Releases: leo-project/leofs
Releases · leo-project/leofs
LeoFS v1.1.5 (Oct 15, 2014)
- Improvements
- #253
Inform administrators via a log if the number of replica is changed leo_logger
Implemented that it remove a zero-byte log when closing/rotating
- #253
- Fixed Bugs
- #254
Failed creating RING on cheap VM environment
- #254
- Used libraries
- leo project
- leo_backend-db v1.1.2
- leo_cache v0.6.0
- leo_commons v1.1.0
- leo_dcerl v0.2.11
- leo_logger v1.1.3
- leo_mcerl v0.4.1
- leo_mq v1.0.10
- leo_object_storage v1.1.5
- leo_ordning_reda v0.10.9
- leo_redundant_manager 1.9.0
- leo_rpc v0.8.10
- leo_pod v0.6.2
- leo_s3_libs v1.1.3
- leo_statistics v1.0.7
- savanna_agent v0.4.4
- savanna_commons v0.8.6
- erpcgen v0.2.3
- nfs_rpc_server v0.2.2
- leo_gateway v1.1.5
- leo_manager v1.1.5
- leo_storage v1.1.5
- others
- leo project
LeoFS v1.1.4 (Oct 3, 2014)
- Improvements
- Strictly checked routing-table between manager-node and other nodes
- Implemented the data diagnosis function of a storage-node
- #249
Improve whereis command
- Fixed Bugs
- Used libraries
- leo project
- leo_backend-db v1.1.2
- leo_cache v0.6.0
- leo_commons v1.1.0
- leo_dcerl v0.2.11
- leo_logger v1.1.2
- leo_mcerl v0.4.1
- leo_mq v1.0.10
- leo_object_storage v1.1.5
- leo_ordning_reda v0.10.9
- leo_redundant_manager 1.8.9
- leo_rpc v0.8.10
- leo_pod v0.6.2
- leo_s3_libs v1.1.3
- leo_statistics v1.0.7
- savanna_agent v0.4.4
- savanna_commons v0.8.6
- erpcgen v0.2.3
- nfs_rpc_server v0.2.2
- leo_gateway v1.1.4
- leo_manager v1.1.4
- leo_storage v1.1.4
- others
- leo project
LeoFS v1.1.3 (Sep 12, 2014)
- Improved
- Implement the "rollback" command, which is able to rollback state of a storage node from 'detach' to 'running'
- Fixed Bugs
- #236
- storage node empty after 1.1.2 update and compaction - #237
- Cannot complete the re-balance objects and the recover-node command - #238
- Failed to migrate mnesia data when upgrading LeoFS from pre2 to 1.1.2 - #241
- Change the default ram cache capasity from 1GB to 256MB - #242
- leo_garteway process could be down when receiving an invalid request - #243
- leo_gateway could respond 500 instead of 404
- #236
- Used libraries
- leo project
- leo_backend-db v1.1.1
- leo_cache v0.4.24
- leo_commons v1.0.5
- leo_dcerl v0.2.10
- leo_logger v1.0.5
- leo_mcerl v0.4.0
- leo_mq v1.0.9
- leo_object_storage v1.1.3
- leo_ordning_reda v0.10.8
- leo_redundant_manager v1.8.8
- leo_rpc v0.8.9
- leo_pod v0.6.2
- leo_s3_libs v1.1.2
- leo_statistics v1.0.6
- savanna_agent v0.4.3
- savanna_commons v0.8.5
- erpcgen v0.2.3
- nfs_rpc_server v0.2.2
- leo_gateway v1.1.3
- leo_manager v1.1.3
- leo_storage v1.1.3
- others
- leo project
LeoFS v1.1.2 (Sep 4, 2014)
- Improved
- Improved the compaction mechanism- It absolutely minimized time required for lock of a storage during data-compaction
- Fixed Bugs
- #225
- The history command may cause VM to crash- We've provided the tools/vacuum_history
- #229
- Can't upload file name with space or other character got 403 forbidden - #230
- COPY request fail when the source path include urlencoded characters - #234
- Unexpected error may occur when responding 403/404 - #235
- MDC replication could cause VM to crash (in narrow band width network - 100Mbps)
- #225
- Used libraries
- leo project
- leo_backend-db v1.1.1
- leo_cache v0.4.24
- leo_commons v1.0.5
- leo_dcerl v0.2.10
- leo_logger v1.0.5
- leo_mcerl v0.4.0
- leo_mq v1.0.9
- leo_object_storage v1.1.3
- leo_ordning_reda v0.10.8
- leo_redundant_manager v1.8.7
- leo_rpc v0.8.9
- leo_pod v0.6.2
- leo_s3_libs v1.1.2
- leo_statistics v1.0.6
- savanna_agent v0.4.3
- savanna_commons v0.8.5
- erpcgen v0.2.3
- nfs_rpc_server v0.2.2
- leo_gateway v1.1.2
- leo_manager v1.1.2
- leo_storage v1.1.2
- others
- leo project
LeoFS v1.1.1 (Aug 21, 2014)
- Improved
- leofs-adm
- Supported FreeBSD
- Able to set host and port of the Manager node
- The compaction mechanism
- Added raw-file-path in collapsed-object's error log during executing data-compaction
- leofs-adm
- Fixed Bugs
- #219
- Access Denied error when putting a file to a bucket with the same name - #222
- Discard unnecessary object with the compaction after failure of storing a large object - #223
- Not match checksum of an large-object-parent after executed the rebalance command and the recover-node command leo_manager
- Manager node could not modify Gateway node's ring-hash.- The issue appeared v1.1.0.
- The compaction command might fail when an object container has broken objects at its head- It's absolutely rare case
- Manager could not generate RING when taking over objects from a detach-node to a attach-node (a new node)
- #219
- Used libraries
- leo project
- leo_backend-db v1.0.8
- leo_cache v0.4.23
- leo_commons v1.0.4
- leo_dcerl v0.2.10
- leo_logger v1.0.4
- leo_mcerl v0.4.0
- leo_mq v1.0.8
- leo_object_storage v1.1.2
- leo_ordning_reda v0.10.5
- leo_redundant_manager v1.8.6
- leo_rpc v0.8.8
- leo_pod v0.6.2
- leo_s3_libs v1.1.1
- leo_statistics v1.0.5
- savanna_agent v0.4.2
- savanna_commons v0.8.4
- erpcgen v0.2.3
- nfs_rpc_server v0.2.2
- leo_gateway v1.1.1
- leo_manager v1.1.1
- leo_storage v1.1.1
- others
- leo project
LeoFS v1.1.0 (Aug 6, 2014)
- New Features
- Implement NFS Support as one of LeoFS protocols, which is the alpha version.
- We have checked this mechanism with CentOS 6.5 and Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS but we're goinng to investigate other OS such as FreeBSD and SmartOS.
- NOTE: Changed the configuration of the protocol from
- The leofs-adm script
- This command makes administrative operations of LeoFS very easy.
- Implement NFS Support as one of LeoFS protocols, which is the alpha version.
- Improved
- Refactored all libraries and applications using dialyzer
- Fixed Bugs
#142 Unknown Behavior - Could not retrieve RINGleo_gateway
#193 PUT with REPLACE could leave a source fileleo_storage
#199 An object in a sub directory (2 layer and over) could not be removed with DragonDiskleo_object_storage
#207 Compaction may fail when an AVS is corruptedleo_object_storage
#208 Compaction may leave stale objects which size are larger than the chunk sizeleo-storage
Multi data center replication may fail without notifying errors under a narrow bandwidth and very high-load.
- Used libraries
- leo project
- leo_backend-db v1.0.8
- leo_cache v0.4.23
- leo_commons v1.0.4
- leo_dcerl v0.2.10
- leo_logger v1.0.4
- leo_mcerl v0.4.0
- leo_mq v1.0.8
- leo_object_storage v1.1.0
- leo_ordning_reda v0.10.5
- leo_redundant_manager v1.8.4
- leo_rpc v0.8.8
- leo_pod v0.6.2
- leo_s3_libs v1.1.0
- leo_statistics v1.0.4
- savanna_agent v0.4.2
- savanna_commons v0.8.4
- erpcgen v0.2.2
- nfs_rpc_server v0.2.1
- leo_gateway v1.1.0
- leo_manager v1.1.0
- leo_storage v1.1.0
- others
- leo project
LeoFS v1.0.2 (May 9, 2014)
- Fixed Bugs
- Used libraries
- leo project
- leo_backend-db v1.0.3
- leo_cache v0.4.20
- leo_commons v1.0.1
- leo_dcerl v0.2.7
- leo_logger v1.0.2
- leo_mcerl v0.2.9
- leo_mq v1.0.3
- leo_object_storage v1.0.4
- leo_ordning_reda v0.10.3
- leo_redundant_manager v1.8.1
- leo_rpc v0.8.3
- leo_pod v0.6.0
- leo_s3_libs v1.0.1
- leo_statistics v1.0.2
- savanna_agent v0.2.2
- savanna_commons v0.6.3
- leo_gateway v1.0.2
- leo_manager v1.0.2
- leo_storage v1.0.2
- others
- leo project
LeoFS v1.0.1 (May 8, 2014)
- Improved
- #183
- Replication messages could be sent between storage nodes more than necessary - #176
- Supported LeoFS v1.0 - #167
- Automatically synchronization of objects between a local cluster and another remote cluster could fail - #165
- Could not modifycluster_id
after leo_manger started - #140
- Supported fors3gof3r
as S3-Client
- #183
- Fixed Bugs
- Corrected termination of applications.
- #187
- Could not work therebalance
command - #186
- Could not correctly finish thecompaction
command when exists large-objects - #185
- Failed to execute thedelete-endpoint
command - #184
- Failed to execute theupdate-acl
command - #182
- When status of a storage isrestarted
, issuing compaction could cause data loss - #173
- Could not migrate data from leofs-1.0.0-pre3 ro leofs-1.0.0 - #171
- Head-method with PHP client could not work. - #160
- Failed to upgrade from v0.14.6 to v1.0.0 - #153
- When using s3cmd, GET operation for larger than 5MB object gives error at leo_gateway
- Used libraries
- leo project
- leo_backend-db v1.0.3
- leo_cache v0.4.20
- leo_commons v1.0.1
- leo_dcerl v0.2.7
- leo_logger v1.0.2
- leo_mcerl v0.2.9
- leo_mq v1.0.3
- leo_object_storage v1.0.2
- leo_ordning_reda v0.10.3
- leo_redundant_manager v1.8.1
- leo_rpc v0.8.3
- leo_pod v0.6.0
- leo_s3_libs v1.0.1
- leo_statistics v1.0.2
- savanna_agent v0.2.2
- savanna_commons v0.6.3
- leo_gateway v1.0.0
- leo_manager v1.0.0
- leo_storage v1.0.0
- others
- leo project
LeoFS v1.0.0 (Apr 2, 2014)
- New features
- Multi datacenter replication (1st phase)
- Realized async-replication between clusters
- After sent stacked objects to a remote-cluster, receive the list of metadatas from a remote-cluster, then compare them with local-cluster. Eventually, an inconsistent object is recovered.
- Provided easy operation of multi-datacenter replication with leo-manager's console
- After joined a new cluster, automatically synchronize objects between local-cluster and a remote-cluster
- Provided
recover cluster
which is able to fix inconsistency objects with remote-cluster
- Realized async-replication between clusters
- #139 Implemented the Bucket ACL
- Multi datacenter replication (1st phase)
- Improved
Bump bitcask to v1.6.7leo_object_storage
Updated compaction and handling an object for the multi-dc replicationleo_ordning_reda
Updated handle-send interface for the multi-dc replicationleo_rpc
Improved to check-in a connection-pool into leo_pod
- Fixed Bugs
- #144 Failure occurred when running snmpwalk
- #146 No retry when receiving a head request
- #148 AWS-clients of PHP and Node.js could not copy object properly copied file became 0byte
- #151
had not been recorded on history table - #162 Able to get removed user on the manager-console
- #163
methods unexpected to display the permission messages
- Used libraries
- leo project
- leo_backend-db v1.0.2
- leo_cache v0.4.20
- leo_commons v1.0.1
- leo_dcerl v0.2.7
- leo_logger v1.0.1
- leo_mcerl v0.2.9
- leo_mq v1.0.2
- leo_object_storage v1.0.1
- leo_ordning_reda v0.10.2
- leo_redundant_manager v1.8.0
- leo_rpc v0.8.2
- leo_pod v0.4.8
- leo_s3_libs v1.0.1
- leo_statistics v1.0.1
- savanna_agent v0.2.1
- savanna_commons v0.6.2
- leo_gateway v1.0.0
- leo_manager v1.0.0
- leo_storage v1.0.0
- others
- leo project
LeoFS v1.0.0-pre3 (Feb 20, 2014)
- Improved
Able to plug functions in order to realize to build another managerleo_redundant_manager
Improved the performance of the membership and the rebalanceleo_redundant_manager
Modified that restrict membership of a node, the state of which is not runningleo_statistics
Switch the function of statistics to savanna_commons, which is an Erlang based metrics server.leo_ordning_reda
Improved the function of object stackingleo_ordning_reda
Improved efficiency of termination of a process
- Fixed Bugs
Fixed to escape xml elements correctly with xmerl_lib:export_textleo_gateway
Modified the http response body format when responding a http error status according to the S3 spec(
#116 Implement new sync mechanism in Manager, which is able to maintain hard consistency of the ringslibcutil (cache-lib)
#123 Add-fPIC
to CFLAGSleo_backend_db
#129 Fixed to remove all files in a bucket when deleting it(only occured in case using leveldb as metadata storage)leo_gateway
#130 Fixed wrong access log formats when operationg a large-objectleo_manager
#131 Wrote the version number in the source of configurationsleo_gateway
#136 Support that move and copy a large object with S3-Client(s)leo_object_storage
Fixed to handle invalid data blocks while doing compactionleo_rpc
Fixed to close a tcp socket properly in any casesleo_gateway
#140 Fixed to return 206 status when responding a partial body
- Used libraries
- leo project
- leo_backend-db v1.0.0
- leo_cache v0.4.19
- leo_commons v1.0.0
- leo_dcerl v0.2.7
- leo_logger v1.0.0
- leo_mcerl v0.2.9
- leo_mq v1.0.0
- leo_object_storage v1.0.0
- leo_ordning_reda v0.10.0
- leo_pod v0.4.7
- leo_redundant_manager v1.4.1
- leo_rpc v0.8.0
- leo_s3_libs v0.12.28
- leo_statistics v1.0.0
- savanna_commons v0.4.3
- leo_gateway v1.0.0-pre3
- leo_manager v1.0.0-pre3
- leo_storage v1.0.0-pre3
- others
- leo project