You want to get a Class
object from a class name or instance.
If the type name is known at compile time, you can get the class instance using the compiler keyword .class
, which works on any type that is known at compile time, even the eight primitive types.
Otherwise, if you have an object (an instance of a class), you can call the java.lang.Object
method getClass()
, which returns the Class object for the object’s class.
You need to find arbitrary method or field names in arbitrary classes.
Use the reflection package java.lang.reflect
You want to load classes dynamically, just like web servers load your servlets.
Use class.forName("ClassName");
and the class’s newInstance()
You need to load a class from a nonstandard location and run its methods.
Examine the existing loaders such as
. If none is suitable, write and use your own ClassLoader
You’d rather construct a class dynamically by generating source code and compiling it.
Use the JavaCompiler from