diff --git a/files/jargon.html b/files/jargon.html
index 6a47ef45..9c90a2b7 100644
--- a/files/jargon.html
+++ b/files/jargon.html
@@ -146,14 +146,10 @@
-Cloud systems physically resemble clusters or supercomputers, but
-with greater heterogeneity among components, and less coupling, often
-without an interconnect at all. Cloud servers are generally accessed
-by connecting to their services over the network. Multiple virtual
-machines may reside on individual physical machines. Typical tasks
-are driven by user connections from the outside to the various "front
-end" services (e.g. web sites) which pass traffic on to the "back
-end" servers (e.g. databases) to present results to users.
+A collection of standalone computers that are networked together. The will
+frequently have software installed that allow the coordinated running of other
+software across all of these computers. This allows these networked computers
+to work together to accomplish computing tasks faster.