API endpoints
- Create new game ( ‘/create/’ request: GET, response: gameId, facilitatorId)
- Join game (‘/join/gameId’ request: GET, response: available seats)
- Choose seat (‘/seatchoice’, request: POST, arguments: seatId, gameId response: success or not)
- Update team name (‘/updateteamname’, request: POST, arguments: teamId, name, facilitatorId)
- Update player name (‘updateplayername’, request: POST, arguments: seatId, name)
- Update stages (‘/updatestage/teamId/seatId’ request: POST, arguments: envelopes_completed, envelopes_ready)
- Get game state (‘/getstate/gameId’: GET, response: JSON representation of game state)
Game Mechanics At each stage the player will:
- Open the envelope via a click
- Type up a randomly generated string
- Pass the envelope to the next person on their team via a click