ℹ️ The following instructions depend on your version of Windows.
If you are running Windows 11, the Windows Terminal is already installed and you can proceed to the next section 👇
If you are running Windows 10, let's install Windows Terminal, a real modern terminal:
- Click on
- Type
Microsoft Store
- Click on
Microsoft Store
in the list - Search for
Windows Terminal
in the search bar - Select Windows Terminal"
- Click on
Uninstall wrong version of Windows Terminal
To uninstall a wrong version of Windows Terminal, you just have to go to the Installed Program List of Windows 10:
- Press
- Type
- Press
Find the software to uninstall and click on the uninstall button.
Once the installation is finished, the Install
button becomes a Launch
button: click on it.
Let's make Ubuntu the default terminal of your Windows Terminal application.
Press Ctrl
+ ,
It should open the terminal settings:
- Change the default profile to "Ubuntu"
- Click on "Save"
- Click on "Open JSON file"
You may see an orange circle rather than a penguin as the logo for Ubuntu.
We have circle in red the part you will change:
First, let's ask Ubuntu to start directly inside your Ubuntu Home Directory instead of the Windows one:
- Locate the entry with both
"name": "Ubuntu",
and"hidden": false,
- Add the following line after it:
"commandline": "wsl.exe ~",
Then, let's disable warning for copy-pasting commands between Windows and Ubuntu:
- Locate the line
"defaultProfile": "{2c4de342-...}"
- Add the following line after it:
"multiLinePasteWarning": false,
You can save these changes by pressing Ctrl
+ S
✔️ Your Windows Terminal is now setup 👍
This terminal has tabs: you can choose to open a new terminal tab by clicking on the + next to the current one.
From now on, every time we will refer to the terminal or the console it will be this one. DO NOT use any other terminal anymore.