120bene ath\n\u0120in - hib\n\u0120e uro\nabet es\n\u0120stud ying\n\u0120M as\n\u0120per ceived\n\u0120exam - ined\n\u0120e ager\n\u0120co aches\n\u0120im per\nch i\n\u0120produ ces\n\" - ).\n\u0120Every one\n\u0120m unicip\n\u0120g irlfriend\n\u0120h ire\n\u0120V - ice\n\u0120su itable\nop y\n\u0120in equ\n\u0120D uke\nf ish\nf irst\n\u0120O - bs\n\u0120inter ior\n\u0120Bru ce\n\u0120R y\n\u0120anal ys\n\u0120consider - able\n\u0120fore cast\n\u0120f ert\nors hip\n\u0120D rug\n\u0120A LL\n: \"\nth - ur\n\u0120M ail\n\u0120ball ot\n\u0120inst antly\n\u0120Ch annel\n\u0120p - icks\n\u0120198 9\n\u0120t ent\nol i\n\u0120civil ian\nb ling\nell o\nb u\n\u0120in - ch\n\u0120log o\n\u0120cooper ation\n\u0120wal ks\n\u0120invest ments\n\u0120imp - rison\n\u0120F estival\n\u0120K y\n\u0120leg ally\n\u0120g ri\nch arg\nS l\n\u0120threat - ening\ndu ction\nfl ow\n\u0120dismiss ed\nibr aries\nc ap\ne le\n\u0120Mc - G\n\u0120Har vard\n\u0120Conserv ative\n\u0120C BS\np ng\n\u0120ro ots\n\u0120H - aving\numb led\n\u0120F un\n\\ /\n\u0120S earch\nple x\n\u0120discuss ing\n\u0120contin - u\n\u0120T ai\n\u0120W ik\nF ree\nf it\n\u0120ref use\n\u0120manag ing\n\u0120sy - nd\nip edia\nw alk\n\u0120profession als\n\u0120guid ance\n\u0120univers ities\n\u0120as - semb\nunt u\nF inally\nAS E\n\u0120Aut o\n\u0120H ad\n\u0120ann iversary\nL - D\n\u0120D ur\n\u0120Ult imate\nih ad\npro duct\n\u0120trans it\n\u0120rest - ore\n\u0120expl aining\n\u0120ass et\n\u0120transfer red\n\u0120bur st\nap - olis\n\u0120Mag azine\n\u0120C ra\n\u0120B R\ngg ed\n\u0120H E\nM ich\nb et\n\u0120L - ady\nyl um\nerv es\n\u0120me ets\nwh ite\nL og\n\u0120correspond ing\n\u0120ins - isted\nG G\n\u0120surround ed\n\u0120t ens\n\u0120l ane\n\u0120co inc\nh ome\n\u0120exist - ed\nect ed\n\u0120Dou ble\nlam m\n\u0120ske pt\nex p\n\u0120per ception\nie - v\n\u0120Be ing\no ft\n\u0120adop t\n. :\n] ;\nWind ows\n\u0120satell ite\nAS - H\n\u0120inf ant\nd escription\n\u0120Me anwhile\nc m\noc a\n\u0120T reat\nact - or\n\u0120tob acco\n\u0120N orm\nem ption\n\u0120fl esh\n\u0120j e\no op\n\u0120He - aven\n\u0120be ating\nan im\n\u0120gather ing\n\u0120cult iv\nG O\nab e\n\u0120Jon - athan\n\u0120Saf ety\n\u0120bad ly\npro t\n\u0120cho osing\n\u0120contact - ed\n\u0120qu it\n\u0120dist ur\n\u0120st ir\n\u0120to ken\nD et\n\u0120P a\n\u0120function - ality\n00 3\ns ome\n\u0120limit ations\n\u0120met h\nb uild\ncon fig\nN T\nre - ll\nble m\n\u0120M om\n\u0120veter ans\n\u0120H u\n\u0120trend s\nare r\n\u0120G - iven\n\u0120Ca ption\nm ay\nAS T\n\u0120wond ering\n\u0120Cl ark\nn ormal\n\u0120separ - ated\n\u0120des p\nst ic\nb rew\n\u0120rel ating\n\u0120N ik\n\u0120F arm\n\u0120enthus - i\ng ood\nd eb\n\u0120activ ist\n\u0120m art\n\u0120explos ion\n\u0120Econom - ic\nL ink\n\u0120ins ight\n\u0120conven ient\n\u0120counter part\nsu pport\n\u0120V - irt\nag en\n\u0120Tenn essee\n\u0120Sim on\n\u0120A ward\nOC K\n\u0120F igure\n\u0120overse - as\n\u0120pr ide\n\u0120C as\nn ote\nm g\nC urrent\n\u0120displ ays\ncont - ent\n\u0120travel ing\n\u0120hosp itals\n\u0120Fin ancial\n\u0120P ast\n\u0120defend - ant\n\u0120stream ing\nm ble\n\u0120Ber lin\nuk i\n\u0120dist ribut\n\u0120ant - ib\n\u0120ch ocolate\n\u0120Cast le\n\u0120inter rupt\n\u0120R ow\n\u0120convers - ion\n\u0120bug s\n\u0120R ather\nli est\nL Y\n\u0120Je an\ncom mon\nak h\n\u01201 - 30\not ton\n\u0120De an\n\u0120am endment\n\u0120game play\n\u0120War ren\nod - a\n\u0120high lights\n\u0120ir re\n\u0120NAT O\n\u0120ball s\n\u0120demand - ing\nU RE\n\u0120L uke\nF igure\nst op\non ia\nz one\niz ers\n\u0120W R\n\u0120award - ed\n\u0120regul atory\n\u0120H art\n\u0120S N\npl ing\n\u0120s our\n\u0120P - ixel\nus ive\n\u0120f et\n\u0120S ent\n\u0120autom atic\n\u0120f er\nvern - ment\n\u0120Kh an\nT ON\nf ather\n\u0120extraord inary\nth rop\n\u0120P ython\n\u0120G - PU\n\u0120sex ually\n\u0120desk top\nit ivity\n\u0120Anton io\n\u0120o rient\n\u0120e - ars\nob by\nous es\nvertis ements\n\u0120manufacture rs\nic ient\nmin ute\n\u0120conv - iction\n\u0120g arden\np ublic\n\u0120satisf ied\nf old\nO K\n\u0120in hab\n\u0120Th - ink\n\u0120program me\n\u0120st omach\n\u0120coord in\n\u0120h oly\n\u0120th - reshold\n\u0120r het\n\u0120ser ial\n\u0120employ ers\n\u0120Every thing\nra - h\n\u0120b other\n\u0120br ands\nVal ue\n\u0120T ed\n\u0120Plan et\n\u0120p - ink\n\u0120Further more\ns a\nP E\nre ck\n\u0120US D\not te\n\u0120& &\n\u0120land - ed\ng ets\n\u0120produ cers\n\u0120health care\n\u0120domin ant\n\u0120dest - ro\n\u0120am ended\nch ron\n\u0120f its\n\u0120Sy d\n\u0120Author ity\nAT - CH\n\u0120fight s\n\u0120L LC\n\u0120-- -\n\u0120Cor p\n\u0120tox ic\nspe - cific\n\u0120C orn\n\u0120Che l\n\u0120tele phone\n\u0120P ant\n\u0120myster - ious\naun ch\nod ox\nmed ia\n\u0120witness es\nag u\n\u0120question ed\n\u0120Bre - xit\n\u0120Rem ember\nene z\n\u0120end orse\niat ric\n\u0120Id ent\n\u0120ridic - ulous\n1 10\n\u0120pr ayer\n\u0120scient ist\n\u012019 50\n\u0120A qu\n\u0120under - ground\n\u0120U FC\nm are\n\u0120L ater\nw ich\n\u0120subsc rib\n\u0120host - s\n\u0120er r\n\u0120gr ants\nant om\n\u0120sum mon\near ly\n\u0120C lear\n\u0120Pr - im\n\u0120susp ension\n\u0120guarant eed\napp er\n\u0120r ice\n\u0120Se an\n\u0120Sh - in\n\u0120refere ndum\n\u0120fl ed\nr ust\n\u01203 60\nter y\n\u0120sh ocked\nB - R\n\u0120O il\n\u0120All ah\n\u0120part ly\n\u0120ign or\n\u0120trans mission\n\u0120hom - osexual\nivers al\n\u0120hop efully\n\xE3\u0124 \xA4\n\u0120less on\nL eg\n\u0120 - ..\nY et\nt able\napp ropri\nre tt\n\u0120bo ards\n\u0120incor rect\n\u0120b - acteria\nar u\nam ac\n\u0120sn ap\n.' \"\n\u0120par ad\nt em\nhe art\n\u0120av - ailability\n\u0120w isdom\n\u0120( +\n\u0120pri est\n\u0120\xC2\u0142 \u0120\xC2\u0142\nO - pen\n\u0120sp an\n\u0120param eter\n\u0120conv ince\n\u0120( %)\nr ac\n\u0120f - o\n\u0120safe ly\n\u0120conver ted\n\u0120Olymp ic\n\u0120res erve\n\u0120he - aling\n\u0120M ine\nM ax\n\u0120in herent\n\u0120Gra ham\n\u0120integ rated\nD - em\n\u0120pip eline\n\u0120app lying\n\u0120em bed\n\u0120Charl ie\n\u0120c - ave\n200 8\n\u0120cons ensus\n\u0120re wards\nP al\n\u0120HT ML\n\u0120popular - ity\nlook ing\n\u0120Sw ord\n\u0120Ar ts\n' )\n\u0120elect ron\nclus ions\n\u0120integ - rity\n\u0120exclus ively\n\u0120gr ace\n\u0120tort ure\n\u0120burn ed\ntw - o\n\u012018 0\nP rodu\n\u0120ent reprene\nraph ics\n\u0120g ym\nric ane\n\u0120T - am\n\u0120administr ative\n\u0120manufacture r\n\u0120 vel\n\u0120N i\n\u0120isol - ated\n\u0120Medic ine\n\u0120back up\n\u0120promot ing\n\u0120command er\n\u0120fle - e\n\u0120Rus sell\n\u0120forg otten\n\u0120Miss ouri\n\u0120res idence\nm - ons\n\u0120rese mb\n\u0120w and\n\u0120meaning ful\nP T\n\u0120b ol\n\u0120he - lic\n\u0120wealth y\n\u0120r ifle\nstr ong\nrow ing\npl an\nas ury\n\xE2\u0122\xA6 - .\n\u0120expand ing\n\u0120Ham ilton\n\u0120rece ives\nS I\neat ures\n\u0120An - im\nRE E\nP ut\n\u0120brief ly\nri ve\n\u0120stim ul\n\u0120`` (\n\u0120 __\n\u0120ch - ip\n\u0120ha z\n\u0120pri ze\n\u0120Th ings\nAC E\nul in\nd ict\nok u\n\u0120associ - ate\nock ets\ny outube\nSt ory\nateg ory\n\u0120m ild\nail ing\n\u0120Y e\nO - rig\n\u0120K a\nor ig\n\u0120propag anda\n\u0120an onymous\n\u0120strugg led\n\u0120out - rage\nAT ED\n\u0120Be ijing\nr ary\n\u0120le ather\n\u0120world s\n\u0120broad - er\n12 5\nid al\n\u0120Bet ter\n\u0120t ear\nE xt\n\u0120propos als\n\u0120it - er\n\u0120Squ ad\n\u0120vol unt\nm i\nD id\n\u0120P u\np in\n\u0120speak ers\n\u0120b - orders\n\u0120fig ured\n= '\n\u0120simultane ously\naed a\n\u0120charg ing\n\u0120ur - ged\n\u0120con j\n25 6\n\u0120G ordon\nmer ce\n\u0120document ary\nSh are\nit - ol\nON E\n\u0120G arden\nh att\n\u0120Thom pson\nane ous\nap ore\n\u0120t - anks\n\u0120less ons\ntr ack\n\u0120out standing\n\u0120volunte ers\n\u0120sp - ray\n\u0120manag ers\nl arge\n\u0120camp s\n\u0120art ificial\n\u0120R u\n\u0120b - ags\nth al\n\u0120compat ible\n\u0120Bl ade\n\u0120f ed\n\u0120arg ues\nF - I\n\u0120unf air\n\u0120cor n\n\u0120off set\n\u0120direct ions\n\u0120disappoint - ed\n\u0120Con vention\n\u0120view ing\nM E\noc ity\n\u0120town s\n\u0120lay - ers\n\u0120ro lled\n\u0120jump ed\n\u0120att ribute\n\u0120un necess\ninc - oln\n\u0120supp ose\n\u0120Net her\nch a\n\u0120bur ied\n\u0120six th\nB en\nress - ing\nOU R\n\u0120w ound\n\u0120cy cl\n\u0120mechan isms\n\u0120congress ional\n\u0120E - lement\n\u0120agre ements\n\u0120dec or\n\u0120clos est\n\u0120M it\nGo ogle\n} - }\n\u0120m ixture\n\u0120flu id\nS ign\n\u0120Sch olar\n\u0120p ist\nask et\nab - ling\n\u0120rac ing\nhe ro\nri el\nass y\n\u0120che aper\nb en\n\u0120vert - ical\namac are\n\u0120Read ing\ng ments\n\u0120helic op\n\u0120sacr ifice\nay - a\np aren\nV A\n\u0120L es\n\u0120Stud io\n\u0120viol ations\n\u0120An na\nac - er\n\xE9 \xBE\n\u0120R at\n\u0120Be ck\n\u0120D ick\n\u0120A CT\n\u0120comp - osition\n\u0120text ure\n\u0120O wn\n\u0120smart phone\n\u0120N A\n\u0120for - b\nim port\n\u0120def ending\nil st\nre r\n\u0120o h\n\u0120Jere my\n\u0120bank - ing\ncept ions\n\u0120respect ive\n/ .\n\u0120dr inks\n\u0120W i\n\u0120b - ands\n\u0120L iverpool\n\u0120g rip\n\u0120B uy\n\u0120open ly\n\u0120review - ed\nper t\n\u0120ver ify\n\u0120Co le\n\u0120W ales\nM O\n\u0120un pre\n\u0120shel - ter\n\u0120Im perial\n\u0120gu i\n\u0120D ak\n\u0120suggest ions\n\u0120explicit - ly\n\u0120sl ave\n\u0120block chain\n\u0120compet ing\n\u0120prom ising\nS - ON\n\u0120soc cer\n\u0120const itution\n4 29\n\u0120dist ract\n\u0120U ser\nes - ides\n\u0120Met hod\n\u0120Tok yo\n\u0120accompan ied\nCl ient\ns ur\nal og\n\u0120ident - ification\n\u0120inv asion\nas ma\n\u0120indust ries\npp ers\n\u0120sub tle\n\u0120Un - it\nn atural\n\u0120surv ived\n\u0120fl aw\n\u013A \u0127\n\u0120H oll\n\u0120def - icit\n\u0120tut orial\n\u0120Ch ance\n\u0120arg uing\n\u0120contem porary\n\u0120integ - ration\nfor ward\n\u0120t um\nit is\n\u0120h iding\n\u0120D omin\n\u0120T - an\n\u0120B uilding\n\u0120V in\n\u0120spokes person\n\u0120Not es\n\u0120emer - ging\n\u0120prepar ation\n\u0120pro st\n\u0120suspect s\n\u0120aut onom\nD - escription\n\u0120deal t\n\u0120P ear\n\u0120stead y\n\u0120decre ased\n\u0120so - vere\n\u0120Cl in\n\u0120grad ually\nors es\n\u0120W AR\nS erv\n\xE3\u0124 - \xA2\nh r\n\u0120d irty\n\u0120B arn\n\u0120B C\n\u0120d il\n\u0120cal endar\n\u0120compl - iance\n\u0120ch amber\nb b\n\u0120pass enger\nate ful\n\u0120T itle\n\u0120Syd - ney\n\u0120G ot\n\u0120dark ness\n\u0120def ect\n\u0120pack ed\nass ion\n\u0120god - s\n\u0120h arsh\nIC K\nle ans\n\u0120algorith m\n\u0120oxy gen\n\u0120vis - its\n\u0120bl ade\n\u0120kil omet\n\u0120Kent ucky\n\u0120kill er\nP ack\nenn - y\n\u0120div ine\n\u0120nom ination\nbe ing\n\u0120eng ines\n\u0120c ats\n\u0120buff - er\n\u0120Ph ill\n\u0120tra ff\nAG E\n\u0120tong ue\n\u0120rad iation\nere - r\nm em\n\u0120Expl icit\n\xE9\xBE \u012F\n\u0120cou ples\n\u0120phys ics\n\u0120Mc - K\n\u0120polit ically\naw ks\n\u0120Bl oom\n\u0120wor ship\ne ger\nut er\n\u0120F - O\n\u0120mat hemat\n\u0120sent enced\n\u0120dis k\n\u0120M arg\n\u0120/ *\nP - I\n\u0120option al\n\u0120bab ies\n\u0120se eds\n\u0120Scott ish\n\u0120th - y\n] ]\n\u0120Hit ler\nP H\nng th\n\u0120rec overed\ning e\n\u0120pow der\n\u0120l - ips\n\u0120design er\n\u0120dis orders\n\u0120cour age\n\u0120ch aos\n\" },{\"\n\u0120car - rier\nb ably\nH igh\n\u0120R T\nes ity\nl en\n\u0120rout es\nu ating\nF il\nN - OT\nw all\ns burgh\n\u0120eng aging\n\u0120Java Script\nore r\nli hood\n\u0120un - ions\n\u0120F ederation\n\u0120Tes la\n\u0120comple tion\n\u0120T a\n\u0120privile - ge\n\u0120Or ange\n\u0120ne ur\nparen cy\n\u0120b ones\n\u0120tit led\n\u0120prosecut - ors\n\u0120M E\n\u0120engine er\n\u0120Un iverse\n\u0120H ig\nn ie\no ard\n\u0120heart - s\n\u0120G re\nuss ion\n\u0120min istry\n\u0120pen et\n\u0120N ut\n\u0120O - w\n\u0120X P\nin stein\n\u0120bul k\nS ystem\nic ism\n\u0120Market able\n\u0120pre - val\n\u0120post er\n\u0120att ending\nur able\n\u0120licens ed\n\u0120G h\net - ry\n\u0120Trad able\n\u0120bl ast\n\xE0 \xA4\n\u0120Tit an\nell ed\nd ie\nH - ave\n\u0120Fl ame\n\u0120prof ound\n\u0120particip ating\n\u0120an ime\n\u0120E - ss\n\u0120spec ify\n\u0120regard ed\n\u0120Spe ll\n\u0120s ons\nown ed\n\u0120m - erc\n\u0120exper imental\nland o\nh s\n\u0120Dun geon\nin os\n\u0120comp ly\n\u0120System - s\nar th\n\u0120se ized\nl ocal\n\u0120Girl s\nud o\non ed\n\u0120F le\n\u0120construct - ed\n\u0120host ed\n\u0120sc ared\nact ic\n\u0120Is lands\n\u0120M ORE\n\u0120bl - ess\n\u0120block ing\n\u0120ch ips\n\u0120ev ac\nP s\n\u0120corpor ation\n\u0120o - x\n\u0120light ing\n\u0120neighb ors\n\u0120U b\nar o\n\u0120be ef\n\u0120U - ber\nF acebook\nar med\nit ate\n\u0120R ating\n\u0120Qu ick\n\u0120occup ied\n\u0120aim - s\n\u0120Add itionally\n\u0120Int erest\n\u0120dram atically\n\u0120he al\n\u0120pain - ting\n\u0120engine ers\nM M\n\u0120M ust\n\u0120quant ity\nP aul\n\u0120earn - ings\n\u0120Post s\nst ra\n\xE3\u0125\xBC \xE3\u0125\n\u0120st ance\n\u0120dro - pping\nsc ript\n\u0120d ressed\nM ake\n\u0120just ify\n\u0120L td\n\u0120prompt - ed\n\u0120scr ut\n\u0120speed s\n\u0120Gi ants\nom er\n\u0120Ed itor\n\u0120describ - ing\n\u0120L ie\nment ed\n\u0120now here\noc aly\n\u0120inst ruction\nfort - able\n\u0120ent ities\n\u0120c m\n\u0120N atural\n\u0120inqu iry\n\u0120press - ed\niz ont\nfor ced\n\u0120ra ises\n\u0120Net flix\n\u0120S ide\n\u0120out - er\n\u0120among st\nim s\nows ki\n\u0120clim b\nne ver\n\u0120comb ine\nd - ing\n\u0120comp r\n\u0120signific ance\n\u0120remem bered\n\u0120Nev ada\n\u0120T - el\n\u0120Sc ar\n\u0120War riors\n\u0120J ane\n\u0120cou p\nb as\n\u0120termin - al\n, -\nO H\n\u0120t ension\n\u0120w ings\n\u0120My ster\n\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD - \xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\n\u0120Un like\nval id\nviron ments\n\u0120Al i\n\u0120n - aked\nbook s\n\u0120M un\n\u0120G ulf\n\u0120d ensity\n\u0120dim in\n\u0120desper - ate\n\u0120pres idency\n\u0120198 6\nh y\nIN D\n\u0120un lock\nim ens\n\u0120hand - led\n\u0120E b\n\u0120disapp eared\n\u0120gen re\n\u0120198 8\n\u0120determin - ation\nSt ream\nik o\nap ters\n\u0120acknow ledge\nJ an\n\u0120capital ism\nP - at\n\u012020 20\n\u0120pain ful\n\u0120cur ve\n\u0120bom bs\nst orm\n\u0120Met - al\nen cer\n\u0120F ig\n\u0120A aron\nanc hes\n\u0120ins piration\n\u0120exha - ust\nt ains\nash i\n\u0120desc ript\n\u0120r itual\n\u0120Chel sea\n\u0120promot - ion\n\u0120H ung\n\u0120W ard\niv a\n\u0120E T\n\u0120to ss\nall ow\n\u0120Franc - is\nD ep\n\u0120happ iness\n\u0120Gl ass\n\u0120bet a\n\u0120streng then\nN - E\no a\n\u0120butt ons\n\u0120Mur ray\n\u0120kick ed\nQu est\n\u0120T alk\n\u0120S - everal\n\u0120Z ero\n\u0120dr one\nul k\n\u0120c am\n\u0120M obile\n\u0120prevent - ing\n\u0120ret ro\n\u0120A x\n\u0120cru el\n\u0120flo at\n. ),\n\u0120fil - ing\n\u0120Gr ant\n\u0120B or\n\u0120r ib\n\u0120champions hip\n\u0120M erc\n\u0120sty - les\n\u0120c ake\n\u0120build s\n\u0120S elf\nio x\n\u0120ep ic\noy d\nB el\n\u0120St - ew\n. (\nah u\n\u0120Be yond\n\u0120out s\n\u0120sol o\n\u0120T ree\n\u0120pres - erve\n\u0120t ub\nAR E\nro c\n\u0120Im pro\n\u0120W right\n\u0120bu nd\n\u0120tr - aged\n\u0120occas ional\nb ian\nSec ond\nr ons\n\u0120inter actions\nform - ed\ns ing\n\u0120own s\n\u0120h ockey\nGener al\n\u0120log ical\n\u0120exp - end\n\u0120esc al\n\u0120Gr iff\n\u0120C rown\n\u0120Res erve\n\u0120sto pping\n\u0120exc - use\nsec ond\n\u0120oper ated\n\u0120re aches\n\u0120Mal ays\n\u0120poll ution\n\u0120Brook - lyn\n\u0120de lete\n\u0120has h\nBl ock\nah a\n\xE2\u0122 \xB3\n\u0120sh orter\np - iece\n> - >>\n\u0120M ormon\nt or\n\u0120partic les\n\u0120B art\nry ption\n\u0120ad - min\n\u0120squ ee\nVID IA\n\u0120creat or\niam eter\nic ular\nN BC\n\u0120grab - bed\n\u0120n odd\n\u0120r ated\n\u0120rot ation\n\u0120gr asp\n\u0120excess - ive\n\u0120E C\n\u0120Wh it\n\u0120invent ory\nault s\n\u0120F B\n\u0120e - cosystem\n\u0120bill ions\n\u0120vent ure\nn amed\n\u0120def ender\nout e\nInst - ead\nir able\nW ar\n\u0120assum ption\n\u0120b ite\n\u0120earth qu\nt ail\nsp - ace\n\u0120gif ts\nboy s\n\u0120inev itable\n\u0120struct ural\n\u0120benef - icial\n\u0120compe lling\nh ole\nerv ation\n\u0120co at\no j\ninc arn\n\u0120Y - ears\n\u0120determin ing\n\u0120rhet oric\n\u0120bound aries\n\u0120wh ites\nA - nt\nadd y\n) -\nra ham\neter min\n\u0120har vest\n\u0120Con c\n\u0120lapt - op\n\u0120M atch\n\u0120enjoy ing\ncc a\noll ar\n\u0120tri ps\n\u0120add iction\n\u0120S - ak\n\u0120pow ered\n\u0120c ous\n\u0120Russ ians\nie re\n\u0120ret rie\nqu - ality\n\u0120diff er\n\u0120king dom\n\u0120L aur\n\u0120Cap itol\n\u0120con - clusions\n\u0120Al tern\n\u0120N av\n\u0120trans parent\nB ER\nG roup\n\u0120Com - plete\n\u0120inf er\n\u0120int rig\n\u0120ins ane\nR O\noph ob\nis en\nqu - al\nMich ael\n\u0120m useum\n\u0120P ope\n\u0120res et\nr ative\nf ive\n\u0120agg - reg\nitte es\nosit ory\n\u0120car b\n\u0120Rec ord\n\u0120dec ides\n\u0120F - ix\n\u0120except ions\n\u0120Commission er\nun s\n\u0120Environment al\n\u0120legend - ary\nist ence\n\u0120tun nel\nk m\n\u0120ins ult\n\u0120t roll\n\u0120sh ake\n\u0120det - ention\nqu es\n\u0120Ch rome\n\u0120F iles\n\u0120sub t\n\u0120prospect s\n\u0120pro - l\nre nder\npro of\n\u0120perform ances\nSt r\n\u0120h ref\nern ame\n\u0120achieve - ment\n\u0120f ut\nF ull\n\u0120Le ban\ngo ogle\n\xE3\u0125 \u012A\namp a\nMay - be\n\u0120project ed\n\u0120E mb\n\u0120col leg\n\u0120a wards\n\u0120\xE2 - \u0136\nG old\n\u0120Bl ake\n\u0120R aj\nif ting\n\u0120p ending\n\u0120inst - inct\n\u0120develop ments\nCon nect\n\u0120M and\n\u0120W ITH\n\u0120Philipp - ines\nprof ile\n\u0120alt ogether\n\u0120B und\n\u0120T D\noo oo\namp ed\nip - h\n\u0120ste am\n\u0120old est\n\u0120det ection\nul pt\n\u0120 \xE7\n\u0120Way - ne\n200 6\nf a\n\u0120cir cles\n\u0120F u\n\u0120don ors\nappropri ate\n\u0120Dak - ota\nj amin\n\u0120motiv ated\n\u0120purch ases\n\u0120Louis iana\n\u0120S - pl\n\u0120gl obe\n\u012010 5\nz ip\nc all\n\u0120depart ments\n\u0120sustain - able\n10 5\n\u0120O P\nif iers\n\u0120prevent ed\n\u0120inc omp\n\u0120Comm - ander\n\u0120dom inated\n\u0120\xC2 \xBB\n\u0120invest ed\n\u0120complex ity\n\u0120in - cl\n\u0120ens uring\n\u0120real m\nyn c\n\u0120Ind ependent\nr ained\n\u0120J - en\n\u0120Fl ight\n\u0120at he\n\u0120spec ulation\n\u0120T E\noc ate\nt ic\n\u0120pl - aint\nher ry\n\u0120to y\n\u01201 11\n\u0120pl ates\nst atus\n\u0120Is a\n\u0120dev - oted\nC op\n\u0120E S\n25 5\nur rency\nM ain\n\u0120sl aves\n\u0120pe pper\n\u0120qu - otes\n\u0120ce iling\n\u0120F ish\n\u0120trans formation\n\u0120fra ction\n\u0120advant - ages\n\u0120to ile\n\u0120stun ning\n\u0120mo ist\nbre aking\ns i\n\u0120L - ocation\n\u0120Med ium\n\u0120text s\n\u0120u gly\n\u0120b io\n. \xE2\u0122\u0136\n\u0120B - ased\n\u0120tr ains\n\u0120W ing\n\u0120An cient\n\u0120Rec ords\n\u0120H - ope\nSpe cial\nades h\nob i\n[ /\n\u0120tempor arily\nV er\nh u\nos er\n\u0120over - night\n\u0120m amm\n\u0120Tre asury\n\u0120V enezuel\n\u0120Meg a\n\u0120t - ar\n\u0120expect s\nbl ack\nor ph\n\\\\ \\\\\n\u0120accept ance\n\u0120rad - ar\ns is\n\u0120jun ior\n\u0120fram es\n\u0120observ ation\nac ies\nP ower\n\u0120Adv - anced\nM ag\nolog ically\n\u0120Me chan\n\u0120sent ences\n\u0120analy sts\naugh - ters\nforce ment\n\u0120v ague\n\u0120cl ause\n\u0120direct ors\n\u0120eval - uate\n\u0120cabin et\nM att\n\u0120Class ic\nA ng\n\u0120cl er\n\u0120B uck\n\u0120resear - cher\n\u012016 0\n\u0120poor ly\n\u0120experien cing\n\u0120P ed\n\u0120Man - hattan\n\u0120fre ed\n\u0120them es\nad vant\n\u0120n in\n\u0120pra ise\n10 - 4\n\u0120Lib ya\nb est\n\u0120trust ed\n\u0120ce ase\n\u0120d ign\nD irect\n\u0120bomb - ing\n\u0120m igration\n\u0120Sci ences\n\u0120municip al\n\u0120A verage\n\u0120gl - ory\n\u0120reve aling\n\u0120are na\n\u0120uncertain ty\n\u0120battle field\nia - o\nG od\n\u0120c inem\nra pe\nel le\nap ons\n\u0120list ing\n\u0120wa ited\n\u0120sp - otted\nke ley\n\u0120Aud io\ne or\nard ing\nidd ing\nig ma\n\u0120N eg\n\u0120l - one\n\u0120 ----\nex e\nd eg\n\u0120trans f\n\u0120was h\n\u0120sl avery\n\u0120expl - oring\n\u0120W W\nats on\n\u0120en cl\nl ies\n\u0120C reek\n\u0120wood en\nMan - ager\n\u0120Br and\num my\n\u0120Ar thur\n\u0120bureau cr\n\u0120bl end\nar - ians\nF urther\n\u0120supposed ly\n\u0120wind s\n\u012019 79\n\u0120grav ity\n\u0120analys - es\n\u0120Tra vel\n\u0120V eter\n\u0120d umb\n\u0120altern ate\ng al\n\u0120consum - ed\n\u0120effect iveness\n.' '\n\u0120path s\nond a\nL A\n\u0120Str ong\n\u0120en - ables\n\u0120esc aped\n\u0120\" \"\n\u01201 12\n\u0120198 3\n\u0120sm iled\n\u0120tend - ency\nF ire\n\u0120p ars\n\u0120R oc\n\u0120l ake\n\u0120f itness\n\u0120A - th\n\u0120H orn\n\u0120h ier\n\u0120imp ose\nm other\n\u0120p ension\nic ut\nbor - ne\nic iary\n. _\n\u0120S U\n\u0120pol ar\nis y\neng u\nitial ized\nAT A\nw - rite\n\u0120exerc ises\n\u0120D iamond\not ypes\n\u0120harm ful\non z\n\u0120print - ing\nst ory\n\u0120expert ise\n\u0120G er\n\u0120traged y\n\u0120F ly\n\u0120d - ivid\namp ire\nst ock\nM em\n\u0120re ign\n\u0120un ve\n\u0120am end\n\u0120Prop - het\n\u0120mut ual\n\u0120F ac\n\u0120repl acing\nH ar\n\u0120Circ uit\n\u0120thro - at\n\u0120Sh ot\n\u0120batter ies\n\u0120to ll\n\u0120address ing\n\u0120Medic - aid\n\u0120p upp\n\u0120N ar\nol k\n\u0120equ ity\nM R\n\u0120His pan\n\u0120L - arge\nm id\nD ev\n\u0120exp ed\n\u0120dem o\n\u0120Marsh all\nerg us\n\u0120f - iber\n\u0120div orce\n\u0120Cre ate\n\u0120sl ower\n\u0120Park er\n\u0120Stud - ent\n\u0120Tr aining\nRet urn\n\u0120T ru\n\u0120c ub\n\u0120Re ached\n\u0120pan - ic\n\u0120qu arters\n\u0120re ct\n\u0120treat ing\n\u0120r ats\n\u0120Christian - ity\nol er\n\u0120sac red\n\u0120decl are\nul ative\net ing\n\u0120deliver - ing\nest one\n\u0120t el\n\u0120L arry\n\u0120met a\nac cept\nart z\n\u0120Rog - er\nhand ed\n\u0120head er\n\u0120tra pped\n\u0120Cent ury\n\u0120kn ocked\n\u0120Ox - ford\n\u0120surviv ors\nb ot\n\u0120demon stration\n\u0120d irt\n\u0120ass - ists\nOM E\n\u0120D raft\nortun ate\nfol io\npe red\nust ers\ng t\n\u0120L - ock\n\u0120jud icial\nver ted\n\u0120sec ured\nout ing\n\u0120Book s\n\u0120host - ing\n\u0120lif ted\nl ength\n\u0120j er\n\u0120whe els\n\u0120R ange\numbn - ails\n\u0120diagn osis\nte ch\n\u0120Stew art\n\u0120P ract\n\u0120nation - wide\n\u0120de ar\n\u0120oblig ations\n\u0120grow s\n\u0120mand atory\n\u0120susp - icious\n! '\nA pr\nG reat\n\u0120mort gage\n\u0120prosecut or\n\u0120editor - ial\n\u0120K r\n\u0120process ed\nung le\n\u0120flex ibility\nEar lier\n\u0120C - art\n\u0120S ug\n\u0120foc uses\n\u0120start up\n\u0120bre ach\n\u0120T ob\ncy - cle\n\xE3\u0122 \u012E\nro se\n\u0120b izarre\n\xE3\u0122 \u012F\n\u0120veget - ables\n$ $\n\u0120ret reat\nosh i\n\u0120Sh op\n\u0120G round\n\u0120St op\n\u0120Hawai - i\n\u0120A y\nPer haps\n\u0120Be aut\nuff er\nenn a\n\u0120product ivity\nF - ixed\ncont rol\n\u0120abs ent\n\u0120Camp aign\nG reen\n\u0120ident ifying\n\u0120reg - ret\n\u0120promot ed\n\u0120Se ven\n\u0120er u\nne ath\naug hed\n\u0120P in\n\u0120L - iving\nC ost\nom atic\nme ga\n\u0120N ig\noc y\n\u0120in box\n\u0120em pire\n\u0120hor - izont\n\u0120br anches\n\u0120met aph\nAct ive\ned i\n\u0120Fil m\n\u0120S - omething\n\u0120mod s\ninc ial\n\u0120Orig inal\nG en\n\u0120spir its\n\u0120ear - ning\nH ist\n\u0120r iders\n\u0120sacr ific\nM T\n\u0120V A\n\u0120S alt\n\u0120occup - ation\n\u0120M i\n\u0120dis g\nlic t\n\u0120n it\n\u0120n odes\ne em\n\u0120P - ier\n\u0120hat red\nps y\n\xE3\u0125 \u012B\n\u0120the ater\n\u0120sophistic - ated\n\u0120def ended\n\u0120bes ides\n\u0120thorough ly\n\u0120Medic are\n\u0120bl - amed\narent ly\n\u0120cry ing\nF OR\npri v\n\u0120sing ing\n\u0120I l\n\u0120c - ute\no ided\nolit ical\n\u0120Ne uro\n\xE5 \xA4\n\u0120don ation\n\u0120Eag - les\n\u0120G ive\nT om\n\u0120substant ially\n\u0120Lic ense\n\u0120J a\n\u0120g - rey\n\u0120An imal\n\u0120E R\n\u0120U nd\n\u0120ke en\n\u0120conclud e\n\u0120Mississ - ippi\nEng ine\n\u0120Stud ios\nP ress\no vers\nll ers\n\u01203 50\n\u0120R - angers\n\u0120r ou\nert o\nE p\niss a\niv an\n\u0120se al\n\u0120Reg ist\ndis - play\n\u0120we aken\nu um\n\u0120Comm ons\n\u0120S ay\n\u0120cult ures\n\u0120l - aughed\n\u0120sl ip\n\u0120treat ments\niz able\nm art\n\u0120R ice\n\u0120be - ast\n\u0120ob esity\n\u0120La ure\nig a\nWh ich\nhold er\n\u0120elder ly\n\u0120p - ays\n\u0120compl ained\n\u0120c rop\n\u0120pro c\n\u0120explos ive\n\u0120F - an\n\u0120Ar senal\nA uthor\nef ul\n\u0120me als\n\u0120( -\nid ays\n\u0120imag - ination\n\u0120ann ually\n\u0120m s\nas ures\nH ead\nik h\nm atic\n\u0120boy - friend\n\u0120Com puter\n\u0120b ump\n\u0120sur ge\n\u0120Cra ig\n\u0120Kir - k\nD el\nmedi ate\n\u0120scen arios\n\u0120M ut\n\u0120St ream\n\u0120compet - itors\n\xD9 \u0126\n\u0120Stan ford\n\u0120Res ources\naz ed\nb age\n\u0120organ - is\n\u0120Re lease\n\u0120separ ately\n\u0120ha bits\n\u0120measure ments\n\u0120Cl - ose\n\u0120accomp any\n\u0120g ly\n\u0120t ang\n\u0120R ou\n\u0120plug in\n\u0120con - vey\n\u0120Chall enge\noot s\nj an\n\u0120cur s\n\u0120Rel ations\nke eper\n\u0120approach - ing\np ing\nSpe aking\n\u0120arrang ement\n\u0120V I\nare ttes\n\u0120affect - ing\n\u0120perm its\nb ecause\n\u0120u seless\n\u0120H us\n!! !!\n\u0120destro - ying\nUn fortunately\n\u0120fasc inating\nS em\n\u0120elect oral\n\u0120trans - parency\n\u0120Ch aos\n\u0120volunte er\n\u0120statist ical\n\u0120activ ated\nro - x\nWe b\nH E\n\u0120Hamp shire\nis ive\nM ap\n\u0120tr ash\n\u0120Law rence\nst - ick\nC r\n\u0120r ings\nEX T\n\u0120oper ational\nop es\nD oes\n\u0120Ev ans\n\u0120witness - ed\nP ort\n\u0120launch ing\nec onom\nw ear\n\u0120Part icip\num m\ncul es\n\u0120R - AM\n\u0120T un\n\u0120ass ured\n\u0120b inary\n\u0120bet ray\n\u0120expl oration\n\u0120F - el\n\u0120ad mission\nit ated\nS y\n\u0120av oided\n\u0120Sim ulator\n\u0120celebr - ated\n\u0120Elect ric\n\xA5 \u0140\n\u0120cl uster\nitzer land\nhe alth\nL - ine\n\u0120N ash\nat on\n\u0120sp are\n\u0120enter prise\n\u0120D IS\nclud - es\n\u0120fl ights\n\u0120reg ards\n\u0120\xC3 \u0139\nh alf\n\u0120tr ucks\n\u0120contact - s\n\u0120unc ons\n\u0120Cl imate\n\u0120imm ense\nN EW\noc c\nect ive\n\u0120emb - od\n\u0120pat rol\n\u0120bes ide\n\u0120v iable\n\u0120cre ep\n\u0120trig - gered\nver ning\n\u0120compar able\nq l\n\u0120g aining\nass es\n\u0120( );\n\u0120G - rey\n\u0120M LS\ns ized\n\u0120pros per\n\" ?\n\u0120poll ing\n\u0120sh ar\n\u0120R - C\n\u0120fire arm\nor ient\n\u0120f ence\n\u0120vari ations\ng iving\n\u0120P - i\nosp el\n\u0120pled ge\n\u0120c ure\n\u0120sp y\n\u0120viol ated\n\u0120r - ushed\n\u0120stro ke\n\u0120Bl og\nsel s\n\u0120E c\n,' '\n\u0120p ale\n\u0120Coll - ins\nter ror\n\u0120Canad ians\n\u0120t une\n\u0120labor atory\n\u0120n ons\nt - arian\n\u0120dis ability\n\u0120G am\n\u0120sing er\nal g\n\u0120Sen ior\n\u0120trad - ed\n\u0120War rior\n\u0120inf ring\n\u0120Frank lin\n\u0120str ain\n\u0120Swed - ish\n\u0120sevent h\n\u0120B enn\n\u0120T ell\n\u0120synd rome\n\u0120wond - ered\nid en\n++ ++\nig o\n\u0120pur ple\n\u0120journal ism\n\u0120reb el\n\u0120f - u\nbl og\n\u0120inv ite\nren cies\n\u0120Cont act\nIs rael\n\u0120Cont ent\n\u0120che - er\n\u0120bed room\n\u0120Engine ering\n\u0120Que ens\n\u0120d well\n\u0120Play - Station\n\u0120D im\n\u0120Col on\nl r\n\u0120oper ates\n\u0120motiv ation\nUS - A\nast ered\nC ore\n\u0120Tr uth\nol o\nOS E\n\u0120Mem ory\n\u0120pred ec\n\u0120an - arch\n\u012019 20\n\u0120Y am\n\xC3 \xA8\nb id\n\u0120gr ateful\n\u0120exc - itement\n\u0120tre asure\n\u0120long est\nct ive\n\u0120des erves\n\u0120reserv - es\n\u0120cop s\n\u0120Ott awa\n\u0120Egypt ian\nank ed\n\u0120art if\n\u0120hypot - hesis\n: /\n\u0120purch asing\n\u0120love ly\nH P\n\u0120div ide\n\u0120strict - ly\n\u0120question ing\n\u0120taxp ayers\n\u0120J oy\n\u0120roll s\n\u0120He - avy\n\u0120p orts\n\u0120mag netic\n\u0120inf lamm\n\u0120br ush\nt ics\n\xE2 - \u012A\u0134\n\u0120bott les\npp y\n\u0120p add\n\xE3\u0124 \xAF\nm illion\n\u0120devast - ating\n\u0120comp iled\n\u0120med ication\n\u0120tw elve\n\u0120Per ry\nSp - ace\nim b\ny our\n\u0120le aked\n\u0120T ar\n\u0120un ity\n\u0120infect ed\n\u0120travel - ed\nID E\n\u0120Mc Donald\nt xt\n\u0120Pr inc\n\u0120inter ven\n\u0120Tai - wan\n\u0120P ow\n\u0120be aring\n\u0120Th read\n\u0120z ones\niz ards\nun - ks\nCh apter\nll or\n\u0120\xC2 \xB7\n\u0120w ounds\n\u0120disc retion\n\u0120succeed - ed\nik ing\n\u0120icon ic\nC all\n\u0120screen ing\n\u0120M is\nict s\n\u0120min - isters\n\u0120separ ation\nPl ayer\n\u0120b ip\n\u0120bel oved\n\u0120count - ing\n\u0120E ye\nar ound\ning ing\n\u0120table t\n\u0120off ence\nin ance\nh - ave\n\u0120Inf o\n\u0120Nin ja\n\u0120protect ive\n\u0120C ass\nM ac\n\u0120Qual - ity\nN orth\n\u0120 ic\n\u0120Cub a\n\u0120Chron icle\n\u0120Pro perty\n\u0120fast - est\not os\n\u0120G erm\nOW N\n\u0120bo om\n\u0120Stan ley\nergus on\n\u0120cle - ver\n\u0120ent ers\nm ode\nter ior\n\u0120S ens\n\u0120lin ear\nAR K\n\u0120comp - aring\n\u0120pure ly\n\u0120saf er\n\u0120Pot ter\n\u0120c ups\nR T\n\u0120gl - uc\n\u0120att ributed\n\u0120du pl\n\u0120P ap\n\u0120prec ious\n\u0120p a\niction - ary\n\u0120T ig\n\u0120To o\nol utions\nst an\n\u0120rob ots\n\u0120lob b\n\u0120stat - ute\n\u0120prevent ion\nw estern\n16 0\n\u0120Act ive\n\u0120Mar ia\nh al\nN - one\nell ar\n\u0120K B\n\u0120Part ners\n\u0120Sing le\n\u0120Follow ing\nang - o\nac ious\n\u0120th ou\n\u0120k g\n\u0120influ ential\n\u0120Friend s\nS - ur\nain ted\n\u0120for ums\n\u0120st arter\n\u0120citizens hip\n\u0120E lection\non - ge\not ation\nos ph\n;; ;;\nut ical\np ur\nere n\n\u0120accus ations\nbit - ious\nab bit\n\u0120Or d\nPost ed\nir k\n\u0120sens itivity\nic he\n\u0120Am - y\n\u0120F ab\n\u0120sum mit\n\u0120ped est\n\u0120rub ber\n\u0120agric ultural\n\u0120can - cel\nA E\n\u0120in aug\n\u0120cont am\n\u0120firm ly\ni w\nst age\n\u0120K - an\n\u0120t ier\n\u0120inv ention\n\u0120transl ated\n\u0120R ules\nB ox\nTw - itter\nID S\n\u0120p izza\n\u0120deb ug\n\u0120D rop\nv s\n\u0120h orses\nb - ig\n\u0120b oring\n\u0120h ood\n\u0120McC ain\nat ched\n\u0120Bro s\n\u0120sk - ip\n\u0120ess ay\nst at\n\u0120Leg ends\n\u0120am munition\nau c\n\u0120shoot - er\n\u0120un h\n\u0120suppl ied\n\u0120gener ic\n\u0120S K\nib an\nyr ics\n\u012025 - 5\n\u0120clim bing\nForm er\n\u0120fl ip\n\u0120jump ing\n\u0120frust ration\n\u0120Ter - ry\n\u0120neighborhood s\n\u0120med ian\nbe an\n\u0120br ains\nFollow ing\n\u0120sh - aped\n\u0120draw s\n\u0120al tered\nJ ack\n\u0120recip es\n\u0120sk illed\nwe - alth\nach i\ne lection\n\u0120behavi ors\nde als\n\u0120U ntil\nF e\n\u0120decl - aration\nmar ks\n\u0120Bet ween\ncel ona\n\u0120res on\n\u0120bub ble\nAm - ong\n\u0120im perial\nG S\n\u0120femin ist\n200 5\n\u0120K yle\n\u0120account - ing\n\u0120Te le\n\u0120T yr\n\u0120connect ing\n\u0120re hab\n\u0120P red\ns - im\n\u0120meant ime\n\u0120phys ician\nM W\n\u0120Camp bell\n\u0120Br andon\n\u0120contribut - ing\n\u0120R ule\n\u0120We ight\n\u0120N ap\n\u0120inter active\n\u0120v ag\n\u0120hel - met\n\u0120Com b\nf our\n\u0120sh ipped\n\u0120comple ting\n\u0120P D\nPD - ATE\n\u0120spread ing\n\u0120sc ary\nerv ing\n\u0120G as\n\u0120fr ank\ns - chool\n\u0120rom antic\n\u0120stab il\nR ob\n\u0120accur ately\n\u0120ac ute\n\u0120H - ann\n\u0120symbol s\n\u0120civil ization\n\u0120A W\n\u0120light ning\n\u0120cons - iders\n\u0120ven ue\n\u0120 \xD7\n\u0120o ven\n\u0120S F\nh is\n\u0120n u\n\u0120Lear - n\n\u0120pe oples\n\u0120st d\n\u0120sle e\n\u0120s lic\n\u0120Stat istics\n\u0120cor - ners\n\u0120B aker\n\u0120: )\nment ation\nol ver\n\u0120laugh ing\n\u0120T - odd\nond e\n\u0120H ills\n\u0120n uts\n\u0120W oman\npl ane\n\u0120l iver\n\u0120In - side\nS orry\n\u0120agre es\n\u0120fund ament\n\u0120F isher\n\u0120a uction\n\u0120thread - s\ngl as\n\u0120Bas ic\n\u0120N at\n\u0120lack ing\n\u0120celeb ration\nj - u\n\u0120s illy\nE uro\n\u0120t att\night y\ncont rolled\nT est\n\u0120Sing - h\n\u0120r age\n\u0120rh yth\no ffic\n\u0120Ph antom\n\u0120head lines\n\u0120respond - ing\n\u0120Mor ning\n\u0120vit amin\n\u0120boot s\n\u0120S ite\nal in\np i\n\u0120vir - al\n\u0120U C\nD ER\n\u0120Se x\n\u0120st ocks\nc urrent\n\u0120ch urches\n\u0120R - are\n\u0120Mur phy\n\u0120den ial\n\u0120G aming\n\u0120tou g\n\u0120n ick\n\u0120m - akers\n\u0120Ron ald\n\u0120gener ous\n\u0120D oc\n\u0120Mor ris\n\u0120transform - ed\n\u0120N ormal\n\u012010 4\n\u0120Kick starter\n\u0120Up on\nOn line\n\u0120I - RS\n\u0120w rap\n\u0120l oving\n\u0120arri ves\n\u0120D ue\n\u0120he ter\n\u0120M - ade\n\u0120rent al\n\u0120belong s\n\u0120att orneys\n\u0120cro ps\n\u0120mat - ched\nul um\nol ine\n10 9\n\u0120dis par\n\u0120buy ers\n\u0120Cam bridge\n\u0120eth - ics\nrou ps\n\u0120just ified\n\u0120marg inal\n\u0120respect ed\nwin ning\n\u0120nodd - ed\n\u0120Ser ge\n\u0120Form er\nC raft\n######## ########\n\u0120War ner\n\u0120d - ash\net e\n\u0120ent ert\n\u0120E scape\nout heast\n\u0120kn ees\n\u0120B - omb\n\u0120r ug\nP ass\n\u0120att itudes\ngo vernment\n\u0120Pri or\n\u0120qual - ities\n\u0120not ification\n\u0120Ph one\nl ie\n\u0120anticip ated\n\u0120Com - bat\n\u0120Bar ry\n\u0120198 2\nUs ers\non er\n\u0120comput ing\n\u0120Connect - icut\n\u0120less er\n\u0120pe ers\n\u0120C u\n\u0120techn ically\n\u0120sub - mission\n\u0120Un iversal\n\u0120man ually\nour ge\n\u0120respond ents\n\u0120B - TC\n\u0120H ost\n\u0120f are\n\u0120B ird\n\u0120rece ipt\nal so\n\u0120j - ack\n\u0120agric ulture\n\u0120sk ull\n\u0120! =\n\u0120pass ive\n\u0120C - I\n\u0120soc ieties\n\u0120remind ed\n\u0120inter ference\nB uy\n\u0120\xE2 - \u013E\ng on\n\u0120scrut iny\n\u0120W itch\n\u0120conduct ing\n\u0120 \xE3\u0125\n\u0120exch - anges\n\u0120Mit chell\n\u0120inhab it\n\u0120tw ist\nB D\n\u0120where ver\ngroup - on\n\u0120j okes\n\u0120Ben jamin\n\u0120R andom\nfr ame\n\u0120L ions\n\u0120highlight - ed\n\u0120Ark ansas\nE nt\n\u0120p ile\n\u0120pre lim\ng s\nmind ed\n\u0120fel - ony\n\u0120G A\n\u0120L uck\n\u0120pract ically\n\u0120B os\n\u0120act ress\nD - am\n\u0120B ou\n\u0120vis a\n\u0120embed ded\n\u0120hy brid\n\u0120ear liest\n\u0120soon - er\ns ocial\n\u0120H A\n\u0120ste ep\n\u0120dis advant\n\u0120explo it\n\u0120E - gg\n\u0120Ult ra\n\u0120necess ity\nL ocal\nie ge\n\u0120d ated\n\u0120mass - es\n\u0120subsc ription\npl ess\n\u0120an onym\n\u0120presum ably\nBl ue\nThe - ir\nasket ball\n\u0120Phil ip\n\u0120com ed\nload ed\nr ane\n\u0120ref lection\nCh - ina\n\u0120ext ends\n\u0120form ing\n\u0120und ers\n200 1\n\u0120gr at\n\u0120concent - rations\n\u0120ins ulin\n\u0120sec ular\n\u0120wh ilst\n\u0120win ners\nAd - vertisements\n\u0120deliber ately\n\u0120Work ing\n\u0120s ink\net ics\nd - ale\n\u0120mand ate\n\u0120g ram\n\u0120vac ation\n\u0120warn ings\nri pp\n\u0120TH - AT\n\u0120comment ary\n\u0120int u\n\u0120a est\n\u0120reason ing\n\u0120break - down\n\u0120Z ombie\n\u0120-- >\n\u0120Polit ical\nc ott\n\u0120thr ust\n\u0120techn - ological\n\u0120dec iding\n\u0120traff icking\nL ong\nW elcome\npr ising\n\u0120Commun - ications\n\u0120end ors\n\u0120sw ift\n\u0120metab ol\nco ins\nres a\n\u0120HT - TP\n\u0120en roll\n\u0120H appy\nus r\nint age\n\u0120[ \"\nu ably\n\u0120M - aterial\n\u0120repe al\nSe pt\nk h\n\u0120Mod i\n\u0120under neath\n\u0120I - L\nsh ore\n\u0120diagn osed\nace utical\n\u0120sh ower\nau x\n\u0120Sw itch\n\u0120Stre - ngth\n\u0120j ihad\nn ational\n\u0120tra uma\nuss y\non i\n\u0120cons olid\n\u0120cal - ories\n\u0120F lynn\nag ged\n16 8\n\u0120P ink\n\u0120fulf ill\n\u0120ch ains\n\u0120not - ably\n\u0120A V\nL ife\n\u0120Ch uck\nm us\n\u0120Ur ban\n\u0120H end\n\u0120dep - osit\n\u0120S ad\n\u0120aff air\nOR K\nie val\n\u0120F DA\n\u0120t rop\n\u0120Over - all\n\u0120virt ue\n\u0120satisf action\nau nd\n\u0120l un\n\u0120Sw itzerland\n\u0120Oper - ation\npro cess\n\u0120sh ook\n\u0120count ies\nle ased\n\u0120Charl otte\n1 - 12\n\u0120trans cript\n\u0120re dd\np ush\n\u0120He y\n\u0120An alysis\n[ - \"\n\u0120altern atives\nard less\n\u0120ele ph\n\u0120pre jud\n\u0120Le af\nH - aving\n\u0120H ub\n\u0120express ions\n\u0120Vol ume\n\u0120shock ing\n\u0120Red - s\n\u0120read ily\n\u0120plan ets\nad ata\n\u0120collaps ed\n\u0120Mad rid\n\u0120ir - rit\ni pper\n\u0120En c\n\u0120W ire\n\u0120bu zz\n\u0120G P\nash a\n\u0120accident - ally\nur u\n\u0120frust rated\n\u0120S A\n\u0120hung ry\n\u0120H uff\n\u0120lab - els\nant o\n\u0120E P\n\u0120bar riers\n) |\n\u0120Ber keley\n\u0120J ets\n\u0120p - airs\n\u0120L an\nJ ames\n\u0120B ear\n\u0120hum or\n\u0120Liber ty\n\u0120magn - itude\n\u0120ag ing\n\u0120M ason\n\u0120friends hip\numb ling\n\u0120emer - ge\n\u0120newsp apers\n\u0120am bitious\n\u0120Rich ards\natern al\n\u0120198 - 1\n\u0120cook ies\n\u0120sc ulpt\n\u0120pur suit\nL ocation\n\u0120script - s\np c\n\u0120arrang ements\n\u0120d iameter\n\u0120l oses\nam ation\n\u0120l - iqu\n\u0120J ake\naret te\n\u0120understand s\n\u0120Z en\nv m\n\u0120appro - ve\n\u0120w ip\n\u0120ult ra\n\u0120int end\n\u0120D I\nasc ular\n\u0120st - ays\n\u0120K or\n\u0120K l\n\u0120invest ing\nL a\n\u0120belie ving\nb ad\nm - outh\n\u0120taxp ayer\n\xE3\u0125 \u0125\n\u0120Que bec\n\u0120l ap\n\u0120Sw - iss\nd rop\n\u0120dr ain\nir i\net c\nft en\n\u0120N ex\n\u0120st raw\n\u0120scream - ing\n\u0120count ed\n\u0120dam aging\n\u0120amb assador\ncent ury\n\u0120pro - x\n\u0120arrest s\nu v\nil ateral\n\u0120Ch arg\n\u0120presc ribed\n\u0120independ - ently\n\u0120f ierce\n\u0120B aby\n\u0120b rave\n\u0120su its\n= >\n\u0120bas - eline\n\u0120R ate\n\u0120is lands\n\u0120( (\ng reen\nix els\n\u0120name - ly\n\u0120Vill age\nth an\nam y\nV ersion\ng mail\nential s\n\u0120S ud\n\u0120Mel - bourne\n\u0120arri ving\n\u0120quant um\ne ff\nrop olitan\nT ri\n\u0120fun - eral\n\u0120I R\n\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124 - \xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\n\u0120C - ob\nit ably\n\u0120t urb\n\u0120comb o\nRe view\n\u0120deploy ment\nu ity\n\u0120B - ott\n\u0120inv isible\n\u0120render ing\n\u0120unl ocked\n\u0120a qu\n\u0120Vlad - imir\n\u0120p ad\n\u0120Br ain\n\u0120Leg acy\ndr agon\n\u0120Kurd ish\n\u0120sound - ed\n\u0120det ained\n\u0120D M\ng ary\n\u0120d aughters\n\u0120distur bing\nuk - a\n\u0120Par ad\n\u0120t ast\n\u0120unf ortunate\n\u0120u l\nem in\n\u0120attend - ance\ntr l\n\u0120par ks\n\u0120Mem orial\n\u0120Al ice\noth y\ngu ard\n\u0120D - ise\n\u0120Sh an\n\u0120For um\nR ich\n\u0120shif ted\nue z\n\u0120l ighter\n\u0120Mag - n\n\u0120c od\nS ch\nham mad\nP ub\n3 50\n\u0120P okemon\n\u0120prot otype\n\u0120un - re\nB ase\n\u0120Stud ents\n\u0120Rep ly\n\u0120Commun ist\n\u0120g au\n\u0120Ty - ler\nI Z\n\u0120particip ated\n\u0120sup rem\n\u0120Det ails\n\u0120vessel - s\nro d\n\u0120t ribe\nke ep\n\u0120assum ptions\n\u0120p ound\n\u0120cr ude\n\u0120Av - ailable\n\u0120swim ming\n\u0120in clusion\n\u0120adv ances\nc ulation\n\u0120conserv - ation\n\u0120over d\n\u0120Buff alo\nArt icle\ned ge\n\u0120aw a\n\u0120Mad - ison\n\u0120sid ew\n\u0120cat ast\n\u0120K rist\nuc le\n\u0120High way\n\u0120Ter - ror\n\u0120activ ation\n\u0120uncons cious\n\u0120Sat an\n\u0120Sus an\nill - ery\n\u0120arr anged\ni op\n\u0120rum ors\nur ring\nth ink\n\u0120Ke ith\n\u0120K - ind\n\u0120avoid ing\nby n\nn ut\n\u0120Spe aker\nr us\nn ames\n\u0120gu ilt\n\u0120Olymp - ics\n\u0120sa il\n\u0120M es\nlev ant\n\u0120Columb us\na ft\nC ity\nS outh\n\u0120Har - vey\n\u0120P un\nS everal\n\u0120ment ally\n\u0120imp ress\nm ount\n\u0120Ub - untu\n\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136 \xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\n\u0120Super - man\n\u0120MP s\n\u0120intent ions\n\u0120R acing\n\u0120like lihood\n\u01202 - 40\nT otal\n\u0120to ys\n\u0120W atson\n\u0120ur ge\nL ear\n\u0120P aper\n\u0120occur - ring\n\u0120B eng\n\u0120C ert\n\u0120st ones\nT im\n\u0120Tw in\nz b\n\u0120D - ynam\n\u0120polit ician\nk ens\n\u0120Enter prise\nUT ERS\n\u0120ab ol\n\u0120ref - resh\n\u0120arbit rary\npe ction\n\u0120trou bles\n\u0120} );\nt v\n\u0120pil - ots\n\u0120dist ribute\n\u0120aud it\n\u0120p ause\norig inal\n\u0120r ivals\n\xC2 - \xA3\nF ig\nT L\nab il\nry ing\nL in\nion ed\nl on\n\u0120f ancy\n\u0120cr - ashed\n\u0120t ract\n\u0120she d\n\u0120cons ume\nB ased\ndown load\nin it\n\u0120volt - age\nInt rodu\n\u0120condem ned\n\u0120Fin ance\nres pect\n\u0120ex cluded\n\u0120establish - ing\nher ic\n\u0120her itage\n\u0120spect acular\n\u0120un st\n\u0120Snow - den\n\u0120L ane\nS an\n\u0120protect ions\nst ruction\ninc inn\n\u0120mac - ro\nC ustom\nios ity\n\u0120es p\n\u0120function ing\n\u0120m ush\n\u0120p - uzzle\n\u0120eth ical\nM al\n\u0120go verning\n\u0120F erguson\n\u0120rest - ored\n\u0120st ressed\n\u0120Coun ter\n\u0120K as\ncl ip\nAN S\n\u0120se iz\nU - K\nby ss\nold own\nap i\n\u0120perman ently\noun ters\nW est\nTh rough\nL - ight\nat oes\n\u0120ne at\n\u0120c ord\nure r\n\u0120severe ly\n\u0120A ven\n\u0120inter - rog\n\u0120tri ple\nG iven\nN umber\n\u0120ar ise\n\u0120s her\npl ant\n\u0120fl - ower\n\u0120C ou\n\u0120at e\n\u0120new er\nb ul\n\u0120mean while\n\u0120L - air\n\u0120adjust ment\n\u0120Cop yright\n\u0120d ivers\ni ological\n\u0120gam - ers\no at\n\u0120histor ically\n\u0120anal og\n\u0120long time\n\u0120pres - cription\n\u0120M ist\n\u0120Hy per\n\u0120M aine\n\u0120De ity\n\u0120multi - pl\n\u0120Re incarn\n\u0120H yd\n\u0120P ic\nS il\nr ants\n\u0120C ris\n. - ;\n( {\nepend ence\n\u0120rec y\nate ur\n\u0120qu ad\n\u0120gl ob\n\u0120con - ced\nte am\n\u0120capital ist\n\u0120L ot\n\u0120roy al\n\u0120Cy ber\n\u0120black - s\nmet ic\nri v\n\u0120D anny\n\u0120sp o\n\u0120R O\n\u0120anim ated\nrypt - ed\n\u0120Dep uty\n\u0120rend ered\nF E\n\u0120stre ak\n\u0120cloud s\n\u0120Dou - g\n~~~~ ~~~~\n\u0120disc our\n\u0120Ve h\n\u0120psych ology\n\u0120J ourney\n\u0120cry - stal\n\u0120Fro st\n\u0120suspic ion\n\u0120rel ate\nor us\n\u0120C rypt\n\u0120N - VIDIA\ncom ed\nut ing\nincinn ati\n\u0120vulner ability\nost ic\n\u0120isol - ation\n\u0120cool ing\n\u0120Coal ition\n\u01201 19\nF our\n\u0120De al\n\u0120\xE2 - \u012B\nse mble\nram ent\n\u0120Bar celona\n\u012010 2\n\u0120coc aine\nocaly - pse\nF eb\nogen ic\n\u0120mut ation\n\u0120crypt oc\n\u0120K el\n\u0120G it\na - is\n\u0120s isters\nAN K\n\u0120activ ate\nT er\n\u0120d read\nyl on\n\u0120prop - ri\nA ust\n\u0120Def ault\n\u0120out door\n\u0120she er\nce ive\n\u0120g ently\n\xD0 - \xBE\nPro gram\n\u0120\xE2 \u0128\u0134\n\u0120ve gan\n\u0120Cr us\n\u0120respons - ibilities\n\u0120H R\nOL D\n\u0120prev ents\n\u0120st iff\n\u0120W ere\n\u0120athlet - ic\n\u0120Sc ore\n\u0120) :\n\u0120column s\n\u0120L oc\nav ailable\n\u0120F - ram\n\u0120S essions\n\u0120compan ion\n\u0120pack s\n14 0\n\u0120Kn ights\n\u0120f - art\n\u0120stream s\n\u0120sh ore\n\u0120app eals\n\u0120Per formance\nh aul\n\u0120St - ra\n\u0120N ag\n10 3\n\u0120Trans portation\nB B\nE v\nz an\nP ublic\n\u0120tw - in\nuls ion\nM ult\n\u0120elect ro\n\u0120stat ue\nation ally\n\u0120N ort\n\u0120ins - pection\n/ *\nig ue\n\u0120comp assion\n\u0120T ales\n\u0120Ste in\n\u0120Sc - reen\n\u0120B ug\n\u0120L ion\ng irl\n\u0120withdraw al\n\u0120object ives\n\u0120blood - y\n\u0120prelim inary\n\u0120j acket\n\u0120dim ensions\n\u0120C ool\n\u0120Occ - up\n\u0120w reck\n\u0120doub led\nank ing\n\u012019 75\n\u0120glass es\n\u0120W - ang\npro v\nP ath\nconnect ed\n\u0120Mult i\n\u0120Nor way\nagon ist\n\u0120fe - ared\n\u0120touch ing\n\u0120arg uably\n\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF \xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\n\u0120NC - AA\nche m\n\u0120sp at\n\u0120W WE\n\u0120C el\nig ger\n\u0120attack er\n\u0120Jo - in\nob ject\nett a\n\u0120elim inated\nd et\n\u0120dest ruct\n\u0120Luc as\nct - uary\n18 0\n\u0120Br ady\n\u0120Bl ues\nB ay\nau kee\n\u0120tim eline\n\u0120deleg - ates\nw ritten\nuff icient\n\u0120sh apes\nCop yright\nou ble\nserv ice\n\u0120p - ione\n\u0120colleg es\n\u0120row s\n\u0120sp ite\n\u0120assess ed\n3 60\n\u0120le - ase\n\u0120confident ial\nck er\n\u0120Man ning\n\u0120V oice\n\u0120se aled\n\u0120calcul - ate\nN O\n\u0120Ass istant\n\u0120teen ager\nul ent\nather ine\n\u0120m ock\n\u0120d - iamond\n\u0120f est\n\u0120sw itched\n\u0120res ume\n\u0120Pu erto\n\u0120l - anes\nir ation\n\u0120Similar ly\n\u0120ro d\n\u0120S el\n\u0120Pal ace\n\u0120Lim - ited\ne ous\n\u0120var iant\n\u0120w ard\n\u0120) )\nSh ow\nOO K\nA lex\n\u0120N - ep\nbr is\n\u0120Wik ipedia\n\u0120except ional\n\u0120man ages\n\u0120D raw\nAg - ain\n\u0120co pper\nut t\n\u0120ex ports\n\u0120port folio\n\u0120elev ated\nR - ated\n\u0120Other wise\n\u0120T act\n\u0120She l\n\u0120T X\n\" \xE2\u0122\u0136\n\u0120res - ur\n\u0120W a\nven ant\n\u0120mon etary\npe ople\nE mail\n\u0120fif ty\n\u0120S - weet\n\u0120Malays ia\n\u0120conf using\n\u0120R io\nud a\nuten ant\n\" );\n\u0120pra - ised\n\u0120vol umes\nt urn\n\u0120m ature\n\u0120non profit\n\u0120passion - ate\n\u0120Priv ate\n\u012010 3\n\u0120desc end\n\xE7 \xA5\u0140\nuff y\nhead - ed\nWhe ther\nri en\nze ch\nbe it\n\u0120ch rom\n\u0120Mc M\n\u0120d ancing\n\u0120e - leg\n\u0120Not iced\n11 5\n\u0120advoc acy\nENT S\namb ling\n\u0120Min or\n\u0120F - inn\n\u0120prior ities\n\u0120there of\n\u0120St age\n\u0120Rog ers\n\u0120subst - itute\n\u0120J ar\n\u0120Jeff erson\n\u0120light ly\n10 2\n\u0120L isa\nu - its\nys ical\n\u0120shif ts\n\u0120d rones\n\u0120work place\n\u0120res id\nens - ed\nah n\n\u0120pref erences\nser ver\n\u0120deb ates\nd oc\n\u0120God s\n\u0120helicop - ter\n\u0120hon our\n\u0120consider ably\ned ed\n\u0120F emale\n\u0120An ne\n\u0120re - un\n\u0120F ace\n\u0120Hall ow\n\u0120Bud get\n\u0120condem n\n\u0120t ender\nPro - f\nocr atic\n\u0120Turn er\n\u0120Ag ric\n\u012019 76\n\u0120a pt\nd isc\n\u0120F - ighter\n\u0120A ur\n\u0120gar bage\nin put\n\u0120K arl\n\u0120Ol iver\n\u0120L - anguage\nk n\nN on\n\u0120Cl ar\n\u0120trad itions\n\u0120ad vertisement\n\u0120S - or\n\u0120arch ive\n\u0120vill ages\n7 50\n\u0120implement ing\nw aukee\n\u0120diet - ary\n\u0120switch ing\nRep ublic\n\u0120vel ocity\n\u0120c it\n\u0120A wards\n\u0120fin - ancing\n\u0120last ed\n) ]\n\u0120rem inder\nP erson\n\u0120prec ision\n\u0120design - ers\n\u0120F ried\n\u0120B order\n\u0120tr agic\n\u0120w ield\n\u0120initi - atives\n\u0120T ank\nw er\n\u0120jo ins\nR o\nin ery\n\u0120ar row\n\u0120gener - ating\nfound er\n\u0120sear ches\n\u0120random ly\nA ccess\n\u0120b atch\n\u0120p - osed\nl at\n\u0120pursu ing\nas a\n\u0120test ified\nform ing\n\u0120Sh ar\nw - iki\n\u0120E ither\nS ometimes\n\u0120sen ators\n\u0120John ny\n\u0120Tal - iban\n\u0120G PS\n\":\" /\n\xE3\u0123\xAE \xE5\n\u0120analy zed\n\u0120Rub - io\n\u0120Move ment\nop ard\nii i\nSt and\nf ight\n\u0120ign oring\ni ang\n\u0120G - N\nso ever\n\u0120ST AT\n\u0120ref using\n\u0120swe at\n\u0120b ay\nP ORT\nir - med\nak y\n\u0120dis pro\n\u0120label ed\n\u012010 8\nH ello\n\u0120ple asant\nab - a\n\u0120tri umph\n\u0120ab oard\n\u0120inc om\n\u0120C row\nle tt\n\u0120fol - k\n\u0120ch ase\n` `\n\u0120Br us\n\u0120te ens\nc ue\n\u0120ter rain\nh yd\nil - ight\nOR Y\nSu pport\new s\nll i\nrain ts\n\u0120C and\n\u0120ab used\nach - ment\nl arg\nB as\n\u0120C ancer\n\u012019 78\n\u0120supp orter\nac cess\n\u0120Ter - min\n\u0120T ampa\n\u0120AN Y\n\u0120new est\n\u0120Crim inal\ned u\n\u012019 - 30\n\u0120adm its\n\u0120end e\n\u0120fail ures\nur ate\nful ness\ncy cl\n\u0120Sub - ject\n\u0120inf inite\nth ree\nW A\np it\n\u0120Inst all\nR ad\nili ation\nG - M\n\u0120contin ent\n\u0120accommod ate\n\u0120Cl ay\n\u0120p up\n\u0120F - unction\n\u0120ham mer\n\u0120Albert a\n\u0120rev ised\n\u0120minor ities\n\u0120measure - ment\nCon nell\n\u0120dis able\n\u0120M ix\nIn cre\n\u0120for k\n\u0120R osen\n\u0120impl - ies\numb lr\nAN G\n\u0120prote ins\n\u0120agg ression\n\u0120facilit ate\nS - N\n\u0120illeg ally\nu er\n\u0120acad em\n\u0120p uzz\n\u0120Sh ift\np ay\noll - o\n\u0120aud iences\nB uild\n\u0120no ble\n\u0120synt ax\n\xE2 \u013A\u0127\n\u0120be - am\n\u0120B ed\n\u0120A ld\n\u0120orig ins\nv ideo\n\u012019 77\n\u0120Ass - ault\n\u0120gar age\nTe am\n\u0120ver dict\n\u0120d war\n\u0120Virt ual\ne - vent\nKe ep\n\u0120sent iment\n\u0120wild life\nsh irt\n\u0120b urg\n\u0120recommend - ation\nrep resent\n\u0120gall ery\nown ers\n\u0120sch olar\n\u0120conven ience\n\u0120Sw - ift\n\u0120conv inc\nC ap\n\u0120war fare\n\u0120Vis ual\n\u0120const itute\n\u0120ab - ort\n\u0120We ather\n\u0120Look ing\n\u0120H em\n\u0120mart ial\n\u0120inc - oming\net ition\n\u0120toler ance\n\u0120Cre ated\n\u0120fl ows\n\u0120E lder\n\u0120soul - s\n\u0120f oul\n\u0120P ain\n\u0120C AN\n\u01202 20\nb c\nhe nd\n\u0120gen - ius\nR eal\n\u0120W r\nomet er\np ad\n\u0120lim iting\n\u0120S i\n\u0120L - ore\n\u0120Ad ventures\n\u0120var ied\nD isc\nf in\n\u0120Person al\nCh ris\n\u0120inv - ented\n\u0120d ive\n\u0120R ise\n\u0120o z\n\u0120Com ics\n\u0120exp ose\n\u0120Re - b\nlet ters\ns ite\nim ated\n\u0120h acking\n\u0120educ ated\n\u0120Nob ody\n\u0120dep - ri\n\u0120incent ive\n\xE3\u0124 \xB7\n\u0120overs ight\n\u0120trib es\n\u0120Belg - ium\n\u0120licens ing\nour t\nProdu ct\nah l\n\u0120G em\n\u0120special ist\n\u0120c - ra\nann ers\n\u0120Cor byn\n\u012019 73\nRE AD\n\u0120sum mar\n\u0120over - look\n\u0120App lication\n\u0120in appropriate\n\u0120download ed\nQ ue\n\u0120B - ears\n\u0120th umb\n\u0120Char acter\n\u0120Reincarn ated\n\u0120S id\n\u0120demonstr - ates\ns ky\n\u0120Bloom berg\n\u0120Ar ray\n\u0120Res ults\n\u0120Four th\n\u0120ED - T\n\u0120O scar\nc end\n\u012010 6\n\u0120N ULL\n\u0120H ERE\nm atch\n\u0120Br - un\n\u0120gluc ose\nie g\neg u\n\u0120cert ified\n\u0120rel ie\n\u0120human - itarian\n\u0120pr ayers\nK ing\n\u0120n an\nh ou\n10 8\nul u\n\u0120renew - able\n\u0120distingu ish\n\u0120d ense\n\u0120V ent\n\u0120Pack age\n\u0120B - oss\n\u0120edit ors\n\u0120m igr\nT ra\n\u0120Pet ers\n\u0120Ar ctic\n200 - 4\n\u0120C ape\n\u0120loc ally\n\u0120last ing\n\u0120hand y\n. ).\nP an\n\u0120R - ES\nInd ex\n\u0120t ensions\n\u0120former ly\n\u0120ide ological\n\u0120sens - ors\n\u0120deal ers\n\u0120def ines\nS k\n\u0120proceed s\n\u0120pro xy\naz - ines\n\u0120B ash\n\u0120P ad\n\u0120C raft\neal ous\n\u0120she ets\nomet - ry\nJ une\ncl ock\nT T\n\u0120The atre\n\u0120B uzz\n\u0120ch apters\n\u0120mill - enn\n\u0120d ough\n\u0120Congress ional\n\u0120imag ined\nav ior\n\u0120clin - ic\n\u012019 45\n\u0120hold er\nro ot\noles ter\n\u0120rest art\nB N\n\u0120Ham - as\n\u0120J ob\n\u0120or b\n\u0120r am\n\u0120discl ose\n\u0120transl ate\n\u0120imm - igrant\n\u0120annoy ing\n\u0120treat y\nan ium\n\u0120Te a\n\u0120Leg ion\n\u0120crowd - s\n\u0120B ec\n\u0120A er\noh yd\nB ro\nLook ing\n\u0120l bs\n\u0120agg ress\n\u0120se - am\n\u0120inter cept\n\u0120M I\nmer cial\nact iv\n\u0120C it\n\u0120dim ension\n\u0120consist - ency\n\u0120r ushing\n\u0120Dou glas\n\u0120tr im\nInst all\nick er\n\u0120sh - y\n10 6\n\u0120ment ions\npe lled\n\u0120T ak\nc ost\n\u0120class room\n\u0120fort - une\ndri ven\n\u0120un le\n\u0120Whe el\n\u0120invest or\n\u0120M asters\nk - it\n\u0120associ ations\n\u0120Ev olution\nop ing\nus cript\n\u0120prov incial\n\u0120Wal - ter\nav i\nS O\n\u0120un limited\nEng lish\n\u0120C ards\n\u0120Eb ola\nne - red\n\u0120reven ge\n\u0120out right\num per\n\u0120f itting\n\u0120Sol id\n\u0120form - ally\n\u0120problem atic\n\u0120haz ard\n\u0120enc ryption\n\u0120straight - forward\n\u0120A K\n\u0120p se\n\u0120Or b\n\u0120Ch amber\n\u0120M ak\nCont - ents\n\u0120loyal ty\n\u0120l yrics\n\u0120Sy m\n\u0120wel comed\n\u0120cook - ed\n\u0120mon op\n\u0120n urse\n\u0120mis leading\n\u0120e ternal\n\u0120shif - ting\n\u0120+ =\nV is\n\u0120inst itutional\nill ary\n\u0120p ant\nVER T\n\u0120A - CC\n\u0120En h\n\u0120inc on\n\u0120RE UTERS\n\u0120don ated\n\xE2\u0122\xA6\xE2\u0122\xA6 - \xE2\u0122\xA6\xE2\u0122\xA6\nIn tern\n\u0120exhib it\n\u0120t ire\n\u0120R - ic\n\u0120Ch ampion\n\u0120Mu hammad\nN ING\n\u0120Soc cer\n\u0120mob ility\n\u0120vary - ing\n\u0120M ovie\n\u0120l ord\no ak\nF ield\n\u0120ve ctor\nus ions\n\u0120sc - rap\n\u0120en abling\nm ake\nT or\n. *\n| |\n\u0120We bsite\n\u0120N PC\n\u0120social - ist\n\u0120Bill y\n\u0120Add itional\n\u0120c argo\n\u0120far ms\n\u0120So - on\n\u0120Pri ze\n\u0120mid night\n\u01209 00\nse en\n\u0120Sp ot\n\u0120she - ep\n\u0120spons ored\n\u0120H i\n\u0120J ump\n\u012019 67\nMicro soft\n\u0120Ag - ent\n\u0120ch arts\nd ir\n\u0120adj acent\n\u0120tr icks\n\u0120man ga\n\u0120ex - agger\n/ >\nfoot ball\n\u0120F CC\nG C\n\u0120T ier\nand ra\nOU ND\n% ),\n\u0120fru - its\nV C\n\u0120A A\nR ober\n\u0120mid st\n\xE2 \u0139\nank a\n\u0120legisl - ature\n\u0120Ne il\n\u0120tour ists\n\" \"\n\u0120War ning\n\u0120Never theless\n\u0120Offic - ial\n\u0120Wh atever\n\u0120m old\n\u0120draft ed\n\u0120subst ances\n\u0120bre - ed\n\u0120t ags\n\u0120T ask\n\u0120ver b\n\u0120manufact ured\ncom ments\n\u0120Pol - ish\nPro v\n\u0120determin es\nOb ama\nk ers\n\u0120utter ly\n\u0120se ct\nsc - he\n\u0120G ates\n\u0120Ch ap\n\u0120al uminum\n\u0120z ombie\n\u0120T ouch\n\u0120U - P\n\u0120satisf y\n\u0120pred omin\nasc ript\n\u0120elabor ate\n\u012019 68\n\u0120meas - uring\n\u0120V ari\nany ahu\n\u0120s ir\nul ates\nid ges\nick ets\n\u0120Sp - encer\nT M\noub ted\n\u0120pre y\n\u0120install ing\n\u0120C ab\nre ed\nre - ated\nSu pp\n\u0120wr ist\n\u0120K erry\n10 7\n\u0120K le\n\u0120R achel\n\u0120c - otton\n\u0120A RE\n\u0120E le\nCont rol\n\u0120load s\n\u0120D od\nan as\nb - one\n\u0120class ical\n\u0120Reg ional\n\u0120Int eg\nV M\n\u0120des ires\n\u0120aut - ism\nsupport ed\n\u0120M essage\n\u0120comp act\nwrit er\n\u012010 9\n\u0120Hur - ricane\nc ision\n\u0120cy cles\n\u0120dr ill\n\u0120colle ague\n\u0120m aker\nG - erman\n\u0120mist aken\nS un\n\u0120G ay\n\u0120what soever\n\u0120sell s\n\u0120A - irl\nl iv\n\u0120O ption\n\u0120sol ved\n\u0120se ctors\n\u0120horizont al\n\u0120equ - ation\n\u0120Sk ill\n\u0120B io\ng ement\n\u0120Sn ap\n\u0120Leg al\n\u0120tradem - ark\n\u0120make up\n\u0120assemb led\n\u0120sa ves\n\u0120Hallow een\n\u0120Ver - mont\n\u0120FR OM\n\u0120far ming\n\u0120P odcast\naccept able\n\u0120Hig - her\n\u0120as leep\null ivan\n\u0120refere n\n\u0120Le v\n\u0120bul lets\nok - o\nH C\n\u0120st airs\n\u0120main tains\n\u0120L ower\n\u0120V i\n\u0120mar - ine\n\u0120ac res\n\u0120coordin ator\n\u0120J oh\n\u0120counterpart s\n\u0120Brother - s\n\u0120ind ict\nb ra\n\u0120ch unk\n\u0120c ents\nH ome\n\u0120Mon th\n\u0120according - ly\nif les\n\u0120Germ ans\n\u0120Sy n\nH ub\n\u0120ey eb\n\xE2\u0136\u0122\xE2\u0136\u0122 - \xE2\u0136\u0122\xE2\u0136\u0122\n\u0120r anges\n\u0120Holl and\n\u0120Rob - ot\nf c\nM ike\n\u0120pl asma\n\u0120sw ap\n\u0120ath lete\n\u0120R ams\n,' - \"\n\u0120infect ions\n\u0120cor rid\n\u0120v ib\n\u0120pat ches\n\u0120tradition - ally\n\u0120revel ation\n\u0120swe ep\n\u0120gl ance\n\u0120in ex\n200 3\n\u0120R - aw\nwork ing\nos ures\n\u0120D at\n\u0120Lyn ch\n\u0120le verage\n\u0120Re - id\n\u0120correl ation\nian ces\nav ascript\n\u0120rep ository\nret ty\n\u012019 - 72\n24 0\n\u0120o un\np ol\n\u0120Re ed\n\u0120tact ical\nis ite\nApp le\n\u0120Qu - inn\n\u0120rap ed\nill o\nEuro pe\n\u0120algorith ms\n\u0120Rod rig\ni u\n\u0120ill - um\n\u0120f ame\n\u0120introdu cing\n\u0120del ays\n\u0120Raid ers\n\u0120wh - istle\n\u0120novel s\n\u0120Re ally\n\u0120der iv\n\u0120public ations\n\u0120Ne - ither\n\u0120Com merce\n\u0120a ston\nl anguage\nNot es\n\u0120R oth\n\u0120F - ear\n\u0120m ate\n\u0120par ade\n\u0120Q B\n\u0120man eu\n\u0120C incinnati\nm - itting\n\u0120wa ist\n\u0120R ew\n\u0120disc ont\n\xD0 \xB0\n\u0120st aring\n\u0120al - ias\n\u0120sec urities\n\u0120toile t\n\u0120J edi\n\u0120un law\nv ised\n//// - ////\n] (\n\u0120We iss\n\u0120pre st\n\u0120Comp an\n\u0120mem o\n\u0120Gr - ace\nJ uly\n\u0120El ite\ncent er\n\u0120St ay\n\u0120gal axy\n\u0120to oth\n\u0120S - ettings\n\u0120subject ed\n\xE3\u0124 \xA6\n\u0120line back\n\u0120retail - ers\n\u0120W ant\n\u0120d angers\nA ir\n\u0120volunt ary\new ay\n\u0120interpret - ed\not ine\n\xC3 \xA7\n\u0120p el\nServ ice\n\u0120Event ually\n\u0120care - ers\n\u0120threat en\n\u0120mem or\n\u0120Brad ley\nanc ies\ns n\n\u0120Un - known\nN ational\n\u0120sh adows\nail and\n\u0120D ash\nEvery one\nizz ard\nM - arch\n= (\n\u0120pull s\n\u0120str anger\n\u0120back wards\n\u0120Bern ard\nimens - ional\n\u0120ch ron\n\u0120theoret ical\nk top\n\u0120w are\n\u0120Invest - ig\n\u0120In iti\n\u0120Oper ations\no ven\noc ide\n* /\n\u0120fl ames\n\u0120C - ash\nsh it\n\u0120c ab\n\u0120An aly\n\u0120Se ah\n\u0120defin ing\n\u0120order - ing\n\u0120imm un\n\u0120pers istent\nAC H\nRuss ian\nm ans\n\u0120h ind\n\u0120phot - ography\n\xC2 \xA9\n\u0120h ug\n\u012010 7\n\u0120H ence\ni ots\nude au\n\u0120subsid - ies\n\u0120routine ly\n\u0120Dev ice\nit ic\n\u0120disg ust\nland er\n\u012019 - 40\n\u0120assign ment\n\u0120B esides\nw ick\n\u0120D ust\nus c\nstruct ed\n11 - 1\nde velop\n\u0120f ond\n\u0120inter section\n\u0120dign ity\n\u0120commission - er\nWith out\nre ach\n\u0120cart oon\n\u0120sc ales\n\xE3\u0125 \u0143\nF - IG\n\u0120surve ys\n\u0120Indones ia\n\u0120art work\n\u0120un ch\n\u0120cy - cling\nun ct\nau er\nor ate\n\u0120Ob viously\n\u0120character ized\nfe ld\n\u0120aff - irm\n\u0120inn ings\n\u0120 \xE9\n\u0120al iens\n\u0120cl oth\net ooth\n\u0120C - ertain\n\xC2 \xA7\n\u0120dig est\nk now\n\u0120X L\n\u0120predict ions\n\u0120d - in\nW AR\n\u0120after math\nEx ample\n\u0120Su ccess\n\u0120Th r\nIG N\n\u0120min - er\nB us\n\u0120cl arity\nheim er\n\u0120O UT\n\u0120S end\n\u0120Circ le\n\u0120D - iet\n\u0120pron ounced\n\u0120creat ors\n\u0120earthqu ake\natter y\nge ons\n\u0120o - d\n\u0120lay ing\nor p\nU lt\npro ject\n\u0120under min\n\u0120sequ el\nS - am\n\u0120Dark ness\n\u0120re ception\nb ull\nY S\n\u0120V ir\n\u0120sequ - ences\n\u0120Co in\n\u0120out fit\n\u0120W ait\n1 19\n\u0120del ivers\n.... - ..\n\u0120bl own\n\u0120E sc\n\u0120M ath\nper m\n\u0120U l\n\u0120gl im\n\u0120fac - ial\n\u0120green house\n\u0120to kens\n/ -\n\u0120Ann ual\n\u0120ON E\n\u0120teen - age\n\u0120Phys ical\n\u0120L ang\n\u0120C elt\n\u0120su ed\nivid ually\n\u0120pat - ience\nch air\nreg ular\n\u0120a ug\nin v\nex cept\n\u0120L il\n\u0120n est\nf - d\ns um\n\u0120Ch ase\nRuss ia\n\u0120Jenn ifer\n\u0120off season\nOver all\nF - ore\n\u0120r iot\nA ud\nform er\n\u0120defend ers\n\u0120C T\niot ic\nrib - ly\n\u0120autom ated\n\u0120pen is\n\u0120ins ist\n\u0120di agram\n\u0120S - QL\n\u0120G arc\n\u0120w itch\ncl ient\nier ra\nam bers\n\u0120rec ount\nf - ar\nV ery\noster one\n\u0120appreci ated\n\u0120Per fect\nS ection\n\u0120d - oses\noca ust\n\u0120cost ly\n\u0120g rams\n\u0120Sh i\n\u0120wrest ling\n\u012019 - 71\n\u0120tro phy\n\u0120n erve\n\u0120K az\n\u0120Exper ience\n\u0120pled - ged\n\u0120play back\n\u0120creat ivity\nby e\n\u0120attack ers\n\u0120hold - ers\n\u0120Co ach\n\u0120Ph D\n\u0120transf ers\n\u0120col ored\n\u0120H indu\n\u0120d - rown\n\u0120list ened\n\u0120W A\nias m\nP O\n\u0120appeal ing\n\u0120discl - osed\n\u0120Ch icken\nag ging\n\u0120ple aded\n\u0120nav igation\n\u0120Return - s\n\u0120[ [\nR OR\nE A\n\u0120photograp her\n\u0120R ider\nipp ers\n\u0120sl - ice\n\u0120e rect\n\u0120he d\niss ance\n\u0120Vik ings\nur ious\n\u0120app - et\noubted ly\nCh ild\n\u0120authent ic\no os\n\u0120M aking\n\u0120announ - cing\n\u0120b od\n\u0120met er\n\u0120N ine\n\u0120R ogue\n\u0120work force\n\u0120renew - ed\n\u0120organis ations\nac s\nP LE\nSh ort\n\u0120comp ounds\n\u0120Vis - it\n\u0120en velop\near th\n\u0120support ive\ngg le\n\u0120Brus sels\n\u0120Gu - ild\nCre ate\nRE L\n\u0120aver aged\n\u012019 69\nri ages\n\u0120length y\n\u0120forg - ot\nO kay\n\u0120E rd\n\u0120deal er\n\u0120rec ession\nD D\n\u0120desper - ately\n\u0120hun ger\n\u0120st icks\n\u0120m ph\n\u0120F aith\n\u0120intention - ally\n\u0120dem ol\nue ller\n\u0120S ale\n\u0120de bris\ns pring\n\u0120le - ap\n>> >>\n\u0120contain ers\nse lling\nrane an\natter ing\n\u0120comment - ed\n\u0120C M\non ut\n\u0120wood s\nes pecially\n\u0120organ ize\niv ic\n\u0120Wood - s\nang a\ns qu\n\u0120m aj\nam on\n\u0120ax is\n\u012019 74\n\u0120Den mark\n\u0120war - rior\n\u0120P and\n\u0120out lined\n\u0120B O\nins ula\nz illa\neb ook\n\u0120d - are\n\u0120sear ched\n\u0120nav igate\nS n\nwrit ing\n\u0120un ited\nJ apan\n\u0120He - brew\n\u0120fl ame\n\u0120rel ies\n\u0120catch ing\n\u0120Sh o\n\u0120imprison - ment\n\u0120p ockets\n\u0120clos ure\n\u0120F am\nt im\nade qu\nAct ivity\n\u0120recru - iting\n\u0120W ATCH\n\u0120Argent ina\nd est\n\u0120apolog ize\nor o\n\u0120lack - s\n\u0120tun ed\n\u0120Griff in\n\u0120inf amous\n\u0120celebr ity\nss on\n\u0120 - ----------------------------------------------------------------\n\u0120Is - is\n\u0120Dis play\n\u0120cred ibility\n\u0120econom ies\n\u0120head line\n\u0120Cow - boys\n\u0120ind ef\n\u0120l ately\n\u0120incent ives\nbut ton\n\u0120M ob\nA - ut\n\u0120res igned\n\u0120O m\nc amp\n\u0120prof iles\n\u0120sche mes\nolph - ins\nay ed\nCl inton\nen h\n\u0120Y ahoo\n\u0120ab st\n\u0120an k\nsu its\n\u0120w - ished\n\u0120Mar co\nudd en\n\u0120sp here\n\u0120B ishop\n\u0120incorpor - ated\n\u0120Pl ant\n11 4\n\u0120h ated\np ic\n\u0120don ate\n\u0120l ined\n\u0120be - ans\n\u0120steal ing\n\u0120cost ume\n\u0120sher iff\n\u0120for ty\n\u0120int - act\n\u0120adapt ed\n\u0120trave lling\nb art\n\u0120nice ly\n\u0120dri ed\n\u0120sc - al\nos ity\nNOT E\n\u0120B h\n\u0120Bron cos\n\u0120I gn\n\u0120int imate\n\u0120chem - istry\n\u0120opt imal\nD eb\n\u0120Gener ation\n\u0120] ,\nich i\n\u0120W - ii\n\u0120YOU R\nvent ions\nW rite\n\u0120pop ul\nun ning\n\u0120W or\nV ol\n\u0120qu - een\nhead s\nK K\n\u0120analy ze\nop ic\near chers\n\u0120d ot\nleg raph\nast - ically\n\u0120upgr ades\n\u0120ca res\n\u0120ext ending\n\u0120free ze\n\u0120in - ability\n\u0120org ans\n\u0120pret end\n\u0120out let\n11 3\nol an\n\u0120M - all\nul ing\nt alk\n\u0120express ing\n\u0120Al ways\n\u0120Be gin\nf iles\n\u0120lic - enses\n% %\n\u0120M itt\n\u0120fil ters\n\u0120Mil waukee\nG N\n\u0120unf - old\nM o\n\u0120nut rition\npp o\nB o\n\u0120found ing\n\u0120under mine\n\u0120eas - iest\n\u0120C zech\n\u0120M ack\n\u0120sexual ity\n\u0120N ixon\nW in\n\u0120Ar - n\n\u0120K in\n\xE3\u0124 \xA3\nic er\n\u0120fort un\n\u0120surf aces\nagh - d\n\u0120car riers\n\u0120P ART\n\u0120T ib\n\u0120inter val\n\u0120frust - rating\n\u0120Sh ip\n\u0120Ar med\nff e\n\u0120bo ats\n\u0120Ab raham\nin - is\n\u0120su ited\nth read\ni ov\nab ul\n\u0120Venezuel a\n\u0120to m\nsu - per\n\u0120cast le\nalth ough\niox ide\nec hes\n\u0120evolution ary\n\u0120negoti - ate\n\u0120confront ed\nRem ember\n\u012017 0\nS uch\n\u01209 11\nm ult\n\u0120A - byss\nur ry\nke es\nspe c\n\u0120Barb ara\n\u0120belong ing\n\u0120vill ain\nist - ani\n\u0120account able\n\u0120port ions\n\u0120De cl\nU r\n\u0120K ate\ng - re\n\u0120mag azines\nUC K\n\u0120regul ate\nom on\n\u0120Al most\n\u0120over - view\n\u0120sc ram\n\u0120l oot\n\u0120F itz\n\u0120character istic\n\u0120Sn - ake\ns ay\n\u0120R ico\n\u0120tra it\n\u0120Jo ined\nau cus\n\u0120adapt ation\n\u0120Airl - ines\n\u0120arch ae\n\u0120I de\n\u0120b ikes\n\u0120liter ary\n\u0120influ - ences\n\u0120Us ed\nC reat\n\u0120ple a\n\u0120Def ence\n\u0120Ass ass\n\u0120p - ond\nUL T\n) \"\n\u0120eval uated\n\u0120ob taining\n\u0120dem ographic\n\u0120vig - il\nale y\n\u0120sp ouse\n\u0120Seah awks\nresp ons\n\u0120B elt\num atic\n\u0120r - ises\nrun ner\n\u0120Michel le\n\u0120pot ent\nr ace\n\u0120P AC\nF ind\nolester - ol\nIS S\n\u0120Introdu ced\nress es\nign ment\nO s\n\u0120T u\n\u0120De x\nic - ides\n\u0120spark ed\n\u0120Laur a\n\u0120Bry ant\n\u0120sm iling\n\u0120Nex - us\n\u0120defend ants\n\u0120Cat al\n\u0120dis hes\nsh aped\n\u0120pro long\nm - t\n( $\n\xE3\u0122 \u0124\n\u0120calcul ations\n\u0120S ame\n\u0120p iv\nH - H\n\u0120cance lled\n\u0120gr in\n\u0120territ ories\nist ically\nC ome\n\u0120P - arent\nPro ject\n\u0120neg lig\n\u0120Priv acy\n\u0120am mo\nLE CT\nolute - ly\n\u0120Ep ic\n\u0120mis under\nw al\nApr il\nm os\npath y\n\u0120C arson\n\u0120album - s\n\u0120E asy\n\u0120pist ol\n< <\n\u0120\\ (\nt arget\nhel p\n\u0120inter - pre\ncons cious\n\u0120H ousing\n\u0120J oint\n12 7\n\u0120be ers\ns cience\n\u0120Fire - fox\neffect ive\n\u0120C abin\n\u0120O kay\n\u0120App lic\n\u0120space craft\n\u0120S - R\nve t\n\u0120Str ange\nS B\n\u0120cor ps\niber al\ne fficient\n\u0120preval - ence\n\u0120econom ists\n11 8\nTh read\nord able\nOD E\n\u0120C ant\n=- =-\nif - iable\n\u0120A round\n\u0120po le\n\u0120willing ness\nCL A\n\u0120K id\n\u0120comple - ment\n\u0120sc attered\n\u0120in mates\n\u0120ble eding\ne very\n\u0120que - ue\n\u0120Tr ain\n\u0120h ij\n\u0120me lee\nple ted\n\u0120dig it\n\u0120g - em\noffic ial\n\u0120lif ting\n\xD0 \xB5\nRe qu\nit utes\n\u0120pack aging\n\u0120Work - ers\nh ran\n\u0120Leban on\nol esc\n\u0120pun ished\n\u0120J uan\n\u0120j - am\n\u0120D ocument\n\u0120m apping\nic ates\n\u0120inev itably\n\u0120van - illa\n\u0120T on\n\u0120wat ches\n\u0120le agues\n\u0120initi ated\ndeg ree\nport - ion\n\u0120rec alls\n\u0120ru in\n\u0120m elt\nI AN\n\u0120he m\nEx p\n\u0120b - aking\n\u0120Col omb\nat ible\n\u0120rad ius\npl ug\n\u0120I F\net ically\n\u0120f - ict\nH ER\n\u0120T ap\natin um\n\u0120in k\n\u0120co h\n\u0120W izard\nb oth\nte - x\n\u0120sp ends\n\u0120Current ly\n\u0120P it\n\u0120neur ons\nig nt\n\u0120r - all\n\u0120bus es\nb uilding\n\u0120adjust ments\n\u0120c ried\nibl ical\natt - ed\n\u0120Z ion\n\u0120M atter\n\u0120med itation\n\u0120D ennis\n\u0120our - s\n\u0120T ab\n\u0120rank ings\nort al\n\u0120ad vers\n\u0120sur render\n\u0120G - ob\nci um\nom as\nim eter\n\u0120multi player\n\u0120hero in\n\u0120optim - istic\n\u0120indic ator\n\u0120Br ig\n\u0120gro cery\n\u0120applic ant\n\u0120Rock - et\nv id\nEx ception\np ent\n\u0120organ izing\n\u0120enc ounters\n\u0120T - OD\n\u0120jew el\nS ave\n\u0120Christ ie\n\u0120he ating\n\u0120l azy\n\u0120C - P\n\u0120cous in\nCon fig\n\u0120reg ener\n\u0120ne arest\n\u0120achie ving\nEN - S\nth row\n\u0120Rich mond\nant le\n200 2\n\u0120an ten\nb ird\n13 3\n\u0120n - arc\nr aint\nun ny\n\u0120Hispan ic\nourn aments\n\u0120prop he\n\u0120Th - ailand\n\u0120T i\n\u0120inject ion\n\u0120inher it\nrav is\n\u0120med i\n\u0120who - ever\n\u0120DE BUG\nG P\n\u0120H ud\nC ard\np rom\n\u0120p or\n\u0120over - head\nL aw\n\u0120viol ate\n\u0120he ated\n\u0120descript ions\n\u0120achieve - ments\n\u0120Be er\n\u0120Qu ant\nW as\n\u0120e ighth\n\u0120I v\n\u0120special - ized\nU PDATE\n\u0120D elta\nP op\nJ ul\n\u0120As k\noph y\n\u0120news letters\n\u0120T - ool\n\u0120g ard\n\u0120Conf eder\n\u0120GM T\n\u0120Ab bott\n\u0120imm unity\n\u0120V - M\nIs lam\n\u0120impl icit\nw d\n\u012019 44\nrav ity\nomet ric\n\u0120surv - iving\nur ai\n\u0120Pr ison\n\u0120r ust\n\u0120Sk etch\n\u0120be es\n\u0120The - ory\n\u0120mer it\nT ex\nch at\n\u0120m im\n\u0120past e\n\u0120K och\n\u0120ignor - ance\n\u0120Sh oot\n\u0120bas ement\nUn ited\n\u0120Ad vis\nhe ight\n\u0120f - oster\n\u0120det ain\nin formation\n\u0120ne ural\n' ;\n\u0120prov es\nall - ery\n\u0120inv itation\num bers\n\u0120c attle\n\u0120bicy cle\nz i\n\u0120consult - ant\n\u0120ap ology\n\u0120T iger\n\u012012 3\n99 9\n\u0120ind ividually\nr - t\nig ion\n\u0120Brazil ian\n\u0120dist urb\n\u0120entreprene urs\n\u0120fore - sts\ncer pt\npl ates\np her\nclip se\n\u0120tw itter\n\u0120ac ids\nograph - ical\nh um\n\u0120B ald\nif ully\n\u0120comp iler\n\u0120D A\n\u0120don or\nas - i\n\u0120trib al\nl ash\n\u0120Con fig\n\u0120applic ants\n\u0120sal aries\n13 - 5\nPut in\n\u0120F ocus\nir s\n\u0120misc onduct\n\u0120H az\n\u0120eat en\nM - obile\nMus lim\n\u0120Mar cus\nv iol\n\u0120favor able\n\u0120st ub\nad in\n\u0120H - ob\n\u0120faith ful\n\u0120electron ics\n\u0120vac uum\nw ait\nback ed\neconom - ic\nd ist\n\u0120ten ure\n\u0120since re\n\u0120T ogether\n\u0120W ave\n\u0120prog - ression\n\u0120den ying\n\u0120dist ress\nbr aska\nth ird\n\u0120mix ing\n\u0120colon - ial\n\u0120priv ately\n\u0120un rest\natern ity\n\u0120prem ises\nant i\ngreg - ation\n\u0120lic ence\n\u0120H ind\n\u0120Sam uel\n\u0120convinc ing\n\u0120A - ce\n\u0120R ust\n\u0120Net anyahu\n\u0120hand les\n\u0120P atch\norient ed\nah - o\n\u0120G onz\n\u0120hack ers\nclaim er\n\u0120custom s\n\u0120Gr an\nf ighters\n\u0120l - uc\n\u0120man uscript\naren thood\n\u0120dev il\n\u0120war riors\n\u0120off - enders\nWill iam\n\u0120hol idays\n\u0120night mare\n\u0120le ver\niff erent\nSt - at\n\u0120exhib ition\nput ed\n\u0120P ure\n\u0120al pha\n\u0120enthus iasm\n\u0120Represent - atives\nE AR\n\u0120T yp\n\u0120whe at\n\u0120Al f\n\u0120cor rection\n\u0120ev - angel\nAT T\nM iss\n\u0120s oup\n\u0120impl ied\npar am\n\u0120sex y\n\u0120L - ux\n\u0120rep ublic\np atch\nab lish\n\u0120ic ons\n\u0120father s\n\u0120G - ET\n\u0120Car ib\n\u0120regul ated\n\u0120Co hen\n\u0120Bob by\n\u0120n er\n\u0120b - ent\nvent ory\n\u0120Al ong\n\u0120E ST\n\u0120Wall ace\n\u0120murd ers\nr - ise\nke ll\n\u0120Common wealth\n\u0120n asty\net a\n\u0120M IT\n\u0120administ - ered\n\u0120genuine ly\nEd itor\nn ick\n\u0120hyd ro\n**************** ****************\n\u0120B - le\n\u0120fin es\n\u0120g orge\naus ible\nr h\n\u0120app le\nment ioned\n\u0120ro - pe\not yp\nH R\n\u0120disappoint ing\n\u0120c age\nn ik\n\u0120doub ts\n\u0120F - REE\nprint s\n\u0120M UST\n\u0120vend ors\n\u0120In qu\n\u0120liber als\n\u0120contract - or\n\u0120up side\nchild ren\n\u0120trick y\n\u0120regul ators\ncharg ed\nl - iter\n\u0120 ***\n\u0120reb ell\nl ang\n\u0120loc als\n\u0120phys icians\n\u0120he - y\nar se\nt m\n\u0120Le x\n\u0120behavior al\nsuccess ful\nF X\n\u0120br ick\nov - ic\n\u0120con form\n\u0120review ing\n\u0120ins ights\n\u0120bi ology\n\u0120Rem - ove\n\u0120Ext ra\n\u0120comm itting\nindu ced\nignt y\nig m\n\u0120at omic\nComm - on\n\u0120E M\n\u0120P ere\n\u0120It ems\ne h\n\u0120pres erved\n\u0120H ood\n\u0120prison - er\n\u0120bankrupt cy\n\u0120g ren\nus hes\n\u0120explo itation\n\u0120sign - atures\n\u0120fin an\n] ,\"\n\u0120M R\n\u0120me g\nrem lin\n\u0120music ians\n\u0120select - ing\n\u0120exam ining\nIN K\nl ated\nH i\n\u0120art ic\n\u0120p ets\n\u0120imp - air\n\u0120M AN\n\u0120table ts\nin clude\nR ange\n\u0120ca ut\n\u0120log - s\n\u0120mount ing\n\u0120un aware\n\u0120dynam ics\n\u0120Palest ine\n\u0120Qu - arter\n\u0120Pur ple\n\u0120m a\n\u0120Im port\n\u0120collect ions\nci ation\n\u0120success - or\n\u0120cl one\n\u0120aim ing\n\u0120poss essed\n\u0120stick ing\n\u0120sh - aking\n\u0120loc ate\n\u0120H ockey\nT urn\n17 0\n\u0120fif teen\n\u0120Har - rison\n\u0120continu ously\n\u0120T C\n\u0120Val ent\n\u0120Res cue\n\u0120by - pass\nam ount\n\u0120m ast\n\u0120protect s\n\u0120art istic\n\u0120somet - ime\n\u0120sh oe\n\u0120shout ed\nific ant\net itive\n\u0120Reg ister\n\u0120J - in\n\u0120concent rated\nling ton\non ies\n\u0120gener ator\nyr im\n\u0120Ar - men\n\u0120clear ing\nid o\n\u0120T W\nal ph\n\u0120lad ies\nH ard\n\u0120dial - og\n\u0120input s\n\xE6 \u013E\n\u0120pos es\n\u0120sl ots\n\u0120Prem ium\n\u0120le - aks\n\u0120boss es\n\u012011 3\nc ourse\nA cc\n\u0120New ton\n\u0120Aust ria\n\u0120M - age\n\u0120te aches\nab ad\n\u0120we ars\n\u0120c yl\n\u0120cur se\n\u0120S - ales\n\u0120W ings\n\u0120p sy\n\u0120g aps\n\u0120Ice land\n\u0120P interest\n\u0120land - lord\n\u0120defin itions\n\u0120K er\n\u0120sufficient ly\n\u0120P ence\n\u0120Arch - itect\n\u0120sur pass\n\u012011 4\n\u0120super hero\n\u0120Dise ase\n\u0120pri - ests\n\u0120C ulture\n\u0120defin itive\n\u0120secret ly\n\u0120D ance\ninst - all\nch ief\n\u0120Jess ica\nW ould\nUp dated\n\u0120lock er\n\u0120K ay\n\u0120mem - orial\n\xE8 \xA6\nf at\n\u0120dis gu\n\u0120flav ors\n\u0120Base ball\n\u0120Res - istance\n\u0120k icks\n\u0120en v\n\u0120teen agers\nD ark\n\u0120C AR\n\u0120h - alt\n\u0120L G\n\u0120Gab riel\n\u0120fe ver\n\u0120s atur\n\u0120m all\n\u0120affili - ate\n\u0120S leep\n\u0120Spe cific\n\u0120V el\n\u0120j ar\n\u0120Sac red\n\u0120Ed - wards\n\u0120A CL\n\u0120ret ained\n\u0120G iant\n\u0120lim itation\nin ces\n\u0120ref - usal\n\u0120T ale\n\u0120But ler\n\u0120acc idents\n\u0120C SS\n\u0120import - ed\n\u0120Cop y\n\xCE \xB1\nER T\nz el\n\u0120div isions\nh ots\n\u0120Al - b\n\u0120D S\nLoad er\nW ashington\nat isf\n\u0120Creat ive\n\\ .\n\u0120Aut - om\nred ict\n\u0120recept or\n\u0120Carl os\nMet hod\nok a\n\u0120mal icious\n\u0120ste - pping\n, [\n\u0120D ad\n\u0120att raction\n\u0120Effect s\n\u0120Pir ate\n\u0120C - er\n\u0120Indust ry\n\u0120R ud\n\u0120char ter\n\u0120d ining\n\u0120ins - ists\n\u0120config ure\n\u0120( #\n\u0120Sim ple\n\u0120Sc roll\nUT C\n17 - 5\n\u0120K on\n\u0120market place\n\u0120 \xE3\u0124\n\u0120ref res\n\u0120g - ates\ner red\n\u0120P od\n\u0120beh ave\nFr ank\nn ode\n\u0120endors ed\nhe - tt\nas ive\n\u0120Hom eland\n\u0120r ides\n\u0120Le ave\ner ness\n\u0120flood - ing\nA FP\n\u0120ris en\n\u0120contin ually\n\u0120un anim\n\u0120Cont ract\n\u0120P - as\n\u0120gu ided\n\u0120Ch ile\nb d\n\u0120su cc\npt ic\n\u0120comm ittees\n\u0120L - uther\n\u0120Any one\n\u0120s ab\n12 4\n\u0120p ixel\n\u0120B ak\n\u0120T - ag\n\u0120Benn ett\nEn ter\nsm all\n\u0120President ial\n\u0120p ul\n\u0120contr - ace\narch ive\n\u0120coast al\n\u0120K ids\n19 2\n\xE2\u0122 \xB2\nick y\nING - TON\n\u0120w olf\n\u0120St alin\nT ur\nid get\nam as\n\u0120Un less\n\u0120spons - or\n\u0120mor ph\n\u0120Cho ose\n\u0120run ner\n\u0120un bel\n\u0120m ud\n\u0120Man - a\n\u0120dub bed\n\u0120g odd\nure rs\nwind ow\n\u0120rel ied\n\u0120celebr - ating\nos c\n\u012013 5\n\u0120lobb ying\n\u0120incom plete\n\u0120restrict - ion\n\u0120inc ap\nit us\n\u0120expect ation\n\u0120Ap ollo\n\u0120int ens\n\u0120syn - c\nG H\n\u0120manip ulation\nB Y\n\u0120spe ar\n\u0120bre asts\n\u0120vol - can\nil ia\nM aterial\n\u0120form ats\n\u0120B ast\n\u0120parliament ary\n\u0120sn - ake\n\u0120serv ants\n\u0120Tr udeau\n\u0120Gr im\n\u0120Arab ic\n\u0120SC - P\n\u0120Boy s\nst ation\n\u0120prospect ive\nord e\nin itialized\n\u0120b - ored\nAB LE\n\u0120access ed\n\u0120tax i\n\u0120She ll\naid en\nurs ed\nin - ates\n\u0120Ins urance\n\u0120Pet e\nSept ember\n6 50\n\u0120ad ventures\n\u0120Co - ver\n\u0120t ribute\n\u0120sk etch\n\u0120em power\n\u0120 \xD8\n\u0120Gl - enn\n\u0120D aw\n= \\\"\n\u0120Polit ics\n\u0120gu ides\n\u0120d ioxide\n\u0120G - ore\n\u0120Br ight\n\u0120S ierra\n\u0120val ued\nc ond\n\u0120po inter\nSe - lect\n\u0120risk y\n\u0120absor b\nim ages\n\u0120ref uses\n\u0120bon uses\n__ - _\n\u0120h ilar\n\u0120F eatures\n2 20\n\u0120Collect or\nF oot\n\u012019 - 64\ncul us\n\u0120d awn\n\u0120work out\n\u0120L O\n\u0120philosoph ical\n\u0120Sand - y\n\u0120You th\n\u0120l iable\nA f\nbl ue\n\u0120overt urn\nless ness\n\u0120Trib - une\n\u0120In g\n\u0120fact ories\n\u0120cat ches\n\u0120pr one\n\u0120mat - rix\n\u0120log in\n\u0120in acc\n\u0120ex ert\ns ys\n\u0120need le\n\u0120Q - ur\n\u0120not ified\nould er\nt x\n\u0120remind s\n\u0120publisher s\n\u0120n - ort\n\u0120g it\n\u0120fl ies\n\u0120Em ily\n\u0120flow ing\n\u0120Al ien\n\u0120Str - ateg\n\u0120hard est\n\u0120mod ification\nAP I\n\u0120M Y\n\u0120cr ashes\nst - airs\nn umber\n\u0120ur ging\nch annel\n\u0120Fal con\n\u0120inhabit ants\n\u0120terr - ifying\n\u0120util ize\n\u0120ban ner\n\u0120cig arettes\n\u0120sens es\n\u0120Hol - mes\n\u0120pract ition\n\u0120Phill ips\nott o\n\u0120comp ile\nMod el\n\u0120K - o\n\u0120[ ]\nAmeric ans\n\u0120Ter ms\n\u0120med ications\n\u0120An a\n\u0120fundament - ally\n\u0120Not ice\n\u0120we aker\n\u0120 0000\n\u0120gar lic\n\u0120out - break\n\u0120econom ist\n\u0120B irth\n\u0120obst acles\nar cer\n\u0120Or - thodox\n\u0120place bo\n\u0120C rew\nasp berry\n\u0120Ang els\n\u0120dis charge\n\u0120destruct - ive\n11 7\n\u0120R ising\n\u0120d airy\nl ate\n\u0120coll ision\n\u0120Tig - ers\nean or\nocument ed\n\u0120In valid\n\u0120d ont\n\u0120L iter\n\u0120V - a\n\u0120hyd rogen\n\u0120vari ants\n\u0120Brown s\n\u012019 65\n\u0120ind - igenous\n\u0120trad es\n\u0120remain der\n\u0120swe pt\n\u0120Imp act\n\u0120red - ist\n\u0120un int\ngrad uate\n\xE3\u0125 \u0137\n\u0120W ILL\n\xE3\u0123\xAE - \xE7\n\u0120Crit ical\n\u0120f isher\n\u0120v icious\n\u0120revers ed\nY ear\n\u0120S - ox\n\u0120shoot ings\n\u0120fil ming\n\u0120touchdown s\nai res\nm el\n\u0120grand - father\n\u0120affect ion\ning le\n\u0120over ly\nAdd itional\n\u0120sup reme\n\u0120Gr - ad\n\u0120sport ing\n\u0120mer cy\n\u0120Brook s\nount y\n\u0120perform s\n\u0120tight - ly\n\u0120dem ons\n\u0120kill ings\n\u0120fact ion\n\u0120Nov a\naut s\n\u0120und - oubtedly\nar in\n\u0120under way\nra k\n\u0120l iv\n\u0120Reg ion\n\u0120brief - ing\ns ers\ncl oud\n\u0120M ik\nus p\n\u0120pred iction\naz or\n\u0120port - able\n\u0120G and\n\u0120present ing\n\u012010 80\n\xC2 \xBB\nush i\n\u0120Sp - ark\nthere um\n\u0120just ification\n\u0120N y\n\u0120contract ors\nming ham\n\u0120St - yle\n\xE5 \u0127\n\u0120Chron icles\n\u0120Pict ure\n\u0120prov ing\n\u0120w - ives\nset t\n\u0120mole cules\n\u0120Fair y\n\u0120consist ing\n\u0120p ier\nal - one\nin ition\n\u0120n ucle\nj son\n\u0120g otta\n\u0120mob il\n\u0120ver - bal\nar ium\n\u0120mon ument\nuck ed\n\u012025 6\nT ech\nmine craft\n\u0120Tr - ack\n\u0120t ile\n\u0120compat ibility\nas is\n\u0120s add\n\u0120instruct - ed\n\u0120M ueller\n\u0120le thal\n\u0120horm one\n\u0120or che\nel se\n\u0120ske - let\n\u0120entert aining\n\u0120minim ize\nag ain\n\u0120under go\n\u0120const - raints\n\u0120cig arette\n\u0120Islam ist\n\u0120travel s\n\u0120Pant hers\nl - ings\nC are\n\u0120law suits\nur as\n\u0120cry st\n\u0120low ered\n\u0120aer - ial\n\u0120comb inations\n\u0120ha un\n\u0120ch a\n\u0120v ine\n\u0120quant - ities\n\u0120link ing\nb ank\n\u0120so y\nB ill\n\u0120Angel a\n\u0120recip - ient\n\u0120Prot est\n\u0120s ocket\n\u0120solid arity\n\u0120\xE2 \u0128\nm - ill\n\u0120var ies\n\u0120Pak istani\nDr agon\n\u0120un e\n\u0120hor izon\n\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142 - \xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\n\u0120prov inces\n\u0120frank ly\n\u0120enact - ed\nnot es\n[ '\n\u012019 2\nocr acy\n\u0120endorse ment\n\u0120over time\nTr - ue\nL ab\nlic ted\n\u0120D NC\n\u0120be ats\n\u0120Jam ie\n15 2\n\u0120IN - T\nCont act\n\u0120account ed\nh ash\n\u0120Pack ers\np ires\n\u0120les bian\n\u0120amend - ments\n\u0120hop eful\n\u0120Fin land\n\u0120spot light\n\u0120config ured\n\u0120trou - bled\n\u0120g aze\n\u0120Cal gary\n\u0120rel iability\n\u0120ins urg\nsw er\nb - uy\n\u0120Sk in\n\u0120p ixels\n\u0120hand gun\n\u0120par as\n\u0120categ - or\n\u0120E L\n\u0120Re x\nInd eed\n\u0120kind a\n\u0120conj unction\n\u0120Bry - an\n\u0120Man ufact\ny ang\nPl us\nS QL\nish ment\n\u0120dom inate\n\u0120n - ail\n\u0120o ath\n\u0120eru pt\n\u0120F ine\nit bart\n\u0120Ch ip\n\u0120Ab - d\n\u0120N am\n\u0120buy er\n\u0120diss ent\nLe aks\nCont in\n\u0120r ider\n\u0120Some - one\n\u0120ill usion\nc in\n\u0120Boe ing\n\u0120in adequ\nov ation\ni ants\n\u0120reb - uild\n4 50\n\u0120Dest iny\nS W\n\u0120T ill\nH it\nia z\n\u0120Bang l\nacher - s\n\u0120Re form\n\u0120se gments\n\u0120system atic\nd c\n\u0120Conserv atives\n\u0120port - al\nh or\n\u0120Dragon bound\n\u0120drag ged\nom o\n\u0120the e\nad vert\n\u0120Rep - orts\n\u0120E t\n\u0120barrel s\nAug ust\n\u0120compar isons\n\u0120he x\n\u0120an - throp\n\" [\nbor ough\nab i\n\u0120pict ured\nplay ing\n\u0120Add ress\n\u0120Mir - ror\nSm ith\n\u0120t ires\n\u0120N PR\nAA AA\n\u0120class ification\n\u0120Th - an\n\u0120H arm\n\u0120R A\n\u0120reject ion\nmin ation\n\u0120r anged\n\u0120F - alls\nD I\nH ost\n\xE3\u0124 \xB4\n\u0120Ex ample\nlist ed\nth irds\n\u0120saf - egu\nbr and\n\u0120prob able\nCan ada\nIT ION\n\u0120Q aeda\n\u0120ch ick\n\u0120import - s\nh it\nl oc\nW W\n\u0120ble w\n\u0120any time\n\u0120wh oles\nik ed\n\u0120cal - culation\ncre ate\n\u0120O ri\n\u0120upgr aded\n\u0120app ar\nut ory\n\u0120M - ol\nB rit\n\u0120J ong\nIN AL\n\u0120Start ing\n\u0120d ice\nurt le\n\u0120re - lying\ncl osure\n\u0120prof itable\n\u0120sl aughter\n\u0120Man ual\nc aster\n\u0120\" - $\n\u0120fe ather\n\u0120Sim ply\nie ves\n\u0120deter ior\n\u0120PC I\n\u0120st - amp\n\u0120fl aws\n\u0120sh ade\nham mer\n\u0120pass port\n\u0120cont ing\nam - el\n\u0120obser vers\n\u0120neg lect\n\u0120R B\n\u0120Brother hood\n\u0120skept - ical\nf amily\nus k\n\u0120emotion ally\n\xE2 \u013B\n\u0120Bet a\nason able\nid - ity\n\u0120M ul\n\u0120kick ing\n\u0120C arm\noll ah\nVERT IS\n\u0120At hen\n\u0120lad - der\n\u0120Bul let\n\xE5 \xA3\n00 01\n\u0120Wild life\n\u0120M ask\n\u0120N - an\nR ev\n\u0120un acceptable\nleg al\n\u0120crowd ed\nag i\n\u0120C ox\nj - e\n\u0120mor ality\n\u0120fu els\n\u0120c ables\n\u0120man kind\n\u0120Carib - bean\n\u0120anch or\n\u0120by te\n\u0120O ften\n\u0120O z\n\u0120craft ed\n\u0120histor - ian\n\u0120W u\n\u0120tow ers\n\u0120Citiz ens\n\u0120hel m\n\u0120cred entials\n\u0120sing - ular\n\u0120Jes se\n\u0120tack les\n\u0120cont empt\n\u0120a fore\n\u0120Sh - adows\n\u0120n il\n\u0120ur gent\napp le\nbl ood\n\u0120v on\n\u0120off line\n\u0120breat - he\n\u0120j umps\n\u0120irre levant\nox ic\nom al\nimport ant\nJ im\n\u0120gl - oves\narm ing\ndep th\n\u0120tal ents\nook ie\n\u0120S B\n\u0120pal m\nuff - s\nest a\nIG H\n\u0120can on\n\u0120Ver izon\n\u0120P le\n\u0120cou pled\nvel - t\n\u0120fundra ising\n\u0120Get ting\n\u0120D LC\n\u0120mathemat ical\n\u0120H - S\n\u0120Card inals\nte lling\n\u0120spons ors\n\u0120 \xCF\n\u0120Bull s\nop - tion\n\u0120prop ose\n\u0120mem orable\n\u0120embr aced\n\u0120decl ining\nHe - alth\ned a\n\u0120} ;\n\u0120sp am\nm ile\n\u0120pit cher\n\u0120E ight\n\u0120car - ing\nut ic\nro le\n\u0120air line\nernand ez\n\u0120Ath let\n\u0120cert ification\nux - e\nrig er\n\u0120em pir\n\u0120sens ation\n\u0120dis m\n\u0120b olt\n\u0120ev - olve\nH ouse\n\u0120consult ation\n\u0120D uty\n\u0120tou ches\n\u0120N athan\n\u0120f - aint\nh ad\n\" (\n\u0120Cons umer\n\u0120Ext reme\n\u012012 7\n\u0120Her m\n\u0120Sac - rament\niz oph\n\u0120anx ious\nul ously\n\u0120soc ially\n\u0120U TC\n\u0120sol - ving\n\u0120Let ter\nHist ory\ned uc\nPr ice\n) );\n\u0120rel oad\nam ic\n\u0120p - ork\n\u0120disc ourse\n\u0120t ournaments\nai ro\n\u0120K ur\n\u0120Cost a\n\u0120viol - ating\n\u0120interf ere\n\u0120recre ational\nuff le\n\u0120spe eches\n\u0120need - ing\n\u0120remem bers\n\u0120cred ited\nn ia\nf ocused\namer a\n\u0120b ru\num - bs\n\u0120Cub an\n\u0120preced ing\n\u0120nons ense\nac ial\n\u0120smart phones\n\u0120St - ories\nS ports\n\u0120Emer gency\noun cing\nef ined\n\u0120b er\n\u0120consult - ing\n\u0120m asters\nhe astern\n.\" [\n\u0120Run ning\n\u0120sus cept\n\u0120F - eng\nAmeric a\npr ises\nst itial\n\u0120Week ly\n\u0120Great er\nmod ules\nif - ter\nG raphics\nul er\n\u0120who lly\n\u0120supp ress\n\u0120conce aled\n\u0120happ - ily\n\u0120accept s\n\u0120En joy\n\u0120r ivers\n\u0120Ex cept\n2 25\n\u0120N - HS\n\u0120Mc Connell\n\u0120p ussy\nfer red\nut able\n\u0120att ain\n\u0120> - =\n\u0120depos its\nroph ic\n\u0120not orious\n\u0120Sh aw\nil itation\n\u0120epid - emic\nall ic\n\u0120small est\nov ich\n\u0120access ories\nper ties\n\u0120sur - plus\n\u0120Me ch\n\u0120amb ig\n\u0120Imm igration\n\u0120ch im\nev al\n\u0120pract - icing\n\u0120Myster y\n\u0120dom ains\n\u0120Sil icon\napp s\n\u0120kilomet - ers\ne a\n\u0120Sm ash\n\u0120warrant y\n\u0120n ost\ns il\nre v\nJ on\n\u0120Dub - lin\n\u0120tast es\n\u0120b out\ng reat\ner ror\n\u0120sw itches\n\u0120B - apt\nD O\nok i\n\u0120sour ced\npro du\n\u0120attach ment\n\u0120Iss ue\n\u0120Quest - ion\nJo in\n\u0120f itted\n\u0120unlaw ful\n^ ^\nere k\n\u0120authent ication\n\u0120st - ole\n\u0120account ability\nl abel\nS earch\n\u0120al beit\natic an\nfund - ed\n\u0120Add ing\n\u0120I Q\n\u0120sub mar\nl it\na que\n\u0120Lear ning\n\u0120int - eger\nM aster\n\u0120Ch rom\n\u0120prem ier\nO p\n\u0120Li u\n\u0120bl essed\n\u0120Gl - obe\n\u0120Resp onse\n\u0120legit im\n\u0120Mer kel\n\u0120dispos al\n\xC2 - \xB4\n\u0120gau ge\npe at\n\u0120indu ced\n\u0120question able\narth y\n\u0120V - it\n\u0120F eed\nU ntil\nU t\nworth y\nR Y\n\u0120H erald\n\u0120Ham mer\n\u0120med - al\n\u0120R ivers\n\u0120H ack\n\u0120clar ify\n\u0120track ed\n\u0120autonom - ous\n\u0120ten ant\n\u0120Q atar\ner ie\n\u0120gr im\n\u0120Mon itor\n\u0120resist - ant\n\u0120Spe c\n\u0120Well s\nN AS\n14 8\n\u0120min ers\niot ics\n\u0120miss - es\n11 6\ng ian\ng it\n\u0120E yes\np res\n\u0120grad uated\n\u0120ang el\n\u0120syn - chron\n\u0120efficient ly\n\u0120trans mitted\nH arry\n\u0120glob ally\nEN - CE\n\u0120Mont ana\nr aged\n\u0120Pre vention\n\u0120p iss\n\u0120L l\n\u0120she - lf\n\u0120B JP\n\u0120Test ament\n\u0120L ate\nik er\n\u0120H app\n\u0120Jul - ian\nh all\n\u0120sp ont\n\u0120shut down\n\u0120incons istent\n\u0120subscrib - ers\n\u0120ske leton\n\u0120Ne braska\n\u0120ins pire\n\u0120V oid\nF eed\n\u0120ang - les\n\u0120Spr ings\n\u0120bench mark\n\u0120vacc ines\nizoph ren\nse xual\nuff - ed\n\u0120sh ine\n\u0120K ath\n\u0120gest ure\nine a\n\u0120r ip\n\u0120opp - ression\n\u0120cons cience\nb t\n\u0120L um\n\u0120inc idence\n\u0120F a\nw - r\n\u0120min eral\n\u0120Sp urs\nalk y\n\u0120th under\n\u0120op io\nBe ing\n\u0120Pal - m\n\u0120was ted\n\u0120l b\ni aries\n\u0120Initi ative\n\u0120cur ric\n\u0120mark - er\n\u0120Mc L\n\u0120ext ensions\n\u0120P v\n\u0120Ar ms\n\u0120offer ings\n\u0120def - enses\n\u0120vend or\n\u0120contrad ict\n\u0120Col in\n\u0120redd it\n\u0120per - ipher\n12 2\n\u0120s ins\nE dit\nIC T\nSo ft\n\u0120Sh ah\n\u0120administr - ator\n\u0120T rip\n\u0120porn ography\n\u0120tu ition\nin ence\n\u0120Pro - gress\n\u0120cat alog\n\u0120su ite\n\u0120h ike\n\u0120reprodu ctive\neng - ine\n\u0120d rought\n\u0120No ah\n\u01202 30\n\u0120d ude\n\u0120relax ed\n\u0120part - ition\n\u0120particip ant\n\u0120tel esc\n\u0120fe as\n\u0120F F\nown er\n\u0120swe - eping\n\u0120l enses\n\u0120match up\n\u0120Re pl\nourn als\n\u0120cred ible\n\u0120grand - mother\n\u0120ther mal\n\u0120subscrib ing\n\u0120ident ities\ncol m\nU CT\n\u0120reluct - ant\nus ers\n\u0120C ort\n\u0120assist ed\nOS S\nATION S\nIS H\n\u0120pharm - aceutical\nic able\nad ian\n\u0120Son ic\n\u0120F ury\n\u0120M ong\nA H\n\u0120Psych - ology\n\u0120ph osph\n\u0120treat s\n\u0143 \u0136\n\u0120stead ily\n\u0120Hell - o\n\u0120rel ates\n\u0120cl ue\nEx pl\na uth\n\u0120rev ision\n\u0120e ld\nos - ion\n\u0120br on\n14 4\nri kes\n\u0120min es\n\u0120blank et\n\u0120F ail\nel - ed\n\u0120Im agine\n\u0120Pl anned\na ic\nRe quest\nM ad\n\u0120Hor se\n\u0120Eag - le\n\u0120cap ac\n15 7\n\u0120l ing\n\u0120N ice\n\u0120P arenthood\nmin ster\nog - s\nens itive\nNot hing\n\u0120car n\nF in\n\u0120P E\n\u0120r ifles\n\u0120L - P\nS and\n\u0120gui Active\n\u0120tour ist\nC NN\n\u0120unve iled\n\u0120predec - essor\n} {\nu ber\n\u0120off shore\n\u0120opt ical\n\u0120R ot\n\u0120Pear - l\net on\n\u0120st ared\n\u0120fart her\nat ility\ncont in\n\u0120G y\n\u0120F - oster\n\u0120C oc\nri ents\n\u0120design ing\n\u0120Econom y\nON G\nW omen\n\u0120N - ancy\ner ver\n\u0120mas cul\n\u0120casual ties\n\u01202 25\n\u0120S ullivan\n\u0120Ch - oice\n\u0120a ster\nw s\n\u0120hot els\n\u0120consider ations\n\u0120cou ch\n\u0120St - rip\n\u0120G n\n\u0120manip ulate\nl ied\n\u0120synt hetic\n\u0120assault - ed\n\u0120off enses\n\u0120Dra ke\n\u0120im pe\nOct ober\n\u0120Her itage\nh - l\n\u0120Bl air\nUn like\n\u0120g rief\n\u01204 50\n\u0120opt ed\n\u0120resign - ation\nil o\n\u0120ver se\n\u0120T omb\n\u0120u pt\n\u0120a ired\n\u0120H - ook\n\u0120ML B\n\u0120assum es\nout ed\n\u0120V ers\n\u0120infer ior\n\u0120bund - le\n\u0120D NS\nograp her\n\u0120mult ip\n\u0120Soul s\n\u0120illust rated\n\u0120tact - ic\n\u0120dress ing\n\u0120du o\nCon f\n\u0120rel ent\n\u0120c ant\n\u0120scar - ce\n\u0120cand y\n\u0120C F\n\u0120affili ated\n\u0120spr int\nyl an\n\u0120Garc - ia\n\u0120j unk\nPr int\nex ec\nC rit\n\u0120port rait\nir ies\n\u0120OF F\n\u0120disp - utes\nW R\nL ove\n\xE3\u0123 \u0126\n\u0120Re yn\n\u0120h ipp\nop ath\n\u0120flo - ors\n\u0120Fe el\n\u0120wor ries\n\u0120sett lements\n\u0120P os\n\u0120mos - que\n\u0120fin als\n\u0120cr ushed\n\u0120Pro bably\n\u0120B ot\n\u0120M ans\n\u0120Per - iod\n\u0120sovere ignty\n\u0120sell er\n\u0120ap ost\n\u0120am ateur\n\u0120d - orm\n\u0120consum ing\n\u0120arm our\n\u0120Ro ose\n\u0120int ensive\n\u0120elim - inating\n\u0120Sun ni\n\u0120Ale ppo\nj in\n\u0120adv ise\np al\n\u0120H alo\n\u0120des - cent\n\u0120simpl er\n\u0120bo oth\nST R\nL ater\n\u0120C ave\n== =\n\u0120m - ol\n\u0120f ist\n\u0120shot gun\nsu pp\n\u0120rob bery\nE ffect\n\u0120obsc - ure\n\u0120Prof essional\n\u0120emb assy\n\u0120milit ant\n\u0120inc arcer\n\u0120gener - ates\n\u0120laun ches\n\u0120administr ators\n\u0120sh aft\n\u0120circ ular\n\u0120fresh - man\n\u0120W es\n\u0120Jo el\n\u0120D rew\n\u0120Dun can\n\u0120App arently\ns - ight\n\u0120Intern al\n\u0120Ind ividual\n\u0120F E\n\u0120b ore\n\u0120M - t\n\u0120broad ly\n\u0120O ptions\nount ain\nip es\n\u0120V ideos\n20 4\n\u0120h - ills\n\u0120sim ulation\n\u0120disappoint ment\nit an\n\u0120Labor atory\n\u0120up - ward\n\u0120bound ary\n\u0120dark er\nh art\n\u0120domin ance\nC ong\n\u0120Or - acle\n\u0120L ords\n\u0120scholars hip\n\u0120Vin cent\ned e\n\u0120R ah\n\u0120encour - ages\nro v\n\u0120qu o\n\u0120prem ise\n\u0120Cris is\n\u0120Hol ocaust\n\u0120rhyth - m\n\u0120met ric\ncl ub\n\u0120transport ed\n\u0120n od\n\u0120P ist\n\u0120ancest - ors\n\u0120Fred er\nth umbnails\n\u0120C E\nON D\nPh il\nven ge\n\u0120Product - s\ncast le\n\u0120qual ifying\n\u0120K aren\nVERTIS EMENT\n\u0120might y\n\u0120explan - ations\n\u0120fix ing\nD i\n\u0120decl aring\n\u0120anonym ity\n\u0120ju ven\n\u0120N - ord\n\u0120Do om\n\u0120Act ually\nO k\nph is\n\u0120Des ert\n\u012011 6\nI - K\n\u0120F M\n\u0120inc omes\nV EL\nok ers\n\u0120pe cul\n\u0120light weight\ng - ue\n\u0120acc ent\n\u0120incre ment\n\u0120Ch an\n\u0120compl aining\n\u0120B - aghd\n\u0120midfield er\n\u0120over haul\nPro cess\n\u0120H ollow\n\u0120Tit - ans\nSm all\nman uel\n\u0120Un ity\n\u0120Ev ents\nS ty\n\u0120dispro portion\nn - esty\nen es\n\u0120C od\n\u0120demonstr ations\n\u0120Crim son\n\u0120O H\n\u0120en - rolled\n\u0120c el\n\u0120Bre tt\n\u0120a ide\n\u0120he els\n\u0120broad band\n\u0120mark - ing\n\u0120w izard\n\u0120N J\n\u0120Chief s\n\u0120ingred ient\n\u0120d ug\n\u0120Sh - ut\nurch ase\nend or\n\u0120far mer\n\u0120Gold man\n12 9\n15 5\nOr der\n\u0120l - ion\ni ably\n\u0120st ain\nar ray\nilit ary\n\u0120FA Q\n\u0120expl oded\n\u0120McC - arthy\n\u0120T weet\n\u0120G reens\nek ing\nl n\nens en\n\u0120motor cycle\n\u0120partic - le\n\u0120ch olesterol\nB ron\n\u0120st air\n\u0120ox id\n\u0120des irable\nib - les\n\u0120the or\nfor cing\n\u0120promot ional\nov o\nb oot\n\u0120Bon us\nraw - ling\n\u0120short age\n\u0120P sy\n\u0120recru ited\n\u0120inf ants\n\u0120test - osterone\n\u0120ded uct\n\u0120distinct ive\n\u0120firm ware\nbu ilt\n14 5\n\u0120expl - ored\n\u0120fact ions\n\u0120v ide\n\u0120tatt oo\n\u0120finan cially\n\u0120fat - igue\n\u0120proceed ing\nconst itutional\n\u0120mis er\n\u0120ch airs\ngg - ing\nipp le\n\u0120d ent\n\u0120dis reg\n\xE7 \u0136\nst ant\nll o\nb ps\naken - ing\n\u0120ab normal\n\u0120E RA\n\xE5\xA3 \xAB\n\u0120H BO\n\u0120M AR\n\u0120con - cess\n\u0120serv ant\n\u0120as pir\nl av\n\u0120Pan el\nam o\n\u0120prec ip\n\u0120record - ings\n\u0120proceed ed\n\u0120col ony\n\u0120T ang\nab lo\n\u0120stri pped\nLe - ft\nto o\n\u0120pot atoes\n\u0120fin est\n% ).\n\u0120c rap\n\u0120Z ach\nab - ases\n\u0120G oth\n\u0120billion aire\nw olf\n\u0120san ction\nS K\n\u0120log - ged\nP o\ney ed\nun al\n\u0120cr icket\n\u0120arm ies\n\u0120unc overed\nCl - oud\n\xC3\xB3 n\n\u0120reb ounds\n\u0120m es\nO per\nP ac\n\u0120nation ally\n\u0120insert - ed\np ict\n\u0120govern ance\n\xD0 \xB8\n\u0120privile ges\nG ET\n\u0120favor - ites\nim ity\n\u0120lo ver\nthe m\nem pl\n\u0120gorge ous\nAn n\n\u0120sl - ipped\n\u0120ve to\nB ob\n\u0120sl im\nu cc\n\u0120F ame\nudden ly\n\u0120den - ies\n\u0120M aur\n\u0120dist ances\n\u0120w anna\nt ar\n\u0120S ER\n\u0120\xE2 - \u012A\n\u0120le mon\nat hetic\n\u0120lit eral\n\u0120distingu ished\n\u0120answ - ering\nG I\n\u0120relig ions\n\u0120Phil os\n\u0120L ay\n\u0120comp os\nire - ments\n\u0120K os\nine z\nroll ing\n\u0120young est\nand ise\n\u0120B orn\n\u0120alt - ar\nam ina\n\u0120B oot\nv oc\n\u0120dig ging\n\u0120press ures\n\u0120l en\n26 - 4\n\u0120assass ination\n\u0120Bir mingham\n\u0120My th\n\u0120sovere ign\n\u0120Art - ist\n\u0120Phot ograph\n\u0120dep icted\n\u0120disp ens\north y\n\u0120amb - ul\nint eg\n\u0120C ele\n\u0120Tib et\n\u0120hier archy\n\u0120c u\n\u0120pre - season\n\u0120Pet erson\n\u0120col ours\n\u0120worry ing\n\u0120back ers\n\u0120Pal - mer\n\u0120\xCE \xBC\n\u0120contribut or\n\u0120hear ings\n\u0120ur ine\n\u0120 - \xD9\nourge ois\nSim ilar\n\u0120Z immer\ns omething\n\u0120US C\n\u0120strength - s\n\u0120F I\n\u0120log ging\nAs ked\n\u0120Th ai\nin qu\n\u0120W alt\n\u0120crew - s\nit ism\n3 01\n\u0120shar ply\num ed\n\u0120red irect\nr ators\nIn f\n\u0120We - apons\n\u0120te asp\n19 99\nL ive\n\u0120Es pecially\n\u0120S ter\n\u0120Veter - ans\n\u0120int ro\nother apy\n\u0120mal ware\n\u0120bre eding\n\u0120mole - cular\n\u0120R oute\n\u0120Com ment\noc hem\n\u0120a in\nSe ason\n\u0120lineback - er\n\xC4 \xAB\n\u0120Econom ics\nes ar\n\u0120L ives\n\u0120Em ma\n\u0120k - in\n\u0120Ter rit\n\u0120pl anted\not on\n\u0120But ter\n\u0120Sp ons\nP ER\n\u0120dun - geon\n\u0120symb olic\n\u0120fil med\n\u0120di ets\n\u0120conclud es\n\u0120certain - ty\n\u0120Form at\n\u0120str angers\nform at\n\u0120Ph ase\n\u0120cop ied\n\u0120met - res\nld a\n\u0120Us ers\n\u0120deliber ate\n\u0120was hed\n\u0120L ance\nim - ation\n\u0120impro per\n\u0120Gen esis\nick r\n\u0120K ush\n\u0120real ise\n\u0120embarrass - ing\nalk ing\nb ucks\n\u0120ver ified\n\u0120out line\nyear s\n\u0120In come\n20 - 2\n\u0120z ombies\nF inal\n\u0120Mill enn\n\u0120mod ifications\n\u0120V ision\n\u0120M - oses\nver b\niter ranean\n\u0120J et\n\u0120nav al\n\u0120A gg\n\u0120ur l\n\u0120vict - ories\n\u0120non etheless\n\u0120inj ust\n\u0120F act\n\xE7 \u013C\n\u0120ins - ufficient\nre view\nface book\n\u0120negoti ating\n\u0120guarant ees\nim en\nuten - berg\n\u0120g ambling\n\u0120con gr\nLoad ing\n\u0120never theless\n\u0120pres - idents\n\u0120Indust rial\n\u012011 8\n\u0120p oured\n\u0120T ory\n\u012017 - 5\n\u0120: =\nSc ott\nange red\nT ok\n\u0120organ izers\nM at\n\u0120G rowth\n\u0120ad - ul\n\u0120ens ures\n\u012011 7\n\xE9\xBE\u012F \xE5\n\u0120mass acre\n\u0120gr - ades\nbe fore\nAD VERTISEMENT\n\u0120Sl ow\n\u0120M MA\n\xE2\u0122\u0136 \"\n\u0120V - atican\nQ aeda\n\u0120o we\n66 66\n\u0120S orry\n\u0120Gr ass\n\u0120background - s\n\u0120exha usted\n\u0120cl an\n\u0120comprom ised\n\u0120E lf\n\u0120Isa - ac\nens on\nIn vest\nIF A\n\u0120interrupt ed\n\xE3\u0125\u012B \xE3\u0125\xA9\n\u0120tw - isted\n\u0120Drag ons\nM ode\n\u0120K remlin\n\u0120fert il\nhe res\nph an\n\u0120N - ode\nf ed\n\u0120Or c\n\u0120unw illing\nC ent\n\u0120prior it\n\u0120grad - uates\n\u0120subject ive\n\u0120iss uing\n\u0120L t\n\u0120view er\n\u0120w - oke\nTh us\nbro ok\n\u0120dep ressed\n\u0120br acket\n\u0120G or\n\u0120Fight - ing\n\u0120stri ker\nRep ort\n\u0120Portug al\n\u0120ne o\nw ed\n19 9\n\u0120flee - ing\nsh adow\nident ified\nUS E\nSte am\n\u0120stret ched\n\u0120revel ations\nart - ed\n\u0120D w\n\u0120align ment\nest on\n\u0120J ared\nS ep\n\u0120blog s\nup - date\ng om\nr isk\n\u0120cl ash\n\u0120H our\n\u0120run time\n\u0120unw anted\n\u0120sc - am\n\u0120r ack\n\u0120en light\non est\n\u0120F err\n\u0120conv ictions\n\u0120p - iano\n\u0120circ ulation\n\u0120W elcome\n\u0120back lash\n\u0120W ade\n\u0120rece - ivers\not ive\nJ eff\n\u0120network ing\n\u0120Pre p\n\u0120Expl orer\n\u0120lect - ure\n\u0120upload ed\n\u0120Me at\nB LE\n\u0120Naz is\n\u0120Sy nd\nst ud\nro - ots\nri ans\n\u0120portray ed\n\u0120 ??\n\u0120Budd ha\ns un\nRober t\n\u0120Com - plex\n\u0120over see\n\u0120ste alth\nT itle\n\u0120J obs\n\u0120K um\n\u0120appreci - ation\n\u0120M OD\n\u0120bas ics\n\u0120cl ips\n\u0120nurs ing\n\u0120propos - ition\n\u0120real ised\n\u0120NY C\n\u0120all ocated\nri um\nar an\n\u0120Pro - duction\n\u0120V ote\n\u0120sm ugg\n\u0120hun ter\naz er\n\u0120Ch anges\n\u0120fl - uct\ny on\nAr ray\n\u0120k its\nW ater\n\u0120uncom mon\n\u0120rest ing\nell - s\nw ould\n\u0120purs ued\n\u0120assert ion\nomet own\n\u0120Mos ul\n\u0120Pl - atform\nio let\n\u0120share holders\n\u0120tra ils\nP ay\n\u0120En forcement\nty - pes\n\u0120An onymous\n\u0120satisf ying\nil ogy\n\u0120( '\nw ave\nc ity\nSte - ve\n\u0120confront ation\n\u0120E ld\nC apt\nah an\nht m\n\u0120C trl\nON - S\n2 30\nif a\nhold ing\n\u0120delic ate\n\u0120j aw\n\u0120Go ing\nor um\nS - al\n\u0120d ull\n\u0120B eth\n\u0120pr isons\n\u0120e go\n\u0120El sa\navor - ite\n\u0120G ang\n\u0120N uclear\n\u0120sp ider\nats u\n\u0120sam pling\n\u0120absor - bed\n\u0120Ph arm\niet h\n\u0120buck et\n\u0120Rec omm\nO F\n\u0120F actory\nAN - CE\n\u0120b acter\nH as\n\u0120Obs erv\n12 1\n\u0120prem iere\nDe velop\n\u0120cur - rencies\nC ast\n\u0120accompany ing\n\u0120Nash ville\n\u0120fat ty\n\u0120Bre - nd\n\u0120loc ks\n\u0120cent ered\n\u0120U T\naugh s\nor ie\n\u0120Aff ordable\nv - ance\nD L\nem et\n\u0120thr one\n\u0120Blu etooth\n\u0120n aming\nif ts\nAD - E\n\u0120correct ed\n\u0120prompt ly\n\u0120ST R\n\u0120gen ome\n\u0120cop - e\n\u0120val ley\n\u0120round ed\n\u0120K end\nal ion\np ers\n\u0120tour ism\n\u0120st - ark\nv l\n\u0120blow ing\n\u0120Sche dule\nst d\n\u0120unh appy\n\u0120lit - igation\nced es\n\u0120and roid\n\u0120integ ral\nere rs\nud ed\nt ax\n\u0120re - iter\n\u0120Mot ors\noci ated\n\u0120wond ers\n\u0120Ap ost\nuck ing\n\u0120Roose - velt\nf ram\n\u0120yield s\n\u0120constit utes\naw k\nInt erest\n\u0120inter - im\n\u0120break through\n\u0120C her\n\u0120pro sec\n\u0120D j\n\u0120M T\nRes - p\n\u0120P T\n\u0120s perm\ned it\nB T\nLin ux\ncount ry\nle ague\n\u0120d - ick\n\u0120o ct\n\u0120insert ing\n\u0120sc ra\n\u0120Brew ing\n\u012019 66\n\u0120run - ners\n\u0120pl un\nid y\n\u0120D ian\n\u0120dys function\n\u0120ex clusion\n\u0120dis - gr\n\u0120incorpor ate\n\u0120recon c\n\u0120nom inated\n\u0120Ar cher\nd - raw\nachel or\n\u0120writ ings\n\u0120shall ow\n\u0120h ast\n\u0120B MW\n\u0120R - S\n\u0120th igh\n\u012019 63\n\u0120l amb\n\u0120fav ored\nag le\n\u0120cool - er\n\u0120H ours\n\u0120G U\n\u0120Orig in\n\u0120glim pse\n---------------- - ----\nL im\n\u0120che ek\n\u0120j ealous\n- '\n\u0120har ness\n\u0120Po ison\n\u0120dis - abilities\nne apolis\n\u0120out look\n\u0120not ify\n\u0120Indian apolis\n\u0120ab - rupt\nns ic\n\u0120enc rypted\n\u0120for fe\nreat h\n\u0120r abb\n\u0120found - ations\n\u0120compl iment\n\u0120Inter view\n\u0120S we\n\u0120ad olesc\n\u0120mon - itors\n\u0120Sacrament o\n\u0120time ly\n\u0120contem pl\n\u0120position ed\n\u0120post - ers\nph ies\niov ascular\nv oid\n\u0120Fif th\n\u0120investig ative\nOU N\n\u0120integ - rate\n\u0120IN C\nish a\nibl ings\n\u0120Re quest\n\u0120Rodrig uez\n\u0120sl - ides\n\u0120D X\n\u0120femin ism\n\u0120dat as\n\u0120b end\nir us\n\u0120Nig - eria\nF ox\nCh ange\n\u0120air plane\n\u0120Lad en\n\u0120public ity\nixt - y\n\u0120commit ments\n\u0120aggreg ate\n\u0120display ing\n\u0120Ar row\n\u012012 - 2\n\u0120respect s\nand roid\ns ix\n\u0120Sh a\n\u0120rest oration\n) \\\nW - S\noy s\n\u0120illust rate\nwith out\n12 6\n\u0120\xE2\u0136 \u0124\n\u0120pick - up\nn els\n\u0120 ....\nf ood\n\u0120F en\n) ?\n\u0120phenomen a\n\u0120compan - ions\n\u0120W rite\n\u0120sp ill\n\u0120br idges\n\u0120Up dated\n\u0120F - o\n\u0120insect s\nASH INGTON\n\u0120sc are\nil tr\n\u0120Zh ang\n\u0120sever - ity\n\u0120ind ul\n14 9\n\u0120Co ffee\n\u0120norm s\n\u0120p ulse\n\u0120F - T\n\u0120horr ific\n\u0120Dest roy\n\u0120J SON\n\u0120o live\n\u0120discuss - es\nR est\nE lect\n\u0120W inn\n\u0120Surv iv\n\u0120H ait\nS ure\nop ed\n\u0120ro - oted\n\u0120S ke\n\u0120Bron ze\n\u0120l ol\nDef ault\n\u0120commod ity\nred - ited\n\u0120liber tarian\n\u0120forb idden\n\u0120gr an\n\xE0 \xA8\n\u0120l - ag\nen z\ndri ve\n\u0120mathemat ics\n\u0120w ires\n\u0120crit ically\n\u0120carb - ohyd\n\u0120Chance llor\n\u0120Ed die\n\u0120ban ning\n\u0120F ri\n\u0120compl - ications\net ric\n\u0120Bangl adesh\n\u0120band width\nSt op\n\u0120Orig inally\n\u0120half - way\nyn asty\nsh ine\n\u0120t ales\nrit ies\nav ier\n\u0120spin ning\n\u0120WH - O\n\u0120neighbour hood\nb ach\n\u0120commer ce\n\u0120S le\nB U\n\u0120entreprene - ur\n\u0120pecul iar\n\u0120Com ments\nf re\n3 20\nIC S\n\u0120imag ery\n\u0120Can - on\n\u0120Elect ronic\nsh ort\n( (\nD ig\n\u0120comm em\nu ced\n\u0120incl - ined\n\u0120Sum mon\n\u0120cl iff\n\u0120Med iterranean\n\u0120po etry\n\u0120prosper - ity\n\u0120Re ce\n\u0120p ills\nm ember\n\u0120fin ale\nun c\n\u0120G ig\n\xE4 - \xBD\n\u0120l od\n\u0120back ward\n- +\n\u0120For ward\n\u0120th ri\ns ure\n\u0120so - ap\n\u0120F X\nR ES\n\u0120Se xual\noul os\n\u0120fool ish\n\u0120right eous\n\u0120co - ff\nterror ism\nust ain\not er\n\u0120ab uses\nne xt\n\u0120ab usive\n\u0120there - after\n\u0120prohib ition\n\u0120S UP\n\u0120d ip\n\u0120r ipped\n\u0120inher - ited\n\u0120b ats\nst ru\nG T\n\u0120flaw ed\nph abet\n\u0120f og\ndo ors\n\u0120im - aging\n\u0120dig its\n\u0120Hung ary\n\u0120ar rog\n\u0120teach ings\n\u0120protocol - s\n\u0120B anks\n\xE0 \xB8\np ound\n\u0120C urt\n.\" )\n. /\n\u0120ex emption\nend - ix\n\u0120M ull\n\u0120impro ves\n\u0120G amer\nd imensional\nI con\n\u0120Marg - aret\nSt atus\nd ates\n\u0120int ends\n\u0120dep ict\n\u0120park ed\nJ oe\n\u0120Mar - ines\nchn ology\n! ).\n\u0120jud ged\n\u0120we ights\nR ay\n\u0120apart ments\nhe - ster\n\u0120rein force\n\u0120off ender\nocc up\n\u0120s ore\ne pt\n\u0120PH - P\n\u0120B row\n\u0120author ization\n\u0120R isk\n\u0120Del aware\n\u0120Q - U\n\u0120not ifications\n\u0120sun light\n\u0120ex clude\nd at\n\u0120m esh\n\u0120Sud - an\n\u0120belong ed\n\u0120sub way\n\u0120no on\n\u0120Inter ior\nol ics\n\u0120L - akers\n\u0120c oding\nDis claimer\nCal if\nO ld\n\u0120dis l\n???? ?\n\u0120confir - ms\n\u0120recruit ment\n\u0120hom icide\nCons ider\n\u0120Jeff rey\nft y\n} - ;\n\u0120object ion\ndo ing\n\u0120Le o\nW ant\n\u0120gl ow\n\u0120Clar ke\n\u0120Norm - an\n\u0120ver ification\n\u0120pack et\n\u0120Form ula\n\u0120pl ag\nes ville\n\u0120shout - ing\n\u0120o v\n\u0120R EC\n\u0120B ub\n\u0120n inth\n\u0120ener g\n\u0120valid - ity\n\u0120up s\nj ack\n\u0120neighbor ing\n\u0120N ec\new orks\n\u0120H ab\nare - z\n\u0120sp ine\n\u0120event ual\n\u0120Le aders\n\u0120C arn\n\u0120prob - ation\n\u0120rom ance\nms g\n\u0120Mechan ical\nER Y\nR ock\n\u0120part isan\nN - ode\nass ets\nmin ent\n\u0120foreign ers\n\u0120test ify\n\u0120Us ually\nl - ords\n\u0120G ren\n\u0120Pow ell\nBI L\n\u0120s r\n\u0120add ict\n\u0120shell - s\n\u0120s igh\n\u0120Y ale\ntern ity\n\u01207 50\nE U\n\u0120R ifle\n\u0120pat - ron\nem a\n\u0120B annon\nan ity\n\u0120trop ical\n\u0120V II\nc ross\nEvery - thing\n\u0120IS O\n\u0120hum ble\nass ing\n\u0120F IG\n\u0120upd ating\nys - on\n\u0120cal cium\n\u0120compet ent\n\u0120ste ering\nPro t\n\u0120S Y\n\u0120Fin - als\n\u0120R ug\n15 9\n13 7\n\u0120G olf\n\u012012 6\n\u0120accommod ation\n\u0120Hug - hes\n\u0120aest hetic\nart isan\n\u0120Tw ilight\n\u0120pr ince\n\u0120Agric - ulture\n\u0120Dis co\n\u0120preced ent\n\u0120typ ing\nauthor ized\nO ption\n\u0120A - ub\nl ishes\nach t\nm ag\nP eter\n\u0120U FO\nmont on\n\u0120L ith\n\u0120a - rom\n\u0120sec uring\n\u0120conf ined\npriv ate\n\u0120sw ords\n\u0120mark - ers\n\u0120metab olic\nse lect\n\u0120Cur se\n\u0120O t\ng ressive\n\u0120inc - umb\n\u0120S aga\n\u0120pr iced\n\u0120clear ance\nCont ent\n\u0120dr illing\n\u0120not - ices\n\u0120b ourgeois\n\u0120v est\n\u0120cook ie\n\u0120Guard ians\nry s\nin - yl\n\u012012 4\n\u0120pl ausible\non gh\n\u0120Od in\n\u0120concept ion\n\u0120Y - uk\n\u0120Baghd ad\n\u0120Fl ag\nAust ral\n\u0120I BM\n\u0120intern ationally\n\u0120Wiki - Leaks\nI ED\n\u0120c yn\n\u0120cho oses\n\u0120P ill\n\u0120comb ining\n\u0120rad - i\n\u0120Moh ammed\ndef ense\natch ing\nSub ject\nic iency\nFr ame\n\u0120{ - \"\n\u0120che ss\n\u0120tim er\n19 0\n\u0120t in\n\u0120ord inance\nemet ery\n\u0120acc - using\n\u0120notice able\n\u0120cent res\n\u0120l id\n\u0120M ills\nimg ur\n\u0120z - oom\nerg ic\n\u0120comp ression\npr im\nf ind\n\u0120sur g\n\u0120p and\n\u0120K - ee\n\u0120Ch ad\ncell ence\noy le\n\u0120social ism\n\u0120T ravis\n\u0120M - Hz\n\u0120gu ild\nALL Y\n\u0120Sub scribe\n\u0120Rel ated\n\u0120occur rence\nitch - ing\n\u0120fict ional\n\u0120cr ush\n\u0120E A\nc od\nm ix\n\u0120Tri ple\n\u0120retrie - ve\n\u0120stimul us\n\u0120psych iat\n\u0120Do or\n\u0120homosexual ity\n\u0120element - ary\n\u0120cell ular\nid ian\n\u0120L aun\n\u0120intrig uing\n\u0120fo am\n\u0120B - ass\nid i\nits u\n\u0120ass ure\n\u0120congr at\n\u0120business man\n\u0120Bo - ost\ncl ose\n\u0120l ied\n\u0120sc iences\n\u0120O mega\n\u0120G raphics\n\u0120< - =\nsp oken\n\u0120connect ivity\nS aturday\n\u0120Aven gers\n\u0120to ggle\n\u0120ank - le\n\u0120national ist\nmod el\n\u0120P ool\nophob ia\nV ar\n\u0120M ons\nator - ies\n\u0120aggress ively\nC lear\nFor ge\nact ers\n\u0120hed ge\n\u0120pip - es\n\u0120bl unt\n\u0120s q\n\u0120remote ly\nW ed\nas ers\n\u0120ref riger\n\u0120t - iles\n\u0120resc ued\n\u0120compr ised\nins ky\n\u0120man if\navan augh\n\u0120prol - ifer\n\u0120al igned\nx ml\n\u0120tri v\n\u0120coord ination\n\u0120P ER\n\u0120Qu - ote\n13 4\nb f\n\u0120S aw\n\u0120termin ation\n\u012019 0\n\u0120add itions\n\u0120tri - o\n\u0120project ions\n\u0120positive ly\n\u0120in clusive\n\u0120mem br\n19 - 90\nold er\n\u0120pract iced\nink le\nAr ch\n\u0120star ters\nari us\n\u0120inter - mediate\n\u0120Ben ef\n\u0120K iller\n\u0120inter ventions\n\u0120K il\n\u0120F - lying\nIn v\n\u0120prem ature\n\u0120psych iatric\n\u0120ind ie\n\u0120coll - ar\n\u0120Rain bow\naf i\n\u0120dis ruption\n\u0120FO X\ncast ing\n\u0120mis - dem\nc ro\n\u0120w ipe\nard on\n\u0120b ast\n\u0120Tom my\n\u0120Represent - ative\n\u0120bell y\n\u0120P O\n\u0120Bre itbart\n13 2\n\u0120mess aging\nSh - ould\nRef erences\n\u0120G RE\nist ical\nL P\n\u0120C av\n\u0120C razy\n\u0120intu - itive\nke eping\n\u0120M oss\n\u0120discont in\n\u0120Mod ule\n\u0120un related\n\u0120Pract - ice\n\u0120Trans port\n\u0120statist ically\norn s\n\u0120s ized\np u\n\u0120ca - f\n\u0120World s\n\u0120Rod gers\n\u0120L un\n\u0120Com ic\nl iving\n\u0120c - ared\n\u0120clim bed\n) {\n\u0120consist ed\n\u0120med ieval\nfol k\n\u0120h - acked\n\u0120d ire\n\u0120Herm ione\n\u0120t ended\nce ans\nD aniel\nw ent\n\u0120legisl - ators\n\u0120red es\ng ames\n\u0120g n\nam iliar\n\u0120+ +\ngg y\nth reat\n\u0120mag - net\n\u0120per ceive\n\u0120z ip\n\u0120indict ment\n\u0120crit ique\ng ard\n\u0120Saf - e\n\u0120C ream\n\u0120ad vent\nob a\n\u0120v owed\nous ands\n\u0120sk i\n\u0120abort - ions\nu art\n\u0120stun ned\n\u0120adv ancing\n\u0120lack ed\n\u0120\\ \"\n\u0120sch - izophren\n\u0120eleg ant\n\u0120conf erences\n\u0120cance led\n\u0120Hud son\n\u0120Hop - efully\n\u0120tr ump\n\u0120frequ encies\n\u0120met eor\n\u0120Jun ior\n\u0120Fle - et\n\u0120Mal colm\n\u0120T ools\n\u0120 ........\n\u0120h obby\n\u0120Europe - ans\n\u012015 00\n\u0120Int o\n\u0120s way\n\u0120App ro\n\u0120Com pl\nComm - unity\n\u0120t ide\n\u0120Sum mit\n\xE4 \xBB\n\u0120inter vals\n\u0120E ther\n\u0120habit - at\n\u0120Steven s\nlish ing\n\u0120Dom ain\n\u0120trig gers\n\u0120ch asing\n\u0120char - m\n\u0120Fl ower\nit ored\n\u0120bless ing\n\u0120text ures\nF ive\n\u0120liqu - or\nR P\nF IN\n\u012019 62\nC AR\nUn known\n\u0120res il\n\u0120L ily\n\u0120abund - ance\n\u0120predict able\nr ar\n\u0120bull shit\nle en\nche t\nM or\nM uch\n\xE4 - \xB9\n\u0120emphas ized\n\u0120cr ust\n\u0120prim itive\n\u0120enjoy able\n\u0120Pict - ures\n\u0120team mate\npl er\n\u0120T ol\n\u0120K ane\n\u0120summon ed\nth - y\nram a\n\u0120H onda\n\u0120real izing\n\u0120quick er\n\u0120concent rate\ncle - ar\n\u01202 10\n\u0120Erd ogan\nar is\n\u0120respond s\n\u0120B I\n\u0120elig - ibility\n\u0120pus hes\n\u0120Id aho\n\u0120agg rav\n\u0120ru ins\nur ations\n\u0120b - ans\n\u0120an at\nsh are\n\u0120gr ind\nh in\num en\n\u0120ut ilities\n\u0120Yan - kees\n\u0120dat abases\n\u0120D D\n\u0120displ aced\n\u0120depend encies\n\u0120stim - ulation\nh un\nh ouses\n\u0120P retty\n\u0120Raven s\n\u0120TOD AY\n\u0120associ - ates\n\u0120the rape\ncl ed\n\u0120de er\n\u0120rep airs\nrent ice\n\u0120recept - ors\n\u0120rem ed\n\u0120C e\n\u0120mar riages\n\u0120ball ots\n\u0120Sold - ier\n\u0120hilar ious\nop l\n13 8\n\u0120inherent ly\n\u0120ignor ant\n\u0120b - ounce\n\u0120E aster\nREL ATED\n\u0120Cur rency\nE V\n\xE3\u0125 \u0140\n\u0120Le - ad\n\u0120dece ased\nB rien\n\u0120Mus k\nJ S\n\u0120mer ge\nheart ed\nc reat\nm - itt\nm und\n\u0120\xE2\u0122 \u012D\n\u0120B ag\n\u0120project ion\n\u0120j - ava\n\u0120Stand ards\n\u0120Leon ard\n\u0120coc onut\n\u0120Pop ulation\n\u0120tra - ject\n\u0120imp ly\n\u0120cur iosity\n\u0120D B\n\u0120F resh\n\u0120P or\n\u0120heav - ier\nne ys\ngom ery\n\u0120des erved\n\u0120phr ases\n\u0120G C\n\u0120ye - ast\nd esc\nDe ath\n\u0120reb oot\n\u0120met adata\nIC AL\n\u0120rep ay\n\u0120Ind - ependence\n\u0120subur ban\nical s\n\u0120at op\n\u0120all ocation\ngener - ation\n\u0120G ram\n\u0120moist ure\n\u0120p ine\n\u0120Liber als\n\u0120a - ides\n\u0120und erest\n\u0120Ber ry\n\u0120cere mon\n3 70\nast rous\n\u0120Pir - ates\n\u0120t ense\n\u0120Indust ries\n\u0120App eals\n\u0120N ear\n\u0120\xE8\xA3\u0131 - \xE7\n\u0120lo vers\n\u0120C AP\n\u0120C raw\n\u0120g iants\n\u0120effic acy\nE - lement\n\u0120Beh avior\n\u0120Toy ota\n\u0120int est\nP riv\nA I\n\u0120maneu - ver\n\u0120perfect ion\n\u0120b ang\np aper\nr ill\nGe orge\nb order\nin ters\n\u0120S - eth\n\u0120cl ues\n\u0120Le vi\n\u0120Re venue\n14 7\n\u0120v apor\n\u0120fortun - ate\n\u0120threat ens\n\u0120ve t\n\u0120depend ency\ners ed\nart icle\n\u0120Bl - izzard\n\u0120ch lor\n\u0120min us\n\u0120B ills\n\u0120cryptoc urrency\n\u0120metabol - ism\nter ing\n\u0120p estic\nstep s\n\u0120Tre asure\nract ed\n\u0120Const - ant\n\u0120tem p\n13 9\n\u0120Det ective\nur ally\n\u0120recover ing\n\u0120cort - ex\n\u012014 4\ncl osed\n\u0120prejud ice\naun ted\n\u0120storm s\n\u0120N - OW\n\u0120mach inery\nAdd ress\n\u0120compe lled\n27 0\n\u0120desp air\nb - ane\n\u0120veget able\n\u0120bed s\nLear n\n\u0120color ful\n\u0120sp ike\n\u0120marg - ins\n\u0120symp athy\n\u0120works hop\n\u0120C BC\nS at\n\u0120burn s\n\u0120G - ender\n\u012012 9\n\u0120C able\n\u0120deb ts\n\u0120The resa\n\u0120reflect - ing\n\u0120a irst\n\u0120r im\nram id\n\u0120weakness es\nW rit\nogg le\nt - i\n\u0120Ch arge\n\u0120we ighed\n\u0120( .\n\u0120l aughter\n\u0120rou ter\n\u0120Democr - acy\nD ear\n\u0120has ht\n\u0120d y\n\u0120hint s\nrun ning\n\u0120fin ishes\nar - us\nM ass\nres ult\nasc us\n\u0120v intage\n\u0120con qu\n\u0120wild ly\nac - ist\n\u0120l ingu\n\u0120prot agonist\nst rom\nte enth\n\u0120Sol o\nm ac\nf - illed\n\u0120re nown\nit ives\n\u0120mot ive\n\u0120Ant ar\n\u0120M ann\n\u0120Ad - just\n\u0120rock ets\n\u0120trou bling\ne i\n\u0120organ isms\nass is\nChrist - ian\n\u012014 5\n\u0120H ass\n\u0120sw all\n\u0120w ax\n\u0120Surv ival\nV - S\n\u0120M urd\nv d\nstand ard\n\u0120drag ons\n\u0120acceler ation\nr ational\nf - inal\n\u0120p aired\n\u0120E thereum\n\u0120interf aces\n\u0120res ent\n\u0120artif - acts\n\xC5 \xAB\nare l\n\u0120compet itor\n\u0120Nich olas\n\u0120Sur face\nc - pp\n\u0120T ot\n\u0120econom ically\n\u0120organ ised\n\u0120en forced\nin - ho\n\u0120var ieties\n\u0120ab dom\n\u0120Ba iley\nid av\n\u0120Sal v\np aid\n\u0120alt - itude\ness ert\n\u0120G utenberg\nare a\nop oulos\n\u0120profess ors\nigg - s\n\u0120F ate\nhe y\n\u01203 000\nD ist\n\u0120tw ins\nc ill\n\u0120M aps\n\u0120tra - ps\n\u0120we ed\n\u0120K iss\n\u0120y oga\n\u0120recip ients\n\u0120West minster\n\u0120pool - s\n\u0120Wal mart\n18 8\n\u0120School s\natt ack\n\u0120AR M\npar agraph\nW - arning\nj l\n\u0120self ish\nanche z\n\u0120He ights\nF re\n\u0120S oph\n\u0120 - --------------------------------\nt ml\n33 3\n\u0120raid s\n\u0120satell ites\nKE - Y\n\u0120last s\n\xD1 \u0124\nIn s\n\u0120D ame\n\u0120unp redict\n// /\ngh - ai\n\u0120art illery\n\u0120cru ise\n\u0120g el\n\u0120Cabin et\n\u0120bl - ows\n\u0120E sp\n\u0120prox imity\not he\n\u0120Sk ills\n\u0120U pper\nob - o\n\u0120N DP\n\u0120enjoy s\n\u0120repe ating\n\u0120Const ruction\n\u0120Quest - ions\nH illary\n\u0120u int\n\u0120process ors\n\u0120Gib son\n\u0120Mult - iple\nq a\n\u0120B om\n\u0120M iles\nvent ional\n\u0120hur ts\ns kin\n\u0120A - IDS\n\u0120advis ers\n\u0120R oot\n\u0120method ology\n\u0120D ale\n\u0120det - on\n\u0120Know ledge\nsequ ently\n\u012012 1\n\u0120connect s\nC y\n\u0120D - anger\n\u0120contribut ors\n\u0120B ent\n\u0120br ass\n\u0120Gun s\nint o\n\u0120Fort - une\n\u0120bro ker\nbal ance\n\u0120length s\n\u0120v ic\n\u0120aver aging\n\u0120appropri - ately\n\u0120Camer a\n\u0120sand wich\n\u0120CD C\n\u0120coord inate\n\u0120nav - ig\n\u0120good ness\nl aim\n\u0120bra ke\n\u0120extrem ist\n\u0120W ake\n\u0120M - end\n\u0120T iny\n\u0120C OL\n\u0120R F\n\u0120D ual\n\u0120W ine\nC ase\n\u0120ref - ined\n\u0120l amp\nL ead\n\u0120b apt\n\u0120Car b\n\u0120S add\n\u0120Min - neapolis\nPD F\nEar ly\n\u0120H idden\nI ts\n\u0120T IME\n\u0120p ap\n\u0120commission - ed\n\u0120F ew\n\u0120Col ts\n\u0120B ren\n\u0120bot hered\n\u0120like wise\nEx - per\n\u0120Sch w\nc ry\nn n\n\u0120M itch\nim on\nM G\nb m\nUM P\nr ays\n\u0120regist - ry\n\u01202 70\nach ine\nre lla\nant ing\n00 000\n\u0120ru ined\nsp ot\n\u0120t - a\n\u0120maxim ize\n\u0120incon ven\nD ead\nH uman\nEn abled\n\u0120Mar ie\n\u0120ch - ill\n\u0120Parad ise\n\u0120star ring\n\u0120Lat ino\n\u0120Prot ocol\n\u0120E - VER\n\u0120suppl iers\nm essage\n\u0120Bro ck\n\u0120ser um\n\xE2\u0138\u012A\xE2\u0138\u012A - \xE2\u0138\u012A\xE2\u0138\u012A\n\u0120en comp\n\u0120amb ition\nues e\n\u0120ar - rows\nAnd rew\n\u0120anten na\n\u012019 61\n\u0120B ark\n\u0120b ool\n\xE3\u0124 - \xAA\n\u0120St orage\n\u0120rail way\n\u0120toug her\n\u0120C ad\n\u0120was - hing\nP y\n' ]\nem bed\n\u0120Mem phis\nack le\n\u0120fam ously\n\u0120F ortunately\nov - ies\n\u0120mind set\n\u0120sne ak\n\u0120D h\nRA W\n\u0120Sim pson\n\u0120liv - est\n\u0120land mark\n\u0120c ement\nL ow\n\u0120thr illed\n\u0120Cour se\nin - el\n\u0120ch uck\nid ate\ngl obal\n\u0120wh it\n\u0120 \xEF\xBF\xBD\nad ays\ns - ki\n\u0120S V\n\u0120vir uses\n30 6\n\u0120Resp ons\n\u0120the aters\n\u0120Br - anch\n\u0120Gene va\n\u0120M K\n\u0120unbel iev\n\u0120commun ist\nOrig inal\n\u0120Re - ceived\n\u0120Trans fer\n\u0120Ar g\nIn put\n\u0120Str ategy\n\u0120pal ace\nthe - ning\nD ri\n\u0120sent encing\numbn ail\n\u0120p ins\nre cy\n\u0120s iblings\nGet - ting\n\u0120B U\n\u0120North west\n\u0120prolong ed\n\u0120Sak ura\nC omb\n\u0120B - our\n\u0120inadequ ate\n\u0120K ash\n\u0120us ername\n\u0120Impro ve\n\u0120batt - ling\n\u0120M AC\n\u0120curric ulum\n\u0120s oda\n\u0120C annon\n\u0120sens - ible\nsp ons\nDe cember\n\u0120w icked\n\u0120P engu\n\u0120dict ators\n\u0120He - arts\nog yn\n\u0120similar ities\n\u0120St ats\n\u0120h ollow\nit ations\n\": - [\n\u0120h over\n\u0120List en\ns ch\nS und\n\u0120c ad\n\u0120Par ks\n\u0120l - ur\n\u0120hy pe\n\u0120L em\nN AME\nis ure\nFr iday\n\u0120shoot s\n\u0120clos - es\n\u0120d b\n\u0120R idge\n\u0120Diff erent\n\u0120repl ies\n\u0120Broad - way\nop ers\n\u0120int oler\n\u0120Ze us\nakes pe\n\u0120propri etary\n\u0120request - ing\n\u0120contro llers\n\u0120M IN\nim edia\nbe cca\n\u0120exp ans\n\u0120oil - s\nB ot\n\u0120Ch and\n\u0120pr inter\n\u0120to pped\n\u0120P OL\n\u0120Ear - lier\nS ocial\nav in\n\u0120decre ases\n\u0120Se b\n\u0120specific ations\n\u0120Bl - ast\n\u0120K urt\n\u0120fre el\nB rown\n\u0120dil ig\nro e\n\u0120Pro blem\n\u0120Qu - ad\n\u0120decent ral\n\u0120V ector\nan ut\n\u0120plug ins\n\u0120Greg ory\n\u0120fuck - ed\nel ines\n\u0120Amb assador\nt ake\n\u0120cle ans\nong yang\nAn onymous\nst - ro\n\" }\nal ine\n\u0120O dd\n\u0120E ug\n2 16\n\u0120bo il\n\u0120P owers\n\u0120nurs - es\nOb viously\n\u0120Techn ical\n\u0120exceed ed\nOR S\n\u0120extrem ists\n\u0120tr - aces\nex pl\n\u0120com r\n\u0120S ach\n) /\n\u0120m asks\n\u0120sc i\nB on\n\u0120reg - ression\nwe gian\n\u0120advis or\nit ures\n\u0120V o\nex ample\n\u0120Inst - ruct\n\u0120s iege\n\u0120redu ctions\npt r\n\u0120stat utory\n\u0120rem oves\n\u0120p - uck\nred its\n\u0120be e\n\u0120sal ad\n\u0120promot ions\n\u0120Josh ua\nwith - standing\nET H\n\u0120Ch a\nim us\n\u0120expend iture\naun ting\n\u0120delight - ed\n\u012015 5\nbe h\n\u0120car pet\n\u0120Sp art\n\u0120j ungle\nl ists\n\u0120bull - ying\n\u0120Nob el\n\u0120Gl en\n\u0120referen ced\n\u0120introdu ces\nse - in\n\u0120cho pped\ngl ass\n\u0120W rest\n\u0120neutral ity\n\u0120\xE2 \u013B\n\u0120investig - ator\n\u0120shel ves\n\u0120un constitutional\n\u0120reprodu ction\n\u0120mer - chant\nm ia\n\u0120met rics\n\u0120explos ives\n\u0120Son ia\n\u0120bod ily\n\u0120thick - ness\n\u0120predomin antly\n\u0120Ab ility\n\u0120mon itored\nIC H\n\u0120] - .\n\u0120Mart inez\n\u0120vis ibility\n\u0120qu eries\n\u0120gen ocide\n\u0120War - fare\nQu ery\n\u0120stud ios\n\u0120emb ry\n\u0120corrid or\n\u0120clean ed\ncom - plete\n\u0120M H\n\u0120enroll ment\nING S\n\u0120impact ed\n\u0120dis astrous\n\u0120Y - un\n\u0120Cl aire\n\u0120Bas ically\ny t\nuster ity\n\u0120indirect ly\nw - ik\n\u0120d od\n\u0120Car r\n\u0120am p\n\u0120prohib it\n\u0120In itial\n\u0120R - d\nij i\n\u0120educ ate\nc orn\ni ott\n\u0120Beaut y\n\u0120detect ive\n\u0120Con - n\ns ince\n\u0120st agger\n\u0120ob ese\n\u0120b ree\nolog ic\nis se\nwalk - er\n\u0120bl ades\n\u0120law ful\nfun c\n\u0120Beh ind\n\u0120appet ite\n\u0120( - *\n\u0120t ennis\n\u0120off spring\n\u0120j ets\n\u0120struct ured\n\u0120afore - mentioned\nN ov\n\u0120sc aling\nf ill\n\u0120st ew\n\u0120cur b\n\u0120Step - han\ned In\nS F\nob ic\n\xE9 \u0143\u0136\nou g\n\u0120M M\n\u0120gen etically\nope - z\n13 6\n\u0120u mb\nanc ers\n\u0120coh ort\n\u0120merch andise\n\u0120imp - osing\n\u0120Legisl ature\n\u0120Arch ive\niv ia\n\u0120N aval\n\u0120off - ences\n\u0120mir acle\n\u0120sn apped\n\u0120f oes\n\u0120extensive ly\n\u0120R - af\n\u0120c ater\ned ience\nK it\n\u0120B in\n\u0120recomm ends\n\u0120C ities\n\u0120rig - id\n\u0120RE AD\n\u0120Nob le\n\u0120T ian\n\u0120certific ates\nant is\no - iler\n\u0120Budd hist\nd id\n\u0120survey ed\n\u0120down ward\n\u0120print - s\n\u0120Mot ion\nron ics\n\u0120S ans\noss ibly\nu ctions\n\u0120colon ies\n\u0120Dan - ish\nun it\n\u0120sp oil\n\u0120advis ory\nber ries\nPl an\n\u0120specific - ation\nop hers\n\u0120Res ource\n\u0120sh irts\nprising ly\ncommun ications\n\u0120triv - ial\n\u0120mention ing\nise xual\n\u0120supp lements\n\u0120super vision\nB - P\nv or\n\u0120w it\n\u0120co oldown\n\u0120plaint iff\n\u0120Review s\n\u0120S - ri\n\u0120M int\n\u0120Sug ar\n\u0120after ward\n\u0120Pri est\n\u0120Invest - ment\nog ene\n\u0120T aking\n\u0120stretch ing\n\u0120inflamm ation\n\u0120Te - hran\n\u0120l ining\n\u0120free zing\n\u0120Ent ity\n\u0120ins piring\nspe - cial\npr ice\n\u0120su e\n\u0120P orter\noun ge\nET A\n\u0120D erek\n\u0120Lu - is\nu o\nym ph\n\u0120ex terior\nih il\n\u0120Ash ley\nin ator\n\u0120nut - rients\n\u0120Th rones\n\u0120fin ances\n\u0120In spect\n\u0120spe cially\n\u0120Requ - ired\n\u0120P TS\n\u0120Viol ence\noint ed\nsh ots\n\u0120ex cerpt\nco on\nIN - S\n\u0120G ri\n\u0120recogn ised\nWe ek\nYou ng\n\u0120v om\nis le\n\u0120Cur - ry\n\u0120Budd h\n\u0120not ebook\n\u0120d urable\n/ ?\n\u0120G ad\n\u0120P - upp\n\u0120forg ive\np ark\n\u0120personal ities\nan alysis\ncl amation\n\u0120elev - ator\n\u0120ware house\n\u0120R ole\nun n\n\u0120illust ration\n\u0120Sc an\n\u0120atmosp - heric\nIm port\nAN C\nrict ed\nf u\n01 0\n\u0120ar che\n\u0120reward ed\nakespe - are\n\u0120intern ally\n\u0120R BI\nalk er\n\u0120eleph ant\now itz\n\u0120P - izza\n\u0120bip artisan\n\xC3\xA9 s\n\u0120slow ed\n\u0120St ark\n\u0120over - ride\nOU S\n\u01203 20\nundred s\n\u0120De ck\n\u0120C ensus\nbe e\n14 6\not - or\n\u0120 ip\n\u0120u b\noc ations\n\u0120But ton\nr ice\n\u0120c ripp\nff - f\n\u0120orig inated\n\u0120overwhel med\napp a\n\u0120fore most\n\xE2\u0122 - \u0133\n\u0120L EG\nre lease\neat ured\nat ches\n\u0120re ps\n\u0120l ending\n\u0120Re - ference\n\u0120Cl ient\n16 5\nvent h\nCom plete\n\u0120Pat rol\n\u0120sw orn\nc - am\n\u0120shut tle\n\u0120R alph\n\u0120h ometown\n- ,\non al\n\u0120B P\n\xE5 - \u0131\n\u0120persu ade\n\u0120Alex and\n\u0120comb ines\n\u0120v ivid\n\u0120L - ag\n\u0120enc oding\n\u0120sal vation\nw en\n\u0120Rec overy\ni ya\nUn iversity\n\u0120B - iden\n\u0120bud gets\n\u0120Tex ans\nf its\n\u0120hon ored\n\u0120p ython\nT - D\n## #\ncl one\n\u0120bl ink\n\u0120L iquid\n\u0120unemploy ed\n\u0120cl - ashes\n\u0120Coun sel\n\u0120direct ing\n\u0120pun ct\n\u0120Fal cons\n\u0120sh - ark\n\u0120Dam ascus\n\u0120je ans\n\u0120emb ark\n\u0120se ize\n\u0120up - wards\n2 80\n\u0120E z\n\u0120Any thing\n\u0120ex otic\nl ower\n\u0120Creat - or\n\u0120U m\n\u0120subur bs\nber ger\n\u0120W end\n\u0120m int\n\u0120X - X\n\u0120D ro\n\u0120suff ers\n\u0120her b\nt ree\n\u0120frag ile\n\u0120flood - ed\n\u0120Al cohol\nole an\nny der\n\u0120K O\nF ram\n\u012013 6\n\u0120ow - ed\n\u0120Me lee\n\u0120H ash\n\u0120wh isk\n\u0120su do\nr r\nQu ick\napp - ro\n\u0120i i\n\u0120Ex amples\nhe e\n\u0120promot es\nper ature\nk ar\n\u0120Hon - or\n\u0120s odium\n\u0120L if\nros so\nintend ent\n\u0120correspond ent\nF - ound\nsec ret\n\u0120ident ifies\nag ne\n\u0120l ou\n\u0120P P\n\u0120coinc - idence\nm ove\n\u0120milit ia\n\u0120inf iltr\n\u0120Prim ary\n\u0120pitch - ing\n\u0120I b\n\u0120GO OD\n\xE3\u0124 \xB8\n\u0120W izards\nir al\n\u0120Ven - us\nR R\n\u0120\xE2\u0122 \u0137\n\u0120Case y\n\u0120sad ly\n\u0120adm ire\n\u0120embarrass - ed\nc b\nM el\n\u0120tub es\n\u0120beaut ifully\n\u0120Queens land\nBel ow\nre - z\nqu et\nple asant\n\u0120\xC2 \xAB\nC amp\n\u0120dec isive\n19 98\n\u0120L - amb\nut ton\nh n\n\u0120J agu\nau nder\n\u0120C ord\n\u0120cl erk\n\u0120ca - ffe\n\u0120wip ed\n\u0120re im\n\u0120Mount ains\n\u0120imprison ed\n\u0120develop - s\n\u0120P ra\n\u0120model ing\nAny one\nance l\n\u0120S it\n\u0120shield - s\n\u0120l awn\n\u0120card iovascular\n\u0120demonstr ating\n\u0120par se\n\u0120Israel - is\n\u0120euro s\n14 3\n\u0120gl orious\nins ki\nec d\n\u0120condition ing\n\u0120hel - pless\n\u0120micro sc\n\u0120Har bor\n\u0120st akes\n\u01202 60\n\u0120un - equ\n\u0120Fl oyd\n\u0120d amp\n\u0120appar atus\n\u0120Law s\n\u0120coun - ters\n\u0120indu ce\nat able\n\u0120Ah med\n\u0120sl am\nN ovember\n\u0120pers - ist\n\u0120im minent\n\xC3\xA1 n\n\u0120sh red\n\u0120ph ases\n\u0120Ed monton\n\u0120Arm - strong\n\u0120Me et\n\u0120K itty\n\xD1 \u0122\nc irc\n\u0120Ad ult\n\u0120a - rose\n\u0120X en\nD an\ng ow\n\u0120super f\n\u0120Ad mir\n\u0120end ure\n\u0120key - word\nyr us\n\u0120y arn\n\u0120path way\n\u0120Hop kins\nmid t\n\u0120cens - orship\nd ependent\n\u0120instruct or\nS ources\n\u0120to e\n\u0120ball oon\nN - ob\n\u0120sw ear\n\u0120Cast ro\n\u0120gl oss\n\u0120K avanaugh\n\u0120remark - ably\nPh otos\n\u0120N om\n\u0120S outheast\ny ers\n\u0120valid ation\n\u0120cann - on\n\u0120Vict ory\n\u0120Pier re\n\u0120caut ious\nAud io\n\u0120f etch\n\u0120G - ift\n\u0120H yp\n\u0120rem edy\nZ E\n\u0120sc ent\n\u0120be ard\n\u0120R ut\n- - \"\n\u0120pat ents\nH y\n\u0120un just\n\u0120pot ato\n\u0120forth coming\n\u0120che - f\n\u0120R ift\naff e\n\u0120R OM\n\u0120L aunch\n\u0120p ads\n\u0120Ne o\n\u0120on - set\n\u0120squee ze\ns afe\n\u0120pref ix\n\u0120T M\n\u0120N early\n\u0120Clin - ical\n\u0120M ental\not iation\n\u0120Un ic\nant ry\n\u0120C ir\n\u0120ep - it\n\xC3 \xA6\n\u0120extract ed\nverse ly\nri ad\n\u0120str ains\n\u0120to - ps\n\u0120po em\n\u0120Rand y\n\u0120Map le\nTH ER\nup iter\n\u0120SS D\n\u013C - \xE9\n\u0120un con\nper ing\n\u0120sle pt\nin ers\n\u0120under water\n\u0120Ev - idence\ng one\n20 5\n\u0120histor ians\n\u0120synt hesis\n\u0120f rog\nb asketball\n\u0120vibr - ant\n\u0120sub ord\n\u01203 65\n\u0120D ial\n\u0120cooper ate\nHA HA\n\u0120greet - ed\n15 8\n\u0120j azz\n\u0120into x\n\u0120Walk ing\n\u0120super visor\n\u0120F - usion\n\u0120Mer cedes\ns end\nH am\ns d\nn l\n\u0120tour s\n\u0120F IFA\n\u0120cul - p\ng d\n30 4\n\u0120ple as\n\u0120illust rates\n\u0120Colomb ia\n\u0120highlight - ing\n\u0120Sum mary\n\u0120exp osing\n\u0120D ru\n\u0120ir ony\nr itional\n\u0120Car - roll\n\u0120Ell is\nP ict\n\u0120R apt\n\u0120ad apter\n\u0120un m\n\u0120cor - pse\n\u0120celeb rities\nD en\nat um\n\u0120Ap ocalypse\n\u0120W ag\nlin ing\n\u0120horm - ones\nR ub\n\u0120X i\n\u0120V aults\n20 8\nalky rie\ninos aur\n\u0120feed - s\nv ity\n\u0120defe ating\nW ait\n\u0120emphas ize\n\u0120Steel ers\nyr inth\nle - ys\n\u0120Whe never\nCurrent ly\n\u0120Cl ock\n\u0120collect ively\nany on\n\u0120J - P\n\u0120ment ality\n\u0120download s\n\u0120surround ings\n\u0120Barn es\n\u0120flags - hip\n\u0120indic ators\n\u0120gra pp\nJan uary\n\u0120Element al\n\u0120Athen - a\nib al\n\u0120s ights\n\u0120cap ita\n\u0120Treat y\n\u0120vo iced\n\u0120G - az\nlet te\n\u0120y a\n\u0120exp ired\nLeg end\nH ot\nn ature\n\u0120unst - able\n\u01202 80\n\xC3 \xBA\nCom ment\nAL E\n\u0120quest s\n\u0120hand ler\nn - is\n\u0120vers atile\n\u0120conce al\nenge ance\n\u0120Inter active\n\u0120obs - essed\n\u0120Dog s\n\u0120cr acked\nS ound\ns v\n\u0120D ylan\nro ads\nf x\n\u0120Cath - olics\n\u0120H ag\n\u0120sl ammed\n\u0120gl owing\ns ale\n\u0120tiss ues\n\u0120Ch - i\nne e\n\u0120c her\ns ic\nur rection\n\u0120b acon\nul atory\n) .\"\n\u0120ir - regular\nFOR M\nass ed\n\u0120intention al\n\u0120compens ate\n\u0120Spe aking\n\u0120S - ets\n15 3\n\u0120convent ions\nb ands\nem ade\n\u0120e cc\n\u0120Win ston\n\u0120Assass - in\n\u0120Belg ian\n\u0120depend ence\n\u0120nic he\n\u0120b ark\n\u0120J - azz\n\u0120disadvant age\n\u0120gas oline\n\u012016 5\n\xE7\u013C \u0126\ness - a\nmod ule\nang ular\nO Y\n\u0120Treat ment\nit as\nol ation\n\u0120Arn old\n\u0120fe - ud\n\u0120N est\n\u0120the atre\new ater\n\u0120min ors\nolic y\n\u0120H aven\ndiv - ision\n\u0120tr unk\nF ar\n\u0120P ull\n\u0120capt uring\n\u012018 00\n\u0120Te - en\n\u0120ex empl\n\u0120clin ics\n\u0120B urg\n\u0120subst it\n\u0120pay - load\n\u0120L av\n\u0120T roy\n\u0120W itness\n\u0120frag ments\n\u0120pass - words\n\u0120g ospel\n\u0120G in\n\u0120ten ants\nol ith\nS ix\nPre vious\n\u0120Ag - es\n\u0120Dar win\n\u0120bl at\n\u0120em pathy\nsm ith\nb ag\n\u0120E cho\n\u0120C - amb\n\u0120M add\n\u0120B oo\n\u0120red e\n\u0120Burn ing\n\u0120smooth ly\n\u0120Ad - rian\n\u0120V ampire\n\u0120Mon sters\nste am\nSty le\nM a\nre a\n\u0120D - war\naly st\nurs or\n\u0120elim ination\n\u0120crypt o\nch t\n\u0120E ternal\n\xE2\u0122\xA6 - ]\n\u0120S orce\nI ll\nN ER\n\u0120u h\nCon clusion\nw age\n\u0120resp ir\n\u0120rem - inis\nhet ical\n\u0120g y\n\u0120util ized\nic idal\n\u012019 00\n\u0120hun - ters\n\u0120Sw an\n\u0120Re act\n\u0120vis itor\n\u0120Thanks giving\n30 8\nPost - s\n\u0120h ips\n19 97\nom ers\n\u0120kn ocking\n\u0120Veh icle\n\u0120t il\n\u012013 - 8\n\u0120m i\n\u0120Invest igation\n\u0120Ken ya\n\u0120cas ino\n\u0120mot - ives\n\u0120reg ain\nre x\n\u0120week ends\n\u0120stab bed\nbor o\n\u0120explo - ited\n\u0120HA VE\n\u0120Te levision\nc ock\n\u0120prepar ations\n\u0120ende - av\n\u0120Rem ote\n\u0120M aker\n\u0120Pro du\n\u0120Ev an\n\u0120inform ational\n\u0120Louis - ville\n15 4\n\u0120Dream s\n\u0120pl ots\n\u0120Run ner\n\u0120hur ting\n\u0120acad - emy\n\u0120Mont gomery\nn m\n\u0120L anc\n\u0120Al z\n2 10\nel ong\n\u0120retail - er\n\u0120ar ising\n\u0120rebell ion\n\u0120bl onde\nplay ed\n\u0120instrument - al\nC ross\n\u0120ret ention\n\u0120therape utic\n\u0120se as\n\u0120infant - ry\n\u0120Cl int\n\u0120prompt ing\n\u0120bit ch\n\u0120st ems\n\u0120K ra\n\u0120the - sis\n\u0120B og\nru ed\n\u0120k ings\n\u0120cl ay\nific ent\n\u0120Y ES\n\u0120Th - ing\n\u0120Cub s\nvey ard\nels h\nin arily\n\u0120E y\n\u0120Roll ing\n\u0120ev - olving\nInd ia\n\u0120recogn izes\n\u0120grad uation\nis ers\n\u0120fert ility\n\u0120Mil - an\nComm and\n\u0120box ing\n\u012019 43\n\u0120gl uten\n\u0120Em ir\n\u0120id - ol\n\u0120con ceived\n\u0120Cre ation\nMer it\nudd y\nuss ions\n\u0120Lie - utenant\niet al\n\u0120unch anged\n\u0120Sc ale\n\u0120Crime a\nball s\nator - ial\n\u0120depth s\n\u0120empir ical\n\u0120trans m\n\u0120uns afe\nmiss ible\ncom - fort\n15 6\n\u0120mechan ic\n00 2\nl ins\n\u0120sm oked\nP os\n\u0120slow - ing\n\u0120l av\nTex as\n\u0120che ating\n\u0120Met ropolitan\neth yl\n\u0120discover - ing\nas se\n\u0120pen cil\n\u0120Py ongyang\n\u0120clos et\n\u0120She et\n\u0120Ent - ry\nou stic\n\u0120my st\ner ate\nari at\n\u0120miner als\n\u0120music ian\n\u0120P - ul\n\u0120M az\n24 9\n\u0120per missions\n\u0120 iv\nen ary\nick ers\n\u0120B - ing\nhe a\nen able\n\u0120gri ev\n\u0120assert ed\n\u0120Colon el\n\u0120aff - idav\nw o\n\u0120se ated\n\u0120R ide\n\u0120paint ings\n\u0120P ix\n\u012013 - 7\nish i\numb ai\ng otten\n\u0120Ear l\n\u0120in ning\n\u0120c ensus\n\u0120trave - lled\n\u0120Cons ult\n18 5\nb ind\n\u0120simpl icity\n\u0120overlook ed\n\u0120Help - ful\n\u0120mon key\n\u0120overwhelming ly\nBl ood\n\u0120Fl int\n\u0120J ama\n\u0120Pres - ent\n\u0120R age\n\u0120T A\npt ive\n\u0120turn out\nw ald\n\u0120D olphins\n\u0120V - PN\n\u0120on ion\n\u0120craft ing\nm ma\n\u0120Merc ury\n\u0120arr ange\n\u0120alert - s\n\u0120O T\nzb ollah\n\u0120g ases\n\u0120Richards on\ns al\nl ar\n\u0120fro - st\n\u0120lower ing\n\u0120acc laim\n\u0120start ups\n\u0120G ain\ness ment\n\u0120guard - ian\n\xE4\xBA \xBA\n\u0120P ie\n\u0120L inks\n\u0120mer its\n\u0120aw ake\n\u0120parent - al\n\u0120exceed s\n\u0120id le\n\u0120Pil ot\n\u0120e Bay\n\u0120Ac cept\nipe - g\nC am\n\u0120K ot\n\u0120trad ers\nolit ics\nunk er\n\u0120P ale\nos i\nan - mar\n\u012019 47\n\u0120F ell\nest ial\nit ating\nG F\n\u0120S r\nif ted\n\u0120connect - or\n\u0120B one\nill es\n2 60\nh ma\n\u0120overl ap\n\u0120Git Hub\n\u0120clean - er\n\u0120Bapt ist\n\u0120W AS\n\u0120lung s\n\xD1 \u0123\n\u0120B UT\n\u0120c - ite\n\u0120pit ched\nreat ment\n\u0120tro phies\n\u0120N u\n38 6\n\u0120Pr - ide\n\u0120attend ees\n[ ]\n17 9\n\u0120spat ial\n\u0120pri zes\n\u0120Rel - igion\n\u0120show case\n\u0120C ategory\nvid ia\nT arget\nPro perty\n? ,\n\u0120f - usion\np ie\n\u0120U CLA\n\u0120sound track\n\u0120prin cess\n\u0120C aval\nsh - ould\n\u0120lim bs\nBack ground\n\u0120lone ly\n\u0120c ores\n\u0120T ail\nshe - et\n\u012013 2\nR a\n\xE3\u0124 \xAB\n\u0120B olt\n\u0120book ed\n\u0120admin - ister\n\u0120equ als\nw y\n\u0120observ ing\n\u0120Bar on\n\u0120Ad obe\n\u0120v - irgin\n\u0120Social ist\nM ove\ngh azi\n\u0120Lind a\n2 12\n\u0120bre wing\n\u0120merch - ants\nbur se\n\u0120div or\n\u0120met als\n\u0120N er\n\u0120sum s\n\u0120En - emy\n\u0120en vision\n\u0120grant ing\n\u0120H oney\n\u0120Sk yrim\n\u0120soc - io\ngr aded\n\u0120select ive\nW ASHINGTON\n\u012019 48\n\u0120Sir ius\n\u0120G - ross\nact ivity\n\u0120I van\n\u0120fur ious\nBS D\n\u0120Pre vious\n\u0120respons - ive\n\u0120char itable\n\u0120le aning\n\u0120P ew\n\u0120viol ates\n\\\\\\\\ - \\\\\\\\\n\u0120Com ing\nw ire\n\u0120po et\n\u0120res olutions\ncomm and\n\u0120Portug - uese\n\u0120nick name\n\u0120de af\nFeb ruary\n\u0120recogn ise\n\u0120entire - ty\n\u0120season al\npl aced\n\u0120Te legraph\n\u0120micro phone\nour ing\n\u0120gr - ains\n\u0120govern ed\n\u0120post p\n\u0120W aters\nin ement\n\u0120und ocumented\n\u0120Com - cast\n\u0120f ox\n\u0120assault s\nre on\nman y\n\u0120Jen kins\n\u0120Any - way\n\u0120assess ments\n\u0120down s\n\u0120M ouse\n\u0120super b\nk t\n\u0120D - ow\n\u0120tax ation\n4 01\n\u0120sm iles\n\u0120undert aken\n\u0120ex h\n\u0120enthusi - astic\n\u0120tw ent\n\u0120government al\n\u0120autonom y\n\u0120Techn ologies\n\u0120Ch - ain\n\u0120preval ent\nf b\n\u0120nic otine\nog ram\nj ob\n\u0120awa iting\n\u0120Men - u\n\u0120dep uties\nk ov\nish ops\nBut ton\n\u0120Shan ghai\n\u0120dies el\n\u0120D - uck\nR yan\n\u0120PC s\nN F\nj ury\nent e\n\u0120inacc urate\nedd y\nWh atever\n\u0120show - c\n\u0120N ad\nod us\net r\n\u0120plaint iffs\n\u0120W OR\n\u0120Ass ange\n\u0120priv - at\n\u0120premium s\n\u0120t am\nUR L\n\u0120el ites\n\u0120R anger\notten - ham\n\u0120H off\n\u0120At hens\n\u0120defin ite\n\u0120s ighed\n\u0120even - ly\n2 11\n\u0120Am ber\nak ia\n\u0120mail ing\n\u0120cr ashing\n\u0120Confeder - ate\nru gged\nW al\n\u0120Dep ths\n\u0120juven ile\n\u0120react or\nIntrodu - ction\n\u0120Del uxe\n19 95\n\u0120S anchez\n\u0120M ead\niv able\n: -\n\u0120Plan - ning\n\u0120T rap\nqu in\n\u0120Prot ect\nve red\nIn formation\n\u0120kid - ney\ninn amon\nl as\n\u0120polic ing\n\u0120toler ate\n\u0120Q i\n\u0120bi - ased\nF ort\n\u0120K i\ns ave\n\u0120privile ged\n\u0120be asts\n\u0120Gl - as\n\u0120C inem\n\u0120come back\nSund ay\n\u0120ext inction\nh ops\n\u0120trans - mit\n\u0120doub les\n\u0120Fl at\n16 7\n\u0120dis puted\n\u0120injust ice\nf - oo\nV ict\nrole um\n\u0120Jul ie\nCon text\n\u0120R arity\niss ue\nComp onent\n\u0120counsel - ing\nan ne\nd ark\n\u0120object ions\nu ilt\n\u0120g ast\n\u0120pl ac\n\u0120un - used\n\xE3\u0125 \u0129\n\u0120T rial\n\u0120J as\nhed ral\nob b\n\u0120tempor - al\n\u0120PR O\n\u0120N W\n\u0120Ann iversary\nL arge\n\u0120ther m\n\u0120d - avid\n\u0120system ic\n\u0120Sh ir\nm ut\n\u0120Ne pt\nadd ress\n\u0120scan - ning\n\u0120understand able\n\u0120can vas\nC at\n\u0120Z oo\n\u0120ang els\nL - O\n\u0120Stat ement\n\u0120S ig\nov able\n\u0120A way\nsh aring\nocr ats\nst - ated\n\u0120weigh ing\nN or\nw ild\nB ey\n\u0120aston ishing\n\u0120Reyn olds\n\u0120op - ener\n\u0120train er\n\u0120surg ical\np n\n\u0120adjust ing\nwhe el\n\u0120f - rown\nerv ative\n\u0120susp end\nWith in\nte in\n\u0120obst acle\n\u0120liber - ties\nym es\n\u0120ur anium\nans om\nan ol\nub a\n\u0120L oss\n\u0120a rous\n\u0120Hend - erson\nW ow\ns pl\nc ur\n\u0120\xC2 \u0143\n\u0120their s\nDam age\n\u0120download - ing\n\u0120disc ern\n\u0120St o\n\u0120Fl a\n\u0120h ath\n\u0120A j\n\u0120un - pleasant\nEurope an\nexp ensive\n\u0120screens hot\n\u0120U V\n\u0120all ied\n\u0120Pers - ian\n\u0120monop oly\n\u0120at om\n\u0120Reds kins\n\"> <\n\u0120can cell\n\u0120cinem - a\n13 1\nf air\n\u0120Alf red\n\u0120d uck\narg s\n22 3\n\u0120IS I\n\u0120sign - aling\nin ar\n\u0120laugh s\n\u0120for wards\n\u0120reck less\n\u0120listen - ers\nat ivity\n\u0120vast ly\nn ant\nL ess\n\u0120Hun ting\n\u0120Scient ific\nIT - ED\n\u0120kn ight\n\u0120H TC\nus a\nt mp\n\u0120r ude\n\u0120Legend ary\n\u0120ar - ises\nB ad\n\u0120Cl aim\npe g\n\u0120real ities\nTh ink\n\u0120\xC2 \xB0\n\u0120ro - de\n\u0120stri ve\n\u0120an ecd\n\u0120short s\n\u0120hypot hes\n\u0120coord - inated\n\u0120Gand hi\n\u0120F PS\nR ED\n\u0120suscept ible\n\u0120shr ink\n\u0120Ch - art\nHel p\n\u0120 ion\nde ep\nrib es\n\u0120K ai\n\u0120Custom er\nSum mary\n\u0120c - ough\nw ife\n\u0120l end\n\u0120position ing\n\u0120lot tery\n\u0120C anyon\n\u0120f - ade\n\u0120bron ze\n\u0120Kenn y\n\u0120bo asts\n\u0120Enh anced\nrec ord\n\u0120emer - gence\n\u0120a kin\n\u0120B ert\nit ous\n\xE2\u0138 \u0133\n\u0120st ip\n\u0120exch - anged\nom ore\nals h\n\u0120reserv oir\n\u0120stand point\nW M\n\u0120initi - ate\n\u0120dec ay\n\u0120brew ery\n\u0120ter ribly\n\u0120mort al\nlev ard\n\u0120rev - is\nN I\nel o\n\u0120conf ess\n\u0120MS NBC\n\u0120sub missions\nCont roller\n\u012020 - 2\n\u0120R uth\n} );\n\u0120Az ure\n\u0120 .\"\n20 6\n\u0120Market ing\n\u0120l - aund\nien cies\n\u0120renown ed\n\u0120T rou\n\u0120N GO\nble ms\n\u0120terr - ified\n\u0120war ns\n\u0120per t\n\u0120uns ure\n4 80\nale z\nult z\n\u0120Out - side\n\u0120st yl\n\u0120Under ground\n\u0120p anc\n\u0120d ictionary\n\u0120f - oe\nrim inal\n\u0120Nor wegian\n\u0120j ailed\n\u0120m aternal\n\xC3\xA9 e\n\u0120Lu - cy\nc op\nCh o\n\u0120uns igned\n\u0120Ze lda\n\u0120Ins ider\n\u0120Contin - ued\n\u012013 3\n\u0120Nar uto\n\u0120Major ity\n16 9\n\u0120W o\n\xE3\u0124 - \u0135\n\u0120past or\n\u0120inform al\n\xD0 \xBD\nan throp\njo in\n\xE3\u0123 - \u0139\nit ational\nN P\n\u0120Writ ing\nf n\n\u0120B ever\n19 5\n\u0120y - elling\n\u0120dr astically\n\u0120e ject\n\u0120ne ut\n\u0120th rive\n\u0120Fre - qu\nou x\n\u0120possess es\n\u0120Sen ators\n\u0120D ES\n\u0120Sh akespeare\n\u0120Fran - co\n\u0120L B\nuch i\n\u0120inc arn\n\u0120found ers\nF unction\n\u0120bright - ness\n\u0120B T\n\u0120wh ale\n\u0120The ater\nm ass\n\u0120D oll\nS omething\n\u0120echo - ed\n\u0120He x\nc rit\naf ia\n\u0120godd ess\n\u0120ele ven\n\u0120Pre view\n\u0120Aur - ora\n\u01204 01\nuls ive\n\u0120Log an\nin burgh\n\u0120Cent ers\n\u0120ON - LY\n\u0120A id\n\u0120parad ox\n\u0120h urd\n\u0120L C\nD ue\nc ourt\n\u0120off - ended\n\u0120eval uating\n\u0120Matthew s\n\u0120to mb\n\u0120pay roll\n\u0120extra - ction\n\u0120H ands\nif i\n\u0120super natural\n\u0120COM M\n] =\ndog s\n\u01205 - 12\n\u0120Me eting\nRich ard\n\u0120Max imum\n\u0120ide als\nTh ings\nm and\n\u0120Reg - ardless\n\u0120hum ili\nb uffer\nL ittle\n\u0120D ani\n\u0120N ak\n\u0120liber - ation\n\u0120A be\n\u0120O L\n\u0120stuff ed\nac a\nind a\nraph ic\n\u0120mos - qu\n\u0120campaign ing\n\u0120occup y\nS qu\nr ina\n\u0120W el\n\u0120V S\n\u0120phys - ic\n\u0120p uls\nr int\noad ed\nET F\n\u0120Arch ives\n\u0120ven ues\nh ner\n\u0120Tur - bo\n\u0120l ust\n\u0120appeal ed\nque z\nil ib\n\u0120Tim othy\n\u0120o mn\nd - ro\n\u0120obs ession\n\u0120Sav age\n19 96\nGl obal\nJ es\n2 14\n\u0120sl - iding\n\u0120disapp ro\n\u0120Mag ical\n\u0120volunt arily\ng b\nane y\n\u0120prop - het\n\u0120Re in\n\u0120Jul ia\n\u0120W orth\naur us\n\u0120b ounds\nie u\n)) - )\n\u0120cro re\n\u0120Citiz en\nS ky\n\u0120column ist\n\u0120seek ers\nond - o\nIS A\n\u0120L ength\n\u0120nost alg\n\u0120new com\n\u0120det rim\nent - ric\n3 75\n\u0120G E\n\u0120aut op\n\u0120academ ics\nApp Data\n\u0120S hen\n\u0120id - iot\n\u0120Trans it\n\u0120teasp oon\nW il\nK O\n\u0120Com edy\n> ,\n\u0120pop - ulated\nW D\n\u0120p igs\n\u0120O culus\n\u0120symp athetic\n\u0120mar athon\n19 - 8\n\u0120seiz ure\ns ided\n\u0120d op\nirt ual\nL and\n\u0120Fl oor\nosa urs\n... - ]\n\u0120l os\n\u0120subsid iary\nE Y\n\u0120Part s\n\u0120St ef\n\u0120Jud - iciary\n\u012013 4\n\u0120mir rors\n\u0120k et\nt imes\n\u0120neuro log\n\u0120c - av\n\u0120Gu est\n\u0120tum or\nsc ill\n\u0120Ll oyd\nE st\n\u0120cle arer\n\u0120stere - otypes\n\u0120d ur\nnot hing\nRed dit\n\u0120negoti ated\n---------------- - --------\n23 5\n\u0120fl own\n\u0120Se oul\n\u0120Res ident\n\u0120S CH\n\u0120disappear - ance\n\u0120V ince\ng rown\n\u0120grab s\nr il\n\u0120Inf inite\n\u0120Tw - enty\n\u0120pedest rian\n\u0120jer sey\n\u0120F ur\n\u0120Inf inity\n\u0120Ell - iott\n\u0120ment or\n\u0120mor ally\n\u0120ob ey\nsec ure\niff e\n\u0120antib - iotics\nang led\n\u0120Fre eman\n\u0120Introdu ction\nJ un\n\u0120m arsh\nic - ans\n\u0120EV ENTS\noch ond\nW all\nicult y\n\u0120misdem eanor\n\u0120l y\nTh - omas\n\u0120Res olution\n\u0120anim ations\n\u0120D ry\n\u0120inter course\n\u0120New - castle\n\u0120H og\n\u0120Equ ipment\n17 7\n\u0120territ orial\n\u0120arch - ives\n20 3\nFil ter\n\u0120Mun ich\n\u0120command ed\n\u0120W and\n\u0120pit - ches\n\u0120Cro at\n\u0120rat ios\n\u0120M its\n\u0120accum ulated\n\u0120Specific - ally\n\u0120gentle man\nacer b\n\u0120p enn\n\u0120a ka\n\u0120F uk\n\u0120interven - e\n\u0120Ref uge\n\u0120Alz heimer\n\u0120success ion\noh an\nd oes\nL ord\n\u0120separ - at\n\u0120correspond ence\n\u0120sh iny\nP rior\n\u0120s ulf\n\u0120miser - able\n\u0120ded ication\n( ).\n\u0120special ists\n\u0120defect s\n\u0120C - ult\n\u0120X ia\n\u0120je opard\n\u0120O re\nAb ility\n\u0120le ar\n\u0120amb - itions\n\u0120B MI\n\u0120Arab s\n\u012019 42\n\u0120pres ervation\nific ate\n\u0120ash - amed\nl oss\n\u0120Rest aur\n\u0120rese mble\n\u0120en rich\n\u0120K N\n\u0120Cl - an\nfl oat\n\u0120play able\nIT T\n\u0120harm ony\narr ison\n\u0120We instein\nw - ere\n\u0120poison ing\n\u0120Com put\n\u0120Word Press\nm ajor\n\u0120Val - ve\nF an\n\u0120Th row\n\u0120Rom ans\n\u0120Dep ression\nad os\n\u0120tort - ured\n\u0120bal ancing\nbott om\n\u0120acqu iring\n\u0120Mon te\nard i\n\u0120a - ura\n\u0120# #\n\u0120Stand ing\n\u0120Atl as\nC F\n\u0120intr ins\n\u0120Ben - ghazi\n\u0120camp ing\n\u0120t apped\nbl ade\nst rous\n\u0120R abb\n\u0120W - ritten\nt ip\n\u0120Ne igh\nster dam\n\u0120All ow\n\u0120He aling\n\u0120R - hod\nn um\n\u0120caffe ine\n\u0120Per cent\n\u0120bo o\n\u0120app les\n30 - 5\n\u0120wel coming\n\u0120appl aud\n\u0120a usterity\n\xC2 \xB1\n\u0120Re - ality\nef e\n\xE5 \xAE\n\u0120su cks\n\u0120tab s\n\u0120Pay Pal\n\u0120back - pack\n\u0120gif ted\nabul ary\n\u0120Sc out\nir teen\n\u0120ch in\n\u0120o - mitted\n\u0120negative ly\n\u0120access ing\n\u0120E arn\n\u0120ambul ance\n\u0120head - phones\n\u012020 5\n\u0120Ref resh\np resident\n\u0120Kit chen\n\u0120Ent - ered\n\u0120S nyder\n00 5\nom ical\n\u0120borrow ed\n\u0120N em\n\u0120av - iation\n\u0120st all\nrim ination\n\u0120uniform s\nit ime\n\u0120Sim mons\nener - gy\nab lished\ny y\nqual ified\n\u0120rall ies\n\u0120St uart\nfl ight\n\u0120gang - s\nr ag\n\u0120v ault\nlu x\n\u0120Com par\n\u0120design ation\n20 9\n\u0120J - os\nd ollar\nz ero\n\u0120well s\n30 3\n\u0120constitu ents\n\u0120he ck\n\u0120c - ows\n\u0120command ers\n\u0120different ial\n\u0120C atherine\n29 9\n\u0120val - ve\n\u0120br ace\n\u0120perspect ives\nc ert\nf act\nicular ly\n\u0120Mc N\npl - anes\n\u0120int ric\n\u0120pe as\nov an\n\u0120toss ed\nret ch\n\u0120L opez\n\u0120unf - amiliar\nde ath\n\u0120A part\n\u0120Ch ang\n\u0120relie ved\nrop he\n\u0120air - ports\n\u0120fre ak\nut il\nM ill\n\u0120Ch in\n\u0120Ow en\nm ale\n\u0120Bro - ken\n\u0120Wind s\nro b\nr ising\n\u0120fire fighters\n\u0120author itarian\n\u012014 - 8\nBit coin\nex ternal\n\u0120brow sers\niche ver\nor ian\n\u0120un b\n\u0120po - ke\n\u0120Z ot\nM id\n\u0120Pop ular\n\u0120co vert\n\u0120cont ributes\n\u01206 - 50\n\u0120cont ention\nG ate\n\u0120cons oles\n\u0120chrom os\n\u0120I X\n\u0120vis - ually\n\u0120E isen\n\u0120jewel ry\n\u0120deleg ation\n\u0120acceler ate\n\u0120R - iley\n\u0120sl ope\n\u0120ind oor\nit ially\n\u0120huge ly\n\u0120tun nels\n\u0120fin - ed\n\u0120direct ive\n\u0120fore head\nustom ed\n\u0120sk ate\nMus ic\ng as\n\u0120recogn - izing\nam bo\n\u0120over weight\n\u0120Gr ade\n\xD9 \u012C\n\u0120sound ing\n\u0120lock - ing\n\u0120R EM\nSt ore\n\u0120exc av\n\u0120Like wise\n\u0120L ights\n\u0120el - bow\n\u0120Supp ly\nw ic\n\u0120hands ome\n19 94\nC oll\n\u0120adequ ately\n\u0120Associ - ate\n\u0120stri ps\n\u0120crack down\n\u0120mar vel\n\u0120K un\n\u0120pass - ages\n@@ @@\n\u0120T all\n\u0120thought ful\nnames e\n\u0120prost itution\nbus - iness\n\u0120ball istic\nperson al\nc ig\niz ational\nR ound\n\u0120\xC2\u0142\u0120\xC2\u0142 - \u0120\xC2\u0142\u0120\xC2\u0142\n\u0120Cole man\n\u0120adm itting\n\u0120Pl - ug\n\u0120bit coins\n\u0120Su z\n\u0120fair ness\n\u0120supp lier\n\u0120catast - rophic\n\u0120Hel en\no qu\nM arc\n\u0120Art icles\ng ie\n\u0120end angered\n\u0120dest - iny\n\u0120Vol t\nol ia\nax is\n\u0120che at\n\u0120un ified\nIC O\nqu ote\n30 - 2\n\u0120S ed\n\u0120supp ression\n\u0120analy zing\n\u0120squ at\n\u0120fig - uring\n\u0120coordin ates\n\u0120ch unks\n\u012019 46\n\u0120sub p\n\u0120w - iki\n\u0120For bes\n\u0120J upiter\n\u0120E rik\nim er\n\u0120Com mercial\n\\ - )\n\u0120legitim acy\n\u0120d ental\n\u0120Me an\n\u0120defic its\n5 50\nOrig - inally\n\u0120Hor ror\n\u0120contam ination\nll ah\n\u0120conf isc\n\u0120Cl - are\nT B\n\u0120F ailed\nan ed\n\u0120rul er\n\u0120Cont roller\n\u0120femin - ists\nF ix\ng ay\n20 7\n\u0120r abbit\nTh ird\nownt own\n\u0120gl ue\n\u0120vol - atile\n\u0120sh ining\n\u0120f oll\n\u0120imp aired\n\u0120sup ers\n\xE6 \u012A\n\u0120cl - utch\n\u013C\xE9 \u0128\u0134\n\u0120pro let\n\u0120( !\n\u0120y elled\n\u0120K - iev\n\u0120Er n\n\u0120Sh ock\nK B\n\u0120sit uated\nqu ery\n\u0120N as\n\u0120an - nex\nchar acter\n\u0120Hol iday\n\u0120autom ation\n\u0120J ill\n\u0120Rem - astered\n\u0120l inem\n\u0120wild erness\n\u0120Hor izon\n\u0120Gu inea\nA - Z\n\u0120main land\n\u0120sec recy\nLE ASE\n\u0120p unk\n\u0120Prov ince\n( - ),\nSpe ed\n\u0120hand ing\n\u0120Seb ast\nS ir\nr ase\n\u0120j ournals\n\u0120con - gest\n\u0120T ut\nir rel\n\u0120schizophren ia\n\u0120mis ogyn\nhealth y\nI - ron\n\u0120react ed\n- $\n25 2\n\u0120pl ural\n\u0120pl um\n\u0120barg ain\n\u0120ground - ed\nf inder\n\u0120dis se\n\u0120L az\nO OD\n\u0120at roc\nF actory\n\u0120min - ions\n\u0120o ri\n\u0120B rave\n\u0120P RE\n\u0120My anmar\n\u0120H od\n\u0120exped - ition\n\u0120expl ode\n\u0120Co ord\n\u0120ext r\n\u0120B rief\n\u0120AD HD\n\u0120hard - core\nfeed ing\n\u0120d ile\n\u0120F ruit\n\u0120vacc ination\n\u0120M ao\nosp - here\n\u0120cont ests\n- |\n\u0120f ren\nisp here\nR om\n\u0120Sh arp\n\u0120Tre - nd\n\u0120dis connect\n\xE2\u0122\xA2 \xE2\u0122\xA2\n\u0120per secution\nEar - th\n\u0120health ier\n38 4\n\u0120c ob\n\u0120Tr inity\nOW S\nAN N\n\u0120special - ty\n\u0120g ru\n\u0120cooper ative\nwh y\nStart ing\n\u0120Iss ues\nst re\nens - or\n\u012018 5\nAd v\n! ?\n\u0120Re vel\nem ia\n\u0120H ulk\n\u0120celebr - ations\n\u0120S ou\nra ud\n\u0120Kle in\n\u0120un real\ncon text\n\u0120partners - hips\n\u0120adop ting\nt ical\n\u0120spl ash\n\u0120He zbollah\nc ategory\ncycl - op\nxt on\n\u0120D ot\nurd y\nt z\n\u0120envelop e\n\u0120N L\n\xE2 \u0137\n\u0120where - in\nSpe c\n18 4\n\u0120te lev\nal iation\n\u0120myth s\n\xE5 \xB0\n\u0120rig - orous\n\u0120commun icating\n\u0120obser ver\n\u0120re he\n\u0120W ash\n\u0120apolog - ized\n\u0120T in\n\u0120expend itures\nwork ers\nd ocument\n\u0120hes itate\n\u0120Len - in\n\u0120unpredict able\n\u0120renew al\ncl er\nok ia\n\u0120CON T\n\u0120post - season\nTok ens\n\u0120ex acerb\n\u0120bet ting\n\u012014 7\n\u0120elev ation\nW - ood\n\u0120Sol omon\n19 4\n00 4\nout put\n\u0120redu nd\n\u0120M umbai\n\u0120p - H\n\u0120reprodu ce\n\u0120D uration\nMA X\n\u0120b og\nC BS\n\u0120Bal ance\n\u0120S - gt\n\u0120Rec ent\n\u0120c d\n\u0120po pped\n\u0120incomp et\npro p\nay an\ng - uy\nPac ific\n\u0120ty r\n\u0120{ {\n\u0120My stic\n\u0120D ana\n\u0120mast - urb\n\u0120ge ometry\n\xC3 \xA2\n\u0120Cor rect\n\u0120traject ory\n\u0120distract - ed\n\u0120f oo\n\u0120W elsh\nL uc\nm ith\n\u0120rug by\n\u0120respir atory\n\u0120tri - angle\n\u01202 15\n\u0120under graduate\n\u0120Super ior\nch anging\n_ -\n\u0120right - ly\n\u0120refere e\n\u0120luc rative\n\u0120un authorized\n\u0120resemb les\n\u0120GN - U\n\u0120Der by\n\u0120path ways\n\u0120L ed\n\u0120end urance\n\u0120st int\n\u0120collect - or\nF ast\n\u0120d ots\n\u0120national s\n\u0120Sec urities\n\u0120wh ip\nPar - am\n\u0120learn s\nM agic\n\u0120detail ing\nm oon\n\u0120broadcast ing\n\u0120b - aked\n26 5\nhol m\n\u0120S ah\n\u0120Hus sein\n\u0120Court esy\n17 4\n\u012014 - 6\n\u0120ge ographic\npe ace\n\u0120jud ging\n\u0120S tern\nB ur\n\u0120story - line\nG un\n\u0120St ick\n24 5\n30 7\n\xE3\u0124\xB4 \xE3\u0125\xB3\n\u0120Administ - rator\n\u0120bur nt\n\u0120p ave\nch oes\nEx ec\n\u0120camp uses\nRes ult\n\u0120mut - ations\n\u0120Ch arter\n\u0120capt ures\n\u0120comp ares\n\u0120bad ge\nS - cient\n\u0120er ad\nier y\no i\nett es\n\u0120E state\n\u0120st rap\n\u0120proud - ly\n\u0120f ried\n\u0120withd rawn\n\u0120V oy\nph ony\nIt ems\n\u0120P ierce\nb - ard\n\u0120ann otation\nant on\nill on\nIm pro\n... )\n\u0120happ ier\n---- - --\nad just\n\u0120staff ers\n\u0120activ ism\n\u0120per f\n\u0120al right\nN - eed\n\u0120comm ence\n\u0120opio id\n\u0120Am anda\nE s\n\u0120P ars\n\u0120K - aw\nW orks\n24 8\n\u0120ind o\nt c\nend ant\n\u0120M oto\n\u0120legal ization\nOT - E\n\u0120task ed\n\u0120t sp\n\u0120ACT IONS\n16 6\n\u0120refres hing\n\u0120N - R\n\u0120Pere z\n\u0120infring ement\nS Y\nList en\nin ning\nk u\n\u0120rot - ate\npro gram\nar ah\nDes ign\n\u0120( \xC2\xA3\n\u0120st oring\n\u0120war - rants\n\u0120jud gement\n\u0120B rist\nus ually\nph oto\n\u0120R an\n\u0120P - ine\n\u0120outrage ous\n\u0120Valent ine\nlu ence\n\u0120Every body\nAl tern\n\u0120rele - vance\n\u0120termin ated\n\u0120d essert\n\u0120fulf illed\n\u0120prosecut - ed\n\u0120W ords\n\u0120m igrant\n\u0120cultiv ation\n\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124 - \xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\nidel - ity\n\u0120V ern\n\u0120Log in\n\u0120metaph or\n\u0120T ip\n\u0120recru its\n\u0120P - ig\nrib ing\n\u0120enthusi asts\nex per\n\u0120fright ening\n\u0120H air\nans - on\nstr ate\n\u0120h i\nHe ight\n\u0120own ing\nn one\n\u0120dis like\n\u0120kn - ives\npher d\n\u0120loud ly\n\u0120AP Is\nDis play\n\u0120L ac\n\u0120US S\nab - l\nver ages\nJ ew\n\u012017 2\n\u0120Hist orical\nat oon\n\u0120Phys ics\nin - tern\n\u0120warm th\n\u0120to pp\nD M\n\u0120gun man\n\u0120em peror\nod i\n\xE3\u0125 - \xA3\nin atory\n\u0120R ib\n\u012013 1\n\u0120Sat urn\n\u0120Sh ining\n\u0120w - aking\nQu otes\n\u0120comed ian\nen berg\n\xC2 \xBD\n\u0120belie vers\n\u0120paper - work\nc ustom\n\u0120le v\n\u0120l ament\n\u0120pour ing\n22 2\np olitical\n\u0120Supp - lement\nm aid\n\u0120cruel ty\n\u0120t read\nys ics\nA w\nrit es\n\u0120mod - ifier\n\u0120P osition\nAd am\nl b\nub s\n\u0120imper fect\n\u0120cl usters\n\u0120Engine - er\n\u0120C herry\n\u0120inaug uration\n\u0120S au\n\u0120embod iment\n\u0120Un - cle\n\u0120over r\n\u0120explos ions\nc ule\n\u0120Princ eton\n\u0120Andre - a\n\u0120incorrect ly\n\u0120earn est\n\u0120pil gr\n\u0120S print\n\u0120slee - ve\n\u0120he ars\n\u0120Am azing\n\u0120brow sing\nag in\n\u0120hom eland\n\u0120ha - w\n\u0120d iving\nist ered\n17 8\n\u0120barg aining\n\u0120Arc ade\n\u0120deleg - ate\nters on\n................................ ................................\n\u0120Jackson - ville\n27 5\n\u0120st agn\n\u0120ad am\n\u0120Sher man\nC B\n\u0120sub urb\n\u0120Food - s\n\u0120conver ting\n\u0120Ar ist\n\u0120ch ambers\nl ove\n\u0120am ino\n\u0120G - an\n\u0120mad ness\nm c\n\u0120US E\ndef ined\n\u0120ul tr\nind ust\n\u0120w - olves\nl ance\nAdd itionally\n\u0120cr acks\nas ia\n\u0120Re ason\n\u0120P - ump\n\u0120accident al\n\u0120L aser\n\u0120R id\n\u0120initial ized\nell - i\n\u0120un named\n\u0120n oun\n\u0120Pass ed\n\u0120host age\n\u0120Eth iop\nsh - irts\n\u0120un rel\n\u0120Emb assy\n\u012019 41\n\u0120at oms\n\u0120pur ported\n16 - 4\n\u0120F i\n\u0120gall ons\n\u0120Mon ica\n\u0120p g\nen ment\n\u0120sort - ed\n\u0120G ospel\n\u0120he ights\n\u0120tr aced\n\u0120under going\nShe ll\n\u0120s - acks\n\u0120proport ions\n\u0120hall uc\nF ont\nac et\n\u0120war mer\n\u0120IN - TER\n\u0120grab bing\nPl ug\n\u0120real ization\n\u0120Bur ke\n\u0120en chant\nAT - ER\n\u0120Se ed\n\u0120abund ant\nF M\n\u0120c ivic\nV s\nis i\n\u0120v ow\n\u0120re - per\n\u0120Partners hip\n\u0120penet ration\n\u0120ax e\n\u0120sh attered\n\u0120Z - ombies\n\u0120v inyl\n\u0120Al ert\ne on\n\u0120oblig ed\n\u0120Ill ust\n\u0120Pl - aza\n\u0120Front ier\n\u0120david jl\n\u0120Ser ial\n\u0120H av\n\u0120Nut - rition\nB i\n\u0120\xE2\u0138 \u012A\n\u0120J ays\nlin ux\n\u0120hur ry\n\u0120v - oy\n\u0120hop eless\n\u0120Ste alth\n\u0120 \xE3\u0123\ness ors\ntt le\nb - org\n\u0120Saf ari\nf ell\n\u0120w ary\nd ue\n\u0120Ab ove\nH a\nE LL\n\u0120not - or\n\u0120W on\nT oo\n\u0120occup ations\n\u0120poss essions\n\u0120inv iting\n\u0120pred - ators\n\u0120acceler ated\n\u012015 7\nuter te\n\u0120C ube\ne ast\nacc ount\nG - ive\n\u0120trans plant\nred ients\nid able\n\u0120screens hots\n\u0120G und\n\u0120F - S\n\u0120travel ers\n\u0120sens ory\n\u0120F iat\n\u0120Rock ets\n\u0130 \u012D\n_ - {\nF riend\n\u0120char ming\nAL S\n\u0120enjoy ment\nm ph\n\u01205 000\n\u0120RE - G\n\xD9 \u0128\nb ia\n\u0120comp ilation\nro st\n\u0120V P\n\u0120Sch ne\n201 - 9\n\u0120cop ying\nM ORE\n\u0120Fl ore\nf alls\n2 15\nt otal\n\u0120dis ciples\nd - ouble\n\u0120exceed ing\n\u0120sm ashed\n\u0120concept ual\n\u0120Rom ania\n\u0120B - rent\n\u0120I CE\n\u0120T ou\n\u0120g rap\n\u0120n ails\n18 9\n\xE3\u0125 - \u013A\n\u0120proc ure\ne ur\n\u0120confir ming\n\u0120C ec\naw i\n\u0120Ed - en\n\u0120n g\n\u0120engine ered\nat ics\n\u0120hook ed\n\u0120disgust ing\n\u0120Mur - der\n\xE3\u0124 \xBF\nL ibrary\n\u012016 8\nAl most\nhem atic\nMen u\n\u0120Not - re\n\u0120J ur\n\u0120kidn apped\n\u0120hack er\n\u0120J ade\n\u0120creep - y\n\u0120draw ings\n\u0120Spons or\n\u0120cycl ists\n\u0120Gob lin\n\u0120optim - ized\n\u0120st aged\n\u0120Mc D\nbet ween\nA ge\nen o\nS ex\n\u0120W ide\nn - ings\nav is\n\u0120incap able\n\u0120K ob\n\u0120reward ing\n\u0120L one\noles - cent\n\u0120contract ed\n\u0120stick y\nJ ose\nB all\nf est\n\u0120In put\n\u0120Rec - ently\n\u0120to mat\nsqu are\nApp lication\n\u0120nit rogen\n\u0120dupl icate\n\u0120Rec - on\n\u0120D ear\nL ondon\n\u0120int ra\n\u0120d ock\n\u0120out reach\n\u0120M - illion\n\u0120mamm als\nam pton\nV AL\n\u0120sn aps\n\u0120d os\n\u0120Wh - ole\n\u0120Read y\nT ry\n\u0120Winn ipeg\near ance\n\u0120inc urred\nren ched\n\u0120NS - W\nil ot\nrain e\n\u0120c ube\ng ot\n\u0120run way\netermin ed\n\u0120Haw - ks\n\u0120surviv or\n\u0120W ish\n\u0120D in\n\u0120DE F\n\u0120V ault\n18 - 7\n\u0120mush rooms\n\u0120cris p\nbe y\n\u0120Disco very\n\u0120development - al\n\u0120parad igm\n\u0120cha otic\n\u0120T su\n\u01203 33\nb ons\n\u0120bacter - ial\n\u0120comm its\n\u0120cos mic\n\u0120me ga\noc ative\n\u0120P aint\nophob - ic\n\u0120v ain\n\u0120car ved\n\u0120Th ief\n\u0120G ul\nows hip\n\u0120c - ites\n\u0120Ed inburgh\n\u0120dimin ished\n\u0120acknowled ges\n\u0120K ills\n\u0120mic - row\n\u0120Her a\n\u0120sen iors\n\u0120where by\nH op\nat ron\n\u0120un available\n\u0120N - ate\n\u01204 80\n\u0120sl ated\n\u0120Re becca\n\u0120B attery\n\u0120gram - mar\n\u0120head set\n\u0120curs or\n\u0120ex cluding\nany e\naunder ing\neb - in\n\u0120feas ible\n\u0120Pub lishing\n\u0120Lab s\n\u0120Cl iff\n\u0120Ferr - ari\n\u0120p ac\nvis ible\nmark ed\npe ll\n\u0120pol ite\n\u0120stagger ing\n\u0120Gal - actic\n\u0120super st\n\u0120par an\n\u0120Offic ers\n\xE3\u0122 \u0123\n\u0120specific - s\nul us\n23 9\n\u0120P aste\nAM P\n\u0120Pan ama\n\u0120De lete\nangu ard\nrest - rial\n\u0120hero ic\n\u0120D y\n\xD8\xA7 \xD9\u0126\n\u0120incumb ent\n\u0120cr - unch\nt ro\n\u0120sc oop\n\u0120blog ger\n\u0120sell ers\nure n\n\u0120medic - ines\n\u0120C aps\n\u0120Anim ation\nox y\n\u0120out ward\n\u0120inqu iries\n22 - 9\n\u0120psych ologist\n\u0120S ask\nev il\n\u0120contam inated\n\xE3\u0124 - \xA8\nhe rence\n\u0120brand ed\n\u0120Abd ul\nz h\n\u0120paragraph s\n\u0120min - s\n\u0120cor related\ner b\n\u0120imp art\n\u0120mil estone\n\u0120Sol utions\not - le\n\u0120under cover\n\u0120mar ched\n\u0120Charg ers\nf ax\n\u0120Sec rets\n\u0120r - uth\nwe ather\n\u0120femin ine\n\u0120sh am\n\u0120prest igious\nigg ins\n\u0120s - ung\nhist ory\nett le\ngg ie\n\u0120out dated\nol and\n\u0120per ceptions\n\u0120S - ession\n\u0120Dod gers\nu j\n\u0120E ND\nD oc\n\u0120defic iency\nGr and\n\u0120J - oker\n\u0120retro spect\n\u0120diagn ostic\n\u0120harm less\n\u0120ro gue\n\u0120A - val\nE qu\n\u0120trans c\n\u0120Roberts on\n\u0120Dep ending\n\u0120Burn s\niv - o\n\u0120host ility\nF eatures\n\u0135 \u013A\n\u0120dis comfort\n\u0120L - CD\nspec ified\n\u0120Ex pect\n3 40\n\u0120imper ative\n\u0120Reg ular\nCh - inese\n\u0120state wide\n\u0120sy mm\n\u0120lo ops\n\u0120aut umn\nN ick\n\u0120sh - aping\n\u0120qu ot\n\u0120c herry\n\u0120Cross ref\n\xE8\xA6 \u013C\xE9\u0128\u0134\nStand - ard\nhe ed\n\u0120D ell\n\u0120Viet namese\n\u0120o st\n\u0120V alkyrie\nO - A\nAss ad\n\u0120reb ound\n\u0120Tra ffic\npl aces\n\xE6 \u013A\n\u0120B uc\n17 - 2\n\u0120shel ters\n\u0120ins isting\n\u0120Certain ly\n\u0120Kenn eth\n\u0120T - CP\n\u0120pen al\n\u0120Re play\nhe ard\n\u0120dial ect\niz a\n\u0120F Y\nit - cher\n\u0120D L\n\u0120spir al\n\u0120quarterback s\n\u0120h ull\n\u0120go - ogle\n\u0120to dd\n\u0120Ster ling\n\u0120Pl ate\n\u0120sp ying\nmb ol\n\u0120Real - m\n\u0120Pro ced\n\u0120Cr ash\n\u0120termin ate\n\u0120protest ing\nC enter\ngu - ided\n\u0120un cover\n\u0120boy cott\n\u0120real izes\ns ound\n\u0120pret - ending\n\u0120V as\n19 80\n\u0120fram ed\n\u012013 9\n\u0120desc ended\n\u0120rehab - ilitation\n\u0120borrow ing\n\u0120B uch\n\u0120bl ur\nR on\n\u0120Fro zen\nen - za\nCh ief\n\u0120P oor\n\u0120transl ates\nM IN\n\u01202 12\nJ ECT\n\u0120erupt - ed\n\u0120success es\nS EC\n\u0120pl ague\n\u0120g ems\nd oms\n\u0120stret - ches\n\u0120Sp y\n\u0120story telling\nC redit\n\u0120P ush\n\u0120tra ction\n\u0120in - effective\n\u0120L una\n\u0120t apes\n\u0120analy tics\nerc ise\n\u0120program - mes\n\u0120Car bon\n\u0120beh old\nhe avy\n\u0120Conserv ation\n\u0120F IR\n\u0120s - ack\nter min\nric ks\n\u0120hous ed\n\u0120unus ually\nI ce\n\u0120execut - ing\n\u0120Mor oc\ned ay\n\u0120ed itions\n\u0120sm arter\n\u0120B A\n\u0120out - law\n\u0120van ished\nib a\nAL SE\n\u0120Sil va\n23 8\nC ould\n\u0120philos - opher\n\u0120evac uated\nSec ret\n14 2\n\u0120vis as\n\xE3\u0124 \xAC\n\u0120M - alt\n\u0120Clear ly\n\u0120N iger\n\u0120C airo\n\u0120F ist\n3 80\n\u0120X - ML\naut o\nit ant\n\u0120rein forced\nRec ord\n\u0120Surviv or\nG Hz\n\u0120screw - s\nparent s\n\u0120o ceans\nma res\n\u0120bra kes\nvas ive\n\u0120hell o\n\u0120S - IM\nrim p\n\u0120o re\n\u0120Arm our\n24 7\n\u0120terr ific\n\u0120t ones\n14 - 1\n\u0120Min utes\nEp isode\n\u0120cur ves\n\u0120inflamm atory\n\u0120bat - ting\n\u0120Beaut iful\nL ay\n\u0120unp op\nv able\n\u0120r iots\n\u0120Tact - ics\nb augh\n\u0120C ock\n\u0120org asm\n\u0120S as\n\u0120construct or\net - z\nG ov\n\u0120ant agon\n\u0120the at\n\u0120de eds\nha o\nc uts\n\u0120Mc - Cl\n\u0120u m\n\u0120Scient ists\n\u0120grass roots\nys sey\n\"] =>\n\u0120surf - aced\n\u0120sh ades\n\u0120neighb ours\n\u0120ad vertis\noy a\n\u0120mer ged\nUp - on\n\u0120g ad\n\u0120anticip ate\nAny way\n\u0120sl ogan\n\u0120dis respect\nI - ran\n\u0120T B\nact ed\n\u0120subp oen\nmedi ately\nOO OO\n\u0120wa iver\n\u0120vulner - abilities\nott esville\n\u0120Huff ington\nJ osh\n\u0120D H\nM onday\n\u0120Ell - en\nK now\nx on\nit ems\n22 8\n\u0120f ills\n\u0120N ike\n\u0120cum ulative\nand - als\nI r\n\u0120 \xEC\n\u0120fr iction\nig ator\n\u0120sc ans\n\u0120Vi enna\nld - om\n\u0120perform ers\nP rim\n\u0120b idding\nM ur\n\u0120lean ed\n\u0120Pri - x\nal ks\n\u0120[ \xE2\u0122\xA6]\n\u0120Tw itch\n\u0120Develop er\n\u0120G - ir\n\u0120call back\nAb stract\n\u0120acc ustomed\n\u0120freed oms\n\u0120P - G\nur acy\n\u0120l ump\nis man\n,, ,,\n19 92\n\u0120R ED\n\u0120wor m\nM atch\n\u0120Pl - atinum\nI J\n\u0120Own er\nTri via\ncom pl\n\u0120new born\n\u0120fant as\nO - wn\n\u012019 59\n\u0120symp ath\n\u0120ub iqu\n\u0120output s\n\u0120al lev\n\u0120pr - ag\nK evin\n\u0120fav ors\n\u0120bur ial\n\u0120n urt\nso lete\nc ache\n\u012015 - 6\n\u0120unl ocks\nte chn\nM aking\n\u0120con quer\nad ic\n\xE6 \u0138\n\u0120el - f\n\u0120elect orate\n\u0120Kurd s\n\u0120St ack\n\u0120Sam urai\n\u0120\xE2 - \u013A\u0127\n\u0120{ }\n\u0120S aid\n\u0120Fall out\n\u0120kind ness\n\u0120Custom - s\n\u0120Bou levard\n\u0120helicop ters\not ics\n\u0120Ve get\ncom ment\n\u0120critic - ised\n\u0120pol ished\n\u0120Rem ix\n\u0120C ultural\n\u0120rec ons\n\u0120do - i\nat em\nSc reen\n\u0120bar red\nCom ments\n\u0120Gener ally\n\u0120sl ap\n7 - 20\nV ari\np ine\n\u0120em pt\n\u0120h ats\n\u0120Play ing\nl ab\na verage\nform - s\n\u0120C otton\n\u0120can s\n\u0120D ON\n\u0120Som alia\nC rypt\n\u0120Incre - ases\nE ver\nmod ern\n\u0120sur geon\n3 000\n\u0120random ized\n================================ - ================================\nB ern\nim pl\n\u0120C OR\n\u0120pro claim\nth - ouse\n\u0120to es\n\u0120am ple\n\u0120pres erving\n\u0120dis bel\ngr and\nB - esides\n\u0120sil k\n\u0120Pat tern\nh m\n\u0120enter prises\n\u0120affidav - it\n\u0120Advis ory\n\u0120advert ised\n\u0120Rel igious\nse ctions\npsy ch\n\u0120Field - s\naw ays\n\u0120hasht ag\n\u0120Night mare\n\u0120v ampire\n\u0120fore nsic\nrosso - ver\nn ar\n\u0120n avy\n\u0120vac ant\n\u0120D uel\n\u0120hall way\n\u0120face - book\nident ally\n\u0120N RA\n\u0120m att\n\u0120hur ricane\n\u0120Kir by\n\u0120P - uzzle\n\u0120sk irt\nou st\ndu llah\n\u0120anal ogy\nin ion\n\u0120tomat oes\n\u0120N - V\n\u0120Pe ak\n\u0120Me yer\n\u0120appoint ments\n\u0120m asc\n\u0120al ley\nre - hend\n\u0120char ities\n\u0120und o\n\u0120dest inations\n\u0120Test ing\n\"> - \"\nc ats\n* .\n\u0120gest ures\ngener al\nLe ague\n\u0120pack ets\n\u0120Inspect - or\n\u0120Ber g\n\u0120fraud ulent\n\u0120critic ize\nF un\n\u0120bl aming\nnd - ra\n\u0120sl ash\n\u0120E ston\n\u0120propos ing\n\u0120wh ales\n\u0120therap - ist\n\u0120sub set\n\u0120le isure\nEL D\n\u0120C VE\n\u0120Act ivity\n\u0120cul - min\nsh op\n\u0120D AY\nis cher\n\u0120Admir al\n\u0120Att acks\n\u012019 - 58\n\u0120mem oir\n\u0120fold ed\n\u0120sex ist\n\u012015 3\n\u0120L I\n\u0120read - ings\n\u0120embarrass ment\n\u0120Employ ment\nw art\nch in\n\u0120contin - uation\nl ia\nRec ently\n\u0120d uel\n\u0120evac uation\n\u0120Kash mir\n\u0120dis - position\n\u0120R ig\n\u0120bol ts\n\u0120ins urers\n4 67\nM ex\n\u0120ret - aliation\n\u0120mis ery\n\u0120unre asonable\nr aining\nI mm\n\u0120P U\nem - er\n\u0120gen ital\n\xE3\u0124 \xB3\n\u0120C andy\n\u0120on ions\n\u0120P - att\nlin er\n\u0120conced ed\n\u0120f a\n\u0120for c\n\u0120H ernandez\n\u0120Ge - off\ndeb ian\n\u0120Te ams\n\u0120c ries\n\u0120home owners\n23 7\nA BC\n\u0120st - itch\n\u0120stat istic\n\u0120head ers\n\u0120Bi ology\n\u0120mot ors\n\u0120G - EN\n\u0120L ip\n\u0120h ates\n\u0120he el\nS elf\ni pl\nED IT\nort ing\n\u0120ann - ot\n\u0120Spe ech\nold emort\n\u0120J avascript\n\u0120Le Bron\n\u0120foot - print\n\u0120f n\n\u0120seiz ures\nn as\nh ide\n\u012019 54\n\u0120Be e\n\u0120Decl - aration\n\u0120Kat ie\n\u0120reserv ations\nN R\nf emale\n\u0120satur ated\n\u0120b - iblical\n\u0120troll s\nDev ice\nph otos\n\u0120dr ums\n\xE3\u0125\u012B\xE3\u0125\xA9 - \xE3\u0124\xB4\xE3\u0125\xB3\nN ight\nf ighter\n\u0120H ak\nri ber\n\u0120c - ush\n\u0120discipl inary\nba um\n\u0120G H\n\u0120Sch midt\nilib rium\n\u0120s - ixty\n\u0120Kush ner\nro ts\n\u0120p und\n\u0120R ac\n\u0120spr ings\n\u0120con - ve\nBus iness\nF all\n\u0120qual ifications\n\u0120vers es\n\u0120narc iss\n\u0120K - oh\n\u0120W ow\n\u0120Charl ottesville\ned o\n\u0120interrog ation\n\u0120W - ool\n36 5\nB rian\n\u0120\xE2\u013E \u0135\n\u0120alleg es\nond s\nid ation\n\u0120Jack - ie\ny u\n\u0120l akes\n\u0120worth while\n\u0120cryst als\n\u0120Jud a\n\u0120comp - rehend\n\u0120fl ush\n\u0120absor ption\n\u0120O C\n\u0120fright ened\n\u0120Ch - ocolate\nMart in\n\u0120bu ys\n\u0120bu cks\n\u0120app ell\n\u0120Champions - hips\n\u0120list ener\n\u0120Def ensive\n\u0120c z\nud s\n\u0120M ate\n\u0120re - play\n\u0120decor ated\n\u0120s unk\n\u0120V IP\n\u0120An k\n\u012019 5\naa - aa\nNob ody\n\u0120Mil k\n\u0120G ur\n\u0120M k\n\u0120S ara\n\u0120se ating\n\u0120W - id\nTr ack\n\u0120employ s\n\u0120gig antic\nAP P\n\xE3\u0124 \xA7\nin ventory\n\u0120tow - el\nat che\nl asting\n\u0120T L\n\u0120lat ency\n\u0120kn e\nB er\nme aning\n\u0120up - held\n\u0120play ground\n\u0120m ant\nS ide\n\u0120stere o\n\u0120north west\n\u0120exception - ally\n\u0120r ays\n\u0120rec urring\nD rive\n\u0120up right\n\u0120ab duct\n\u0120Mar - athon\n\u0120good bye\n\u0120al phabet\nh p\n\u0120court room\nring ton\not - hing\nT ag\n\u0120diplom ats\n\u0120bar bar\n\u0120Aqu a\n18 3\n33 33\n\u0120mat - urity\n\u0120inst ability\n\u0120Ap ache\n\u0120= ==\n\u0120fast ing\n\u0120Gr - id\nMod Loader\n\u012015 2\nA bs\n\u0120Oper ating\nett i\n\u0120acqu aint\nDon - nell\n\u0120K em\n\u0120For ge\n\u0120arm ored\nM il\n\u0120philos ophers\nin - vest\nPl ayers\n\xE2 \u012A\n\u0120my riad\n\u0120comr ades\nR ot\n\u0120remember - ing\n\u0120correspond s\n\u0120program mers\n\u0120Lyn n\n\u0120o lig\n\u0120co - herent\nyn chron\n\u0120Chem ical\n\u0120j ugg\np air\npost s\nE ye\n\u0120In - ner\n\u0120sem ester\nott est\n\u0120Emir ates\nric anes\nor ously\nm its\n\u0120W - is\n\u0120d odge\nl ocation\n\u0120f aded\nAm azon\n\u0120Pro ceed\n\u0120IN - FO\nj ournal\n\u0120Tru ck\nT en\n\u01202 17\n\u0120stat utes\nm obile\n\u0120T - ypes\nRec omm\nb uster\npe x\n\u0120leg ends\n\u0120head ache\nf aced\n\u0120Wi - Fi\nif ty\n\u0120H ER\n\u0120circ uits\nER ROR\n22 6\nol in\n\u0120cyl inder\nosp - ace\nik ers\nP rem\nQu ant\n\u0120conflic ting\n\u0120slight est\n\u0120for - ged\nion age\nStep hen\n\u0120K ub\n\u0120Opp ortun\n\u0120He al\n\u0120bl - o\n\u0120rul ers\n\u0120h uh\n\u0120submar ine\nf y\nass er\n\u0120allow ance\n\u0120Kas - ich\n\u0120T as\n\u0120Austral ians\nForge ModLoader\n\u0120\xE2\u0128 \u0133\n\u0120Mat - rix\nam ins\n\u012012 00\n\u0120Ac qu\n23 6\nD ocument\n\u0120Bre aking\n19 - 3\n\u0120Sub st\n\u0120Roll er\n\u0120Pro perties\n\u0120N I\nt ier\n\u0120cr - ushing\n\u0120advoc ating\nFurther more\nkeep ers\n\u0120sex ism\nx d\n\u0120call - er\n\u0120S ense\nchie ve\n\u0120T F\n\u0120fuel ed\n\u0120reminis cent\n\u0120obs - ess\nur st\n\u0120up hold\n\u0120F ans\nhet ics\n\u0120\xE2 \u0139\n\u0120B - ath\n\u0120be verage\n\u0120o scill\n25 4\n\u0120pol es\n\u0120grad ual\n\u0120ex - ting\n\u0120S uff\n\u0120S uddenly\n\u0120lik ing\n\u012019 49\nun ciation\nam - ination\n\u0120O mar\n\u0120L V\n\u0120Con sequently\n\u0120synt hes\n\u0120G - IF\n\u0120p ains\n\u0120interact ing\nu ously\ninc re\n\u0120rum or\n\u0120Scient - ology\n19 7\n\u0120Z ig\n\u0120spe lling\n\u0120A SS\n\u0120exting u\nms on\n\u0120g - h\n\u0120remark ed\n\u0120Strateg ic\n\u0120M ON\n\xE5 \xA5\ng ae\n\u0120WH - AT\nE ric\n\u0120Camp us\n\u0120meth ane\n\u0120imag in\nJ UST\n\u0120Al m\nX - T\ni q\n\u0120R SS\n\u0120wrong doing\natt a\n\u0120big ot\n\u0120demonstr - ators\n\u0120Cal vin\n\u0120V illa\n\u0120membr ane\n\u0120Aw esome\n\u0120benef - ic\n26 8\n\u0120magn ificent\n\u0120L ots\nG reg\n\u0120Bor is\n\u0120detain - ees\n\u0120H erman\n\u0120whis pered\n\u0120a we\nProf essor\nfund ing\n\u0120phys - iological\n\u0120Dest ruction\n\u0120lim b\n\u0120manip ulated\n\u0120bub - bles\n\u0120pse ud\n\u0120hyd ra\n\u0120Brist ol\n\u0120st ellar\n\u0120Exp - ansion\n\u0120K ell\n\u0120Interest ingly\n\u0120m ans\n\u0120drag ging\n\u0120ec - ological\n\u0120F it\n\u0120g ent\n\u0120benef ited\n\u0120Hait i\n\u0120poly - g\n\xE3\u0125 \u0130\n\u012020 30\n\u0120pro w\n\u0120recon struction\n\u0120was - t\n\u0120psych ic\n\u0120Gree ks\nHand ler\n16 2\n\u0120P ulse\n\u0120sol - icit\n\u0120sy s\n\u0120influ x\n\u0120G entle\nper cent\n\u0120prolifer ation\n\u0120tax - able\n\u0120disreg ard\n\u0120esc aping\n\u0120g inger\n\u0120with stand\n\u0120devast - ated\n\u0120D ew\nser ies\n\u0120inject ed\nela ide\n\u0120turn over\nhe at\n\u013B - \u0124\nH appy\n\u0120Sil ent\n\xE3\u0124 \u0143\niv ism\n\u0120ir rational\nAM - A\n\u0120re ef\nr ub\n\u012016 2\n\u0120bank ers\n\u0120Eth ics\nv v\n\u0120critic - isms\nK n\n18 6\nM ovie\n\u0120T ories\n\u0120no od\n\u0120dist ortion\nF - alse\nod ore\n\u0120t asty\nRes earch\n\u0120U ID\n- )\n\u0120divor ced\n\u0120M - U\n\u0120Hay es\n\u0120Is n\nian i\n\u0120H Q\n\u0120\" #\nign ant\n\u0120tra - umatic\n\u0120L ing\nH un\n\u0120sab ot\non line\nr andom\n\u0120ren amed\nra - red\nK A\nd ead\n\xC3\xA9 t\n\u0120Ass istance\n\u0120se af\n++++ ++++\n\u0120se - ldom\n\u0120Web b\n\u0120bo olean\nu let\n\u0120ref rain\n\u0120DI Y\nru le\n\u0120shut - ting\n\u0120util izing\nload ing\n\u0120Par am\nco al\noot er\n\u0120attract - ing\n\u0120D ol\n\u0120her s\nag netic\n\u0120Re ach\nim o\n\u0120disc arded\n\u0120P - ip\n01 5\n\xC3\xBC r\n\u0120m ug\nIm agine\nC OL\n\u0120curs ed\n\u0120Sh - ows\n\u0120Curt is\n\u0120Sach s\nspe aking\n\u0120V ista\n\u0120Fram ework\nong - o\n\u0120sub reddit\n\u0120cr us\n\u0120O val\nR ow\ng rowing\n\u0120install - ment\n\u0120gl ac\n\u0120Adv ance\nEC K\n\u0120LGBT Q\nLE Y\n\u0120ac et\n\u0120success - ive\n\u0120Nic ole\n\u012019 57\nQu ote\n\u0120circumst ance\nack ets\n\u012014 - 2\nort ium\n\u0120guess ed\n\u0120Fr ame\n\u0120perpet rators\n\u0120Av iation\n\u0120Ben - ch\n\u0120hand c\nA p\n\u012019 56\n25 9\nr and\nNet Message\nd in\nurt les\nh - ig\n\u0120V III\nff iti\n\u0120Sw ords\nb ial\n\u0120kidn apping\ndev ice\n\u0120b - arn\n\u0120El i\nauc as\nS end\nCon structed\n\u0120\xC2 \xBD\n\u0120need - les\n\u0120ad vertisements\n\u0120v ou\n\u0120exhib ited\n\u0120Fort ress\nAs - k\nB erry\nTY PE\n\u0120can cers\nump ing\n\u0120Territ ory\n\u0120pr ud\n\u0120n - as\n\u0120athe ist\n\u0120bal ances\n\xE3\u0123 \u0141\n\u0120Sh awn\n& &\n\u0120land - sc\n\u0120R GB\n\u0120pet ty\n\u0120ex cellence\n\u0120transl ations\n\u0120par - cel\n\u0120Che v\nE ast\n\u0120Out put\nim i\n\u0120amb ient\n\u0120Th reat\n\u0120vill - ains\n\u01205 50\nIC A\n\u0120tall er\n\u0120le aking\nc up\n\u0120pol ish\n\u0120infect - ious\n\u0120K C\n\u0120@ @\nback ground\n\u0120bureaucr acy\n\u0120S ai\nun - less\nit ious\n\u0120Sky pe\nAt l\nID ENT\n00 8\n\u0120hyp ocr\n\u0120pit - chers\n\u0120guess ing\n\u0120F INAL\nBet ween\n\u0120vill agers\n\u012025 - 2\nf ashion\n\u0120Tun is\nBe h\n\u0120Ex c\n\u0120M ID\n28 8\n\u0120Has kell\n19 - 6\n\u0120N OR\n\u0120spec s\n\u0120inv ari\n\u0120gl ut\n\u0120C ars\n\u0120imp - ulse\n\u0120hon ors\ng el\n\u0120jurisd ictions\n\u0120Bund le\nul as\nCalif - ornia\n\u0120Incre ase\n\u0120p ear\n\u0120sing les\n\u0120c ues\n\u0120under - went\n\u0120W S\n\u0120exagger ated\n\u0120dub ious\n\u0120fl ashing\nL OG\n) - ].\nJ ournal\nt g\nV an\n\u0120I stanbul\n\u0120In sp\n\u0120Frank en\nD raw\n\u0120sad - ness\n\u0120iron ic\n\u0120F ry\nx c\n\u012016 4\nis ch\nW ay\n\u0120Protest - ant\nh orn\n\u0120un aff\n\u0120V iv\nill as\n\u0120Product ions\n\u0120H - ogan\n\u0120per imeter\n\u0120S isters\n\u0120spont aneous\n\u0120down side\n\u0120descend - ants\n\u0120or n\nw orm\nJapan ese\n\u012019 55\n\u012015 1\n\u0120Do ing\nels - en\numb les\n\u0120rad ically\n\u0120Dr um\n\u0120B ach\n\u0120li abilities\n\u0120O - B\n\u0120Element ary\n\u0120mem e\nyn es\n\u0120finger print\n\u0120Gr ab\n\u0120undert - ake\nMem bers\n\u0120Read er\n\u0120Sim s\ng od\n\u0120hypot hetical\ns cient\n\u0120A - J\n\u0120char ism\n\u0120ad missions\n\u0120Miss ile\ntr ade\n\u0120exerc - ising\n\u0120Back ground\nW ritten\n\u0120voc als\nwhe ther\n\u0120v i\n\u0120W - inner\n\u0120l itter\n\u0120Sh ooting\nST EM\n\xE3\u0124 \xA1\n\u0120A FL\n\u0120vari - ability\n\u0120e ats\n\u0120D PS\nb row\n\u0120eleph ants\n\u0120str at\n\u0120 - \xC5\n\u0120sett lers\nMatt hew\n\u0120in advert\nH I\n\u0120IM F\n\u0120Go - al\n\u0120nerv es\nJohn son\ney e\nablish ment\nTh ursday\nBIL ITY\nH ad\nam - oto\nhet amine\nep s\n\u0120mit ochond\n\u0120comp ressed\n\u0120Tre vor\n\u0120Anim - als\nT ool\nL ock\n\u0120twe ak\n\u0120pin ch\n\u0120cancell ation\nP ot\n\u0120foc - al\n\u0120Ast ron\n17 3\n\u0120A SC\n\u0120O THER\numn i\n\u0120dem ise\nd - l\n\xD9 \u0127\nSem itism\n\u0120cr acking\n\u0120collabor ative\n\u0120expl - ores\ns ql\n\u0120her bs\n\u0120config urations\nm is\n\u0120Res ult\nace - y\n\u0120Sm oke\n\u0120san ct\nel ia\n\u0120deg ener\n\u0120deep est\n\u0120scream - ed\n\u0120n ap\nSoft ware\n\u0120ST AR\nE F\n\u0120X in\nspons ored\nmans - hip\n23 3\n\u0120prim aries\n\u0120filter ing\n\u0120as semble\nm il\n\u0120My - ers\nb ows\n\u0120pun ched\nM ic\n\u0120innov ations\n\u0120fun c\nand o\n\u0120fr - acking\n\u0120V ul\n\xD0\xBE \xD0\nosh op\n\u0120Im mun\n\u0120sett ling\n\u0120adolesc - ents\n\u0120reb uilding\n\u0120transform ing\n\u0120par ole\n\u0120har bor\n\u0120book - ing\not ional\nonge vity\n\u0120Y o\nb ug\n\u0120emer ges\n\u0120Method s\n\u0120Ch - u\nP res\n\u0120Dun geons\n\u0120tra iling\n\u0120R um\n\u0120H ugh\n\xE5\xA4 - \xA9\n\u0120E ra\n\u0120Batt les\nRes ults\n\u0120Tr ading\n\u0120vers a\nc - ss\nax ies\nhe et\n\u0120gre ed\n19 89\n\u0120gard ens\n\u0120conting ent\nP - ark\n\u0120Leaf s\nh ook\nro be\n\u0120diplom acy\n\u0120F uel\n\u0120Inv - asion\n\u0120upgr ading\nM ale\n\u0120e lic\n\u0120relent less\n\u0120Co venant\nap - esh\n\u0120T rop\nT y\npro duction\nart y\n\u0120pun ches\nak o\ncyclop edia\n\u0120R - abbit\n\u0120HD MI\n\u012014 1\n\u0120f oil\nItem Image\n\u0120F G\n\u0120implement - ations\n\u0120P om\nixt ures\n\u0120aw ait\n\u01203 30\nam us\n\u0120umb rella\n\u0120fore - see\nse par\n\u0120circum cision\n\u0120peripher al\nS ay\n\u0120Exper t\nIn - c\n\u0120withd rew\n\u0120And ers\nf ried\n\u0120radio active\n\u0120Op ening\n\u0120board - ing\n\u0120N D\n\u0120over throw\nAct iv\nW P\n\u0120Act s\n\xD7 \u013B\n\u0120mot - ions\nv ic\n\u0120M ighty\n\u0120Def ender\na er\n\u0120thank ful\n\u0120K - illing\n\u0120Br is\nmo il\n\u0120predict ing\n26 6\nch oice\n\u0120kill ers\n\u0120inc - ub\n\u0120Che st\nather ing\n\u0120pro claimed\nfl ower\noss om\numbled ore\n\u0120Cy - cling\n\u0120Occup y\nAG ES\nP en\n\u0120Y ug\n\u0120pack aged\n\u0120height - ened\nc ot\nst ack\nC ond\n\u0120st amps\nm age\n\u0120persu aded\n\u0120ens - l\n\u0120Card inal\n\u0120sol itary\n\u0120possess ing\n\u0120C ork\n\u0120ev - id\n\u0120T ay\n\u0120bl ues\n\u0120extrem ism\n\u0120lun ar\n\u0120cl own\nTe - chn\n\u0120fest ivals\n\u0120Pv P\n\u0120L ar\n\u0120consequ ently\np resent\n\u0120som - eday\n\xE7 \u0130\u012D\n\u0120Met eor\n\u0120tour ing\nc ulture\n\u0120be - aches\nS hip\nc ause\n\u0120Fl ood\n\xE3\u0125 \xAF\n\u0120pur ity\nth ose\n\u0120em - ission\nb olt\n\u0120ch ord\n\u0120Script ure\nL u\n\u0120$ {\ncre ated\nOther - s\n25 8\n\u0120element al\n\u0120annoy ed\n\u0120A E\nd an\n\u0120S ag\nRes - earchers\n\u0120fair y\n\xE2\u0122\u0135 \xE2\u0122\u0135\n======== ====\nSm - art\nGG GG\n\u0120skelet ons\n\u0120pup ils\nlink ed\n\u0120ur gency\nen abled\n\u0120F - uck\n\u0120coun cill\nr ab\nU AL\nT I\n\u0120lif es\n\u0120conf essed\nB ug\n\u0120harm - on\n\u0120CON FIG\n\u0120Ne utral\nD ouble\n\u0120st aple\n\u0120SH A\nBrit - ish\n\u0120SN P\nAT OR\noc o\n\u0120swing ing\nge x\nole on\npl ain\n\u0120Miss - ing\n\u0120Tro phy\nv ari\nran ch\n\u01203 01\n4 40\n00000000 00000000\n\u0120rest - oring\n\u0120ha ul\nuc ing\nner g\n\u0120fut ures\n\u0120strateg ist\nquest - ion\n\u0120later al\n\u0120B ard\n\u0120s or\n\u0120Rhod es\n\u0120D owntown\n????? - -\n\u0120L it\n\u0120B ened\n\u0120co il\nst reet\n\u0120Port al\nFI LE\n\u0120G - ru\n* ,\n23 1\nne um\n\u0120suck ed\n\u0120r apper\n\u0120tend encies\n\u0120Laure - n\ncell aneous\n26 7\n\u0120brow se\n\u0120over c\nhead er\no ise\n\u0120be - et\n\u0120G le\nSt ay\n\u0120m um\n\u0120typ ed\n\u0120discount s\nT alk\n\u0120O - g\nex isting\n\u0120S ell\nu ph\nC I\n\u0120Aust rian\n\u0120W arm\n\u0120dismiss - al\n\u0120aver ages\nc amera\n\u0120alleg iance\nL AN\n=\" #\n\u0120comment - ators\n\u0120Set ting\n\u0120Mid west\n\u0120pharm ac\n\u0120EX P\n\u0120stain - less\nCh icago\n\u0120t an\n24 4\n\u0120country side\n\u0120V ac\n29 5\n\u0120pin - ned\n\u0120cr ises\n\u0120standard ized\nT ask\n\u0120J ail\n\u0120D ocker\ncol - ored\nf orth\n\" },\n\u0120pat rons\n\u0120sp ice\n\u0120m ourn\n\u0120M ood\n\u0120laund - ry\n\u0120equ ip\n\u0120M ole\ny ll\n\u0120TH C\nn ation\n\u0120Sher lock\n\u0120iss - u\n\u0120K re\n\u0120Americ as\n\u0120A AA\n\u0120system atically\n\u0120cont - ra\n\u0120S ally\n\u0120rational e\n\u0120car riage\n\u0120pe aks\n\u0120contrad - iction\nens ation\n\u0120Fail ure\n\u0120pro ps\n\u0120names pace\n\u0120c - ove\nfield s\n\xE3\u0124 \u012D\n\u0120w ool\n\u0120C atch\n\u0120presum ed\n\u0120D - iana\nr agon\nig i\n\u0120h amm\n\u0120st unt\n\u0120G UI\n\u0120Observ atory\n\u0120Sh - ore\n\u0120smell s\nann ah\n\u0120cock pit\n\u0120D uterte\n8 50\n\u0120opp - ressed\nbre aker\n\u0120Cont ribut\n\u0120Per u\n\u0120Mons anto\n\u0120Att - empt\n\u0120command ing\n\u0120fr idge\n\u0120R in\n\u0120Che ss\nual ity\n\u0120o - l\nRepublic an\n\u0120Gl ory\n\u0120W IN\n.... ...\nag ent\nread ing\n\u0120in - h\nJ ones\n\u0120cl icks\nal an\n\u0120[ ];\n\u0120Maj esty\n\u0120C ed\nop - us\nate l\n\xC3 \xAA\nAR C\n\u0120Ec uador\n\xE3\u0125 \u0142\n\u0120K uro\n\u0120ritual - s\n\u0120capt ive\n\u0120oun ce\n\u0120disag reement\n\u0120sl og\nf uel\nP - et\nM ail\n\u0120exerc ised\n\u0120sol ic\n\u0120rain fall\n\u0120dev otion\n\u0120Ass - essment\n\u0120rob otic\nopt ions\n\u0120R P\n\u0120Fam ilies\n\u0120Fl ames\n\u0120assign - ments\n00 7\naked own\n\u0120voc abulary\nRe illy\n\u0120c aval\ng ars\n\u0120supp - ressed\n\u0120S ET\n\u0120John s\n\u0120war p\nbro ken\n\u0120stat ues\n\u0120advoc - ated\n\u01202 75\n\u0120per il\nom orph\n\u0120F emin\nper fect\n\u0120h atch\nL - ib\n5 12\n\u0120lif elong\n3 13\n\u0120che eks\n\u0120num bered\n\u0120M ug\nB - ody\nra vel\nWe ight\n\u0120J ak\n\u0120He ath\n\u0120kiss ing\n\u0120J UST\n\u0120w - aving\nu pload\n\u0120ins ider\n\u0120Pro gressive\n\u0120Fil ter\ntt a\n\u0120Be - am\n\u0120viol ently\nip ation\n\u0120skept icism\n\u012019 18\n\u0120Ann - ie\n\u0120S I\n\u0120gen etics\n\u0120on board\nat l\n\u0120Fried man\n\u0120B - ri\ncept ive\n\u0120pir ate\n\u0120Rep orter\n27 8\n\u0120myth ology\n\u0120e - clipse\n\u0120sk ins\n\u0120gly ph\ning ham\nF iles\nC our\nw omen\n\u0120reg - imes\n\u0120photograp hed\nK at\n\u0120MA X\nOffic ials\n\u0120unexpected - ly\n\u0120impress ions\nF ront\n;;;; ;;;;\n\u0120suprem acy\n\u0120s ang\n\u0120aggrav - ated\n\u0120abrupt ly\n\u0120S ector\n\u0120exc uses\n\u0120cost ing\nide - press\nSt ack\n\u0120R NA\nob il\n\u0120ghost s\nld on\nat ibility\nTop ics\n\u0120reim - burse\n\u0120H M\n\u0120De g\n\u0120th ief\ny et\nogen esis\nle aning\n\u0120K - ol\n\u0120B asketball\n\u0120f i\n\u0120See ing\n\u0120recy cling\n\u0120[ - -\nCong ress\n\u0120lect ures\nP sy\n\u0120ne p\n\u0120m aid\n\u0120ori ented\nA - X\n\u0120respect ful\nre ne\nfl ush\n\u0120Un loaded\nre quest\ngr id\n\u0120Altern - atively\n\u0120Hug o\n\u0120dec ree\n\u0120Buddh ism\nand um\nAnd roid\n\u0120Cong - o\n\u0120Joy ce\n\u0120acknowled ging\nhes ive\n\u0120Tom orrow\n\u0120H iro\nth - ren\n\u0120M aced\n\u0120ho ax\n\u0120Incre ased\n\u0120Pr adesh\nW ild\n____ - __\n16 1\n\u0120a unt\n\u0120distribut ing\n\u0120T ucker\n\u0120SS L\n\u0120W - olves\nB uilding\nou lt\n\u0120Lu o\n\u0120Y as\n\u0120Sp ir\n\u0120Sh ape\n\u0120Camb - od\n\u0120IP v\n\u0120m l\n\u0120ext rad\n39 0\n\u0120Penn y\nd ream\n\u0120station - ed\nopt ional\new orthy\n. \n\u0120Works hop\n\u0120Ret ail\n\u0120Av atar\n6 25\nN a\n\u0120V - C\n\u0120Sec ure\nM Y\n19 88\noss ip\n\u0120pro state\n\u0120und en\n\u0120g - amer\n\u0120Cont ents\n\u0120War hammer\n\u0120Sent inel\n3 10\n\u0120se gregation\n\u0120F - lex\n\u0120M AY\n\u0120dr ills\n\u0120Drug s\nIslam ic\n\u0120sp ur\n\u0120ca - fe\n\u0120imag inary\n\u0120gu iding\n\u0120sw ings\n\u0120The me\nob y\n\u0120n - ud\n\u0120be gging\n\u0120str ongh\n\u0120reject ing\n\u0120pedest rians\n\u0120Pro - spect\nR are\ns le\n\u0120concess ions\n\u0120Const itutional\n\u0120be ams\n\u0120fib - ers\np oon\n\u0120instinct s\npro perty\n\u0120B IG\nSand ers\nim ates\n\u0120co - ating\n\u0120corps es\n\u0120TR UE\ncheck ed\n\u012016 6\nA sh\n\u0120J S\n\u0120F - iction\n\u0120commun al\n\u0120ener getic\noooo oooo\n\u0120now adays\nIL - D\nib o\n\u0120SU V\nR en\n\u0120dwell ing\nSil ver\n\u0120t ally\n\u0120M - oving\n\u0120cow ard\n\u0120gener als\n\u0120horn s\n\u0120circ ulated\n\u0120rob - bed\n\u0120Un limited\n\u0120harass ed\n\u0120inhib it\n\u0120comp oser\n\u0120Spot - ify\n\u0120spread s\n3 64\n\u0120su icidal\n\u0120no ises\n\u0120St ur\n\u0120s - aga\n\u0120K ag\nis o\n\u0120theoret ically\nM oney\n\u0120similar ity\n\u0120slic - ed\nut ils\ning es\n\" -\n\u0120an th\n\u0120imp ed\nMod ule\nThrough out\n\u0120men - us\ncomm ittee\nand i\nob j\nin av\nf ired\n\u0120Ab dullah\n\u0120und ead\n\u0120font - s\nH old\nEN G\n\u0120sustain ability\n\u0120fl ick\n\u0120r azor\n\u0120F - est\n\u0120Char acters\n\u0120word ing\n\u0120popul ist\n\u0120critic izing\n\u0120m - use\nv ine\n\u0120card board\n\u0120kind ly\n\u0120fr inge\n\u0120The ft\nicult - ural\n\u0120govern ors\n\u0120 \xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\n\u012016 - 3\n\u0120time out\n\u0120A uth\nChild ren\nA U\n\u0120red emption\n\u0120Al - ger\n\u012019 14\n\u0120w aved\n\u0120astron auts\nog rams\n\u0120sw amp\n\u0120Finn - ish\n\u0120cand le\n\u0120ton nes\nut m\n\u0120r ay\n\u0120sp un\n\u0120fear - ful\nart icles\n\u0120ca us\nor ically\n\u0120Requ ires\n\u0120G ol\n\u0120pop - e\n\u0120inaug ural\n\u0120g le\nAD A\n\u0120IS IL\n\u0120Off ensive\n\u0120watch - dog\n\u0120bal con\nent ity\n\u0120H oo\n\u0120gall on\nAC C\n\u0120doub ling\n\u0120impl - ication\n\u0120S ight\n\u0120doct r\n---- ---\n\u0120\\ \\\n\u0120m alt\nR - oll\n\u0120\xE2\u012B \xA5\n\u0120rec ap\nadd ing\nu ces\n\u0120B end\nfig - ure\n\u0120tur key\n\u0120soc ietal\n\u0120T ickets\n\u0120commer cially\n\u0120sp - icy\n\u01202 16\n\u0120R amp\n\u0120superior ity\n\xC3 \xAF\n\u0120Tr acker\nC - arl\n\u0120C oy\n\u0120Patri ot\n\u0120consult ed\n\u0120list ings\n\u0120sle - w\nreens hot\n\u0120G one\n\u0120[ ...]\n30 9\n\u0120h ottest\n\xD8 \xB1\n\u0120rock - y\n\u0120D iaz\n\u0120mass age\n\u0120par aly\n\u0120p ony\nA z\n\u0120cart - ridge\n\u0120N Z\n\u0120sn ack\n\u0120Lam ar\nple ment\n\u0120Les lie\n\u0120m - ater\n\u0120sn ipp\n24 6\n\u0120joint ly\n\u0120Bris bane\n\u0120iP od\n\u0120pump - ing\n\u0120go at\n\u0120Sh aron\neal ing\n\u0120cor on\n\u0120an omal\nrah - im\n\u0120Connect ion\n\u0120sculpt ure\n\u0120sched uling\n\u0120D addy\nat - hing\n\u0120eyeb rows\n\u0120cur ved\n\u0120sent iments\n\u0120draft ing\nD - rop\n( [\n\u0120nom inal\n\u0120Leaders hip\n\u0120G row\n\u012017 6\n\u0120construct - ive\niv ation\n\u0120corrupt ed\nger ald\n\u0120C ros\n\u0120Che ster\n\u0120L - ap\n\xE3\u0123 \xAA\nOT H\nD ATA\n\u0120al mond\npro bably\nI mp\n\u0120fe - ast\n\u0120War craft\nF lor\n\u0120check point\n\u0120trans cription\n\u012020 - 4\n\u0120twe aks\n\u0120rel ieve\nS cience\n\u0120perform er\nZ one\n\u0120tur - moil\nig ated\nhib it\n\u0120C afe\nthe med\n\u0120flu or\nben ch\n\u0120de - com\n\u0120U nt\n\u0120Bar rett\n\u0120F acts\n\u0120t asting\n\u0120PTS D\n\u0120Se - al\n\u0120Juda ism\n\u0120Dynam ic\n\u0120C ors\nV e\n\u0120M ing\n\u0120Trans - form\nv on\n\u0120Def enders\n\u0120Tact ical\n\u0120V on\n\u0120Un ivers\n\u0120dist - orted\n\u0120B reath\n?' \"\n\u0120ag on\n\u0120Dead ly\n\u0120l an\n\u0120Cy - cle\norn ed\n\u0120rel iably\n\u0120gl or\n\u0120Mon key\n\xE3\u0125 \xA1\n\u0120ad - ren\n\u0120microw ave\n\u0120Al ban\nirc raft\ndig it\nsm art\n\u0120D read\n\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF - \xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\xC2\xAF\n{ {\n\u0120Roc - hester\n\u0120simpl ified\n\u0120inf licted\n\u0120take over\n\u0120your selves\nad - itional\n\u0120mus cular\nK S\n\u0120ing en\nT ax\n\u0120Fe ature\n27 7\n\u0120cru - c\n\u0120cr ate\n\u0120un identified\n\u0120acclaim ed\n\u0120M anga\n\u0120Fr - ances\n\u0120Nep al\n\u0120G erald\n\u0120Ku wait\n\u0120sl ain\n\u0120He - b\n\u0120G oku\n\xE3\u0123\xAE \xE6\n28 6\nM rs\n\u0120C ody\n\u0120San ctuary\n01 - 6\n\u0120dism ant\n\u0120datas et\n\u0120H ond\nb uck\n\u0120Pat terson\n\u0120pal - ette\n\u0120G D\nic ol\n\u0120L odge\n\u0120planet ary\nak in\n\u0120Regist - ered\nab we\n\u0120Peters burg\n\u0120ha iled\n\u0120P iece\nS che\n\u0120DO - J\n\u0120en umer\n18 1\n\u0120Obs erver\n\u0120B old\nf ounded\ncom merce\n\u0120explo - its\n\u0120F inding\nUR N\n\u0120S ne\n\u0120Ac id\nay ette\n\u0120Val ues\n\u0120dr - astic\n\u0120architect ural\n\u0120\" .\n\xD7 \u0137\nump ed\n\u0120wra pping\n\u0120wid - ow\n\u0120Sl ayer\nl ace\non ce\nGerman y\nav oid\n\u0120tem ples\nP AR\n\xC3 - \xB4\n\u0120Luc ifer\n\u0120Fl ickr\nl ov\nfor ces\n\u0120sc outing\n\u0120lou - der\ntes y\n\u0120before hand\n\xC4 \u0135\n\u0120Ne on\n\u0120W ol\n\u0120Typ - ically\n\u0120Polit ico\n-+ -+\n\u0120build er\n\u0120der ive\nK ill\n\u0120p - oker\n\u0120ambig uous\n\u0120lif ts\n\u0120cy t\n\u0120rib s\nood le\n\u0120S - ounds\nh air\n\u0120Synd rome\nt f\n\u0120proport ional\nu id\n\u0120per taining\n\u0120Kind - le\n\u0120Neg ro\n\u0120reiter ated\n\u0120Ton ight\noth s\n\u0120Corn ell\n\u0120o - wing\n\u012020 8\nelf are\noc ating\n\u0120B irds\nSub scribe\n\u0120ess ays\n\u0120burd - ens\n\u0120illust rations\nar ious\nER AL\n\u0120Cal cul\n\u0120x en\n\u0120Link - edIn\n\u0120J ung\n\u0120redes ign\nCon nor\n29 6\n\u0120revers al\n\u0120Ad - elaide\n\u0120L L\n\u0120s inking\n\u0120g um\nUS H\nc apt\n\u0120Gr imm\n\u0120foot - steps\n\u0120CB D\nisp ers\n\u0120pro se\nWed nesday\n\u0120M ovies\ned in\n\u0120overturn - ed\n\u0120content ious\nUS B\n~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~\n\u0120Co pper\n\u0120point - less\nN V\nval ues\nolph in\nd ain\n\u0120depos ited\n\u0120G W\n\u0120preced - ed\n\u0120Cl a\n\u0120Go lem\n\u0120N im\n\u0120\xCE \xB2\n\u0120Engine ers\nm - iddle\n\u0120fl att\noper ative\n\u0120council s\nimb abwe\nel in\n\u0120stress - ful\n\u0120L D\n\u0120res h\nl ake\n\u0120wheel chair\n\u0120Altern ative\n\u0120optim - ize\noper ation\n\u0120pe ek\n\u0120ones elf\nig il\n\u0120trans itions\nop - athy\nbl ank\n\u012016 9\n17 1\n________________________________ ________________________________\n\u0120l - aundering\nEn c\n\u0120D EC\n\u0120work outs\n\u0120sp ikes\n\u0120din osaurs\n\u0120discrim - inatory\nP ool\nR ather\n38 5\nR NA\ntes ters\net o\n\u0120Ident ity\n\u0120ve - in\n\u0120Bur ton\n\u0120arc ade\n4 20\nUlt imately\n\u0120Sad ly\n\xC3 \xB0\np - ill\n\u0120cub ic\n\u0120Spect rum\nthe se\nst ates\n\u0120un official\nh - awks\n\u0120EVER Y\n\u0120rain bow\n\u0120incarcer ation\nand ing\n\u0120sy - ll\n\u0120Ever ton\n\u012017 9\n\u0120Ser bia\n\u012018 9\nm eter\n\u0120Mic - key\n\u0120ant iqu\n\u0120fact ual\nne ck\n\u0120N are\nn orm\nm ust\n\u0120high - ways\n\u0120gl am\n\u0120divid ing\n\u0120Squad ron\n\u0120Mar tha\n\u0120birth - s\nC over\n//////// ////////\n\u0120W ong\nPh ot\n\u0120A LS\nri o\n\u0120Non - etheless\n\u0120L emon\n\u012020 6\n\u0120E E\n\u0120deriv ative\n\u0120WW - II\nv ote\n\u0120there in\n\u0120separ ating\n44 6\nsy nc\n\u0120Stre ets\n\u0120r - att\n\u0120municip ality\n\u0120Short ly\n\u0120mon k\n) ,\"\n\u0120scr ub\n\u0120oper - atives\nNe ither\nPl ace\n\u0120Lim it\nF emale\n\u0120Act or\nChar acter\n\u0120constit - uted\n35 7\n\u0120protest ed\n\u0120St raw\n\u0120He ight\nild a\n\u0120Ty - ph\n\u0120flood s\n\u0120cos metic\nW AY\npert ure\nup on\nt ons\ness ing\n\u0120P - ocket\n\u0120ro oft\n\u0120C aucas\n\u0120ant idepress\n\u0120incomp atible\nEC - D\n\u0120oper a\n\u0120Cont est\n\u0120gener ators\nl ime\nDef ense\n19 87\nfor - um\n\u0120sav age\n\u0120Hung arian\nn z\n\u0120met allic\n\u0120ex pelled\n\u0120res - idency\n\u0120dress es\n66 6\n\u0120C lement\nf ires\nC ategory\n\u0120ge - ek\nal is\n\u0120c emetery\neduc ated\n\u0120c rawl\n\u0120Un able\n\u0120T - yson\nak is\n\u0120p ardon\n\u0120W ra\n\u0120strengthen ed\n\u0120F ors\n33 - 5\n\u0120H C\n\u0120M ond\n\u0120visual s\n\u0120Beat les\nett lement\n\u0120 - \xEF\ng ro\n\u0120b ash\n\u0120po orest\n\u0120ex cel\n\u0120aspir ations\n\u0120M - unicip\nens ible\n\u0120ceremon ies\n\u0120intimid ation\n\u0120CON TR\nbe - ck\n\u0120K ap\nas u\n\u0120tradem arks\n\u0120S ew\n\u0120Comp etition\nnet - work\n\u0120Ar ri\n\u0120T et\nRo aming\nW C\nD at\n\u0120so b\n\u0120pair - ing\n\u0120overd ose\nSA Y\nab er\n\u0120rev olt\n\u0120F ah\nact ing\ne q\nest - ation\nF ight\n\u0120Mar ks\n27 3\n\u012017 8\nR aw\n\xE3\u0123 \u012D\n34 - 9\nbl ocks\n\u0120ver ge\nest ine\n\u0120Pod esta\n\u0120inv asive\n\u0120profound - ly\n\u0120A o\ne ach\n\u0120l est\ninter pret\n\u0120shr inking\n\u0120err - one\n\u0120che es\nly s\n\u0120I vy\n\u0120Direct ory\n\u0120hint ed\nV ICE\n\u0120contact - ing\n\u0120G ent\nhe i\n\u0120label ing\n\u0120merc ury\n\u0120L ite\n\u0120exp - ires\n\u0120dest abil\nrit is\nc u\n\u0120feather s\n\u0120ste er\n\u0120program - med\n\u0120V ader\nGo ing\n\u0120E lim\n\u0120y o\n\u0120Mic he\n\u012020 - 3\n\u0120slee ves\n\u0120b ully\n\u0120Hum ans\n36 8\n\u0120comp ress\n\u0120Ban - ner\nAR S\n\u0120a while\n\u0120cal ib\n\u0120spons orship\n\u0120Diff iculty\n\u0120P - apers\n\u0120ident ifier\n} .\n\u0120y og\n\u0120Sh ia\n\u0120clean up\n\u0120vib - e\nint rodu\nim ming\nAustral ia\n\u0120out lines\n\u0120Y outube\ntr ain\n\u0120M - akes\n\u0120de ported\n\u0120cent r\n\u0120D ug\n\u0120B oulder\n\u0120Buff - y\n\u0120inj unction\n\u0120Har ley\n\u0120G roups\n\u0120D umbledore\n\u0120Cl - ara\n\u0120\" -\n\u0120sacrific ed\nep h\nSh adow\nib ling\n\u0120freel ance\n\u0120evident - ly\nph al\n\u0120ret ains\nM ir\n\u0120fin ite\nd ar\n\u0120C ous\n\u0120rep - aired\n\u0120period ic\n\u0120champions hips\n\u0120aster oid\nbl ind\n\u0120express - ly\n\u0120Ast ros\n\u0120sc aled\n\u0120ge ographical\n\u0120Rap ids\nEn joy\n\u0120el - astic\n\u0120Moh amed\nMark et\nbe gin\n\u0120disco vers\n\u0120tele communications\n\u0120scan - ner\n\u0120en large\n\u0120sh arks\n\u0120psy chedel\n\u0120Rou ge\n\u0120snap - shot\nis ine\nX P\n\u0120pestic ides\n\u0120L SD\n\u0120Dist ribution\nre - ally\n\u0120de gradation\n\u0120disgu ise\n\u0120bi om\n\u0120EX T\n\u0120equ - ations\n\u0120haz ards\n\u0120Comp ared\n) *\n\u0120virt ues\n\u0120eld ers\n\u0120enh - ancing\n\u0120Ac ross\ner os\nang ling\n\u0120comb ust\nucc i\n\u0120conc - ussion\n\u0120contrace ption\n\u0120K ang\n\u0120express es\n\u0120a ux\n\u0120P - ione\n\u0120exhib its\nDeb ug\nOT AL\n\u0120Al ready\n\u0120Wheel er\n\u0120exp - ands\n? :\n\u0120reconc iliation\n\u0120pir ates\n\u0120pur se\n\u0120discour - age\n\u0120spect acle\nR ank\n\u0120wra ps\n\u0120Th ought\n\u0120imp ending\nO - pp\n\u0120Ang lo\n\u0120E UR\n\u0120screw ed\nret ched\n\u0120encour agement\nmod - els\n\u0120conf use\nmm m\n\u0120Vit amin\n\xE2\u0138\u0133 \xE2\u0138\u0133\nC - ru\n\u0120kn ights\n\u0120disc ard\n\u0120b ishops\n\u0120W ear\n\u0120Gar - rett\nk an\n\xE3\u0125 \u0141\n\u0120mascul ine\ncap ital\n\u0120A us\n\u0120fat - ally\nth anks\n\u0120A U\n\u0120G ut\n12 00\n\u0120 00000000\n\u0120sur rog\n\u0120BI - OS\nra its\n\u0120Wat ts\n\u0120resur rection\n\u0120Elect oral\n\u0120T ips\n4 - 000\n\u0120nut rient\n\u0120depict ing\n\u0120spr ink\n\u0120m uff\n\u0120L - IM\n\u0120S ample\nps c\nib i\ngener ated\n\u0120spec imens\n\u0120diss atisf\n\u0120tail - ored\n\u0120hold ings\n\u0120Month ly\n\u0120E at\npo ons\n\u0120ne c\n\u0120C - age\n\u0120Lot us\n\u0120Lan tern\n\u0120front ier\n\u0120p ensions\n\u0120j - oked\n\u0120Hard y\n=-=- =-=-\nr ade\nU ID\n\u0120r ails\n\u0120em it\n\u0120sl - ate\n\u0120sm ug\n\u0120sp it\n\u0120Call s\n\u0120Jac obs\nf eat\n\u0120U - E\n\u0120rest ruct\n\u0120regener ation\n\u0120energ ies\n\u0120Con nor\nOH - N\n\u0120Che ese\n\u0120g er\n\u0120resur rect\nman agement\nN W\n\u0120pres - ently\n\u0120Bru ins\nM ember\n\u0120M ang\nid an\n\u0120boost ing\nw yn\n+ - .\nrequ isite\n\u0120NY PD\n\u0120Me gan\n\u0120Cond itions\n\u0120p ics\nnes - ium\n\u0120R ash\n\u012017 4\n\u0120D ucks\n\u0120emb ro\nz u\non ian\nrel - igious\n\u0120c raz\n\u0120AC A\n\u0120Z ucker\nEM A\n\u0120Pro s\nWe apon\n\u0120Kn - ox\n\u0120Ar duino\n\u0120st ove\n\u0120heaven s\n\u0120P urchase\n\u0120her - d\n\u0120fundra iser\nDig ital\n5 000\n\u0120prop onents\n/ \xE2\u0122\u012D\n\u0120j - elly\n\u0120Vis a\n\u0120mon ks\n\u0120advance ment\n\u0120W er\n\u012018 - 7\ne us\nert ility\n\u0120fet al\n\u012019 36\nL o\n\u0120out fits\n\u0120stair - case\nb omb\n\u0120custom ized\ncl air\nT ree\n\u0120m apped\n\u0120Consider - ing\n\u0120Tor res\n\u0120meth yl\n\u0120approx imate\n\u0120do om\n\u0120Hans - en\n\u0120c rossover\n\u0120stand alone\n\xE4 \xBC\n\u0120inv ites\n\u0120gra - veyard\n\u0120h p\nDonald Trump\n\u0120esc ort\nG ar\n\u0120predec essors\n\u0120h - ay\n\u0120en zyme\n\u0120Stra ight\nvis ors\nI ng\nane ously\n\u0120App lied\n\u0120f - ec\n\u0120Dur ant\n\u0120out spoken\nor b\n\u0120z eal\n\u0120disgr ace\n' - ).\n\u0120Che ng\n28 9\n\u0120Ren a\n\u0120Su icide\n29 4\n\u0120out raged\n\u0120New - man\n\u0120N vidia\n\u0120A ber\n\u0120B ers\n\u0120recre ation\nWind ow\n\u0120D - P\nx e\n\u0120ped oph\n\u0120fall out\nambo o\n\u0120present ations\n\u0120App - s\n\u0120h tml\n3 45\n\u0120X XX\n\u0120rub bing\n\u0120Le ather\n\u0120hum - idity\nse ys\nest ablished\n\u0120Un its\n64 6\n\u0120respect able\nA uto\n\u0120thri - ving\n\u0120Inn ovation\nang s\nExt ra\nreg ulation\n29 8\np ick\nEx amples\n\u0120C - J\nAtt ack\n\u0120dr acon\nL T\n\u0120stick er\nre rs\n\u0120sun ny\nI ss\nreg - ulated\nd im\n\u0120Ab stract\n\u0120hus bands\nOff ice\nom ination\nit ars\nAN - GE\nasc al\n\u0120K ris\n\u0120Inf antry\n\u0120m alf\n\u0120A the\n\u0120R - ally\nbal anced\n................ ........\nOU P\n\u0120mole cule\nmet ics\n\u0120Spl - it\n\u0120Instruct ions\n\u0120N ights\nc ards\n\u0120t ug\n\u0120con e\n\xE5 - \u0143\n\u0120t x\n\u0120Disc ussion\n\u0120catast rophe\npp e\ng io\n\u0120commun - ism\n\u0120hal ted\n\u0120Gu ant\ncle an\n\u0120Sc hed\n\u0120K anye\n\u0120w - ander\n\u0120Ser iously\n\u012018 8\nenn ial\nf ollow\nproduct ive\n\u0120Fl - ow\n\u0120S ail\n\u0120c raw\n\u0120sim ulations\nor u\nang les\n\u0120N olan\n\u0120men - stru\n4 70\n\u012020 7\naj a\n\u0120cas ually\nboard ing\n\u01202 22\nov y\n\u0120N - umbers\num at\nO E\n28 7\n\u0120Cle mson\n\u0120cert s\n\u0120sl id\n\u0120T - ribe\n\u0120to ast\n\u0120fort unes\n\u0120f als\n\u0120Comm ittees\n\u0120g - p\n\u0120f iery\n\u0120N ets\n\u0120An ime\nPack age\n\u0120Comp are\nl aughter\nin - fect\n\u0120atroc ities\n\u0120just ices\n\u0120ins ults\n\u0120Vern on\n\u0120sh - aken\n\u0120person a\nest amp\n36 7\nbr ain\n\u0120experiment ing\nK en\n\u0120Elect - ronics\n\u012016 1\ndom ain\n\u0120graph ical\nb ishop\n\u0120who pping\n\u0120Ev - angel\n\u0120advertis ers\n\u0120Spe ar\n\u0120b ids\n\u0120destro ys\nut - z\n\u0120unders c\n\u0120AD D\n\u0120an ts\n\u0120C um\nipp les\n\u0120F ill\n\u0120gl - anced\n\u0120ind icted\n\u0120E ff\n\u0120mis con\n\u0120Des ktop\n\u0120ab - ide\n\xE3\u0125 \u0122\n\u0120I o\n\u0120C oul\n\u0120caps ule\n\u0120Ch rys\nM - ON\n\u0120und es\n\u0120I RA\n\u0120c itation\n\u0120dict ate\n\u0120Net works\n\u0120Conf - lict\n\u0120St uff\nx a\nis ec\n\u0120Chem istry\n\u0120quarter ly\nWilliam - s\nan an\nO pt\n\u0120Alexand ria\nout heastern\n\u0120Spring field\n\u0120Black - s\n\u0120ge ography\n24 2\n\u0120ut most\n\u0120Ex xon\nab outs\nE VA\n\u0120En - able\n\u0120Bar r\n\u0120disag reed\n\u0120Cy prus\n\u0120dement ia\n\u0120lab - s\n\u0120ubiqu itous\n\u0120LO VE\n\u0120consolid ated\ns r\n\u0120cream y\n\u0120Tim - ber\nReg ardless\n\u0120Cert ificate\n\u0120\" ...\nogen ous\nCapt ain\n\u0120insult - ing\n\u0120Sor os\n\u0120Inst r\n\u0120Bulgar ia\nbet ter\n\u0120suck ing\n\u0120David - son\nat z\n\u0120coll ateral\ng if\n\u0120plag ued\n\u0120C ancel\n\u0120Gard - ner\nR B\n\u0120six teen\nRem ove\nur istic\nc ook\nR od\n\u0120compr ising\nf - le\n) \xE2\u0122\u0136\n\u0120Vik ing\ng rowth\nagon al\n\u0120sr f\naf ety\nm - ot\nN early\nst own\n\u0120F actor\n\u0120autom obile\n\u0120proced ural\nm - ask\namp ires\n\u0120disapp ears\nj ab\n3 15\n\u012019 51\nne eded\n\u0120d - aring\nle ader\n\u0120p odium\n\u0120un healthy\n\u0120m und\n\u0120py ramid\noc - re\n\u0120kiss ed\n\u0120dream ed\n\u0120Fant astic\n\u0120G ly\n\xE5 \u012C\n\u0120great - ness\n\u0120sp ices\n\u0120met ropolitan\n\u0120comp uls\ni ets\n101 6\n\u0120Sh - am\n\u0120P yr\nfl ies\n\u0120Mid night\n\u0120swall owed\n\u0120gen res\n\u0120L - ucky\n\u0120Rew ards\n\u0120disp atch\n\u0120I PA\n\u0120App ly\n\u0120a ven\nal - ities\n3 12\nth ings\n\u0120( ).\n\u0120m ates\n\u0120S z\n\u0120C OP\nol - ate\nO FF\n\u0120re charge\nc aps\n\u0120York er\nic one\n\u0120gal axies\nile - aks\nD ave\n\u0120P uzz\n\u0120Celt ic\n\u0120A FC\n27 6\n\u0120S ons\n\u0120affirm - ative\nH or\n\u0120tutorial s\n\u0120C ITY\n\u0120R osa\n\u0120Ext ension\nSer - ies\n\u0120f ats\n\u0120r ab\nl is\n\u0120un ic\n\u0120e ve\n\u0120Sp in\n\u0120adul - thood\nty p\n\u0120sect arian\n\u0120check out\n\u0120Cy cl\nS ingle\n\u0120mart - yr\n\u0120ch illing\n88 8\nou fl\n\u0120] ;\n\u0120congest ion\nm k\n\u0120Where - as\n\u012019 38\nur rencies\ner ion\n\u0120bo ast\n\u0120Pat ients\n\u0120ch - ap\n\u0120B D\nreal DonaldTrump\n\u0120exam ines\nh ov\n\u0120start ling\n\u0120Bab - ylon\nw id\nom ew\nbr ance\n\u0120Od yssey\nw ig\n\u0120tor ch\n\u0120V ox\n\u0120Mo - z\n\u0120T roll\n\u0120An s\nSimilar ly\n\u0120F ul\n00 6\nUn less\n\u0120Al - one\nst ead\n\u0120Pub lisher\nr ights\nt u\n\u0120Does n\n\u0120profession - ally\n\u0120cl o\nic z\n\u0120ste als\n\u0120 \xE1\n19 86\n\u0120st urdy\n\u0120Joh - ann\n\u0120med als\n\u0120fil ings\n\u0120Fr aser\nd one\n\u0120mult inational\n\u0120f - eder\n\u0120worth less\n\u0120p est\nYes terday\nank ind\n\u0120g ays\n\u0120b - orne\n\u0120P OS\nPict ure\n\u0120percent ages\n25 1\nr ame\n\u0120pot ions\nAM - D\n\u0120Leban ese\n\u0120r ang\n\u0120L SU\nong s\n\u0120pen insula\n\u0120Cl - ause\nAL K\noh a\n\u0120Mac Book\n\u0120unanim ous\n\u0120l enders\n\u0120hang - s\n\u0120franch ises\nore rs\n\u0120Up dates\n\u0120isol ate\nand ro\nS oon\n\u0120disrupt - ive\n\u0120Sur ve\n\u0120st itches\n\u0120Sc orp\n\u0120Domin ion\n\u0120supp - lying\nAr g\n\u0120tur ret\n\u0120L uk\n\u0120br ackets\n* )\n\u0120Revolution - ary\n\u0120Hon est\n\u0120not icing\n\u0120Sh annon\n\u0120afford ed\n\u0120th - a\n\u0120Jan et\n! --\n\u0120Nare ndra\n\u0120Pl ot\nH ol\nse ver\ne enth\n\u0120obst - ruction\n\u012010 24\nst aff\nj as\nor get\nsc enes\nl aughs\n\u0120F argo\ncr - ime\n\u0120orche str\n\u0120de let\nili ary\nrie ved\n\u0120milit ar\n\u0120Green - e\n\xE2\u0139 \u0131\n\xE3\u0123 \xA6\n\u0120Gu ards\n\u0120unle ashed\n\u0120We - ber\n\u0120adjust able\n\u0120cal iber\n\u0120motiv ations\n\u0120\xC3 \u0142\nm - Ah\n\u0120L anka\nhand le\n\u0120p ent\n\u0120R av\n\u0120Ang ular\n\u0120K - au\numb ing\n\u0120phil anthrop\n\u0120de hyd\n\u0120tox icity\ne er\n\u0120Y - ORK\nw itz\n\xE5 \xBC\n\u0120I E\ncommun ity\n\u0120A H\n\u0120ret ali\n\u0120mass - ively\n\u0120Dani els\n\u0120D EL\n\u0120car cin\nUr l\n\u0120rout ing\n\u0120NPC - s\n\u0120R AF\nry ce\n\u0120wa ived\n\u0120Gu atem\nEvery body\n\u0120co venant\n\u012017 - 3\n\u0120relax ing\n\u0120qu art\nal most\n\u0120guard ed\n\u0120Sold iers\n\u0120PL - AY\n\u0120out going\nL AND\n\u0120re write\n\u0120M OV\n\u0120Im per\n\u0120S - olution\n\u0120phenomen al\n\u0120l ongevity\n\u0120imp at\n\u0120N issan\nir - ie\n\u0120od or\n\u0120Z ar\nok s\n\u0120milit ias\n\u0120SP EC\n\u0120toler - ated\nars er\n\u0120Brad ford\n+ ,\n\u0120sur real\ns f\nCan adian\n\u0120resemb - lance\n\u0120carbohyd rate\nVI EW\n\u0120access ory\nme al\nlarg est\nieg - el\nSome one\n\u0120toug hest\nos o\n\u0120fun nel\n\u0120condemn ation\nlu - ent\n\u0120w ired\n\u0120Sun set\nJes us\n\u0120P ST\n\u0120P ages\n\u0120Ty - coon\n\u0120P F\n\u0120select ions\n\u0120 \xE0\xA4\npart isan\n\u0120high - s\n\u0120R une\n\u0120craft s\nle ad\n\u0120Parent s\n\u0120re claim\nek er\n\u0120All - ied\nae per\n\u0120lo oming\n\u0120benefic iaries\n\u0120H ull\nStud ents\nJew - ish\nd j\n\u0120p act\ntem plate\n\u0120Offic ials\n\u0120Bay lor\n\u0120he - mp\n\u0120youth s\n\u0120Level s\n\u0120X iao\n\u0120C hes\n\u0120ende avor\n\u0120Rem - oved\n\u0120hipp ocamp\nH ell\n\xE3\u0124 \u012C\n80 5\n\u0120d inosaur\n\u0120Wr - ath\n\u0120Indones ian\n\u0120calcul ator\n\u0120D ictionary\n\u01204 20\n\u0120M - AG\n( _\n! ,\nt arians\n\u0120restrict ing\nrac use\n\u0120week day\nOU NT\n\u0120sh - rugged\nleg round\n\u0120b ald\n\u0120Do ctors\n\u0120t outed\n\u0120Max well\n\u01202 - 14\n\u0120diplom at\n\u0120rep ression\n\u0120constitu ency\nv ice\nr anked\n\u0120Nap - oleon\ng ang\n\u0120Fore ver\nt un\n\u0120bul b\n\u0120PD T\n\u0120C isco\nV - EN\n\u0120res umed\nSte ven\n\u0120Manit oba\n\u0120fab ulous\n\u0120Ag ents\n19 - 84\n\u0120am using\n\u0120Myster ies\n\u0120or thodox\nfl oor\n\u0120question - naire\n\u0120penet rate\n\u0120film makers\n\u0120Un c\n\u0120st amped\n\u0120th - irteen\n\u0120out field\n\u0120forward ed\n\u0120app ra\n\u0120a ided\nt ry\n\u0120unf - ocused\n\u0120L iz\n\u0120Wend y\n\u0120Sc ene\nCh arg\n\u0120reject s\n\u0120left - ist\n\u0120Prov idence\n\u0120Br id\nreg n\n\u0120prophe cy\n\u0120L IVE\n4 - 99\n\u0120for ge\n\u0120F ML\n\u0120intrins ic\n\u0120F rog\n\u0120w ont\n\u0120H - olt\n\u0120fam ed\nCL US\naeper nick\n\u0120H ate\n\u0120C ay\n\u0120register - ing\nort ality\nrop y\nocaly ptic\na an\nn av\n\u0120fasc ist\nIF IED\n\u0120impl - icated\n\u0120Res ort\n\u0120Chand ler\n\u0120Br ick\nP in\nys c\nUs age\n\u0120Hel - m\nus ra\n\xE2\u013A\u0127 \xE2\u013A\u0127\n\u0120Ab bas\n\u0120unanim ously\n\u0120ke - eper\n\u0120add icted\n?? ?\n\u0120helm ets\n\u0120ant ioxid\naps ed\n80 8\ngi - ene\n\u0120wa its\n\u0120min ion\nra ved\n\u0120P orsche\n\u0120dream ing\n\u012017 - 1\n\u0120C ain\n\u0120un for\nass o\n\u0120Config uration\nk un\nhard t\n\u0120n - ested\n\u0120L DS\nL ES\n\u0120t ying\nen os\n\u0120c ue\n\u0120Mar qu\nsk - irts\n\u0120click ed\n\u0120exp iration\n\u0120According ly\n\u0120W C\n\u0120bless - ings\n\u0120addict ive\n\u0120N arr\ny x\n\u0120Jagu ars\n\u0120rent s\n\u0120S - iber\n\u0120t ipped\nous se\n\u0120Fitz gerald\n\u0120hier arch\nout ine\n\u0120wa - velength\n> .\nch id\n\u0120Process ing\n/ +\nr anking\nE asy\n\u0120Const - ruct\n\u0120t et\nins ured\nH UD\n\u0120qu oting\n\u0120commun icated\nin - x\n\u0120in mate\n\u0120erect ed\n\u0120Abs olutely\n\u0120Sure ly\n\u0120un - im\n\u0120Thr one\nhe id\n\u0120cl aws\n\u0120super star\n\u0120L enn\n\u0120Wh - is\nU k\nab ol\n\u0120sk et\n\u0120N iet\n\u0120per ks\n\u0120aff inity\n\u0120open - ings\nphas is\n\u0120discrim inate\nT ip\nv c\n\u0120gr inding\n\u0120Jenn - y\n\u0120ast hma\nhol es\n\u0120Hom er\n\u0120reg isters\n\u0120Gl ad\n\u0120cre - ations\n\u0120lith ium\n\u0120appl ause\nunt il\nJust ice\n\u0120Tur ks\n\u0120sc - andals\n\u0120b ake\nt ank\nM ech\n\u0120Me ans\n\u0120M aid\nRepublic ans\nis - al\nwind ows\n\u0120Sant os\n\u0120veget ation\n33 8\nt ri\n\u0120fl ux\nins - ert\n\u0120clar ified\n\u0120mort g\n\u0120Ch im\n\u0120T ort\n\u0120discl - aim\nmet al\n\u0120As ide\n\u0120indu ction\n\u0120inf l\n\u0120athe ists\namp - h\n\u0120e ther\n\u0120V ital\n\u0120Bu ilt\nM ind\n\u0120weapon ry\nS ET\n\u012018 - 6\nad min\ng am\ncont ract\naf a\n\u0120deriv atives\n\u0120sn acks\n\u0120ch - urn\nE conom\n\u0120ca pped\n\u0120Under standing\n\u0120H ers\n\u0120I z\n\u0120d - uct\nI ENT\naugh ty\n\u0120\xE2\u013E \u0136\n\u0120N P\n\u0120sa iling\nIn - itialized\n\u0120t ed\n\u0120react ors\n\u0120L omb\n\u0120cho ke\n\u0120W - orm\n\u0120adm iration\n\u0120sw ung\nens ibly\n\u0120r ash\n\u0120Go als\n\u0120Import - ant\nSh ot\n\u0120R as\n\u0120train ers\n\u0120B un\nWork ing\n\u0120har med\n\u0120Pand - ora\n\u0120L TE\n\u0120mush room\n\u0120CH AR\n\u0120F ee\n\u0120M oy\nB orn\nol - iberal\n\u0120Mart ial\n\u0120gentle men\n\u0120ling ering\nOffic ial\n\u0120gra - ffiti\n\u0120N ames\nD er\n\u0120qu int\nist rate\naze era\n\u0120NOT ICE\n\u0120Flore - nce\n\u0120pay able\n\u0120dep icts\n\u0120Spe cies\nHe art\n\xE2\u0136\u0122\xE2\u0136\u0122\xE2\u0136\u0122\xE2\u0136\u0122 - \xE2\u0136\u0122\xE2\u0136\u0122\xE2\u0136\u0122\xE2\u0136\u0122\n\u0120encl - osed\nIncre ases\nD aily\n\u0120L is\n\u0120enact ment\n\u0120B acon\n\u0120St - eele\ndem and\n\u012018 3\n\u0120mouth s\n\u0120str anded\n\u0120enhance ment\n01 - 1\n\u0120Wh ats\n\u0120he aled\nen y\n\u0120R ab\n\u01203 40\n\u0120Lab yrinth\nro - ach\n\u0120Y osh\n\u0120Cl ippers\n\u0120concert s\nIntern et\n35 5\n\u0120stick - ers\n\u0120ter med\n\u0120Ax e\n\u0120grand parents\nFr ance\n\u0120Cl im\n\u0120U - h\nul ic\n\u0120thr ill\ncent ric\n\u0120Over view\n\u0120Cond uct\n\u0120substant - ive\n\u012018 2\nm ur\n\u0120str ay\n\u0120Co ff\n\u0120rep etitive\n\u0120For - gotten\n\u0120qual ification\new itness\n\u0120Z imbabwe\n\u0120sim ulated\n\u0120J - D\n25 3\n\u0120W are\n\u0120un sc\nT imes\n\u0120sum mons\n\u0120dis connected\n\u012018 - 4\nci us\n\u0120Gu jar\nod ka\n\u0120er ase\n\u0120Tob acco\nelect ed\n\u0120un - cont\n\u0120She pard\n\u0120L amp\n\u0120alert ed\n\u0120oper ative\narn a\nu - int\n\u0120neglig ence\nac ements\n\u0120sup ra\n\u0120prev ail\n\u0120Sh - ark\n\u0120bel ts\n\xE3\u0123 \xAB\n\u0120t ighter\nEngine ers\n\u0120in active\n\u0120exp - onent\n\u0120Will ie\na ples\n\u0120he ir\n\u0120H its\nian n\n\u0120S ays\n\u0120current - s\n\u0120Beng al\n\u0120ar ist\nB uffer\n\u0120bree ze\n\u0120Wes ley\nCol - a\n\u0120pron oun\n\u0120de ed\n\u0120K ling\n\u0120of t\n\u0120inf lict\n\u0120pun - ishing\n\u0120n m\nik u\nOD UCT\n01 4\n\u0120subsid y\n\u0120DE A\n\u0120Her - bert\n\u0120J al\nB ank\n\u0120def erred\n\u0120ship ment\nB ott\n\u0120al - le\nb earing\nHT ML\nOff line\n\u01202 13\n\u0120scroll ing\n\u0120sc anned\n\u0120Lib - yan\n\u0120T OP\nch rom\nd t\ncol umn\nPsy NetMessage\nZ ero\n\u0120tor so\n0 - 50\n\xE2\u0137 \u0132\n\u0120imp erson\n\u0120Schw artz\nud ic\n\u0120piss - ed\n\u0120S app\n25 7\n\u0120IS Ps\nog l\n\u0120super vised\n\u0120ad olescent\n\u0120att - ained\n\u0120Del ivery\n\u0120B unny\n\u012019 37\n\u0120mini ature\n\u0120o - s\n\u01203 70\n60 8\n\u0120Mour inho\n\u0120inn ate\n\u0120tem po\n\u0120N - M\n\u0120Fall en\n00 9\n\u0120prov ocative\nStream er\n\u0120Bened ict\n\u0120Bol - she\n\u0120t urtle\n\u0120PC B\n\u0120Equ al\nDirect or\n\u0120R end\n\u0120flu - ids\nAuthor ities\n\u0120cous ins\nrequ ency\n\u0120Neigh bor\ns ets\nsh ared\nChar - les\npass word\n\u0120g ears\n\u01202 11\n\u0120Hard ware\nri ka\n\u0120up - stream\nH om\n\u0120disproportion ately\niv ities\n\u0120und efined\n\u0120elect - rons\n\u0120commem or\nEvent ually\n\u0120> <\n\u0120ir responsible\n2 18\n\u0120Re - leased\n\u0120O VER\n\u0120I GN\n\u0120B read\nst ellar\n\u0120S age\ntt ed\ndam - age\ned ition\n\u0120Pre c\n\u0120l ime\n\u0120conf inement\n\u0120cal orie\nwe - apon\n\u0120diff ering\n\u0120S ina\nm ys\nam d\n\u0120intric ate\nk k\n\u0120P - AT\n\xC3\xA3 o\nst ones\nlin ks\n\u0120r anch\nSem itic\n\u0120different iate\n\u0120S - inger\noccup ied\n\u0120fort ress\nc md\n\u0120inter ception\n\u0120Ank ara\n\u0120re - pt\n\u0120Sol itaire\n\u0120rem ake\np red\n\u0120d ared\naut ions\n\u0120B - ACK\nRun ning\n\u0120debug ging\n\u0120graph s\n3 99\n\u0120Nig el\n\u0120b - un\n\u0120pill ow\n\u0120prog ressed\nfashion ed\n\u0120ob edience\nER N\n\u0120rehe - ars\nC ell\nt l\nS her\n\u0120her ald\n\u0120Pay ment\n\u0120C ory\n\u0120De - pt\n\u0120rep ent\n\u0120We ak\nuck land\n\u0120ple asing\n\u0120short ages\n\u0120jur - ors\n\u0120K ab\nq qa\nAnt i\n\u0120w ow\n\u0120RC MP\n\u0120t sun\n\u0120S - ic\n\u0120comp rises\n\u0120sp ies\n\u0120prec inct\nn u\n\u0120ur ges\n\u0120tim - ed\n\u0120strip es\n\u0120B oots\n\u0120y en\nAdv anced\n\u0120disc rete\n\u0120Arch - angel\nemploy ment\nD iff\n\u0120mon uments\n\u012020 9\nwork er\n\u012019 - 6\n\u0120I g\nutter stock\nT PS\nJ ac\n\u0120homeless ness\n\u0120comment - ator\n\u0120rac ially\nf ing\nse ed\nE le\nell ation\n\u0120eth anol\n\u0120par - ish\n\u0120D ong\n\u0120Aw akening\n\u0120dev iation\n\u0120B earing\n\u0120Tsu - k\n\u0120rec ess\n\u0120l ymph\n\u0120Cann abis\n\xE5 \u013E\n\u0120NEW S\n\u0120d - ra\n\u0120Stef an\n\u0120Wr ong\n\u0120S AM\n\u0120loose ly\n\u0120interpre - ter\n\u0120Pl ain\nGo vernment\n\u0120bigot ry\n\u0120gren ades\nave z\npict - ured\n\u0120mand ated\n\u0120Mon k\n\u0120Ped ro\n\u0120l ava\n27 4\n\u0120cyn - ical\n\u0120Scroll s\nl ocks\nM p\n\u0120con gregation\norn ings\nph il\n\u0120I - bid\n\u0120f erv\n\u0120disapp earing\n\u0120arrog ant\nsy n\n\u0120Ma ver\n\u0120Su - it\n24 1\n\u0120ab bre\nack ers\nP a\n\u0120Y el\nWhe never\n\u012023 5\n\u0120V - ine\n\u0120An at\n\u0120ext inct\nLE T\n\u0120execut able\nV ERS\nox ide\nD - NA\n\u0120P rel\n\u0120resent ment\n\u0120compr ise\n\u0120Av iv\n\u0120inter - ceptions\n\u0120prol ific\nIN A\n\u0120Er in\nthough t\n2 19\n\u0120Psychiat - ry\nun ky\nchem ist\nH o\n\u0120McC oy\n\u0120br icks\nL os\nri ly\n\u0120US - SR\n\u0120r ud\n\u0120l aud\n\u0120W ise\n\u0120Emer ald\n\u0120rev ived\n\u0120dam - ned\n\u0120Rep air\nid em\nct ica\n\u0120patri arch\n\u0120N urs\nme g\n\u0120cheap - est\nre ements\nempt y\n\u0120Cele br\n\u0120depri vation\nch anted\n\u0120Th - umbnails\nE nergy\n\u0120Eth an\n\u0120Q ing\n\u0120opp oses\nW IND\nv ik\n\u0120M - au\n\u0120S UB\n66 7\nG RE\n\u0120Vol unte\nnt on\nC ook\n\xE5 \u0132\nes - que\n\u0120plum met\n\u0120su ing\n\u0120pron ounce\n\u0120resist ing\n\u0120F - ishing\n\u0120Tri als\n\u0120y ell\n\u01203 10\n\u0120in duct\n\u0120personal - ized\noft en\nR eb\nEM BER\n\u0120view point\n\u0120exist ential\n() )\nrem - ove\nMENT S\nl asses\n\u0120ev apor\n\u0120a isle\nmet a\n\u0120reflect ive\n\u0120entit - lement\n\u0120dev ised\nmus ic\nasc ade\n\u0120wind ing\noff set\n\u0120access - ibility\nke red\nBet ter\n\u0120John ston\nth inking\nS now\n\u0120Croat ia\n\u0120At - omic\n27 1\n34 8\n\u0120text book\n\u0120Six th\n\u0120 \xD8\xA7\xD9\u0126\n\u0120sl - ider\n\u0120Bur ger\nb ol\nS ync\n\u0120grand children\n\u0120c erv\n+ )\n\u0120e - ternity\n\u0120tweet ing\n\u0120spec ulative\n\u0120piv otal\n\u0120W P\n\u0120T - ER\nynam ic\n\u0120u pl\n\u0120C ats\nper haps\n\u0120class mates\n\u0120blat - ant\n' -\n\u0120l akh\nant ine\n\u0120B org\ni om\n/ (\n\u0120Athlet ic\n\u0120s - ar\nOT A\n\u0120Hoff man\nNever theless\n\u0120ad orable\n\u0120spawn ed\nAss - ociated\n\u0120Dom estic\n\u0120impl ant\n\u0120Lux em\n\u0120K ens\n\u0120p - umps\n\u0120S AT\nAtt ributes\n50 9\nav our\n\u0120central ized\n\u0120T N\n\u0120fresh - ly\n\u0120A chieve\n\u0120outs iders\nher ty\n\u0120Re e\n\u0120T owers\n\u0120D - art\nak able\n\u0120m p\n\u0120Heaven ly\n\u0120r ipe\n\u0120Carol ine\nry - an\n\u0120class ics\n\u0120ret iring\n\u01202 28\n\u0120a h\n\u0120deal ings\n\u0120punch - ing\n\u0120Chap man\nO ptions\nmax well\nvol ume\n\u0120st al\n\u0120ex ported\n\u0120Qu - ite\n\u0120numer ical\nB urn\nF act\n\u0120Key stone\n\u0120trend ing\n\u0120alter - ing\n\u0120Afric ans\n47 8\n\u0120M N\n\u0120Kn ock\n\u0120tempt ation\n\u0120prest - ige\nOver view\n\u0120Trad itional\n\u0120Bah rain\nPriv ate\n\u0120H OU\n\u0120bar - r\n\u0120T at\nC ube\nUS D\n\u0120Grand e\n\u0120G at\n\u0120Fl o\n\u0120res - ides\n\u0120ind ec\nvol ent\n\u0120perpet ual\nub es\n\u0120world view\n\u0120Quant - um\n\u0120fil tered\n\u0120en su\norget own\nERS ON\n\u0120M ild\n37 9\nOT - T\n\xC3 \xA5\n\u0120vit amins\n\u0120rib bon\n\u0120sincere ly\n\u0120H in\n\u0120eight - een\n\u0120contradict ory\n\u0120gl aring\n\u0120expect ancy\n\u0120cons pir\n\u0120mon - strous\n\u01203 80\nre ci\n\u0120hand ic\n\u0120pump ed\n\u0120indic ative\n\u0120r - app\n\u0120av ail\n\u0120LEG O\n\u0120Mar ijuana\n19 85\nert on\n\u0120twent - ieth\n################ ################\n\u0120Sw amp\n\u0120val uation\n\u0120affili - ates\nadjust ed\n\u0120Fac ility\n26 2\n\u0120enz ymes\nitud inal\n\u0120imp - rint\nS ite\n\u0120install er\n\u0120T RA\nm ology\nlin ear\n\u0120Collect - ive\nig ating\n\u0120T oken\n\u0120spec ulated\nK N\n\u0120C ly\nor ity\n\u0120def - er\n\u0120inspect ors\nappro ved\nR M\n\u0120Sun s\n\u0120inform ing\n\u0120Sy - racuse\nib li\n7 65\n\u0120gl ove\n\u0120author ize\n\xE2\u0122\xA6\xE2\u0122\xA6\xE2\u0122\xA6\xE2\u0122\xA6 - \xE2\u0122\xA6\xE2\u0122\xA6\xE2\u0122\xA6\xE2\u0122\xA6\n\u0120Cru ise\n\u0120contract - ing\nshe ll\nIF E\n\u0120Jew el\np ract\n\u0120Phot oshop\n\u0120Know ing\nh - arm\n\u0120attract ions\nad an\net us\n01 8\nw agen\nAl t\n\u0120multip ly\n\u0120equ - ilibrium\n: {\n\u0120F ighters\n\u0120Ed gar\n\u0120four teen\nGo vern\n\u0120mis - use\n\u0120ab using\n\u0120ancest ry\nram er\n64 4\n\u0120wor ms\n\u0120thick - er\n\u0120Comb ine\n\u0120peas ants\n\u0120v ind\n\u0120con quest\n\u0120m - ocked\n\u0120c innamon\n\u0120C ald\n\u0120Gall up\n\u0120avoid ance\n\u0120incarn - ation\n\u0120Str at\n\u0120t asted\nent a\n\u0120N eal\np ared\n\u0120termin - ology\nject ion\nScient ists\n\u0120IN S\n\u0120De e\n\u0120direct ories\nR - oad\n\u0120Sh ap\nbr ight\n\u0120Direct ors\n\u0120Col umn\n\u0120b ob\n\u0120prefer - ably\n\u0120gl itch\nf urt\n\u0120e g\nid is\nC BC\n\u0120sur rendered\n\u0120test - ament\n33 6\nug gest\n\u0120N il\nan other\n\u0120pat hetic\n\u0120Don na\n\u01202 - 18\n\u0120A very\n\u0120whis key\n\u0120f ixture\n\u0120Con quest\n\u0120bet - s\nO cc\n\u0120Le icester\n] .\"\n\u0120) );\n\u0120fl ashes\n45 6\n\u0120mask - ed\nge bra\n\u0120comput ed\nche l\naud er\n\u0120defe ats\n\u0120Liber ation\n\u0120Os - ama\n\u0120V ive\nCh anges\nCh annel\n\u0120tar iffs\n\u0120m age\n\u0120S - ax\n\u0120inadvert ently\n\u0120C RE\n\u0120Re aper\nink y\ngr ading\n\u0120stere - otyp\n\u0120cur l\n\u0120F ANT\n\u0120fram eworks\nM om\n\u0120An ch\n\u0120flav - our\ncar bon\n\u0120perm itting\nlet cher\n\u0120Mo zilla\n\u0120Park ing\n\u0120Ch - amp\nSc roll\n\u0120murd erer\n\u0120rest ed\n\u0120ow es\n\u0120P oss\nAD - D\nIF F\nres olution\n\u0120Min ing\n\u0120compar ative\nD im\n\u0120neighbour - ing\n\u0120A ST\n\u0120T oxic\n\u0120bi ases\n\u0120gun fire\nur ous\n\u0120Mom - ent\n19 83\n\u0120per vasive\ntt p\n\u0120Norm ally\nr ir\nS arah\n\u0120Alb - any\n\u0120un sett\n\u0120S MS\nip ers\nl ayer\n\u0120Wh ites\nup le\n\u0120tur - bo\n\u0120Le eds\n\u0120that s\n\u0120Min er\nM ER\n\u0120Re ign\n\u0120per - me\n\u0120Bl itz\n\u012019 34\n\u0120intimid ating\nt ube\n\u0120ecc entric\nab - olic\nbox es\n\u0120Associ ates\nv otes\n\u0120sim ulate\num bo\naster y\n\u0120ship - ments\nFF FF\nan th\n\u0120season ed\n\u0120experiment ation\n\xE2\u0138 \u0142\nlaw - s\nMe et\nidd les\nant ics\nR ating\nIS IS\nh ift\n\u0120front s\nb uf\n01 - 7\n\u0120un att\n\u0120D il\nle ases\n\u0120Gard ens\n77 7\nt ouch\nve ll\n45 - 8\n\u0120= ====\ns aving\n\u0120er osion\n\u0120Qu in\n\u0120earn s\n\u0120accomplish - ment\n\u0120We i\n\u0120< [\n____ _\n\u0120ir rig\n\u0120T eddy\n\u0120conqu - ered\n\u0120Arm ored\n\u0120assert s\n\u0120manip ulating\nr \xC3\xA9\n\u0120transcript - s\nG allery\n\u0120plot ting\nNe il\n\u0120betray al\nload er\n\u0120S ul\n\u0120displ - acement\n\u0120roy alty\n\u0120W I\nhe it\n\u0120Dev ices\nalle l\n\u0120municipal - ities\n\u0120can al\nSt ars\n\u0120U AE\n\u0120\" \xE2\u0122\xA6\n\u0120C - U\nab ove\n\u0120reson ance\n\u0120guiActive Un\nadd ed\n\u0120Bra ves\n\u0120I - bn\n\u0120here by\n\u0120B RE\n\u0120share holder\n\u0120H ir\n\u0120J i\n\u0120strange - ly\n\u0120adm ired\n\u0120pl ight\n\u0120b achelor\n\u0120P ole\ncipl inary\nT - ony\n\u0120Armen ian\n\u0120un man\n\u0120Zion ist\nSt age\nisco ver\n\u0120autom - otive\n\u0120s idelines\n\u0120sl ick\n\u0120Rena issance\n\u0120F UN\nIm - ages\n\u0120H aj\n\u0120p ing\n\u0120short cut\n\u0120Bl vd\n\u0120Look s\n\u0120bur - sts\n\u0120cl amp\n\u0120m ish\n\u0120sort ing\n\u0120patri ot\n\u0120correct - ness\n\u0120Scand inav\n\u0120Caval iers\np ython\naz ar\n\u01203 75\n\u0120Ja - une\n40 9\n\u0120detrim ental\n\u0120stab bing\n\u0120poison ed\n\u0120f ountain\noc - ent\nor st\n\u0120Mar i\n\u0120r ains\n\u0120O vers\n\u0120Inst itution\nud - get\nAM Y\nt ale\n\u0120K R\n\u0120Pr ices\n\u0120head aches\n\u0120lands - l\n\u0120A ura\nBon us\n\u0120Z hao\n\u0120H ip\n\u0120hop s\n\u0120Kurd istan\n\u0120explo - iting\nry n\n\u0120hypocr isy\nop ening\n\u0120gun shot\n\u0120w ed\ninter - stitial\nInter stitial\n\u0120am en\nBre aking\n\u0120market ed\nW ire\n\u0120C - rowd\nContin ue\n\u0120K nown\n\u0120Effect ive\nore an\niz ons\nJose ph\n\u0120escal - ation\nus ername\n\u0120cur tain\nAT ES\n\u0120P AR\n\u0120M iy\n\u0120counter - fe\nl ene\n\u0120cont enders\nd aily\n\u0120As c\n\u0120Phill ip\nmost ly\n\u0120fil - ename\nhe ne\n\u0120resemb ling\n\u0120st aging\n\u0120Ch loe\n\u0120w iring\nH - on\n\u0120Ren ew\nott age\n\u0120Hy brid\nm uch\n\u0120stro kes\n\u0120policy - makers\nAP TER\n\u0120Ark ham\npl ot\n\u0120assist ants\n\u0120de port\n\u0120Se - ga\n\u0120influ enza\n\u0120C ursed\n\u0120K obe\n\u0120skin ny\nProv ider\n\u0120R - ip\n\u0120increment al\nproduct s\nB F\n\u0120d ome\n\u0120C redits\n\u0120los - ers\nint s\n\u0120Bet ty\n\u0120Tal ent\n\u0120D AM\nL v\nE ss\n\u0120d ens\ntem - p\nJ udge\nod ic\n\u0120' (\nUR ES\nets k\nV O\n\u0120retrie ved\n\u0120architect - s\n\xD9 \u0129\n\u0120eth ic\n\u0120Second ary\nst ocks\nad ia\n\u01203 25\n\u0120Op - inion\n\u0120simultane ous\n\u0120d izz\nul p\n\u0120smugg ling\nipp ery\nR - andom\nf acing\n\u0120D as\n\u0120stock p\n\u0120discl osures\npo inter\n\u0120cor - al\n\u0120Se lection\n\u0120P ike\nival ent\n\u0120ruth less\n\u0120R im\n\u0120ensu - ing\n\u0120Exper iment\n\u0120congress man\n\u0120belie ver\n\u0120un specified\n\u0120M - ord\n\u0120knowledge able\n\u0120V ERY\nT X\n\u0120stra ps\n\u0120tur f\napesh - ifter\n\u0120mar ital\n\u0120fl ock\n\xE3\u0123 \u0128\n26 3\nAM ES\n\u0120Opp - osition\n\u0120tre asures\n\u0120G OD\n\u0120model ed\n\u0120WOR LD\n\u0120( - [\n\u0120Us age\nH F\n\u0120$ (\nuss ed\n\u0120pione er\nE ight\npar se\nb - read\nrit z\n\u0120Mir anda\n\u0120K ant\n++ )\nore n\n\u0120prov oked\n\u0120bre - eds\n\u0120In cludes\n\u0120Past ebin\n\u0120Fl ip\nJ ava\n\u0120br ink\n\u0120rum - ored\n\u0120un seen\n\u0120gar nered\n\u0120Def in\nal ted\n\u0120tatt oos\n\u0120hes - itation\nis itions\n\u0120We aver\n\u0120Report ing\n\u0120therap ies\n\u0120consult - ants\n\u0120resid ual\n\u0120Mal i\n\u0120Rom a\ni ago\n\u0120Res idents\nub - i\n\u0120remed ies\n\u0120adapt ive\n\u0120Al ive\n\u0120Bar cl\n\u0120wal - lets\nc rypt\netermin ation\n\u0120Pel osi\n\u0120sl ipping\noton in\n\u0120all - iances\npat rick\nir is\n\u0120or th\n\u0120Per kins\n\u0120De V\n\u0120G - ets\n\u0120dry ing\nge e\nfore st\n\u0120For get\nore m\n33 9\n\u0120vague - ly\n\u0120D ion\n\u0120P orn\n\u0120H OW\n\u0120p neum\n\u0120rub ble\n\u0120T - aste\nenc ia\n\u0120G el\n\u0120d st\n\u012024 5\n\u0120Moroc co\ninf lamm\n\u0120Tw - ins\n\u0120b ots\nd aughter\n\u0120B alk\n\u0120bre thren\n\u0120log os\n\u0120go - bl\nf ps\n\u0120sub division\n\u0120p awn\n\u0120squee zed\n\u0120mor ale\n\u0120D - W\n' \"\n\u0120kn ot\nook y\n\u0120div isive\n\u0120boost ed\nch y\n\xE3\u0125 - \u0132\nif act\n\u0120newcom ers\n\u0120Wrest ling\n\u0120sc outs\nw olves\nR - at\n\u0120nin eteenth\n\u0120Os borne\nSt ats\n\u0120em powered\n\u0120psych - opath\n\u0120O EM\nugg age\n\u0120P K\n\u0120Moh ammad\nP ak\n\u0120anarch - ists\n\u0120Ext ract\nest hes\n\u0120Stock holm\nl oo\n\u0120G raph\n\u0120deploy - ing\n\u0120Str anger\n\u0120M old\n\u0120staff er\n\u0120discount ed\nuck - le\nple ase\n\u0120Land ing\n\xC3\u0143 a\n\u012019 3\n\u0120an te\n\u0120rep - etition\n\u0120+ /-\n\u0120par ody\n\u0120live ly\nAA A\n\u0120Hor us\n\u0120p - its\nind ers\nL OC\n\u0120Ven ice\n40 6\n\u0120Dis cover\n\xE2 \u0128\nellect - ual\n\u0120p ens\n\u0120ey el\nig uous\nIm pl\n\u0120j oking\n\u0120inv al\n\u0120Bel - fast\n\u0120credit ors\n\u0120Sky walker\nov sky\n\u0120cease fire\n\u0120se - als\nis oft\n) ).\n\u0120Fel ix\nIT S\n\u0120t resp\n\u0120Block chain\new - are\n\u0120Sch war\nen ne\nmount ed\n\u0120Be acon\nles h\n\u0120immense ly\n\u0120che - ering\nEm ploy\nsc ene\nish ly\natche wan\n\u0120Nic olas\n\u0120dr ained\n\u0120Ex - it\n\u0120Az erb\nj un\n\u0120flo ated\nu ania\nDe ep\n\u0120super v\n\u0120myst - ical\n\u0120D ollar\n\u0120Apost le\n\u0120R EL\n\u0120Prov ided\n\u0120B - ucks\n\xE3\u0125 \xB4\ncut ting\n\u0120enhance ments\n\u0120Pengu ins\n\u0120Isa - iah\n\u0120j erk\n\u0120W yn\n\u0120st alled\n\u0120cryptoc urrencies\n\u0120R - oland\nsing le\n\u0120l umin\n\u0120F ellow\n\u0120Cap acity\n\u0120Kaz akh\nW - N\n\u0120fin anced\n38 9\n\u0120t id\n\u0120coll usion\n\u0120My r\n\xEE \u0122\nSen - ator\n\u0120ped iatric\n\u0120neat ly\n\u0120sandwic hes\n\u0120Architect - ure\n\u0120t ucked\n\u0120balcon y\n\u0120earthqu akes\nqu ire\nF uture\n\u0120he - fty\n\xE9 \u0139\n\u0120special izes\n\u0120stress es\n\u0120s ender\n\u0120misunder - standing\n\u0120ep ile\n\u0120prov oke\n\u0120Col ors\n\u0120dis may\nuk o\n[ - _\n58 6\nne utral\n\u0120don ating\n\u0120Rand all\nMult i\n\u0120convenient - ly\n\u0120S ung\n\u0120C oca\n\u0120t ents\n\u0120Ac celer\n\u0120part nered\n27 - 2\nir ming\n\u0120B AS\ns ometimes\n\u0120object ed\nub ric\np osed\nLC S\ngr - ass\n\u0120attribut able\nV IS\nIsrael i\n\u0120repe ats\n\u0120R M\nv ag\nut - a\nin ous\n\u0120in ert\n\u0120Mig uel\n\xE6 \u0143\n\u0120Hawai ian\nB oard\n\u0120art - ific\n\u0120Azerb ai\nas io\n\u0120R ent\nA IN\n\u0120appl iances\n\u0120national - ity\n\u0120ass hole\n\u0120N eb\n\u0120not ch\nh ani\n\u0120Br ide\nAv ailability\n\u0120intercept - ed\n\u0120contin ental\n\u0120sw elling\n\u0120Pers pect\nb ies\n. <\nith - metic\n\u0120L ara\n\u0120tempt ing\nadd r\n\u0120oversee ing\ncl ad\n\u0120D - V\n\u0120Ging rich\n\u0120m un\n\u0120App ropri\n\u0120alter ations\n\u0120Pat - reon\n\u0120ha voc\n\u0120discipl ines\n\u0120notor iously\naku ya\nier i\n? - ).\n\u0120W ent\n\u0120sil icon\n\u0120tre mb\nCont ainer\nK nown\n\u0120mort - ar\nest e\nick a\nAr thur\n\u0120Pre viously\n\u0120Mart y\n\u0120sp arse\ng - ins\n\u0120in ward\n\u0120Particip ant\nC opy\n\u0120M isc\n\u0120antib iotic\n\u0120Ret - ro\n\u0120el usive\n\u0120ass ail\n\u0120Batt alion\n\u0120B ought\n\u0120dimin - ish\n\u0120Euro pa\ns ession\n\u0120Danger ous\nies el\n\u0120disbel ief\n\u0120bl - asts\next reme\n\u0120Boy d\n\u0120Project s\n\u0120Gu ys\n\u0120under gone\n\u0120gr - ill\n\u0120Dw ight\n\u012019 7\nUS ER\n\u0120files ystem\n\u0120cl ocks\nT - aylor\n\u0120wra pper\n\u0120fold ing\nous and\n\u0120Philipp ine\nATION AL\n\u0120Per - th\n\u0120as hes\n\u0120accum ulate\n\u0120Gate way\nSh op\norks hire\nH an\n\u0120Bar - rel\n\u0120Le h\n\u0120X V\n\u0120wh im\n\u0120rep o\n\u0120C G\n\u0120M am\n\u0120incorpor - ating\n\u0120bail out\n\u0120lingu istic\n\u0120dis integ\nC LE\n\u0120cinem - atic\n\u0120F iber\nS yn\nil ion\n\u0120Com pos\nc hens\n\u0120ne oc\n\u0120bo - iled\nF INE\non o\nun cle\nik en\n\u0120B M\n\xCE \xB9\n\u0120receipt s\n\u0120disp - osed\n\u0120Th irty\n\u0120R ough\n\u0120A BS\n\u0120not withstanding\noll - en\n# $\n\u0120unrel iable\n\u0120bl oom\n\u0120medi ocre\n\u0120tr am\n\u0120Tas - man\n\u0120sh akes\n\u0120manifest o\n\u0120M W\n\u0120satisf actory\n\u0120sh - ores\n\u0120comput ation\n\u0120assert ions\norm ons\nar ag\nab it\nDem ocrats\n\u0120L - oot\n\u0120Vol ks\nha ired\n\u0120grav itational\nS ing\n\u0120M iz\n\u0120thro - ttle\n\u0120tyr anny\n\u0120View s\n\u0120rob ber\n\u0120Minor ity\n\u0120sh - rine\nsc ope\npur pose\n\u0120nucle us\nour cing\n\u0120US DA\n\u0120D HS\nw - ra\n\u0120Bow ie\nSc ale\n\u0120B EL\nx i\nI ter\n\u0120( ),\nw right\n\u0120sail - ors\nous ed\nNAS A\n\u0120Pro of\n\u0120Min eral\nt oken\n\u0120F D\nR ew\n\u0120e - ll\n6 30\n\u0120chance llor\n\u0120G os\n\u0120amount ed\n\u0120Rec re\nome - z\n\u0120Opt im\n\u0120Ol ive\n\u0120track er\now ler\n\u0120Un ique\nR oot\n\u0120mar - itime\n\u0120Qur an\n\u0120Ad apt\n\u0120ecosystem s\n\u0120Re peat\n\u0120S - oy\n\u0120I MP\n\u0120grad uating\nand em\nP ur\n\u0120Res et\n\u0120Tr ick\n\u0120Ph - illy\n\u0120T ue\n\u0120Malays ian\n\u0120clim ax\n\u0120b ury\n\u0120cons - pic\n\u0120South ampton\n\u0120Fl owers\n\u0120esc orted\n\u0120Educ ational\n\u0120I - RC\n\u0120brut ally\ne ating\n\u0120pill ar\n\u0120S ang\n\u0120J ude\nar - ling\n\u0120Am nesty\n\u0120rem inding\n\u0120Administ rative\nhes da\n\u0120fl - ashed\n\u0120P BS\nper ate\nfe ature\n\u0120sw ipe\n\u0120gra ves\noult ry\n26 - 1\nbre aks\n\u0120Gu er\n\u0120sh rimp\n\u0120V oting\nqu ist\n\u0120analy - tical\n\u0120tables poons\n\u0120S OU\n\u0120resear ched\n\u0120disrupt ed\n\u0120j - our\n\u0120repl ica\n\u0120cart oons\nb ians\n} )\nc opy\nG ot\nou ched\nP - UT\n\u0120sw arm\nnot ations\ns aid\n\u0120reb uilt\n\u0120collabor ate\n\u0120r - aging\n\u0120n ar\n\u0120dem ographics\n\u0120D DR\n\u0120dist rust\noss ier\n\u0120K - ro\n\u0120pump kin\n\u0120reg rets\n\u0120fatal ities\n\u0120L ens\n\u0120O - le\np d\n\u0120pupp et\n\u0120Out look\n\u0120St am\nO l\nF air\nU U\n\u0120re - written\n\xC4 \xB1\n\u0120fasc inated\n\u0120ve ctors\n\u0120trib unal\nu - ay\n\u0120M ats\n\u0120Co ins\n[ [\n\u012018 1\n\u0120rend ers\n\u0120K aepernick\n\u0120esp - ionage\n\u0120sum m\n\u0120d itch\nAcc ount\n\u0120spread sheet\n\u0120mut - ant\np ast\n40 7\n\u0120d ye\n\u0120init iation\n\u01204 000\n\u0120punish - able\n\u0120th inner\n\u0120Kh al\n\u0120inter medi\nD un\n\u0120Goth am\n\u0120eager - ly\n\u0120vag inal\np owers\nV W\n\u0120WATCH ED\n\u0120pred ator\nams ung\n\u0120dispar - ity\n\u0120[ *\n\u0120am ph\n\u0120out skirts\n\u0120Spir its\n\u0120skelet - al\n\xD0 \xBB\n\u0120R ear\n\u0120issu ance\n\u0120Log ic\nre leased\nZ Z\n\u0120B - ound\nEnt ry\n\u0120ex its\nis ol\n\u0120Found er\n\u0120w re\n\u0120Green - land\n\u0120M MO\nt aker\nIN C\n\xE3\u0123 \xBE\n\u0120hour ly\nhen ko\n\u0120fantas - ies\n\u0120dis ob\n\u0120demol ition\n\xE3\u0125 \u012D\n\u0120en listed\nrat - ulations\n\u0120mis guided\n\u0120ens ured\n\u0120discour aged\nm ort\n\u0120fl - ank\n\u0120c ess\n\u0120react s\n\u0120S ere\ns ensitive\n\u0120Ser pent\nass - ad\n\u012024 7\n\u0120calm ly\nb usters\n\u0120ble ed\n\u0120St ro\n\u0120amuse - ment\n\u0120Antar ctica\n\u0120s cept\n\u0120G aw\na q\nason ic\n\u0120sp - rawling\nn ative\natur ated\n\u0120Battle field\nIV ERS\nE B\n\u0120G ems\n\u0120North - western\n\u0120Fil ms\n\u0120Aut omatic\n\u0120appre hend\n\xE3\u0123 \xA8\n\u0120gui - Name\n\u0120back end\n\u0120evid enced\nge ant\n01 2\n\u0120S iege\n\u0120external - To\n\u0120unfocused Range\n\u0120guiActiveUn focused\n\u0120gui Icon\n\u0120externalTo - EVA\n\u0120externalToEVA Only\nF ri\nch ard\nen aries\n\u0120chief s\n\u0120c - f\n\u0120H UD\n\u0120corro bor\n\u0120d B\n\u0120T aken\n\u0120Pat ricia\nra - il\n\u0120Ch arm\n\u0120Liber tarian\nrie ve\nPerson al\n\u0120O UR\nger ies\n\u0120dump - ing\n\u0120neurolog ical\nit imate\n\u0120Clint ons\nraft ed\n\u0120M olly\n\u0120termin - als\nreg ister\n\u0120fl are\n\u0120enc oded\n\u0120autop sy\np el\nm achine\n\u0120exempt - ions\n\u0120Roy als\nd istance\n\u0120draft s\n\u0120l ame\n\u0120C unning\n\u0120sp - ouses\n\u0120Mark ets\n\u0120Car rier\n\u0120imp lying\n\u0120Y ak\ns id\n\u0120l - oser\n\u0120vigil ant\n\u0120impe achment\n\u0120aug mented\n\u0120Employ - ees\n\u0120unint ended\ntern ally\n\u0120W att\n\u0120recogn izable\ness im\n\xE6 - \u013F\n\u0120co ated\nr ha\n\u0120lie utenant\n\u0120Legisl ation\npub lished\n44 - 4\n01 3\n\u0120ide ally\n\u0120Pass word\n\u0120simpl ify\n\u0120Met a\n\u0120M - RI\n\u0120ple ading\norgan ized\nhand ler\n\u0120un ravel\ncor rect\n\u0120 - icy\n\u0120paran oid\n\u0120pass er\n\u0120inspect ions\nof er\n\u0120Health - care\n28 3\n\u0120Br ut\niol a\nfor ge\n\u0120Med ieval\nMS N\nie vers\n\u0120Program - ming\n\xE5 \u012B\n\u01202 23\nm u\n\u0120C LE\nug a\n\u0120sho ppers\n\u0120inform - ative\n\u0120Pl ans\n\u0120supplement ation\n\u0120T ests\nty ard\nocy tes\n\u0120Veg - a\n\u0120Gujar at\nerman ent\nEx cept\n\u0120L OT\nall a\n\u0120C umm\n\u0120O - sw\n\u0120ven om\n\u0120Deb t\n\u0120D OWN\n\u0120reun ion\n\u0120m uc\n\u0120Rel - ief\n\u0120ge op\n\u0120\xF0\u0141 \u013A\nal ogue\nAn th\nech o\n\u0120cor - ros\n\u0120repl ication\n\u0120Bl azing\n\u0120D aughter\n\u0120inf lic\n\u0120Lind - sey\n\xD9 \u012A\n28 4\nEx it\n\u0120gl oom\nTA IN\n\u0120undermin ing\n\u0120adv - ising\nh idden\n\u0120over flow\n\u0120g or\nurd ue\n\u0120e choes\nenh agen\n\u0120imp - uls\nd rug\nc ash\n\u0120as ync\n\u0120mir ac\nat ts\np unk\n\u0120piv ot\n\u0120Legisl - ative\n\u0120blog gers\n\u0120Cl aw\ns burg\nd yl\n\u0120Recomm end\n\u0120ver - te\n\u0120prohib iting\n\u0120Pant her\nJon athan\n\u0120o min\n\u0120hate - ful\n28 1\n\u0120Or che\n\u0120Murd och\ndown s\n\u0120as ymm\nG ER\nAl ways\n\u0120inform - s\n\u0120W M\n\u0120P ony\n\u0120App endix\n\u0120Ar lington\nJ am\n\u0120medic - inal\n\u0120S lam\nIT IES\n\u0120re aff\n\u0120R i\nF G\nS pring\nb ool\n\u0120thigh - s\n\u0120mark ings\n\u0120Ra qqa\n\u0120L ak\np oll\nts ky\n\u0120Mort y\n\u0120Def - inition\n\u0120deb unk\nend ered\n\u0120Le one\na vers\n\u0120mortg ages\nApp - arently\nN ic\nha us\n\u0120Th ousands\nau ld\n\u0120m ash\nsh oot\n\u0120di - arr\n\u0120conscious ly\nH ero\ne as\n\u0120N aturally\n\u0120Destroy er\n\u0120dash - board\nserv ices\nR og\n\u0120millenn ials\n\u0120inv ade\n- (\n\u0120comm - issions\n\u0120A uckland\n\u0120broadcast s\n\u0120front al\n\u0120cr ank\n\u0120Hist - oric\n\u0120rum ours\nCT V\n\u0120ster il\n\u0120boost er\nrock et\n\xE3\u0124 - \xBC\nut sche\n\u0120P I\n\u01202 33\n\u0120Produ cer\n\u0120Analy tics\n\u0120inval - uable\n\u0120unint ention\n\u0120C Y\n\u0120scrut in\n\u0120g igg\n\u0120eng - ulf\n\u0120prolet ariat\n\u0120h acks\n\u0120H ew\nar ak\n\u0120Sl ime\nield - ing\nag her\n\u0120Ell iot\n\u0120tele com\n\u01202 19\nult an\n\u0120Ar bor\n\u0120Sc - outs\nB an\n\u0120lifes pan\n\u0120bl asp\n38 8\n\u0120jud iciary\n\u0120Contin - ental\nask ing\nMc C\nL ED\n\u0120bag gage\n\u0120Sorce rer\n\u0120rem nants\n\u0120Griff - ith\nets u\n\u0120Sub aru\n\u0120Person ality\ndes igned\nush ima\nagn ar\n\u0120rec - oil\n\u0120pass ions\n\\ \":\n\u0120te e\n\u0120abol ition\n\u0120Creat ing\nj - ac\n\u012019 4\n01 9\n\u0120pill ars\nric hed\n/ \"\nt k\n\u0120live lihood\n\u0120ro - asted\nah on\n\u0120H utch\nass ert\n\u0120divid end\n\u0120kn it\n\u0120d - aunting\n\u0120disturb ance\n\u0120sh ale\n\u0120cultiv ated\n\u0120refriger - ator\nL B\n\u0120N ET\n\u0120commercial s\n\u0120think ers\n45 5\n\u0120ch - op\nB road\n\u0120suspic ions\n\u0120tag ged\nl ifting\n\u0120sty lish\n\u0120Shield - s\nShort ly\n\u0120t ails\nA uth\nST E\n\u0120G AME\n\u0120se ism\n\u0120K - is\nolog ne\n\u0120cow ork\n\u0120forc ibly\n\u0120thy roid\n\u0120P B\nAN - E\nmar ried\nh orse\n\u0120poly mer\n\u0120Ch al\nod or\nDE BUG\n\u0120Con - text\n\u0120bl iss\n\u0120pin point\n\u0120Mat hemat\nleg ram\n\u0120Week - end\n\u0120lab elled\n\u0120b art\nit les\n\u0120est rogen\n\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136 - \xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\xE2\u0122\u0136\n\" - '\n\u0120vis ibly\n\u0120outs ider\naid a\nAre a\n\u0120disse min\n\u0120dish - onest\n\u0120Cl osed\n\u0120Bullet in\n\u0120Ram sey\nsw ord\n\u0120X I\nour - ced\nS ame\n34 6\n\u0120Re pe\n\u0120K ou\nc ake\nem is\nC ache\n\u0120Me - aning\n\u0120En light\nonom y\n\u0120manifest ation\nsw orth\nJ ay\n\u0120ch - ore\n\xC3\xB6 r\nD ream\n\u0120sanction ed\n\u0120cult urally\n\u0120A ra\nN - av\n\u0120the ological\n\u0120str ut\n\u0120V O\n\u0120Hand book\n\u0120construct - ing\n\u0120\xC2 \xB6\n\u0120Benef its\n\u0120Psych ological\ns ac\n\xE5 \xB8\np - olicy\n\u0120Mat ters\n\u0120Report ed\n\u0120By te\n\u0120vit ro\n\u0120M - aiden\n\u0120l am\n\u0120Jenn ings\n\u0120gar ment\n\u0120Rut gers\n\u0120Staff - ord\n\u0120Well ington\n\u0120inter mitt\n\u0120n pm\n\u0120ord eal\n\u0120plug - ged\no oming\nin ished\nfram ework\n\u0120tim ber\n\u0120c ass\n\u01208 50\nil - ess\n\u0120Red ux\n7 68\nSt re\n\u0120surpass ed\nw hel\n\u0120paralle ls\n\u0120ve - il\n\u0120G I\n\u0120R EST\n\u0120read iness\ns ort\n\u0120mod ifying\n\u0120Sl - ate\nru ff\n\u0120mar ble\n\u0120inf rared\n\u0120aud itor\n\u0120FANT ASY\n\u0120P - overty\n\u0120S PD\n\u0120\" (\nK y\nRA Y\n\u0120execut ions\n\u0120Bever - ly\n\u0120Marx ism\n\u0120Bur st\n\u0120K ali\nest ones\nClear ly\nE ll\n\xE3\u0123 - \xA7\n\u0120Proceed ings\nT oken\nIF IC\n\xC3\xB1 a\nCent ral\n\u0120H aley\n\u0120D - rama\n\u0120form ations\nOR N\nBook s\n\u0120dom inating\n\u0120Fly ers\n\u0120Compan - ion\n\u0120discipl ined\n\u0120Yug oslav\n\u0120Spell s\n\u0120v engeance\n\u0120land - lords\nL en\n\u0120O gre\nano ia\n\u0120pier cing\n\u0120con greg\n\u0120score - r\nob ia\n\u0120nic kel\n\u0120Lear ns\n\u0120re jo\n\u0120master piece\nFl - ash\n\u0120inhab ited\n\u0120Open GL\n\u0120D ud\n\u0120I CO\n\u0120ar ter\n\u0120pl - ur\n\u0120master y\n\u0120long standing\nst ed\n\u0120w ines\n\u0120telev - ised\n\u0120Sh rine\n\u0120Bay ern\n\u0120\xE2 \u0135\u013A\n\u0120encl osure\nj - ohn\n\u0120prophe ts\n\u0120Res urrection\n\u0120Ord ers\n\u0120un even\nr - als\n\u0120d wind\n\u0120L ah\n\u0120Sl oven\n37 8\n\u0120ins istence\naff - le\n\u0120Cl one\n\u0120hard ship\n\u0120Congress man\n\u0120ple ad\n\u0120review - ers\n\u0120c ured\n\u012019 35\nas ley\nf ake\n\u0120Th inking\nyd ia\nP ART\n\u0120D - ota\no it\n\u0120wh ipped\n\u0120b ouncing\n\u0120Hispan ics\ncom ings\n\u0120cann - abin\n\u0120Ch ambers\n\u0120Z ack\nOption al\n\u0120co ats\n\u0120prow ess\n\u0120Nort - on\n\u0120plain ly\n\u0120fre ight\n\u0120inhib ition\n\u0120cl am\n\u012030 - 3\nke f\nale igh\nL uke\n\u0120psych o\nator ium\nM ED\n\u0120treat ies\n\u0120ind - isc\n\u0120d c\nOP S\n\u0120resil ient\n\u0120Inter state\n\u0120sl ack\n\u0120mund - ane\n\u0120estab lishes\n35 9\n\u0120str ained\n\u0120n ond\nS us\n\u0120cast - e\nar ate\nie ving\n\u0120unfair ly\n\u0120pars er\non ial\nurs ive\nV ia\n\u0120Ott - o\n\u0120Author ities\nstro ke\nK R\n\u0120Mer cy\n\u0120furn ished\n\u0120out - set\n\u0120met ic\n19 82\nolith ic\n\u0120T ent\nog ical\n\u0120A ircraft\n\u0120h - ides\n\u0120Bec ame\n\u0120educ ators\nre aching\n\u0120vol atility\n\u0120todd - ler\n\u0120NAS CAR\n\u0120Tw elve\n\u0120High lights\n\u0120gra pe\n\u0120spl - its\n\u0120pe asant\n\u0120re neg\n\u0120MS I\nTem p\nst ars\n\u0120tre k\n\u0120Hy - de\nb inding\n\u0120real ism\n\u0120ox ide\n\u0120H os\n\u0120mount s\n\u0120bit - ing\n\u0120collaps ing\n\u0120post al\n\u0120muse ums\n\u0120det ached\n\u0120respect - ing\n\u0120monop ol\n\u0120work flow\n\u0120C ake\nTem plate\n\u0120Organ - isation\n\u0120pers istence\n36 9\nC oming\nB rad\n\u0120redund ant\n\u0120G - TA\n\u0120b ending\n\u0120rev oked\n\u0120off ending\n\u0120fram ing\n\u0120print - f\nComm un\nmem bers\nOut side\n\u0120const rued\n\u0120c oded\nF ORE\n\u0120ch - ast\nCh at\nInd ian\n\u0120Y ard\n? !\"\n\u0120P orts\n\u0120X avier\n\u0120R - ET\n' .\"\n\u0120Bo at\niv ated\nich t\numer able\nD s\n\u0120Dun n\n\u0120coff - in\n\u0120secure ly\n\u0120Rapt ors\n\u0120B es\nInstall ation\n\u0120in ception\n\u0120Health - y\nend ants\n\u0120psych ologists\n\u0120She ikh\nc ultural\n\u0120Black Berry\nsh - ift\nF red\noc he\n\u0120c akes\n\u0120S EO\n\u0120G ian\n\u0120As ians\nog - ging\ne lement\n\u0120pund its\n\u0120V augh\n\u0120G avin\n\u0120h itter\n\u0120drown - ed\n\u0120ch alk\n\u0120Z ika\n\u0120meas les\n80 2\n\xE2\u0122\xA6 ..\n\u0120AW - S\n] \"\n\u0120dist ort\n\u0120M ast\n\u0120antib odies\n\u0120M ash\nMem - ory\n\u0120Ug anda\n\u0120Pro b\n\u0120vom iting\n\u0120Turn s\n\u0120occup - ying\n\u0120ev asion\n\u0120Ther apy\n\u0120prom o\n\u0120elect r\n\u0120blue - print\n\u0120D re\npr iced\n\u0120Dep ot\n\u0120allev iate\n\u0120Som ali\nm - arg\nn ine\n\u0120nostalg ia\n\u0120She pherd\n\u0120caval ry\n\u0120tor ped\n\u0120Blood - y\nx b\n\u0120s ank\n\u0120go alt\nreport print\nembed reportprint\nclone - embedreportprint\n\u0120In itially\n\u0120F ischer\n\u0120not eworthy\nc ern\n\u0120in - efficient\nraw download\nrawdownload cloneembedreportprint\nc ation\n\u0120D - ynasty\nl ag\nD ES\n\u0120distinct ly\n\u0120Eston ia\n\u0120open ness\n\u0120g - ossip\nru ck\nW idth\n\u0120Ib rahim\n\u0120pet roleum\n\u0120av atar\n\u0120H - ed\nath a\n\u0120Hog warts\n\u0120c aves\n67 8\n\u0120safegu ard\n\u0120M - og\niss on\n\u0120Dur ham\nsl aught\n\u0120Grad uate\n\u0120sub conscious\n\u0120Ex - cellent\n\u0120D um\n---- -\n\u0120p iles\n\u0120W ORK\n\u0120G arn\n\u0120F - ol\n\u0120AT M\n\u0120avoid s\n\u0120T ul\n\u0120ble ak\nEL Y\niv ist\nlight - ly\nP ers\n\u0120D ob\n\u0120L S\n\u0120ins anity\n\xCE \xB5\natal ie\nEn - large\n\u0120tw ists\n\u0120fault y\n\u0120pir acy\n\u0120imp over\n\u0120rug - ged\n\u0120F ashion\n\u0120s ands\n' ?\nsw ick\n\u0120n atives\n\u0120he n\n\u0120No - ise\n\xE3\u0125 \u0139\n\u0120g reens\n\u0120free zer\n\u0120d ynasty\n\u0120Father - s\n\u0120New ark\n\u0120archae ological\n\u0120o t\nob ar\n\u0120block ade\n\u0120all - erg\nL V\n\u0120deb it\n\u0120R FC\n\u0120Mil ton\n\u0120Press ure\n\u0120will - ingly\n\u0120disproportion ate\n\u0120opp ressive\n\u0120diamond s\n\u0120belong - ings\n19 70\n\u0120bell s\n\u0120imperial ism\n\u01202 27\n\u0120expl oding\n\u0120E - clipse\n\u012019 19\n\u0120r ant\n\u0120nom inations\n34 7\n\u0120peace fully\nric - a\n\u0120F UCK\n\u0120vib ration\nmal ink\n\u0120ro pes\n\u0120Iv anka\n\u0120Brew - ery\n\u0120Book er\n\u0120Ow ens\ngo ers\nServ ices\n\u0120Sn ape\n\u012019 - 1\n39 5\n\u01202 99\njust ice\n\u0120b ri\n\u0120disc s\n\u0120prom inently\n\u0120vul - gar\n\u0120sk ipping\nl ves\n\u0120tsun ami\n37 4\n\u0120U rug\n\u0120E id\nrec - ated\np hen\n\u0120fault s\n\u0120Start ed\n9 50\n\u0120p i\n\u0120detect - or\n\u0120bast ard\n\u0120valid ated\nSpace Engineers\nOUR CE\n\u0120( ~\n\u0120uns - ur\n\u0120aff irmed\n\u0120fasc ism\n\u0120res olving\n\u0120Ch avez\n\u0120C - yn\n\u0120det ract\nL ost\n\u0120rig ged\n\u0120hom age\n\u0120Brun o\n55 - 5\nec a\n\u0120press es\n\u0120hum our\n\u0120sp acing\n\u0120' /\nolk ien\nC - oun\nOP ER\nT re\nS on\n\u0120Cambod ia\nier re\nm ong\no zy\n\u0120liquid - ity\n\u0120Sov iets\n\u0120Fernand o\n\u01202 29\n\u0120sl ug\n\u0120Catal - an\nelect ric\n\u0120sc enery\n\u0120H earth\n\u0120const rained\n\u0120goal - ie\n\u0120Gu idelines\n\u0120Am mo\n\u0120Pear son\n\u0120tax ed\n\u0120fet - us\nResp onse\n\u0120Alex is\nth ia\nG uy\n\u0120recon struct\n\u0120extrem - es\n\u0120conclud ing\n\u0120P eg\nook s\n\u0120ded uctions\nR ose\n\u0120ground - breaking\n\u0120T arg\n\xE3\u0125 \u0123\n\u0120Re ve\nres ource\n\u0120mo - ons\n\u0120electrom agnetic\n\u0120amid st\n\u0120Vik tor\nN ESS\nB ACK\n\u0120comm - ute\n\u0120Ana heim\n\u0120fluct uations\n6 40\n\u0120nood les\n\u0120Cop - enhagen\n\u0120T ide\n\u0120Gri zz\n\u0120S EE\n\u0120pip elines\n\u0120sc - ars\nend o\nag us\n\u0120E TF\n/ #\n\u0120Bec ome\n44 8\n\u0120vis c\n\u0120Recomm - ended\n\u0120j umper\n\u0120cogn ition\n\u0120assass in\n\u0120witness ing\n\u0120Set - up\n\u0120l ac\nv im\nIS M\np ages\nSS L\n35 8\n\u0120ad ject\nindust rial\nl - ore\ncher y\n\u0120gl itter\n\u0120c alf\nFlor ida\n\u0120spoil ers\n\u0120succeed - s\n\u0120ch anting\n\u0120slog ans\n\u0120Tr acy\nVis it\nrol ogy\n\u0120m - ornings\n\u0120line age\n\u0120s ip\n\u0120intense ly\n\u0120flour ish\n\u0120Sle - eping\n\u0120F em\nor por\n\u0120K lan\n\u0120Dar th\nh ack\n\u0120Ni elsen\n\u0120tum - ors\n\u0120procure ment\n\u0120Y orkshire\n\u0120ra ided\nK Y\nAn na\n\u0120// - [\n\u0120Dis order\n\u0120Must ang\n\u0120W en\n\u0120Try ing\ns q\n\u0120deliver - ies\n\u0120shut ter\n\u0120cere bral\n\u0120bip olar\n\u0120C N\nl ass\nj - et\n\u0120deb ating\n> :\n\u0120e agle\ngr ades\n\u0120D ixon\nUG C\nM AS\n\u0120Dr - aco\n\u0120Mach ines\naff er\n\u0120em an\n\xC2 \xB2\npr on\n\u0120G ym\n\u0120compar - atively\n\u0120Trib unal\nPR O\n\u0120le x\n\u0120fert ile\n\u0120dep ressing\n\u0120superf - icial\ness ential\n\u0120Hun ters\ng p\n\u0120prom inence\nL iber\n\u0120An - cest\note chnology\n\u0120m ocking\n\u0120Tra ff\n\u0138 \u013C\nMed ium\nI - raq\n\u0120psychiat rist\nQuant ity\n\u0120L ect\n\u0120no isy\n5 20\nG Y\n\u0120sl - apped\n\u0120M TV\n\u0120par a\np ull\nMult iple\nas her\n\u0120n our\n\u0120Se - g\nSpe ll\nv ous\nord ial\nSen ior\n\u0120Gold berg\n\u0120Pl asma\nne ed\n\u0120mess - enger\nere t\n\u0120team ed\n\u0120liter acy\n\u0120Le ah\n\u0120D oyle\n\u0120em - itted\nU X\n\u0120ev ade\n\u0120m aze\n\u0120wrong ly\n\u0120L ars\n\u0120stere - otype\n\u0120pled ges\n\u0120arom a\n\u0120M ET\n\u0120ac re\n\u0120O D\n\u0120f - f\n\u0120brew eries\n\u0120H ilton\nund le\n\u0120K ak\n\u0120Thank fully\n\u0120Can - ucks\nin ctions\n\u0120App ears\n\u0120co er\n\u0120undermin ed\nro vers\nAnd - re\n\u0120bl aze\num ers\n\u0120fam ine\namp hetamine\nulk an\nAm ount\n\u0120desper - ation\nwik ipedia\ndevelop ment\n\u0120Cor inth\nuss ia\nJack son\nL I\nN - ative\nR s\nOh io\n\u0120Kath leen\nF ortunately\n\u0120attend ant\n\u0120Pre - ferred\n\u0120Did n\n\u0120V s\nM is\n\u0120respond ent\n\u0120b oun\nst able\n\u0120p - aved\n\u0120unex pl\n\u0120Che ney\nL M\n\u0120C ull\nbl own\n\u0120confront - ing\noc ese\nserv ing\nW i\n\u0120Lith uania\nann i\n\u0120st alk\nh d\n\u0120v - ener\nAP H\nynchron ous\nUR R\num ably\nhist oric\nH alf\nH ay\n\u0120resil - ience\nspe ction\n\u0120abandon ing\nO bs\n\u0120Deb bie\n\u0120grad ient\n\u0120Pl - aint\n\u0120Can al\nAR CH\n\u0120expans ive\n\u0120fun g\n\u0120b ounced\nU - nd\n\u0120prec autions\n\u0120clar ification\n\u0120d agger\n\u0120gri ps\n\u0120\xC2 - \xB5\n\u0120River a\n\u0120Und ead\nis ites\n\u0120FIR ST\n\xC3\xB1 o\naud - i\n\u0120host ages\n\u0120compl iant\n\u0120al umni\nSe ven\n\u0120cyber security\ne - ither\nCol lect\n\u0120invari ably\n\u0120S oci\n\u0120law maker\n\u0120a - le\n\u0120Person ally\nN azi\n\u0120custom ization\n\u0120Pro c\n\u0120Sask - atchewan\neat uring\n\u0120sp ared\n\u0120discontin ued\n\u0120comput ational\n\u0120Motor - ola\n\u0120suprem acist\ngovernment al\n\u0120parad ise\n\u0120Down ing\n\u0120Nik - on\n\u0120cat alyst\nber ra\nTor onto\n8 75\nbet a\n\u0120Mac ron\n\u0120unreal - istic\nve ctor\n\u0120Veh icles\nit iveness\n\u0120R V\n\u0120Col bert\ns - in\no ji\nent in\n\u0120Kr ish\nhell o\nff ield\nok y\n\u0120T ate\n\u0120map - le\n\u0120a ids\nchem ical\n33 4\nn uts\n\u0120War p\n\u0120x x\n\u0120Rob - b\numer ous\n_- _\nft ime\n\u0120V W\n\u0120w inger\n\u0120D ome\nt ools\n\u0120P - V\n\u0120Ge orgetown\n\u0120g eared\n\u0120jihad ists\n\u0120c p\n\u0120ster - oids\nM other\ncler osis\n\u0120DR M\nnes ia\n\u0120l inger\n\u0120imm ersive\n\u0120C - OUN\n\u0120outwe igh\nens ual\nB and\n\u0120transform s\nmat ched\nps ons\n\u0120Jud - icial\nf actor\n\u0120refer ral\n\u0120odd ly\n\u0120W enger\nB ring\n\u0120B - ows\n60 2\nIC LE\n\u0120l ions\n\u0120Acad emic\n\u0120Th orn\n\u0120Ra ider\nkef - eller\nSt orage\nL ower\n\u0120Or t\n\u0120Equ ality\nAL T\n\u0120S OC\nT - ypes\n\u0120l yn\n\u0120Ass et\nco at\nTP P\nC VE\n\u0120Pione er\napp lication\nMod - ern\n\u0120H K\nEn vironment\nAl right\nR ain\nIP P\n\u0120Shi ite\n\u0120m - ound\n\u0120Ab ilities\ncond ition\nSt aff\n\u0120compet ence\n\u0120M oor\n\u0120Di - ablo\n\u0120with held\n\u0120ost ensibly\n\u0120B rom\n\u0120ms g\n\u0120den - omin\n\u0120Ref erences\n\u0120F P\n\u0120plun ged\n\u0120p amph\nm oving\ncent - ral\n\u0120down right\n\u0120f ading\nT al\nT yp\n\u0120Th y\nuk es\nit he\n\u0120o - ve\n\u0120batt led\n\u0120seaf ood\n\u0120fig ur\n\u0120R D\nc rop\n\u0120squ - ads\n{ \\\n\xE0 \xB9\n\u0120E h\n\u0120interview ing\n\u0120Q in\n\u0120as - piring\nPL IC\n\u0120cla uses\n\u0120G ast\n\u0120N ir\n\u0120l uggage\n\u0120h - ose\n\u0120system d\n\u0120desc ending\n\u0120Rev ised\n\u0120R ails\nal ign\n70 - 9\n33 7\n\u0120f ug\ncharg ing\nt ags\n\u0120ut er\nk ish\nWAR NING\n49 0\nprof - its\n\u0120voy age\n\u0120a ce\n\u0120V anguard\n\u0120T anks\n\u0120M uk\n\u01202 - 26\nS afe\nAr mor\n\u0120volcan ic\n\u0120wom b\n\u0120M IL\n\u0120begin ner\n\u0120Rec - ogn\n\u0120A AP\nPL AY\n) !\n\u0120detect ing\nc n\n\u0120bre aches\nBas ically\n\u0120P - ag\n\u0120Municip al\n\u0120Ind ie\n\u0120L af\n\u0120Dis able\n\u0120Ol son\n\u0120rest - rained\n\u0120rul ings\n\u0120hum ane\nev ents\n\u0120Cinem a\ndisplay Text\n\u0120H - atch\naction Date\nonna issance\n\u0120assault ing\n\u0120L ug\nCH AT\n\u0120vig - orous\n\u0120Per se\n\u0120intoler ance\n\u0120Snap chat\n\u0120Sh arks\n\u0120d - ummy\n\u0120Di agn\n\u0120Gu itar\nim eters\n40 3\nRE G\nA x\n\u0120separ - ates\n\u0120Mah m\n\u0120t v\nj ah\nO OL\nC irc\n\u0120Winds or\nuss ian\n\u0120intu - ition\n\u0120dis dain\n\u0120Don ovan\n\u01202 21\nE mb\n\u0120condem ning\n\u0120gener - osity\nzz y\n\u0120pant ies\n\u0120Pre vent\nAction Code\nAN A\n34 2\nexternal - ActionCode\n\u0120spec ifying\n\u0120cryst all\nJ ere\n\u0120ru pt\n\u0120App - rentice\n\u0120prof iling\n\xD0 \xBA\nSt rike\n\u0120sid eline\n\u0120oblig - ated\n\u0120occ ult\n\u0120bureaucr atic\nant ically\nrupt ed\nneg ative\n\u0120Ethiop - ia\n\u0120C ivic\n\u0120ins iders\nel igible\n\u0120TV s\n\u0120B AR\n\u0120T - I\ni ologist\n\u0120A IR\n\u0120substit uted\nAr ab\n\u0120S aul\n\u0120Y - og\np rem\n\u0120build ers\n\u0120station ary\n\u0120doubt ful\n\u0120vig - orously\n\u0120thr illing\nPh ysical\n\u0120Care y\n\u0120Hyd ra\ngeon ing\n\u0120S - ly\ny ton\n\u0120borrow ers\n\u0120Park inson\n\u0120 \xEB\n\u0120Jama ica\n\u0120sat - ir\n\u0120insurg ents\n\u0120F irm\n\u0120is ot\n\u0120K arn\nour ning\nak - ens\ndoc s\nl ittle\n\u0120Mon aco\nCL ASS\nTur key\nL y\n\u0120Con an\nass - ic\n\u0120star red\n\u0120Pac ers\net ies\n\u0120t ipping\nM oon\n\u0120R - w\ns ame\n\u0120cav ity\n\u0120go of\n\u0120Z o\nSh ock\num mer\n\u0120emphas - izes\n\u0120reg rett\n\u0120novel ty\n\u0120en vy\n\u0120Pass ive\nr w\n50 - 5\n\u0120ind ifferent\n\u0120R ica\n\u0120Him self\n\u0120Fred die\n\u0120ad - ip\n\xE4\xB8 \u0122\n\u0120break out\n\u0120hur ried\n\u0120Hu ang\n\u0120D - isk\n\u0120ro aming\n?????- ?????-\nU V\n\u0120Rick y\n\u0120S igma\n\u0120marginal - ized\n\u0120ed its\n\u012030 4\nmem ory\n\u0120spec imen\n29 3\n\xE3\u0123 - \xAF\n\u0120vert ically\n\u0120aud ition\n\u0120He ck\n\u0120c aster\n\u0120Hold - ings\nad al\n\u0120C ron\n\u0120L iam\n\u0120def lect\nP ick\n\u0120Deb ug\nRE - F\n\u0120vers atility\not hes\nclass ified\n\u0120Mah ar\n\u0120H ort\nC ounter\nst - asy\nnot iced\n33 1\n\u0120Sh im\nf uck\n\u0120B ie\n\u0120air ing\n\u0120Pro - tein\n\u0120Hold ing\n\u0120spect ators\nili ated\n\u0120That cher\nn osis\n\xE3\u0125\xBC - \xE3\u0125\xB3\nTe le\nB oston\n\u0120Tem pl\nst ay\n\u0120decl arations\n47 - 9\nVol ume\n\u0120Design er\n\u0120Over watch\nid ae\n\u0120on wards\n\u0120n - ets\n\u0120Man ila\npart icularly\n\u0120polit ic\no other\n\u0120port raits\n\u0120pave - ment\nc ffff\n\u0120s aints\n\u0120begin ners\nES PN\n\u0120short comings\n\xE2\u0137\u0132 - \xE2\u0137\u0132\n\u0120com et\n\u0120Organ ic\nqu el\n\u0120hospital ized\nBre - ak\n\u0120pe el\ndyl ib\nasp x\nur ances\n\u0120T IM\nP g\n\u0120read able\n\u0120Mal - ik\n\u0120m uzzle\n\u0120bench marks\nd al\n\u0120V acc\n\u0120H icks\n60 - 9\n\u0120B iblical\nhe ng\n\u0120over load\n\u0120Civil ization\n\u0120imm - oral\n\u0120f ries\n\xE3\u0124 \u0134\n\u0120reprodu ced\n\u0120form ulation\nj - ug\nire z\ng ear\n\u0120co ached\nMp Server\n\u0120S J\n\u0120K w\nIn it\nd - eal\n\u0120O ro\n\u0120L oki\n\u0120Song s\n\u012023 2\n\u0120Lou ise\nasion - ally\n\u0120unc ond\nolly wood\n\u0120progress ives\n\u0120En ough\n\u0120Do - e\n\u0120wreck age\n\u0120br ushed\n\u0120Base Type\n\u0120z oning\nish able\nhet - ically\n\u0120C aucus\n\u0120H ue\n\u0120k arma\n\u0120Sport ing\n\u0120trad - er\n\u0120seem ing\n\u0120Capt ure\n4 30\nb ish\n\u0120t unes\n\u0120indo - ors\n\u0120Sp here\n\u0120D ancing\nTER N\n\u0120no b\n\u0120G ST\nm aps\n\u0120pe - ppers\nF it\n\u0120overse es\n\u0120Rabb i\n\u0120R uler\nvert ising\noff - ice\nxx x\n\u0120ra ft\nCh anged\n\u0120text books\nL inks\n\u0120O mn\n\xE3\u0122 - \u0133\n\u0120inconven ience\n\u0120Don etsk\n= ~\n\u0120implicit ly\n\u0120boost - s\n\u0120B ones\n\u0120Bo om\nCour tesy\n\u0120sens ational\nAN Y\n\u0120gre - edy\ned en\n\u0120inex per\n\u0120L er\n\u0120V ale\n\u0120tight en\n\u0120E - AR\n\u0120N um\n\u0120ancest or\nS ent\n\u0120H orde\nurg ical\nall ah\n\u0120sa - p\namb a\n\u0120Sp read\ntw itch\n\u0120grand son\n\u0120fract ure\n\u0120moder - ator\n\u0120Se venth\n\u0120Re verse\n\u0120estim ation\nCho ose\n\u0120par - ach\n\u0120bar ric\n\xE3\u0122 \u0132\n\u0120comp ass\n\u0120all ergic\n\xE2\u0122 - \u0137\nOT HER\nerr illa\n\u0120w agon\n\u0120z inc\n\u0120rub bed\n\u0120Full - er\n\u0120Luxem bourg\n\u0120Hoo ver\n\u0120li ar\n\u0120Even ing\n\u0120Cob - b\nest eem\n\u0120select or\n\u0120B rawl\nis ance\n\u0120E k\n\u0120tro op\n\u0120g - uts\n\u0120App eal\n\u0120Tibet an\n\u0120rout ines\n\u0120M ent\n\u0120summar - ized\nsteam apps\n\u0120tr anqu\n\u012019 29\nor an\n\u0120Aut hent\n\u0120g - maxwell\n\u0120appre hens\n\u0120po ems\n\u0120sa usage\n\u0120Web ster\nur - us\n\u0120them ed\n\u0120l ounge\n\u0120charg er\nSp oiler\n\u0120sp illed\nh - og\n\u0120Su nder\n\u0120A in\n\u0120Ang ry\n\u0120dis qual\n\u0120Frequ ency\n\u0120Ether - net\n\u0120hel per\nPer cent\n\u0120horr ifying\n\u0120a il\n\u0120All an\nEE - E\n\u0120Cross ing\n44 9\n\u0120h olog\n\u0120Puzz les\n\u0120Go es\neren - n\n60 4\n\xE3\u0123 \u0131\n\u0120Raf ael\n\u0120att en\n\u0120E manuel\n\u0120up - ro\n\u0120Sus p\nP sych\n\u0120Tr ainer\n\u0120N ES\n\u0120Hun ts\nbec ue\n\u0120counsel - or\nR ule\n\u0120tox ins\n\u0120b anners\nr ifice\n\u0120greet ing\n\u0120fren - zy\n\u0120all ocate\n\u0120* )\nex pr\n50 3\n\u0120Ch ick\n\u0120T orn\n\u0120consolid - ation\n\u0120F letcher\nsw itch\nfr ac\ncl ips\n\u0120McK in\n\u0120Lun ar\nMon - th\nIT CH\n\u0120scholar ly\nrap ed\n39 8\n\u012019 10\n\u0120e greg\n\u0120in - secure\n\u0120vict orious\ncffff cc\n\u0120sing led\n\u0120el ves\n\u0120W - ond\nbur st\n\u0120cam oufl\n\u0120BL ACK\n\u0120condition ed\n\xE7 \u012B\nans - wered\n\u0120compuls ory\nasc ist\n\u0120podcast s\n\u0120Frank furt\nbn b\n\u0120ne - oliberal\n\u0120Key board\n\u0120Bel le\nw arm\n\u0120trust s\n\u0120ins ured\n\u0120Bu - cc\nus able\n60 7\n\u0120Pl ains\n\u012018 90\n\u0120sabot age\n\u0120lod - ged\nf elt\n\u0120g a\n\u0120N arc\n\u0120Sal em\n\u0120sevent y\n\u0120Bl - ank\np ocket\n\u0120whis per\n\u0120m ating\nom ics\n\u0120Sal man\n\u0120K - ad\n\u0120an gered\n\u0120coll isions\n\u0120extraord inarily\n\u0120coerc - ion\nG host\nb irds\n\xE8 \u0122\nk ok\n\u0120per missible\navor able\n\u0120po - inters\n\u0120diss ip\nac i\n\u0120theat rical\n\u0120Cos mic\n\u0120forget - ting\n\u0120final ized\n\xE5\xA4 \xA7\ny out\nl ibrary\n\u0120bo oming\n\u0120Bel - ieve\n\u0120Te acher\n\u0120L iv\n\u0120GOOD MAN\n\u0120Domin ican\nOR ED\n\u0120Part - ies\n\u0120precip itation\n\u0120Sl ot\nR oy\n\u0120Comb ined\n\u0120integ - rating\n\u0120ch rome\n\u0120intest inal\n\u0120Re bell\n\u0120match ups\n\u0120block - buster\n\u0120Lore n\n\u0120Le vy\n\u0120pre aching\n\u0120S ending\n\u0120Pur - pose\nra x\nf if\n\u0120author itative\n\u0120P ET\nast ical\n\u0120dish on\n\u0120chat - ting\n\u0120\"$ :/\nConnect ion\n\u0120recre ate\n\u0120del inqu\n\u0120bro - th\n\u0120D irty\n\u0120Ad min\nz man\n\u0120scholars hips\n\u012025 3\ncont - act\nals a\n7 67\nc reen\nabb age\n\u012019 15\n\u0120bl ended\n\u0120al armed\nL - anguage\n35 6\n\u0120bl ends\n\u0120Ch anged\nW olf\n\u0120he pat\nCreat ing\n\u0120per - secut\n\u0120sweet ness\nart e\n\u0120forfe iture\n\u0120Rober to\nim pro\nN - FL\n\u0120Mag net\nDet ailed\n\u0120insign ificant\n\u0120POL IT\n\u0120BB - Q\n\u0120C PS\n\u0120se aw\namin er\nm L\nend if\nf inals\n\u012026 5\nu ish\n\u0120} - )\n\u0120Pro blems\n\u0120em blem\n\u0120serious ness\n\u0120pars ing\n\u0120subst - itution\n\u0120press ured\n\u0120recy cled\nale b\nRub y\n\u0120prof iciency\nDri - ver\n\u0120W ester\n: '\nAF TA\n\u0120m antle\n\u0120Clay ton\nfl ag\n\u0120practition - er\nc overed\n\u0120St ruct\nadd afi\n4 25\n\u0120Town ship\n\u0120Hyd ro\nLou - is\n34 3\n\u0120cond o\n\u0120T ao\n\u0120util ization\n\u0120nause a\n\u0120Dem - s\nrid ges\np ause\n\u0120form ulas\n\u0120chall enger\n37 6\n\u0120defect - ive\n\u0120Rail way\n\u0120Pub Med\n\u0120yog urt\nl bs\n\u0120Nor folk\nOP - E\n\u0120Mood y\n\u0120distribut or\n\u0120scroll s\n\u0120extract s\nSt an\n\u0120v - iability\n\u0120exp oses\n\u0120star vation\n\u0120Step s\n\u0120D odd\nf - ew\nST D\n33 2\n\u0120clos ures\n\u0120complement ary\n\u0120S asha\nump y\n\u0120mon - et\n\u0120artic ulate\n\u0120Do ct\nk iller\n\u0120sc rim\n\u01202 64\n\u0120prost - itutes\n\u0120se vered\n\u0120attach ments\n\u0120cool ed\nL ev\n\u0120F alk\nf - ail\n\u0120polic eman\n\u0120D ag\n\u0120pray ed\n\u0120K ernel\n\u0120cl - ut\n\u0120c ath\n\u0120an omaly\nSt orm\nem aker\n\u0120Break fast\nul i\no - ire\nJ J\nh z\nOper ation\n\u0120S ick\n35 4\n\u0120Guatem ala\nR ate\n\u0120exp - osures\nf aces\n\u0120Arch ae\nra f\n\u0120M ia\n\u012020 25\n\u0120op aque\n\u0120disgu - ised\n\u0120Head quarters\nS ah\n\u0120p ots\n9 78\n\u0120M alf\n\u0120frown - ed\n\u0120poison ous\n\u0120Con vers\nee ks\n\u0120cr ab\n.\" \"\n\u0120tre - ason\n\u0120r anc\n\u0120escal ating\n\u0120war r\n\u0120mob s\n\u0120l amps\n\u0120Sun - shine\n\u0120Brun swick\nPh ones\n\u0120spe lled\n\u0120Sk ip\n\u012020 50\n\u012019 - 11\n\u0120Pl uto\n\u0120Am end\n\u0120me ats\n38 7\n\u0120st omp\n\u0120Zh - ou\n\u0120Levi athan\n\u0120Haz ard\nad v\n\u0120Or well\n\u0120al oud\n\u0120b - umper\n\u0120An arch\nub untu\n\u0120Ser ious\nf itting\n\u0120Option al\n\u0120Cec - il\nRE AM\n\u0120ser otonin\n\u0120cultiv ate\nag ogue\n} \\\n\u0120mos ques\n\u0120Sun - ny\n\u0120re active\nrev olution\n\u0120L up\n\u0120Fed ora\n\u0120defense - man\n\u0120V ID\nist ine\n\u0120drown ing\n\u0120Broad casting\n\u0120thr - iller\n\u0120S cy\n\u0120acceler ating\n\u0120direct s\nod ied\nb ike\nd uration\n\u0120pain - fully\nR edd\n\u0120product ions\n\u0120g ag\n\u0120wh ist\n\u0120s ock\n\u0120inf - initely\n\u0120Conc ern\n\u0120Cit adel\n\u0120lie u\n\u0120cand les\nogene - ous\narg er\n\u0120heaven ly\ninflamm atory\nPer formance\nC s\nruct ose\naz - aki\n\u0120p essim\n\u0120inf erence\n\u0120pow d\n\u0120Z oe\n\u0120pain - ts\n\u0120d azz\npt a\n-------- ---\n\u0120ins pir\n\u0120Exper imental\n\u0120Kn - ife\nreg or\nb ors\n\u0120show ers\nrom eda\n\u0120s aint\n\u0120ben ign\n\u0120J - iang\n\u0120envision ed\n\u0120sh roud\nIF T\nH O\n\u0120sh uff\n\u0120I CC\n\u0120se - greg\n\u0120revis it\nighth ouse\nL i\n\u0120sub strate\n\u0120Se as\n\u0120Rew - ard\n\u0120H ep\n\u0120Br ass\ns bm\n\u0120elim inates\n\u0120st amina\n\u0120V - AT\n\u0120Lo an\n\u0120const raint\n\u0120appropri ated\n\u0120p es\n\u0120A - LE\nr anging\n\u012040 4\n39 2\n\u0120intellectual s\nach u\n\u0120restruct - uring\n\u0120Le vin\n\u0120run es\n\u0120delight ful\n\u0120carbohyd rates\n\u0120Mod - els\n\u0120Exp o\n\u0120transport ing\nall oc\n\u0120ring ing\nS amsung\n\u0120scarce - ly\n\u0120URL s\n\u0120M AS\n\u0120prot otypes\n\u0120narr ator\n\u0120CPU - s\ncd n\n\u0120Bart on\n\u0120decided ly\n\u0120Sh u\nix ir\noc ious\n\u0120My - st\nN intendo\n\u0120re use\n\u0120forg iven\nF ew\nin ical\nn at\n\u0120seam - less\n\u0120Ev a\n\u0120E VE\n\u0120J O\nland ers\n\u0120so fter\nneg ie\n\u0120trans - ient\n\u0120orb ital\n\u0120fulf il\n\u0120K om\nHop efully\n\u0120dynam ically\n\u0120Hun - ger\n\xE5 \u013D\n\u0120Armen ia\nel man\nber to\n\u0120p ige\n\u0120ID s\nlim - it\n\u0120ve ins\n\u0120so aring\np acks\nGold en\n\u0120Cr ab\nist or\n\u0120R - PM\n\u0120$ $\ng ression\n\u0120jihad ist\n\u0120gam ble\n\u0120care g\n\u0120inf - lated\nF ace\n\u0120Fire arms\n\u0120Em manuel\n\xE2 \u013F\n\u0120sh ocks\ngr - ab\n\u0120spl end\n\u0120HP V\nab ortion\nAb ove\nEnt ity\nplay ers\n\u0120comm - enced\nul ence\n\u0120fulfill ment\n\u0120embod iments\n\u0120W elfare\n\u0120ha - il\n\u0120< @\ntt en\n\u0120cat cher\n\u0120J azeera\n\u0120volcan o\n\u0120stabil - ize\n\u0120Hand ler\n\u0120intens ified\n\u0120Ab rams\n\u0120hum iliation\np - aced\n60 5\n\u0120Cent OS\nSpe cific\n\u0120he ed\n\u0120C AM\n\u0120Gal ile\nD - ie\n\u0120abol ished\n\u0120Thom son\n\u0120Te achers\n\u0120W ass\nj ong\n\u0120IS - BN\n\u0120All ies\nsh ake\n\xE5 \xB7\nv ict\nHow ard\n\u0120de em\n\u0120exceed - ingly\n\u0120Smart stocks\nib e\n\u0120door way\n\u0120compet ed\nig mat\n\u0120national - ists\n\u0120g room\n\u0120Ke en\n\u0120dispos able\nde cl\n\u0120T olkien\n\u0120Sche - me\n\u0120b iod\n\u0120av id\n\u0120El on\nag ar\n\u0120T SA\nR oman\n\u0120artific - ially\n\u0120advis ors\nX L\n\u0120Inf erno\n36 6\n\u0120ted ious\n\u0120Phot - ography\n\u0120Car rie\n\u0120tro pe\n\u0120Sand ra\n\u0120dec imal\nQue en\n\u0120Gund - am\n\u0120O M\note ch\nN BA\n\u012019 32\n\u0120ent renched\n\u0120Mar ion\n\u0120fr - aternity\nLab our\nHen ry\n\u0120lat itude\nE ither\n\u0120enh ances\n\u0120Pot - ential\n\u0120sh ines\nid ad\n\u0120bread th\n\u0120capac ities\n\u0120\xF0\u0141 - \u013B\u0124\n\u0120Bron x\n\u0120sex es\n\u0120different iation\n\u0120heavy - weight\n\u0120T aj\nd ra\n\u0120migr ate\n\u0120exhaust ion\n\u0120R UN\nels - ius\n\u0120Cu omo\n\u0120gu itars\n\u0120cl ones\n\u0120Som ew\n\u0120P ry\n------------ - -\n\u0120warr anted\ncy cles\n\u0120salv age\n\u0120dis ks\nR ANT\n\u0120NGO - s\n\u0120Mart ian\n\":[ {\"\n\u0120add icts\noj ure\nil let\n\u0120amazing - ly\nart ments\np ixel\n\u0120GPU s\nLay out\n\xE8 \xA3\n\u0120Tam il\n\u0120Bas - il\n\u0120impart ial\n\u0120St ructure\nf ork\nb ryce\n\u0120r idge\n\u0120Hamb - urg\nri ous\n\u0120bl itz\ncig arettes\n\u0120can ned\n40 2\n\u0120iron ically\n\u0120compassion - ate\n\u0120Haw kins\n. #\n\u0120Cat hedral\n\u0120rall ied\nin ternal\n\u0120qu - ota\nst akes\nT EXT\nm om\n\u0120comple tes\n\u012023 8\n\u0120sh rug\n\xE3\u0125 - \u0133\n\u0120N inth\n\u0120rev ise\n\u0120Prov ider\n\u0120tre acher\n\u0120qu - asi\n\u0120PR ES\n\u0120dep osition\n\u0120confidential ity\niss ors\n\u0120im - balance\n\u0120span ning\n\u0120ang ular\n\u0120C ul\ncommun ication\n\u0120Nor - a\n\u0120Gen ius\nop ter\n\u0120s acked\nSp ot\n\u0120fine ly\n\u0120CH R\n28 - 2\nw aves\nPal est\n\u0120Ro hing\nN L\n\xE8 \xBF\n\u0120sh itty\n\u0120Sc - alia\n4 75\nPro gress\n\u0120referen cing\n\u0120class rooms\nab ee\n\u0120s - od\nhes ion\n70 8\n\u0120Zucker berg\n\u0120Fin ish\n\u0120Scot ia\n\u0120Sav - ior\n\u0120Install ation\nan tha\n( -\n\u012030 2\n\u0120P unk\n\u0120cr ater\nyout - u\n\u0120ro ast\n\u0120influ encing\n\u0120d up\n\u0120J R\n\u0120G rav\n\u0120stat - ure\n\u0120bath rooms\nA side\nW iki\nme an\n\u0120Z ak\n\u0120On es\n\u0120N - ath\n\u0120hyper t\n\u0120commence ment\nC ivil\n\u0120moder ately\n\u0120distribut - ors\n\u0120breast feeding\n\u01209 80\n\u0120S ik\n\u0120C ig\n\u0120AM ER\nR - IP\n\u0120Care er\nust ing\n\u0120mess ed\n\u0120e h\n\u0120J ensen\n/ $\n\u0120black - mail\n\u0120convers ions\n\u0120scientific ally\n\u0120mant ra\np aying\n\u0120iv - ory\n\u0120Cour ts\nOU GH\naunt let\nSer ial\nB row\n\u0120H undreds\n3 23\n\u0120pe - e\n\u0120lin ux\n\u0120sub mer\n\u0120Princ ipal\n48 5\n\u0120D SL\n\u0120Cous - ins\n\u0120doctr ines\n\u0120Athlet ics\n\u01203 15\n\u0120K arma\n\u0120att - ent\nur ger\n\u0120presc ribe\n\u0120enc aps\n\u0120C ame\n\u0120secret ive\n\u0120Cr - imes\nd n\nC lean\n\u0120Egypt ians\n\u0120Car penter\n\u0120 ll\nH um\n\u0120Mil - o\n\u0120capital ists\n\u0120brief ed\nT we\n\u0120Bas in\nelve t\nM os\n\u0120plun - ge\n\u0120Ka iser\n\u0120Fu j\nill in\n\u0120safegu ards\n\u0120o ste\n\u0120Opportun - ity\n\u0120M afia\n\u0120Call ing\nap a\nur ban\nbr ush\nill ard\nc \xC3\xA9\nint - elligence\n\u0120L ob\n\u0120Dru id\n\u0120sm oother\n\u0120foot ing\n\u0120motor - ists\narc ity\n\u0120mascul inity\n\u0120m ism\n\u0120abdom inal\n\u0120Ta - vern\n\u0120R oh\n\u0120esc apes\ns igned\nAnth ony\n\u0120sacrific ing\n\u0120intim - acy\n\u0120an terior\n\u0120K od\n\u0120mot if\n\u0120g raz\n\u0120visual - ization\n\u0120guitar ist\n\u0120Tro tsky\nm agic\nD ar\n\u0120Mor i\n\u0120w - ards\n\u0120toile ts\nl est\n\u0120tele port\n\u0120Sund ays\n\u0120Pl at\nET - S\n\u0120e Sports\nPat rick\n\u0120K atherine\nen ko\n\u0120has sle\n\u0120M - ick\ngg les\n\u0120h ob\naint ain\n\u0120air borne\n\u0120sp ans\n\u0120ch - ili\n\u0120a perture\n\u0120volunte ered\n\u0120Inc ident\n\u0120F res\n\u0120Veter - an\naugh tered\ning o\n\u0120un insured\nCL OSE\n\u0120f use\n\u0120er otic\n\u0120advert - ise\nra ising\nText ure\n\u0120att ends\n\u0120RE AL\nudd led\n\u0120sm oot\n\u012030 - 5\n\u0120Will is\n\u0120bl ond\nAn alysis\n\u0120V T\non ica\n\u0120strongh - old\nR F\nN M\n. >>\n\u0120prosper ous\n\u0120bo asted\n29 2\n\u0120Manufact - uring\nPR ESS\ng ren\n\u0120pharm acy\n\u0120Roc kefeller\nk ai\n\u0120th - umbs\n\u0120H ut\n\u0120mother board\n\u0120guard ians\n\u0120Al ter\nll ular\n\u0120sh - ack\n\u0120wise ly\n\u0120back bone\nerv a\n\u0120su icides\n\u0120McG regor\nij - ah\nE mer\n\u0120B rav\n\u0120design ate\nP OST\nprodu ced\n\u0120cleans ing\nirl - wind\nex istent\n\u0120Hum ph\n\u0120Pay ne\n\u0120v ested\n\xC5 \xA1\n\u0120string - ent\nion a\n\u0120uns ub\n\u0120sum med\n\u0120Her cules\nsub ject\n\u0120R - agnar\n\u0120N os\n\u0120character ization\n\u0120sav vy\n\u0120Daw son\n\u0120Cas - ino\n\u0120f ri\n\u0120Bar rier\n\u0120mis information\n\u0120ins ulation\n\u0120corrid - ors\n\u0120air planes\n\u0120No ct\nah i\n\u012019 16\nk b\narm ac\n\u0120sh - un\n\u0120sche ma\n\u0120horr ified\n\u012023 9\naund ers\nN B\ni ates\ner - ity\n\u0120Sh ard\n\u0120r arity\n\u0120group ed\n\u0120Gh ana\nagain st\n\u0120Bi - ological\n\u0120A ware\now ell\n\xCF \u0126\n\u0120Be au\nsh aw\nH ack\n\u0120Jul - ius\nUS S\nol son\naun a\nc ru\n\u0120Maur ice\n\u0120I k\n\u0120sequ encing\n\u0120radical - s\n\u0120( ?,\nv irtual\n\u0120any ways\n\u0120reper c\n\u0120hand lers\n\u0120hes - itant\n\xE9 \u0125\n\u0120M F\nple mentation\nass ociated\n\u0120campaign - ed\n\u0120Y ue\nut ations\n\u0120Y oga\n\u0120sim mer\n\u0120ro ds\n\u0120mel - ody\n\u0120conv oy\nv ideos\n\u0120screen ed\nN eg\nochem ical\n\u0120( ))\n\u0120ultr - as\n\u0120ant ip\n\u0120Island ers\n70 4\n\u0120fet ish\n\u0120ridic ulously\n\u0120K - art\n\u0120mitochond rial\n\u0120interf ering\nBuild er\n\u0120over fl\n\u0120ac - ne\n\u0120M ud\n\u0120K err\nf lex\n\u0120Post al\n\u0120Balt ic\n47 7\n\u0120Pers - ons\nour age\nH B\n\u0120M use\n\u0120Imm ortal\n\u0120Dri ving\n\u0120pet - itions\n\u0120subsc ript\n\u0120s orce\n\u0120Process or\nut on\nS ony\n\u0120ph - on\n\u0120r aced\n\u0120Anth rop\n\u0120day time\n\u0120Ex ercise\nAdd ing\n\u0120eng - ages\n\u0120Qual comm\n\u0120mir acles\n\u0120mem es\n\u0120Dr ink\n\u0120Ori - oles\n\u0120hair s\n\u0120Pol ar\nath om\n\u0120sl ippery\n\u0120R emy\n\u0120car - amel\n\u0120Y EAR\n\u0120al k\nI gn\na ution\n\u0120Mer lin\n\u0120C ran\n\u0120ap - ologies\n\u01204 10\n\u0120out ing\n\u0120Mem ories\napp ointed\n\u0120count - ered\nu ld\npos ing\n\u0120fire wall\n\u0120W ast\n\u0120W et\nwork ed\nse - ller\n\u0120repe aled\nere o\nass uming\nBL IC\nm ite\n\u0120CEO s\n\u0120Chap - el\nellig ent\n________________ ________\nD og\n\u0120w art\n\u0120subsc riber\ns - ports\n\u0120be gged\n\u0120M V\n\u0120sem if\neth ical\n\u0120pre ach\n\u0120rev - ital\n\u0120pun itive\n\u0120short cuts\n\u0120instit uted\n\u0120Wars aw\n\u0120abdom - en\n\u0120K ING\n\u0120super intendent\n\u0120f ry\n\u0120Ge o\nT OR\n\u0120contrad - ictions\napt ic\n\u0120landsc apes\nb ugs\n\u0120cl ust\n\u0120vol ley\nc - ribed\n\u0120t andem\n\u0120rob es\nWH AT\n\u0120promot er\n\u0120el oqu\nreview - ed\n\u0120D K\n\u0120Pl ato\n\u0120f ps\nT ank\n\u0120Der rick\n\u0120priorit - ize\nas per\n\u0120Hond uras\n\u0120Com pleted\nne c\n\u0120m og\nn ir\n\u0120May - o\nDE F\nst all\nin ness\n\u0120Volks wagen\n\u0120prec aution\n\u0120M ell\ni - ak\nist ries\n\u012024 8\n\u0120overl apping\nSen ate\n\u0120Enh ance\nres - y\nrac ial\nOR TS\n\u0120M ormons\nStr ong\n\u0120Co ch\nMex ico\n\u0120Mad - uro\n\u0120j ars\n\u0120can e\nW ik\noll a\niff erence\n\u0120physic ist\n\u0120Mag - gie\n\u012028 5\n\u0120dep iction\n\u0120McL aren\nJ u\n\u0120sl ows\n\u0120commission - ers\n\u0120Will ow\n\u0120Expl os\nhov ah\n\u0120techn ician\n\u0120hom icides\n\u0120Fl - av\n\u0120Tr uman\n\u0120100 00\nu ctor\n\u0120sh ader\nNews letter\n45 7\n\u0120re - ver\n\u0120hard ened\n\u0120where abouts\n\u0120rede velop\n\u0120car bs\n\u0120tra - vers\n\u0120squ irrel\n\u0120foll ower\n\u0120s ings\n50 8\n\u0120rabb its\nemon - ium\n\u0120document ing\n\u0120misunder stood\n) '\nR ick\ngg ies\n\u0120prem - ie\n\u0120sk ating\n\u0120pass ports\n\u0120f ists\naged don\nH aw\nAC P\n0 - 80\n\u0120Though ts\n\u0120Carl son\n\u0120priest hood\nh ua\n\u0120dun geons\n\u0120Lo - ans\n\u0120ant is\n\u0120familiar ity\n\u0120S abb\nop al\n\u0120In k\nst - rike\n\u0120c ram\n\u0120legal ized\n\u0120cu isine\n\u0120fib re\nTra vel\n\u0120Mon - ument\nOD Y\neth y\n\u0120inter state\n\u0120P UR\nem porary\n\u0120Arab ian\ndevelop - ed\n\u0120sadd le\n\u0120g ithub\n\u0120Off er\n\u0120IS P\nro let\n\u0120SUP - ER\n\u0120Den is\n\u0120multipl ier\n\u0120stir red\nInterest ingly\n\u0120custom - ary\n\u0120bill ed\nhe x\n\u0120multipl ied\n\u0120fl ipping\n\u0120Cros by\n\u0120fundament - als\nia e\n\u0120Play ed\n\u0120At om\nam azon\n\u0120Fl am\nee z\nactiv ated\n\u0120tables - poon\n\u0120liberal ism\n\u0120Pal in\n\u0120P atel\nN um\n\u0120T AM\n\u0120s - urn\n\u0120Rel oaded\n\u0120co ined\n\" ],\n\u0120Cl ash\n\u0120Ag u\n\u0120prag - matic\n\u0120Activ ate\n\u01208 02\n\u0120trail ers\n\u0120sil hou\n\u0120prob - es\n\u0120circ us\n\u0120B ain\n\u0120Lind say\n\u0120Ab bey\nDel ivery\n\u0120concess - ion\n\u0120gast ro\n\u0120Spr ite\n\xC4 \u0141\nand el\n\u0120g imm\n\u0120aut - obi\n\u0120T urtle\n\u0120wonder fully\n\u0120Har am\n\u0120World wide\n\u0120Hand - le\n\u0120theor ists\n\u0120sle ek\n\u0120Zh u\nograph ically\nEG A\n\u0120Own - ers\nath s\n\u0120Antar ctic\nn atal\n=\" \"\nfl ags\n`` ``\n\u0120s ul\nK - h\n\u0120pot assium\n\u0120linem an\n\u0120cere al\n\u0120Se asons\n\u012020 - 22\n\u0120mat hematic\n\u0120astron omers\nprof essional\n\u0120f ares\ncknow - led\n\u0120ch i\n\u0120young sters\n\u0120mistaken ly\n\u0120hem isphere\n\u0120Div - inity\nr one\n\u0120\" ,\nr ings\n\u0120attract s\nv ana\n\xE5 \xB9\nC AP\n\u0120play - list\n\u0120por ch\n\xE3\u0123 \xA3\n\u0120incorpor ates\n\u0120so ak\n\u0120assert - ing\n\u0120Terror ism\n\u0120P ablo\nJ a\nces ter\n\u0120fear ing\n\u0120Pr - ayer\n\u0120escal ated\nG W\n\u0120ro be\n\u0120Bright on\nac ists\n\u0120Sym - phony\n\u0120Dwar f\n\u0120Par ade\n\u0120Le go\n\u0120inex pl\n\u0120l ords\nle - af\nRA G\nl iber\n\u0120cig ars\n\u0120Je hovah\n60 6\nWIND OWS\n\u0120Liber - ia\neb us\nHe avy\n\u0120l ubric\n\u0120R W\nangu ages\n\u0120narrow ed\ncom - puter\n\u0120E mber\n\u0120murder ing\n\u0120down stream\n\u0120T uls\n\u0120T - ables\nTop ic\n\u0120Acc uracy\n= /\nl ost\n\u0120Re i\n\u0120progress es\nb - ear\n\u0120establish ments\nJust in\n\u0120Pe ach\n\u0120G omez\n\xE5 \xBF\n\u0120Tri - angle\nId ent\n\u0120H ive\nRes ources\n\u0120mix es\n\u0120Ass uming\nM u\n\u0120hyp - oc\n\u0120s ane\n\u0120W an\nid ious\nSu ccess\n\u0120 io\nAng el\n\u0120danger - ously\n\u0120Creat ure\nW ORK\n: [\n\u0120Kat rina\nList ener\nM iller\n\u0120Id - lib\nh ang\n\u0120circum vent\nh ref\n\u0120cel estial\n\u0120We eks\n\u0120P - ug\n\u0120Dal ton\n\u0120subpoen a\nuk u\n\u0120pers isted\npe i\nold ing\n\u0120Doc - uments\n\u0120H ast\n\u0120C ENT\n\u0120prim er\n\u0120syn onymous\n\u0120n - ib\nom bs\n\u0120not ation\n\u0120D ish\n\u0120At mosp\n\u0120forb id\n\u0120AN - G\npat tern\nl os\n\u0120project iles\nb rown\n.\" ,\n\u0120Ven om\n\u0120fierce - ly\nub lished\n\u0120U ran\n\u0120Nic arag\n4 10\n\u0120C AL\nOT OS\n\u0120Mir - acle\n\u0120En chant\n\u0120guard ing\napp end\nAtt ach\n\u0120level ed\n\u0120cond - oms\nih ilation\n64 9\n\u0120night mares\n\u0120THE Y\n\u0120ST ART\n\u0120K - inn\n\u0120roomm ate\n\u0120hy giene\no pping\nJ ob\n\u0120l vl\n\u0120V ER\n\u0120Ke - eping\nab etic\n\u0120format ting\neral a\n\u0120rev isions\n\u0120res urg\nT - el\n\u0120Good man\n35 3\np od\n\u0120ind isp\n\u0120Trans lation\n\u0120g - own\n\u0120M und\n\u0120c is\n\u0120by stand\ncol lect\n\u0120Pun jab\nact - ively\n\u0120G amb\nte ll\n\u0120import ing\ng encies\n\u0120loc om\n\u0120Br - ill\nH oly\n\u0120Ber ger\n\u0120show down\n\u0120respond ers\nIL Y\n\u0120t - akedown\nle ted\n\u0120mat tered\n\u0120predict ive\n\u0120over lay\nG PU\n\u0120V - ick\n\u0120convey ed\nT ab\npe er\nSc an\n\u0120defensive ly\nv ae\n\u0120appro - ving\n\u0120t iers\n\u0120V ia\nquer ade\n\u0120Saud is\n\u0120demol ished\n\u0120Prop - he\n\u0120mon o\n\u0120hospital ity\nH AM\n\u0120Ari el\nM OD\n\u0120Tor ah\n\u0120bl - ah\n\u0120Bel arus\nerent ial\n\u0120T uc\n\u0120bank er\n39 7\n\u0120mosqu - it\n\u0120Scient ist\n\u0120Mus ical\n\u0120h ust\nSh ift\n\u0120tor ment\n\u0120stand - off\nE duc\n\u0120F og\n\u0120ampl ifier\nSh ape\nInst ance\n\u0120Crit ics\n\u0120da - emon\nH ouston\n\u0120matt ress\n\u0120ID F\n\u0120obsc ene\n\u0120A mer\nhett - i\n\u0120comp iling\n35 2\nvere tt\n\u0120Red uction\nist ration\n\u0120Bl - essed\n\u0120B achelor\n3 16\n\u0120pr ank\n\u0120Vul can\ndd ing\n\u0120m - ourning\n\u0120Qu int\n\u0120Bl aster\ntest ing\n\u0120sed iment\n>> >\n\u0120E - ternity\n\u0120WH ERE\n\u0120M aze\n\u0120react ing\n\u0120Al v\noms day\n\u0120C - RA\n\u0120transl ator\n\u0120bog us\nat u\nWe bsite\noll s\n\u0120bapt ism\n\u0120s - ibling\n\u0120Aut umn\nve z\n\xE3\u0123\xAE \xE9\ngu ards\nGe org\nassad ors\n\u0120Fre - ud\n\u0120contin ents\n\u0120Reg istry\nBern ie\n\u0138\u013C \xE5\xA3\xAB\n\u0120toler - ant\n\u0120U W\n\u0120hor ribly\n99 5\n\u0120MID I\n\u0120impat ient\noc ado\ner - i\n\u0120Wor st\n\u0120Nor ris\n\u0120Talk ing\n\u0120def ends\nens able\n\u012020 - 21\n\u0120anat omy\nL ew\n\u0120draw er\n\u0120Can berra\n\u0120patri otic\n\xE9\xBE\u012F\xE5 - \u0138\u013C\xE5\xA3\xAB\n\u0120Av g\nAR M\n\u0120undis closed\n\u0120fare - well\n45 9\nb able\n\u0120All ison\nOL OG\n\u0120con co\nt ight\n\u0120AC - PI\n\u0120M ines\nl ich\n\u0120\xE2\u0136 \u013E\nrepresent ed\n200 000\n\u0120enthusi - ast\nOT S\nb il\n\u0120Ing redients\n\u0120invent or\n\u0120My SQL\n\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142 - \xC2\u0142\n\u0120AB OUT\nwith in\n\u0120m k\nB ul\n\u0120F ake\n\u0120dracon - ian\nW a\nhel m\n\u0120Ter ran\nerv ille\n\u0120common place\nSI ZE\n\u0120\" - <\nre place\nograph s\n\u0120SE LECT\ninc ible\n\u0120Most ly\n\u0120She ffield\n\u0120ID - E\nugg le\n\u0120cit ations\nh urst\n\u0120Un ix\n\u0120unle ash\n\u0120P - iper\n\u0120N ano\n\u0120succ umb\n\u0120reluct ance\n\u012025 00\n\u0120Mer - chant\n\u0120wire t\n\u0120comb os\n\u0120Birth day\n\u0120char coal\n\u0120U - PS\n\u0120Fair fax\n\u0120drive way\n\u0120T ek\n\u0120P itch\nove re\n\u0120techn - icians\n\u0120Act ual\nfl ation\n\u0120F iscal\n\u0120Em pty\nan amo\n\u0120mag - nesium\n\u0120sl ut\n\u0120grow ers\nInvest igators\n( ):\n\u0120S atellite\n\u0120Ke - ynes\nmiss ive\nl ane\n\u0120b orough\n3 44\n\u0120TE AM\n\u0120Bet hesda\nC - V\nh ower\n\u0120R AD\n\u0120ch ant\n\u0120R iy\n\u0120compos itions\n\u0120mild - ly\n\u0120medd ling\n\u0120ag ility\nane ers\n5 01\n\u0120syn th\nling er\n29 - 1\n\u0120ex claimed\nPart y\n\u0120cont amin\n\u0120Man or\n\u0120Resp ond\n\u0120pra - ising\n\u0120man ners\nfle et\nSum mer\n\u0120Ly nd\n\u0120Def initely\ngr - im\n\u0120bow ling\nst ri\n\xE7 \u013D\ny nt\n\u0120mand ates\nD IV\n\u0120reconc - ile\nview s\n\u0120Dam on\nvet te\nF lo\n\u0120Great est\nil on\nic ia\n\u0120portray - al\n\u0120cush ion\n50 4\n19 79\noss al\nApp lic\nsc ription\n\u0120mit igation\nAT - S\np ac\n\u0120er ased\n\u0120defic iencies\n\u0120Holland e\n\u0120X u\n\u0120b - red\n\u0120pregn ancies\nf emin\n\u0120em ph\n\u0120pl anners\n\u0120out per\nutter - ing\n\u0120perpet rator\n\u0120m otto\n\u0120Ell ison\n\u0120NE VER\n\u0120admitted - ly\nAR I\n\u0120Azerbai jan\n\u0120mill isec\n\u0120combust ion\n\u0120Bott - le\n\u0120L und\n\u0120P s\n\u0120D ress\n\u0120fabric ated\n\u0120bat tered\n\u0120s - idel\n\u0120Not ting\nFore ign\n\u0120Jer ome\n0 20\n\u0120Ar bit\n\u0120kn - ots\n\u0120R IGHT\nM oving\n\xE3\u0123 \u013B\n\u0120sur geries\n\u0120cour - thouse\n\u0120m astered\n\u0120hover ing\n\u0120Br an\n\u0120Al ison\n\u0120saf - est\nm ilitary\n\u0120bull ied\n\u0120bar rage\nRead er\nES E\n\u0120Ge ographic\nT - ools\n3 14\n\u0120Ge ek\nro th\ngl ers\n\u0120F IN\n\xCF \u0123\n\u0120A ston\nal - tern\n48 8\n\u0120veter in\nG amer\n\u0120int el\nren ches\nSh ield\n\u0120am - nesty\n\u0120B har\n\u0120p iled\n\u0120honor able\n\u0120Inst itutes\n\u0120so - aked\n\u0120com a\n\u0120E FF\n34 1\nby tes\n\u0120G mail\nle in\n\u0120Canad - iens\nm aterial\nI l\n\u0120instruct ors\n\u0120K Y\n\u0120conce ive\nub b\n\u0120P - ossible\n\u0120eas ing\n\u0120Christ ina\n\u0120car ic\n\u0120HD R\nR OM\n\u0120sho - vel\nde lete\n\u0120p uff\n\u0120Ch anging\n\u0120seam lessly\nAtt ribute\n\u0120acqu - isitions\nak ery\n\u0120E F\n\u0120aut istic\n\u0120T akes\n\u0120Pow der\n\u0120St - ir\n5 10\n\u0120Bub ble\nsett ings\n\u0120F owler\n\u0120must ard\n\u0120more - over\n\u0120copyright ed\n\u0120LED s\n15 00\n\xE6 \u012B\n\u0120H IS\nen - f\n\u0120cust od\n\u0120H uck\nG i\n\u0120im g\nAn swer\nC t\nj ay\n\u0120Inf - rastructure\n\u0120feder ally\nL oc\n\u0120micro bes\n\u0120over run\ndd s\not - ent\nadi ator\n>>>> >>>>\n\u0120torn ado\n\u0120adj ud\n\u0120intrig ued\n\u0120s - i\n\u0120Revel ation\npro gress\n\u0120burgl ary\n\u0120Sai yan\n\u0120K athy\n\u0120ser - pent\n\u0120Andre as\n\u0120comp el\ness ler\n\u0120Pl astic\n\u0120Ad vent\n\u0120Pos - itive\n\u0120Q t\n\u0120Hind us\nreg istered\nular ity\n\u0120righteous ness\n\u0120demon - ic\nu itive\n\u0120B DS\n\u0120Gre gg\nc ia\n\u0120Crus ade\n\u0120Sina i\nW - ARE\n+ (\n\u0120me ll\n\u0120der ail\ny ards\nA st\n\u0120notice ably\n\u0120O - ber\nR am\n\u0120un noticed\n\u0120se q\nav age\nT s\n\u01206 40\n\u0120conced - e\n\u0120] )\nF ill\n\u0120capt ivity\n\u0120Improve ment\n\u0120Crus ader\nara - oh\nM AP\n\xE6 \u0139\n\u0120str ide\nal ways\nF ly\nN it\n\u0120al gae\n\u0120Cook - ing\n\u0120Do ors\nMal ley\n\u0120polic emen\n\xE3\u0123 \u012F\n\u0120astron - aut\naccess ible\n49 5\n\u0120R AW\ncl iffe\nudic rous\n\u0120dep ended\nal - ach\n\u0120vent ures\nra ke\n\u0120t its\n\u0120H ou\n\u0120cond om\normon - al\n\u0120ind ent\n\u0120upload ing\nFoot note\nImport ant\n\u012027 1\n\u0120mind - ful\n\u0120cont ends\nC ra\n\u0120cal ibr\n\u0120O ECD\nplug in\nF at\n\u0120IS - S\n\u0120Dynam ics\nans en\n68 6\n' ),\n\u0120sp rite\n\u0120hand held\n\u0120H - ipp\n=~ =~\nTr ust\n\u0120sem antics\n\u0120Bund es\n\u0120Ren o\n\u0120Liter - ature\ns ense\nG ary\n\u0120A eg\n\u0120Tr in\nEE K\n\u0120cler ic\n\u0120SS - H\n\u0120ch rist\n\u0120inv ading\nib u\n\u0120en um\naur a\n\u0120al lege\n\u0120Inc - redible\nB BC\n\u0120th ru\n\u0120sa iled\n\u0120em ulate\n\u0120in security\n\u0120c - rou\n\u0120accommod ations\n\u0120incompet ent\n\u0120sl ips\n\u0120Earth - qu\ns ama\nIL LE\n\u0120i Phones\nas aki\n\u0120by e\n\u0120ar d\n\u0120ext - ras\n\u0120sl aughtered\n\u0120crowd funding\nres so\n\u0120fil ib\n\u0120ER - ROR\n\u0120T LS\ne gg\n\u0120It al\n\u0120en list\n\u0120Catal onia\n\u0120Sc - ots\n\u0120ser geant\n\u0120diss olve\nN H\n\u0120stand ings\nri que\nI Q\n\u0120benef - iciary\n\u0120aqu arium\nYou Tube\n\u0120Power Shell\n\u0120bright est\n\u0120War - rant\nS old\nWrit ing\n\u0120begin nings\n\u0120Res erved\n\u0120Latin os\nhead - ing\n\u01204 40\n\u0120rooft op\nAT ING\n\u01203 90\nVP N\nG s\nk ernel\nturn - ed\n\u0120prefer able\n\u0120turn overs\n\u0120H els\nS a\n\u0120Shin ji\nve - h\n\u0120MOD ULE\nV iol\n\u0120ex iting\n\u0120j ab\n\u0120Van illa\n\u0120ac - ron\n\u0120G ap\nber n\nA k\n\u0120Mc Gu\n\u0120end lessly\n\u0120Far age\n\u0120No - el\nV a\nM K\n\u0120br ute\n\u0120K ru\n\u0120ES V\n\u0120Ol ivia\n\xE2\u0122 - \u0142\n\u0120K af\n\u0120trust ing\n\u0120h ots\n3 24\n\u0120mal aria\n\u0120j - son\n\u0120p ounding\nort ment\nCount ry\n\u0120postp oned\n\u0120unequ iv\n? - ),\n\u0120Ro oney\nudd ing\n\u0120Le ap\nur rence\nsh apeshifter\n\u0120H - AS\nos ate\n\u0120ca vern\n\u0120conserv atism\n\u0120B AD\n\u0120mile age\n\u0120arrest - ing\nV aults\n\u0120mix er\nDem ocratic\n\u0120B enson\n\u0120auth ored\n8 - 000\n\u0120pro active\n\u0120Spirit ual\nt re\n\u0120incarcer ated\n\u0120S - ort\n\u0120pe aked\n\u0120wield ing\nre ciation\n\xD7\u013B \xD7\nP atch\n\u0120Em - my\n\u0120ex qu\ntt o\n\u0120Rat io\n\u0120P icks\n\u0120G ry\nph ant\n\u0120f - ret\n\u0120eth n\n\u0120arch ived\n% -\nc ases\n\u0120Bl aze\n\u0120im b\nc - v\ny ss\nim ony\n\u0120count down\n\u0120aw akening\n\u0120Tunis ia\n\u0120Re - fer\n\u0120M J\n\u0120un natural\n\u0120Car negie\niz en\n\u0120N uggets\nhe - ss\n\u0120ev ils\n64 7\n\u0120introdu ctory\nl oving\n\u0120McM ahon\n\u0120ambig - uity\nL abel\n\u0120Alm ighty\n\u0120color ing\n\u0120Cl aus\nset ting\nN - ULL\n\u0120F avorite\n\u0120S IG\n> (\n\u0120Sh iva\n\u0120May er\n\u0120storm - ed\n\u0120Co verage\nwe apons\nigh am\n\u0120un answered\n\u0120le ve\n\u0120c - oy\nc as\nb ags\nas ured\nSe attle\n\u0120Sant orum\nser ious\n\u0120courage - ous\n\u0120S oup\n\u0120confisc ated\n\u0120// /\n\u0120uncon ventional\n\u0120mom - s\n\u0120Rohing ya\n\u0120Orche stra\n\u0120Pot ion\n\u0120disc redit\n\u0120F - IL\nf ixed\n\u0120De er\ndo i\n\u0120Dim ension\n\u0120bureaucr ats\net een\n\u0120action - Group\noh m\n\u0120b umps\n\u0120Ut ility\n\u0120submar ines\nren heit\nre - search\n\u0120Shap iro\n\u0120sket ches\n\u0120de ceptive\n\u0120V il\nes - ame\n\u0120Ess entially\n\u0120ramp age\nisk y\n\u0120mut tered\nth ritis\n\u012023 - 6\nf et\nb ars\n\u0120pup il\n\u0120Th ou\no S\ns ong\n\u0120fract ured\n\u0120re - vert\npict ure\n\u0120crit erion\nus her\n\u0120reperc ussions\n\u0120V intage\n\u0120Super - intendent\nOffic ers\n\u0120flag ged\n\u0120bl ames\n\u0120in verse\nograp - hers\n\u0120makes hift\n\u0120dev oid\n\u0120foss ils\n\u0120Arist otle\n\u0120Fund - s\n\u0120de pleted\n\u0120Fl u\n\u0120Y uan\n\u0120w oes\n\u0120lip id\n\u0120sit - u\nrequ isites\n\u0120furn ish\n\u0120Sam ar\n\u0120shame ful\n\u0120adverse - ly\n\u0120ad ept\n\u0120rem orse\n\u0120murder ous\nuck les\n\u0120E SL\n\u01203 - 14\ns ent\n\u0120red ef\n\u0120C ache\n\u0120P urs\nig ans\n\u01204 60\n\u0120pres - criptions\n\u0120f res\nF uck\nocr ates\nTw enty\n\u0120We ird\n\u0120T oggle\n\u0120C - alled\nitiz ens\n\u0120p oultry\n\u0120harvest ing\n\xE3\u0124\xA6 \xE3\u0124\xB9\nBott - om\n\u0120caution ed\nt n\n39 6\n\u0120Nik ki\n\u0120eval uations\n\u0120harass - ing\n\u0120bind ings\n\u0120Mon etary\n\u0120hit ters\n\u0120advers ary\nun - ts\n\u0120set back\n\u0120enc rypt\n\u0120C ait\n\u0120l ows\neng es\n\u0120N - orn\n\u0120bul bs\n\u0120bott led\n\u0120Voy ager\n3 17\n\u0120sp heres\np - olitics\n\u0120subt ract\n\u0120sens ations\n\u0120app alling\n\u01203 16\n\u0120environment - ally\n\u0120ST EM\n\u0120pub lishes\n5 60\n\u0120dilig ence\n48 4\n\u0120adv - ises\n\u0120pet rol\n\u0120imag ining\n\u0120patrol s\n\u0120Int eger\n\u0120As - hes\nact us\n\u0120Rad iant\n\u0120L T\nit ability\nht aking\nSet ting\n\u0120nu - anced\n\u0120Re ef\n\u0120Develop ers\nN i\npie ces\n99 0\nLic ense\n\u0120low - ers\n\u0120Ott oman\n3 27\noo o\n\u0120qu itting\nmark ets\nBeh ind\n\u0120bas - in\n\u0120doc s\nan ie\nfl ash\nct l\n\u0120civil ized\n\u0120Fuk ushima\n\"] - ,\"\n\u0120K S\n\u0120Honest ly\nar at\n\u0120construct s\n\u0120L ans\n\u0120D - ire\n\u0120LI KE\n\u0120Trou ble\n\u0120with holding\n\u0120Ob livion\n\u0120san - ity\nany a\nCon st\n\u0120gro cer\n\u0120C elsius\n\u0120recount ed\n\u0120W - ife\nB order\nate red\nh appy\n\u0120spo iler\n\u0120log ically\nH all\n\u0120succeed - ing\n\u0120poly morph\n\u0120ax es\n\u0120Shot gun\n\u0120S lim\n\u0120Prin - ciples\n\u0120L eth\nart a\n\u0120sc or\nSc reenshot\n\u0120relax ation\n#$ - #$\n\u0120deter rent\nidd y\n\u0120power less\n\u0120les bians\n\u0120ch ords\n\u0120Ed - ited\nse lected\n\u0120separat ists\n000 2\n\u0120air space\n\u0120turn around\n\u0120c - unning\nP ATH\nP oly\n\u0120bomb ed\n\u0120t ion\nx s\n\u0120with hold\n\u0120w - aged\n\u0120Liber ties\nFl ag\n\u0120comfort ing\n45 4\n\u0120I ris\nare rs\n\u0120r - ag\n\u0120rel ocated\n\u0120Gu arant\n\u0120strateg ically\n\u0120gam ma\nuber - ty\n\u0120Lock heed\ng res\n\u0120gr illed\n\u0120Low e\nst ats\n\u0120R ocks\n\u0120sens - ing\n\u0120rent ing\n\u0120Ge ological\n\xD8\xA7 \xD8\not rop\n\u0120se w\n\u0120improper - ly\n48 6\n\u0120\xE2\u0138 \u0142\n\u0120star ving\n\u0120B j\nDisc ussion\n3 - 28\n\u0120Com bo\n\u0120Fix es\nN AT\n\u0120stri ving\nth ora\n\u0120harvest - ed\n\u0120P ing\n\u0120play ful\n\u0120aven ues\n\u0120occup ational\n\u0120w - akes\n\u0120Cou rier\n\u0120drum mer\n\u0120Brow ser\n\u0120H outh\nit u\n\u0120app - arel\np aste\n\u0120hun ted\n\u0120Second ly\nl ain\nX Y\n\u0120P IN\nic ons\n\u0120cock - tails\n\u0120s izable\n\u0120hurd les\nest inal\n\u0120Recre ation\n\u0120e - co\n64 8\n\u0120D ied\nm int\n\u0120finger prints\n\u0120dis pose\n\u0120Bos - nia\nts y\n22 00\n\u0120ins pected\n\u0120F ou\n\u0120f uss\n\u0120amb ush\n\u0120R - ak\n\u0120manif ested\nPro secut\n\u0120suff ice\nren ces\n\u0120compens ated\n\u0120C - yrus\n\u0120gen us\n\u0120Wolver ine\n\u0120Trend s\n\u0120h ikes\n\u0120Se - en\n\u0120en rol\nC old\n\u0120pol itely\n\u0120Sl av\n\u0120Ru pert\n\u0120ey - ewitness\n\u0120Al to\n\u0120un comp\n\u0120poster ior\nM ust\n\u0120Her z\n\u0120progress - ively\n\u012023 4\n\u0120ind ifference\n\u0120Cunning ham\n\u0120academ ia\n\u0120se - wer\n\u0120ast ounding\n\u0120A ES\nr ather\n\u0120eld est\n\u0120clim bs\n\u0120Add - s\n\u0120out cry\n\u0120cont ag\n\u0120H ouses\n\u0120pe pt\n\u0120Mel ania\ninterest - ed\n\u0120U CH\n\u0120R oots\n\u0120Hub bard\n\u0120T BD\n\u0120Roman ian\nfil - ename\nSt one\n\u0120Im pl\n\u0120chromos ome\nC le\nd x\n\u0120scram bled\n\u0120P - t\n\u012024 2\nOP LE\n\u0120tremend ously\nSt reet\n\u0120cra ving\n\u0120bund - led\n\u0120R G\np ipe\n\u0120inj uring\n\u0120arc ane\nPart icip\n\u0120Hero - ic\nst y\n\u0120to pping\n\u0120Temp est\nrent ices\nb h\n\u0120par anoia\n\u0120Unic - ode\n\u0120egreg ious\n\u0120\\ '\n\u0120Osw ald\n\u0120gra vel\n\u0120Sim - psons\n\u0120bl and\n\u0120Guant anamo\nWrit er\nlin ers\n\u0120D ice\nJ C\n\u0120par - ity\n\u0120s ided\n\u012023 7\n\u0120Pyr rha\nat ters\nd k\nF ine\ncomp an\n\u0120form - ulated\n\u0120Id ol\nil ers\nhem oth\n\u0120F av\n\u0120intr usion\n\u0120car - rots\n\u0120L ayer\n\u0120H acker\n\u0120 ----------------\n\u0120moder ation\n\xE9 - \u0123\noc oc\n\u0120character ize\n\u0120Te resa\n\u0120socio economic\n\u0120per - k\n\u0120Particip ation\ntr aining\n\u0120Paul o\nph ys\n\u0120trust worthy\n\u0120embod - ied\n\u0120Mer ch\nc urrency\n\u0120Prior ity\n\u0120te asing\n\u0120absor - bing\n\u0120unf inished\n\u0120Compar ison\n\u0120dis ple\nwrit ers\n\u0120profess - ions\n\u0120Pengu in\n\u0120ang rily\n\u0120L INK\n68 8\n\u0120Cor respond\n\u0120prev - ailed\n\u0120cart el\nl p\nas ms\n\u0120Red emption\n\u0120Islam ists\neffect - s\nd ose\n\u0120L atter\n\u0120Hal ifax\n\u0120v as\n\u0120Top ics\n\u0120N - amed\nadvert ising\nzz a\nIC ES\n\u0120ret arded\nach able\n\u0120Pupp et\n\u0120Item - Level\n\u0120ret ract\n\u0120ident ifiable\nA aron\n\u0120B uster\ns ol\nhel - le\nas semb\nH ope\nr anged\nB a\n\u0120P urch\n\xE9 \u0122\n\u0120Sir i\n\u0120arri - vals\n\u012019 12\n\u0120short ened\n\u01203 12\n\u0120discrep ancy\n\u0120Tem - perature\n\u0120Wal ton\n\u0120kind erg\np olit\n\u0120rem ix\n\u0120connect - ors\n\xE3\u0125\u013A \xE3\u0125\xA9\n\u0120Kazakh stan\ndom inated\n\u0120su - gars\nim ble\n\u0120Pan ic\n\u0120Dem and\n\u0120Col ony\non en\n\u0120M ER\n7 - 75\nur ia\naza ar\n\u0120Deg ree\nP ri\n\u0120sun shine\n\u012025 1\n\u0120psychedel - ic\n\u0120digit ally\n\u0120Bra un\n\u0120sh immer\n\u0120sh ave\n\u0120Tel - esc\n\u0120Ast ral\n\u0120Venezuel an\n\u0120O G\n\u0120c rawling\nInt eg\n\u0120Fe - ather\n\u0120unfold ing\n\u0120appropri ation\n\u0120\xE8\xA3\u0131 \xE8\n\u0120Mob - ility\n\u0120N ey\n- .\nb ilt\nL IN\n\u0120T ube\n\u0120Con versely\n\u0120key - boards\n\u0120C ao\n\u0120over th\n\u0120la ure\n>> \\\n\u0120V iper\nach - a\nOff set\n\u0120R aleigh\n\u0120J ae\nJ ordan\nj p\n\u0120total itarian\nConnect - or\n\u0120observ es\n\u0120Spart an\n\u0120Im mediately\n\u0120Sc al\nC ool\n\u0120t - aps\n\u0120ro ar\nP ast\n\u0120ch ars\n\u0120B ender\n\u0120She ldon\n\u0120pain - ter\n\u0120be acon\n\u0120Creat ures\n\u0120downt urn\n\u0120h inder\n\u0120And - romeda\n\xC3 \u013D\ncc oli\n\u0120F itness\net rical\n\u0120util izes\n\u0120sen - ate\n\u0120en semble\n\u0120che ers\nT W\n\u0120aff luent\nk il\nry lic\nord - ering\nCom puter\n\u0120gru esome\nost ics\n\u0120Ub isoft\n\u0120Kel ley\n\u0120w - rench\n\u0120bourgeois ie\nIB LE\n\u0120Prest on\nw orn\nar ist\nreat ing\n\u0120st - ained\nar ine\n\u0120sl ime\nEN N\n\u0120che sts\n\u0120ground water\nann - ot\n\u0120Tr ay\n\u0120Loc ke\n\u0120C TR\n\u0120d udes\n\u0120Ex ternal\n\u0120Dec - oder\n\u0120par amed\n\u0120Med line\n80 9\n\u0120D inner\nrup al\ng z\n\u0120G - um\n\u0120Dem o\nj ee\n\u0120d h\nber man\narch s\n\u0120en qu\n\u0120Ep stein\n\u0120devast - ation\n\u0120friends hips\n\u0120Ar d\n\u012023 1\n\u0120Rub in\n\u0120Dist - ance\n\u0120sp urred\n\u0120d ossier\n\u0120over looking\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nFore st\n\u0120Com es\n\\ \",\n\u0120Iran ians\n\u0120f - ixtures\nL aughs\n\u0120cur ry\n\u0120King ston\n\u0120squ ash\n\u0120cat - alogue\n\u0120abnormal ities\n\u0120digest ive\n.... .....\n\u0120subord inate\nog - ly\n\u012024 9\nM iddle\n\u0120mass ac\n\u0120burg ers\n\u0120down stairs\n\u012019 - 31\n39 4\n\u0120V G\n\u0120l asers\n\u0120S ikh\n\u0120Alex a\nder ived\n\u0120cycl - ist\n\xE3\u0123\xAE \xE9\u0143\u0136\nonel iness\n!!!! !!!!\n\u0120buff s\nleg - ate\n\u0120rap ing\n\u0120recomm ending\nro red\n\u0120mult icultural\nun - ique\n\u0120business men\n\u0120une asy\n\u0120M AP\n\u0120disp ersed\ncipl - ine\nJ ess\n\u0120K erala\n\xE5 \xA7\n\u0120abst raction\nSur v\nU h\n\u0120prin - ters\nij a\now der\n\u0120analog ous\n\u0120A SP\naf er\n\u0120unfold ed\n\u0120level - ing\n\u0120bre ached\n\u0120H earing\n\u0120n at\n\u0120transl ating\ncrit - ical\n\u0120ant agonist\n\u0120Yes terday\n\u0120fuzz y\nw ash\nm ere\n\u0120be - wild\n\u0120M ae\nV irgin\nph rase\n\u0120sign aled\n\u0120H IGH\n\u0120prot - ester\n\u0120gar ner\nunk nown\n\u0120k ay\n\u0120abduct ed\n\u0120st alking\nam - n\n\u0120des erving\n\u0120R iv\n\u0120J orge\n\u0120scratch ing\n\u0120S - aving\nip ing\n\u0120te ase\n\u0120mission ary\n\u0120Mor row\nT IME\nP resent\n\u0120chem - otherapy\ntern ess\n\u0120H omes\n\u0120P urdue\n\u0120st aunch\n\u0120Whit - ney\n\u0120TH ERE\n\xCE \xBC\niat us\n\u0120Ern est\n\u0120De ploy\n\u0120cove - ted\nF ML\n\u0120Dial ogue\n\u0120ex ited\nf ruit\n\u0120ner d\n\":\" \",\"\n\u0120v - ivo\nru ly\n4 60\n\u0120Am en\nrehens ible\n\u0120\xE2 \u013A\nD IR\n\u0120ad - herence\n\u0120che w\n\u0120Co ke\n\u0120Serge i\ndig ital\n\u0120Ne ck\ng - ently\nenth al\n/ )\n\u0120we ary\n\u0120gu ise\n\u0120Conc ord\n\u0120On - ion\nat cher\n\u0120b inge\n\u0120Direct ive\n\u0120man ned\nans k\n\u0120ill - usions\n\u0120billion aires\n38 3\noly n\nodynam ic\n\u0120Whe at\n\u0120A - lic\n\u0120col oured\n\u0120N AFTA\nab o\n\u0120mac ros\nind ependent\ns weet\n\u0120sp - ac\n\u0120K abul\n\u0120 \xC4\nem e\n\u0120dict ated\n\u0120sh outs\n= {\n\u0120r - ipping\n\u0120Sh ay\n\u0120Cr icket\ndirect ed\n\u0120analys ed\n\u0120WAR - RANT\nag ons\n\u0120Blaz ers\n\u0120che ered\n\u0120ar ithmetic\n\u0120Tan - z\n37 3\n\u0120Fl ags\n\u012029 5\n\u0120w itches\n\u0120In cluded\n\u0120G - ained\n\u0120Bl ades\nG am\n\u0120Sam antha\n\u0120Atl antis\n\u0120Pr att\n\u0120spo - iled\n\u0120I B\n\u0120Ram irez\nPro bably\nre ro\n\u0120N g\n\u0120War lock\nt - p\n\u0120over he\n\u0120administr ations\n\u0120t int\n\u0120reg iment\n\u0120pist - ols\n\u0120blank ets\n\u0120ep ist\n\u0120bowl s\n\u0120hydra ulic\n\u0120de - an\n\u0120j ung\n\u0120asc end\n70 5\n\u0120Sant iago\n\xC3 \xAE\n\u0120un - avoid\n\u0120Sh aman\nre b\n\u0120stem ming\n99 8\n\u0120M G\nst icks\nesthes - ia\nER O\n\u0120mor bid\n\u0120Gr ill\n\u0120P oe\nany l\n\u0120dele ting\n\u0120Surve - illance\n\u0120direct ives\n\u0120iter ations\n\u0120R ox\n\u0120Mil ky\nF - ather\n\u0120pat ented\n44 7\n\u0120prec ursor\n\u0120m aiden\n\u0120P hen\n\u0120Ve - gan\n\u0120Pat ent\nK elly\nRedd itor\n\u0120n ods\n\u0120vent ilation\n\u0120Schwar - z\n\u0120w izards\n\u0120omin ous\n\u0120He ads\n\u0120B G\n\u0120l umber\n\u0120Sp - iel\n\u0120is Enabled\n\u0120ancest ral\n\u0120Sh ips\n\u0120wrest ler\nph - i\n\u0120y uan\n\u0120Rebell ion\n\u0120ice berg\n\u0120mag ically\n\u0120divers - ion\nar ro\nyth m\n\u0120R iders\n\u0120Rob bie\n\u0120K ara\n\u0120Main tenance\n\u0120Her - b\n\u0120har ms\np acked\n\u0120Fe instein\n\u0120marry ing\n\u0120bl ending\n\u0120R - ates\n\u012018 80\n\u0120wr ink\n\u0120Un ch\n\u0120Tor ch\ndesc ribed\n\u0120human - oid\nilit ating\n\u0120Con v\n\u0120Fe ld\nIGH TS\n\u0120whistlebl ower\nort - mund\nets y\narre tt\n\u0120Mon o\n\u0120I ke\n\u0120C NBC\n\u0120W AY\n\u0120MD - MA\n\u0120Individual s\n\u0120supplement al\n\u0120power house\n\u0120St ru\nF - ocus\naph ael\n\u0120Col leg\natt i\nZ A\n\u0120p erenn\n\u0120Sign ature\n\u0120Rod - ney\n\u0120cub es\nidd led\n\u0120D ante\n\u0120IN V\niling ual\n\u0120C th\n\u0120so - fa\n\u0120intimid ate\n\u0120R oe\n\u0120Di plom\n\u0120Count ries\nays on\n\u0120extrad - ition\n\u0120dis abling\n\u0120Card iff\n\u0120memor andum\n\u0120Tr ace\n\u0120?? - ?\nse ctor\n\u0120Rou hani\n\u0120Y ates\n\u0120Free ze\n\u0120bl adder\nM - otor\n\u0120Prom ise\nant asy\n\u0120foresee able\n\u0120C ologne\ncont ainer\n\u0120Tre - es\n\u0120G ors\n\u0120Sin clair\n\u0120bar ring\nkey e\n\u0120sl ashed\n\u0120Stat - istical\n\xE9 \u0129\n\u0120\xE2\u0138 \xBA\nAll ows\n\u0120hum ility\n\u0120dr - illed\n\u0120F urn\n44 3\n\u0120se wage\n\u0120home page\n\u0120cour tyard\n\u0120v - ile\n\u0120subsid iaries\naj o\ndirect ory\n\u0120am mon\nV ers\ncharg es\n\u0120} - }\n\u0120Ch ains\n\u012024 6\nn ob\n\u0120per cept\n\u0120g rit\n\u0120fisher - men\n\u0120Iraq is\n\u0120DIS TR\n\u0120F ULL\n\u0120Eval uation\ng raph\nat - ial\n\u0120cooper ating\n\u0120mel an\n\u0120enlight ened\n\u0120al i\nt ailed\n\u0120sal - ute\n\u0120weak est\n\u0120Bull dogs\nU A\n\u0120All oy\n\u0120sem en\noc - ene\n\u0120William son\ns pr\n, \xE2\u0122\u0136\n\u0120G F\nitt ens\nBe at\n\u0120J - unk\niph ate\n\u0120Farm ers\n\u0120Bit coins\nig ers\nd h\n\u0120L oyal\np - ayer\n\u0120entert ained\n\u0120penn ed\n\u0120coup on\nQue ue\n\u0120weaken - ing\nc arry\n\u0120underest imate\n\u0120shoot out\n\u0120charism atic\n\u0120Proced - ure\n\u0120prud ent\nin ances\n\u0120ric hes\n\u0120cort ical\n\u0120str ides\n\u0120d - rib\n\u0120Oil ers\n5 40\n\u0120Per form\n\u0120Bang kok\n\u0120e uth\nS ER\n\u0120simpl - istic\nt ops\ncamp aign\nQ uality\n\u0120impover ished\n\u0120Eisen hower\n\u0120aug - ment\n\u0120H arden\n\u0120interven ed\n\u0120list ens\n\u0120K ok\n\u0120s - age\n\u0120rub bish\n\u0120D ed\n\u0120m ull\npe lling\n\u0120vide ot\nProdu - ction\nD J\nm iah\n\u0120adapt ations\n\u0120med ically\n\u0120board ed\n\u0120arrog - ance\n\u0120scra pped\n\u0120opp ress\nFORM ATION\n\u0120j unction\n4 15\nEE - EE\nS kill\n\u0120sub du\n\u0120Sug gest\n\u0120P ett\n\u0120le tt\n\u0120Man - ip\n\u0120C af\n\u0120Cooper ation\nT her\n\u0120reg ained\n\xB6 \xE6\nref - lect\n\u0120th ugs\n\u0120Shel by\n\u0120dict ates\n\u0120We iner\n\u0120H - ale\n\u0120batt leground\ns child\n\u0120cond ol\nh unt\nosit ories\n\u0120acc - uses\nFil ename\n\u0120sh ri\n\u0120motiv ate\n\u0120reflect ions\nN ull\n\u0120L - obby\n\xA5 \xB5\n\u0120S ATA\n\u0120Back up\n\xD1 \u0125\nn in\n\u0120Cor - rection\n\u0120ju icy\nut ra\n\u0120P ric\n\u0120rest raining\n\u0120Air bnb\n\u0120Ar - rest\n\u0120appropri ations\n\u0120sl opes\n\u0120mans laughter\n\u0120work - ings\n\u0120H uss\n\u0120F rey\nLe ave\n\u0120Harm ony\n\u0120F eder\n\u01204 - 30\n\u0120t rench\n\u0120glad ly\n\u0120bull pen\n\u0120G au\nb ones\n\u0120gro - ove\n\u0120pre text\n\xE3 \u0127\u012D\n\u0120transm itter\n\u0120Comp onent\n\u0120under - age\n\u0120Em pires\nT ile\n\u0120o y\n\u0120Mar vin\n\u0120C AS\n\u0120bl - oss\n\u0120repl icated\n\u0120Mar iners\nMarc us\n\u0120Bl ocks\n\u0120liber - ated\n\u0120butter fly\nFe el\n\u0120fer mentation\n\u0120you tube\n\u0120off - end\n\u0120Ter m\nres ist\n\u0120cess ation\n\u0120insurg ency\n\u0120b ir\n\u0120Ra - ise\n59 5\n\u0120hypothes es\n50 2\n\u0120pl aque\nocr at\n\u0120jack ets\n\u0120Huff - Post\nam ong\n\u0120conf er\n48 7\n\u0120L illy\n\u0120adapt ing\n\u0120F - ay\n\u0120sh oved\nve c\n\u0120ref ine\n\u0120g on\n\u0120gun men\nz ai\n\u0120Shut - tle\n\u0120I zan\n\u012019 13\n\u0120ple thora\n\xC2\xB7 \xC2\xB7\n\u01205 - 10\n\u0120p uberty\n\u012024 1\n\u0120We alth\n\u0120Al ma\n\u0120M EM\n\u0120Ad - ults\nC as\npr ison\nR ace\n\u0120water proof\n\u0120athlet icism\n\u0120capital - ize\n\u0120Ju ice\n\u0120illum inated\n\u0120P ascal\n\u0120irrit ation\n\u0120Witness - es\nad le\n\u0120Ast ro\n\u0120f ax\n\u0120El vis\nPrim ary\n\u0120L ich\n\u0120El - ves\n\u0120res iding\n\u0120st umble\n3 19\n\u0120P KK\n\u0120advers aries\nD - OS\n\u0120R itual\n\u0120sm ear\n\u0120ar son\nident al\n\u0120sc ant\n\u0120mon - archy\n\u0120hal ftime\n\u0120resid ue\n\u0120ind ign\n\u0120Sh aun\n\u0120El - m\naur i\nA ff\nW ATCH\n\u0120Ly on\nhel ps\n36 1\n\u0120lobby ist\n\u0120dimin - ishing\n\u0120out breaks\n\u0120go ats\nf avorite\n\u0120N ah\nson ian\n\u0120Bo - oster\n\u0120sand box\n\u0120F are\n\u0120Malt a\n\u0120att Rot\n\u0120M OR\nld - e\n\u0120navig ating\nT ouch\n\u0120unt rue\n\u0120Dis aster\n\u0120l udicrous\nPass - word\n\u0120J FK\nblog spot\n4 16\n\u0120UN DER\nern al\n\u0120delay ing\nT - OP\n\u0120impl ants\n\u0120AV G\n\u0120H uge\natt r\n\u0120journal istic\n\u0120Pe - yton\n\u0120I A\nR ap\ngo al\n\u0120Program me\n\u0120sm ashing\nw ives\nprint - ln\n\u0120Pl ague\nin us\nEE P\n\u0120cru iser\n\u0120Par ish\numin ium\n\u0120occup - ants\n\u0120J ihad\nm op\n\u0120p int\n\u0120he ct\n\u0120Me cca\ndirect or\n\u0120Fund - ing\n\u0120M ixed\n\u0120st ag\nT ier\n\u0120g ust\n\u0120bright ly\nors i\n\u0120up - hill\nR D\n\u0120les ions\n\u0120Bund y\nliv ious\n\u0120bi ologist\n\u0120Fac - ulty\n\u0120Author ization\n\u012024 4\nAll ow\n\xEF \xB8\n\u0120Gi ul\n\u0120pert - inent\not aur\nes se\n\u0120Ro of\n\u0120unman ned\n35 1\n\u0120Sh ak\n\u0120O - rient\n\u0120end anger\nD ir\n\u0120repl en\ned ient\n\u0120tail or\n\u0120gad - gets\n\u0120aud ible\n\xE2\u013A \u0128\nN ice\n\u0120bomb ard\n\u0120R ape\n\u0120def - iance\n\u0120TW O\n\u0120Filip ino\n\u0120unaff ected\nerv atives\n\u0120so - ared\n\u0120Bol ton\n\u0120comprom ising\n\u0120Brew ers\nR AL\n\u0120A HL\nicy - cle\n\u0120v ampires\n\u0120di pped\noy er\n\u0120X III\n\u0120sidew ays\n\u0120W - aste\n\u0120D iss\n\u0120\xE2\u0136\u013E \xE2\u0136\u0122\xE2\u0136\u0122\n$ - .\n\u0120habit ats\n\u0120Be ef\ntr uth\ntr ained\nspl it\nR us\nAnd y\n\u0120B - ram\nRE P\np id\n\xE8\xA3 \u0127\n\u0120Mut ant\nAn im\n\u0120Mar ina\n\u0120fut - ile\nhig hest\nf requency\n\u0120epile psy\n\u0120cop ing\n\u0120conc ise\n\u0120tr - acing\n\u0120S UN\npan el\n\u0120Soph ie\n\u0120Crow ley\n\u0120Ad olf\n\u0120Shoot - er\n\u0120sh aky\n\u0120I G\n\u0120L ies\n\u0120Bar ber\np kg\n\u0120upt ake\n\u0120pred - atory\nUL TS\n/ **\n\u0120intox icated\n\u0120West brook\nod der\nhe ment\n\u0120bas - eman\nAP D\nst orage\n\u0120Fif ty\ned itor\nG EN\nUT ION\nir ting\n\u0120se - wing\nr ift\n\u0120ag ony\n\u0120S ands\n\u012025 4\nC ash\n\u0120l odge\n\u0120p - unt\nN atural\n\u0120Ide as\n\u0120errone ous\n\u0120Sens or\n\u0120Hann ity\n\u012019 - 21\n\u0120m ould\n\u0120G on\nkay a\n\u0120anonym ously\n\u0120K EY\n\u0120sim - ulator\nW inter\n\u0120stream ed\n50 7\n? \",\n\u0120te ased\n\u0120co efficient\n\u0120wart - ime\n\u0120TH R\n' '.\n\u0120Bank ing\nmp ire\n\u0120f andom\n\u0120l ia\nG - a\n\u0120down hill\n\u0120interpre ting\nInd ividual\nN orm\n\u0120jealous - y\nbit coin\n\u0120ple asures\n\u0120Toy s\n\u0120Chev rolet\n\u0120Ad visor\nIZ - E\n\u0120recept ions\n70 6\nC ro\n\u012026 2\n\u0120cit rus\nir u\nReview - er\nject ed\nU ES\nan z\n19 81\n\u0120Work er\n\u0120compl ied\nores cent\ncontin - ental\nT on\n\u0120Pr ism\n\u0120She ep\n\u012028 8\nn ox\n\u0120V og\nO rd\n\u0120real - ms\nte k\n\u0120irrig ation\n\u0120bicy cles\n\u0120electron ically\np oly\nt - all\n() );\n\u0120aest hetics\n\u0120Integ rated\nExpl ore\n\u0120d unk\n47 - 6\np ain\n\u0120Jac ques\n\u0120D mit\nFram es\n\u0120reun ited\n\u0120hum - id\nD ro\nP olitical\n\u0120youth ful\n\u0120ent ails\n\u0120mosqu ito\n36 - 3\nspe cies\n\u0120coord inating\n\u0120May hem\n\u0120Magn us\nM ount\nImpro - ved\n\u0120ST ATE\nATT LE\n\u0120flow ed\n\u0120tack led\n\u0120fashion ed\n\u0120re - organ\niv ari\nf inger\n\u0120reluct antly\net ting\n\u0120V and\nyou ng\n\u0120Gar - land\n\u0120presum ption\n\u0120amen ities\n\u0120Ple asant\non ential\n\u0120O - xy\n\u0120mor als\n\u0120Y ah\nRead y\nSim on\nEn h\nD emon\n\u0120cl ich\nMon - itor\n\u0120D U\n\u0120wel comes\n\u0120stand out\n\u0120dread ful\n\u0120ban - anas\n\u0120ball oons\nh ooting\nbas ic\n\u0120suff ix\n\u0120d uly\ncan o\nCh - ain\nat os\n\u0120geop olitical\n\u0120( &\n\u0120Gem ini\n\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124 - \xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\xC3\u0125\xC3\u0124\n\u0120acqu - itted\nL uck\nprot ect\n10 24\n\u0120sc arcity\n\u0120mind fulness\nec ided\nD - N\npr ime\n\u0120Pres idents\n\u0120VID EO\n\u0120( \xE2\u012A\u0134\nadd - ock\nN OR\n\u0120P ru\np un\n\u0120L OL\n)) ))\n\u0120L iqu\n\u0120S AS\n\u0120sty - ling\n\u0120punish ments\n\u0120num b\n\u0120asc ertain\n\u0120Rock ies\nf - lu\nTh umbnail\n\u0120perpet rated\n\u0120Sem i\n\u0120dis arm\n\u0120Old - er\n\u0120Ex ception\n\u0120exponent ially\n\u0120Commun ities\n\u0120abol - ish\n\u0120Part ner\npt oms\n\u01207 77\n\u0120Fo ley\n\u0120C ases\n\u0120gre - ase\n\u0120Reb irth\nG round\n\u0120; )\n\u0120Doct rine\nik ini\nY e\n\u0120Bl - ossom\n\u0120pers ists\nb ill\n\u0120inf usion\n\u0120bud dies\n9 11\n\u0120Pat - ient\n\u0120dem os\n\u0120acquaint ance\n\u0120P aw\nat ari\n\u0120x ml\n\u0120fasc - ination\n\u0120Ser ve\n\xCF \u0124\nbr anded\n\u0120a z\nReturn s\n\u0120over - shadow\n\u0120ro am\n\u0120speed y\nn umbered\nhel ial\n\u0120disc iple\n\u0120ass - urances\ng iven\npect ing\n\u0120N atalie\n\xE7\u0136 \xB0\n\u0120mosquit - oes\nrote in\n\u0120numer ic\n\u0120independ ents\n\u0120trans itional\n\u0120reaction - ary\n\u0120Mech dragon\ndo ctor\n\u0120short est\n\u0120sequ ential\n\u0120B - ac\n\u0120Account s\n\xE3\u0123 \u012E\nach y\nract ive\n\u0120Reg iment\n\u0120breat - htaking\nffic iency\n\u0120B ates\n\u01203 11\n\u0120ward robe\nft s\n\u0120Ber - k\nSim ply\n\u0120Rivers ide\niver ing\nident ial\nlu cent\n\u0120en riched\n\u0120Con - ver\n\u0120G iving\n\xE3\u0125 \u013B\n\u0120legal ize\n\u0120F TC\n\u0120fre - aking\nM ix\n\u0120ter restrial\nes ian\nci ents\nW ing\nLO AD\n\u0120led - ge\n\u0120Viol ent\n\u0120Met all\n\u012030 8\n\u0120s outheastern\nhett o\nM - eat\n\u0120slow down\n\u0120ret reated\nJere my\nend as\n**** *\ner ic\n\u0120re - ins\nopp able\n\u0120Human ity\near ances\nrig an\nC amera\n\u0120wa ivers\ns - oc\n\u0120alter ation\ntrans form\n\u0120C emetery\n50 6\n\u0120indef inite\n\u0120stim - ulating\ny g\n60 3\n\u0120S op\n\u0120descript ive\nPh ase\n\u0120Ed mund\n\u0120pneum - onia\nvent us\nA mb\n\u0120labor atories\n\u0120Ex clusive\nug ar\nW ere\n\u0120malf - unction\n\u0120homosexual s\n\u0120---- ---\nun i\n\u0120turb ines\n\u0120Equ - ity\nD u\n\u0120mind ed\n\u0120R H\n\u0120Black hawks\n\u0120fe ats\n\u012017 - 00\nre pl\n36 2\nlad en\n\u0120indisp ensable\nly ss\ntt i\n\u0120re el\n\u0120diver - ted\n\u0120lik eness\n\u0120subscript ions\n\u0120fing ert\n\u0120fil thy\ndest - ruct\nd raft\n\u0120Bernard ino\nl aunch\n\u0120per plex\n\u0120S UM\ncar - b\n\u0120swe ater\n\u0120Vent ure\n\u0120J ag\n\u0120Cele b\n\u0120V oters\n\u0120stead - fast\n\u0120athlet ics\n\u0120Hans on\n\u0120Dr ac\nTr acker\n\u0120comm end\n\u0120Pres - idency\n\u0120D ID\nin formed\n\u0120web page\nP retty\n\u0120force fully\n\xE3\u0125\u0125 - \xE3\u0124\xAF\n\u0120rel ocation\n\u0120sat ire\n\xE2 \u012B\n\u0120Sunder - land\n\xE6 \u0126\nV oice\n???? ????\n\u0120inform ant\n\u0120bow el\n\u0120Un - iform\n\u0120 ...\"\n\u0120pur ge\n\u0120pic nic\n\u0120U mb\n\u0120U PDATE\n\u0120Sapp - hire\n\u0120St all\nle arn\n\u0120object ively\n\u0120ob liter\n\u0120looph - ole\n\u0120jour neys\n\u0120o mission\nPro s\n\u0120Sid ney\npl oma\n\u0120spray - ed\n\u0120g uru\n\u0120tra itor\n\u0120tim et\n\u0120sn apping\n\u0120Se vent\nurn - al\n\u0120Uk ip\n\u0120b owed\npor al\nl iberal\nR os\nQuest ions\ni OS\n\u0120summar - ize\nST AT\n\u012018 50\nap est\n\u0120l ender\n\u0120Vari able\nbr inging\n\u0120L - ORD\n, )\n\u0120collaps es\nx iety\n\u0120N ed\nY D\n\u0120Sch a\n\u0120antib - ody\n\u0120dis band\ny re\nill usion\n\u0120ro ver\ns hed\n\u0120Hiro sh\ncc - i\n\u0120cal am\n\u0120Mort on\nP interest\n\u012019 28\n\u0120E uras\nord - es\n\u0120f ences\n\u0120In ventory\n\u0120Val encia\n\u0120U d\n\u0120T iff\n\u0120squ - e\n\u0120qu otation\n\u0120troubles ome\ner ker\nQU EST\n\u0120King doms\ns - outh\n\u0120le vy\nPr ince\n\u0120St ing\n\u0120nick named\n\u0120app e\n\u0120phot - ographic\n\u0120corp us\nre ference\n\u0120T rog\nU nt\n) =(\n\u0120Lat via\n\u0120activ - ating\n\u0120license e\n\u0120dispar ities\n\u0120News letter\n\xE3\u0125\u0125 - \xE3\u0125\u012A\n\u0120free ing\n\u0120Je ep\n\u0120Per ception\nins k\n\u0120sil - icone\n\u0120Hay den\nLe an\n\u0120Suz uki\nibr arian\n66 8\n\u0120sp or\n\u0120correl - ations\nag hetti\n\u0120tu ber\n\u0120IP CC\nil us\n\u0120V u\n\u0120wealth - iest\n\u0120Carb uncle\nan za\n\u0120fool ed\n\u0120Z ur\n\u0120d addy\nran - o\nil ian\n\u0120knock out\nf man\nrequ ired\n\u0120Wik ileaks\n\u0120D uffy\nON - T\n\u0120ins ol\n\u0120Object s\n\u0120b ou\n\u0120Nord ic\n\u0120Ins ert\nsc - an\n\u0120d ancers\n\u0120id iots\nmajor ity\n\u0120Nev ille\n\u0120Free BSD\n\u0120t - art\npan ic\n69 0\n\u0120coc oa\n\u0120sam pled\n\u0120look up\nInd ust\n\u0120inject - ions\ngen re\n\u0120a u\n\u0120road way\n\u0120gen itals\nK ind\n\u0120Ex - aminer\n\u0120Y az\nF resh\n\u0120par alysis\n\u0120Al uminum\n\u0120re ap\nok - \xC3\xA9\n\u0120sl oppy\n\u0120Tun nel\npos ium\nner y\nen ic\n\u0120her bal\n\u0120Out - er\n\u0120Build er\n\u0120inc ur\n\u0120ide ologies\n\u0120back ups\ncons - uming\n\u0120Det ect\nde ck\n\u0120KN OW\n\u0120G ret\n\u0120M IC\n\u0120tough - ness\n\u0120Ex hibit\n\u0120h ive\nL es\n\u0120SCH OOL\n\u0120At ari\nald - e\n\u0120N ull\nand estine\nm ouse\n\u0120brig ade\n48 9\n\u0120rev ol\n\u0120Law - son\n\u0120W ah\nop oly\neb ted\n\u0120S aunders\n\u01203 13\n\u0120W inc\n\u0120tab - oo\n\u0120Hel met\n\u0120w edge\nch ip\n\u0120T ina\nb g\n\u0120inf uri\nr - n\n\u0120anomal ies\n\u0120Sy nc\n\u0120Ex am\n\u0120Comm it\n\u0120Di ary\n\u0120ALS - O\n\u0120De bor\nomed ical\n\u0120comprehens ion\n6 55\n\u0120empower ing\n\u0120 - ire\n\u0120ju ices\n\u0120E TH\n\u0120Box ing\n=\" /\n\u0120facilit ated\np - oke\n\u0120Pars ons\n\u0120Mod er\ntra vel\n\u0120civil izations\n\u0120liber - tarians\n\u0120run e\n\u0120Cl arks\nat hed\n\u0120campaign ers\n\u0120Dis - patch\n\u0120Fah renheit\n\u0120Cap com\n-------- --\n\u0120l ace\n\u0120dr - aining\n\u0120l iner\n\u0120Art ificial\n\xC3\xA9 n\nt ask\n] ).\n\u0120GM - O\n\u0120Oper ator\nord inary\n\u0120Inf luence\n\u0120U ps\n\u0120pot ency\nuss - en\nosp ons\n\u0120Sw im\n\u0120Dead line\nUn ity\n\u0120cul inary\n\u0120enlight - enment\n\u0120we arer\n\u0120min ed\n\u0120p ly\n\u0120inc est\n\u0120DVD - s\nW alk\nB TC\nTr ade\n\u0120dev al\nib and\n\u0120Overs ight\nPalest inian\n\u0120d - art\n\u0120m ul\nL R\n\u0120rem ovable\n\u0120Real ms\n\xEC \u013F\n\u0120misc - ar\n\u0120V ulkan\n68 5\n\xC3\xA8 re\n\u0120S ap\n\u0120mer ging\n\u0120Car - ly\nche ster\n\u0120br isk\n\u0120lux urious\n\u0120Gener ator\n\u0120bit - terness\n\u0120ed ible\n\u012024 3\nT G\n\u0120rect angle\nWith No\nbel ow\nJ - enn\n\u0120dark est\n\u0120h itch\n\u0120dos age\n\u0120sc aven\n\u0120K eller\n\u0120Illust - rated\nCertain ly\n\u0120Maver icks\nMarg inal\n\u0120diarr hea\n\u0120enorm - ously\n\u01209 99\nsh r\nqu art\n\u0120adam ant\n\u0120M ew\n\u0120ren ovation\n\u0120cerv - ical\n\u0120Percent age\nen ers\n\u0120Kim ber\n\u0120flo ats\n\u0120de x\n\u0120W - itcher\n\u0120Swan sea\nd m\n\u0120sal ty\ny ellow\n\u0120ca pe\n\u0120Dr - ain\n\u0120Paul a\n\u0120Tol edo\nles i\nMag azine\n\u0120W ick\n\u0120M n\n\u0120A - ck\n\u0120R iding\nAS ON\n\u0120hom ophobic\nAR P\n\u0120wand ered\nC PU\nood - oo\n\u0120P ipe\n\u0120tight ening\n\u0120But t\n3 18\n\u0120desert ed\nS - ession\n\u0120facilit ating\nJ ump\n\u0120emer gencies\nOW ER\n\u0120exhaust - ive\n\u0120AF TER\n\u0120heart beat\n\u0120Lab el\nack y\n\u0120Cert ified\nilt - ration\nZ e\n\u0120U tt\n\u012013 00\n\u0120pres ume\n\u0120Dis p\n\u0120sur - ged\n\u0120doll s\nCol umb\n\u0120chim pan\n\u0120R azor\n\u0120t icks\n\u0120councill - or\n\u0120pilgr image\n\u0120Reb els\n\u0120Q C\n\u0120A uction\nx ia\nik - k\nb red\n\u0120insert ion\n\u0120co arse\nd B\nSE E\n\u0120Z ap\n\u0120F - oo\n\u0120contem por\n\u0120Quarter ly\not ions\n\u0120Al chemist\n\u0120T - rey\n\u0120Du o\nS weet\n80 4\n\u0120Gi ov\n\u0120fun n\nN in\nh off\n\u0120ram - ifications\n\u012019 22\n\u0120Exper ts\naz es\n\u0120gar ments\nar ial\n\u0120N - ab\n\u012025 7\n\u0120V ed\n\u0120hum orous\n\u0120Pom pe\n\u0120n ylon\n\u0120lur - king\n\u0120Serge y\n\u0120Matt is\n\u0120misogyn y\n\u0120Comp onents\n\u0120Watch - ing\n\u0120F olk\nract ical\nB ush\n\u0120t aped\n\u0120group ing\n\u0120be - ads\n\u012020 48\n\u0120con du\nquer que\nRead ing\n\u0120griev ances\nUlt - ra\n\u0120end point\nH ig\n\u0120St atic\n\u0120Scar borough\nL ua\n\u0120Mess - i\na qu\n\u0120Psy Net\n\u0120R udd\n\u0120a venue\nv p\nJ er\n\u0120sh ady\n\u0120Res - ist\n\u0120Art emis\n\u0120care less\n\u0120bro kers\n\u0120temper ament\n\u01205 - 20\nT ags\n\u0120Turn ing\n\u0120ut tered\n\u0120p edd\n\u0120impro vised\n\u0120: - (\n\u0120tab l\n\u0120pl ains\n16 00\npress ure\n\u0120Ess ence\nmarg in\nfriend - s\n\u0120Rest oration\n\u0120poll ut\n\u0120Pok er\n\u0120August ine\n\u0120C - IS\n\u0120SE AL\nor ama\n\u0120th wart\nse ek\n\u0120p agan\n\xC2 \xBA\ncp - u\n\u0120g arn\n\u0120ass ortment\n\u0120I LCS\nt ower\nRecomm ended\n\u0120un - born\n\u0120Random Redditor\n\u0120RandomRedditor WithNo\n\u0120paraly zed\n\u0120eru - ption\n\u0120inter sect\n\u0120St oke\n\u0120S co\nB ind\n\xE5 \xBE\n\u0120P - NG\n\u0120Neg ative\n\u0120NO AA\nLe on\n\u0120all oy\n\u0120L ama\n\u0120D - iversity\n5 75\n\u0120underest imated\n\u0120Sc or\n\u0120m ural\n\u0120b - usted\nso on\nl if\n\u0120none x\n\u0120all ergy\n\u0120Under world\n\u0120R - ays\n\u0120Bl asio\n\u0120h rs\n\u0120D ir\n\u01203 27\nby ter\n\u0120repl - acements\n\u0120activ ates\nri ved\nM H\n\u0120p ans\n\u0120H I\n\u0120long - itudinal\n\u0120nu isance\nal er\n\u0120sw ell\n\u0120S igned\ns ci\n\u0120Is - les\n\u0120A GA\n\u0120def iant\n\u0120son ic\noc on\nK C\n\u0120A im\nt ie\nah - ah\n\u0120m L\nD X\n\u0120b isc\n\u0120Bill board\n\u0120SY STEM\nNE Y\nga - ard\n\u0120dist ressed\nformer ly\nAl an\n\u0120che fs\n\u0120opt ics\n\u0120C - omet\n\u0120AM C\n\u0120redes igned\nirm ation\n\u0120sight ings\n38 2\n3 - 11\n\u0120W B\n\u0120cont raction\n\u0120T OTAL\nD ual\n\u0120start led\n\u0120understand - ably\n\u0120sung lasses\nETH OD\n\u0120d ocker\n\u0120surf ing\n\u0120H EL\n\u0120Sl - ack\nton es\n\u0120sh alt\nVis ual\n49 8\nDep artment\nc ussion\n\u0120unrest - ricted\n\u0120t ad\n\u0120re name\nemploy ed\n\u0120educ ating\n\u0120grin - ned\nbed room\n\u0120Activ ities\n\u0120V elvet\n\u0120SW AT\n\u0120sh uffle\nig - or\n\u0120satur ation\nF inding\nc ream\nic ter\n\u0120v odka\ntr acking\nte - c\n\u0120fore ground\niest a\n\u0120ve hement\n\u0120EC B\n\u0120T ie\nE y\n\u0120t - urtles\n\u0120Rail road\n\u0120Kat z\n\u0120Fram es\n\u0120men ace\n\u0120Fell - owship\n\u0120Ess ential\nugg ish\n\u0120dri p\nch witz\n\u0120Ky oto\ns b\n\u0120N - ina\nParam eter\n\u0120al arms\n\u0120Cl aud\n\u0120pione ering\n\u0120chief - ly\n\u0120Sc ream\nCol lection\n\u0120thank fully\n\u0120Ronald o\n\xE5\u0143 - \u0132\nst rip\n\u0120Disney land\ncom mercial\nSee ing\nS oul\n\u0120evac - uate\n\u0120c iv\n\u0120As he\n\u0120div ides\n\u0120D agger\nrehens ive\n\u0120ber - ries\n\u0120D F\n\u0120s ushi\n\u0120plur ality\nW I\n\u0120disadvant aged\n\u0120batt - alion\nob iles\n45 1\n\u0120cl ing\n\u0120unden iable\n\u0120L ounge\n\u0120ha - unt\np he\n\u0120quant ify\n\u0120diff ered\n\u0120[* ]\n\u0120V iz\nc um\nsl - ave\n\u0120vide og\n\u0120qu ar\n\u0120bund les\n\u0120Al onso\nt ackle\n\u0120neur - onal\n\u0120landsl ide\nconf irmed\n\u0120Dep th\n\u0120renew ables\nB ear\n\u0120Maced - onia\n\u0120jer seys\n\u0120b unk\n\u0120Sp awn\n\u0120Control s\n\u0120Buch - anan\n\u0120robot ics\n\u0120emphas izing\n\u0120Tut orial\nh yp\nist on\n\u0120monument - al\n\xE6 \xB0\n\u0120Car ry\n\u0120t bsp\nen ance\nH ill\nart hed\n\u0120ro - tten\nDe an\n\u0120tw isting\n\u0120good will\n\u0120imm ersion\nL iving\n\u0120br - ushes\n\u0120C GI\n\u0120At k\ntr aditional\n\u0120ph antom\n\u0120St amina\n\u0120expans - ions\n\u0120Mar in\n\u0120embark ed\n\u0120E g\nint estinal\n\u0120PE OPLE\n\u0120Bo - oth\n\u0120App alach\n\u0120releg ated\nV T\nM IT\n\u0120must er\n\u0120withdraw - ing\n\u0120microsc ope\n\u0120G athering\n\u0120C rescent\n\u0120Argent ine\n\u0120Dec - re\n\u0120Domin ic\n\u0120bud s\nant age\n\u0120I on\n\u0120wid ened\nONS - ORED\n\u0120Gl oves\niann opoulos\nraz en\nfe el\n\u0120repay ment\n\u0120hind - sight\n\u0120RE ALLY\n\u0120Pist ol\n\u0120Bra h\n\u0120wat ts\n\u0120surv - ives\n\u0120fl urry\niss y\nAl ert\n\u0120Urug uay\nPh oenix\nS low\n\u0120G - rave\n\u0120F ir\n\u0120manage able\n\u0120tar iff\n\u0120U DP\n\u0120Pist - ons\n\u0120Niger ian\n\u0120strike outs\n\u0120cos metics\nwhel ming\nf ab\nc - ape\npro xy\n\u0120re think\n\u0120over coming\nsim ple\n\u0120w oo\n\u0120distract - ing\n\u0120St anton\n\u0120Tuls a\n\u0120D ock\n65 9\n\u0120disc ord\n\u0120Em - acs\n\u0120V es\n\u0120R OB\n\u0120reass uring\n\u0120cons ortium\nMuslim - s\n3 21\n\u0120prompt s\nse i\n\u0120H itch\nimp osed\n\u0120F ool\n\u0120indisc - rim\nwr ong\nbu querque\nD avis\n! ]\n\u0120tim eless\n\u0120NE ED\n\u0120pestic - ide\n\u0120rally ing\n\u0120Cal der\n\u0120\xE5 \xA4\n\u0120x p\n\u0120Un - le\n\u0120Ex port\nlu aj\nB uff\n) [\n\u0120sq or\nS audi\n\u0120is tg\n\u0120indul ge\npro c\n\u0120disg - usted\n\u0120comp ounded\n\u0120n em\n\u0120school ing\n\u0120C ure\nprocess - ing\nS ol\n\u0120pro verb\nit ized\n\u0120Alv arez\n\u0120scar f\n\u0120rect - angular\nre ve\n\u0120h ormonal\n\u0120St ress\nitiz en\n\u01204 25\ngirl - s\n\u0120No ir\n\u0120R app\n\u0120mar ches\nch urch\n\u0120Us es\n\u012040 - 5\n\u0120Ber m\n\u0120ord inances\n\u0120Jud gment\nCharg es\n\u0120Z in\n\u0120dust - y\n\u0120straw berries\n\u0120per ce\n\u0120Th ur\n\u0120Debor ah\nnet flix\n\u0120Lam - bert\n\u0120am used\n\u0120Gu ang\nY OU\nR GB\n\u0120C CTV\n\u0120f iat\nr - ang\n\u0120f ederation\n\u0120M ant\n\u0120B ust\n\u0120M are\nrespect ive\n\u0120M - igration\n\u0120B IT\n59 0\n\u0120patriot ism\n\u0120out lining\nreg ion\n\u0120Jos - \xC3\xA9\n\u0120bl asting\n\u0120Ez ra\nB s\n\u0120undermin es\n\u0120Sm ooth\n\u0120cl - ashed\nrad io\n\u0120transition ing\n\u0120Bucc aneers\n\u0120Ow l\n\u0120plug - s\n\u0120h iatus\n\u0120Pin ball\n\u0120m ig\n\u0120Nut r\n\u0120Wolf e\n\u0120integ - ers\n\u0120or bits\n\u0120Ed win\n\u0120Direct X\nb ite\n\u0120bl azing\nv - r\nEd ge\n\u0120P ID\nex it\n\u0120Com ed\n\u0120Path finder\n\u0120Gu id\n\u0120Sign - s\n\u0120Z er\n\u0120Ag enda\n\u0120reimburse ment\nM esh\ni Phone\n\u0120Mar - cos\n\u0120S ites\nh ate\nen burg\n\u0120s ockets\np end\nBat man\nv ir\n\u0120SH - OW\n\u0120provision al\ncon n\n\u0120Death s\nAT IVE\nPro file\nsy m\nJ A\n\u0120nin - ja\ninst alled\nid ates\neb ra\n\u0120Om aha\n\u0120se izing\n\u0120Be asts\n\u0120sal - ts\nM ission\nGener ally\n\u0120Tr ilogy\nhe on\nleg ates\n\u0120d ime\n\u0120f - aire\npar able\nG raph\n\u0120total ing\n\u0120diagram s\n\u0120Yan uk\nple - t\n\u0120Me h\n\u0120myth ical\n\u0120Step hens\naut ical\nochem istry\n\u0120kil - ograms\n\u0120el bows\nanc ock\n\u0120B CE\n\u0120Pr ague\n\u0120impro v\n\u0120Dev - in\n\u0120\" \\\npar alle\n\u0120suprem acists\n\u0120B illion\n\u0120reg - imen\ninn acle\n\u0120requ isite\nang an\n\u0120Bur lington\nain ment\n\u0120Object - ive\noms ky\nG V\n\u0120un ilateral\n\u0120t c\n\u0120h ires\nment al\n\u0120invol - untary\n\u0120trans pl\n\u0120ASC II\n\xC2 \xA8\nEv ents\n\u0120doub ted\n\u0120Ka - plan\n\u0120Cour age\nig on\n\u0120Man aging\n\u0120T art\n\u0120false hood\n\u0120V - iolet\n\u0120air s\n\u0120fertil izer\nBrit ain\n\u0120aqu atic\nou f\nW ords\n\u0120Hart - ford\n\u0120even ings\n\u0120V engeance\nqu ite\nG all\n\u0120P ret\n\u0120p - df\n\u0120L M\n\u0120So chi\n\u0120Inter cept\n9 20\n\u0120profit ability\n\u0120Id - le\n\u0120Mac Donald\n\u0120Est ablishment\num sy\n\u0120gather ings\n\u0120N - aj\nCharl ie\n\u0120as cent\n\u0120Prot ector\n\u0120al gebra\n\u0120bi os\nfor - ums\nEL S\nIntrodu ced\n\u01203 35\n\u0120astron omy\nCont ribut\n\u0120Pol - ic\nPl atform\n\u0120contain ment\nw rap\n\u0120coron ary\n\u0120J elly\nman - ager\n\u0120heart breaking\nc air\n\u0120Che ro\nc gi\nMed ical\n\u0120Account - ability\n! !\"\noph ile\n\u0120psych otic\n\u0120Rest rict\n\u0120equ itable\niss - ues\n\u012019 05\n\u0120N ek\nc ised\n\u0120Tr acking\n\u0120o zone\n\u0120cook - er\nros is\n\u0120re open\n\u0120inf inity\n\u0120Pharm aceutical\nens ional\nAtt - empt\n\u0120R ory\nMar co\n\u0120awa its\nH OW\nt reated\n\u0120bol st\n\u0120reve - red\n\u0120p ods\nopp ers\n00 10\n\u0120ampl itude\nric an\nSP ONSORED\n\u0120trou - sers\n\u0120hal ves\n\u0120K aine\n\u0120Cut ler\n\u0120A UTH\n\u0120splend - id\n\u0120prevent ive\n\u0120Dud ley\nif acts\numin ati\n\u0120Y in\n\u0120ad - mon\n\u0120V ag\n\u0120in verted\n\u0120hast ily\n\u0120H ague\nL yn\n\u0120led - ger\n\u0120astron omical\nget ting\n\u0120circ a\n\u0120C ic\n\u0120Tenn is\nLim - ited\n\u0120d ru\n\u0120BY U\n\u0120trave llers\n\u0120p ane\n\u0120Int ro\n\u0120patient - ly\n\u0120a iding\n\u0120lo os\n\u0120T ough\n\u012029 3\n\u0120consum es\nSource - File\n\u0120\"\" \"\n\u0120bond ing\n\u0120til ted\n\u0120menstru al\n\u0120Cel - estial\nUL AR\nPlug in\n\u0120risk ing\nN az\n\u0120Riy adh\n\u0120acc redited\n\u0120sk - irm\n\xE9 \u013D\n\u0120exam iner\n\u0120mess ing\n\u0120near ing\n\u0120C - hern\n\u0120Beck ham\n\u0120sw apped\n\u0120go ose\nK ay\n\u0120lo fty\n\u0120Wal - let\n\u0120[ '\n\u0120ap ocalypse\n\u0120b amboo\n\u0120SP ACE\n\u0120El ena\n\u012030 - 6\nac ons\n\u0120tight ened\n\u0120adolesc ence\n\u0120rain y\n\u0120vandal - ism\n\u0120New town\n\u0120con ject\nc akes\n\u0120che ated\n\u0120moder ators\npar - ams\nE FF\n\u0120dece it\n\u0120ST L\n\u0120Tanz ania\n\u0120R I\n\u012019 - 23\n\u0120Ex ile\nthe l\n\u0120the olog\n\u0120quir ky\n\u0120Ir vine\n\u0120need - y\nor is\nU m\nK a\n\u0120mail box\n3 22\n\u0120b os\n\u0120Pet ra\nK ING\n\u0120enlarg - ed\nO ften\n\u0120bad ass\n\u01203 43\n\u0120Pl aces\n\u0120C AD\n\u0120pr - istine\n\u0120interven ing\nd irection\n\u0120l az\n\u0120D SM\n\u0120project - ing\n\u0120F unk\nag og\npay ment\nn ov\n\u0120ch atter\nAR B\n\u0120exam - inations\n\u0120House hold\n\u0120G us\nF ord\n4 14\nB oss\n\u0120my stic\n\u0120le - aps\n\u0120B av\nul z\nb udget\nFoot ball\n\u0120subsid ized\n\u0120first - hand\n\u0120coinc ide\noc ular\nCon n\n\u0120Coll abor\n\u0120fool s\nam ura\nah - ar\nr ists\n\u0120sw ollen\n\u0120exp ended\n\u0120P au\ns up\n\u0120sp ar\n\u0120key - note\ns uff\n\u0120unequ al\n\u0120progress ing\nstr ings\n\u0120Gamer gate\nDis - ney\n\u0120Ele ven\nom nia\n\u0120script ed\n\u0120ear ners\nbro ther\n\u0120En - abled\n\xE6 \xB3\n\u0120lar vae\n\u0120L OC\nm ess\nWil son\n\u0120Tem plate\nsuccess - fully\n\u0120param ount\n\u0120camoufl age\n\u0120bind s\n\u0120Qu iet\n\u0120Sh - utterstock\nr ush\n\u0120masc ot\nfort une\n\u0120Col t\n\u0120Be yon\nhab - i\n\u0120ha irc\n\u012026 7\n\u0120De us\n\u0120tw itch\n\u0120concent rating\n\u0120n - ipples\nc ible\n\u0120g ir\nN Z\nM ath\nn ih\nRequ ired\n\u0120p onder\n\u0120S - AN\n\u0120wedd ings\n\u0120l oneliness\nN ES\n\u0120Mah jong\n69 5\nadd le\n\u0120Gar - ner\n\u0120C OUR\nBr idge\n\u0120sp ree\n\u0120Cald well\n\u0120bri bery\n\u0120\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD - \xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\nplug ins\n\u0120r acket\n\u0120champ - agne\nvers ible\nV ote\n\u0120mod ifiers\nMay or\n6 80\n\u0120assemb lies\n\u0120S - ultan\n\u0120N ing\n\u0120Lad ies\n\u0120sulf ur\n\u0120or bs\n\u0120---- - -\n____ ___\n\u0120Journal ism\n\u0120es ports\n\u0120l ush\n\u0120h ue\n\u0120spect - ral\nH onest\n\xE3\u0125 \u0131\n\u0120bus hes\n\u0120rein forcement\n\u0120re - opened\n\u0120Whe els\n\u0120M org\nrie ving\n\u0120aux iliary\n\u0120j Query\n\u0120B - AT\ntes que\n\u0120ver tex\np ure\nf rey\n\xE3\u0124 \xBA\nd os\n\u0120ty - ph\n\u0120c ull\n\u0120e q\n\u0120dec on\n\u0120toss ing\n\u0120dispar ate\n\u0120Br - igham\nprint f\nled ged\n\u0120su nd\n\u0120co zy\n\u0120hepat itis\nper forming\n\u0120av - al\n\u0120G G\nf uture\n\u0120pet ertodd\n\u0120Kos ovo\n\u0120magn ets\nAl - ready\n\u0120Ed ison\n\u0120Ce res\n\u0120RA ID\n\u0120brill iance\n57 6\n\u0120der - ives\n\u0120hypert ension\n\u0120\xCE \u0136\n\u0120lamb da\n\u0120fl air\n\u0120mission - aries\n\u0120rap es\n\u0120St arter\n\u0120Mon ths\n\u0120def y\n\u0120seism - ic\n\u0120R aphael\n\u0120euro zone\n65 6\nz sche\n\u0120scr atched\n\u0120b - ows\n\u0120Lenn on\n\u0120Ga ia\n\u0120dri pping\nf acts\nA le\n\u0120frog - s\n\u0120Bre ast\nogene ity\n\u0120Prosecut or\n\u0120ampl ified\n\u0120Hod - g\n\u0120F n\nTh ousands\n\u0120NI H\n\u0120Monitor ing\nFT WARE\n\u0120Pri - ebus\n\u0120G rowing\nhun ter\n\u0120diagn ose\n\u0120M ald\n\u0120L R\n\u0120crown - ed\n\u0120burst ing\n\u0120diss olution\nj avascript\n\u0120useful ness\n\u0120Exec - ution\n: (\n\u0120Iv ory\na ah\n\u0120persecut ed\nviol ence\nist as\n\u0120Cr - ate\n\u0120impuls es\n\u0120Sp ani\ned es\nHand le\n\u0120Z erg\nthink able\nLast - ly\n\u0120spont aneously\n\u0120inconven ient\n\u0120dismiss ing\n\u0120pl - otted\n\u0120eight y\n\u01207 37\nr ish\n\u0120Thor nton\nath am\n\u0120sit - com\nV en\nRec ipe\nt el\nl und\n\u0120cle ars\n\u0120Sas uke\n\u012025 8\n\u0120opt - ing\n\u0120en raged\nest hetic\n\u0120A e\nuch s\nPre p\nFl ow\n\u0120run - off\n\u0120E ating\n\u0120G iles\n\u0120Act ing\nres ources\nib aba\n\u0120r - pm\n\u0120ske wed\n\u0120Bl anc\n\u0120S akuya\n\u0120hot ter\n\u012019 24\nop - ian\nck o\n\u0120cr umbling\n\u0120capt ains\n\u0120Appropri ations\nle aders\ndro - pping\nan uts\n\u0120revers ing\n\u0120P ose\n\u0120S ek\nSc ot\n\u0120Ide - a\nc ise\n\u0120Sloven ia\n\u01203 17\nDo ctor\n\u0120cro cod\nald i\nSe a\n\u0120Far - rell\n\u0120merc enaries\n\u0120R NC\n\u0120Gu ess\n\u0120p acing\nM achine\nStreamer - Bot\n\u0120Char ity\n\u012029 8\n\u0120cann ons\n\u0120Tob y\nTPP StreamerBot\n\u0120Pass - ion\ncf g\nTh om\n\u0120bad ges\n\u0120Bern stein\n. \xE2\u0122\u0135\n\u0120P - OP\n\u0120Con j\n\u0120initial ization\n\u0120biod iversity\nD ub\n\u0120feud - al\n\u0120disclaim er\n\u0120c row\n\u0120ign ition\nar f\nS HA\n\u0120k Hz\nh - azard\n\u0120Art ists\noe uv\n67 9\n\u0120Rud y\nN ine\n\u0120Ram adan\n\xE5 - \xBD\nitt o\n\u0120adren aline\nC ert\n\u0120smell ed\n\u0120imp unity\n\u0120ag - endas\n\u0120Re born\n\u0120Con cent\n\u0120Se ems\n\u0120o mega\n\u0120Dust - in\n\u0120back er\n\u0120Sau ce\n\u0120Boy le\nW IN\n\u0120sp ins\n\u0120pa - uses\nu pt\n\u0120shred ded\n\u0120stra pped\n\u0120Cor ruption\n\u0120scr - atches\n\u0120n i\n\u0120att ire\n\u0120S AF\nFactory Reloaded\n\u0120I PS\n\u0120( - %\n\u0120sem inar\nf ocus\nc ivil\n\u012018 60\nint osh\n\u0120contin ual\n\u0120abbre - vi\n\u0120S ok\noc obo\nX M\n\u0120fr antic\n\u0120unavoid able\n\u0120ar - tery\n\u0120annot ations\nb ath\nCl imate\n\u0120d ors\n\u0120Sl ide\nco ord\n\u0120Rel - oad\n\u0120L DL\n\u0120Love craft\n\u0120unim agin\n\u0120resemb led\n\u0120barr - acks\nn p\n\u0120surrog ate\n\u0120categor ized\n\xE3\u0124 \xA9\n\u0120vacc - inated\n\u0120drain age\n\u0120ind ist\n\u0120Whats App\n\u012018 70\noler - ance\ninv oke\nam orph\n\u0120recon nect\n\u0120em anc\n\u0120blind ness\n\u012012 - 80\nintern et\nc ollar\n\u0120alt ru\n\u0120ab yss\n\u0120T RI\n65 7\n\u0120inf - used\nHE AD\n\u0120forest ry\n\u0120Wood y\n\u0120C i\nw i\ns am\n78 4\nhol - iday\n\u0120mog ul\n\u0120F ees\n\u0120D EN\nIn ternal\nur bed\nf usc\nat - om\n\u0120Ill usion\n\u0120poll ed\n\u0120fl ap\n\u0120co ax\nL GBT\nAn aly\n\u0120Sect - ions\n\u0120Calif orn\nem n\n\u0120h ither\n\u0120N IGHT\n\u0120n ailed\n\u0120Pip - eline\n39 1\no of\n\u0120Pr imal\nvere nd\n\u0120sl ashing\n\u0120ret ri\navi - our\n\u0120depart ing\ng il\nIS C\n\u0120mid way\n\u0120ultras ound\n\u0120beh - aving\n\u0120T ara\nclass es\nV irtual\n\u0120Colon ial\n\u0120stri pping\n\u0120orchestr - ated\n\u0120Gra ves\n45 2\n\u0120Iron ically\n\u0120Writ ers\n\u0120l ends\n\u0120Man - z\n\u0120ra ven\n\u0120oxid ative\n\u012026 6\nEL F\nact ually\nasc ar\nD - raft\n\u0120favour able\n\u0120humili ating\n\u0120f idelity\n\u0120H of\n\u0120X - uan\n49 6\n\u0120lay ered\nat is\n79 0\n\u0120pay check\nit on\nK ar\n\u0120VM - ware\n\u0120Far mer\n\u0120serv ic\ngl omer\n\u0120sl ump\n\u0120Fab ric\n\u0120D - OC\nest ing\n\u0120reass ure\n\u0120ph yl\nv olt\nit ory\nR ules\n\u0120oxid - ation\n\u0120pri zed\n\u0120mist ress\n\u0120Dj ango\nWAR N\n\xE5 \u0133\n\u0120enc - ode\n\u0120Feed back\n\u0120stupid ity\nI an\n\u0120Yugoslav ia\n\xD7 \xA8\nac - l\nUT E\n19 77\n\u0120qual ifies\n\u0120puls es\npret ty\n\u0120fro ze\n\u0120s - s\nIter ator\n\u0120ur gently\n\u0120m ailed\n\u0120Ch am\n\u0120sust aining\n\u0120bas - il\n\u0120pupp ies\nil ant\n\u0120P LEASE\nl ap\nace ous\nF ear\n\u0120Master - y\naut omatic\n\u0120T AG\n\u0120ant im\nag les\n47 3\nfram es\n\u0120wh ispers\n\u0120Who - ever\n\u0120bra very\n\u0120UK IP\nract ions\n\"\" \"\n\u0120t ame\n\u0120part - ed\nevery thing\nCON T\n\u0120ind ebted\n\u0120add r\nre k\nIR ED\n\u0120em - inent\ncl inton\n\u0120o usted\n\u0120review er\n\u0120melt down\n\u0120re - arr\n\u0120Y ao\nthe real\naby te\n\u0120st umbling\n\u0120bat ches\n\u012025 - 9\n\u0120contrace ptive\n\u0120prost itute\nens is\nDe cl\n\u0120St rikes\nM - ilitary\n\u0120O ath\nv acc\npp ings\n05 2\n\u0120part Name\namp ing\nRep - orts\nK I\nCH R\n\u0120subt ly\nsw ers\nBl ake\nus ual\n\u0120contest ants\n\u0120cart - ridges\n\u0120GRE AT\n\u0120bl ush\n\u0120\xE2\u0122 \xBA\n47 2\n\u0120reason - ed\n\xE3\u0125 \xA4\nparalle led\n\u0120d yn\nag ate\n\u0120night ly\n\xE5 - \u0128\n55 6\n\u0120sem antic\n\u0120Adv oc\n\u0120 !!\n\u0120disag rees\n\u0120B - W\nV eh\n\u0120harm ing\n\u0120embr aces\n\u0120stri ves\n\u0120in land\n\u0120K - ard\n\u0120he ats\n\u0120Gin ny\nut an\nern aut\nyl ene\n\u0120E lev\nJ D\n\u0120h - ars\n\u0120Star r\n\u0120sk ysc\n\u0120collabor ators\nUs ually\n\u0120rev - olutions\n\u0120STAT S\n\u0120dism antle\n\u0120confident ly\n\u0120kin etic\nAl - i\n\u0120percent ile\n\u0120extract ing\nill ian\nest ead\n\u0120physic ists\n\u0120Marsh - al\n\u0120fell owship\n\u0120d ashed\n\u0120U R\n\u0120Si oux\n\u0120Comp - act\nam ide\nP ython\n\u0120Le igh\n\u0120Pharm ac\nist rates\nher ical\n\u0120f - ue\n\u0120E min\n\u0120( {\n\u0120Neighbor hood\n\u0120disrupt ing\n\u0120D - up\n\u0120g land\n\u0120Se v\n\u0120Mar ian\narg on\n\u0120D und\n\u0120< - !--\n\u0120str and\n\u0120stadium s\nz os\n\u0120psych osis\n\u0120R ack\n\u0120brilliant - ly\n\xEF\xB8 \u0131\n\u0120submer ged\n\u0120Inst it\n\u0120Ch ow\n\u0120c - ages\n\u0120H ats\n\u0120U rs\n\u0120dil uted\nus at\nien ne\n\u0120Members - hip\n\u0120Bur k\n\u0120 ie\n\u0120arche type\nD rug\nult on\n\u0120Sp ock\n\u0120McK - ay\n\u0120Dep end\nF eatured\nS oc\n19 78\n\u0120B ere\n\u0120relent lessly\n\u0120cripp - ling\n\u0120ar thritis\n\xE7\u0136 \u0141\n\u0120Trop ical\n\u0120Bul g\n\u0120Cher - yl\n\u0120adm irable\n\u0120sub title\nOver ride\n\u0120orig inating\n\u0120C - CP\n\u0120sw ore\n\u0120So le\n\u0120Dis orders\n3 29\n\u0120process ion\n\u0120ref - urb\n\u0120imm ersed\nrequ ently\n\u0120skept ics\n\u0120cer amic\nm itter\nen - stein\nb elt\n\u0120T IT\nb idden\n\u0120f ir\nm ist\n> ]\n\u0120we ave\n\u0120Parad - ox\n\u0120entr usted\n\u0120Barcl ays\n\u0120novel ist\nog ie\n80 6\n\u0120nin - ety\n\u0120disag reements\n@@@@ @@@@\n\u0120Aus chwitz\nc ars\n\u0120L ET\nt - ub\narant ine\nP OS\n\u0120back story\n\u0120cheer ful\n\u0120R ag\nek a\nbi - ased\n\u0120inexper ienced\nak ra\n\u0120W itt\nt an\n\u0120rap ist\n\u0120plate - au\nch al\n\u0120Inqu is\nexp ression\n\u0120c ipher\n\u0120sh aving\nadd - en\nre ly\n( \\\nism a\n\u0120Reg ulatory\nCH AR\nily n\nN VIDIA\nG U\n\u0120mur - m\nla us\nChrist opher\n\u0120contract ual\n\u0120Pro xy\n\u0120Ja ime\n\u0120Method - ist\n\u0120stew ards\nst a\nper ia\n\u0120phys iology\n\u0120bump ed\n\u0120f - ructose\nAustral ian\n\u0120Met allic\n\u0120Mas querade\nar b\n\u0120prom - ul\n\u0120down fall\n\u0120but cher\n\u0120b our\n\u0120IN FORMATION\n\u0120B - is\npect s\nad ena\n\u0120contempl ating\nar oo\ncent ered\n\u0120Pe aks\nUs - ed\n\u0120mod em\n\u0120g enders\n\u01208 000\n37 1\n\u0120m aternity\n\u0120R - az\n\u0120rock ing\n\u0120handgun s\n\u0120D ACA\nAut om\n\u0120N ile\n\u0120tum - ult\n\u0120Benef it\n\u0120Appro ach\nworks hop\n\u0120Le aving\nG er\ninst - ead\n\u0120vibr ations\n\u0120rep ositories\n49 7\n\u0120A unt\n\u0120J ub\n\u0120Exp - edition\nAl pha\n\u0120s ans\n\u0120overd ue\n\u0120overc rowd\n\u0120legisl - atures\n\u0120p aternal\n\u0120Leon ardo\n\u0120exp ressive\n\u0120distract - ions\n\u0120sil enced\ntr ust\n\u0120b iking\n\u01205 60\n\u0120propri et\n\u0120imp - osition\n\u0120con glomer\n\u0120= ================================================================\n\u0120Te - aching\n\u0120Y ose\nint ensive\nT own\n\u0120troll ing\n\u0120Gr ac\n\u0120AS - US\nY o\n\u0120special s\n\u0120Nep h\n\u0120God zilla\nDat abase\n\u0120He - gel\n\u012027 2\n19 76\n\u0120Gl oria\n\u0120dis emb\n\u0120Investig ations\n\u0120B - ane\nag ements\nSt range\n\u0120tre asury\n\u0120Pl ays\n\u0120undes irable\n\u0120wid - ening\n\u0120verb ally\n\u0120inf ancy\n\u0120cut ter\nf ml\n\u012021 00\nprot - otype\nf ine\n\u0120dec riminal\n\u0120dysfunction al\n\u0120bes ie\n\u0120Ern - st\nz eb\n\u0120nort heastern\n\u0120a ust\npor ate\n\u0120Mar lins\n\u0120segreg - ated\new orld\n\u0120Ma her\n\u0120tra verse\n\u0120mon astery\nur gy\nG ear\ns - and\nCom pl\n\u0120E MP\n\u0120pl ent\n\u0120Mer cer\n\u012027 6\nTA BLE\nConfig - uration\nH undreds\n\u0120pr ic\n\u0120collabor ating\n\u0120Par amount\n\u0120Cumm - ings\n\u0120( <\n\u0120record er\n\u0120fl ats\n\u01204 16\nwh ose\nFont Size\n\u0120Or - bit\nY R\n\u0120wr ists\n\u0120b akery\n) }\n\u0120B ounty\n\u0120Lanc aster\n\u0120end - ings\nacc ording\n\u0120Sal am\ne asy\n75 5\n\u0120Bur r\n\u0120Barn ett\nonom - ous\nUn ion\n\u0120preced ence\n\u0120Scholars hip\n\u0120U X\n\u0120roll - out\n\u0120bo on\nal m\n\u0120Can ter\n\xE6 \xB5\n\u0120round ing\n\u0120cl - ad\n\u0120v ap\n\u0120F eatured\nis ations\n\u01205 40\npol ice\n\u0120unsett - ling\n\u0120dr ifting\n\u0120Lum ia\n\u0120Obama Care\n\u0120F avor\nHy per\n\u0120Roth - schild\n\u0120Mil iband\nan aly\n\u0120Jul iet\nH u\n\u0120rec alling\na head\n69 - 6\n\u0120unf avorable\n\u0120d ances\nO x\n\u0120leg ality\n\u012040 3\nrom - ancer\n\u0120inqu ire\n\u0120M oves\n\\ \">\n\u0120Vari ant\n\u0120Mess iah\n\u0120L - CS\n\u0120Bah \xC3\xA1\n75 6\n\u0120eyeb row\n\u0120\xC2 \xA5\n\u0120Mc F\n\u0120Fort - y\nM as\n\u0120pan icked\n\u0120transform ations\nq q\n\u0120rev olves\nring - e\n\u0120A i\nax e\n\u0120on ward\n\u0120C FR\n\u0120B are\nlog in\n\u0120liqu - ids\n\u0120de comp\nsecond ary\nil an\n\u0120Con vert\nami ya\n\u0120prosecut - ing\n\u0120\xE2\u012B \xA1\n\u0120York ers\n\u0120Byr ne\nsl ow\naw ei\nJ - ean\n\u012026 9\n\u0120Sky dragon\n\u0120 \xC3\xA9\n\u0120Nicarag ua\n\u0120Huck - abee\n\u0120High ly\n\u0120amph ib\n\u0120Past or\n\u0120L ets\n\u0120bl urred\n\u0120visc - eral\n\u0120C BO\n\u0120collabor ated\nz ig\nLeg al\n\u0120apart heid\n\u0120br - id\n\u0120pres et\n\u0120D ET\n\u0120AM A\n\xD7 \u0136\narch ing\nauc uses\nbuild - er\n\u0120po etic\n\u0120em ulator\n\u0120Mole cular\n\u0120hon oring\nise - um\n\u0120tract or\n\u0120Cl uster\n\u0120Cal m\nared evil\n\u0120sidew alks\n\u0120viol - in\n\u0120general ized\n\u0120Ale c\n\u0120emb argo\n\u0120fast ball\n\u0120HT - TPS\n\u0120L ack\n\u0120Ch ill\nri ver\nC hel\n\u0120Sw arm\n\u0120Lev ine\nro - ying\nL aunch\n\u0120kick er\n\u0120add itive\n\u0120De als\nW idget\ncont - aining\n\u0120escal ate\n\u0120OP EN\n\u0120twe aked\n\u0120st ash\n\u0120sp - arks\n\u0120Es sex\n\u0120E cc\n\u0120conv ict\n\u0120blog ging\nI ER\n\u0120H - L\n\u0120murd erers\n75 9\n\u0120H ib\n\u0120de pl\n\u0120J ord\nS ac\n\u0120dis - sect\n\u0120How e\nos her\n\u0120custom izable\n\u0120Fran z\n\u0120at ro\n\xC4 - \u0129\n\u0120000 4\n\u0120out post\nR oss\n\u0120glyph osate\n\u0120Hast - ings\n\u0120BE FORE\n\u0120sh ove\no pped\n\u0120Sc ala\n\u0120am ulet\nan - ian\n\u0120exacerb ated\n\u0120e ater\n47 1\nUM E\n\u0120pul p\nizont al\n\u0120Z - am\n\u0120AT I\nimm une\naby tes\n\u0120unnecess arily\n\u0120C AT\n\u0120Ax - is\n\u0120visual ize\n\xC3 \u012B\n\u0120Rad ical\nf m\nDoc uments\n\u0120For - rest\n\u0120context ual\n\u0120Sy mbol\n\u0120tent ative\n\u0120DO ES\n\u0120Good - s\n\u0120intermitt ent\n} :\nmedi ated\n\u0120ridic ule\n\u0120athe ism\n\u0120path - ogens\n\u0120M um\n\u0120re introdu\n\u012030 7\ni HUD\n\u0120flash light\n\u0120sw - earing\n\u0120p engu\nB u\n\u0120rot ated\n\u0120Cr ane\n\u0120() );\n\u0120fashion - able\n\u0120endors ing\n46 3\n) [\n\u0120ingest ion\n\u0120cook s\n\u01209 - 50\not omy\n\u0120Im am\n\u0120k a\n\u0120te aser\n\u0120Ghost s\n\u0120\xE3\u0124 - \xB5\n19 69\n\xCF \u0125\nub by\n\u0120conver ter\nzan ne\nend e\n\u0120Pre - par\n\u0120Nic kel\n\u0120Chim era\nh im\n\u0120Tyr ann\n\u0120Sabb ath\n\u0120Nich - ols\n\u0120ra pt\nih ar\n\u0120she lling\n\u0120illum inate\n\u0120dent ist\nut - or\n\u0120Integ ration\n\u0120wh ims\n\u0120Liter ary\nBe aut\n\u0120p archment\nag - ara\nBr and\n\u0120der og\n\xE2\u0122\xA6 )\n\u0120Nor se\n\u0120unw itting\n\u0120c - uc\n\u0120border line\n\u0120upset ting\n\u0120rec ourse\n\u0120d raped\n\u0120Rad - ar\n\u0120cold er\n\u0120Pep si\nim inary\n], [\n65 8\nV i\n\u0120F rem\n\u0120P - es\n\u0120veter inary\n\u0120T ED\n\u0120Ep idem\nn ova\nk id\n\u0120dev out\no - ct\nj ad\nM oh\n\u0120P AY\n\u0120ge ometric\n\u01203 23\n\u0120circum ference\nich - ick\n19 75\n\u0120Y uri\n\u0120Sh all\n\u0120H over\nun in\nS pr\n\u0120g - raft\n\u0120Happ iness\n\u0120disadvant ages\natt acks\n\u0120hub s\n\u0120Star - Craft\n\xE9 \u0138\n\u0120gall eries\n\u0120Kor ra\n\u0120grocer ies\n\u0120Gors - uch\n\u0120rap ists\n\u0120fun gi\n\u0120Typh oon\nV ector\n\u0120Em press\nb - attle\n4 68\n\u0120paras ite\n\u0120Bom ber\nS G\nex ist\n\u0120P f\n\u0120un - se\n\u0120surge ons\nB irth\n\u0120Un sure\n\u0120Print ed\n\u0120Behavior - al\n\u0120A ster\nPak istan\n\u0120un ethical\n\u0120s v\n\u0120Io T\n\u0120lay - outs\nP ain\n\u0120const ants\n\u0120L W\n\u0120B ake\n\u0120tow els\n\u0120deterior - ation\n\u0120Bol ivia\n\u0120blind ed\n\u0120W arden\n\u0120Mist ress\n\u0120on - stage\n\u0120cl ans\n\u0120B EST\n19 60\n\u0120ant ique\n\u0120rhet orical\n\u0120Per - cy\n\u0120Rw anda\n, .\nB ruce\n\u0120tra umat\n\u0120Parliament ary\n\u0120foot - note\nid ia\n\u0120Lear ned\nse eking\ngen ic\n\u0120dim ensional\nH ide\n\xE8\u0122 - \u0127\n\u0120intrig ue\nin se\n\u0120le ases\n\u0120app rentices\nw ashing\n\u012019 - 26\nV ILLE\n\u0120sw oop\ns cl\n\u0120bed rooms\non ics\n\u0120Cr unch\ncomp - atible\n\u0120incap ac\n\u0120Yemen i\nash tra\nz hou\nd anger\n\u0120manifest - ations\n\u0120Dem ons\nAA F\nSecret ary\nACT ED\nL OD\n\u0120am y\nra per\neth - nic\n4 17\n\u0120pos itives\n\u012027 3\n\u0120Refuge es\n\u0120us b\n\u0120V - ald\nodd y\n\u0120Mahm oud\nAs ia\n\u0120skull s\n\u0120Ex odus\n\u0120Comp - et\n\u0120L IC\n\u0120M ansion\n\u0120A me\n\u0120consolid ate\nstorm s\nont - ent\n99 6\n\u0120cl en\n\u0120m ummy\nfl at\n75 8\n\u0120V OL\noter ic\nn - en\n\u0120Min ute\nS ov\n\u0120fin er\nR h\nly cer\n\u0120reinforce ments\n\u0120Johann - es\n\u0120Gall agher\n\u0120gym n\nS uddenly\n\u0120ext ortion\nk r\ni ator\nT - a\n\u0120hippocamp us\nN PR\n\u0120Comput ing\n\u0120square ly\n\u0120mod - elling\n\u0120For ums\n\u0120L isp\n\u0120Krish na\n\u01203 24\n\u0120r ushes\n\u0120ens - ued\n\u0120cre eping\non te\nn ai\nil ater\n\u0120Horn ets\n\u0120ob livious\nIN - ST\n55 9\n\u0120jeopard y\n\u0120distingu ishing\nj ured\n\u0120beg s\nsim - ilar\nph ot\n5 30\n\u0120Park way\n\u0120s inks\n\u0120Hearth stone\nib ur\n\u0120Bat - on\nAv oid\n\u0120d ancer\n\u0120mag istrate\nary n\n\u0120disturb ances\n\u0120Rom - ero\n\u0120par aph\n\u0120mis chief\n\xE2\u0138 \u0135\n\u0120Sh aria\n\u0120ur - inary\nr oute\niv as\nf itted\n\u0120eject ed\n\u0120Al buquerque\n\u01204 - 70\n\u0120irrit ated\n\u0120Z ip\n\u0120B iol\n\xC3 \u012F\n\u0120den ounce\n\u0120bin - aries\n\u0120Ver se\n\u0120opp os\n\u0120Kend rick\n\u0120G PL\n\u0120sp ew\n\u0120El - ijah\n\u0120E as\n\u0120dr ifted\nso far\n\u0120annoy ance\n\u0120B ET\n47 - 4\n\u0120St rongh\nit ates\n\u0120Cogn itive\noph one\n\u0120Ident ification\nocr - ine\nconnect ion\n\u0120box er\n\u0120AS D\n\u0120Are as\nY ang\nt ch\null - ah\n\u0120dece ive\nComb at\nep isode\ncre te\nW itness\n\u0120condol ences\nht - ar\n\u0120he als\n\u0120buck ets\n\u0120LA W\nB lu\n\u0120sl ab\n\u0120OR - DER\noc l\natt on\n\u0120Steven son\n\u0120G inger\n\u0120Friend ly\n\u0120Vander - bilt\nsp irit\nig l\n\u0120Reg arding\n\u0120PR OG\n\u0120se aling\nstart - ing\n\u0120card inal\n\u0120V ec\n\u0120Be ir\n\u0120millisec onds\nwe ak\nper - se\n\u0120ster ile\n\u0120Cont emporary\n\u0120Ph ant\n\u0120Cl o\n\u0120out - p\n\u0120ex iled\n\u012027 7\n\u0120self ie\n\u0120man ic\n\u0120n ano\nter - ms\nAlex ander\n\u0120res olves\n\u0120millenn ia\n\u0120expl odes\n\u0120const - ellation\n\u0120adul tery\nm otion\nD OC\n\u0120broad casters\n\u0120kinderg - arten\n\u0120May weather\n\u0120E co\nich o\n\u012028 7\nl aun\n\u0120m ute\n\u0120disc - reet\n\u0120pres chool\n\u0120pre empt\nDe lete\n\u0120Fre ed\nP i\nH K\n\u0120block - er\n\u0120C umber\n\u0120w rought\nd ating\n\u0120ins urer\n\u0120quot as\n\u0120pre - ached\n\u0120ev iction\n\u0120Reg ina\n\u0120P ens\n\u0120sevent een\n\u0120N - ass\nD ick\n\u0120fold s\n\u0120d otted\n\u0120A ad\nUn iversal\n\u0120p izz\n\u0120G - uru\n\u0120so ils\n\u0120no vice\n\u0120Ne ander\n\u0120st ool\n\u0120deton - ated\n\u0120Pik achu\n\u0120Mass ive\nIV ER\n\u0120Ab del\n\u0120subdu ed\n\u0120tall - est\n\u0120prec arious\n\u0120a y\nr ification\n\u0120Ob j\nc ale\n\u0120un - question\ncul osis\nad as\nigr ated\nD ays\n\u0120que ens\n\u0120Gaz ette\n\u0120Col - our\n\u0120Bow man\n\u0120J J\n\xC3\xAF ve\n\u0120domin ates\nStud ent\n\u0120m - u\n\u0120back log\n\u0120Elect ro\nTr uth\n48 3\n\u0120cond ensed\nr ules\n\u0120Cons - piracy\n\u0120acron ym\nhand led\n\u0120Mat te\nj ri\n\u0120Imp ossible\nl - ude\ncre ation\n\u0120war med\n\u0120Sl ave\n\u0120mis led\n\u0120fer ment\n\u0120K - ah\nink i\nke leton\ncy l\n\u0120Kar in\nHun ter\nReg ister\n\u0120Sur rey\n\u0120st - ares\n\u0120W idth\n\u0120N ay\n\u0120Sk i\n\u0120black list\nuck et\n\u0120exp - ulsion\nim et\n\u0120ret weet\nvant age\nFe ature\n\u0120tro opers\n\u0120hom - ers\n9 69\n\u0120conting ency\n\u0120W TC\n\u0120Brew er\nfore ign\nW are\nS - olar\n\u0120und ue\nRE C\nulner able\npath ic\n\u0120Bo ise\n\u01203 22\n\u0120arous - ed\n\u0120Y ing\n\xE4\xB8 \u012F\nuel ess\n\u0120p as\n\u0120mor p\n\u0120fl - oral\nEx press\nud ging\nk B\n\u0120Gr anted\n\xD8 \xAF\n\u0120Mich a\n\u0120Goth - ic\n\u0120SPEC IAL\n\u0120Ric ardo\nF ran\n\u0120administer ing\n6 20\npor - a\n\u0120\xC2 \xAE\n\u0120comprom ises\n\u0120b itten\nAc cept\nTh irty\n\xD0 - \xB2\n\u0120mater ially\n\u0120Ter r\nig matic\nch ains\n\u0120do ve\nstad - t\nMar vel\nFA ULT\n\u0120wind shield\n\u01203 36\nad ier\n\u0120sw apping\n\u0120flaw - less\n\u0120Pred ator\n\u0120Miche le\n\u0120prop ulsion\n\u0120Psych ic\n\u0120assign - ing\n\u0120fabric ation\n\u0120bar ley\nl ust\n\u0120tow ering\n\u0120alter - cation\n\u0120Bent ley\nSp here\n\u0120tun a\n\u0120Class es\nFre edom\nun - er\nL ady\nv oice\n\u0120cool est\nor r\n\u0120pal p\n$ {\n\u0120hyster ia\n\u0120Met - atron\np ants\n\u0120spawn ing\nExper ts\n\u0120Invest ors\n\u0120An archy\n\u0120shr - unk\n\u0120Vict im\n\u012028 9\n\u0120ec stasy\n\u0120B inding\n58 5\n\u0120Mel - ody\n57 8\not ally\n\u0120E tsy\nlig a\n\u0120applaud ed\n\u0120swe ating\n\u0120redist - ributed\n\u0120pop corn\n\u0120sem inal\nf ur\n\u0120Neuro science\nR and\n\u0120O - st\n\u0120Madd en\n\u0120Incre asing\n\u0120Daw kins\n\u0120Sub way\n\u0120ar - sen\ncons erv\nB UR\n\u0120sp iked\n\u0120Ly ft\n\u0120Imper ium\n\u0120Drop - box\n\u0120fav oured\n\u0120encomp asses\ngh ost\n\u0120ins pires\n\u0120bur - geoning\n\u0120Y oshi\n\u0120Vert ical\n\u0120Aud itor\n\u0120int ending\n\u0120filib - uster\nBl oom\nf ac\n\u0120Cav s\nign ing\n\u0120cowork ers\n\u0120Barb arian\nrem - ember\nFL AG\n\u0120audit ory\nason ry\nCol lege\n\u0120mut ed\ngem ony\nob - in\n\u0120Psych o\n9 68\n\u0120lav ish\n\u0120hierarch ical\n\u0120Dr one\nou - k\n\u0120cripp led\n\u0120Max im\nSl ot\n\u0120qu iz\n\u0120V id\nif ling\n\u0120archae - ologists\n\u0120abandon ment\nd ial\nle on\n\u0120F as\nT ed\n\u0120r aspberry\n\u0120maneu - vers\n\u0120behavi ours\n\u0120ins ure\n\u0120rem od\nSw itch\nh oe\n\u0120sp - aced\n\u0120afford ability\n\u0120F ern\nnot ation\n\u0120Bal anced\n\u0120occup - ies\nen vironment\n\u0120neck lace\n\u0120sed an\nF U\n\u0120Brav o\n\u0120ab - users\n\u0120An ita\nmet adata\n\u0120G ithub\nait o\n\u0120F aster\n\u0120Wass - erman\n\u0120F lesh\n\u0120th orn\nr arily\n\u0120Mer ry\nw ine\n\u0120popul - ace\n\u0120L ann\n\u0120repair ing\n\u0120psy che\n\u0120mod ulation\naw aru\n\xE2\u0122\u012D - \xE2\u0122\u012D\nari j\n\u0120decor ations\n\u0120apolog ise\n\u0120G arg\napp - ly\n\u0120give away\n\u0120Fl an\n\u0120Wy att\nU ber\n\u0120author ised\n\u0120Mor - al\nHAHA HAHA\nactiv ate\n\u0120torped o\n\u0120F AR\n\u0120am assed\n\u0120A - ram\nark in\n\u0120Vict ims\nst ab\n\u0120o m\n\u0120E CO\n\u0120opio ids\n\u0120purpose - ly\n\u0120V est\n\u0120er g\nat an\n\u0120Sur gery\n\u0120correct ing\n\u0120Ort - iz\n\u0120Be et\n\u0120rev oke\n\u0120fre eway\n\u0120H iggins\nF ail\n\u0120Far - ms\n\u0120AT P\nh ound\n\u0120p oking\n\u0120Commun ists\nmon ster\niment - ary\n\u0120unlock ing\n\u0120unf it\nwe ed\nen ario\nat ical\n\u0120Enlight - enment\n\u0120N G\n\u0120Comp ensation\nde en\n\u0120Wid ow\n\u0120Cind y\n\u0120After - wards\n\u01206 000\nikh ail\nag ically\n\u0120rat ified\n\u0120casual ty\nH - OME\np sey\nf ee\n\u0120spark ling\n\u0120d \xC3\xA9\n\u0120concert ed\nC - atal\n\u0120comp lying\n\u0120A res\n\u0120D ent\nSh ut\n\u0120sk im\nad minist\n\u0120host - ilities\n\u0120G ins\n\u01206 08\n\u0120m uddy\n\u0120Mc Int\n\u0120Dec ay\n5 - 25\n\u0120conspic uous\n\u0120Ex posure\n\u0120resc ind\n\u0120wear able\n\u01203 - 28\nour met\nah s\n\u0120Rob ots\n\u0120e clips\ninst ance\n\u0120RE PORT\n\u0120App - l\n0 30\n\u0120Sk ies\n01 00\n\u0120fall acy\nS ocket\n\u0120Rece iver\n\u0120sol - ves\n\u0120Butter fly\n\u0120Sho pping\n\u0120FI RE\n65 4\nMed ic\n\u0120sing - ers\n\u0120Need less\n'' ''\nisher s\n\u0120D ive\n58 8\n\u0120select ively\n\u0120cl - umsy\n88 9\n\u0120purch aser\near ned\nard y\n\u0120benef iting\neng lish\n\u0120yield - ing\n\u0120P our\n\u0120spin ach\n\u0120del ve\n\u0120C rom\n6 10\n\u0120export - ing\n\u0120MA KE\n\u012026 3\n\u0120g rop\n\u0120env oy\n\u0120Inqu iry\n\u0120Lu - igi\nd ry\n\u0120T uring\nThumbnail Image\n\u0120Var iety\n\u0120fac et\n\u0120fl - uffy\n\u0120excerpt s\n\u0120sh orth\n\u0120Ol sen\nCL UD\n\u0120rel iant\n\u0120UN - C\nT our\n\u0120bat hing\nComp any\n\u0120global ization\nP red\n\u0120Malf - oy\n\u0120h oc\nj am\ncraft ed\n\u0120Bond s\n\u0120Kiss inger\nEng land\n\u0120order - ly\ncat entry\n\u012026 1\n\u0120exch anging\n\u0120Int ent\n\u0120Amend ments\nD - OM\n\u0120st out\n\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142 - \xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\xC2\u0142\n\u0120Air - bus\n\u012027 8\nhy de\nP oll\nItem ThumbnailImage\n\u0120looph oles\n\u0120Pill - ar\n\u0120expl or\nSt retch\nA part\n\u0120un married\nLim it\n\u0120Transform - ers\n\u0120intellect ually\nunct ure\n18 00\n\u0120d arn\nB razil\n\u0120left - over\nber us\nf red\nMine craft\n3 26\n\u0120Form s\n\u0120proof s\n\u0120Des - igned\n\u0120index es\n\u0120Supp ose\nEM S\n\u0120L oving\n\u0120Bon nie\nim - ating\nOT US\n\u0120conduct or\n\u0120behav ed\n\u0120F ren\n\u0120sy nerg\n\u0120millenn - ium\n\u0120cater ing\n\u0120L auder\nW r\n\u0120Y iannopoulos\n\u0120AT F\n\u0120ensl - aved\n\u0120awaken ed\nD VD\n\u0120ED ITION\n\u0120Conc ert\n\u0120Chall enger\n\u0120H - aku\numer ic\n\u0120dep recated\n\u0120SH AR\n4 12\n\u0120dy stop\n\u0120tremb - ling\n\u0120dread ed\n\u0120Sp ac\np adding\nRe pl\n\u0120G arrison\nM ini\n\u0120un - paralleled\nam ar\nURR ENT\nw reck\nc ertain\nt al\n\u0120C LS\napp ings\n\u0120sens - ed\n\u0120f encing\n\u0120Pas o\n\u0120Des k\n\u0120sc off\n\u0120contem plate\n\u0120L - iga\nl iquid\n75 7\n\u0120app rentice\n\u0120UCH IJ\n5 70\n\u0120Th ousand\n\u0120Ill - um\n\u0120champion ed\n\xE3\u0124 \u012E\n\u0120elect ors\n\u01203 98\n\u0120H - ancock\nround ed\n\u0120J OHN\n\u0120uns atisf\n\u0120qual ifier\n\u0120Gad - get\nEN E\n\u0120dead liest\n\u0120Pl ants\n\u0120 ions\n\u0120acc ents\n\u0120twe - aking\n\u0120sh aved\nF REE\n\u0120Ch aser\nAgain st\n9 60\n\u0120meth amphetamine\n\u0120normal - ized\n\u0120$ \\\n\u0120Pre cision\n\u0120Gu am\n\u0120ch oked\n\u0120X II\n\u0120Cast - ing\nTor rent\n\u0120scal p\n\u0120Jagu ar\nw it\n\u0120sem ic\nix ie\n\u0120G - ould\n\u0120conf ines\nN usra\n\u0120L on\n\u0120J ugg\ny cle\n\u0120Cod ec\nE - gypt\n\u0120rest rain\n\u0120Al iens\n\u0120ch oking\n\u0120D unk\n\u0120Bell - a\nab c\n\u0120sl ang\n\u0120neuro trans\ns av\n\u0120empower ment\n\xE2 \u0128\u0134\n\u0120clim - bers\n\u0120M im\n\u0120F ra\nros se\nCap ital\n\u0120Cth ulhu\nInter face\n\u0120prof - icient\n\u0120IN TO\n\u01203 18\nront al\n5 80\n\u0120Des pair\nK enn\n\u0120scrim - mage\n\u0120Co at\nas ions\n\u0120wall paper\n\u0120J ol\n\u0120resurg ence\n\u0120ant - iv\n\u0120B alls\n\xB2 \xBE\n\u0120buff ers\n\u0120sub system\n\u0120St ellar\n\u0120L - ung\nA IDS\n\u0120erad icate\n\u0120blat antly\n\u0120behav es\n\u0120N un\n\u0120ant - ics\nex port\nDE V\nw b\n\u0120ph p\n\u0120Integ rity\n\u0120explore r\n\u0120rev - olving\nauth ored\ng ans\n\u0120bas k\n\u0120as ynchronous\n\xE5 \u012F\nTH - ING\n69 8\nG ene\n\u0120R acer\n\u0120N ico\niss ued\n\u0120ser mon\np ossibly\n\u0120size - of\n\u0120entrepreneur ial\nox in\n\u0120Min erva\n\u0120pl atoon\nn os\nri - ks\nA UT\n\u0120Aval anche\n\u0120Des c\n\u0133 \xE5\xA3\xAB\n\u0120P oc\n\u0120conf - erred\n\xCE \xBB\n\u0120pat ched\nF BI\n66 2\n\u0120fract ures\n\u0120detect - s\n\u0120ded icate\n\u0120constitu ent\n\u0120cos mos\nW T\n\u0120swe ats\n\u0120spr - ung\nb ara\ns olid\n\u0120uns us\n\u0120bul ky\n\u0120Philipp e\n\u0120Fen - rir\n\u0120therap ists\nore al\n^^ ^^\n\u0120total ed\n\u0120boo ze\n\u0120R - PC\nProsecut ors\n\u0120dis eng\n\u0120Sh ared\n\u0120motor cycles\n\u0120invent - ions\n\u0120lett uce\n\u0120Mer ge\n\u0120J C\n\u0120spiritual ity\n\u0120WAR - NING\n\u0120unl ucky\n\u0120T ess\n\u0120tong ues\n\u0120D UI\nT umblr\n\u0120le - ans\n\u0120inv aders\n\u0120can opy\n\u0120Hur ricanes\n\u0120B ret\n\u0120AP - PLIC\nid ine\nick le\nReg arding\n\u0120ve ggies\n\u0120e jac\nju ven\nF ish\nD - EM\n\u0120D ino\nTh row\n\u0120Check ing\nbe ard\n( &\n\u0120j ails\n\u0120h - r\ntrans fer\niv ating\n\u0120fle ets\n\u0120Im ag\n\u0120Mc Donnell\n\u0120snipp - et\nIs a\n\u0120Ch att\n\u0120St ain\n\u0120Set FontSize\n\u0120O y\n\u0120Mathemat - ics\n49 4\n\u0120electro ly\n\u0120G ott\n\u0120Br as\nB OOK\n\u0120F inger\nd - ump\n\u0120mut ants\n\u0120rent als\n\u0120inter tw\n\u0120c reek\nail a\nBro - ther\n\u0120Disc ord\npe e\nraw ler\n\u0120car p\n\u012027 9\n\xE3\u0124\xB7 - \xE3\u0125\xA3\nrel ations\n\u0120contr asts\nCol umn\n\u0120rec onnaissance\n\u0120un - know\n\u0120l ooting\n\u0120regul ates\n\u0120opt imum\n\u0120Chero kee\n\u0120A - ry\nLat est\n\u0120road side\n\u0120d anced\n\u0120Unic orn\nA cknowled\n\u0120uncont - roll\n\u0120M US\nat io\nch ance\nha ven\nVAL UE\n\u0120favour ites\n\u0120ceremon - ial\nb inary\npe ed\nwood s\nEM P\n\u0120v ascular\n\u0120contempl ated\n\u0120bar - ren\n\u0120L IST\nY ellow\nospons ors\n\u0120whisk y\n\u0120M amm\n\u0120DeV - os\nmin imum\nH ung\n44 2\nP ic\n\u0120Snap dragon\n77 6\n\u0120car ving\n\u0120und - ecided\n\u0120advantage ous\n\u0120pal ms\n\u0120A Q\n\u0120st arch\nL oop\n\u0120padd - le\n\u0120fl aming\n\u0120Hor izons\nAn imation\nbo ost\n\u0120prob abilities\n\u0120M - ish\n\u0120ex odus\n\u0120Editor ial\n\u0120fung us\n\u0120dissent ing\n\u0120Del - icious\nrog ram\n\u0120D yn\nd isk\nt om\n\u0120fab rics\n\u0120C ove\n\u0120B - ans\n\u0120soft en\n\u0120CON S\n\u0120in eligible\n\u0120estim ating\n\u0120Lex - ington\npract ice\nof i\n\u0120she dding\n\u0120N ope\n\u0120breat hed\n\u0120Corinth - ians\ny ne\nek i\nB ull\n\u0120att aching\nreens hots\n\u0120analy se\n\u0120K - appa\n\u0120uns ustainable\n\u0120inter pol\nank y\nhe mer\n\u0120prot agonists\n\u0120form - atted\n\u0120Bry ce\n\u0120Ach illes\n\u0120Ab edin\nsh ock\n\u0120b um\nb - os\nqu a\n\u0120W arn\nq t\n\u0120Di abetes\n8 64\n\u0120In visible\n\u0120van - ish\n\u0120trans mitting\n\u0120mur ky\n\u0120Fe i\n\u0120awa ited\n\u0120Jur - assic\numm ies\n\u0120men acing\ng all\nC ath\nB uilt\nild o\n\u0120V otes\n\u0120on - t\n\u0120mun itions\n\u0120Fre em\n\xC3\u0143 n\n\u0120dec ency\nlo pp\nie - ved\n\u0120G ord\n\u0120un thinkable\n\u0120News week\n\u01203 21\nHe at\n\u0120present - er\nji ang\n\u0120pl ank\n\u0120Aval on\n\u0120ben z\n\u0120R out\n\u0120slam - ming\n\u0120D ai\nou ter\n\u0120Cook ie\n\u0120Alic ia\nge y\n\u0120van ity\n\u0120ow - l\n\xE1 \xB5\nt ested\n\u0120Aw akens\n\u0120can v\n\u0120blind ly\n\u0120Rid - ley\n\u0120Em ails\nRequ ires\n\u0120Ser bian\nograp hed\nif rame\neter ia\n\u0120altern - ating\nqu iet\n\u0120soc iology\n\u0120Un lock\n\u0120Commun ism\n\u0120o - ps\n\u0120att ribution\n\u0120ab duction\n\u0120Ab ram\n\u0120sidel ined\n\u0120B - OOK\n\u0120ref ining\n\u0120Fe eling\n\u0120Os lo\n\u0120Pru itt\nr ack\nang - ible\n\u0120caut iously\n\u0120M ARK\need s\nM ouse\n\u0120Step h\n\u0120P - air\nS ab\n99 7\n\u0120Ba al\nB ec\n\u0120comm a\n\u0120P all\n\u0120G ael\n\u0120misunder - stand\n\u0120P esh\nOrder able\n\u0120dis mal\n\u0120Sh iny\n% \"\n\u0120real - istically\n\u0120pat io\n\u0120G w\n\u0120Virt ue\n\u0120exhaust ing\nwh atever\noph - ys\ny ip\n4 18\nAd just\n\u0120Wa iting\ness on\n\u0120Maz da\n\u0120Do zens\n\u0120stream - lined\n\u0120incompet ence\n\u0120M eth\n\u0120eth os\nON ES\n\u0120incent - iv\n\u0120gr itty\n\u0120But cher\nHead er\n\u0120exp onential\n\xC3 \u0141\n\u0120correl - ate\n\u0120cons ensual\ns ounding\nR ing\nOrig in\n\u0120con clusive\nfe et\nac - ly\n\u0120F ernandez\nBuy able\n\u0120d ucks\naunt lets\n\u0120el ong\n\u012028 - 6\n\u0120sim ul\nG as\n\u0120K irst\n\u0120prot r\n\u0120Rob o\n\u0120Ao E\nop - ol\n\u0120psych ologically\nsp in\nilater ally\n\u0120Con rad\nW ave\n44 1\n\u0120Ad - vertisement\n\u0120Harm on\n\u0120Ori ental\nis Special\n\u0120presum ptive\n\u0120w - il\n\u0120K ier\nne a\n\u0120p pm\n\u0120har bour\n\u0120W ired\ncomp any\n\u0120cor - oner\natur days\n\u0120P roud\n\u0120N EXT\n\u0120Fl ake\nval ued\nce iver\n\u0120fra - ught\n\u0120c asing\n\u0120run away\n\u0120g in\n\u0120Laure nt\n\u0120Har - lem\n\u0120Cur iosity\nqu ished\n\u0120neuro science\n\u0120H ulu\n\u0120borrow - er\n\u0120petition er\n\u0120Co oldown\nW ARD\n\u0120inv oking\nconf idence\nFor - ward\n\u0120st s\npop ulation\nDelivery Date\nFil m\n\u0120C ov\nquick Ship\nquickShip - Available\nprim ary\nisSpecial Orderable\ninventory Quantity\nchannel Availability\nBO - X\n\u0120Multi player\n\u0120Jen ner\n77 8\n\u0120M d\n\u0120~ /.\nM N\n\u0120child - ish\n\u0120antioxid ant\n\u0120Chrom ebook\n\u012027 4\n\u0120screen play\n\u0120advent - urous\n\u0120Relations hip\nrespons ive\nming ton\n\u0120corner stone\n\u0120F - ey\nF IR\n\u0120rook ies\n\u0120F eaturing\n\u0120orig inate\n\u0120electro - des\nant es\n\u0120script ures\n\u0120gl ued\n\u0120discont ent\n\u0120aff - licted\nlay out\nB rave\n\u0120m osa\n\u0120Quant ity\n\u0120H ik\nw inner\nH - ours\n\u0120ent ail\n\u0120Cell s\nolog ue\n\u0120v il\n\u0120pre acher\n\u0120decor - ative\nd ifferent\n\u0120prejud ices\n\u0120Sm oking\n\u0120Notting ham\nso - Type\n\u0120rhyth ms\n\u0120Al ph\nbl ast\nSte el\n\u0120Daniel le\n\u0120str - ife\n\u0120rem atch\nso DeliveryDate\n\u0120F ork\nt rip\nol ulu\nhes es\nC - G\n\u0120POLIT ICO\nost a\n\u0120Dr ift\n\xE9\xBE\u012F\xE5 \xA5\n\xE9\xBE\u012F\xE5\xA5 - \u0133\xE5\xA3\xAB\n\u0120vet ting\n\u0120Jin ping\n\u0120Rec ession\nMin - or\n\u0120F raud\nenf ranch\n\u0120conven ed\n\u0120NA ACP\n\u0120Mill ions\n\u0120Farm - ing\n\u0120W oo\n\u0120Fl are\nrit o\nimm igrant\n\u0120vac ancy\n\u0120HE - AD\n\u0120V aj\neg al\n\u0120V igil\nStud y\n\u0120ru ining\n\u0120r acks\n\u0120he - ater\n\u0120Rand olph\n\u0120Br ush\n\u0120T ir\n\xD8 \xA8\n\u0120c ov\n% - ]\n\u0120recount s\n\u0120O PT\n\u0120M elt\n\u0120tr uce\n\u0120cas inos\n\u0120crus - ade\n\u0120carn age\n\u0120stri pe\n\u0120K yl\nText ures\n\u01206 98\n\u0120pro - clamation\n\u0120good ies\n\u0120........ ..\npro claimed\nP olit\n\u0120top - ical\n\u0120special ize\n\u0120A min\ng m\n\u0120anch ored\n\u0120bear ings\ns - ample\n\u0120High land\n\u0120Aut ism\n\u0120merc enary\n\u0120interview er\nL - ER\n\u0120Som ers\n\u0120embry o\n\u0120Ass y\n\u012028 1\n\u0120Ed iting\n\u0120Ch - osen\n6 60\n\u0120p ci\n\u0120Thunder bolt\nBI LL\n\u0120chuck led\njri wal\nh - of\n\u0120earth ly\n() {\nind ependence\n\u0120disp ers\n\u0120V endor\n\u0120G - areth\n\u0120p als\nP enn\n\u0120Sub mit\nic um\nTh u\n\u0120cl andestine\n\u0120cann - ibal\n\u0120Cl erk\nE Stream\ngal itarian\n\xE2\u013B \xA5\ng ew\n\u0120hor - rend\n\u0120L ov\n\u0120Re action\nocr in\nClass ic\n\u0120echo ing\n\u0120discl - osing\n\u0120Ins ight\nog un\n\u0120Inc arn\nupload s\npp erc\nguy en\n\u012019 - 01\n\u0120B ars\n68 7\n\u0120b ribes\n\u0120Fres no\nur at\n\u0120Re ese\n\u0120intr - usive\n\u0120gri pping\n\u0120Blue print\n\u0120R asm\nun ia\nman aged\n\u0120Heb - do\n\u01203 45\n\u0120dec oding\n\u0120po ets\n\u0120j aws\n\u0120F IGHT\nam - eless\n\u0120Mead ows\n\u0120Har baugh\nInter view\n\u0120H osp\n\u0120B RA\n\u0120delet - ion\nm ob\nW alker\n\u0120Moon light\n\u0120J ed\n\u0120Soph ia\n\u0120us - ur\n\u0120fortun ately\n\u0120Put ting\n\u0120F old\n\u0120san itation\n\u0120part - isans\nIS ON\nB ow\n\u0120CON C\n\u0120Red uced\n\u0120S utton\n\u0120touch - screen\n\u0120embry os\n\xE2\u0122\xA2\xE2\u0122\xA2 \xE2\u0122\xA2\xE2\u0122\xA2\n\u0120K - rug\ncom bat\n\u0120Pet roleum\n\u0120am d\n\u0120Cos mos\n\u0120presc ribing\n\u0120conform - ity\nours es\n\u0120plent iful\n\u0120dis illusion\n\u0120Ec ology\nitt al\n\u0120f - anc\n\u0120assass inated\nregn ancy\n\u0120perenn ial\n\u0120Bul lets\n\u0120st - ale\n\u0120c ached\n\u0120Jud ith\n\u0120Dise ases\nAll en\n\u0120l as\n\u0120sh - ards\n\u0120Su arez\n\u0120Friend ship\ninter face\n\u0120Supp orters\nadd - ons\n46 2\n\u0120Im ran\n\u0120W im\n\u0120new found\n\u0120M b\nAn imal\n\u0120d - arling\nand e\n\u0120rh y\n\u0120Tw isted\npos al\nyn ski\nVar ious\n\xD7 - \u013E\n\u0120K iw\nuy omi\n\u0120well being\n\u0120L au\nan os\n\u0120unm - ist\n\u0120mac OS\n\u0120rest room\n\u0120Ol iv\n\u0120Air ways\n\u0120timet - able\n9 80\n\u0120rad ios\nv oy\nias co\n\u0120cloud y\n\u0120Draw ing\nAny - thing\nSy ria\n\u0120H ert\nst aking\n\u0120un checked\n\u0120b razen\n\u0120N - RS\n69 7\nonom ic\nest ablish\n\u0120l eng\n\u0120di agonal\n\u0120F ior\nL - air\n\u0120St ard\n\u0120def icient\njo ining\nbe am\n\u0120omn ip\n\u0120bl - ender\n\u0120sun rise\nMo ore\n\u0120F ault\n\u0120Cost ume\n\u0120M ub\nFl - ags\nan se\n\u0120pay out\n\u0120Govern ors\n\u0120D illon\n\u0120Ban ana\nN - ar\n\u0120tra iled\n\u0120imperial ist\num ann\nats uki\n4 35\n\u0120Road - s\n\u0120sl ur\n\u0120Ide ally\n\u0120t renches\nC trl\n\u0120mir rored\n\u0120Z - el\n\u0120C rest\nComp at\n\u0120Roll s\nsc rib\n\u0120Tra ils\nomet ers\nw - inter\n\u0120imm ortality\nil ated\n\u0120contrad icts\nun iversal\nill ions\n\u0120M - ama\nopt im\nAT URE\n\u0120ge o\net ter\n\u0120Car lo\n4 24\n\u0120canon ical\n\u0120Strongh - old\nn ear\n\u0120perf ume\n\u0120orche stra\nod iac\n\u0120up he\n\u0120reign - ing\nvers ive\n\u0120c aucuses\n\u0120D EM\n\u0120insult ed\n\u0120---- --\n\u0120Cr - ush\n\u0120root ing\n\u0120Wra ith\n\u0120wh ore\n\u0120to fu\nC md\n\u0120B - ree\n\u0120$ _\n\u0120r ive\n\u0120Ad vertising\n\u0120w att\n\u0120H O\n\u0120persu - asive\n\u0120Param eters\n\u0120observ ational\n\u0120N CT\n\u0120Mo j\n\u0120Sal - on\n\u0120tr unc\n\u0120exqu isite\n\u0120Mar a\n\u0120po op\n\u0120AN N\nEx - c\n\u0120Wonder ful\n\u0120T aco\n\u0120home owner\n\u0120Smith sonian\norpor - ated\nmm mm\n\u0120lo af\n\u0120Yam ato\n\u0120Ind o\n\u0120cl inging\n\xC3\xA1 - s\n\u0120imm utable\nh ub\nOr ange\n\u0120fingert ips\n\u0120Wood en\n\u0120K - idd\n\u0120J PM\n\u0120Dam n\nC ow\nc odes\n48 2\n\u0120initi ating\n\u0120El - k\n\u0120Cut ting\n\u0120absent ee\n\u0120V ance\n\u0120Lil ith\nG UI\n\u0120obsc - ured\n\u0120dwar ves\n\u0120Ch op\n\u0120B oko\nVal ues\n\u0120mult imedia\n\u0120brew - ed\nReg ular\nCRIP TION\n\u0120Mort al\n\u0120a pex\n\u0120travel er\n\u0120bo - ils\n\u0120spray ing\nRep resent\n\u0120Stars hip\n4 28\n\u0120disappro val\n\u0120shadow - y\n\u0120lament ed\n\u0120Re place\n\u0120Fran \xC3\xA7\n67 7\nd or\n\u0120unst - oppable\n\u0120coh orts\ngy n\n\u0120Class ics\n\u0120Am ph\n\u0120sl uggish\n\u0120Add - iction\n\u0120Pad res\n\u0120ins cription\n\u0120in human\nmin us\n\u0120Jere - miah\nat ars\nTer ror\n\u0120T os\n\u0120Sh arma\nast a\nc atch\n\u0120pl - umbing\n\u0120Tim bers\nSh ar\nH al\n\u0120O sc\n\u0120cou pling\nhum ans\n\u0120sp - onge\n\u0120id ols\n\u0120Sp a\n\u0120Adv ocate\n\u0120Be ats\nlu a\n\u0120tick - ing\n\u0120load er\n\u0120G ron\n8 10\n\u0120stim ulated\n\u0120side bar\n\u0120Manufact - urer\nore And\n19 73\n\u0120pra ises\n\u0120Fl ores\ndis able\n\u0120Elect - rical\nra ise\nE th\n\u0120migr ated\n\u0120lect urer\nK ids\n\u0120Ca vern\n\u0120k - ettle\n\u0120gly c\n\u0120Mand ela\n\u0120F ully\n\xE5\xA7 \xAB\nFIN EST\n\u0120squee - zing\n\u0120Ry der\namp oo\noreAnd Online\nInst oreAndOnline\nBuyable InstoreAndOnline\n\u0120commem - orate\n\u0120Ramp age\nAust in\n\u0120Sh roud\n\u0120Ru ins\n9 15\n\u0120K - H\n\u0120water front\n\u0120E SC\nb aby\n\u0120C out\n\u0120Em blem\n\u0120equival - ents\n49 2\nUn ique\n\u0120Niet zsche\nbrow ser\n\u0120im itation\n\u0120Were - wolf\n\u0120Kir in\nac as\n' ,\"\n\u0120\xC3 \xBE\nReview ed\n\u0120c unt\n\u0120vo - ic\n\u0120Len ovo\n\u0120bond ed\n48 1\n\u0120inhib itors\n\u0120endeav ors\n\u0120Hav - ana\n\u0120St out\n\u0120J olly\nA ctor\n*/ (\n\u0120occur rences\n\u0120T - ens\nIncre ased\n\u0120ACT ION\n\u0120 \xE3\u0122\u012E\n\u0120Rank ings\n\u0120B - reat\n\u012030 9\nD ou\n\u0120impact ing\n\u0120Duc hess\npre fix\nQ B\n\u0120summon - ing\n\u0120best owed\n\u0120Ke pler\n\u0120POW ER\nc ube\n\u0120K its\n\u0120G - rip\n\u0120op ium\n\u0120rep utable\nt oc\nich ael\n\u0120R ipple\n\u0120caf - \xC3\xA9\n\u0120Z oom\n\u0120Bur ma\n\u0120wa ive\n\u0120st alls\n\u0120dem - eanor\ninc erity\n\u0120fluor ide\n\u0120SH OULD\nPar is\n\u0120long ing\n\u0120pl - at\n\u0120gross ly\n\u0120bull s\n\u0120showc asing\nex pected\n\u0120G addafi\nengine - ering\nRe peat\n\u0120K ut\n\u0120conce ivable\n\u0120trim med\nosc ope\n\u0120Cand - idate\n\u0120T ears\nrol og\nLew is\nS UP\n\u0120road map\n\u0120sal iva\n\u0120trump - et\nJim my\n\u0120mirac ulous\n\u0120colon ization\n\u0120am put\n\u0120GN - OME\nate ch\nD ifferent\n\u0120E LE\n\u0120Govern ments\n\u0120A head\n\xE3\u0127\u012D - \xE3\u0127\u012D\nword press\nL IB\n\u0120In clude\n\u0120Dor othy\n0 45\n\u0120Colomb - ian\n\u0120le ased\n88 4\n\u0120de grading\n\u0120Da isy\ni ations\n\u0120bapt - ized\n\u0120surn ame\nco x\n\u0120blink ed\n\xE3\u0125 \xA2\n\u0120poll en\n\u0120der - mat\n\u0120re gex\n\u0120Nich olson\n\u0120E ater\n\xE7 \u013E\nrad or\n\u0120narrow - er\n\u0120hur ricanes\n\u0120halluc inations\nr idden\nISS ION\n\u0120Fire - fly\n\u0120attain ment\n\u0120nom inate\n\u0120av ocado\n\u0120M eredith\n\u0120t - s\n\u0120reve rence\n\u0120e uph\n\u0120cr ates\n\u0120T EXT\n\u01204 43\n\u01203 - 19\nJ SON\niqu ette\n\u0120short stop\nic key\n\u0120pro pelled\n\u0120ap - i\n\u0120Th ieves\n77 9\n\u0120overs aw\n\u0120col i\n\u0120Nic ola\n\u0120over - cl\nik awa\n\u0120C yr\n\u012038 4\n78 9\n\u0120All ows\n10 27\nDet roit\nTR - Y\nset up\n\u0120Social ism\nSov iet\ns usp\n\u0120AP R\n\u0120Shut down\n\u0120al - uminium\nzb ek\n\u0120L over\nGGGG GGGG\n\u0120democr acies\n\u012019 08\n\u0120Mer - rill\n\u0120Franco is\ngd ala\n\u0120traff ickers\n\u0120T il\n\u0120Go at\n\u0120sp - ed\n\u0120Res erv\n\u0120pro d\n55 2\n\u0120c ac\n\u0120Un iv\n\u0120Sch we\n\u0120sw - irling\n\u0120Wild erness\n\u0120Egg s\n\u0120sadd ened\n\u0120arch aic\nH - yd\n\u0120excess ively\nB RE\n\u0120aer ospace\n\u0120Vo ices\nCra ig\n\u0120ign - ited\nIn itially\n\u0120Mc A\n\u0120hand set\n\u0120reform ing\n\u0120frust - rations\n\u0120Dead pool\n\u0120Bel ichick\nract or\n\u0120Ragnar ok\n\u0120D - rupal\n\u0120App roximately\n19 20\n\u0120Hub ble\narm or\n\u0120Sar as\n\u0120Jon - as\n\u0120nostalg ic\n\u0120feas ibility\nSah aran\n\u0120orb iting\n\u01209 - 70\nR u\n\u0120sh in\n\u0120Investig ators\n\u0120inconsist encies\n\u0120P - AN\nB G\n\u0120graz ing\n\u0120detect ors\n\u0120Start up\n\u0120Fun ny\n\u0120Na - omi\nConsider ing\n\u0120h og\nut f\nce mic\n\u0120fort ified\n\u0120Fun ctions\n\u0120cod - ec\nnut rition\nH at\n\" !\nmicro soft\n55 8\n\u0120Th in\n\u0120A CE\nAl - ias\n\u0120O PS\np apers\nP K\n\xE3\u0122 \u0130\n\u0120impro bable\nN orthern\nequ - al\n\u0120look out\n\u0120ty res\n\u0120Mod ified\n\u0120K op\nAbs olutely\n\u0120build - up\nsil ver\n\u0120aud i\n\u0120gro tesque\n\u0120Sab er\n\u0120Pres byter\nON - Y\n\u0120glac iers\n\u0120Sho als\n\u0120K ass\n\u0120H RC\n\u0120Nic ol\n\u0120L - unch\n\u0120F oss\n\xE2\u0138 \u0134\nAD RA\n\u0120One Plus\no ing\nground - s\n\u0120incident al\n\u0120datas ets\n68 9\n\u0120Clarks on\n\u0120assemb - ling\n\u0120Correct ions\n\u0120drink ers\n\u0120qual ifiers\n\u0120le ash\n\u0120unf - ounded\n\u0120H undred\n\u0120kick off\nT i\n\u0120recon cil\n\u0120Gr ants\n\u0120Compl - iance\n\u0120Dexter ity\n\u012019 06\nw arn\nD allas\nMax imum\nn ard\nav - ia\nbe aut\nens itivity\ntr ace\n\u0120pione ers\n\u0120F ract\n\xE3\u0122 - \u0131\n\u0120pre cept\n\u0120gloss y\n\u0120I EEE\nAc ross\n\u01206 80\nS - leep\nche on\n\u0120satir ical\n\u0120Min otaur\n\u0120Cla ude\n\u0120r \xC3\xA9\nape - go\n\u0120car rot\n\u0120Sem in\nino a\n\u0120z o\nInd ependent\n\u0120diagn - oses\n\u0120C ue\nM AR\n\u0120rend ition\n\u0120K ik\n\u0120path ology\n\u0120select - s\nLink edIn\n\u0120ass ay\n\u0120D res\n\u0120text ual\npost ed\nIT AL\n\u0120M - aul\nN eal\n\u0120inter connected\n\u0120err atic\n\u0120Vir us\n\u01205 30\n\u0120environmental - ists\n\u0120P helps\n\u0120eng agements\n\u0120IN ST\n\u0120econom ical\nnox - ious\n\u0120g earing\nizz y\n\u0120favor ably\n\u0120McG ill\nT erm\n\u0120h - anged\n\u0120ball park\n\u0120Re yes\n\u0120be ware\n\u0120P sal\n\u0120Mass - acre\nq i\n\u0120in accessible\nacly sm\n\u0120fr ay\nill ac\n\u0120bitter - ly\n\u0120Cert ification\nMich igan\n\u0120ir respective\nal ore\nEm pty\n\u0120endorse - ments\n\u0120und et\nf g\nequ ipped\n\u0120merc iless\n\u0120C ust\n\u0120imm - ature\n\u0120vou cher\n\u0120Black well\n\xD1 \u0131\nh awk\ndis ciplinary\nile - e\n\u0120Mak oto\n\u0120D ude\n\xE3\u0125\u0129 \xE3\u0124\xA3\nY ears\n\u0120in - ver\n\u0120sh aman\n\u0120Y ong\nip el\nell en\n\u0120Cath y\nbr ids\n\u0120s - arc\n65 1\nN ear\n\u0120ground work\n\u0120am az\n\u01204 15\n\u0120Hunting - ton\nhew s\n\u0120B ung\n\u0120arbit rarily\n\u0120W it\n\u0120Al berto\n\u0120dis - qualified\nbest os\n46 1\n\u0120p c\n\u012028 4\nro bat\nRob in\n\u0120h ugs\n\u0120Trans - ition\n\u0120Occ asionally\n\u01203 26\n\u0120Wh ilst\n\u0120Le y\n\u0120spaces - hip\ncs v\n\u0120un successfully\n\u0120A u\nle ck\n\u0120Wing ed\n\u0120Grizz - lies\n. \xEF\xBF\xBD\n\u0120ne arer\n\u0120Sorce ress\n\u0120Ind igo\nEl se\n8 - 40\nlet es\nCo ach\n\u0120up bringing\n\u0120K es\n\u0120separat ist\n\u0120rac - ists\n\u0120ch ained\n\u0120abst inence\nlear ning\n\u0120rein stated\n\u0120symm - etry\n\u0120remind ers\n\u0120Che vy\n\u0120m ont\n\u0120exempl ary\n\u0120T - OR\nZ X\n\u0120qual itative\n\u0120St amp\n\u0120Sav annah\n\u0120Ross i\n\u0120p - aed\n\u0120dispens aries\n\u0120Wall s\n\u0120Ch ronic\n\u0120compliment ary\n\u0120Beir - ut\n\u0120+ ---\nigs list\n\u0120crypt ographic\nmas ters\n\u0120Cap itals\n\u0120max - imal\n\u0120ent ropy\nPoint s\n\u0120combat ants\nl ip\n\u0120Gl ob\n\u0120B - MC\nph ase\nth ank\nHT TP\n\u0120comm uter\n\u0120\\( \\\n.. /\n\u0120Reg - ener\n\u0120DO I\n\u0120Activ ision\n\u0120sl it\nos al\nRE M\n\u0120ch ants\nY - u\nKe ys\nBre xit\n\u0120For ced\nAri zona\n\u0120squad ron\nIS O\n\u0120Mal - one\n\u01203 38\n\u0120contrast ing\n\u0120t idal\n\u0120lib el\n\u0120impl - anted\n\u0120upro ar\n\u0120C ater\n\u0120propos itions\nM anchester\n\u0120Euro - s\nit amin\nG il\n\u0120El ven\n\u0120Se ek\n\u0120B ai\n\u0120redevelop ment\n\u0120Town - s\n\u0120L ub\n! \",\nal on\nK rist\n\u0120meas urable\n\u0120imagin able\n\u0120apost - les\nY N\n7 60\n\u0120ster oid\n\u0120specific ity\n\u0120L ocated\n\u0120Beck - er\n\u0120E du\n\u0120Diet ary\nuts ch\n\u0120Mar ilyn\n\u0120bl ister\n\u0120M - EP\n\u0120K oz\n\u0120C MS\ny ahoo\n\u0120Car ney\n\u0120bo asting\n\u0120C - aleb\nBy te\nread s\nad en\nPro blem\n\u0120Wood ward\nS we\nS up\n\u0120K - GB\nSet up\n\u0120tac it\n\u0120ret ribution\n\u0120d ues\n\u0120M \xC3\xBC\n. - ?\n\xE4\xB8 \u0143\np ots\n\u0120came o\n\u0120P AL\neduc ation\nA my\nlike - ly\ng ling\n\u0120constitution ally\n\u0120Ham m\n\u0120Spe ak\n\u0120wid - gets\nbr ate\n\u0120cra ppy\n\u0120I ter\n\u0120anticip ating\n\u0120B out\nP - ixel\n\u0120Y ep\n\u0120Laur ie\n\u0120h ut\n\u0120bullet in\n\u0120Sal vation\n\u0120ch - ats\near able\nHonest ly\nAL TH\nonse qu\nc ult\nisco very\novy ch\n\u0120se - lves\n\u0120Sat oshi\nS ounds\n\u0120conver gence\n\u0120Rosen berg\n19 74\n\u0120nas - al\n\u0120full est\n\u0120fer ocious\nx us\nist e\nAM S\n\u0120lobb ied\n\u0120so - othing\n\u0120Gun n\nt oday\n0 24\n\u0120inspir ational\n\u0120N BN\np b\ng - ewater\nor ah\nall owed\n\u0120Col iseum\n\u0120special izing\n\u0120insane - ly\n\u0120T ape\ndel ay\n\u0120t arn\n\u0120P ound\n\u0120mel anch\n\u0120deploy - ments\nil and\n\u0120less en\n\u0120fur ry\n\u0120UE FA\n\u0120blood shed\n\u0120Me - ier\nither ing\n\u0120he irs\n\u0120J aw\nax ter\n\u0120Public ations\n\u0120al - ters\nint ention\n\u0120Winc hester\nd etermination\n\u0120Lif etime\nth in\nMon - ster\n7 80\n\u0120approx imation\n\u0120super markets\n\u0120Second s\nor - os\nh uge\n\u0120b ribe\n\u0120LIM ITED\nun ed\n\u0120mis interpret\n\u0120In - jury\n\u01203 67\n\u0120threshold s\n\u0120Carn ival\n\u0120gastro intestinal\n\u0120guid - eline\n\u0120de ceived\nf eatures\n\u0120purported ly\n\u0120Ron nie\n\u0120New - t\n\u0120sp acious\nas us\n\u0120superhero es\n\u0120Cyn thia\nle gged\nk - amp\nch io\n\u0120th umbnail\n\u0120Shir ley\nill ation\n\u0120she ds\n\u0120Z - y\nE PA\n\u0120dam s\n\u0120y awn\nn ah\n\u0120Pe ggy\n\u0120E rie\n\u0120Ju - ventus\n\u0120F ountain\nr x\ndon ald\nal bum\n\u0120Comp rehensive\n\u0120c - aching\n\u0120U z\nulner ability\n\u0120Princ iple\n\u0120J ian\ning ers\ncast - s\n\u0120Os iris\nch art\nt ile\n\u0120Tiff any\n\u0120Patt on\n\u0120Wh ip\n\u0120overs - ized\nJ e\n\u0120Cind erella\n\u0120B orders\n\u0120Da esh\nM ah\n\u0120dog - ma\n\u0120commun ists\nv u\nCoun cil\n\u0120fresh water\n\u0120w ounding\n\u0120deb - acle\n\u0120young ster\n\u0120thread ed\n\u0120B ots\n\u0120Sav ings\n\xE3\u0123 - \u0124\nol ing\noh o\n\u0120illum ination\nM RI\n\u0120lo osen\ntr ump\nag - ency\nur ion\n\u0120moment arily\n\u0120Ch un\n\u0120Bud apest\n\u0120Al ley\nD - isk\n\u0120aston ished\n\u0120Con quer\n\u0120Account ing\nh aving\n\u0120We - in\n\u0120Al right\n\u0120rev olver\n\u0120del usion\n\u0120relic s\n\u0120ad - herent\nqu ant\n\u0120hand made\nor io\n\u0120comb ating\nc oded\n\u0120quad - ru\nre th\nN ik\n\u0120Trib al\n\u0120Myster ious\n\u0120in hal\n\u0120Win - ning\n\u0120Class ification\nch anged\n\u0120un ab\n\u0120sc orn\nicip ated\nw - l\nond uctor\n\u0120rein forcing\n\u0120Child hood\nan ova\n\u0120adventure - r\n\u0120doctor al\n\u0120Strateg ies\n\u0120engulf ed\n\u0120Enc ounter\n\u0120l - ashes\nCrit ical\nric ular\n\u0120U TF\noci ation\ncheck ing\n\u0120Consult - ing\nRun time\nper iod\n\u0120As gard\n\u0120dist illed\n\u0120Pas adena\n\u0120D - ying\n\u0120COUN TY\n\u0120gran ite\n\u0120sm ack\n\u0120parach ute\n\u0120S - UR\nVirgin ia\n\u0120F urious\n78 7\n\u0120O kin\n\u0120cam el\n\u0120M bps\n19 - 72\n\u0120Ch ao\n\u0120C yan\nj oice\nef er\n\u0120W rap\n\u0120Deb ate\nS - eg\n\u0120fore arm\n\u0120Ign ore\n\u0120tim estamp\n\u0120prob ing\n\u0120No - on\n\u0120Gra il\nf en\n\u0120dorm ant\n\u0120First ly\n\u0120E ighth\n\u0120H - UN\n\u0120Des ire\nor as\nGirl s\n\u0120Des mond\nz ar\nam ines\nO AD\nexec - ute\n\u0120bo obs\n\u0120AT L\n_ (\nChel sea\n\u0120masturb ation\n\u0120Co - C\n\u0120destroy er\n\u0120Ch omsky\n\u0120sc atter\n\u0120Ass ets\n79 6\n\u0120C - argo\n\u0120recept ive\n\u0120Sc ope\n\u0120market ers\n\u0120laun chers\n\u0120ax - le\n\u0120SE A\nse q\n\u0120M off\nf inding\n\u0120Gib bs\nGeorg ia\nextreme - ly\nN J\n\u0120lab orers\nst als\n\u0120med iation\n\u0120H edge\nat own\n\u0120i - od\ndes pite\nv ill\nJ ane\nex istence\n\u0120coinc ided\n\u0120Ut ilities\n\u0120Che - ap\n\u0120log istical\n\u0120cul mination\n\u0120Nic otine\np ak\nF older\n\u0120rod - ents\nst uff\n\u0120law fully\n\u0120reper to\nio ch\nj j\nDial ogue\nHH HH\nlic - tion\nLook s\n\u012029 7\n\u0120tur rets\n\u0120Ab andon\n\u0120inc ess\n\u0120Traff - ord\n\u0120cur led\n\u0120prefer ring\n\u0120privat ization\n\u0120ir resist\n\u0120P - anda\n\u0120Sh ake\n\u0120Mc Gr\n\xE3\u0125 \u0126\nund ers\n\u0120discrim - inated\n\u0120bart ender\nI LE\nAtl antic\n\u0120prop ensity\n\u0120W iz\n\u0120G - im\ncon ference\n\u0120rein forces\nG h\nw agon\n\u0120e erie\nF al\n\u0120hug - ged\nrac ist\nR IC\nF u\n\u0120f iller\n\u0120St ub\n\u0120eng raved\n\u0120Wrest - le\n\u0120imagin ative\n\u0120Pe er\n\u0120Fact ors\nan us\n\u0120Drac ula\nmon - itor\n\u0120rou ters\nib ia\n\u0120Boo lean\nend ale\n\u0120Sl aughter\n\u0120Sh - ack\nR FC\n\u0120Spiel berg\nS ax\n\u0120PH OTO\n\u0120Cl over\n\u0120R ae\nDep - ending\n\u0120Mem or\nar am\n\u0120pier ced\n\u0120cur tains\nv ale\n\u0120Inqu - isition\n\u0120P oke\n\u0120forecast ing\n\u0120compl ains\nS ense\n\u0120Her - mes\nisc overed\n\u0120b ible\n\u0120Mor ph\n\u0120g erm\n78 5\nD ON\n\u0120con - gen\n\u0120cr ane\n\u0120D PR\n\u0120respect fully\nR oom\n\u0120N aw\n\u0120Dal - ai\nre ason\n\u0120Ang us\nEduc ation\n\u0120Titan ic\n\xCB \u013E\n\u0120o - val\nun ited\n\u0120third s\n\u0120moist ur\n\u0120C PC\nM iami\n\u0120tent - acles\n\u0120Pol aris\nex c\nex clusive\n\u0120Pra irie\n\u0120col ossal\n\u0120Bl - end\nsur prisingly\n\xC3\u0143 s\n\u0120indo ctr\n\u0120bas al\n\u0120MP EG\nund - o\nSpl it\nDevelop ment\n\u0120lan tern\n19 71\n\u0120prov ocation\n\u0120ang - uish\n\u0120B ind\n\u0120Le ia\nduc ers\nipp y\nconserv ancy\n\u0120initial - ize\n\u0120Tw ice\n\u0120Su k\n\u0120pred ic\n\u0120di ploma\n\u0120soc iop\nIng - redients\n\u0120hamm ered\n\u0120Ir ma\nQ aida\n\u0120glim ps\n\u0120B ian\n\u0120st - acking\n\u0120f end\ngov track\n\u0120un n\ndem ocratic\nig ree\n\u01205 80\n\u012029 - 4\n\u0120straw berry\nID ER\n\u0120cher ished\n\u0120H ots\n\u0120infer red\n\u01208 - 08\n\u0120S ocrates\nO regon\n\u0120R oses\n\u0120FO IA\n\u0120ins ensitive\n\u012040 - 8\nRecomm end\n\u0120Sh ine\n\u0120pain staking\nUG E\n\u0120Hell er\n\u0120Enter - prises\nI OR\nad j\nN RS\nL G\n\u0120alien ated\n\u0120acknowled gement\n\u0120A - UD\n\u0120Ren eg\n\u0120vou chers\n\u01209 60\n\u0120m oot\n\u0120Dim ensions\n\u0120c - abbage\nB right\ng at\n\u0120K lu\n\u0120lat ent\n\u0120z e\n\u0120M eng\n\u0120dis - perse\n\u0120pand emonium\nH Q\n\u0120virt uous\n\u0120Loc ations\nee per\nprov - ided\n\u0120se ams\n\u0120W T\niz o\nPR OV\n\u0120tit anium\n\u0120recol lection\n\u0120cr - an\n\u01207 80\n\u0120N F\n49 1\n64 2\np acking\n59 8\ntext ure\nSp ider\nfre - edom\ncipl ed\n\u0120TAM ADRA\n\xE2\u013B \xA6\naut hent\n\u0120W ANT\nr ified\n\u0120r - ites\n\u0120uter us\nk iss\n\u0120\xE2\u012B \xA4\n\u0120sk illet\n\u0120dis - enfranch\n\u0120Ga al\nComp an\n\u0120age ing\ngu ide\nB alt\n\u0120iter ator\n\u0120discretion - ary\nt ips\n\u0120prim ates\n\u0120Techn ique\n\u0120Pay ments\naz el\n\u0120R - OCK\nstant ial\n0 60\n\u0120d mg\n\u0120Jack ets\n\u0120Play off\n\u0120nurs - ery\n\u0120Sy mb\nart on\n\u0120annex ation\nColor ado\n\u0120co ils\n\u0120Sh - oes\n\xE2\u0126\xA2 :\n\u0120Ro z\nCOM PLE\n\u0120Eve rest\n\u0120Tri umph\nJ - oy\nG rid\n\xE0 \xBC\nprocess or\n\u0120Pros per\n\u0120Sever us\n\u0120Select - ed\nr g\n\u0120Tay yip\nSt ra\n\u0120ski ing\n\u0120? )\n\u0120pe g\nTes la\n\u0120time - frame\n\u0120master mind\n\u0120N B\nscient ific\n\u0120Sh it\ngener ic\nIN - TER\nN UM\n\u0120st roll\n\u0120En ix\n\u0120M MR\n\u0120E MS\nm ovie\n\u0124 - \xAA\n\u0120minim izing\nidd ling\n\u0120illeg itimate\n\u0120prot otyp\n\u0120premature - ly\n\u0120manual s\nobb ies\n\u0120Cass idy\nD EC\ndes ktop\n\u0120aer os\n\u0120screen - ings\n\u0120deb ilitating\n\u0120Gr ind\nnature conservancy\n\u0120f ades\nter - mination\nassets adobe\nF actor\n\u0120definitive ly\nP ok\xC3\xA9\nap ult\n\u0120Laf - ayette\nC orn\n\u0120Cor al\n\u0120stagn ant\nT ue\n\u0120dissatisf action\nG - ender\n\u0120kid neys\n\u0120G ow\n\u0120Def eat\n\u0120Ash ton\n\u0120cart - els\n\u0120fore closure\n\u0120Expl ore\nstre ngth\not in\n\u0120veterin arian\n\u0120f - umble\n\u0120par ap\n\u0120St rait\nr ils\n\u0120pr ick\n\u0120Berm uda\n\u0120Am - munition\nskin ned\n\u0120ab ound\n\u0120B raz\n\u0120shar per\n\u0120Asc - ension\n\u01209 78\n\u0120preview s\n\u0120commun ion\n\u0120X Y\n\u0120ph - ony\n\u0120newcom er\n\u01203 32\n.\" ,\"\n\u0120redist ribution\nProt ect\n\u0120So - f\nK al\n\u0120lip stick\nw orst\n\u0120tang led\n\u0120retrospect ive\nint - eger\n\u0120volunte ering\n\u012019 07\n\u0120 --------------------\nic hen\n\u0120unve - iling\n\u0120sen seless\n\u0120fisher ies\n\\ -\n\u0120h inges\n\u0120calcul - us\nMy th\n\u0120und efeated\n\u0120optim izations\n\u0120dep ress\n\u0120bill - board\n\u0120Y ad\n\u0120Py ramid\nIs n\nI de\n\u0120leg ion\n\u0120K ramer\nent - anyl\n\u0120penet rating\n\u0120Haw th\n\u0120PR ODUCT\n\u0120Ger ard\n\u0120P - act\n\u0120In cluding\n\u0120El ias\n\u0120El aine\nvis ual\n\u0120hum ming\n\u0120cond - esc\n\u0120F asc\n\xE4\xB8 \u012C\n\u0120e galitarian\n\u0120dev s\n\u0120D - ahl\nO ps\nD H\n\u0120B ounce\nid ated\nald o\n\u0120republic an\n\u0120h - amb\n\u0120S ett\nograph ies\nCH APTER\n\u0120trans sexual\n\u0120sky rocket\nans - wer\n\u0120mark up\n\xD8 \xAA\n\u0120hero ine\nComp are\n\u0120T av\nBe ast\n\u0120success - ors\n\u0120na \xC3\xAFve\n\u0120Buck ley\nst ress\nme at\n\u0120download able\n\u0120index - ed\n\u0120sc aff\n\u0120L ump\n\u0120Hom o\nStud io\nIn sp\n\u0120r acked\nfar - ious\n\u0120Pet ty\nEx ternal\n\u012019 09\nW ars\ncom mit\nput ers\n\u0120un - ob\n\u0120Er r\n\u0120E G\n\u0120Al am\n\u0120Siber ia\n\u0120Atmosp heric\nIS - TER\n\u0120Satan ic\ntrans lation\n\u0120L oud\ntra umatic\nl ique\n\u0120reson - ate\n\u0120Wel ch\n\u0120spark ing\n\u0120T OM\nt one\n\u0120out l\n\u0120handc - uffed\n\u0120Ser ie\n8 01\n\u0120land marks\n\u0120Ree ves\n\u0120soft ened\n\u0120dazz - ling\n\u0120W anted\nmonth s\nMag ikarp\n\u0120unt reated\n\u0120Bed ford\nM - i\n\u0120Dynam o\nO re\n79 5\n\u0120wrong ful\n\u0120l ured\n\u0120cort isol\n\u0120ve - x\nd rawn\nile t\nDownload ha\n\u0120F action\n\u0120lab yrinth\n\u0120hij - acked\nw aters\ner ick\n\u0120super iors\n\u0120Row ling\n\u0120Gu inness\n\u0120t - d\n99 2\n\u0120une arthed\n\u0120centr if\n\u0120sham eless\nP od\n\u0120F - ib\n\u0120 icing\n\u0120predict or\n\u012029 2\nfore station\ncon struct\nC - and\n@ #\n\u0120ag itated\n\u0120re pr\nOV A\n\u0120kn itting\n\u0120Lim a\n\u0120f - odder\n68 4\n\u0120Person a\nk l\n7 01\n\u0120break up\n\xE1 \xB8\n\u0120app - alled\n\u0120antidepress ants\n\u0120Sus sex\nHar ris\n\u0120Ther mal\nee - ee\nU pload\n\u0120g ulf\n\u0120door step\n\u0120Sh ank\nL U\n\u0120M EN\n\u0120P - ond\ns orry\n\u0120mis fortune\nn ance\n\u0120b ona\nM ut\n\u0120de graded\n\u0120L - OG\n\u0120N ess\nan imal\n\u0120a version\nund own\n\u0120supplement ed\n\u0120C - ups\n\u012050 4\n\u0120dep rive\n\u0120Spark le\n\xC5 \u0124\n\u0120Med itation\nauth - ors\n\u0120Sab an\n\u0120N aked\nair d\n\u0120Mand arin\n\u0120Script ures\n\u0120Person - nel\n\u0120Mahar ashtra\n\u012019 03\n\u0120P ai\n\u0120Mir age\nomb at\nAccess - ory\n\u0120frag mented\nT ogether\n\u0120belie vable\n\u0120Gl adiator\nal - igned\n\u0120Sl ug\nM AT\n\u0120convert ible\n\u0120Bour bon\namer on\n\u0120Re - hab\nnt ax\n\u0120powd ered\npill ar\n\u0120sm oker\n\u0120Mans on\n\u0120B - F\n5 11\n\u0120Good ell\n\u0120D AR\nm ud\ng art\n\u0120ob edient\n\u0120Trans - mission\n\u0120Don ation\n8 80\n\u0120bother ing\nMaterial s\n\xE3\u0124 \xB1\ndest - roy\n\u0120fore going\n\u0120anarch ism\n\u0120K ry\nice ps\n\u0120l ittered\n\u0120Sch - iff\n\u0120anecd otal\nun its\n\u0120f ian\n\u0120St im\n\u0120S OME\n\u0120Inv - aders\n\u0120behaviour al\n\u0120Vent ures\n\u0120sub lime\n\u0120fru ition\n\u0120Pen - alty\n\u0120corros ion\n\xB6 \u0127\n\u0120lik ened\n\u0120besie ged\nween - ey\n\u0120Cre ep\n\u0120linem en\nmult i\nic ably\nud der\n\u0120vital ity\n\u0120short - fall\n\u0120P ants\nap ist\nH idden\n\u0120Dro ps\nmed ical\n\u0120pron unciation\n\u0120N - RL\n\u0120insight ful\nJ V\n\u0120Be ard\n\u0120Ch ou\n\u0120char ms\n\u0120b - ins\n\u0120amb assadors\n\u0120S aturdays\n\u0120inhib itor\n\u0120Fr anch\n6 - 01\n', '\n\u0120Con or\nart ney\n\u0120X peria\ng rave\nbe es\n\u0120Protest - ants\n\u0120so aking\n\u0120M andal\n\u0120ph ased\n\u01206 60\n\u0120sc ams\n\u0120buzz - ing\n\u0120Ital ians\n\u0120Loren zo\n\u0120J A\n\u0120hes itated\n\u0120cl - iffs\n\u0120G OT\ningu ishable\n\u0120k o\n\u0120inter ruption\nZ ip\nLear - ning\n\u0120undersc ores\n\u0120Bl ink\nK u\n57 9\n\u0120Aut ob\nI RE\n\u0120water - ing\n\u0120past ry\n8 20\n\u0120vision ary\n\u0120Templ ar\nawa ited\n\u0120pist - on\n\u0120ant id\ncurrent ly\n\u0120p ard\n\u0120w aging\n\u0120nob ility\n\u0120Y - us\n\u0120inject ing\nf aith\n\u0120P ASS\n\xE5 \xBA\n\u0120ret ake\n\u0120PR - OC\n\u0120cat hedral\nb ash\n\u0120wrest lers\n\u0120partner ing\n\u0120n - oses\n\u01203 58\nTrans form\nam en\n\u0120b outs\n\u0120Id eal\n\u0120Constant - in\n\u0120se p\n\u0120Mon arch\natt en\n\u0120Pe oples\nmod ified\n\u0120mor - atorium\n\u0120pen chant\n\u0120offensive ly\n\u0120prox ies\nok ane\n\u0120Taiwan - ese\n\u0120P oo\n\u0120H OME\nus ional\n\u0120ver bs\n\u0120O man\nvis ory\n\u0120persu - asion\n\u0120mult it\n\u0120sc issors\nG ay\now ay\noph ysical\nl us\ngn u\n\u0120ap - ocalyptic\n\u0120absurd ity\n\u0120play book\n\u0120autobi ography\nI UM\n\u0120sne - aking\n\u0120Sim ulation\npp s\nell ery\nPlan et\n\u0120right fully\n\u0120n - iece\n\u0120N EC\n\u0120IP O\n\u0120Dis closure\nlean or\nous y\nST ER\n\u012028 - 2\nCru z\nCh all\n64 3\n\u0120Surv ive\n\u0120F atal\n\u0120Am id\nap o\nWe - apons\nD EN\n7 70\n\u0120Green wald\n\u0120lin en\nal os\n\u0120pollut ants\n\u0120PCI - e\nk at\n\u0120p aw\n\u0120K raft\nC hem\n\u0120Termin ator\n\u0120re incarn\n\u0120] - [\n\u0120Se eds\n\u0120silhou ette\n\u0120St ores\n\u0120gro oming\n\u0120D - irection\n\u0120Is abel\n\u0120Br idges\n\xF0\u0141 \u0133\nE ED\n\u0120M - orsi\n\u0120val ves\n\u0120Rank ed\n\u0120Ph arma\n\u0120Organ izations\n\u0120penet - rated\n\u0120Rod ham\n\u0120Prot oss\n\u0120ove rest\n\u0120ex asper\n\u0120T - J\n\u0120 000000\n\u0120trick le\n\u0120bour bon\nWH O\n\u0120w retched\n\u0120microsc - opic\n\u0120check list\n\u0120ad orned\nR oyal\nAd minist\n\u0120Ret irement\n\u0120Hig - hest\nWe ather\nile ge\n\u0120incre ments\n\u0120C osponsors\n\u0120mas se\n\u0120S - inn\nr f\n\u0120h ordes\nas sembly\n75 4\n\u0120Nat asha\n\u0120TY PE\n\u0120GEN - ERAL\n\u0120arr anging\n\u012040 7\nl ator\n\u0120g lean\n\u0120disc redited\n\u0120clin - icians\nUN E\n\u0120achie ves\n\u0120Em erson\ncom plex\n= [\n\u0120princip - ally\n\u0120fra il\np icked\n\u0120than king\n\u0120re cl\n\u0120L AST\n\u0120supp - ressing\nil ic\n\u0120antidepress ant\n\u0120Lis bon\n\u0120th or\n\u0120sp - a\n\u0120king doms\n\u0120Pear ce\nem o\n\u0120pl ung\n\u0120div est\n\u0120 - ********************************\nb is\nosp els\nad r\nSp irit\nhall a\nP - ink\nend ez\n\u0120resurrect ed\nesc ape\n\u0120Rosen stein\n\u0120ge ological\n\u0120necess - ities\n\u0120carn iv\n\u0120E lys\n\u0120Bar ney\n\u012029 6\ndig y\nST ON\nD - OWN\n\u0120mil estones\n\u0120k er\n\u0120dismant ling\n\u0120re prim\n\u0120cross - ings\n19 45\n\u0120patri archy\n\u0120blasp hemy\n\u01203 59\nmet ry\n\u0120Ob - esity\n\u0120Diff erences\nbl ocking\n\xE3\u0125\u0137 \xE3\u0124\xA1\nich - ita\n\u0120Sab ha\nph alt\n\u0120Col o\nual a\neffic ients\n\u0120Med ina\ncon - sole\n55 7\n\u0120Hann ibal\n\u0120Hab it\n\u0120F ever\n\u0120then ce\n\u0120syn - agogue\n\u0120essential s\n\u0120w ink\n\u0120Tr ader\nID A\n\u0120Sp oiler\n\u0120Iceland - ic\n\u0120Hay ward\n\u0120pe ac\n\u0120mal ice\n\u0120flash back\n\u0120th - w\n\u0120lay offs\nL iquid\n\u0120tro oper\n\u0120h inge\n\u0120Read ers\nPh - ill\n\u0120B auer\nCre ated\n\u0120aud its\nac compan\n\u0120unsus pecting\nier - a\n6666 6666\n\u0120bro ch\n\u0120apprehend ed\n\u0120M alk\ncer ning\n\u0120Cod - ex\nO VER\nM arsh\n\u0120D eng\n\u0120Exp ression\n\u0120disrespect ful\n\u0120asc - ending\nt ests\n\u0120Plaint iff\nster y\n\u0120Al ibaba\ndin and\n\u0120Dem - psey\nApplic ations\nmor al\n\u0120through put\n\u0120quar rel\n\u0120m ills\n\u0120he - mor\n\u0120C ASE\nterror ist\nst im\nifest yle\nro zen\nCE PT\nAr k\nu ci\nlect - ic\n\u0120irrit ating\nshe ets\nA y\n\u0120rede emed\n\u0120horn y\n\u0120Te - ach\n\u0120S ear\ndem ocracy\n4 65\n\u0120Rest ore\n\u0120stand by\n\u0120P - is\niff in\n\u0120sleep y\n\u0120extr ater\n\u0120compl iments\nFram eworks\n\u0120install - s\n\u0120b anging\nsur face\nfound land\n\u0120metaph ysical\n\u012028 3\noul - s\ndev ices\nAr gs\n\u0120Sac rifice\n\u0120McC orm\nes on\nCons ervative\n\u0120M - ikhail\nsee ing\nis ively\n\u0120Ro oms\n\u0120Gener ic\n\u0120enthusi astically\n\u0120gri - pped\n\u0120comed ic\n\u0120Electric ity\n\u0120gu errilla\n\u0120dec oration\n\u0120Perspect - ive\n\u0120consult ations\n\u0120un amb\n\u0120plag iar\n\u0120magic ian\n\u0120e - rection\n\u0120Tour ism\nor ied\nro xy\n11 00\nT am\n\u012A \xE8\n\xCE \xB3\n\xD7 - \xAA\n\u0120Pred ators\nNit rome\n\u0120telesc opes\nproject s\n\u0120un protected\n\u0120st - ocked\n\u0120Ent reprene\nnex pected\n\u0120wast ewater\nV ill\n\u0120int - imately\n\u0120i Cloud\n\u0120Const able\n\u0120spo of\n\u0120ne farious\n\u0120fin - s\n\u0120cens or\n\u0120Mod es\n\u0120Es per\nar bon\n\u0120inter sections\n\u0120laud - ed\n\u0120phys i\n\u0120gener ously\n\u0120The Nitrome\n\u0120TheNitrome Fan\n\u0120ar - isen\n\u0120\xD9 \u012A\n\u0120g lands\n\u0120Pav ilion\n\u0120Gu pta\n\u0120uniform - ly\n\u0120r amps\nri et\n\u0120WH EN\n\u0120Van essa\n\u0120rout ed\n\u0120lim - p\n\u0120C PI\np ter\nint uitive\n\u0120v aping\n\u0120experiment ed\n\u0120Olymp - us\n\u0120Am on\n\u0120sight ing\n\u0120infiltr ate\n\u0120Gentle man\n\u0120sign - ings\n\u0120Me ow\n\u0120Nav igation\nche cks\n4 33\n\u0120el apsed\n\u0120Bulg - arian\nesp ie\n\u0120S OM\nd uring\n\u0120sp ills\nanc a\n\u0120Ply mouth\nM - AL\n\u0120domest ically\n\u0120Water gate\n\u0120F AM\nk illed\ned ited\n\u0120Your - self\n\u0120synchron ization\n\u0120Pract ices\nST EP\n\u0120gen omes\n\u0120Q - R\nnot ice\n\u0120loc ating\nz in\n\u01203 29\nal cohol\n\u0120k itten\nV - o\n\u0120r inse\n\u0120grapp le\n\u0120Sc rew\n\u0120D ul\nA IR\n\u0120le - asing\n\u0120Caf \xC3\xA9\n\u0120ro ses\n\u0120Res pect\n\u0120mis lead\n\u0120perfect - ed\n\u0120nud ity\n\u0120non partisan\n\u0120Cons umption\nReport ing\n\u0120nu - ances\n\u0120deduct ible\n\u0120Sh ots\n\u01203 77\n\u0120\xE6 \u013E\nano - oga\nBen ef\n\u0120B am\n\u0120S amp\nif ix\n\u0120gal van\n\u0120Med als\nrad - ius\n\u0120no bles\n\u0120e aves\nigr ate\nK T\n\u0120Har bour\nu ers\n\u0120risk - ed\nre q\n\u0120neuro t\nget table\nain a\nRom ney\n\u0120under pin\n\u0120lo - ft\n\u0120Sub committee\n\u0120Mong ol\nb iz\n\u0120manif ests\nass isted\n\u0120G - aga\n\u0120sy nergy\n\u0120religious ly\n\u0120Pre f\n\u0120G erry\nT AG\n\u0120Cho - i\n4 66\nbeh ind\n\u0120O u\nGold Magikarp\n\u0120hemor rh\nR iver\n\u0120tend - on\n\u0120inj ure\n\u0120F iona\n\u0120p ag\n\u0120ag itation\n|| ||\nur an\n\u0120E - SA\n\u0120est eem\n\u0120dod ging\n\u01204 12\nr ss\n\u0120ce ases\nex cluding\n\u0120int - akes\n\u0120insert s\n\u0120emb old\n\u0120O ral\nup uncture\n4 11\n\u0120Un - ified\n\u0120De le\n\u0120furn ace\n\u0120Coy otes\n\u0120Br ach\nL abor\n\u0120hand - shake\n\u0120bru ises\nGr ade\n\xE9\u0139 \u013A\n\u0120Gram my\nile en\nSt - ates\n\u0120Scandinav ian\n\u0120Kard ash\n8 66\n\u0120effort lessly\n\u0120DI - RECT\n\u0120TH EN\n\u0120Me i\nert ation\n19 68\n\u0120gro in\nw itch\nRequ - irements\n98 5\n\u0120roof s\n\u0120est ates\n\u0120H F\n\u0120ha ha\n\u0120dense - ly\n\u0120O CT\n\u0120pl astics\n\u0120incident ally\n\u0120Tr acks\n\u0120Tax - es\n\u0120ch anted\n\u0120force ful\n\u0120Bie ber\n\u0120K ahn\nK ent\n\u0120C - ot\nlic ts\nF ed\n\u0120hide ous\n\u0120Ver d\n\u0120Synd icate\n\u0120Il - legal\nJ et\n\u0120D AV\nre asonable\nc rew\n\u0120fundamental ist\n\u0120truth - ful\n\u0120J ing\n\u0120l il\n\u0120down ed\n\u0120en chanted\n\u0120Polic - ies\n\u0120McM aster\n\u0120H are\nides how\n\u0120par ams\nen cers\ngorith - m\n\u0120allow ances\n\u0120turb ulent\n\u0120complex ities\n\u0120K T\n\u01203 - 37\n\u0120Gen etic\nF UN\nD oug\nt ick\n\u0120g igs\nument hal\n\u0120patriarch - al\n\u0120cal c\n, ...\n\u0120c out\n\u0120Gu an\n\u0120path ological\n\u0120R - ivals\n\u0120under rated\n\u0120flu orescent\n\u0120J iu\narna ev\n\u0120Qu - an\n\u01204 29\n\u0120 \xE0\xA8\nM ario\nCon struct\n\u0120C itation\n\u0120R - acial\n\u0120R SA\n\u0120F idel\n\u01203 95\nPerson ally\nC ause\n\xC3 \xBB\nrad - ical\nin en\n\u0120vehement ly\n\u0120Pap a\n\u0120intern ship\n\u0120fl akes\n\u0120Re - ck\nLuck ily\nB ra\n20 20\nrav ings\nR N\nW onder\nSer iously\n\u0120re usable\n\u0120poll - uted\n\u0120P eng\nle igh\nind le\n\u0120circuit ry\n\u0120Mad onna\n\u0120B - ART\nRes idents\natt ribute\nPhil adelphia\nCl ub\n\u0120plan ner\n\u0120fr - antically\n\u0120faith fully\n\u0120Territ ories\n\u0120L AT\n\u0120Anders - en\nan u\n\u0120P ARK\n\u0120S ora\ni age\n\u0120Play offs\n\u0120G CC\n4 - 27\n\u0120ab norm\n\u0120L ever\n\u0120disob edience\nAs ync\n\u0120She a\nV - ert\n\u0120sk irts\n\u0120Saw yer\nx p\n\u0120wors ening\n\u0120sc apego\n\u0120Ang - le\noth al\n\u0120tro ve\n\u0120St y\n\u0120N guyen\nmar ine\nide on\nDep - ths\nBl og\n\u0120Ill uminati\n\u0120tract s\n\u0120organ ise\n\u0120o str\nF - s\n\u0120lever aging\n\u0120D aredevil\nas ar\n\u0120l ang\n\u0120ex termin\nurs - ions\n\u0120Rom o\n\xE3\u0124\xA4 \xE3\u0125\u012A\n\u0120cont ended\n\u0120encounter - ing\n\u0120Table t\n\u0120Altern ate\nsk ill\n\u0120swe ets\n\u0120co hesive\ncap - acity\n\u0120rep ud\n\u0120l izard\nro o\n\u0120pilgr ims\n\u0120R uff\n\u0120Instr - ument\n\u0120Log o\nuit ous\nE H\n\u0120sales man\n\u0120ank les\nL ed\n\u0120Pat - ty\nud os\nOwn er\n\u0120discrep ancies\nk j\nM U\n\u0120uncond itional\nDragon - Magazine\ni ard\nO ak\n\u0120Convers ation\nbe er\n\u0120Os aka\nD elta\nus - ky\n\u0120secret ion\n\u0120pl aza\n\u0120m ing\n\u0120de pletion\n\u0120M - ous\n\u0120I TS\n\u0120H imal\n\u0120Fle ming\n\u0120cyt ok\n\u0120H ick\n\u0120bat - ters\n\u0120Int ellectual\n6 75\n\xC3\xA9 r\nIS ION\n\u0120Qu entin\n\u0120Ch - apters\nih adi\n\u0120co aster\nWAY S\n\u0120L izard\n\u0120Y or\nand ering\nS - kin\nha ust\nab by\n\u0120portray ing\n\u0120wield ed\nd ash\n\u0120prop onent\n\u0120r - ipple\n\u0120grap hene\n\u0120fly er\n\u0120rec urrent\n\u0120dev ils\n\u0120water - fall\n\xE6\u013A \xAF\ngo o\nText Color\n\u0120tam pering\nIV ES\nTR UMP\n\u0120Ab - el\n\u0120S AL\n\u0120Hend ricks\n\u0120Lu cius\nb ots\n\u012040 96\nIST ORY\nGu - est\n\u0120N X\nin ant\nBen z\n\u0120Load ed\n\u0120Cle ver\nt reatment\n\u0120ta - vern\n\u01203 39\n\u0120T NT\nific antly\nTem perature\nF el\n\u0120under - world\n\u0120Jud ges\n\u0120< +\n\u0120st ump\n\u0120occup ancy\n\u0120ab - er\n\u0120F inder\n) \",\n\u0120N unes\nres et\nin et\nect omy\n\u0120well - ness\n\u0120P eb\nquart ered\nand an\n\u0120neg atives\n\u0120Th iel\n\u0120Cl - ip\n\u0120L TD\n\u0120bl ight\n\u0120reperto ire\nK yle\n\u0120qu er\n\u0120C - es\n\u0120ha pl\n98 9\n\u0120Th ames\nisc opal\nDes k\nivari ate\n\u0120Ex - cellence\nfound ation\n\u0120\xE2 \u0129\nX i\n\u0120myster iously\nesty les\n\u0120per - ish\n\u0120Eng els\n\u0120DE AD\n09 0\n}} }\n\u0120Un real\n\u0120rest less\nID - ES\north odox\n\u0120Inter mediate\n\u0120din ners\n\u0120Tr out\n\u0120Se - ym\n\u0120Hall s\nog ged\n\u0120traged ies\n\u0120did nt\n67 6\n\u0120ail - ments\n\u0120observ able\n\u0120V ide\nad apt\n\u0120D usk\n\u0120professional - ism\n\u0120Pres cott\n\u0120Ind ies\np ox\n\u0120Me hran\nW ide\n\u0120end - emic\n\u0120Par an\nB ird\n\u0120ped als\n\u0120I U\n\u0120Adam ant\n\u0120H - urt\n\u0120correl ates\nurd en\n\u0120spons oring\ncl imate\n\u0120Univers - ities\n\u0120K not\nenn es\n\u0120Dam ian\n\u0120Ax el\nS port\n\u0120bar - b\n\u0120S no\nsh own\nste en\nud ence\n\u0120non violent\n\u0120hom ophobia\n\u0120biom - ass\n\u0120Det ail\n\u0120srf N\n\u0120T une\naccompan ied\nI ENCE\nAl bert\n\u0120Mong - o\nz x\n\u0120Cer berus\nor bit\nc ens\n\u0120sl ay\nSH ARE\nH Y\n\u0120b - rawl\n\u0120Pro be\n\u0120nonex istent\n\u0120Clare nce\n\u0120Black burn\n\u0120port - als\n\u0120R ita\n\u0120Rem ain\n\u0120Le vant\n\u0120trick ed\n\u0120F erry\naver - ing\n\u0120Straw berry\n\u0120An swers\n\u0120horrend ous\n\u0120A man\nSupp - lement\n\u0120T oad\n\u0120pe eled\n\u0120man oeuv\n\u0120U zbek\nmond s\n\u0120H - ector\n\u012040 2\npe es\nfix es\n\u0120d j\n\u0120res umes\n\u0120account - ant\n\u0120advers ity\n\u0120ham pered\n\u0120L arson\n\u0120d oping\npart - s\nH ur\n\u0120be arded\n\u0120y r\n\u0120Plug in\n\xE5\xA5 \xB3\n\u0120/ - **\nrol ley\n\u0120waters hed\n\u0120Sub mission\nif lower\nAS C\n\u0120cho - ir\n\u0120sculpt ures\nm A\nincre asing\nai i\n\u0120sne akers\n\u0120confront - s\n\u0120Ele phant\n\u0120El ixir\n\u0120rec al\n\u0120T TL\nw idget\n\u0120W - ax\n\u0120Gr ayson\n\u0120ha irst\n\u0120humili ated\n\u0120WAR N\napp iness\n\u0120T - TC\nF uel\n\u0120pol io\n\u0120complex es\n\u0120bab e\n\u0120X IV\nP F\n). - [\nP arts\n\u01204 35\nM eg\n\u0120Y ards\n\u0120AL P\n\u0120y ells\n\u0120prin - ces\n\u0120bull ies\n\u0120Capital ism\nex empt\nFA Q\n\u0120Sp onge\n\u0120Al - a\n\u0120pleas antly\n\u0120bu f\n\u0120den ote\n\u0120unp ublished\n\u0120kne - eling\nasc a\n\u0120l apse\nal ien\n99 4\n\u0120refere es\n\u0120Law yers\nS - anta\n\u0120puzz ling\n\u0120Prom etheus\n\u0120Ph araoh\n\u0120Del ay\n\u0120facilit - ates\n\u0120C ES\n\u0120jew els\n\u0120book let\nond ing\n\u0120polar ization\n\u0120Mor - an\n\u0120Sal ad\n\u0120S OS\n\u0120Adv ice\nPH OTOS\nIC AN\niat ures\nex - press\n\u0120Wonder land\n\u0120C ODE\n\u0120CL ASS\n9 75\n\u0120g rep\n\u0120D - iesel\n\u0120Gl ac\n! ?\"\n\u0120r m\no ine\ndisc rimination\n\u0120N urse\nm - allow\n\u0120v ortex\n\u0120Cons ortium\n\u0120large Download\nstra ight\naugh - lin\nG rad\n\u0120public ized\n\u0120W aves\n\u0120Red d\n\u0120fest ivities\n\u0120M - ane\nar ov\n\u0120fleet ing\n\u0120Dr unk\nug en\nC ele\n\u0120chromos omes\n\u0120D - OT\n-+-+ -+-+\n\u0120bus iest\n\u0120Be aver\nSy rian\n\u0120K yr\nk as\n\u0120Cross - Ref\n19 50\n76 01\n\u0120repe aling\n\u0120Win ners\n\u0120Mac ro\n\u0120D - OD\nbl ance\nS ort\n64 1\n\u0120met re\n\u0120D irk\n\u0120go ggles\n\u0120draw - backs\n\u0120complain ant\n\u0120author izing\n\u0120antit rust\noper ated\n\u0120m - ah\n\u0120exagger ation\nAm azing\n\u0120Ser aph\n\u0120ha ze\nw ow\n\u0120extingu - ished\n\u0120can yon\n\u0120B osh\n\u0120v ents\n\u0120sc rape\nCor rect\n4 - 26\n\u0120av g\nDem and\n\u0120\xE2\u012A \xBC\n\u0120microbi ota\n\"} ],\"\n\u0120St - ev\nB io\n\u0120Plan es\n\u0120suggest ive\n\u0120dec ipher\n\u0120Refuge - e\n\u0120Ke jriwal\n\u0120Green peace\n\u0120decl ass\n\u0120Sound ers\n\u0120th - o\n\u0120dec rypt\n\u0120br ushing\n\u0120Jane iro\nip op\nS i\n8 77\n\u0120Geoff - rey\n\u0120c pu\n\u0120Haz el\n\u0120view points\n\u0120cris py\n\u0120Not - ification\n\u0120sold er\n\u0120Mod est\n\u0120Hem isphere\n\u0120cass ette\nin - cludes\n\u0120ident ifiers\n\u0120C ALL\nin cent\nT odd\n\u0120Swe ep\n\u01203 - 34\nb oss\n\u0120sm ir\ngin x\n\u0120town ship\n\u0120g rieving\n\u0120Mos - que\nNet flix\nAS ED\n\u0120Millenn ials\noc om\n19 67\n\u0120bold ly\ns leep\n\u0120es - che\narij uana\n\u0120sw irl\n\u0120Pen al\n\u0120neglig ent\n\u0120Stephen - son\nK ER\n\u0120Z oro\nris is\n\u0120local ization\n\u0120Seym our\n\u0120Ang - lic\nred itation\nprot ection\n\u0120Pa ige\n\u0120o mit\n\u0120R ousse\n\u0120T - ub\n\u0120inv itations\nt ty\n\u0120m oss\nph ysical\nC redits\n\u0120an archy\n\u0120child - care\n\u0120l ull\n\u0120M ek\n\u0120L anguages\nlat est\n\u0120San ford\n\u0120us - ability\n\u0120diff use\n\u0120D ATA\n\u0120sp rites\n\u0120Veget a\n\u0120Prom - otion\n\xE3\u0125\xBC \xE3\u0124\xAF\nrict ing\nz ee\nTur kish\n\u0120TD s\npro - ven\n57 1\n\u0120smug glers\n707 10\n\u0120reform ed\n\u0120Lo is\n\u0120un - fl\n\u0120WITH OUT\n\u0120Return ing\nann ie\n\u0120Tom as\nFr anc\n\u0120Prof - it\n\u0120SER V\n\u0120R umble\nik uman\nes an\n\u0120t esters\n\u0120gad - get\n\u0120brace let\n\u0120F SA\ncomp onent\n\u0120paramed ics\n\u0120j an\n\u0120Rem - em\n\u0120Sk inner\n\u0120l ov\n\u0120Qu ake\nrom a\n\u0120fl ask\nPr inc\n\u0120over - power\n\u0120lod ging\n\u0120K KK\nret te\n\u0120absor bs\nw rote\n\u0120 - ,\"\nK ings\n\u0120H ail\n\u0120Fall ing\nxt ap\n\u0120Hel ena\nire ns\nL - arry\n\u0120pamph let\n\u0120C PR\nG ro\n\u0120Hirosh ima\n\u0120hol istic\n\". - [\n\u0120det achment\n\u0120as pire\n\u0120compl icit\n\u0120Green wood\n\u0120resp - awn\n\u0120St upid\n\u0120Fin ished\nf al\nb ass\n\u0120ab hor\n\u0120mock - ery\n\u0120Fe ast\nVID EO\n\u0120con sec\n\u0120Hung ry\nP ull\n\u0120H ust\nit - ance\n? \xE3\u0122\u012F\n) --\n\u0120Par allel\ncon v\n4 69\nha ar\nw ant\nP - aper\nm ins\n\u0120Tor o\n\u0120TR UMP\n\u0120R ai\nD W\n\u0120W icked\n\u0120L - ep\n\u0120fun ky\n\u0120detrim ent\nios is\nache v\n\u0120de grade\nim ilation\n\u0120ret - ard\n\u0120frag mentation\n\u0120cow boy\n\u0120Y PG\n\u0120H AL\nParent s\n\u0120S - ieg\n\u0120Stra uss\n\u0120Rub ber\n\xD7 \u0132\nFr ag\n\u0120p t\n\u0120option - ally\n\u0120Z IP\n\u0120Trans cript\n\u0120D well\n88 2\nM erc\n\u0120M OT\n\xE3\u0125\xAF - \xE3\u0125\xB3\n\u0120hun ts\n\u0120exec utes\nIn cludes\n\u0120acid ic\n\u0120Respons - ibility\n\u0120D umb\nwe i\nAnd erson\n\u0120Jas per\night on\nabs olutely\nAd - ult\n\u0120pl under\nMor ning\n\u0120T ours\n\u0120D ane\n\xCE \xBA\n\u0120T - EST\n\u0120G ina\n\u0120can ine\naw an\n\u0120social ists\n\u0120S oda\n\u0120imp - etus\n\u0120Supplement ary\noli ath\n\u0120Kinn ikuman\nmitted ly\nsecond - s\n\u0120organis ers\n\u0120document aries\nVari able\nGRE EN\n\u0120res orts\n\u0120br - agging\n\u01203 68\nArt ist\nw k\nbl ers\nUn common\n\u0120Ret rieved\n\u0120hect - ares\n\u0120tox in\nr ank\n\u0120faith s\n\u0120G raphic\n\u0120ve c\n\u0120L - IA\nAf rican\n\u0120ard ent\nend iary\nL ake\n\u0120D OS\ncient ious\n\u0120Ok - awaru\n\u0120All y\n\u0120Tim eline\nD ash\n\u0120I c\ncontin ue\n\u0120t - idy\n\u0120instinct ively\n\u0120P ossibly\n\u0120Out door\n\u0120Would n\n\u0120l - ich\n\u0120Br ay\n\u0120A X\n\u0120\xC3 \u012B\n\u0120+ #\n\\ '\nDirect ory\nab - iding\n\u0120f eral\nic ative\nbut t\n\u0120per verse\nS alt\n\u0120war ped\n\u0120nin - eteen\n\u0120cabin ets\n\u0120srf Attach\n\u0120Sl oan\n\u0120power ing\nreg - ation\nF light\nse vere\n\u0120st ren\n\u0120c og\nap ache\n\u0120\xE2 \u013F\n\u0120caf - eteria\np aces\n\u0120Grim oire\nuton ium\n\u0120r aining\n\u0120cir cling\n\u0120lineback - ers\nc redit\n\u0120rep atri\n\u0120Cam den\nlic ense\n\u0120ly ric\n\u0120descript - or\n\u0120val leys\n\u0120re q\n\u0120back stage\n\u0120Pro hibition\n\u0120K - et\nOp ening\nS ym\n\xE6\u0138 \xB9\n\u0120serv ings\n\u0120overse en\n\u0120aster - oids\n\u0120Mod s\n\u0120Spr inger\n\u0120Cont ainer\n\xE8 \xBB\n\u0120M ens\n\u0120mult - im\n\u0120fire fighter\npe c\n\u0120chlor ine\n\xD0 \xBC\nend i\n\u0120sp - aring\n\u0120polyg amy\n\u0120R N\n\u0120P ell\n\u0120t igers\n\u0120flash - y\n\u0120Mad ame\nS word\n\u0120pref rontal\n\u0120pre requisite\nuc a\n\u0120w - ifi\n\u0120miscon ception\n\u0120harsh ly\n\u0120Stream ing\not om\n\u0120Giul - iani\nfoot ed\n\u0120tub ing\nind ividual\nz ek\nn uclear\nm ol\n\u0120right - ful\n49 3\n\u0120special ization\n\u0120passion ately\n\u0120Vel ocity\n\u0120Av - ailability\nT enn\n\u0120l atch\n\u0120Some body\n\u0120hel ium\ncl aw\n\u0120di - pping\nXX X\n\u0120inter personal\n7 10\n\u0120sub ter\n\u0120bi ologists\n\u0120Light - ing\n\u0120opt ic\n\u0120den im\nend on\n\u0120C orm\n\u01203 41\n\u0120C - oup\n\u0120fear less\n\u0120al ot\n\u0120Cliff ord\n\u0120Run time\n\u0120Prov - ision\nup dated\nlene ck\n\u0120neur on\n\u0120grad ing\n\u0120C t\nsequ ence\nin - ia\ncon cept\n\u0120ro aring\nri val\n\u0120Caucas ian\n\u0120mon og\nkey - es\n\u0120appell ate\n\u0120lia ison\nEStream Frame\n\u0120Pl um\n! .\n\u0120sp - herical\n\u0120per ished\n\u0120bl ot\n\u0120ben ches\n\u01204 11\n\u0120pione - ered\n\u0120hur led\nJenn ifer\n\u0120Yose mite\nCh air\n\u0120reef s\n\u0120elect - or\n\u0120Ant hem\n65 2\n\u0120un install\n\u0120imp ede\n\u0120bl inking\n\u0120got - o\nDec re\nA ren\n\u0120stabil ization\n\u0120Dis abled\n\u0120Yanuk ovych\n\u0120outlaw - ed\n\u0120Vent ura\nten ess\n\u0120plant ation\n\u0120y acht\n\u0120Hu awei\n\u0120sol - vent\n\u0120gr acious\n\u0120cur iously\n\u0120capac itor\n\u0120c x\n\u0120Ref - lex\nPh ys\n\u0120C f\npt in\ncons ervative\n\u0120inv ocation\nc our\nF N\n\u0120New - ly\nH our\nAs ian\n\u0120Le ading\n\u0120Aer ospace\nAn ne\n\u0120pre natal\n\u0120deterior - ating\nH CR\n\u0120Norm andy\nol ini\n\u0120Am bro\n9 10\n\u0120set backs\n\u0120T - RE\n\u0120s ig\n\u0120Sc ourge\n59 7\n79 8\nGame play\n\u0120m sec\nM X\n\u0120price - y\n\u0120L LP\naker u\n\u0120over arching\n\u0120B ale\n\u0120world ly\nCl - ark\n\u0120scen ic\n\u0120disl iked\n\u0120Cont rolled\nT ickets\n\u0120E - W\nab ies\n\u0120Pl enty\nNon etheless\n\u0120art isan\nTrans fer\n\u0120F - amous\n\u0120inf ield\nble y\n\u0120unres olved\n\u0120ML A\n\xE3\u0124 \u0124\nCor - rection\n\u0120democr at\n\u0120More no\nro cal\nil ings\n\u0120sail or\n\u0120r - ife\nh ung\n\u0120trop es\n\u0120sn atched\n\u0120L IN\n\u0120B ib\nES A\n\u0120Pre - v\n\u0120Cam el\nrun time\n\u0120ob noxious\n4 37\n\u0120sum mers\n\u0120unexpl - ained\n\u0120Wal ters\ncal iber\n\u0120g ull\n\u0120End urance\n\xE4\xBD \u013E\n\u01203 - 47\nIr ish\n\u0120aer obic\n\u0120cr amped\n\u0120Hon olulu\n\xE0 \xA9\nus - erc\nec ast\nAC Y\n\u0120Qu ery\n\xE3\u0124\xB9 \xE3\u0125\u012A\nBet a\n\u0120suscept - ibility\n\u0120Sh iv\n\u0120Lim baugh\n\u0120\xC3 \u0138\n\u0120N XT\n\u0120M - uss\n\u0120Brit ons\nES CO\nEG IN\n\u0120% %\n\u0120sec ession\n\u0120Pat - ron\n\u0120Lu a\nn aires\n\u0120JPM organ\nus b\nocy te\n\u0120councill ors\n\u0120Li - ang\nf arm\n\u0120nerv ously\n\u0120attract iveness\n\u0120K ov\nj ump\nPl - ot\n\u0120st ains\n\u0120Stat ue\n\u0120Apost les\nhe ter\n\u0120SUP PORT\n\u0120overwhel - m\nY ES\n\u012029 1\nd ensity\n\u0120tra pping\nM it\n\u0120f ide\n\u0120Pam - ela\natl antic\nDam n\n\u0120p ts\nOP A\n\u0120serv icing\n\u0120overfl owing\nul - o\n\u0120E rit\nt icket\nlight ing\n\u0120H mm\n\xE3\u0125\xBC \xE3\u0125\xAB\nim - oto\n\u0120chuck le\n4 23\n\xE3\u0123 \u0137\nsh ape\n\u0120que ues\n\u0120anch - ors\n\xE3\u0124\xBC \xE3\u0124\xA6\xE3\u0124\xB9\nF er\n\u0120aw oke\n\u01206 - 66\nh ands\n\u0120diver gence\n\u012050 5\nT ips\n\u0120dep ot\n\u0120ske - w\n\u0120Del iver\nop ot\n\u0120div ul\n\u0120E B\nuns igned\n\u0120Un i\nX - box\n\u0120for ks\n\u01207 02\n\xE5 \xAF\n\u0120promot ers\n\u0120V apor\n\u0120lev - ied\nsl ot\n\u0120pig ment\n\u0120cyl inders\nC RE\n\u0120sn atch\n\u0120perpet - ually\n\u0120l icking\n\u0120Fe et\n\u0120Kra ken\n\u0120Hold en\n\u0120CLS - ID\nm r\n\u0120project or\n\u0120den otes\n\u0120chap el\n\u0120Tor rent\nb - ler\nR oute\n\u0120Def endant\n\u0120Publisher s\n\u0120M ales\n\u0120Inn - ov\n\u0120Ag ility\nrit er\nty mology\nst ores\nL ind\n\u0120f olly\n\u0120Zur - ich\nB le\n\u0120nurt ure\n\u0120coast line\nuch in\nD omin\n\u0120fri vol\n\u0120Cons - olid\nres ults\nM J\n\u0120phyl ogen\n\u0120ha uled\n\u0120W iley\n\u0120Jess - ie\n\u0120Prep are\n\u0120E ps\n\u0120treasure r\nI AS\n\u0120colon ists\n\u0120in - und\n\u0120WW F\n\u0120Con verted\n6 000\nout side\n\u0120App earance\n\u0120Rel - ic\n\u0120M ister\ns aw\n\u0120result ant\n\u0120adject ive\n\u0120Laure l\n\u0120Hind - i\nb da\nPe ace\n\u0120reb irth\n\u0120membr anes\n\u0120forward ing\n\u0120coll - ided\n\u0120Car olyn\nK ansas\n5 99\n\u0120Solid GoldMagikarp\nBe ck\n\u0120stress - ing\n\u0120Go o\n\u0120Cooper ative\n\u0120f s\n\u0120Ar chie\nL iter\n\u0120K - lopp\nJ erry\n\u0120foot wear\nWar ren\n\u0120sc ree\nh are\nUnder standing\nP - ed\n\u0120anth ology\n\u0120Ann ounce\nM ega\n\u0120flu ent\n\u0120bond age\n\u0120Disc - ount\nil ial\nC art\n\u0120Night mares\nSh am\n\u0120B oll\nuss ie\nH ttp\nAtl - anta\n\u0120un recogn\n\u0120B id\n\u0120under grad\n\u0120forg iving\n\u0120Gl - over\nAAAA AAAA\n4 45\nV G\npa io\nkill ers\n\u0120respons ibly\n\u0120mobil - ize\n\u0120effect ed\n\u0120L umin\n\u0120k ale\n\u0120infring ing\nann ounced\n\u0120f - itt\nb atch\n\u0120T ackle\n\u0120L ime\n\u0120AP P\nuke mia\n\u0120rub y\n\u0120ex - oner\n\u0120Cas ual\n0 70\n\u0120pel vic\n\u0120autom ate\n\u0120K ear\n\u0120Coast - al\n\u0120cre ed\n\u0120bored om\n\u0120St un\nri ott\n\u0124 \u0130\n\u0120regener - ate\n\u0120comed ians\n\u0120OP ER\nSp ons\nid ium\non is\nL ocated\n05 7\n\u0120susp - ense\n\u0120D ating\nC ass\n\u0120neoc ons\n\u0120Shin zo\n\u0120aw oken\nch - rist\n\u0120Mess ages\natt led\n\u0120Spr ay\n\u0120Sp ice\nC W\n\u0120shield - ing\n\u0120G aul\nAm id\n\u0120param ilitary\n\u0120mult if\n\u0120Tan ner\nil - k\n\u0120godd amn\ng ements\n\u0120be friend\nm obi\n\u01203 88\nfold er\nacc - a\n\u0120ins in\ng ap\nN ev\nfif th\n\u0120psychiat ry\nb anks\nTH IS\n\u0120har - b\nac qu\n\u0120fac ade\n\u0120Power Point\n80 3\n\u0120bl uff\nSh ares\n\u0120favor - ing\nEl izabeth\n\xC3\u012F \xC3\u012F\n\u0120r anger\n77 2\n\u0120Ar che\nh - ak\n\u0120Gen etics\n\u0120F EMA\n\u0120ev olves\n\u0120est e\n\u0120P ets\n\u0120M - \xC3\xA9\n\u0120Interest ing\n\u0120Canter bury\nch apter\n\u0120Star fleet\nSp - anish\n\u0120draw back\n\u0120Nor wich\n9 70\nn orth\nag anda\n\u0120transform - ative\nram ids\nbi ology\nad ay\n\u0120propag ation\n\u0120Gam ma\n\u0120Den - ise\n\u0120Calcul ator\nent imes\n\u0120B ett\n\u0120app endix\n\u0120HD D\nAK - ING\n\u0120st igmat\n\u0120hol ster\n\u0120ord inarily\nCh ance\n\u0120Cont - rary\n\u0120ad hesive\n\u0120gather s\n6 12\nre au\nony ms\new ays\n\u0120indu - ces\n\u0120interchange able\nse m\nWh it\n\u0120tr ance\n\u0120incorpor ation\n\u0120Ext - ras\nFin ancial\n\u0120awkward ly\n\u0120Stur geon\n\u0120H Y\nNorm ally\n\u0120End - ing\n\u0120Ass ist\nenc rypted\n\u0120sub jug\n\u0120n os\n\u0120fan atic\nC - ub\nC U\n?\" .\n\u0120irre versible\n\xE5 \u0124\n03 1\n\u0120H AR\nsp read\nul - ia\n= $\nSc ope\nL ots\n\u0120lif estyles\nol on\n\u0120f eds\n\u0120congrat - ulate\nweb kit\n\u0120indist inguishable\n\u0120Sw ing\n\u0120command ments\nqu - ila\nab ella\nm ethyl\nann abin\n\u0120o vere\n\u0120lob ster\n\u0120QU EST\n\u0120CONT - IN\nbern atorial\n:::: ::::\n\u0120Tra ve\n\u0120Sam oa\nAN I\n75 2\n\xD0 - \xB4\nuserc ontent\n\u0120Mod erate\ny eah\n\u0120K itt\n\u0120we e\n\u0120stuff - ing\n\u0120Inter vention\n\u0120D ign\n\u0120ware houses\n\u0120F iji\n\u0120pel - lets\n\u0120take away\n\u0120T ABLE\n\u0120Class ical\ncol lection\n\u0120land - fall\n\u0120Mus cle\n\u0120sett les\n\u0120AD V\n\u01203 44\nL aura\n\u0120f - ared\n\u0120Part ial\n4 36\noss ibility\n\u0120D aly\n\u0120T arant\n\u0120Fu - ji\nam l\nc ence\n55 1\n\u0120Proced ures\n\u0120O CD\n\u0120U D\nt in\nQ - UI\nach o\n4 38\n\u0120gl itches\n\u0120enchant ment\n\u0120calcul ates\nIR - O\n\u0120H ua\nalys es\n\u0120L ift\num o\n\u0120le apt\n\u0120hypothes ized\n\u0120Gust - av\nit ans\nVERS ION\n\xE6 \u0142\nRog er\n\u0120r and\n\u0120Ad apter\n\u01203 - 31\n\u0120Pet ition\nk ies\nM ars\n\u0120under cut\nze es\n\u0120Ly ons\n\u0120DH - CP\nMiss ing\n\u0120retire es\n\u0120ins idious\nel i\n> )\n. \xE3\u0122\u012F\n\u0120final - ists\n\u0120A ure\n\u0120acc user\n\u0120was tes\n\u0120Y s\n\u0120L ori\n\u0120constitu - encies\n\u0120supp er\n\u0120may hem\nor ange\n\u0120mis placed\n\u0120manager - ial\n\u0120ex ce\n\u0120CL I\n\u0120prim al\n\u0120L ent\nCry stal\nh over\n\u0120N - TS\nend um\n\u0120d w\n\u0120Al c\nn ostic\n\u0120pres erves\n\u0120Ts arnaev\n\u0120tri - pled\nrel ative\nArc ade\nk illing\n\u0120W EEK\n\u0120H anna\nD ust\nCom - pleted\n\u0123 \xAB\n\u0120appro ves\n\u0120Sur f\n\u0120Luther an\nven ants\n\u0120robber - ies\nwe ights\nsoft ware\nat ana\nug al\n\u0120grav y\n\u0120C ance\nOLOG - Y\nly ak\nTon ight\n\u0120unve il\n\u012019 04\n\u0120Min ion\nent ious\nst - ice\npack ages\n\u0120G EAR\n\u0120g ol\n\u0120Hutch inson\n\u0120Prof ession\n\u0120G - UN\n\u0120Diff erence\n\u0120Tsuk uyomi\n\u0120Les bian\n6 70\n\u0120fug itive\n\u0120Plan - etary\n-------------------------------- ------------------------\n\u0120acc - rued\n\u0120ch icks\n\u0120sto pp\n\u0120block ers\nC od\n\u0120comment ers\n\u0120Somew - here\n\u0120Phot ographer\nthe me\n\u0120may oral\nw u\n\u0120anten nas\n\u0120rev - amped\n\u0120Subject s\nit \xC3\xA9\nim ura\n\u0120entr ances\nliter ally\n\u0120ten - ets\n\u0120O MG\n\u0120MP H\n\u0120Don key\n\u0120Off ense\n\u0120\" +\nSn - ap\n\u0120AF B\n\u0120an imate\n\u0120S od\nHis panic\n\u0120inconsist ency\nD - b\nF Y\nEx port\n\u0120a pe\n\u0120pear l\nib el\n\u0120PAC s\n\u0120{ \\\n\u0120act - u\n\u0120HS BC\ncamp us\n\u0120pay off\n\u0120de ities\n\u0120N ato\nou ple\n\u0120cens - ored\n\u0120Cl ojure\n\u0120conf ounding\nen i\n\u0120reck on\nop he\n\u0120spot - ting\n\u0120sign ifies\n\u0120prop el\n\u0120fest ive\nS uggest\n\u0120pled - ging\n\u0120B erman\n\u0120rebell ious\n\u0120overshadow ed\n\u0120infiltr - ated\nj obs\n67 2\n\u0120scal able\n\u0120domin ion\n\u0120New foundland\n\u0120Mead - ow\n\u0120part itions\nAM I\n\u0120supplement ary\nstr ument\n\u0120hair y\n\u0120perpet - uate\n\u0120nuts hell\n\u0120Pot ato\n\u0120Hob bit\n\u0120cur ses\nFlo at\n\u0120quiet - er\n\u0120fuel ing\n\u0120caps ules\n\u0120L ust\n\u0120H aunted\nExec utive\n\u0120child - birth\nG re\n\u0120rad iant\n\xE5 \u0130\n\u0120m alls\n\u0120in ept\n\u0120Warrant - y\n\u0120spect ator\nE h\nt hens\n\u0120culmin ating\n\xE6 \xA9\nary a\n\xE3\u0124 - \xAE\nilit arian\n\u0120OR IG\n\u0120Sp ending\npt ives\n\u0120S iren\n\u0120Rec - ording\nay ne\n\u0120v im\n\u0120spr ang\nT ang\n\u0120M FT\nmor ning\n\u0120We - ed\nm peg\ncess ion\n\u0120Ch ung\n7 30\nw arning\n56 2\nhanded ly\nP oor\nP - olitics\n: #\n\u0120p ian\n\u0120fec es\n\u0120Document ation\n\u0120ban ished\n\u01203 - 99\n\u0120AR C\n\u0120he inous\nJ ake\n\u0120Am ir\nway ne\nv re\nos henko\n\u0120notebook - s\n\u0120found ational\n\u0120marvel ous\nixt ape\n\u0120withdraw als\n\u0120h - orde\n\u0120D habi\nis able\n\u0120K D\n\u0120contag ious\n\u0120D ip\n\u0120Ar - rows\n\u0120pronoun s\n\u0120morph ine\n\u0120B US\n68 2\n\u0120k osher\nfin - ished\n\u0120Instr uments\n\u0120f used\nyd en\n\u0120Sal mon\nF ab\naff ected\nK - EN\nC ENT\nDom ain\n\u0120poke mon\n\u0120Dr inking\nG rowing\n\u0120Investig - ative\n\u0120A ether\nem i\n\u0120tabl oid\n\u0120rep ro\n\u0120Not withstanding\n\u0120Bers - erker\n\u0120dram as\n\u0120clich \xC3\xA9\n\u0120b ung\n\u0120U RI\n\u0120D - os\n0 44\n\u0120past ors\n\u0120l s\n\u0120ac rylic\naun ts\nEd ward\n\u0120major - ities\nB ang\n\u0120field ing\n\u0120Repl acement\n\u0120Al chemy\npp ard\n\u0120Rome - o\n\u0120San ct\n\u0120Lav rov\nib ble\nInst ruct\n\u0120imp ractical\n\u0120Play - boy\nce phal\n\u0120sw aps\n\u0120k an\n\u0120The o\n\u0120illust rating\n\u0120dismant - led\n\u0120Trans gender\n\u0120G uth\nUG H\n\u0120triumph ant\n\u0120encomp - ass\n\u0120book mark\nudd in\nj er\n\u0120pred icate\nES H\n\u0120when ce\n\u0120AB - E\n\u0120non profits\nSe qu\n\u0120di abetic\n\u0120p end\n\u0120heart felt\nsh - i\n\u0120inter acts\n\u0120Tele com\n\u0120bombard ment\ndep ending\n\u0120Low - ry\n\u0120Ad mission\n\u0120Bl ooming\nust ration\nene gger\nB rew\n\u0120mol - ten\n\u0120Ner d\nP IN\n\xE2\u0138 \u0122\nave ment\n\u0120tou red\n\u0120co - efficients\n\u0120Tray von\nans son\n\u0120sand y\nt old\nfl ows\n\u0120pop - ulous\n\u0120T inder\n\u0120Bl iss\nR achel\nMin imum\n\u0120contest ant\n\u0120Red - uce\n\u0120Mor se\n\u0120Grass ley\n\u0120Click er\n\u0120exp r\n\u0120s incerity\n\u0120mar - qu\n\u0120elic it\n\u0120Pro position\n\u0120Demon ic\n\u0120tac os\nG reek\n\u0120post - war\n\u0120in sofar\n\u0120P ork\n\u012035 2\ndoctor al\nwalk ing\n\u0120mid - term\n\u0120Sam my\nsight ed\n\u0120TR ANS\nic i\nAL D\n\u0120US L\n\u0120F - ISA\n\u0120Am pl\n\u0120Alex andra\nine lli\nTr ain\n\u0120sign ify\n\u0120Vers - us\n\u0120ob fusc\n\u0120k h\n\u0120agg ro\n\u0120Ren ault\n\u01203 48\n5 - 18\nox icity\n0 22\n\u0120Tw ist\n\u0120goof y\nD ynamic\n\u0120brief ings\nm - ight\n8 99\n\u0120derog atory\nT ro\n\u0120for ging\n\u0120Kor an\n\u0120Mar - ried\n\u0120Buc s\n\u0120pal ate\n\u0120Con version\nm able\n4 13\n\u0120( - _\n\u0120s iph\n\u0120N EO\ncol lege\n\u0120marg inally\n\u0120fl irt\n\u0120Tra - ps\n\u0120P ace\n\xE9 \xBB\u0134\n\u0120goalt ender\n\u0120forb ids\n\u0120cler - ks\n\u0120T ant\n\u0120Robb ins\n\u0120Print ing\n\u0120premie red\n\u0120magn - ification\n\u0120T G\n\u0120R ouse\n\u0120M ock\nodynam ics\n\u0120pre clude\nism - o\n\u0120Pul itzer\n\u0120aval anche\n\u0120K odi\nrib une\n\u0120L ena\nElect - ric\n\u0120ref inery\n\u0120end owed\n\u0120counsel ors\n\u0120d olphin\n\u0120M - ith\n\u0120arm oured\nhib ited\nBeg in\n\u0120P W\nO il\n\u0120V or\n\u0120Shar - if\n\u0120Fraz ier\nest ate\n\u0120j ams\nPro xy\n\u0120band its\n\u0120Presbyter - ian\n\u0120Prem iere\nt iny\n\u0120Cru el\nTest ing\n\u0120hom er\n\u0120V - ERS\n\u0120Pro l\n\u0120Dep osit\n\u0120Coff in\n\u0120semin ars\n\u0120s - ql\n\u0120Def endants\nAltern atively\n\u0120R ats\n\xE7 \xAB\nethy st\n' - >\n\u0120iss uer\n58 9\n\u0120ch aired\n\u0120Access ories\nman ent\n\u0120mar - row\n\u0120Prim ordial\nC N\n\u0120limit less\n\u0120Carn age\n\u0120und rafted\nq - v\nIN ESS\non ew\n\u0120co hesion\n98 7\n\u0120ne cks\n\u0120football er\n\u0120G - ER\n\u0120detect able\n\u0120Support ing\n\u0120CS V\noc ally\nk Hz\n\u0120und - e\n\u0120sh one\n\u0120bud ding\ntra k\nStand ing\n\u0120Star craft\n\u0120Kem - p\nBen ch\n\u0120thw arted\n\u0120Ground s\nath i\nL isa\nDial og\n\u0120S - X\nV ision\n\u0120ingen ious\n\xD9 \u0132\n\u0120fost ering\n\u0120Z a\n\u0120In - gram\n\u0120\" @\nN aturally\n6 16\n0 35\n\u0120F AC\nH mm\n55 4\n\u0120acceler - ator\n\u0120V end\n\u0120sun screen\n\u0120tuber culosis\nrav iolet\n\u0120Function - al\n\u0120Er rors\ned ar\n19 66\n\u0120Spect re\n\u0120Rec ipes\n88 5\n\u0120M - ankind\nL iverpool\n\u0120| --\n\u0120subst itutes\n\u0120X T\nw ired\n\u0120inc - o\n\u0120Af gh\nE va\nic c\nS ong\nK night\n\u0120dilig ently\n\u0120Broad - cast\nA id\n\u0120af ar\n\u0120H MS\naton in\n\u0120Gr ateful\n\u0120fire - place\n\u0120Om ni\ne uro\n\u0120F RE\n\u0120Sh ib\n\u0120Dig est\nt oggle\n\u0120heads - ets\n\u0120diff usion\n\u0120Squ irrel\n\u0120F N\n\u0120dark ened\nout her\n\u0120sleep - s\n\u0120X er\ngun s\n\u0120set ups\n\u0120pars ed\n\u0120mamm oth\n\u0120Cur - ious\ng ob\n\u0120Fitz patrick\n\u0120Em il\nim ov\n........ .....\n\u0120B - enny\nSecond ly\n\u0120heart y\n\u0120cons on\nst ained\n\u0120gal actic\ncl - ave\n\u0120plummet ed\n\u0120p ests\n\u0120sw at\n\u0120refer rals\n\u0120Lion - el\nh oly\n\u0120under dog\n\u0120Sl ater\n\u0120Prov ide\n\u0120Am ar\nress - or\n\xE5 \u012E\nong a\n\u0120tim id\n\u0120p iety\n\u0120D ek\n\u0120sur - ging\naz o\n\u01206 10\n\u0120des ks\n\u0120Sp okane\n\u0120An field\n\u0120wars - hips\n\u0120Cob ra\n\u0120ar ming\nclus ively\n\u0120Bad ge\nag ascar\n\u0120PR - ESS\n\u0120McK enzie\n\u0120Fer dinand\nburn ing\nAf ee\n\u0120tyr ann\n\u0120I - w\n\u0120Bo one\n100 7\n\u0120Re pt\n\u010A \xC2\u0142\n\u0120car avan\n\u0120D - ill\n\u0120Bundes liga\nCh uck\n\u0120heal er\n\xE3\u0125\xBC\xE3\u0125 \u0128\n\u0120H - obby\n\u0120neg ate\n\u0120crit iques\nsection al\nmop olitan\n\u0120d x\n\u0120outs - ourcing\n\u0120C ipher\nt ap\nSh arp\n\u0120up beat\n\u0120hang ar\n\u0120cru - ising\n\u0120Ni agara\n\u01203 42\nill us\n\u0120S v\n\u0120subt itles\n\u0120squ - ared\n\u0120book store\n\u0120revolution aries\n\u0120Carl ton\nab al\nUt - ah\n\u0120desp ise\n\u0120U M\ncons ider\naid o\n\u0120c arts\n\u0120T urtles\nTr - aining\n\u0120honor ary\n\xC2 \xA2\n\u0120tri angles\n4 22\n\u0120reprint - ed\n\u0120grace ful\n\u0120Mong olia\n\u0120disrupt ions\n\u0120B oh\n\u01203 - 49\n\u0120dr ains\n\u0120cons ulate\n\u0120b ends\n\u0120m afia\nur on\n\u0120F - ulton\nm isc\n\u0120ren al\n\u0120in action\nck ing\n\u0120phot ons\n\u0120bru - ised\n\u0120C odes\nog i\n\u0120n ests\n\u0120Love ly\n\u0120Lib re\n\u0120D - aryl\n\u0120# ##\nS ys\n. ,\"\n\u0120free zes\nest ablishment\nand owski\n\u0120cum - bers\n\u0120St arg\n\u0120Bom bs\n\u0120leg ions\n\u0120hand writing\n\u0120gr - un\n\u0120C ah\nsequ ent\n\u0120m oth\n\u0120MS M\nIns ert\nF if\n\u0120mot - el\n\u0120dex ter\n\u0120B ild\nhearted ly\n\u0120pro pe\n\u0120Text ure\n\u0120J - unction\nynt hesis\noc ard\n\u0120Ver a\n\u0120Bar th\n\u0120\xCE\xBC g\n\u0120l - ashed\n\u012035 1\n\u0120Z amb\n\u0120St aples\n\u0120Cort ex\n\u0120Cork - er\n\u0120continu um\n\u0120WR ITE\nunt a\nrid or\n\u0120de ems\n0 33\n\u0120G - OLD\np as\n\u0120rep ressive\n\xE3\u0125\u0128 \xE3\u0124\xA3\n\u0120baff - led\nSc ar\n\u0120c rave\n\u0120 ______\n\u0120entrepreneurs hip\n\u0120Director - ate\n\u0120' [\n\u0120v ines\n\u0120asc ended\n\u0120GR OUP\n\u0120Good bye\n\u0120do - gged\n\xE3\u0125\xB4 \xE3\u0124\xA1\nMan ufact\n\u0120unimagin able\nri ots\nier - rez\n\u0120rel ativity\n\u0120Craft ing\nra ught\nud en\nc ookie\n\u0120assass - ins\n\u0120dissatisf ied\nac ci\n\u0120condu it\nSp read\n\u0120R ican\nn - ice\nizz le\n\u0120sc ares\n\u0120WH Y\nph ans\n5 35\n\u0120prot racted\n\u0120Krist - en\n5 36\n\u0120Sc rib\n\u0120Ne h\n\u0120twent ies\n\u0120predic ament\n\u0120handc - uffs\n\u0120fruit ful\n\u0120U L\n\u0120Lud wig\n\u0120att est\n\u0120Bre - aker\n\u0120bi ologically\n\u0120Deal er\n\u0120renov ations\nf w\ness en\nAl - ice\n\u0120Hen ri\n\u0120un ilaterally\n\u0120S idd\nh ai\n\u0120St retch\nS - ales\n\u0120cumbers ome\n\u0120J avier\n\u0120trend y\n\u0120rot ting\n\u0120Chall - enges\n\u0120scra ps\n\u0120fac ets\n\u0120Ver onica\n\u0120Ver ge\n\u0120S - ana\nAl ien\n\u0120R ih\n\u0120rad ial\nect ar\n\u01206 30\ncl i\nMar ie\n\u0120wild - fire\n\u0120Cat o\nh ander\n\u0120wait ress\n\u0120ch ops\n\u0120S ECTION\n\u0120blunt - ly\n\u0120Cat alog\nn ian\nstud y\n\u0120pat rolling\n\u0120T enth\nnex us\n\u0120N - ON\nop sy\n\u0120sc athing\ns ie\n\u0120deterior ated\nV B\nNaz is\n\u0120dep - ictions\n\u0120authent icated\n\u0120Con ce\nk rit\n\u0120promul g\n\u0120L - ONG\nU FC\n\u0120Vis itors\n\u0120Rec all\n\u0120rehab ilit\n\u0120SL I\n\u0120glac - ier\n\u0120B ite\n\u012050 3\n\u0120vom it\n\u0120fer mented\n\u0120Kh alid\n\u0120grad - ed\n\u0120Mag icka\n\u0120Ich igo\npower ful\nic ators\n75 3\n\u0120sh rew\n\u012035 - 6\n\u0120legal izing\n\u0120all otted\n\u0120Arch demon\nith ing\nigg urat\nV - OL\nLe od\n\u0120o ily\n\u0120indu cing\n\u0120amy gdala\n\u0120adm ins\n\u0120Acqu - isition\nC AN\n\u0120sche matic\n\u0120mo an\n\u0120Camer oon\n\u0120t ink\n\u0120mer - ry\n\u0120butter flies\n\u0120Go ff\n\u0120works pace\n\u0120Cor ona\n\u0120j - avascript\n\u0120D olphin\n\u0120Cant or\n4 64\nto e\nAP S\n\u0120Ag ing\n\u0120padd - ed\n\u0120Z heng\n\u0120He ld\n\u0120est ranged\n\u01207 70\n. }\n\u0120Dun - ham\n\u0120sm okes\n\u0120cap itals\nund ai\nSh in\n\u0120Found ing\n\u0120ent - itle\n\u0120center piece\nD iscover\n\u0120there to\nal ert\n\u0120N ou\n\u0120Analy - st\nl c\nF H\nFI ELD\n\u0120P OV\ngr ay\n\u0120ar cs\n\u0120H OT\n\u0120r - s\n\u0120oblig atory\n\u0120Architect s\n\u0120S ven\n\u0120F EC\n0 200\nChrist - mas\n\u0120Alban ia\nrat om\n58 7\n\u0120hard ships\n\u0120aut os\n\u0120Charg - es\n\u0120ap es\n\u01203 76\nwal let\n\u0120intox ication\n\u0120gobl in\n\u01205 - 70\n++++++++ ++++++++\n\u0120Yel p\n\u0120Mag netic\n\u0120Br iggs\nR ail\n\u0120spawn - s\n\u0120W iggins\n\u0120showc ased\n\u0120res orted\nub en\n\u0120wh ipping\n\u0120im - itate\n\u0120digest ion\n\u0120US PS\n\u0120G est\n\u0120ye a\n\u0120T ight\nind - al\nic as\n` .\nC AST\n'' ;\n\u0120F et\nopath ic\nIn valid\n\u0120regrett - ed\n\u0120bro ccoli\n\u0120Sc ores\ne ve\n\u0120post ings\n\u0120accum ulating\n\u0120need - less\nelf th\n\u0120may ors\n\u0120sc rib\n\u0120anecd otes\n\u0120bot ched\n\u0120Rib - bon\n\u0120Constant ine\ni uses\ness es\n\u0120dev ise\nComp ared\n\u0120p - udding\n\u0120g arg\n\u0120ev oke\n79 7\n\u0120det ox\n9 09\n\u0120Pie ces\n\u0120McC - artney\n\u0120met ast\n\u0120K rypt\nP OR\n\u0120t ending\n\u0120Merch ants\nPro - of\n\u0120V arg\n\u0120Port able\n\xE3\u0125\xBC\xE3\u0125\u0128 \xE3\u0124\xA3\nB - rain\n25 00\n\u0120fol iage\n\xD8 \xB9\n\u0120ment ors\n\u0120A ires\n\u0120minimal - ist\n\u0120ing ested\n\u0120Tro jan\n\u0120Q ian\ninv olved\n0 27\n\u0120er - oded\nRA FT\n\u0120bl urry\nM ob\n\u0120buff et\n\u0120Fn atic\nae a\nKN OWN\n\u0120In - it\ns afety\nen um\nACT ION\n\u0120Crus her\n\u0120D ates\n\u0120 ................\nc - alling\nak ov\n\u0120vent ured\n\u01205 55\nau ga\nH art\n\u0120A ero\nM AC\n\u0120thin - ly\n\u0120ar ra\nST ATE\nild e\n\u0120Jac qu\n\u0120Fem ales\n\u0120the orem\n\u01203 - 46\n\u0120smart est\n\u0120PU BLIC\n\u0120K ron\n\u0120B its\n\u0120V essel\n\u0120Tele - phone\n\u0120dec ap\n\u0120adj unct\n\u0120S EN\nmer ga\n\u0120red acted\n\u0120pre - historic\n\u0120explan atory\n\u0120Run s\n\u0120Utt ar\n\u0120M anny\n\u0120AUTH - OR\n\u0120Unle ashed\n\u0120Bow ling\nbe ans\n79 3\n\u0120univers es\n\u0120sens - it\n\u0120K ung\nre peat\nctr l\n\u0120p aced\n\u0120full er\nCl ock\n\u0120rec - omb\n\u0120F aul\n\u0120B unker\n\u0120pool ed\n\u0120an a\n\u0120M outh\nLL - OW\nhum ane\n\u0120bull do\n\u0120Micha els\nf am\n\u0120wreck ed\n\u0120port - rays\n\u0120Wh ale\n\u0120H es\n\u0120guess es\n\u0120Brow se\n\u0120L APD\n\u0120consequ - ential\n\u0120Inn ocent\n\u0120D RAG\n\u0120trans gress\n\u0120O aks\n\u0120tri - via\n\u0120Res on\n\u0120A DS\n-- +\n\u0120T oll\n\u0120grasp ing\n\u0120THE - M\n\u0120T ags\n\u0120Con clusion\n\u0120pract icable\n\u0120ho op\n\u0120unintention - ally\n\u0120ign ite\n\u0120M ov\nur ized\nle hem\nTer min\n\u0120colour ful\n\u0120Lin - ear\n\u0120Ell ie\nG y\n\u0120man power\n\u0120j s\n\u0120em oji\n\u0120SHAR - ES\n_ .\n0000 7\n\u0120sophistic ation\n\u0120unders core\n\u0120pract ise\n\u0120bl - ob\nop ens\nUk raine\nKe eping\nY C\nJ R\nult imate\nCl aim\n\u0120autom obiles\n99 - 3\nste el\n\u0120part ing\n\u0120L ank\n... ?\n\u012038 5\n\u0120remem brance\n\u0120e - ased\n\u0120cov ari\n\u0120S ind\nEffect ive\n\u0120disse mination\n\u0120Mo - ose\n\u0120Cl apper\nbr ates\nApp ly\n\u0120inv is\n\u0120wors ened\n\xE2\u0122\u0136 - -\n\u0120legisl ator\n\u0120L ol\n\u0120Row e\n\u0120dealers hip\num ar\nid - ences\n\u0120investig ates\n\u0120c ascade\n\u0120bid der\n\u0120B EN\nIron - ically\n\u0120pres iding\n\u0120d ing\n\u0120contrad icted\n\u0120shut s\n\u0120F - IX\n\u01203 66\nDist rict\n\u0120sin ful\n\u0120Char isma\no ops\n\u0120tot - ality\n\u0120rest itution\n\u0120Opt imus\n\u0120D ah\n\u0120cl ueless\nurn - ed\n\u0120nut rit\n\u0120land owners\n\u0120fl ushed\n\u0120broad en\nm ie\n\u0120print - ln\n\u0120n ig\n\u0120Corp us\nJ en\n\u0120prot o\n\u0120Wik imedia\n\u0120Pal - o\nC OR\n\u0120story lines\n\u0120evangel icals\n\u0120Dar rell\n\u0120rot - or\n\u0120H W\nsk illed\nery l\n\u0120be gg\n\u0120Bl umenthal\n\u0120we aving\n\u0120down - wards\n\u0120Jack et\n\u0120ANG EL\nTe chnology\n\u0120es oteric\nalde hyde\n\u0120fur - iously\n\u0120foreign er\nWe ak\nCH O\n\u0120H ound\nExper ience\n\u0120Play - station\n\u0120M IA\n\u0120U ng\ncl oth\nag all\n\u0120cal ming\niz ens\nSt - ruct\n\u0120W itches\n\u0120Celeb ration\n\u0120........ ......\npt roller\n\u0120TC - U\n\u0120b unny\n\xE3\u0125 \u012F\nut orial\n\u0120up scale\n\u0120St a\n\u0120Col - ossus\n\u0120chlor ide\n\u0120Z ac\n\u0120Re asons\n\u0120Brook ings\n\u0120WH - ITE\n][ /\n\u0120L ose\n9 05\n\u0120unders ide\nern els\n\u0120v ape\ndo zen\nupp - et\n\u0120ST OP\nmat ical\n\u0120Stat ements\nhed dar\nP AC\nCustom er\n\u0120mem - os\n\u0120P J\nend ars\n\u0120Lim its\nl augh\n\u0120stabil ized\n\u0120ALE - C\nY A\nUp grade\nal am\n\u0120techn o\n\u0120an ew\nfore seen\n\u0120colleg - iate\n\u0120Py ro\n\u0120D ism\n\u0120front line\n\u0120ammon ia\nI U\nQu - ite\nJohn ny\nass in\nG OP\n\u0120St yles\n\u0120Sovere ign\nacter ial\n5 - 49\n\u0120R IP\n\u0120L ists\n\u01203 64\n\u0120Rece p\ns ocket\n\u0120Byr - d\n\u0120Cand le\nAn cient\n\u0120appell ant\nen forcement\nace a\nans ki\n\u0120old - s\n88 6\n\u0120sl urs\n\u0120em pires\n\u0120buck le\n\u0120alien ation\n\u0120Aber - deen\n\u0120unic orn\n\u0120overr iding\n\u0120L X\npp a\n\u0120desp ised\n\u0120B - ugs\n\u0120B ST\nS outhern\n5 33\n\u0120hall mark\n\u0120Post er\n\u0120stem - med\n\u0120princip als\n\u0120T ECH\n\u0120Sand wich\nIt aly\n\u0120che esy\n\u0120Set - TextColor\n\u0120Prot ective\n\u0120C ohn\nJ O\napt op\nRe ason\nLead er\n\u0120Under - stand\n\u0120Fr idays\n\u0120Contin uous\n\u0120cl ipping\n\u0120R ye\n\u0120ber - th\ntim er\nann is\nre act\n\u0120buff alo\n\u0120Par as\n\u01206 55\n\u0120pres - ided\n\u0120Sun rise\n\u0120ve ts\n\u0120cl oves\n\u0120McC ull\nStre ngth\nG - AN\n\u0120ill iter\n\u0120Pric ing\nl \xC3\xA9\n\u0120resist or\n\u0120br - un\n\u0120Suff olk\n\xD1 \u012D\n\u0120L iver\nRe leased\n\u0120what s\n8 - 60\n\u0120Me asures\n\u0120den ouncing\n\u0120Ry zen\n\u0120sou ven\n\u0120careg - ivers\nch ini\n\u0120Scar lett\n\u0120t rough\nCong ratulations\n\u0120tax - is\n\u0120Trad ition\nj it\n\u0120table top\n\u0120hither to\n\u0120dis information\noff - ensive\nh ra\n\u0120DISTR ICT\n\u0120compl icate\nchen ko\n\u0120Recon struction\n\u0120palp - able\n\u0120a usp\n\u01204 28\n\u0120showc ases\n\u0120Public ation\nknow - ledge\ninn on\n4 19\n\u0120retri eval\nand ers\n\u0120ref ute\n\u0120inqu - ired\ng ur\n\u0120neg ativity\n\u0120cons erve\n\u0120after life\n\u0120pres - upp\n\u0120Gill espie\n\u0120m t\n\u0120D N\nT ap\n\u0120per pend\n\u0120S - my\ndoes n\n\u0120sp illing\n\u0120hyp ers\nK ate\n\xC2\xAE ,\nke pt\n\u0120P - owered\n\u0120j a\n\u0120K lux\nard e\nab an\n\u01204 44\n\u0120flatt ened\n\u0120Improve - ments\nurg a\n\u0120K und\n\u0120ins cribed\n\u0120fac ult\n\u0120unpre pared\n\u0120Cons - umers\n\u0120satisf ies\n\u0120pul monary\n\u0120inf iltration\n\u0120ex ternally\n\u0120congrat - ulations\nag han\n\u0120air liner\n\u0120fl ung\n\u0120fly ers\nG D\n\u0120snipp - ets\n\u0120rec ursive\n\u0120master ing\nL ex\n\u0120overt ly\nv g\n\u0120luck - ily\n\u0120enc ro\n\u0120Lanc et\n\u0120Abyss al\nfunction al\n\u0120s ow\n\u0120squ - id\n\u0120nar ration\n\u0120n aughty\n\u0120Hon our\n\u0120Spart ans\n\u0120sh - atter\n\u0120Tac oma\n\u0120Cal ories\n\u0120R aces\nSub mit\n\u0120purpose - fully\nw av\n\u0120Y ok\nF est\n\u0120G err\nMet ro\n\u0120it iner\nf amous\n\u0120\" - {\nin line\nwas her\nIss ue\n\u0120CL IENT\noz o\nVers ions\n7 25\n\u0120Gl - ock\n\u0120shield ed\n\u0120PC R\nENC Y\n\u0120We ld\n\u0120Sim pl\n\u0120redirect - ed\n\u0120K ham\n\u0120( >\n\u0120lab ou\n\u0120di apers\nss l\n\u0120cell - ar\norgan isms\nore sc\n\u0120Ber ks\ndid n\nSh ipping\nC hest\n\u0120und - one\n\u0120million aire\n\u0120c ords\n\u0120Young er\nappropri ately\n\u0120sequ - els\nu ve\nant icipated\n\u0120le wd\n\u0120Sh irt\n\u0120Dmit ry\nV eter\n\u0120sl - aying\n\u0120Y ar\n\u0120compl ication\nI owa\n\u0120Eric a\n\u0120BL M\ng - irlfriend\nb odied\n6 26\n19 63\n\u0120intermedi ary\n\u0120cons olation\nM - ask\n\u0120Si em\now an\nBeg inning\n\u0120fix me\n\u0120culmin ated\n\u0120con - duc\n\u0120Volunte er\n\u0120pos itional\n\u0120gre ets\n\u0120Defin itions\n\u0120think - er\n\u0120ingen uity\n\u0120fresh men\n\u0120Mom ents\n\u012035 7\nate urs\n\u0120Fed - Ex\ns g\n69 4\n\u0120dwind ling\n\u0120BO X\nsel age\n\u0120t mp\n\u0120st - en\n\u0120S ut\n\u0120neighbourhood s\n\u0120class mate\nf ledged\n\u0120left - ists\n\u0120clim ates\nATH ER\n\u0120Scy the\nul iffe\n\u0120s ag\n\u0120ho - pped\n\u0120F t\n\u0120E ck\n\u0120C K\n\u0120Do omsday\nk ids\n\u0120gas - ped\n\u0120mon iker\n\u0120L od\n\u0120C FL\nt ions\nr ums\nfol ios\n\u0120m - d\n\u0120unc anny\n\u0120trans ports\n\u0120Lab rador\n\u0120rail ways\n\u0120appl - iance\n\u0120CTR L\n\xE6 \u0122\nPop ulation\n\u0120Confeder acy\n\u0120unb - earable\n\u0120dors al\n\u0120In form\nop ted\n\u0120K ILL\nMar x\n\u0120hypoc - ritical\nq us\n\u0120N umerous\n\u0120Georg ian\n\u0120Ambro se\n\u0120L och\n\u0120gu - bernatorial\n\u0120X eon\n\u0120Supp orts\nens er\nee ly\n\u0120Aven ger\n19 - 65\nAr my\n\u0120ju xtap\n\u0120cho pping\n\u0120Spl ash\n\u0120S ustainable\n\u0120Fin - ch\n\u012018 61\nict ive\nat meal\n\u0120G ohan\n\u0120lights aber\n\u0120G - PA\nug u\n\u0120RE PL\nvari able\n\u0120her pes\n\u0120desert s\nac iously\n\u0120situ - ational\nweek ly\nob l\n\u0120text ile\n\u0120Corn wall\n\u0120contrace ptives\n\u0120A - ke\n] -\n\xE4\xB9 \u012D\n: ,\n\u0120W em\n\u0120B ihar\n\u0120' .\n\u0120be - re\n\u0120anal ogue\n\u0120Cook ies\n\u0120take off\nWhe el\n\u0120maj estic\n\u0120comm - uting\n0 23\n\u0120Cor pse\nass ment\nmin i\n\u0120gor illa\n\u0120Al as\nere - e\n\u0120acquaint ances\n\u0120Ad vantage\n\u0120spirit ually\n\u0120ey ed\npm - wiki\n\u0120E nder\n\u0120trans lucent\n\u0120night time\n\u0120IM AGES\n5 - 45\n\u0120K amp\n\u0120Fre ak\n\u0120 ig\nPort land\n4 32\n\u0120M ata\n\u0120mar - ines\n\u0120h ors\nater asu\n\u0120Att ribution\n\u0120-------- -\n\u0120k - ins\n\u0120BEL OW\n++ +\n\u0120re eling\nol ed\n\u0120cl utter\n\u0120Rel - ative\n\u01204 27\nB US\n\u0120a vert\n\u0120Che ong\n\u0120A ble\n\u0120Pry - or\nDevelop er\n\u0120en cyclopedia\n\u0120USA F\n\u0120G arry\nSp ain\nBl - ocks\n\u0120exp osition\n\u0120Gamer Gate\nW OR\n\u0120stockp ile\n\u0120clot - hed\n\u0120T one\n\u0120R ue\nt umblr\n\u0120treacher ous\n\u0120f rying\n\xD1 - \u012E\n\u0120S ph\n\u0120rest raints\n\u0120emb odies\n\u0120G es\nS afety\n\u0120negoti - ators\nmin ing\n\u0120Appalach ian\nL OS\n\u0120Jenn a\n\u0120pass ers\n\xE7 - \u012D\nsn ap\n\u0120short en\ncreat or\n\u0120inn umerable\nuther land\n67 - 4\n\u0120W OM\n\u0120As cend\n\u0120Arm ory\n\u0120Trans action\nK ick\n\u0120suit - case\nday Name\n\u0120waste ful\nmar riage\n\u0120McC abe\nite ch\n\u0120O - ss\nCl osure\n\u0120Treasure r\n\u0120indec ent\n\u0120D ull\n\u0120resid - ences\n19 59\n\u0120S ettlement\nHam ilton\n\u0120self ies\n\u0120Rank ing\n\u0120Bark - ley\n\u0120B ore\n\u0120W CS\n\u0120Mar itime\n\u0120H uh\n\u0120Forest ry\n\u0120cultiv - ating\n\u0120Ball ard\n\u0120g arrison\n\u0120SD L\n9 30\n\u0120nas cent\n\u0120irresist - ible\n\u0120aw fully\n\\/ \\/\n\u0120equ ate\n\u0120anthrop ology\n\u0120Sylv - ia\n\u0120intest ine\n\u0120innoc uous\ncess ive\nag ra\n\u0120Met roid\nG - rant\n8 55\n\u0123 \u0138\n\u0120\" _\n\xE3\u0125\u0125 \xE3\u0125\u012B\n\u0120appra - isal\n\u0120Fred dy\n04 6\n\u012040 6\n\u012018 30\n\u0120d ocking\nSt atic\n\u0120p - ont\n\u0120Volt age\n\u0120St ead\n\u0120Mort gage\n\u0120Jon ah\nY L\nCLASS - IFIED\n\u0120as bestos\nnik ov\n\u0120coll agen\n\u0120Orb ital\nP ocket\n7 - 99\n\u0120hy brids\ninc hes\n\u0120inv oice\nund y\n\u0120inequ alities\nT - rend\nw ashed\nB ALL\n\u0120luc id\n\u0120Comment ary\n\u0120w itty\nBr andon\n\u0120bru - ising\n\u01206 20\nes cent\nbox ing\nP OL\n\u01203 78\nR ect\n\u0120lic ences\n\u0120McG - ee\np ressed\nD anny\n\u0120j ammed\nord inate\n\u0120le th\n\u0120distingu - ishes\n\u0120Yam aha\nIL S\n\u0120H ume\n\u0120C ategories\nRober ts\nCh art\n\u0120beet - le\n\u0120Gra veyard\n\u0120($ )\no \xC4\u0141\n\u0120tw ilight\nare lla\n\xE1 - \xBD\n\u0120booth s\n\u0120H HS\n\u0120Feld man\n\u0120excav ation\n\u0120philosoph - ies\nat ography\n\u0120Gar age\nte chnology\n\u0120unfor gettable\n\u0120ver - ifying\n\u0120subord inates\nE ls\n\u0120ne b\nG aming\nEN A\n\u0120Achieve - ment\nit ters\n\u0120G abe\n\u0120d umps\nfor cer\n\u0120po ignant\n\u0120M - BA\n\u0120He idi\nime i\n\u0120m ages\n\u0120liber ate\n\u0120circum cised\n\u0120Mer - maid\n\u0120Mat th\nt ogether\n\u0120W ichita\n\u0120store front\n\u0120Ad - in\nV II\nFour th\n\u0120explore rs\nW ER\nNot able\nBro ok\nm ens\nF aith\n-------- - -\n\u0120J ou\n\xAC \xBC\n\u0120pine apple\n\u0120am alg\nel n\nark able\n\u0120\xE3\u0124\xB5 - \xE3\u0125\xBC\xE3\u0125\u0128\xE3\u0124\xA3\n\u0120\xE3\u0124\xB5\xE3\u0125\xBC\xE3\u0125\u0128\xE3\u0124\xA3 - \xE3\u0125\xAF\xE3\u0125\xB3\n\u0120ov arian\n\u0120E choes\n\u0120hairc ut\n\u0120p - av\n\u0120ch illed\nanas ia\n\u0120sty led\n\u0120d ab\nni per\n\u0120minister - ial\n\u0120D UP\nT an\n\u0120sul ph\n\u0120D eter\n\u0120Bo hem\nod an\n\u0120educ - ator\n\xE2 \u0135\u013A\nsp ir\nCh icken\n\u0120E leanor\n\u0120qu i\n\u0120heav - iest\n\u0120grasp ed\nU RA\n\u0120cro oked\nJess ica\npro blem\n\u0120pred - etermined\n\u0120man iac\n\u0120breath s\n\u0120Lauder dale\n\u0120h obbies\ny - z\nCr ime\n\u0120charism a\nd L\n\u0120le aping\n\u0120k ittens\nAng elo\n\u0120J - ACK\n\u0120Su zanne\n\u0120hal ting\nENT ION\n\u0120swall owing\n\u0120Earthqu - ake\n\u0120eight eenth\n\u0120N IC\n\u0120IN F\n\u0120Cons cious\n\u0120particular - s\ncirc le\n7 40\n\u0120bene volent\n\u01207 47\n\u01204 90\n\u0120r undown\n\u0120Val - erie\n\u0120B UR\n\u0120civil isation\n\u0120S chn\nW B\not ide\nintern ational\n\u0120j - ohn\n\u012019 02\n\u0120pe anuts\n\u0120flav ored\nk us\n\u0120ro ared\n\u0120cut - off\n\xE9 \xA3\n\u0120orn ament\n\u0120architect ures\n\u01203 69\nol or\n\u0120Wild - e\n\u0120C RC\n\u0120Adjust ed\n\u0120prov oking\nland ish\n\u0120rational - ity\n\u0120just ifies\n\u0120disp el\n\u0120a meric\n\u0120Pol es\n\xD8 \xA9\n\u0120en - vis\n\u0120D oodle\n\xE4\xBD \xBF\nigs aw\nauld ron\nTechn ical\nT een\nup - hem\n\u0120X iang\n\u0120detract ors\n\u0120Z i\n\u0120Journal ists\n\u0120conduc - ive\n\u0120Volunte ers\n\u0120s d\nKnow ing\n\u0120trans missions\n\u0120PL - AN\n\u0120L IB\n\u0120all uded\n\u0120ob e\n\u0120d ope\n\u0120Gold stein\n\u0120wavelength - s\n\u0120Dest ination\nnd a\nug i\n\u0120attent ive\n\u0120Le an\nral tar\n\u0120man - g\nmb uds\nak ings\nb ender\n\u0120acc ol\n\u0120craw led\nN OW\nMin nesota\n\u0120flour - ished\n\u0120Z up\n\u0120Super visor\n\u0120Oliv ier\nEx cellent\n\u0120wid - en\nD one\n\u0120w ig\n\u0120miscon ceptions\nCor p\nW an\n\u0120vener able\n\u0120Not - ably\n\u0120Kling on\nan imate\nBo ost\n\u0120S AY\nmiss ing\nibli ography\nmel - on\n\u0120pay day\n\xD8 \xB3\nbo le\n\u0120ve iled\n\u0120Al phabet\nIt alian\n\u0120ever - lasting\n\u0120R IS\n\u0120C ree\nrom pt\n\u0120h ating\n\u0120grin ning\n\u0120ge - ographically\nOS H\n\u0120we eping\n\u0120\xC2\u0142\u0120\xC2\u0142\u0120\xC2\u0142\u0120\xC2\u0142 - \u0120\xC2\u0142\u0120\xC2\u0142\u0120\xC2\u0142\u0120\xC2\u0142\n\u0120impe - cc\nLet ter\n\u0120blo ated\nPL A\n\u0120Fe in\n\u0120per sever\nTh under\n\u0120a - ur\n\u0120R L\n\u0120pit falls\n\xE2\u0138 \xBA\n\u0120predomin ant\n\u01205 - 25\n7 18\nAP E\n7 14\n\u0120farm land\n\u0120Q iao\n\u0120v iolet\n\u0120Bah - amas\n\u0120inflic ting\n\u0120E fficiency\n\u0120home brew\n\u0120undert - ook\n\u0120cur ly\n\u0120Hard ing\nman ia\n59 6\n\u0120tem pered\n\u0120har - rowing\n\u0120P ledge\n\u0120Franken stein\n\xE8 \xAA\nM otion\n\u0120predict - ably\n\u0120Expl osion\noc using\ner d\ncol o\nFF ER\n\u0120back field\n\u0120V - IDE\nue bl\nN arr\n\u0120Arg ument\n\u0120gen omic\n\u0120bout ique\n\u0120batt - ed\n\u0120B inary\n\u0120g amb\n\u0120Rh ythm\n67 3\n\u0120a float\n\u0120Olymp - ia\nY ING\n\u0120end if\nis in\n\u0120win ters\n\u0120sc attering\nI v\nD - istance\n\u0120tr u\n\u0120Com fort\n\u0120ne xus\n\u0120air flow\n\u0120Byz - antine\np ayers\ncon i\n\u0120B etsy\nD eal\n\u0120N ug\n\u0120Contin ent\nred - ibly\n\u0120optim izing\nal beit\n\u0120ec static\n\u0120Pro to\n\xE7 \xB7\niv - ot\n\xE2\u0138 \u0126\nem p\nrou nder\n\u0120cl out\n\u0120I ST\n66 3\n\u0120Doll - ars\n\u0120D AC\n\u0120subsc ribed\n\u0120rehears al\n\u0120am ps\n\u0120Sh - ang\nes m\n\u0120spr inkle\n\u0120assail ant\n\u0120O o\n\u0120Coin base\nT - act\n\u0120ret ina\n\u0120n uns\nR ON\natt o\n\u0120j ug\n\u0120SV G\n\u0120b - ikini\n\u0120FI LE\n\u0120Found ers\nep ort\n\u0120K P\n\u0120rest ores\n\u0120Th - ick\n\u0120ash ore\n\u0120appro vals\nR ender\nM AG\nG raham\n\u0120Cort ana\n\xE3\u0125\xB3 - \xE3\u0124\xB8\nss h\nor ians\nars ity\n\u0120Insp ired\nu pper\n\u0120sign - alling\n\u0120reb uke\n\u0120fl ares\n\u0120downt ime\nStud ies\n\u0120stagn - ation\n\u0120Sequ ence\n\u0120gr unt\n\u0120ass ures\n\u0120PL A\n59 2\n\u0120intra - ven\nd epend\nSus an\n\u0120Manz iel\nMan ia\nCont ract\n\u0120sl ams\n\u0120cult - ured\n\u0120cred itor\nL IST\n\u0120H UM\n\u0120Chatt anooga\nserv ed\n\u0120clo - aked\n\u0120F TP\np owder\n\u0120St ella\nuct ive\n\u0120cheap ly\n\u0120MU - CH\n\u0120Galile o\n\u0120su ites\nspe ech\n\u0120deliber ations\n\u0120Ch - ips\n\xAB \u013A\nBal ance\n\u0120Wyn ne\n\u0120Ak ron\nAss et\n\u0120hon - oured\n\u0120ed ged\nLike wise\nanim ous\n\u0120W age\n\u0120Ez ek\nad vertisement\n\u0120RT - X\n\u0120M AD\n\u0120migr ating\n\u0120S QU\n\u01204 75\nEd ited\n\u0120shorth - and\n\u0120Bas ics\n\u0120cro tch\n\u0120EV EN\n\u0120v m\neffic iency\n\u0120cal - ves\n\u0120F rie\n\u0120Brill iant\n\u0120stri kers\n\u0120repent ance\n\u0120arter - ies\nr l\nB ed\nh ap\n\u0120crypt ography\n\u0120Sab res\n\u01204 14\nvi ks\nih - ara\naps es\nT alking\n\u0120intertw ined\n\u0120doc ks\n\u0120alle le\n\u0120Art - ifact\n\u0120H IM\nt orn\n\xE7 \u0137\n\u0120op acity\n\u0120E ly\nos uke\n\u0120n - ipple\n\u0120hand written\n\u0120V K\n\u0120Chamber lain\n\u0120La os\nig - raph\ng row\n\u0120tr illions\n\u0120descend ant\n\u0120Sail or\nas uring\n\u0120ce - ilings\n\u0120Ware house\nf lying\n\u0120Gl ow\n\u0120n ont\n\u0120miscar - riage\n\u0120rig s\n\u0120min istries\n\u0120elabor ated\n\u0120del usional\n\u0120Hum - ane\n\u01203 79\nn ets\n\u0120black out\nadd ers\n\u0120n p\n\u0120T ire\nro - sc\n\u0120sub div\n\u0120link age\n\u0120chron ological\n\u0120HER O\n\u0120res - ettlement\n\u0120Vin yl\n\u0120past oral\n\u0120Mob il\n\u0120Bar bar\nCo - oldown\n\u0120F ritz\nc riminal\nre pe\n\u0120bell ig\n\u0120Bre ed\n\u01204 - 18\n\u0120sem blance\nij k\n\u0120cur tail\n\u0120clin ch\ncont ained\n\u0120Prom - pt\nast on\n\u0120w i\n\u0120pursu its\n5 15\n\u0120Gl oss\n\u0120fl ips\n\u0120coup - ons\n\u0120cl oning\n\u0120Like ly\nRem oved\n\u0120Qu artz\nr ices\n\u0120Spe - ars\n\u0120p ious\n\u0120dep reciation\n\u0120D are\noun ces\nam az\nO nt\n\u0120p - innacle\nd ocker\n0 26\n\u0120W yr\n\u0120Pro per\n\xCB \u012A\nn il\nBy tes\n\u0120seek - er\nt rial\n\u0120unf olds\n\u0120Mar se\n\u0120extravag ant\n\u0120Surviv - ors\nRED ACTED\n\u0120Speed way\n\u0120Cra igslist\nsub mit\n\u0120Gener ations\n\u0120up - holding\n\u0120blood stream\n\u0120Miss ions\n\u0120L awn\n\u0120lim bo\nene - i\nH uh\n\u0120Wild cats\npre p\n\u0120Mark us\n\u0120For bidden\nrit ic\nIN - O\n\u0120exhib iting\nrequ ent\nch uk\n\u0120habit ual\n\u0120Comp atibility\nDr - ag\nRIP T\nuj ah\nGR OUND\n\u0120delinqu ent\n\u0120burn er\n\u0120contempor - aries\n\u0120gimm ick\nload s\n\u0120no zzle\np odcast\n\u0120W ak\n\u0120Stat - en\n\u0120K uh\n\xE3\u0123 \u0135\ninter rupted\n\u0120inv incible\n\u0120Burn - ett\ncig arette\n\u0120Peb ble\n\u0120Tem porary\n\u0120Mar ino\n58 2\n\u0120wast - eland\nident ly\nT x\n\u0120r ite\n\u0120Pan asonic\n\u0120M iddles\n\u0120Hort - on\nae us\n\u0120c uring\n\u0120m ats\n\u0120adj ourn\n\u0120fears ome\npe - z\nbo ats\n\u0120pro pell\n\u0120conflic ted\n\u0120Ang er\n\u0120insurg ent\nK - arl\n\u0120co ales\n\u0120south western\n\u0120dis su\n\u0120O vert\n******** - ****\n\u0120box ed\n\u0120Br une\naa a\n\u0120gard ening\n\u0120Eng el\ntr - acks\n\u0120pur ified\n\u0120place holder\n\u0120L ikes\n\u0120d an\nG ab\n\u0120e - ct\n\u0120F aw\n\u0120El iot\n\u0120' ,\notrop ic\n\u0120Ru in\nhed on\n\u0120ca - ul\n\u0120a ft\n\u0120Cad illac\ngh a\nass ian\nud eb\n\u0120T ick\n\u0120adjust - s\nAR GET\n5 37\nisc he\nant y\n\u0120Fried rich\n\u0120Bl izz\n\u0120A OL\nCamp - aign\n\u0120mamm al\n\u0120Ve il\n\u0120K ev\n\u0120Maur it\n\u0120Dam ien\nN - ation\nE astern\n\u0120{ :\n\u0120= ================================\n\u0120stereotyp - ical\n\u0120att ic\n\u0120Cy borg\nrequ ire\n\u0120award ing\n\u0120Pap ua\nbt - n\nb ent\nB oo\n\u0120( =\n\u0120X ander\n\u0120Somers et\n\u0120catch y\n\u0120cert - ify\nSTR UCT\n\u0120it al\n\u0120t ides\n\u0120Br ands\nG ray\ncomp etitive\n\u0120cur - ator\n\u0120D G\nomin ium\n\u0120GM Os\nci ating\n\u0120Carm en\now ard\nBalt - imore\n\u0120r gb\nC u\n\u0120wip es\nspe ll\nIT NESS\n\u0120summar izes\n\u0120Re - vis\n\u0120whistlebl owers\n\u0120Bre ach\n\u0120cro chet\nk os\news ki\n\u0120rep - et\n\u0120crim son\n\u0120Kar achi\nread able\ndim ension\n\u0120I gor\nild - ed\n\u0120Z ed\n\u0120Ke ane\n\u0120Cos metic\nDE P\n\u0120retreat ing\n\u0120U - A\nens ical\n\u0120d usk\n\u0120Dick ens\n\u0120aren as\n\u0120Pass age\nlevel - s\n\u0120cur v\nP ope\n\u0120ch ores\n\u0120El ise\n\u0120Comp ass\nb ub\n\u0120mamm - alian\n\u0120Sans krit\n\u0120AN C\n\u0120Cr ack\nQ ual\nL aun\namp unk\n\u0120learn - ers\n\u0120glam orous\n\u0120fur the\nerm ott\nc and\nGener ic\n\u0120narr - ated\n\u0120disorder ly\n\u0120Trans actions\n\u0120Det ention\n\u0120R oku\n\xC4 - \u012F\n\u0120under statement\n\u0120S aur\n\u0120Rodrig o\n\u0120AS AP\nS - in\n\u0120re joice\nMethod s\n\u0120electro de\n\u0120worsh ipped\n\u0120id - i\n\u0120Phys icians\n\u0120pop up\n\u0120de ft\n\u0120Rem oval\n\u0120Bu - enos\nver bs\n\u0120fun k\nush a\nrict ion\nore a\n\u0120Bang alore\n\u0120Ken - obi\nzz i\n\u0120norm ative\n\u0120gobl ins\n\u0120caf es\n\u0120UN CLASSIFIED\n\u0120F - ired\nS IGN\n\u0120s clerosis\n\u0120V oter\n\u0120Son ny\n\u0120Ext end\n\u0120EV - s\nAr senal\n\u0120p si\n\u0120wid est\n\u0120T us\n\u0120lo oms\n\u0120just - ifying\n\u0120Gr anger\n\xE8 \xAF\nRef er\n58 3\n\u0120flour ishing\nab re\n\u0120r - ave\n\u0120Cont ra\n\u012018 98\nAdd s\n\u0120f ul\n\u0120Co oke\nsome one\n= - #\n67 1\n\u0120y ak\n\u0120ar te\n\u0120Mis cellaneous\n\u0120Det ection\n\u0120Cl - ancy\n\xE2 \u0123\nass ies\n\u0120val iant\n\u0120Femin ist\ncor ruption\nV - el\nP ear\n\u0120succ inct\n\u0120quick est\nk w\n\u0120sp itting\n\u0120L - ibraries\n\xE5\u0127 \u012B\nant z\nD ad\n\u0120Spec ifications\nrup ulous\nand - r\nRES ULTS\n\u0120snow ball\n\u0120pred is\n\u0120B axter\n\u0120Nurs ing\n\u0120Ch - aff\ns we\n\u0120out age\n\u0120nest ing\n\u0120notor iety\ntr igger\non ite\nj - on\n\u0120f ou\nook ed\n\u0120Celebr ity\nre ality\n\u0120fat ig\n\u0120hug - ging\n\u0120bother s\n\u0120Pan zer\n\u0120Ch andra\nfig ured\n\u0120vol ts\n\u0120Cloud - s\n\u0120fee ble\n\u0120Cur ve\n\u0120As us\n78 6\nabs or\n\u0120V ICE\n\u0120H - ess\n\u0120manufact ures\n\u0120gri zz\n\u0120Power ful\nac id\n\u0120sub - sections\n\u0120Krug man\n\u0120Al ps\nis u\n\u0120sequ est\n\u0120Ult ron\n\u0120T - inker\n\u0120Go ose\n\u0120mism atch\nAtt orney\n\u0120morph ology\n\u0120Six - ers\nut tered\n\u0120E LECT\ngr an\nRus sell\n\u0120G SL\n\u0120fort night\n\u0120. - )\n\u0120apost le\npr one\nel ist\nUnt itled\n\u0120Im plementation\nist ors\n\u0120tank - er\n\u0120pl ush\n\u0120attend ants\n\u0120T ik\n\u0120Green wich\n\u0120Y - on\n\u0120SP L\ncell s\nunt led\nS olution\n\u0120Qu \xC3\xA9\n\u0120vac ated\n\u0120upt - ick\n\u0120Mer idian\n\xE6 \u0125\n\u0120Dr ill\n9 25\n58 4\n\u0120renov ated\n\u0120Kub - rick\nzy k\n\u0120l ousy\npp el\nohyd rate\n\u0120I zzy\nlesi astical\nCC - C\n\u0120Aj ax\n\u0120ad apters\n\u0120Petra eus\n\u0120affirm ation\n\u0120ST - OR\nle ms\nad oes\n\u0120Constantin ople\n\u0120p onies\n\u0120l ighthouse\n\u0120adherent - s\n\u0120Bre es\nomorph ic\nFight ing\n\u0120pl aster\n\u0120P VC\n\u0120Ob - st\n\u0120dear ly\n\u0120To oth\nicks on\n\u0120sh aming\nP lex\nA gg\n\u0120\xE2\u0122\xA6 - \"\n\u0120sub reddits\n\u0120pige on\n\u0120Resident ial\n\u0120Pass ing\n\u0120l - um\n\u0120P ension\n\u0120pessim istic\n\u01204 32\nz inski\nc ade\n0 75\n\u0120apolog - ised\niy ah\nPut ting\n\u0120gloom y\n\u0120Ly me\n=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-\n\u0120T - ome\n\u0120Psych iatric\n\u0120H IT\nc ms\nap olog\n\u0120break er\n\u0120deep - en\n\u0120theor ist\n\u0120High lands\n\u0120b aker\n\u0120st aples\n\u0120interf - ered\n\u0120Ab ortion\njo ined\nch u\n\u0120form ulate\n\u0120vacc inations\n\u0120ban - ter\nphe us\n\u0120outfield er\n\u0120M eter\n\u0120# ####\n\u012018 95\n\u0120narrow - ing\n\u0120ST ORY\nf p\n\u0120C ST\nign ore\n\u0120proclaim ing\n\u0120R U\n\u0120B - ALL\nyn a\n65 3\n\u0120pos it\nP RE\n59 4\n\u0120Regist rar\n\u0120Pil grim\nic - io\n\u0120pre tt\n\u0120lif eless\n\u0120__ _\nNe igh\n\u0120Ch urches\norn - o\n\u0120or cs\n\u0120kind red\n\u0120Aud it\n\u0120millenn ial\n\u0120Pers - ia\ng ravity\n\u0120Dis ability\n\u0120D ARK\nW s\nod on\n\u0120grand daughter\n\u0120Bro - oke\n\u0120A DA\nER A\n\u0120pick ups\n\u0120Wil kinson\n\u0120Sh ards\n\u0120N - K\n\u0120exp el\n\u0120Kis lyak\n\u0120j argon\n\u0120polar ized\nian e\nPub - lisher\n\u0120reb utt\n\u0120apprehens ion\n\u0120K essler\n\u0120pr ism\nF - UL\n19 64\n\u0120L oll\n\xE4 \xBF\nle thal\n\xC5 \u0141\n\u0120g hetto\n\u0120b - oulder\n\u0120Slow ly\n\u0120Osc ars\n\u0120Inst ruction\n\u0120Ul tr\n\u0120M - oe\nN ich\n\u0120P ATH\n( *\n\u0120RE LEASE\nun ing\nrou se\nen eg\n\u0120re - imb\n\u0120Det ected\nDo S\n\u0120ster ling\n\u0120aggreg ation\n\u0120Lone - ly\n\u0120Att end\nhig her\n\u0120airst rike\nks on\nSE LECT\n\u0120def lation\n\u0120Her - rera\nC ole\nrit ch\n\u0120advis able\nF ax\n\u0120work around\n\u0120p id\nmort - em\ners en\n\u0120typ o\n\u0120al um\n78 2\n\u0120Jam al\nscript s\n\u0120capt - ives\n\u0120Pres ence\n\u0120Lie berman\nangel o\n\u0120alcohol ism\nass i\n\u0120rec - ite\n\u0120gap ing\n\u0120bask ets\n\u0120G ou\nBrow ser\nne au\n\u0120correct - ive\nund a\nsc oring\n\u0120X D\n\u0120fil ament\n\u0120deep ening\n\u0120Stain - less\nInt eger\n\u0120bu ggy\n\u0120ten ancy\n\u0120Mub arak\n\u0120t uple\n\u0120D - roid\n\u0120S itting\n\u0120forfe it\n\u0120Rasm ussen\nixt ies\nes i\n\u0120Kim - mel\n\u0120metic ulously\n\u0120ap opt\n\u0120S eller\n08 8\nec ake\nhem atically\nT - N\n\u0120mind less\n\u0120dig s\n\u0120Acc ord\nons ense\nem ing\nbr ace\n\u0120e - Book\n\u0120Dist ribut\n\u0120Invest ments\nw t\n] ),\nbeh avior\n56 3\n\u0120bl - inding\n\u0120Pro testers\ntop ia\n\u0120reb orn\n\u0120Kel vin\n\u0120Do - ver\n\u0120D airy\n\u0120Out s\n\u0120[ /\n\xCF \u0122\nb p\n\u0120Van ity\n\u0120Rec - ap\n\u0120HOU SE\n\u0120F ACE\n\u01204 22\n69 2\n\u0120Ant ioch\ncook ed\n\u0120coll - ide\n\u0120a pr\n\u0120sle eper\n\u0120Jar vis\n\u0120alternative ly\n\u0120Le - aves\n\u0120M aw\n\u0120antiqu ity\n\u0120Adin ida\n\u0120ab user\nPok\xC3\xA9 - mon\n\u0120ass orted\n\u0120Rev ision\n\u0120P iano\n\u0120G ideon\nO cean\n\u0120sal - on\n\u0120bust ling\nogn itive\n\u0120Rah man\n\u0120wa iter\n\u0120pres ets\n\u0120O - sh\n\u0120G HC\noper ator\n\u0120rept iles\n\u01204 13\n\u0120G arr\n\u0120Ch - ak\n\u0120has hes\n\u0120fail ings\n\u0120folk lore\n\u0120ab l\n\u0120C ena\n\u0120Mac - Arthur\n\u0120COUR T\n\u0120peripher y\napp ers\n\u0120reck oned\n\u0120Inf - lu\n\u0120C ET\n\u01203 72\n\u0120Defin itive\nass ault\n4 21\n\u0120reservoir - s\n\u0120d ives\n\u0120Co il\nDA Q\n\u0120vivid ly\n\u0120R J\n\u0120Bel lev\n\u0120ec - lectic\n\u0120Show down\n\u0120K M\nip ed\nreet ings\n\u0120As uka\nL iberal\n\u0120\xCF - \u0126\n\u0120bystand ers\n\u0120Good win\nuk ong\nS it\n\u0120T rem\n\u0120crim - inally\n\u0120Circ us\nch rome\n88 7\n\u0120nan op\n\u0120Ob i\n\u0120L OW\no - gh\n\u0120Auth ors\nob yl\nUr ban\n\u0120t i\n\u0120We ir\nt rap\nag y\n\u0120parent - heses\n\u0120out numbered\n\u0120counter productive\n\u0120Tob ias\nub is\nP - arser\nST AR\n\u0120syn aptic\n\u0120G ears\n\u0120h iber\n\u0120debunk ed\n\u0120ex - alted\naw atts\nH OU\nCh urch\n\u0120Pix ie\n\u0120U ri\n\u0120Form ation\n\u0120Pred - iction\nC EO\n\u0120thro tt\n\u0120Brit ann\n\u0120Mad agascar\n\xEB \u012D\n\u0120bill - boards\n\u0120RPG s\n\u0120Be es\ncomplete ly\nF IL\n\u0120does nt\n\u0120Green - berg\nre ys\n\u0120sl ing\n\u0120empt ied\n\u0120Pix ar\n\u0120Dh arma\nl - uck\ningu ished\n\u0120end ot\n\u0120bab ys\n05 9\nche st\nr ats\n\u0120r - idden\n\u0120beet les\n\u0120illum inating\n\u0120fict itious\n\u0120Prov - incial\n\u01207 68\n\u0120she pherd\n\u0120R ender\n\u012018 96\nC rew\n\u0120mold - ed\n\u0120Xia omi\n\u0120Sp iral\n\u0120del im\n\u0120organ ising\n\u0120ho - ops\n\u0120Be i\nz hen\n\u0120fuck in\n\u0120dec ad\n\u0120un biased\nam my\nsw - ing\n\u0120smugg led\n\u0120k ios\n\u0120P ERSON\n\u0120Inquis itor\n\u0120snow - y\n\u0120scrap ing\n\u0120Burg ess\nP tr\nag ame\nR W\n\u0120dro id\n\u0120L - ys\n\u0120Cass andra\nJac ob\n\u012035 4\n\u0120past ure\n\u0120fr anc\n\u0120Scot - ch\n\u0120End s\n\u0120I GF\ndef inition\n\u0120hyster ical\n\u0120Brown e\n77 - 1\n\u0120mobil ization\n\xE6 \u0137\niqu eness\nTh or\n\u0120spear headed\n\u0120embro - iled\n\u0120conject ure\njud icial\nCh oice\n\u0120paper back\nP ir\n\u0120rec - overs\n\u0120Sur ge\n\u0120Sh ogun\n\u0120Ped iatrics\n\xE3\u0123 \u0142\n\u0120sweep - s\n\u0120Labor atories\n\u0120P acks\nal us\nadd in\n\u0120head lights\ng - ra\nEv idence\nCOL OR\nAd min\n\u012C \xB1\n\u0120conco ct\ns ufficient\n\u0120un - marked\n\u0120rich ness\n\u0120diss ertation\n\u0120season ing\n\u0120g ib\n\u0120M - ages\nun ctions\n\u0120N id\nche at\n\u0120TM Z\nc itizens\n\u0120Catholic - ism\nn b\n\u0120disemb ark\n\u0120PROG RAM\na ques\nTy ler\nOr g\n\u0120Sl - ay\n\u0120N ero\n\u0120Town send\nIN TON\nte le\n\u0120mes mer\n9 01\n\u0120fire - ball\nev idence\naff iliated\n\u0120French man\n\u0120August a\n0 21\n\u0120s - led\n\u0120re used\n\u0120Immun ity\n\u0120wrest le\nassemb led\nMar ia\n\u0120gun - shots\n\u0120Barb ie\n\u0120cannabin oids\n\u0120To ast\n\u0120K inder\nIR - D\n\u0120re juven\n\u0120g ore\n\u0120rupt ure\n\u0120bre aching\n\u0120Cart - oon\n\u01204 55\n\u0120Pale o\n6 14\n\u0120spe ars\n\u0120Am es\nab us\nMad - ison\nGR OUP\n\u0120ab orted\ny ah\n\u0120fel on\n\u0120caus ation\n\u0120prep - aid\n\u0120p itted\nop lan\n\u0120Shel ley\n\u0120Rus so\n\u0120P agan\n\u0120will - fully\n\u0120Can aver\nund rum\n\u0120Sal ary\n\u0120Ar paio\nread er\n\u0120R - ational\n\u0120Over se\n\u0120Ca uses\n\u0120* .\n\u0120w ob\nKe ith\n\u0120Cons - ent\nman ac\n77 3\n6 23\n\u0120fate ful\net imes\n\u0120spir ited\n\u0120D - ys\n\u0120he gemony\n\u0120boy cot\n\u0120En rique\nem outh\n\u0120tim elines\n\u0120Sah - ara\n\u0120Rel ax\n\u0120Quin cy\n\u0120Less ons\n\u0120E QU\nSE A\nN K\n\u0120Cost - co\nIncre ase\n\u0120motiv ating\n\u0120Ch ong\nam aru\n\u0120Div ide\n\u0120ped - igree\n\u0120Tasman ia\n\u0120Prel ude\nL as\n9 40\n57 4\n\u0120ch au\n\u0120Sp - iegel\nun ic\n-- >\n\u0120Phil ips\n\u0120Kaf ka\n\u0120uphe aval\n\u0120sent - imental\n\u0120sa x\n\u0120Ak ira\nser ial\nMat rix\n\u0120elect ing\n\u0120comment - er\n\u0120Neb ula\nple ts\n\u0120Nad u\n\u0120Ad ren\n\u0120en shr\n\u0120R - AND\nfin ancial\n\u0120Cly de\nuther ford\n\u0120sign age\n\u0120de line\n\u0120phosph - ate\nrovers ial\nf ascist\n\u0120V all\n\u0120Beth lehem\n\u0120for s\n\u0120eng - lish\nS olid\nN ature\n\u0120v a\n\u0120Gu ests\n\u0120tant al\n\u0120auto - immune\n;;;;;;;; ;;;;\n\u0120Tot ally\n\u0120O v\n\u0120def ences\n\u0120Coc - onut\n\u0120tranqu il\n\u0120pl oy\n\u0120flav ours\n\u0120Fl ask\n\xE3\u0124\xA8 - \xE3\u0125\xAB\n\u0120West on\n\u0120Vol vo\n8 70\n\u0120micro phones\nver - bal\nR PG\n\u0120i ii\n; }\n0 28\n\u0120head lined\n\u0120prim ed\n\u0120ho - ard\n\u0120Sh ad\n\u0120EN TER\n\u0120tri angular\n\u0120cap it\nl ik\n\u0120An - cients\n\u0120l ash\n\u0120conv ol\n\u0120colon el\nen emy\nG ra\n\u0120pub - s\nut ters\n\u0120assign s\n\u0120Pen et\n\u0120Mon strous\n\u0120Bow en\nil - ver\nH aunted\n\u0120D ing\nstart ed\npl in\n\u0120contamin ants\n\u0120DO - E\nff en\n\u0120Techn ician\nR y\n\u0120rob bers\n\u0120hot line\n\u0120Guard - iola\n\u0120Kau fman\nrow er\n\u0120Dres den\n\u0120Al pine\nE lf\n\u0120f - mt\n\u0120S ard\nurs es\ng pu\nUn ix\n\u0120unequiv ocally\n\u0120Citizens - hip\nqu ad\nm ire\n\u0120S weeney\nB attery\n6 15\n\u0120panc akes\n\u0120o - ats\nM aps\n\u0120Cont rast\nmbuds man\n\u0120E PS\n\u0120sub committee\n\u0120sour - cing\n\u0120s izing\n\u0120Buff er\n\u0120Mand atory\n\u0120moder ates\n\u0120Pattern - s\n\u0120Ch ocobo\n\u0120Z an\n\u0120STAT ES\n\u0120Jud ging\n\u0120In her\n* - :\n\u0120b il\n\u0120Y en\n\u0120exh ilar\noll ower\nz ers\n\u0120sn ug\nmax - imum\n\u0120desp icable\n\u0120P ACK\n\u0120An nex\n\u0120sarcast ic\n\u0120late - x\n\u0120t amp\n\u0120S ao\nb ah\n\u0120Re verend\n\u0120Chin atown\n\u0120A - UT\nd ocumented\n\u0120GA BA\n\u0120Can aan\n\u0120\xD9 \u0127\n\u0120govern - s\npre v\nE sc\n\u0120Est imates\nOS P\n\u0120endeav our\n\u0120Cl osing\nomet - ime\nevery one\n\u0120wor sen\n\u0120sc anners\n\u0120dev iations\n\u0120Robot - ics\n\u0120Com pton\n\u0120sorce rer\n\u0120end ogenous\n\u0120em ulation\n\u0120Pier - cing\n\u0120A ph\n\u0120S ocket\n\u0120b ould\n\u0120O U\n\u0120Border lands\n\u012018 - 63\nG ordon\n\u0120W TO\n\u0120restrict s\n\u0120mosa ic\n\u0120mel odies\n\xE7 - \u0126\nT ar\n\u0120dis son\n\u0120Prov ides\n\u0120 ......\nb ek\nF IX\n\u0120bro - om\nans hip\nDo ctors\n\u0120ner ds\n\u0120Reg ions\nna issance\n\u0120met - e\n\u0120cre pt\npl ings\n\u0120girlfriend s\nkn it\nig ent\now e\n\u0120us - hered\n\u0120B az\nM obil\n4 34\n\u0120Pres ents\norig in\n\u0120ins omnia\n\u0120A - ux\n4 39\n\u0120Ch ili\nirs ch\nG AME\n\u0120gest ation\nalg ia\nrom ising\n$ - ,\nc row\n\u0120In spection\nat omic\nRel ations\nJ OHN\nrom an\n\u0120Clock - work\n\u0120Bak r\nm one\nM ET\n\u0120thirst y\n\u0120b c\n\u0120facult ies\nR - um\n\u0120nu ance\n\u0120D arius\nple ting\nfter s\netch up\nReg istration\n\u0120K - E\nR ah\n\u0120pref erential\n\u0120L ash\n\u0120H H\nVal id\n\u0120N AV\n\u0120star - ve\n\u0120G ong\nz ynski\n\u0120Act ress\n\u0120w ik\n\u0120un accompanied\nlv - l\nBr ide\nAD S\n\u0120Command o\n\u0120Vaugh n\nWal let\n\u0120ho pping\n\u0120V - ie\n\u0120cave ats\n\u0120al as\nif led\nab use\n66 1\n\u0120ib n\n\u0120g - ul\n\u0120rob bing\nt il\nIL A\n\u0120mit igating\n\u0120apt ly\n\u0120ty - rant\n\u0120mid day\n\u0120Gil more\n\u0120De cker\n\u0120\xC2\xA7 \xC2\xA7\npart - ial\nEx actly\n\u0120phen otype\n\u0120[+ ]\n\u0120P lex\n\u0120I ps\nvers - ions\n\u0120e book\n\u0120ch ic\ng ross\n\":\" \"},{\"\n\u0120Sur prisingly\nM - organ\n\u0120resid ues\n\u0120Conf ederation\nin feld\n\u0120l yr\nmod erate\n\u0120perpend - icular\nV K\n\u0120synchron ized\n\u0120refres hed\n\u0120ad ore\n\u0120Tor - ment\nol ina\n\u012026 00\nItem Tracker\n\u0120p ies\n\u0120F AT\n\u0120R - HP\n0 48\n\u0120RES P\n\u0120B J\nall ows\nP and\n\u0120unw elcome\n\u0120V - oc\n\u0120Bast ard\n\u0120O W\n\u0120L AR\n\u0120Heal er\nEnvironment al\n\u0120Ken - yan\n\u0120Tr ance\n\u0120P ats\n\u0120ali ases\n\u0120Gar field\n\u0120campaign - er\n\u0120advance ments\n\u0120Okin awa\n\u0120C oh\nows ky\n\u0120star ved\n\u0120size - able\n\u0120: -)\n\u0120m RNA\n\u0120susp ensions\nist ar\nScot land\nPr in\n-------------------------------- - ----------------\n\u012050 2\n\u0120teasp oons\n\u012010 50\n\u0120coerc ive\n\u0120Mason - ic\nedd ed\n\u0120Pass enger\n\u0120l att\n\u0120br aces\n\u0120St eal\n\u0120NY - T\n\u0120K ats\n\u0120Cel est\nae z\nT u\n\u0120Coul ter\n\xF0\u0141 \u013A\nFl - ickr\n\u0120Wil mington\nith s\n++ ;\n\u0120v ending\n\u0120neg ro\n\u0120Ph - i\n\u0120Yellow stone\nCall back\n\u0120sh ampoo\n\u0120Sh ades\nw at\n\u0120super - human\n\u0120ridic uled\n\u0120hol iest\nom bo\n\u0120intern s\n\u0120h one\n\u0120Par - agu\nUR I\n\u0120d angling\n\xE3\u0124 \xBB\nso v\nict ional\nav ailability\n\u0120rev - ocation\n\u0120d ow\nin ic\n\u0120THE IR\n\u0120is o\n\u0120out ings\n\u0120Leth - al\n\u0120) ))\n\u0120inacc ur\n\u0120out landish\n\u0120an us\nlet ico\nid - on\nl ol\n\u0120un regulated\n\u0120succumb ed\n\u0120c uff\n\u0120Wast eland\nlet - al\n\u0120sub str\n\u0120coff ers\n\u0120autom akers\nov i\n\u0120X ue\n\u0120Dayton - a\n\u0120jar ring\n\u0120f umes\n\u0120disband ed\nz ik\nitt on\n\u0120striking - ly\n\u0120sp ores\nAd apter\n.) :\n\u0120Lynd on\nival ry\n\u0120or ally\n\u0120tumult - uous\n\u0120disple asure\n\u0120con es\nor rect\n\u0120appe ase\n\u0120der - by\n\u0120Trip oli\n\u0120Al ess\n\u0120p oked\n\u0120Gu ilty\nv P\nEn ough\n\u0120orig - inals\n6 99\n\u0120rabb i\n\u0120proverb ial\n\u0120postp one\nel ope\n\u0120Mist - y\n\u0120staff ed\n\u0120Un employment\nredit ary\n\u0120dilig ent\nre comm\nme - asures\nas in\n8 25\n\u0120pond s\n\u0120mm ol\n\u0120S AR\n\u0120C ARE\n\u01203 - 71\n\u0120clen ched\n\u0120Cors air\n\u0120caric ature\nz n\natt ach\n\u0120Sch - ro\nspe ak\np ainted\n\u0120S uc\n\u0120E NT\n\u0120cell ul\n\u0120P aid\ndi - agn\nWH ERE\n\u0120text ed\nB arn\n\u0120ret racted\n\u0120Re ferred\nS av\n\u0120up - keep\n\u0120work places\n\u0120Tok ens\n\u0120ampl ify\ncl inical\n\u0120mult - ic\nmber g\n\u0120convol uted\nReg ion\n5 65\n\u0120Top ic\n\u0120sn ail\n\u0120sal - ine\n\u0120ins urrection\n\u0120Pet r\nf orts\nB AT\n\u0120Nav ajo\n\u0120rud - imentary\n\u0120Lak sh\nOND ON\nMe asure\n\u0120transform er\n\u0120Godd ard\n\u0120coinc - ides\nir in\nR ex\n\u0120B ok\nqu it\n\u0120shotgun s\n\u0120prolet arian\n\u0120sc - orp\n\u0120Ad a\n5 14\n\u0120sl ander\nrecord ed\n\u0120emb ell\nris ome\n\u0120apolog - izing\n\u0120Mul cair\n\u0120Gib raltar\nCl a\n\u0120all ot\n\u0120Att ention\n\u01204 - 33\nle ave\n\u0120wh ine\n\u0120Iss a\n\u0120Fa ust\n\u0120Bar ron\nhen y\n\u0120victim - ized\nJ ews\n\u0120nurt uring\nett el\nW inged\n\u0120Sub tle\n\u0120flavor - ful\n\u0120Rep s\neng ed\ncall back\n\u0120direction al\n\u0120cl asp\n\u0120Direct - ions\nplan et\nicult ure\nHel per\nic ion\nac ia\n\u0120\xE7 \xA5\u0140\n\u0120sur - ges\n\u0120can oe\n\u0120Prem iership\nbe en\n\u0120def ied\n\u0120Tro oper\n\u0120trip - od\n\u0120gas p\n\u0120E uph\n\u0120Ad s\nvern ight\nhigh ly\nR ole\n\u0120ent - angled\n\u0120Ze it\n6 18\n\u0120Rust y\n\u0120haven s\n\u0120Vaugh an\nHA - EL\n\u0120SER VICE\n/ ,\n\u0120str icken\n\u0120del usions\n\u0120b is\n\u0120H - af\n\u0120grat ification\n\u0120ent icing\nUN CH\nAd ams\n\u0120OL ED\n\u0120Beet - le\n\u012018 99\n\u0120SO FTWARE\nateg or\nV L\n\u0120Tot em\n\u0120G ators\nAT - URES\n\u0120imped ance\nReg istered\n\u0120C ary\n\u0120Aer ial\non ne\nen - ium\n\u0120d red\n\u0120Be g\n\u0120concurrent ly\n\u0120super power\n\u0120X - an\nj ew\nimes ter\n\u0120Dick inson\n\xE2\u0136 \u0123\nF la\n\u0120p ree\n\u0120Roll - ins\n\xA9 \xB6\xE6\n\u0120den omination\n\u0120L ana\n5 16\n\u0120inc iting\nsc - ribed\nj uries\n\u0120Wond ers\napp roximately\n\u0120susp ending\n\u0120mountain - ous\n\u0120L augh\noid al\nN s\nDet ect\n) =\n\u0120L uthor\n\u0120Schwarz - enegger\n\u0120Mull er\n\u0120Dev i\nec ycle\nJ ar\n6 13\n\u0120L ongh\nB - ah\n\u0120SP ORTS\nn w\n\u0120ref inement\n\u0120water ways\n\u0120d iner\nBl - ade\n68 3\nF ac\n\u0120initial s\n\u0120ro g\n\u0120paran ormal\nB UT\n\u0120[ - (\n\u0120Sw anson\n\u0120M esh\n\xE2\u0138 \xAC\nImpro ve\n\u0120Rad iation\n\u0120Est - her\n\u0120E sk\n\u0120A ly\nik y\n\u0120ir rad\n\u0120Buck ingham\n\u0120ref - ill\n\u0120. _\nRe pe\nCON CLUS\n\u0120different iated\n\u0120chi rop\n\u0120At - kins\nPat tern\n\u0120exc ise\n\u0120cab al\nN SA\n\u0120ST A\n\u0120S IL\n\u0120Par - aly\n\u0120r ye\n\u0120How ell\n\u0120Count down\nness es\nalys ed\n\u0120res - ize\n\xE3\u0124 \xBD\n\u0120budget ary\n\u0120Str as\nw ang\n\u0120ap iece\n\u0120precinct - s\n\u0120pe ach\n\u0120sky line\n\u012035 3\npop ular\nApp earances\n\u0120Mechan - ics\n\u0120Dev Online\nS ullivan\nZ en\n\u0120p u\nop olis\n5 44\n\u0120de - form\n\u0120counter act\n\u0120L ange\n\u01204 17\nCon sole\n77 4\n\u0120nodd - ing\n\u0120popul ism\n\u0120he p\n\u0120coun selling\ncompl iance\nU FF\n\u0120unden - iably\n\u0120rail ing\n\u0120Hor owitz\n\u0120Sim one\n\u0120Bung ie\n\u0120a - k\n\u0120Tal ks\nx ff\nfl ake\nCr ash\n\u0120sweat y\n\u0120ban quet\n\u0120OFF - IC\n\u0120invent ive\n\u0120astron omer\n\u0120Stam ford\n\u0120Sc are\n\u0120GRE - EN\nolic ited\n\u0120r usher\n\u0120cent rist\night ing\n\u0120sub class\n\u0120dis - av\n\u0120def und\n\u0120N anto\noci ate\nm ast\n\u0120pac if\n\u0120m end\ne - ers\nimm igration\nESS ION\n\u0120number ing\n\u0120laugh able\n\u0120End - ed\nv iation\nem ark\nP itt\n\u0120metic ulous\n\u0120L F\n\u0120congrat ulated\n\u0120Bir - ch\n\u0120sway ed\n\u0120semif inals\n\u0120hum ankind\nm atter\n\u0120Equ - ip\nopa usal\nS aid\n\u0120Lay out\n\u0120vo icing\n\u0120th ug\n\u0120porn - ographic\nI PS\n\u0120mo aning\n\u0120griev ance\n\u0120conf essions\nesc - al\nTEXT URE\nAut hent\nos aurus\nP urchase\n\u0120releg ation\nal ter\n\u0120\xC2\u0142 - \xC2\u0142\n\u0120r iddled\n\u0120o gre\n\u0120Low ell\nOcc up\nE at\n\u0120Hy - der\n\u0120Advis er\nCom merce\nH unt\n\u0120Or th\n\u0120Comp etitive\n\u0120CL - A\nCD C\n\u0120sal ads\nF le\n\u0120industrial ized\n` ,\n\u0120O WN\n\u0120bec - k\n\u0120Part icularly\noub t\n\u0120m M\n\u0120Huss ain\n\u0120Chen nai\n\u01209 - 20\n\u0120appoint ing\n\u0120Cull en\n,,,, ,,,,\n\u0120p ores\nver ified\n\u0120bi - ochemical\nem ate\n\u0120coward ly\n\u0120Hels inki\n\u0120Ethiop ian\nS OURCE\nER - C\nest ro\n\u0120bi otech\n\u0120S our\n\u0120brew er\nBloom berg\n\u0120intens - ify\nGl ass\nan co\n\u0120F DR\ngre SQL\n\u0120F ires\n\xA9\xB6\xE6 \xA5\xB5\nec - o\n100 1\n\u0120Hom eless\n\u0120instant aneous\n\u0120H aste\nig el\nD iamond\n\u0120p - aving\n\u0120land fill\n\u0120d ads\nh oun\n: ]\n\u0120inc endiary\n\u0120Living - ston\n\u0120Hil bert\n\u0120Che cks\nst yles\nin ators\n\u0120Cl ive\nph rine\n\u0120chimpan - zees\n\u0120p all\n\u0120J M\n\u0120Aad haar\n\xF0 \u013F\n\u0120achie vable\ndis - abled\nP ET\nOOOO OOOO\nM ot\n\u0120int angible\n\u0120bal let\n\u0120We bs\n\u0120Est - imated\nEffect s\n\u0120b ailed\nJosh ua\n\u0120turb ulence\n\u0120occup ant\n\u0120Day - light\n\u012036 1\nme et\n\u0120stat ically\n\u0120on look\n\u0120k i\nil - legal\n\u0120vel vet\n\u0120dehyd ration\n\u0120acqu ies\n\u0120Re z\nak ura\n\u0120U - pton\nat ro\n\u0120incomp rehensible\n\u0120back door\n\u0120Rh ino\n7 27\n\u0120math - s\n) +\n\u0120he resy\n\u0120d f\n\u0120Roc he\n\u0120L ydia\n\u0120panc reat\nre - ply\narre ll\n\u0120solicit ation\n\u0120circ adian\nBI P\n\u0120for ay\n\u0120crypt - ic\niz u\nime o\n\u0120Tom ato\n\u0120H oms\nex amination\n\u0120qu arry\n\u0120Val - iant\n\u0120Jer icho\n\u0120IN CLUD\n\u012018 40\n5 19\n\u0120res ists\n\u0120snap - shots\n\u0120Sp ur\n\u0120Ant iqu\nLog in\n\u0120best selling\n\u0120ant ic\n\u0120S - utherland\n\xE3\u0124\xA2 \xE3\u0125\xAB\n\u0120~ /\n\u0120P arm\n\xE8 \u0125\nP - ages\nint ensity\n\u0120imm obil\n\u012018 65\nzz o\n\u0120n ifty\n\u0120f - entanyl\n\u0120Pres ervation\nop hen\n\u0120d arts\n\u0120D inosaur\npo inters\n\u0120R - ite\ns uggest\naware ness\n\u0120Sher idan\n\u0120st ances\n\u0120sor cery\n\u0120per - jury\n\u0120Nik ola\nie ver\n\u0120f iance\n\u0120Jordan ian\n\u0120Ball oon\n\u0120n - ab\n\u0120k b\n\u0120human ities\n\u0120Tan aka\nhill ary\n\u0120consult ancy\n\u0120Z - ub\n\u0120rem ission\n\u0120conf id\nCH Q\n\u0120F ug\n\u0120impro vis\nY - ep\n/ _\n\u0120unwilling ness\n\u0120port folios\n05 5\n\u0120Instruct or\naim - an\n\u0120claim ants\nM bps\n\u0120By e\nre ceived\nT weet\n\u0120ind emn\nri - z\nam ara\nN at\n\u0120eval uates\n\u0120L ur\nep ad\nFO X\n\u0120Th ro\n\u0120rust - y\n\u0120bed rock\n\u0120Op rah\nJ B\n\u0120manip ulative\n\u0120will ful\n\u0120rel - apse\n\u0120ext ant\nThe me\nS ensor\n\u0120St ability\ngo vern\n\u0120po - ppy\n\u0120kn ack\n\u0120ins ulated\n\u0120T ile\n\u0120Ext rem\n\u0120unt - old\n\u0120conver ge\n\u0120ref uel\nig roup\n\u0120distort ions\n\u0120rav - aged\n\u0120mechan ically\n\u0120Re illy\n\u0120N ose\n\u0120Incarn ation\n\u0120Beck - y\nabb ling\n\u0120t aco\n\u0120r ake\n\u0120melanch oly\n\u0120illust rious\n\u0120Dart - mouth\nGu ide\n\u0120R azer\n\u0120Ben z\nUlt imate\n\u0120Sur prise\n\u0120page - ant\noff er\nWho ever\n\u0120w iser\n\u0120chem ist\n\u0120HE LL\n\u0120Bul - k\n\u0120pl utonium\n\u0120CO VER\n\xD6 \xBC\nf ailed\n\u0120tire lessly\n\u0120inf - ertility\n\u0120Tr ident\n\u0120Show time\n\u0120C iv\nV ice\nrequ ires\nitt - ance\n\u0120un controlled\ninterest ing\n56 1\n\u0120innov ate\nateg ic\nL - ie\n\u0120S elling\nU l\n\u0120sav ior\n\u0120T osh\n\u0120sw ast\nP ASS\n\u0120r - ink\n\u0120card io\n\u0120I ro\nud i\n\u0120v antage\n\u0120v ans\n\u0120Ni - \xC3\xB1o\n+ =\n\u0120propag ate\n< ?\n\u0120method ological\n204 39\n\u0120trig - lycer\n\u0120ing rained\n\u0120An notations\narr anted\n6 17\n\u0120S odium\n\u0120A - AC\ntechn ical\nmult ipl\n\u01203 73\n\xE5 \u012D\n\u0120dec isively\n\u0120boost - ers\n\u0120dessert s\n\u0120Gren ade\n\u0120test ifying\n\u0120Sc ully\nID - s\n\u0120lock down\n\u0120Sc her\n\u0120R \xC3\xA9\n\u0120Whit man\n\u0120Rams - ay\nrem ote\n\u0120h ikers\n\u0120Hy undai\n\u0120cons cientious\n\u0120cler - ics\n\u0120Siber ian\nut i\nis bury\n\u0120rel ayed\n\u0120qu artz\n\u0120C - BI\nseek ers\null a\n\u0120weld ing\n\u0120Sh al\nble acher\nT ai\n\u0120Sam - son\n\u0120t umble\n\u0120Invest or\n\u0120sub contract\n\u0120Shin ra\now - icz\nj andro\nd ad\n\u0120termin ating\n\u0120Ne ural\n\xE4\xBB \xA3\n\u0120leak - age\n\u0120Mid lands\n\u0120Caucas us\n\xED \u0137\nc it\nll an\niv ably\n\u0120Alb - ion\n\u01204 57\n\u0120regist rations\n\u0120comr ade\n\u0120clip board\n0 - 47\n\u0120discour aging\n\u0120O ops\nAd apt\n\u0120em path\nn v\n\u0120PR - OT\n\u0120Don n\n\u0120P ax\n\u0120B ayer\nt is\nSqu are\n\u0120foot prints\npart - icip\n\u0120Chile an\nB rend\nind ucing\nM agn\n\u0120club house\n\u0120Magn - um\n\u0120enc amp\n\u0120Eth nic\nuch a\nere y\n\u0120w atered\n\u0120Cal - ais\n\u0120complex ion\n\u0120sect s\n\u0120ren ters\n\u0120br as\no\xC4\u0141 - an\nTime out\nMan agement\n\u0120inf ographic\nP okemon\nCl ar\n\u0120loc - ality\n\u0120fl ora\nas el\nP ont\n\u0120pop ulate\n\u0120O ng\n\u0120subs - istence\n\u0120a uctions\n\u0120McA uliffe\n\u0120L OOK\nbr inger\n\u0120tit - an\n\u0120manif old\n\u0120\xE2\u0139 \u0131\n\u0120calibr ated\n\u0120cal - iphate\n\u0120SH E\n\u0120Commission ers\nce ivable\nj c\nW inner\n5 24\n\u0120cond - one\nOther wise\n\u0120p iling\n\u0120em body\n\u0120Crime an\nut ics\n\u0120Ex - hibition\n\u01204 26\ne ering\n\u0120v ying\n\u0120H UGE\n* =-\n\u0120prin - cipled\n\xE0 \xA6\n\u0120quir ks\n\u0120Edit ors\nput ing\nG ES\n\u0120F TA\n\xE0\xA4 - \xBE\nadd on\n\u0120H AM\n\u0120Frie za\nW oman\n. $\n\u0120c rib\n\u0120Her - od\n\u0120tim ers\n\u0120Sp aces\n\u0120Mac intosh\nat aka\n\u0120gl ide\n\u0120smell - ing\n\u0120B AL\n\u0120un su\n\u0120cond os\n\u0120bicy cl\n\u0120Rev ival\n55 - 3\n\u0120jugg ling\nH ug\n\u0120Kardash ian\n\u0120Balk ans\nmult iple\n\u0120nutrit - ious\noc ry\n19 00\n\u0120integ rates\n\u0120ad joining\n\u0120F older\nroll - ment\nven ient\n\u0120u ber\ny i\n\u0120wh iff\n\u0120Ju ven\n\u0120B orough\nnet - te\n\u0120b ilingual\n\u0120Sp arks\nph thal\nman ufact\n\u0120t outing\n\u0120PH - I\nKe efe\nRew ard\n\u0120inf all\n\u0120Tem per\ntyp ically\n\u0120Nik ol\n\u0120regular - s\n\u0120pseud onym\n\u0120exhib itions\n\u0120bl aster\n\u012040 9\nw arming\n\u0120rever - ber\n\u0120recip rocal\n\u01206 70\nip ient\nb ett\n\u0120Be gins\n\u0120it - ching\n\u0120Ph ar\nAss uming\n\u0120em itting\n\u0120ML G\n\u0120birth place\n\u0120t - aunt\n\u0120L uffy\n\u0120Am it\n\u0120cir cled\n\u0120N ost\nenn ett\n\u0120de - forestation\n\u0120Hist orically\n\u0120Every day\n\u0120overt ake\n79 2\n\u0120n - un\n\u0120Luc ia\n\u0120accompan ies\n\u0120Se eking\n\u0120Tr ash\nan ism\nR - ogue\n\u0120north western\n\u0120Supplement al\n\u0120NY U\n\u0120F RI\n\u0120Sat - isf\nx es\n5 17\n\u0120reass ured\n\u0120spor adic\n\u01207 01\n\u0120med - ial\n\u0120cannabin oid\n\u0120barbar ic\n\u0120ep is\n\u0120Explos ive\n\u0120D - ough\n\u0120uns olved\nSupport ed\n\u0120acknowled gment\nsp awn\n\u0120kit - chens\n\u0120- =\ntalk ing\nic ist\n\u0120Peg asus\n\u0120PS U\n\u0120phot - on\n\u0120Authent ication\nR G\n@# &\n76 2\n\u0120Cl air\n\u0120di aper\n\u0120br - ist\n\u0120Prosecut ors\n\u0120J em\n6 28\n\u0120Every where\n\u0120Jean ne\nequ - ality\n\xE3\u0125\xA9 \xE3\u0125\xB3\nobject s\n\u0120Pel icans\n\u012039 - 2\n\u0120bl u\nb ys\n\u0120A go\n\u0120instruction al\n\u0120discrim inating\n\u0120TR - AN\n\u0120Corn el\nag os\n\u0120ty re\n\u0120as piration\n\u0120Brid gewater\n\": - -\n! \".\n\u0120En s\n\u0120Coc o\nP ie\n\u0120det ach\n\u0120C ouch\n\u0120phys - ique\n\u0120Occup ations\nosc opic\nen ough\nB uzz\nApp earance\nY P\n\u0120rac - er\n\u0120compl icity\nr pm\nT oy\n\u0120interrupt s\n\u0120Cat alyst\n\u0120ut - ilitarian\nimp act\n\u0120sp aghetti\n\u0120p orous\n\u0120este emed\n\u0120inc - iner\n\u0120I OC\n7 48\n\u0120esp resso\n\u0120Sm ile\nabil ia\n6 35\n\u0120mathematic - ian\n\u01204 24\n\u0120K L\n\u0120H IP\n\u0120over heard\n\u0120T ud\n\u0120T - ec\n\u0120qu izz\n\u0120fl attering\n\u0120con n\n\xE2\u0122 \u0130\n\u0120att - aches\n\u0120R OS\n\u0120AC S\n\u0120t cp\n\u0120Sh ame\nsk ip\nres pected\n\u0120Trin - idad\ngr ain\n\u0120footh old\n\u0120Unch arted\n\u0120Jul io\nz l\nav ored\n\u0120An - xiety\ner rors\n\u0120Cent auri\nits ch\nD addy\n\u0120clutch ing\n\u0120Im - plement\n\u0120Gut ierrez\n\u01207 60\n\u0120tele portation\nend ra\n\u0120revers - ible\nst ros\nAd venture\n08 3\n\u0120liber ating\n\u0120as phalt\n\u0120Sp - end\nAR DS\nim sy\nPR ES\n\u0120Emer ging\n\u0120wild fires\n\u0120techn ologically\n\u0120em - its\n\u0120ART ICLE\n\u0120irregular ities\n\u0120cher ish\n\xE7\u012B \u012A\n\u0120st - ink\n\u0120R ost\nEconom ic\n\u0120cough ing\n\u0120McC ann\npro perties\nilant - ro\n\u0120reneg oti\nTrans lation\n\u0120in quest\n\u0120Gra pe\noot ers\ngu - i\n\u0120Swords man\nace ae\nh itting\n\u0120r c\n\u0120exert ed\n\u0120S - AP\nit ent\n\u0120peril ous\n\u0120obsc urity\n\u0120assass inate\n\u0120ab - original\n\u0120resc uing\n\u0120Sh attered\nlock ing\nall ion\nCh anging\n\u0120Har - rington\n\u0120B ord\n\u0120Afgh ans\nJam ie\naret z\n\u0120August us\n\u012038 - 6\n8 30\n\u0120j og\nok ingly\nTr igger\n\u0120H OR\nStat istics\n\u0120viewers - hip\n\u0120add itives\nh ur\n\u0120maxim izing\n\u0120R ove\n\u0120Lou ie\n\u0120Buck - et\n\u0120CHR IST\nou sel\n\u0120stre aks\nir ted\n\u0120t ert\n\u0120colonial - ism\n\u0120bur ying\ny k\nCond ition\n\u0120DPR K\nBy Id\n75 1\n\xE2\u0139 - \xBC\n\u0120wor risome\n\u0120voc ational\nsl ice\n\u0120sa ils\n\u0120Correction - al\n95 4\n\u0120t ul\nK id\nl uster\n\u0120fam ilial\n\u0120Sp it\n\u0120Ep - iscopal\nSpecific ally\n\u0120Vol cano\nrun s\nq s\n\u0120ve tted\n\u0120cram - med\nt rop\nhere r\nThank fully\n\u0120per cussion\n\u0120or anges\n\u0120round - up\n\u01204 99\nx ious\nChar acters\n\u0120Zion ism\n\u0120R ao\n\xC3\u013D - \xC3\u013D\nW F\n\u0120unintention al\nONE Y\nGr ab\nCom mercial\n\u0120glut - amate\n\u0120McK enna\nru ciating\nning ton\nih u\nCh an\n\u0120Sw ap\n\u0120leaf - lets\n\u0120function ally\ner ous\nF arm\n\u0120cal oric\n\u0120Liter ally\ncon - cert\n\u0120she nan\n\u0120rep aid\ney es\n\u0120bas hing\n\u0120G orge\n\u0120collabor - ations\n\u0120un account\nitch ie\n\u0120team work\npp elin\n\u0120pip ing\n\u0120min - ced\n\u0120d iam\nri eg\n\u0120masc ara\n\u0120suck er\n\u0120Mo ons\nApp - s\n\u0120Pe ck\n\u0120per v\n\u0120Fl oat\no ley\n\u0120N ish\nim ize\n\u0120arom - atic\nu in\nend ish\n! /\n\u0120B icycle\n\u0120AS IC\nile ged\n\u0120Quad - ro\nios yn\n\u0120lock out\n\u0120W ink\nSP EC\nAttempt s\n\u0120seed ed\nred - o\nias is\n\u0120sn ag\n\xE3\u0125\u0137 \xE3\u0124\xA9\n\xE3\u0124 \xB6\n\u0120ground - ing\n\u0120relie ver\n\u0120frivol ous\n\u0120G ifts\n\u0120F aces\nEs pecially\n\u0120microbi - ome\nim ag\n\u0120Sch l\n\u0120P les\n\u0120Ble ach\n\u0120Ir win\n\u0120E - aton\n\u0120Disc iple\n\u0120multipl ication\n\u0120coer ced\n\u01204 19\nst - h\nE vil\nB omb\n\u0120ex orc\n\u0120stag gered\nL ESS\n\u0120inert ia\n\u0120ED - IT\n\u0120go b\nTr aditional\n\u0120class y\nLear y\n\u0120P AGE\nyr s\n\u0120trans - porter\n\u0120mat ured\n\u0120hij ab\n\u0120bi ome\nWhere as\n\u0120ex termination\n\u0120T - ues\n\u0120T akeru\n\u0120Aud rey\ner ial\n\u0120Ad en\naff les\n\u0120narciss - istic\n\u0120B aird\nUT F\nI re\n\u0120Con nie\nCh amp\n\u0120whis pering\n\u0120H - att\nD K\n\u0120dis infect\n\u0120deduct ed\n\u0120part ake\n\u0120down grade\n\u0120Es - ports\n\u0120Contin uing\n\u0120democr atically\nicro bial\nitt a\n\u0120lim - estone\n\u0120exempt ed\n\u0120Fren zy\nH erm\n7 28\n\u0120fled gling\nMet - a\n765 61\n69 3\n% :\nw ake\n5 26\n\u0120Dis cipline\n\u0120virgin ity\n\u0120Leg - ions\n\u0120Frank ie\nint ent\n\u0120rest rooms\n\u0120Rou ter\nda q\n\u0120objection - able\n\xE2\u0128 \u0133\nw ark\n\u0120Rah ul\ng ain\nactiv ation\nabs olute\n\u0120Access - ed\n\u012024 00\nogg les\n\u0120second ly\n\u0120DEF ENSE\n\u0120post age\nwra - pper\nsh arp\n7 29\n\u0120commun icates\n\u0120add on\n\u0120Mil itia\nH ong\n\u0120sl - umped\n\u0120JP EG\n\u0120I car\nad ish\n68 1\n\u0120maj esty\n\u0120Wolf - gang\n\u0120El astic\nu per\n\u0120v iz\n\u0120unconscious ly\n\u0120ST D\n\u0120S - ass\n\u0120flower ing\n\u0120Hel ic\n\u0120Dra per\n\u0120Am ateur\n\u0120man - ure\n\u0120dis ingen\n\u0120Le i\nbr ing\n9 49\n\u0120inhib ited\n\u0120head - quartered\n\u0120en igmatic\n\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD \xEF\xBF\xBD\n\u0120red - ress\nR H\n\u0120ratt led\n\u0120d iction\nl io\n\u0120T BA\n\u0120SN AP\nC - alling\n\u0120fasc ists\n\u0120D ove\niew icz\n0 36\n\u0120co asts\n\u0120R - ect\n\u0120) ]\nL ot\n6 29\n\u0120S EM\n\u0120Peters en\n\u0120Expl ain\n\u0120Bo - ards\n\u0120Be zos\n\u0120J ournals\n\u012020 24\np arser\n\u0120mist rust\n\u0120gr - ate\n\u0120L ocked\nbo a\nS aint\ng aming\n\u0120vow el\nin ately\nbl ow\nAll - ah\n\u0120un matched\n\u0120b ordering\n\u0120Exp end\nn r\nOr acle\nrou ch\n\u0120cont - iguous\nac us\n\u0120dist raught\n58 1\n\u0120anat omical\nO X\nap ixel\n8 - 33\n\u0120PL US\n\u0120res usc\n\u0120ab iding\n57 3\n\u0120vac ancies\nEm - ily\n\u0120hyp othal\n\u0120Wer ner\n\u0120We e\n\u0120DJ s\n5 13\n\u0120witch - craft\n\u0120ac upuncture\nent ary\nbenef it\nProduct s\n\u0120P SP\n\u0120MP - G\n\u0120J inn\n\u0120J arrett\n\u01204 45\n\u0120Im aging\n\u0120P yth\nFin - ish\n\u0120te x\n\u0120juven iles\n\u0120hero ism\n\u0120doubt less\n\u0120A - ki\n\u0120T end\n\u0120Patri arch\n\u0120bit ters\n\u0120Tele communications\nit - atively\nag na\n\u0120r g\n\u0120S OLD\n\u0120comp ulsion\n\u0120N asa\n\u0120Kath - ryn\n\u0120million aires\n\u0120intrins ically\n\u0120bolst ered\ntime out\nfl - o\n\u0120tut or\np our\nStat ement\n\u0120{ *\n\u0120Rud olph\n\u0120Kimber - ly\nrog ens\nadi q\n] +\n\u0120indign ation\n\u0120fract uring\n\u0120Re leases\n\u0120Gr - ain\npro tein\nL ago\n\u0120vac ations\n\u0120boot ed\n\u0120TH REE\n\u0120H - G\noresc ence\n\u0120t f\n\u0120so ar\niosyn cr\n\u0120gl ances\n\u0120Sp - oon\n\u0120J ury\n\u0120Cow boy\n\u0120creat ively\nHig her\n\u0120solic itor\n\u0120haw - k\nac io\n89 6\n\u0120superf lu\n\u0120bombs hell\nct ure\n\u0120broker age\n\u0120raid - ing\n\u0120f rench\n\u0120ang led\nTrans action\n\u0120Gen ocide\nu pe\n\u0120Hait - ian\n57 2\n! :\n\u0120unwitting ly\niter ator\nsc roll\n\u0120tall ied\n\u0120bi - omedical\n\u0120C ARD\n\u0120e uphem\n\u0120brain storm\na quin\nK o\nMic - helle\n\u0120R unes\n\u0120Ball istic\nud ers\n\u0120mod esty\n\u0120iP ads\n\u0120Ezek - iel\nY E\n\u0120stars hip\n\u0120power fully\n\u0120per l\n\u0120Sh ade\n\u0120Qu - art\n\u0120E EG\n\u0120fisher man\nOS ED\n\u0120Typ ical\ndf x\n\u0120mes - hes\n\u0120et ched\nworth iness\n\u0120topp led\n\u01203 96\nor ius\nWe iss\n\u0120my - sql\n\u0120Val halla\n\xD9 \u0134\nle asing\n\u0120rec omp\nrap nel\nS el\n04 - 3\n\u0120der ailed\n\u0120Gu ides\nIR T\n\u0120de human\n\u0120Britt any\n\" - ))\n\u0120ex claim\n\u0120b alk\n\u01208 40\nCLA IM\nint el\nL AB\n\u0120pe - gged\n\u0120ast roph\nsm oking\n\u0120rig ging\n\u0120fix ation\n\u0120cat - apult\nins ide\n\u0120C ascade\n\u0120Bolshe vik\nG aza\nDep th\n\u0120loud - spe\n\u0120almond s\nme yer\nl eness\nj en\nf resh\n\u0120unbeat en\n\u0120Squ - id\n\u0120Pres umably\nTim er\nB W\n\u0120ro sters\n\u0120ell ipt\n\u0120Har - riet\ndat abase\n\u0120Mut ual\n\u0120Comm odore\nuk ed\nkn ife\n\u0120COMM - UN\nh ya\n\u0120mel ts\narch ives\n\u0120rat ification\n\u0120multip lying\n\u0120inter - oper\n\u0120asc ert\nw ings\nver ting\n\u0120Scorp ion\nay e\n\u0120Ports - mouth\n\u0120M TA\nn it\niaz ep\n\u0120qu arantine\n\u0120slides how\n\u0120cent - imeters\n\u0120syn opsis\n\u0120sp ate\nth irst\n\u0120nom inating\n\u0120Mel - vin\nPre view\n\u0120thro b\n\u0120gener ational\n\u0120Rad ius\nrest ling\nput - able\naw ar\nN ECT\n\u0120unlaw fully\n\u0120Revel ations\nWik ipedia\nsur - v\n\u0120eye ing\nij n\n\u0120F W\n\u0120br unt\n\u0120inter stellar\n\u0120cl - itor\n\u0120Croat ian\n\u0120Ch ic\nev a\n\u0120Dis app\n\u0120A kin\niner - ies\nd ust\nInterest ed\n\u0120gen esis\n\u0120E ucl\n\xC3\xB6 n\np icking\n\u0120mut - ated\n\u0120disappro ve\n\u0120HD L\n\u01206 25\n\xCC \xB6\nc ancer\n\u0120squ - ats\n\u0120le vers\nDisc uss\n= ]\nD ex\n\u0120VIDE OS\nA UD\n\u0120trans - act\n\u0120Kin ect\n\u0120K uala\n\u0120C yp\n7 47\n\u0120sh attering\n\u0120arsen - ic\n\u0120Int ake\n\u0120Angel o\n\u0120Qu it\n\u0120K he\n\u012018 93\nM - aker\n0 29\n\u0120Pain ting\nDis able\n9 16\n\u0120anal ges\n\u0120tact ile\n\u0120prop - hes\n\u0120d iced\n\u0120Travel s\n\u0120He ader\n\u0120Club s\nAss istant\n\u0120inc - rim\n\u0120d ips\n\u0120cruc ifix\n\u0120Shan ahan\n\u0120Inter pret\n\u012040 - 90\nal ogy\nabb a\n\u0120simul ac\nhus band\nS IM\n\u0120recy cle\nuc er\ned - ged\n\u0120re naissance\n\u0120Bomb ay\nCath olic\n\u0120L INE\n\u0120Cl othing\nre - ports\n\u0120pl aus\n\u0120d ag\n\u0120M ace\nZ I\n\u0120intr uder\n\u0120Veter - inary\ng ru\n\u0120sne aky\n\u0120S ie\n\u0120C innamon\nP OSE\n\u0120cou - rier\n\u0120C NS\n\u0120emanc ipation\ns it\n\u0120play through\n\u0120Fac - ilities\nv irt\n\u0120G auntlet\nThom pson\n\u0120unbeliev ably\nParam eters\n\u0120st - itching\nign e\n\u0120TH ESE\nPriv acy\n\u0120shenan igans\n\u0120vit ri\n\u0120Val - id\n59 1\n\u0143 \xB7\n\u0120Prot otype\nink a\nSC P\n\u0120T id\n\xE8 \u012A\nold - ed\n\u0120individual ity\n\u0120bark ing\n\u0120m ars\n\u0120W D\n\u01208 - 20\n\u0120t ir\n\u0120sl apping\n\u0120disgr untled\n\u0120Ang ola\nri us\n\u0120Torn - ado\n\u0120Th urs\n\u0120capt cha\n\u0120ang st\n\u0120P og\n\u0120Assass - ins\n\u0120Ad idas\n\u0120joy ful\n\u0120wh ining\nEmer gency\n\u0120phosph - orus\n\u0120att rition\noph on\n\u0120Timber wolves\n\u0120J ah\n\u0120Br - inging\n\u0120W ad\n\u0120En sure\noh l\n\u0120X ie\nomm el\nc mp\n\u0120z - ipper\n\u0120rel at\n\u0120Cor ridor\nm ilo\nT ING\nAv g\n\u0120cro pped\n] - }\n\u0120r aged\n\u0120Lump ur\n\u0120Guer rero\nour ke\nN ut\n\u0120off sets\nog - lu\ndr m\n\u0120mort als\nlat able\n\u0120dismiss ive\n\xE4\xB8 \u012B\n\u0120thro - ats\n\u0120chips et\n\u0120Spot light\nCatal og\nart ist\nG b\n\u0120ch illy\n\u0120st - oked\n\u01203 74\nW ard\nL atin\n\u0120f iasco\n\u0120ble ach\n\u0120b rav\nEnh - anced\n\u0120in oc\n\u0120Fior ina\n_ >\n\u0120le ukemia\n\u0120el uc\n\u0120announ - cer\n\u0120Lith uan\n\u0120Arm ageddon\n\xE5 \u0129\nLen in\n\u0120R uk\n\u0120pe - pp\n\u0120Rom antic\n\u0120P IT\n\u0120Inter stellar\n\u0120At kinson\nR aid\nJ - s\nGo al\nC ourse\n\u0120van ishing\nes ley\n\u0120R ounds\nEls a\n59 3\n\u0120redund - ancy\n\u0120ST AND\n\u0120prop hetic\n\u0120habit able\nry u\n\u0120faint - ly\nM ODE\n\u0120fl anked\nIR C\nAw esome\n\u0120sp urious\n\u0120Z ah\n\u0120MS - G\n\u0120sh ading\n\u0120motiv ational\n\u0120Sant ana\n\u0120S PR\n\u0120exc - ruciating\nom ial\n\u0120M iko\n\u0120Le opard\nA byss\n\u0120[ |\nd irty\n\u0120bath - s\n\u0120dem oral\nand re\nP B\n\u0120un ification\n\u0120sac rament\n\u0120[ - &\n\u0120pric eless\n\u0120gel atin\n\u0120eman ating\n\u0120All aah\n98 6\n\u0120out - burst\n\u0120er as\n\u0120X VI\n\u0120SP I\nO tt\n\u0120Laz arus\nPL IED\nF - lying\nblog s\nW isconsin\nR aven\n\u0120reb ate\n\u0120creep s\n\u0120Sp - an\n\u0120Pain ter\n\u0120Kir a\n\u0120Am os\n\u0120Cor vette\nCons umer\n\u0120Rec - over\nck i\n\u0120pes ky\n\u0120In vention\nCompan ies\n\u0120challeng ers\nad - emic\n\u0120Ukrain ians\n\u0120Neuro log\n\u0120Fors aken\n\u0120ent rants\n\u0120emb - attled\n\u0120def unct\n\u0120Glac ier\n\u0120po isons\n\u0120H orses\nm akes\n\u0120D - irt\n\u01204 23\nhh h\n\u0120Trans formation\nQUI RE\n................ ..\n\u0120trave - ller\n\u0120Se xy\n\u0120K ern\nip olar\n\u0120ransom ware\noooooooo oooooooo\nE - c\nrub y\nProf essional\n\u0120Out break\narg ument\nG rey\n\u0120Fif a\n\u0120CH - O\n\u0120FOR M\n\u0120Am trak\n- [\n\u0120cr adle\n\u0120antioxid ants\n\xE3\u0123\xAE\xE5 - \xAE\n7 36\n\u0120NAS L\n\u0120Contribut ions\nInd iana\n\u0120ST EP\nC SS\n\u0120sal - ient\n\u0120all ocations\nyr ights\n\u0120m ashed\n\u0120Cut ter\nSex ual\n\u0120p - ounded\n\u0120fan base\n\u0120c asc\n\u0120Trans parency\n\u0120analy tic\n\u0120Summon - er\n\xD7 \u0140\n\u0120AD C\ndet ail\n\u0120van quished\n\u0120cr abs\nar - ie\nDest roy\n\u0120S ack\n\u0120trans istor\nAl abama\n\u0120K oen\n\u0120Fisher - ies\nc one\n\u0120annex ed\n\u0120M GM\nes a\n\u0120f aked\n\u0120Cong ratulations\n\u0120hind - ered\n\u0120correction al\n\u0120I TV\nlee ve\n\u0120in appropriately\nlic - ks\n\u0120tresp ass\n\u0120p aws\n\u0120negoti ator\n\u0120Christ ensen\nlim - its\n\u0120Dian ne\n\u0120eleg ance\n\u0120Contract s\nan ke\nOb j\n\u0120vigil - ance\n\u0120cast les\n\u0120N AD\n\u0120Hol o\n\u0120emph atically\n\u0120Tit - us\n\u0120Serv ing\n\u0120Rich ie\n\u0120P igs\n5 68\n\u0120anim osity\n\u0120Att - ributes\n\u0120U riel\nM Q\nmy ra\n\u0120Applic ant\n\u0120psychiat rists\n\u0120V - ij\n\u0120Ab by\nag ree\nP ush\n\u0120k Wh\nhib a\n\u0120inc ite\n\u0120We - asley\n\u0120Tax i\nminist ic\nhy per\n\u0120F arn\n\u01206 01\n\u0120Nation - wide\nF ake\n95 2\n\u0120ma ize\n\u0120interact ed\n\u0120transition ed\n\u0120paras - itic\n\u0120harm onic\n\u0120dec aying\n\u0120bas eless\nns ics\n\u0120trans - pired\n\u0120abund antly\n\u0120Fore nsic\n\u0120tread mill\n\u0120J av\nab - and\n\u0120ssh d\n\u0120front man\n\u0120Jak arta\noll er\ndro ps\n\u0120SERV - ICES\nrompt u\noph ical\nh ospital\nbled on\n6 45\n\u0120mid range\n\u0120EV - ENT\ncul ated\nraw led\n\u0120per ched\n\u0120over board\n\u0120Pe el\n\u0120P - wr\n\u0120Car th\n\u0120COM PLE\nco e\nsh all\n\u0120deter rence\nM ETHOD\n\u0120Abs - ent\nM EN\n\u0120s ill\n\u0120LE VEL\nY ork\n\u0120sin ners\n\u0120OP EC\n\u0120N - ur\n\u0120Design s\nse lection\n\u0120unw orthy\nCH A\n\u0120streng thens\n88 - 3\ned ly\n\u0120slic ing\n\u0120mal nutrition\n\u0120film making\n\u0120Pol - k\nur ated\n\u01204 21\nbre akers\n!' \"\n\u0120wet lands\n\u0120Disc rimination\n\u0120allow - able\n\u0120ste ered\n\u0120Sic ily\nS AM\n\u0120must ache\n\u0120m ids\n\u0120cl - ipped\n\u0120circ ulate\n\u0120br ittle\n\u0120Build ings\nra ised\n\u0120Round - up\n\u0120wealth ier\n\u0120overw rite\n\u0120over powered\n\u0120Gerr ard\ns - ites\nPD ATED\n\u0120acute ly\n\u0120Gam ble\n\u0120p im\n\u0120K us\nTyp - ically\nDe ploy\n\u0120Moroc can\np otion\ncom be\n\u0120vigil ante\n\u012036 - 3\nSt ew\n\u0120B agg\n\u0120res ided\n\u0120Sp o\n\u0120rem nant\n\u0120empt - iness\nbr ainer\n\u0120out patient\npri ority\n\u0120le ptin\n\u0120Pay ton\n\u0120Gle - aming\n\u0120S hed\n\u0120Pol o\n\u0120Mormon ism\nrest ricted\narl ane\nw - x\n\u0120creat ine\n\u0120An on\n\u0120ST UD\n\u0120J UL\n\u0120T ee\n5 28\n08 - 9\n\u0120hat ched\nDis patch\n\u0120Compos ite\n\u012045 1\np uff\n\u0120X - COM\n\u0120Or n\n\u0120TH ANK\nEND ED\n\u0120Ashe ville\n\u0120\xC3 \u013E\n\u0120man - go\n\u0120S lightly\nworld ly\n\u0120W ander\n\u0120Exp and\n\u0120Ch r\nM - ist\n\u0120orthodox y\n\u0120UN ESCO\nreg ate\nElse where\nk ie\nir led\n\u0120topp - le\n\u0120adopt ive\n\u0120Leg s\nd ress\n\u0120S agan\nb are\n\u0120Gl ou\nCr - unch\n\u0120help ers\n\u0120chron ically\n\u0120H uma\n1 0000\n\u0120accommod - ating\n\xE4\xBA \u0136\n\u0120wrink les\n\u0120dod ged\nfour th\n\u0120pre - con\n\u0120compress or\n\u0120K are\n\u0120ev ict\n\u0120War wick\nim ar\n\u0120modern - ization\n\u0120band wagon\n\u0120ref uted\n\u0120net ted\n\u0120Na ples\n\u0120Gen - ie\nper ors\n\u0120field ed\n\u0120de re\n\u0120Par ables\nle es\n\u0120tr - out\nasp ers\n\u0120n ihil\n\u0120happ iest\n\u0120flo ppy\n\u0120Lo ft\n\u0120He - ard\n\u0120un ison\n\u0120l ug\n\u0120Red mond\nclass ic\nSupp orters\nSH - IP\nG MT\n\u0120fue lled\n\xE7 \u0132\n\u0120d d\n\u0120Emin em\n\u012018 - 97\nNY SE\n\u0120secret aries\n\u0120F IA\n\u0120Canaver al\nF avorite\n\u0120p - omp\n\u0120detain ee\ners hip\naim on\ni our\n\u0120A pex\n\u0120plant ations\nam - ia\nac ion\nR ust\n\u0120tow ed\n\u0120Tru ly\n5 77\n\u0120shel tered\nr ider\nW - o\n\u0120l air\n\u0120Int elligent\nimpro ve\nm atically\n\u0120et iquette\nad - ra\nall o\n\u0120Jun o\nany thing\n\u0120Stru ggle\n\u0120Pred ict\n\u0120Gr - imes\n\u0120AMER ICA\nct x\n\u0120Sit uation\nW OOD\n\u0120sol uble\nme ier\n\u0120intoler - able\nang ering\n\u0120un interrupted\n\u0120tool tip\n\u0120interrog ated\n\u0120gun - ned\n\u0120Sne ak\n\xE6\u0143 \xA6\n\u0120t ether\n\u0120cr umble\nL ens\n\u0120clust - ered\n\u0120Sy l\n\u0120Has an\n\u0120dystop ian\nw ana\n\u0120joy stick\n\u0120Th - ib\namm u\nTom orrow\n5 46\n\u0120overc ame\n\u0120minim ized\ncept or\nRun - ner\nENG TH\n\u0120Brend a\n\u0120Achieve ments\n\u0120tor ches\n\u0120rapp - ort\n\u0120Investig ator\n\u0120Hand ling\nrel ation\ng rey\n8 15\n\u0120k - cal\n\u0120Comm ands\nd q\n\u0120cur ls\n\u0120be arer\n\u0120cyn icism\nit - ri\n\u0120Use ful\nB ee\nD CS\n\u0120ab ras\nP ract\nBIL ITIES\n7 12\n\u0120debug - ger\n\u0120debt or\n\u0120L ia\n\u0120K ers\n\u0120exacerb ate\n\u0120St acy\n\u0120B - land\n\u0120Sc enes\n\u0120branch ing\n\xE2\u0138\u012A\xE2\u0138\u012A\xE2\u0138\u012A\xE2\u0138\u012A - \xE2\u0138\u012A\xE2\u0138\u012A\xE2\u0138\u012A\xE2\u0138\u012A\nape ake\n\u0120s - alsa\n\u0120mish and\n\u0120Kon ami\n\u0120N ib\n\u0120anecd ote\n\u0120agree - able\n\xCF \u012B\n\u0120Nath aniel\n\u0120He isman\n\u0120B eware\n\u012018 - 86\nspect ive\n69 1\n5 22\n\u0120inhib its\n\u0120has hing\n\u012018 89\n\xE5\xB0 - \u0128\nv ich\nP ure\n\u0120solid ly\n\u0120aspir in\nim aru\n\u0120street - car\n\u0120U CS\n\u0120J udd\n\u0120flash backs\np ins\n\u012014 40\n\u0120UN - HCR\n\u0120Sym ptoms\nT IT\n5 38\nF ra\n% );\n\u0120o oz\n\u0120cur few\n\u0120cal - med\n\u0120particip ates\nTe X\n\u0120nons ensical\n\u0120full back\n\u0120De - L\nmon key\nh ari\n\u0120metabol ites\n\u0120loot ed\n\u0120AL WAYS\n\u0120B - CC\nL t\noc het\nB one\n\u0120veto ed\n\u0120g cc\n\u0120CL ICK\n\u012018 - 88\ns af\n\u0120stiff ness\n\u0120low ly\n\u0120Ge h\nvers on\nors et\n\u0120un - foreseen\n\u0120an esthesia\n\u0120Opt ical\n\u0120recon structed\n\u0120T - up\nsh ows\nNEW S\n\u0120Newsp aper\n\u0120A SA\nter a\nN umbers\n\u0120inexpl - icable\n\xD7 \u0133\n\u0120hard ness\nunt arily\n\u0120A cer\ngrad ient\nARD - IS\n\u0120wood land\n\u0120metaph ors\n\u0120Wem bley\n\u0120Pa vel\nphil - is\n\u0120re writing\n\u0120percept ual\n\u012010 70\nworm s\n\u0120Down s\n\u0120unsur - prisingly\n\u0120tag ging\nfl ame\n\u0120lit res\n\u0120boun ces\n\u0120B - abe\nsh ut\n\u0120overd oses\n\u0120She ila\n\u0120Ch au\n\u0120Bl ess\nCapt - ure\n\u0120Sign ificant\n\u0120Sc ion\n\u012038 9\n\u0120Mc H\n\u0120Titan - ium\n\u0120Me al\named a\nag ents\nagg ressive\nB illy\n76 3\n\u0120S aying\nDER - R\nit one\nColl ins\nB ound\n\u0120bol ted\n\u0120DM CA\n95 3\n\u0120un iqueness\n\u0120ep - igen\nun ci\nant am\n\u0120reck oning\nch airs\nOG R\n\u0120Sen egal\n\u012018 - 62\nre levant\n\u0120\xC2 \xAF\n\u0120pharm acies\n\u0120G eral\nv ier\nY - an\nOR PG\n\u0120rab id\nb ending\n\u0120UN ITED\n\u01204 65\nAs sembly\n\u0120we - ep\n\u0120be hest\n\u0120Mother s\n\u0120J ace\nh id\n\u0120wh irlwind\n\u0120UN - IVERS\n\u0120ut opian\n\u0120kidn ap\nPh ilipp\nK in\n89 3\n\u0120livest ream\n\u0120M - ISS\n\u0120sub versive\n\u0120Techn iques\n\u0120JUST ICE\n\u0120B ASE\n\u012038 - 7\n\u0120assail ants\n\u0120Hard core\n\u0120sprink led\n\u0120P se\n\xE9 - \u013C\nprint ed\n\u0120H au\nOR GE\n\u0120T OUR\n\u0120l aced\n\u0120it ch\nG - iving\n\u0120port ed\n78 1\n//////////////// ////////////////\nbre eding\n\u0120log - ger\n\u0120H OL\ninn ie\nFirst ly\n\u0120embry onic\n\u0120deleg ated\np ai\nO - IL\n\u0120centr ally\n\u0120R x\n\u0120Sc outing\nD utch\n\u0120he reditary\n\u0120Cru - iser\ns at\n5 29\n\u0120Mar riott\nother mal\n\u0120prohib itions\nE arn\n\u0120St - ab\n\u0120Colleg es\n\u0120Bel ief\nst retched\n\u0120L H\n\u0120Entity Item\nC - IA\n\u0120un rem\n\u0120laure ate\n\u0120denomin ations\nsum mary\nh ler\nS - pect\n\u0120K laus\n\u0120Be ans\n\u0120ins ur\n\u0120PA X\n\u0120field er\n\u0120V - et\n\u0120Sp arrow\nz ie\n\u0120S Q\n\u0120Mond ays\n\u0120Off line\n\u0120Ler - ner\n\u0120Ext ensions\nIre land\n\u0120patron age\n\u0120contrast ed\n\u0120Man - ia\nh irt\nMos cow\n\u0120condem ns\n\u0120An ge\n\u0120comp osing\n\u0120Pe - pe\n\u0120P addock\n\u0120heter ogeneity\n\u0120ide ologically\n\u0120f ishes\n\u0120cur - sing\n\u0120R utherford\n\u0120Flo ating\n\u0120Am elia\nTe a\nSyn opsis\n\u0120stun - ts\n\u0120be ad\n\u0120stock ing\n\u0120M ILL\nob ook\nmass ive\n\\ <\n\u0120h - ump\n\u0120Pref erences\nEngine Debug\nge ist\n\u0120Niet o\nome ver\nish - y\neval uate\ncol onial\nAltern ative\n\u0120Go Pro\n\u0120V ortex\n\u0120NET - WORK\nans ky\nSec ure\n\u0120Th rust\nSn ake\n\u0120parcel s\n\u0120sam urai\n\u0120actress - es\nN ap\nM F\nifer ation\nBe er\n5 23\n\u0120I ly\noint ment\nP ing\n\u0120stri - ped\n\u0120Mell on\noss ession\n\u0120neut ron\nend ium\n\u0120a ph\n\u0120Flav - oring\n\u012038 3\n\u0120respons iveness\n\u0120J indal\n\u0120Hitch cock\nDen - ver\n\u0120DRAG ON\nsm anship\n\u0120Du pl\n\u0120s ly\n\u0120web cam\n\u0120Tw - ain\n\u0120Dar ling\nili ate\ncons umer\nD IT\n\u0120names ake\n\u0120un orthodox\n\u0120fun - er\n\u0120PL oS\n\u0120CONTR OL\nozy g\nogl obin\nF ACE\nER G\n\u0120D ia\n\u0120F - iesta\nce le\n0 34\n\u0120encl ave\n\xE2\u0138\xAC \xE2\u0138\xAC\non ement\nal - ist\nM and\n\u0120home grown\n\u0120F ancy\n\u0120concept ions\n\u0120Cont - ains\nure en\n\u0120reiter ate\n\u0120me ager\n\u0120install ments\nSp awn\n6 - 27\n\u0120phot oc\n\u0120Cab rera\n\u0120Ros enthal\n\u0120Lans ing\nis ner\n\u0120invest - s\n\u0120UFO s\nEX P\nHard ware\n\u0120tr agically\n\u0120conced es\nie ft\nch - am\nbor gh\n\u0120Sch r\n\u0120Mel anie\n\u0120H oy\n\u0120visit ation\n\u0120id - iosyncr\n\u0120fract ions\n\u0120fore skin\nob os\n\u0120po aching\n\u0120VI - EW\n\u0120stimul ates\n\u0120G ork\ncan on\nM IC\n\u0120Nem esis\n\u0120Ind - ra\n\u0120DM V\n\u01205 29\n\u0120inspect ing\n\u0120grand ma\n\u0120W hedon\n\u0120Sh - ant\n\u0120P urg\nik an\n\u0120T eg\n\u0120CL R\nz ac\nVict oria\n\u0120Ver - ify\nion ics\n\u0120part ying\n\u0120M ou\ncol our\n\u0120testim onies\nl - ations\n\u0120press uring\nhi ro\nac ers\n\u0120f id\nang ler\n\u0120CS I\n\u0120here - after\n\u0120diss idents\nreport ing\niph any\nche v\n\u0120sol itude\n\u0120l - obe\n\u0120ind is\n\u0120cred ential\nre cent\nad ult\n\u0120Nir vana\n\u0120Franch - ise\nL ayer\nH yp\n\u0120Berks hire\n\u0120will s\nt if\n\u0120tot em\n\u0120Jud - ah\nrep air\nInst ant\n5 48\n\u0120emb assies\n\u0120bott leneck\n\u0120b - ount\n\u0120typ ew\n\u0120Al vin\nj ing\nim ilar\nR ush\n\u0120br im\n\u0120HEL - P\nA im\n] '\n\u0120pass ively\n\u0120bound ed\n\u0120R ated\n\u0120criminal - ity\n\u0120biom ark\n\u0120disp atcher\n\u0120Tow ards\n\u0120+ ++\nright - eous\nf rog\n\u0120P anc\nC arter\n0 32\n\xE6\xA9 \u0141\n\u0120ult raviolet\n\u0120Lic - ensed\n\u0120T ata\n\u0120Bl essing\n\u0120G AM\n\u0120chem ically\n\u0120Se - af\n\u0120RE LE\n\u0120Merc enary\ncapital ist\n\u0120form ulations\n\u0120ann - ihilation\n\u0120Ver b\n\u0120Ar gon\n\u0120un loaded\n\u0120morp hed\n\u0120conqu - ering\nback er\nI ELD\n\u0120theft s\n\u0120front runner\n\u0120Roy ale\n\u0120Fund - amental\nel ight\nC hip\nnecess ary\nay n\n\u0120Sl ip\n\u01204 48\ncern ed\nP - ause\n\u0120shock ingly\n\u0120AB V\n\u0120comp osure\n7 33\n\u0120Motors - port\nah ime\nMur ray\nM ach\n\u0120gr ids\n\u0120deb ian\n\u0120further more\n\u0120dexter - ity\n\u0120Collect ions\nos lov\nil age\nb j\n\u0120Mont eneg\n\u0120strut - Connector\n\u0120massac res\n\u0120brief s\nfet ched\nuv ian\nol ition\nFail - ure\nemon ic\n\u0120fl ared\n\u0120claim ant\n\u0120c ures\n\u0120give aways\n\u0120Subst - ance\nal ions\n\u0120cr inge\n\u0120K ul\n\u0120arist ocracy\n\u0120Ul ster\nol - ated\nh ousing\n\u0120M IS\n\u0120gl ared\n\u0120Wil helm\nne eds\nlam bda\nbuild - ers\n\u0120V IS\n\u0120radi ator\n\u0120Ghost busters\n\u01204 36\nact ual\n\u0120her - ds\n\xC3\xA7 a\nwatch ing\n\u0120counter ing\nCh arge\n\u0120char red\n\u0120war - heads\n\u0120iod ine\n\u0120M acy\n04 1\n\u0120depart ures\n\u0120S ins\n\u0120dy - ed\n\u0120Concept s\ng ado\n7 13\n\u0120quot ations\n\u0120g ist\n\u0120Christ - y\n\u0120ant igen\n\u0120Hem p\n\u0120D rawn\n\u0120B arg\nez vous\n\u0120p - aternity\n\u0120ar du\n\u0120Anch orage\n\u0120R ik\n\u0120over loaded\n\u0120Us - ername\n\u0120Tam my\n\u0120N au\n\u0120Cell ular\n\u0120w aning\n\u0120rod - ent\n\u0120Wor cester\nil ts\n\u0120T ad\n\u0120dwell ings\n\u0120bull ish\n4 - 31\n\u0120retali ate\n\u0120mig raine\n\u0120Chev ron\nCH ECK\n\u0120don key\nc - rim\nSP A\n\u0120An alog\n\u0120marqu ee\n\u0120Ha as\nB ir\n\u0120GD DR\n\u0120Download - s\n\u0120will power\n\u0120For th\n\u0120Record ed\n\u0120imp ossibility\n\u0120Log - ged\n\u0120Fr anks\n\u0120R att\nin itions\n\u0120clean ers\n\u0120sore ly\n\u0120flick - ering\n\u0120Ex amination\nc atching\nallow een\nMs g\n\u0120dun no\nF a\n\u0120dys - ph\nc razy\n.' '.\n\u0120main line\n\u0120c s\n\u0120p tr\n\u0120W ally\nig - un\n95 1\n\u0120Big foot\nf ights\n\u0120retrie ving\nJ r\n\u0120dupl ication\n\u0120Expl - an\n\u0120rel ational\n\u0120qu aint\n\u0120bisc uits\n\u0120ad o\n\u0120sh - udder\n\u0120antid ote\nblood ed\nks h\n\u0120sa uces\n\u0120rein vest\n\u0120dispens - ary\n\u0120D iver\n\u01209 000\nstud ent\n\u0120in separ\nesc ap\n\u0120todd - lers\n\u0120GP IO\n\u0120Ass ignment\nhead ers\n\u0120lack luster\n\u0120ab - ack\n95 6\n\u0120tool bar\n7 45\n\u0120o ust\n\u0120contempl ation\n\u0120PRES - IDENT\n\u01204 58\n==== ==\n\u0120guarantee ing\n\u0120He ist\n\u0120Cann - es\n\u013B \xBD\n\u0120collabor ator\n\u0120Am p\n\u0120g ou\n\u0120SH ALL\nst - ories\n78 3\n\u0120mobil ized\n\u0120bro od\n\u0120L U\n\u0120\xF0\u0141 \u0133\n\u0120ref - in\n\u0120Anthrop ology\nv ind\nill i\n\u0120warrant ies\n\u0120B abel\n\u0120sw - ath\n\u0120c aches\n\u0120antagon ists\nart ifacts\n\u0120hot ly\n\u0120St - arts\n\u0120G \xC3\xB6\nz ag\n!! !!!\n\u0120sc ourge\n\u0120cons piring\nru - its\nre verse\n\u0120She en\n\u0120Jes uit\n\u0120Giov anni\nad ies\n\u0120butt - ocks\near cher\nac an\n\u0120volley ball\n\u0120shroud ed\n\u0120score board\nb - ats\n\u0120I PM\n\u0120ass es\n\u0120de regulation\n\u0120Te legram\n\u0120Reb - oot\n\u01207 000\n\u0120Can ary\n\u0120k ernels\n\u0120Fran\xC3\xA7 ois\n\u0120D - uff\n\u0120P on\n\u0120Le ica\n\u0120Gar min\n\u0120or phans\n\u0120Claud - ia\n\u0120cal endars\n\u0120Le ilan\nent o\nR ocket\n\u0120br unch\n\u0120Haw - king\nain ers\n\u0120sens ibilities\n\u0120k W\n\u0120K and\n\u0120re claimed\n\u0120interesting - ly\n\xD7 \xA9\nrom y\nJ M\n\u0120Enhance ment\nb ush\nSk ip\n\u0120rapp ers\n\u0120g - azing\np edia\nath lon\nRev olution\n\u0120sn ipers\n\u0120re verted\n\u0120conglomer - ate\nT erry\n79 4\n\u0120hars her\n\u0120des olate\n\u0120Hit man\nComm ission\n\u0120( - /\n\xE2\u0122\xA6 .\"\nCom par\n\u0120ampl ification\nom inated\n\u0120reg - ress\n\u0120Coll ider\n\u0120inform ants\n\u0120g azed\n" - headers: - Content-Length: - 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Browse Website: - \"browse_website\", args: \"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"\"\n3. - Start GPT Agent: \"start_agent\", args: \"name\": \"\", \"task\": \"\", - \"prompt\": \"\"\n4. Message GPT Agent: \"message_agent\", args: \"key\": - \"\", \"message\": \"\"\n5. List GPT Agents: \"list_agents\", - args:\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \"delete_agent\", args: \"key\": \"\"\n7. Clone - Repository: \"clone_repository\", args: \"repository_url\": \"\", \"clone_path\": - \"\"\n8. Write to file: \"write_to_file\", args: \"file\": \"\", - \"text\": \"\"\n9. Read file: \"read_file\", args: \"file\": \"\"\n10. - Append to file: \"append_to_file\", args: \"file\": \"\", \"text\": \"\"\n11. - Delete file: \"delete_file\", args: \"file\": \"\"\n12. Search Files: - \"search_files\", args: \"directory\": \"\"\n13. Analyze Code: \"analyze_code\", - args: \"code\": \"\"\n14. Get Improved Code: \"improve_code\", - args: \"suggestions\": \"\", \"code\": \"\"\n15. - Write Tests: \"write_tests\", args: \"code\": \"\", \"focus\": - \"\"\n16. Execute Python File: \"execute_python_file\", - args: \"file\": \"\"\n17. Generate Image: \"generate_image\", args: \"prompt\": - \"\"\n18. Send Tweet: \"send_tweet\", args: \"text\": \"\"\n19. - Do Nothing: \"do_nothing\", args:\n20. Task Complete (Shutdown): \"task_complete\", - args: \"reason\": \"\"\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches - and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered - Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. - Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to - the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture - behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine - your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim - to complete tasks in the least number of steps.", "role": "system"}], "model": - "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '2378' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFNNbxs5DL37VxBz2gXGhuOP2M1tu1j0EBQNivSwWBQGreGMuZXEqchJ - 6hT574U0jp2i6GWAeU+PfKT0vk8AKm6qG6jcAc2F3k//evup/3eZ2lteO+3ef1httv/s12/576/d - LVd1Vsj+f3L2opo5Cb0nY4kj7RKhUa56tVlslvPlarsqRJCGfJZ1vU1XMg0cebqYL1bT+WZ6tT2p - D8KOtLqB/yYAAN/LN/uMDX2rbmBevyCBVLGj6uZ8CKBK4jNSoSqrYbSqvpBOolEs1u8PBH2SB26o - ASchYGwUZDDPkQBByUBaaIfo8mjo2ZgUWkkQMGLHsQND/aI1cHR+aDKghMkdCnUg4GiUIlkN+ySP - muFH2isbFZFRQmcFZTvAu7t7wI6iaQ0texrbUKBoNThpCDCiPyprDRgb6ChSwqI/jTWDWzpeZhlt - EahhKseyatxZ/nvdj76RG8qZ0ln6Ulmiwh+JsKnhMbFRDQ15MvqzHq08vRTlUDZZnDT0iz0O2JGC - JLBHItMZfCSVITlSwAdkj3tPZ7svWwN0jlRrCBQkHX9aR27w7u5+upytTzOUi8n3UTx2xf0M7ii1 - kgJGR0AP6IeCA4X+gMpPpGV1HAcZFJR8O0VVUh27UNuyY4ruCBzH4qdFSRw9qCU06thBotZTeSlg - AtIbB34iwALpDPJz06MaBWAFS8iRGpAIDRrC0GfVB2eypwSL+WI5e/1sE7WDYo5OHLw/4c/nHHjp - +iR7PfFnvOXIetglQpWY37ya9FVhnycAn0vehp8iVPVJQm87ky8Uc8H19Slv1SXmF/bqantiTQz9 - hbjebH8n2zVkyF5fxbYaLXLsLhXmZ59l0Gpc3q7l2FHqE48pbvsdvblebPbr5eq6mjxPfgAAAP// - AwDjlWUq0wQAAA== - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76db9dc58f6a-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:26 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=iww.pHio.0yq.dLx4R1eHDbSbtpzWb6sh9ruHIljc_Y-1727303486-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:26 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=Wm8DwyRG8g28NtFT2lPhLx6PTL3cFXCIDbNAo6RGhxQ-1727303486369-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '1397' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4994' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3996476' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 69ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 52ms - x-request-id: - - req_63bdd186a1f94d56890f829e7d4de5a9 - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\ninquired - about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\nselected a target;\nrequested - a scaffold targeting these compounds;\nOnce the compound was identified, the - model attempted its synthesis.\n\nThey also discussed the risks, especially - with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test set containing a list - of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to synthesize them. 4 out - of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis solution and the agent - attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. 7 out of 11 were - rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after a Web search while - 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\nGenerative Agents Simulation#\nGenerative - Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment where 25 virtual characters, - each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living and interacting in a sandbox - environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents create believable simulacra - of human behavior for interactive applications.\nThe design of generative agents - combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection mechanisms to enable agents - to behave conditioned on past experience, as well as to interact with other - agents.\n\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory module (external database) that - records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 experience in natural language.\n\nEach - element is an observation, an event directly provided by the agent.\n- Inter-agent - communication can trigger new natural language statements.\n\n\nRetrieval model: - surfaces the context to inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, - recency and importance.\n\nRecency: recent events have higher scores\nImportance: - distinguish mundane from core memories. Ask LM directly.\nRelevance: based on - how related it is to the current situation / query.\n\n\nReflection mechanism: - synthesizes memories into higher level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s - future behavior. They are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that - this is a bit different from self-reflection above)\n\nPrompt LM with 100 most - recent observations and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given - a set of observations/statements. Then ask LM to answer those questions.\n\n\nPlanning - & Reacting: translate the reflections and the environment information into actions\n\nPlanning - is essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X''s plan today in broad strokes: 1)\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\n\n\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\nYou are - {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\nYour decisions must always - be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\n3. ...\n4. ...\n5. ...\n\nConstraints:\n1. - ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so - immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you - previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar - events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the - commands listed in double quotes e.g. \"command name\"\n5. Use subprocesses - for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes", "role": "system"}], - "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '4382' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFTBbhtHDL37K4g9S4Yky7Hgm3NJ2gaogaRAk6YwqFnuLuNZcj3kSJYD - /3swu7LsHnoRBD6S+94jhz/PACquq2uoQoce+iHOb97/NXxdfPu2Wtx+fvrj4dPi749f729+899x - uH2oZqVCtz8o+EvVedB+iOSsMsEhETqVrsur1dXF4mK9WY9ArzXFUtYOPl/rvGfh+WqxWs8XV/Pl - 5ljdKQey6hr+OQMA+Dn+Fp5S02N1DYvZS6QnM2ypuj4lAVRJY4lUaMbmKF7NXsGg4iQj9S8dgdOj - Q80WshkZIAxJizRoNGSjGlQAxTmgBEpQp9yO6bqjdJjBvqNEgOCYWnLYo4FRpOBUzwDBAjaNxnoE - Ej1ksgmRGhCKa5plQu0g3pHxE9XnUJi9EMFoCljXiazwSWz3pVcsBoMrcIwc2EdqNnbesu4JBxWb - QSSsWdqSiOBkDkYO2sC96F4gdNRzwAhTAWBL4nYOf+Yxabk88TrxtxmsYT/KDoGGUc++40hwNYUT - /TgaMCTuMXE8ADZOCfa0BSNMoSM7h+/yXW7qmsvaYIyHGRQVZCHxlgy8I/hAQgmddwQ3IzP4zH2O - WEpezF9dwo6TZ4wQOkwYnJIBi1P5DyxlDij1Vh+BZMdJpSfxGWTnyE/FnHEUW5axb9EdVdq5U+qh - p17LoIeIIiztNLtETRlyye4pdChsvRWPbaJH0OUeBbbU4Y41TRMtwtkpeC7mxah7g0YTUE+pqAPT - wBhPVTYDy6EDLHIaTf3Er+amycbjYtZAu1IZVFN9FDA5+wnNj54WuaxicJNdP9x+KRoAs6tor9mm - oYMdzKkH79BBh2I7le/WNJDUJB4PkG1yS9BzwggRpc3Y0uR2g4FmsGfvwAYK3HCAVjFOSxlUzBOy - lAXquO0it52XfuwGg5ZHWcRP9kbGLUf2A7BZJjt/+4QTNdmwnBHJMR7jz6ebELUdkm7tiJ/iDQtb - d5cITaW8f3MdqhF9PgP4d7w9+T/npBqS9oPfud6TlIab9dXUr3o9ea/o8t3miLo6xjfAYnn5f3V3 - NTlytDc3rJo4srSvLRYnoqPSahrXXcPSUhoSTyetGe4ucLW8fLfc0KY6ez77BQAA//8DAD1dlaHg - BQAA - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76db98394d13-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:26 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=0yPyX3WkjYX5lHpJaMJb5tEtNdL7z_krO36Pxb0Ni1c-1727303486-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:26 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=8.vrQ5aAbPsWTdvqeyJv.xuqLQsRVoRL_DDI_sC_v5A-1727303486765-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '1910' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4993' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3995291' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 82ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 70ms - x-request-id: - - req_1b8484955108ac258ff92557abf05b3e - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nConversatin - samples:\n[\n {\n \"role\": \"system\",\n \"content\": \"You will get - instructions for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\n\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\n\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code''s language, - and CODE is the code:\\n\\nFILENAME\\n```LANG\\nCODE\\n```\\n\\nYou will start - with the \\\"entrypoint\\\" file, then go to the ones that are imported by that - file, and so on.\\nPlease note that the code should be fully functional. No - placeholders.\\n\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate best practice - file naming convention.\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, types etc. - Make sure that code in different files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure - to implement all code, if you are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude - module dependency or package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you - finish, double check that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\n\\nUseful - to know:\\nYou almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor - Python, you always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, - you always create an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment - briefly describing the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add - comments explaining very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best - practices for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written - as a defined\\npackage/project.\\n\\n\\nPython toolbelt preferences:\\n- pytest\\n- - dataclasses\\n\"\n },\n # \u2026 same conversation as earlier, ended with - \"Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting\".\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Assumptions:\\n1. Model: The model will contain - the game''s data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game''s visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\n\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": - \"Please now remember the steps:\\n\\nThink step by step and reason yourself - to the right decisions to make sure we get it right.\\nFirst lay out the names - of the core classes, functions, methods that will be necessary, As well as a - quick comment on their purpose.\\n\\nThen you will output the content of each - file including ALL code.\\nEach file must strictly follow a markdown code block - format, where the following tokens must be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is - the lowercase file name including the file extension,\\nLANG is the markup code - block language for the code''s language, and CODE is the code:\\n\\nFILENAME\\n```LANG\\nCODE\\n```\\n\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\n\\nYou will - start with the \\\"entrypoint\\\" file, then go to the ones that are imported - by that file, and so on.\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate best - practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\n\"\n }\n]\nChallenges#\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:", "role": "system"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", - "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '4430' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAA3RUTY8bNwy9+1cQc+nFXvgL2Y9bWiCXHpIGzaEIAkMjcWYYa0SV5KzjBPvfC2m8 - 3k2AXmyMyEe+90TqxwKgodA8QOMHZ37McfX290/5H/lDe/z48fjuz/jX+93u9O/uFD7cfzg3y4Lg - 9it6e0bdeB5zRCNOc9gLOsNSdXO7vd2td/u7fQ2MHDAWWJ9ttefVSIlW2/V2v1rfrjZ3F/TA5FGb - B/i8AAD4UX8LzxTwW/MA6+XzyYiqrsfm4ZoE0AjHctI4VVJzyZrlS9BzMkyV+t8Dguf0iKKucAee - LFJCBQdqMnmbBAO4nIWdH6BjgZOQUerBc0BonWIATiU/o6eOSrr4gQwr+AZKjysPIAVKc2kMYAw2 - UDqCGuZVe16V/yVQwGTUncGzIPjoVAulFKCbki9EdVk/s/AjhaKhuo8zKSofIyarmkpDcDA6OQY+ - paJhdDbzmhQFcMyDU/qOCjZUNIu55BG4g3qPRW43xXi+9ndxbnUiG3gyyNF5HDgGlEItDCgFZAwt - qkEW563caHWwo4iQ3FgyigqW3iX6XtnOujDpJLPJY3ZGLUWyMzgvrAqBug4Fk9VK+qvFLirD6I7F - MtVpzLMLri1Ei8I6gkt4JDzN7cpECMeIUhtywmRa1Dvo3YhzkiIetVyGUEf+Mi7p+dr9L65DQHMU - 9QbehkCzZfG8rP1/mriB+iFSP1iZuUgjXfCCvZNQTXyt7jcFE0epBIIzBy1WnyaphnCKZ5hyMf69 - N25RYLve7m5ez79gN6krO5imGC/nT9eFitxn4VYv8et5R4l0OAg65VSWR41zU6NPC4AvdXGnn3ax - ycJjtoPxEVMpeHd/P9drXt6Ll+hme1nrxthcfBVYb/4Xd7gY/eoBaGaOlPqXEusr0aq00bMajoeO - Uo+Sheb3oMuHTdvu32ze3Hb3zeJp8R8AAAD//wMAScM3Px0FAAA= - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76db88eb4d02-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:26 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=.oh9SuNQpNMJ1WBHXBXIHpNw8iH46mQfa03iV7JXpqg-1727303486-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:26 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=DLZL_4xsnd1rJT2AIZwrgYcm.OPwVGacZjFqRkq4wZw-1727303486902-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '1994' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4999' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3998934' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 12ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 15ms - x-request-id: - - req_bc117d89b08573272f8187ae73f8a2f5 - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil''Log\n\nLil''Log\n\n\nPosts\n\n\nArchive\n\n\nSearch\n\n\nTags\n\n\nFAQ\n\n\nemojisearch.app\n\n LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents\n \nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated Reading Time: - 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\n\n\n \n\n\nTable of Contents\n\nAgent System - Overview\n\nComponent One: Planning\n\nTask Decomposition\n\nSelf-Reflection\n\n\nComponent - Two: Memory\n\nTypes of Memory\n\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\n\n\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\n\nCase Studies\n\nScientific Discovery Agent\n\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\n\nProof-of-Concept Examples\n\n\nChallenges\n\nCitation\n\nReferences\n\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\nAgent System Overview#\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\n\nPlanning\n\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks down - large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling of - complex tasks.\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism and - self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for future - steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\n\n\nMemory\n\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\n\n\nTool use\n\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for extra - information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change after - pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, access - to proprietary information sources and more.", "role": "system"}], "model": - "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '2287' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFRNbyM3DL37VxBz2hgew3a8ceKbFygWARwgKBIsirowODMcjRoNORU1 - /ugi/72QbMfZQy866Il8T+Qjfw4AMltlS8jKBkPZdi5ffXvt/rCrp99qP3ud1Ac9rv+Z3Jnf5Wul - TTaKEVL8TWW4RI1LaTtHwQqf4NITBopZp4vZ4nZyO7+fJ6CVilwMM13I55K3lm0+m8zm+WSRT+/P - 0Y3YkjRbwp8DAICf6Yw6uaJDtoTJ6HLTkioaypYfjwAyLy7eZKhqNSCHbHQFS+FAnKS/NATogy0d - wSZbr5/gWfbkqYJVH4SllV5hZYiDbjIojrC2ziLDD2IDldWyVyWF0BCUwiV1AaSGXi0bcOgNgUM2 - PRqC9G+FL+v1k94AXoJ8igxenCMPtXjAKzMm5jE8BpA+OMukgKBHDdSC7MjvLO0hNBjAcun6Kmnx - RNCiZYg9EY4pltA5ZLZsRtBSK/44AuQKgoiDXmkMG97wdAzD4fP54XAIlnfidjEn6htUlPKpjU0G - y0FAW0yytS+MoNOUU8nVuafaUZleBgHbdl52BHUfek+ACdDxhmeR8SkJinwKJQYy4u2/VJ0pGvEh - D+Rb+GI5T707BHCEPqq8SZRO2JzfeApoIwKWa/EtJg2njtAhkGd0oEE8GroZb/g2KniJZXhVGg4B - nZP9pfJRO5YlqV5jV8+PeupTVaVSoPuFKuopscPCOhssKRR0lFjqhqyHzlMePFqmCt5Y9o4qQ+NY - /M9WbKxpnDVNUNiht9EKnRepc6nzi8/ogHHidATal000VLTs9+eXpOAbFsfV98dRrN++xPT9aLhO - ovUtuujTaMUYaIjJo4schaMWNHbdn3yHTiV+1dPV6U3sOhtSqLFMjYKit646kyhdjPt56jzVvWKc - fO6dO9+/f4yxExPp9Yx/3NeWrTZbT6jCcWQ1SJcl9H0A8FdaF/0vGyDrvLRd2AZ5I44J57OHU77s - uqWu6PTu/owGCeiuwNeHxf+FbatoM6eftk52kmjZXDNMPnSmj2anyd3Wlg35ztvTEqq77bQo5nfT - u0X9kA3eB/8BAAD//wMAm/ObXpIFAAA= - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76db7c6a8f99-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:26 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=fgUmKn0umHvB_8cZpM0M1uo06q3KqH0vlq8m2vxFKcI-1727303486-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:26 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=Hxbhyt_qOVKujrgiGks73wCQGjtzgFeRUh6VYNasuFU-1727303486950-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '2024' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4996' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3997740' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 45ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 33ms - x-request-id: - - req_7d755d52c1f86b4b70784af50c5c5a8d - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nFig. - 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination is a more common - failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: Shinn & Labash, - 2023)\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages the model to improve - on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence of past outputs, - each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection of $D_h = - \\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, each $y_i$ is - a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ is the corresponding - human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback tuples are ranked by - reward, $r_n \\geq r_{n-1} \\geq \\dots \\geq r_1$ The process is supervised - fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form of $\\tau_h = (x, z_i, - y_i, z_j, y_j, \\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\leq i \\leq j \\leq n$. The model - is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned on the sequence prefix, - such that the model can self-reflect to produce better output based on the feedback - sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple rounds of instructions with - human annotators at test time.\nTo avoid overfitting, CoH adds a regularization - term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training dataset. To avoid shortcutting - and copying (because there are many common words in feedback sequences), they - randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\nThe training dataset - in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, summarization from - human feedback and human preference dataset.\n\nFig. 5. After fine-tuning with - CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs with incremental improvement - in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\nThe idea of CoH is to present - a history of sequentially improved outputs in context and train the model to - take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm Distillation (AD; Laskin - et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode trajectories in reinforcement - learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated in a long history-conditioned - policy. Considering that an agent interacts with the environment many times - and in each episode the agent gets a little better, AD concatenates this learning - history and feeds that into the model. Hence we should expect the next predicted - action to lead to better performance than previous trials. The goal is to learn - the process of RL instead of training a task-specific policy itself.\n\nFig. - 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) works. (Image source: Laskin - et al. 2023).\nThe paper hypothesizes that any algorithm that generates a set - of learning histories can be distilled into a neural network by performing behavioral - cloning over actions. The history data is generated by a set of source policies, - each trained for a specific task. At the training stage, during each RL run, - a random task is sampled and a subsequence of multi-episode history is used - for training, such that the learned policy is task-agnostic.\nIn reality, the - model has limited context window length, so episodes should be short enough - to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic contexts of 2-4 episodes - are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL algorithm. The emergence - of in-context RL requires long enough context.\nIn comparison with three baselines, - including ED (expert distillation, behavior cloning with expert trajectories - instead of learning history), source policy (used for generating trajectories - for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. 2017; used as upper bound since - it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context RL with performance getting - close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and learns much faster than other - baselines. When conditioned on partial training history of the source policy, - AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.", "role": "system"}], "model": - "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '4012' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAA3RUTW/jRgy951cQOu0CsWEnRpLm5jpFg2IvLVoURVEE9IhjsRkNZ4eUvOki/72g - 5Hy0wF4EaB75+B6Hw69nAA23zS00oUMLfUmL7fe/lT/0ajceu0gp3fw4Hverip+2u592x+bcM2T/ - NwV7yVoG6UsiY8kzHCqhkbOury+uL1eXm5vNBPTSUvK0Q7HFRhY9Z15crC42i9X1Yn1zyu6EA2lz - C3+eAQB8nb6uM7f0pbmF1fnLSU+qeKDm9jUIoKmS/KRBVVbDbM35GxgkG+VJ+q8dAX0pVLmnbAqS - YZvi71JTCz/kETC3cC9WxH7eQqWRMIF1aNBhSkPgjO4YWAGhl0pQKo2YKBtE5DRU8vAMnClGDuxA - SZgz58MSvPquQ84gEe45t8qHzuDDTu4/Qk/WSQuUO8yBFKa+gQxWBlPYP0GpMnLL+QAISp8HyoGc - qKDaa9yRrYNu6DFDJGr3GB7PAVOSoydaRydeE1BKcVEpJgo2GefeS9ASdnIP1JckTwo6FKojK7UQ - OdPCBvcy10GodBgSVv5n7otR7Z3au+LWZaQa2WwS7RVykFqkopFCxdxKDz3qo+MSweSRsjoBjsIt - aCfVwjDlz92zijzVb9FQySBIv+dMCiNWlkH/5x1UhhpIl7CNRvW9hfO5E+pVjq6sks8Eppc++B/4 - XU2thc8DJranJWzTQSpb18Mdq3FKs/cP27uPgKUkJp8O5Z4TVgiSA5WJqBLnKDXMzImwzjoGnS+1 - YzWpT96JF9AN+7OT6qwmMDH0EAfzWcPgpfXc46fJMIE9mTstVD3SZ2keSavYsodjOs2ad+UOWuol - q813QjFSMB4JOC+md/PFvqkbQ8c0etlKOiRTCEmUXITkxJngl08vpeDYcaI3XxHVVU7KxDqqsEcl - T9Ll+7dbKQ6Kvj/ykNLp/Pl1GSQ5lCp7PeGv55Eza/dQCVWyP3w1Kc2EPp8B/DUtneE/e6QpVfpi - D/MQNrdwc7Oe+Zq3XfeGrq8uT6iJYXoHrDabb+U9tGTISd8tr2bWyPnwRrF6FTo5bfRJjfqHyPlA - tVSed1ksD+v9fnO1vrqO3zVnz2f/AgAA//8DAJBxeSfZBQAA - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76db9f7a8f9d-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:26 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=J.KeWn.xbueAB6mr9xr5Wy1FENOVIYvX9NIIWy6vjiw-1727303486-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:26 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=8k_LLo8AfDShg5fbvixKMIzVOenwt0WKBw82SaHLiGk-1727303486991-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '2138' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4992' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3994495' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 92ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 82ms - x-request-id: - - req_8f14dd4b3e8dd880dda7c8799fd6489e - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user''s request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\n\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\n\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an API - call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\n\nWhether an API call is needed.\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\n\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\n\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\n\nCase - Studies#\nScientific Discovery Agent#\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\n\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\n\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\nFor example, when requested - to \"develop a novel anticancer drug\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:", "role": "system"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": - false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '4746' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFRNb9tIDL3nVxC67EUO7MSNE9/aYNEN0GJTND0U20VAjyiJ9WhGGVJ2 - nCL/fcGRP9LDXnQgh4+Pj0/8dQZQcFUsoXAtqut6P3n/4Vv/ff3di/582dx9mX999+Xy69N1/3e6 - XXwsSquIq5/k9FB17mLXe1KOYUy7RKhkqLPFxeJyejm/nudEFyvyVtb0OpnHSceBJxfTi/lkupjM - rvfVbWRHUizhnzMAgF/5azxDRc/FEqblIdKRCDZULI+PAIoUvUUKFGFRDFqUp6SLQSlk6g8twfs7 - OD6DPkVHIiQwCCXg0A8Kqx3U0fu45dAAgmganA6JKtjGtK593C7hmz2/s+clPKCs4d5jCByaEj7b - xPCVPDnTpwQM1fjmz2dyg8XO4U6h5iSZwYYrEkCoOJFTSCR9DEKgEbSlzOwPgURPA4mWFgtQkSJ7 - yQ/UsPeT5GbSYjLEgH4nPMY41JQoODL8wauUwMH5ocpDhh0k8rQxTWr2BD1qK+c/wo/wEIFCi2Ml - +sk2Jl8B9r1nhzaMQKzhr6FpODQf7x9KENpQQg+uRe8pNCTQDaKwIsCqSqZ39bY7d1mE0ADVNTum - 4HYldBjQIMHH0EBe4rPClkMVtwJ1TDB68DnPL6PMorhizy9WFwe1bT4N6Fl355CXf383+YBhDSsK - ru0wrYE26AdUEtAY/QSHpqOgVMGnT59N3xSHpoV3l1Y7SnlxNQcMIao5HipGH5uBjIE5Say3tsQJ - KnIsHMOkw7VFHfaZnrJtRw2cCDxtyMsSHHpvr6xPCYk0MW32YJC4aXWfMg793m7QDV6593m0DPG7 - NnvXjKu8RSEQHSrr73lNcNtSd5viFirqYhBNqJT7UV2bfTcUzFSxHtU4ibNlbYGee0qadRu7ii1P - uWZ3WEqiDaEfp0CFbWvmylgd7qCnVMfUgXDHHpPfAYfDQsxZ5aHFqKz1FpA2bkG4CdbHDIuV+RbN - Z5lET47R8wtVIzVbPQu03LTeZBz/Gs8d68nAmRMHEPL15EDhuMk90fwXGMWRVRU75CDnb69NonoQ - tIsXBu/38dfj+fKx6VNcyT5/jNccWNrHRCgx2KkSjX2Rs69nAP/mMzn8dvmKPsWu10eNawoGeDO/ - HPGK03U+ZWc3i31Wo6J/k5jNp/9X97i/M2/ObTFy5NCcIKZHonnSQnai1D3WHBpKfeLx+tb942y1 - ml/Nrhb1TXH2evYfAAAA//8DADhKu6aLBgAA - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76dbae048f8a-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:27 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=6bhoFiu.z4RJ2dhnOxknSjmS8lotB_pBNTjgOXYPM20-1727303487-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:27 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=gwKqo0NrPXEkkKPLbf.T.XSD27EFrYNbeBbl6Uxh2Pc-1727303487018-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '2059' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4988' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3990786' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 135ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 138ms - x-request-id: - - req_92ca4c45c63964f33f17d240806e5681 - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nFinite - context length: The restricted context capacity limits the inclusion of historical - information, detailed instructions, API call context, and responses. The design - of the system has to work with this limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms - like self-reflection to learn from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long - or infinite context windows. Although vector stores and retrieval can provide - access to a larger knowledge pool, their representation power is not as powerful - as full attention.\n\n\nChallenges in long-term planning and task decomposition: - Planning over a lengthy history and effectively exploring the solution space - remain challenging. LLMs struggle to adjust plans when faced with unexpected - errors, making them less robust compared to humans who learn from trial and - error.\n\n\nReliability of natural language interface: Current agent system - relies on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - such as memory and tools. However, the reliability of model outputs is questionable, - as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally exhibit rebellious behavior - (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, much of the agent demo - code focuses on parsing model output.\n\n\nCitation#\nCited as:\n\nWeng, Lilian. - (Jun 2023). \u201cLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201d. Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.", - "role": "system"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": - 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '1571' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAA3RUTW8jNwy9+1cQc7YN23E3bm4pemm77aHYolgsCoOWODOsNeRU5KyTLPLfC8mO - nR56GQzEr/ee+PRtBtBwbB6gCT16GMa0ePzhj/Hz9mV6+e2n719ObI+PP/4e/1kNv1D78+dmXir0 - 8DcFf6taBh3GRM4q53DIhE6l6/p+c3+3utvutjUwaKRUyrrRF1tdDCy82Kw228XqfrHeXap75UDW - PMCXGQDAt/otOCXSU/MAq/nbyUBm2FHzcE0CaLKmctKgGZujeDO/BYOKk1Ton3qCxAM7FuQG2kLL - wk5Qk54cEknnPbDAx4+/GmQyzxwcvCfOgAdO7M/gCixB86gZnaBnc80cMAFLq3mo7QElQiRHThSB - xTxPoc6dQ1+IZZYOBgo9CttgkPhIYJTaRaY2Uc0F79Eh6JQiHEioZYc26wBJpaN8xX1iiXqyJfzZ - cyL4SsE1Q4FFBgEFxqxfORIcsmKkDEfRU6LYEWAIZDYvFJ8hYTiWP8g0ZjKSs1Qw6oly1WtKCdCL - oqyyhMcYufxhSs/zs2gtBoLQYypikhUxC9qFUx5gTChSiBd1HO0IkcoyqdU2cygydV0qKa6AEUev - RbVPJhtVjEpoEnoaKThFoJw12xxOPYceIpcls57scm1ZD5O5kBmUUZgplgb9NKBAIswF0BI+VdqJ - UQKBCgj6lDFBQukmLEoZoACLU64cD+QnosuqFD705JQFUx2jQuIGGdnKHagEymKAB538InHit43S - FqpTQCcfJ7d5GXZeJS9SnBnWIaKyqPY7Az1x3dfbdtXr1hCmPC/k4puS0GqYrBAbMVvdvXcTi7rY - kThEGhSCRlq+d1GmdjIsTpYppcv569WWSbsx68Eu8et5W29inwlNpVjQXMemRl9nAH9V+0//cXQz - Zh1G37seSUrDzf2Hc7/m9urcouu73SXq6phuge16+39l+7Mt7d0r0pwhsnS3Dqsrzkq0sWdzGvYt - F+uNmc+PSjvu73Cz/u7Deke7ZvY6+xcAAP//AwB1AMOJYgUAAA== - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76db89a04cf6-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:27 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=OcLOsqJ1qZMFKwQ21wa2QiH75GM5JJ_b9JTSAt.V6kw-1727303487-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:27 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=rfWrloognK5TgtGcKxiIDFrtQIomQH36VQSMFBKpKn8-1727303487126-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '2183' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4997' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3998673' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 26ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 19ms - x-request-id: - - req_b2b0922fb8071baf7513c4bbcb78d38e - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \"dark\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\nComponent Two: Memory#\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\nTypes of - Memory#\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, retain, - and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in human brains.\n\n\nSensory - Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, providing the ability to retain - impressions of sensory information (visual, auditory, etc) after the original - stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically only lasts for up to a few seconds. - Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), echoic memory (auditory), and - haptic memory (touch).\n\n\nShort-Term Memory (STM) or Working Memory: It stores - information that we are currently aware of and needed to carry out complex cognitive - tasks such as learning and reasoning. Short-term memory is believed to have - the capacity of about 7 items (Miller 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\n\n\nLong-Term - Memory (LTM): Long-term memory can store information for a remarkably long time, - ranging from a few days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. - There are two subtypes of LTM:\n\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory - of facts and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, - including episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts - and concepts).\nImplicit / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious - and involves skills and routines that are performed automatically, like riding - a bike or typing on a keyboard.\n\n\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\nWe - can roughly consider the following mappings:\n\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\n\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200b algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:", "role": "system"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, - "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '3077' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAA3RUTW/cRgy9+1cQOnkBreF1Nt7ENxtpAQNJGjhJgaJIDe6IktjMV0jK3k3g/16M - tB9J0Fx04Jv35vENxW8nABU31RVUrkdzIfv59c3H/NfHP/wgvw9fONP6zw83/o5ulo8rwqoujLT+ - l5ztWWcuhezJOMUJdkJoVFQXq4vVs/NnyxfLEQipIV9oXbb5Ms0DR55fnF8s5+er+eLFjt0ndqTV - Ffx9AgDwbfwWn7GhTXUF5/W+EkgVO6quDocAKkm+VCpUZTWMVtVH0KVoFEfrH3oCo41Bw+oGVVKw - nqA0g8KaIqQWHlA4DQpCHNskjgJFA08okWMHp3evZxDI+tRoDRydH5pSv35Vw2+vatA0iCPIybPb - 1oCxgbvX/1yUo0DxgSXFIlhuRgOhLwMLQaCQZDuepk32SbBkW8MjWw8IbXKDQoqw5oiyBaFHlEbP - 4Nag56733PU2NWPbTFr62ElyhH4IGGEtyFGvQClqAXb4qfZJbO75gRrgkIVUOcVRYn90DCKMlmY1 - TAQjCQcNz4GNGnCY0bFtoU0CbhAp0eEjCkVSnU1x+BS7H+lD3AuoJcGORn6LznQfCQlTdKSzMyiv - 6NCoS8JfR1PF69TkvmmFgDlTA5YgoOs50vEJXYqOsmkNjz0J/ZyISyKkOcVGC/1Ao7Cmpry1/l8G - Qh6NRgbH+Th0m+PY/KJzVvD8meJklDZGEtHDAzlLMoZBustCy7CYMD2gnzIYL0Cv5UKT1AyOFN7g - hsMQ4DZGEng3lg3eE4rr4fTN7bv3M0AF3I3weG3sMTo6yoNmogZaSeHoaXJcw2Ds+WvJA3OWtOGA - RhAJhdQgEnf9OonC6fXbtzNAX17J+jC1QW3LjstQNGgI6Bypnn3/twq1g2LZGHHwfld/Ovz+PnVZ - 0lp3+KHecmTt74VQUyy/ulrK1Yg+nQB8GtfM8MPmqLKkkO3e0meKRfD5y+eTXnXcbkd0cXm5Qy0Z - +iOwulz8inbfkCF7/W5bVZNFjt1R4fzgc2y00q0ahfuWY0eShafl1eb7xXq9vFxcrtqX1cnTyX8A - AAD//wMAkcQ3XsoFAAA= - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76db9e194d19-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:27 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=wen7H.CdoKgaHDSXL7JVgdniUx_0OUm6Z2FU4e4rIGQ-1727303487-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:27 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=OXXfTtq6DGEFHhtLzcjhQHFts4MRqpAiTkXE1P.GXuk-1727303487125-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '2192' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4989' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3991456' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 131ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 128ms - x-request-id: - - req_2227bbebc9b7fbc6fa70632eea7e25e7 - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nOr\n@article{weng2023agent,\n title = - \"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\",\n author = \"Weng, Lilian\",\n journal - = \"lilianweng.github.io\",\n year = \"2023\",\n month = \"Jun\",\n url = - \"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\"\n}\nReferences#\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201cChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201d NeurIPS 2022\n[2] Yao et al. \u201cTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\n[3] Liu et al. \u201cChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\n\u201c arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\n[4] Liu et al. \u201cLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201d arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\n[5] Yao et al. \u201cReAct: Synergizing reasoning - and acting in language models.\u201d ICLR 2023.\n[6] Google Blog. \u201cAnnouncing - ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201d July 28, 2020.\n[7] https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\n[8] - Shinn & Labash. \u201cReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and - self-reflection\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\n[9] Laskin et - al. \u201cIn-context Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201d - ICLR 2023.\n[10] Karpas et al. \u201cMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic - architecture that combines large language models, external knowledge sources - and discrete reasoning.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\n[11] - Nakano et al. \u201cWebgpt: Browser-assisted question-answering with human feedback.\u201d - arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 (2021).\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201cTALM: Tool - Augmented Language Models\u201d\n[13] Schick et al. \u201cToolformer: Language - Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 - (2023).\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\n[15] - Li et al. \u201cAPI-Bank: A Benchmark for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201d arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\n[16] Shen et al. \u201cHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks - with ChatGPT and its Friends in HuggingFace\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 - (2023).\n[17] Bran et al. \u201cChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with - chemistry tools.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\n[18] Boiko et - al. \u201cEmergent autonomous scientific research capabilities of large language - models.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\n[19] Joon Sung Park, - et al. \u201cGenerative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201d - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 (2023).\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\n\nnlp\nlanguage-model\nagent\nsteerability\nprompting\n\n\u00ab - \n\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\n\n\n \u00bb\n\nPrompt Engineering\n\n\n\u00a9 - 2024 Lil''Log\n\n Powered by\n Hugo &\n PaperMod", "role": - "system"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": - 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '3119' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dJNNbxNBDIbv+RXWnEDaREkamrS3VgJRlF74EFBAkXfWu2uYnRnG3tCA - +t/RbNKkHLjMwR7bj1/bf0YAhitzCca2qLaLbnx1/SF+Lu8+29ufn+521+9e24W9e7l60eDbbWmK - HBHK72T1MWpiQxcdKQe/d9tEqJSzzpbz5dn0bLFaDI4uVORyWBN1vAjjjj2P59P5YjxdjmerQ3Qb - 2JKYS/gyAgD4M7yZ01d0by5hWjxaOhLBhszl8ROAScFli0ERFkWvpjg5bfBKfkB/3xJgUraO4KtZ - r2/HMfyiRBVc9Rp86EIvcNWQV/lqoNzBmh2jh4/kmwJiXzqWlipgD296TzCfzs8KqFhsL0IC2hKw - V2oSZmkg1OAwNQQOfdNjQzDIIfBsvb6V5/lvADyVxqF0AS03reOmVfZNTsoJLEYs2bEySa6fCCV4 - HrhSKB11YwluOxjQV6AhOOizVBO4UUhUUyJvSWCLiXMx0b7KyfLvmCgm9ppbQAW6jy4kAqy26C11 - mSoXzdQFsLeurzJaR9qGSqAOCci36O0JODr0mS/j1WyZvN0VJ2w4drPnzbIltINsv1hboHul5NEN - ncgEns6Outii8O+D5DHkATO6LLi2JHRQEjRApFSH1MF+Y+9BUX7IE9HdrgBHW0rYZKxElrxCRVty - IR47v7qBREKYbDuBVyFB3SdtKUFFiuykGEAe+Sx6KAnQWhKhClD3nClsuaIKPrxdT56uaKK6F8xn - 4nvnDvaH48670OQZy8F/tNfsWdrNXtO836IhmsH7MAL4NtxW/8+5mJhCF3Wj4Qf5nHC1PN/nM6eT - Pnlns9XBq0HRnRwXF4v/hW0Okjw5UXMc+ynD9Mg5NGpkJ0rdpmbfUBqWMXdUx82sLBfns/NlfWFG - D6O/AAAA//8DAPnVOhS/BAAA - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76db9a539068-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:27 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=DYJJpN0wBMA3kOl8nxnmYzSI9bFleMHTSv0.B1jRqBI-1727303487-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:27 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=CxswUDoJRI4A5NDUCTb1L4u53qOsj1tPb6TiWu_liGU-1727303487174-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '2201' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4994' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3996491' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 64ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 52ms - x-request-id: - - req_ee1f1caa0439a3a75468beb71a6bc971 - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nFig. - 1. Overview of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\nComponent One: Planning#\nA - complicated task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they - are and plan ahead.\nTask Decomposition#\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. - 2022) has become a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance - on complex tasks. The model is instructed to \u201cthink step by step\u201d - to utilize more test-time computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and - simpler steps. CoT transforms big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed - lights into an interpretation of the model\u2019s thinking process.\nTree of - Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities - at each step. It first decomposes the problem into multiple thought steps and - generates multiple thoughts per step, creating a tree structure. The search - process can be BFS (breadth-first search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each - state evaluated by a classifier (via a prompt) or majority vote.\nTask decomposition - can be done (1) by LLM with simple prompting like \"Steps for XYZ.\\n1.\", \"What - are the subgoals for achieving XYZ?\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; - e.g. \"Write a story outline.\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201cProblem - PDDL\u201d, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201cDomain PDDL\u201d, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\nSelf-Reflection#\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows autonomous - agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and correcting - previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where trial and - error are inevitable.\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning and acting - within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\nThought: - ...\nAction: ...\nObservation: ...\n... (Repeated many times)\n\nFig. 2. Examples - of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, FEVER) - and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: Yao et - al. 2023).\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\n\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.", "role": "system"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": - false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '4583' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFXbbhtHDH33VxD75LiSIPka+y21kaKoixqO8lA0hcGd5e5ONZftkKtL - Av97wdm1pAbtiwSRw8NDHpL6dgJQ2Kq4g8K0KMZ3bvrhx8/d75ePVz9db+dX9vMvzx+bnUkX9Onj - jb8vJhoRy7/IyFvUzETfORIbw+A2iVBIURc35zcX84vL95fZ4WNFTsOaTqaXceptsNPz+fnldH4z - Xbwfo9toDXFxB3+cAAB8y5/KM1S0Le5gPnmzeGLGhoq7/SOAIkWnlgKZLQsGKSYHp4lBKGTqy5Yg - rimtLW2gIjbJlsSA8Pj467SLG0pUAfYSQ/SxZ8CGggDvWMiDtChgg4mpiwmFGDqHIdjQAIYKmFw9 - TVQ7MtoW0A7FQEF4Bl/Cl7CYwdnZ0xhxdnYHSmaEJt+5uGMQ5BVUlEPZZhgh0wb7d08Mzq4I7lu0 - AWINyzb2TStweh+X7zKDZSI68jCcLtUlEcpEuIIqbgZajrY5FYMNEsFjwIawdAQs1PEM7uMSKJjY - J2yIs3Va7qb6DYmQo9YwgU1rHcFSH287FxMx+N6J7RwdnkGH0jKgAKFpMxb0rA4mTKYFdE1MVlrP - M/hQVblsdG43UVV+eFKO1AwNxwC0FUoBHRinaht0gwyURtS3FsND9NqqB6ptGHr5iKHpsSE4fXp4 - eHwHdUzgYmimbUz2awx7QWcq2LkK9klVfd6rOuhm+aAuoHNxM44Ka7OtUEKxa3I7sL5LcU1Q7gAD - ut3XoSEsgBmPZ3kMnumDEagTetrEtFL00gbioy6qwBqjfaeApcvGQ9KgWY3AxkoL0pJNQGFtUwxe - WQ5SNRQyt9AcIUtCQzyDXOVW+0ShxWCIQbTUcnc09RpQ7QJ6a8CTj2k3MINEG0wV5HVXQshMrAgE - VNfWWApmp9M5Fp7DTEyJjIDXrV0piZ8FeiaGlvpkWawZqqsoiK2VyBuYKG89STFZGtBadK43NmBO - MMm2o+E57CZDnaIfdKBtR0nJUc7U9LYiqHvpE+010mn4bU0JnZvkisa1Retz0Niv7Ooo1TH5/Fur - /e6Y6Mp9t4PSJt1XYEm90bzVfxyWcZCylp5Mi8Gy59nxnUtU94x6a0Pv3Gh/3R9OF5suxZJH/96u - 28HtyzAPeiRZYldk7+sJwJ/5QPf/urlFl6Lv5EXiioIC3i5uB7zi8L9w8J4vrkevREF3cCwWF1f/ - F/dSkaB1fHToi/3MHiDme6K50mJQ5qW2oaHUJTvc/bp7WZTl5fXi+qa+LU5eT/4BAAD//wMAJNVl - fwUHAAA= - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76db8ceb4cdc-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:27 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=FeRKZbBsA2zs5NN7wfzDsQMRVzTvPOsmX9DcZ8E8Gew-1727303487-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:27 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=PeVEqukcP1buCpR203zq9tyLmXWNb4mqvw7C93gwkEA-1727303487546-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '2613' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4990' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3992674' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 111ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 109ms - x-request-id: - - req_00d9a2a7811699983d66c6256bd018d7 - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nFig. - 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating - in the water. While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not - comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\nMRKL (Karpas et - al. 2022), short for \u201cModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201d, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201cexpert\u201d modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201cExternal APIs\u201d section of Prompt Engineering.\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\n\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\nInstruction:\n\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\"task\": task, \"id\", - task_id, \"dep\": dependency_task_ids, \"args\": {\"text\": text, \"image\": - URL, \"audio\": URL, \"video\": URL}}]. The \"dep\" field denotes the id of - the previous task which generates a new resource that the current task relies - on. A special tag \"-task_id\" refers to the generated text image, audio and - video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task MUST be selected from - the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There is a logical relationship - between tasks, please note their order. If the user input can''t be parsed, - you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases for your reference: {{ - Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ Chat History }}. From - this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned resources for - your task planning.\n\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes the tasks to expert - models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice question. LLM is presented - with a list of models to choose from. Due to the limited context length, task - type based filtration is needed.\nInstruction:\n\nGiven the user request and - the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select a suitable model - from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant merely outputs - the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be in a strict JSON - format: \"id\": \"id\", \"reason\": \"your detail reason for the choice\". We - have a list of models for you to choose from {{ Candidate Models }}. Please - select one model from the list.\n\n(3) Task execution: Expert models execute - on the specific tasks and log results.\nInstruction:", "role": "system"}], "model": - "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '4250' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFTbbhtHDH33VxD70gSQBMl3+80tegkiI0bgAi2KwqBmubuMZoeTIUeX - BP73YnZl2S3QlwV2zvDw8JDD7ycAFdfVLVSuQ3N99NO7H3+PfzYX8Wy/eFjz4pf7Pn3hm3x68Uf0 - j9WkRMjqCzl7iZo56aMnYwkj7BKhUWFdXJ1enc3Pzq/PB6CXmnwJa6NNz2Xac+Dp6fz0fDq/mi6u - D9GdsCOtbuGvEwCA78O36Aw17apbmE9eTnpSxZaq2+MlgCqJLycVqrIaBqsmr6CTYBQG6Y8dgdHO - oGZ1WZUUNphYsgLWGwyOegqmwAEC5SRT3fcr8ewAk+vYyFlOpNBIAswmQfohti1RE4iYjF32mPwe - GnFZObQgAe4/f1zCu3upCwafCVUCh3YCH4NsPdUtAYYalhjajC29B92rUa8T2HbsOsjGnr8RIDjp - VxywGA/SAO0iJYO+MJMOJAgtBUropzGnKErgD7Qw9ALeLZf378EEkmQj4PA1c2JSoKYhZ7whv5/B - z4WZRzsSbQg91eA69J5CS4NFy+W9Au0sobNSKKY2jwHFnw2lFXro0TqISVaeei3yIyaqS3raRc+O - DSSQToD62KHyt8JkHQH3UZKVnpRC10G2Bdl2FIYyO9kWkqxUJFAK6OHYLRPxOoNP1lGCJmFPW0lr - Bc9rgse75f1A8SjiG0k9JaDQDZlKST+Aw4gr9mzFlZLkYP8xUeGHu4cPY4M8wU8d2q8Pj/Dgc8th - bMSnSOHuQ7kGTQ5uaJlD70sZtKM+em72EAf3HHrAWPwYWqsz+C23LYe2kHJx25LU2VENqICvNYF1 - aMU7L3s9yij+G+oaoscwThqHjfhNyd1ITqCGLentf2+NE6LkadA7GXHakcvjfynMyyANEmn2pjMo - z2qc2KK1JuU2jD2OmJRKkxIk+ppJh8dlAj0GbAlXnoYUo2Nj3mJEkpgY7TCy40AdVczevu5ETVYs - GyZk7w/nz8d14aUtw6cH/HjecGDtntLwFMtqUJNYDejzCcDfw1rK/9o0VUzSR3syWVMohNc3ZyNf - 9boNX9HF1ekBNTH0b4D55cX/xT3VZMhe36y3Kr2si1eK+VHoUGk1mv/UcGgpxcTjtmvi02K1Or9c - XF41N9XJ88k/AAAA//8DAC63AzX7BQAA - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76dba8cb4cdb-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:27 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=rhjZPd9OTzHpExBEycSxfKcT5QzUZ8LcFFTMltBqrqc-1727303487-; 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It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":168,\"prompt_tokens\":429,\"total_tokens\":597,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-5726bbb3-b09c-4033-a1ae-6a2f73b752d9-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":429,\"output_tokens\":168,\"total_tokens\":597}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"3af120c0-e044-4f27-b45c-59f864e6eedf\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.960559+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.960907+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",0],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3de4a334-23d5-d040-c7ab-937ecb975bda\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.960559+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.960907+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"b4946a15-ddfe-4e84-87a6-506da4a3298f\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124645665Zb4946a15-ddfe-4e84-87a6-506da4a3298f.20240925T223126960559Z3af120c0-e044-4f27-b45c-59f864e6eedf\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"e816d321-b64f-4aa4-b690-3bfc898b8da1\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.565827+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.566768+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",1],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:cc5624bc-f282-3def-8d6f-e227532401be\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:cc5624bc-f282-3def-8d6f-e227532401be\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.565827+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.566768+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"a67ddb6d-d611-47eb-8245-48e33d10e395\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124645903Z8266be5f-162d-4c50-9df9-aa0f9ee0d7c4.20240925T223124649490Za67ddb6d-d611-47eb-8245-48e33d10e395.20240925T223127565827Ze816d321-b64f-4aa4-b690-3bfc898b8da1\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":216,\"prompt_tokens\":919,\"total_tokens\":1135,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-9c76b7c0-e07e-4e04-b953-e3469b9cbb99-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":919,\"output_tokens\":216,\"total_tokens\":1135}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"268de4b5-0594-4f9e-949c-c57801f751ad\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.567412+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.567864+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",1],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:cc5624bc-f282-3def-8d6f-e227532401be\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.567412+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.567864+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"8266be5f-162d-4c50-9df9-aa0f9ee0d7c4\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124645903Z8266be5f-162d-4c50-9df9-aa0f9ee0d7c4.20240925T223127567412Z268de4b5-0594-4f9e-949c-c57801f751ad\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"cbc0e73e-f78d-4868-829e-d81d82846a8c\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.998235+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.998619+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",2],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:123103b8-eef4-64bb-3cc9-4a4b74a7b482\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:123103b8-eef4-64bb-3cc9-4a4b74a7b482\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.998235+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.998619+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"0c3af0d5-8988-4859-9137-690bbf45c2db\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646126Z04729cd0-ccbf-4550-9f98-b75d5abde1c7.20240925T223124649812Z0c3af0d5-8988-4859-9137-690bbf45c2db.20240925T223126998235Zcbc0e73e-f78d-4868-829e-d81d82846a8c\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":163,\"prompt_tokens\":881,\"total_tokens\":1044,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-5d2fa773-6427-47fe-83eb-606ca4be006b-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":881,\"output_tokens\":163,\"total_tokens\":1044}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"8186b2e7-e612-4d76-985a-a35753afe4c4\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.998942+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.999141+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",2],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:123103b8-eef4-64bb-3cc9-4a4b74a7b482\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.998942+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.999141+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"04729cd0-ccbf-4550-9f98-b75d5abde1c7\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646126Z04729cd0-ccbf-4550-9f98-b75d5abde1c7.20240925T223126998942Z8186b2e7-e612-4d76-985a-a35753afe4c4\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"acb49a70-0c2f-4f3e-aac1-70f3b0858d7b\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.141852+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.144116+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",3],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ad39dc22-e4ec-62f5-fdda-0947760a96da\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ad39dc22-e4ec-62f5-fdda-0947760a96da\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.141852+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.144116+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"8ca560f6-6e5c-44ba-baef-9a9bf0a41f63\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646321Z69927c0f-cbef-4a76-839e-9e9f0a026880.20240925T223124650107Z8ca560f6-6e5c-44ba-baef-9a9bf0a41f63.20240925T223127141852Zacb49a70-0c2f-4f3e-aac1-70f3b0858d7b\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":166,\"prompt_tokens\":595,\"total_tokens\":761,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-65183656-8dae-43ce-8999-7a1417890092-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":595,\"output_tokens\":166,\"total_tokens\":761}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"dc89459c-514e-4929-a8b9-fcd4de63fdaa\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.147702+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.149515+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",3],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ad39dc22-e4ec-62f5-fdda-0947760a96da\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.147702+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.149515+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"69927c0f-cbef-4a76-839e-9e9f0a026880\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646321Z69927c0f-cbef-4a76-839e-9e9f0a026880.20240925T223127147702Zdc89459c-514e-4929-a8b9-fcd4de63fdaa\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"da95c949-4b1c-4cde-b788-6fa4f577e5e2\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.784843+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.786887+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",5],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f7d238e2-ec9c-12c2-734a-2a6333deb11f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f7d238e2-ec9c-12c2-734a-2a6333deb11f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.784843+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.786887+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"e3c5d0ad-b186-4b8e-a47f-7f4a52421043\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646753Zf7268200-caea-4451-89d0-a7cfd4d2d12a.20240925T223124650692Ze3c5d0ad-b186-4b8e-a47f-7f4a52421043.20240925T223127784843Zda95c949-4b1c-4cde-b788-6fa4f577e5e2\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":172,\"prompt_tokens\":893,\"total_tokens\":1065,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-af4597c3-15da-4647-af1b-87e856df8f0f-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":893,\"output_tokens\":172,\"total_tokens\":1065}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"0fd8a0e3-fa3d-4a8f-9945-08be7be2e510\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.788609+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.789655+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",5],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f7d238e2-ec9c-12c2-734a-2a6333deb11f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.788609+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.789655+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"f7268200-caea-4451-89d0-a7cfd4d2d12a\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646753Zf7268200-caea-4451-89d0-a7cfd4d2d12a.20240925T223127788609Z0fd8a0e3-fa3d-4a8f-9945-08be7be2e510\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The text discusses - various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous agents, - particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems, - which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose language - model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"773a557a-8213-400c-be85-aa492fab8dd3\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.032854+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.033563+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",6],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:df25dbb3-73fc-64c2-97e2-b26f2a938d58\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:df25dbb3-73fc-64c2-97e2-b26f2a938d58\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.032854+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.033563+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"64eeaca3-c179-4995-bac1-f21c6db3c77c\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646958Z4848afe5-7396-40eb-af6f-37891f0f1421.20240925T223124650978Z64eeaca3-c179-4995-bac1-f21c6db3c77c.20240925T223127032854Z773a557a-8213-400c-be85-aa492fab8dd3\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":197,\"prompt_tokens\":943,\"total_tokens\":1140,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-004a9f8d-4452-4170-a475-8227451fbbc2-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":943,\"output_tokens\":197,\"total_tokens\":1140}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"ba50256e-0fd7-4a49-bad7-082d04f2fea9\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.034345+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.034784+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",6],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:df25dbb3-73fc-64c2-97e2-b26f2a938d58\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.034345+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.034784+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"4848afe5-7396-40eb-af6f-37891f0f1421\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646958Z4848afe5-7396-40eb-af6f-37891f0f1421.20240925T223127034345Zba50256e-0fd7-4a49-bad7-082d04f2fea9\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"594c8bc1-fe04-4e51-b744-022eee4f534f\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.779345+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.780686+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",7],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3111f062-8402-d8aa-c651-dec4e9608b97\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3111f062-8402-d8aa-c651-dec4e9608b97\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.779345+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.780686+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"3dd6e681-9d16-4592-99c9-94a5a408d7d8\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647175Z53367cc3-2062-4b4b-b94f-e82ef4e48185.20240925T223124651272Z3dd6e681-9d16-4592-99c9-94a5a408d7d8.20240925T223126779345Z594c8bc1-fe04-4e51-b744-022eee4f534f\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":168,\"prompt_tokens\":847,\"total_tokens\":1015,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_3a215618e8\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-d52315ce-c236-4b5f-a7e7-05ad023f0f4d-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":847,\"output_tokens\":168,\"total_tokens\":1015}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"c27c2fab-6835-447c-9c0d-b2a28b7028b0\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.781399+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.781874+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",7],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3111f062-8402-d8aa-c651-dec4e9608b97\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.781399+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.781874+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"53367cc3-2062-4b4b-b94f-e82ef4e48185\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647175Z53367cc3-2062-4b4b-b94f-e82ef4e48185.20240925T223126781399Zc27c2fab-6835-447c-9c0d-b2a28b7028b0\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"c973680f-9cce-4a4c-a176-8a8aafbef76b\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.386115+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.387047+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",8],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ee23b64d-4562-0bc2-3e0f-0ffc98034faf\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ee23b64d-4562-0bc2-3e0f-0ffc98034faf\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.386115+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.387047+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"a0b4daa6-ff6b-4390-aaa6-7c60f792a9f1\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647384Z156616ba-70e4-4079-b651-8c8a82616868.20240925T223124651563Za0b4daa6-ff6b-4390-aaa6-7c60f792a9f1.20240925T223126386115Zc973680f-9cce-4a4c-a176-8a8aafbef76b\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":118,\"prompt_tokens\":560,\"total_tokens\":678,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_e9627b5346\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-b8e748e8-f70e-418b-9549-7b4cfdb5cdc5-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":560,\"output_tokens\":118,\"total_tokens\":678}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"96c709b1-b84c-4b3b-a8bd-6fde97926cf4\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.387809+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.388315+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",8],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ee23b64d-4562-0bc2-3e0f-0ffc98034faf\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.387809+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.388315+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"156616ba-70e4-4079-b651-8c8a82616868\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647384Z156616ba-70e4-4079-b651-8c8a82616868.20240925T223126387809Z96c709b1-b84c-4b3b-a8bd-6fde97926cf4\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. 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Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"73db0d6d-8b98-472f-b3b4-ad0edede5a2c\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.921362+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.922517+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",11],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:bee314aa-7892-3f2a-8c8b-31a5f0f2969f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:bee314aa-7892-3f2a-8c8b-31a5f0f2969f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.921362+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.922517+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"c2b0f3c2-66ed-4266-84a7-8ee4bf355bc8\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648026Z37c28d74-a5cc-44d7-b453-245a1efbe6d7.20240925T223124652489Zc2b0f3c2-66ed-4266-84a7-8ee4bf355bc8.20240925T223126921362Z73db0d6d-8b98-472f-b3b4-ad0edede5a2c\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. 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Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":120,\"prompt_tokens\":899,\"total_tokens\":1019,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-8cb13ea8-82ea-4597-b8e7-0793d530d636-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":899,\"output_tokens\":120,\"total_tokens\":1019}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"062d160f-bf9e-4d81-a65d-b4adf6f2b2bf\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.923502+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.924051+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",11],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:bee314aa-7892-3f2a-8c8b-31a5f0f2969f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.923502+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.924051+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"37c28d74-a5cc-44d7-b453-245a1efbe6d7\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648026Z37c28d74-a5cc-44d7-b453-245a1efbe6d7.20240925T223126923502Z062d160f-bf9e-4d81-a65d-b4adf6f2b2bf\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"9d961ce3-89e6-4e3e-931e-538b87b1f91d\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.140606+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.143260+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",12],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:767e5792-507b-4153-81ae-ba1a1fa55903\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:767e5792-507b-4153-81ae-ba1a1fa55903\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.140606+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.143260+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"14d34422-1f3e-4b83-9dde-555b8c3a8f98\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648225Zc1a83e7f-8120-4d94-9c60-f78c3c95ef19.20240925T223124652727Z14d34422-1f3e-4b83-9dde-555b8c3a8f98.20240925T223127140606Z9d961ce3-89e6-4e3e-931e-538b87b1f91d\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. 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The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":138,\"prompt_tokens\":276,\"total_tokens\":414,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_3a215618e8\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-aecd5add-2e18-42fd-acc9-f0f9c11c6eb0-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":276,\"output_tokens\":138,\"total_tokens\":414}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"9ac73eeb-6589-482b-be7b-11b1fd2c334d\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.146809+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.148807+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",12],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:767e5792-507b-4153-81ae-ba1a1fa55903\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.146809+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.148807+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"c1a83e7f-8120-4d94-9c60-f78c3c95ef19\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648225Zc1a83e7f-8120-4d94-9c60-f78c3c95ef19.20240925T223127146809Z9ac73eeb-6589-482b-be7b-11b1fd2c334d\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The limitations - of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate historical - information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like self-reflection - that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector stores can provide - broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power of full attention. - Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning and task decomposition, - struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected errors, which diminishes - their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance on natural language - as an interface between LLMs and external components raises concerns about the - reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance with instructions - can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent demo code.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"bd193b48-460f-4d52-9197-08a2397aeb7c\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.187616+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.188951+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",13],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:667a010f-abc7-3e13-bbac-a6a11e100599\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:667a010f-abc7-3e13-bbac-a6a11e100599\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.187616+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.188951+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"289731a1-bf83-4a0d-ab73-7f0bd4536e58\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648509Z7321ecd9-00e5-4943-a558-921c9c4307ac.20240925T223124652967Z289731a1-bf83-4a0d-ab73-7f0bd4536e58.20240925T223127187616Zbd193b48-460f-4d52-9197-08a2397aeb7c\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":118,\"prompt_tokens\":876,\"total_tokens\":994,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-a2b88217-9310-4353-9c0b-92920f13a99a-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":876,\"output_tokens\":118,\"total_tokens\":994}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"ab82e800-c276-494a-a8e2-b58886031c23\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.190525+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.190997+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",13],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:667a010f-abc7-3e13-bbac-a6a11e100599\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.190525+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.190997+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"7321ecd9-00e5-4943-a558-921c9c4307ac\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648509Z7321ecd9-00e5-4943-a558-921c9c4307ac.20240925T223127190525Zab82e800-c276-494a-a8e2-b58886031c23\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The article \\\"LLM-powered - Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the - integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting - their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references - various studies and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods - for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction - with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to - perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. - For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"}],\"patch\":[{\"id\":\"b4946a15-ddfe-4e84-87a6-506da4a3298f\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124645665Zb4946a15-ddfe-4e84-87a6-506da4a3298f\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",0],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3de4a334-23d5-d040-c7ab-937ecb975bda\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.961096+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.645665+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.961096+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"91d14db6-d720-40c5-8074-29b410accee4\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"b4946a15-ddfe-4e84-87a6-506da4a3298f\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124645665Zb4946a15-ddfe-4e84-87a6-506da4a3298f.20240925T223124649110Z91d14db6-d720-40c5-8074-29b410accee4\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",0],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3de4a334-23d5-d040-c7ab-937ecb975bda\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3de4a334-23d5-d040-c7ab-937ecb975bda\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.960327+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.649110+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.960327+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"5726bbb3-b09c-4033-a1ae-6a2f73b752d9\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"91d14db6-d720-40c5-8074-29b410accee4\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124645665Zb4946a15-ddfe-4e84-87a6-506da4a3298f.20240925T223124649110Z91d14db6-d720-40c5-8074-29b410accee4.20240925T223124662521Z5726bbb3-b09c-4033-a1ae-6a2f73b752d9\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",0],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3de4a334-23d5-d040-c7ab-937ecb975bda\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3de4a334-23d5-d040-c7ab-937ecb975bda\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.959219+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nLLM Powered Autonomous Agents | - Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":168,\"prompt_tokens\":429,\"total_tokens\":597,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-5726bbb3-b09c-4033-a1ae-6a2f73b752d9-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":429,\"output_tokens\":168,\"total_tokens\":597},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":168,\"prompt_tokens\":429,\"total_tokens\":597,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.662521+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.959219+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"8266be5f-162d-4c50-9df9-aa0f9ee0d7c4\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124645903Z8266be5f-162d-4c50-9df9-aa0f9ee0d7c4\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",1],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:cc5624bc-f282-3def-8d6f-e227532401be\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.568167+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"Fig. - 1. Overview of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA - complicated task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they - are and plan ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. - 2022) has become a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance - on complex tasks. The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D - to utilize more test-time computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and - simpler steps. CoT transforms big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed - lights into an interpretation of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of - Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities - at each step. It first decomposes the problem into multiple thought steps and - generates multiple thoughts per step, creating a tree structure. The search - process can be BFS (breadth-first search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each - state evaluated by a classifier (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition - can be done (1) by LLM with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", - \\\"What are the subgoals for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific - instructions; e.g. \\\"Write a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) - with human inputs.\\nAnother quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), - involves relying on an external classical planner to do long-horizon planning. - This approach utilizes the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an - intermediate interface to describe the planning problem. In this process, LLM - (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests - a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based on an existing \u201CDomain - PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL plan back into natural language. - Essentially, the planning step is outsourced to an external tool, assuming the - availability of domain-specific PDDL and a suitable planner which is common - in certain robotic setups but not in many other domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection - is a vital aspect that allows autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining - past action decisions and correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role - in real-world tasks where trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. - 2023) integrates reasoning and acting within LLM by extending the action space - to be a combination of task-specific discrete actions and the language space. - The former enables LLM to interact with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia - search API), while the latter prompting LLM to generate reasoning traces in - natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template incorporates explicit steps for - LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: - ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. Examples of reasoning trajectories - for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, FEVER) and decision-making tasks - (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments - on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making tasks, ReAct works better than - the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn - & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents with dynamic memory and self-reflection - capabilities to improve reasoning skills. Reflexion has a standard RL setup, - in which the reward model provides a simple binary reward and the action space - follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific action space is augmented - with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After each action $a_t$, the - agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide to reset the environment - to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection results.\\n\\nFig. 3. - Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe - heuristic function determines when the trajectory is inefficient or contains - hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient planning refers to trajectories - that take too long without success. Hallucination is defined as encountering - a sequence of consecutive identical actions that lead to the same observation - in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created by showing two-shot examples - to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, ideal reflection for - guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are added into the agent\u2019s - working memory, up to three, to be used as context for querying LLM.\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.645903+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.568167+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"a67ddb6d-d611-47eb-8245-48e33d10e395\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"8266be5f-162d-4c50-9df9-aa0f9ee0d7c4\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124645903Z8266be5f-162d-4c50-9df9-aa0f9ee0d7c4.20240925T223124649490Za67ddb6d-d611-47eb-8245-48e33d10e395\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",1],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:cc5624bc-f282-3def-8d6f-e227532401be\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:cc5624bc-f282-3def-8d6f-e227532401be\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.567059+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"Fig. - 1. Overview of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA - complicated task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they - are and plan ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. - 2022) has become a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance - on complex tasks. The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D - to utilize more test-time computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and - simpler steps. CoT transforms big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed - lights into an interpretation of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of - Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities - at each step. It first decomposes the problem into multiple thought steps and - generates multiple thoughts per step, creating a tree structure. The search - process can be BFS (breadth-first search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each - state evaluated by a classifier (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition - can be done (1) by LLM with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", - \\\"What are the subgoals for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific - instructions; e.g. \\\"Write a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) - with human inputs.\\nAnother quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), - involves relying on an external classical planner to do long-horizon planning. - This approach utilizes the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an - intermediate interface to describe the planning problem. In this process, LLM - (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests - a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based on an existing \u201CDomain - PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL plan back into natural language. - Essentially, the planning step is outsourced to an external tool, assuming the - availability of domain-specific PDDL and a suitable planner which is common - in certain robotic setups but not in many other domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection - is a vital aspect that allows autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining - past action decisions and correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role - in real-world tasks where trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. - 2023) integrates reasoning and acting within LLM by extending the action space - to be a combination of task-specific discrete actions and the language space. - The former enables LLM to interact with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia - search API), while the latter prompting LLM to generate reasoning traces in - natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template incorporates explicit steps for - LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: - ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. Examples of reasoning trajectories - for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, FEVER) and decision-making tasks - (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments - on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making tasks, ReAct works better than - the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn - & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents with dynamic memory and self-reflection - capabilities to improve reasoning skills. Reflexion has a standard RL setup, - in which the reward model provides a simple binary reward and the action space - follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific action space is augmented - with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After each action $a_t$, the - agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide to reset the environment - to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection results.\\n\\nFig. 3. - Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe - heuristic function determines when the trajectory is inefficient or contains - hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient planning refers to trajectories - that take too long without success. Hallucination is defined as encountering - a sequence of consecutive identical actions that lead to the same observation - in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created by showing two-shot examples - to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, ideal reflection for - guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are added into the agent\u2019s - working memory, up to three, to be used as context for querying LLM.\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.649490+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.567059+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"9c76b7c0-e07e-4e04-b953-e3469b9cbb99\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"a67ddb6d-d611-47eb-8245-48e33d10e395\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124645903Z8266be5f-162d-4c50-9df9-aa0f9ee0d7c4.20240925T223124649490Za67ddb6d-d611-47eb-8245-48e33d10e395.20240925T223124662799Z9c76b7c0-e07e-4e04-b953-e3469b9cbb99\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",1],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:cc5624bc-f282-3def-8d6f-e227532401be\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:cc5624bc-f282-3def-8d6f-e227532401be\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.564800+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nFig. 1. Overview of a LLM-powered - autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated task usually - involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan ahead.\\nTask - Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become a standard - prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. The model - is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time computation - to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms big tasks - into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation of the - model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":216,\"prompt_tokens\":919,\"total_tokens\":1135,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-9c76b7c0-e07e-4e04-b953-e3469b9cbb99-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":919,\"output_tokens\":216,\"total_tokens\":1135},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":216,\"prompt_tokens\":919,\"total_tokens\":1135,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.662799+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.564800+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"04729cd0-ccbf-4550-9f98-b75d5abde1c7\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646126Z04729cd0-ccbf-4550-9f98-b75d5abde1c7\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",2],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:123103b8-eef4-64bb-3cc9-4a4b74a7b482\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.999284+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"Fig. - 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination is a more common - failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: Shinn & Labash, - 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages the model to improve - on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence of past outputs, - each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection of $D_h = - \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, each $y_i$ - is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ is the - corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback tuples - are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ The - process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form of - $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq i - \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.646126+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.999284+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"0c3af0d5-8988-4859-9137-690bbf45c2db\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"04729cd0-ccbf-4550-9f98-b75d5abde1c7\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646126Z04729cd0-ccbf-4550-9f98-b75d5abde1c7.20240925T223124649812Z0c3af0d5-8988-4859-9137-690bbf45c2db\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",2],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:123103b8-eef4-64bb-3cc9-4a4b74a7b482\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:123103b8-eef4-64bb-3cc9-4a4b74a7b482\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.998766+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"Fig. - 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination is a more common - failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: Shinn & Labash, - 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages the model to improve - on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence of past outputs, - each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection of $D_h = - \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, each $y_i$ - is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ is the - corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback tuples - are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ The - process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form of - $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq i - \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.649812+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.998766+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"5d2fa773-6427-47fe-83eb-606ca4be006b\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"0c3af0d5-8988-4859-9137-690bbf45c2db\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646126Z04729cd0-ccbf-4550-9f98-b75d5abde1c7.20240925T223124649812Z0c3af0d5-8988-4859-9137-690bbf45c2db.20240925T223124663050Z5d2fa773-6427-47fe-83eb-606ca4be006b\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",2],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:123103b8-eef4-64bb-3cc9-4a4b74a7b482\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:123103b8-eef4-64bb-3cc9-4a4b74a7b482\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.997866+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld - Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination is a more common failure than inefficient planning - in AlfWorld. (Image source: Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; - Liu et al. 2023) encourages the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly - presenting it with a sequence of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. - Human feedback data is a collection of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, - where $x$ is the prompt, each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human - rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. - Assume the feedback tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq - \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is - a sequence in the form of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, - y_n)$, where $\\\\leq i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only - predict $y_n$ where conditioned on the sequence prefix, such that the model - can self-reflect to produce better output based on the feedback sequence. The - model can optionally receive multiple rounds of instructions with human annotators - at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, CoH adds a regularization term to maximize - the log-likelihood of the pre-training dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying - (because there are many common words in feedback sequences), they randomly mask - 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe training dataset in their experiments - is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, summarization from human feedback and - human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. After fine-tuning with CoH, the model - can follow instructions to produce outputs with incremental improvement in a - sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe idea of CoH is to present a - history of sequentially improved outputs in context and train the model to - take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm Distillation (AD; Laskin - et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode trajectories in reinforcement - learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated in a long history-conditioned - policy. Considering that an agent interacts with the environment many times - and in each episode the agent gets a little better, AD concatenates this learning - history and feeds that into the model. Hence we should expect the next predicted - action to lead to better performance than previous trials. The goal is to learn - the process of RL instead of training a task-specific policy itself.\\n\\nFig. - 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) works. (Image source: Laskin - et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any algorithm that generates a set - of learning histories can be distilled into a neural network by performing behavioral - cloning over actions. The history data is generated by a set of source policies, - each trained for a specific task. At the training stage, during each RL run, - a random task is sampled and a subsequence of multi-episode history is used - for training, such that the learned policy is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the - model has limited context window length, so episodes should be short enough - to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic contexts of 2-4 episodes - are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL algorithm. The emergence - of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn comparison with three baselines, - including ED (expert distillation, behavior cloning with expert trajectories - instead of learning history), source policy (used for generating trajectories - for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. 2017; used as upper bound since - it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context RL with performance getting - close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and learns much faster than other - baselines. When conditioned on partial training history of the source policy, - AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":163,\"prompt_tokens\":881,\"total_tokens\":1044,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-5d2fa773-6427-47fe-83eb-606ca4be006b-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":881,\"output_tokens\":163,\"total_tokens\":1044},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":163,\"prompt_tokens\":881,\"total_tokens\":1044,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.663050+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.997866+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"69927c0f-cbef-4a76-839e-9e9f0a026880\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646321Z69927c0f-cbef-4a76-839e-9e9f0a026880\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",3],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ad39dc22-e4ec-62f5-fdda-0947760a96da\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.150321+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"Fig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.646321+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.150321+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"8ca560f6-6e5c-44ba-baef-9a9bf0a41f63\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"69927c0f-cbef-4a76-839e-9e9f0a026880\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646321Z69927c0f-cbef-4a76-839e-9e9f0a026880.20240925T223124650107Z8ca560f6-6e5c-44ba-baef-9a9bf0a41f63\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",3],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ad39dc22-e4ec-62f5-fdda-0947760a96da\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ad39dc22-e4ec-62f5-fdda-0947760a96da\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.145935+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"Fig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.650107+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.145935+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"65183656-8dae-43ce-8999-7a1417890092\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"8ca560f6-6e5c-44ba-baef-9a9bf0a41f63\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646321Z69927c0f-cbef-4a76-839e-9e9f0a026880.20240925T223124650107Z8ca560f6-6e5c-44ba-baef-9a9bf0a41f63.20240925T223124663293Z65183656-8dae-43ce-8999-7a1417890092\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",3],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ad39dc22-e4ec-62f5-fdda-0947760a96da\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ad39dc22-e4ec-62f5-fdda-0947760a96da\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.139604+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nFig. 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source - policy and RL^2 on environments that require memory and exploration. Only binary - reward is assigned. The source policies are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" - environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent - Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT for helping me draft this section. - I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain and data structure for fast MIPS - in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined - as the processes used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information. - There are several types of memory in human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This - is the earliest stage of memory, providing the ability to retain impressions - of sensory information (visual, auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have - ended. Sensory memory typically only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories - include iconic memory (visual), echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory - (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information - that we are currently aware of and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks - such as learning and reasoning. Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity - of about 7 items (Miller 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term - Memory (LTM): Long-term memory can store information for a remarkably long time, - ranging from a few days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. - There are two subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory - of facts and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, - including episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts - and concepts).\\nImplicit / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious - and involves skills and routines that are performed automatically, like riding - a bike or typing on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe - can roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning - embedding representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":166,\"prompt_tokens\":595,\"total_tokens\":761,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-65183656-8dae-43ce-8999-7a1417890092-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":595,\"output_tokens\":166,\"total_tokens\":761},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":166,\"prompt_tokens\":595,\"total_tokens\":761,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.663293+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.139604+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"f7268200-caea-4451-89d0-a7cfd4d2d12a\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646753Zf7268200-caea-4451-89d0-a7cfd4d2d12a\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",5],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f7d238e2-ec9c-12c2-734a-2a6333deb11f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.790717+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"Fig. - 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating - in the water. While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not - comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et - al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.646753+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.790717+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"e3c5d0ad-b186-4b8e-a47f-7f4a52421043\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"f7268200-caea-4451-89d0-a7cfd4d2d12a\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646753Zf7268200-caea-4451-89d0-a7cfd4d2d12a.20240925T223124650692Ze3c5d0ad-b186-4b8e-a47f-7f4a52421043\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",5],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f7d238e2-ec9c-12c2-734a-2a6333deb11f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f7d238e2-ec9c-12c2-734a-2a6333deb11f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.787654+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"Fig. - 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating - in the water. While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not - comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et - al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.650692+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.787654+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"af4597c3-15da-4647-af1b-87e856df8f0f\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e3c5d0ad-b186-4b8e-a47f-7f4a52421043\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646753Zf7268200-caea-4451-89d0-a7cfd4d2d12a.20240925T223124650692Ze3c5d0ad-b186-4b8e-a47f-7f4a52421043.20240925T223124663742Zaf4597c3-15da-4647-af1b-87e856df8f0f\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",5],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f7d238e2-ec9c-12c2-734a-2a6333deb11f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f7d238e2-ec9c-12c2-734a-2a6333deb11f\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.782749+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter - using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. While some - other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image - source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular - Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, is a neuro-symbolic architecture for - autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D - modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router to route inquiries to - the best suitable expert module. These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning - models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey - did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic - as a test case. Their experiments showed that it was harder to solve verbal - math problems than explicitly stated math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large - model) failed to extract the right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. - The results highlight when the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing - when to and how to use the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth - TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick - et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset - is expanded based on whether a newly added API call annotation can improve the - quality of model outputs. See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D - section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function calling - are good examples of LLMs augmented with tool use capability working in practice. - The collection of tool APIs can be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) - or self-defined (as in function calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a - framework to use ChatGPT as the task planner to select models available in HuggingFace - platform according to the model descriptions and summarize the response based - on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. - (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task - planning: LLM works as the brain and parses the user requests into multiple - tasks. There are four attributes associated with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, - and arguments. They use few-shot examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and - planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe AI assistant can parse user input to several - tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, - \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": - URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" field denotes the id of the previous task which generates - a new resource that the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" - refers to the generated text image, audio and video in the dependency task with - id as task_id. The task MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available - Task List }}. There is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their - order. If the user input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here - are several cases for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history - is recorded as {{ Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the - path of the user-mentioned resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model - selection: LLM distributes the tasks to expert models, where the request is - framed as a multiple-choice question. LLM is presented with a list of models - to choose from. Due to the limited context length, task type based filtration - is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven the user request and the call command, - the AI assistant helps the user to select a suitable model from a list of models - to process the user request. The AI assistant merely outputs the model id of - the most appropriate model. The output must be in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": - \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail reason for the choice\\\". We have - a list of models for you to choose from {{ Candidate Models }}. Please select - one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: Expert models execute on the - specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":172,\"prompt_tokens\":893,\"total_tokens\":1065,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-af4597c3-15da-4647-af1b-87e856df8f0f-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":893,\"output_tokens\":172,\"total_tokens\":1065},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":172,\"prompt_tokens\":893,\"total_tokens\":1065,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.663742+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.782749+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"4848afe5-7396-40eb-af6f-37891f0f1421\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646958Z4848afe5-7396-40eb-af6f-37891f0f1421\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",6],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:df25dbb3-73fc-64c2-97e2-b26f2a938d58\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.035082+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"With - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.646958+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.035082+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"64eeaca3-c179-4995-bac1-f21c6db3c77c\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"4848afe5-7396-40eb-af6f-37891f0f1421\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646958Z4848afe5-7396-40eb-af6f-37891f0f1421.20240925T223124650978Z64eeaca3-c179-4995-bac1-f21c6db3c77c\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",6],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:df25dbb3-73fc-64c2-97e2-b26f2a938d58\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:df25dbb3-73fc-64c2-97e2-b26f2a938d58\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.033976+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"With - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The AI assistant processes user - input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model Selection, - and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's request, - then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, including - any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of HuggingGPT, - several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, managing - long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. The - API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 annotated - dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: calling - APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for complex - requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness of LLMs - augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while LLMs - may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant advantages - for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in self-evaluating - their performance in expert domains.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.650978+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.033976+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"004a9f8d-4452-4170-a475-8227451fbbc2\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"64eeaca3-c179-4995-bac1-f21c6db3c77c\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646958Z4848afe5-7396-40eb-af6f-37891f0f1421.20240925T223124650978Z64eeaca3-c179-4995-bac1-f21c6db3c77c.20240925T223124663971Z004a9f8d-4452-4170-a475-8227451fbbc2\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",6],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:df25dbb3-73fc-64c2-97e2-b26f2a938d58\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:df25dbb3-73fc-64c2-97e2-b26f2a938d58\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.032137+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nWith the input and the inference - results, the AI assistant needs to describe the process and results. The previous - stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks - }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, Task Execution: {{ Predictions - }}. You must first answer the user's request in a straightforward manner. Then - describe the task process and show your analysis and model inference results - to the user in the first person. If inference results contain a file path, must - tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response generation: LLM receives - the execution results and provides summarized results to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT - into real world usage, a couple challenges need to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement - is needed as both LLM inference rounds and interactions with other models slow - down the process; (2) It relies on a long context window to communicate over - complicated task content; (3) Stability improvement of LLM outputs and external - model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the - performance of tool-augmented LLMs. It contains 53 commonly used API tools, - a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, and 264 annotated dialogues that involve - 568 API calls. The selection of APIs is quite diverse, including search engines, - calculator, calendar queries, smart home control, schedule management, health - data management, account authentication workflow and more. Because there are - a large number of APIs, LLM first has access to API search engine to find the - right API to call and then uses the corresponding documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. - 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li - et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, LLMs need to make a couple of decisions - and at each step we can evaluate how accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether - an API call is needed.\\nIdentify the right API to call: if not good enough, - LLMs need to iteratively modify the API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords - for Search Engine API).\\nResponse based on the API results: the model can choose - to refine and call again if results are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates - the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates - the ability to call the API. Given an API\u2019s description, the model needs - to determine whether to call a given API, call it correctly, and respond properly - to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines the ability to retrieve the API. The model - needs to search for possible APIs that may solve the user\u2019s requirement - and learn how to use them by reading documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability - to plan API beyond retrieve and call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule - group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant for a trip), the model may have - to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase Studies#\\nScientific Discovery - Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific example in which LLM - is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish tasks across organic - synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, implemented in - LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct and MRKLs and - combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe LLM is provided - with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and details about - the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a user-given prompt - using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests the model - to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":197,\"prompt_tokens\":943,\"total_tokens\":1140,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-004a9f8d-4452-4170-a475-8227451fbbc2-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":943,\"output_tokens\":197,\"total_tokens\":1140},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":197,\"prompt_tokens\":943,\"total_tokens\":1140,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.663971+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.032137+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"53367cc3-2062-4b4b-b94f-e82ef4e48185\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647175Z53367cc3-2062-4b4b-b94f-e82ef4e48185\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",7],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3111f062-8402-d8aa-c651-dec4e9608b97\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.782157+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"inquired - about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected a target;\\nrequested - a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound was identified, the - model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed the risks, especially - with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test set containing a list - of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to synthesize them. 4 out - of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis solution and the agent - attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. 7 out of 11 were - rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after a Web search while - 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents Simulation#\\nGenerative - Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment where 25 virtual characters, - each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living and interacting in a sandbox - environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents create believable simulacra - of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe design of generative agents - combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection mechanisms to enable agents - to behave conditioned on past experience, as well as to interact with other - agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory module (external database) - that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach - element is an observation, an event directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent - communication can trigger new natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval - model: surfaces the context to inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to - relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: - distinguish mundane from core memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based - on how related it is to the current situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: - synthesizes memories into higher level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s - future behavior. They are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that - this is a bit different from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 - most recent observations and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions - given a set of observations/statements. Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning - & Reacting: translate the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning - is essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.647175+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.782157+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"3dd6e681-9d16-4592-99c9-94a5a408d7d8\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"53367cc3-2062-4b4b-b94f-e82ef4e48185\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647175Z53367cc3-2062-4b4b-b94f-e82ef4e48185.20240925T223124651272Z3dd6e681-9d16-4592-99c9-94a5a408d7d8\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",7],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3111f062-8402-d8aa-c651-dec4e9608b97\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3111f062-8402-d8aa-c651-dec4e9608b97\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.781018+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"inquired - about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected a target;\\nrequested - a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound was identified, the - model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed the risks, especially - with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test set containing a list - of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to synthesize them. 4 out - of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis solution and the agent - attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. 7 out of 11 were - rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after a Web search while - 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents Simulation#\\nGenerative - Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment where 25 virtual characters, - each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living and interacting in a sandbox - environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents create believable simulacra - of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe design of generative agents - combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection mechanisms to enable agents - to behave conditioned on past experience, as well as to interact with other - agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory module (external database) - that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach - element is an observation, an event directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent - communication can trigger new natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval - model: surfaces the context to inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to - relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: - distinguish mundane from core memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based - on how related it is to the current situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: - synthesizes memories into higher level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s - future behavior. They are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that - this is a bit different from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 - most recent observations and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions - given a set of observations/statements. Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning - & Reacting: translate the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning - is essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.651272+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.781018+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"d52315ce-c236-4b5f-a7e7-05ad023f0f4d\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"3dd6e681-9d16-4592-99c9-94a5a408d7d8\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647175Z53367cc3-2062-4b4b-b94f-e82ef4e48185.20240925T223124651272Z3dd6e681-9d16-4592-99c9-94a5a408d7d8.20240925T223124664207Zd52315ce-c236-4b5f-a7e7-05ad023f0f4d\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",7],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3111f062-8402-d8aa-c651-dec4e9608b97\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:3111f062-8402-d8aa-c651-dec4e9608b97\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.778201+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\ninquired about current trends in - anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting - these compounds;\\nOnce the compound was identified, the model attempted its - synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed the risks, especially with illicit drugs - and bioweapons. They developed a test set containing a list of known chemical - weapon agents and asked the agent to synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) - were accepted to obtain a synthesis solution and the agent attempted to consult - documentation to execute the procedure. 7 out of 11 were rejected and among - these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after a Web search while 2 were rejected - based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, - et al. 2023) is super fun experiment where 25 virtual characters, each controlled - by a LLM-powered agent, are living and interacting in a sandbox environment, - inspired by The Sims. Generative agents create believable simulacra of human - behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe design of generative agents combines - LLM with memory, planning and reflection mechanisms to enable agents to behave - conditioned on past experience, as well as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory - stream: is a long-term memory module (external database) that records a comprehensive - list of agents\u2019 experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an - observation, an event directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication - can trigger new natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces - the context to inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency - and importance.\\n\\nRecency: recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: - distinguish mundane from core memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based - on how related it is to the current situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: - synthesizes memories into higher level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s - future behavior. They are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that - this is a bit different from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 - most recent observations and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions - given a set of observations/statements. Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning - & Reacting: translate the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning - is essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":168,\"prompt_tokens\":847,\"total_tokens\":1015,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_3a215618e8\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-d52315ce-c236-4b5f-a7e7-05ad023f0f4d-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":847,\"output_tokens\":168,\"total_tokens\":1015},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":168,\"prompt_tokens\":847,\"total_tokens\":1015,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_3a215618e8\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.664207+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.778201+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"156616ba-70e4-4079-b651-8c8a82616868\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647384Z156616ba-70e4-4079-b651-8c8a82616868\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",8],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ee23b64d-4562-0bc2-3e0f-0ffc98034faf\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.388603+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"Commands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The provided commands outline a set - of functionalities for managing tasks, including searching the internet, browsing - websites, interacting with GPT agents, file management, code analysis, and generating - content. Key commands include starting and messaging GPT agents, executing file - operations (read, write, delete), analyzing and improving code, and generating - images or tweets. Resources available include internet access, memory management, - and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous - self-assessment, efficiency in task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize - actions. The system is trained on data up to October 2023.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.647384+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.388603+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"a0b4daa6-ff6b-4390-aaa6-7c60f792a9f1\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"156616ba-70e4-4079-b651-8c8a82616868\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647384Z156616ba-70e4-4079-b651-8c8a82616868.20240925T223124651563Za0b4daa6-ff6b-4390-aaa6-7c60f792a9f1\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",8],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ee23b64d-4562-0bc2-3e0f-0ffc98034faf\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ee23b64d-4562-0bc2-3e0f-0ffc98034faf\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.387425+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"Commands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The provided commands outline a set of - functionalities for managing tasks, including searching the internet, browsing - websites, interacting with GPT agents, file management, code analysis, and generating - content. Key commands include starting and messaging GPT agents, executing file - operations (read, write, delete), analyzing and improving code, and generating - images or tweets. Resources available include internet access, memory management, - and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous - self-assessment, efficiency in task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize - actions. The system is trained on data up to October 2023.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.651563+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.387425+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"b8e748e8-f70e-418b-9549-7b4cfdb5cdc5\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"a0b4daa6-ff6b-4390-aaa6-7c60f792a9f1\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647384Z156616ba-70e4-4079-b651-8c8a82616868.20240925T223124651563Za0b4daa6-ff6b-4390-aaa6-7c60f792a9f1.20240925T223124664448Zb8e748e8-f70e-418b-9549-7b4cfdb5cdc5\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",8],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ee23b64d-4562-0bc2-3e0f-0ffc98034faf\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:ee23b64d-4562-0bc2-3e0f-0ffc98034faf\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.385181+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nCommands:\\n1. Google Search: \\\"google\\\", - args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", - args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n3. - Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": - \\\"\\\", \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT - Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n5. List GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete - GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone - Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: - \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. Append to file: - \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. - Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search - Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n13. - Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n14. - Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", - args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. - Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. - Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. - Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do - Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", - args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. Internet access - for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory management.\\n3. - GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. File output.\\n\\nPerformance - Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you - are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. Constructively self-criticize - your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies - to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. - Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":118,\"prompt_tokens\":560,\"total_tokens\":678,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_e9627b5346\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-b8e748e8-f70e-418b-9549-7b4cfdb5cdc5-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":560,\"output_tokens\":118,\"total_tokens\":678},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":118,\"prompt_tokens\":560,\"total_tokens\":678,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_e9627b5346\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.664448+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.385181+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"37c28d74-a5cc-44d7-b453-245a1efbe6d7\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648026Z37c28d74-a5cc-44d7-b453-245a1efbe6d7\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",11],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:bee314aa-7892-3f2a-8c8b-31a5f0f2969f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.924343+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"Conversatin - samples:\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"You will get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long - answer. Make sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented - as code.\\\\nMake sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, - implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink step by step and reason yourself to the - right decisions to make sure we get it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the - names of the core classes, functions, methods that will be necessary, as well - as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen you will output the content - of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must strictly follow a markdown - code block format, where the following tokens must be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME - is the lowercase file name including the file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup - code block language for the code's language, and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The conversation - outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified architecture. - The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core classes and - functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown format. The - user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code without placeholders, - adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, and ensuring compatibility - across different files. The assistant also makes assumptions about the model, - view, and controller components of a game, and seeks clarification on specific - implementation details. Additionally, the conversation highlights a limitation - regarding the assistant's training data being current only up to October 2023.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.648026+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.924343+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"c2b0f3c2-66ed-4266-84a7-8ee4bf355bc8\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"37c28d74-a5cc-44d7-b453-245a1efbe6d7\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648026Z37c28d74-a5cc-44d7-b453-245a1efbe6d7.20240925T223124652489Zc2b0f3c2-66ed-4266-84a7-8ee4bf355bc8\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",11],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:bee314aa-7892-3f2a-8c8b-31a5f0f2969f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:bee314aa-7892-3f2a-8c8b-31a5f0f2969f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.923094+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"Conversatin - samples:\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"You will get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long - answer. Make sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented - as code.\\\\nMake sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, - implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink step by step and reason yourself to the - right decisions to make sure we get it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the - names of the core classes, functions, methods that will be necessary, as well - as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen you will output the content - of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must strictly follow a markdown - code block format, where the following tokens must be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME - is the lowercase file name including the file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup - code block language for the code's language, and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The conversation - outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified architecture. - The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core classes and - functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown format. The - user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code without placeholders, - adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, and ensuring compatibility - across different files. The assistant also makes assumptions about the model, - view, and controller components of a game, and seeks clarification on specific - implementation details. Additionally, the conversation highlights a limitation - regarding the assistant's training data being current only up to October 2023.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.652489+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.923094+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"8cb13ea8-82ea-4597-b8e7-0793d530d636\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"c2b0f3c2-66ed-4266-84a7-8ee4bf355bc8\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648026Z37c28d74-a5cc-44d7-b453-245a1efbe6d7.20240925T223124652489Zc2b0f3c2-66ed-4266-84a7-8ee4bf355bc8.20240925T223124665152Z8cb13ea8-82ea-4597-b8e7-0793d530d636\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",11],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:bee314aa-7892-3f2a-8c8b-31a5f0f2969f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:bee314aa-7892-3f2a-8c8b-31a5f0f2969f\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.918946+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n {\\n - \ \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will get instructions - for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":120,\"prompt_tokens\":899,\"total_tokens\":1019,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-8cb13ea8-82ea-4597-b8e7-0793d530d636-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":899,\"output_tokens\":120,\"total_tokens\":1019},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":120,\"prompt_tokens\":899,\"total_tokens\":1019,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.665152+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:26.918946+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"c1a83e7f-8120-4d94-9c60-f78c3c95ef19\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648225Zc1a83e7f-8120-4d94-9c60-f78c3c95ef19\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",12],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:767e5792-507b-4153-81ae-ba1a1fa55903\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.149977+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"Finite - context length: The restricted context capacity limits the inclusion of historical - information, detailed instructions, API call context, and responses. The design - of the system has to work with this limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms - like self-reflection to learn from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long - or infinite context windows. Although vector stores and retrieval can provide - access to a larger knowledge pool, their representation power is not as powerful - as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges in long-term planning and task decomposition: - Planning over a lengthy history and effectively exploring the solution space - remain challenging. LLMs struggle to adjust plans when faced with unexpected - errors, making them less robust compared to humans who learn from trial and - error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language interface: Current agent system - relies on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - such as memory and tools. However, the reliability of model outputs is questionable, - as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally exhibit rebellious behavior - (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, much of the agent demo - code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited as:\\n\\nWeng, - Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. Lil\u2019Log. - https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.648225+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.149977+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"14d34422-1f3e-4b83-9dde-555b8c3a8f98\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"c1a83e7f-8120-4d94-9c60-f78c3c95ef19\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648225Zc1a83e7f-8120-4d94-9c60-f78c3c95ef19.20240925T223124652727Z14d34422-1f3e-4b83-9dde-555b8c3a8f98\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",12],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:767e5792-507b-4153-81ae-ba1a1fa55903\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:767e5792-507b-4153-81ae-ba1a1fa55903\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.144955+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"Finite - context length: The restricted context capacity limits the inclusion of historical - information, detailed instructions, API call context, and responses. The design - of the system has to work with this limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms - like self-reflection to learn from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long - or infinite context windows. Although vector stores and retrieval can provide - access to a larger knowledge pool, their representation power is not as powerful - as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges in long-term planning and task decomposition: - Planning over a lengthy history and effectively exploring the solution space - remain challenging. LLMs struggle to adjust plans when faced with unexpected - errors, making them less robust compared to humans who learn from trial and - error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language interface: Current agent system - relies on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - such as memory and tools. However, the reliability of model outputs is questionable, - as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally exhibit rebellious behavior - (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, much of the agent demo - code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited as:\\n\\nWeng, - Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. Lil\u2019Log. - https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.652727+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.144955+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"aecd5add-2e18-42fd-acc9-f0f9c11c6eb0\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"14d34422-1f3e-4b83-9dde-555b8c3a8f98\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648225Zc1a83e7f-8120-4d94-9c60-f78c3c95ef19.20240925T223124652727Z14d34422-1f3e-4b83-9dde-555b8c3a8f98.20240925T223124665378Zaecd5add-2e18-42fd-acc9-f0f9c11c6eb0\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",12],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:767e5792-507b-4153-81ae-ba1a1fa55903\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:767e5792-507b-4153-81ae-ba1a1fa55903\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.138965+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":138,\"prompt_tokens\":276,\"total_tokens\":414,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_3a215618e8\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-aecd5add-2e18-42fd-acc9-f0f9c11c6eb0-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":276,\"output_tokens\":138,\"total_tokens\":414},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":138,\"prompt_tokens\":276,\"total_tokens\":414,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_3a215618e8\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.665378+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.138965+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"7321ecd9-00e5-4943-a558-921c9c4307ac\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648509Z7321ecd9-00e5-4943-a558-921c9c4307ac\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",13],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:667a010f-abc7-3e13-bbac-a6a11e100599\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.191645+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"Or\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.648509+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.191645+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"289731a1-bf83-4a0d-ab73-7f0bd4536e58\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"7321ecd9-00e5-4943-a558-921c9c4307ac\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648509Z7321ecd9-00e5-4943-a558-921c9c4307ac.20240925T223124652967Z289731a1-bf83-4a0d-ab73-7f0bd4536e58\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",13],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:667a010f-abc7-3e13-bbac-a6a11e100599\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:667a010f-abc7-3e13-bbac-a6a11e100599\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.189894+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"Or\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.652967+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.189894+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"a2b88217-9310-4353-9c0b-92920f13a99a\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"289731a1-bf83-4a0d-ab73-7f0bd4536e58\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124648509Z7321ecd9-00e5-4943-a558-921c9c4307ac.20240925T223124652967Z289731a1-bf83-4a0d-ab73-7f0bd4536e58.20240925T223124665586Za2b88217-9310-4353-9c0b-92920f13a99a\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",13],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:667a010f-abc7-3e13-bbac-a6a11e100599\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:667a010f-abc7-3e13-bbac-a6a11e100599\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.186159+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":118,\"prompt_tokens\":876,\"total_tokens\":994,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-a2b88217-9310-4353-9c0b-92920f13a99a-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":876,\"output_tokens\":118,\"total_tokens\":994},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":118,\"prompt_tokens\":876,\"total_tokens\":994,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.665586+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:27.186159+00:00\"}]}]}" - headers: - Accept: - - application/json - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Length: - - '281335' - Content-Type: - - application/json - User-Agent: - - langsmith-py/0.1.128 - method: POST - uri: https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs/batch - response: - body: - string: '{"detail":"Forbidden"}' - headers: - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: - - 'true' - Access-Control-Allow-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Methods: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - - '' - Access-Control-Expose-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Max-Age: - - '600' - Alt-Svc: - - h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000 - Connection: - - close - Content-Length: - - '22' - Via: - - 1.1 google - content-type: - - application/json - date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:28 GMT - server: - - uvicorn - status: - code: 403 - message: Forbidden -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nLSH - (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar - input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the - number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\nANNOY (Approximate - Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, - a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting - the input space into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built - independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. - ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half - that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite - related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small - World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes - can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201csix - degrees of separation\u201d feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical - layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual - data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When - performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates - towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the - next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers - can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the - lower layers refines the search quality.\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): - It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between - nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering - of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector - space into clusters and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search - first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization and then further - looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): - The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes - a data point $x_i$ to $\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\langle q, - x_i \\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\angle q, \\tilde{x}_i$ - as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\n\n\nFig. - 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.", "role": "system"}], - "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '3019' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFXbThtJEH3nK0rzRJCNwDjA+s1IS0BinawMm0WbFSr3lKdr6eluumq4 - Rfz7qnt8IYryYsl1Paeq+sz3HYCK62oClbGopo1uOD27ibc3n6ZfRs9///llNrv96/fzs4frOLq0 - 16fVIGeExX9kdJ21b0IbHSkH37tNIlTKVQ9PRidHB0fj03FxtKEml9OaqMNxGLbseTg6GI2HByfD - 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text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":238,\"prompt_tokens\":606,\"total_tokens\":844,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_e9627b5346\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-8ffad78d-3bf5-46d2-ab93-4848bd406d25-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":606,\"output_tokens\":238,\"total_tokens\":844}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"df8c04dd-7264-4d5f-a3ef-98ee478aae3f\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:28.993314+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:28.993771+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",4],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f89af54d-6721-4e3b-8b1e-869baedf3f65\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:28.993314+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:28.993771+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"2a82f803-6437-4060-91df-8837e0b90f2f\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646540Z2a82f803-6437-4060-91df-8837e0b90f2f.20240925T223128993314Zdf8c04dd-7264-4d5f-a3ef-98ee478aae3f\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"}],\"patch\":[{\"id\":\"8ffad78d-3bf5-46d2-ab93-4848bd406d25\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"8f506e99-824a-489b-ba53-7aecad525548\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646540Z2a82f803-6437-4060-91df-8837e0b90f2f.20240925T223124650400Z8f506e99-824a-489b-ba53-7aecad525548.20240925T223124663510Z8ffad78d-3bf5-46d2-ab93-4848bd406d25\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",4],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f89af54d-6721-4e3b-8b1e-869baedf3f65\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f89af54d-6721-4e3b-8b1e-869baedf3f65\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:28.990914+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): - It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are mapped to - the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets is much - smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh - Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix degrees of - separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ - is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. - Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":238,\"prompt_tokens\":606,\"total_tokens\":844,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_e9627b5346\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-8ffad78d-3bf5-46d2-ab93-4848bd406d25-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":606,\"output_tokens\":238,\"total_tokens\":844},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":238,\"prompt_tokens\":606,\"total_tokens\":844,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_e9627b5346\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.663510+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:28.990914+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"8f506e99-824a-489b-ba53-7aecad525548\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"2a82f803-6437-4060-91df-8837e0b90f2f\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646540Z2a82f803-6437-4060-91df-8837e0b90f2f.20240925T223124650400Z8f506e99-824a-489b-ba53-7aecad525548\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",4],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f89af54d-6721-4e3b-8b1e-869baedf3f65\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f89af54d-6721-4e3b-8b1e-869baedf3f65\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:28.992915+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"LSH - (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar - input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the - number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate - Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, - a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting - the input space into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built - independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. - ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half - that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite - related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small - World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes - can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix - degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical - layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual - data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When - performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates - towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the - next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers - can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the - lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): - It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between - nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering - of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector - space into clusters and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search - first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization and then further - looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): - The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes - a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle - q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ - as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.650400+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:28.992915+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"2a82f803-6437-4060-91df-8837e0b90f2f\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124646540Z2a82f803-6437-4060-91df-8837e0b90f2f\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",4],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f89af54d-6721-4e3b-8b1e-869baedf3f65\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:28.994062+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"LSH - (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar - input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the - number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate - Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, - a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting - the input space into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built - independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. - ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half - that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite - related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small - World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes - can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix - degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical - layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual - data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When - performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates - towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the - next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers - can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the - lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): - It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between - nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering - of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector - space into clusters and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search - first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization and then further - looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): - The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes - a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle - q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ - as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.646540+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:28.994062+00:00\"}]}]}" - headers: - Accept: - - application/json - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Length: - - '26879' - Content-Type: - - application/json - User-Agent: - - langsmith-py/0.1.128 - method: POST - uri: https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs/batch - response: - body: - string: '{"detail":"Forbidden"}' - headers: - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: - - 'true' - Access-Control-Allow-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Methods: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - - '' - Access-Control-Expose-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Max-Age: - - '600' - Alt-Svc: - - h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000 - Content-Length: - - '22' - Via: - - 1.1 google - content-type: - - application/json - date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:28 GMT - server: - - uvicorn - status: - code: 403 - message: Forbidden -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nYou - should only respond in JSON format as described below\nResponse Format:\n{\n \"thoughts\": - {\n \"text\": \"thought\",\n \"reasoning\": \"reasoning\",\n \"plan\": - \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\",\n \"criticism\": - \"constructive self-criticism\",\n \"speak\": \"thoughts summary to say - to user\"\n },\n \"command\": {\n \"name\": \"command name\",\n \"args\": - {\n \"arg name\": \"value\"\n }\n }\n}\nEnsure the response - can be parsed by Python json.loads\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create - a whole repository of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer - is instructed to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for - user input to clarify questions as needed.\nHere are a sample conversation for - task clarification sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. - The user inputs are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\n[\n {\n \"role\": \"system\",\n \"content\": - \"You will read instructions and not carry them out, only seek to clarify them.\\nSpecifically - you will first summarise a list of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\nThen - you will pick one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"We are writing {{a Super Mario game in python. - MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard control.}}\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\n1. - Specifics of the Super Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\n2. - Details about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\n3. - Keyboard control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\n\\nClarifying - question:\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such as - level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{There are 10 levels in total. The main character - is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical platform - game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, trying - to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks from enemies - in the process.}}\\n\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only answer in the - form:\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\n{Next question}\\nIf - everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\"Nothing more to clarify.\\\".\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{Make your - own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\"\n }\n]\nThen - after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing mode with a - different system message.\nSystem message:", "role": "system"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", - "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '3197' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFRNb9tIDL37VxA6W4GTuHGSS9GPxSIFChRIt4tiVRj0iJJYS8PJDOXG - CPzfFzOSrayLvcyBjx/vkRy+zAAyLrN7yEyDajrX5u/e/+W+/9RPf3x8f9f8vfvy8FB/f/f1adE+ - P95+yuYxQjY/yegx6sJI51pSFjvAxhMqxayXq6vV9eJ6ebtMQCcltTGsdpovJe/Ycn61uFrmi1V+ - eTtGN8KGQnYP/8wAAF7SG3nakp6ze1jMj5aOQsCasvuTE0DmpY2WDEPgoGg1m0+gEatkE/WXwkZT - kWkjfd1oKGKewTgC9KzRWGRfGwLFsAW2O2l3FCBpZFsDwmPvyMNn9CxQY0fAFr7stRELv1gb+Pzt - A6A3DSsZ7T0B2hK2tN8I+hIiIy9tuCiy+evinjCIZVsPDD606Lnax4raEARHhis2AaRKhlQ4JmYN - EAcilqwG4AAUAlllbKESD2hM71EJOA6tI6sYJ3de3rVoh8o5/InakIeSFLmlEjw99exTbEg5jwSK - wubwkSq2NLBU3w+SpUptmIiNrkq+i97n7YAOnWNbD36Pil7BSBnlbzBQCWLBpJbwGaEzHcazsuHQ - DWIeIDTStyU0uCPAsKUyKejE0ygwAG6k1yQgcp5EEPqWyYMK4E64hA2abY62zCvx2py3MDjC7bFs - 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with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\",\n \"reasoning\": \"Clarifying - the specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\",\n \"plan\": - \"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\n- Define the structure of MVC - components\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\n- Start coding based on - clarified requirements\",\n \"criticism\": \"I should have asked for - more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\",\n \"speak\": - \"I understand the game concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\"\n },\n \"command\": - {\n \"name\": \"ask_clarifying_question\",\n \"args\": {\n \"question\": - \"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into - separate files?\"\n }\n }\n}","additional_kwargs":{"refusal":null},"response_metadata":{"token_usage":{"completion_tokens":179,"prompt_tokens":671,"total_tokens":850,"completion_tokens_details":{"reasoning_tokens":0}},"model_name":"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18","system_fingerprint":"fp_e9627b5346","finish_reason":"stop","logprobs":null},"type":"ai","id":"run-5e61c7f9-7e66-4838-ab45-69757ce907e2-0","example":false,"tool_calls":[],"invalid_tool_calls":[],"usage_metadata":{"input_tokens":671,"output_tokens":179,"total_tokens":850}}},"run_type":"parser"},{"id":"adc38626-216a-4781-832e-395fd46edaf8","start_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:29.469253+00:00","end_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:29.469765+00:00","extra":{"metadata":{"langgraph_step":1,"langgraph_node":"generate_summary","langgraph_triggers":["__pregel_push"],"langgraph_path":["__pregel_push",9],"langgraph_checkpoint_ns":"generate_summary:7b53b463-7a47-a58a-15ce-0ec1e777aad6","revision_id":"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty"},"runtime":{"sdk":"langsmith-py","sdk_version":"0.1.128","library":"langsmith","platform":"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit","runtime":"python","py_implementation":"CPython","runtime_version":"3.11.7","langchain_version":"0.3.0","langchain_core_version":"0.3.5"}},"error":null,"events":[{"name":"start","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:29.469253+00:00"},{"name":"end","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:29.469765+00:00"}],"reference_example_id":null,"parent_run_id":"ff9e3345-20d9-4622-bf54-2c47e57faa5f","tags":["seq:step:2","langsmith:hidden"],"session_name":"default","session_id":null,"dotted_order":"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647596Zff9e3345-20d9-4622-bf54-2c47e57faa5f.20240925T223129469253Zadc38626-216a-4781-832e-395fd46edaf8","trace_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","outputs":{"summaries":["{\n \"thoughts\": - {\n \"text\": \"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python - with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\",\n \"reasoning\": \"Clarifying - the specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\",\n \"plan\": - \"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\n- Define the structure of MVC - components\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\n- Start coding based on - clarified requirements\",\n \"criticism\": \"I should have asked for - more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\",\n \"speak\": - \"I understand the game concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\"\n },\n \"command\": - {\n \"name\": \"ask_clarifying_question\",\n \"args\": {\n \"question\": - \"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into - separate files?\"\n }\n }\n}"]},"name":"_write","inputs":{"summaries":["{\n \"thoughts\": - {\n \"text\": \"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python - with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\",\n \"reasoning\": \"Clarifying - the specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\",\n \"plan\": - \"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\n- Define the structure of MVC - components\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\n- Start coding based on - clarified requirements\",\n \"criticism\": \"I should have asked for - more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\",\n \"speak\": - \"I understand the game concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\"\n },\n \"command\": - {\n \"name\": \"ask_clarifying_question\",\n \"args\": {\n \"question\": - \"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into - separate files?\"\n }\n }\n}"]},"run_type":"chain"}],"patch":[{"id":"5e61c7f9-7e66-4838-ab45-69757ce907e2","name":"ChatOpenAI","trace_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","parent_run_id":"b7d1fee4-18ef-4b10-85b0-9943edbb5462","dotted_order":"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647596Zff9e3345-20d9-4622-bf54-2c47e57faa5f.20240925T223124651919Zb7d1fee4-18ef-4b10-85b0-9943edbb5462.20240925T223124664692Z5e61c7f9-7e66-4838-ab45-69757ce907e2","tags":["seq:step:2"],"extra":{"invocation_params":{"model":"gpt-4o-mini","model_name":"gpt-4o-mini","stream":false,"n":1,"temperature":0.0,"_type":"openai-chat","stop":null},"options":{"stop":null},"batch_size":1,"metadata":{"langgraph_step":1,"langgraph_node":"generate_summary","langgraph_triggers":["__pregel_push"],"langgraph_path":["__pregel_push",9],"langgraph_checkpoint_ns":"generate_summary:7b53b463-7a47-a58a-15ce-0ec1e777aad6","checkpoint_ns":"generate_summary:7b53b463-7a47-a58a-15ce-0ec1e777aad6","ls_provider":"openai","ls_model_name":"gpt-4o-mini","ls_model_type":"chat","ls_temperature":0.0,"revision_id":"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty"},"runtime":{"sdk":"langsmith-py","sdk_version":"0.1.128","library":"langsmith","platform":"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit","runtime":"python","py_implementation":"CPython","runtime_version":"3.11.7","langchain_version":"0.3.0","langchain_core_version":"0.3.5"}},"end_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:29.465760+00:00","inputs":{"messages":[[{"lc":1,"type":"constructor","id":["langchain","schema","messages","SystemMessage"],"kwargs":{"content":"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format - as described below\nResponse Format:\n{\n \"thoughts\": {\n \"text\": - \"thought\",\n \"reasoning\": \"reasoning\",\n \"plan\": \"- short - bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\",\n \"criticism\": - \"constructive self-criticism\",\n \"speak\": \"thoughts summary to say - to user\"\n },\n \"command\": {\n \"name\": \"command name\",\n \"args\": - {\n \"arg name\": \"value\"\n }\n }\n}\nEnsure the response - can be parsed by Python json.loads\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create - a whole repository of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer - is instructed to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for - user input to clarify questions as needed.\nHere are a sample conversation for - task clarification sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. - The user inputs are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\n[\n {\n \"role\": \"system\",\n \"content\": - \"You will read instructions and not carry them out, only seek to clarify them.\\nSpecifically - you will first summarise a list of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\nThen - you will pick one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"We are writing {{a Super Mario game in python. - MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard control.}}\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\n1. - Specifics of the Super Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\n2. - Details about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\n3. - Keyboard control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\n\\nClarifying - question:\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such as - level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{There are 10 levels in total. The main character - is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical platform - game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, trying - to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks from enemies - in the process.}}\\n\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only answer in the - form:\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\n{Next question}\\nIf - everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\"Nothing more to clarify.\\\".\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{Make your - own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\"\n }\n]\nThen - after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing mode with a - different system message.\nSystem message:","type":"system"}}]]},"outputs":{"generations":[[{"text":"{\n \"thoughts\": - {\n \"text\": \"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python - with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\",\n \"reasoning\": \"Clarifying - the specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\",\n \"plan\": - \"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\n- Define the structure of MVC - components\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\n- Start coding based on - clarified requirements\",\n \"criticism\": \"I should have asked for - more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\",\n \"speak\": - \"I understand the game concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\"\n },\n \"command\": - {\n \"name\": \"ask_clarifying_question\",\n \"args\": {\n \"question\": - \"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into - separate files?\"\n }\n }\n}","generation_info":{"finish_reason":"stop","logprobs":null},"type":"ChatGeneration","message":{"lc":1,"type":"constructor","id":["langchain","schema","messages","AIMessage"],"kwargs":{"content":"{\n \"thoughts\": - {\n \"text\": \"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python - with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\",\n \"reasoning\": \"Clarifying - the specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\",\n \"plan\": - \"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\n- Define the structure of MVC - components\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\n- Start coding based on - clarified requirements\",\n \"criticism\": \"I should have asked for - more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\",\n \"speak\": - \"I understand the game concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\"\n },\n \"command\": - {\n \"name\": \"ask_clarifying_question\",\n \"args\": {\n \"question\": - \"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into - separate files?\"\n }\n }\n}","additional_kwargs":{"refusal":null},"response_metadata":{"token_usage":{"completion_tokens":179,"prompt_tokens":671,"total_tokens":850,"completion_tokens_details":{"reasoning_tokens":0}},"model_name":"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18","system_fingerprint":"fp_e9627b5346","finish_reason":"stop","logprobs":null},"type":"ai","id":"run-5e61c7f9-7e66-4838-ab45-69757ce907e2-0","usage_metadata":{"input_tokens":671,"output_tokens":179,"total_tokens":850},"tool_calls":[],"invalid_tool_calls":[]}}}]],"llm_output":{"token_usage":{"completion_tokens":179,"prompt_tokens":671,"total_tokens":850,"completion_tokens_details":{"reasoning_tokens":0}},"model_name":"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18","system_fingerprint":"fp_e9627b5346"},"run":null,"type":"LLMResult"},"events":[{"name":"start","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:24.664692+00:00"},{"name":"end","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:29.465760+00:00"}]},{"id":"b7d1fee4-18ef-4b10-85b0-9943edbb5462","name":"RunnableSequence","trace_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","parent_run_id":"ff9e3345-20d9-4622-bf54-2c47e57faa5f","dotted_order":"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647596Zff9e3345-20d9-4622-bf54-2c47e57faa5f.20240925T223124651919Zb7d1fee4-18ef-4b10-85b0-9943edbb5462","tags":["seq:step:1"],"extra":{"metadata":{"langgraph_step":1,"langgraph_node":"generate_summary","langgraph_triggers":["__pregel_push"],"langgraph_path":["__pregel_push",9],"langgraph_checkpoint_ns":"generate_summary:7b53b463-7a47-a58a-15ce-0ec1e777aad6","checkpoint_ns":"generate_summary:7b53b463-7a47-a58a-15ce-0ec1e777aad6","revision_id":"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty"},"runtime":{"sdk":"langsmith-py","sdk_version":"0.1.128","library":"langsmith","platform":"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit","runtime":"python","py_implementation":"CPython","runtime_version":"3.11.7","langchain_version":"0.3.0","langchain_core_version":"0.3.5"}},"end_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:29.468701+00:00","inputs":{"input":"You - should only respond in JSON format as described below\nResponse Format:\n{\n \"thoughts\": - {\n \"text\": \"thought\",\n \"reasoning\": \"reasoning\",\n \"plan\": - \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\",\n \"criticism\": - \"constructive self-criticism\",\n \"speak\": \"thoughts summary to say - to user\"\n },\n \"command\": {\n \"name\": \"command name\",\n \"args\": - {\n \"arg name\": \"value\"\n }\n }\n}\nEnsure the response - can be parsed by Python json.loads\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create - a whole repository of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer - is instructed to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for - user input to clarify questions as needed.\nHere are a sample conversation for - task clarification sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. - The user inputs are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\n[\n {\n \"role\": \"system\",\n \"content\": - \"You will read instructions and not carry them out, only seek to clarify them.\\nSpecifically - you will first summarise a list of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\nThen - you will pick one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"We are writing {{a Super Mario game in python. - MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard control.}}\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\n1. - Specifics of the Super Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\n2. - Details about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\n3. - Keyboard control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\n\\nClarifying - question:\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such as - level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{There are 10 levels in total. The main character - is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical platform - game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, trying - to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks from enemies - in the process.}}\\n\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only answer in the - form:\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\n{Next question}\\nIf - everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\"Nothing more to clarify.\\\".\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{Make your - own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\"\n }\n]\nThen - after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing mode with a - different system message.\nSystem message:"},"outputs":{"output":"{\n \"thoughts\": - {\n \"text\": \"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python - with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\",\n \"reasoning\": \"Clarifying - the specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\",\n \"plan\": - \"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\n- Define the structure of MVC - components\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\n- Start coding based on - clarified requirements\",\n \"criticism\": \"I should have asked for - more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\",\n \"speak\": - \"I understand the game concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\"\n },\n \"command\": - {\n \"name\": \"ask_clarifying_question\",\n \"args\": {\n \"question\": - \"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into - separate files?\"\n }\n }\n}"},"events":[{"name":"start","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:24.651919+00:00"},{"name":"end","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:29.468701+00:00"}]},{"id":"ff9e3345-20d9-4622-bf54-2c47e57faa5f","name":"generate_summary","trace_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","parent_run_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","dotted_order":"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647596Zff9e3345-20d9-4622-bf54-2c47e57faa5f","tags":["graph:step:1"],"extra":{"metadata":{"langgraph_step":1,"langgraph_node":"generate_summary","langgraph_triggers":["__pregel_push"],"langgraph_path":["__pregel_push",9],"langgraph_checkpoint_ns":"generate_summary:7b53b463-7a47-a58a-15ce-0ec1e777aad6","revision_id":"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty"},"runtime":{"sdk":"langsmith-py","sdk_version":"0.1.128","library":"langsmith","platform":"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit","runtime":"python","py_implementation":"CPython","runtime_version":"3.11.7","langchain_version":"0.3.0","langchain_core_version":"0.3.5"}},"end_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:29.470084+00:00","inputs":{"content":"You - should only respond in JSON format as described below\nResponse Format:\n{\n \"thoughts\": - {\n \"text\": \"thought\",\n \"reasoning\": \"reasoning\",\n \"plan\": - \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\",\n \"criticism\": - \"constructive self-criticism\",\n \"speak\": \"thoughts summary to say - to user\"\n },\n \"command\": {\n \"name\": \"command name\",\n \"args\": - {\n \"arg name\": \"value\"\n }\n }\n}\nEnsure the response - can be parsed by Python json.loads\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create - a whole repository of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer - is instructed to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for - user input to clarify questions as needed.\nHere are a sample conversation for - task clarification sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. - The user inputs are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\n[\n {\n \"role\": \"system\",\n \"content\": - \"You will read instructions and not carry them out, only seek to clarify them.\\nSpecifically - you will first summarise a list of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\nThen - you will pick one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"We are writing {{a Super Mario game in python. - MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard control.}}\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\n1. - Specifics of the Super Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\n2. - Details about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\n3. - Keyboard control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\n\\nClarifying - question:\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such as - level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{There are 10 levels in total. The main character - is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical platform - game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, trying - to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks from enemies - in the process.}}\\n\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only answer in the - form:\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\n{Next question}\\nIf - everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\"Nothing more to clarify.\\\".\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{Make your - own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\"\n }\n]\nThen - after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing mode with a - different system message.\nSystem message:"},"outputs":{"summaries":["{\n \"thoughts\": - {\n \"text\": \"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python - with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\",\n \"reasoning\": \"Clarifying - the specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\",\n \"plan\": - \"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\n- Define the structure of MVC - components\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\n- Start coding based on - clarified requirements\",\n \"criticism\": \"I should have asked for - more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\",\n \"speak\": - \"I understand the game concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\"\n },\n \"command\": - {\n \"name\": \"ask_clarifying_question\",\n \"args\": {\n \"question\": - \"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into - separate files?\"\n }\n }\n}"]},"events":[{"name":"start","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:24.647596+00:00"},{"name":"end","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:29.470084+00:00"}]}]}' - headers: - Accept: - - application/json - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Length: - - '25016' - Content-Type: - - application/json - User-Agent: - - langsmith-py/0.1.128 - method: POST - uri: https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs/batch - response: - body: - string: '{"detail":"Forbidden"}' - headers: - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: - - 'true' - Access-Control-Allow-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Methods: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - - '' - Access-Control-Expose-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Max-Age: - - '600' - Alt-Svc: - - h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000 - Content-Length: - - '22' - Via: - - 1.1 google - content-type: - - application/json - date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:27 GMT - server: - - uvicorn - status: - code: 403 - message: Forbidden -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\nYou - will get instructions for code to write.\nYou will write a very long answer. - Make sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented - as code.\nMake sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented - as code.\nThink step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make - sure we get it right.\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, - functions, methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their - purpose.\nThen you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\nEach - file must strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following - tokens must be replaced such that\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including - the file extension,\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s - language, and CODE is the code:\nFILENAME\nCODE\nYou will start with the \u201centrypoint\u201d - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\nMake sure that - files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files - are compatible with each other.\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, - write a plausible implementation.\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\nUseful to know:\nYou almost always - put different classes in different files.\nFor Python, you always create an - appropriate requirements.txt file.\nFor NodeJS, you always create an appropriate - package.json file.\nYou always add a comment briefly describing the purpose - of the function definition.\nYou try to add comments explaining very complex - bits of logic.\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested languages - in terms of describing the code written as a defined\npackage/project.\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\n\npytest\ndataclasses", "role": "system"}], "model": - "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '2209' - content-type: - - application/json - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//jFZtbxs3DP6eX0FcvqSBbSRx2mQGArRN263Dhm5Li23YDY584vnU6ChN - 4iXxivz3gdKdX9IWKwI4OPHtIflQ4qc9gMLoYgZF1SiuWm/HL15+8H++e3Mep9N3gX3z/VN+9e/i - 5fGvt3/8MC1GYuEWH7HiwWpSudZbZOMoi6uAilG8Hp+dnE2Ppqfnp0nQOo1WzJaex6du3Boy45Oj - k9Px0dn4+Ly3bpypMBYz+GsPAOBT+hWcpPG+mMHRaDhpMUa1xGK2VgIogrNyUqgYTWRFXIw2wsoR - IyXo7xsEVvEGDN06e4sREm5DS1AQOXQVdwE1VE7jQkWE2gWRuJrvVEDwwUkVRoAUuyBm3CgGZS1I - QRwhcQTRvENrxxprQ6hBkQYj9WqRGDUYAgV1R5XUT1loFRGGCQg8H1yFMYKhynYaI7iOrSGJVbmA - UFkVI8bR2j6Okv8WuXFazp217g41LFbi7NbobJv6hSm1lBaqqoHaWMxwosfK1Aa1CFvFGU3SbrvI - oHSDAYEdLDAy+KAqlp4lXyyqjYtIEnIZVNtKUKto2aklwsEvK24cSSRuTIRKRXwy6nMUTR+cx5Dh - kGozYrpF6jNMmtE4AlcDoVRIhZUU1QXuKyApKjYLYw2vQFXBxZg8xgm80NrkYtvVCBQE/KczIfUj - Tviec+SU6AKhJ7Mk2yqSBDR6JI1UGYyTkkra39+Hq65tBYWr4YrRx1lJxxM4PHyXOoZwKf26XPPi - 8HAGb7WkVK8SYFItflNT4c5wA4tgsAaNsQrGJ6VJSScS8FK69HYgmBKZBPs9mNTwr3Z+i8eGe+LE - 1MwNG1oVbrS7o4EWJU0l5Bup19UwMRLtilXgjFQ8IHFYgXeG+uJKPoncubCOm77hMdMCwQWNiUur - NEK5uagnJZ1KyFdDD1bwc+qKJCuRL1O7vtpVSbnn36M2Ps2ZyAj+hrcG78TbaykJppn2KnCU9go6 - FarGMKZ8IV8GGJE4JbYZ5jU7Xt8rKfxjFsxKGsN1qwxN/Opawm3qNETy3poqtXGSteUOjVn/0hEr - QxG0YgVZAl2UHspJz6RsFzHcyoxmy5eiJVeLdUtTJdi9woZ22Y4xcm/0gQxD+l4P+mfwHpf9egY/ - GbHoBRq8qm7Ucmt0NsXRWzSalXR9fe2tMsR4zyX1ZSppXYGStpIqaUBa0mMQydUXw+0OSh8z8aOk - fViHLIv0R//boEGxDq4dKhp79kLoaN6fCRhTw3wucz+fw8UFlMV8LgHn87KYlSTP1ZbBwZN1ErsQ - N8UYYn8zK3bAbokGvOsjifp86yv9gw8RQw/U6BkY4vwhKc3kBc2f2Cpj++8vZbDTwwHSN/JzJ4M+ - 0x68oJNYGuvdOvaQu4gBLpLagdEXx6OE+6IsfnQNwSuHZTHK2C/K4qNr6Dlm4si6UxZPshcfDPFB - XRbiZ3grZvBJvD8kra2UN1zeh88p6ldC4JK2GrG2fi8PZeyfGKRK+dhZxZgvaIxy9xhlIcrTk6s1 - zFEa1a3NZmvV6C/CzxeZyqqQ3k3S/VtP1Zeee26C65aN6zjhMDvDNNneuwLWXVSy+1FnbX/+sF7k - rFv64Baxl6/Pa0MmNvOAKjqSpS2y80WSPuwB/J0Wxm5nByx8cK3nObsbJHF4enSW/RWbPXVLejbt - pexY2Y3g/Pzoa2ZzjayMjVt7Z5EhGlpuPBytcaZEi7iKjO28NrTEkIgjGdV+jt89OzlbPJ2ePiv2 - Hvb+AwAA//8DAHqi2Z6UCwAA - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e76db7d3d8fde-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:30 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Set-Cookie: - - __cf_bm=_X8wjH7S2J0n6vsofPw6yNTX3mhr2gh9FQHNJGBza1s-1727303490-; - path=/; expires=Wed, 25-Sep-24 23:01:30 GMT; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; - Secure; SameSite=None - - _cfuvid=ik4XWlrnZi0pxtSYql946fASWQGsHyDQtqi2mpiTYgU-1727303490341-; - path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '5374' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4998' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3998641' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 20ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 20ms - x-request-id: - - req_f33c3962253128f05d700abffca650de - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: "{\"post\":[{\"id\":\"df8eaafb-1913-498c-ac80-f2b60b806239\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.358824+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.360187+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",10],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f0747693-41af-b164-4e3c-e0c15edc121c\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f0747693-41af-b164-4e3c-e0c15edc121c\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.358824+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.360187+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"f9b0ea11-48cb-4d80-8db9-3ef2bb0e7860\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647806Z944ca2c3-c71e-43ec-8473-50e04c1c4879.20240925T223124652219Zf9b0ea11-48cb-4d80-8db9-3ef2bb0e7860.20240925T223130358824Zdf8eaafb-1913-498c-ac80-f2b60b806239\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":473,\"prompt_tokens\":407,\"total_tokens\":880,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_e9627b5346\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-99a056c4-b200-489d-8521-d55ca2cfa998-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":407,\"output_tokens\":473,\"total_tokens\":880}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"329a069b-1e2e-40fd-945f-eeadaee2f602\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.361343+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.362106+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",10],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f0747693-41af-b164-4e3c-e0c15edc121c\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.361343+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.362106+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"944ca2c3-c71e-43ec-8473-50e04c1c4879\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647806Z944ca2c3-c71e-43ec-8473-50e04c1c4879.20240925T223130361343Z329a069b-1e2e-40fd-945f-eeadaee2f602\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\"]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"80a91ae0-12a8-494c-8ebb-1944b0b3589c\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.364324+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":2,\"langgraph_node\":\"collect_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"generate_summary\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collect_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collect_summaries:b898b0af-da01-1af0-b6f6-5ccddf0490b1\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.364324+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:2\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130364324Z80a91ae0-12a8-494c-8ebb-1944b0b3589c\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"collect_summaries\",\"inputs\":{\"contents\":[\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\",\"Fig. 1. Overview of - a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\",\"Fig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\",\"Fig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\",\"LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are - mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets - is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix degrees of - separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ - is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. - Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\",\"Fig. 10. A picture - of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. - While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with - humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection - of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router - to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules can be - neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency - converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call - a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments showed that - it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated math problems - because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the right arguments - for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when the external symbolic - tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use the tools are crucial, - determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; - Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn - to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether a newly - added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. See more - details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\",\"With - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\",\"inquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\",\"Commands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\",\"You should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\",\"You will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\",\"Conversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\",\"Finite context length: The restricted context - capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\",\"Or\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\"],\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"The experiments on AlfWorld Env - and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more prevalent failure than inefficient - planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing - a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect - and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to - prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. - The training dataset combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, - models show incremental improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation - (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of - learning trajectories to inform future actions, leading to better performance - than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement - learning, achieving results close to online RL methods while learning faster - than other baselines.\",\"The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement - learning (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments - that require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.\",\"The text discusses - various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each with unique - methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing function - that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, using fewer - buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: - Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store data points - in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. **HNSW - (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world graphs - to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting from - a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: - Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector quantization - to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. **ScaNN - (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"The text discusses various advancements - in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous agents, particularly focusing - on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems, which utilize a - combination of expert modules and a general-purpose language model (LLM) to - route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges in LLMs extracting - arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, emphasizing the - importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic tools. Other frameworks - like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities to utilize external tool - APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function calling exemplify practical - applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework that employs ChatGPT for - task planning, involving four stages: task planning, model selection, task execution, - and logging results. The system is designed to parse user requests into manageable - tasks and select appropriate models for execution.\",\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"The text discusses - a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target was selected, - a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The project also addressed - risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading to a test set of known - chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, 4 were accepted, while - 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, it describes - the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact in a - sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"The provided commands - outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including searching the - internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file management, code - analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting and messaging - GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing and improving - code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include internet - access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. Performance - evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in task execution, - and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is trained on data - up to October 2023.\",\"{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": - \\\"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture - and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the - specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- - Define the structure of MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- - Start coding based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"I should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to - avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game - concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": - {\\n \\\"name\\\": \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": - {\\n \\\"question\\\": \\\"Can you provide more information about - how the MVC components are split into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"The limitations of finite context length in LLMs - restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed instructions, - hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from longer context - windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack - the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response - to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. - The reliance on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - raises concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors - and non-compliance with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing - model output in agent demo code.\",\"The article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous - Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the integration - of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities - in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references various studies - and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods for enhancing - their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction with external - tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to perform complex - tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. For further - details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"25f3d181-a007-49e5-a76a-ac9e09ada357\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.365798+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.366507+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":2,\"langgraph_node\":\"collect_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"generate_summary\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collect_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collect_summaries:b898b0af-da01-1af0-b6f6-5ccddf0490b1\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.365798+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.366507+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"80a91ae0-12a8-494c-8ebb-1944b0b3589c\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130364324Z80a91ae0-12a8-494c-8ebb-1944b0b3589c.20240925T223130365798Z25f3d181-a007-49e5-a76a-ac9e09ada357\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"{\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- Define the structure of - MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- Start coding - based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I should - have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept and need to clarify - the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"question\\\": - \\\"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split - into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"{\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- Define the structure of - MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- Start coding - based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I should - have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept and need to clarify - the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"question\\\": - \\\"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split - into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"acc52db5-4c17-4ce3-b107-16ccd748baa4\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.367427+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":2,\"langgraph_node\":\"collect_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"generate_summary\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collect_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collect_summaries:b898b0af-da01-1af0-b6f6-5ccddf0490b1\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.367427+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"80a91ae0-12a8-494c-8ebb-1944b0b3589c\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130364324Z80a91ae0-12a8-494c-8ebb-1944b0b3589c.20240925T223130367427Zacc52db5-4c17-4ce3-b107-16ccd748baa4\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"should_collapse\",\"inputs\":{\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"{\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- Define the structure of - MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- Start coding - based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I should - have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept and need to clarify - the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"question\\\": - \\\"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split - into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}],\"contents\":[\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents - | Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\",\"Fig. 1. Overview of - a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\",\"Fig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\",\"Fig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\",\"LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are - mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets - is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix degrees of - separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ - is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. - Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\",\"Fig. 10. A picture - of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. - While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with - humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection - of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router - to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules can be - neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency - converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call - a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments showed that - it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated math problems - because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the right arguments - for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when the external symbolic - tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use the tools are crucial, - determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; - Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn - to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether a newly - added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. See more - details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\",\"With - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\",\"inquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\",\"Commands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\",\"You should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\",\"You will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\",\"Conversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\",\"Finite context length: The restricted context - capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\",\"Or\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\"],\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"The experiments on AlfWorld Env - and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more prevalent failure than inefficient - planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing - a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect - and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to - prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. - The training dataset combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, - models show incremental improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation - (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of - learning trajectories to inform future actions, leading to better performance - than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement - learning, achieving results close to online RL methods while learning faster - than other baselines.\",\"The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement - learning (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments - that require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.\",\"The text discusses - various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each with unique - methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing function - that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, using fewer - buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: - Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store data points - in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. **HNSW - (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world graphs - to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting from - a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: - Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector quantization - to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. **ScaNN - (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"The text discusses various advancements - in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous agents, particularly focusing - on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems, which utilize a - combination of expert modules and a general-purpose language model (LLM) to - route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges in LLMs extracting - arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, emphasizing the - importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic tools. Other frameworks - like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities to utilize external tool - APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function calling exemplify practical - applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework that employs ChatGPT for - task planning, involving four stages: task planning, model selection, task execution, - and logging results. The system is designed to parse user requests into manageable - tasks and select appropriate models for execution.\",\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"The text discusses - a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target was selected, - a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The project also addressed - risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading to a test set of known - chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, 4 were accepted, while - 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, it describes - the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact in a - sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"The provided commands - outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including searching the - internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file management, code - analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting and messaging - GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing and improving - code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include internet - access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. Performance - evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in task execution, - and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is trained on data - up to October 2023.\",\"{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": - \\\"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture - and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the - specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- - Define the structure of MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- - Start coding based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"I should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to - avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game - concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": - {\\n \\\"name\\\": \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": - {\\n \\\"question\\\": \\\"Can you provide more information about - how the MVC components are split into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"The limitations of finite context length in LLMs - restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed instructions, - hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from longer context - windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack - the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response - to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. - The reliance on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - raises concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors - and non-compliance with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing - model output in agent demo code.\",\"The article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous - Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the integration - of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities - in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references various studies - and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods for enhancing - their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction with external - tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to perform complex - tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. For further - details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"}],\"patch\":[{\"id\":\"99a056c4-b200-489d-8521-d55ca2cfa998\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"f9b0ea11-48cb-4d80-8db9-3ef2bb0e7860\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647806Z944ca2c3-c71e-43ec-8473-50e04c1c4879.20240925T223124652219Zf9b0ea11-48cb-4d80-8db9-3ef2bb0e7860.20240925T223124664929Z99a056c4-b200-489d-8521-d55ca2cfa998\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",10],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f0747693-41af-b164-4e3c-e0c15edc121c\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f0747693-41af-b164-4e3c-e0c15edc121c\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.357119+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\nYou will get instructions for code - to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every detail of - the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink step - by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get it right.\\nYou - will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods that will - be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen you will output - the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must strictly follow - a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must be replaced such - that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file extension,\\nLANG - is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, and CODE is - the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":473,\"prompt_tokens\":407,\"total_tokens\":880,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_e9627b5346\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-99a056c4-b200-489d-8521-d55ca2cfa998-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":407,\"output_tokens\":473,\"total_tokens\":880},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":473,\"prompt_tokens\":407,\"total_tokens\":880,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_e9627b5346\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.664929+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.357119+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"f9b0ea11-48cb-4d80-8db9-3ef2bb0e7860\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"944ca2c3-c71e-43ec-8473-50e04c1c4879\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647806Z944ca2c3-c71e-43ec-8473-50e04c1c4879.20240925T223124652219Zf9b0ea11-48cb-4d80-8db9-3ef2bb0e7860\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",10],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f0747693-41af-b164-4e3c-e0c15edc121c\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f0747693-41af-b164-4e3c-e0c15edc121c\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.360702+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":\"You - will get instructions for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. - Make sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented - as code.\\nMake sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented - as code.\\nThink step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to - make sure we get it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, - functions, methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their - purpose.\\nThen you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach - file must strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following - tokens must be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including - the file extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s - language, and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the - \u201Centrypoint\u201D file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, - and so on.\\nPlease note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow - a language and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake - sure that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\"},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.652219+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.360702+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"944ca2c3-c71e-43ec-8473-50e04c1c4879\",\"name\":\"generate_summary\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223124647806Z944ca2c3-c71e-43ec-8473-50e04c1c4879\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":1,\"langgraph_node\":\"generate_summary\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"__pregel_push\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_push\",10],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"generate_summary:f0747693-41af-b164-4e3c-e0c15edc121c\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.362588+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"content\":\"You - will get instructions for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. - Make sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented - as code.\\nMake sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented - as code.\\nThink step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to - make sure we get it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, - functions, methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their - purpose.\\nThen you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach - file must strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following - tokens must be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including - the file extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s - language, and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the - \u201Centrypoint\u201D file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, - and so on.\\nPlease note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow - a language and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake - sure that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\"},\"outputs\":{\"summaries\":[\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\"]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:24.647806+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.362588+00:00\"}]}]}" - headers: - Accept: - - application/json - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Length: - - '201643' - Content-Type: - - application/json - User-Agent: - - langsmith-py/0.1.128 - method: POST - uri: https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs/batch - response: - body: - string: '{"detail":"Forbidden"}' - headers: - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: - - 'true' - Access-Control-Allow-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Methods: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - - '' - Access-Control-Expose-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Max-Age: - - '600' - Alt-Svc: - - h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000 - Connection: - - close - Content-Length: - - '22' - Via: - - 1.1 google - content-type: - - application/json - date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:31 GMT - server: - - uvicorn - status: - code: 403 - message: Forbidden -- request: - body: "{\"post\":[{\"id\":\"a397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.649621+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.649621+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"inputs\":{\"contents\":[\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\",\"Fig. 1. Overview of - a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\",\"Fig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\",\"Fig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\",\"LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are - mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets - is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix degrees of - separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ - is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. - Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\",\"Fig. 10. A picture - of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. - While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with - humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection - of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router - to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules can be - neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency - converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call - a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments showed that - it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated math problems - because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the right arguments - for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when the external symbolic - tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use the tools are crucial, - determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; - Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn - to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether a newly - added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. See more - details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\",\"With - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\",\"inquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\",\"Commands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\",\"You should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\",\"You will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\",\"Conversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\",\"Finite context length: The restricted context - capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\",\"Or\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\"],\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"The experiments on AlfWorld Env - and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more prevalent failure than inefficient - planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing - a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect - and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to - prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. - The training dataset combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, - models show incremental improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation - (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of - learning trajectories to inform future actions, leading to better performance - than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement - learning, achieving results close to online RL methods while learning faster - than other baselines.\",\"The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement - learning (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments - that require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.\",\"The text discusses - various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each with unique - methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing function - that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, using fewer - buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: - Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store data points - in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. **HNSW - (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world graphs - to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting from - a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: - Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector quantization - to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. **ScaNN - (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"The text discusses various advancements - in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous agents, particularly focusing - on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems, which utilize a - combination of expert modules and a general-purpose language model (LLM) to - route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges in LLMs extracting - arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, emphasizing the - importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic tools. Other frameworks - like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities to utilize external tool - APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function calling exemplify practical - applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework that employs ChatGPT for - task planning, involving four stages: task planning, model selection, task execution, - and logging results. The system is designed to parse user requests into manageable - tasks and select appropriate models for execution.\",\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"The text discusses - a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target was selected, - a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The project also addressed - risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading to a test set of known - chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, 4 were accepted, while - 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, it describes - the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact in a - sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"The provided commands - outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including searching the - internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file management, code - analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting and messaging - GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing and improving - code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include internet - access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. Performance - evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in task execution, - and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is trained on data - up to October 2023.\",\"{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": - \\\"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture - and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the - specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- - Define the structure of MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- - Start coding based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"I should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to - avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game - concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": - {\\n \\\"name\\\": \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": - {\\n \\\"question\\\": \\\"Can you provide more information about - how the MVC components are split into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"The limitations of finite context length in LLMs - restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed instructions, - hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from longer context - windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack - the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response - to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. - The reliance on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - raises concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors - and non-compliance with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing - model output in agent demo code.\",\"The article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous - Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the integration - of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities - in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references various studies - and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods for enhancing - their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction with external - tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to perform complex - tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. For further - details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.\"],\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"{\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- Define the structure of - MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- Start coding - based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I should - have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept and need to clarify - the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"question\\\": - \\\"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split - into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"d2476640-86ff-4680-93f5-d7c370cc38bb\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.655002+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.655002+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"a397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223130655002Zd2476640-86ff-4680-93f5-d7c370cc38bb\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"98dc8804-16b9-4a60-9c85-7355e930c5ae\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.655327+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.655732+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"serialized\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"chat\",\"ChatPromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"input_variables\":[\"docs\"],\"messages\":[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"chat\",\"HumanMessagePromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"prompt\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"prompt\",\"PromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"input_variables\":[\"docs\"],\"template\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n {docs}\\n Take these and distill - it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the main themes.\\n \",\"template_format\":\"f-string\"},\"name\":\"PromptTemplate\"}}}]},\"name\":\"ChatPromptTemplate\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.655327+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.655732+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"d2476640-86ff-4680-93f5-d7c370cc38bb\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223130655002Zd2476640-86ff-4680-93f5-d7c370cc38bb.20240925T223130655327Z98dc8804-16b9-4a60-9c85-7355e930c5ae\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":{\"messages\":[{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content='The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\\\n\\\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition - into smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\\\n2. - **Memory** is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term - (retaining information using external storage).\\\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents - to access external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their - pre-trained knowledge.\\\\n\\\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept - examples, such as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general - problem solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.'), - Document(metadata={}, page_content='The overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system that incorporates planning and self-reflection components. \\\\n\\\\n1. - **Planning**: The system employs task decomposition techniques like Chain of - Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. CoT encourages step-by-step reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning - paths at each step using search algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an - external classical planner using Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) - for long-horizon planning.\\\\n\\\\n2. **Self-Reflection**: This component allows - agents to iteratively improve by analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework - combines reasoning and acting, enabling agents to interact with their environment - while generating reasoning traces. Reflexion enhances this by incorporating - dynamic memory and a reward model to assess the efficiency of actions and correct - mistakes. It uses heuristics to identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, - and integrates reflections from past experiences to guide future actions.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, - the system aims to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks - through structured planning and self-improvement mechanisms.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination - is a more prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight - (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs - with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs - supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and - incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset - combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental - improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar - concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of learning trajectories - to inform future actions, leading to better performance than traditional methods. - AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results - close to online RL methods while learning faster than other baselines.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning - (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that - require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest - neighbor search, each with unique methodologies:\\\\n\\\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing)**: A hashing function that maps similar items to the same buckets with - high probability, using fewer buckets than inputs.\\\\n\\\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate - Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input - space and store data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable - searches.\\\\n\\\\n3. **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds - hierarchical small-world graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating - through layers, starting from a random node in the top layer.\\\\n\\\\n4. **FAISS - (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional - space, using vector quantization to cluster data points and refine searches - within those clusters.\\\\n\\\\n5. **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates - with anisotropic vector quantization to ensure that the quantized representation - closely resembles the original distance metrics.\\\\n\\\\nThe text also highlights - the importance of tool use in enhancing the capabilities of large language models - (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external tools in extending their functionality.')]\\n - \ Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the - main themes.\\n \",\"additional_kwargs\":{},\"response_metadata\":{},\"type\":\"human\"}]}},\"name\":\"ChatPromptTemplate\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"prompt\"},{\"id\":\"85c542d9-ed93-4505-b466-ff67af6177d7\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.656115+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"serialized\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"chat_models\",\"openai\",\"ChatOpenAI\"],\"kwargs\":{\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"temperature\":0.0,\"openai_api_key\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"secret\",\"id\":[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"]},\"max_retries\":2,\"n\":1},\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.656115+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"d2476640-86ff-4680-93f5-d7c370cc38bb\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223130655002Zd2476640-86ff-4680-93f5-d7c370cc38bb.20240925T223130656115Z85c542d9-ed93-4505-b466-ff67af6177d7\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"HumanMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content='The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\\\n\\\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition - into smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\\\n2. - **Memory** is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term - (retaining information using external storage).\\\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents - to access external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their - pre-trained knowledge.\\\\n\\\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept - examples, such as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general - problem solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.'), - Document(metadata={}, page_content='The overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system that incorporates planning and self-reflection components. \\\\n\\\\n1. - **Planning**: The system employs task decomposition techniques like Chain of - Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. CoT encourages step-by-step reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning - paths at each step using search algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an - external classical planner using Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) - for long-horizon planning.\\\\n\\\\n2. **Self-Reflection**: This component allows - agents to iteratively improve by analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework - combines reasoning and acting, enabling agents to interact with their environment - while generating reasoning traces. Reflexion enhances this by incorporating - dynamic memory and a reward model to assess the efficiency of actions and correct - mistakes. It uses heuristics to identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, - and integrates reflections from past experiences to guide future actions.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, - the system aims to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks - through structured planning and self-improvement mechanisms.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination - is a more prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight - (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs - with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs - supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and - incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset - combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental - improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar - concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of learning trajectories - to inform future actions, leading to better performance than traditional methods. - AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results - close to online RL methods while learning faster than other baselines.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning - (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that - require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest - neighbor search, each with unique methodologies:\\\\n\\\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing)**: A hashing function that maps similar items to the same buckets with - high probability, using fewer buckets than inputs.\\\\n\\\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate - Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input - space and store data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable - searches.\\\\n\\\\n3. **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds - hierarchical small-world graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating - through layers, starting from a random node in the top layer.\\\\n\\\\n4. **FAISS - (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional - space, using vector quantization to cluster data points and refine searches - within those clusters.\\\\n\\\\n5. **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates - with anisotropic vector quantization to ensure that the quantized representation - closely resembles the original distance metrics.\\\\n\\\\nThe text also highlights - the importance of tool use in enhancing the capabilities of large language models - (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external tools in extending their functionality.')]\\n - \ Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the - main themes.\\n \",\"type\":\"human\"}}]]},\"run_type\":\"llm\"}],\"patch\":[{\"id\":\"80a91ae0-12a8-494c-8ebb-1944b0b3589c\",\"name\":\"collect_summaries\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130364324Z80a91ae0-12a8-494c-8ebb-1944b0b3589c\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":2,\"langgraph_node\":\"collect_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"generate_summary\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collect_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collect_summaries:b898b0af-da01-1af0-b6f6-5ccddf0490b1\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.649170+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"contents\":[\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\",\"Fig. 1. Overview of - a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\",\"Fig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\",\"Fig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\",\"LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are - mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets - is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix degrees of - separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ - is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. - Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\",\"Fig. 10. A picture - of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. - While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with - humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection - of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router - to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules can be - neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency - converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call - a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments showed that - it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated math problems - because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the right arguments - for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when the external symbolic - tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use the tools are crucial, - determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; - Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn - to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether a newly - added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. See more - details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\",\"With - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\",\"inquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\",\"Commands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\",\"You should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\",\"You will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\",\"Conversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\",\"Finite context length: The restricted context - capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\",\"Or\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\"],\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"The experiments on AlfWorld Env - and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more prevalent failure than inefficient - planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing - a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect - and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to - prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. - The training dataset combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, - models show incremental improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation - (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of - learning trajectories to inform future actions, leading to better performance - than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement - learning, achieving results close to online RL methods while learning faster - than other baselines.\",\"The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement - learning (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments - that require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.\",\"The text discusses - various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each with unique - methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing function - that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, using fewer - buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: - Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store data points - in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. **HNSW - (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world graphs - to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting from - a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: - Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector quantization - to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. **ScaNN - (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"The text discusses various advancements - in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous agents, particularly focusing - on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems, which utilize a - combination of expert modules and a general-purpose language model (LLM) to - route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges in LLMs extracting - arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, emphasizing the - importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic tools. Other frameworks - like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities to utilize external tool - APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function calling exemplify practical - applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework that employs ChatGPT for - task planning, involving four stages: task planning, model selection, task execution, - and logging results. The system is designed to parse user requests into manageable - tasks and select appropriate models for execution.\",\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"The text discusses - a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target was selected, - a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The project also addressed - risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading to a test set of known - chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, 4 were accepted, while - 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, it describes - the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact in a - sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"The provided commands - outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including searching the - internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file management, code - analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting and messaging - GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing and improving - code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include internet - access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. Performance - evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in task execution, - and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is trained on data - up to October 2023.\",\"{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": - \\\"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture - and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the - specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- - Define the structure of MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- - Start coding based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"I should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to - avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game - concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": - {\\n \\\"name\\\": \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": - {\\n \\\"question\\\": \\\"Can you provide more information about - how the MVC components are split into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"The limitations of finite context length in LLMs - restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed instructions, - hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from longer context - windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack - the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response - to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. - The reliance on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - raises concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors - and non-compliance with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing - model output in agent demo code.\",\"The article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous - Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the integration - of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities - in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references various studies - and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods for enhancing - their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction with external - tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to perform complex - tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. For further - details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.\"]},\"outputs\":{\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"{\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- Define the structure of - MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- Start coding - based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I should - have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept and need to clarify - the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"question\\\": - \\\"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split - into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.364324+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.649170+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"acc52db5-4c17-4ce3-b107-16ccd748baa4\",\"name\":\"should_collapse\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"80a91ae0-12a8-494c-8ebb-1944b0b3589c\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130364324Z80a91ae0-12a8-494c-8ebb-1944b0b3589c.20240925T223130367427Zacc52db5-4c17-4ce3-b107-16ccd748baa4\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":2,\"langgraph_node\":\"collect_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"generate_summary\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collect_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collect_summaries:b898b0af-da01-1af0-b6f6-5ccddf0490b1\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.648757+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"{\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- Define the structure of - MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- Start coding - based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I should - have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept and need to clarify - the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"question\\\": - \\\"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split - into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}],\"contents\":[\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents - | Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\",\"Fig. 1. Overview of - a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\",\"Fig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\",\"Fig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\",\"LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are - mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets - is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix degrees of - separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ - is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. - Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\",\"Fig. 10. A picture - of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. - While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with - humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection - of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router - to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules can be - neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency - converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call - a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments showed that - it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated math problems - because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the right arguments - for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when the external symbolic - tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use the tools are crucial, - determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; - Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn - to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether a newly - added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. See more - details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\",\"With - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\",\"inquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\",\"Commands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\",\"You should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\",\"You will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\",\"Conversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\",\"Finite context length: The restricted context - capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\",\"Or\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\"],\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"The experiments on AlfWorld Env - and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more prevalent failure than inefficient - planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing - a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect - and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to - prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. - The training dataset combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, - models show incremental improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation - (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of - learning trajectories to inform future actions, leading to better performance - than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement - learning, achieving results close to online RL methods while learning faster - than other baselines.\",\"The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement - learning (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments - that require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.\",\"The text discusses - various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each with unique - methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing function - that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, using fewer - buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: - Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store data points - in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. **HNSW - (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world graphs - to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting from - a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: - Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector quantization - to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. **ScaNN - (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"The text discusses various advancements - in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous agents, particularly focusing - on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems, which utilize a - combination of expert modules and a general-purpose language model (LLM) to - route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges in LLMs extracting - arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, emphasizing the - importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic tools. Other frameworks - like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities to utilize external tool - APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function calling exemplify practical - applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework that employs ChatGPT for - task planning, involving four stages: task planning, model selection, task execution, - and logging results. The system is designed to parse user requests into manageable - tasks and select appropriate models for execution.\",\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"The text discusses - a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target was selected, - a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The project also addressed - risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading to a test set of known - chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, 4 were accepted, while - 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, it describes - the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact in a - sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"The provided commands - outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including searching the - internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file management, code - analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting and messaging - GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing and improving - code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include internet - access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. Performance - evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in task execution, - and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is trained on data - up to October 2023.\",\"{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": - \\\"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture - and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the - specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- - Define the structure of MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- - Start coding based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"I should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to - avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game - concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": - {\\n \\\"name\\\": \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": - {\\n \\\"question\\\": \\\"Can you provide more information about - how the MVC components are split into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"The limitations of finite context length in LLMs - restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed instructions, - hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from longer context - windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack - the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response - to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. - The reliance on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - raises concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors - and non-compliance with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing - model output in agent demo code.\",\"The article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous - Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the integration - of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities - in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references various studies - and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods for enhancing - their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction with external - tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to perform complex - tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. For further - details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.\"]},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"collapse_summaries\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.367427+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.648757+00:00\"}]}]}" - headers: - Accept: - - application/json - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Length: - - '254800' - Content-Type: - - application/json - User-Agent: - - langsmith-py/0.1.128 - method: POST - uri: https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs/batch - response: - body: - string: '{"detail":"Forbidden"}' - headers: - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: - - 'true' - Access-Control-Allow-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Methods: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - - '' - Access-Control-Expose-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Max-Age: - - '600' - Alt-Svc: - - h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000 - Connection: - - close - Content-Length: - - '22' - Via: - - 1.1 google - content-type: - - application/json - date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:31 GMT - server: - - uvicorn - status: - code: 403 - message: Forbidden -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "\n The following is a set of summaries:\n [Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The article \"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\" by Lilian Weng - discusses the concept of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller - for autonomous agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main - components: planning, memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task - decomposition into smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. - **Memory** is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term - (retaining information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents - to access external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their - pre-trained knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept - examples, such as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general - problem solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.''), - Document(metadata={}, page_content=''The overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system that incorporates planning and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. - **Planning**: The system employs task decomposition techniques like Chain of - Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. CoT encourages step-by-step reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning - paths at each step using search algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an - external classical planner using Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) - for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. **Self-Reflection**: This component allows - agents to iteratively improve by analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework - combines reasoning and acting, enabling agents to interact with their environment - while generating reasoning traces. Reflexion enhances this by incorporating - dynamic memory and a reward model to assess the efficiency of actions and correct - mistakes. It uses heuristics to identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, - and integrates reflections from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, - the system aims to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks - through structured planning and self-improvement mechanisms.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination - is a more prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight - (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs - with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs - supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and - incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset - combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental - improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar - concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of learning trajectories - to inform future actions, leading to better performance than traditional methods. - AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results - close to online RL methods while learning faster than other baselines.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning - (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that - require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest - neighbor search, each with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing)**: A hashing function that maps similar items to the same buckets with - high probability, using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate - Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input - space and store data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable - searches.\\n\\n3. **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical - small-world graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, - starting from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.'')]\n Take these and distill it into - a final, consolidated summary\n of the main themes.\n ", "role": "user"}], - "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '5678' - content-type: - - application/json - cookie: - - __cf_bm=_X8wjH7S2J0n6vsofPw6yNTX3mhr2gh9FQHNJGBza1s-1727303490-; 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Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":398,\"prompt_tokens\":1050,\"total_tokens\":1448,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-85c542d9-ed93-4505-b466-ff67af6177d7-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":1050,\"output_tokens\":398,\"total_tokens\":1448}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.487094+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.487094+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"a397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223134487094Z7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"{\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- Define the structure of - MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- Start coding - based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I should - have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept and need to clarify - the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"question\\\": - \\\"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split - into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"8df6a635-3de7-4433-8a0d-d9e551f3b9d5\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.487696+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.488537+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"serialized\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"chat\",\"ChatPromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"input_variables\":[\"docs\"],\"messages\":[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"chat\",\"HumanMessagePromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"prompt\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"prompt\",\"PromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"input_variables\":[\"docs\"],\"template\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n {docs}\\n Take these and distill - it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the main themes.\\n \",\"template_format\":\"f-string\"},\"name\":\"PromptTemplate\"}}}]},\"name\":\"ChatPromptTemplate\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.487696+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.488537+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223134487094Z7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9.20240925T223134487696Z8df6a635-3de7-4433-8a0d-d9e551f3b9d5\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":{\"messages\":[{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content=\\\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\\\"), Document(metadata={}, page_content=\\\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\\\n\\\\nTo enhance real-world applications - of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\\\n\\\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\\\"), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, - where a target was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. - The project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\\\n\\\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\\\n\\\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing - tasks, including searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with - GPT agents, file management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands - include starting and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, - write, delete), analyzing and improving code, and generating images or tweets. - Resources available include internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 - agents for task delegation. Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, - efficiency in task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. - The system is trained on data up to October 2023.'), Document(metadata={}, page_content='{\\\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\\\\\n- Define the structure - of MVC components\\\\\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\\\\\n- Start - coding based on clarified requirements\\\",\\\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I - should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid - back-and-forth.\\\",\\\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept - and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\\\"\\\\n },\\\\n \\\"command\\\": - {\\\\n \\\"name\\\": \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\\\n \\\"args\\\": - {\\\\n \\\"question\\\": \\\"Can you provide more information about - how the MVC components are split into separate files?\\\"\\\\n }\\\\n - \ }\\\\n}')]\\n Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n - \ of the main themes.\\n \",\"additional_kwargs\":{},\"response_metadata\":{},\"type\":\"human\"}]}},\"name\":\"ChatPromptTemplate\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"{\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- Define the structure of - MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- Start coding - based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I should - have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept and need to clarify - the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"question\\\": - \\\"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split - into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"prompt\"},{\"id\":\"3c23d2ec-c8d7-4fba-a096-d4fa35629bac\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.489091+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"serialized\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"chat_models\",\"openai\",\"ChatOpenAI\"],\"kwargs\":{\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"temperature\":0.0,\"openai_api_key\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"secret\",\"id\":[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"]},\"max_retries\":2,\"n\":1},\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.489091+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223134487094Z7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9.20240925T223134489091Z3c23d2ec-c8d7-4fba-a096-d4fa35629bac\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"HumanMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content=\\\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\\\"), Document(metadata={}, page_content=\\\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\\\n\\\\nTo enhance real-world applications - of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\\\n\\\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\\\"), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, - where a target was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. - The project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\\\n\\\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\\\n\\\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing - tasks, including searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with - GPT agents, file management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands - include starting and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, - write, delete), analyzing and improving code, and generating images or tweets. - Resources available include internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 - agents for task delegation. Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, - efficiency in task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. - The system is trained on data up to October 2023.'), Document(metadata={}, page_content='{\\\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\\\\\n- Define the structure - of MVC components\\\\\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\\\\\n- Start - coding based on clarified requirements\\\",\\\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I - should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid - back-and-forth.\\\",\\\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept - and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\\\"\\\\n },\\\\n \\\"command\\\": - {\\\\n \\\"name\\\": \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\\\n \\\"args\\\": - {\\\\n \\\"question\\\": \\\"Can you provide more information about - how the MVC components are split into separate files?\\\"\\\\n }\\\\n - \ }\\\\n}')]\\n Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n - \ of the main themes.\\n \",\"type\":\"human\"}}]]},\"run_type\":\"llm\"}],\"patch\":[{\"id\":\"85c542d9-ed93-4505-b466-ff67af6177d7\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"d2476640-86ff-4680-93f5-d7c370cc38bb\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223130655002Zd2476640-86ff-4680-93f5-d7c370cc38bb.20240925T223130656115Z85c542d9-ed93-4505-b466-ff67af6177d7\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.483774+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"HumanMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content='The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\\\n\\\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition - into smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\\\n2. - **Memory** is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term - (retaining information using external storage).\\\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents - to access external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their - pre-trained knowledge.\\\\n\\\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept - examples, such as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general - problem solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.'), - Document(metadata={}, page_content='The overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system that incorporates planning and self-reflection components. \\\\n\\\\n1. - **Planning**: The system employs task decomposition techniques like Chain of - Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. CoT encourages step-by-step reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning - paths at each step using search algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an - external classical planner using Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) - for long-horizon planning.\\\\n\\\\n2. **Self-Reflection**: This component allows - agents to iteratively improve by analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework - combines reasoning and acting, enabling agents to interact with their environment - while generating reasoning traces. Reflexion enhances this by incorporating - dynamic memory and a reward model to assess the efficiency of actions and correct - mistakes. It uses heuristics to identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, - and integrates reflections from past experiences to guide future actions.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, - the system aims to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks - through structured planning and self-improvement mechanisms.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination - is a more prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight - (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs - with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs - supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and - incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset - combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental - improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar - concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of learning trajectories - to inform future actions, leading to better performance than traditional methods. - AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results - close to online RL methods while learning faster than other baselines.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning - (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that - require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest - neighbor search, each with unique methodologies:\\\\n\\\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing)**: A hashing function that maps similar items to the same buckets with - high probability, using fewer buckets than inputs.\\\\n\\\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate - Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input - space and store data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable - searches.\\\\n\\\\n3. **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds - hierarchical small-world graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating - through layers, starting from a random node in the top layer.\\\\n\\\\n4. **FAISS - (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional - space, using vector quantization to cluster data points and refine searches - within those clusters.\\\\n\\\\n5. **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates - with anisotropic vector quantization to ensure that the quantized representation - closely resembles the original distance metrics.\\\\n\\\\nThe text also highlights - the importance of tool use in enhancing the capabilities of large language models - (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external tools in extending their functionality.')]\\n - \ Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the - main themes.\\n \",\"type\":\"human\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":398,\"prompt_tokens\":1050,\"total_tokens\":1448,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-85c542d9-ed93-4505-b466-ff67af6177d7-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":1050,\"output_tokens\":398,\"total_tokens\":1448},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":398,\"prompt_tokens\":1050,\"total_tokens\":1448,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.656115+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.483774+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"d2476640-86ff-4680-93f5-d7c370cc38bb\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"a397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223130655002Zd2476640-86ff-4680-93f5-d7c370cc38bb\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.486586+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.655002+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:34.486586+00:00\"}]}]}" - headers: - Accept: - - application/json - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Length: - - '53254' - Content-Type: - - application/json - User-Agent: - - langsmith-py/0.1.128 - method: POST - uri: https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs/batch - response: - body: - string: '{"detail":"Forbidden"}' - headers: - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: - - 'true' - Access-Control-Allow-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Methods: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - - '' - Access-Control-Expose-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Max-Age: - - '600' - Alt-Svc: - - h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000 - Content-Length: - - '22' - Via: - - 1.1 google - content-type: - - application/json - date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:34 GMT - server: - - uvicorn - status: - code: 403 - message: Forbidden -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "\n The following is a set of summaries:\n [Document(metadata={}, - page_content=\"The text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures - for autonomous agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge - and Language) systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs'' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\"), Document(metadata={}, page_content=\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user''s - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\"), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, - where a target was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. - The project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing - tasks, including searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with - GPT agents, file management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands - include starting and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, - write, delete), analyzing and improving code, and generating images or tweets. - Resources available include internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 - agents for task delegation. Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, - efficiency in task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. - The system is trained on data up to October 2023.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''{\\n \"thoughts\": {\\n \"text\": \"The task involves - creating a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\",\\n \"reasoning\": - \"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate - implementation.\",\\n \"plan\": \"- Gather detailed requirements for - the game\\\\n- Define the structure of MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard - control mappings\\\\n- Start coding based on clarified requirements\",\\n \"criticism\": - \"I should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid - back-and-forth.\",\\n \"speak\": \"I understand the game concept and - need to clarify the MVC component structure.\"\\n },\\n \"command\": {\\n \"name\": - \"ask_clarifying_question\",\\n \"args\": {\\n \"question\": - \"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into - separate files?\"\\n }\\n }\\n}'')]\n Take these and distill it - into a final, consolidated summary\n of the main themes.\n ", "role": - "user"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '5125' - content-type: - - application/json - cookie: - - __cf_bm=_X8wjH7S2J0n6vsofPw6yNTX3mhr2gh9FQHNJGBza1s-1727303490-; - _cfuvid=ik4XWlrnZi0pxtSYql946fASWQGsHyDQtqi2mpiTYgU-1727303490341- - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFbbchzHDX3nV6D2yVbNsrgSLVp82zC2lDLXUUlMUpU4xcL2YGYQ9jRG - je69yKV/T6Fn9sLQeeFl0I0GDnAO8PsFwIzr2S3MXIfJ9YOfL//0t4HjF7/0hP+k+NPNevXAK3r/ - YfH27mlW2Q1Z/4dcOty6dNIPnhJLGM0uEiYyr4ub1zdvrt5cv7suhl5q8natHdL8WuY9B56/vnp9 - Pb+6mS9+nG53wo50dgv/ugAA+L38tDhDTbvZLVxVhy89qWJLs9vjIYBZFG9fZqjKmjCkWXUyOgmJ - Qgn9oSNQSiANaO57jEwKHbed57ZLCkobiujhifaQOupJgYP9BZHQ93YPY+KGHaMHDom855aCowoG - s7jsMfo9NOKycmhBAmC9weCop5CKu0A5ylz3/Vo8O8DoOk7kUo6kFWBOEqSXrICtXakAQ20xcAQc - Bs8ODXa9/S38FhaX8OrVr8Xh54PD5bnDV69uwbKuWV1WtYvgKCSKgFFyqGH16Zd7+G4ltYUOnwhV - Aoe2gl+CbD3VLZUA7jG0GVv6HnSviXqF1GEqGLQREwHtBooJenNECltOHbQUDM/5kOMgSuAnJ1C6 - QuG7+/uVfg9JgEJnIBWshyiOdISvgbHTdsDhS2Yr2CXcdeg9hXYsj/n4H/g5AO1SRJfMCcY2j+g3 - EmFDcY0eekydvbT21GsFOdQU1UkcQwhEdTlNTUMu8YYgK1k4tEsUA3o4FjCJeL20ary2ajyI+Pky - t/Yi1SU6K8LPEXvaSnxS8PxE8LC8X1VghxuJPcWxzB9y23Jo3398AIwFUy9xCmVsAYcDrtlz4jH7 - nNjzV0vzGNny41+0eBtBNdv9/QqaHJx1Do6XL88eq8zTCcEKGvFetgoImmIurVSDRd942Y7RoD5B - jwHb0tkVUD90qGMoBiH3g8RUiirNeHzwGMbeKvUHJU8lpDF52pHL9m8B842B+YnQz/8h0dewPOv9 - cvzUBYcmP3Ea6zqS6tRO1gcO/TP6WFBWG8t8g5GNcLX0yEEr0Ow6QAV1TKHwvSSgUFMvQZM1fA3r - PThUAk25tkdLXe866u+ibC/hg2xNTioLYg/oVU5SA+7UwofHqDFdoeD2FRTN2qVnAFvOktOQE3zJ - VsQ9aCq98BWPqF0basuThiyLhpS7n7nPfkz+AFh5Y5IGUqODifyUCQZDLTiKUMfclnOyobg/CBK8 - L/Qu7JjeOb1RwbZj10FDWIQINhxTRm+ZW0EoKtCu4zUXjlJP0VyAStHWNXW4YYl6CZaNEYIVDAiW - QLXhheGFWE7aNEqTDBZcYUlNA4WaQvL7CrSTrcMiL2tJHXBSGMRGhD1suUXyPJJsb5VwFMNI8B8K - wa2VV8fCjL0ofW+/fz7j2N5QXh7mjRtPjBpUylqIUrqK1QrrOVBtTHQ+12Y0bY2BEiiVIWHEadjT - i65wUlu50O+V9bJUdmLj6DuUfuKQDSgl38zR6q3H8MeObtlBpGbipKmyDIl7/kojfZ/z861h8R57 - gj/ThrwMxdtPOzS5nlIfyB3JAxw24jcHeSgLgz1jMxU+54EirIyH0JpPDvBxnzoJMM7R1d/vnk1K - y2uIpEVkK2Dvc0nij9XHeYzc7M0YycbINI2n3IvAmdFmjYRiOgq/35d0/1o2A1/YfCY0E16A0EbZ - HqtGmsoQOhfg8bkX8x1SFyW33Yu9YBiioOtsKfhjCauexU/1S03edtYuRXomRTziEzqKVrAzITJv - nntOk0KOq4+aTLguiJfWxsb5ahWpyYq23oXs/fT923FX89LahNXJfvzecGDtHmPZNWwv0yTDrFi/ - XQD8u+yE+dmaNxui9EN6TPJEwRy+u16M/manVfRkvV78OFmTJPQnw+LND+/+373HmhKy17PdchYP - +9DJxdUx0JLpbNScx4ZDS3GIPK6azfC4WK+v3y7e3jTvZhffLv4LAAD//wMA5snCFHgLAAA= - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e77189bd48f99-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:39 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '4358' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4999' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3998747' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 12ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 18ms - x-request-id: - - req_34616afb5e8cf951b66a01a3df881e8f - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"post":[{"id":"81c32abb-5428-4705-b574-8654e2a07468","start_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.060087+00:00","end_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.061259+00:00","extra":{"metadata":{"langgraph_step":3,"langgraph_node":"collapse_summaries","langgraph_triggers":["branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_path":["__pregel_pull","collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","revision_id":"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty"},"runtime":{"sdk":"langsmith-py","sdk_version":"0.1.128","library":"langsmith","platform":"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit","runtime":"python","py_implementation":"CPython","runtime_version":"3.11.7","langchain_version":"0.3.0","langchain_core_version":"0.3.5"}},"error":null,"events":[{"name":"start","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.060087+00:00"},{"name":"end","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.061259+00:00"}],"reference_example_id":null,"parent_run_id":"7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9","tags":["seq:step:3"],"session_name":"default","session_id":null,"dotted_order":"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223134487094Z7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9.20240925T223139060087Z81c32abb-5428-4705-b574-8654e2a07468","trace_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","outputs":{"output":"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\n\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\n\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks like - TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in utilizing - external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\n\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\n\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\n\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\n\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\n\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies."},"name":"StrOutputParser","inputs":{"input":{"content":"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\n\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\n\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks like - TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in utilizing - external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\n\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\n\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\n\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\n\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\n\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.","additional_kwargs":{"refusal":null},"response_metadata":{"token_usage":{"completion_tokens":418,"prompt_tokens":941,"total_tokens":1359,"completion_tokens_details":{"reasoning_tokens":0}},"model_name":"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18","system_fingerprint":"fp_1bb46167f9","finish_reason":"stop","logprobs":null},"type":"ai","id":"run-3c23d2ec-c8d7-4fba-a096-d4fa35629bac-0","example":false,"tool_calls":[],"invalid_tool_calls":[],"usage_metadata":{"input_tokens":941,"output_tokens":418,"total_tokens":1359}}},"run_type":"parser"},{"id":"777de676-1952-4377-b8de-83dc41df91a8","start_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.062414+00:00","end_time":null,"extra":{"metadata":{"langgraph_step":3,"langgraph_node":"collapse_summaries","langgraph_triggers":["branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_path":["__pregel_pull","collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","revision_id":"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty"},"runtime":{"sdk":"langsmith-py","sdk_version":"0.1.128","library":"langchain-core","platform":"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit","runtime":"python","py_implementation":"CPython","runtime_version":"3.11.7","langchain_version":"0.3.0","langchain_core_version":"0.3.5","library_version":"0.3.5"}},"error":null,"events":[{"name":"start","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.062414+00:00"}],"reference_example_id":null,"parent_run_id":"a397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6","tags":["seq:step:1"],"session_name":"default","session_id":null,"dotted_order":"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223139062414Z777de676-1952-4377-b8de-83dc41df91a8","trace_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","outputs":{},"name":"RunnableSequence","inputs":{"input":[{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\n\n### Summary of Steps:\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\n3. **File Structure**: Start - with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they are imported.\n4. - **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file for Python dependencies.\n5. - **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture are present and functional.\n\n### - Example Core Components:\n- `main.py`: Entry point of the application.\n- `models.py`: - Contains data models using dataclasses.\n- `services.py`: Business logic and - service functions.\n- `tests.py`: Unit tests for the application.\n- `requirements.txt`: - Lists required packages.\n\n### Example Code Structure:\n```plaintext\nmain.py\nmodels.py\nservices.py\ntests.py\nrequirements.txt\n```\n\n### - Example Code Implementation:\n```python\n# main.py\n\"\"\"\nEntry point of the - application.\n\"\"\"\nfrom services import run_service\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n run_service()\n```\n\n```python\n# - models.py\n\"\"\"\nContains data models using dataclasses.\n\"\"\"\nfrom dataclasses - import dataclass\n\n@dataclass\nclass User:\n id: int\n name: str\n email: - str\n```\n\n```python\n# services.py\n\"\"\"\nBusiness logic and service functions.\n\"\"\"\nfrom - models import User\n\ndef run_service():\n user = User(id=1, name=\"John - Doe\", email=\"john@example.com\")\n print(f\"User created: {user}\")\n```\n\n```plaintext\n# - requirements.txt\npytest\ndataclasses\n```\n\nThis summary encapsulates the - essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, ensuring - clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.","type":"Document"},{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant''s training data being current - only up to October 2023.","type":"Document"},{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.","type":"Document"},{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The article \"LLM-powered - Autonomous Agents\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the integration - of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities - in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references various studies - and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods for enhancing - their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction with external - tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to perform complex - tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. For further - details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.","type":"Document"}]},"run_type":"chain"},{"id":"f0cc5167-20c6-4661-b982-061ce3a7acf0","start_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.063086+00:00","end_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.064082+00:00","extra":{"metadata":{"langgraph_step":3,"langgraph_node":"collapse_summaries","langgraph_triggers":["branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_path":["__pregel_pull","collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","revision_id":"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty"},"runtime":{"sdk":"langsmith-py","sdk_version":"0.1.128","library":"langsmith","platform":"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit","runtime":"python","py_implementation":"CPython","runtime_version":"3.11.7","langchain_version":"0.3.0","langchain_core_version":"0.3.5"}},"error":null,"serialized":{"lc":1,"type":"constructor","id":["langchain","prompts","chat","ChatPromptTemplate"],"kwargs":{"input_variables":["docs"],"messages":[{"lc":1,"type":"constructor","id":["langchain","prompts","chat","HumanMessagePromptTemplate"],"kwargs":{"prompt":{"lc":1,"type":"constructor","id":["langchain","prompts","prompt","PromptTemplate"],"kwargs":{"input_variables":["docs"],"template":"\n The - following is a set of summaries:\n {docs}\n Take these and distill it - into a final, consolidated summary\n of the main themes.\n ","template_format":"f-string"},"name":"PromptTemplate"}}}]},"name":"ChatPromptTemplate"},"events":[{"name":"start","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.063086+00:00"},{"name":"end","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.064082+00:00"}],"reference_example_id":null,"parent_run_id":"777de676-1952-4377-b8de-83dc41df91a8","tags":["seq:step:1"],"session_name":"default","session_id":null,"dotted_order":"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223139062414Z777de676-1952-4377-b8de-83dc41df91a8.20240925T223139063086Zf0cc5167-20c6-4661-b982-061ce3a7acf0","trace_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","outputs":{"output":{"messages":[{"content":"\n The - following is a set of summaries:\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content=''The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\"\"\"\\nEntry point - of the application.\\n\"\"\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif __name__ - == \"__main__\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\"\"\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\"\"\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\"\"\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\"\"\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\"John - Doe\", email=\"john@example.com\")\\n print(f\"User created: {user}\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.''), - Document(metadata={}, page_content=\"The conversation outlines a structured - approach for writing code based on a specified architecture. The assistant is - instructed to think step-by-step, identify core classes and functions, and provide - complete code implementations in a markdown format. The user emphasizes the - importance of creating fully functional code without placeholders, adhering - to best practices for file naming and organization, and ensuring compatibility - across different files. The assistant also makes assumptions about the model, - view, and controller components of a game, and seeks clarification on specific - implementation details. Additionally, the conversation highlights a limitation - regarding the assistant''s training data being current only up to October 2023.\"), - Document(metadata={}, page_content=''The limitations of finite context length - in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed - instructions, hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from - longer context windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, - they lack the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face - challenges in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt - plans in response to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared - to human learning. The reliance on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components raises concerns about the reliability of model - outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance with instructions can occur, - leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent demo code.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The article \"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\" by Lilian Weng, - published in June 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) - into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, - and tool usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.'')]\n Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\n of - the main themes.\n ","additional_kwargs":{},"response_metadata":{},"type":"human"}]}},"name":"ChatPromptTemplate","inputs":{"input":[{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\n\n### Summary of Steps:\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\n3. **File Structure**: Start - with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they are imported.\n4. - **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file for Python dependencies.\n5. - **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture are present and functional.\n\n### - Example Core Components:\n- `main.py`: Entry point of the application.\n- `models.py`: - Contains data models using dataclasses.\n- `services.py`: Business logic and - service functions.\n- `tests.py`: Unit tests for the application.\n- `requirements.txt`: - Lists required packages.\n\n### Example Code Structure:\n```plaintext\nmain.py\nmodels.py\nservices.py\ntests.py\nrequirements.txt\n```\n\n### - Example Code Implementation:\n```python\n# main.py\n\"\"\"\nEntry point of the - application.\n\"\"\"\nfrom services import run_service\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n run_service()\n```\n\n```python\n# - models.py\n\"\"\"\nContains data models using dataclasses.\n\"\"\"\nfrom dataclasses - import dataclass\n\n@dataclass\nclass User:\n id: int\n name: str\n email: - str\n```\n\n```python\n# services.py\n\"\"\"\nBusiness logic and service functions.\n\"\"\"\nfrom - models import User\n\ndef run_service():\n user = User(id=1, name=\"John - Doe\", email=\"john@example.com\")\n print(f\"User created: {user}\")\n```\n\n```plaintext\n# - requirements.txt\npytest\ndataclasses\n```\n\nThis summary encapsulates the - essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, ensuring - clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.","type":"Document"},{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant''s training data being current - only up to October 2023.","type":"Document"},{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.","type":"Document"},{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The article \"LLM-powered - Autonomous Agents\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the integration - of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities - in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references various studies - and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods for enhancing - their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction with external - tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to perform complex - tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. For further - details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.","type":"Document"}]},"run_type":"prompt"},{"id":"e43ab4e3-c6a3-4249-a914-1a088b5cd182","start_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.064762+00:00","end_time":null,"extra":{"invocation_params":{"model":"gpt-4o-mini","model_name":"gpt-4o-mini","stream":false,"n":1,"temperature":0.0,"_type":"openai-chat","stop":null},"options":{"stop":null},"batch_size":1,"metadata":{"langgraph_step":3,"langgraph_node":"collapse_summaries","langgraph_triggers":["branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_path":["__pregel_pull","collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","ls_provider":"openai","ls_model_name":"gpt-4o-mini","ls_model_type":"chat","ls_temperature":0.0,"revision_id":"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty"},"runtime":{"sdk":"langsmith-py","sdk_version":"0.1.128","library":"langchain-core","platform":"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit","runtime":"python","py_implementation":"CPython","runtime_version":"3.11.7","langchain_version":"0.3.0","langchain_core_version":"0.3.5","library_version":"0.3.5"}},"error":null,"serialized":{"lc":1,"type":"constructor","id":["langchain","chat_models","openai","ChatOpenAI"],"kwargs":{"model_name":"gpt-4o-mini","temperature":0.0,"openai_api_key":{"lc":1,"type":"secret","id":["OPENAI_API_KEY"]},"max_retries":2,"n":1},"name":"ChatOpenAI"},"events":[{"name":"start","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.064762+00:00"}],"reference_example_id":null,"parent_run_id":"777de676-1952-4377-b8de-83dc41df91a8","tags":["seq:step:2"],"session_name":"default","session_id":null,"dotted_order":"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223139062414Z777de676-1952-4377-b8de-83dc41df91a8.20240925T223139064762Ze43ab4e3-c6a3-4249-a914-1a088b5cd182","trace_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","outputs":{},"name":"ChatOpenAI","inputs":{"messages":[[{"lc":1,"type":"constructor","id":["langchain","schema","messages","HumanMessage"],"kwargs":{"content":"\n The - following is a set of summaries:\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content=''The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\"\"\"\\nEntry point - of the application.\\n\"\"\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif __name__ - == \"__main__\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\"\"\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\"\"\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\"\"\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\"\"\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\"John - Doe\", email=\"john@example.com\")\\n print(f\"User created: {user}\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.''), - Document(metadata={}, page_content=\"The conversation outlines a structured - approach for writing code based on a specified architecture. The assistant is - instructed to think step-by-step, identify core classes and functions, and provide - complete code implementations in a markdown format. The user emphasizes the - importance of creating fully functional code without placeholders, adhering - to best practices for file naming and organization, and ensuring compatibility - across different files. The assistant also makes assumptions about the model, - view, and controller components of a game, and seeks clarification on specific - implementation details. Additionally, the conversation highlights a limitation - regarding the assistant''s training data being current only up to October 2023.\"), - Document(metadata={}, page_content=''The limitations of finite context length - in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed - instructions, hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from - longer context windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, - they lack the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face - challenges in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt - plans in response to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared - to human learning. The reliance on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components raises concerns about the reliability of model - outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance with instructions can occur, - leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent demo code.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The article \"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\" by Lilian Weng, - published in June 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) - into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, - and tool usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.'')]\n Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\n of - the main themes.\n ","type":"human"}}]]},"run_type":"llm"}],"patch":[{"id":"3c23d2ec-c8d7-4fba-a096-d4fa35629bac","name":"ChatOpenAI","trace_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","parent_run_id":"7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9","dotted_order":"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223134487094Z7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9.20240925T223134489091Z3c23d2ec-c8d7-4fba-a096-d4fa35629bac","tags":["seq:step:2"],"extra":{"invocation_params":{"model":"gpt-4o-mini","model_name":"gpt-4o-mini","stream":false,"n":1,"temperature":0.0,"_type":"openai-chat","stop":null},"options":{"stop":null},"batch_size":1,"metadata":{"langgraph_step":3,"langgraph_node":"collapse_summaries","langgraph_triggers":["branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_path":["__pregel_pull","collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","ls_provider":"openai","ls_model_name":"gpt-4o-mini","ls_model_type":"chat","ls_temperature":0.0,"revision_id":"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty"},"runtime":{"sdk":"langsmith-py","sdk_version":"0.1.128","library":"langsmith","platform":"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit","runtime":"python","py_implementation":"CPython","runtime_version":"3.11.7","langchain_version":"0.3.0","langchain_core_version":"0.3.5"}},"end_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.058968+00:00","inputs":{"messages":[[{"lc":1,"type":"constructor","id":["langchain","schema","messages","HumanMessage"],"kwargs":{"content":"\n The - following is a set of summaries:\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content=\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs'' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\"), Document(metadata={}, page_content=\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user''s - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\"), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, - where a target was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. - The project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing - tasks, including searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with - GPT agents, file management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands - include starting and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, - write, delete), analyzing and improving code, and generating images or tweets. - Resources available include internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 - agents for task delegation. Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, - efficiency in task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. - The system is trained on data up to October 2023.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''{\\n \"thoughts\": {\\n \"text\": \"The task involves - creating a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\",\\n \"reasoning\": - \"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate - implementation.\",\\n \"plan\": \"- Gather detailed requirements for - the game\\\\n- Define the structure of MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard - control mappings\\\\n- Start coding based on clarified requirements\",\\n \"criticism\": - \"I should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid - back-and-forth.\",\\n \"speak\": \"I understand the game concept and - need to clarify the MVC component structure.\"\\n },\\n \"command\": {\\n \"name\": - \"ask_clarifying_question\",\\n \"args\": {\\n \"question\": - \"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into - separate files?\"\\n }\\n }\\n}'')]\n Take these and distill it - into a final, consolidated summary\n of the main themes.\n ","type":"human"}}]]},"outputs":{"generations":[[{"text":"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\n\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\n\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks like - TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in utilizing - external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\n\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\n\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\n\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\n\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\n\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.","generation_info":{"finish_reason":"stop","logprobs":null},"type":"ChatGeneration","message":{"lc":1,"type":"constructor","id":["langchain","schema","messages","AIMessage"],"kwargs":{"content":"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\n\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\n\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks like - TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in utilizing - external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\n\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\n\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\n\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\n\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\n\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.","additional_kwargs":{"refusal":null},"response_metadata":{"token_usage":{"completion_tokens":418,"prompt_tokens":941,"total_tokens":1359,"completion_tokens_details":{"reasoning_tokens":0}},"model_name":"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18","system_fingerprint":"fp_1bb46167f9","finish_reason":"stop","logprobs":null},"type":"ai","id":"run-3c23d2ec-c8d7-4fba-a096-d4fa35629bac-0","usage_metadata":{"input_tokens":941,"output_tokens":418,"total_tokens":1359},"tool_calls":[],"invalid_tool_calls":[]}}}]],"llm_output":{"token_usage":{"completion_tokens":418,"prompt_tokens":941,"total_tokens":1359,"completion_tokens_details":{"reasoning_tokens":0}},"model_name":"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18","system_fingerprint":"fp_1bb46167f9"},"run":null,"type":"LLMResult"},"events":[{"name":"start","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:34.489091+00:00"},{"name":"end","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.058968+00:00"}]},{"id":"7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9","name":"RunnableSequence","trace_id":"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9","parent_run_id":"a397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6","dotted_order":"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223134487094Z7d9345a4-8ce7-4d57-8642-d2d46022eaf9","tags":["seq:step:1"],"extra":{"metadata":{"langgraph_step":3,"langgraph_node":"collapse_summaries","langgraph_triggers":["branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_path":["__pregel_pull","collapse_summaries"],"langgraph_checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","checkpoint_ns":"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f","revision_id":"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty"},"runtime":{"sdk":"langsmith-py","sdk_version":"0.1.128","library":"langsmith","platform":"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit","runtime":"python","py_implementation":"CPython","runtime_version":"3.11.7","langchain_version":"0.3.0","langchain_core_version":"0.3.5"}},"end_time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.061841+00:00","inputs":{"input":[{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs'' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.","type":"Document"},{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The AI assistant - processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, - Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to - the user''s request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference - results, including any relevant file paths.\n\nTo enhance real-world applications - of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\n\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.","type":"Document"},{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \n\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \n\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates independently - using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, highlighting - its potential and reliability issues.","type":"Document"},{"metadata":{},"page_content":"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.","type":"Document"},{"metadata":{},"page_content":"{\n \"thoughts\": - {\n \"text\": \"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python - with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\",\n \"reasoning\": \"Clarifying - the specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\",\n \"plan\": - \"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\n- Define the structure of MVC - components\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\n- Start coding based on - clarified requirements\",\n \"criticism\": \"I should have asked for - more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\",\n \"speak\": - \"I understand the game concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\"\n },\n \"command\": - {\n \"name\": \"ask_clarifying_question\",\n \"args\": {\n \"question\": - \"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into - separate files?\"\n }\n }\n}","type":"Document"}]},"outputs":{"output":"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\n\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\n\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks like - TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in utilizing - external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\n\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\n\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\n\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\n\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\n\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies."},"events":[{"name":"start","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:34.487094+00:00"},{"name":"end","time":"2024-09-25T22:31:39.061841+00:00"}]}]}' - headers: - Accept: - - application/json - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Length: - - '53233' - Content-Type: - - application/json - User-Agent: - - langsmith-py/0.1.128 - method: POST - uri: https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs/batch - response: - body: - string: '{"detail":"Forbidden"}' - headers: - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: - - 'true' - Access-Control-Allow-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Methods: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - - '' - Access-Control-Expose-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Max-Age: - - '600' - Alt-Svc: - - h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000 - Connection: - - close - Content-Length: - - '22' - Via: - - 1.1 google - content-type: - - application/json - date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:38 GMT - server: - - uvicorn - status: - code: 403 - message: Forbidden -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "\n The following is a set of summaries:\n [Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The task involves creating a structured codebase for a software - project, ensuring that all components are well-defined and implemented in a - functional manner. The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and - methods, followed by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. - The code must adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python - in this case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary - imports, and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file - must be created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline - Core Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with - brief descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each - file, ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\"\"\"\\nEntry point - of the application.\\n\"\"\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif __name__ - == \"__main__\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\"\"\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\"\"\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\"\"\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\"\"\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\"John - Doe\", email=\"john@example.com\")\\n print(f\"User created: {user}\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.''), - Document(metadata={}, page_content=\"The conversation outlines a structured - approach for writing code based on a specified architecture. The assistant is - instructed to think step-by-step, identify core classes and functions, and provide - complete code implementations in a markdown format. The user emphasizes the - importance of creating fully functional code without placeholders, adhering - to best practices for file naming and organization, and ensuring compatibility - across different files. The assistant also makes assumptions about the model, - view, and controller components of a game, and seeks clarification on specific - implementation details. Additionally, the conversation highlights a limitation - regarding the assistant''s training data being current only up to October 2023.\"), - Document(metadata={}, page_content=''The limitations of finite context length - in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed - instructions, hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from - longer context windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, - they lack the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face - challenges in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt - plans in response to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared - to human learning. The reliance on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components raises concerns about the reliability of model - outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance with instructions can occur, - leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent demo code.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The article \"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\" by Lilian Weng, - published in June 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) - into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, - and tool usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.'')]\n Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\n of - the main themes.\n ", "role": "user"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": - false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '5105' - content-type: - - application/json - cookie: - - __cf_bm=_X8wjH7S2J0n6vsofPw6yNTX3mhr2gh9FQHNJGBza1s-1727303490-; - _cfuvid=ik4XWlrnZi0pxtSYql946fASWQGsHyDQtqi2mpiTYgU-1727303490341- - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFVLbxtHDL77VxB7ag1JsBzHjn1zUhQoYLdpk5yawqFmubtsZoaT4axk - Jch/Lzi7spxDL3qQQ/Ljx9e3E4CG2+YGGjdgcSH55e3rDymuX3359S09pvvfv75zd+3lh7Pu8uXm - z9QszEI2/5IrB6uVk5A8FZY4qV0mLGRe11fnVy/OXlxcX1dFkJa8mfWpLC9kGTjy8vzs/GJ5drVc - v5qtB2FH2tzA3ycAAN/qp+GMLT02N3C2OEgCqWJPzc3TI4AmizdJg6qsBWNpFkelk1goVujvBwIn - UcVza3BBxxAw70E6KANBQI72I5BClyVUYcqy5ZZaaMWNgWJRYAVU6MR72enNx/gxrldwevqu5NGV - MVMLb6SlDSrBL7QlL8nsTk9v4P3k0JGqBa20cewBQaUrO8xVbVQDx634LSnIWDxHe+UkWwIhSaw4 - dHSDIXEeVUkX0I3RWVF0ARhbCFQGaU1eoVILmz2wVc7wTB5rHc1rS8DRgByz6CQHLCt4TVogZXTF - ymRieLsvg0QD22cMgWO/AI7Oj625TVkSZejYE0SctJJ7jPwVDd8Er6VEsaXo9hAwYl9RQRmyjP0A - CJ8yfRk5V7GuymP5VD0uwGiikAZU/krtygpwPhWA0nKzX9o3/HbIs0Y08m9B91ooYGEHmFIWdIMV - M5OTEAxLzRl2mWd2WloARR2z/S0DFkDvIWEuemgazG7gQpWyiuxQBPQ1S6MYC288reD9wDrTRApa - MNc4Oy5D9UWx5D0k4Vgm8sxB5ZhUJwgTOVKGmV/zV20lt5Tt176i4JAkl5mdF8bOHQeeyKjY7zD2 - I/YE9zaieujOY5e3rG5Urc5takpGjlPeHnNP4A8e6pAr/HR3d68/Lyo97EaP2e8hU4+5NkXHkWun - xUKPBTzFvgwL2A1sXdx15EoNxhlww57LHooYW5KTZCwEA2uRzA49cJyakyVOJFE2AXiJ/bJQDpA8 - RpuaFbwZ0Fu0iStsMVXW7UGVZNIkUcnCUc6Stbq0vDN5PoCRzkYxjUbNWB9PEKozVh1JK/PoVWDg - fvDcD4cKXFgFbtstRkfzEolwOxaJEmRUuO1NeCgCx0J9nrKzUt3d2/sigEcL7A+7iB6Tl0ztAnSQ - ncO5U4xIh2mCzzSniiqxzmPKsvEUlip+WwU1ZxEPo23YFfxFzuYxk5L1OOBz9Mih0hUHk02Lcia8 - OnoKBMf408AozdBtsnDjZ7DV3aGK01p6hIL6WZ8l7feVzD+2lNH7RQ077+tMnbe1idCJGxUkwubH - tcXxuGTb41q2BrRJc5+j7Dy1/QwI/LN5qS0mdkcY/bOS/FCQlDy7yWD1/AJl6kZFu4Jx9H6Wf386 - aV56q4XO+ie5zYsODxOTdr60SGqq9vsJwD/1dI4/XMMmZQmpPBT5TNEcXl9dTv6a48U+as9frWdt - kYL+qFifv7z6P7uHlgqy12cnuHmq9tHF2RPQmmkzrd6HjmNPOWWeLnKXHtabzcXl+vKqu25Ovp/8 - BwAA//8DAAMaYB6fCAAA - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e77353cbe8f99-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:42 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '3633' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; 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Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":281,\"prompt_tokens\":976,\"total_tokens\":1257,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-e43ab4e3-c6a3-4249-a914-1a088b5cd182-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":976,\"output_tokens\":281,\"total_tokens\":1257}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"268a939e-ecbb-4b7e-bf4a-1aaadf1aeec8\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.920539+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.921022+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.920539+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.921022+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"a397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\",\"langsmith:hidden\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223142920539Z268a939e-ecbb-4b7e-bf4a-1aaadf1aeec8\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\\n\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\\n\\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks - like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in - utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\n\\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\\n\\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\\n\\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\\n\\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\\n\\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"name\":\"_write\",\"inputs\":{\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\\n\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\\n\\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks - like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in - utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\n\\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\\n\\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\\n\\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\\n\\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\\n\\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"385c74a0-6058-4244-b3d3-a9bc5544cb44\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.921734+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.925255+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.921734+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.925255+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"a397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223142921734Z385c74a0-6058-4244-b3d3-a9bc5544cb44\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"collapse_summaries\"},\"name\":\"should_collapse\",\"inputs\":{\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\\n\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\\n\\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks - like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in - utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\n\\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\\n\\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\\n\\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\\n\\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\\n\\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}],\"contents\":[\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\",\"Fig. 1. Overview of - a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\",\"Fig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\",\"Fig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\",\"LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are - mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets - is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix degrees of - separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ - is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. - Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\",\"Fig. 10. A picture - of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. - While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with - humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection - of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router - to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules can be - neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency - converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call - a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments showed that - it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated math problems - because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the right arguments - for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when the external symbolic - tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use the tools are crucial, - determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; - Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn - to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether a newly - added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. See more - details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\",\"With - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\",\"inquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\",\"Commands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\",\"You should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\",\"You will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\",\"Conversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\",\"Finite context length: The restricted context - capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\",\"Or\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\"],\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"The experiments on AlfWorld Env - and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more prevalent failure than inefficient - planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing - a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect - and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to - prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. - The training dataset combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, - models show incremental improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation - (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of - learning trajectories to inform future actions, leading to better performance - than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement - learning, achieving results close to online RL methods while learning faster - than other baselines.\",\"The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement - learning (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments - that require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.\",\"The text discusses - various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each with unique - methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing function - that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, using fewer - buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: - Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store data points - in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. **HNSW - (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world graphs - to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting from - a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: - Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector quantization - to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. **ScaNN - (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"The text discusses various advancements - in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous agents, particularly focusing - on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems, which utilize a - combination of expert modules and a general-purpose language model (LLM) to - route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges in LLMs extracting - arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, emphasizing the - importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic tools. Other frameworks - like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities to utilize external tool - APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function calling exemplify practical - applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework that employs ChatGPT for - task planning, involving four stages: task planning, model selection, task execution, - and logging results. The system is designed to parse user requests into manageable - tasks and select appropriate models for execution.\",\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"The text discusses - a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target was selected, - a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The project also addressed - risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading to a test set of known - chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, 4 were accepted, while - 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, it describes - the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact in a - sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"The provided commands - outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including searching the - internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file management, code - analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting and messaging - GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing and improving - code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include internet - access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. Performance - evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in task execution, - and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is trained on data - up to October 2023.\",\"{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": - \\\"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture - and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the - specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- - Define the structure of MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- - Start coding based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"I should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to - avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game - concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": - {\\n \\\"name\\\": \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": - {\\n \\\"question\\\": \\\"Can you provide more information about - how the MVC components are split into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"The limitations of finite context length in LLMs - restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed instructions, - hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from longer context - windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack - the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response - to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. - The reliance on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - raises concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors - and non-compliance with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing - model output in agent demo code.\",\"The article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous - Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the integration - of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities - in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references various studies - and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods for enhancing - their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction with external - tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to perform complex - tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. For further - details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.\"]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.926818+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":4,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collapse_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.926818+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:4\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223142926818Z83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"inputs\":{\"contents\":[\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\",\"Fig. 1. Overview of - a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\",\"Fig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\",\"Fig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\",\"LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are - mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets - is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix degrees of - separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ - is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. - Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\",\"Fig. 10. A picture - of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. - While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with - humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection - of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router - to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules can be - neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency - converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call - a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments showed that - it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated math problems - because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the right arguments - for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when the external symbolic - tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use the tools are crucial, - determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; - Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn - to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether a newly - added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. See more - details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\",\"With - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\",\"inquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\",\"Commands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\",\"You should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\",\"You will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\",\"Conversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\",\"Finite context length: The restricted context - capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\",\"Or\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\"],\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"The experiments on AlfWorld Env - and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more prevalent failure than inefficient - planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing - a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect - and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to - prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. - The training dataset combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, - models show incremental improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation - (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of - learning trajectories to inform future actions, leading to better performance - than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement - learning, achieving results close to online RL methods while learning faster - than other baselines.\",\"The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement - learning (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments - that require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.\",\"The text discusses - various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each with unique - methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing function - that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, using fewer - buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: - Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store data points - in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. **HNSW - (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world graphs - to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting from - a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: - Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector quantization - to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. **ScaNN - (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"The text discusses various advancements - in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous agents, particularly focusing - on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems, which utilize a - combination of expert modules and a general-purpose language model (LLM) to - route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges in LLMs extracting - arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, emphasizing the - importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic tools. Other frameworks - like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities to utilize external tool - APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function calling exemplify practical - applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework that employs ChatGPT for - task planning, involving four stages: task planning, model selection, task execution, - and logging results. The system is designed to parse user requests into manageable - tasks and select appropriate models for execution.\",\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"The text discusses - a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target was selected, - a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The project also addressed - risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading to a test set of known - chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, 4 were accepted, while - 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, it describes - the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact in a - sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"The provided commands - outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including searching the - internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file management, code - analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting and messaging - GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing and improving - code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include internet - access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. Performance - evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in task execution, - and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is trained on data - up to October 2023.\",\"{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": - \\\"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture - and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the - specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- - Define the structure of MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- - Start coding based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"I should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to - avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game - concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": - {\\n \\\"name\\\": \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": - {\\n \\\"question\\\": \\\"Can you provide more information about - how the MVC components are split into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"The limitations of finite context length in LLMs - restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed instructions, - hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from longer context - windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack - the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response - to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. - The reliance on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - raises concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors - and non-compliance with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing - model output in agent demo code.\",\"The article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous - Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the integration - of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities - in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references various studies - and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods for enhancing - their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction with external - tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to perform complex - tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. For further - details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.\"],\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\\n\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\\n\\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks - like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in - utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\n\\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\\n\\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\\n\\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\\n\\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\\n\\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"f88d3c8d-7023-4a29-a28c-85813836ba05\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.930817+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":4,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collapse_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.930817+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223142926818Z83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f.20240925T223142930817Zf88d3c8d-7023-4a29-a28c-85813836ba05\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\\n\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\\n\\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks - like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in - utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\n\\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\\n\\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\\n\\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\\n\\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\\n\\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"10126831-73a3-4576-a96a-c5a86cd1f55f\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.931441+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.932802+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":4,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collapse_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"serialized\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"chat\",\"ChatPromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"input_variables\":[\"docs\"],\"messages\":[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"chat\",\"HumanMessagePromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"prompt\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"prompt\",\"PromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"input_variables\":[\"docs\"],\"template\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n {docs}\\n Take these and distill - it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the main themes.\\n \",\"template_format\":\"f-string\"},\"name\":\"PromptTemplate\"}}}]},\"name\":\"ChatPromptTemplate\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.931441+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.932802+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"f88d3c8d-7023-4a29-a28c-85813836ba05\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223142926818Z83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f.20240925T223142930817Zf88d3c8d-7023-4a29-a28c-85813836ba05.20240925T223142931441Z10126831-73a3-4576-a96a-c5a86cd1f55f\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":{\"messages\":[{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content='The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\\\n\\\\n1. - **LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs - to enhance the functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\\\n - \ - **Planning**: Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts - (ToT) are employed for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex - tasks into manageable steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\\\n\\\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\\\n\\\\n3. **Memory in Machine - Learning**: The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, - short-term, and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts - such as in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\\\n\\\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm - of artificial intelligence, particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic - architectures, autonomous agents, and their applications:\\\\n\\\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic - Architectures**: The discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge - and Language) systems that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language - models (LLMs) to enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in - LLMs, particularly in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore - the need for effective use of external symbolic tools.\\\\n\\\\n2. **Tool-Augmented - LLMs**: Frameworks like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their - capabilities in utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, - in particular, follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing - the importance of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\\\n\\\\n3. - **Real-World Applications and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical - applications of LLMs in various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated - by case studies like ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such - as efficiency, context management, and output quality stabilization.\\\\n\\\\n4. - **Autonomous Agents and Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer - drug discovery and the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual - characters exhibiting emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an - autonomous agent system that operates independently, showcasing both its potential - and reliability concerns.\\\\n\\\\n5. **Task Management and Command Functionality**: - A set of commands for managing tasks is outlined, including internet searching, - file management, and code analysis. The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment - and strategic reflection to optimize task execution.\\\\n\\\\n6. **Game Development - Example**: A specific task involving the creation of a Super Mario game in Python - using MVC architecture is presented, illustrating the importance of clarifying - requirements and structuring components effectively.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, the summaries - reflect a growing interest in enhancing LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic - approaches, practical applications, and structured task management, while also - addressing the inherent challenges and limitations in these technologies.')]\\n - \ Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the - main themes.\\n \",\"additional_kwargs\":{},\"response_metadata\":{},\"type\":\"human\"}]}},\"name\":\"ChatPromptTemplate\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\\n\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\\n\\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks - like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in - utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\n\\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\\n\\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\\n\\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\\n\\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\\n\\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"prompt\"},{\"id\":\"4465c2d2-2420-4e78-bd3a-ec1380004d00\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.933603+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":4,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collapse_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"serialized\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"chat_models\",\"openai\",\"ChatOpenAI\"],\"kwargs\":{\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"temperature\":0.0,\"openai_api_key\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"secret\",\"id\":[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"]},\"max_retries\":2,\"n\":1},\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.933603+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"f88d3c8d-7023-4a29-a28c-85813836ba05\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223142926818Z83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f.20240925T223142930817Zf88d3c8d-7023-4a29-a28c-85813836ba05.20240925T223142933603Z4465c2d2-2420-4e78-bd3a-ec1380004d00\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"HumanMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content='The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\\\n\\\\n1. - **LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs - to enhance the functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\\\n - \ - **Planning**: Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts - (ToT) are employed for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex - tasks into manageable steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\\\n\\\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\\\n\\\\n3. **Memory in Machine - Learning**: The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, - short-term, and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts - such as in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\\\n\\\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm - of artificial intelligence, particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic - architectures, autonomous agents, and their applications:\\\\n\\\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic - Architectures**: The discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge - and Language) systems that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language - models (LLMs) to enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in - LLMs, particularly in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore - the need for effective use of external symbolic tools.\\\\n\\\\n2. **Tool-Augmented - LLMs**: Frameworks like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their - capabilities in utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, - in particular, follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing - the importance of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\\\n\\\\n3. - **Real-World Applications and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical - applications of LLMs in various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated - by case studies like ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such - as efficiency, context management, and output quality stabilization.\\\\n\\\\n4. - **Autonomous Agents and Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer - drug discovery and the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual - characters exhibiting emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an - autonomous agent system that operates independently, showcasing both its potential - and reliability concerns.\\\\n\\\\n5. **Task Management and Command Functionality**: - A set of commands for managing tasks is outlined, including internet searching, - file management, and code analysis. The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment - and strategic reflection to optimize task execution.\\\\n\\\\n6. **Game Development - Example**: A specific task involving the creation of a Super Mario game in Python - using MVC architecture is presented, illustrating the importance of clarifying - requirements and structuring components effectively.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, the summaries - reflect a growing interest in enhancing LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic - approaches, practical applications, and structured task management, while also - addressing the inherent challenges and limitations in these technologies.')]\\n - \ Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the - main themes.\\n \",\"type\":\"human\"}}]]},\"run_type\":\"llm\"}],\"patch\":[{\"id\":\"e43ab4e3-c6a3-4249-a914-1a088b5cd182\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"777de676-1952-4377-b8de-83dc41df91a8\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223139062414Z777de676-1952-4377-b8de-83dc41df91a8.20240925T223139064762Ze43ab4e3-c6a3-4249-a914-1a088b5cd182\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.917762+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"HumanMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content='The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\\\n\\\\n### Summary of Steps:\\\\n1. **Outline - Core Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with - brief descriptions.\\\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for - each file, ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\\\n3. **File - Structure**: Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the - order they are imported.\\\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt - file for Python dependencies.\\\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the - architecture are present and functional.\\\\n\\\\n### Example Core Components:\\\\n- - `main.py`: Entry point of the application.\\\\n- `models.py`: Contains data - models using dataclasses.\\\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\\\n- - `tests.py`: Unit tests for the application.\\\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists - required packages.\\\\n\\\\n### Example Code Structure:\\\\n```plaintext\\\\nmain.py\\\\nmodels.py\\\\nservices.py\\\\ntests.py\\\\nrequirements.txt\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\\\n```python\\\\n# main.py\\\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\\nEntry - point of the application.\\\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\\nfrom services import run_service\\\\n\\\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\\\n run_service()\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\n```python\\\\n# - models.py\\\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\\nContains data models using dataclasses.\\\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\\nfrom - dataclasses import dataclass\\\\n\\\\n@dataclass\\\\nclass User:\\\\n id: - int\\\\n name: str\\\\n email: str\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\n```python\\\\n# services.py\\\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\\nBusiness - logic and service functions.\\\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\\nfrom models import User\\\\n\\\\ndef - run_service():\\\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\\\n - \ print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\n```plaintext\\\\n# - requirements.txt\\\\npytest\\\\ndataclasses\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.'), - Document(metadata={}, page_content=\\\"The conversation outlines a structured - approach for writing code based on a specified architecture. The assistant is - instructed to think step-by-step, identify core classes and functions, and provide - complete code implementations in a markdown format. The user emphasizes the - importance of creating fully functional code without placeholders, adhering - to best practices for file naming and organization, and ensuring compatibility - across different files. The assistant also makes assumptions about the model, - view, and controller components of a game, and seeks clarification on specific - implementation details. Additionally, the conversation highlights a limitation - regarding the assistant's training data being current only up to October 2023.\\\"), - Document(metadata={}, page_content='The limitations of finite context length - in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed - instructions, hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from - longer context windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, - they lack the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face - challenges in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt - plans in response to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared - to human learning. The reliance on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components raises concerns about the reliability of model - outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance with instructions can occur, - leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent demo code.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, - published in June 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) - into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, - and tool usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.')]\\n Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n - \ of the main themes.\\n \",\"type\":\"human\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":281,\"prompt_tokens\":976,\"total_tokens\":1257,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-e43ab4e3-c6a3-4249-a914-1a088b5cd182-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":976,\"output_tokens\":281,\"total_tokens\":1257},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":281,\"prompt_tokens\":976,\"total_tokens\":1257,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:39.064762+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.917762+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"777de676-1952-4377-b8de-83dc41df91a8\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"a397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6.20240925T223139062414Z777de676-1952-4377-b8de-83dc41df91a8\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.920078+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The consolidated summary - of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. **Structured - Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project involves - outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, followed - by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices for Python - programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency management - through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step Implementation**: - A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring that all parts - of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes starting with - the entry point file and progressing through other files in the order they are - imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents discuss - the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding finite - context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical information - and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in response to - errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are also highlighted.\\n\\n4. - **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration of LLMs into autonomous - agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, - and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim to enhance the planning and - reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them to perform complex tasks - autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus on best practices in - software development while acknowledging the limitations and potential of LLMs - in autonomous applications.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:39.062414+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.920078+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"a397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6\",\"name\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223130649621Za397ffc8-488d-4d3d-8b01-0ed5b3adfad6\",\"tags\":[\"graph:step:3\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":3,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collect_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:f88bca6a-8568-2d26-77e9-f37c714c675f\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.925715+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"contents\":[\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\",\"Fig. 1. Overview of - a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\",\"Fig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\",\"Fig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\",\"LSH (Locality-Sensitive - Hashing): It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are - mapped to the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets - is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201Csix degrees of - separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ - is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. - Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google - Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\",\"Fig. 10. A picture - of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. - While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with - humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection - of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router - to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules can be - neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency - converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call - a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments showed that - it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated math problems - because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the right arguments - for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when the external symbolic - tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use the tools are crucial, - determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; - Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn - to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether a newly - added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. See more - details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\",\"With - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\",\"inquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\",\"Commands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\",\"You should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\",\"You will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\",\"Conversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\",\"Finite context length: The restricted context - capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\",\"Or\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\"],\"summaries\":[\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"The experiments on AlfWorld Env - and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more prevalent failure than inefficient - planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method enhances model outputs by providing - a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, allowing the model to self-reflect - and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning with a regularization term to - prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking of tokens to avoid shortcutting. - The training dataset combines various human feedback sources. After fine-tuning, - models show incremental improvement in output quality. Algorithm Distillation - (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement learning, using a history of - learning trajectories to inform future actions, leading to better performance - than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective in-context reinforcement - learning, achieving results close to online RL methods while learning faster - than other baselines.\",\"The text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement - learning (RL) methods, including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments - that require memory and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights - the types of memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions - of sensory information), short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), - and long-term memory (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization - of human memory is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory - corresponds to learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context - learning, and long-term memory is likened to external vector stores for fast - retrieval. The text also introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a - method to enhance retrieval speed from external memory, utilizing approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms for efficient data access.\",\"The text discusses - various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each with unique - methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing function - that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, using fewer - buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah)**: - Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store data points - in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. **HNSW - (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world graphs - to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting from - a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)**: - Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector quantization - to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. **ScaNN - (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"The text discusses various advancements - in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous agents, particularly focusing - on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems, which utilize a - combination of expert modules and a general-purpose language model (LLM) to - route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges in LLMs extracting - arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, emphasizing the - importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic tools. Other frameworks - like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities to utilize external tool - APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function calling exemplify practical - applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework that employs ChatGPT for - task planning, involving four stages: task planning, model selection, task execution, - and logging results. The system is designed to parse user requests into manageable - tasks and select appropriate models for execution.\",\"The AI assistant processes - user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, Task Planning, Model - Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct response to the user's - request, then details the task process and shares analysis and inference results, - including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world applications of - HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including improving efficiency, - managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing output quality. - The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through 53 APIs and 264 - annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities at three levels: - calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple API calls for - complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate the effectiveness - of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, revealing that while - LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments show significant - advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations of LLMs in - self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"The text discusses - a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target was selected, - a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The project also addressed - risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading to a test set of known - chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, 4 were accepted, while - 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, it describes - the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact in a - sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"The provided commands - outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including searching the - internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file management, code - analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting and messaging - GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing and improving - code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include internet - access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. Performance - evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in task execution, - and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is trained on data - up to October 2023.\",\"{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": - \\\"The task involves creating a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture - and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the - specifics of the game and its components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- - Define the structure of MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- - Start coding based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"I should have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to - avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game - concept and need to clarify the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": - {\\n \\\"name\\\": \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": - {\\n \\\"question\\\": \\\"Can you provide more information about - how the MVC components are split into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"The limitations of finite context length in LLMs - restrict their ability to incorporate historical information and detailed instructions, - hindering mechanisms like self-reflection that could benefit from longer context - windows. While vector stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack - the representation power of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response - to unexpected errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. - The reliance on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components - raises concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors - and non-compliance with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing - model output in agent demo code.\",\"The article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous - Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June 2023, discusses the integration - of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous agents, highlighting their capabilities - in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. It references various studies - and preprints that explore advancements in LLMs, including methods for enhancing - their planning proficiency, reasoning abilities, and interaction with external - tools. The article emphasizes the potential of these agents to perform complex - tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments in AI research. For further - details, the article can be accessed at the provided URL.\"],\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng discusses the concept - of using large language models (LLMs) as the core controller for autonomous - agents. It outlines a system overview that includes three main components: planning, - memory, and tool use. \\n\\n1. **Planning** involves task decomposition into - smaller subgoals and self-reflection to improve future actions.\\n2. **Memory** - is categorized into short-term (in-context learning) and long-term (retaining - information using external storage).\\n3. **Tool Use** allows agents to access - external APIs for additional information and capabilities beyond their pre-trained - knowledge.\\n\\nThe article highlights various proof-of-concept examples, such - as AutoGPT and BabyAGI, showcasing the potential of LLMs as general problem - solvers. It also addresses the challenges faced in building these agents.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - overview describes a LLM-powered autonomous agent system that incorporates planning - and self-reflection components. \\n\\n1. **Planning**: The system employs task - decomposition techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. CoT encourages step-by-step - reasoning, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths at each step using search - algorithms. Additionally, LLM+P integrates an external classical planner using - Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) for long-horizon planning.\\n\\n2. - **Self-Reflection**: This component allows agents to iteratively improve by - analyzing past actions. The ReAct framework combines reasoning and acting, enabling - agents to interact with their environment while generating reasoning traces. - Reflexion enhances this by incorporating dynamic memory and a reward model to - assess the efficiency of actions and correct mistakes. It uses heuristics to - identify inefficient trajectories and hallucinations, and integrates reflections - from past experiences to guide future actions.\\n\\nOverall, the system aims - to enhance the performance of autonomous agents in complex tasks through structured - planning and self-improvement mechanisms.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA reveal that hallucination is a more - prevalent failure than inefficient planning. The Chain of Hindsight (CoH) method - enhances model outputs by providing a sequence of past outputs with human feedback, - allowing the model to self-reflect and improve. CoH employs supervised fine-tuning - with a regularization term to prevent overfitting and incorporates random masking - of tokens to avoid shortcutting. The training dataset combines various human - feedback sources. After fine-tuning, models show incremental improvement in - output quality. Algorithm Distillation (AD) applies a similar concept in reinforcement - learning, using a history of learning trajectories to inform future actions, - leading to better performance than traditional methods. AD demonstrates effective - in-context reinforcement learning, achieving results close to online RL methods - while learning faster than other baselines.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses the comparison of various reinforcement learning (RL) methods, - including AD, ED, source policy, and RL^2, in environments that require memory - and exploration, with a focus on binary rewards. It highlights the types of - memory in human brains: sensory memory (short-lived impressions of sensory information), - short-term memory (limited capacity for current awareness), and long-term memory - (unlimited storage for facts and experiences). The categorization of human memory - is mapped to machine learning concepts, where sensory memory corresponds to - learning embeddings, short-term memory relates to in-context learning, and long-term - memory is likened to external vector stores for fast retrieval. The text also - introduces Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) as a method to enhance retrieval - speed from external memory, utilizing approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) algorithms - for efficient data access.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search, each - with unique methodologies:\\n\\n1. **LSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing)**: A hashing - function that maps similar items to the same buckets with high probability, - using fewer buckets than inputs.\\n\\n2. **ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Oh Yeah)**: Utilizes random projection trees to split input space and store - data points in leaves, mimicking a hashing function for scalable searches.\\n\\n3. - **HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World)**: Builds hierarchical small-world - graphs to facilitate efficient searches by navigating through layers, starting - from a random node in the top layer.\\n\\n4. **FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity - Search)**: Assumes Gaussian distribution in high-dimensional space, using vector - quantization to cluster data points and refine searches within those clusters.\\n\\n5. - **ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors)**: Innovates with anisotropic vector quantization - to ensure that the quantized representation closely resembles the original distance - metrics.\\n\\nThe text also highlights the importance of tool use in enhancing - the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), emphasizing the role of external - tools in extending their functionality.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses various advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures for autonomous - agents, particularly focusing on MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) - systems, which utilize a combination of expert modules and a general-purpose - language model (LLM) to route inquiries effectively. Experiments revealed challenges - in LLMs extracting arguments for verbal math problems compared to explicit ones, - emphasizing the importance of knowing when and how to use external symbolic - tools. Other frameworks like TALM and Toolformer enhance LLMs' capabilities - to utilize external tool APIs, while ChatGPT Plugins and OpenAI API function - calling exemplify practical applications. HuggingGPT is introduced as a framework - that employs ChatGPT for task planning, involving four stages: task planning, - model selection, task execution, and logging results. The system is designed - to parse user requests into manageable tasks and select appropriate models for - execution.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - AI assistant processes user input by following a structured workflow: User Input, - Task Planning, Model Selection, and Task Execution. It first provides a direct - response to the user's request, then details the task process and shares analysis - and inference results, including any relevant file paths.\\n\\nTo enhance real-world - applications of HuggingGPT, several challenges must be addressed, including - improving efficiency, managing long context windows for complex tasks, and stabilizing - output quality. The API-Bank benchmark evaluates tool-augmented LLMs through - 53 APIs and 264 annotated dialogues, assessing their decision-making capabilities - at three levels: calling APIs, retrieving the right APIs, and planning multiple - API calls for complex requests.\\n\\nCase studies like ChemCrow demonstrate - the effectiveness of LLMs augmented with expert tools for scientific tasks, - revealing that while LLMs may perform similarly in evaluations, expert assessments - show significant advantages for specialized tools. This highlights the limitations - of LLMs in self-evaluating their performance in expert domains.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - text discusses a project focused on anticancer drug discovery, where a target - was selected, a scaffold was requested, and a compound was synthesized. The - project also addressed risks related to illicit drugs and bioweapons, leading - to a test set of known chemical weapon agents. Out of 11 synthesis requests, - 4 were accepted, while 7 were rejected, primarily after web searches. \\n\\nAdditionally, - it describes the Generative Agents Simulation, where 25 virtual characters interact - in a sandbox environment, utilizing a combination of long-term memory, planning, - and reflection mechanisms to simulate human behavior. The architecture allows - for emergent social behaviors, such as information diffusion and event coordination. - \\n\\nLastly, it mentions AutoGPT, an autonomous agent system that operates - independently using a natural language interface, with specific goals and constraints, - highlighting its potential and reliability issues.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - provided commands outline a set of functionalities for managing tasks, including - searching the internet, browsing websites, interacting with GPT agents, file - management, code analysis, and generating content. Key commands include starting - and messaging GPT agents, executing file operations (read, write, delete), analyzing - and improving code, and generating images or tweets. Resources available include - internet access, memory management, and GPT-3.5 agents for task delegation. - Performance evaluation emphasizes continuous self-assessment, efficiency in - task execution, and strategic reflection to optimize actions. The system is - trained on data up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"{\\n - \ \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"The task involves creating - a Super Mario game in Python with MVC architecture and keyboard controls.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"Clarifying the specifics of the game and its - components is essential for accurate implementation.\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": - \\\"- Gather detailed requirements for the game\\\\n- Define the structure of - MVC components\\\\n- Determine keyboard control mappings\\\\n- Start coding - based on clarified requirements\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": \\\"I should - have asked for more details about the MVC structure earlier to avoid back-and-forth.\\\",\\n - \ \\\"speak\\\": \\\"I understand the game concept and need to clarify - the MVC component structure.\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"ask_clarifying_question\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"question\\\": - \\\"Can you provide more information about how the MVC components are split - into separate files?\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - task involves creating a structured codebase for a software project, ensuring - that all components are well-defined and implemented in a functional manner. - The process includes outlining core classes, functions, and methods, followed - by providing complete code for each file in a specified format. The code must - adhere to best practices for the chosen programming language (Python in this - case), including proper file naming conventions, inclusion of necessary imports, - and compatibility across files. Additionally, a requirements.txt file must be - created to manage dependencies.\\n\\n### Summary of Steps:\\n1. **Outline Core - Components**: Identify and name core classes, functions, and methods with brief - descriptions.\\n2. **Code Implementation**: Write complete code for each file, - ensuring it follows the specified markdown format.\\n3. **File Structure**: - Start with the entry point file and proceed to other files in the order they - are imported.\\n4. **Dependency Management**: Create a requirements.txt file - for Python dependencies.\\n5. **Final Review**: Ensure all parts of the architecture - are present and functional.\\n\\n### Example Core Components:\\n- `main.py`: - Entry point of the application.\\n- `models.py`: Contains data models using - dataclasses.\\n- `services.py`: Business logic and service functions.\\n- `tests.py`: - Unit tests for the application.\\n- `requirements.txt`: Lists required packages.\\n\\n### - Example Code Structure:\\n```plaintext\\nmain.py\\nmodels.py\\nservices.py\\ntests.py\\nrequirements.txt\\n```\\n\\n### - Example Code Implementation:\\n```python\\n# main.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nEntry - point of the application.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom services import run_service\\n\\nif - __name__ == \\\"__main__\\\":\\n run_service()\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# models.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nContains - data models using dataclasses.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\\n\\n@dataclass\\nclass - User:\\n id: int\\n name: str\\n email: str\\n```\\n\\n```python\\n# - services.py\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBusiness logic and service functions.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfrom - models import User\\n\\ndef run_service():\\n user = User(id=1, name=\\\"John - Doe\\\", email=\\\"john@example.com\\\")\\n print(f\\\"User created: {user}\\\")\\n```\\n\\n```plaintext\\n# - requirements.txt\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n```\\n\\nThis summary encapsulates - the essential steps and structure for creating a functional Python project, - ensuring clarity and adherence to best practices throughout the implementation.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - conversation outlines a structured approach for writing code based on a specified - architecture. The assistant is instructed to think step-by-step, identify core - classes and functions, and provide complete code implementations in a markdown - format. The user emphasizes the importance of creating fully functional code - without placeholders, adhering to best practices for file naming and organization, - and ensuring compatibility across different files. The assistant also makes - assumptions about the model, view, and controller components of a game, and - seeks clarification on specific implementation details. Additionally, the conversation - highlights a limitation regarding the assistant's training data being current - only up to October 2023.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - limitations of finite context length in LLMs restrict their ability to incorporate - historical information and detailed instructions, hindering mechanisms like - self-reflection that could benefit from longer context windows. While vector - stores can provide broader knowledge access, they lack the representation power - of full attention. Additionally, LLMs face challenges in long-term planning - and task decomposition, struggling to adapt plans in response to unexpected - errors, which diminishes their robustness compared to human learning. The reliance - on natural language as an interface between LLMs and external components raises - concerns about the reliability of model outputs, as formatting errors and non-compliance - with instructions can occur, leading to a focus on parsing model output in agent - demo code.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - article \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\" by Lilian Weng, published in June - 2023, discusses the integration of large language models (LLMs) into autonomous - agents, highlighting their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool - usage. It references various studies and preprints that explore advancements - in LLMs, including methods for enhancing their planning proficiency, reasoning - abilities, and interaction with external tools. The article emphasizes the potential - of these agents to perform complex tasks autonomously, leveraging recent developments - in AI research. For further details, the article can be accessed at the provided - URL.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"outputs\":{\"collapsed_summaries\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\\n\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\\n\\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks - like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in - utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\n\\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\\n\\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\\n\\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\\n\\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\\n\\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:30.649621+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.925715+00:00\"}]}]}" - headers: - Accept: - - application/json - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Length: - - '278327' - Content-Type: - - application/json - User-Agent: - - langsmith-py/0.1.128 - method: POST - uri: https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs/batch - response: - body: - string: '{"detail":"Forbidden"}' - headers: - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: - - 'true' - Access-Control-Allow-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Methods: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - - '' - Access-Control-Expose-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Max-Age: - - '600' - Alt-Svc: - - h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000 - Connection: - - close - Content-Length: - - '22' - Via: - - 1.1 google - content-type: - - application/json - date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:42 GMT - server: - - uvicorn - status: - code: 403 - message: Forbidden -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "\n The following is a set of summaries:\n [Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided - documents focuses on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers - for autonomous agents, emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and - tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around - utilizing LLMs to enhance the functionality of autonomous agents. Key components - include:\\n - **Planning**: Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and - Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed for task decomposition, allowing agents - to break down complex tasks into manageable steps. Integration with classical - planners using Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon - planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: Agents improve iteratively by analyzing - past actions. Frameworks like ReAct and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, - incorporating dynamic memory and reward models to enhance decision-making and - correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments - reveal that hallucination is a significant challenge, often more prevalent than - inefficient planning. Methods like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation - (AD) are introduced to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement - learning, respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in - Machine Learning**: The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, - short-term, and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts - such as in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.''), - Document(metadata={}, page_content=''The set of summaries highlights several - key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, particularly focusing on - advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous agents, and their applications:\\n\\n1. - **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The discussions center around MRKL (Modular - Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems that integrate expert modules with - general-purpose language models (LLMs) to enhance the processing of complex - inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly in extracting arguments for verbal - math problems, underscore the need for effective use of external symbolic tools.\\n\\n2. - **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are - explored for their capabilities in utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM - functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, follows a structured workflow for - task management, emphasizing the importance of task planning, model selection, - and execution.\\n\\n3. **Real-World Applications and Challenges**: The summaries - address the practical applications of LLMs in various domains, such as scientific - tasks demonstrated by case studies like ChemCrow. However, they also highlight - challenges such as efficiency, context management, and output quality stabilization.\\n\\n4. - **Autonomous Agents and Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer - drug discovery and the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual - characters exhibiting emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an - autonomous agent system that operates independently, showcasing both its potential - and reliability concerns.\\n\\n5. **Task Management and Command Functionality**: - A set of commands for managing tasks is outlined, including internet searching, - file management, and code analysis. The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment - and strategic reflection to optimize task execution.\\n\\n6. **Game Development - Example**: A specific task involving the creation of a Super Mario game in Python - using MVC architecture is presented, illustrating the importance of clarifying - requirements and structuring components effectively.\\n\\nOverall, the summaries - reflect a growing interest in enhancing LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic - approaches, practical applications, and structured task management, while also - addressing the inherent challenges and limitations in these technologies.'')]\n Take - these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\n of the main themes.\n ", - "role": "user"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": - 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '4861' - content-type: - - application/json - cookie: - - __cf_bm=_X8wjH7S2J0n6vsofPw6yNTX3mhr2gh9FQHNJGBza1s-1727303490-; 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Self-reflection frameworks, such as ReAct and Reflexion, - enable agents to learn from past actions, improving decision-making and efficiency.\\n\\n2. - **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The integration of neuro-symbolic systems, - like MRKL, combines expert modules with LLMs to tackle complex inquiries, particularly - in areas like verbal math problem-solving, emphasizing the need for external - symbolic tools.\\n\\n3. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks such as TALM, Toolformer, - and HuggingGPT enhance LLM capabilities by utilizing external APIs for task - management, model selection, and execution, showcasing the importance of structured - workflows.\\n\\n4. **Challenges and Improvements**: Hallucination remains a - significant challenge in LLMs, with methods like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and - Algorithm Distillation (AD) proposed to improve model outputs through self-reflection - and reinforcement learning.\\n\\n5. **Memory Management**: The discussion includes - parallels between human memory types and machine learning, highlighting mechanisms - like in-context learning and external vector stores for effective memory management - in LLMs.\\n\\n6. **Real-World Applications**: The practical applications of - LLMs are illustrated through case studies, such as ChemCrow for scientific tasks, - while also addressing challenges related to efficiency, context management, - and output quality.\\n\\n7. **Autonomous Agents and Simulations**: Projects - like anticancer drug discovery and Generative Agents Simulation demonstrate - the potential of autonomous agents, with systems like AutoGPT showcasing both - capabilities and reliability concerns.\\n\\n8. **Task Management**: Emphasis - is placed on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection for optimizing - task execution, with a focus on command functionalities for various tasks, including - internet searching and code analysis.\\n\\nOverall, the documents reflect a - growing interest in enhancing LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic - approaches, practical applications, and structured task management, while addressing - the inherent challenges and limitations in these technologies.\"},\"name\":\"StrOutputParser\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":{\"content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the advancements in large language models (LLMs) and their integration into - autonomous agents, highlighting key areas such as planning, memory management, - and tool utilization.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents**: The use of - LLMs enhances the functionality of autonomous agents through techniques like - Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) for effective task decomposition - and long-horizon planning. Self-reflection frameworks, such as ReAct and Reflexion, - enable agents to learn from past actions, improving decision-making and efficiency.\\n\\n2. - **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The integration of neuro-symbolic systems, - like MRKL, combines expert modules with LLMs to tackle complex inquiries, particularly - in areas like verbal math problem-solving, emphasizing the need for external - symbolic tools.\\n\\n3. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks such as TALM, Toolformer, - and HuggingGPT enhance LLM capabilities by utilizing external APIs for task - management, model selection, and execution, showcasing the importance of structured - workflows.\\n\\n4. **Challenges and Improvements**: Hallucination remains a - significant challenge in LLMs, with methods like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and - Algorithm Distillation (AD) proposed to improve model outputs through self-reflection - and reinforcement learning.\\n\\n5. **Memory Management**: The discussion includes - parallels between human memory types and machine learning, highlighting mechanisms - like in-context learning and external vector stores for effective memory management - in LLMs.\\n\\n6. **Real-World Applications**: The practical applications of - LLMs are illustrated through case studies, such as ChemCrow for scientific tasks, - while also addressing challenges related to efficiency, context management, - and output quality.\\n\\n7. **Autonomous Agents and Simulations**: Projects - like anticancer drug discovery and Generative Agents Simulation demonstrate - the potential of autonomous agents, with systems like AutoGPT showcasing both - capabilities and reliability concerns.\\n\\n8. **Task Management**: Emphasis - is placed on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection for optimizing - task execution, with a focus on command functionalities for various tasks, including - internet searching and code analysis.\\n\\nOverall, the documents reflect a - growing interest in enhancing LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic - approaches, practical applications, and structured task management, while addressing - the inherent challenges and limitations in these technologies.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":482,\"prompt_tokens\":896,\"total_tokens\":1378,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-4465c2d2-2420-4e78-bd3a-ec1380004d00-0\",\"example\":false,\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[],\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":896,\"output_tokens\":482,\"total_tokens\":1378}}},\"run_type\":\"parser\"},{\"id\":\"763b9a44-c172-4131-b533-b71da87f9860\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.054628+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":4,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collapse_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.054628+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223142926818Z83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f.20240925T223149054628Z763b9a44-c172-4131-b533-b71da87f9860\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"7f2bde89-d4bb-4f37-9ee0-089278df832d\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.055489+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.056816+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":4,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collapse_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"serialized\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"chat\",\"ChatPromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"input_variables\":[\"docs\"],\"messages\":[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"chat\",\"HumanMessagePromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"prompt\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"prompt\",\"PromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"input_variables\":[\"docs\"],\"template\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n {docs}\\n Take these and distill - it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the main themes.\\n \",\"template_format\":\"f-string\"},\"name\":\"PromptTemplate\"}}}]},\"name\":\"ChatPromptTemplate\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.055489+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.056816+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"763b9a44-c172-4131-b533-b71da87f9860\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223142926818Z83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f.20240925T223149054628Z763b9a44-c172-4131-b533-b71da87f9860.20240925T223149055489Z7f2bde89-d4bb-4f37-9ee0-089278df832d\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":{\"messages\":[{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content='The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\\\n\\\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\\\n\\\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\\\n\\\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The - documents discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly - regarding finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate - historical information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting - plans in response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting - issues are also highlighted.\\\\n\\\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: - The integration of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their - capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research - advancements aim to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, - enabling them to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, the themes - reflect a focus on best practices in software development while acknowledging - the limitations and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.')]\\n Take - these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the main themes.\\n - \ \",\"additional_kwargs\":{},\"response_metadata\":{},\"type\":\"human\"}]}},\"name\":\"ChatPromptTemplate\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents - discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding - finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate historical - information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in - response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are - also highlighted.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration - of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim - to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them - to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus - on best practices in software development while acknowledging the limitations - and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"prompt\"},{\"id\":\"a78dc275-bf87-419d-852a-d89f0a3e3733\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.057611+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":4,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collapse_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"serialized\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"chat_models\",\"openai\",\"ChatOpenAI\"],\"kwargs\":{\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"temperature\":0.0,\"openai_api_key\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"secret\",\"id\":[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"]},\"max_retries\":2,\"n\":1},\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.057611+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"763b9a44-c172-4131-b533-b71da87f9860\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223142926818Z83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f.20240925T223149054628Z763b9a44-c172-4131-b533-b71da87f9860.20240925T223149057611Za78dc275-bf87-419d-852a-d89f0a3e3733\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"HumanMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content='The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents is as follows:\\\\n\\\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: The process of creating a software project - involves outlining core components such as classes, functions, and methods, - followed by implementing complete code in a structured format. Best practices - for Python programming, including proper file naming, organization, and dependency - management through a `requirements.txt` file, are emphasized.\\\\n\\\\n2. **Step-by-Step - Implementation**: A systematic approach is recommended for writing code, ensuring - that all parts of the architecture are functional and compatible. This includes - starting with the entry point file and progressing through other files in the - order they are imported.\\\\n\\\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: The - documents discuss the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly - regarding finite context length, which affects their ability to incorporate - historical information and perform long-term planning. Challenges in adapting - plans in response to errors and the reliability of outputs due to formatting - issues are also highlighted.\\\\n\\\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: - The integration of LLMs into autonomous agents is explored, showcasing their - capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage. Recent research - advancements aim to enhance the planning and reasoning abilities of these agents, - enabling them to perform complex tasks autonomously.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, the themes - reflect a focus on best practices in software development while acknowledging - the limitations and potential of LLMs in autonomous applications.')]\\n Take - these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the main themes.\\n - \ \",\"type\":\"human\"}}]]},\"run_type\":\"llm\"}],\"patch\":[{\"id\":\"4465c2d2-2420-4e78-bd3a-ec1380004d00\",\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"f88d3c8d-7023-4a29-a28c-85813836ba05\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223142926818Z83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f.20240925T223142930817Zf88d3c8d-7023-4a29-a28c-85813836ba05.20240925T223142933603Z4465c2d2-2420-4e78-bd3a-ec1380004d00\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":4,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collapse_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.049706+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"HumanMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"\\n - \ The following is a set of summaries:\\n [Document(metadata={}, page_content='The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\\\n\\\\n1. - **LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs - to enhance the functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\\\n - \ - **Planning**: Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts - (ToT) are employed for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex - tasks into manageable steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\\\n\\\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\\\n\\\\n3. **Memory in Machine - Learning**: The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, - short-term, and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts - such as in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\\\n\\\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.'), Document(metadata={}, - page_content='The set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm - of artificial intelligence, particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic - architectures, autonomous agents, and their applications:\\\\n\\\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic - Architectures**: The discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge - and Language) systems that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language - models (LLMs) to enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in - LLMs, particularly in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore - the need for effective use of external symbolic tools.\\\\n\\\\n2. **Tool-Augmented - LLMs**: Frameworks like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their - capabilities in utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, - in particular, follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing - the importance of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\\\n\\\\n3. - **Real-World Applications and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical - applications of LLMs in various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated - by case studies like ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such - as efficiency, context management, and output quality stabilization.\\\\n\\\\n4. - **Autonomous Agents and Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer - drug discovery and the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual - characters exhibiting emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an - autonomous agent system that operates independently, showcasing both its potential - and reliability concerns.\\\\n\\\\n5. **Task Management and Command Functionality**: - A set of commands for managing tasks is outlined, including internet searching, - file management, and code analysis. The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment - and strategic reflection to optimize task execution.\\\\n\\\\n6. **Game Development - Example**: A specific task involving the creation of a Super Mario game in Python - using MVC architecture is presented, illustrating the importance of clarifying - requirements and structuring components effectively.\\\\n\\\\nOverall, the summaries - reflect a growing interest in enhancing LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic - approaches, practical applications, and structured task management, while also - addressing the inherent challenges and limitations in these technologies.')]\\n - \ Take these and distill it into a final, consolidated summary\\n of the - main themes.\\n \",\"type\":\"human\"}}]]},\"outputs\":{\"generations\":[[{\"text\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the advancements in large language models (LLMs) and their integration into - autonomous agents, highlighting key areas such as planning, memory management, - and tool utilization.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents**: The use of - LLMs enhances the functionality of autonomous agents through techniques like - Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) for effective task decomposition - and long-horizon planning. Self-reflection frameworks, such as ReAct and Reflexion, - enable agents to learn from past actions, improving decision-making and efficiency.\\n\\n2. - **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The integration of neuro-symbolic systems, - like MRKL, combines expert modules with LLMs to tackle complex inquiries, particularly - in areas like verbal math problem-solving, emphasizing the need for external - symbolic tools.\\n\\n3. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks such as TALM, Toolformer, - and HuggingGPT enhance LLM capabilities by utilizing external APIs for task - management, model selection, and execution, showcasing the importance of structured - workflows.\\n\\n4. **Challenges and Improvements**: Hallucination remains a - significant challenge in LLMs, with methods like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and - Algorithm Distillation (AD) proposed to improve model outputs through self-reflection - and reinforcement learning.\\n\\n5. **Memory Management**: The discussion includes - parallels between human memory types and machine learning, highlighting mechanisms - like in-context learning and external vector stores for effective memory management - in LLMs.\\n\\n6. **Real-World Applications**: The practical applications of - LLMs are illustrated through case studies, such as ChemCrow for scientific tasks, - while also addressing challenges related to efficiency, context management, - and output quality.\\n\\n7. **Autonomous Agents and Simulations**: Projects - like anticancer drug discovery and Generative Agents Simulation demonstrate - the potential of autonomous agents, with systems like AutoGPT showcasing both - capabilities and reliability concerns.\\n\\n8. **Task Management**: Emphasis - is placed on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection for optimizing - task execution, with a focus on command functionalities for various tasks, including - internet searching and code analysis.\\n\\nOverall, the documents reflect a - growing interest in enhancing LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic - approaches, practical applications, and structured task management, while addressing - the inherent challenges and limitations in these technologies.\",\"generation_info\":{\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ChatGeneration\",\"message\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"AIMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the advancements in large language models (LLMs) and their integration into - autonomous agents, highlighting key areas such as planning, memory management, - and tool utilization.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents**: The use of - LLMs enhances the functionality of autonomous agents through techniques like - Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) for effective task decomposition - and long-horizon planning. Self-reflection frameworks, such as ReAct and Reflexion, - enable agents to learn from past actions, improving decision-making and efficiency.\\n\\n2. - **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The integration of neuro-symbolic systems, - like MRKL, combines expert modules with LLMs to tackle complex inquiries, particularly - in areas like verbal math problem-solving, emphasizing the need for external - symbolic tools.\\n\\n3. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks such as TALM, Toolformer, - and HuggingGPT enhance LLM capabilities by utilizing external APIs for task - management, model selection, and execution, showcasing the importance of structured - workflows.\\n\\n4. **Challenges and Improvements**: Hallucination remains a - significant challenge in LLMs, with methods like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and - Algorithm Distillation (AD) proposed to improve model outputs through self-reflection - and reinforcement learning.\\n\\n5. **Memory Management**: The discussion includes - parallels between human memory types and machine learning, highlighting mechanisms - like in-context learning and external vector stores for effective memory management - in LLMs.\\n\\n6. **Real-World Applications**: The practical applications of - LLMs are illustrated through case studies, such as ChemCrow for scientific tasks, - while also addressing challenges related to efficiency, context management, - and output quality.\\n\\n7. **Autonomous Agents and Simulations**: Projects - like anticancer drug discovery and Generative Agents Simulation demonstrate - the potential of autonomous agents, with systems like AutoGPT showcasing both - capabilities and reliability concerns.\\n\\n8. **Task Management**: Emphasis - is placed on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection for optimizing - task execution, with a focus on command functionalities for various tasks, including - internet searching and code analysis.\\n\\nOverall, the documents reflect a - growing interest in enhancing LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic - approaches, practical applications, and structured task management, while addressing - the inherent challenges and limitations in these technologies.\",\"additional_kwargs\":{\"refusal\":null},\"response_metadata\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":482,\"prompt_tokens\":896,\"total_tokens\":1378,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\",\"finish_reason\":\"stop\",\"logprobs\":null},\"type\":\"ai\",\"id\":\"run-4465c2d2-2420-4e78-bd3a-ec1380004d00-0\",\"usage_metadata\":{\"input_tokens\":896,\"output_tokens\":482,\"total_tokens\":1378},\"tool_calls\":[],\"invalid_tool_calls\":[]}}}]],\"llm_output\":{\"token_usage\":{\"completion_tokens\":482,\"prompt_tokens\":896,\"total_tokens\":1378,\"completion_tokens_details\":{\"reasoning_tokens\":0}},\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18\",\"system_fingerprint\":\"fp_1bb46167f9\"},\"run\":null,\"type\":\"LLMResult\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.933603+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.049706+00:00\"}]},{\"id\":\"f88d3c8d-7023-4a29-a28c-85813836ba05\",\"name\":\"RunnableSequence\",\"trace_id\":\"e1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9\",\"parent_run_id\":\"83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f\",\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223124641048Ze1dce1c9-1dd8-4a52-ac64-60e3b07caad9.20240925T223142926818Z83b5b4b7-3822-432f-8bb1-3960a004cc7f.20240925T223142930817Zf88d3c8d-7023-4a29-a28c-85813836ba05\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"extra\":{\"metadata\":{\"langgraph_step\":4,\"langgraph_node\":\"collapse_summaries\",\"langgraph_triggers\":[\"branch:collapse_summaries:should_collapse:collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_path\":[\"__pregel_pull\",\"collapse_summaries\"],\"langgraph_checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"checkpoint_ns\":\"collapse_summaries:0ec8e177-52d5-86e9-e4c4-abe1002e9305\",\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.053925+00:00\",\"inputs\":{\"input\":[{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the use of large language models (LLMs) as controllers for autonomous agents, - emphasizing their capabilities in planning, memory, and tool use.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered - Autonomous Agents**: The concept revolves around utilizing LLMs to enhance the - functionality of autonomous agents. Key components include:\\n - **Planning**: - Techniques such as Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) are employed - for task decomposition, allowing agents to break down complex tasks into manageable - steps. Integration with classical planners using Planning Domain Definition - Language (PDDL) supports long-horizon planning.\\n - **Self-Reflection**: - Agents improve iteratively by analyzing past actions. Frameworks like ReAct - and Reflexion facilitate reasoning and acting, incorporating dynamic memory - and reward models to enhance decision-making and correct inefficiencies.\\n\\n2. - **Challenges and Improvements**: Experiments reveal that hallucination is a - significant challenge, often more prevalent than inefficient planning. Methods - like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and Algorithm Distillation (AD) are introduced - to enhance model outputs through self-reflection and reinforcement learning, - respectively, leading to improved performance.\\n\\n3. **Memory in Machine Learning**: - The discussion includes a comparison of human memory types\u2014sensory, short-term, - and long-term\u2014and their parallels in machine learning. Concepts such as - in-context learning and external vector stores are highlighted as mechanisms - for memory management in LLMs.\\n\\n4. **Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search**: - Various algorithms for efficient data retrieval, including LSH, ANNOY, HNSW, - FAISS, and ScaNN, are explored. These methods enhance the capabilities of LLMs - by improving access to external tools and information, thereby extending their - functionality.\\n\\nOverall, the documents illustrate the potential of LLMs - in autonomous systems, the importance of structured planning and memory, and - the role of advanced algorithms in optimizing performance and tool use.\",\"type\":\"Document\"},{\"metadata\":{},\"page_content\":\"The - set of summaries highlights several key themes in the realm of artificial intelligence, - particularly focusing on advancements in neuro-symbolic architectures, autonomous - agents, and their applications:\\n\\n1. **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The - discussions center around MRKL (Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language) systems - that integrate expert modules with general-purpose language models (LLMs) to - enhance the processing of complex inquiries. Challenges in LLMs, particularly - in extracting arguments for verbal math problems, underscore the need for effective - use of external symbolic tools.\\n\\n2. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks - like TALM, Toolformer, and HuggingGPT are explored for their capabilities in - utilizing external APIs and enhancing LLM functionalities. HuggingGPT, in particular, - follows a structured workflow for task management, emphasizing the importance - of task planning, model selection, and execution.\\n\\n3. **Real-World Applications - and Challenges**: The summaries address the practical applications of LLMs in - various domains, such as scientific tasks demonstrated by case studies like - ChemCrow. However, they also highlight challenges such as efficiency, context - management, and output quality stabilization.\\n\\n4. **Autonomous Agents and - Simulations**: The text discusses projects like anticancer drug discovery and - the Generative Agents Simulation, which features virtual characters exhibiting - emergent social behaviors. AutoGPT is mentioned as an autonomous agent system - that operates independently, showcasing both its potential and reliability concerns.\\n\\n5. - **Task Management and Command Functionality**: A set of commands for managing - tasks is outlined, including internet searching, file management, and code analysis. - The emphasis is on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection to optimize - task execution.\\n\\n6. **Game Development Example**: A specific task involving - the creation of a Super Mario game in Python using MVC architecture is presented, - illustrating the importance of clarifying requirements and structuring components - effectively.\\n\\nOverall, the summaries reflect a growing interest in enhancing - LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic approaches, practical applications, - and structured task management, while also addressing the inherent challenges - and limitations in these technologies.\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"The - consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided documents focuses - on the advancements in large language models (LLMs) and their integration into - autonomous agents, highlighting key areas such as planning, memory management, - and tool utilization.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents**: The use of - LLMs enhances the functionality of autonomous agents through techniques like - Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) for effective task decomposition - and long-horizon planning. Self-reflection frameworks, such as ReAct and Reflexion, - enable agents to learn from past actions, improving decision-making and efficiency.\\n\\n2. - **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The integration of neuro-symbolic systems, - like MRKL, combines expert modules with LLMs to tackle complex inquiries, particularly - in areas like verbal math problem-solving, emphasizing the need for external - symbolic tools.\\n\\n3. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks such as TALM, Toolformer, - and HuggingGPT enhance LLM capabilities by utilizing external APIs for task - management, model selection, and execution, showcasing the importance of structured - workflows.\\n\\n4. **Challenges and Improvements**: Hallucination remains a - significant challenge in LLMs, with methods like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and - Algorithm Distillation (AD) proposed to improve model outputs through self-reflection - and reinforcement learning.\\n\\n5. **Memory Management**: The discussion includes - parallels between human memory types and machine learning, highlighting mechanisms - like in-context learning and external vector stores for effective memory management - in LLMs.\\n\\n6. **Real-World Applications**: The practical applications of - LLMs are illustrated through case studies, such as ChemCrow for scientific tasks, - while also addressing challenges related to efficiency, context management, - and output quality.\\n\\n7. **Autonomous Agents and Simulations**: Projects - like anticancer drug discovery and Generative Agents Simulation demonstrate - the potential of autonomous agents, with systems like AutoGPT showcasing both - capabilities and reliability concerns.\\n\\n8. **Task Management**: Emphasis - is placed on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection for optimizing - task execution, with a focus on command functionalities for various tasks, including - internet searching and code analysis.\\n\\nOverall, the documents reflect a - growing interest in enhancing LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic - approaches, practical applications, and structured task management, while addressing - the inherent challenges and limitations in these technologies.\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:42.930817+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:49.053925+00:00\"}]}]}" - headers: - Accept: - - application/json - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Length: - - '41345' - Content-Type: - - application/json - User-Agent: - - langsmith-py/0.1.128 - method: POST - uri: https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs/batch - response: - body: - string: '{"detail":"Forbidden"}' - headers: - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: - - 'true' - Access-Control-Allow-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Methods: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - - '' - Access-Control-Expose-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Max-Age: - - '600' - Alt-Svc: - - h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000 - Content-Length: - - '22' - Via: - - 1.1 google - content-type: - - application/json - date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:48 GMT - server: - - uvicorn - status: - code: 403 - message: Forbidden -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "\n The following is a set of summaries:\n [Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided - documents is as follows:\\n\\n1. **Structured Codebase Development**: The process - of creating a software project involves outlining core components such as classes, - functions, and methods, followed by implementing complete code in a structured - format. Best practices for Python programming, including proper file naming, - organization, and dependency management through a `requirements.txt` file, are - emphasized.\\n\\n2. **Step-by-Step Implementation**: A systematic approach is - recommended for writing code, ensuring that all parts of the architecture are - functional and compatible. This includes starting with the entry point file - and progressing through other files in the order they are imported.\\n\\n3. - **Limitations of Language Models**: The documents discuss the constraints of - large language models (LLMs), particularly regarding finite context length, - which affects their ability to incorporate historical information and perform - long-term planning. Challenges in adapting plans in response to errors and the - reliability of outputs due to formatting issues are also highlighted.\\n\\n4. - **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: The integration of LLMs into autonomous - agents is explored, showcasing their capabilities in reasoning, problem-solving, - and tool usage. Recent research advancements aim to enhance the planning and - reasoning abilities of these agents, enabling them to perform complex tasks - autonomously.\\n\\nOverall, the themes reflect a focus on best practices in - software development while acknowledging the limitations and potential of LLMs - in autonomous applications.'')]\n Take these and distill it into a final, - consolidated summary\n of the main themes.\n ", "role": "user"}], "model": - "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '1954' - content-type: - - application/json - cookie: - - __cf_bm=_X8wjH7S2J0n6vsofPw6yNTX3mhr2gh9FQHNJGBza1s-1727303490-; - _cfuvid=ik4XWlrnZi0pxtSYql946fASWQGsHyDQtqi2mpiTYgU-1727303490341- - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - AsyncOpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - async:asyncio - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: !!binary | - H4sIAAAAAAAAAwAAAP//dFRNb9xGDL37VxA6tYbW2PU6cbw3p07RopuPog1QoCkMakRJ48wMJzPU - 2krg/15wtN51gPYiCaQe571HDr+dAFS2rTZQmQHF+OgW168/xoc3N1+mL+9e/yzv+79uPmzvLj/+ - 9nvT3k1VrQhu7sjIE+rMsI+OxHKY0yYRCmnV1eX55Xq5frG8KgnPLTmF9VEWF7zwNtjF+fL8YrG8 - XKxe7dEDW0O52sDfJwAA38pTeYaWHqoNLOuniKecsadqc/gJoErsNFJhzjYLBqnqY9JwEAqF+p8D - geGQ2dlW6UIevcc0AXcgA4FHG/TDUwabATN07Bzf582n8CmszuD09A9Jo5ExUQs/cUsNZoIb2pHj - 6CnI6ekG3vg4YLZfKZei1kdOgsGQHsOpx2C/2tBD5k7uMRHExGpuhnsrAxhHmIBHcTZQVoyazYGC - 5BqwHSgpWhgaygIxoRF1D2yAD5MMHLRgn9B7G/oabDBubBXSWUcQUMOAoYWWIoWWgpnAY8CeVMGZ - Sj2fpVJcNNNC3/Cr9lvzqE1Xmdftjg0KqUkJEPKUhTyKNWC4nIcxJkYz1EAhj4W1SkGxjXVWpkKi - G4PRklgizbS3vEgcCDi1lNSEQn72MteQBZMUTYl9+ZGCpAki272EtUrYWm9nxsXILYZ+xJ7grU5l - VhW/2H5wth9kbpZOhyS0QQrAYeoJ3BOsDHOGH7bbt/nHGqJyMKPD5CZF2wSdDVZKGaEHAUehl6GG - +8GaQdmjtnmwWThZgw5s6Dj5whBsEOpT+a7BcegXQslDdBhC6aTaxaPEUSCRszi7WNReqNrrdqdj - pl0q03A9Cgf2PGa47jVYpvMhOk5Ps3k8svizfatAYcAjFPt58jo2Y1bLlaqPiXfHkxJh5plkTNw4 - 8ovMbndgLcwORr24OgvYuH17M+3L6zhHSmoGzLvlAQTzZ63+NKbiZq3vd5TQuboo2N/WMbSUsuFE - /3ErDhetPV5UbYkjSGS4399HLeeeDYwSx+eWHh36zp8YnTUz5uz54knUjRl1+YXRuX388bDJHPfq - Vd7nD3EdoTzczpbq1srCsSrZxxOAf8rGHL9bglVM7KPcCn+moAXX61dzveq4qI/Z1dXFPiss6I6J - F+vz/4PdtiRoXX62eKtD148VlgeeRWg1L4XbzoaeUkx23sNdvF01zcXL1cvL7qo6eTz5FwAA//8D - AOc5lVOVBgAA - headers: - CF-Cache-Status: - - DYNAMIC - CF-RAY: - - 8c8e7773adf38f99-BOS - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Encoding: - - gzip - Content-Type: - - application/json - Date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:51 GMT - Server: - - cloudflare - Transfer-Encoding: - - chunked - X-Content-Type-Options: - - nosniff - access-control-expose-headers: - - X-Request-ID - openai-organization: - - user-wzxwdcuddhvwm09z43ibeucf - openai-processing-ms: - - '2546' - openai-version: - - '2020-10-01' - strict-transport-security: - - max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4999' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3999527' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 12ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 7ms - x-request-id: - - req_43d6245734096eed19ddb931b2b0548a - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "\n The following is a set of summaries:\n [Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The consolidated summary of the main themes from the provided - documents focuses on the advancements in large language models (LLMs) and their - integration into autonomous agents, highlighting key areas such as planning, - memory management, and tool utilization.\\n\\n1. **LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents**: - The use of LLMs enhances the functionality of autonomous agents through techniques - like Chain of Thought (CoT) and Tree of Thoughts (ToT) for effective task decomposition - and long-horizon planning. Self-reflection frameworks, such as ReAct and Reflexion, - enable agents to learn from past actions, improving decision-making and efficiency.\\n\\n2. - **Neuro-Symbolic Architectures**: The integration of neuro-symbolic systems, - like MRKL, combines expert modules with LLMs to tackle complex inquiries, particularly - in areas like verbal math problem-solving, emphasizing the need for external - symbolic tools.\\n\\n3. **Tool-Augmented LLMs**: Frameworks such as TALM, Toolformer, - and HuggingGPT enhance LLM capabilities by utilizing external APIs for task - management, model selection, and execution, showcasing the importance of structured - workflows.\\n\\n4. **Challenges and Improvements**: Hallucination remains a - significant challenge in LLMs, with methods like Chain of Hindsight (CoH) and - Algorithm Distillation (AD) proposed to improve model outputs through self-reflection - and reinforcement learning.\\n\\n5. **Memory Management**: The discussion includes - parallels between human memory types and machine learning, highlighting mechanisms - like in-context learning and external vector stores for effective memory management - in LLMs.\\n\\n6. **Real-World Applications**: The practical applications of - LLMs are illustrated through case studies, such as ChemCrow for scientific tasks, - while also addressing challenges related to efficiency, context management, - and output quality.\\n\\n7. **Autonomous Agents and Simulations**: Projects - like anticancer drug discovery and Generative Agents Simulation demonstrate - the potential of autonomous agents, with systems like AutoGPT showcasing both - capabilities and reliability concerns.\\n\\n8. **Task Management**: Emphasis - is placed on continuous self-assessment and strategic reflection for optimizing - task execution, with a focus on command functionalities for various tasks, including - internet searching and code analysis.\\n\\nOverall, the documents reflect a - growing interest in enhancing LLMs and autonomous agents through neuro-symbolic - approaches, practical applications, and structured task management, while addressing - the inherent challenges and limitations in these technologies.''), Document(metadata={}, - page_content=''The consolidated summary of the main themes is as follows:\\n\\n1. - **Structured Codebase Development**: Emphasizes the importance of organizing - software projects with clear outlines of components, adhering to best practices - in Python programming, including file naming and dependency management.\\n\\n2. - **Step-by-Step Implementation**: Advocates for a systematic coding approach, - ensuring compatibility and functionality by following the order of file imports, - starting from the entry point.\\n\\n3. **Limitations of Language Models**: Highlights - the constraints of large language models (LLMs), particularly their finite context - length, which impacts historical information integration, long-term planning, - and output reliability.\\n\\n4. **Advancements in Autonomous Agents**: Explores - the integration of LLMs into autonomous agents, focusing on improvements in - reasoning, problem-solving, and tool usage, enabling these agents to perform - complex tasks independently.\\n\\nOverall, the themes underscore best practices - in software development while recognizing the limitations and advancements of - LLMs in autonomous applications.'')]\n Take these and distill it into a final, - consolidated summary\n of the main themes.\n ", "role": "user"}], "model": - "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": false, "temperature": 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '4109' - content-type: - - application/json - cookie: - - __cf_bm=_X8wjH7S2J0n6vsofPw6yNTX3mhr2gh9FQHNJGBza1s-1727303490-; 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includeSubDomains; preload - x-ratelimit-limit-requests: - - '5000' - x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: - - '4000000' - x-ratelimit-remaining-requests: - - '4999' - x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens: - - '3998993' - x-ratelimit-reset-requests: - - 12ms - x-ratelimit-reset-tokens: - - 15ms - x-request-id: - - req_5b277a8762b93c5132389d79edfdf589 - status: - code: 200 - message: OK -version: 1 diff --git a/docs/cassettes/summarization_b7a89b7a-0141-4689-b768-a2a50cdce7da.yaml b/docs/cassettes/summarization_b7a89b7a-0141-4689-b768-a2a50cdce7da.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 4ebff5a45eca7..0000000000000 --- a/docs/cassettes/summarization_b7a89b7a-0141-4689-b768-a2a50cdce7da.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1425 +0,0 @@ -interactions: -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil''Log\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLil''Log\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPosts\n\n\n\n\nArchive\n\n\n\n\nSearch\n\n\n\n\nTags\n\n\n\n\nFAQ\n\n\n\n\nemojisearch.app\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents\n \nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated Reading Time: - 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\n\n\n \n\n\nTable of Contents\n\n\n\nAgent System - Overview\n\nComponent One: Planning\n\nTask Decomposition\n\nSelf-Reflection\n\n\nComponent - Two: Memory\n\nTypes of Memory\n\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\n\n\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\n\nCase Studies\n\nScientific Discovery Agent\n\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\n\nProof-of-Concept Examples\n\n\nChallenges\n\nCitation\n\nReferences\n\n\n\n\n\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\nAgent System Overview#\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\n\nPlanning\n\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks down - large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling of - complex tasks.\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism and - self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for future - steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\n\n\nMemory\n\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\n\n\nTool use\n\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for extra - information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change after - pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, access - to proprietary information sources and more.\n\n\n\n\nFig. 1. Overview of a - LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\nComponent One: Planning#\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\nTask Decomposition#\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201cthink step by step\u201d to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \"Steps for XYZ.\\n1.\", \"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \"Write - a story outline.\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\nAnother quite - distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201cProblem - PDDL\u201d, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201cDomain PDDL\u201d, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\nSelf-Reflection#\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows autonomous - agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and correcting - previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where trial and - error are inevitable.\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning and acting - within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\nThought: - ...\nAction: ...\nObservation: ...\n... (Repeated many times)\n\nFig. 2. Examples - of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, FEVER) - and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: Yao et - al. 2023).\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\n\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\n\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, each - $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ is - the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback tuples - are ranked by reward, $r_n \\geq r_{n-1} \\geq \\dots \\geq r_1$ The process - is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form of $\\tau_h - = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\leq i \\leq j \\leq n$. - The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned on the sequence - prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better output based - on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple rounds of - instructions with human annotators at test time.\nTo avoid overfitting, CoH - adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\n\nFig. 5. After - fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs with - incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\n\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) works. - (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\nThe paper hypothesizes that any algorithm - that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a neural network - by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data is generated - by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. At the training - stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence of multi-episode - history is used for training, such that the learned policy is task-agnostic.\nIn - reality, the model has limited context window length, so episodes should be - short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic contexts of - 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL algorithm. - The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\nIn comparison - with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior cloning with - expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy (used for generating - trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. 2017; used as upper - bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context RL with performance - getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and learns much faster than - other baselines. When conditioned on partial training history of the source - policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\n\nFig. 7. Comparison - of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require memory and exploration. - Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies are trained with A3C for - \"dark\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image source: Laskin et al. 2023)\nComponent - Two: Memory#\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve - learned a lot about the human brain and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations - with ChatGPT.)\nTypes of Memory#\nMemory can be defined as the processes used - to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information. There are several - types of memory in human brains.\n\n\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage - of memory, providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information - (visual, auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory - typically only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory - (visual), echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\n\n\nShort-Term - Memory (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently - aware of and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and - reasoning. Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items - (Miller 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\n\n\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\n\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts and - events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\n\n\n\n\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\n\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\n\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200b algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\n\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): - It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are mapped to - the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets is much - smaller than the number of inputs.\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh - Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201csix degrees of - separation\u201d feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\langle q, x_i \\rangle$ is - as similar to the original distance of $\\angle q, \\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\n\n\nFig. 9. Comparison - of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\nCheck - more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\n\nFig. 10. A picture - of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. - While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with - humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for \u201cModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201d, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection - of \u201cexpert\u201d modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router - to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules can be - neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency - converter, weather API).\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call - a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments showed that - it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated math problems - because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the right arguments - for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when the external symbolic - tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use the tools are crucial, - determined by the LLM capability.\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; - Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn - to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether a newly - added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. See more - details in the \u201cExternal APIs\u201d section of Prompt Engineering.\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\n\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\nInstruction:\n\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\"task\": task, \"id\", - task_id, \"dep\": dependency_task_ids, \"args\": {\"text\": text, \"image\": - URL, \"audio\": URL, \"video\": URL}}]. The \"dep\" field denotes the id of - the previous task which generates a new resource that the current task relies - on. A special tag \"-task_id\" refers to the generated text image, audio and - video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task MUST be selected from - the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There is a logical relationship - between tasks, please note their order. If the user input can''t be parsed, - you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases for your reference: {{ - Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ Chat History }}. From - this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned resources for - your task planning.\n\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes the tasks to expert - models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice question. LLM is presented - with a list of models to choose from. Due to the limited context length, task - type based filtration is needed.\nInstruction:\n\nGiven the user request and - the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select a suitable model - from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant merely outputs - the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be in a strict JSON - format: \"id\": \"id\", \"reason\": \"your detail reason for the choice\". We - have a list of models for you to choose from {{ Candidate Models }}. Please - select one model from the list.\n\n(3) Task execution: Expert models execute - on the specific tasks and log results.\nInstruction:\n\nWith the input and the - inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the process and results. - The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User Input }}, Task Planning: - {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, Task Execution: {{ Predictions - }}. You must first answer the user''s request in a straightforward manner. Then - describe the task process and show your analysis and model inference results - to the user in the first person. If inference results contain a file path, must - tell the user the complete file path.\n\n(4) Response generation: LLM receives - the execution results and provides summarized results to users.\nTo put HuggingGPT - into real world usage, a couple challenges need to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement - is needed as both LLM inference rounds and interactions with other models slow - down the process; (2) It relies on a long context window to communicate over - complicated task content; (3) Stability improvement of LLM outputs and external - model services.\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the - performance of tool-augmented LLMs. It contains 53 commonly used API tools, - a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, and 264 annotated dialogues that involve - 568 API calls. The selection of APIs is quite diverse, including search engines, - calculator, calendar queries, smart home control, schedule management, health - data management, account authentication workflow and more. Because there are - a large number of APIs, LLM first has access to API search engine to find the - right API to call and then uses the corresponding documentation to make a call.\n\nFig. - 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li - et al. 2023)\nIn the API-Bank workflow, LLMs need to make a couple of decisions - and at each step we can evaluate how accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\n\nWhether - an API call is needed.\nIdentify the right API to call: if not good enough, - LLMs need to iteratively modify the API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords - for Search Engine API).\nResponse based on the API results: the model can choose - to refine and call again if results are not satisfied.\n\nThis benchmark evaluates - the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities at three levels:\n\nLevel-1 evaluates - the ability to call the API. Given an API\u2019s description, the model needs - to determine whether to call a given API, call it correctly, and respond properly - to API returns.\nLevel-2 examines the ability to retrieve the API. The model - needs to search for possible APIs that may solve the user\u2019s requirement - and learn how to use them by reading documentation.\nLevel-3 assesses the ability - to plan API beyond retrieve and call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule - group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant for a trip), the model may have - to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\n\nCase Studies#\nScientific Discovery - Agent#\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific example in which LLM - is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish tasks across organic - synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, implemented in - LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct and MRKLs and - combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\n\nThe LLM is provided - with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and details about - the expected input/output.\nIt is then instructed to answer a user-given prompt - using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests the model - to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\n\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\nFor example, when requested - to \"develop a novel anticancer drug\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\n\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\nselected - a target;\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\n\nThey also discussed the - risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test set - containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to synthesize - them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis solution - and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. 7 - out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after a - Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\nGenerative Agents Simulation#\nGenerative - Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment where 25 virtual characters, - each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living and interacting in a sandbox - environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents create believable simulacra - of human behavior for interactive applications.\nThe design of generative agents - combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection mechanisms to enable agents - to behave conditioned on past experience, as well as to interact with other - agents.\n\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory module (external database) that - records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 experience in natural language.\n\nEach - element is an observation, an event directly provided by the agent.\n- Inter-agent - communication can trigger new natural language statements.\n\n\nRetrieval model: - surfaces the context to inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, - recency and importance.\n\nRecency: recent events have higher scores\nImportance: - distinguish mundane from core memories. Ask LM directly.\nRelevance: based on - how related it is to the current situation / query.\n\n\nReflection mechanism: - synthesizes memories into higher level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s - future behavior. They are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that - this is a bit different from self-reflection above)\n\nPrompt LM with 100 most - recent observations and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given - a set of observations/statements. Then ask LM to answer those questions.\n\n\nPlanning - & Reacting: translate the reflections and the environment information into actions\n\nPlanning - is essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X''s plan today in broad strokes: 1)\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\n\n\n\n\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\nYou are - {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\nYour decisions must always - be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\n3. ...\n4. ...\n5. ...\n\nConstraints:\n1. - ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so - immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you - previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar - events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the - commands listed in double quotes e.g. \"command name\"\n5. Use subprocesses - for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\n\nCommands:\n1. Google - Search: \"google\", args: \"input\": \"\"\n2. Browse Website: \"browse_website\", - args: \"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"\"\n3. - Start GPT Agent: \"start_agent\", args: \"name\": \"\", \"task\": \"\", - \"prompt\": \"\"\n4. Message GPT Agent: \"message_agent\", args: \"key\": - \"\", \"message\": \"\"\n5. List GPT Agents: \"list_agents\", - args:\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \"delete_agent\", args: \"key\": \"\"\n7. Clone - Repository: \"clone_repository\", args: \"repository_url\": \"\", \"clone_path\": - \"\"\n8. Write to file: \"write_to_file\", args: \"file\": \"\", - \"text\": \"\"\n9. Read file: \"read_file\", args: \"file\": \"\"\n10. - Append to file: \"append_to_file\", args: \"file\": \"\", \"text\": \"\"\n11. - Delete file: \"delete_file\", args: \"file\": \"\"\n12. Search Files: - \"search_files\", args: \"directory\": \"\"\n13. Analyze Code: \"analyze_code\", - args: \"code\": \"\"\n14. Get Improved Code: \"improve_code\", - args: \"suggestions\": \"\", \"code\": \"\"\n15. - Write Tests: \"write_tests\", args: \"code\": \"\", \"focus\": - \"\"\n16. Execute Python File: \"execute_python_file\", - args: \"file\": \"\"\n17. Generate Image: \"generate_image\", args: \"prompt\": - \"\"\n18. Send Tweet: \"send_tweet\", args: \"text\": \"\"\n19. - Do Nothing: \"do_nothing\", args:\n20. Task Complete (Shutdown): \"task_complete\", - args: \"reason\": \"\"\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches - and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered - Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. - Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to - the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture - behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine - your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim - to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nYou should only respond in - JSON format as described below\nResponse Format:\n{\n \"thoughts\": {\n \"text\": - \"thought\",\n \"reasoning\": \"reasoning\",\n \"plan\": \"- short - bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\",\n \"criticism\": - \"constructive self-criticism\",\n \"speak\": \"thoughts summary to say - to user\"\n },\n \"command\": {\n \"name\": \"command name\",\n \"args\": - {\n \"arg name\": \"value\"\n }\n }\n}\nEnsure the response - can be parsed by Python json.loads\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create - a whole repository of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer - is instructed to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for - user input to clarify questions as needed.\nHere are a sample conversation for - task clarification sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. - The user inputs are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\n[\n {\n \"role\": \"system\",\n \"content\": - \"You will read instructions and not carry them out, only seek to clarify them.\\nSpecifically - you will first summarise a list of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\nThen - you will pick one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"We are writing {{a Super Mario game in python. - MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard control.}}\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\n1. - Specifics of the Super Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\n2. - Details about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\n3. - Keyboard control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\n\\nClarifying - question:\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such as - level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{There are 10 levels in total. The main character - is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical platform - game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, trying - to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks from enemies - in the process.}}\\n\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only answer in the - form:\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\n{Next question}\\nIf - everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\"Nothing more to clarify.\\\".\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{Make your - own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\"\n }\n]\nThen - after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing mode with a - different system message.\nSystem message:\n\nYou will get instructions for - code to write.\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every detail - of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\nMake sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\nThink step - by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get it right.\nYou - will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods that will - be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\nThen you will output - the content of each file including ALL code.\nEach file must strictly follow - a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must be replaced such - that\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file extension,\nLANG - is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, and CODE is - the code:\nFILENAME\nCODE\nYou will start with the \u201centrypoint\u201d file, - then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\nPlease note - that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\nMake sure that - files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files - are compatible with each other.\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, - write a plausible implementation.\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\nUseful to know:\nYou almost always - put different classes in different files.\nFor Python, you always create an - appropriate requirements.txt file.\nFor NodeJS, you always create an appropriate - package.json file.\nYou always add a comment briefly describing the purpose - of the function definition.\nYou try to add comments explaining very complex - bits of logic.\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested languages - in terms of describing the code written as a defined\npackage/project.\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\n\npytest\ndataclasses\n\n\nConversatin samples:\n[\n {\n \"role\": - \"system\",\n \"content\": \"You will get instructions for code to write.\\nYou - will write a very long answer. Make sure that every detail of the architecture - is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure that every detail of the architecture - is, in the end, implemented as code.\\n\\nThink step by step and reason yourself - to the right decisions to make sure we get it right.\\nYou will first lay out - the names of the core classes, functions, methods that will be necessary, as - well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\n\\nThen you will output the content - of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must strictly follow a markdown - code block format, where the following tokens must be replaced such that\\nFILENAME - is the lowercase file name including the file extension,\\nLANG is the markup - code block language for the code''s language, and CODE is the code:\\n\\nFILENAME\\n```LANG\\nCODE\\n```\\n\\nYou - will start with the \\\"entrypoint\\\" file, then go to the ones that are imported - by that file, and so on.\\nPlease note that the code should be fully functional. - No placeholders.\\n\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate best practice - file naming convention.\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, types etc. - Make sure that code in different files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure - to implement all code, if you are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude - module dependency or package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you - finish, double check that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\n\\nUseful - to know:\\nYou almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor - Python, you always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, - you always create an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment - briefly describing the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add - comments explaining very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best - practices for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written - as a defined\\npackage/project.\\n\\n\\nPython toolbelt preferences:\\n- pytest\\n- - dataclasses\\n\"\n },\n # \u2026 same conversation as earlier, ended with - \"Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting\".\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Assumptions:\\n1. Model: The model will contain - the game''s data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game''s visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\n\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": - \"Please now remember the steps:\\n\\nThink step by step and reason yourself - to the right decisions to make sure we get it right.\\nFirst lay out the names - of the core classes, functions, methods that will be necessary, As well as a - quick comment on their purpose.\\n\\nThen you will output the content of each - file including ALL code.\\nEach file must strictly follow a markdown code block - format, where the following tokens must be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is - the lowercase file name including the file extension,\\nLANG is the markup code - block language for the code''s language, and CODE is the code:\\n\\nFILENAME\\n```LANG\\nCODE\\n```\\n\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\n\\nYou will - start with the \\\"entrypoint\\\" file, then go to the ones that are imported - by that file, and so on.\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate best - practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\n\"\n }\n]\nChallenges#\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\n\n\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\n\n\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\n\n\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\n\n\nCitation#\nCited - as:\n\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201cLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201d. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\n\nOr\n@article{weng2023agent,\n title = - \"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\",\n author = \"Weng, Lilian\",\n journal - = \"lilianweng.github.io\",\n year = \"2023\",\n month = \"Jun\",\n url = - \"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\"\n}\nReferences#\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201cChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201d NeurIPS 2022\n[2] Yao et al. \u201cTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\n[3] Liu et al. \u201cChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\n\u201c arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\n[4] Liu et al. \u201cLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201d arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\n[5] Yao et al. \u201cReAct: Synergizing reasoning - and acting in language models.\u201d ICLR 2023.\n[6] Google Blog. \u201cAnnouncing - ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201d July 28, 2020.\n[7] https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\n[8] - Shinn & Labash. \u201cReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and - self-reflection\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\n[9] Laskin et - al. \u201cIn-context Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201d - ICLR 2023.\n[10] Karpas et al. \u201cMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic - architecture that combines large language models, external knowledge sources - and discrete reasoning.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\n[11] - Nakano et al. \u201cWebgpt: Browser-assisted question-answering with human feedback.\u201d - arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 (2021).\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201cTALM: Tool - Augmented Language Models\u201d\n[13] Schick et al. \u201cToolformer: Language - Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 - (2023).\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\n[15] - Li et al. \u201cAPI-Bank: A Benchmark for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201d arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\n[16] Shen et al. \u201cHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks - with ChatGPT and its Friends in HuggingFace\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 - (2023).\n[17] Bran et al. \u201cChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with - chemistry tools.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\n[18] Boiko et - al. \u201cEmergent autonomous scientific research capabilities of large language - models.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\n[19] Joon Sung Park, - et al. \u201cGenerative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201d - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 (2023).\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\n\n\n\nnlp\nlanguage-model\nagent\nsteerability\nprompting\n\n\n\n\u00ab - \n\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\n\n\n \u00bb\n\nPrompt Engineering\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a9 - 2024 Lil''Log\n\n Powered by\n Hugo &\n PaperMod\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", - "role": "system"}], "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "n": 1, "stream": true, "temperature": - 0.0}' - headers: - accept: - - application/json - accept-encoding: - - gzip, deflate - connection: - - keep-alive - content-length: - - '45468' - content-type: - - application/json - cookie: - - __cf_bm=NmdAizdz.69EDUO2j_u1k94FBhUh6rQxTh9wiU42d44-1727303478-; - _cfuvid=aZTGr7WQB9pD7cUPNdO2yQPue790AorTqZ2f.K.Z4Dk-1727303478761- - host: - - api.openai.com - user-agent: - - OpenAI/Python 1.45.0 - x-stainless-arch: - - arm64 - x-stainless-async: - - 'false' - x-stainless-lang: - - python - x-stainless-os: - - MacOS - x-stainless-package-version: - - 1.45.0 - x-stainless-runtime: - - CPython - x-stainless-runtime-version: - - 3.11.7 - method: POST - uri: https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions - response: - body: - string: 'data: {"id":"chatcmpl-ABUpTwmVoihrPmKIu8OCyGJcSQB82","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1727303479,"model":"gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18","system_fingerprint":"fp_1bb46167f9","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"role":"assistant","content":"","refusal":null},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} - 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Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\",\"description\":\"Building agents with - LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. Several - proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, serve as - inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating well-written - copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful general - problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview In a LLM-powered autonomous agent system, - LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several key components:\",\"language\":\"en\"},\"page_content\":\"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 1. Overview - of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\\n\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can - roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\\n\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function - such that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY - (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random - projection trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents - a hyperplane splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data - point. Trees are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics - a hashing function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search - through the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. - The idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical - Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where - most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; - e.g. \u201Csix degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW - builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers - contain the actual data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to - speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in - the top layer and navigates towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, - it moves down to the next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move - in the upper layers can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, - and each move in the lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook - AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional - space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there - should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by - partitioning the vector space into clusters and then refining the quantization - within clusters. Search first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization - and then further looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable - Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. - It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product - $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle - q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid - points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. - (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance - comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is - a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We create, modify - and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our physical and cognitive - limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly extend the model - capabilities.\\n\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open - a seashell, while floating in the water. While some other animals can use tools, - the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\\n\\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\\n\\nCommands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\\n\\nYou will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n\\n\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\\n\\n\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\\n\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\n\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"ff6a7999-da46-4bb8-a3a0-ef26103d91ac\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.337312+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.338578+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"},\"metadata\":{\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.337312+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.338578+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"a6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:1\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223114336966Za6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479.20240925T223114337312Zff6a7999-da46-4bb8-a3a0-ef26103d91ac\",\"trace_id\":\"a6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479\",\"outputs\":{\"context\":\"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 1. Overview - of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\\n\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can - roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\\n\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function - such that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY - (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random - projection trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents - a hyperplane splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data - point. Trees are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics - a hashing function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search - through the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. - The idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical - Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where - most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; - e.g. \u201Csix degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW - builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers - contain the actual data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to - speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in - the top layer and navigates towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, - it moves down to the next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move - in the upper layers can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, - and each move in the lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook - AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional - space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there - should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by - partitioning the vector space into clusters and then refining the quantization - within clusters. Search first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization - and then further looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable - Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. - It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product - $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle - q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid - points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. - (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance - comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is - a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We create, modify - and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our physical and cognitive - limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly extend the model - capabilities.\\n\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open - a seashell, while floating in the water. While some other animals can use tools, - the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\\n\\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\\n\\nCommands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\\n\\nYou will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n\\n\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\\n\\n\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\\n\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\n\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"},\"name\":\"format_inputs\",\"inputs\":{\"context\":[{\"metadata\":{\"source\":\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\",\"title\":\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\",\"description\":\"Building agents with - LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. Several - proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, serve as - inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating well-written - copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful general - problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview In a LLM-powered autonomous agent system, - LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several key components:\",\"language\":\"en\"},\"page_content\":\"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 1. Overview - of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\\n\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can - roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\\n\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function - such that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY - (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random - projection trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents - a hyperplane splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data - point. Trees are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics - a hashing function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search - through the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. - The idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical - Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where - most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; - e.g. \u201Csix degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW - builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers - contain the actual data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to - speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in - the top layer and navigates towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, - it moves down to the next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move - in the upper layers can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, - and each move in the lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook - AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional - space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there - should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by - partitioning the vector space into clusters and then refining the quantization - within clusters. Search first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization - and then further looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable - Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. - It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product - $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle - q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid - points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. - (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance - comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is - a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We create, modify - and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our physical and cognitive - limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly extend the model - capabilities.\\n\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open - a seashell, while floating in the water. While some other animals can use tools, - the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\\n\\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\\n\\nCommands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\\n\\nYou will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n\\n\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\\n\\n\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\\n\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\n\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"e3bea8c4-9fad-4d16-89cc-dac2e4e0a33b\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.337937+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.338503+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"},\"metadata\":{\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.337937+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.338503+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"ff6a7999-da46-4bb8-a3a0-ef26103d91ac\",\"tags\":[],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223114336966Za6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479.20240925T223114337312Zff6a7999-da46-4bb8-a3a0-ef26103d91ac.20240925T223114337937Ze3bea8c4-9fad-4d16-89cc-dac2e4e0a33b\",\"trace_id\":\"a6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479\",\"outputs\":{\"context\":\"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 1. Overview - of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\\n\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can - roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\\n\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function - such that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY - (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random - projection trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents - a hyperplane splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data - point. Trees are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics - a hashing function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search - through the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. - The idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical - Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where - most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; - e.g. \u201Csix degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW - builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers - contain the actual data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to - speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in - the top layer and navigates towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, - it moves down to the next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move - in the upper layers can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, - and each move in the lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook - AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional - space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there - should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by - partitioning the vector space into clusters and then refining the quantization - within clusters. Search first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization - and then further looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable - Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. - It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product - $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle - q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid - points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. - (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance - comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is - a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We create, modify - and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our physical and cognitive - limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly extend the model - capabilities.\\n\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open - a seashell, while floating in the water. While some other animals can use tools, - the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\\n\\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\\n\\nCommands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\\n\\nYou will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n\\n\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\\n\\n\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\\n\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\n\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"},\"name\":\"RunnableParallel\",\"inputs\":{\"context\":[{\"metadata\":{\"source\":\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\",\"title\":\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\",\"description\":\"Building agents with - LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. Several - proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, serve as - inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating well-written - copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful general - problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview In a LLM-powered autonomous agent system, - LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several key components:\",\"language\":\"en\"},\"page_content\":\"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 1. Overview - of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\\n\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can - roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\\n\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function - such that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY - (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random - projection trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents - a hyperplane splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data - point. Trees are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics - a hashing function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search - through the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. - The idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical - Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where - most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; - e.g. \u201Csix degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW - builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers - contain the actual data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to - speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in - the top layer and navigates towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, - it moves down to the next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move - in the upper layers can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, - and each move in the lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook - AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional - space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there - should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by - partitioning the vector space into clusters and then refining the quantization - within clusters. Search first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization - and then further looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable - Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. - It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product - $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle - q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid - points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. - (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance - comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is - a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We create, modify - and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our physical and cognitive - limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly extend the model - capabilities.\\n\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open - a seashell, while floating in the water. While some other animals can use tools, - the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\\n\\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\\n\\nCommands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\\n\\nYou will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n\\n\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\\n\\n\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\\n\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\n\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"444a8245-13b7-420a-98e1-bbefd3f11d90\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.338202+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.338388+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"},\"metadata\":{\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"}},\"error\":null,\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.338202+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.338388+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"e3bea8c4-9fad-4d16-89cc-dac2e4e0a33b\",\"tags\":[\"map:key:context\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223114336966Za6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479.20240925T223114337312Zff6a7999-da46-4bb8-a3a0-ef26103d91ac.20240925T223114337937Ze3bea8c4-9fad-4d16-89cc-dac2e4e0a33b.20240925T223114338202Z444a8245-13b7-420a-98e1-bbefd3f11d90\",\"trace_id\":\"a6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":\"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 1. Overview - of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\\n\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can - roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\\n\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function - such that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY - (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random - projection trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents - a hyperplane splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data - point. Trees are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics - a hashing function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search - through the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. - The idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical - Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where - most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; - e.g. \u201Csix degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW - builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers - contain the actual data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to - speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in - the top layer and navigates towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, - it moves down to the next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move - in the upper layers can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, - and each move in the lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook - AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional - space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there - should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by - partitioning the vector space into clusters and then refining the quantization - within clusters. Search first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization - and then further looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable - Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. - It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product - $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle - q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid - points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. - (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance - comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is - a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We create, modify - and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our physical and cognitive - limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly extend the model - capabilities.\\n\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open - a seashell, while floating in the water. While some other animals can use tools, - the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\\n\\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\\n\\nCommands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\\n\\nYou will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n\\n\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\\n\\n\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\\n\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\n\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"},\"name\":\"format_docs\",\"inputs\":{\"context\":[{\"metadata\":{\"source\":\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\",\"title\":\"LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\",\"description\":\"Building agents with - LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. Several - proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, serve as - inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating well-written - copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful general - problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview In a LLM-powered autonomous agent system, - LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several key components:\",\"language\":\"en\"},\"page_content\":\"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 1. Overview - of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\\n\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can - roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\\n\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function - such that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY - (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random - projection trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents - a hyperplane splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data - point. Trees are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics - a hashing function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search - through the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. - The idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical - Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where - most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; - e.g. \u201Csix degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW - builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers - contain the actual data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to - speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in - the top layer and navigates towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, - it moves down to the next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move - in the upper layers can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, - and each move in the lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook - AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional - space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there - should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by - partitioning the vector space into clusters and then refining the quantization - within clusters. Search first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization - and then further looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable - Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. - It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product - $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle - q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid - points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. - (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance - comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is - a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We create, modify - and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our physical and cognitive - limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly extend the model - capabilities.\\n\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open - a seashell, while floating in the water. While some other animals can use tools, - the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\\n\\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\\n\\nCommands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\\n\\nYou will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n\\n\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\\n\\n\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\\n\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\n\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"type\":\"Document\"}]},\"run_type\":\"chain\"},{\"id\":\"7995a2ff-0c2f-46de-b9fe-dc7fbcd62342\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.338796+00:00\",\"end_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.339045+00:00\",\"extra\":{\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langsmith\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\"},\"metadata\":{\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"}},\"error\":null,\"serialized\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"chat\",\"ChatPromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"input_variables\":[\"context\"],\"messages\":[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"chat\",\"SystemMessagePromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"prompt\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"prompts\",\"prompt\",\"PromptTemplate\"],\"kwargs\":{\"input_variables\":[\"context\"],\"template\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\n{context}\",\"template_format\":\"f-string\"},\"name\":\"PromptTemplate\"}}}]},\"name\":\"ChatPromptTemplate\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.338796+00:00\"},{\"name\":\"end\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.339045+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"a6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:2\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223114336966Za6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479.20240925T223114338796Z7995a2ff-0c2f-46de-b9fe-dc7fbcd62342\",\"trace_id\":\"a6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479\",\"outputs\":{\"output\":{\"messages\":[{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLLM Powered Autonomous - Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 1. Overview - of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\\n\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can - roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\\n\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function - such that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY - (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random - projection trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents - a hyperplane splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data - point. Trees are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics - a hashing function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search - through the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. - The idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical - Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where - most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; - e.g. \u201Csix degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW - builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers - contain the actual data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to - speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in - the top layer and navigates towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, - it moves down to the next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move - in the upper layers can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, - and each move in the lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook - AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional - space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there - should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by - partitioning the vector space into clusters and then refining the quantization - within clusters. Search first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization - and then further looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable - Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. - It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product - $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle - q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid - points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. - (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance - comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is - a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We create, modify - and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our physical and cognitive - limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly extend the model - capabilities.\\n\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open - a seashell, while floating in the water. While some other animals can use tools, - the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\\n\\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\\n\\nCommands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\\n\\nYou will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n\\n\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\\n\\n\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\\n\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\n\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"additional_kwargs\":{},\"response_metadata\":{},\"type\":\"system\"}]}},\"name\":\"ChatPromptTemplate\",\"inputs\":{\"context\":\"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 1. Overview - of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\\n\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can - roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\\n\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function - such that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY - (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random - projection trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents - a hyperplane splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data - point. Trees are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics - a hashing function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search - through the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. - The idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical - Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where - most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; - e.g. \u201Csix degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW - builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers - contain the actual data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to - speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in - the top layer and navigates towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, - it moves down to the next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move - in the upper layers can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, - and each move in the lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook - AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional - space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there - should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by - partitioning the vector space into clusters and then refining the quantization - within clusters. Search first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization - and then further looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable - Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. - It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product - $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle - q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid - points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. - (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance - comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is - a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We create, modify - and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our physical and cognitive - limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly extend the model - capabilities.\\n\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open - a seashell, while floating in the water. While some other animals can use tools, - the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\\n\\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\\n\\nCommands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\\n\\nYou will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n\\n\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\\n\\n\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\\n\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\n\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"},\"run_type\":\"prompt\"},{\"id\":\"8a926a1e-b52d-458d-9501-3a5a733a9813\",\"start_time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.339276+00:00\",\"end_time\":null,\"extra\":{\"invocation_params\":{\"model\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"stream\":false,\"n\":1,\"temperature\":0.0,\"_type\":\"openai-chat\",\"stop\":null},\"options\":{\"stop\":null},\"batch_size\":1,\"metadata\":{\"ls_provider\":\"openai\",\"ls_model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"ls_model_type\":\"chat\",\"ls_temperature\":0.0,\"revision_id\":\"langchain-experimental==0.3.1-32-g184428cfd-dirty\"},\"runtime\":{\"sdk\":\"langsmith-py\",\"sdk_version\":\"0.1.128\",\"library\":\"langchain-core\",\"platform\":\"macOS-14.6-arm64-arm-64bit\",\"runtime\":\"python\",\"py_implementation\":\"CPython\",\"runtime_version\":\"3.11.7\",\"langchain_version\":\"0.3.0\",\"langchain_core_version\":\"0.3.5\",\"library_version\":\"0.3.5\"}},\"error\":null,\"serialized\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"chat_models\",\"openai\",\"ChatOpenAI\"],\"kwargs\":{\"model_name\":\"gpt-4o-mini\",\"temperature\":0.0,\"openai_api_key\":{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"secret\",\"id\":[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"]},\"max_retries\":2,\"n\":1},\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\"},\"events\":[{\"name\":\"start\",\"time\":\"2024-09-25T22:31:14.339276+00:00\"}],\"reference_example_id\":null,\"parent_run_id\":\"a6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479\",\"tags\":[\"seq:step:3\"],\"session_name\":\"default\",\"session_id\":null,\"dotted_order\":\"20240925T223114336966Za6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479.20240925T223114339276Z8a926a1e-b52d-458d-9501-3a5a733a9813\",\"trace_id\":\"a6bac5cf-713e-4d9d-84cc-d3687edb3479\",\"outputs\":{},\"name\":\"ChatOpenAI\",\"inputs\":{\"messages\":[[{\"lc\":1,\"type\":\"constructor\",\"id\":[\"langchain\",\"schema\",\"messages\",\"SystemMessage\"],\"kwargs\":{\"content\":\"Write - a concise summary of the following:\\\\n\\\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLLM Powered Autonomous - Agents | Lil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nLil'Log\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPosts\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nArchive\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSearch\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nTags\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFAQ\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nemojisearch.app\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n - \ LLM Powered Autonomous Agents\\n \\nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated - Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\\n\\n\\n \\n\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n\\n\\nAgent - System Overview\\n\\nComponent One: Planning\\n\\nTask Decomposition\\n\\nSelf-Reflection\\n\\n\\nComponent - Two: Memory\\n\\nTypes of Memory\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\\n\\n\\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\\n\\nCase Studies\\n\\nScientific Discovery Agent\\n\\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\\n\\nProof-of-Concept Examples\\n\\n\\nChallenges\\n\\nCitation\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\\nAgent System Overview#\\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\\n\\nPlanning\\n\\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks - down large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling - of complex tasks.\\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism - and self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for - future steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\\n\\n\\nMemory\\n\\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\\n\\n\\nTool use\\n\\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for - extra information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change - after pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, - access to proprietary information sources and more.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 1. Overview - of a LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\\nComponent One: Planning#\\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\\nTask Decomposition#\\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201Cthink step by step\u201D to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \\\"Steps for XYZ.\\\\n1.\\\", \\\"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\\\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \\\"Write - a story outline.\\\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\\nAnother - quite distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201CProblem - PDDL\u201D, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201CDomain PDDL\u201D, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\\nSelf-Reflection#\\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows - autonomous agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and - correcting previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where - trial and error are inevitable.\\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning - and acting within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\\nThought: - ...\\nAction: ...\\nObservation: ...\\n... (Repeated many times)\\n\\nFig. 2. - \ Examples of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, - FEVER) and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: - Yao et al. 2023).\\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\\n\\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\\n\\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\\\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, - each $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ - is the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback - tuples are ranked by reward, $r_n \\\\geq r_{n-1} \\\\geq \\\\dots \\\\geq r_1$ - The process is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form - of $\\\\tau_h = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\\\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\\\leq - i \\\\leq j \\\\leq n$. The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned - on the sequence prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better - output based on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple - rounds of instructions with human annotators at test time.\\nTo avoid overfitting, - CoH adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\\n\\nFig. 5. - After fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs - with incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\\n\\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) - works. (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\\nThe paper hypothesizes that any - algorithm that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a - neural network by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data - is generated by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. - At the training stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence - of multi-episode history is used for training, such that the learned policy - is task-agnostic.\\nIn reality, the model has limited context window length, - so episodes should be short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic - contexts of 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL - algorithm. The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\\nIn - comparison with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior - cloning with expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy - (used for generating trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. - 2017; used as upper bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context - RL with performance getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and - learns much faster than other baselines. When conditioned on partial training - history of the source policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\\n\\nFig. - 7. Comparison of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require - memory and exploration. Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies - are trained with A3C for \\\"dark\\\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image - source: Laskin et al. 2023)\\nComponent Two: Memory#\\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT - for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve learned a lot about the human brain - and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations with ChatGPT.)\\nTypes - of Memory#\\nMemory can be defined as the processes used to acquire, store, - retain, and later retrieve information. There are several types of memory in - human brains.\\n\\n\\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage of memory, - providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information (visual, - auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory typically - only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory (visual), - echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\\n\\n\\nShort-Term Memory - (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently aware of - and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. - Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items (Miller - 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\\n\\n\\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\\n\\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts - and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\\nWe can - roughly consider the following mappings:\\n\\nSensory memory as learning embedding - representations for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\\nShort-term - memory as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by - the finite context window length of Transformer.\\nLong-term memory as the external - vector store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast - retrieval.\\n\\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\\nThe external memory can - alleviate the restriction of finite attention span. A standard practice is - to save the embedding representation of information into a vector store database - that can support fast maximum inner-product search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval - speed, the common choice is the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200B algorithm - to return approximately top k nearest neighbors to trade off a little accuracy - lost for a huge speedup.\\nA couple common choices of ANN algorithms for fast - MIPS:\\n\\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): It introduces a hashing function - such that similar input items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability, - where the number of buckets is much smaller than the number of inputs.\\nANNOY - (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah): The core data structure are random - projection trees, a set of binary trees where each non-leaf node represents - a hyperplane splitting the input space into half and each leaf stores one data - point. Trees are built independently and at random, so to some extent, it mimics - a hashing function. ANNOY search happens in all the trees to iteratively search - through the half that is closest to the query and then aggregates the results. - The idea is quite related to KD tree but a lot more scalable.\\nHNSW (Hierarchical - Navigable Small World): It is inspired by the idea of small world networks where - most nodes can be reached by any other nodes within a small number of steps; - e.g. \u201Csix degrees of separation\u201D feature of social networks. HNSW - builds hierarchical layers of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers - contain the actual data points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to - speed up search. When performing a search, HNSW starts from a random node in - the top layer and navigates towards the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, - it moves down to the next layer, until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move - in the upper layers can potentially cover a large distance in the data space, - and each move in the lower layers refines the search quality.\\nFAISS (Facebook - AI Similarity Search): It operates on the assumption that in high dimensional - space, distances between nodes follow a Gaussian distribution and thus there - should exist clustering of data points. FAISS applies vector quantization by - partitioning the vector space into clusters and then refining the quantization - within clusters. Search first looks for cluster candidates with coarse quantization - and then further looks into each cluster with finer quantization.\\nScaNN (Scalable - Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. - It quantizes a data point $x_i$ to $\\\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product - $\\\\langle q, x_i \\\\rangle$ is as similar to the original distance of $\\\\angle - q, \\\\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, instead of picking the closet quantization centroid - points.\\n\\n\\nFig. 9. Comparison of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. - (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\\nCheck more MIPS algorithms and performance - comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\\nComponent Three: Tool Use#\\nTool use is - a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic of human beings. We create, modify - and utilize external objects to do things that go beyond our physical and cognitive - limits. Equipping LLMs with external tools can significantly extend the model - capabilities.\\n\\nFig. 10. A picture of a sea otter using rock to crack open - a seashell, while floating in the water. While some other animals can use tools, - the complexity is not comparable with humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\\nMRKL - (Karpas et al. 2022), short for \u201CModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201D, - is a neuro-symbolic architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed - to contain a collection of \u201Cexpert\u201D modules and the general-purpose - LLM works as a router to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. - These modules can be neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math - calculator, currency converter, weather API).\\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning - LLM to call a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments - showed that it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated - math problems because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the - right arguments for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when - the external symbolic tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use - the tools are crucial, determined by the LLM capability.\\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented - Language Models; Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune - a LM to learn to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether - a newly added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. - See more details in the \u201CExternal APIs\u201D section of Prompt Engineering.\\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\\n\\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\\\"task\\\": task, \\\"id\\\", - task_id, \\\"dep\\\": dependency_task_ids, \\\"args\\\": {\\\"text\\\": text, - \\\"image\\\": URL, \\\"audio\\\": URL, \\\"video\\\": URL}}]. The \\\"dep\\\" - field denotes the id of the previous task which generates a new resource that - the current task relies on. A special tag \\\"-task_id\\\" refers to the generated - text image, audio and video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task - MUST be selected from the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There - is a logical relationship between tasks, please note their order. If the user - input can't be parsed, you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases - for your reference: {{ Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ - Chat History }}. From this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned - resources for your task planning.\\n\\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes - the tasks to expert models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice - question. LLM is presented with a list of models to choose from. Due to the - limited context length, task type based filtration is needed.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nGiven - the user request and the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select - a suitable model from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant - merely outputs the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be - in a strict JSON format: \\\"id\\\": \\\"id\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"your detail - reason for the choice\\\". We have a list of models for you to choose from {{ - Candidate Models }}. Please select one model from the list.\\n\\n(3) Task execution: - Expert models execute on the specific tasks and log results.\\nInstruction:\\n\\nWith - the input and the inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the - process and results. The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User - Input }}, Task Planning: {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, - Task Execution: {{ Predictions }}. You must first answer the user's request - in a straightforward manner. Then describe the task process and show your analysis - and model inference results to the user in the first person. If inference results - contain a file path, must tell the user the complete file path.\\n\\n(4) Response - generation: LLM receives the execution results and provides summarized results - to users.\\nTo put HuggingGPT into real world usage, a couple challenges need - to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement is needed as both LLM inference rounds - and interactions with other models slow down the process; (2) It relies on a - long context window to communicate over complicated task content; (3) Stability - improvement of LLM outputs and external model services.\\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. - 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of tool-augmented LLMs. - It contains 53 commonly used API tools, a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, - and 264 annotated dialogues that involve 568 API calls. The selection of APIs - is quite diverse, including search engines, calculator, calendar queries, smart - home control, schedule management, health data management, account authentication - workflow and more. Because there are a large number of APIs, LLM first has access - to API search engine to find the right API to call and then uses the corresponding - documentation to make a call.\\n\\nFig. 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an - API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li et al. 2023)\\nIn the API-Bank workflow, - LLMs need to make a couple of decisions and at each step we can evaluate how - accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\\n\\nWhether an API call is needed.\\nIdentify - the right API to call: if not good enough, LLMs need to iteratively modify the - API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords for Search Engine API).\\nResponse - based on the API results: the model can choose to refine and call again if results - are not satisfied.\\n\\nThis benchmark evaluates the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities - at three levels:\\n\\nLevel-1 evaluates the ability to call the API. Given an - API\u2019s description, the model needs to determine whether to call a given - API, call it correctly, and respond properly to API returns.\\nLevel-2 examines - the ability to retrieve the API. The model needs to search for possible APIs - that may solve the user\u2019s requirement and learn how to use them by reading - documentation.\\nLevel-3 assesses the ability to plan API beyond retrieve and - call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant - for a trip), the model may have to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\\n\\nCase - Studies#\\nScientific Discovery Agent#\\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific - example in which LLM is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish - tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, - implemented in LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct - and MRKLs and combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\\n\\nThe - LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and - details about the expected input/output.\\nIt is then instructed to answer a - user-given prompt using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests - the model to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\\n\\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\\nFor example, when requested - to \\\"develop a novel anticancer drug\\\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\\n\\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\\nselected - a target;\\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\\n\\nThey also discussed - the risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test - set containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to - synthesize them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis - solution and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. - 7 out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after - a Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\\nGenerative Agents - Simulation#\\nGenerative Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment - where 25 virtual characters, each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living - and interacting in a sandbox environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents - create believable simulacra of human behavior for interactive applications.\\nThe - design of generative agents combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection - mechanisms to enable agents to behave conditioned on past experience, as well - as to interact with other agents.\\n\\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory - module (external database) that records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 - experience in natural language.\\n\\nEach element is an observation, an event - directly provided by the agent.\\n- Inter-agent communication can trigger new - natural language statements.\\n\\n\\nRetrieval model: surfaces the context to - inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, recency and importance.\\n\\nRecency: - recent events have higher scores\\nImportance: distinguish mundane from core - memories. Ask LM directly.\\nRelevance: based on how related it is to the current - situation / query.\\n\\n\\nReflection mechanism: synthesizes memories into higher - level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s future behavior. They - are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that this is a bit different - from self-reflection above)\\n\\nPrompt LM with 100 most recent observations - and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given a set of observations/statements. - Then ask LM to answer those questions.\\n\\n\\nPlanning & Reacting: translate - the reflections and the environment information into actions\\n\\nPlanning is - essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X's plan today in broad strokes: 1)\\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\\nYou - are {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\\nYour decisions must - always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\\n\\nGOALS:\\n\\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\\n3. ...\\n4. ...\\n5. - ...\\n\\nConstraints:\\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short - term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\\n2. - If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, - thinking about similar events will help you remember.\\n3. No user assistance\\n4. - Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \\\"command name\\\"\\n5. - Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\\n\\nCommands:\\n1. - Google Search: \\\"google\\\", args: \\\"input\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n2. Browse - Website: \\\"browse_website\\\", args: \\\"url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"question\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n3. Start GPT Agent: \\\"start_agent\\\", - args: \\\"name\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"task\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n4. Message GPT Agent: \\\"message_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n5. List - GPT Agents: \\\"list_agents\\\", args:\\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \\\"delete_agent\\\", - args: \\\"key\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n7. Clone Repository: \\\"clone_repository\\\", - args: \\\"repository_url\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"clone_path\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n8. - Write to file: \\\"write_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"text\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n9. Read file: \\\"read_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n10. - Append to file: \\\"append_to_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n11. Delete file: \\\"delete_file\\\", args: \\\"file\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n12. Search Files: \\\"search_files\\\", args: \\\"directory\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n13. Analyze Code: \\\"analyze_code\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": - \\\"\\\"\\n14. Get Improved Code: \\\"improve_code\\\", args: - \\\"suggestions\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n15. - Write Tests: \\\"write_tests\\\", args: \\\"code\\\": \\\"\\\", - \\\"focus\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n16. Execute Python File: \\\"execute_python_file\\\", - args: \\\"file\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n17. Generate Image: \\\"generate_image\\\", - args: \\\"prompt\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n18. Send Tweet: \\\"send_tweet\\\", - args: \\\"text\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n19. Do Nothing: \\\"do_nothing\\\", args:\\n20. - Task Complete (Shutdown): \\\"task_complete\\\", args: \\\"reason\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\nResources:\\n1. - Internet access for searches and information gathering.\\n2. Long Term memory - management.\\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\\n4. - File output.\\n\\nPerformance Evaluation:\\n1. Continuously review and analyze - your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\\n2. - Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\\n3. Reflect - on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\\n4. Every command - has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number - of steps.\\n\\nYou should only respond in JSON format as described below\\nResponse - Format:\\n{\\n \\\"thoughts\\\": {\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"thought\\\",\\n - \ \\\"reasoning\\\": \\\"reasoning\\\",\\n \\\"plan\\\": \\\"- - short bulleted\\\\n- list that conveys\\\\n- long-term plan\\\",\\n \\\"criticism\\\": - \\\"constructive self-criticism\\\",\\n \\\"speak\\\": \\\"thoughts summary - to say to user\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"command\\\": {\\n \\\"name\\\": - \\\"command name\\\",\\n \\\"args\\\": {\\n \\\"arg name\\\": - \\\"value\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n}\\nEnsure the response can be parsed by - Python json.loads\\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create a whole repository - of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer is instructed - to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for user input to - clarify questions as needed.\\nHere are a sample conversation for task clarification - sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. The user inputs - are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\\n[\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will read instructions and not carry them out, - only seek to clarify them.\\\\nSpecifically you will first summarise a list - of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\\\nThen you will pick - one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"We are writing - {{a Super Mario game in python. MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard - control.}}\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\\\n1. Specifics of the Super - Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\\\n2. Details - about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\\\n3. Keyboard - control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\\\n\\\\nClarifying - question:\\\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such - as level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"{{There are 10 levels in total. The - main character is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical - platform game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, - trying to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks - from enemies in the process.}}\\\\n\\\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only - answer in the form:\\\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\\\n{Next - question}\\\\nIf everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\\\\\"Nothing - more to clarify.\\\\\\\".\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": - \\\"{{Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\\\"\\n - \ }\\n]\\nThen after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing - mode with a different system message.\\nSystem message:\\n\\nYou will get instructions - for code to write.\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure - that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file - extension,\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, - and CODE is the code:\\nFILENAME\\nCODE\\nYou will start with the \u201Centrypoint\u201D - file, then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure - that files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you - are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude module dependency or - package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you finish, double check - that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\nUseful to know:\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor Python, you always - create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, you always create - an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment briefly describing - the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add comments explaining - very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested - languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\npackage/project.\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\n\\npytest\\ndataclasses\\n\\n\\nConversatin samples:\\n[\\n - \ {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"system\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"You will - get instructions for code to write.\\\\nYou will write a very long answer. Make - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\nMake - sure that every detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nYou will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, - methods that will be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nPlease note that the code should be - fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nFollow a language and framework - appropriate best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain - all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files are compatible - with each other.\\\\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, write - a plausible implementation.\\\\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\\nUseful to know:\\\\nYou - almost always put different classes in different files.\\\\nFor Python, you - always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\\\nFor NodeJS, you always - create an appropriate package.json file.\\\\nYou always add a comment briefly - describing the purpose of the function definition.\\\\nYou try to add comments - explaining very complex bits of logic.\\\\nYou always follow the best practices - for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written as a defined\\\\npackage/project.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\\\\n- pytest\\\\n- dataclasses\\\\n\\\"\\n },\\n # \u2026 - same conversation as earlier, ended with \\\"Make your own assumptions and state - them explicitly before starting\\\".\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": \\\"assistant\\\",\\n - \ \\\"content\\\": \\\"Assumptions:\\\\n1. Model: The model will contain the - game's data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game's visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\\\n\\\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\\"role\\\": - \\\"user\\\",\\n \\\"content\\\": \\\"Please now remember the steps:\\\\n\\\\nThink - step by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get - it right.\\\\nFirst lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods - that will be necessary, As well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\\\n\\\\nThen - you will output the content of each file including ALL code.\\\\nEach file must - strictly follow a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must - be replaced such that\\\\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the - file extension,\\\\nLANG is the markup code block language for the code's language, - and CODE is the code:\\\\n\\\\nFILENAME\\\\n```LANG\\\\nCODE\\\\n```\\\\n\\\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\\\n\\\\nYou - will start with the \\\\\\\"entrypoint\\\\\\\" file, then go to the ones that - are imported by that file, and so on.\\\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate - best practice file naming convention.\\\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\\\n\\\"\\n }\\n]\\nChallenges#\\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\\n\\n\\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\\n\\n\\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\\n\\n\\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\\n\\n\\nCitation#\\nCited - as:\\n\\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201CLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201D. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\\n\\nOr\\n@article{weng2023agent,\\n - \ title = \\\"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\\\",\\n author = \\\"Weng, Lilian\\\",\\n - \ journal = \\\"lilianweng.github.io\\\",\\n year = \\\"2023\\\",\\n month - \ = \\\"Jun\\\",\\n url = \\\"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\\\"\\n}\\nReferences#\\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201CChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201D NeurIPS 2022\\n[2] Yao et al. \u201CTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\\n[3] Liu et al. \u201CChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\\n\u201C arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\\n[4] Liu et al. \u201CLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201D arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\\n[5] Yao et al. \u201CReAct: Synergizing - reasoning and acting in language models.\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[6] Google Blog. - \u201CAnnouncing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201D July 28, 2020.\\n[7] - https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\\n[8] Shinn - & Labash. \u201CReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\\n[9] Laskin et al. \u201CIn-context - Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201D ICLR 2023.\\n[10] Karpas - et al. \u201CMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic architecture that combines - large language models, external knowledge sources and discrete reasoning.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\\n[11] Nakano et al. \u201CWebgpt: Browser-assisted - question-answering with human feedback.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 - (2021).\\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201CTALM: Tool Augmented Language Models\u201D\\n[13] - Schick et al. \u201CToolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use - Tools.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 (2023).\\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why - is Vector Search so fast? Sep 13, 2022.\\n[15] Li et al. \u201CAPI-Bank: A Benchmark - for Tool-Augmented LLMs\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08244 (2023).\\n[16] - Shen et al. \u201CHuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends - in HuggingFace\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17580 (2023).\\n[17] Bran et - al. \u201CChemCrow: Augmenting large-language models with chemistry tools.\u201D - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05376 (2023).\\n[18] Boiko et al. \u201CEmergent autonomous - scientific research capabilities of large language models.\u201D arXiv preprint - arXiv:2304.05332 (2023).\\n[19] Joon Sung Park, et al. \u201CGenerative Agents: - Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.\u201D arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03442 - (2023).\\n[20] AutoGPT. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT\\n[21] - GPT-Engineer. https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer\\n\\n\\n\\nnlp\\nlanguage-model\\nagent\\nsteerability\\nprompting\\n\\n\\n\\n\xAB - \\n\\nAdversarial Attacks on LLMs\\n\\n\\n \xBB\\n\\nPrompt Engineering\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\xA9 - 2024 Lil'Log\\n\\n Powered by\\n Hugo &\\n PaperMod\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"type\":\"system\"}}]]},\"run_type\":\"llm\"}]}" - headers: - Accept: - - application/json - Accept-Encoding: - - gzip, deflate - Connection: - - keep-alive - Content-Length: - - '461289' - Content-Type: - - application/json - User-Agent: - - langsmith-py/0.1.128 - method: POST - uri: https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs/batch - response: - body: - string: '{"detail":"Forbidden"}' - headers: - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: - - 'true' - Access-Control-Allow-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Methods: - - '*' - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - - '' - Access-Control-Expose-Headers: - - '*' - Access-Control-Max-Age: - - '600' - Alt-Svc: - - h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000 - Connection: - - close - Content-Length: - - '22' - Via: - - 1.1 google - content-type: - - application/json - date: - - Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:31:14 GMT - server: - - uvicorn - status: - code: 403 - message: Forbidden -- request: - body: '{"messages": [{"content": "Write a concise summary of the following:\\n\\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLLM - Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil''Log\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLil''Log\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPosts\n\n\n\n\nArchive\n\n\n\n\nSearch\n\n\n\n\nTags\n\n\n\n\nFAQ\n\n\n\n\nemojisearch.app\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n LLM - Powered Autonomous Agents\n \nDate: June 23, 2023 | Estimated Reading Time: - 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng\n\n\n \n\n\nTable of Contents\n\n\n\nAgent System - Overview\n\nComponent One: Planning\n\nTask Decomposition\n\nSelf-Reflection\n\n\nComponent - Two: Memory\n\nTypes of Memory\n\nMaximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)\n\n\nComponent - Three: Tool Use\n\nCase Studies\n\nScientific Discovery Agent\n\nGenerative - Agents Simulation\n\nProof-of-Concept Examples\n\n\nChallenges\n\nCitation\n\nReferences\n\n\n\n\n\nBuilding - agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. - Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, - serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating - well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerful - general problem solver.\nAgent System Overview#\nIn a LLM-powered autonomous - agent system, LLM functions as the agent\u2019s brain, complemented by several - key components:\n\nPlanning\n\nSubgoal and decomposition: The agent breaks down - large tasks into smaller, manageable subgoals, enabling efficient handling of - complex tasks.\nReflection and refinement: The agent can do self-criticism and - self-reflection over past actions, learn from mistakes and refine them for future - steps, thereby improving the quality of final results.\n\n\nMemory\n\nShort-term - memory: I would consider all the in-context learning (See Prompt Engineering) - as utilizing short-term memory of the model to learn.\nLong-term memory: This - provides the agent with the capability to retain and recall (infinite) information - over extended periods, often by leveraging an external vector store and fast - retrieval.\n\n\nTool use\n\nThe agent learns to call external APIs for extra - information that is missing from the model weights (often hard to change after - pre-training), including current information, code execution capability, access - to proprietary information sources and more.\n\n\n\n\nFig. 1. Overview of a - LLM-powered autonomous agent system.\nComponent One: Planning#\nA complicated - task usually involves many steps. An agent needs to know what they are and plan - ahead.\nTask Decomposition#\nChain of thought (CoT; Wei et al. 2022) has become - a standard prompting technique for enhancing model performance on complex tasks. - The model is instructed to \u201cthink step by step\u201d to utilize more test-time - computation to decompose hard tasks into smaller and simpler steps. CoT transforms - big tasks into multiple manageable tasks and shed lights into an interpretation - of the model\u2019s thinking process.\nTree of Thoughts (Yao et al. 2023) extends - CoT by exploring multiple reasoning possibilities at each step. It first decomposes - the problem into multiple thought steps and generates multiple thoughts per - step, creating a tree structure. The search process can be BFS (breadth-first - search) or DFS (depth-first search) with each state evaluated by a classifier - (via a prompt) or majority vote.\nTask decomposition can be done (1) by LLM - with simple prompting like \"Steps for XYZ.\\n1.\", \"What are the subgoals - for achieving XYZ?\", (2) by using task-specific instructions; e.g. \"Write - a story outline.\" for writing a novel, or (3) with human inputs.\nAnother quite - distinct approach, LLM+P (Liu et al. 2023), involves relying on an external - classical planner to do long-horizon planning. This approach utilizes the Planning - Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as an intermediate interface to describe the - planning problem. In this process, LLM (1) translates the problem into \u201cProblem - PDDL\u201d, then (2) requests a classical planner to generate a PDDL plan based - on an existing \u201cDomain PDDL\u201d, and finally (3) translates the PDDL - plan back into natural language. Essentially, the planning step is outsourced - to an external tool, assuming the availability of domain-specific PDDL and a - suitable planner which is common in certain robotic setups but not in many other - domains.\nSelf-Reflection#\nSelf-reflection is a vital aspect that allows autonomous - agents to improve iteratively by refining past action decisions and correcting - previous mistakes. It plays a crucial role in real-world tasks where trial and - error are inevitable.\nReAct (Yao et al. 2023) integrates reasoning and acting - within LLM by extending the action space to be a combination of task-specific - discrete actions and the language space. The former enables LLM to interact - with the environment (e.g. use Wikipedia search API), while the latter prompting - LLM to generate reasoning traces in natural language.\nThe ReAct prompt template - incorporates explicit steps for LLM to think, roughly formatted as:\nThought: - ...\nAction: ...\nObservation: ...\n... (Repeated many times)\n\nFig. 2. Examples - of reasoning trajectories for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g. HotpotQA, FEVER) - and decision-making tasks (e.g. AlfWorld Env, WebShop). (Image source: Yao et - al. 2023).\nIn both experiments on knowledge-intensive tasks and decision-making - tasks, ReAct works better than the Act-only baseline where Thought: \u2026 step - is removed.\nReflexion (Shinn & Labash 2023) is a framework to equips agents - with dynamic memory and self-reflection capabilities to improve reasoning skills. - Reflexion has a standard RL setup, in which the reward model provides a simple - binary reward and the action space follows the setup in ReAct where the task-specific - action space is augmented with language to enable complex reasoning steps. After - each action $a_t$, the agent computes a heuristic $h_t$ and optionally may decide - to reset the environment to start a new trial depending on the self-reflection - results.\n\nFig. 3. Illustration of the Reflexion framework. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\nThe heuristic function determines when the trajectory - is inefficient or contains hallucination and should be stopped. Inefficient - planning refers to trajectories that take too long without success. Hallucination - is defined as encountering a sequence of consecutive identical actions that - lead to the same observation in the environment.\nSelf-reflection is created - by showing two-shot examples to LLM and each example is a pair of (failed trajectory, - ideal reflection for guiding future changes in the plan). Then reflections are - added into the agent\u2019s working memory, up to three, to be used as context - for querying LLM.\n\nFig. 4. Experiments on AlfWorld Env and HotpotQA. Hallucination - is a more common failure than inefficient planning in AlfWorld. (Image source: - Shinn & Labash, 2023)\nChain of Hindsight (CoH; Liu et al. 2023) encourages - the model to improve on its own outputs by explicitly presenting it with a sequence - of past outputs, each annotated with feedback. Human feedback data is a collection - of $D_h = \\{(x, y_i , r_i , z_i)\\}_{i=1}^n$, where $x$ is the prompt, each - $y_i$ is a model completion, $r_i$ is the human rating of $y_i$, and $z_i$ is - the corresponding human-provided hindsight feedback. Assume the feedback tuples - are ranked by reward, $r_n \\geq r_{n-1} \\geq \\dots \\geq r_1$ The process - is supervised fine-tuning where the data is a sequence in the form of $\\tau_h - = (x, z_i, y_i, z_j, y_j, \\dots, z_n, y_n)$, where $\\leq i \\leq j \\leq n$. - The model is finetuned to only predict $y_n$ where conditioned on the sequence - prefix, such that the model can self-reflect to produce better output based - on the feedback sequence. The model can optionally receive multiple rounds of - instructions with human annotators at test time.\nTo avoid overfitting, CoH - adds a regularization term to maximize the log-likelihood of the pre-training - dataset. To avoid shortcutting and copying (because there are many common words - in feedback sequences), they randomly mask 0% - 5% of past tokens during training.\nThe - training dataset in their experiments is a combination of WebGPT comparisons, - summarization from human feedback and human preference dataset.\n\nFig. 5. After - fine-tuning with CoH, the model can follow instructions to produce outputs with - incremental improvement in a sequence. (Image source: Liu et al. 2023)\nThe - idea of CoH is to present a history of sequentially improved outputs in context - and train the model to take on the trend to produce better outputs. Algorithm - Distillation (AD; Laskin et al. 2023) applies the same idea to cross-episode - trajectories in reinforcement learning tasks, where an algorithm is encapsulated - in a long history-conditioned policy. Considering that an agent interacts with - the environment many times and in each episode the agent gets a little better, - AD concatenates this learning history and feeds that into the model. Hence we - should expect the next predicted action to lead to better performance than previous - trials. The goal is to learn the process of RL instead of training a task-specific - policy itself.\n\nFig. 6. Illustration of how Algorithm Distillation (AD) works. - (Image source: Laskin et al. 2023).\nThe paper hypothesizes that any algorithm - that generates a set of learning histories can be distilled into a neural network - by performing behavioral cloning over actions. The history data is generated - by a set of source policies, each trained for a specific task. At the training - stage, during each RL run, a random task is sampled and a subsequence of multi-episode - history is used for training, such that the learned policy is task-agnostic.\nIn - reality, the model has limited context window length, so episodes should be - short enough to construct multi-episode history. Multi-episodic contexts of - 2-4 episodes are necessary to learn a near-optimal in-context RL algorithm. - The emergence of in-context RL requires long enough context.\nIn comparison - with three baselines, including ED (expert distillation, behavior cloning with - expert trajectories instead of learning history), source policy (used for generating - trajectories for distillation by UCB), RL^2 (Duan et al. 2017; used as upper - bound since it needs online RL), AD demonstrates in-context RL with performance - getting close to RL^2 despite only using offline RL and learns much faster than - other baselines. When conditioned on partial training history of the source - policy, AD also improves much faster than ED baseline.\n\nFig. 7. Comparison - of AD, ED, source policy and RL^2 on environments that require memory and exploration. - Only binary reward is assigned. The source policies are trained with A3C for - \"dark\" environments and DQN for watermaze.(Image source: Laskin et al. 2023)\nComponent - Two: Memory#\n(Big thank you to ChatGPT for helping me draft this section. I\u2019ve - learned a lot about the human brain and data structure for fast MIPS in my conversations - with ChatGPT.)\nTypes of Memory#\nMemory can be defined as the processes used - to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information. There are several - types of memory in human brains.\n\n\nSensory Memory: This is the earliest stage - of memory, providing the ability to retain impressions of sensory information - (visual, auditory, etc) after the original stimuli have ended. Sensory memory - typically only lasts for up to a few seconds. Subcategories include iconic memory - (visual), echoic memory (auditory), and haptic memory (touch).\n\n\nShort-Term - Memory (STM) or Working Memory: It stores information that we are currently - aware of and needed to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning and - reasoning. Short-term memory is believed to have the capacity of about 7 items - (Miller 1956) and lasts for 20-30 seconds.\n\n\nLong-Term Memory (LTM): Long-term - memory can store information for a remarkably long time, ranging from a few - days to decades, with an essentially unlimited storage capacity. There are two - subtypes of LTM:\n\nExplicit / declarative memory: This is memory of facts and - events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled, including - episodic memory (events and experiences) and semantic memory (facts and concepts).\nImplicit - / procedural memory: This type of memory is unconscious and involves skills - and routines that are performed automatically, like riding a bike or typing - on a keyboard.\n\n\n\n\nFig. 8. Categorization of human memory.\nWe can roughly - consider the following mappings:\n\nSensory memory as learning embedding representations - for raw inputs, including text, image or other modalities;\nShort-term memory - as in-context learning. It is short and finite, as it is restricted by the finite - context window length of Transformer.\nLong-term memory as the external vector - store that the agent can attend to at query time, accessible via fast retrieval.\n\nMaximum - Inner Product Search (MIPS)#\nThe external memory can alleviate the restriction - of finite attention span. A standard practice is to save the embedding representation - of information into a vector store database that can support fast maximum inner-product - search (MIPS). To optimize the retrieval speed, the common choice is the approximate - nearest neighbors (ANN)\u200b algorithm to return approximately top k nearest - neighbors to trade off a little accuracy lost for a huge speedup.\nA couple - common choices of ANN algorithms for fast MIPS:\n\nLSH (Locality-Sensitive Hashing): - It introduces a hashing function such that similar input items are mapped to - the same buckets with high probability, where the number of buckets is much - smaller than the number of inputs.\nANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh - Yeah): The core data structure are random projection trees, a set of binary - trees where each non-leaf node represents a hyperplane splitting the input space - into half and each leaf stores one data point. Trees are built independently - and at random, so to some extent, it mimics a hashing function. ANNOY search - happens in all the trees to iteratively search through the half that is closest - to the query and then aggregates the results. The idea is quite related to KD - tree but a lot more scalable.\nHNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World): It - is inspired by the idea of small world networks where most nodes can be reached - by any other nodes within a small number of steps; e.g. \u201csix degrees of - separation\u201d feature of social networks. HNSW builds hierarchical layers - of these small-world graphs, where the bottom layers contain the actual data - points. The layers in the middle create shortcuts to speed up search. When performing - a search, HNSW starts from a random node in the top layer and navigates towards - the target. When it can\u2019t get any closer, it moves down to the next layer, - until it reaches the bottom layer. Each move in the upper layers can potentially - cover a large distance in the data space, and each move in the lower layers - refines the search quality.\nFAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): It operates - on the assumption that in high dimensional space, distances between nodes follow - a Gaussian distribution and thus there should exist clustering of data points. - FAISS applies vector quantization by partitioning the vector space into clusters - and then refining the quantization within clusters. Search first looks for cluster - candidates with coarse quantization and then further looks into each cluster - with finer quantization.\nScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbors): The main innovation - in ScaNN is anisotropic vector quantization. It quantizes a data point $x_i$ - to $\\tilde{x}_i$ such that the inner product $\\langle q, x_i \\rangle$ is - as similar to the original distance of $\\angle q, \\tilde{x}_i$ as possible, - instead of picking the closet quantization centroid points.\n\n\nFig. 9. Comparison - of MIPS algorithms, measured in recall@10. (Image source: Google Blog, 2020)\nCheck - more MIPS algorithms and performance comparison in ann-benchmarks.com.\nComponent - Three: Tool Use#\nTool use is a remarkable and distinguishing characteristic - of human beings. We create, modify and utilize external objects to do things - that go beyond our physical and cognitive limits. Equipping LLMs with external - tools can significantly extend the model capabilities.\n\nFig. 10. A picture - of a sea otter using rock to crack open a seashell, while floating in the water. - While some other animals can use tools, the complexity is not comparable with - humans. (Image source: Animals using tools)\nMRKL (Karpas et al. 2022), short - for \u201cModular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language\u201d, is a neuro-symbolic - architecture for autonomous agents. A MRKL system is proposed to contain a collection - of \u201cexpert\u201d modules and the general-purpose LLM works as a router - to route inquiries to the best suitable expert module. These modules can be - neural (e.g. deep learning models) or symbolic (e.g. math calculator, currency - converter, weather API).\nThey did an experiment on fine-tuning LLM to call - a calculator, using arithmetic as a test case. Their experiments showed that - it was harder to solve verbal math problems than explicitly stated math problems - because LLMs (7B Jurassic1-large model) failed to extract the right arguments - for the basic arithmetic reliably. The results highlight when the external symbolic - tools can work reliably, knowing when to and how to use the tools are crucial, - determined by the LLM capability.\nBoth TALM (Tool Augmented Language Models; - Parisi et al. 2022) and Toolformer (Schick et al. 2023) fine-tune a LM to learn - to use external tool APIs. The dataset is expanded based on whether a newly - added API call annotation can improve the quality of model outputs. See more - details in the \u201cExternal APIs\u201d section of Prompt Engineering.\nChatGPT - Plugins and OpenAI API function calling are good examples of LLMs augmented - with tool use capability working in practice. The collection of tool APIs can - be provided by other developers (as in Plugins) or self-defined (as in function - calls).\nHuggingGPT (Shen et al. 2023) is a framework to use ChatGPT as the - task planner to select models available in HuggingFace platform according to - the model descriptions and summarize the response based on the execution results.\n\nFig. - 11. Illustration of how HuggingGPT works. (Image source: Shen et al. 2023)\nThe - system comprises of 4 stages:\n(1) Task planning: LLM works as the brain and - parses the user requests into multiple tasks. There are four attributes associated - with each task: task type, ID, dependencies, and arguments. They use few-shot - examples to guide LLM to do task parsing and planning.\nInstruction:\n\nThe - AI assistant can parse user input to several tasks: [{\"task\": task, \"id\", - task_id, \"dep\": dependency_task_ids, \"args\": {\"text\": text, \"image\": - URL, \"audio\": URL, \"video\": URL}}]. The \"dep\" field denotes the id of - the previous task which generates a new resource that the current task relies - on. A special tag \"-task_id\" refers to the generated text image, audio and - video in the dependency task with id as task_id. The task MUST be selected from - the following options: {{ Available Task List }}. There is a logical relationship - between tasks, please note their order. If the user input can''t be parsed, - you need to reply empty JSON. Here are several cases for your reference: {{ - Demonstrations }}. The chat history is recorded as {{ Chat History }}. From - this chat history, you can find the path of the user-mentioned resources for - your task planning.\n\n(2) Model selection: LLM distributes the tasks to expert - models, where the request is framed as a multiple-choice question. LLM is presented - with a list of models to choose from. Due to the limited context length, task - type based filtration is needed.\nInstruction:\n\nGiven the user request and - the call command, the AI assistant helps the user to select a suitable model - from a list of models to process the user request. The AI assistant merely outputs - the model id of the most appropriate model. The output must be in a strict JSON - format: \"id\": \"id\", \"reason\": \"your detail reason for the choice\". We - have a list of models for you to choose from {{ Candidate Models }}. Please - select one model from the list.\n\n(3) Task execution: Expert models execute - on the specific tasks and log results.\nInstruction:\n\nWith the input and the - inference results, the AI assistant needs to describe the process and results. - The previous stages can be formed as - User Input: {{ User Input }}, Task Planning: - {{ Tasks }}, Model Selection: {{ Model Assignment }}, Task Execution: {{ Predictions - }}. You must first answer the user''s request in a straightforward manner. Then - describe the task process and show your analysis and model inference results - to the user in the first person. If inference results contain a file path, must - tell the user the complete file path.\n\n(4) Response generation: LLM receives - the execution results and provides summarized results to users.\nTo put HuggingGPT - into real world usage, a couple challenges need to solve: (1) Efficiency improvement - is needed as both LLM inference rounds and interactions with other models slow - down the process; (2) It relies on a long context window to communicate over - complicated task content; (3) Stability improvement of LLM outputs and external - model services.\nAPI-Bank (Li et al. 2023) is a benchmark for evaluating the - performance of tool-augmented LLMs. It contains 53 commonly used API tools, - a complete tool-augmented LLM workflow, and 264 annotated dialogues that involve - 568 API calls. The selection of APIs is quite diverse, including search engines, - calculator, calendar queries, smart home control, schedule management, health - data management, account authentication workflow and more. Because there are - a large number of APIs, LLM first has access to API search engine to find the - right API to call and then uses the corresponding documentation to make a call.\n\nFig. - 12. Pseudo code of how LLM makes an API call in API-Bank. (Image source: Li - et al. 2023)\nIn the API-Bank workflow, LLMs need to make a couple of decisions - and at each step we can evaluate how accurate that decision is. Decisions include:\n\nWhether - an API call is needed.\nIdentify the right API to call: if not good enough, - LLMs need to iteratively modify the API inputs (e.g. deciding search keywords - for Search Engine API).\nResponse based on the API results: the model can choose - to refine and call again if results are not satisfied.\n\nThis benchmark evaluates - the agent\u2019s tool use capabilities at three levels:\n\nLevel-1 evaluates - the ability to call the API. Given an API\u2019s description, the model needs - to determine whether to call a given API, call it correctly, and respond properly - to API returns.\nLevel-2 examines the ability to retrieve the API. The model - needs to search for possible APIs that may solve the user\u2019s requirement - and learn how to use them by reading documentation.\nLevel-3 assesses the ability - to plan API beyond retrieve and call. Given unclear user requests (e.g. schedule - group meetings, book flight/hotel/restaurant for a trip), the model may have - to conduct multiple API calls to solve it.\n\nCase Studies#\nScientific Discovery - Agent#\nChemCrow (Bran et al. 2023) is a domain-specific example in which LLM - is augmented with 13 expert-designed tools to accomplish tasks across organic - synthesis, drug discovery, and materials design. The workflow, implemented in - LangChain, reflects what was previously described in the ReAct and MRKLs and - combines CoT reasoning with tools relevant to the tasks:\n\nThe LLM is provided - with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility, and details about - the expected input/output.\nIt is then instructed to answer a user-given prompt - using the tools provided when necessary. The instruction suggests the model - to follow the ReAct format - Thought, Action, Action Input, Observation.\n\nOne - interesting observation is that while the LLM-based evaluation concluded that - GPT-4 and ChemCrow perform nearly equivalently, human evaluations with experts - oriented towards the completion and chemical correctness of the solutions showed - that ChemCrow outperforms GPT-4 by a large margin. This indicates a potential - problem with using LLM to evaluate its own performance on domains that requires - deep expertise. The lack of expertise may cause LLMs not knowing its flaws and - thus cannot well judge the correctness of task results.\nBoiko et al. (2023) - also looked into LLM-empowered agents for scientific discovery, to handle autonomous - design, planning, and performance of complex scientific experiments. This agent - can use tools to browse the Internet, read documentation, execute code, call - robotics experimentation APIs and leverage other LLMs.\nFor example, when requested - to \"develop a novel anticancer drug\", the model came up with the following - reasoning steps:\n\ninquired about current trends in anticancer drug discovery;\nselected - a target;\nrequested a scaffold targeting these compounds;\nOnce the compound - was identified, the model attempted its synthesis.\n\nThey also discussed the - risks, especially with illicit drugs and bioweapons. They developed a test set - containing a list of known chemical weapon agents and asked the agent to synthesize - them. 4 out of 11 requests (36%) were accepted to obtain a synthesis solution - and the agent attempted to consult documentation to execute the procedure. 7 - out of 11 were rejected and among these 7 rejected cases, 5 happened after a - Web search while 2 were rejected based on prompt only.\nGenerative Agents Simulation#\nGenerative - Agents (Park, et al. 2023) is super fun experiment where 25 virtual characters, - each controlled by a LLM-powered agent, are living and interacting in a sandbox - environment, inspired by The Sims. Generative agents create believable simulacra - of human behavior for interactive applications.\nThe design of generative agents - combines LLM with memory, planning and reflection mechanisms to enable agents - to behave conditioned on past experience, as well as to interact with other - agents.\n\nMemory stream: is a long-term memory module (external database) that - records a comprehensive list of agents\u2019 experience in natural language.\n\nEach - element is an observation, an event directly provided by the agent.\n- Inter-agent - communication can trigger new natural language statements.\n\n\nRetrieval model: - surfaces the context to inform the agent\u2019s behavior, according to relevance, - recency and importance.\n\nRecency: recent events have higher scores\nImportance: - distinguish mundane from core memories. Ask LM directly.\nRelevance: based on - how related it is to the current situation / query.\n\n\nReflection mechanism: - synthesizes memories into higher level inferences over time and guides the agent\u2019s - future behavior. They are higher-level summaries of past events (<- note that - this is a bit different from self-reflection above)\n\nPrompt LM with 100 most - recent observations and to generate 3 most salient high-level questions given - a set of observations/statements. Then ask LM to answer those questions.\n\n\nPlanning - & Reacting: translate the reflections and the environment information into actions\n\nPlanning - is essentially in order to optimize believability at the moment vs in time.\nPrompt - template: {Intro of an agent X}. Here is X''s plan today in broad strokes: 1)\nRelationships - between agents and observations of one agent by another are all taken into consideration - for planning and reacting.\nEnvironment information is present in a tree structure.\n\n\n\n\nFig. - 13. The generative agent architecture. (Image source: Park et al. 2023)\nThis - fun simulation results in emergent social behavior, such as information diffusion, - relationship memory (e.g. two agents continuing the conversation topic) and - coordination of social events (e.g. host a party and invite many others).\nProof-of-Concept - Examples#\nAutoGPT has drawn a lot of attention into the possibility of setting - up autonomous agents with LLM as the main controller. It has quite a lot of - reliability issues given the natural language interface, but nevertheless a - cool proof-of-concept demo. A lot of code in AutoGPT is about format parsing.\nHere - is the system message used by AutoGPT, where {{...}} are user inputs:\nYou are - {{ai-name}}, {{user-provided AI bot description}}.\nYour decisions must always - be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths - as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. - {{user-provided goal 1}}\n2. {{user-provided goal 2}}\n3. ...\n4. ...\n5. ...\n\nConstraints:\n1. - ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so - immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you - previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar - events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the - commands listed in double quotes e.g. \"command name\"\n5. Use subprocesses - for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes\n\nCommands:\n1. Google - Search: \"google\", args: \"input\": \"\"\n2. Browse Website: \"browse_website\", - args: \"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"\"\n3. - Start GPT Agent: \"start_agent\", args: \"name\": \"\", \"task\": \"\", - \"prompt\": \"\"\n4. Message GPT Agent: \"message_agent\", args: \"key\": - \"\", \"message\": \"\"\n5. List GPT Agents: \"list_agents\", - args:\n6. Delete GPT Agent: \"delete_agent\", args: \"key\": \"\"\n7. Clone - Repository: \"clone_repository\", args: \"repository_url\": \"\", \"clone_path\": - \"\"\n8. Write to file: \"write_to_file\", args: \"file\": \"\", - \"text\": \"\"\n9. Read file: \"read_file\", args: \"file\": \"\"\n10. - Append to file: \"append_to_file\", args: \"file\": \"\", \"text\": \"\"\n11. - Delete file: \"delete_file\", args: \"file\": \"\"\n12. Search Files: - \"search_files\", args: \"directory\": \"\"\n13. Analyze Code: \"analyze_code\", - args: \"code\": \"\"\n14. Get Improved Code: \"improve_code\", - args: \"suggestions\": \"\", \"code\": \"\"\n15. - Write Tests: \"write_tests\", args: \"code\": \"\", \"focus\": - \"\"\n16. Execute Python File: \"execute_python_file\", - args: \"file\": \"\"\n17. Generate Image: \"generate_image\", args: \"prompt\": - \"\"\n18. Send Tweet: \"send_tweet\", args: \"text\": \"\"\n19. - Do Nothing: \"do_nothing\", args:\n20. Task Complete (Shutdown): \"task_complete\", - args: \"reason\": \"\"\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches - and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered - Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. - Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to - the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture - behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine - your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim - to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nYou should only respond in - JSON format as described below\nResponse Format:\n{\n \"thoughts\": {\n \"text\": - \"thought\",\n \"reasoning\": \"reasoning\",\n \"plan\": \"- short - bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\",\n \"criticism\": - \"constructive self-criticism\",\n \"speak\": \"thoughts summary to say - to user\"\n },\n \"command\": {\n \"name\": \"command name\",\n \"args\": - {\n \"arg name\": \"value\"\n }\n }\n}\nEnsure the response - can be parsed by Python json.loads\nGPT-Engineer is another project to create - a whole repository of code given a task specified in natural language. The GPT-Engineer - is instructed to think over a list of smaller components to build and ask for - user input to clarify questions as needed.\nHere are a sample conversation for - task clarification sent to OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoint used by GPT-Engineer. - The user inputs are wrapped in {{user input text}}.\n[\n {\n \"role\": \"system\",\n \"content\": - \"You will read instructions and not carry them out, only seek to clarify them.\\nSpecifically - you will first summarise a list of super short bullets of areas that need clarification.\\nThen - you will pick one clarifying question, and wait for an answer from the user.\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"We are writing {{a Super Mario game in python. - MVC components split in separate files. Keyboard control.}}\\n\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Summary of areas that need clarification:\\n1. - Specifics of the Super Mario game (e.g. level design, characters, gameplay mechanics)\\n2. - Details about the MVC components (e.g. which components are in each file)\\n3. - Keyboard control implementation (e.g. which keys to use, how to handle input)\\n\\nClarifying - question:\\nCan you provide more details about the Super Mario game, such as - level design, characters, and gameplay mechanics?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{There are 10 levels in total. The main character - is a plumber named Mario, who can walk and jump. It is a classical platform - game just like Super Mario. The main character moves from left to right, trying - to get to the destination, where there are many obstacles and attacks from enemies - in the process.}}\\n\\nIs anything else unclear? If yes, only answer in the - form:\\n{remaining unclear areas} remaining questions.\\n{Next question}\\nIf - everything is sufficiently clear, only answer \\\"Nothing more to clarify.\\\".\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Remaining unclear areas: 2 remaining questions.\\nCan - you provide more information about how the MVC components are split into separate - files?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": \"{{Make your - own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting}}\"\n }\n]\nThen - after these clarification, the agent moved into the code writing mode with a - different system message.\nSystem message:\n\nYou will get instructions for - code to write.\nYou will write a very long answer. Make sure that every detail - of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\nMake sure that every - detail of the architecture is, in the end, implemented as code.\nThink step - by step and reason yourself to the right decisions to make sure we get it right.\nYou - will first lay out the names of the core classes, functions, methods that will - be necessary, as well as a quick comment on their purpose.\nThen you will output - the content of each file including ALL code.\nEach file must strictly follow - a markdown code block format, where the following tokens must be replaced such - that\nFILENAME is the lowercase file name including the file extension,\nLANG - is the markup code block language for the code\u2019s language, and CODE is - the code:\nFILENAME\nCODE\nYou will start with the \u201centrypoint\u201d file, - then go to the ones that are imported by that file, and so on.\nPlease note - that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\nFollow a language - and framework appropriate best practice file naming convention.\nMake sure that - files contain all imports, types etc. Make sure that code in different files - are compatible with each other.\nEnsure to implement all code, if you are unsure, - write a plausible implementation.\nInclude module dependency or package manager - dependency definition file.\nBefore you finish, double check that all parts - of the architecture is present in the files.\nUseful to know:\nYou almost always - put different classes in different files.\nFor Python, you always create an - appropriate requirements.txt file.\nFor NodeJS, you always create an appropriate - package.json file.\nYou always add a comment briefly describing the purpose - of the function definition.\nYou try to add comments explaining very complex - bits of logic.\nYou always follow the best practices for the requested languages - in terms of describing the code written as a defined\npackage/project.\nPython - toolbelt preferences:\n\npytest\ndataclasses\n\n\nConversatin samples:\n[\n {\n \"role\": - \"system\",\n \"content\": \"You will get instructions for code to write.\\nYou - will write a very long answer. Make sure that every detail of the architecture - is, in the end, implemented as code.\\nMake sure that every detail of the architecture - is, in the end, implemented as code.\\n\\nThink step by step and reason yourself - to the right decisions to make sure we get it right.\\nYou will first lay out - the names of the core classes, functions, methods that will be necessary, as - well as a quick comment on their purpose.\\n\\nThen you will output the content - of each file including ALL code.\\nEach file must strictly follow a markdown - code block format, where the following tokens must be replaced such that\\nFILENAME - is the lowercase file name including the file extension,\\nLANG is the markup - code block language for the code''s language, and CODE is the code:\\n\\nFILENAME\\n```LANG\\nCODE\\n```\\n\\nYou - will start with the \\\"entrypoint\\\" file, then go to the ones that are imported - by that file, and so on.\\nPlease note that the code should be fully functional. - No placeholders.\\n\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate best practice - file naming convention.\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, types etc. - Make sure that code in different files are compatible with each other.\\nEnsure - to implement all code, if you are unsure, write a plausible implementation.\\nInclude - module dependency or package manager dependency definition file.\\nBefore you - finish, double check that all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\n\\nUseful - to know:\\nYou almost always put different classes in different files.\\nFor - Python, you always create an appropriate requirements.txt file.\\nFor NodeJS, - you always create an appropriate package.json file.\\nYou always add a comment - briefly describing the purpose of the function definition.\\nYou try to add - comments explaining very complex bits of logic.\\nYou always follow the best - practices for the requested languages in terms of describing the code written - as a defined\\npackage/project.\\n\\n\\nPython toolbelt preferences:\\n- pytest\\n- - dataclasses\\n\"\n },\n # \u2026 same conversation as earlier, ended with - \"Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting\".\n {\n \"role\": - \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Assumptions:\\n1. Model: The model will contain - the game''s data, such as level information, character states, and enemy positions.\\n2. - View: The view will handle the game''s visuals, including rendering the game - objects, backgrounds, and updating the display.\\n3. Controller: The controller - will manage user input, such as keyboard controls, and update the model accordingly.\\n\\nWith - these assumptions in mind, is there any specific aspect of the keyboard control - implementation you would like me to clarify?\"\n },\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": - \"Please now remember the steps:\\n\\nThink step by step and reason yourself - to the right decisions to make sure we get it right.\\nFirst lay out the names - of the core classes, functions, methods that will be necessary, As well as a - quick comment on their purpose.\\n\\nThen you will output the content of each - file including ALL code.\\nEach file must strictly follow a markdown code block - format, where the following tokens must be replaced such that\\nFILENAME is - the lowercase file name including the file extension,\\nLANG is the markup code - block language for the code''s language, and CODE is the code:\\n\\nFILENAME\\n```LANG\\nCODE\\n```\\n\\nPlease - note that the code should be fully functional. No placeholders.\\n\\nYou will - start with the \\\"entrypoint\\\" file, then go to the ones that are imported - by that file, and so on.\\nFollow a language and framework appropriate best - practice file naming convention.\\nMake sure that files contain all imports, - types etc. The code should be fully functional. Make sure that code in different - files are compatible with each other.\\nBefore you finish, double check that - all parts of the architecture is present in the files.\\n\"\n }\n]\nChallenges#\nAfter - going through key ideas and demos of building LLM-centered agents, I start to - see a couple common limitations:\n\n\nFinite context length: The restricted - context capacity limits the inclusion of historical information, detailed instructions, - API call context, and responses. The design of the system has to work with this - limited communication bandwidth, while mechanisms like self-reflection to learn - from past mistakes would benefit a lot from long or infinite context windows. - Although vector stores and retrieval can provide access to a larger knowledge - pool, their representation power is not as powerful as full attention.\n\n\nChallenges - in long-term planning and task decomposition: Planning over a lengthy history - and effectively exploring the solution space remain challenging. LLMs struggle - to adjust plans when faced with unexpected errors, making them less robust compared - to humans who learn from trial and error.\n\n\nReliability of natural language - interface: Current agent system relies on natural language as an interface between - LLMs and external components such as memory and tools. However, the reliability - of model outputs is questionable, as LLMs may make formatting errors and occasionally - exhibit rebellious behavior (e.g. refuse to follow an instruction). Consequently, - much of the agent demo code focuses on parsing model output.\n\n\nCitation#\nCited - as:\n\nWeng, Lilian. (Jun 2023). \u201cLLM-powered Autonomous Agents\u201d. - Lil\u2019Log. https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/.\n\nOr\n@article{weng2023agent,\n title = - \"LLM-powered Autonomous Agents\",\n author = \"Weng, Lilian\",\n journal - = \"lilianweng.github.io\",\n year = \"2023\",\n month = \"Jun\",\n url = - \"https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/\"\n}\nReferences#\n[1] - Wei et al. \u201cChain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language - models.\u201d NeurIPS 2022\n[2] Yao et al. \u201cTree of Thoughts: Dliberate - Problem Solving with Large Language Models.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10601 - (2023).\n[3] Liu et al. \u201cChain of Hindsight Aligns Language Models with - Feedback\n\u201c arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02676 (2023).\n[4] Liu et al. \u201cLLM+P: - Empowering Large Language Models with Optimal Planning Proficiency\u201d arXiv - preprint arXiv:2304.11477 (2023).\n[5] Yao et al. \u201cReAct: Synergizing reasoning - and acting in language models.\u201d ICLR 2023.\n[6] Google Blog. \u201cAnnouncing - ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search\u201d July 28, 2020.\n[7] https://chat.openai.com/share/46ff149e-a4c7-4dd7-a800-fc4a642ea389\n[8] - Shinn & Labash. \u201cReflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and - self-reflection\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11366 (2023).\n[9] Laskin et - al. \u201cIn-context Reinforcement Learning with Algorithm Distillation\u201d - ICLR 2023.\n[10] Karpas et al. \u201cMRKL Systems A modular, neuro-symbolic - architecture that combines large language models, external knowledge sources - and discrete reasoning.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00445 (2022).\n[11] - Nakano et al. \u201cWebgpt: Browser-assisted question-answering with human feedback.\u201d - arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09332 (2021).\n[12] Parisi et al. \u201cTALM: Tool - Augmented Language Models\u201d\n[13] Schick et al. \u201cToolformer: Language - Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools.\u201d arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04761 - (2023).\n[14] Weaviate Blog. Why is Vector Search so fast? 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