Now, you'll want a local copy of this repo. You can make that with the commands:
Clone the repo from by executing the command as follows and then go to proper subdirectory:
Lukaszs-MacBook-Pro:~ lukaszfeldman$ git clone
Lukaszs-MacBook-Pro:~ lukaszfeldman$ cd CCCdemos/
Lukaszs-MacBook-Pro:CCCdemos lukaszfeldman$ cd 04_terraform-oci-autoscaling/
Create environment file with TF_VARs:
Lukaszs-MacBook-Pro:04_terraform-oci-autoscaling lukaszfeldman$ vi terraform.tfvars
# Authentication
tenancy_ocid = ""
user_ocid = ""
fingerprint = "00:(...)82:47:e6:00"
private_key_path = "/Users/lukaszfeldman/.oci/oci_api_key.pem"
# Region
region = "us-ashburn-1"
# Compartment
compartment_ocid = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaa(...)3tbc4ua"
Run the following commands:
Lukaszs-MacBook-Pro:04_terraform-oci-autoscaling lukaszfeldman$ terraform init
Lukaszs-MacBook-Pro:04_terraform-oci-autoscaling lukaszfeldman$ terraform plan
Lukaszs-MacBook-Pro:04_terraform-oci-autoscaling lukaszfeldman$ terraform apply
When you no longer need the deployment, you can run this command to destroy the resources:
Lukaszs-MacBook-Pro:04_terraform-oci-autoscaling lukaszfeldman$ terraform destroy