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File metadata and controls

56 lines (38 loc) · 2.39 KB


Repository for Capstone Project of ITSS software development: EcoBikeRental System

Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang


  • Nguyen Thi Linh 20200349
  • Vu Thuy Linh 20205159
  • Pham Khanh Linh 20205286
  • Bui Thanh Long 20205160

Getting Started

Welcome to the AIMS project. Here is a guideline to help you get started.

Folder Structure

The workspace contains the following folders, where:

  • src: the folder to maintain sources
  • lib: the folder to maintain dependencies
  • assets: the folder to maintain static resources
  • test: the folder for testing purpose

Dependency Management

Working with Eclipse

Import the root directory of this repository after cloning under Eclipse -> Open Projects from File System... or by using EGit.


Import mysql-connector-j-8.1.0.jar in lib under Eclipse -> Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Classpath -> Add JARs....

In case you have not installed Mysql Server on your local machine, follow this tutorial:

Connect Java with MySQL DB:

Paste SQL query (DB/create.sql) in your MySQL server

Then config DB_PASSWORD with your MySQL password in utils/


Import JUnit5 library under Eclipse -> Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Modulepath -> Add Library... -> JUnit -> Next.


Note: At first, please try to run the project once, and then follow these steps.

  1. Create a new User Library under Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> User Libraries -> New
  2. Name it anything you want, e.g., JavaFX15, and include the jars under either the lib/linux/javafx-sdk-15 directory for Linux distro or the lib/win/javafx-sdk-15 directory for Windows in the project.
  3. Include the library, e.g., JavaFX15, into the classpath.

Add VM arguments

Click on Run -> Run Configurations... -> Java Application, create a new launch configuration for your project and add these VM arguments:

  • For Linux distro:

--module-path lib/linux/javafx-sdk-15/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml

  • For Windows:

--module-path lib/win/javafx-sdk-15/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml