- Management canister:
- Source code: ic_message
- Description: The management canister that handles users management, canisters management, price management and channels management.
canister: nscli-qiaaa-aaaaj-qa4pa-cai
- User public profile canister:
- Source code: ic_message_profile
- Description: The profile canister that handles user public profiles management. The number of profile canisters can be increased based on user scale.
Canister: ijyxz-wyaaa-aaaaj-qa4qa-cai
- Channel canister:
- Source code: ic_message_channel
- Description: The channel canister that handles channels management and messages management. The number of channel canisters can be increased based on user scale.
canister: nvdn4-5qaaa-aaaaj-qa4pq-caiic_message_channel_02
canister: zof5a-5yaaa-aaaai-acr2q-caiic_message_channel_03
canister: 4jxyd-pqaaa-aaaah-qdqtq-cai
- COSE canister:
- Source code: ic-cose
- Description: IC-COSE is a decentralized COnfiguration service with Signing and Encryption on the Internet Computer. Users who register a username gain a dedicated namespace on the COSE service for key derivation, key storage, and other confidential information. The number of COSE canisters can be increased based on user scale.
canister: n3bau-gaaaa-aaaaj-qa4oq-cai
- OSS canister:
- Source code: ic-oss
- Description: IC-OSS is a decentralized Object Storage Service on the Internet Computer. Channels have a dedicated folder on the OSS service to store files. The number of IC-OSS bucket canisters can be increased based on user scale.
canister: 5szpn-tiaaa-aaaaj-qncoq-caiic_oss_bucket
canister: 532er-faaaa-aaaaj-qncpa-caiic_oss_bucket_02
canister: sb6zj-3aaaa-aaaaj-qndla-cai
- No public channels.
- After creating a channel, multiple managers and regular members can be invited.
- Managers can remove regular members but cannot remove other managers.
- Users can read channel info and all (encrypted) messages only after joining.
- After joining, users use ECDH to obtain the KEK from managers for encrypting and decrypting the DEK.
- Users encrypt and decrypt messages and files with the DEK on the client side.
- The channel and its data are deleted when the last manager leaves.
- Sending messages and uploading files consume Gas.
The client supports three types of master keys:
- Free users: The master key (I) is generated using an on-chain derived IV and the user’s password.
MK = HKDF-SHA-256(argon2id(password, ID), IV)
- Paid users: The master key (II) is generated using an on-chain derived PK and the user’s password.
MK = HKDF-SHA-256(argon2id(password, ID), PK)
- Paid users (with vetkey): Once the vetkey feature is live, the master key (III) will be generated using an on-chain derived vetkey and an optional user password.
MK = HKDF-SHA-256(argon2id(password, ID), Vetkey)
- The MK encrypts and decrypts the KEK.
- The KEK is used to encrypt and decrypt the DEK for message channels, with a 1:1 mapping.
- The encryption scheme follows AES-256-GCM as defined in RFC 9053 (COSE).
- The exchanging scheme follows ECDH-ES + X25519 as defined in RFC 9053 (COSE).