- Download redis and activate your redis server -> youtube example
- Start running your redis-server
- Next open your redis-cli
- Be sure to change the requirepass within your config to secure your server
- Within redis-cli// > config get requirepass
- "requirepass"
- "This Will Be Empty"
- Set your password
- Within redis-cli// > config set requirepass yourPasswordHere (recommended >= 32 characters)
Docker Setup (if you don't want to use Docker skip to here)
- Mac instructions
- Windows instructions
Build your image and then run the image as a Docker container with the commands below.
- FIRST cd into your working directory with Dockerfile and bot.py
$ docker build twitter-bot
$ docker run -d \
--name bot_name \
--restart unless-stopped \
-e CONSUMER_KEY="some consumer ID" \
-e CONSUMER_SECRET="some consumer secret KEY" \
-e KEY="some key ID" \
-e SECRET="some secret key ID" \
-e REDIS_PASS="some password" \
-v $PWD:/work \
Pull from previous build (optional)
docker pull bot-name \
&& docker run -d \
--name bot_name \
--restart unless-stopped \
-e CONSUMER_KEY="some consumer ID" \
-e CONSUMER_SECRET="some consumer secret KEY" \
-e KEY="some key ID" \
-e SECRET="some secret key ID" \
-e REDIS_PASS="some password" \
Make sure you are in the directory that has your Dockerfile and bot script
docker build --no-cache -t .
docker push
You will need to pip install the following packages if you want to run this bot locally without Docker.
- Using requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install manually
pip install redis
pip install schedule
pip install tweepy
# If you don't plan on using sentiment analysis ignore these
pip install matplotlib
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install seaborn
pip install textblob
- Be sure to cd into your working directory that contains your bot.py script
- Export your variables so you can access them with os.getenv() (Mac OS)
export CONSUMER_KEY="your key" \
&& export CONSUMER_SECRET="your secret" \
&& export SECRET="your secret"\
&& export HOST="external ip address" \
&& export REDIS_PASS="your redis password"\
&& export KEY="your key"
- Now you are ready to run your script
python bot.py