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Firebase tools docker

Setup a Firebase cli tools environment inside a docker container

1. Build the Dockerfile and name the image

The docker image will be created from the basic node:alpine image

FROM node:9.10-alpine


RUN npm install -g firebase-tools

It's important to name the resulting image, as the name will be used later. In this case I'm naming it "lgvalle/firebase-tools-docker"

> docker build -t lgvalle/firebase-tools-docker .

This will create an image like this

luis@mbp > docker images

REPOSITORY                            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
lgvalle/firebase-tools-docker   latest              dc8673fe6ec9        18 minutes ago      152MB

2. Bash into the container and login with Firebase

> docker run -p 9005:9005 -u node -it lgvalle/firebase-tools-docker sh

This command executes sh (effectively opening a sh console) in the image lgvalle/firebase-tools-docker but also:

  • Maps the host's port 9005 to the corresponding container port. This is important for Firebase login as the oauth callback uses this port
  • Sets the username as node - we want to avoid running stuff as root if possible

If all goes well a terminal within the container should be opened

/ $ firebase login
? Allow Firebase to collect anonymous CLI usage and error reporting information? Yes

Visit this URL on any device to log in:

Waiting for authentication...

Copy & paste that url into a browser. A Google auth window should appear. Complete the login process and go back to the terminal. A message like this will be printed if everything goes well:

Waiting for authentication...

✔  Success! Logged in as [email protected]

3. Commit container changes as new image

Everytime you spin an image, docker creates a new container based in that image to execute the work. Any state changes inside the container are lost if you don't commit them

This is not technically correct, as you can always re-run an old container. In this case, what we want is to have a docker image with our user already logged in; and for that, we need to commit the changes occurred during the login process

Exit the container typing exit, find the container id and commit the changes:

luis@mbp > docker ps -l                                                                                                  
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                 COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
f1ac27f6fa4e        lgvalle/firebase-tools-docker   "sh"                42 minutes ago      Exited (0) 33 minutes ago                       youthful_saha

luis@mbp > docker commit --message "Add firebase login" f1ac27f6fa4e lgvalle/firebase-tools-docker

This will replace our original lgvalle/firebase-tools-docker image with the content of the container f1ac27f6fa4e

4. Verify the new image has valid login details

Bash into the container and list your firebase projects

luis@mbp > docker run -p 9005:9005 -u node -it lgvalle/firebase-tools-docker sh

/ $ firebase list

/usr/app $ firebase list
│ Name                      │ Project ID / Instance       │ Permissions │
│ bonfire                   │ bonfire-b4111               │ Editor      │
│ Firebase Demo Project     │ fir-demo-project-ad555      │ Viewer      │
│ FirebaseNotificationsDemo │ fir-notificationsdemo-66111 │ Owner       │
│ MyAwesomeProject          │ myawesomeproject-771111     │ Owner       │

If a list of projects like this is shown it means everything worked well

5. Bonus: launch firebase tools environment for the current directory

Create an alias like this to automatically open a firebase tools console for the current directory:

alias fire='docker run -v $PWD:/usr/app -w /usr/app -p 9005:9005 -u node -it lgvalle/firebase-tools-docker sh' 
  • -v $PWD:/usr/app : maps current directory to the path /usr/app inside the container
  • -w /usr/app : sets the container working dir to usr/app