For the latest release notes, please see the GitHub releases page.
1.2.2 (2024-10-28)
- changelog (ef3a4e3)
- claim bond with no available rewards (d47689c)
- read query params for ref & mode (ae92af3)
1.2.1 (2024-10-28)
- always extended mode (5982511)
1.2.0 (2024-10-25)
1.1.1 (2024-10-23)
1.1.0 (2024-10-23)
- negative available keys (3a12cc4)
- ?ref stored in session storage (fa9bfdb)
- 10 wei only for stETH (a34da4b)
- accept invite modals (bb989ab)
- add 10 wei only to permit (c264462)
- audit packages (3e82a2b)
- check hasRole (2b1611e)
- claim rewards without proof (8565f51)
- claim token title (1c55d4d)
- correct not_released (18b9167)
- dashboard exited keys (8a97038)
- dashboard keys colors (6fef871)
- dashboard keys colors (1045768)
- dashboard keys counts (2f37a0b)
- dashboard role pending change (fa00b60)
- debug (4015162)
- debug staging build (bdfc3eb)
- deposit data input error (2ead306)
- devnet vs testnet (edf3e99)
- drop ?addrs (902a105)
- drop claim-rewards feature (b021f9e)
- dummy error pages (373b274)
- ea 0 addr & custom WC (8bd2ee3)
- empty permit (0d76038)
- everyone can normalize queue (21d64ce)
- faq (a4fe8d4)
- faq text (2a5e694)
- faq text (0f10a2f)
- faq text (e6bebdc)
- get nodeOperator after creation (f58062f)
- hide locked bond on dashboard if zero (9b2b3db)
- large faviocn (2f04826)
- link attr (51558d2)
- link to holesky stake widget (065a2a0)
- lint (dec0f14)
- lint (d5aba7a)
- lint mistakes (7f85b64)
- loading invites (35a22c7)
- manifest title (4c06a89)
- matomo link events (76f9d0c)
- modal wording WIP (f929091)
- move submit invariant (c1ac1ed)
- not eligible banner text (821eea6)
- not released (ab774ed)
- not released staging (ffc3ed9)
- not_released_page (9558fe7)
- og (c4cfb14)
- path /keys loading (6a65afb)
- prettified tree (20ffbaa)
- providers order (9bffec2)
- query param mode (e176561)
- removing keys (c0ceb24)
- revalidate methods (60c3dfd)
- revert devnet addresses (1695676)
- rewards for 0 NO (e0f5272)
- show module is paused after connection (5fb0e64)
- single item in depositData without array (2c78dac)
- skip load rewards tree if there is no treeCid (45f4f04)
- svgo keep viewBox (79e749a)
- testnet (b9b565f)
- todos & link (1e42450)
- tree link (a71a226)
- turn on unoptimized images - we didn't use this module at all (b7ef7ea)
- typo fix (fe2c471)
- typo stacking (1a1ba50)
- typo staking (83443c9)
- view keys: show keys only after loaded statuses (7947f61)
- withdrawal key status (94b0683)
- wording (2804620)
- wording (e90bef5)
- wording (bf7c9ed)
- wording (1768918)
- wording WIP (92d0390)
- wsteth devnet.1 (adc0fbe)
- ?mode=extended (ebe4714)
- add 10 wei (70d7e3e)
- add keys & add bond (38e5b14)
- add keys show bond excess (ebb576c)
- add keys validation (66737c2)
- add mainnet (e605cec)
- add simple file-drop (0fbe1d0)
- add/claim bond info (763e095)
- added preview stand workflows (8afc2ee)
- alert requested to exit (b1b6b6c)
- alerts for nomalizeQueue, unlockBond, stuckKeys (88869e8)
- append NO after invite (971e3ae)
- available keys to upload & limit (aff498a)
- bond & rewards (7c11e3b)
- cache keys (d6f5d5e)
- cached node operator (7c671f0)
- change role address (1aea710)
- check paused accounting (6643856)
- claim bond (14834bd)
- claim bond WIP (6ceab1e)
- claim eth modal (adc36a1)
- claim rewards (2f1fff7)
- claim unsteth limits (6693427)
- confirm change role address (90151b5)
- create NO modal (fef00af)
- create NO with custom addresses (465f89b)
- custom addresses (22b71e5)
- dashboard (ea59ac1)
- dashboard foldable bond&rewards (9002b54)
- dashboard key limits & update links (de37557)
- dashboard style (d9f74fd)
- dashboard WIP (b5b5d42)
- default rewards config (29175b4)
- default token with max balance (db2c684)
- deposit data validation (35f3a56)
- deposit with 0 amount - uses steth (no matter selected token) (83ab30f)
- disable action on module paused (bf38f79)
- ea sp text + style (0c033b9)
- enable staging (09195ab)
- extendedManagerPermissions (ee0fa77)
- external dashboard (1cea282)
- faq (e2d341f)
- feedback form (de6f8d1)
- fetch nos (8c61c64)
- gate ea member (063c41e)
- gates (30e363c)
- hacks for mobile header (35ab333)
- hat and refactor form providers (f01b2a4)
- hat components (333aa83)
- improve navigation & redirects (7a7e9fe)
- improve validation (7b21f4f)
- invites TBD (205f720)
- key have multiple statuses (6b32d13)
- keys input (7b9ff42)
- keys statuses (87e45b7)
- keys stuck status (a2b90b9)
- keys_api verify duplicates (0bc0dd1)
- link to FAQ (94660bb)
- load nodeOperator by id (12e3590)
- locked bond WIP (be5ce42)
- log transaction error (51ae47f)
- mainnet FAQ (03564f4)
- maintenance mode (b7e135f)
- matomo event for ?mode & ?ref (a82a674)
- matomo events (957d3f8)
- matomo for view page (812561c)
- matomo missed links (5592968)
- mobile adaptation (cdcb737)
- mobile for dashboard and create NO (acb4142)
- navigation bar (051e11f)
- node-operator-provider (d32d8a7)
- normalize queue form (3575e02)
- not released (ab81d8b)
- only manager can unlock bond (c4687f9)
- permit vs approve and allowance (6dfce12)
- propose role change (380ba40)
- propose roles change (562601f)
- refactor invites (3294b91)
- refactor invites & roles (d98d88b)
- refactor node operator list (bca10d8)
- referrer input (b12778f)
- referrer mapping (b794816)
- remove cached keys (c5a8ea9)
- remove keys (46f1a68)
- remove keys info (4537483)
- remove keys restyle (146f5ac)
- replace holesky with devnet.0 (9b585da)
- report stealing (8da66e2)
- requested to exit status (6939fe6)
- restyle change role (2fa4b9f)
- rewards tree fallback (53e0f10)
- role gate + switcher (91d1479)
- separate locked bond from required bond (0b9fabc)
- show claim estimate time (175a14c)
- show keys available to upload (8fec69b)
- skip extra wei in amount input - add it on form submit (e9f3986)
- small style updates (a4245fc)
- stakingLimit + validation (551e050)
- starter pack partners (8b214e6)
- submit keys (create NO) (a484c2a)
- submit with proof (55c21c9)
- success create node operator (d9c364b)
- table with locked node operators & cancel stealing max amount (c872197)
- testnet addresses (924d7ad)
- token selector (2b2391a)
- track tx & switch NO (9b69ee7)
- unsupported chain fallback (d3d8595)
- update + NO mutate (d5964ac)
- update custom addresses (1a7ea41)
- update FAQ & conditional FAQ (a30bf78)
- update favicon (0a6801c)
- update modals (221b9d4)
- update reset role (b4c5cc8)
- update texts & links before mainnet (b59c450)
- upgrade contracts ABI (6bf26d3)
- view keys (32bddc4)
- view role address (ba39322)
- warning devnet (b7c7294)
- welcome screen (58d7178)
- wide layout for remove keys (14e7963)