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Upgrade Guide

Upgrading To 11.0.0 From 10.x

Lumen 11.0 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 11.x release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 11.0, you should review the Laravel 11.0 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "^11.0"

Upgrading To 10.0.0 From 9.x

Lumen 10.0 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 10.x release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 10.0, you should review the Laravel 10.0 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "^10.0"

Upgrading To 9.0.0 From 8.x

Lumen 9.0 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 9.x release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 9.0, you should review the Laravel 9.0 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "^9.0"

Upgrading To 8.0.0 From 7.x

Lumen 8.0 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 8.x release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 8.0, you should review the Laravel 8.0 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "^8.0"

Model Factories

Laravel's model factories feature has been totally rewritten to support classes and is not compatible with Lumen 7.x style factories. However, to ease the upgrade process, a new laravel/legacy-factories package has been created to continue using your existing factories with Lumen 8.x. You may install this package via Composer:

composer require laravel/legacy-factories

After installing it you'll need to register the service provider in your bootstrap/app.php file:


Upgrading To 7.0.0 From 6.x

Lumen 7.0 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 7.x release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 7.0, you should review the Laravel 7.0 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "^7.0"

Timezone Setting

The timezone setting has been moved from the lumen-framework package to the bootstrap/app.php file. If you're currently using the APP_TIMEZONE environment variable you should add the following to your bootstrap/app.php file:

date_default_timezone_set(env('APP_TIMEZONE', 'UTC'));

Symfony 5 Related Upgrades

Lumen 7 utilizes the 5.x series of the Symfony components. Some minor changes to your application are required to accommodate this upgrade.

First, the report and render methods of your application's App\Exceptions\Handler class should accept instances of the Throwable interface instead of Exception instances:

use Throwable;

public function report(Throwable $exception);
public function render($request, Throwable $exception);

Upgrading To 6.0.0 From 5.8

Lumen 6.0 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 6.0 release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 6.0, you should review the Laravel 6.0 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "^6.0"

Upgrading To 5.8.0 From 5.7

Lumen 5.8 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 5.8 release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 5.8, you should review the Laravel 5.8 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "5.8.*"

Environment Variables

Lumen 5.8 makes use of the newest implementation of the vlucas/phpdotenv library. You'll need to change the code which loads the environment variables in your bootstrap/app.php file at the top to the following:

(new Laravel\Lumen\Bootstrap\LoadEnvironmentVariables(

Additionally, remove the vlucas/phpdotenv dependency from your application's composer.json file as it is now a dependency of Lumen.

Upgrading To 5.7.0 From 5.6

Lumen 5.7 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 5.7 release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 5.7, you should review the Laravel 5.7 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "5.7.*"

Upgrading To 5.6.0 From 5.5

Lumen 5.6 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 5.6 release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 5.6, you should review the Laravel 5.6 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "5.6.*"

Upgrading To 5.5.0 From 5.4

Lumen 5.5 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 5.5 release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 5.5, you should review the Laravel 5.5 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "5.5.*"

Updating The Bootstrap File

In Laravel 5.5, the service container implements the PSR-11 interface, causing conflicts with the get method of the router when attempting to use the service container as a router proxy. For this reason, the bootstrap/app.php file needs to be updated to pass only a Router instance to the routes.php file. Near the bottom of your bootstrap/app.php file, adjust the inclusion of the routes.php file to look like the following:

    'namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers',
], function ($router) {
    require __DIR__.'/../routes/web.php';

Updating The Routes File

After updating your bootstrap/app.php file, you should update your routes/web.php file to use the $router variable instead of the $app variable:

$router->get('/hello', function () {
    return 'Hello World';

Upgrading To 5.4.0 From 5.3

Lumen 5.4 serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 5.4 release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 5.4, you should review the Laravel 5.4 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "5.4.*"

Requests In Service Providers

If you were previously accessing the current request in one of your application's service providers, you should refactor your code to use a middleware instead.

Upgrading To 5.3.0 From 5.2

Lumen 5.3 does not change the structure of the framework. Instead, it serves as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying Laravel packages to the 5.3 release series. Before upgrading your application to Lumen 5.3, you should review the Laravel 5.3 upgrade guide and make any applicable changes to your application according to which Laravel components you are using.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your application, you may upgrade your Lumen framework dependency in your composer.json file and run the composer update command:

"laravel/lumen-framework": "5.3.*"

Upgrading To 5.2.0 From 5.1

Lumen 5.2 represents a more decided shift towards focusing on stateless APIs. Therefore, sessions have been removed from the framework. If you would like to use these features, you should upgrade your Lumen 5.1 application to Laravel 5.2.

Upgrading your Lumen application to the full Laravel framework mainly involves copying your routes and classes over into a fresh installation of Laravel. Since Laravel and Lumen share many of the same components, your classes should not require any modification.

Updating Dependencies

Update your composer.json file to point to laravel/lumen-framework 5.2.* and vlucas/phpdotenv ~2.2.


In the bootstrap/app.php file you need to modify the Dotenv::load(...) method call to the following:

try {
    (new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__.'/../'))->load();
} catch (Dotenv\Exception\InvalidPathException $e) {


Lumen no longer implements the Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application contract. Any Application contract type-hints should be updated to reference the Laravel\Lumen\Application class directly.


Since sessions are no longer support in Lumen, authentication is totally based on stateless authentication via API tokens or headers. You should review the full authentication documentation for more information on how to use the authentication system.


Eloquent Base Collections

The Eloquent collection instance now returns a base Collection (Illuminate\Support\Collection) for the following methods: pluck, keys, zip, collapse, flatten, flip.

Key Preservation

The slice, chunk, and reverse methods now preserve keys on the collection. If you do not want these methods to preserve keys, use the values method on the Collection instance.


MySQL Dates

Starting with MySQL 5.7, 0000-00-00 00:00:00 is no longer considered a valid date, since strict mode is enabled by default. All timestamp columns should receive a valid default value when you insert records into your database. You may use the useCurrent method in your migrations to default the timestamp columns to the current timestamps, or you may make the timestamps nullable to allow null values:




MySQL JSON Column Type

The json column type now creates actual JSON columns when used by the MySQL driver. If you are not running MySQL 5.7 or above, this column type will not be available to you. Instead, use the text column type in your migration.


Date Casts

Any attributes that have been added to your $casts property as date or datetime will now be converted to a string when toArray is called on the model or collection of models. This makes the date casting conversion consistent with dates specified in your $dates array.

Global Scopes

The global scopes implementation has been re-written to be much easier to use. Your global scopes no longer need a remove method, so it may be removed from any global scopes you have written.

If we were calling getQuery on an Eloquent query builder to access the underlying query builder instance, you should now call toBase.

If you were calling the remove method directly for any reason, you should change this call to $eloquentBuilder->withoutGlobalScope($scope).

New methods withoutGlobalScope and withoutGlobalScopes have been added to the Eloquent query builder. Any calls to $model->removeGlobalScopes($builder) may be changed to simply $builder->withoutGlobalScopes().

Primary keys

By default, Eloquent assumes your primary keys are integers and will automatically cast them to integers. For any primary key that is not an integer you should override the $incrementing property on your Eloquent model to false:

 * Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.
 * @var bool
public $incrementing = true;

Exception Handling

Your App\Exceptions\Handler class' $dontReport property should be updated to include at least the following exception types:

use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
use Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;

 * A list of the exception types that should not be reported.
 * @var array
protected $dontReport = [


The IronMQ queue driver has been moved into its own package and is no longer shipped with the core framework.


If you made use of Laravel's Flysystem integration, you will need to register the filesystem binding. Add the following code to your bootstrap/app.php:

$app->singleton('filesystem', function ($app) {
    return $app->loadComponent(


The ValidatesRequests trait has been merged into the ProvidesConvenienceMethods trait used by Lumen's base controller.

If you previously used the ValidatesRequests trait outside of the BaseController, you may copy it from the 5.1 branch or use the full ProvidesConvenienceMethods trait.


The DatabaseMigrations and DatabaseTransactions traits have moved from Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations and Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseTransactions to a new location. Update your tests to import the new namespace:


use Laravel\Lumen\Testing\DatabaseMigrations;
use Laravel\Lumen\Testing\DatabaseTransactions;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    use DatabaseMigrations;