This bundle provides a way to generate a cron file from your configuration per environment.
The cron is generated in the following format, extracted from template
{{ cron.expression }} {{ user }} {{ php_version }} {{ absolute_path }} {{ cron.command }} --env={{ env }}
All the parameters are required.
Example with the following context:
- You have two environments: prod and staging
- One user project_staging on your staging server and project_prod on your prod server
- The php version is the same for each server.
- Absolute_path is the absolute path to your console binary (bin/console).
- Output_path will be the path where the cron file will be created.
- "crons" is an array of cron commands.
Note Having different PHP versions is not possible and not recommended.
Configure your crons per env in your config/packages/lexik_cron_file_generator.yaml
mailto: ~ # Send your command output to the list of emails
env_available: # declare your available environements
- staging # example: staging and prod
- prod
staging: project_staging
prod: project_prod
php_version: php8.2
staging: path/to/staging/bin/console
prod: path/to/prod/bin/console
output_path: '%kernel.cache_dir%/cron_test'
- { name: 'Send email', command: 'app:test', env: { staging: '* * * * *', prod: '* 5 * * *' } }
As you can see you just have to configure your crons for each environment.
To generate the file, just execute the command:
bin/console lexik:cron:generate-file prod // --dry-run
The output with the file path:
Generated cron file
[OK] File generated
! [NOTE] path : /my-project/var/cache/cron_test
The file content:
# Send email
* * * * * project_staging 8.2 path/to/prod app:test --env=prod
You can use this file in your Continous Deployment flow