Observes Semantic Versioning standard and Keep a Changelog convention.
0.1.3 - 2022-11-02
- Added - mkdocs deployment
0.1.2 - 2022-08-26
- Added -
in the Attribute tables - Added - support storing non-string data types
0.1.1 - 2022-06-10
- Added - NotImplementedError where Imported tables do not offer make function
- Added - get_trialized_alignment_event_times docstring specificity
- Changed - Diagram to reflect design with trial.BlockTrial as imported
0.1.0 - 2022-05-10
- Added - Draft based on Cajal and Kavli Institute precursor projects
- Added - Table architecture
- Added - AlignmentEvent design to capture windows relative to an event
- Added - Black formatting into code base