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Launch Academy

20-week full-time bootcamp for full-stack Software Development with an emphasis on Java.

javascript html css react node js java spring framework apache maven flyway hibernate framework postgresql git vs code intellij

Apprenti Software Developer 1 Apprenticeship Training

Apprenticeship Step 1: Pre-OJT (On-the-Job Training) related/supplemental instruction (RSI)

Grade Legend. 3: Exceeds Expectations; 2: Meets Expectatioins; 1: Make-Up Point Received; 0: Does Not Meet Expectations.
Week # Topic Technical System Check Grade (0-3)
0 Setup & Introductory Material Bank Balance JavaScript N/A
1 Javascript Fundamentals Rock, Paper, Scissors in JavaScript 3
2 Javascript Working with Data Structures Diner Menus JavaScript 3
3 Javascript OOP & Testing Cohort Stats JS 3
4 HTML JS & CSS Space Industries Inc 3
5 Project Week Your Favorite Movie Dot Com N/A
6 HTTP & Fetch Grocery List Express 3
7 React React Quiz Express 3
8 Advanced React React Simple Blog Express 3
9 Databases Launch SC Monolith Node And SQL Apprenti 2
10 Node Group Project Adopt a Pet N/A
11 Intro to Java Java Bank Balance 3
12 Objects with Java Java Classroom 3
13 Java Data Structures Java Star Wars Analysis 3
14 Hibernate Java Car Dealership 3
15 JSP & Servlets Java Dogbook 3
16 Spring Controllers & Views Java Coffee Shop 3
17 API Development with Spring Java Pet Tracker 2
18 Spring React Monoliths Java Spring Express Refactor 2
19 Group Project Restaurant Reviews N/A
Total Technical Grade (25 points required to graduate) 45