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Velero configuration for Microsoft Azure


Velero is a plugin based tool. You can use the following plugins to run Velero on Microsoft Azure:

velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure, which provides:

  • An object store plugin for persisting and retrieving backups on Azure Blob Storage. Content of backup is metadata (log files, warning/error files, restore logs) + cluster configuration.

  • A volume snapshotter plugin for creating snapshots from volumes (during a backup) and volumes from snapshots (during a restore) on Azure Managed Disks.

    • It supports Azure Disk provisioned by Kubernetes driver
    • Since v1.4.0 the snapshotter plugin can handle the volumes provisioned by CSI driver
    • Limitation: IT DOES NOT support Azure File



  • A filesystem backup plugin (also called block to block copy, which does not rely on snapshots) --> Velero’s Restic integration backs up data from volumes by accessing the node’s filesystem, on which the pod is running.
  • It supports both Azure Disk and Azure File, with both and CSI drivers.
  • If you are using Azure Files, you need to add nouser_xattr to your storage class’s mountOptions. See Azure File application sample
  • Use Backup Hooks for freezing a file system, to ensure that all pending disk I/O operations have completed prior to taking a snapshot,
  • Limitations:

Note: Velero does not officially [support for Windows containers][10]. If your cluster has both Windows and Linux agent pool, add a node selector to the velero deployment to run Velero only on the Linux nodes. This can be done using the below command. ```bash kubectl patch deploy velero --namespace velero --type merge --patch '{ "spec": { "template": { "spec": { "nodeSelector": { "": "linux"} } } } }'

Which plugin to use ?

Velero’s backups are split into 2 pieces :

  • the metadata + cluster configuration stored in object storage,
  • and snapshots/backups of the persistent volumes

For Backup & Restore of metadata + cluster configuration:

  • Velero has a concept of BackupStorageLocation : defined as a container (in an Azure Storage Account), in which all Velero data is stored. (You can define multiple BackupStorageLocations for different backup destinations)

  • On Azure, you would use velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure for storing Velero data, in addition to a plugin/configuration for persisent volumes backups.

  • See addiotnal parameters for the --backup-location-config flag.

For Backup & Restore of persistent volumes:

  • If you are using StorageClasses with provisioners and

    • It might be simpler to use filesystem backup with Restic as it works with Azure File & Azure Disk.
  • If you are using StorageClasses with provisioner

    • Use filesystem backup with Restic (due to current limitation of Azure File CSI Driver snapshots).
  • If you are using StorageClasses with provisioner

    • use CSI drivers for Azure Disk with ZRS sku for availbility zone support.
    • You can use CSI Snapshots to restore to a cluster in the same Region.
    • Regional volume snapshot with CSI Driver is coming soon ! --> to Restore to a cluster in a secondary region, use Restic for now
  • Note on Azure Disk Availability Zone support

    • Volumes that use Azure managed LRS disks are not zone-redundant resources, those volumes cannot be attached across zones and must be co-located in the same zone as a given node hosting the target pod
    • Kubernetes is aware of Azure availability zones since version 1.12. You can deploy a PersistentVolumeClaim object referencing an Azure Managed Disk in a multi-zone AKS cluster and Kubernetes will take care of scheduling any pod that claims this PVC in the correct availability zone.
    • See How to use Availability Zones in your StorageClasses:
    • for backing up LRS Disks, you can use filesystem backup with Restic, which is not impacted by availability zones


Below is a listing of plugin versions and respective Velero versions that are compatible.

velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure Velero (with restic) velero-plugin-for-csi Kubernetes
v1.4.x v1.8.x N/A 1.16-latest
v1.3.x v1.7.x v0.2.0 1.12-latest
v1.2.x v1.6.x v0.1.2 1.12-1.21
v1.1.x v1.5.x v0.1.2 1.12-1.21
v1.1.x v1.4.x v0.1.1 1.12-1.21
 helm search repo  vmware-tanzu/velero --versions

Using the module

The modules provides a solution to automate the steps described in the article

#Deploy Velero on primary cluster AKS1
module "velero" {
  depends_on = [azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks]

  source = "./modules/velero"

  providers = {
    kubernetes = kubernetes.aks-module
    helm       = helm.aks-module

  backups_region       = var.backups_region
  backups_rg_name           = var.backups_rg_name
  backups_stracc_name           = var.backups_stracc_name
  backups_stracc_container_name           = var.backups_stracc_container_name
  aks_nodes_resource_group_name = data.azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.node_resource_group

  velero_namespace        = var.velero_namespace
  velero_chart_repository = var.velero_chart_repository
  velero_chart_version    = var.velero_chart_version
  velero_values           = var.velero_values

  velero_sp_tenantID = data.azurerm_client_config.current.tenant_id 
  velero_sp_clientID = data.azuread_service_principal.velero_sp.application_id 
  velero_sp_clientSecret = azuread_service_principal_password.velero_sp_password.value 

Using the sample code for your own clusters

  • Defines the Terraform providers used to automate the deployment and configuration of resources
    • azurerm
    • kubernetes
    • helm

  • Creates a Resource Group in Primary Region
  • Creates an AKS Cluster (used as primary)

  • Creates a Resource Group in Secondary Region
  • Creates an AKS Cluster (used as secondary, to restore backup)

  • Creates a Resource Group in Secondary Region, for hosting storage location (to store backups and velero configuration)
  • Creates a storage account
  • Creates a storage container, used by velero (Optionnaly, you could create a secondary container, to backup your backup cluster)

  • References the created ressources: primary and secondary RGs + AKS clusters + storage account (you should be able to reuse it for your existing resources)
  • Creates RBACs for Velero Service Principal. See this article for defining minium permissions.
  • Installs Velero on the AKS Clusters using the provided module (enable Restic for filesystem backup)

Customizing the module

The module installs velero using helm chart. You can customize velero configuration by editing the file

You can see the supported Velero values:

velero_default_values = {
    "restoreOnlyMode"                                           = try(var.velero_restore_mode_only, "false")
    "configuration.backupStorageLocation.bucket"                = try(var.backups_stracc_container_name, "")
    "configuration.backupStorageLocation.config.resourceGroup"  = try(var.backups_rg_name, "")
    "configuration.backupStorageLocation.config.storageAccount" = try(var.backups_stracc_name, "")
    ""                  = "default"
    "configuration.provider"                                    = "azure"
    "configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation.config.resourceGroup" = try(var.backups_rg_name, "")
    ""                 = "default"
    "credentials.existingSecret"                                = try(kubernetes_secret.velero.metadata[0].name, "")
    "credentials.useSecret"                                     = "true"

    # Use restic for filesystembackup
    "deployRestic"                                              = "true"

    "env.AZURE_CREDENTIALS_FILE"                                = "/credentials"
    "metrics.enabled"                                           = "true"
    "rbac.create"                                               = "true"

    # schedule automated backups
    "schedules.daily.schedule"                                  = "0 23 * * *"
    "schedules.daily.template.includedNamespaces"               = "{*}"
    "schedules.daily.template.snapshotVolumes"                  = "true"
    "schedules.daily.template.ttl"                              = "240h"

    "serviceAccount.server.create"                              = "true"
    "snapshotsEnabled"                                          = "true"

    "initContainers[0].name"                                    = "velero-plugin-for-azure"
    "initContainers[0].image"                                   = "velero/velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure:v1.1.1"
    "initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].mountPath"               = "/target"
    "initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].name"                    = "plugins"

    # Uncomment to install CSI Driver Plugin
    #"initContainers[1].name"                                    = "velero-plugin-for-csi"
    #"initContainers[1].image"                                   = "velero/velero-plugin-for-csi:v0.1.1"
    #"initContainers[1].volumeMounts[0].mountPath"               = "/target"
    #"initContainers[1].volumeMounts[0].name"                    = "plugins"
    #"features"                                                  = "EnableCSI"
    "image.repository"                                          = "velero/velero"
    "image.tag"                                                 = "v1.4.0"
    "image.pullPolicy"                                          = "IfNotPresent"
    # Uncomment to use Managed identity with velero instead of service principal, does not work with restic (filesystembackup)
    #"podAnnotations.aadpodidbinding"                            = local.velero_identity_name
    #"podLabels.aadpodidbinding"                                 = local.velero_identity_name