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134 lines (133 loc) · 1.79 KB

File metadata and controls

134 lines (133 loc) · 1.79 KB

op support status for TfLite is described as fllows:  

op name status
Add yes
AveragePool2d yes
Concatenation yes
Conv2d yes
DepthwiseConv2d yes
DepthToSpace yes
Dequantize yes
EmbeddingLookup yes
Floor yes
FullyConnected yes
HashtableLookup yes
L2Normalization yes
L2Pool2d no
LocalResponseNormalization yes
Logistic yes
LshProjection no
Lstm no
MaxPool2d yes
Mul yes
Relu yes
ReluN1To1 yes
Relu6 yes
Reshape yes
ResizeBilinear yes
Rnn yes
Softmax yes
SpaceToDepth yes
Svdf no
Tanh yes
ConcatEmbeddings no
SkipGram no
Call no
Custom no
EmbeddingLookupSparse no
Pad yes
UnidirectionalSequenceRnn yes
Gather yes
BatchToSpaceNd yes
SpaceToBatchNd yes
Transpose yes
Mean yes
Sub yes
Div yes
Squeeze yes
UnidirectionalSequenceLstm yes
StridedSlice yes
BidirectionalSequenceRnn yes
Exp yes
TopkV2 no
Split yes
LogSoftmax no
Delegate no
BidirectionalSequenceLstm yes
Cast no
Prelu yes
Maximum yes
ArgMax yes
Minimum yes
Less yes
Neg yes
Padv2 no
Greater yes
GreaterEqual yes
LessEqual yes
Select yes
Slice yes
Sin yes
TransposeConv yes
SparseToDense no
Tile no
ExpandDims yes
Equal yes
NotEqual yes
Log yes
Sum yes
Sqrt yes
Rsqrt yes
Shape yes
Pow yes
ArgMin yes
FakeQuant no
ReduceProd yes
ReduceMax yes
Pack yes
LogicalOr yes
OneHot yes
LogicalAnd yes
LogicalNot yes
Unpack yes
ReduceMin yes
FloorDiv yes
ReduceAny yes
Square yes
ZerosLike no
Fill no
FloorMod no
Range no
ResizeNearestNeighbor yes
LeakyRelu yes
SquaredDifference no
MirrorPad no
Abs yes
SplitV yes
Unique no
Ceil no
ReverseV2 yes
AddN yes
GatherNd yes
Cos yes
Where no
Rank no
Elu yes
ReverseSequence no
MatrixDiag no
Quantize yes
MatrixSetDiag no
Round no
HardSwish yes
If no
While no
NonMaxSuppressionV4 no
NonMaxSuppressionV5 no
ScatterNd no
SelectV2 yes
Densify no
SegmentSum no
BatchMatmul yes
Conv3d yes