by Lihao Liu, Chenyang Hong, Angelica I. Aviles-Rivero and Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb.
In this repository, we provide Pytorch implementation for the 4th solution in the grand challenge CoNIC-2022. The detailed description can be found in our MIUA-22 paper Simultaneous Semantic and Instance Segmentation for Colon Nuclei Identification and Counting.
pytorch 1.10.1
cuda 11.0
cudnn 8.0
To install detectron2, you need to install the it from my repo, since I make changes to the orginl detectron2:
cd detectron2
python install
There are three parts (three subdirs) in this repo, which are exactly the same three parts listed in the main paper:
The instance model in subdir detectron2, which contrains the training and testing logic of the Cascade Mask-RCNN 152 model forked and modified from the original detectron2.
The semantic model in subdir hover_net, which contrains the training and testing logic of the Hover-Net model.
The subdir conic, which contrains the data pre-processing and NMS embedding modole.
Download the dataset from the challenge website:, and unzip everything in folder
. -
Run the three pre-processing files in
in order,cd script python python python
The generated input files for detectron2 and hovernet are stored in
, respectively. -
Run the instance model in subdir detectron2:
cd detectron2 ./tools/ --num-gpus 4 --config-file ./configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_X_152_32x8d_FPN_IN5k_gn_dconv.yaml
Note: you need to change the batch_size, training steps parameters accordingly in line 29-36 in
before training. I used 4 A100 GPUs with 80 GB memory. My batch size is 96 and max step is 3200. If you decrease the batch size, please increase the max iteration, checkpoint period, and so on. For instance,IMS_PER_BATCH: 8 # 8 = 96 / 12 STEPS: (28800, 22600) # (1800 * 12, 2200 * 12) MAX_ITER: 38400 # 3200 * 12 BASE_LR: 0.04 WARMUP_ITERS: 2400 # 200 * 12 WARMUP_FACTOR: 0.01 CHECKPOINT_PERIOD: 2400 # 200 * 12
Run the semantic model in subdir hover_net:
cd hovernet python --gpu '0,1,2,3' --fold 0
Note: you need to change the batch_size, nr_procs, and pretrained_backbon parameters in
before training -
Run the NMS code after on the predicted results on 3 & 4:
cd conic python --instance_pred your_instance_test_result.npy --semantic_pred your_instance_test_result.npy --out_dir_path your_output_dir --fold 0
If you use our code for your research, please cite our paper:
title={Simultaneous Semantic and Instance Segmentation for Colon Nuclei Identification and Counting},
author={Liu, Lihao and Hong, Chenyang and Aviles-Rivero, Angelica I and Sch{\"o}nlieb, Carola-Bibiane},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.00157},
Please open an issue or email [email protected] for any questions.