main.py: code that glues everything together.
videosourcepi.py: capture camera images from a Raspberry Pi camera and publish them as a topic.
videosourcegazebo.py: capture camera images from Gazebo ROS topic ("/webcam/image_raw") and publish them as a topic.
videosourcezmq.py: receive images from a Raspberry Pi running ZeroMQ and publish them as a topic.
videosaver.py: save the images as videos.
videostreamingapp.py: host a site from which is possible to see the latest image the vehicle captured.
videostreamingzmq.py: stream the images the vehicle captured to ZeroMQ.
arucodetector.py: detect ArUco markers, then publish the detections as a topic.
bridgeros.py: bridge so ROS can also access some of the topics.
bridgezmq.py: bridge to send/receive messages to/from ZeroMQ.
topics.py: topics.
msgs.py: messages that are published to topics.
utils.py: a few out of place methods.
requirements.txt: Python libraries used both during simulations and field testing.
requirements_raspberry.txt: Python libraries specific to the companion computer.
# create virtual environment
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages
# install libraries
pip3 install requirements.txt
# install libraries specific to raspberry pi boards
pip3 install requirements_raspberry.txt
# use the following command to check your options
python3 main.py --help
# e.g to live stream the drone footage, run
python3 main.py --stream-video-to-app
# e.g to live stream the drone footage and detect aruco markers, run
python3 main.py --stream-video-to-app --detect-aruco
# e.g to detect aruco markers and publish the detections to ROS, run
python3 main.py --detect-aruco --using-ros
# e.g to send images from the vehicle to a laptop, then detect aruco markers with the laptop
# vehicle side
python3 main.py --stream-video-to-zmq
# laptop side
python3 main.py --receive-video-from-zmq --detect-aruco