- Brain.fq (MAQC Brain exp 2 phi X) & Brian_control.fq (MAQC UHR exp 2 auto) -- RNA-seq datasets from two conditions
- hg19.fa -- reference genome sequence
- hg19.gff/hg19_refFlat.txt -- reference genome annotation
Generate bam file and bedgraph file
- Use Trimmomatic to trim and filter out low quality raw reads.
java -jar trimmomatic-0.35.jar SE -phred33 Brain.fq Brain.paired.fastq Brain.unpaired.fastq ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-SE-2.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36
hisat2 -x reference_genome_index Brain.paired.fastq -S Brain.sam
samtools view -bS Brain.sam > Brain.bam samtools sort Brain.bam -o Brain.sorted.bam samtools index Brain.sorted.bam genomeCoverageBed -bg -ibam Brain.sort.bam -g reference.genome.size.txt -split > Brain.bedgraph
- Index the annotation using index_gff
index_gff --index hg19.gff indexed/
where refGene.gff3 is a GFF file containing descriptions of isoforms/alternative splicing events to be quantitated (e.g. skipped exons)
- Run MISO
miso --run indexed/ Brain.bam --output-dir output1/ --read-len 50 –use-cluster miso --run indexed/ Brain_control.bam --output-dir output2/ --read-len 50 –use-cluster
The --read-len option is necessary and specifies the length of the reads in the data
To compute expression levels using paired-end reads, use the --paired-end option
- Summarize MISO inferences using summarize_miso --summarize-samples
summarize_miso --summarize-samples output1/ summary_output1/ summarize_miso --summarize-samples output2/ summary_output2/
- Make pairwise comparisons between samples to detect differentially expressed isoforms/events with compare_miso --compare-samples
compare_miso --compare-samples output1/ output2/ comparison_output/
library(roar) gtf <- system.file("examples", "apa.gtf", package="roar") bamTreatment <- c("Brain.bam") bamControl <- c("Brain_control.bam") rds <- RoarDatasetFromFiles(bamTreatment, bamControl, gtf) rds <- countPrePost(rds, FALSE) rds <- computeRoars(rds) rds <- computePvals(rds) results <- totalResults(rds) results_filtered <- pvalueFilter(rds, fpkmCutoff=-Inf, pvalCutoff=0.05
- Extract 3′ UTRs from annotation
qapa build --db ensembl_identifiers.txt -g gencode.polyA_sites.bed -p clusters.mm10.bed gencode.basic.txt > output_utrs.bed
If using a custom BED file, replace the -g and -p options with -o:
qapa build --db ensembl_identifiers.txt -o custom_sites.bed gencode.basic.txt > output_utrs.bed
- Extract sequences from the BED file prepared by build (a reference genome in FASTA format is required)
qapa fasta -f hg19.fa output_utrs.bed output_sequences.fa
hg19.fa must be uncompressed
- Expression quantification of 3’UTR isoforms must be carried out first using the FASTA file prepared by fasta as the index
To index the sequences using Salmon
salmon index -t output_sequences.fa -i utr_library
qapa quant --db ensembl_identifiers.txt project/sample*/quant.sf > pau_results.txt
- Configure the input parameters
The PAQR subdirectory contains a file called "config.yaml". This files contains all information about used parameter values, data locations, file names and so on. During a run, all steps of the pipeline will retrieve their parameter values from this file.
max_cores=4 # maximum number of threads that will run in parallel snakemake -s part_one.Snakefile -p --cores ${max_cores} &> log_output.log
max_cores=8 # maximum number of threads that will run in parallel snakemake -s part_two.Snakefile -p --cores ${max_cores} &>> log_output.log
- The single steps/scripts of the pipeline
python calculate-TIN-values.py \ -i data/bam_files/Brain.bam \ -r ${transcripts} \ -c ${min_raw_reads} \ --names KD_rep1 \ -n ${sample_size} \ > data/Brain.tsv
python merge-TIN-tables.py \ --verbose \ --input data/Brain.tsv data/Brain_control.tsv \ > data/bias.transcript_wide.TIN.tsv
python merge-TIN-tables.py \ --verbose \ --input data/Brain.tsv data/Brain_control.tsv \ > data/bias.transcript_wide.TIN.tsv
bias.transcript_wide.TIN.tsv > bias.TIN.median_per_sample.tsv in part_one.Snakefile
Rscript boxplots-TIN-distributions.R \ --file HNRNPC_KD/bias.TIN.median_per_sample.tsv\ --pdf HNRNPC_KD/bias.transcript_wide.TIN.boxplots.pdf
Rscript --vanilla KAPAC.R --help
- Configure the input parameters
cufflinks -p 8 -o brain --overlap-radius 75 brain.sorted.bam
cuffdiff -o ./cuffdiff_out/ -p 2 -FDR 0.1 -L c1,c2 -max-bundle-frags 20000000 hg19.gtf Brain.sorted.bam Brain_control.sorted.bam
- Reading Open Frame (ORF) prediction
perl 3UTR_orf.pl -i transcripts.fasta -d /home/user/swissprot/swissprot -a 8 -o Test -l un
- 3'UTR sequence retrieval
perl 3UTR_ext.pl -i1 transcripts.fa -i2 orfs.fasta -d /home/user/3UTR_database/3UTR.mam.fasta -a 8 -o 3UTR.fasta -x 2500 -m 20
- Make paired end alignment files using Scripture
Remove the headers from the TopHat alignment file (headers begin with "@") and sort each by read name
sed '1,2d' Brian.sam | sort > Brian.sorted.sam sed '1,2d' Brian_control.sam | sort > Brian_control.sorted.sam
java -Xmx4000m -jar scripture.jar -task makePairedFile -pair1 Brain.sorted.sam -pair2 Brian_control.sam -out Brain.paired.sam –sorted
- Run Scripture
Combine TopHat alignment file and paired end alignments file, then sort and index
cat Brain.sorted.sam Brian_control.sorted.sam > all_Brain.sam
cat Brain.paired.sam Brain2.paired.sam > all_Brain.paired.sam
java –jar scripture.jar –alignment all_Brain.sorted.sam –out Brain_Test –sizeFile hg19.sizes –chr chr19 –chrSequence chr19.fa -pairedEnd all_Brain.paired.sorted.sam
- Make paired end alignment files using Scripture
- Use the included script (TA.sh) to generate the input necessary for KLEAT
TA.sh -a Brain1.fq.gz -b Brain2.fq.gz -n Brain -k "32 52 72" -o Brain/assembly -t 6 -m 15G
python KLEAT.py Brain/assembly/Brain.bam Brain/assembly/merged/Brain-merged.fa hg19.fa ensembl.fixed.sorted.gz Brain/assembly/r2c_sorted.bam /KLEAT/Brain -k KLEAT_Brain "KLEAT cleavage sites" -ss
java -jar ContextMap_v2.1.0.jar mapper -read Brain.fq -aligner_name bowtie2 -aligner_bin /user/home/bowtie2 -indexer_bin ./bowtie2_build -indices chr1,chr2 -genome /user/home/hg19 -o Brain --ployA
python GETUTR.py -i Brain.bam -o Brain.3UTR -m 10 -r refFlat.txt
- Build transcript database
Rscript buildTranscriptDB_fixed.R refGene txdb.hg19.refGene.sqlite hg19
- Select transcripts with 3'utr with length > 600bp
Rscript apa3utr_fixed.R txdb.hg19.refGene.sqlite 22 long3utr.txt
- Compute read tag counts in sliding windows
Rscript apaCount_fixed.R long3utr.txt 22 Brain.bam
- Fit poisson HMM
Rscript poissonHMM_fixed long3utr.txt Brain.sorted.cts.rda Brain.csv
perl change_point.pl -t Brain.bam -c Brain_control.bam -g 3utr.bed -d s -o Brain
perl change_point.pl -t Brain.bam -c Brain_control.bam -g 3utr.bed -d l -o Brain
java -Xmx102400m -jar IsoSCM-2.0.11.jar assemble -coverage false -bam Brain.bam -base Brain -s unstranded java -Xmx102400m -jar IsoSCM-2.0.11.jar assemble -coverage false -bam Brain_control.bam -base Brain_control -s unstranded
java -Xmx102400m -jar IsoSCM-2.0.11.jar compare -x1 brain.assembly_parameters.xml -x2 brain_control.assembly_parameters.xml -base Brain
- Generate region annotation
python DaPars_Extract_Anno.py -b hg19_refseq_extracted_3UTR.bed -s hg19_4_19_2012_Refseq_id_from_UCSC.txt -o extracted_3UTR.bed
- Run DaPars
python DaPars_main.py configure_file configure_file: Annotated_3UTR=hg19_refseq_extracted_3UTR.bed Group1_Tophat_aligned_Wig=Brain.bedgraph Group2_Tophat_aligned_Wig=Brain_control.bedgraph Output_directory=DaPars_Brain/ Output_result_file=DaPars_Brain Num_least_in_group1=1 Num_least_in_group2=1 Coverage_cutoff=30 FDR_cutoff=0.05 PDUI_cutoff=0.5 Fold_change_cutoff=0.59
- Identify distal 3' UTR
For genome having long 3'UTR
identifyDistal3UTR -i Brain.bedgraph Brain_control.bedgraph -m hg19.genemodel.bed -o Brain.utr.bed
For genome having short 3'UTR
identifyDistal3UTR -i Brain.bedgraph Brain_control.bedgraph -m hg19.genemodel.bed -o Brain.utr.bed -w 50 -e 5000
- APA site detection
For genome having long 3'UTR
predictAPA -i Brain.bedgraph Brain_control.bedgraph -g 2 -n 1 1 -u Brain.utr.bed -o output.txt
For genome having short 3'UTR
predictAPA -i Brain.bedgraph Brain_control.bedgraph -g 2 -n 1 1 -u Brain.utr.bed -o output.txt -a 50
- APA dynamics detection
library(deAPA) deAPA('output.txt', 'de_output.txt', 1, 2, 1, 1, 20)
- Identify distal 3' UTR
- APA site detection
samtools view -b Brain.sorted.bam > Brain.bam samtools depth Brain.bam > Brain.txt ./APA_sites_detection -ref refFlat.txt -cov Brain.txt -l 50 -o Brain.txt
- APA dynamics detection
./Diff_APA_site_analysis -C1 Brain.txt,Brain_control.txt -C2 UHR.txt,UHR_control.txt -a refFlat.txt -cutoff 70 -type d -o Brain_output.txt
perl EBChangePoint.pl -c Brain.bam -t Brain_control.bam -g 3utr.bed -h1 junctions_brain.bed -h2 junctions_brain_control.bed
Junction.bed file for Brain.fq/Brain_control.fa sample, i.e. generated by Tophat