repositories Search Results · repo:liangyiting/DDPG-for-process-optimization- language:Python
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inliangyiting/DDPG-for-process-optimization- (press backspace or delete to remove)还在整理中..尝试将强化学习(DDPG框架)用于锌冶炼净化过程的锌粉添加量优化.。首先在matlab中搭建净化过程模型(agent),然后通过python接口与主程序连接;然后搭建三层行动网络和评价网络;基于梯度下降算法训练网络参数。整个训练过程发散,而且无法解决。可能原因…
- Python
- 5
- Updated on Jun 15, 2019
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