diff --git a/base/changes.txt b/base/changes.txt
index 9730159e8..d1f713aa1 100644
--- a/base/changes.txt
+++ b/base/changes.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,15 @@ to completeness or accuracy and it contains some references to files that are
 not part of the distribution.
+2025-03-05  Joseph Wright  <Joseph.Wright@latex-project.org>
+	* ltplain.dtx
+	Set \tracinglostchars to 4 for recent LuaTeX releases (gh/1687)
+	Remove \tracinglostchars setting from \tracingall/\loggingall (gh/1687)
+	* ltfssbas.dtx
+	Set \tracinglostchars to 0 for all engines in \showhyphens
 2025-03-01  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org>
 	* ltexpl.dtx (section{Document-level command names for \pkg{expl3} functions}):
diff --git a/base/doc/ltnews41.tex b/base/doc/ltnews41.tex
index 6518e56b0..0cc83f3ce 100644
--- a/base/doc/ltnews41.tex
+++ b/base/doc/ltnews41.tex
@@ -390,8 +390,6 @@ \subsection{Fixing the spacing after display math}
 \section{New or improved commands}
 \subsection{Socket and plug conditionals}
@@ -578,8 +576,21 @@ \subsection{Improving the handling of \cs{label}, \cs{index}, and \cs{glossary}}
 and then do nothing. We have now changed that behavior so that the
 redefinitions in these places accept an extended syntax.
+\subsection{Tracing lost characters}
+In LaTeX News 33~\cite{41:ltnews33} we announced that \cs{tracingall} changes
+\cs{tracinglostchars} to an error condition. This change has been reverted and
+\cs{tracingall} and \cs{tracingnone} no longer alter \cs{tracinglostchars} but
+retain its current setting.
+The default value used in \LaTeX{} is set so that lost character information is
+written to the log and terminal. Users may wish to make this into an error, in
+which case they should set the value to~5 (not~3); this works in all engines.
 \section{Bug fixes}
diff --git a/base/ltfssbas.dtx b/base/ltfssbas.dtx
index 53638235f..4086035ad 100644
--- a/base/ltfssbas.dtx
+++ b/base/ltfssbas.dtx
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-             [2025/02/20 v3.2p LaTeX Kernel (NFSS Basic Macros)]
+             [2025/03/05 v3.2q LaTeX Kernel (NFSS Basic Macros)]
 % \iffalse
@@ -2333,6 +2333,8 @@
 %    {Add version of \cs{showhyphens} that works with Xe\TeX.}
 % \changes{v3.2m}{2024/06/17}
 %    {set \cs{tracinglostchars} to 0 in \cs{showhyphens}}
+% \changes{v3.2q}{2025/03/05}
+%    {set \cs{tracinglostchars} to 0 in \cs{showhyphens} for all engines}
 %    The |\showhyphens| command must be redefined since the version in
 %    \texttt{plain.tex} uses |\tenrm|.  We have also made some further
 %    adjustments for its use in \LaTeX.
@@ -2348,6 +2350,7 @@
+    \tracinglostchars\z@
diff --git a/base/ltplain.dtx b/base/ltplain.dtx
index b43a57fcb..f9543e595 100644
--- a/base/ltplain.dtx
+++ b/base/ltplain.dtx
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 % \fi
-             [2024/11/02 v2.3k LaTeX Kernel (Plain TeX)]
+             [2025/03/05 v2.3l LaTeX Kernel (Plain TeX)]
 % \iffalse
@@ -941,9 +941,20 @@
 %    (error on the terminal). This made us realize that we should
 %    change the default. Using \texttt{3} would really be the
 %    best, but for compatibility reasons we only use \texttt{2}.
+%    For recent Lua\TeX{} releases, we set \texttt{4}: this is offset by~2
+%    from the e-\TeX{} value as otherwise Lua\TeX{} only issues a warning
+%    for text in a box when the box is used, not saved. (Accepting values of
+%    4 and 5 was updated in the \TeX{}~Live 2025 release.)
 % \changes{v2.3g}{2021/07/16}{Use 2 as default value for \cs{tracinglostchars}}
+% \changes{v2.3l}{2025/03/05}{Use 4 as default value for \cs{tracinglostchars}
+%  in Lua\TeX{} (gh/1687)}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifnum\luatexversion>120
+    \tracinglostchars=4
+  \fi
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 % \tracingcommands=0
@@ -1718,6 +1729,7 @@
 % \changes{v2.3f}{2021/04/18}{Drop pre-$\varepsilon$-\TeX{} support}
 % \changes{v2.3f}{2021/04/18}
 %                {Add \cs{tracingstacklevels} and \cs{tracinglostchars}=3}
+% \changes{v2.3l}{2025/03/05}{Remove \cs{tracinglostchars} setting (gh/1691)}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 %<latexrelease>                 {\tracingstacklevels and \tracinglostchars=3}%
@@ -1725,7 +1737,6 @@
-  \tracinglostchars\thr@@
@@ -1794,6 +1805,9 @@
 % \changes{v2.3f}{2021/04/18}{Drop pre-$\varepsilon$-\TeX{} support}
 % \changes{v2.3f}{2021/04/18}
 %                {Add \cs{tracingstacklevels} and \cs{tracinglostchars}=3}
+% \changes{v2.3j}{2023/11/07}{Set \cs{tracinglostchars} to 2 in
+%    \cs{tracingnone} (gh/549)}
+% \changes{v2.3l}{2025/03/05}{Remove \cs{tracinglostchars} setting (gh/1691)}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 %<latexrelease>                             {turn off etex tracing}%
@@ -1814,13 +1828,6 @@
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%    None really means go back to the \LaTeX{} ``default'' and for
-%    \cs{tracinglostchars} this should therefore be 2 these days.
-% \changes{v2.3j}{2023/11/07}{Set \cs{tracinglostchars} to 2 in
-%    \cs{tracingnone} (gh/549)}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-  \tracinglostchars\tw@
diff --git a/base/testfiles/github-0524.luatex.tlg b/base/testfiles/github-0524.luatex.tlg
index 2481c981b..c7bdfbc6d 100644
--- a/base/testfiles/github-0524.luatex.tlg
+++ b/base/testfiles/github-0524.luatex.tlg
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Don't change this file in any respect.
 ~..\b ->\c \relax 
 ~...\c ->\d \relax 
 ~....\d ->\tracingnone \leavevmode \tracingall hi
-~.....\tracingnone ->\tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracinglostchars \tw@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
+~.....\tracingnone ->\tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
 {changing \tracingassigns=1}
 {into \tracingassigns=0}
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Don't change this file in any respect.
-~.\tracingnone ->\tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracinglostchars \tw@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
+~.\tracingnone ->\tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
 {changing \tracingassigns=1}
 {into \tracingassigns=0}
diff --git a/base/testfiles/github-0524.tlg b/base/testfiles/github-0524.tlg
index 62ce5b354..26d39e8f3 100644
--- a/base/testfiles/github-0524.tlg
+++ b/base/testfiles/github-0524.tlg
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Don't change this file in any respect.
 ~..\b ->\c \relax 
 ~...\c ->\d \relax 
 ~....\d ->\tracingnone \leavevmode \tracingall hi
-~.....\tracingnone ->\tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracinglostchars \tw@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
+~.....\tracingnone ->\tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
 {changing \tracingassigns=1}
@@ -20,30 +20,13 @@ Don't change this file in any respect.
 {into \tracingassigns=1}
 {the letter h}
-! Missing character: There is no h ("68) in font nullfont.
-\d ->\tracingnone \leavevmode \tracingall h
-                                           i
-\c ->\d 
-        \relax 
-\b ->\c 
-        \relax 
-\a ->\b 
-        \relax 
-l. ...\nullfont \a
+Missing character: There is no h in font nullfont!
 {the letter i}
-! Missing character: There is no i ("69) in font nullfont.
-\d ->\tracingnone \leavevmode \tracingall hi
-\c ->\d 
-        \relax 
-\b ->\c 
-        \relax 
-\a ->\b 
-        \relax 
-l. ...\nullfont \a
+Missing character: There is no i in font nullfont!
-~.\tracingnone ->\tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracinglostchars \tw@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
+~.\tracingnone ->\tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
 {changing \tracingassigns=1}
diff --git a/base/testfiles/github-0524.xetex.tlg b/base/testfiles/github-0524.xetex.tlg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a4ef238e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/testfiles/github-0524.xetex.tlg
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+This is a generated file for the LaTeX2e validation system.
+Don't change this file in any respect.
+{vertical mode: \tracingrestores}
+{into \tracingassigns=1}
+{select font nullfont}
+{changing current font=\OT1/cmr/m/n/10}
+{into current font=\nullfont}
+~.\a ->\b \relax 
+~..\b ->\c \relax 
+~...\c ->\d \relax 
+~....\d ->\tracingnone \leavevmode \tracingall hi
+~.....\tracingnone ->\tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
+{changing \tracingassigns=1}
+{horizontal mode: \tracingrestores}
+{into \tracingassigns=1}
+{the letter h}
+Missing character: There is no h ("68) in font nullfont!
+{the letter i}
+Missing character: There is no i ("69) in font nullfont!
+~.\tracingnone ->\tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
+{changing \tracingassigns=1}
diff --git a/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.luatex.tlg b/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.luatex.tlg
index ca6bab187..d64cca9fa 100644
--- a/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.luatex.tlg
+++ b/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.luatex.tlg
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ l. ...\mruntest{ccc}
 \listfiles -> \GenericError {               }{LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Your command was ignored.\MessageBreak Type  I <command> <return>  to replace it with another command,\MessageBreak or  <return>  to continue without it.}
-\loggingall -> \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracinglostchars \thr@@ \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
+\loggingall -> \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
 \loggingoutput -> \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen 
@@ -238,11 +238,11 @@ l. ...\mruntest{ccc}
 \sqsupset -> \GenericError {               }{LaTeX Error: Command \sqsupset not provided in base LaTeX2e}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Load the latexsym or the amsfonts package to define this symbol}
-\tracingall -> \tracingonline \@ne \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracinglostchars \thr@@ \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
+\tracingall -> \tracingonline \@ne \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
 \tracingfonts -> \GenericWarning {(Font)              }{LaTeX Font Warning: Command \tracingfonts not provided.\MessageBreak Use the `tracefnt' package.\MessageBreak Command found:}\count@ 
-\tracingnone -> \tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracinglostchars \tw@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
+\tracingnone -> \tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
 \unlhd -> \GenericError {               }{LaTeX Error: Command \unlhd not provided in base LaTeX2e}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Load the latexsym or the amsfonts package to define this symbol}
diff --git a/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.tlg b/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.tlg
index 470d7cab6..5bc760948 100644
--- a/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.tlg
+++ b/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.tlg
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ l. ...\mruntest{ccc}
 \listfiles -> \GenericError {               }{LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Your command was ignored.\MessageBreak Type  I <command> <return>  to replace it with another command,\MessageBreak or  <return>  to continue without it.}
-\loggingall -> \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracinglostchars \thr@@ \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
+\loggingall -> \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
 \loggingoutput -> \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen 
@@ -238,11 +238,11 @@ l. ...\mruntest{ccc}
 \sqsupset -> \GenericError {               }{LaTeX Error: Command \sqsupset not provided in base LaTeX2e}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Load the latexsym or the amsfonts package to define this symbol}
-\tracingall -> \tracingonline \@ne \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracinglostchars \thr@@ \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
+\tracingall -> \tracingonline \@ne \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
 \tracingfonts -> \GenericWarning {(Font)              }{LaTeX Font Warning: Command \tracingfonts not provided.\MessageBreak Use the `tracefnt' package.\MessageBreak Command found:}\count@ 
-\tracingnone -> \tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracinglostchars \tw@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
+\tracingnone -> \tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
 \unlhd -> \GenericError {               }{LaTeX Error: Command \unlhd not provided in base LaTeX2e}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Load the latexsym or the amsfonts package to define this symbol}
diff --git a/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.xetex.tlg b/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.xetex.tlg
index 44a87bfd9..4a35935d9 100644
--- a/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.xetex.tlg
+++ b/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.xetex.tlg
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ l. ...\mruntest{ccc}
 \listfiles -> \GenericError {               }{LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Your command was ignored.\MessageBreak Type  I <command> <return>  to replace it with another command,\MessageBreak or  <return>  to continue without it.}
-\loggingall -> \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracinglostchars \thr@@ \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
+\loggingall -> \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
 \loggingoutput -> \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen 
@@ -238,11 +238,11 @@ l. ...\mruntest{ccc}
 \sqsupset -> \GenericError {               }{LaTeX Error: Command \sqsupset not provided in base LaTeX2e}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Load the latexsym or the amsfonts package to define this symbol}
-\tracingall -> \tracingonline \@ne \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracinglostchars \thr@@ \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
+\tracingall -> \tracingonline \@ne \tracingstats \tw@ \tracingpages \@ne \tracingparagraphs \@ne \tracinggroups \@ne \tracingifs \@ne \tracingscantokens \@ne \tracingnesting \@ne \errorcontextlines \maxdimen \tracingstacklevels \maxdimen \tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxdimen \tracingmacros \tw@ \tracingcommands \thr@@ \tracingrestores \@ne \tracingassigns \@ne 
 \tracingfonts -> \GenericWarning {(Font)              }{LaTeX Font Warning: Command \tracingfonts not provided.\MessageBreak Use the `tracefnt' package.\MessageBreak Command found:}\count@ 
-\tracingnone -> \tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracinglostchars \tw@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
+\tracingnone -> \tracingassigns \z@ \tracingrestores \z@ \tracingonline \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \showboxdepth \m@ne \showboxbreadth \m@ne \tracingoutput \z@ \errorcontextlines \m@ne \tracingstacklevels \z@ \tracingnesting \z@ \tracingscantokens \z@ \tracingifs \z@ \tracinggroups \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracingpages \z@ \tracingstats \z@ 
 \unlhd -> \GenericError {               }{LaTeX Error: Command \unlhd not provided in base LaTeX2e}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Load the latexsym or the amsfonts package to define this symbol}