Extracted Attachment A from the thesis text.
The Frontend Architecture contains essentially the same info but on the conceptional level. Both texts complement each other.
The following sections present a short extract from documentations of individual tools that were used for the application generator frontend. Their purpose is not to substitute the documentation but merely to provide the reader with enough information so that he can understand our code.
The frontend is completely written using ECMAScript 2015 (known as ES6) which is the 6th version of ECMAScript standard. JavaScript is an implementation of ECMAScript, available in all mainstream browsers. ES6 introduces many new language constructs which are, however, not all supported by the current JavaScript implementation. We use Babel [1] transpiler which converts our ES6 code into standard JavaScript.
We will mention some of the features that we frequently use.
// Arrow functions
[1, 2, 3].map(x => x * x);
// var is replaced with const (for constants) and let (for mutable variables)
const PI = 3.14;
let i = 1;
// Standard class syntax (the prototypical inheritance is still under the hood)
class Dog extends Animal {
constructor(name) {
// Enhanced Object Literals
const a = 2;
const b = 3;
const obj = { a, b };
obj.a === 2;
obj.b === 3;
// Desctructing
const obj = { a: 2, b: 3 };
const { a, b } = obj;
a === 2; // true
b === 3; // true
const arr = [1, 2, 3];
const [a, b] = obj;
a === 1; // true
b === 2; // true
Perhaps the most important feature for us are ES6 modules. Each file is a module which imports its dependencies and exports values that make a public API of that module.
// lib/math.js
export const PI = 3.14;
export function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
export const multiply = (a, b) => a * b;
export default { add, multiply, PI };
There are several ways how a dependency can be imported.
import { multiply, PI } from './lib/math'
const result = multiply(PI, 2);
import * as math from './lib/math'
const result = math.add(math.PI, 2);
import math from './lib/math'
const result = math.add(math.PI, 2);
npm is a package manager for JavaScript. We use it to manage our JavaScript dependencies. They are all listed in the file src/package.json
. Once installed, a package can be used with the standard import
import moment from 'moment'
// prints current time and date, i.e. June 24th 2016, 8:52:00 pm
moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a');
Note that when importing a npm dependency, we do not use relative paths starting with a dot.
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The base building block is a React component.
import React from 'react'
const HelloMessage = ({ name }) => (
<div>Hello <strong>{name}</strong></div>
React.render(<HelloMessage name="Jon Snow" />, document.getElementById('container'));
This is the simplest shortest example possible where a component works as a plain function. It takes some input data and prints user interface. The input data are in the form of props
which are passed in the first argument (we use ES6 destructing to extract the name prop
). The user interface is defined using a XML-like syntax called JSX. This component prints a greeting with the highlighted name. Using the last line, the component is mounted to a specific DOM node marked with an id equal to “container”.
The components can be composed.
const HelloMessage = ({ name }) => (
<div>Hello <strong>{name}</strong></div>
const MessageList = ({ names }) => (
{names.map(name =>
<HelloMessage name={name} />
const names = ['Jon Snow', 'Tyrion'];
React.render(<MessageList names={names} />, document.getElementById('container'));
This example will print a greeting for each name in the list. As you can see, we can easily combine HTML tags with our own components. The props
are passed down to the components with the syntax that we use for specifying standard HTML attributes.
The components can be interactive.
class Counter extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
value: props.initialValue
increase() {
value: this.state.value + 1
render() {
const { value } = this.state;
return (
<input type="button"
onClick={() => this.increase()}
value={'Increase: ' + value} />
React.render(<Counter initialValue={10} />, document.getElementById('container'));
This component no longer works as a simple function as it maintains its own state. The state contains just a numeric value which is increased every time the user clicks the button. The value is displayed in the input label. Note that we cannot simply assign the new value to the state
object, we need to use the setState
method which is part of the React API.
In this case, the rendered UI is a function of the component props
and the component state
. Whereas the props
are immutable (like function arguments), the state
can be mutated within the component.
In React, you do not mutate the user interface. That means that you do not define how the user interface should transition between different states but instead, you specify how the interface should look like given the current props
and state
. Every time the state
changes or new props
are passed from the parent component, the whole UI is completely re-rendered. This significantly simplifies building interactive user interfaces. If nothing else, the number of possible component states is significantly lower than the number of possible transitions between those states.
The React API defines several life cycle methods.
class GreetOnMount extends React.Component {
componentWillMount() {
alert('This component is about to be mounted to the DOM tree!');
componentWillUnmount() {
alert('This component is about to be unmounted from the DOM tree!');
render() {
return <div />
We have used two life cycle methods, componentWillMount
which is triggered when the component is about to appear, and componentWillUnmount
which is triggered when the component is about to disappear from the screen. These methods are especially useful for components that fetch data from the server. The first method can be used to initiate the request and the second method to cancel the request or possibly do some cleanup.
Using the MVC terminology, a React component would be called a controller-view[2]. It both handles the interaction with the user and the visual representation. In our code, we usually try to distinguish between controllers and views. We create either a component that is rather a controller, i.e., it handles user input but does not focus on the visuals, or a component that is rather a view, i.e., there is no business logic going on and the component focuses only on representing the data on the screen. By composing components of these two types we build the whole user interface.
The component state would correspond to the definition of the Model layer. Nevertheless, this approach, i.e., storing everything in the state of React components, would not work for large-scale applications which would have a lot of state. The state in this context can mean literary everything, starting all the data fetched from the server, ending with the list of open dialog windows. That is why we use Redux.
Redux is, as explained by the authors, a “predictable state container for JavaScript apps” that evolved from the Flux ideas. Flux is an application architecture that was designed specifically to work with React applications. Even though Redux is independent on React, they work extremely well together.
Setting up Redux with React is a bit complicated so we skip it. It is not really necessary because it is already done for us in the fronted code base and we can immediately start using it. The more important thing is to understand how it works.
The core idea is that we move the state out of the components. Let us start with a simple example. Our state will be just a single number. We want to be able to increment and decrement the number. For each such operation we create an action type.
It is good practice that we also define action creators.
function increment() {
return { type: INCREMENT };
function decrement() {
return { type: DECREMENT };
Now we define a special function called a reducer which specifies how every action transforms the state.
function valueReducer(state = 0, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return state + 1
return state - 1
return state
The function takes the current state and an action as an argument. Depending on the action type (and typically also action payload), it transforms the state. Important is that the function does not mutate the old state but rather creates a completely new state from the old state. In this case the state is just an integer which is by its nature immutable. If the state was more complex, typically an object, we would need to make sure to create a new object every time it changes.
From a reducer we create a store which represents a running instance of Redux. It holds the current state and provides a dispatch function that we use to apply the actions on the state. Note in the following code snippet, that invoking increment()
does not increase the value. It simply returns an action object which is then dispatched and processed by the reducer.
Now let us see how we bind this to a React component.
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
const Counter = ({ dispatch, value }) => (
<input type="button" onClick={() => dispatch(increase())} label="Increase" />
<input type="button" onClick={() => dispatch(decrease())} label="Decrease" />
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
value: state
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Counter);
This way we connected the component to the store. The dispatch function is automatically injected to the component as a prop which means that we can start dispatching actions to modify the state. The state (in our case just a single integer) is also injected to the component through the props but we have to specifically define how that should happen using the mapStateToProps
The process makes up a circle. The user clicks the button in the component and an action is dispatched to the reducer. The reducer updates the state and the store notifies the component of a change. The component re-renders with the updated value. As the state can be changed only using actions, the system behavior is predictable and very explicit. Redux offers a development mode in which it is very easy to monitor the actions flowing through the system and how they change the state.
The reducers can be composed and combined. Let us now add another reducer that will simply count the number of clicks.
function clickCountReducer(state = 0, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return state + 1
return state
Now we combine the reducers together.
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
value: valueReducer,
clickCount: clickCountReducer
This creates a new reducer that combines the other two reducers together in a way that it maintains two values in an object where each value is updated by the corresponding reducer. Whenever an action is dispatched, the root reducer passes the action to both child reducers.
Suddenly, our state is more complicated because it is an object with two values. We have to update the mapStateToProps
function accordingly.
const Counter = ({ dispatch, value, clickCount }) => (
// ...
const mapStateToProps = state => state;
In this case, we could actually significantly simplify the function as the state structure directly corresponds to the props that we want to inject.
In a similar manner we could start adding more and more reducers to fit the needs of the application (and the state hierarchy would grow correspondingly). Our application generator has only one single vast and deep state that holds all the information. If we apply the React component hierarchy on this state hierarchy (updated by the reducer hierarchy), we get the user interface that is currently on the screen. We can say that what you can see on the screen is a function of the state.
We use the mapStateToProps
function to extract the values from the state required by a component. That worked really well for our simple examples but it would not scale with the increasing size and depth of the state object.
The state can be viewed as a database. It is a huge blob of data that any part of the application can access. It defines a clear API for making updates and the updates are always performed in transactions (that stems from the single-threaded nature of JavaScript but what also matters is that when an action is dispatched, it has to update all reducers first before another action can be dispatched). What we miss is an API for selecting data from the database, i.e., the state. We use Reselect for that.
We will re-use the last iteration of our example with the valueReducer
and clickCountReducer
import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect'
// ... the component
const valueSelector = state => state.value;
const clickCountSelector = state => clickCount;
const selector = createStructuredSelector({
value: valueSelector,
clickCount: clickCountSelector
export default connect(selector)(Counter);
A Reselect selector is like a named database query. It extracts a specific piece of data from the state. We defined two base selectors that access directly the state and we combined them together. Our final selector becomes the mapStateToProps
function. What is important is that once a selector is created, we do not have to care about how it is implemented. For us, it is just a query that returns the data we need. That separates us from the raw state structure. Just like we have a reducer hierarchy and a component hierarchy, we can add a selector hierarchy covering the whole state.
Let us say that state.auth.user.id
contains the ID of the currently authenticated user. We want to inject that ID into a component. This is the simple mapStateToProps
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
userId: state.auth.user.id
With a smart selector hierarchy, we could do this.
import { createSelector } from 'reselect'
import { userSelector } from './selectors'
const selector = createSelector(
user => ({ userId: user.id }));
Whereas in the first example, we actually have to know the complete state hierarchy to extract this piece of information (and that can very often change due to refactoring), in the second example we are completely separated from the state hierarchy and we just need to know the schema of the user object that the userSelector
The selectors can do some extra calculations. Using a simple math formula we calculate the number of increment clicks. Clearly, we could maintain this information in another reducer but as we can derive this information from information that is already in the state, it would be duplication.
const incrementCountSelector = createSelector(
[valueSelector, clickCountSelector],
(value, clickCount) => (clickCount + value) / 2);
The selectors can be arbitrarily combined.
const decrementCountSelector = createSelector(
[clickCountSelector, incrementCountSelector],
(clickCount, incrementCount) => clickCount - incrementCount);
Every time the state is updated, the selectors are recalculated and consequently the components are re-rendered. The selectors are actually slightly smarter than that. The selector output is automatically cached and if its input does not change, the cached value is returned instead. Therefore the selectors can be used even for heavy computations.
As one would expect, our application generator will consist of many different screens with different functionality. We need a mechanism for transitioning between those screens. Although many approaches are viable, we prefer the one with classic URLs, i.e., every different screen has its own URL. It has clear benefits as the user navigates through the interface as if it was a standard web page (e.g. even with the back button support).
Our application generator is a SPA which means that each URL will contain the part corresponding to the actual physical address of the SPA (the entry URL) and the part maintained only by the frontend JavaScript application.
Sample URL:
SPA entry URL:
Virtual URL part maintained by the SPA:
JavaScript API in modern web browsers allows us to change the URL without actually reloading the page.
We use React-router as a routing library for React. To show you how it works, we borrow an example from their documentation[3].
import React from 'react'
import { Route, IndexRoute } from 'react-router'
const App = ({ children }) => (
<h1>Welcome to our app</h1>
const About = () => <h2>About</h2>
const Users = ({ children }) => (
const User = ({ params: { userId }}) => <div>User: <strong>{userId}</div>
const NoMatch = () => <h2>Not found</h2>
const routes = (
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<Route path="about" component={About}/>
<Route path="users" component={Users}>
<Route path=":userId" component={User}/>
<Route path="*" component={NoMatch}/>
The React-router uses JSX for routes definition which makes it very declarative. For each route, we define a React component that is activated when the URL matches this particular route. The URL segment that has to be matched is defined by the path
attribute, the component by the component
attribute. The routes definition is hierarchical specifying the complete URL schema.
When a URL is matched, all components along the path of matching routes through the routes definition are activated. For example, for the URL /users/15
the components App
, Users
and User
are activated. The child component is always passed to the parent component through the children prop
As you might have noticed, all the tools in our stack introduce some kind of explicit composability. That is very useful because it will make all parts of our application generator easily extendable and re-usable.
Immutable.js is a library containing standard data structures that we may know for example from Java (e.g. List
, Map
or Stack
). The core feature is that all the data structures are immutable which means that they cannot be changed. If we change an instance of a List
(e.g. by adding an element) we create a completely new instance and the old one remains unchanged. Consider the following example.
import { List } from 'immutable'
const list = new List();
const listUpdated = list.push(5);
list.size === 0;
listUpdated.size === 1;
This library has many advantages. Firstly, it provides an extremely strong and well documented API which goes beyond the capabilities of standard JavaScript collections (object
or array
). The API fits better into the functional nature of our code. Secondly, it works really well with reducers. As explained, a reducer has to always return a new state which is sometimes a bit complicated using the standard JavaScript API. In the following example, we need to create a new copy of an object containing users identified by their IDs.
function usersReducer(state = {}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case ADD_USER:
return Object.assign({}, state, {
action.payload.id: action.payload.id
return state;
Now consider the version with Immutable.js.
import { Map } from 'immutable'
function usersReducer(state = new Map(), action) {
switch (action.type) {
case ADD_USER:
return state.set(action.payload.id, action.payload.id);
return state;
Thirdly, there are some speed benefits as this is what makes the Reselect caching actually possible. A selector recalculates only when the input arguments change. If an input argument was a standard mutable object, it would be very complicated (and expensive) to determine whether it changed. We would be keeping a reference to that object and have no idea whether the object was changed in the mean time. On the other hand, if we keep a reference to an immutable structure and the reference does not change, then we can be sure that the content of the referenced structure also did not change and we can re-use the cached value. Similar mechanism is used also for React components, i.e., it is possible to avoid unnecessary re-renders.
Lastly, Immutable.js library offers the Record
data structure which is essentially a Map
(i.e., a key-value storage, just like a standard JavaScript object
) but with an enforced schema.
const User = Record({
id: 0,
name: 'Anonymous user'
const user = new User({ id: 5, gender: 'male' });
user.id === 5;
user.name === 'Anonymous user';
user.gender === null;
Any values that are missing during the instantiation are replaced with the default values and any values that are not part of the schema are removed. Unlike the standard immutable Map
, a Record
properties can be accessed using the standard dot notation (it even supports destructing). It is also very useful when we are defining the propTypes
of a React component.
class UserView extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
user: React.PropTypes.instanceOf(User).isRequired
If this component does not receive a User
instance through the props
, a warning is thrown.
[2] https://facebook.github.io/flux/docs/overview.html
[3] https://github.com/reactjs/react-router#whats-it-look-like