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Luke Bonham edited this page Apr 29, 2017 · 74 revisions


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Shows the remaining time and percentage capacity of your laptop battery, as well as the current wattage. Multiple batteries are supported.

Displays a notification when battery is low or critical.

local mybattery = lain.widget.bat()

Input table

Variable Meaning Type Default
timeout Refresh timeout seconds number 30
battery Single battery id string "BAT0"
batteries Multiple batteries id table table of strings {"BAT0"}
ac AC string "AC0"
notify Show notification popups string "on"
n_perc Percentages assumed for critical and low battery levels table of integers {5, 15}
settings User settings function empty function

You only have to define one between battery and batteries.

If you have one battery, you can either use args.battery = "BAT*" or args.batteries = {"BAT*"}. Of course, if you have multiple batteries, you need to use the latter option.

To disable warning notifications, set notify to "off".

settings can use the bat_now table, which contains the following strings:

  • status, battery status ("N/A", "Discharging", "Charging", "Full");
  • n_status[i], i-th battery status (like above);
  • ac_status, AC-plug flag (0 if cable is unplugged, 1 if plugged, "N/A" otherwise);
  • perc, total charge percentage (integer between 0 and 100 or "N/A");
  • n_perc, i-th battery charge percentage (like above);
  • time, time remaining until charge if charging, until discharge if discharging (HH:SS string or "N/A");
  • watt, battery watts (float with 2 decimals).

and can modify the following two tables, which will be the preset for the naughty notifications:

  • bat_notification_low_preset(used if battery charge level <= 15)
  • bat_notification_critical_preset (used if battery charge level <= 5)

Check here for the list of variables they can contain. Default definitions:

bat_notification_low_preset = {
        title = "Battery low",
        text = "Plug the cable!",
        timeout = 15,
        fg = "#202020",
        bg = "#CDCDCD"
bat_notification_critical_preset = {
        title = "Battery exhausted",
        text = "Shutdown imminent",
        timeout = 15,
        fg = "#000000",
        bg = "#FFFFFF"

Output table

Variable Meaning Type
widget The widget wibox.widget.textbox
update Update widget function

The update function can be used to refresh the widget before timeout expires.


  • Another common identifier for ac is ACAD.

  • If your widget is always on "N/A" with default settings, and you have a single battery, then BAT0 is not your battery file. Locate the right one in /sys/class/power_supply/ and set battery properly. For instance, with BAT1:

    batwidget = lain.widget.bat({
        battery = "BAT1",
    -- [...]
  • Alternatively, you can try the upower widget here.

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