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Laravel Typed Configuration

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This package provides an object-oriented way to retrieve the configuration data with the right type.

If you are familiar with static analysis tool like phpstan, you've probably encountered Cannot cast mixed to string error (or similar).

This is usually happen when you try to cast a value returned from a method/function with a mixed return type. Most of the time, in my personal case, the method is config() and following you can see an example:

$myValue = (string) config('');
// or
$myValue = (string) config()->get(''); 

With this package you can get a string value (and not only string) directly from the configuration like:

$myValue = config()->string('');

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require lemaur/laravel-typed-config


Retrieving Stringable Configuration Value

You may use the string method to retrieve the configuration data as an instance of Illuminate\Support\Stringable:

$name = config()->string('');

Retrieving Boolean Configuration Value

You may use the boolean method to retrieve the configuration data as a boolean. The boolean method returns true for 1, "1", true, "true", "on", and "yes". All other values will return false:

$archived = config()->boolean('my-app.archived');

Retrieving Integer Configuration Value

You may use the integer method to retrieve the configuration data as an integer:

$count = config()->integer('my-app.count');

Retrieving Float Configuration Value

You may use the float method to retrieve the configuration data as a float:

$amount = config()->float('my-app.amount');

Retrieving Date Configuration Value

You may use the date method to retrieve the configuration data as a Carbon instance:

$birthday = config()->date('my-app.birthday');

The second and third arguments accepted by the date method may be used to specify the date's format and timezone, respectively:

$elapsed = config()->date('my-app.elapsed', '!H:i', 'Europe/Madrid');

In case of an invalid format, an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.

Retrieving Enum Configuration Value

You may use the enum method to retrieve the configuration data as a PHP enum instance. In case of an invalid value or the enum does not have a backing value that matches the input value, null will be returned. The enum method accepts the name of the input value and the enum class as its first and second arguments:

use App\Enums\Status;

$status = config()->enum('my-app.status', Status::class);

Retrieving Configuration Value as a Collection

You may use the collect method to retrieve the configuration data as an Illuminate\Support\Collection instance:

$data = config()->collect('');


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Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.