From 57fc2afe2238a4a93dd1a55170ee76c51467573c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: EduardoRFS Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 16:13:01 -0300 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] delete lsp-bench --- tools/lsp-bench/.gitignore | 3 - tools/lsp-bench/.hlint.yaml | 1109 ----------------- tools/lsp-bench/.ligo/repository_id | 1 - tools/lsp-bench/.stylish-haskell.yaml | 68 - tools/lsp-bench/Makefile | 10 - tools/lsp-bench/ | 1 - tools/lsp-bench/Setup.hs | 2 - tools/lsp-bench/app/Main.hs | 8 - tools/lsp-bench/lsp-bench.cabal | 141 --- tools/lsp-bench/package.yaml | 87 -- .../projects/one_big_file/one_big_file.mligo | 1000 --------------- .../one_small_file/one_small_file.mligo | 7 - tools/lsp-bench/projects/submodules/checker | 1 - tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench.hs | 26 - tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Completion.hs | 113 -- tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Complex.hs | 62 - tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Diagnostics.hs | 158 --- tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Hovers.hs | 140 --- tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/References.hs | 119 -- tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Util.hs | 191 --- tools/lsp-bench/stack.yaml | 39 - tools/lsp-bench/stack.yaml.lock | 13 - 22 files changed, 3299 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/.gitignore delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/.hlint.yaml delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/.ligo/repository_id delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/.stylish-haskell.yaml delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/Makefile delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/ delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/Setup.hs delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/app/Main.hs delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/lsp-bench.cabal delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/package.yaml delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/projects/one_big_file/one_big_file.mligo delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/projects/one_small_file/one_small_file.mligo delete mode 160000 tools/lsp-bench/projects/submodules/checker delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench.hs delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Completion.hs delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Complex.hs delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Diagnostics.hs delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Hovers.hs delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/References.hs delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Util.hs delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/stack.yaml delete mode 100644 tools/lsp-bench/stack.yaml.lock diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/.gitignore b/tools/lsp-bench/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index d9899c2f3b..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -.stack-work/ -.ligo/ -*~ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/.hlint.yaml b/tools/lsp-bench/.hlint.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 5a0dd33186..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/.hlint.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1109 +0,0 @@ -- arguments: - - -XAllowAmbiguousTypes - - -XApplicativeDo - - -XBangPatterns - - -XBlockArguments - - -XConstraintKinds - - -XDataKinds - - -XDeriveAnyClass - - -XDeriveFoldable - - -XDeriveFunctor - - -XDeriveTraversable - - -XDerivingStrategies - - -XDerivingVia - - -XDuplicateRecordFields - - -XFlexibleContexts - - -XFlexibleInstances - - -XFunctionalDependencies - - -XGADTs - - -XGeneralisedNewtypeDeriving - - -XLambdaCase - - -XMagicHash - - -XMultiParamTypeClasses - - -XMultiWayIf - - -XNamedFieldPuns - - -XNoCPP - - -XOverloadedStrings - - -XQuantifiedConstraints - - -XQuasiQuotes - - -XPolyKinds - - -XRankNTypes - - -XScopedTypeVariables - - -XStandaloneDeriving - - -XTemplateHaskell - - -XTupleSections - - -XTypeApplications - - -XTypeFamilies - - -XTypeOperators - - -XUndecidableInstances - - -XViewPatterns - - -XQuasiQuotes - -# Humans know better -- ignore: { name: Use camelCase } -- ignore: { name: Use const } - -# We should use exceptions based around the MonadUnliftIO typeclass instead of MonadCatch and MonadMask -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.bracket, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.bracket - , name: "Use bracket from UnliftIO.Exception"} -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.bracketOnError, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.bracketOnError - , name: "Use bracketOnError from UnliftIO.Exception"} -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.bracket_, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.bracket_ - , name: "Use bracket_ from UnliftIO.Exception"} -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.handle, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.handle - , name: "Use handle from UnliftIO.Exception"} -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.handleAny, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.handleAny - , name: "Use handleAny from UnliftIO.Exception"} -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.finally, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.finally - , name: "Use finally from UnliftIO.Exception"} -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.finally, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.finally - , name: "Use finally from UnliftIO.Exception"} -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.catch, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.catch - , name: "Use catch from UnliftIO.Exception"} -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.onException, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.onException - , name: "Use onException from UnliftIO.Exception"} -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.try, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.try - , name: "Use try from UnliftIO.Exception"} -- warn: {lhs: Prelude.tryAny, rhs: UnliftIO.Exception.tryAny - , name: "Use tryAny from UnliftIO.Exception"} - - -# config below is copy-pasted from -# but with "Use '(<>)' from Universum" and `safe-exceptions`-related things commented. - - -############################################################################ -## Universum -############################################################################ - -# There's no 'head' in Universum -- ignore: {name: "Use head"} - -# We have 'whenJust' for this -- ignore: {name: "Use Foldable.forM_"} - -- warn: {lhs: Data.Text.pack, rhs: Universum.toText} -- warn: {lhs: Data.Text.unpack, rhs: Universum.toString} - -- warn: {lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.pack, rhs: Universum.toLText} -- warn: {lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.unpack, rhs: Universum.toString} -- warn: {lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.toStrict, rhs: Universum.toText} -- warn: {lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.fromStrict, rhs: Universum.toLText} - -- warn: {lhs: Data.Text.pack (show x), rhs: x} -- warn: {lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.pack (show x), rhs: x} - -- warn: {lhs: Control.Exception.evaluate, rhs: evaluateWHNF} -- warn: {lhs: Control.Exception.evaluate (force x), rhs: evaluateNF x} -- warn: {lhs: Control.Exception.evaluate (x `deepseq` ()), rhs: evaluateNF_ x} -- warn: {lhs: void (evaluateWHNF x), rhs: evaluateWHNF_ x} -- warn: {lhs: void (evaluateNF x), rhs: evaluateNF_ x} - -## Containers -- hint: {lhs: Data.HashMap.Lazy.keys, rhs: Universum.keys} -- hint: {lhs: Data.HashMap.Strict.keys, rhs: Universum.keys} -- hint: {lhs: Data.Map.Lazy.keys, rhs: Universum.keys} -- hint: {lhs: Data.Map.Strict.keys, rhs: Universum.keys} -- hint: {lhs: Data.IntMap.Lazy.keys, rhs: Universum.keys} -- hint: {lhs: Data.IntMap.Strict.keys, rhs: Universum.keys} - -- hint: {lhs: Data.HashMap.Lazy.elems, rhs: Universum.elems} -- hint: {lhs: Data.HashMap.Strict.elems, rhs: Universum.elems} -- hint: {lhs: Data.Map.Lazy.elems, rhs: Universum.elems} -- hint: {lhs: Data.Map.Strict.elems, rhs: Universum.elems} -- hint: {lhs: Data.IntMap.Lazy.elems, rhs: Universum.elems} -- hint: {lhs: Data.IntMap.Strict.elems, rhs: Universum.elems} - -- hint: {lhs: Data.HashMap.Lazy.toList, rhs: Universum.toPairs} -- hint: {lhs: Data.HashMap.Strict.toList, rhs: Universum.toPairs} -- hint: {lhs: Data.Map.Lazy.toList, rhs: Universum.toPairs} -- hint: {lhs: Data.Map.Lazy.assocs, rhs: Universum.toPairs} -- hint: {lhs: Data.Map.Strict.toList, rhs: Universum.toPairs} -- hint: {lhs: Data.Map.Strict.assocs, rhs: Universum.toPairs} -- hint: {lhs: Data.IntMap.Lazy.toList, rhs: Universum.toPairs} -- hint: {lhs: Data.IntMap.Lazy.assocs, rhs: Universum.toPairs} -- hint: {lhs: Data.IntMap.Strict.toList, rhs: Universum.toPairs} -- hint: {lhs: Data.IntMap.Strict.assocs, rhs: Universum.toPairs} - -- warn: { lhs: Data.Map.toAscList (Data.Map.fromList x) - , rhs: Universum.sortWith fst x - } -- warn: { lhs: Data.Map.toDescList (Data.Map.fromList x) - , rhs: Universum.sortWith (Down . fst) x - } - -- warn: {lhs: Data.Set.toList (Data.Set.fromList l), rhs: Universum.sortNub l} -- warn: {lhs: Data.Set.assocs (Data.Set.fromList l), rhs: Universum.sortNub l} -- warn: {lhs: Data.Set.toAscList (Data.Set.fromList l), rhs: Universum.sortNub l} - -- warn: {lhs: Data.HashSet.toList (Data.HashSet.fromList l), rhs: Universum.unstableNub} - -- hint: { lhs: nub, rhs: Universum.ordNub - , note: "'nub' is O(n^2), 'ordNub' is O(n log n)" } - -- warn: { lhs: sortBy (comparing f), rhs: Universum.sortWith f - , note: "If the function you are using for 'comparing' is slow, use 'sortOn' instead of 'sortWith', because 'sortOn' caches applications the function and 'sortWith' doesn't." } - -- warn: { lhs: sortOn fst, rhs: Universum.sortWith fst - , note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" } -- warn: { lhs: sortOn snd, rhs: Universum.sortWith snd - , note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" } -- warn: { lhs: sortOn (Down . fst), rhs: Universum.sortWith (Down . fst) - , note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" } -- warn: { lhs: sortOn (Down . snd), rhs: Universum.sortWith (Down . snd) - , note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" } - -- warn: {lhs: map fst &&& map snd, rhs: unzip} - -- warn: {lhs: f >>= guard, rhs: guardM} -- warn: {lhs: guard =<< f, rhs: guardM} - -- warn: {lhs: fmap concat (mapM f s), rhs: Universum.concatMapM f s} -- warn: {lhs: concat <$> mapM f s, rhs: Universum.concatMapM f s} - -- warn: {lhs: fmap concat (forM f s), rhs: Universum.concatForM s f} -- warn: {lhs: fmap concat (for f s), rhs: Universum.concatForM s f} -- warn: {lhs: concat <$> forM f s, rhs: Universum.concatForM s f} -- warn: {lhs: concat <$> for f s, rhs: Universum.concatForM s f} - -- hint: { lhs: fmap and (sequence s), rhs: Universum.andM s - , note: "Applying this hint would mean that some actions\n that were being executed previously would no longer be executed." } -- hint: { lhs: and <$> sequence s, rhs: Universum.andM s - , note: "Applying this hint would mean that some actions\n that were being executed previously would no longer be executed." } - -- hint: { lhs: fmap or (sequence s), rhs: Universum.orM s - , note: "Applying this hint would mean that some actions\n that were being executed previously would no longer be executed." } -- hint: { lhs: or <$> sequence s, rhs: Universum.orM s - , note: "Applying this hint would mean that some actions\n that were being executed previously would no longer be executed." } - -- hint: { lhs: fmap and (mapM f s), rhs: Universum.allM f s - , note: "Applying this hint would mean that some actions\n that were being executed previously would no longer be executed." } -- hint: { lhs: and <$> mapM f s, rhs: Universum.allM f s - , note: "Applying this hint would mean that some actions\n that were being executed previously would no longer be executed." } -- hint: { lhs: fmap or (mapM f s), rhs: Universum.anyM f s - , note: "Applying this hint would mean that some actions\n that were being executed previously would no longer be executed." } -- hint: { lhs: or <$> mapM f s, rhs: Universum.anyM f s - , note: "Applying this hint would mean that some actions\n that were being executed previously would no longer be executed." } - -- warn: {lhs: whenM (not <$> x), rhs: unlessM x} -- warn: {lhs: unlessM (not <$> x), rhs: whenM x} - -- warn: {lhs: either (const True) (const False), rhs: isLeft} -- warn: {lhs: either (const False) (const True), rhs: isRight} - -- warn: {lhs: either id (const a), rhs: fromLeft a} -- warn: {lhs: either (const b) id, rhs: fromRight b} - -- warn: {lhs: either Just (const Nothing), rhs: leftToMaybe} -- warn: {lhs: either (const Nothing) Just, rhs: rightToMaybe} -- warn: {lhs: maybe (Left l) Right, rhs: maybeToRight} -- warn: {lhs: maybe (Right r) Left, rhs: maybeToLeft} - -- warn: {lhs: fromMaybe mempty, rhs: maybeToMonoid} -- warn: {lhs: "m ?: mempty", rhs: maybeToMonoid m} - - -- hint: {lhs: pure (), rhs: pass} -- hint: {lhs: return (), rhs: pass} - -# Probably will be reduced when function equality is done: -# -- warn: {lhs: case m of Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pure () , rhs: Universum.whenJust m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Just x -> f x; Nothing -> return (), rhs: Universum.whenJust m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pass , rhs: Universum.whenJust m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Nothing -> pure () ; Just x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenJust m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Nothing -> return (); Just x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenJust m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Nothing -> pass ; Just x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenJust m f} -- warn: {lhs: maybe (pure ()) f m, rhs: Universum.whenJust m f} -- warn: {lhs: maybe (return ()) f m, rhs: Universum.whenJust m f} -- warn: {lhs: maybe pass f m, rhs: Universum.whenJust m f} - -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pure () , rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Just x -> f x; Nothing -> return (), rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pass , rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Nothing -> pure () ; Just x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Nothing -> return (); Just x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Nothing -> pass ; Just x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: maybe (pure ()) f =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: maybe (return ()) f =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: maybe pass f =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= maybe (pure ()) f, rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= maybe (return ()) f, rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= maybe pass f, rhs: Universum.whenJustM m f} - -- warn: {lhs: case m of Just _ -> pure () ; Nothing -> x, rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Just _ -> return (); Nothing -> x, rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Just _ -> pass ; Nothing -> x, rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pure () , rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Nothing -> x; Just _ -> return (), rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pass , rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (\_ -> pure () ) m, rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (\_ -> return () ) m, rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (\_ -> pass ) m, rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (const (pure () )) m, rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (const (return ())) m, rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (const (pass )) m, rhs: Universum.whenNothing_ m x} - -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Just _ -> pure () ; Nothing -> x, rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Just _ -> return (); Nothing -> x, rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Just _ -> pass ; Nothing -> x, rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pure () , rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Nothing -> x; Just _ -> return (), rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pass , rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (\_ -> pure () ) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (\_ -> return () ) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (\_ -> pass ) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (const (pure () )) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (const (return ())) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: maybe x (const (pass )) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= maybe x (\_ -> pure ()) , rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= maybe x (\_ -> return ()) , rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= maybe x (\_ -> pass) , rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= maybe x (const (pure ()) ), rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= maybe x (const (return ())), rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= maybe x (const (pass) ), rhs: Universum.whenNothingM_ m x} - -- warn: {lhs: case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pure () , rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> return (), rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pass , rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Right _ -> pure () ; Left x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Right _ -> return (); Left x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Right _ -> pass ; Left x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (\_ -> pure () ) m, rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (\_ -> return () ) m, rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (\_ -> pass ) m, rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (const (pure () )) m, rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (const (return ())) m, rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (const (pass )) m, rhs: Universum.whenLeft m f} - -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pure () , rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> return (), rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pass , rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Right _ -> pure () ; Left x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Right _ -> return (); Left x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Right _ -> pass ; Left x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (\_ -> pure () ) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (\_ -> return () ) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (\_ -> pass ) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (const (pure () )) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (const (return ())) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either f (const (pass )) =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either f (\_ -> pure ()) , rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either f (\_ -> return ()) , rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either f (\_ -> pass) , rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either f (const (pure ()) ), rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either f (const (return ())), rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either f (const (pass) ), rhs: Universum.whenLeftM m f} - -- warn: {lhs: case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pure () , rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> return (), rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pass , rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Left _ -> pure () ; Right x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Left _ -> return (); Right x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: case m of Left _ -> pass ; Right x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (\_ -> pure () ) f m, rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (\_ -> return () ) f m, rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (\_ -> pass ) f m, rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (const (pure () )) f m, rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (const (return ())) f m, rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (const (pass )) f m, rhs: Universum.whenRight m f} - -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pure () , rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> return (), rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pass , rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Left _ -> pure () ; Right x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Left _ -> return (); Right x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= \case Left _ -> pass ; Right x -> f x, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (\_ -> pure () ) f =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (\_ -> return () ) f =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (\_ -> pass ) f =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (const (pure () )) f =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (const (return ())) f =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: either (const (pass )) f =<< m, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either (\_ -> pure ()) f, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either (\_ -> return ()) f, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either (\_ -> pass) f, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either (const (pure ()) ) f, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either (const (return ())) f, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} -- warn: {lhs: m >>= either (const (pass) ) f, rhs: Universum.whenRightM m f} - -- warn: {lhs: "case m of [] -> return (); (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)", rhs: Universum.whenNotNull m f} -- warn: {lhs: "case m of [] -> pure () ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)", rhs: Universum.whenNotNull m f} -- warn: {lhs: "case m of [] -> pass ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)", rhs: Universum.whenNotNull m f} -- warn: {lhs: "case m of (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> return ()", rhs: Universum.whenNotNull m f} -- warn: {lhs: "case m of (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pure () ", rhs: Universum.whenNotNull m f} -- warn: {lhs: "case m of (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pass ", rhs: Universum.whenNotNull m f} -- warn: {lhs: "m >>= \\case [] -> pass ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)", rhs: Universum.whenNotNullM m f} -- warn: {lhs: "m >>= \\case [] -> pure () ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)", rhs: Universum.whenNotNullM m f} -- warn: {lhs: "m >>= \\case [] -> return (); (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)", rhs: Universum.whenNotNullM m f} -- warn: {lhs: "m >>= \\case (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pass ", rhs: Universum.whenNotNullM m f} -- warn: {lhs: "m >>= \\case (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pure () ", rhs: Universum.whenNotNullM m f} -- warn: {lhs: "m >>= \\case (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> return ()", rhs: Universum.whenNotNullM m f} - -- warn: {lhs: mapMaybe leftToMaybe, rhs: lefts} -- warn: {lhs: mapMaybe rightToMaybe, rhs: rights} - -############################################################################ -## Reexports -############################################################################ - -## Applicative -- warn: { name: "Use 'Alternative' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.Alternative, rhs: Universum.Alternative } -- warn: { name: "Use 'empty' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.empty, rhs: Universum.empty } -- warn: { name: "Use '(<|>)' from Universum" - , lhs: (Control.Applicative.<|>), rhs: (Universum.<|>) } -- warn: { name: "Use 'some' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.some, rhs: Universum.some } -- warn: { name: "Use 'many' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.many, rhs: Universum.many } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Const' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.Const, rhs: Universum.Const } -- warn: { name: "Use 'getConst' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.getConst, rhs: Universum.getConst } -- warn: { name: "Use 'ZipList' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.ZipList, rhs: Universum.ZipList } -- warn: { name: "Use 'getZipList' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.getZipList, rhs: Universum.getZipList } -- warn: { name: "Use 'liftA2' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.liftA2, rhs: Universum.liftA2 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'liftA3' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.liftA3, rhs: Universum.liftA3 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'optional' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Applicative.optional, rhs: Universum.optional } -- warn: { name: "Use '(<**>)' from Universum" - , lhs: (Control.Applicative.<**>), rhs: (Universum.<**>) } - -## Base -- warn: { name: "Use 'xor' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Bits.xor, rhs: Universum.xor } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'chr' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Char.chr, rhs: Universum.chr } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Int16' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Int.Int16, rhs: Universum.Int16 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Int32' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Int.Int32, rhs: Universum.Int32 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Int64' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Int.Int64, rhs: Universum.Int64 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Int8' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Int.Int8, rhs: Universum.Int8 } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Word16' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Word.Word16, rhs: Universum.Word16 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Word32' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Word.Word32, rhs: Universum.Word32 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Word64' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Word.Word64, rhs: Universum.Word64 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Word8' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Word.Word8, rhs: Universum.Word8 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'byteSwap16' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Word.byteSwap16, rhs: Universum.byteSwap16 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'byteSwap32' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Word.byteSwap32, rhs: Universum.byteSwap32 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'byteSwap64' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Word.byteSwap64, rhs: Universum.byteSwap64 } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Natural' from Universum" - , lhs: Numeric.Natural.Natural, rhs: Universum.Natural } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Handle' from Universum" - , lhs: System.IO.Handle, rhs: Universum.Handle } -- warn: { name: "Use 'IOMode' from Universum" - , lhs: System.IO.IOMode, rhs: Universum.IOMode } -- warn: { name: "Use 'ReadMode' from Universum" - , lhs: System.IO.ReadMode, rhs: Universum.ReadMode } -- warn: { name: "Use 'WriteMode' from Universum" - , lhs: System.IO.WriteMode, rhs: Universum.WriteMode } -- warn: { name: "Use 'AppendMode' from Universum" - , lhs: System.IO.AppendMode, rhs: Universum.AppendMode } -- warn: { name: "Use 'ReadWriteMode' from Universum" - , lhs: System.IO.ReadWriteMode, rhs: Universum.ReadWriteMode } -- warn: { name: "Use 'stderr' from Universum" - , lhs: System.IO.stderr, rhs: Universum.stderr } -- warn: { name: "Use 'stdin' from Universum" - , lhs: System.IO.stdin, rhs: Universum.stdin } -- warn: { name: "Use 'stdout' from Universum" - , lhs: System.IO.stdout, rhs: Universum.stdout } -- warn: { name: "Use 'withFile' from Universum" - , lhs: System.IO.withFile, rhs: Universum.withFile } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'foldlM' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Foldable.foldlM, rhs: Universum.foldlM } -- warn: { name: "Use 'foldrM' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Foldable.foldrM, rhs: Universum.foldrM } -- warn: { name: "Use 'maximumBy' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Foldable.maximumBy, rhs: Universum.maximumBy } -- warn: { name: "Use 'minimumBy' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Foldable.minimumBy, rhs: Universum.minimumBy } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Down' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Ord.Down, rhs: Universum.Down } -- warn: { name: "Use 'comparing' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Ord.comparing, rhs: Universum.comparing } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'fmapDefault' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Traversable.fmapDefault, rhs: Universum.fmapDefault } -- warn: { name: "Use 'foldMapDefault' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Traversable.foldMapDefault, rhs: Universum.foldMapDefault } -- warn: { name: "Use 'forM' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Traversable.forM, rhs: Universum.forM } -- warn: { name: "Use 'mapAccumL' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Traversable.mapAccumL, rhs: Universum.mapAccumL } -- warn: { name: "Use 'mapAccumR' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Traversable.mapAccumR, rhs: Universum.mapAccumR } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Proxy' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Proxy.Proxy, rhs: Universum.Proxy } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Typeable' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Typeable.Typeable, rhs: Universum.Typeable } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Void' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Void.Void, rhs: Universum.Void } -- warn: { name: "Use 'absurd' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Void.absurd, rhs: Universum.absurd } -- warn: { name: "Use 'vacuous' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Void.vacuous, rhs: Universum.vacuous } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'maxInt' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Base.maxInt, rhs: Universum.maxInt } -- warn: { name: "Use 'minInt' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Base.minInt, rhs: Universum.minInt } -- warn: { name: "Use 'ord' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Base.ord, rhs: Universum.ord } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'boundedEnumFrom' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Enum.boundedEnumFrom, rhs: Universum.boundedEnumFrom } -- warn: { name: "Use 'boundedEnumFromThen' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Enum.boundedEnumFromThen, rhs: Universum.boundedEnumFromThen } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Constraint' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Exts.Constraint, rhs: Universum.Constraint } -- warn: { name: "Use 'FunPtr' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Exts.FunPtr, rhs: Universum.FunPtr } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Ptr' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Exts.Ptr, rhs: Universum.Ptr } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Generic' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Generics.Generic, rhs: Universum.Generic } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Ratio' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Real.Ratio, rhs: Universum.Ratio } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Rational' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Real.Rational, rhs: Universum.Rational } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'CmpNat' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeNats.CmpNat, rhs: Universum.CmpNat } -- warn: { name: "Use 'KnownNat' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeNats.KnownNat, rhs: Universum.KnownNat } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Nat' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeNats.Nat, rhs: Universum.Nat } -- warn: { name: "Use 'SomeNat' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeNats.SomeNat, rhs: Universum.SomeNat } -- warn: { name: "Use 'natVal' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeNats.natVal, rhs: Universum.natVal } -- warn: { name: "Use 'someNatVal' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeNats.someNatVal, rhs: Universum.someNatVal } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'CmpNat' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeLits.CmpNat, rhs: Universum.CmpNat } -- warn: { name: "Use 'KnownNat' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat, rhs: Universum.KnownNat } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Nat' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeLits.Nat, rhs: Universum.Nat } -- warn: { name: "Use 'SomeNat' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeLits.SomeNat, rhs: Universum.SomeNat } -- warn: { name: "Use 'natVal' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeLits.natVal, rhs: Universum.natVal } -- warn: { name: "Use 'someNatVal' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.TypeLits.someNatVal, rhs: Universum.someNatVal } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Coercible' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Types.Coercible, rhs: Universum.Coercible } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'getStackTrace' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.ExecutionStack.getStackTrace, rhs: Universum.getStackTrace } -- warn: { name: "Use 'showStackTrace' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.ExecutionStack.showStackTrace, rhs: Universum.showStackTrace } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'IsLabel' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel, rhs: Universum.IsLabel } -- warn: { name: "Use 'fromLabel' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel, rhs: Universum.fromLabel } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'CallStack' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Stack.CallStack, rhs: Universum.CallStack } -- warn: { name: "Use 'HasCallStack' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Stack.HasCallStack, rhs: Universum.HasCallStack } -- warn: { name: "Use 'callStack' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Stack.callStack, rhs: Universum.callStack } -- warn: { name: "Use 'currentCallStack' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Stack.currentCallStack, rhs: Universum.currentCallStack } -- warn: { name: "Use 'getCallStack' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Stack.getCallStack, rhs: Universum.getCallStack } -- warn: { name: "Use 'prettyCallStack' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Stack.prettyCallStack, rhs: Universum.prettyCallStack } -- warn: { name: "Use 'prettySrcLoc' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Stack.prettySrcLoc, rhs: Universum.prettySrcLoc } -- warn: { name: "Use 'withFrozenCallStack' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Stack.withFrozenCallStack, rhs: Universum.withFrozenCallStack } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Type' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Kind.Type, rhs: Universum.Type } - -## Bool - -- warn: { name: "Use 'guard' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.guard, rhs: Universum.guard } -- warn: { name: "Use 'unless' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.unless, rhs: Universum.unless } -- warn: { name: "Use 'when' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.when, rhs: Universum.when } -- warn: { name: "Use 'bool' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Bool.bool, rhs: Universum.bool } - -## Container -- warn: { name: "Use 'Hashable' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Hashable.Hashable, rhs: Universum.Hashable } -- warn: { name: "Use 'hashWithSalt' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Hashable.hashWithSalt, rhs: Universum.hashWithSalt } -- warn: { name: "Use 'HashMap' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.HashMap.Strict.HashMap, rhs: Universum.HashMap } -- warn: { name: "Use 'HashSet' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.HashSet.HashSet, rhs: Universum.HashSet } -- warn: { name: "Use 'IntMap' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.IntMap.Strict.IntMap, rhs: Universum.IntMap } -- warn: { name: "Use 'IntSet' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.IntSet.IntSet, rhs: Universum.IntSet } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Map' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Map.Strict.Map, rhs: Universum.Map } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Sequence' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Sequence.Sequence, rhs: Universum.Sequence } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Set' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Set.Set, rhs: Universum.Set } -- warn: { name: "Use 'swap' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Tuple.swap, rhs: Universum.swap } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Vector' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Vector.Vector, rhs: Universum.Vector } - -## Deepseq -- warn: { name: "Use 'NFData' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.DeepSeq.NFData, rhs: Universum.NFData } -- warn: { name: "Use 'rnf' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.DeepSeq.rnf, rhs: Universum.rnf } -- warn: { name: "Use 'deepseq' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.DeepSeq.deepseq, rhs: Universum.deepseq } -- warn: { name: "Use 'force' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.DeepSeq.force, rhs: Universum.force } -- warn: { name: "Use '($!!)' from Universum" - , lhs: "(Control.DeepSeq.$!!)", rhs: "(Universum.$!!)" } - -## Exception -- warn: { name: "Use 'Exception' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Exception, rhs: Universum.Exception } -- warn: { name: "Use 'toException' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.toException, rhs: Universum.toException } -- warn: { name: "Use 'fromException' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.fromException, rhs: Universum.fromException } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Exception' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.Exception, rhs: Universum.Exception } -- warn: { name: "Use 'toException' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.toException, rhs: Universum.toException } -- warn: { name: "Use 'fromException' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.fromException, rhs: Universum.fromException } -- warn: { name: "Use 'displayException' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.displayException, rhs: Universum.displayException } -- warn: { name: "Use 'MonadCatch' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.MonadCatch, rhs: Universum.MonadCatch } -- warn: { name: "Use 'MonadMask' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.MonadMask, rhs: Universum.MonadMask } -- warn: { name: "Use 'mask' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.mask, rhs: Universum.mask } -- warn: { name: "Use 'uninterruptibleMask' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.uninterruptibleMask, rhs: Universum.uninterruptibleMask } -- warn: { name: "Use 'MonadThrow' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.MonadThrow, rhs: Universum.MonadThrow } -- warn: { name: "Use 'SomeException' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.SomeException, rhs: Universum.SomeException } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'bracket' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.bracket, rhs: Universum.bracket } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'bracketOnError' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.bracketOnError, rhs: Universum.bracketOnError } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'bracket_' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.bracket_, rhs: Universum.bracket_ } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'catch' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.catch, rhs: Universum.catch } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'catchAny' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.catchAny, rhs: Universum.catchAny } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'finally' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.finally, rhs: Universum.finally } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'handleAny' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.handleAny, rhs: Universum.handleAny } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'onException' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.onException, rhs: Universum.onException } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'throwM' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.throwM, rhs: Universum.throwM } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'try' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.try, rhs: Universum.try } -# - warn: { name: "Use 'tryAny' from Universum" -# , lhs: Control.Exception.Safe.tryAny, rhs: Universum.tryAny } - -## Function -- warn: { name: "Use 'fix' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Function.fix, rhs: Universum.fix } -- warn: { name: "Use 'on' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Function.on, rhs: Universum.on } - -## Functor -- warn: { name: "Use '(&&&)' from Universum" - , lhs: (Control.Arrow.&&&), rhs: (Universum.&&&) } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Bifunctor' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Bifunctor.Bifunctor, rhs: Universum.Bifunctor } -- warn: { name: "Use 'bimap' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Bifunctor.bimap, rhs: Universum.bimap } -- warn: { name: "Use 'first' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Bifunctor.first, rhs: Universum.first } -- warn: { name: "Use 'second' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Bifunctor.second, rhs: Universum.second } -- warn: { name: "Use 'void' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Functor.void, rhs: Universum.void } -- warn: { name: "Use '($>)' from Universum" - , lhs: (Data.Functor.$>), rhs: (Universum.$>) } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Compose' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Functor.Compose.Compose, rhs: Universum.Compose } -- warn: { name: "Use 'getCompose' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Functor.Compose.getCompose, rhs: Universum.getCompose } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Identity' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Functor.Identity.Identity, rhs: Universum.Identity } -- warn: { name: "Use 'runIdentity' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Functor.Identity.runIdentity, rhs: Universum.runIdentity } - -## List -- warn: { name: "Use 'genericDrop' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.genericDrop, rhs: Universum.genericDrop } -- warn: { name: "Use 'genericLength' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.genericLength, rhs: Universum.genericLength } -- warn: { name: "Use 'genericReplicate' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.genericReplicate, rhs: Universum.genericReplicate } -- warn: { name: "Use 'genericSplitAt' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.genericSplitAt, rhs: Universum.genericSplitAt } -- warn: { name: "Use 'genericTake' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.genericTake, rhs: Universum.genericTake } -- warn: { name: "Use 'group' from Universum" - , lhs:, rhs: } -- warn: { name: "Use 'inits' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.inits, rhs: Universum.inits } -- warn: { name: "Use 'intercalate' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.intercalate, rhs: Universum.intercalate } -- warn: { name: "Use 'intersperse' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.intersperse, rhs: Universum.intersperse } -- warn: { name: "Use 'isPrefixOf' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.isPrefixOf, rhs: Universum.isPrefixOf } -- warn: { name: "Use 'permutations' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.permutations, rhs: Universum.permutations } -- warn: { name: "Use 'sort' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.sort, rhs: Universum.sort } -- warn: { name: "Use 'sortBy' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.sortBy, rhs: Universum.sortBy } -- warn: { name: "Use 'sortOn' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.sortOn, rhs: Universum.sortOn } -- warn: { name: "Use 'subsequences' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.subsequences, rhs: Universum.subsequences } -- warn: { name: "Use 'tails' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.tails, rhs: Universum.tails } -- warn: { name: "Use 'transpose' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.transpose, rhs: Universum.transpose } -- warn: { name: "Use 'unfoldr' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.unfoldr, rhs: Universum.unfoldr } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'NonEmpty' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.NonEmpty, rhs: Universum.NonEmpty } -- warn: { name: "Use '(:|)' from Universum" - , lhs: "(Data.List.NonEmpty.:|)", rhs: "(Universum.:|)"} -- warn: { name: "Use 'nonEmpty' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.nonEmpty, rhs: Universum.nonEmpty} -- warn: { name: "Use 'head' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.head, rhs: Universum.head } -- warn: { name: "Use 'init' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.init, rhs: Universum.init } -- warn: { name: "Use 'last' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.last, rhs: Universum.last } -- warn: { name: "Use 'tail' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.tail, rhs: Universum.tail } -- warn: { name: "Use 'sortWith' from Universum" - , lhs: GHC.Exts.sortWith, rhs: Universum.sortWith } - -## Monad -- warn: { name: "Use '(>=>)' from Universum" - , lhs: (Control.Monad.>=>), rhs: (Universum.>=>) } -- warn: { name: "Use '(<=<)' from Universum" - , lhs: (Control.Monad.<=<), rhs: (Universum.<=<) } -- warn: { name: "Use 'forever' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.forever, rhs: Universum.forever } -- warn: { name: "Use 'join' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.join, rhs: Universum.join } -- warn: { name: "Use 'mfilter' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.mfilter, rhs: Universum.mfilter } -- warn: { name: "Use 'filterM' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.filterM, rhs: Universum.filterM } -- warn: { name: "Use 'mapAndUnzipM' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.mapAndUnzipM, rhs: Universum.mapAndUnzipM } -- warn: { name: "Use 'zipWithM' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.zipWithM, rhs: Universum.zipWithM } -- warn: { name: "Use 'zipWithM_' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.zipWithM_, rhs: Universum.zipWithM_ } -- warn: { name: "Use 'foldM' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.foldM, rhs: Universum.foldM } -- warn: { name: "Use 'foldM_' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.foldM_, rhs: Universum.foldM_ } -- warn: { name: "Use 'replicateM' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.replicateM, rhs: Universum.replicateM } -- warn: { name: "Use 'replicateM_' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.replicateM_, rhs: Universum.replicateM_ } -- warn: { name: "Use 'liftM2' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.liftM2, rhs: Universum.liftM2 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'liftM3' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.liftM3, rhs: Universum.liftM3 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'liftM4' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.liftM4, rhs: Universum.liftM4 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'liftM5' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.liftM5, rhs: Universum.liftM5 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'ap' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.ap, rhs: Universum.ap } -- warn: { name: "Use '(<$!>)' from Universum" - , lhs: (Control.Monad.<$!>), rhs: (Universum.<$!>) } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'ExceptT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Except.ExceptT, rhs: Universum.ExceptT } -- warn: { name: "Use 'runExceptT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Except.runExceptT, rhs: Universum.runExceptT } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'MonadReader' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.MonadReader, rhs: Universum.MonadReader } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Reader' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.Reader, rhs: Universum.Reader } -- warn: { name: "Use 'ReaderT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.ReaderT, rhs: Universum.ReaderT } -- warn: { name: "Use 'runReaderT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.runReaderT, rhs: Universum.runReaderT } -- warn: { name: "Use 'ask' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.ask, rhs: Universum.ask } -- warn: { name: "Use 'local' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.local, rhs: Universum.local } -- warn: { name: "Use 'reader' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.reader, rhs: Universum.reader } -- warn: { name: "Use 'runReader' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.runReader, rhs: Universum.runReader } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'MonadState' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.MonadState, rhs: Universum.MonadState } -- warn: { name: "Use 'State' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.State, rhs: Universum.State } -- warn: { name: "Use 'StateT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.StateT, rhs: Universum.StateT } -- warn: { name: "Use 'runStateT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.runStateT, rhs: Universum.runStateT } -- warn: { name: "Use 'evalState' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.evalState, rhs: Universum.evalState } -- warn: { name: "Use 'evalStateT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.evalStateT, rhs: Universum.evalStateT } -- warn: { name: "Use 'execState' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.execState, rhs: Universum.execState } -- warn: { name: "Use 'execStateT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.execStateT, rhs: Universum.execStateT } -- warn: { name: "Use 'get' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.get, rhs: Universum.get } -- warn: { name: "Use 'gets' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.gets, rhs: Universum.gets } -- warn: { name: "Use 'modify' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.modify, rhs: Universum.modify } -- warn: { name: "Use 'modify'' from Universum" - , lhs: "Control.Monad.State.Strict.modify'", rhs: "Universum.modify'" } -- warn: { name: "Use 'put' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.put, rhs: Universum.put } -- warn: { name: "Use 'runState' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.runState, rhs: Universum.runState } -- warn: { name: "Use 'state' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.state, rhs: Universum.state } -- warn: { name: "Use 'withState' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.withState, rhs: Universum.withState } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'MonadFail' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Fail.MonadFail, rhs: Universum.MonadFail } - - -- warn: { name: "Use 'MonadIO' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.MonadIO, rhs: Universum.MonadIO } -- warn: { name: "Use 'MonadTrans' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.MonadTrans, rhs: Universum.MonadTrans } -- warn: { name: "Use 'lift' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.lift, rhs: Universum.lift } -- warn: { name: "Use 'liftIO' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.liftIO, rhs: Universum.liftIO } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'IdentityT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Identity.IdentityT, rhs: Universum.IdentityT } -- warn: { name: "Use 'runIdentityT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Identity.runIdentityT, rhs: Universum.runIdentityT } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'MaybeT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.MaybeT, rhs: Universum.MaybeT } -- warn: { name: "Use 'maybeToExceptT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.maybeToExceptT, rhs: Universum.maybeToExceptT } -- warn: { name: "Use 'exceptToMaybeT' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.exceptToMaybeT, rhs: Universum.exceptToMaybeT } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'catMaybes' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Maybe.catMaybes, rhs: Universum.catMaybes } -- warn: { name: "Use 'fromMaybe' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Maybe.fromMaybe, rhs: Universum.fromMaybe } -- warn: { name: "Use 'isJust' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Maybe.isJust, rhs: Universum.isJust } -- warn: { name: "Use 'isNothing' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Maybe.isNothing, rhs: Universum.isNothing } -- warn: { name: "Use 'listToMaybe' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Maybe.listToMaybe, rhs: Universum.listToMaybe } -- warn: { name: "Use 'mapMaybe' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Maybe.mapMaybe, rhs: Universum.mapMaybe } -- warn: { name: "Use 'maybeToList' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Maybe.maybeToList, rhs: Universum.maybeToList } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'isLeft' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Either.isLeft, rhs: Universum.isLeft } -- warn: { name: "Use 'isRight' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Either.isRight, rhs: Universum.isRight } -- warn: { name: "Use 'lefts' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Either.lefts, rhs: Universum.lefts } -- warn: { name: "Use 'partitionEithers' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Either.partitionEithers, rhs: Universum.partitionEithers } -- warn: { name: "Use 'rights' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Either.rights, rhs: Universum.rights } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'newTVar' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.newTVar, rhs: Universum.newTVar } -- warn: { name: "Use 'readTVar' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.readTVar, rhs: Universum.readTVar } -- warn: { name: "Use 'writeTVar' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.writeTVar, rhs: Universum.writeTVar } -- warn: { name: "Use 'modifyTVar'' from Universum" - , lhs: "Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.modifyTVar'", rhs: "Universum.modifyTVar'" } -- warn: { name: "Use 'newTVarIO' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.newTVarIO, rhs: Universum.newTVarIO } -- warn: { name: "Use 'readTVarIO' from Universum" - , lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.readTVarIO, rhs: Universum.readTVarIO } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'newIORef' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.IORef.newIORef, rhs: Universum.newIORef } -- warn: { name: "Use 'readIORef' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.IORef.readIORef, rhs: Universum.readIORef } -- warn: { name: "Use 'writeIORef' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.IORef.writeIORef, rhs: Universum.writeIORef } -- warn: { name: "Use 'modifyIORef' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.IORef.modifyIORef, rhs: Universum.modifyIORef } -- warn: { name: "Use 'modifyIORef'' from Universum" - , lhs: "Data.IORef.modifyIORef'", rhs: "Universum.modifyIORef'" } -- warn: { name: "Use 'atomicModifyIORef' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.IORef.atomicModifyIORef, rhs: Universum.atomicModifyIORef } -- warn: { name: "Use 'atomicModifyIORef'' from Universum" - , lhs: "Data.IORef.atomicModifyIORef'", rhs: "Universum.atomicModifyIORef'" } -- warn: { name: "Use 'atomicWriteIORef' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.IORef.atomicWriteIORef, rhs: Universum.atomicWriteIORef } - -## Monoid -- warn: { name: "Use 'All' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Monoid.All, rhs: Universum.All } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Alt' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Monoid.Alt, rhs: Universum.Alt } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Any' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Monoid.Any, rhs: Universum.Any } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Dual' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Monoid.Dual, rhs: Universum.Dual } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Endo' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Monoid.Endo, rhs: Universum.Endo } -- warn: { name: "Use 'First' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Monoid.First, rhs: Universum.First } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Last' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Monoid.Last, rhs: Universum.Last } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Product' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Monoid.Product, rhs: Universum.Product } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Sum' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Monoid.Sum, rhs: Universum.Sum } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Option' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Semigroup.Option, rhs: Universum.Option } -- warn: { name: "Use 'Semigroup' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Semigroup.Semigroup, rhs: Universum.Semigroup } -- warn: { name: "Use 'sconcat' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Semigroup.sconcat, rhs: Universum.sconcat } -- warn: { name: "Use 'stimes' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimes, rhs: Universum.stimes } -# - warn: { name: "Use '(<>)' from Universum" -# , lhs: (Data.Semigroup.<>), rhs: (Universum.<>) } -- warn: { name: "Use 'WrappedMonoid' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Semigroup.WrappedMonoid, rhs: Universum.WrappedMonoid } -- warn: { name: "Use 'cycle1' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Semigroup.cycle1, rhs: Universum.cycle1 } -- warn: { name: "Use 'mtimesDefault' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Semigroup.mtimesDefault, rhs: Universum.mtimesDefault } -- warn: { name: "Use 'stimesIdempotent' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimesIdempotent, rhs: Universum.stimesIdempotent } -- warn: { name: "Use 'stimesIdempotentMonoid' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimesIdempotentMonoid, rhs: Universum.stimesIdempotentMonoid } -- warn: { name: "Use 'stimesMonoid' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimesMonoid, rhs: Universum.stimesMonoid } - -## String -- warn: { name: "Use 'ByteString' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.ByteString.ByteString, rhs: Universum.ByteString } -- warn: { name: "Use 'IsString' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.String.IsString, rhs: Universum.IsString } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Text' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Text, rhs: Universum.Text } -- warn: { name: "Use 'lines' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.lines, rhs: Universum.lines } -- warn: { name: "Use 'unlines' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.unlines, rhs: Universum.unlines } -- warn: { name: "Use 'words' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.words, rhs: Universum.words } -- warn: { name: "Use 'unwords' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.unwords, rhs: Universum.unwords } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'LText' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.Text, rhs: Universum.LText } -- warn: { name: "Use 'LByteString' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.LByteString, rhs: Universum.LByteString } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'Buildable' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Buildable, rhs: Universum.Buildable } -- warn: { name: "Use 'decodeUtf8'' from Universum" - , lhs: "Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8'", rhs: "Universum.decodeUtf8'" } -- warn: { name: "Use 'decodeUtf8With' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8With, rhs: Universum.decodeUtf8With } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'OnDecodeError' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.OnDecodeError, rhs: Universum.OnDecodeError } -- warn: { name: "Use 'OnDecodeError' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.OnDecodeError, rhs: Universum.OnDecodeError } -- warn: { name: "Use 'OnError' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.OnError, rhs: Universum.OnError } -- warn: { name: "Use 'UnicodeException' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.UnicodeException, rhs: Universum.UnicodeException } -- warn: { name: "Use 'lenientDecode' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.lenientDecode, rhs: Universum.lenientDecode } -- warn: { name: "Use 'strictDecode' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.strictDecode, rhs: Universum.strictDecode } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'fromStrict' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.fromStrict, rhs: Universum.fromStrict } -- warn: { name: "Use 'toStrict' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.toStrict, rhs: Universum.toStrict } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'readMaybe' from Universum" - , lhs: Text.Read.readMaybe, rhs: Universum.readMaybe } - -- warn: { name: "Use 'getLine' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.IO.getLine, rhs: Universum.getLine } -- warn: { name: "Use 'readFile' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.IO.readFile, rhs: Universum.readFile } -- warn: { name: "Use 'writeFile' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.IO.writeFile, rhs: Universum.writeFile } -- warn: { name: "Use 'appendFile' from Universum" - , lhs: Data.Text.IO.appendFile, rhs: Universum.appendFile } - -## Unsafe -- warn: { name: "Use 'head' from Universum.Unsafe" - , lhs: Data.List.head, rhs: Universum.Unsafe.head - , note: "Use 'import qualified Universum.Unsafe as Unsafe (head)'" } -- warn: { name: "Use 'tail' from Universum.Unsafe" - , lhs: Data.List.tail, rhs: Universum.Unsafe.tail - , note: "Use 'import qualified Universum.Unsafe as Unsafe (tail)'" } -- warn: { name: "Use 'init' from Universum.Unsafe" - , lhs: Data.List.init, rhs: Universum.Unsafe.init - , note: "Use 'import qualified Universum.Unsafe as Unsafe (init)'" } -- warn: { name: "Use 'last' from Universum.Unsafe" - , lhs: Data.List.last, rhs: Universum.Unsafe.last - , note: "Use 'import qualified Universum.Unsafe as Unsafe (last)'" } -- warn: { name: "Use '(!!)' from Universum.Unsafe" - , lhs: "(Data.List.!!)", rhs: "(Universum.Unsafe.!!)" - , note: "Use 'import qualified Universum.Unsafe as Unsafe ((!!))'" } -- warn: { name: "Use 'fromJust' from Universum.Unsafe" - , lhs: "Data.Maybe.fromJust", rhs: "Universum.Unsafe.fromJust" - , note: "Use 'import qualified Universum.Unsafe as Unsafe (fromJust)'" } - -############################################################################ -## Lifted functions in Universum -############################################################################ - -## concurrency - -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO newEmptyMVar, rhs: Universum.newEmptyMVar - , note: "If you import 'newEmptyMVar' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (newMVar x), rhs: Universum.newMVar x - , note: "If you import 'newMVar' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (putMVar x y), rhs: Universum.putMVar x y - , note: "If you import 'putMVar' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (readMVar x), rhs: Universum.readMVar x - , note: "If you import 'readMVar' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (swapMVar x y), rhs: Universum.swapMVar x y - , note: "If you import 'swapMVar' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (takeMVar x), rhs: Universum.takeMVar x - , note: "If you import 'takeMVar' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (tryPutMVar x y), rhs: Universum.tryPutMVar x y - , note: "If you import 'tryPutMVar' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (tryReadMVar x), rhs: Universum.tryReadMVar x - , note: "If you import 'tryReadMVar' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (tryTakeMVar x), rhs: Universum.tryTakeMVar x - , note: "If you import 'tryTakeMVar' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (atomically x), rhs: Universum.atomically x - , note: "If you import 'atomically' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (newTVarIO x), rhs: Universum.newTVarIO x - , note: "If you import 'newTVarIO' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (readTVarIO x), rhs: Universum.readTVarIO x - , note: "If you import 'readTVarIO' from Universum, it's already lifted" } - -## IORef - -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (newIORef x), rhs: Universum.newIORef x - , note: "If you import 'newIORef' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (readIORef x), rhs: Universum.readIORef x - , note: "If you import 'readIORef' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (writeIORef x y), rhs: Universum.writeIORef x y - , note: "If you import 'writeIORef' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (modifyIORef x y), rhs: Universum.modifyIORef x y - , note: "If you import 'modifyIORef' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: "liftIO (modifyIORef' x y)", rhs: "Universum.modifyIORef' x y" - , note: "If you import 'modifyIORef'' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (atomicModifyIORef x y), rhs: Universum.atomicModifyIORef x y - , note: "If you import 'atomicModifyIORef' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: "liftIO (atomicModifyIORef' x y)", rhs: "Universum.atomicModifyIORef' x y" - , note: "If you import 'atomicModifyIORef'' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (atomicWriteIORef x y), rhs: Universum.atomicWriteIORef x y - , note: "If you import 'atomicWriteIORef' from Universum, it's already lifted" } - -## others - -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO Universum.getLine, rhs: Universum.getLine - , note: "If you import 'getLine' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (Universum.readFile x), rhs: Universum.readFile x - , note: "If you import 'readFile' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (Universum.writeFile x y), rhs: Universum.writeFile x y - , note: "If you import 'writeFile' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (Universum.appendFile x y), rhs: Universum.appendFile x y - , note: "If you import 'appendFile' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (Universum.openFile x y), rhs: Universum.openFile x y - , note: "If you import 'openFile' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (exitWith x), rhs: Universum.exitWith x - , note: "If you import 'exitWith' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO exitFailure, rhs: Universum.exitFailure - , note: "If you import 'exitFailure' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO exitSuccess, rhs: Universum.exitSuccess - , note: "If you import 'exitSuccess' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (die x), rhs: Universum.die x - , note: "If you import 'die' from Universum, it's already lifted" } -- warn: { name: "liftIO is not needed", lhs: liftIO (stToIO x), rhs: Universum.stToIO x - , note: "If you import 'stToIO' from Universum, it's already lifted" } diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/.ligo/repository_id b/tools/lsp-bench/.ligo/repository_id deleted file mode 100644 index bbb3014562..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/.ligo/repository_id +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -edaf75cb-fbff-4a1a-7a8f-4071c781ea6c \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/.stylish-haskell.yaml b/tools/lsp-bench/.stylish-haskell.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 8e613a07cf..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/.stylish-haskell.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Serokell -# -# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense - -steps: - - simple_align: - cases: never - top_level_patterns: never - records: never - multi_way_if: never - - imports: - align: none - list_align: after_alias - pad_module_names: false - long_list_align: new_line - empty_list_align: inherit - list_padding: 2 - separate_lists: true - space_surround: false - post_qualify: true - - language_pragmas: - style: compact - remove_redundant: true - - trailing_whitespace: {} -columns: 100 -newline: native -language_extensions: - - BangPatterns - - BlockArguments - - ConstraintKinds - - DataKinds - - DefaultSignatures - - DeriveAnyClass - - DeriveDataTypeable - - DeriveGeneric - - DerivingStrategies - - DerivingVia - - EmptyCase - - ExistentialQuantification - - ExplicitNamespaces - - FlexibleContexts - - FlexibleInstances - - FunctionalDependencies - - GADTs - - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - - ImportQualifiedPost - - LambdaCase - - MultiParamTypeClasses - - MultiWayIf - - NamedFieldPuns - - NumericUnderscores - - OverloadedLabels - - OverloadedStrings - - PatternSynonyms - - QuantifiedConstraints - - RebindableSyntax - - RecordWildCards - - RecursiveDo - - ScopedTypeVariables - - StandaloneDeriving - - TemplateHaskell - - TemplateHaskellQuotes - - TupleSections - - TypeApplications - - TypeFamilies - - TypeOperators - - ViewPatterns - - QuasiQuotes diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/Makefile b/tools/lsp-bench/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index e0fb68be7b..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -# examples: make bench filter="References/simple" ; make bench filter="Complex benchmarks/one_big_file.mligo/keystrokes" -# You can bench another executable, e.g. LIGO_LSP_TEST_EXE="ligo-lsp-exe" make bench - -bench: - git submodule update --init --recursive - bash -c "cd projects/submodules/checker; cd -" - $(BUILD_FLAGS) stack run -- "-v2" "$(filter)" - -bench-no-logging: - LIGO_LSP_TEST_EXE="ligo lsp --disable-lsp-requests-logging" make bench diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/ b/tools/lsp-bench/ deleted file mode 100644 index b34629b552..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# lsp-bench diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/Setup.hs b/tools/lsp-bench/Setup.hs deleted file mode 100644 index 9a994af677..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/Setup.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -import Distribution.Simple -main = defaultMain diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/app/Main.hs b/tools/lsp-bench/app/Main.hs deleted file mode 100644 index 32160c79b2..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/app/Main.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -module Main (main) where - -import Universum - -import Bench qualified - -main :: IO () -main = Bench.main diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/lsp-bench.cabal b/tools/lsp-bench/lsp-bench.cabal deleted file mode 100644 index 59b972297f..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/lsp-bench.cabal +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -cabal-version: 1.12 - --- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.35.1. --- --- see: - -name: lsp-bench -version: 0.0.0 -build-type: Simple - -library - exposed-modules: - Bench - Bench.Completion - Bench.Complex - Bench.Diagnostics - Bench.Hovers - Bench.References - Bench.Util - other-modules: - Paths_lsp_bench - hs-source-dirs: - src - default-extensions: - AllowAmbiguousTypes - ApplicativeDo - BangPatterns - BlockArguments - ConstraintKinds - DataKinds - DeriveAnyClass - DeriveFoldable - DeriveFunctor - DeriveGeneric - DeriveTraversable - DerivingStrategies - DerivingVia - DuplicateRecordFields - FlexibleContexts - FlexibleInstances - FunctionalDependencies - GADTs - GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving - ImportQualifiedPost - LambdaCase - MagicHash - MultiParamTypeClasses - MultiWayIf - NamedFieldPuns - NoImplicitPrelude - OverloadedLabels - OverloadedRecordDot - OverloadedStrings - QuantifiedConstraints - QuasiQuotes - PatternSynonyms - RankNTypes - RecordWildCards - ScopedTypeVariables - StandaloneDeriving - StrictData - TemplateHaskell - TupleSections - TypeApplications - TypeFamilies - TypeOperators - UndecidableInstances - ViewPatterns - ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Widentities -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wmissing-export-lists -Wmissing-home-modules -Wpartial-fields -Wredundant-constraints - build-depends: - aeson - , base >=4.7 && <5 - , criterion - , data-default - , directory - , lsp - , lsp-test - , lsp-types - , microlens - , row-types - , text - , universum - default-language: Haskell2010 - -executable lsp-bench-exe - main-is: Main.hs - other-modules: - Paths_lsp_bench - hs-source-dirs: - app - default-extensions: - AllowAmbiguousTypes - ApplicativeDo - BangPatterns - BlockArguments - ConstraintKinds - DataKinds - DeriveAnyClass - DeriveFoldable - DeriveFunctor - DeriveGeneric - DeriveTraversable - DerivingStrategies - DerivingVia - DuplicateRecordFields - FlexibleContexts - FlexibleInstances - FunctionalDependencies - GADTs - GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving - ImportQualifiedPost - LambdaCase - MagicHash - MultiParamTypeClasses - MultiWayIf - NamedFieldPuns - NoImplicitPrelude - OverloadedLabels - OverloadedRecordDot - OverloadedStrings - QuantifiedConstraints - QuasiQuotes - PatternSynonyms - RankNTypes - RecordWildCards - ScopedTypeVariables - StandaloneDeriving - StrictData - TemplateHaskell - TupleSections - TypeApplications - TypeFamilies - TypeOperators - UndecidableInstances - ViewPatterns - ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Widentities -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wmissing-export-lists -Wmissing-home-modules -Wpartial-fields -Wredundant-constraints -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N - build-depends: - base >=4.7 && <5 - , lsp-bench - , universum - default-language: Haskell2010 diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/package.yaml b/tools/lsp-bench/package.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 3278fd8402..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/package.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -name: lsp-bench - -default-extensions: - - AllowAmbiguousTypes - - ApplicativeDo - - BangPatterns - - BlockArguments - - ConstraintKinds - - DataKinds - - DeriveAnyClass - - DeriveFoldable - - DeriveFunctor - - DeriveGeneric - - DeriveTraversable - - DerivingStrategies - - DerivingVia - - DuplicateRecordFields - - FlexibleContexts - - FlexibleInstances - - FunctionalDependencies - - GADTs - - GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving - - ImportQualifiedPost - - LambdaCase - - MagicHash - - MultiParamTypeClasses - - MultiWayIf - - NamedFieldPuns - - NoImplicitPrelude - - OverloadedLabels - - OverloadedRecordDot - - OverloadedStrings - - QuantifiedConstraints - - QuasiQuotes - - PatternSynonyms - - RankNTypes - - RecordWildCards - - ScopedTypeVariables - - StandaloneDeriving - - StrictData - - TemplateHaskell - - TupleSections - - TypeApplications - - TypeFamilies - - TypeOperators - - UndecidableInstances - - ViewPatterns - -dependencies: -- base >= 4.7 && < 5 -- universum - -ghc-options: -- -Wall -- -Wcompat -- -Widentities -- -Wincomplete-record-updates -- -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -- -Wmissing-export-lists -- -Wmissing-home-modules -- -Wpartial-fields -- -Wredundant-constraints - -library: - source-dirs: src - dependencies: - - aeson - - criterion - - directory - - data-default - - lsp - - lsp-test - - lsp-types - - row-types - - text - - microlens - -executables: - lsp-bench-exe: - main: Main.hs - source-dirs: app - ghc-options: - - -threaded - - -rtsopts - - -with-rtsopts=-N - dependencies: - - lsp-bench diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/projects/one_big_file/one_big_file.mligo b/tools/lsp-bench/projects/one_big_file/one_big_file.mligo deleted file mode 100644 index 37a499b152..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/projects/one_big_file/one_big_file.mligo +++ /dev/null @@ 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= a644 -let a646 = a645 -let a647 = a646 -let a648 = a647 -let a649 = a648 -let a650 = a649 -let a651 = a650 -let a652 = a651 -let a653 = a652 -let a654 = a653 -let a655 = a654 -let a656 = a655 -let a657 = a656 -let a658 = a657 -let a659 = a658 -let a660 = a659 -let a661 = a660 -let a662 = a661 -let a663 = a662 -let a664 = a663 -let a665 = a664 -let a666 = a665 -let a667 = a666 -let a668 = a667 -let a669 = a668 -let a670 = a669 -let a671 = a670 -let a672 = a671 -let a673 = a672 -let a674 = a673 -let a675 = a674 -let a676 = a675 -let a677 = a676 -let a678 = a677 -let a679 = a678 -let a680 = a679 -let a681 = a680 -let a682 = a681 -let a683 = a682 -let a684 = a683 -let a685 = a684 -let a686 = a685 -let a687 = a686 -let a688 = a687 -let a689 = a688 -let a690 = a689 -let a691 = a690 -let a692 = a691 -let a693 = a692 -let a694 = a693 -let a695 = a694 -let a696 = a695 -let a697 = a696 -let a698 = a697 -let a699 = a698 -let a700 = a699 -let a701 = a700 -let a702 = a701 -let a703 = a702 -let 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-let a763 = a762 -let a764 = a763 -let a765 = a764 -let a766 = a765 -let a767 = a766 -let a768 = a767 -let a769 = a768 -let a770 = a769 -let a771 = a770 -let a772 = a771 -let a773 = a772 -let a774 = a773 -let a775 = a774 -let a776 = a775 -let a777 = a776 -let a778 = a777 -let a779 = a778 -let a780 = a779 -let a781 = a780 -let a782 = a781 -let a783 = a782 -let a784 = a783 -let a785 = a784 -let a786 = a785 -let a787 = a786 -let a788 = a787 -let a789 = a788 -let a790 = a789 -let a791 = a790 -let a792 = a791 -let a793 = a792 -let a794 = a793 -let a795 = a794 -let a796 = a795 -let a797 = a796 -let a798 = a797 -let a799 = a798 -let a800 = a799 -let a801 = a800 -let a802 = a801 -let a803 = a802 -let a804 = a803 -let a805 = a804 -let a806 = a805 -let a807 = a806 -let a808 = a807 -let a809 = a808 -let a810 = a809 -let a811 = a810 -let a812 = a811 -let a813 = a812 -let a814 = a813 -let a815 = a814 -let a816 = a815 -let a817 = a816 -let a818 = a817 -let a819 = a818 -let a820 = a819 -let a821 = 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= a879 -let a881 = a880 -let a882 = a881 -let a883 = a882 -let a884 = a883 -let a885 = a884 -let a886 = a885 -let a887 = a886 -let a888 = a887 -let a889 = a888 -let a890 = a889 -let a891 = a890 -let a892 = a891 -let a893 = a892 -let a894 = a893 -let a895 = a894 -let a896 = a895 -let a897 = a896 -let a898 = a897 -let a899 = a898 -let a900 = a899 -let a901 = a900 -let a902 = a901 -let a903 = a902 -let a904 = a903 -let a905 = a904 -let a906 = a905 -let a907 = a906 -let a908 = a907 -let a909 = a908 -let a910 = a909 -let a911 = a910 -let a912 = a911 -let a913 = a912 -let a914 = a913 -let a915 = a914 -let a916 = a915 -let a917 = a916 -let a918 = a917 -let a919 = a918 -let a920 = a919 -let a921 = a920 -let a922 = a921 -let a923 = a922 -let a924 = a923 -let a925 = a924 -let a926 = a925 -let a927 = a926 -let a928 = a927 -let a929 = a928 -let a930 = a929 -let a931 = a930 -let a932 = a931 -let a933 = a932 -let a934 = a933 -let a935 = a934 -let a936 = a935 -let a937 = a936 -let a938 = a937 -let 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-let a998 = a997 -let a999 = a998 diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/projects/one_small_file/one_small_file.mligo b/tools/lsp-bench/projects/one_small_file/one_small_file.mligo deleted file mode 100644 index 567cbc5d68..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/projects/one_small_file/one_small_file.mligo +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -let a : int = Option.unopt None - -let i_am_type_error = (1 : string) - -let t = List.length [a] - -let z = t + a diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/projects/submodules/checker b/tools/lsp-bench/projects/submodules/checker deleted file mode 160000 index 0e43aef9d6..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/projects/submodules/checker +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 0e43aef9d64fc5f4e0b0952f11d252c8e91820b2 diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench.hs b/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench.hs deleted file mode 100644 index 62e6c400e4..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -module Bench (main) where - -import Universum - -import Criterion.Main - -import Bench.Completion -import Bench.Complex -import Bench.Diagnostics -import Bench.Hovers -import Bench.References - --- Makefile contains instructions for launching benchmarks. --- Keep in mind that `benchLspSession` takes about 250ms for an empty session. --- Close VSCode to get more accurate results (more free RAM, less random CPU usage). -main :: IO () -main = defaultMain - $ bench_simple_hovers - <> bench_sequence_hovers - <> bench_simple_diagnostics - <> bench_diagnostics_edits - <> bench_simple_references - <> bench_sequence_references - <> bench_simple_completions - <> bench_complex diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Completion.hs b/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Completion.hs deleted file mode 100644 index df84af0450..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Completion.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -module Bench.Completion - ( CompletionRequest (..), - requestCompletion, - bench_simple_completions, - ) -where - -import Universum hiding ((^.)) - -import Bench.Util -import Criterion -import Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens qualified as LspLens -import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types qualified as LSP -import Language.LSP.Test qualified as LSP -import Lens.Micro ((^.)) - - -data CompletionRequest = CompletionRequest - { -- | Absolute file path to ligo project - crProject :: FilePath, - -- | path to file (relative to project) - crFile :: Doc, - -- | line/column as in VSCode (cursor is at the start of the word we want to get completion) - crPos :: (LSP.UInt, LSP.UInt), - -- | What completions do we expect? - crExpectedSubset :: [Text] - } - deriving stock (Show) - -requestCompletion :: CompletionRequest -> LSP.Session [LSP.CompletionItem] -requestCompletion cr@CompletionRequest {..} = do - doc <- getDoc crFile - completions <- LSP.getCompletions doc (LSP.Position (line - 1) (col - 1)) - mapM_ (checkContains completions) crExpectedSubset - return completions - where - (line, col) = crPos - - checkContains completions element = - unless (any ((== element) . (^. LspLens.label)) completions) - $ fail (toString element <> " not found in completions for " <> show cr) - - -simpleCompletionBench :: CompletionRequest -> Benchmark -simpleCompletionBench cr@CompletionRequest {..} = - benchLspSession OnDocumentLink - (show crFile <> "/" <> show crPos) - crProject - $ requestCompletion cr - -completionsOneSmallFile :: [CompletionRequest] -completionsOneSmallFile = - [ CompletionRequest - { crProject = projectWithOneSmallFile - , crFile = FileDoc "one_small_file.mligo" - , crPos = (5,14) - , crExpectedSubset = ["cons", "fold"] - } - , CompletionRequest - { crProject = projectWithOneSmallFile - , crFile = FileDoc "one_small_file.mligo" - , crPos = (7,14) - , crExpectedSubset = ["abs", "assert"] - } - ] - -completionsOneBigFile :: [CompletionRequest] -completionsOneBigFile = - [ CompletionRequest - { crProject = projectWithOneBigFile - , crFile = FileDoc "one_big_file.mligo" - , crPos = (9,14) - , crExpectedSubset = ["a005", "a007"] - } - , CompletionRequest - { crProject = projectWithOneBigFile - , crFile = FileDoc "one_big_file.mligo" - , crPos = (777,14) - , crExpectedSubset = ["a771", "a772"] - } - ] - -completionsChecker :: [CompletionRequest] -completionsChecker = - [ - CompletionRequest - { crProject = projectChecker - , crFile = FileDoc "avl.mligo" - , crPos = (637,23) - , crExpectedSubset = ["branch", "balance_bottom_up", "bytes"] - } - , CompletionRequest - { crProject = projectChecker - , crFile = FileDoc "fa2Ledger.mligo" - , crPos = (65,40) - , crExpectedSubset = ["ledger", "ledger_issue", "ledger_withdraw"] - } - , CompletionRequest - { crProject = projectChecker - , crFile = FileDoc "sliceList.mligo" - , crPos = (66,30) - , crExpectedSubset = ["auctions", "avl_del"] - } - ] - -bench_simple_completions :: [Benchmark] -bench_simple_completions = - [ bgroup - "Completions/simple" - [ simpleCompletionBench cr - | cr <- completionsOneSmallFile <> completionsOneBigFile <> completionsChecker - ] - ] diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Complex.hs b/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Complex.hs deleted file mode 100644 index 5b69b68fa0..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Complex.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -module Bench.Complex - ( bench_complex, - ) -where - -import Universum - -import Bench.References -import Bench.Util -import Criterion - -bench_complex :: [Benchmark] -bench_complex = - [ bgroup - "Complex benchmarks" - [ complexBenchBigFileReferencesEdits - , complexBenchBigFileReferencesKeystrokes - ] - ] - --- we need reindexing here --- Optionally we can simulate keystrokes. It's a bit expensive itself, --- but we could still see the impact of our optimisations. --- If reindexing happen on each update (and not before references request), we do a lot extra work - -complexBenchBigFileReferencesEdits, complexBenchBigFileReferencesKeystrokes :: Benchmark -(complexBenchBigFileReferencesEdits, complexBenchBigFileReferencesKeystrokes) = - let (_, _, edits, keystrokes) = withBothEditsAndKeystrokes complexBenchBigFileReferences in - (edits, keystrokes) - where - complexBenchBigFileReferences _ insertFuncName insert = - benchLspSession OnDocumentLink ("one_big_file.mligo/" <> insertFuncName) projectWithOneBigFile $ do - doc <- OpenedDoc <$> openLigoDoc "one_big_file.mligo" - let rrFile = doc - rrProject = projectWithOneBigFile - refs1 <- - requestReferences $ - ReferencesRequest -- a022 - { rrProject, - rrFile, - rrPos = (24, 15), - rrExpectedAmount = 2 - } - insert doc (1001, 1) "let q1 = 1234 + a023" - refs2 <- - requestReferences $ - ReferencesRequest -- a023 - { rrProject, - rrFile, - rrPos = (25, 15), - rrExpectedAmount = 3 - } - insert doc (1002, 1) "let q2 = 5678 + a024 + a024" - refs3 <- - requestReferences $ - ReferencesRequest -- a024 - { rrProject, - rrFile, - rrPos = (26, 15), - rrExpectedAmount = 4 - } - pure (refs1, refs2, refs3) diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Diagnostics.hs b/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Diagnostics.hs deleted file mode 100644 index b33335e680..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Diagnostics.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ -module Bench.Diagnostics (waitDiagnostics, bench_simple_diagnostics, bench_diagnostics_edits) where - -import Universum hiding ((^.)) - -import Criterion -import Data.Default -import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types qualified as LSP -import Language.LSP.Test qualified as LSP - -import Bench.Util - -data ExpectedDiagnosticsNumber = ExpectedDiagnosticsNumber - { expectedErrors :: Int - , expectedWarnings :: Int - , expectedInfos :: Int - , expectedHints :: Int - } deriving (Eq, Show) - -instance Default ExpectedDiagnosticsNumber - where - def = ExpectedDiagnosticsNumber 0 0 0 0 - -data DiagnosticsRequest = DiagnosticsRequest - { drProject :: FilePath - -- ^ Absolute file path to ligo project - , drFile :: Doc - -- ^ We'll open a doc so LSP server will process us and give us diagnostics - , drExpected :: Maybe ExpectedDiagnosticsNumber - -- ^ How many errors/warninbgs/etc we expect? @Nothing@ if we don't want to make assertions - } deriving Show - -waitDiagnostics :: DiagnosticsPullingMethod -> DiagnosticsRequest -> LSP.Session [LSP.Diagnostic] -waitDiagnostics pullingMethod dr@DiagnosticsRequest {..} = do - tdi <- getDoc drFile -- We just want to trigger TextDocumentDidOpen in case the doc was not opened before - diagnostics <- pullDiagnostics tdi pullingMethod - whenJust drExpected $ \expectedNumbers -> - let diagnosticTypes :: [(String, ExpectedDiagnosticsNumber -> Int, LSP.DiagnosticSeverity)] - diagnosticTypes = - [ ("error", expectedErrors, LSP.DiagnosticSeverity_Error), - ("warning", expectedWarnings, LSP.DiagnosticSeverity_Warning), - ("info", expectedInfos, LSP.DiagnosticSeverity_Information), - ("hint", expectedHints, LSP.DiagnosticSeverity_Hint) - ] - in for_ diagnosticTypes $ \(name, f, s) -> - let actual = length $ filter (\x -> x._severity == Just s) diagnostics - expected = f expectedNumbers - in unless (actual == expected) $ - fail $ - "Request " - <> show dr - <> " returned unexpected amount of " - <> name - <> "s: " - <> show actual - return diagnostics - -simpleDiagnosticsBench :: DiagnosticsRequest -> Benchmark -simpleDiagnosticsBench dr@DiagnosticsRequest {..} = - -- Pulling method in these benchmarks has non effect - -- since we don't do any modifications in the target file - benchLspSession - OnDocumentLink - (show drFile) - drProject - do waitDiagnostics OnDocumentLink dr - -bench_simple_diagnostics :: [Benchmark] -bench_simple_diagnostics = - [ bgroup "Diagnostics/simple" - [ simpleDiagnosticsBench dr - | dr <- - [ DiagnosticsRequest - { drProject = projectWithOneSmallFile - , drFile = FileDoc "one_small_file.mligo" - , drExpected = Just $ def {expectedErrors = 1} -- i_am_type_error - } - , DiagnosticsRequest - { drProject = projectWithOneBigFile - , drFile = FileDoc "one_big_file.mligo" - , drExpected = Just def - } - , DiagnosticsRequest - { drProject = projectChecker - , drFile = FileDoc "sliceList.mligo" - , drExpected = Just def - } - ] - ] - ] - --- Sorry for so long lines -benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileEditsOnDoc, benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileKeystrokesOnDoc, benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileEditsOnDocumentLink, benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileKeystrokesOnDocumentLink :: Benchmark -(benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileEditsOnDoc, benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileKeystrokesOnDoc, benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileEditsOnDocumentLink, benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileKeystrokesOnDocumentLink) = - withBothEditsAndKeystrokes benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFile - where - benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFile pullingMethod insertFuncName insert = - benchLspSession pullingMethod ("one_small_file.mligo/" <> insertFuncName <> "/" <> show pullingMethod) projectWithOneSmallFile $ do - doc <- OpenedDoc <$> openLigoDoc "one_small_file.mligo" - let drFile = doc - drProject = projectWithOneSmallFile - diags1 <- waitDiagnostics pullingMethod DiagnosticsRequest {drFile, drProject, drExpected = Just $ def {expectedErrors = 1}} -- i_am_type_error - insert doc (8,1) "let the_type_error = (2 : string)" - diags2 <- waitDiagnostics pullingMethod DiagnosticsRequest {drFile, drProject, drExpected = Just $ def {expectedErrors = 2}} - insert doc (4,1) "let another_type_error = (3 : string)" - diags3 <- waitDiagnostics pullingMethod DiagnosticsRequest {drFile, drProject, drExpected = Just $ def {expectedErrors = 3}} - pure (diags1, diags2, diags3) - -benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileEditsOnDoc, benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileKeystrokesOnDoc, benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileEditsOnDocumentLink, benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileKeystrokesOnDocumentLink :: Benchmark -(benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileEditsOnDoc, benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileKeystrokesOnDoc, benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileEditsOnDocumentLink, benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileKeystrokesOnDocumentLink) = - withBothEditsAndKeystrokes benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFile - where - benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFile pullingMethod insertFuncName insert = - benchLspSession pullingMethod ("one_big_file.mligo/" <> insertFuncName <> "/" <> show pullingMethod) projectWithOneBigFile $ do - doc <- OpenedDoc <$> openLigoDoc "one_big_file.mligo" - let drFile = doc - drProject = projectWithOneBigFile - diags1 <- waitDiagnostics pullingMethod DiagnosticsRequest {drFile, drProject, drExpected = Just $ def {expectedErrors = 0}} - insert doc (8,1) "let the_type_error = (2 : string)" - diags2 <- waitDiagnostics pullingMethod DiagnosticsRequest {drFile, drProject, drExpected = Just $ def {expectedErrors = 1}} - insert doc (4,1) "let another_type_error = (3 : string)" - diags3 <- waitDiagnostics pullingMethod DiagnosticsRequest {drFile, drProject, drExpected = Just $ def {expectedErrors = 2}} - pure (diags1, diags2, diags3) - -benchDiagnosticsCheckerEditsOnDocumentLink, benchDiagnosticsCheckerKeystrokesOnDocumentLink :: Benchmark -(benchDiagnosticsCheckerEditsOnDocumentLink, benchDiagnosticsCheckerKeystrokesOnDocumentLink) = - let (_, _, edits, keystrokes) = withBothEditsAndKeystrokes benchDiagnosticsChecker - in (edits, keystrokes) - where - benchDiagnosticsChecker _ insertFuncName insert = - benchLspSession OnDocumentLink ("avl.mligo/" <> insertFuncName) projectChecker do - let pullingMethod = OnDocumentLink - doc <- OpenedDoc <$> openLigoDoc "avl.mligo" - let drFile = doc - drProject = projectChecker - diags1 <- waitDiagnostics pullingMethod DiagnosticsRequest {drFile, drProject, drExpected = Just $ def {expectedErrors = 0}} - insert doc (703,1) "let the_type_error = (2 : string)" - diags2 <- waitDiagnostics pullingMethod DiagnosticsRequest {drFile, drProject, drExpected = Just $ def {expectedErrors = 1}} - insert doc (342,1) "let another_type_error = (3 : string)" - diags3 <- waitDiagnostics pullingMethod DiagnosticsRequest {drFile, drProject, drExpected = Just $ def {expectedErrors = 2}} - pure (diags1, diags2, diags3) - - -bench_diagnostics_edits :: [Benchmark] -bench_diagnostics_edits = - [ bgroup - "Diagnostics/edits" - [ benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileEditsOnDoc - , benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileKeystrokesOnDoc - , benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileEditsOnDoc - , benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileKeystrokesOnDoc - , benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileEditsOnDocumentLink - , benchDiagnosticsOneSmallFileKeystrokesOnDocumentLink - , benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileEditsOnDocumentLink - , benchDiagnosticsOneBigFileKeystrokesOnDocumentLink - , benchDiagnosticsCheckerEditsOnDocumentLink - , benchDiagnosticsCheckerKeystrokesOnDocumentLink - ] - ] diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Hovers.hs b/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Hovers.hs deleted file mode 100644 index c3b88de2e5..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Hovers.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-} -{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-} - -module Bench.Hovers - ( HoverRequest (..), - requestHover, - bench_simple_hovers, - bench_sequence_hovers, - ) -where - -import Universum - -import Bench.Util -import Criterion -import Data.Row.Records (Label (..), pattern (:+), pattern (:==)) -import Data.Text qualified as T -import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types qualified as LSP -import Language.LSP.Test qualified as LSP - -data HoverRequest = HoverRequest - { -- | Absolute file path to ligo project - hrProject :: FilePath, - -- | path to file (relative to project) - hrFile :: Doc, - -- | line/column as in VSCode (cursor is at the start of the word we want to get hover) - hrPos :: (LSP.UInt, LSP.UInt), - -- | Thing that we're hovering. To check that position is correct, we're checking that this is a - -- prefix of the hover content - hrExpectedName :: Text - } - deriving stock (Show) - -requestHover :: HoverRequest -> LSP.Session LSP.Hover -requestHover hr@HoverRequest {..} = do - doc <- getDoc hrFile - LSP.getHover doc (LSP.Position (line - 1) (col - 1)) >>= \case - Nothing -> fail $ "No hover for " <> show hr - Just result@(LSP.Hover {_contents = LSP.InR (LSP.InR [LSP.MarkedString (LSP.InR ((_ :: Label "language") :== "cameligo" :+ _ :== msg))])}) - | hrExpectedName `T.isPrefixOf` msg -> return result - otherHover -> fail $ "Hover for " <> show hr <> " is malformed (expected MarkedString): " <> show otherHover - where - (line, col) = hrPos - -bench_simple_hovers :: [Benchmark] -bench_simple_hovers = - [ bgroup - "Hovers/simple" - [ simpleHoverBench hr - | hr <- hoversOneBigFile <> hoversChecker - ] - ] - -simpleHoverBench :: HoverRequest -> Benchmark -simpleHoverBench hr@HoverRequest {..} = - benchLspSession OnDocumentLink - (show hrFile <> "/" <> toString hrExpectedName) - hrProject - $ requestHover hr - -hoversOneBigFile :: [HoverRequest] -hoversOneBigFile = - [ HoverRequest - { hrProject = projectWithOneBigFile, - hrFile = FileDoc "one_big_file.mligo", - hrPos = (2, 12), - hrExpectedName = "a000" - }, - HoverRequest - { hrProject = projectWithOneBigFile, - hrFile = FileDoc "one_big_file.mligo", - hrPos = (103, 12), - hrExpectedName = "a101" - }, - HoverRequest - { hrProject = projectWithOneBigFile, - hrFile = FileDoc "one_big_file.mligo", - hrPos = (604, 12), - hrExpectedName = "a602" - }, - HoverRequest - { hrProject = projectWithOneBigFile, - hrFile = FileDoc "one_big_file.mligo", - hrPos = (905, 12), - hrExpectedName = "a903" - } - ] - -hoversChecker :: [HoverRequest] -hoversChecker = - [ - HoverRequest - { hrProject = projectChecker, - hrFile = FileDoc "sliceList.mligo", - hrPos = (29, 7), - hrExpectedName = "slice_list_bounds" - }, - HoverRequest - { hrProject = projectChecker, - hrFile = FileDoc "sliceList.mligo", - hrPos = (192, 17), - hrExpectedName = "storage" - }, - HoverRequest - { hrProject = projectChecker, - hrFile = FileDoc "sliceList.mligo", - hrPos = (163, 55), - hrExpectedName = "slice_list_youngest_ptr" - }, - HoverRequest - { hrProject = projectChecker, - hrFile = FileDoc "sliceList.mligo", - hrPos = (144, 21), - hrExpectedName = "slice_list_remove" - } - ] - --- request many hovers from a file in one session --- to check that our caching works correctly. It's expected that --- the result will be close to case when we ask for one hover. -bench_sequence_hovers :: [Benchmark] -bench_sequence_hovers = - [ benchSequence BenchmarkSequence - { bsName = "Hovers/sequence" - , bsRequests = hoversOneBigFile - , bsGetRequestDoc = hrFile - , bsSetRequestDoc = \doc hr -> hr {hrFile = doc} - , bsRunRequest = requestHover - , bsProject = projectWithOneBigFile - } - , benchSequence BenchmarkSequence - { bsName = "Hovers/sequence" - , bsRequests = hoversChecker - , bsGetRequestDoc = hrFile - , bsSetRequestDoc = \doc hr -> hr {hrFile = doc} - , bsRunRequest = requestHover - , bsProject = projectChecker - } - ] diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/References.hs b/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/References.hs deleted file mode 100644 index 165527e4c9..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/References.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -module Bench.References - ( ReferencesRequest(..) - , requestReferences - , bench_simple_references - , bench_sequence_references - ) where - -import Universum - -import Criterion -import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types qualified as LSP -import Language.LSP.Test qualified as LSP - -import Bench.Util - -data ReferencesRequest = ReferencesRequest - { rrProject :: FilePath - -- ^ Absolute file path to ligo project - , rrFile :: Doc - -- ^ path to file (relative to project) - , rrPos :: (LSP.UInt, LSP.UInt) - -- ^ line/column as in VSCode (cursor is at the start of the word we want to get references) - , rrExpectedAmount :: Int - -- ^ number of references we expect, including definition - } deriving stock Show - -requestReferences :: ReferencesRequest -> LSP.Session [LSP.Location] -requestReferences rr@ReferencesRequest{..} = do - doc <- getDoc rrFile - refs <- LSP.getReferences doc (LSP.Position (line - 1) (col - 1)) True - if length refs == rrExpectedAmount - then return refs - else fail $ "Request " <> show rr <> " returned unexpected amount of references: " - <> show (length refs) - where - (line, col) = rrPos - -bench_simple_references :: [Benchmark] -bench_simple_references = - [ bgroup "References/simple" - [ simpleReferencesBench rr - | rr <- referencesOneBigFile <> referencesChecker - ] - ] - -simpleReferencesBench :: ReferencesRequest -> Benchmark -simpleReferencesBench rr@ReferencesRequest{..} = - benchLspSession OnDocumentLink - (show rrFile <> "/" <> show rrPos) - rrProject - $ requestReferences rr - -referencesOneBigFile :: [ReferencesRequest] -referencesOneBigFile = - [ ReferencesRequest -- a012 - { rrProject = projectWithOneBigFile - , rrFile = FileDoc "one_big_file.mligo" - , rrPos = (13, 5) - , rrExpectedAmount = 2 - } - , ReferencesRequest -- a013 - { rrProject = projectWithOneBigFile - , rrFile = FileDoc "one_big_file.mligo" - , rrPos = (13, 5) - , rrExpectedAmount = 2 - } - , ReferencesRequest -- a014 - { rrProject = projectWithOneBigFile - , rrFile = FileDoc "one_big_file.mligo" - , rrPos = (13, 5) - , rrExpectedAmount = 2 - } - ] - -referencesChecker :: [ReferencesRequest] -referencesChecker = - [ - ReferencesRequest -- ref_peek_front - { rrProject = projectChecker - , rrFile = FileDoc "avl.mligo" - , rrPos = (535, 9) - , rrExpectedAmount = 4 - } - , ReferencesRequest -- parent_ptr - { rrProject = projectChecker - , rrFile = FileDoc "avl.mligo" - , rrPos = (477, 7) - , rrExpectedAmount = 6 - } - , ReferencesRequest -- left - { rrProject = projectChecker - , rrFile = FileDoc "avl.mligo" - , rrPos = (359, 7) - , rrExpectedAmount = 7 - } - ] - --- request many references from a file in one session --- to check that our caching works correctly. It's expected that --- the result will be close to case when we ask for one reference. -bench_sequence_references :: [Benchmark] -bench_sequence_references = - [ benchSequence BenchmarkSequence - { bsName = "References/sequence" - , bsRequests = referencesOneBigFile - , bsGetRequestDoc = rrFile - , bsSetRequestDoc = \doc rr -> rr {rrFile = doc} - , bsRunRequest = requestReferences - , bsProject = projectWithOneBigFile - } - , benchSequence BenchmarkSequence - { bsName = "References/sequence" - , bsRequests = referencesChecker - , bsGetRequestDoc = rrFile - , bsSetRequestDoc = \doc rr -> rr {rrFile = doc} - , bsRunRequest = requestReferences - , bsProject = projectChecker - } - ] diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Util.hs b/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Util.hs deleted file mode 100644 index 7b4f62ca24..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/src/Bench/Util.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -module Bench.Util - ( - benchLspSession, - getDoc, - Doc (..), - insertToDoc, - insertToDocKeystrokes, - openLigoDoc, - projectWithOneBigFile, - projectWithOneSmallFile, - projectChecker, - DiagnosticsPullingMethod(..), - pullDiagnostics, - withBothEditsAndKeystrokes, - BenchmarkSequence(..), - benchSequence, - ) -where - -import Prelude qualified -import Universum hiding ((^.)) - -import Criterion -import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson -import Data.Aeson.QQ.Simple (aesonQQ) -import Data.Row.Records ((.+), (.==)) -import Language.LSP.Protocol.Capabilities qualified as LSP -import Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens qualified as LspLens -import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message qualified as LSP -import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types qualified as LSP -import Language.LSP.Test (SessionConfig (logStdErr, messageTimeout), lspConfig) -import Language.LSP.Test qualified as LSP -import Lens.Micro ((^.)) -import System.Directory (canonicalizePath) -import System.Environment (lookupEnv) -import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) - - --- one can set LIGO_LSP_TEST_EXE env var before testing/benchmarking to test a different lsp server --- with our requests -serverCommand :: String -serverCommand = - unsafePerformIO $ - fromMaybe "ligo lsp --disable-lsp-requests-logging all-capabilities" - <$> lookupEnv "LIGO_LSP_TEST_EXE" -{-# NOINLINE serverCommand #-} - -projectWithOneBigFile :: FilePath -projectWithOneBigFile = unsafePerformIO $ canonicalizePath "projects/one_big_file/" -{-# NOINLINE projectWithOneBigFile #-} - -projectWithOneSmallFile :: FilePath -projectWithOneSmallFile = unsafePerformIO $ canonicalizePath "projects/one_small_file/" -{-# NOINLINE projectWithOneSmallFile #-} - -projectChecker :: FilePath -projectChecker = unsafePerformIO $ canonicalizePath "projects/submodules/checker/src/" -{-# NOINLINE projectChecker #-} - -openLigoDoc :: FilePath -> LSP.Session LSP.TextDocumentIdentifier -openLigoDoc fp = LSP.openDoc fp "ligo" - -benchLspSession :: - (NFData a) => - DiagnosticsPullingMethod -> - String -> - FilePath -> - LSP.Session a -> - Benchmark -benchLspSession pullingMethod description project session = - bench description $ - nfIO $ - LSP.runSessionWithConfig - LSP.defaultConfig - { logStdErr = True - -- 10 minutes should be enough - , messageTimeout = 600 - , lspConfig - } - serverCommand - (LSP.capsForVersion $ LSP.LSPVersion 3 0) - project - session - where - lspConfig = - case pullingMethod of - OnDoc -> Just - [aesonQQ| - { - "ligoLanguageServer": { - "diagnosticsPullMode": "on doc update (can be slow)" - } - } - |] - OnDocumentLink -> Nothing - -getDoc :: Doc -> LSP.Session LSP.TextDocumentIdentifier -getDoc (OpenedDoc tdi) = pure tdi -getDoc (FileDoc path) = openLigoDoc path - -data Doc - = -- | Document on disc to be opened (path relative to project) - FileDoc String - | -- | Document that was already opened in this session - OpenedDoc LSP.TextDocumentIdentifier - deriving Eq - -instance Prelude.Show Doc where - show (FileDoc s) = s - show (OpenedDoc uri) = show uri - - -insertToDoc, insertToDocKeystrokes :: Doc -> (LSP.UInt, LSP.UInt) -> Text -> LSP.Session () -insertToDoc doc (line, col) text = - getDoc doc >>= \tdi -> - LSP.changeDoc tdi [LSP.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent $ LSP.InL $ #range .== LSP.Range pos pos .+ #rangeLength .== Nothing .+ #text .== text] - where - pos = LSP.Position (line - 1) (col - 1) - --- | Like insertToDoc but simulates typing -insertToDocKeystrokes doc (line, col) text = - getDoc doc >>= \tdi -> - for_ ( (toString text) [col ..]) $ - \(char, activeCol) -> insertToDoc (OpenedDoc tdi) (line, activeCol) (one char) - -data DiagnosticsPullingMethod - = OnDoc - | OnDocumentLink - -instance Prelude.Show DiagnosticsPullingMethod where - show = \case - OnDoc -> "on_doc" - OnDocumentLink -> "on_document_link" - -{-# ANN pullDiagnostics ("HLint: ignore Redundant fmap" :: String) #-} -pullDiagnostics :: LSP.TextDocumentIdentifier -> DiagnosticsPullingMethod -> LSP.Session [LSP.Diagnostic] -pullDiagnostics tdi = \case - OnDoc -> do - _ <- let params = Aeson.Null in LSP.sendRequest (LSP.SMethod_CustomMethod $ Proxy @"DebugEcho") params - -- After we edited a document multiple times, the LSP server might produce multiple publish diagnostics - -- notifications - firstMessage <- LSP.waitForDiagnostics - otherDiagnosticMessages <- many LSP.publishDiagnosticsNotification - echoResponse <- LSP.response (LSP.SMethod_CustomMethod $ Proxy @"DebugEcho") - unless (echoResponse ^. LspLens.result == Right (Aeson.String "DebugEchoResponse")) - $ fail "Expected DebugEchoResponse" - case nonEmpty otherDiagnosticMessages of - Nothing -> pure firstMessage - Just messages -> pure $ last messages ^. (LspLens.params . LspLens.diagnostics) - OnDocumentLink -> do - _ <- let params = LSP.DocumentLinkParams Nothing Nothing tdi in LSP.sendRequest LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentDocumentLink params - firstMessage <- LSP.waitForDiagnostics - fmap nonEmpty (many LSP.publishDiagnosticsNotification) >>= \case - Nothing -> pure firstMessage - Just messages -> pure $ last messages ^. (LspLens.params . LspLens.diagnostics) - -withBothEditsAndKeystrokes - :: ( DiagnosticsPullingMethod - -> String - -> (Doc -> (LSP.UInt, LSP.UInt) -> Text -> LSP.Session ()) - -> a - ) -> (a,a,a,a) -withBothEditsAndKeystrokes f = - ( f OnDoc "edits" insertToDoc - , f OnDoc "keystrokes" insertToDocKeystrokes - , f OnDocumentLink "edits" insertToDoc - , f OnDocumentLink "keystrokes" insertToDocKeystrokes - ) - -data BenchmarkSequence :: Type -> Type where - BenchmarkSequence :: NFData a => - { bsName :: String - , bsRequests :: [request] - , bsGetRequestDoc :: request -> Doc - , bsSetRequestDoc :: Doc -> request -> request - , bsRunRequest :: request -> LSP.Session a - , bsProject :: FilePath - } -> BenchmarkSequence request - --- Runs multiple similar requests for one file (opening this file only once). -benchSequence :: BenchmarkSequence request -> Benchmark -benchSequence BenchmarkSequence {..} = - -- Picking "OnDocumentLink" here because it's faster. Other pulling methods - -- would be measured in diagnostics benches. - benchLspSession OnDocumentLink (bsName <> "/" <> file) bsProject $ do - doc <- getDoc (FileDoc file) - mapM (bsRunRequest . bsSetRequestDoc (OpenedDoc doc)) bsRequests - where - file = case map bsGetRequestDoc bsRequests of - FileDoc f : otherFiles | all (== FileDoc f) otherFiles -> f - _ -> error "Expected a same FileDoc for all files" diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/stack.yaml b/tools/lsp-bench/stack.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index df0aeeb0ad..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/stack.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -resolver: - url: - -packages: -- . -# Dependency packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver. -# These entries can reference officially published versions as well as -# forks / in-progress versions pinned to a git hash. For example: -# -# extra-deps: -# - acme-missiles-0.3 -# - git: -# commit: e7b331f14bcffb8367cd58fbfc8b40ec7642100a -# -extra-deps: [] - -# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps -# flags: {} - -# Extra package databases containing global packages -# extra-package-dbs: [] - -# Control whether we use the GHC we find on the path -# system-ghc: true -# -# Require a specific version of Stack, using version ranges -# require-stack-version: -any # Default -# require-stack-version: ">=2.9" -# -# Override the architecture used by Stack, especially useful on Windows -# arch: i386 -# arch: x86_64 -# -# Extra directories used by Stack for building -# extra-include-dirs: [/path/to/dir] -# extra-lib-dirs: [/path/to/dir] -# -# Allow a newer minor version of GHC than the snapshot specifies -# compiler-check: newer-minor diff --git a/tools/lsp-bench/stack.yaml.lock b/tools/lsp-bench/stack.yaml.lock deleted file mode 100644 index 1ad530a88b..0000000000 --- a/tools/lsp-bench/stack.yaml.lock +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -# This file was autogenerated by Stack. -# You should not edit this file by hand. -# For more information, please see the documentation at: -# - -packages: [] -snapshots: -- completed: - sha256: 1d5fb7e344e76dd2c8958e3061d4e4dabb50a1355e6ff02e7d0e4f754c0adf47 - size: 640015 - url: - original: - url: From c232d291bc99610c77b6ef6f05e519555075c266 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: EduardoRFS Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 16:15:14 -0300 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] remove haskell --- .gitmodules | 4 --- danger/hlint.rb | 87 ------------------------------------------------- flake.nix | 47 -------------------------- 3 files changed, 138 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 danger/hlint.rb diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules index 287b90d208..56adb6a829 100644 --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ path = vendors/tezos-ligo url = branch = v21-ligo -[submodule "tools/lsp-bench/projects/submodules/checker"] - path = tools/lsp-bench/projects/submodules/checker - url = - branch = main [submodule "vendors/lltz"] path = vendors/lltz url = diff --git a/danger/hlint.rb b/danger/hlint.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 832f4356cc..0000000000 --- a/danger/hlint.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Oxhead Alpha -# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA - -require 'shellwords' - -# Lints Haskell files inside the project using HLint -def lint(files, options = {}) - final_options = options.merge(json: true) - - issues = files - .map { |file| Shellwords.escape(file) } - .map do |file| - out = `hlint lint #{file} --no-exit-code #{to_hlint_options(final_options)}` - if $?.success? then - out - else - fail 'Hlint checks failed, please check the logs' - "[]" - end - end - .reject { |s| s == '' } - .map { |lint_result| JSON.parse(lint_result).flatten } - .flatten - - send_inline_comment(issues) - -end - -def send_inline_comment(results) - dir = "#{Dir.pwd}/" - results.each do |r| - filename = r['file'].gsub(dir, '') - - prompt = r['severity'] == 'Suggestion' || r['severity'] == 'Warning' ? 'Why Not' : '' - prompt = r['severity'] == 'Error' ? 'Error description' : prompt - - message = <<~HEREDOC - - :warning: Found "#{r['hint']}" - - ```haskell - #{r['from']} - ``` - - #{prompt} - - ```haskell - #{r['to']} - ``` - HEREDOC - - markdown(message, file: filename, line: r['startLine']) - end -end - -def to_hlint_options(options = {}) - options. - # filter not null - reject { |_key, value| value.nil? }. - # map booleans arguments equal true - map { |key, value| value.is_a?(TrueClass) ? [key, ''] : [key, value] }. - # map booleans arguments equal false - map { |key, value| value.is_a?(FalseClass) ? ["no-#{key}", ''] : [key, value] }. - # replace underscore by hyphen - map { |key, value| ['_', '-'), value] }. - # prepend '--' into the argument - map { |key, value| ["--#{key}", value] }. - # reduce everything into a single string - reduce('') { |args, option| "#{args} #{option[0]} #{option[1]}" }. - # strip leading spaces - strip -end - -# get all affected files by the changes in the current diff -affected_files = git.added_files + git.modified_files - -# limit files to .hs files -haskell_files = { |file| file.end_with?('.hs') && File.exist?(file) } - -# avoid overwriting and keep the values of duplicate 'hint' keys separate -hlint_options = - {:hint => 'tools/debugger/.hlint.yaml'} - .merge('hint' => 'tools/debugger/.hlint-universum.yaml') - .merge('ignore' => "'Parse error'") - -# run hlint on the files and comment inline in the PR -lint haskell_files, hlint_options diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix index e45a8f647d..6ae8b11490 100644 --- a/flake.nix +++ b/flake.nix @@ -13,21 +13,6 @@ inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; - # haskell - stackage = { - url = "github:input-output-hk/stackage.nix"; - flake = false; - }; - hackage = { - url = "github:input-output-hk/hackage.nix"; - flake = false; - }; - haskell-nix = { - url = "github:input-output-hk/haskell.nix"; - inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; - inputs.hackage.follows = "hackage"; - inputs.stackage.follows = "stackage"; - }; ocaml-overlay = { url = "github:nix-ocaml/nix-overlays"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; @@ -57,7 +42,6 @@ inherit system; overlays = [ build-yarn-package.overlays.default - haskell-nix.overlay ocaml-overlay.overlays.default (import ./nix/overlay.nix) (_: prev: @@ -81,37 +65,6 @@ = ["_build" "result" ".direnv" "vendors/*" "vendored-dune/*"]; }; - - # Wrap stack to work with our haskell.nix integration. - # - no-nix: we don't want stack's nix integration - # --system-ghc: use the existing GHC on PATH (provided by haskell.nix) - # --no-install-ghc : don't try to install GHC if no matching GHC found on PATH - stack-wrapped = pkgs.symlinkJoin { - name = "stack"; # will be available as the usual `stack` in terminal - paths = [pkgs.stack]; - buildInputs = [pkgs.makeWrapper]; - postBuild = '' - wrapProgram $out/bin/stack \ - --add-flags "\ - --no-nix \ - --system-ghc \ - --no-install-ghc \ - " - ''; - }; - - haskellShell = name: drv: - drv.passthru.project.shellFor { - inherit name; - - # FIXME: - # Adding [exactDeps = true] to avoid the build failure, this ensures - # that cabal doesn't choose alternate plans, so that *all* dependencies - # are provided by nix. - exactDeps = true; - - buildInputs = [stack-wrapped]; - }; in { packages = { ligo = ligo; From 632b561343a01f6b9d52ba46f45ba2258913cc3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: EduardoRFS Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 16:25:46 -0300 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] update the flake lock --- flake.lock | 666 +---------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 665 deletions(-) diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock index 5eadb87c7f..a4c811372b 100644 --- a/flake.lock +++ b/flake.lock @@ -1,21 +1,5 @@ { "nodes": { - "HTTP": { - "flake": false, - "locked": { - "lastModified": 1451647621, - "narHash": "sha256-oHIyw3x0iKBexEo49YeUDV1k74ZtyYKGR2gNJXXRxts=", - "owner": "phadej", - "repo": "HTTP", - "rev": "9bc0996d412fef1787449d841277ef663ad9a915", - "type": "github" - }, - "original": { - "owner": "phadej", - "repo": "HTTP", - "type": "github" - } - }, "build-yarn-package": { "inputs": { "nixpkgs": [ @@ -36,90 +20,6 @@ "type": "github" } }, - "cabal-32": { - "flake": false, - "locked": { - "lastModified": 1603716527, - "narHash": "sha256-X0TFfdD4KZpwl0Zr6x+PLxUt/VyKQfX7ylXHdmZIL+w=", - "owner": "haskell", - "repo": "cabal", - "rev": "48bf10787e27364730dd37a42b603cee8d6af7ee", - "type": "github" - }, - "original": { - "owner": "haskell", - "ref": "3.2", - "repo": "cabal", - "type": "github" - } - }, - "cabal-34": { - "flake": false, - "locked": { - "lastModified": 1645834128, - "narHash": "sha256-wG3d+dOt14z8+ydz4SL7pwGfe7SiimxcD/LOuPCV6xM=", - "owner": "haskell", - "repo": "cabal", - "rev": "5ff598c67f53f7c4f48e31d722ba37172230c462", - 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