In case if you have any questions please create issue and mark it with label question
If you have found the bug in the code please provide the following information:
- Steps to reproduce
- Actual Behaviour
- Expected Behaviour
Please label appropriate issue with label
Please make sure that your code is following ROS coding style for:
- Use one of the closing issue keywords in PR description
- Make sure that all Continious Integration servers are green
Whenever you are introducing new package please create PR with basic structure: CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files. This will allow to decrease size of real code PR.
Please put definitions of all messages, services and actions definitions to robert_msgs
For feature implementation please use the following format F#No_description
Bug fixing branch should be B#No_description
is an issue number in GitHub.
- All commit messages should shortly describe made by commit
- When only changing documentation, include
[ci skip]
in the commit description
- Use Markdown.
Sometimes after code update from main branch you can have compilation issue. This might be due to new dependencies which are needed for new or updated packages. To get all needed packages do the following.
cd ../src
sudo apt-get update