SVN $Id: ChangeLog 68792 2015-03-10 00:57:28Z mvertens $
SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/scripts/trunk_tags/scripts4_150309/ChangeLog $
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 9 Mar 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150309 One-line: Major scripts refactoring
The following new directory structure will be implemented as part of the scripts refactoring and introduction of the new cime/ directory
$CCSMROOT/ cime/ <================= /components /data_comps /stub_comps /xcpl_comps (previously dead) /driver_cpl /externals /gptl (brought in as subtree in git) /mct (brought in as subtree in git) /pio (brought in as subtree in git) /CMake (brought in as subtree in git) /genf90 (brought in as subtree in git) /machines /scripts /share /csm_share /esmf_wrf_timemgr /timing /tools /cprnc /load_balancing_tool /mapping /unit_testing /validation_testing /utils /per5lib /pythonlib
components/ <============== /aquap /cam /cice /cism /clm /pop2 /rtm /ww3
=> SVN externals - there will be no SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES under cime/ D SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES
=> The following files were changed to account for the directory refactoring as well as the new testing changes that accompanied this tag M create_clone M create_newcase M create_test
=> The following tests were modified, removed or added
- See the following README file for a full documentation of test functionality A ccsm_utils/Testcases/README D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/OEM_build.csh D ccsm_utils/Testcases/OEM_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/P4A_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/PRS_build.csh D ccsm_utils/Testcases/PRS_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/APT_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/APT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERP_build.csh A ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script R ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ICP_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ICP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/LAR_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCR_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCR_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NOC_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NOC_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/OCP_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/OCP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PFS_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_build.csh A ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SBN_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SMS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SSP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/STA_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/tests_build.csh
=> The testlist manager was renamed and moved to the top level scripts directory
- Note that manage_testlists now has a new category argument to deal with the split of test
lists as seen below - to see the new arguments issue the command
manage_testslists -help A manage_testlists D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/manage_xml_entries
=> Testlist and test mods were moved to component directories -
- The original testlist.xml file has been split into the following component specific testlists exist in the component directories /cime/scripts/ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist_allactive.xml /cime/driver_cpl/cesmtest/testlist_drv.xml /components/cam/cesmtest/testlist_cam.xml /components/clm/cesmtest/testlist_clm.xml /components/cice/cesmtest/testlist_cice.xml /components/pop2/cesmtest/testlist_pop.xml /components/cism/cesmtest/testlist_cism.xml
=> As a result the following has occurred in the scripts/ directory D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist_allactive.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/allactive
=> The following directories were moved to $CCSMROOT/components/cam/cesmtest/testmods_dirs
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cam4_port
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cam4_port/user_nl_cam
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cam5_port
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cam5_port/user_nl_cam
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cosp
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cosp/xmlchange_cmnds
=> The following directories were moved to $CCSMROOT/components/cism/cesmtest/testmods_dirs
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/apply_to_multiinstance
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/apply_to_multiinstance/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/apply_to_multiinstance/shell_commands
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/oneway
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/oneway/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/oneway/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/override_glc_frac
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/override_glc_frac/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/override_glc_frac/user_nl_cism
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/test_coupling
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/test_coupling/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/test_coupling/user_nl_cism
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos/shell_commands
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos/user_nl_cism
=> The following directories were moved to $CCSMROOT/components/clm/cesmtest/testmods_dirs
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/af_bias_v5
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/af_bias_v5/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/af_bias_v5/user_nl_datm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/af_bias_v5/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/allActive
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/allActive/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ciso
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ciso/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ciso/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cn_conly
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cn_conly/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cn_conly/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cropMonthOutput
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cropMonthOutput/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cropMonthOutput/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_f10
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_f10/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_f10/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_f10/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_sville
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_sville/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_sville/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_sville/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/decStart
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/decStart/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/decStart/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default/shell_commands
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/drydepnomegan
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/drydepnomegan/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/drydepnomegan/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/edTest
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/edTest/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC/user_nl_cpl
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_decrease
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_decrease/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_decrease/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_decrease/user_nl_cism
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_increase
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_increase/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_increase/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_increase/user_nl_cism
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_long
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_long/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_long/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_long/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrig_o3_reduceOutput
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrig_o3_reduceOutput/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrig_o3_reduceOutput/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrig_o3_reduceOutput/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly/user_nl_cpl
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/o3
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/o3/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/o3/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/oldhyd
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/oldhyd/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/pts
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/pts/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/pts/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/pts/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/reduceOutput
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/reduceOutput/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subset
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subset/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subset/user_nl_clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/README
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/vrtlay
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/vrtlay/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/vrtlay/user_nl_clm
=> The following directories were moved to $CCSMROOT/components/pop/cesmtest/testmods_dirs
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys/shell_commands
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys/user_nl_pop2
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys_restore_gx3v7
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys_restore_gx3v7/include_user_mods
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys_restore_gx3v7/user_nl_pop2
- The following directories were moved to $CCSMROOT/components/rtm/cesmtest/testmods_dirs
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm/rtmOff D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm/rtmOff/user_nl_rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOff D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOff/user_nl_rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOn D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOn/user_nl_rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOff D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOff/user_nl_rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOn D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOn/user_nl_rtm
=> The following empty directories were removed D ccsm_utils/Tools/atm D ccsm_utils/Tools/glc D ccsm_utils/Tools/ice D ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd D ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm D ccsm_utils/Tools/ocn
=> A big change was removing the translation from xml to environment variables by introducing new extensive use of the xmlquery command in the scripts. As a result
- ccsm_getenv is no longer needed and has been moved to $CCSMROOT/cime/machines
- xml2env is no longer needed and was removed D ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv D ccsm_utils/Tools/xml2env
=> getTiming.csh was translated to a new perl routine getTiming which is now in Tools/
- as part of this, the functionality in getTiming2.pl was migrated as a function in getTimin
- perf_summary.pl is not used and was removed
- the directory timing/ was no longer needed and was removed
A ccsm_utils/Tools/getTiming D ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.csh D ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl D ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/perf_summary.pl D ccsm_utils/Tools/timing
=> ccsm_check_locked files was translated from csh to perl and and was renamed to check_lockedfiles D ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_check_lockedfiles A ccsm_utils/Tools/check_lockedfiles
=> the following files were added/removed as part of the testing refactor to enable the comparison of all component history files both for test functionality and testing refactor M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_compare.sh A ccsm_utils/Tools/component_compare_move.sh A ccsm_utils/Tools/component_compare_test.sh A ccsm_utils/Tools/component_compgen_baseline.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_generate.sh A ccsm_utils/Tools/component_write_comparefail.pl A ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup D ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin D ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end D ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh D ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh
=> the following file was removed as part of the testing refactor D ccsm_utils/Tools/component_gen_comp D ccsm_utils/Tools/hist_compare.csh
=> SetupTools.pm was changed significantly
- the function expand_env_var is gone - all expansion is now done ONLY on xml variables
- a new function expand_xml_var has been introduced M ccsm_utils/Tools/SetupTools.pm
=> the following files were removed - their functionality was added as a new function in SetupTools, "create_namelist_infile"
- note that all component xxx.buildnml scripts NO LONGER CALL either user_nl_add or user_nlcreate but instead are now perl scripts and call SetupTools::create_namelist_infile D ccsm_utils/Tools/user_nl_add D ccsm_utils/Tools/user_nlcreate
=> config_compsets.xml was modified to bring in new waccm cam5 compsets and to replace any apostrophes in the xml element attributes with ' M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
=> config_grid.xml had a bug fix for ne30np4 in trying to reference a non-existent 1.9x1.25 grid M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
=> the following variables were removed from config_definition.xml
- MODEL_GEN_COMP the following variables were added in config_definition.xml
- POP_CPPDEFS, CICE_CPPDEFS, RUN_REFDIR in particular, RUN_REFDIR was introduce to be able to now have a new location for spun-up initial conditions different that ccsm4_init M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
=> removed functino _write_env from ConfigCase.pm since are no longer translating to environment variables M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
=> a new main build script, cesm_build.pl, is now rewritten in perl this is in perl - but the environment for now is still needed for the makefile hence the wrapper script, cesm_build.csh is needed A ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_build.pl A ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_build.csh D ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe D ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildstart
=> removed reference to ccsm_getenv and now call xmlquery - BUT STILL CSH M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_clean_build M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_prerun_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_prestage M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_submit
=> NOW REWRITTEN IN PERL FROM CSH M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_case M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists
M ccsm_utils/Tools/compare_namelists.pl
M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_production_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.status
M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive
M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlquery
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.submit
using upcoming tools to read the batch info. M ccsm_utils/Tools/tseries_generate.run M ccsm_utils/Tools/tseries_generate.submit
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 27 Feb 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150227 One-line: Updated testreporter to handle expected fails.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 04 Feb 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150204 One-line: Test f09_g16.B1850C5CN on yellowstone, mira, bluewaters
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 02 Feb 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150202 One-line: Update WACCM5 compsets with CLM4.5, CLUBB
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - All WACCM5 compsets now use CLM4.5 - Added WACCM5+CLUBB compset (this will not actually work correctly until a future CAM tag fixes issues in vertical diffusion).
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 30 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150130 One-line: Correct name of compset to FGC5L45BGC in prebeta testlist
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 29 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150129a One-line: Added stampede prealpha test list
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 29 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150129 One-line: Mira test list updates
M ChangeLog
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt Date: 27 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150127 One-line: added chemistry compsets with CLM4.5, waccm-x with ionosphere and fixed waccm-sc compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml Add compsets: FSTRATMAM3L45 - CAM-Chem, CAM5 phys, CLM4.5 BWTC5L45CCMIR2 - WACCM, CAM5 phys, CLM4.5 FWXI - WACCMX with enhanced ionosphere Corrected WACCM-SC compsets to use "waccm_sc" chemistry
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ICP_build.csh Reverted the change introduced in scripts4_150112
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 22 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150122 One-line: Add more CAM5-CLM4.5 BGC compsets for B and F and convert more prealpha/prebeta tests to use CAM5-CLM4.5 compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Add some new CAM5-CLM45 B and F coupled compsets: BG1850C5L45BGC, FGC5L45BGC, FG1850C5L45BGC, change FGHISTCN to FGHISTC5L45BGC M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/manage_xml_entries ---- Add comment that gives mv command M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml ---------- Update prebeta and prealpha test lists to use more CAM5-CLM4.5-BGC compsets
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 20 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150120 One-line: fix an error in determining if the run completed
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup
================================================================================ Originator: aliceb Date: 14 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150114 One-line: updated create_newcase help text
M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 12 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150112c One-line: added 3-test alpha test list for all beta test machines
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 12 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150112b One-line: added T62_g16.G,GIAF to yellowstone for CICE
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
Originator: jshollen Date: 12 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150112a One-line: putting T31_T31 fix into trunk
M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: dbailey Date: 12 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150112 One-line: CICE5 decomps renamed
blkrobin -> sectrobin blkcart -> sectcart
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 10 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150110 One-line: Change cism testmods to work with multi-instance
user_nl_cism files need to be copied to _0001 and _0002 for multi-instance cases
This change allows NCK tests with the test_coupling testmod to pass.
A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/apply_to_multiinstance A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/apply_to_multiinstance/README A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/apply_to_multiinstance/shell_commands A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/override_glc_frac/include_user_mods A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/test_coupling/include_user_mods A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos/include_user_mods
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 08 Jan 2015 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_150108 One-line: Put clm4_5/clm5_0 library into shared build area
Send bldroot and compspec into $comp.buildexe.csh script and for clm specify if shared library should be used (for clm4_5/clm5_0) or clm4_0 non-shared library should be used.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe
Only works with Machines_150108, and backup_clm40_f09_fglcmask_n02_clm4_5_1_r101 (or clm4_5_1_r104) and after.
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 30 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141230a One-line: tweak aux_clm tests
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_f10/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_sville/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 30 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141230 One-line: add transient crop compset, add transient crop tests in aux_clm45 test list
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_f10/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_f10/include_user_mods A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_f10/README A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_f10 A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_sville/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_sville/include_user_mods A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_sville/README A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop_trans_sville M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 23 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141223a One-line: Remove ne120 tests from all prebeta lists save yellowstone intel, bluewaters, remove ne240 tests from prebeta
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 23 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141223 One-line: point clm test to new file
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subset/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: aliceb Date: 19 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141219 One-line: test list changes: remove clm4.5 tests from Janus until intel15 works, shorten titan test list, remove ESMF tests from systems without working ESMF.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: aliceb Date: 12 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141212 One-line: bugfix for lt_archive.sh as described in bugzilla #2083
M ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.sh
================================================================================ Originator: andre Date: 09 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141209a One-line: bugfix for scripts4_141208: fix error checking for userdefined config_machines.xml files.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 09 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141209 One-line: Added DTEST, ETEST to goldbach nag for cice testing.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: andre Date: 08 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141208 One-line: Configure and run cases and tests on user defined machines without changing sandboxes.
Add the ability to configure and run cases and tests on user defined machines without manually changing every sandbox. Look in ~/.cesm for config_compilers.xml, config_machines.xml, config_pes.xml and mkbatch.xxxx. If the user defined machine is found in those files, print an UNSUPPORTED machine warning and use the configuration, otherwise look for the machine configuration in the standard location.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/SetupTools.pm M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 05 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141205 One-line: POP2 changed namelist options for ecosys_restore test
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys_restore_gx3v7/user_nl_pop2
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 02 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141202 One-line: Update perl5lib, rework clm testmods to use new += syntax for hist_fincl
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrig_o3_reduceOutput/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrig_o3_reduceOutput/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/o3/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 01 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141201b One-line: Fix issues with timing file and test completion
M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 01 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141201a One-line: Add resubmit feature for max_cpltime_step namelist option in drvseq5_1_04 Change the cs.status script to give one test per line with sub tests indented.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.status M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 01 Dec 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141201 One-line: add test to aux_clm45 test list
Add an intel version of the o3 test while the pgi test is failing, due to a pgi compiler bug
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 30 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141130 One-line: remove test from aux_clm45 test list
removed the temporary SMS test that was added in the last tag
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 29 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141129 One-line: tweak aux_clm45 test list
Change an ERH test to ERI (the ERH test is failing, due to what seems to be a scripts problem)
Add a temporary SMS test to cover the functionality of the currently-failing ERS_Ly5 test
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 25 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141125 One-line: add some aux_clm45 tests that include ozone
Add one test, and change the irrigOn_reduceOutput tests to also include ozone.
Note that these new tests will only work with a new version of CLM (not yet committed, but will be committed soon).
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrig_o3_reduceOutput A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrig_o3_reduceOutput/README A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrig_o3_reduceOutput/include_user_mods A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrig_o3_reduceOutput/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/o3 A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/o3/include_user_mods A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/o3/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 24 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141124a One-line: move golbach_intel aux_clm40 tests to yellowstone
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens, sacks Date: 24 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141124 One-line: compset and test changes for ED refactor; move golbach_intel aux_clm45 to yellowstone
These changes came from Mariana, from branch refactor_koven
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/edTest/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 18 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141118 One-line: misc. changes to support CISM2, rework testing of cism
*** Change available coupled compsets for CISM2: add BG1850C5L45BGCIS2, remove some others that likely would not be used; make CISM_USE_TRILINOS default to FALSE always, since this is no longer needed for running CISM2, and doesn't work on many machines; change default run length for TG compsets to 5 years instead of 10 M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
*** Change documentation for CISM_USE_TRILINOS M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
*** Add some grid combos that use the CISM 4 km and 20 km grids M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
*** Major overhaul of aux_glc test list; tweak cism tests in prealpha and prebeta test suites; add cism-test_coupling testmod to a number of tests: this turns on frequent dynamics in CISM, so that we can exercise most of the CISM code in a few-day test run M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/gradient_margin_2 D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/gradient_margin_2/user_nl_cism A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/test_coupling
*** Change test mods in accordance with the change in CISM_USE_TRILINOS default M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos/README A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos/shell_commands D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/no_trilinos D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/no_trilinos/README D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/no_trilinos/xmlchange_cmnds
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 14 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141114 One-line: Tweak some aux_clm45 tests
I came across some notes from Sam Levis saying that, to properly test crop restarts, the restart file should be written after at least 2 years have elapsed. This led me to tweak the crop restart tests, some of which had been ERS_Lm25. I lengthened one of them to satisfy Sam's point; for the other two, I have chosen restart intervals to test restarts in the middle of the first year and in the middle of the second year, figuring that that might trigger some different logic.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 12 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141112a One-line: Clean up the testlist using the new -cleanxml option
This removes duplicate tests, sorts entries and consolidates duplicate nodes in the xml file
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 12 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141112 One-line: Add -cleanxml option to manage_xml_entries
From the help message: This option sorts the xml file, consolidates duplicate nodes, and removes duplicate entries.
It should be run after making any manual edits to the xml file, so that the next users
of this file are starting from a clean state. This will minimize merge conflicts.
Note that sorting is automatically done after other manipulations performed by this
program, so this mode of operation only needs to be performed after making manual edits.
*** Add -cleanxml option, and do some refactoring M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/manage_xml_entries
*** Add some tests for the new functionality M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/test_manage_xml_entries.t A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.aux_glc_subset.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.aux_glc_subset_mangled.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.original.15Oct2013.cleaned.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 11 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141111 One-line: Switch ERH,ERB Ld3 to Ld7
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: andre Date: 07 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141107 One-line: Add aux_pop_obgc_se test suite and pop testmods Depends: cesm_pop_2_1_20141031
A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys/user_nl_pop2 A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys/shell_commands A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys_restore_gx3v7 A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys_restore_gx3v7/include_user_mods A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/pop/ecosys_restore_gx3v7/user_nl_pop2 M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 05 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141105a One-line: Add GECO test to yellowstone pgi
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 05 Nov 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141105 One-line: resolves bugzilla 2084
M ccsm_utils/Tools/archive_metadata.sh
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 31 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141031 One-line: Allow recursive testmods and user_mods
Main change is to allow recursive testmods and user_mods (i.e., a mods directory that includes one or more other mods directories). This is done by having an include_user_mods text file in the mods directory, which contains paths (relative or absolute) to other mods directories that should be applied.
I have applied this new functionality to the clm testmods.
Other misc. changes in this tag:
use shell_commands instead of xmlchange_commands in mods directories (but still allow xmlchange_cmnds for backwards compatibility)
for clm-default: apply multi-instance testmods in a more robust way that allows for recursive testmods
remove a test from the aux_clm45 test list, for which there was already a similar test that had a testmods directory
*** Main changes A + ccsm_utils/Tools/UserModsTools.pm M create_newcase
*** Apply changes to clm testmods A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ciso/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ciso/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cn_conly/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cn_conly/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/crop/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cropMonthOutput/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cropMonthOutput/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/decStart/include_user_mods D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/decStart/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default/shell_commands M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default/user_nl_clm_0001 D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default/user_nl_clm_0002 A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/drydepnomegan/include_user_mods D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/drydepnomegan/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/user_nl_cpl A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_decrease/include_user_mods D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_decrease/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_decrease/user_nl_cpl A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_increase/include_user_mods D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_increase/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_increase/user_nl_cpl A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_long/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_long/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_long/user_nl_cpl A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial/user_nl_cpl A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/pts A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA/include_user_mods D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA/xmlchange_cmnds A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB/include_user_mods D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB/xmlchange_cmnds A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA/include_user_mods D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA/xmlchange_cmnds A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subset A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/include_user_mods D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/include_user_mods D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/include_user_mods D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/vrtlay/include_user_mods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/vrtlay/user_nl_clm
*** Unrelated change (remove test from aux_clm: see above) M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
Originator: mickelso Date: 30 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141030 One-line: Added a couple of prebeta tests for babbage
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
Originator: sacks Date: 27 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141027a One-line: Tweak aux_glc test list
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/gradient_margin_2 A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/gradient_margin_2/user_nl_cism
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 27 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141027 One-line: Backout L45 coupled tests to CLM40 for non-existant grids
A few new coupled L45 tests were at resolutions without datasets: ne120, f45-1850 and f02. Move these tests back to using CLM40 until new datasets are provided.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 24 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141024c One-line: correct cs.submit when using testroot option
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.submit
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 24 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141024b One-line: Needed to fix test to match name change from CCSM to CESM and get timing tool to match name of timing summary file.
M 64739 ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.csh M 64739 ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERT_script M 64739 ccsm_utils/Testcases/PRS_script M 64739 ccsm_utils/Testcases/STA_script M 64739 ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script M 64739 ccsm_utils/Testcases/SSP_script
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 24 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141024a One-line: refactor cs.status - improve output format
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.status
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 24 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141024 One-line: refactor cs.submit - now only resubmits tests whose status is not PASS, PEND or RUN
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.submit
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 23 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141023 One-line: Re-remove some aux_glc tests
Re-remove the FG and IG tests that I had removed in scripts4_141017a... that change was lost in scripts4_141022
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 22 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141022g One-line: add a 4km test to the aux_glc test suite
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 22 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141022f One-line: allow easy creation of cases using 4-km Greenland grid
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 22 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141022e One-line: allow 4-km Greenland grid
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 22 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141022d One-line: change CISM2 PEA test in aux_glc testlist so that it builds
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 22 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141022c One-line: change description for the CISM_USE_TRILINOS xml variable
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 22 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141022b One-line: fix DLND_CPLHIST for TG cases that point to 20TR output
Some 20TR cases had been accidentally renamed to HIST rather than 20TR when these compsets were renamed; this led to pointers to non-existent files
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 22 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141022a One-line: remove CISM2P/CISM2S distinction
Now that trilinos is not required in order to run CISM2 in parallel, there is no longer much need for a CISM2S compset. So I am removing this, and removing the P vs. S in the CISM2 compset names.
In order to get reasonable PE layouts for CISM2 compsets, this requires Machines_141022.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: muszala Date: 22 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141022 One-line: aux_clm45 testlist reorganization
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml -- xml doesn't like '--' in a comment line - + M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml -- yearly reorg of aux_clm45 tests. add gnu+yellowstone, remove -- pgi+goldbach, balance tests between machine/compiler A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/cropMonthOutput -- adds capability to just dump monthly output to crop tests D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROB -- not required anymore D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROB/user_nl_clm -- not required anymore D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROB/xmlchange_cmnds -- not required anymore D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/voc -- not required anymore D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/voc/user_nl_clm -- not required anymore D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/voc/user_nl_cpl -- not required anymore
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 21 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141021 One-line: allow 'xmlchange_commands' in addition to 'xmlchange_cmds' in testmods
Main purpose is to allow xmlchange_commands in addition to xmlchange_cmds in testmods. Eventually, I'd hope to do away with xmlchange_cmnds entirely, but for now that's supported for backwards compatibility. Motivation: cmnds is a non-standard abbreviation, and would be easy to get wrong (also the documentation was wrong, saying to use xmlchange_cmds).
In doing this, I have also:
(1) Removed handling of testmods from create_test, instead leveraging the existing -user_mods_dir functionality in create_newcase, in order to remove duplicated code.
(2) Removed the -user_testmods_dir option of create_test, which didn't appear to be working correctly anyway (it seems like it was supposed to allow directories outside of the main testmods area, but it didn't).
M create_test M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 18 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141018 One-line: add some no_trilinos tests for aux_glc test list
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/no_trilinos A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/no_trilinos/README A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/no_trilinos/xmlchange_cmnds
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 17 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141017c One-line: fix cesm_submit for SBN, regular tests, plain cases
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_submit
================================================================================ Originator: aliceb Date: 17 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141017b One-line: updates for the tseries generation support in CESM scripts
(Note: you must manually edit the BSUB -P entry in the tseries_generate.run script to accurately reflect your project number. This will change with the integration into the new batch system that Jay is working on.)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_tseries_generator.py M ccsm_utils/Tools/tseries_generate.submit M ccsm_utils/Tools/tseries_generate.run M ccsm_utils/Tools/pythonlib/cesmEnvLib.py M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_archive.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_newcase
Originator: sacks Date: 17 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141017a One-line: Remove some aux_glc tests
Removed FG tests (redundant with BG tests), and a couple of redundant IG tests
(Note: running this through manage_xml_entries also resulted in a rearrangement of other tests)
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 17 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141017 One-line: Fix cesm_submit bug for regular cases
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_submit
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 16 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141016 One-line: rework of getTiming2.pl for compatibility with new gptl lib
M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 15 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141015 One-line: Update GPTL timer library, add profile_papi_enable option requires driver, timer and Machines tag updates.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 09 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141009 One-line: Fix several namelist-compare issues, change 20TR=>HIST, work on PDAY work on test-lists
Fix bugs: 2024, 2035, 2037
Move scripts4_140819_nlcomparefix to trunk.
Change compsets with 20TR to HIST. Change fixed PDAY to 2000, but change 1850PDAY to PINDPDAY. Fix some issues with SBN tests. Move some aux_clm45 tests to use new test-mods to turn on drydep namelist without the megan namelist. And move some prebeata and prealpha tests from using CLM40 to using CLM45.
Fix a bunch of issues with create_test for namelist-compare. And have namelist-compare cases retain config-test options so the compare will be more valid.
----------- Add tests for running with drydep namelist and without megan namelist A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/drydepnomegan A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/drydepnomegan/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/drydepnomegan/xmlchange_cmnds
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Rename 20TR to HIST, work on PDAY compsets M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SBN_script ----- Make sure some env variables are set M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml - Change testlists, add more CLM45 coupled tests, rename 20TR compsets to HIST M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_submit -------- a fix for SBN M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end ------- set base_name for both BASEGEN and BASECMP (bug 2035) M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh --- unset BASECMP_NAME M create_test --- Fix some errors, that use diagnostics found, set undefined variables. Change namelist tests so they retain test options in comparison. Change warn to print which seems to help a panic that happens in debug mode (bug 2024). Fix namelist compare to compare to another case that isn't identical (bug 2037).
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 07 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141007 One-line: Modify IS2 tests in aux_glc testlist
(1) Remove hopper tests. I may want to add these back in later (especially to test gnu), but for now I'm not maintaining these.
(2) Add SMS_D_Ly1.f09_g16_gl10.TGIS2 tests that use trilinos, both for yellowstone-intel and titan-pgi. I may want to lengthen these tests, but for now these 1-year tests should be sufficient to make sure trilinos basically works.
(3) Change one yellowstone-intel IS2 test to yellowstone-pgi: yellowstone-pgi should work now that we're no longer using trilinos by default (we don't have trilinos for pgi on yellowstone).
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos/README A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/trilinos/user_nl_cism
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt Date: 03 Oct 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_141003 One-line: Added PORT and CCMI chemistry compsets and renamed FSSOA to FSTRATSOA
The new compsets:
PORT (Parallel Offline Radiation Tool) for CAM4 and CAM5 configurations use stub surface models: PC4 shortname: P_2000_CAM4 longname: 2000_CAM4%PORT_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV PC5 shortname: P_2000_CAM5 longname: 2000_CAM5%PORT_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV
CCMI chemistry (waccm and cam-chem) REFC1 compsets: alias: FWMC4L40CCMIR1 shortname: F_1950-2010_CCMI_REFC1_WACCM_MA longname: FRC1_CAM4%WCMA_CLM40%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_RTM_SGLC_SWAV alias: FWTC4L40CCMIR1 shortname: F_1950-2010_CCMI_REFC1_WACCM_TSMLT longname: FRC1_CAM4%WTSM_CLM40%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_RTM_SGLC_SWAV alias: FTSC4L40CCMIR1 shortname: F_1950-2010_CCMI_REFC1_TROP_STRAT longname: FRC1_CAM4%SSOA_CLM40%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_RTM_SGLC_SWAV alias: FWMC4L40CCMIR1SD shortname: F_1975-2010_CCMI_REFC1SD_WACCM_MA longname: SDC1_CAM4%WCMA_CLM40%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_RTM_SGLC_SWAV alias: FWTC4L40CCMIR1SD shortname: F_1975-2010_CCMI_REFC1SD_WACCM_TSMLT longname: SDC1_CAM4%WTSM_CLM40%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_RTM_SGLC_SWAV alias: FTSC4L40CCMIR1SD shortname: F_1975-2010_CCMI_REFC1SD_TROP_STRAT longname: SDC1_CAM4%SSOA_CLM40%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_RTM_SGLC_SWAV
CCMI chemistry (waccm and cam-chem) REFC2 compsets: alias: BWMC4L40CCMIR2 shortname: B_1950-2100_CCMI_REFC2_RCP6.0_WACCM_MA longname: C2R6_CAM4%WCMA_CLM40%SP_CICE_POP2_RTM_SGLC_SWAV alias: BWMC4L40CCMIS2R85 shortname: B_1950-2100_CCMI_SENC2_RCP8.5_WACCM_MA longname: C2R8_CAM4%WCMA_CLM40%SP_CICE_POP2_RTM_SGLC_SWAV alias: BWTC4L40CCMIR2 shortname: B_1950-2100_CCMI_REFC2_RCP6.0_WACCM_TSMLT longname: C2R6_CAM4%WTSM_CLM40%SP_CICE_POP2_RTM_SGLC_SWAV alias: BTSC4L40CCMIR2 shortname: B_1950-2100_CCMI_REFC2_RCP6.0_TROP_STRAT longname: C2R6_CAM4%SSOA_CLM40%SP_CICE_POP2_RTM_SGLC_SWAV alias: BTSC4L40CCMIS2R45 shortname: B_2004-2100_CCMI_SENC2_RCP4.5_TROP_STRAT longname: C2R4_CAM4%SSOA_CLM40%SP_CICE_POP2_RTM_SGLC_SWAV
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
- added PORT and CCMI chemistry compsets and renamed FSSOA to FSTRATSOA
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
- added tests for compsets listed above
A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cam4_port/user_nl_cam A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cam4_port A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cam5_port/user_nl_cam A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cam5_port
- inputs for PORT tests are specified in user_nl_cam
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 30 Sep 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140930 One-line: add preview_namelist call after prestaging for cice5, also make sure different parts of scripts are in the correct directory.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildnml M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_prestage
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 25 Sep 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140925 One-line: add C1DECO and G1D compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 24 Sep 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140924a One-line: another tweak to CLM's irrigation testmods
change secondary hist file to annual average
Note that this and the previous tag will change answers for CLM hist file comparisons for any tests that use this testmods directory (currently there are two such tests in the aux_clm45 test suite).
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 24 Sep 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140924 One-line: tweak CLM's irrigation testmods
add QIRRIG output to primary and secondary (1-d) history files, and use double-precision output
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: dbailey Date: 18 Sep 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140918 One-line: Remove cam5=.true. and add cam4=.true. for CICE.
Requires cice4_0_20140918
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 17 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140917 One-line: create_test will set the machine automatically from text test lists.
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 16 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140916c One-line: Rename CLM_UPDATE_GLC_AREAS to GLC_TWO_WAY_COUPLING, and tweak aux_glc test list
GLC_TWO_WAY_COUPLING now has a more general purpose than the old CLM_UPDATE_GLC_AREAS, and is needed by both cism and clm.
Also, changed an aux_glc test to switch the value of GLC_TWO_WAY_COUPLING, and removed an aux_glc test that has been CFAILing for a long time (a pgi esmf test on yellowstone, which is not supported).
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/oneway M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/xmlchange_cmnds
================================================================================ Originator: muszala Date: 16 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140916b One-line: rename some clm tests
When moving tests from goldbach to yellowstone I misnamed some tests as clm_aux45. They are now correctly named aux_clm45.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 16 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140916 One-line: Tests added to ensure we're testing grids/compsets in the validation guide B2013WSCCN on Janus shortened to 3 days
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 15 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140915 One-line: Add STA short-term archiving test.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/STA_script M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 12 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140912 One-line: fix checks of COMPARE_MEMORY and COMPARE_THROUGHPUT in testcase_end
This fixes two problems that were introduced in scripts4_140515:
(1) The memcomp and tputcomp tests weren't ever being run
(2) For test types that did not define COMPARE_MEMORY and/or COMPARE_THROUGHPUT, the test script was exiting abnormally before it completed. This meant that model_gen_comp was not being run, and the TestStatus.out file was not being copied to the baseline directory.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end
================================================================================ Originator: aliceb Date: 11 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140911a One-line: st_archive minor fix for multi-instance restarts
M st_archive
Originator: jshollen Date: 11 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140911 One-line: cloned hopper prebeta test list for edison
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: muszala Date: 10 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140910 One-line: move goldbach pgi tests to yellowstone
M testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 08 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140908 One-line: restore ChangeLog entry for scripts4_140905
M ChangeLog
Originator: aliceb Date: 05 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140905c One-line: create_newcase typo fix
M create_newcase
Originator: aliceb Date: 05 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140905b One-line: create_newcase minor changes for $CASEROOT/Tools/pythonlib
M create_newcase
Originator: aliceb Date: 05 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140905a One-line: first iteration of integrating the pyReshaper code into CESM scripts
M ccsm_utils/Tools X ccsm_utils/Tools/perl5lib A + ccsm_utils/Tools/README.post_process A + ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_tseries_generator.py A + ccsm_utils/Tools/tseries_generate.submit A + ccsm_utils/Tools/tseries_generate.run A + ccsm_utils/Tools/pythonlib A + ccsm_utils/Tools/pythonlib/cesmEnvLib.py M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_archive.xsd M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_archive.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm MM ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases M ChangeLog M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 05 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140905 One-line: add some comments in ProjectTools.pm
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ProjectTools.pm
Originator: sacks Date: 03 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140903b One-line: fix clean_build for glc
For glc, there are a lot of build things that are not in the obj subdirectory. In particular, we need to at least remove CMakeCache.txt and CMakeFiles in some cases (e.g., when changing the compiler - this is needed to get a PEA test to pass). To be safe, simply blow away the whole bld/glc directory.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_clean_build
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 03 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140903a One-line: add NCR test to yellowstone prebeta testlist for each compiler.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 03 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140903 One-line: add NCR test, add "D" pecount (_P) feature
- add NCR test to compare multi-instance fully concurrent setup against single instance case run sequentially. should use _P4x1D option to create test (ie. NCR_P4x1D.T31_g37.B1850CN.yellowstone_intel)
- minor mod to NCK to compare all three instance, not just two for passing
- add "D" feature to create newcase for pecount (_P) option. D will distribute all models on unique tasks (ie. fully concurrent).
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCR_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_build.csh A ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCR_build.csh M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 02 Sept 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140902 One-line: fix component_gen_comp to skip sharedlibroot directories
M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_gen_comp
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 29 Aug 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140829 One-line: Add $PROJECT xml variable for more robust specification of project / account numbers
These changes set a PROJECT xml variable that specifies the project / account number for your case, for use on machines that need one. ProjectTools.pm takes over some functionality that used to be replicated (with variations) in the mkbatch files in Machines, for getting a project number from the environment ($PROJECT, $ACCOUNT, ~/.cesm_proj or ~/.ccsm_proj). The original implementation of these changes was done by Pat Worley.
In addition, in create_test, I now escape any appearances of '$' in sharedlibroot variable passed to create_newcase (this is needed to prevent an unwanted expansion of $PROJECT). This change appears to have fixed the problem where CESMSCRATCHROOT could not have unresolved variables.
Note that I have added PROJECT and PROJECT_REQUIRED to env_case.xml. They fundamentally need to be locked by cesm_setup time, and currently need to be locked at create_newcase time because they are used to create the long-term archive batch script, which is created by create_newcase. But even putting aside the issue of the long-term archive batch script, there did not appear to be an appropriate place to put these variables so that they would be locked after create_newcase but before cesm_setup (env_mach_pes.xml felt inappropriate) - and putting them in env_case.xml will be more robust in case directories that are currently created during cesm_setup are changed in the future to be created during create_newcase (because $PROJECT is used for some directory paths on some machines).
Finally, note that some machines (maybe just titan) used to have logic to allow getting a default project if none was set. That logic has been removed, so you now need to explicitly set a project on titan - either through the -project argument, or by setting a $PROJECT or $ACCOUNT environment variable, or through a ~/.cesm_proj or ~/.ccsm_proj file.
A ccsm_utils/Tools/ProjectTools.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_clone M create_newcase M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 28 Aug 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140828 One-line: Use $DIN_LOC_ROOT in some CLM testmods, rather than hard-coding yellowstone directories
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/README M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/README M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/README M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 25 Aug 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140825 One-line: Add B_ONEDIM (B1D) compset; same as C1D, but fully coupled.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 14 Aug 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140814a One-line: Add support_level to grids and compsets, delete or add tests for configurations fix ERH test, add B and F compsets with CLM45BGC, change compsets for klindsay to use CLM45BGC
Fix several bugs:
2024 nlcompareonly option to create_test not working correctly for reporting 2019 ERH tests don't save the base env_run.xml, so have trouble when resubmitted... 2018 Failed tests in cesm1_3_beta11 needed for CLM 2005 Remove untested named compsets and grids 1999 T85_g16 has inconsistent land domain and surface datasets
M create_test ---- Improve documentation, add notes about changes that cause trouble (bug 2024). Allow regular expression matching for -xml_compiler and -xml_category. Run testBuildSubmit for nlcompareonly option. M create_newcase - Inform user of support level and add it to -list option, also abort if bad aption given to -list M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml -- Add support_level to compsets that can't be tested. Add B and F compsets with CLM45BGC change BPRP compsets for klindsay to use CLM45BGC compsets added: BC5L45BGC, B1850C5L45BGC, BPIPDC5L45BGC, BRCP85C5L45BGC, F1850C5L45BGC, FC5L45BGC compsets rm: F20TR, F20C5TRCN, F1850CNMAM3, I20TRCRUCLM45CN compsets mv: B1850BPRPCLM45=>B1850BPRPL45BGC, B1850BPRPC5CLM45=>B1850BPRPC5L45BGC F20C5TR=>F1850PDC5L45BGC M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml --- Remove some unused grids: T05, T21, T85_f09_g16, f45_g37, f05_f05, ne120_f09_g16, ne120_f02_t12, ne240_g16, ne240_f02_t12, f09_g16_rx1, ne30_f09_g16_rx1 Add support_level to grids M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script -- Save base env_run so rerunable M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SBN_script -- Set COMPARE_BASELINE=FALSE so won't do history or log file comparison, only namelist comparison M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml - Add CAM5/CLM45BGC B and F tests add tests with CLM45BGC to: mira, edison, janus add some yellowstone_gnu tests to aux_clm45 M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.status ---- Add logic for nobatch, and abort if filename NOT correctly renamed M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.submit ---- Abort if filename NOT correctly renamed M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end - Do NOT delete the TestStatus.nlcomp file, so that the test can be "rerun"
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 14 Aug 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140814 One-line: resolve env and xml vars used in user_nl_*
M ccsm_utils/Tools/user_nl_add
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 13 Aug 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140813 One-line: create_production_test needed to write an env_test.xml file.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_production_test
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 5 Aug 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140805 One-line: added CSL timing test list.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: muszala Date: 4 Aug 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140804 One-line: add support for cruncep v5 files and add anomaly forcing tests
MM ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/af_bias_v5 M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 1 Aug 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140801 One-line: fix component_gen_comp to allow regex metacharacters in the testid
M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_gen_comp
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 31 Jul 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140731 One-line: added B1850BPRPCLM45, B1850BPRPC5CLM45 compsets for Keith Lindsay's CSL timings
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 28 Jul 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140728 One-line: Rename C_ONED compset to C_ONEDIM and OCN_ONED env_run variable to OCN_ONEDIM
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 21 Jul 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140722 One-line: create_newcase will now print out where compsets/grids are tested, requires perl5lib_140722, create_test will now sanely refuse to create duplicate tests.
M . M create_test M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 21 Jul 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140721 One-line: cs.status enhancements, will do throughput performance comparisons as well as calculate total cost. See script help for details.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.status
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 14 Jul 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140714 One-line: New compset for POP (single column); easier double precision output
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Add C1D (C_ONED) compset M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - Add OCN_ONED variable to env_run.xml, POP_TAVG_R8 to env_build.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 8 Jul 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140708 One-line: Remove untested cism-related compsets and grids, or add tests for them
*** Remove untested EGCN and EG1850CN, and unneeded EG1850CNTEST (now there are now EGCN compsets) M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
*** Remove untested T31_T31_gl10, f09_f09_gl10, f19_g16_gl10 M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
*** Remove tests of EG1850CNTEST from prerelease list, change some B20TRCN to BG20TRCN tests in prebeta, and add a BG20TRCN test on edison M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 2 Jul 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140702 One-line: Fix check_input_data verbose option.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data - Fix hack to stop printing data list files by default.
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 1 Jul 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140701 One-line: Add messing tests to prebeta.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml - Add tests for the following compsets: - F_1850-PDAY_CAM5 - F_1996_WACCMX - F_2000_WACCM5 - F_ADIAB_PHYS - F_IDEAL_PHYS
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 29 Jun 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140629 One-line: CLM script changes from clm4_6_00 to scripts trunk
Move clm scripts branch tag to trunk. Adds in ED and CLM50 compsets and tests. Fix the issue with IGCN for cesm1_3_alpha11a (CLM_UPDATE_GLC_AREAS should be FALSE for clm40).
Fixes issue with T85 and T341 grids (bug 1999). Fix whitespace indentation in create_newcase.
Add some more tests in for CLM. Add a new testlist aux_scripts for scripts testing.
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/edTestGb -- Remove special test directory for for ED on goldbach, no longer needed.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml -- Change names for ED compsets a bit, set CLM_UPDATE_GLC_AREAS to FALSE for clm40, TRUE for clm45 only. M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml ------ Fix T85 and T341 grids (bug 1999) M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml ----------- Add aux_script test list, add some CLM tests to prebeta, prealpha test lists
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default/user_nl_clm_0001 - Remove BUILDHEAT/Qanth M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default/user_nl_clm_0002 - Remove BUILDHEAT/Qanth M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/edTest/user_nl_clm ------- Remove special ED params file now in CLM build-namelist namelist_defaults. M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA/xmlchange_cmnds --- Remove setting of ROOTPE M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB/xmlchange_cmnds --- Remove setting of ROOTPE M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA/xmlchange_cmnds --- Remove setting of ROOTPE M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROB/xmlchange_cmnds --- Remove setting of ROOTPE
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh - Use baseline_name_gen/cmp in Uppercase! (bug 1982) M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end ----- Remove un-needed "set extension_list"
M create_newcase ---- Change formatting (indentation)
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 26 Jun 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140626 One-line: Update for new cpl_seq_options, remove ocn_tight_coupling
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_case M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 24 Jun 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140624 One-line: New test for Mike, 2 runs, 2nd run gets half the tasks and double the threads, BFB flag TRUE for env_run and usr_nl_pop
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/OEM_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/OEM_build.csh
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 24 Jun 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140624 One-line: correct test issue when running compare without Generate
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 23 Jun 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140623 One-line: Have xmlchange make backup copies of all files it changes, in order to prevent file corruption due to filesystem problems.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 28 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140528a One-line: Shorten FSD and WACCM-5 tests.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml - Add "_Ld3" to FSDSMAM, FSDSSOA, FSDWSF, and B1850W5CN tests.
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 28 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140528 One-line: Fix two bugs when using Darwin tracer module in POP2
create_newcase was setting OCN_TRACER_MODULE_OPT to " darwin" rather than "darwin" and the leading space was causing problems in other scripts
CDARWIN, GDARWIN, and G1850DARWIN should all be using drof rather than rtm for the runoff component
Originator: sacks Date: 20 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140520a One-line: Rename CLM's fpftdyn to flanduse_timeseries in tests; update perl5lib
Depends on an upcoming CLM tag (currently slated for clm4_5_75), but this dependency only matters if you are running the aux_clm tests.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/README M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/README M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/README M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/user_nl_clm
*** Update perl5lib to a version that does similar renames for its unit tests M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 20 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140520 One-line: Get cpl logs from case directory instead of DOUT_S_ROOT
M create_clone M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SSP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/LAR_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 16 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140516 One-line: Test script fixes.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 15 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140515d One-line: Don't have check_input_data always print file lists.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data - Add verbose option to control printing of input_data_list files found. This output is rarely useful and frequently confuses users, so cesm_prestage shouldn't be producing it.
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 15 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140515c One-line: Deleted some needed code in the previous (15a) commit
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 15 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140515b One-line: Clarify descriptions of the SSTICE variables.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 15 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140515a One-line: Need to setenv for testcase_env.csh
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 15 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140515 One-line: The env_test.xml needs to be read for tests, but not production
M 60267 ccsm_utils/Tools/xml2env M 60267 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M 60267 ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M 60267 ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh M 60267 ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M 60267 ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 12 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140512a One-line: Fix error in create_test (sharedlibroot option didn't work)
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 12 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140512 One-line: remove bad aquap definition, fix scam test
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 9 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140509c One-line: Fix for bug 1882 (typo in declaration of tri-grids)
M 60101 ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: aliceb Date: 9 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140509b One-line: updates to st_archive, config_archive.xml, create_newcase and added config_archive.xsd
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive A ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_archive.xsd M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_archive.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 9 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140509 One-line: $CASE.test would return non-zero exit status due to bad csh script
M 60088 ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 7 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140507a One-line: Fixes IOP tests
M 60022 ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M 60022 ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 7 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140507 One-line: allow each component to build with or without omp independently
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 6 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140506 One-line: clean up and rearrange cesm_postrun_setup
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 2 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140502a One-line: prevent variable expansion when finding CESMSCRATCHROOT in create_test
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 2 May 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140502 One-line: add and tweak tests in aux_clm45 and aux_glc test lists
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/README M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/xmlchange_cmnds A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_decrease A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_increase A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_long M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 30 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140430 One-line: Add prebeta tests for 3 new compsets
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 29 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140429b One-line: Add 3 new compsets (B + RCP + ecosys)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 29 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140429a One-line: Fix SSP, ERH tests
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SSP_script
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 29 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140429 One-line: Added new SC-WACCM B compsets.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Add new SC-WACCM compsets (1850, 55TR, RCP26, RCP45, and RCP85). - Change nuclear winter compset to a generic black carbon compset. - Correct 1850 WACCM5 use_case. - Correct descriptions of GEOS compsets.
ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml - Add tests for new compsets.
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt Date: 24 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140424 One-line: Added new compsets FSDSSOA and FSDSMAM
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 23 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140423a One-line: Forgot Changelog for previous trunk tag
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 23 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140423 One-line: Fixed endless recursion bug in ConfigCase.pm, fixed ERI test script to work with new st_archive script.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 18 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140418 One-line: cfg_ref set_machine call needs to be set to yellowstone for namelist comparison tests to work
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 16 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140416 One-line: With Jim's help, changes to build,clean build, and test scripts to fix the shared builds
M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists D ccsm_utils/Tools/clean_build M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_clean_build M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_build.csh
================================================================================ Originator: aliceb Date: 14 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140414b One-line: updates to st_archive, config_archive.xml, and config_definition.xml in support of time series generation.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_archive.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 14 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140414 One-line: rename SCRATCHROOT to CESMSCRATCHROOT
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: aliceb Date: 09 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140409 One-line: Updates to st_archive script usage and group definitions in config_definition.xml
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: aliceb Date: 03 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140403 One-line: Updates to support new st_archive perl script
M create_clone A ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive D ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange A ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_archive.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 02 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140402b One-line: Always send MODEL_GEN_COMP
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 02 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140402a One-line: Fixed merge issue, code cleanup
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 02 Apr 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140402 One-line: Shared builds use new $SCRATCHROOT, multi-instance builds should now be fixed
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe MM ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 30 Mar 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140330 One-line: Fix bug when model_gen_comp NOT used (fixes bug 1961)
Set MODEL_GEN_COMP to UNSET if not used, and always pass it, and test it against UNSET to see if it should be used.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 28 Mar 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140328 One-line: Fix shared build bug in csm_share, added proper shared build cleaning to .clean_build scripts.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_clean_build M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 20 Mar 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140320b One-line: Fix some reporting issues with -model_gen_comp option
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_compare.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_gen_comp M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_generate.sh
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 20 Mar 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140320 One-line: Seperate out clm4_0 tests from aux_clm to aux_clm40 and aux_clm45 Also fix path for USUMB test and add model_gen_comp option to create_test
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml --- split and remove aux_clm into aux_clm40 and aux_clm45 M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB/xmlchange_cmnds
Add -model_gen_comp option to create_test (bug 1922) M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh M create_test M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 17 Mar 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140317 One-line: Bug fixes for shared library builds, fixes threaded/non-threaded and mpi-serial builds.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe
Originator: jshollen Date: 13 Mar 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140313a One-line: Fix typos in resolution strings, add missing ICE & OCN DOMAiN_FILE entries for same per Brian, add mira prebeta test list.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 13 Mar 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140313 One-line: Fix my screwup in the testlist
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 12 Mar 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140312 One-line: Start adding in CLM50 compsets and tests, fix USUMB test so uses DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC, add more metadata to -list grids, remove WRF grid.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml -- Remove WRF wus12 grid M create_newcase -- Add more metadata to -list grids (bug 1932) M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB/xmlchange_cmnds - set DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC (bug 1936) M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Add CLM50 compsets M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml ---------- Add CLM50 tests
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 11 March 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140311 One-line: CESM library builds (mct, gptl, pio, csm_share) can now be shared, needs Machines4_140311
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe MM ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 5 March 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140305 One-line: Modify an aux_glc test
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/override_glc_frac/user_nl_cism
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 4 March 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140304 One-line: Add an aux_glc test
A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/override_glc_frac A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cism/override_glc_frac/user_nl_cism M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 24 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140224a One-line: Check for the existence of XML::LibXML in the machine's perl installation, warn and exit if not found.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 24 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140224 One-line: Turn on transient CO2 streams for transient I compsets
Turn DATM_CO2_TSERIES on for datm as well as other variables needed to turn on transient CO2 for both historical and RCP scenarios.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 21 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140221a One-line: rename GLC_UPDATE_CLM_AREAS to CLM_UPDATE_GLC_AREAS and move to run_component_clm
Erik points out that, since this option is specific to CLM, this is where it belongs.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 21 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140221 One-line: Add GLC_UPDATE_CLM_AREAS env_run.xml variable
This will control whether CLM responds to dynamic areas coming from CISM
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 20 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140220 One-line: added ERS_D A,X compset tests to yellowstone and goldbach.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: muszala Date: 14 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140214b One-line: remove _Mmpich for nag on goldbach
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: muszala Date: 14 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140214a One-line: forgot to add ./xmlchange ROOTPE_ATM=0 for pts. mode runs
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROB/xmlchange_cmnds
================================================================================ Originator: muszala Date: 14 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140214 One-line: move pts. mode runs to testmods. add ED functionality
pts. mode is being deprecated in CLM for all science use. retain tests for SCAM. Need to change NTASKS* in xmlchange to keep clm4_0 pts. mode running
! ED compsets and add CLM45CN back in for ED testing M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml ! redo pts. mode tests to use testmods M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml ! clean up, retab and remove all pts. mode functionality M create_newcase ! testmods additions for ed and pts tests A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/edTest A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/edTest/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/edTestGb A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/edTestGb/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLA/xmlchange_cmnds A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsRLB/xmlchange_cmnds A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROA/xmlchange_cmnds A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROB A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROB/user_nl_clm A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ptsROB/xmlchange_cmnds
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 10 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140210 One-line: cesm_setup Perl syntax fix, triggered by perl 5.18.0
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 9 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140209 One-line: Fix argument to CLM build-namelist for CLM irrig test
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/xmlchange_cmnds
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 8 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140208 One-line: Change clm tests so vsoilc is in user_nl_clm
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit/xmlchange_cmnds
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 7 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140207 One-line: Move snicarfrc setting to namelist from commandline and irrig from namelist to command line, switch frankfurt to goldbach
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml -- change frankfurt to goldbach
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/xmlchange_cmnds
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 4 Feb 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140204 One-line: Add some history fields to some aux_clm tests
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 29 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140129 One-line: Add an aux_glc test
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 24 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140124 One-line: Add new 60 layer AMIP compset.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Add new compset, FAMIPC5L60.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/manage_xml_entries - Correct minor errors in the usage message.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml - Add test for new FAMIPC5L60 compset to Mira prebeta tests.
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 21 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140121 One-line: ERS_IOP4{c,p}.ne30_g16.F.yellowstone_intel changed res to ne30_ne30
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 15 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140115b One-line: New method for ConfigCase to resolve all env vars, needed recursive function.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 15 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140115a One-line: Add AVGHIST env variables for coupler, update check_exactrestart
check_exactrestart.pl mods modify the comparison to skip lines in both file1 and file2 that are not comm_diag lines. this is needed for the new self-documenting coupler merge routines.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_exactrestart.pl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml
Originator: jshollen Date: 15 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140115 One-line: New method for ConfigCase.pm, resolves all variables in all xml files.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
Originator: erik Date: 14 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140114b One-line: Remove PTCLM and link_dirtree, new USUMB test directory, add DATM_CO2_TSERIES remove BUILDHEAT, Qanth from CLM tests
Move transCO2_n03_scripts4_140114 branch tag to trunk.
Fix bugs: 1901, 1900, 1437, 979
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml --- Set DATM_CO2_TSERIES (bug 979) when needed (comment out lines that turns it on by default for transient compsets) Fix IRCP85CLM45BGC so uses rcp8.5 rather than rcp4.5 (bug 1901) M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - Add DATM_CO2_TSERIES M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml ------- Add g16_g16 grid
********** Update USUMB test data (produced by PTCLM) M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB/xmlchange_cmnds
********** Remove PTCLM external and link_dirtree (bug 1437) from scripts M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES D link_dirtree
The PTCLM external is now part of CLM.
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 14 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140114 One-line: Add tests to aux_clm test suite
Add some tests to test various edge cases for transient runs
A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/xmlchange_cmnds A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetMid/README A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/xmlchange_cmnds A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetEarly/README A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/xmlchange_cmnds A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/tropicAtl_subsetLate/README M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 13 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140113 One-line: *** WRF compset, grid, and test removal ***
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 02 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140102b One-line: Fix eos testlist typo
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 02 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140102a One-line: Fix PEA mpi-serial build.
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_build.csh
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 02 Jan 2014 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_140102 One-line: Fix improperly defined compset, I20TRCLM45BGC (bug 1869)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 31 Dec 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131231 One-line: removed SEQ_PFC tests from yellowstone prebeta lists, the SEQ_IOP_PFC tests already create these
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 30 Dec 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131230 One-line: added eos prebeta testlist.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 03 Dec 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131203 One-line: added support for mpilib in config_compilers.xml
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/SetupTools.pm
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 27 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131127 One-line: added ability to allow/disallow pe layouts for specific tests in config_pes.xml
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 26 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131126a One-line: Fix typo in CLM aux test list
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 26 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131126 One-line: Tweak aux clm test list
Add a testmods directory for CLM, and change the testmods directories used by two aux_clm tests (both IG tests).
A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags M + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/glcMEC_changeFlags/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt Date: 22 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131122 One-line: Update to lt_archive for pleiades
M ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.sh
- added "copy_dirs_local" mode for pleiades -- this is more efficient then the scp method. This mode can be used if archiving is done via the NAS data analysis nodes which have both the /nobackup and lou disks mounted locally.
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 19 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131119 One-line: Also copy SourceMods for -user_mods_dir option
M create_newcase -- also copy files under SourceMods if they exist and are in the new case. And print what doing under the verbose option.
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 18 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131118 One-line: add -user_mods_dir option to create_newcase
See bug 1868 for a full discussion this. But, adding an option to look for user_nl_* files and xmlchange_cmnds file to execute to create_newcase similar to the user_testmod_dir option in create_test, but allowing you to do this as a general user setting up a case. Eventually, we'll change create_test to make use of the option in create_newcase rather than replicating it.
M create_newcase -- add -user_mods_dir option
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 14 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131114 One-line: add netcdf4p and 4c to IOP tests
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 13 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131113a One-line: Removed doc directory from scripts, now an external.
D doc
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 13 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131113 One-line: manage_xml_entries file path bug fix, script should now be usable from any directory
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/manage_xml_entries
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 07 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131107b One-line: manage_xml_entries test add bug fix, doc fixes. Found stray nldir in testlist.xml
manage_xml_entries was not adding tests due to incomplete XPath query.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/manage_xml_entries M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 07 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131107a One-line: change default testid to include yymmdd; tweak CLM aux test list
*** Change default testid from hhmmss to yymmdd-hhmmss M create_test
*** Change CME_Ly5.f10_f10.I1850CLM45BGC.yellowstone_intel.clm-default to CME_Ly4.f10_f10.I1850CLM45BGC.yellowstone_intel.clm-monthly to avoid running out of time; add ERS_D_Mmpich.f10_f10.ICLM45BGCCROP.frankfurt_nag.clm-allActive A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/allActive A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/allActive/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 07 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131107 One-line: replace query_tests, add/make_xml_tests with manage_xml_entries, add NOC test to yellowstone intel prebeta
A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.eosadded.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/frankfurtnagprealpha.orig.txt A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.5by5amazonremoved.15Oct2013.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/aux_clm_short.original.txt A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.testwithwithouttestmods.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.xcompsetremoved.15Oct2013.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.nagremoved.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testmods_dupes_test A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.testmods.clmdecStartremoved.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/test_manage_xml_entries.t A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/frankfurt_nag_prealpha A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.fakecompsetXA.added.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.olympusremoved.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.auxclmshortremoved.15Oct2013.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/aux_clm_short.07Oct2013 A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.testmodstesting.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.SEQ_PFCremoved.15Oct2013.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.original.15Oct2013.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/test_manage_xml_entries/testlist.adds.existing.xml D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_xml_entries A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/manage_xml_entries D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/make_xml_entries M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/README M ccsm_utils/Testcases D query_tests
Originator: tcraig Date: 06 Nov 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131106 One-line: fix NCK test and add NOC test
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/NOC_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/NOC_build.csh
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 30 Oct 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131030 One-line: merged in changes from scripts/branches/clm_controlMod_cpp (Ben Andre)
This removes all CPP flags from CLM and replaces them with run-time namelist settings
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SSP_script
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 28 Oct 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131028 One-line: single-test create_test bug fix, namelistCompare should be using the casebaseid
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards (via Cecile Hannay) Date: 24 Oct 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131024 One-line: 1. Change in the initial condition for FAMIP_CAM5_CN at ne30 (to use a better spunup condition) 2. Change in the initial condition for F_1850-PDAY_CAM5 at ne30 and f09 (to use a better spunup condition) 3. Add time-varying PFT from RCP4.5 in F_1850-PDAY_CAM5 ( to be more consistent with what is made in the atmosphere).
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 18 Oct 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131018 One-line: add a test to aux_clm test list
which catches a restart problem that has gone undetected until now.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 3 Oct 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131003 One-line: tweak aux_clm test list
Turn irrigation on for a long test instead of a short one (because for the short test, it's likely that irrigation never actually happens); in particular, use irrigation for this test: PET_P15x2_Ly3.f10_f10.ICLM45BGCCROP.yellowstone_intel.clm-irrigOn_reduceOutput instead of: ERI_N2.f19_g16.ICRUCLM45BGCCROP.yellowstone_intel
A + scripts/ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput M + scripts/ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn_reduceOutput/user_nl_clm D scripts/ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn D scripts/ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn/user_nl_clm D scripts/ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn/user_nl_clm_0001 D scripts/ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn/user_nl_clm_0002 M scripts/ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 2 Oct 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131002 One-line: add user_nl_clm files for use in multi-instance tests
Note that this changes answers for any multi-instance test that uses the clm-irrigOn testmods directory; it changes behavior (but not answers) for multi-instance tests using the clm-default testmods directory.
A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default/user_nl_clm_0001 A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/default/user_nl_clm_0002 A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn/user_nl_clm_0001 A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn/user_nl_clm_0002
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 1 Oct 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131001a One-line: fix namelist compare in create_test (sometimes tested wrong case)
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 1 Oct 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_131001 One-line: Remove some duplicate aux_clm edison tests
Six tests were in both the aux_clm_ys_intel and aux_clm_ys_pgi test lists. In all cases, I removed the test from the aux_clm_ys_intel list.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 30 Sep 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130930a One-line: add aux_clm test lists for edison
Add temporary aux_clm test lists for edison, for while yellowstone is down. (These were added in a somewhat kludgey way, since they are intended to be temporary.) Also remove some duplicated sections in testlist.xml.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 30 Sep 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130930 One-line: add an estimated run cost associated with STOP_OPTION
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 29 Sep 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130929 One-line: Update PTCLM, add more I1PT compsets, fix PRS_build add reduceOutput to most frankfurt I tests
Update PTCLM
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Add BGC, and CN I1PT compsets M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml ---------- Add reduceOutput to most frankfurt I tests M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PRS_build.csh ----------- Reset build to first PE layout after done
================================================================================ Originator: mai Date: 25 Sep 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130925 One-line: add option to keep data on disk when running long-term archiver
M 51592 ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.sh M 51592 ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: Sep 24 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130924 One-line: Fix PEM test
Fix PEM test so that it passes the first time around, rather than requiring resubmission. Previously, the job script was incorrectly set up to use the smaller number of processors, rather than the larger number.
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_build.csh
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Sep 20 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130920 One-line: Move frankfurt nag ERI to ERS, move ne30_g16.F1850 to ne30_ne30 for yellowstone.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Sep 19 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130919 One-line: Move taskmaker.pl to Machines
D ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: Sep 18 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130918 One-line: Add new SCAM compset, ARM97 with CAM5.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Add new compset, F_ARM97_SCAM5.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml - Change NAG SCAM test to be a prealpha test of the new compset, and also test it with PGI on yellowstone.
M create_test - Fix some typos in the help message.
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Sep 17 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130917 One-line: add bluewaters test list, minor fix in ConfigCase.pm
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_xml_entries M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: Sep 16 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130916 One-line: Rework PET and PEM tests in aux_clm test list
Get better test coverage of PET tests, and to a lesser extent PEM tests, in the aux_clm test list. Explicitly specify PE layout of PET tests, both to get more reasonable PE layouts and to force multiple threads even if config_pes says not to. Include some longer PET tests.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Sep 15 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130915 One-line: Add PRS test that does restart testing from startup with changed PE count
PRS test halves the number of tasks and threads and does a restart test. Thus making sure that writing and read of restart files is NOT sensitive to PE count.
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/PRS_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/PRS_build.csh
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Sep 13 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130913 One-line: add_xml_entry: now handles testmods correctly, now sorts testlist.xml
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/sort_xml_entries M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_xml_entries
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Sep 12 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130912 One-line: Fix parsing bug, remove rootlitfrac from NoVSNoNI test correct and add more settings for USUMB test case
M create_test MM ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/decStart/xmlchange_cmnds
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Sep 11 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130911b One-line: Fix NoVSNoNI and rootlit tests, make sure all numa and smallville tests use compsets with CROP, update PTCLM
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Sep 11 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130911 One-line: fixed testlist, had deleted all testmods inadvertently. (use of add_xml_entries had deleted them)
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Sep 10 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130910 One-line: add frankfurt nag prebeta testlist.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Sep 9 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130909 One-line: add frankfurt nag prealpha testlist.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Sep 5 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130905 One-line: merge cplupa branch
- remove sno component
- add support for new glc-ocn/ice and rof-ice coupling
- update timing tool for driver modifications
- echo command line to README.case for create_test svn merge $SVNREPO/scripts/trunk_tags/scripts4_130830a $SVNREPO/scripts/branch_tags/cplupa_tags/cplupa_n04_scripts4_130830a
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: Aug 30 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130830a One-line: tweak aux_clm test list
ERI.f19_g16.IG1850CN.yellowstone_pgi -> ERI_D.f19_g16.IG1850CN.yellowstone_pgi
- so we have a _D test for IG CLM4, given that the frankfurt one is CFAILing
PET_D_P1x30.ne30_g16.ICN.yellowstone_intel -> PET_D_P4x30.ne30_g16.ICN.yellowstone_intel
- 1x30 was running out of wallclock time
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Aug 30 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130830 One-line: cesm_prestage quoting fix, create_test now properly handles no xml tests found.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_prestage
================================================================================ Originator: muszala Date: Aug 29 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130829 One-line: add _Mmpich to frankfurt nag tests and reduceOutput option for clm
A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/reduceOutput A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/reduceOutput/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: Aug 28 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130828a One-line: Print short names from "create_newcase -list compsets".
M create_newcase - Print compset short names in list_compsets.
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: Aug 28 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130828 One-line: Clarify message from cesm_prestage.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_prestage - Clarify message so that it doesn't seem to say that input_data_list files are missing.
================================================================================ Originator: muszala Date: Aug 16 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130816 One-line: remove and modify tests so they work with new ch4 params files in clm
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ch4_set2_ciso D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ch4_set2_ciso/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ch4_set3_pftroot D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/ch4_set3_pftroot/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Aug 09 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130809b One-line: Do xmlchange_cmds BEFORE cesm_setup, remove some compsets move into tests
Remove SNCR from compsets (never worked anyway). And remove NoVS and NoVSNoNi from compsets and move into testmods_dirs. For USUMB/decStart tests, make sure ./xmlchange has "./" in front of it. Work on formatting (lining up columns) in testlist.xml
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/decStart/xmlchange_cmnds
A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/rootlit/xmlchange_cmnds A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/NoVSNoNI/xmlchange_cmnds A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/SNICARFRC/xmlchange_cmnds
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Aug 09 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130809 One-line: adjust aprun output from taskmaker with numa flags for intel compiler (on edison)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: Aug 02 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130802a One-line: tweak clm aux test lists, fix make_xml_entries
Change / add the following clm aux tests (< is old, > is new):
*** add / tweak some threading tests < PET.f10_f10.I1850CLM45BGC.yellowstone_pgi.clm-default < PET.f10_f10.ICLM45BGC.yellowstone_intel
PET_PT_D.f10_f10.I1850CLM45BGC.yellowstone_pgi.clm-ciso PET_PT.f10_f10.ICLM45BGC.yellowstone_intel PET_PT_D.f19_g16.ICLM45BGCDVCROP.yellowstone_pgi.clm-crop
*** c13c14only was the same as ciso, so I deleted it < ERS.f10_f10.I1850CLM45BGC.frankfurt_nag.clm-c13c14only
*** CISM hasn't been ported to NAG, so move IG tests elsewhere; note that the frankfurt pgi test is currently failing for the same reason as a bunch of other frankfurt pgi tests (a netcdf problem) < ERS_D.f19_g16.IGRCP26CN.frankfurt_nag < ERS_Lm3.f19_g16.IGRCP60CN.frankfurt_nag
ERS_D.f19_g16.IGRCP26CN.frankfurt_pgi ERS_Lm3.f19_g16.IGRCP60CN.yellowstone_intel
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/c13c14only D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/c13c14only/user_nl_clm
*** work correctly with testmod dir M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/make_xml_entries
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Aug 02 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130802 One-line: Sync up testlist and compsets for "I" compsets
Make sure every "I" compset has a test for it (except I20TRCRUCLM45CN). And remove unneeded "I" compsets. Add in a 1x1_US-UMB test and a SNICAR_FRC test for aux_clm. Also add a 1x1_US-UMB test for prebeta, and prebeta test on yellowstone_intel for ICLM45CRUBGC. Make a IG1850, f19_g16 test on yellowstone_pgi be for IG1850CN instead.
Consistently use alias names for "I" compset tests. A few were using snames. (move I_2000_CRUFRC_CN ICRUCN [ERS_D hcru], move I_2000_CRUFRC_CLM45_BGC to ICRUCLM45BGC [ERS_D hcru], I_1948-2004 to I4804[ERB ne30])
Update PTCLM version.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/USUMB/xmlchange_cmnds M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Jul 31 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130731 One-line: testreporter bug fix in HTTP POST method.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
================================================================================ Originator: muszala Date: Jul 30 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130730 One-line: Reorg. of aux_clm tests. Add some clm test parameters to testmods.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/c13c14only A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/c13c14only/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/decStart A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/decStart/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/decStart/xmlchange_cmnds A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/clm/irrigOn/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Jul 18 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130718 One-line: Update perl5 lib external, multiinstance and thread tests
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: Jul 15 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130715 One-line: add support for C_MPAS compset using 120km ocean grid
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: jedwards Date: Jul 09 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130709a One-line: create_test now appends testmods options to test name, query_tests now appends testmods to testlists when -outputlist option invoked.
M create_test M query_tests
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Jul 09 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130709 One-line: fix variable expansion in SetupTools.pm (wasn't expanding env vars in perl)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/SetupTools.pm
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Jul 03 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130703 One-line: add SMS.T42_T42.FARM95C4 test to yellowstone intel prebeta
Originator: jshollen Date: Jul 01 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130701 One-line: Fix create_test typo, add ERS_Ly5.f10_f10.I20TRCRUCLM45BGC to aux_clm testlist.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Jun 27 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130627 One-line: Put in capability to have both xmlchange_cmds file and user_nl file in testmods_dir (which was nl_dirs)
M create_newcase M create_test M query_tests X ccsm_utils/Tools/perl5lib X ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cosp A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testmods_dirs/cam/cosp/xmlchange_cmnds
D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOff D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOff/user_nl_rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOn D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOn/user_nl_rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOff D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOff/user_nl_rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOff D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOff/user_nl_rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOn D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOn/user_nl_rtm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial/user_nl_cpl D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vrtlay D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vrtlay/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/crop D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/crop/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/oldhyd D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/oldhyd/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/cn_conly D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/cn_conly/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/default D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/default/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/voc D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/voc/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/voc/user_nl_cpl D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ch4_set2_ciso D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ch4_set2_ciso/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ch4_set3_pftroot D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ch4_set3_pftroot/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/glcMEC D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/glcMEC/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/glcMEC/user_nl_cpl D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly/user_nl_cpl D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/rootlit D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/rootlit/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ciso D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ciso/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: Jun 19 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130619 One-line: Fix getTiming2.pl grep command that needed an extra escape ().
M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl - Fix bug introduced in scripts4_130612.
Originator: jedwards
Date: Jun 13 2013
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_130613
One-line: turn off runoff grid and add ocn/ice domain files for ne240.
Fix bug in create_clone (ignoring -mach_dir arg) have
check_exactrestart.pl pass S compset cases with no lines to compare.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_exactrestart.pl M create_clone
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: Jun 12 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130612 One-line: Explicitly use extended regex in getTiming2.pl grep command
M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Jun 06 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130610 One-line: Re-Removed unneeded section from cism namelist documentation
M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_cism
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Jun 06 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130606 One-line: add aux_waccm tests
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Jun 03 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130603 One-line: creat__test was not setting baseline_root properly.
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: aliceb Date: May 30 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130530 One-line: updating archive_metadata.sh to include user namelists (user_nl_xxx) (Alice) Correct SST dataset for 1850-pday compsets (Jim)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Tools/archive_metadata.sh
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: May 29 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130529 One-line: Update PTCLM, remove VIC temp files, set RTM to either 1850/2000 startup fix 1x1_urbanc_alpha
Update PTCLM
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES -- Update PTCLM M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml --- Fix some settings for 1x1_urbanc_alpha. Add settings for 1850 or 2000 startup year for RTM M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml -- add note about where restart files for DOUT_S_SAVE_INT_REST_FILES M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml -- Remove user_nl_clm from VIC tests
------------ Delete the VIC temporary datasets D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_f09 D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_f09/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_f19 D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_f19/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_vrtlay D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_vrtlay/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: May 28 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130528a One-line: Short term archiver no longer deletes data if "mv" errors.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh - If data couldn't be moved out of a temporary directory, this script would end up deleting it all. Now it doesn't do that.
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 28 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130528 One-line: query-tests now outputs xml test lists.
M query_tests
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: May 24 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130524 One-line: update documentation: note cmake requirement for cism
M doc/usersguide/introduction.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 23 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130523 One-line: create_test documentation changes requested by Bill and Tony.
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: May 22 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130522a One-line: Fix some I compsets
(1) Fix I_1850_CLM45_CN_GLC_CISM1 (IG1850CLM45CN) so that it is truly using CLM4.5 (changes answers for this compset)
(2) Fix sname of IG4804: change I_1948-2004_CLM45_GLC_CISM1 to I_1948-2004_GLC_CISM1
(3) Fix sname: change I_RCP2.6_CLML45_CN to I_RCP2.6_CLM45_CN (note extra "L" before the 45 in the old name)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 22 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130522 One-line: Testreporter update for namelist test summaries.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: May 20 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130520 One-line: I CRU compset years change
Change 1850 CRUNCEP years to 1901-1920 2000 CRUNCEP years to 1991-2010 20TR CRUNCEP years to 1901-1920 with align year of 1901. RCP CRUNCEP years to 1991-2010 with align year of 2005.
Change REFDATE for I1850CLM40CRUCN_f09_g16_clm4500_c130514 to 1122
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: May 17 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130517 One-line: Work on SSP test and add I1850CLM40CRUCN_f09_g16_clm4500_c130514 ref-case for I1850CLM40CRUCN
M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl -------- fix divide by zero issue M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - add new compsets for BGCDV and BGCCROP add I1850CLM40CRUCN_f09_g16_clm4500_c130514 ref-case for I1850CLM40CRUCN M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml ---------- add tests for new compsets M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml -------- Work on SSP test M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SSP_script -------------- Get SSP test working
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: May 15 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130515 One-line: Improve non-standard namelist handeling in create_test, remove a test with no grdi defined.
M create_test
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 13 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130513b One-line: change f09_g16 TG to ERS, add shortlist.glc.auxtests as aux_glc_short.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 13 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130513a One-line: compare_namelist fix.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/compare_namelists.pl
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 13 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130513 One-line: testreporter xml bug fix, compare_namelist new output allows for eaiser summarization of output.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/compare_namelists.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 11 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130511 One-line: Create_test sets the baseline tag in testspec.xml, testreporter has more robust xml reporting.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: May 10 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130510 One-line: Fix more create_test issues, add more tests for CLM45/DV/CROP to test lists
M create_test --- Fix cesmroot option and problem that would abort on setting STOP_N when it was undef. M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml -- add ICRUCLM45BGCTEST for testing CLM45 with CRUNCEP forcing on machines with only 2002-2003 data MM ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/sort_xml_entries -- fix typo so would work M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml --- Add CLM45/DV/CROP tests M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SSP_script -- Change final mode to ref case hybrid M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SBN_script -- Fix bug 1687
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 9 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130509a One-line: create_test now uses config_machines baselineroot if none is set, better error checking for namelist comparisons.
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: May 9 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130509 One-line: Fix some bugs with create_test, fix SBN test, add SSP, fix S1850 compsets remove asphaltjungle grid
Fix -help, and -mach machine_compiler in create_test, make sure baselineroot set for compare/generate Fix the S1850 compsets Fix SBN test add a SSP test for CLM45 spinup Add and improve documentation of I compsets. Work with testlist for I compsets a bit. Remove asphaltjungle grid
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml
A ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xsl - So can view the XML compset file to check for errors. A ccsm_utils/Testcases/SSP_script ---- CLM45 spinup test
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: May 7 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130508
One-line: more updates to config_compsets.xml and testlist.xml that fix SFAILS in namelists tests
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M README
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: May 7 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130507b One-line: more updates to config_compsets.xml and testlist.xml that fix SFAILS in namelists tests
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: May 7 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130507a One-line: updates to config_compsets.xml and testlist.xml that fix SFAILS in namelists tests
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/sort_file.pl A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/sort_xml_entries M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_xml_entries M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 7 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130507 One-line: testlist update, bug fixes for compare_namelists and create_test, query_tests docs updates.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/compare_namelists.pl M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M query_tests
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: May 6 2013 Model: update for Version: scripts4_130506 One-line: Updates to create_tables for new compsets and grids
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml A doc/modelnl/nl_clm45.html M doc/modelnl/nl_drv.html M doc/modelnl/nl_cism.html D doc/modelnl/nldef2html_clm M doc/modelnl/machines.html M doc/modelnl/xmldef2html_grid M doc/modelnl/compsets.html M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_cism A doc/modelnl/nl_clm40.html M doc/modelnl/env_run.html M doc/modelnl/env_case.html M doc/modelnl/grid.html M doc/modelnl/nl_cam.html M doc/modelnl/create_tables M doc/modelnl/nl_rtm.html A doc/modelnl/nldef2html_clm40 M doc/modelnl/env_pesetup.html M doc/modelnl/xmldef2html_compsets A doc/modelnl/nldef2html_clm45 M doc/modelnl/nl_clm.html M doc/modelnl/env_build.html M doc/modelnl/nl_pop2.html M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: May 3 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130503a One-line: modify rx1 grid/compset match M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
Originator: mlevy Date: May 3 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130503 One-line: set B[1850,20TR][BPRP,BDRD] compsets to startup rather than hybid (new POP ecosystem means no spun-up cases to start from)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
Originator: jshollen Date: May 2 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130502 One-line: create_test: fix bugs found in 130501e
M create_test
Originator: jshollen Date: May 1 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130501e One-line: create_test: update documentation, fix bugs
M create_test
Originator: jedwards Date: May 1 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130501d One-line: fix preview_namelist script again
M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists
Originator: jedwards Date: May 1 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130501c One-line: fix preview_namelist script for multiinstance cases
M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists
Originator: erik Date: May 1 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130501b One-line: Move aux_clm_int tests to aux_clm for NAG, remove many tests that fail
Remove the anoxia_wt tests and remove setting of shape_fluxprof as it was removed. Remove all but one PET_PT test for CLM45 as it's known NOT to work with threading. Change aux_clm_int tests to aux_clm for NAG compiler. Change ERS_Ln48 tests to either SMS or ERS_Ld3.
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ch4_set2_ciso/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ch4_set3_pftroot/user_nl_clm D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/anoxia_wtsat D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/anoxia_wtsat/user_nl_clm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
Originator: jedwards Date: May 1 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130501 One-line: add performance tests to testlist.xml, add outputlist option to query_tests, update add_xml_entries to sort and format output
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_xml_entries M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M query_tests
Originator: jedwards Date: Apr 30 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130430b One-line: add build and tests for cam aquaplanet cases
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 30 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130430a One-line: updated query for testlists
D query_testlist A + query_tests
Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 30 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130430 One-line: changes for cam ideal physics and adiabatic
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M create_newcase
Originator: jshollen Date: Apr 26 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130426b One-line: create_test compare namelist compare bug fix.
M create_test
Originator: santos Date: Apr 26 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130426a One-line: Change error message mentioning "cpl.log" to one mentioning "cesm.log"
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup - Check cpl.log to see if a case ran, but mention cesm.log in error messages.
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Apr 26 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130426 One-line: remove IOP.T31 tests, fix some compset parsing
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Apr 25 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130425 One-line: fix scam use_case in config_compsets.xml
M config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Apr 24 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130424b One-line: Jim's compset fixes, update SCAM iop dataset.
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: Apr 24 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130424a One-line: Removed unneeded section from cism namelist documentation
M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_cism
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Apr 24 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130424 One-line: Fixed SCAM (FARM95) test inputfile, check compset longnames against def remove some unsupported tests, fix a bad compset name
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 23 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130423a One-line: Fixed SCAM (FARM95) test and added it to pre-alpha test for yellowstone
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - above are all fixes for SCAM to work
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml - new prelpha yellowstone test for FARM95
M create_newcase - help comments just slightly changed
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Apr 23 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130423 One-line: Update test list, namelist compare log file for test suite runs, create_test bug fix.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 23 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130423 One-line: Fixed SCAM (FARM95) test and added it to pre-alpha test for yellowstone
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - above are all fixes for SCAM to work
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml - new prelpha yellowstone test for FARM95
M create_newcase - help comments just slightly changed
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 22 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130422b One-line: Update test list
M query_testlist M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_xml_entries M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/make_xml_entries - added more functionality to add_xml_entries, make_xml_entries and query_testlist - call each of these with the help flag for more documentation
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - added new case for BGCDV
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml - fixed bug for T21_T21
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly/user_nl_cpl A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly_noinitial/user_nl_cpl M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml - added the following tests ERS_Ly5.f10_f10.I20TRCLM45CN4Me.yellowstone_intel.clm/monthly_noinitial SMS_D.f09_g16.TG.yellowstone_intel SMS_D_Ly1.f09_g16_gl10.TGIS2.yellowstone_intel ERI.f19_f19.FC5PM.yellowstone_intel ERS.f19_g16.BNUKE_C4WBC_L40CN.yellowstone_intel ERS.f19_f19.FGEOS_C4WSF_L40CN.yellowstone_intel ERI.f19_f19.F1850C5PM.yellowstone_intel ERI.f19_f19.FSSOA.yellowstone_intel ERI.f19_f19.FC5CLUBB.yellowstone_intel
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: Apr 22 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130422a One-line: Fix SCAM compset, add references to cesm.log file
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh - Change ccsm.log to cesm.log
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup - Users are referred to cesm.log rather than cpl.log in case of error.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Change F_ARM95_CAM5 to CAM4, since we only have a CAM4 use_case.
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Apr 22 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130422 One-line: correct update of testlist.xml including nldir field
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Apr 19 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130419a One-line: rename homme to se, fix T42_T42 masks
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES perl5lib needed updating to replace homme with se
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml rename homme to se
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml replace gx1v6 mask with usgs
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Apr 19 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130419 One-line: Testlist updates: Jim's clm updates, remove _IOP for T31_g37 yellowstone, add frankfurt prebeta
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: Apr 18 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130418 One-line: Fixed problem with GEOS+WCSF compset.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Change some "%WCCM" matches back to "%WC". This fixes a problem where the compset with GEOS and WCSF had the wrong value for "-nlev" in CAM_CONFIG_OPTS.
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 17 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130417 One-line: Fixed problem with docn changes for AMIP compsets This bug was introduced in scripts4_130414b
Verified that running create_test -nlcompareonly versus cesm1_2_alpha06e gave identical namelists other than for the F compsets with transient docn forcing
M query_testlist M ccsm_utils/Tools/compare_namelists.pl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt Date: Apr 16 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130416b One-line: Restored "-chem waccm_mozart" CAM_CONFIG_OPTS for compsets %WCBC and %WCMX
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Apr 16 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130416a One-line: Stop testcase.test scripts from overwriting TestStatus, TestStatus.out, needed for namelist comparison testing.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 16 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130416 One-line: updates to aux_clm tests
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_xml_entries M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Apr 15 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130415 One-line: merge branches/a06e_scripts4_130415, remove text-based test lists, test system bug fixes.
M ccsm_utils/Tools M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases D ccsm_utils/Testlists D ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.glc.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_pgi.prerelease D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.prerelease D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_pgi.prerelease D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.science.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/hadley.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pop2.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.cam.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_lahey.prerelease D ccsm_utils/Testlists/eastwind.rasm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/garnet.rasm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_intel.glc.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_intel.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/B01 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_intel.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/B41 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/B42 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_intel.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/B43 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/B44 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/janus_intel.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper_pgi.glc.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/newmachine.port.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_gnu.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_intel.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.prerelease D ccsm_utils/Testlists/olympus.rasm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/janus_intel.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_pathscale.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/brutus_pm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/brutus_po.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/evergreen.rasm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.esmf.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_pgi.glc.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper.prerelease D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_pgi.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_pgi.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_pgi.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_intel.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/brutus_im.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_intel.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper_gnu.glc.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/brutus_io.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_pgi.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_intel.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice1.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice2.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/allIcompsetsRes.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/A02 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.drv.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/A03 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_intel.prerelease D ccsm_utils/Testlists/A04 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/E01 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/A05 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C41 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C42 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cam.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C43 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.rasm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C44 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C45 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.glc.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C46 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/C47 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/chugach.rasm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/namelists.frankfurt D ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/S01 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/raptor.rasm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_pgi.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_lahey.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.prerelease D ccsm_utils/Testlists/W01 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_pgi.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_pgi.prealpha M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 14 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130414b One-line: updated config_compsets.xml to have sname correspond to older longname for backwards compatibility, added query_testlist functionality and added capability to have testlists point to nl_dirs for the clm_aux tests migrated aux_clm2 and aux_rtm2 into aux_clm tests
A query_testlist M create_test M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_xml_entries D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_entry.pl D ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/parse_file.pl A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/make_xml_entries M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOff A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOff/user_nl_rtm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOn A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnFloodOnEffvelOn/user_nl_rtm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOff A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOff/user_nl_rtm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOff A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOff/user_nl_rtm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOn A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/rtm/rtmOnIceOn/user_nl_rtm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/anoxia_wtsat A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/anoxia_wtsat/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_f09 A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_f09/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_f19 A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_f19/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_vrtlay A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vic/vic_vrtlay/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vrtlay A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/vrtlay/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/crop A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/crop/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/oldhyd A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/oldhyd/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/cn_conly A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/cn_conly/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/default A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/default/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/voc A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/voc/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/voc/user_nl_cpl A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ch4_set2_ciso A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ch4_set2_ciso/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ch4_set3_pftroot A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ch4_set3_pftroot/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/glcMEC A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/glcMEC/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/glcMEC/user_nl_cpl A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/monthly/user_nl_cpl A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/rootlit A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/rootlit/user_nl_clm A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ciso A ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/nl_dirs/clm/ciso/user_nl_clm
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Apr 12 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130412a One-line: merge nlcomparefixes_scripts4_130410c_tags/nlcomparefixes00_scripts4_130410c getting nlcompareonly and create_test namelist comparisons working.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.status M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.submit M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/sort_file.pl M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: Apr 12 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130412 One-line: Fix CISM_USE_TRILINOS for CISM2S compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Apr 10 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130410c One-line: Update testlist.xml, fix parsing tools
M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_entry.pl M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/parse_file.pl M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Apr 10 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130410b One-line: Fix T42_T42 grid
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml Typo for T42_T42 grid USGS should be usgs
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards, mvertens, jshollen Date: Apr 10 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130410a One-line: Add support for namelist consistancy checking in create_test
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.submit M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M create_test M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Apr 10 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130410 One-line: Add OCP test, remove CSMDATA from check_input_data
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data M ccsm_utils/Testcases/OCP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/OCP_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ICP_build.csh
Originator: mlevy Date: Apr 9 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130409 One-line: Rolling back T31_g37 mapping files to pre-Apr 4 tag. Also, updating config_definition to note that "cart3d" is now default for vect_map.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 8 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130408b One-line: updated scripts trunk to branch_tags/newcompsets2_tags/newcompsets2_01_scripts4_130405a this is the branch tag that will be used to create clm4_0_71 trunk tag
M create_newcase M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
Ran namelists.yellowstone tests to verify that all namelist changes were expected
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Apr 8 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130408a One-line: merge in branch_tags/xmltests_tags/xmltests03_scripts4_130408, new create_test, xml test lists, added/deleted tests for Chris.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin A + ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.status M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv A + ccsm_utils/Tools/cs.submit M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/add_entry.pl A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/parse_file.pl A + ccsm_utils/Testlistxml/testlist.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B43 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05 M ChangeLog M create_newcase D create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: Apr 8 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130408 One-line: Add CARMA compsets, change "WACM" to "WCCM" in compset names.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Change "WACM" to "WCCM". This means that all WACCM compsets now match "CAM[45]%WC", and this can be used in matching rules. - Add compset "BNUKE_C4WBC_L40CN", a hypothetical nuclear winter scenario that uses WACCM and the stratospheric black carbon CARMA model. - Add compset "FGEOS_C4WSF_L40CN", a specified-dynamics case with WACCM sulfur chemistry and the sulfate CARMA model. - Used matching rules and "additive" nature of CAM_CONFIG_OPTS to simplify and generalize some entries. - Fix CCSM_CO2_PPMV setting for WACCM-X cases. - Remove duplicate setting of RUN_STARTDATE for RCP._CAM compsets.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml - Add grids needed by CAM tests that were removed in a previous tag. - These include horizontal resolutions T05, T21, and T42.
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B43 - Add tests for new compsets.
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: 5 Apr 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130405a One-line: add prescribed mam and clubb compsets, CCSM_CO2_PPMV settings
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
- add new 1850 and 2000 prescribed mam compsets
- add new CLUBB compset
- add new F_2000_STRATSOA (FSTRATSOA) compset
- change reference to "waccm_mozart_v1" to "waccm_mozart"
- set CCSM_CO2_PPMV to 0.000001 for all *_WACCM, *_SD, *_MOZART, _MOZSOA, _STRAT compsets
- turn off "CN" for compset FMOZSOA
- configure FMOZSOA compset with cam4 phys
- add age-of-air tracers to *_MOZMAM, *_MOZSOA, _STRATMAM compsets
- set CICE_NAMELIST_OPTS="cam5=.true." for _STRATMAM, *_MOZMAM compsets
- the hybrid startup type set up for B_1850_WACCM5_CN needs a 70-level CAM IC file
- new build-namelist use_case files for compsets *_MOZMAM, *_MOZSOA, _STRATMAM
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B43
- Add ERI.f19_f19.FC5PM for prescribed MAM test
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 05 April 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130405 One-line: Use new, working initial conditions for BG1850CN @ f09
Created a new refcase directory, bg40.1850.track1.1deg.006b, which is similar to b40.1850.track1.1deg.006, but with spun-up CISM initial conditions and CLM initial conditions that agree with the newer CLM surface datasets for IG runs.
*** Use new refcase M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
*** Add a BG1850CN f09 test M ccsm_utils/Testlists/E01
*** Remove documentation that BG1850CN is broken at f09 M doc/modelnl/compsets.html
================================================================================ Originator: mnlevy Date: 04 April 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130404 One-line: Changed mapping files for f09_g16, f19_g16, T62_g16, T62_g37, and T31_g37. All use aave for ocn2atm[F/S] and atm2ocnF, bilin for atm2ocnS, and patch for atm2ocnV. Also set default for VECT_MAP to cart3d (though I didn't update any documentation about this...)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 03 April 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130403 One-line: add CISM_OBSERVED_IC in env_run.xml
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 30 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130330 One-line: turned on RTM by default for F compsets (RTM_MODE is set to ACTIVE) and added user_compset to create_newcase options
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M create_newcase
Put in check in create_newcase so that if there is no LND2ROF_FMAPNAME
file (i.e. LND2ROF_FMAPNAME = idmap) then RTM_MODE will be set to NULL
Also - added a new argument user_compset so that the user can specify
a new compset longname on the command line
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 25 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130326 One-line: add wave model, CISM_GRID env variable, other mods
- add wave models (swav,xwav,ww3) in scripts, compsets, timer output, tests, env variables
- merge $SVNREPO/scripts/trunk_tags/scripts4_130222 $SVNREPO/scripts/branch_tags/ww3bq_tags/ww3bq01_scripts4_130222
- add B1850CLM45CN, B1850CLM45CNF, and I1850CLM45CNF compsets
- add some clm45 and flood tests
- add back GLC_GRID, GLC_NX, GLC_NY. add new env variable CISM_GRID
- cleanup testcase_end indentation and fix missing end
- add AWAV compset and WW3 datm mode, ww3a grid
- add DICE%COPY and DOCN%COPY and some data model NULL modes
- add RTM%FLOOD option
- add XROF_FLOOD_MODE env variable
- initial migration of MAPTYPE back to scripts, but commented out, still in driver
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_clean_build M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_auto_pes_file M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 M sample_pes_file.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 21 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130321 One-line: fixed for minor bug that appeared in scripts4_130320
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 20 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130320 One-line: fixes found for bugs that appeared in scripts4_130318
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B41 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B42 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice2.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/namelists.frankfurt M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 18 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130318 One-line: Scripts refactoring for compsets and grids
D sample_grid_file.xml D sample_compset_file.xml D ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xsl D ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xsl D ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xsl
M create_newcase M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildnml
A ccsm_utils/Testlists/namelists.frankfurt
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 15 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130315c One-line: Seperate out CLM intel and pgi test lists
D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.interactiveonly.clm.auxtest -- just delete D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm.auxtest -- split into intel/pgi D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt.clm.auxtest ---- split into intel/pgi
New test names that are either wholely intel lists or pgi lists.
A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_intel.clm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_intel.clm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_pgi.clm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_pgi.clm.auxtest
Add some comments about how to run to top of file.
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/allIcompsetsRes.clm.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 15 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130315b One-line: Fix error in clm auxtest list, and add urban single point RES_COMPSET_MATCH for CLM45 compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 15 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130315 One-line: Change RES_COMPSET_MATCH for I_2000_1PTFRC, and I_RCP*_CN compsets
Fix bug 1643. RES_COMPSET_MATCH for some I compsets was not being used because create_newcase was changed to require an exact match.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 13 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130313 One-line: Remove Windows carriage returns from st_archive.sh
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 12 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130312 One-line: move frankfurt prebeta test lists to prealpha
D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_pgi.prebeta A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_intel.prealpha A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_pgi.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_intel.prebeta
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 08 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130308 One-line: updated create_test_suite to also compare *.rc in offline namelist compare
M create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 06 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130306 One-line: updated st_archive script for multi-instance cases (From Tim Hoar)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh
=========================== Originator: jshollen Date: 04 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130304 One-line: added CECO T62_g16 restart test
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 01 Mar 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130301 One-line: Update preview_namelist to copy all multi-instance namelists to CaseDocs (without reintroducing the "copy _in bug)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 27 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130227b One-line: Combine CLM40 and CLM45 test lists, update PTCLM, CLM initial files for CLM40 compsets only
Update PTCLM. Now basic usages works when NOT creating input files.
++++++++++++++ CLM Test lists that combine clm4_0 and clm4_5 A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.interactiveonly.clm.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt.clm.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.clm.auxtest
++++++++++++++ Delete CLM test lists that are specific for clm4_0 or clm4_5 ++++++++++++++ Also delete unused test lists for titan, intrepid, lynx, bluefire. D ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.trans.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm40.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm45.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.interactive.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm40.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm45.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.clm40.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.clm45.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm40.interactive.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt.clm40.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.interactive.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm45.interactive.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt.clm45.auxtest
++++++++++++++ Use CLM initial files for CLM4_0 CN compsets only ++++++++++++++ Add CLM45 compsets to all I compsets test list M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/allIcompsetsRes.clm.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 27 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130227 One-line: Improve output of compare_namelists.pl
M ccsm_utils/Tools/compare_namelists.pl
=========================== Originator: jedwards Date: 26 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130226 One-line: Improve output of compare_namelists.pl
M ccsm_utils/Tools/compare_namelists.pl
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 22 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130222 One-line: Rework component_gen_comp to handle multiple history files per component
Now handles, e.g., both .h0 and .h1 file for CLM
M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_compare.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_gen_comp M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_generate.sh
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt Date: 21 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130221a One-line: Corrected hsi check in copy_dirs_hsi section of lt_archive
M ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.sh
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 21 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130221 One-line: namelist compare fixed for the test scripts.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 20 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130220 One-line: add offline namelist comparison to create_test_suite
M create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 07 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130207 One-line: updated testreporter, reports on namelist compares.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 06 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130206 One-line: changes to support cism2
- add cism2 compsets, and rename cism1 compsets
- add trilinos support in build
- add additional glc grid support
- add SourceMods/src.cism/glimmer-cism subdirectory, needed now that glimmer-cism code is built as a separate library from the cesm-specific code
- rework test lists to test cism2 compsets
M create_newcase M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.glc.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_intel.glc.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper_pgi.glc.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_pgi.glc.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper_gnu.glc.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.glc.auxtest M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_cism
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 05 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130205a One-line: Remove redundant test output
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end
================================================================================ riginator: jedwards Date: 05 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130205 One-line: add compare_namelists.pl to compare namelists against baseline
A ccsm_utils/Tools/compare_namelists.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M create_newcase
=========================== Originator: jshollen Date: 04 Feb 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130204 One-line: New version of testreporter.pl, uploads test results to the testdb.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 30 Jan 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130130 One-line: Add user_nl_dir to testnames, add RTM_BLDNML_OPTS/RTM_NAMELIST_OPTS
M create_test --- add user_nl_dir to testname M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES -- Update PTCLM M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml -- add placeholder for U compset add RTM_NAMELIST_OPTS for CLM45 compsets, fix I20TRCLM45 compset M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - add RTM_BLDNML_OPTS/RTM_NAMELIST_OPTS
Needs rtm1_0_17 or later
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 28 Jan 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130128 One-line: add namelist consistantcy check to tests
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 27 Jan 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130127 One-line: Change check_exactrestart.pl to fail when no comm_diag lines are found
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_exactrestart.pl
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 25 Jan 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130125 One-line: update component_gen_comp for yellowstone defaults; use cprnc in user's path if possible
M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_compare.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_gen_comp
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 09 Jan 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130109 One-line: cesm_setup now tracks BASELINE_ROOT for tests, fixes NCK test
M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 08 Jan 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130108 One-line: Update perl5lib to allow '%glc' in data model field names
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 07 Jan 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130107 One-line: Fix documentation
M doc/usersguide/introduction.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mmvertens Date: 03 Jan 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130103b One-line: New compsets and clm aux tests for clm4_5 (coming into clm4_0_60) Results should be bit-for-bit for standard clm4_0
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm.interactive.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm40.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt.clm.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm45.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm40.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm45.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.clm40.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.clm45.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm40.interactive.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt.clm40.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm45.interactive.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt.clm45.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.clm.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 03 Jan 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130103 One-line: Bug-fix for f25_f25 resolution (OCN_GRID was incorrect)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 01 Jan 2013 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_130101 One-line: Refactor check_exactrestart.pl to give more relivent information on failure
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_exactrestart.pl
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 27 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121227 One-line: Simple fix for fix WACCM5 cases
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Add "-phys cam5" back to WACCM5 match. This would be unnecessary due to the default, except that earlier "WACCM" matches currently set "-phys cam4", so that needs to be overridden.
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt Date: 19 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121219 One-line: Updates for pleiades
M ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.sh
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 18 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121218b One-line: Updates for clm auxilliary tests
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 18 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121218 One-line: Update machine name parsing for timing file
Originator: tcraig Date: 17 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121217b One-line: Update cost calculation for timing output
M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: jshollen Date: 17 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121217a One-line: Merge changes from release branch, config_compsets & release test changes
A ccsm_utils/Testlists/B44 A ccsm_utils/Testlists/C47 M ChangeLog M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xsl M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B42 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B43 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C41 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/E01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cam.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.prebeta M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_intel.prebeta M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_pgi.prebeta M ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 17 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121217 One-line: Fix bug where data sets get pulled into CaseDocs in Intel tests.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists - Change "_in" to just "_in", preventing datasets with "_intel" from being pulled into CaseDocs.
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 13 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121213 One-line: Bring changes to xmlquery from cesm1_1_0 release branch onto trunk
Add CROP compset and add clm test lists for yellowstone
M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlquery M ccsm_utils/Tools/SetupTools.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.clm.interactive.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 11 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121211 One-line: remove invalid test from lists (waccm not in cam-se)
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B42
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 7 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121207b One-line: Add WACCM5 compsets.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 7 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121207 One-line: cesm_setup can now regenerate .test script
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M create_newcase M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 3 Dec 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121203 One-line: clone yellowstone intel test list for pgi.
A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_intel.prealpha A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_intel.prebeta A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_pgi.prealpha A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone_pgi.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.prealpha D ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.prebeta
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt
Date: 29 Nov 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121129 One-line: Changes for pleiades
M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens
Date: 27 Nov 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121127 One-line: changes for CRU NCEP forcing and compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xsl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 25 Nov 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121125 One-line: fix some test issues
- fix problems with xmlchange and testing
- fix IOP test issues with multiple builds
- modify perl5lib for drv map names all lower case
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: sacks Date: 15 Nov 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121115 One-line: Fix parsing of BEG_COMPSET_MATCH
Previously, BEG_COMPSET_MATCHes with vertical bars were not being treated properly. I have fixed this. It appears that this only affects the parsing of two compsets:
And it only changes settings that are relevant for F_2000_MOZSOA_CN, not B_2000_MOZSOA_CN.
M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 14 Nov 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121114 One-line: New domain.ocn.ne* files
Originator: tcraig Date: 05 Nov 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121105 One-line: Fix NCK test
Originator: tcraig Date: 01 Nov 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121101b One-line: Fix create_production_test
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 01 Nov 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121101a One-line: Fix issues found in last commit M create_clone M create_production_test
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 01 Nov 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121101 One-line: Create SetupTools.pm to avoid duplication of several resused perl functions M create_clone M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlquery A ccsm_utils/Tools/SetupTools.pm M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 30 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121030 One-line: ICP fix
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ICP_build.csh
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 29 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121029 One-line: add test_build, rename to cesm_setup and env_mach_pes.xml, update userdefined, change F compset to ahve rof grid null
svn merge $SVNREPO/scripts/trunk_tags/scripts4_121025 $SVNREPO/scripts/branch_tags/tbld_tags/tbld05_scripts4_121025
- add test_build script to generate cesm executables up front for tests
- refactor tests for new test build, update/remove some tests
- rename setup to cesm_setup, rename env_pesetup.xml to env_mach_pes.xml
- change F compset rof grid default to null
- modify cs.submit for test build and other future extensions to it
- update userdefined setup
- modify how mpilib and mpi-serial defaults are set, add _M confopts
M create_test M create_clone M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_check_lockedfiles M ccsm_utils/Tools/archive_metadata.sh A + ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_prestage M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildstart M ccsm_utils/Tools/xml2env MM ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl MM ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv D ccsm_utils/Tools/setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh X ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm MM ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml D ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_auto_pes_file D ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_auto_pes_file M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/tests_build.csh D ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_auto_pes_file M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ICP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_auto_pes_file M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/APT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_build.csh A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_build.csh A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/ICP_build.csh A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_build.csh M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/eastwind.rasm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B41 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B42 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B43 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/olympus.rasm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/evergreen.rasm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice2.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/S01 M create_newcase M create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 25 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121025 One-line: make ne120 rof r05, change intrepid tests from f19 to ne30
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 23 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121023 One-line: Fix ICP test
Originator: sacks Date: 22 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121022 One-line: add "expand all help" and "collapse all help" buttons on namelist documentation pages
*** Add needed functions M doc/modelnl/showinfo.js
*** Add buttons to all pages M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_cam M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_cice M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_cism M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_clm M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_datm M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_dice M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_dlnd M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_docn M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_drof M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_drv M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_pop2 M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_rtm M doc/modelnl/xmldef2html_compsets M doc/modelnl/xmldef2html_env_build M doc/modelnl/xmldef2html_env_case M doc/modelnl/xmldef2html_env_pesetup M doc/modelnl/xmldef2html_env_run M doc/modelnl/xmldef2html_grid M doc/modelnl/xmldef2html_machines
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 15 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121015a One-line: add ERS.ne30_g16.B1850C5CN to ys prebeta list, make yellowstone prealpha/prebeta lists.
A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.prealpha A ccsm_utils/Testlists/B43 A ccsm_utils/Testlists/yellowstone.prebeta
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 15 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121015 One-line: add a hybrid startup for ne30_g16.B1850C5CN
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 12 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121012 One-line: Break cism namelist documentation into more groups
(Also, many doc changes from others, not documented here)
M doc/modelnl/nldef2html_cism
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 09 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121009b One-line: Remove test from bluefire.glc.auxtest list
I had added a test temporarily; I can remove it now that the main ERS tests are passing again.
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 09 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121009a One-line: Add back capability to specify mpilib in create_test and create_test_suite (needed for yellowstone)
M create_test M create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 09 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121009 One-line: Fix use of EXEROOT aprun option in taskmaker.pl
M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 8 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121008b One-line: Fix call to expandXMLVars for check_input_data when var needs to be expanded
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 8 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121008 One-line: update perl5lib
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 4 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121004 One-line: Merge & update hopper's prebeta test list with jaguarpf
A ccsm_utils/Testlists/B42 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper.prebeta
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 3 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121003 One-line: add note that STOP_OPTION & REST_OPTION must be nyears for _GLC cases
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jim Date: 2 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121002a One-line: Allow for variables of the form $ENV{Variable_Name} in config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 2 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121002 One-line: Work with clm testlists, update B1850 case for T31_g37, add expandXMLVar call for check_input_data if needed, update perl5lib
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.trans.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/allIcompsetsRes.clm.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 1 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121001a One-line: fix testid issue with IOP test
Originator: sacks Date: 1 Oct 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_121001 One-line: point to new forcing data locations for TG compsets
new locations have files with naming convention changed to match what's expected by new dlnd
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 30 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120930 One-line: add test in glc test list
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: santos Date: 28 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120928f One-line: WACCM-X 1996 compset, fixed setting of *_OPTS in env_build.xml
NOTE: This was intended to be scripts4_120928d, but, by mistake, no change was committed in that tag.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
- Add WACCM-X 1996 solar minimum compset. M create_newcase
- Change handling of GEN_COMPSET_MATCH to better handle cases where multiple options are specified multiple times.
- New WACCM-X specification relies on this behavior, but no change to existing compsets.
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 28 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120928e One-line: add note that BG1850CN is broken at f09
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 28 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120928c One-line: change default GLC grid to gland5UM
This will change answers for all _GLC compsets!
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/E01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.glc.auxtest - remove explicit _gl5UM designation from grids
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 28 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120928b One-line: change grid name for gl5UM, fix glc test lists
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.glc.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 28 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120928 One-line: lots of little updates
- modify some testcases for better coverage
- gx3v7 grid switched to domain.ocn.gx3v7.120323.nc (db)
- get rid of cesm_buildnml
- fix duplication of code in preview_namelists
- update preview_namelists, add -verbose and modify LID setting
- update create_production_test (je)
- fix compiler validation check in create_newcase (mv)
- remove rpointer.ocn.init from cesm_prestage logic (ml)
- update IOP test
- fix ERT, remove cpl log file check, hist file only
- fix check_exactrestart.pl to not fail automatically for no comm_diag
output (needed for S tests)
- update grids and compsets for glc and rof grid support
- add a few more ETEST cases
M create_test M create_clone M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_prerun_setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildnml M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_exactrestart.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_prestage M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildstart M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_production_test M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SMS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ICP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/LAR_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SBN_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/APT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/P4A_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PFS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERT_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B01 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag.old D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag.old M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/E01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.glc.auxtest M create_newcase M create_test_suite
Originator: mvertens Date: 24 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120924a One-line: setup fixes so that Macros and user_nl_xxx can be reset without invoking setup -clean
M ccsm_utils/Tools/setup
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 24 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120924 One-line: change D and E tests to DTEST and ETEST
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B41 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/newmachine.port.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/E01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05
Originator: sacks Date: 23 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120923a One-line: update shortlist.glc.auxtest
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.glc.auxtest - update SMS_D IG test to be consistent with change in bluefire.glc.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 23 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120923 One-line: update test lists, minor bug fixes
M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_gen_comp - bug fix for multi-instance
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - fix BG1850CN to use gland10 (this setting was accidentally removed at some point)
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest - add TG CME and ERS_E test - replace SMS IGLONG test with CME_Ly5 IG test - remove unnecessary ERS_Lm3 test, change SMS_D test to use IG20TR rather than IG (so that we still have an IG20TR test) - fix syntax in ERS20y -> ERS_Ly20
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/E01 - add TG CME test, change some B tests to BG
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 21 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120921a One-line: update tests to support variable length confopts
- this will change some test results
- delete several tests in favor of _L option
- update and clean up some test lists
- update clean_build
- add DROF env variables
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_clean_build M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERU_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS3y_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ICP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS211d_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/SMS2_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PFS_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/SMS6_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERT_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME10y_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS2_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/LAR_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS6_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI44y_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/P4A_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS20y_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME4_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS48s_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_pgi.prebeta M ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.prebeta A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_pgi.prerelease D ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh_pgi.prerelease M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hadley.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_lahey.prerelease M ccsm_utils/Testlists/eastwind.rasm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B41 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh_pgi.prebeta D ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh_intel.prerelease D ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.prerelease M ccsm_utils/Testlists/newmachine.port.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/atlas.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/olympus.rasm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/evergreen.rasm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh_intel.prebeta M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag.old M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag.old M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh_lahey.prebeta M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice1.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice2.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.clm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_intel.prebeta M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.interactive.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh_lahey.prerelease M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.drv.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A03 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_intel.prerelease M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A04 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/E01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A05 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C41 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C42 D ccsm_utils/Testlists/chester.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C43 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.rasm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C44 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.glc.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C46 A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/frankfurt_lahey.prebeta
Originator: jshollen Date: 21 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120921 One-line: bug fix in testreporter to handle non-existent test status files.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 19 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120919 Two-line: Bugfix in pop requires update to cesm_prestage (hybrid / branch runs now create rpointer.ocn.init for pop2.buildnml.csh)
Originator: tcraig Date: 18 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120918 One-line: runoff separate component
svn merge $SVNREPO/scripts/trunk_tags/scripts4_120917 $SVNREPO/scripts/branch_tags/rtmcomp_tags/rtmcomp09_scripts4_120917
- add runoff component
- add _L confopts option for run length
- fix timing file for non "daily" coupling runs
- fix grep -a issue on bluefire
- remove "LONG" compsets, now handled by _L
- rof pes set to mach land pes initially, need to work on config_pes.xml file for rof
- update tests for rof (not fully tested)
M create_test M sample_grid_file.xml M ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl MM ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl MM ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M ccsm_utils/Tools/setup M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xsl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm MM ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_auto_pes_file M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_auto_pes_file M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_auto_pes_file M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_auto_pes_file M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script M sample_pes_file.xml M create_newcase M sample_compset_file.xml
Originator: jshollen Date: 17 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120917 One-line: Fix compare bug in create_test_suite
M create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 15 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120915 One-line: Fix user_nl_dir option in create_test
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 14 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120914a One-line: improve parsing of pecount in create_newcase
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 14 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120914 One-line: more flexible match of CCSM_LCOMPSET in set_pes
In determining the PE layout, allow matching CCSM_LCOMPSET if the attribute value matches any part of the compset name, rather than requiring a match at the beginning, as is done for most attributes (similar to GEN_COMPSET_MATCH in config_compsets.xml).
For example, CCSM_LCOMPSET="_10yLONG|_TEST" matches any compsets that have either "_10yLONG" or "_TEST" anywhere in their long compset name.
(also, more doc changes from Mariana, not documented here)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
Originator: erik Date: 13 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120913 One-line: Settings for single-point
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - add more settings for single-point urban resolutions M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm ------- use exists in pesetup over defined M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS211d_script ---------- fix set syntax
M create_newcase -- Set MPILIB=mpi-serial when 1 task set
Originator: mvertens Date: 12 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120912 One-line: new userdefined machine and Macros now called from setup
Depends on Machines_120912
M create_newcase - no longer calls generation of Macros - no longer need din_loc_root, scratchroot and max_tasks_per_node - generic machine now replaced by userdefined machine name M create_test - no longer need din_loc_root, scratchroot and max_tasks_per_node - generic machine now replaced by userdefined machine name M create_test_suite - no longer need din_loc_root, scratchroot and max_tasks_per_node - generic machine now replaced by userdefined machine name M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists - fixed bug for seeing multi-instance namelists in CaseDocs M ccsm_utils/Tools/setup - calls Macros M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm - new grouping for auto-documentaiton M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - extensive documentation added in ldesc for auto-generated documentation
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 11 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120911a One-line: Modified B compsets to 6 days, F compsets to 2 days, E compsets to 6 days, I compsets to 2 days, added SMS2,SMS6 test scripts
A ccsm_utils/Testcases/SMS2_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/SMS6_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B41 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A03 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A04 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A05 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C41 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C42 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C43 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C44 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C46
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt Date: 11 Sep 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120911 One-line: added STRATMAM7 compsets and changed STRATMAM compsets to STRATMAM3 and adjustment to MOZSOA compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
change MOZSOA compsets to use new cam build-namelist use case
new compsets: B_2000_STRATMAM7_CN F_2000_STRATMAM7_CN
rename compsets: B_2000_STRATMAM_CN -> B_2000_STRATMAM3_CN F_2000_STRATMAM_CN -> F_2000_STRATMAM3_CN
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05
- change test lists for the compset name change "FSTRATMAM" to "FSTRATMAM3"
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 10 Sept 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120910 One-line: Convert create_test_suite to perl and extend it's functionality, add I1PT compset, tweak testlists
- add more CLM tests in especially for single-point/regional
- add -user_nl_dir option to create_test
- add some more lengths for restart tests
- add ability for create_test_suite to process tests with -user_nl_dir options
- change create_test_suite to perl
- allow new format for xmlchange for lists of options without needing filename
- add new xmlquery function to query env_*.xml variables or list for all.
- add I1PT compset
- turn mpi-serial on by default for CLM regional grids (requires Machines tag)
Script to query XML variables. Gets you the value (expanded or not), and filename. "use xmlquery list" to lists ALL variables in ALL files. A + ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlquery -- perl script to query env_*.xml files.
Add new lengths of restart tests and a build-namelist test A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS3y_script --- 3 years A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS211d_script - 211 days A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS48s_script -- 48 steps A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/SBN_script ----- Smoke build-namelist test (This tests that a case can be setup and input files are available) (Good for fast checking that the XML database is correct) (normally use with the -nobatch and -nobuild options to create_test_suite)
Add new test lists A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.interactive.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/allIcompsetsRes.clm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.interactive.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.clm.auxtest
Some changes to get create_test_suite working, new UI to xmlchange M create_test ------ Add new options -user_nl_dir -create_suite option and options for it: -reruntests, -nobatch, -nobuild M create_newcase --- Correct some documentation, copy xmlquery, may set MPILIB. M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data - Return error status if file(s) are missing M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end ----- Add COMPARE_NAMELISTS option M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange -------- Add new input option where file isn't required and you enter a list of variables, and values as: xmlchange var1=value1,var2=value2,var3=value3
New I1PT compset, SUPPORTED_BY and new testcases. M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml ---- Add I1PT compset M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xsl ---- Add WRF compsets to listings MM ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml -- Add SUPPORTED_BY M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml ----------- Add new testcases: SBN, ERS48s, ERS211d, ERS3y
Changes to test lists M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.trans.auxtest -- Add comments M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.auxtest ------------ Add more tests/compilers M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest -------- Add comments M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B01 --- add SMS_D.5amazon.ITEST M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 --- Add single-point spinupCN cases M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 --- Add single-point spinupCN cases M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03 --- Add single-point spinupCN cases
M create_test_suite ----- COMPLETELY CHANGED! And rewritten in Perl! New options: -compset_file Specifies the compset file to be used. -debug If you want to run create_test_suite to show what would happen when it runs without actually running tests. (also turns verbose on and autosubmit to off) [Mostly useful for debugging testing] -nobatch [on | off] Run tests interactively rather than submit to queue in cs.submit.. -nobuild [on | off] Don't run the .build in cs.submit.. -reruntests [on | off] Rerun tests when the cs.submit. script is run again even if they previously PASSed. (you can also change this in the cs.submit.* file created)
(-nobatch on -nobuild on are especially useful with lists of SBN tests that just verify
you can setup a case, the namelist will be built, and you have the files for it)
Can now also read test lists with:
comments (ignores everything after # on a line)
options to create_test
Environment variables were removed from create_test_suite, so control of create_test was all done by explicit command-line arguments.
bluefire: prebeta tests done All PASS except...
SFAIL SMS.1x1_mexicocityMEX.I1PT.bluefire_ibm.110521 <-- new compset FAIL SMS.1x1_numaIA.ICN.bluefire_ibm <----------------- CLM issue, new test FAIL CME.f19_g16.S.bluefire_ibm <----------------------- existing issue CHECK ERT_PT.T62_g16.GIAF.bluefire_ibm.perf npes=128 tput=15.108 memh=931.674 memr=-0.001 tag=cesm1_1_alpha16e CHECK ERT.T62_g16.CIAF.bluefire_ibm.perf npes=128 tput=19.774 memh=594.756 memr=-0.001 tag=cesm1_1_alpha16e IOP: RUN ERS_IOP.f09_g16.B20TRBPRP.bluefire_ibm.110521 IOP: RUN ERS_IOP.f19_f19.FWX.bluefire_ibm.110521 IOP: RUN SMS_IOPACGI.ne30_f19_g16.A.bluefire_ibm.110521 lynx: prebeta tests done All PASS except... IOP: "FAIL <----------------------------------------- existing issue IOP: "FAIL IOP: "FAIL IOP: "RUN IOP: "RUN IOP: "RUN IOP: "RUN IOP: "RUN IOP: "RUN IOP: "RUN RUN ERS_IOP.f19_f19.FWX.lynx_pgi.233949 SFAIL SMS.1x1_mexicocityMEX.I1PT.lynx_pgi.233949 <-- new compset FAIL SMS.1x1_numaIA.ICN.lynx_pgi <----------------- CLM issue, new test FAIL CME.f19_g16.S.lynx_pgi <---------------------- existing issue CHECK ERT_PT.T62_g16.GIAF.lynx_pgi.perf npes=128 tput=10.654 memh=0.000 memr=0.000 tag=cesm1_1_alpha16e CHECK ERT.T62_g16.CIAF.lynx_pgi.perf npes=64 tput=8.243 memh=0.000 memr=0.000 tag=cesm1_1_alpha16e
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 06 Sept 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120906 One-line: change some NCK tests from B to BG; add comments in scripts
(also, more doc changes from Mariana, not documented here)
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05 - change NCK B1850CN to BG1850CN
M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_compare.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_gen_comp - add comments
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 05 Sept 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120905 One-line: Adresses issues in resolving CASEROOT on intrepid, various changes in doc files are being commited without tags
M ccsm_utils/Tools/setup
M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 29 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120829 One-line: Another fix to documentation generation script because last tag had issues toggling the help on variables appearing in multiple namelists.
Note: There were changes committed to the trunk between tags 120828 and 120828b that were not tagged, and I didn't make them so I don't know what changed... the same thing happened between tag 120828b and this tag.
M doc/nldef2html_pop2
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 28 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120828b One-line: updated documentation generation script to handle pop2 variables with the same name appearing in multiple namelists.
M doc/nldef2html_pop2
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 28 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120828 One-line: add multi-instance TG tests; add comment to component_compare
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest - add multi-instance tests (add one test, change another) M ccsm_utils/Tools/component_compare.sh - add comment
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 27 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120827d One-line: fixed NCK_script bug for real
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 27 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120827c One-line: fixed NCK_script bug
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 27 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120827b One-line: modify CME10y_script to stay consistent with CME_script
Removed two instances of './setup -clean; ./setup' that were intentionally removed from CME_script, but accidentally were not removed from the 10-year version
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME10y_script
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 27 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120827 One-line: modified testreporter to report on IOP tests separately.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 26 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120826 One-line: add/modify _GLC compsets, modify GLC auxtest lists, add scripts to facilitate testing
This changes answers for BGCN, BG1850CN and FGCN: the change to config_compsets.xml fixes bugs in these compsets
A ccsm_utils/Tools/component_gen_comp A ccsm_utils/Tools/component_generate.sh A ccsm_utils/Tools/component_compare.sh - New scripts for doing history file generation & comparison on component history files (in contrast to cpl hist files) after running CESM tests - The main script is component_gen_comp; it uses the other two
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - Add compsets for testing _GLC: IGLONG (10-year IG) and TGG10 (TG with gland10) - Fix BGCN, BG1850CN and FGCN compsets: add CLM_NML_USE_CASE - For BGCN & BG1850CN, this meant fixing a typo in the xml; for FGCN, had to add missing clause - The typo fix also meant that BGCN & BG1850CN now have CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART="on", and BG1850CN has a CAM_NML_USE_CASE - Refactored definition of TG compsets (adding BEG_COMPSET_MATCH clauses, and explicit setting of RUN_STARTDATE)
R + ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest - Add tests of TGG10 and IGLONG compsets for more robust testing - Change SMS_D.f19_g16.IG.bluefire_ibm to T31_g37 to reduce queue wait time - Delete one F and one B compset test to reduce test turnaround time - Change remaining B test from ERI to SMS to reduce test time - Change an I test from ERS to ERI so we still have one non-TG ERI test
A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/shortlist.glc.auxtest - New lightweight GLC test suite (subset of bluefire.glc1.auxtest)
Originator: mvertens Date: 25 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120825b One-line: bugfix - resolved $CASEROOT in $CASE.run
M ccsm_utils/Tools/setup
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 25 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120825 One-line: changed executable permissions on setup script
M ccsm_utils/Tools/setup - also added bug fix for calling user_nl_cism.csh
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 24 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120824 One-line: new streamlined case setup and updates to scripts infrastructure
- $case.build, $case.clean_build, $case.submit, $case.l_archive created by create_newcase
- the above scripts have almost everything inline now - the only csh files these scripts now call are $CASEROOT/Buildconf/$comp.buildnml.csh (by $CASE.build and $CASE.run) $CASEROOT/Buildconf/$comp.buildexe.csh (by $CASE.build) $CCSMROOT/scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/getTiming.csh (by $CASE.run) $CCSMROOT/scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/hist_compare.csh (by $CASE.test)
- $case.run, user_nl_xxx create by setup (replacement to configure)
- the tests below were changed to replace calls to configure with setup and setup -clean
- env_build.xml now has all grid information
- ccsm script names changed to cesm script names
Deleted Files: D ccsm_utils/Tools/configure D ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh D ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_postrun.csh D ccsm_utils/Tools/listfilesin_streams D ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildnml.csh D ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.pl D ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/README.getTiming D ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh D ccsm_utils/Tools/build_streams D ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh
Added Fiels: A ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_prerun_setup A ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_submit A ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildnml A ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_prestage A ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildstart A ccsm_utils/Tools/setup A ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_postrun_setup A ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_buildexe A ccsm_utils/Tools/cesm_clean_build
Modified Files M create_clone M create_newcase M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_check_lockedfiles M ccsm_utils/Tools/archive_metadata.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists M ccsm_utils/Tools/clean_build M ccsm_utils/Tools/xml2env M ccsm_utils/Tools/concat_daily_hist.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_production_test M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/APT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME10y_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/LAR_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI44y_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME4_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 20 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120820 One-line: add tests for TG compsets, generalize other tests to work with TG
Rationale: Since a reasonable test of TG needs to run for a few years (which only takes a few minutes on a single processor), I needed to generalize many of the CESM tests.
For many tests, this could be done by generalizing the test script to simply use the compset's default run length. However, for the restart tests and a few others (e.g., the CME test), the tests set run lengths that differ from the compset's default. Thus, for some of these tests, I have added new versions that run for multiple years.
For the CME tests, I have also reworked the existing tests so that the different CME tests are identical except for a few lines near the top that set variables. I have not done this for the ERS & ERI tests, because this will require some more thought about how these tests should be generalized.
A ccsm_utils/Tools/year_string.sh - helper utility for some of the test scripts (convert integer into yyyy string)
A ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME10y_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI44y_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS20y_script - add multi-year versions of tests that set their own run length (10-year CME, 44-year ERI, 20-year ERS)
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME4_script - pulled variables to the top so that these are nearly identical to each other and to the new CME10y_script
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SMS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/APT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script - modified to remove hard-coded 5-day run length: now take run length from the compset's default, rather than explicitly setting STOP_OPTION/STOP_N (for all compsets other than TG, this gives the same behavior as before, because all other compsets default to a 5-day run already)
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml - modified test descriptions to be consistent with the changed tests: run length now given as "default length" rather than "5 day"; STOP_OPTION/STOP_N removed for these tests - added descriptions for CME10y, ERI44y, ERS20y
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 - added an ERS20y TG test
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest - add TG tests - replace non-working tests with working versions: switched some resolutions so that all tests have datasets - add _ibm in the test names
================================================================================ Originator: sacks Date: 14 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120814 One-line: add new _GLC compsets, change some default settings for _GLC compsets
- turn on annual history files for all _GLC compsets (this is done by setting HIST_OPTION & HIST_N, because cism's history output is currently linked to the cpl history output)
- set default run length to 10 years for all T_ compsets
- change forcing data location for TG compset
- add TG1850, TG20TR, TGRCP85 compsets
- add IG4804 & IG4804CN compsets
- add tests for new IG compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest
Originator: tcraig Date: 10 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120810 One-line: update ICP test
Originator: muszala Date: 8 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120808 One-line: add support for r01 rtm
M scripts/ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M scripts/ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: tcraig Date: 7 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120807 One-line: update ICP test
Originator: jedwards Date: 1 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120801a One-line: fix PEA test and intrepid test lists
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05
Originator: sacks Date: 1 Aug 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120801 One-line: fix short-term archiver for multi-instance
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh
Originator: jshollen Date: 26 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120726 One-line: Updated testreporter to use TestStatus.IOP for _IOP test results.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
Originator: jshollen Date: 19 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120719b One-line: Updated testreporter script to report compiler.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
Originator: jedwards Date: 19 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120719a One-line: Remove cpl from build script since it is a no-op anyway
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 19 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120719 One-line: added test lists for lynx_intel, janus_intel prealpha, prebeta
A ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_intel.prealpha A ccsm_utils/Testlists/janus_intel.prebeta A ccsm_utils/Testlists/janus_intel.prealpha A ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_intel.prebeta
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: 18 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120718a One-line: Include disclaimer than tx1v1 is not for science in description of f19_s11 and T62_s11 resolutions.
M 38773 ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 18 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120718 One-line: fix issues in T85 and T340 grid setups
M 38768 ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M 38768 ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 17 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120717 One-line: update for new cice version
- add ne240_t12 grid
- add ICP testcase
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/ICP_script
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 12 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120712a One-line: bug fix in testreporter script.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 12 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120712 One-line: Remove problematic tests from lynx,intrepid prebeta, add testreporter script.
A ccsm_utils/Tools/testreporter.pl M ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.prebeta A ccsm_utils/Testlists/C05 A ccsm_utils/Testlists/C46 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_pgi.prebeta M create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 09 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120709 One-line: Refactor IOP test, build gptl before PIO
Refactored IOP test to be a repeat of the original test using pnetcdf
Build gptl prior to PIO
Allow for COMP_RUN_BARRIERS variable to not exist
Correct messages printed to stdout
Modify tests to include IOP
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 02 July 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120702 One-line: Corrected parsing of pecount variable M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: 29 June 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120629a One-line: moved single proc test from intrepid, refactored config_pes.xml parsing M create_newcase M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: 29 June 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120629 One-line: Changed bluefire prealpha ERS2 B compset tests to ERS6, POP will not restart on day 2.
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01
Originator: mvertens Date: 26 June 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120626 One-line: new auto-documentaton of namelists, executable now goes into $EXEROOT/bin/ccsm.exe, rather than $EXEROOT - so $RUNDIR and $EXEROOT are now independent, removed DIN_LOC_ROOT_CSMDATA, prestaging now occurs via linking to $DIN_LOC_ROOT/ccsm4_init rather than on copying, removed $SHAREROOT, added several new tests that need to be added to auto-test suite and that are shorter
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/clean_build M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildnml.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl X ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS2_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS6_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME4_script D ccsm_utils/Testcases/ER3_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 A doc/nldef2html_cice A doc/nldef2html_clm A doc/xmldef2html_grid A doc/nldef2html_dlnd D doc/env_build_list.xml D doc/grids_list.xml A doc/nldef2html_datm A doc/images A doc/images/arrow_down.gif A doc/images/arrow_right.gif A doc/nldef2html_cism A doc/nldef2html_drv A doc/nldef2html_cam A doc/nldef2html_dice A doc/xmldef2html_caseroot D doc/env_conf_list.xml A doc/create_tables A doc/xmldef2html_machines A doc/nldef2html_pop2 A doc/nldef2html_docn D doc/env_run_list.xml A doc/showinfo.js D doc/env_case_list.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt Date: 25 June 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120625 One-line: Correction to *_STRATMAM compsets CAM namelist use case and correction to msmkdir message
M ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: June 8, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120608a One-line: Added env variable $PREVIEW_NML to preview_namelists; pop2.buildnml.csh will see this variable and call build-namelist with the "-preview" flag, printing out changes made in user_nl_pop2.
Originator: mlevy Date: June 8, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120608a One-line: Forgot to update Changelog when I made last tag (here and in perl5lib)
================================================================================ Originator: mlevy Date: June 8, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120608 One-line: Updated perl5lib
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: June 4, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120604 One-line: grid sizes introduced back into create_newcase - needed for X compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: June 3, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120603 One-line: grid sizes introduced back into config_definition.xml for X compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvetens Date: May 31, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120531 One-line: Bug fix for domain.lnd.ne240np4_gx1v6
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 30, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120530 One-line: Add threaded CAM-SE test to bluefire's prebeta suite.
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C45
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: May 20, 2018 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120528 One-line: Simplification of configure, rename of env_mach_pes.xml and removal of many variables from config_definition.xml
- configure now only has two commands -case and -clean
- Buildconf/ no longer has resolved variables
- all config_definition.xml variables that are pure driver namelist variables and that are not shared between components have been moved out of config_grid.xml and config_definition.xml and into drv/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_drv.xml
M create_newcase - direct copy of xxx.buildnml.csh and xxx.buildexe.csh into Buildconf/ no longer need to invoke xxx.cpl7.template - remove direct reference to model components such as clm, cam, etc
D ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_resolved.csh
- no longer needed
M create_test
M sample_grid_file.xml
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure
- only has two options now -case and -clean
M ccsm_utils/Tools/archive_metadata.sh
- moved reference from env_mach_pes.xml to env_configure.xml
to reflect that env_configure.xml is locked when configure -case
is invoked
M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists
- added error flag if configure has not been invoked first
M ccsm_utils/Tools/xml2env
- moved reference from env_mach_pes.xml to env_configure.xml
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh
- removed reference to DIN_LOC_ROOT_CSMDATA
M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv
M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange
M ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
- no longer reference model specific components (e.g. cam, clm)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
- all config_definition.xml variables that are pure
driver namelist variables and that are not shared
between components have been moved out of config_grid.xml
and config_definition.xml and into
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/LAR_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/APT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script - changed env_mach_pes.xml to env_configure.xml - changed configure -cleanmach to -configure -clean
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: May 20, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120520 One-line: Removal of env_conf.xml
remmoval of env_conf.xml is now doable since cam, clm and cice configure called from cam.buildnml.csh, clm.buildnml.csh and cice.buildnml.csh. configure variables in env_conf.xml moved to env_build.xml, namelist variables in env_conf.xml moved to
M create_clone M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_check_lockedfiles M ccsm_utils/Tools/archive_metadata.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/xml2env M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xsl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/LAR_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 18, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120518 One-line: Modify cs.submit script in create_test to recreate and/or rebuild tests in test suites.
M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: May 17, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120517 One-line: new perl5lib streams functionality
M create_clone - changes (jim edwards) put in for changes pointed out by Chuck Bardeen M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES - updated to perl5lib_120517
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: May 15, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120515a One-line: Correct some files and paths for ne240 compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: dfeddema Date: May 15, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120515 One-line: add memory leak and throughput tests
A Tools/check_memory.pl A Tools/compare_throughput.pl M Tools/testcase_end M Tools/testcase_setup.csh M Testcases/SMS_script M Testcases/ERI_script M Testcases/ERS_script M Testcases/ERT_script
================================================================================ Originator: fvitt Date: May 14, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120514 One-line: remove default use of ESMF lib for *_SD compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: May 10, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120509b One-line: add new support build-namelist additions for cism and cpl
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES updated to perl5lib/trunk_tags/perl5lib_120509 M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildnml.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh A ccsm_utils/Tools/user_nlcreate
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: May 09, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120509a One-line: add support for wrf component
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildnml.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A + ccsm_utils/Testcases/ER3_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.prerelease A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/eastwind.rasm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/garnet.rasm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/olympus.rasm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/evergreen.rasm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.rasm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/chugach.rasm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/raptor.rasm.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/W01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.prebeta M create_newcase
Originator: jedwards Date: May 09, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120509 One-line: change case4test to case in all tests, reduce compile time for NCK test.
M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_script M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/LAR_script M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_script M 36926 ccsm_utils/Testcases/APT_script
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: May 01, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120501 One-line: Modify create_newcase so that check_known_problems doesn't call svn.
Originator: jedwards Date: Apr 23, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120423 One-line: Remove CCSMBUILDONLY env variable
Originator: jshollen Date: Apr 20, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120420 One-line: Commented out 'known_problems' functionality in create_newcase
M create_newcase
================================================================================ Origiator: tcraig Date: Apr 18, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120418 One-line: Va2o mapping, TG compset, getTiming2 tool
- add support for Va2o mapping file
- migrate source env_mach_specific into ccsm_getenv
- update to getTiming2.pl for timing output
- update TG compset for better out of the box setup
- update S compset to use satm
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_postrun.csh D ccsm_utils/Tools/getTiming2.pl D ccsm_utils/Tools/getTiming2.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.csh A + ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming2.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh X ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Origiator: jshollen Date: Apr 16, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120416 One-line: Proof-of-concept: create_newcase checks the repository for known problems for beta tags.
M create_newcase
Originator: mlevy Date: Apr 13, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120413a One-line: moved ne16 and ne60 mapping files to follow new convention
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
Originator: mlevy Date: Apr 13, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120413 One-line: added ne16_ne16, ne16_g37, ne60_ne60, and ne60_g16
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 10, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120410 One-line: changed bug in PRIME_FACTORS for ne120_ne120 and ne240_ne240
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
Originator: jedwards Date: Apr 09, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120409 One-line: remove check_rundb. modify some cam-se compsets.
M create_newcase D check_rundb M create_test M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 05, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120405b One-line: Script changes necessary to have DARWIN compsets to work
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildnml.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: dfeddema Date: Apr 05, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120405 One-line: Modified PST, PEM and PET tests so that they generate cpl.hist files
M PST_script M PEM_script M PET_script
Originator: mvertens Date: Apr 04, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120404 One-line: Changed DATM_CPL_ to DATM_CPLHIST_ to be consistent with new datm build-namelist
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: jedwards Date: Apr 02, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120402 One-line: Corrected ne240 mapping file names, improved generic machine support, removed debug print in create_test, added pio async support in taskmaker.pl
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl M create_test
Originator: mvertens Date: Mar 29, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120329d One-line: Fixed ERS test with removal of memory leak capablity
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script
Originator: mvertens Date: Mar 29, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120329c One-line: Added value of gland5UM go GLC_GRID (these should all be backwards compatible)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: mvertens Date: Mar 29, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120329b One-line: More changes needed to work with new data model build-namelists (these should all be backwards compatible)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildnml.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: mvertens Date: Mar 29, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120329 One-line: Removed call to check_memory_leak.py for now -and put in hooks for new data model build-namelist functionality
- use of new tag that has generic stream capability (needed for data model
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh
- removal of call to check_memory_leak.py
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
- new definitions needed for upcoming dlnd with build-namelist
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script
- removal of call to check_memory_leak.py
M create_newcase
- hooks to not copy data model xxx.cpl7.template files if they are
not there
Originator: jshollen Date: Mar 28, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120328 One-line: Fixing nonexistent compsets for bluefire, lynx prealpha tests.
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A02
Originator: santos Date: Mar 27, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120327b One-line: Add WACCM-X compset (FWX), test pre-beta for bluefire/lynx.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B01 M doc/compsets_list.xml M README
Originator: tcraig Date: Mar 27, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120327a One-line: update preview namelist tool to leverage ccsm_buildnml
Originator: erik Date: Mar 27, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120327 One-line: Fix T42_T42 and T85_T85 grids and set mpi-serial if only one task
Update perl5lib to allow empty strings.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml - Fix T42_T42/T85_T85 M create_newcase --- If mpilib NOT set, and only task --> set MPILIB to mpi-serial
Note that I think 4x5_T42_gx3v7 is messed up.
Originator: mvertens Date: Mar 26, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120326b One-line: Put in new primefacs needed to run cice in prescribed mode on se grid
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jshollen Date: Mar 26, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120326 One-line: Removed ERS T31_T31 and ERS.ne30_g16.F, adding new ne30 tests, and adding MEGAN test for francis.
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A02
================================================================================ Originator: dfeddema Date: Mar 25, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120325 One-line: Modified tests to check for max memory per pe compared to previous baseline.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_memory_leak.py M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Mar 23, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120323 One-line: Corrected behavior of create_newcase when machine_compiler is used as mach flag
M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: dfeddema Date: Mar 16, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120316 One-line: Added create_newcase option for pnetcdf (IOP*). Added pnetcdf tests to tests lists. Added check for memory leaks to exact restart (ERS) tests.
M create_newcase M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.prebeta A ccsm_utils/Testlists/C45 list of pnetcdf tests A ccsm_utils/Tools/check_memory_leak.py utility to check coupler logs for indication of memory leaks M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh
Originator: jedwards Date: Mar 14, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120314 One-line: ifixed issue with aprun when tasks per node exceeds total tasks
M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl
Originator: fvitt Date: Mar 12, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120312 One-line: Changes for new MEGAN VOC emission fluxes, new compsets added, and turned on CLM/CN for FSTC
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 M doc/env_conf_list.xml
Originator: jedwards Date: Mar 09, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120309 One-line: Fix OS missing in config_compilers
M create_newcase M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
Originator: erik Date: Mar 08, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120308 One-line: Fix CLM test lists, move set_compiler to ConfigCase
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xsl - Formatting M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml - Edit descriptions for CLM reg grids M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm --- Add set_compiler method from create_newcase (and parse_hash private method)
Fix names of regional grids so can run M ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.clm.auxtest
M create_newcase - Move set_compiler to ConfigCase.pm
Originator: jedwards Date: Mar 07, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120307 One-line: new namelist variables for pio
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: jedwards Date: Mar 06, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120306 One-line: fix issue in create_test_suite
M create_test_suite
Originator: mvertens Date: Mar 05, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120305 One-line: updated user_nl_add
M ccsm_utils/Tools/user_nl_add
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Mar 01, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120301 One-line: remove tabs from namelist generated by build-namelist and add routine user_nl_add to add only namelist lines to cesm_namelist
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES point to new perl5lib - perl5lib_120205 that removes tabs from namelist generation needed for upcoming POP2 build-namelist addition A ccsm_utils/Tools/user_nl_add utility to add only namelist lines to cesm_namelist
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Feb 29, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120229 One-line: Remove namelist name and ending to user_nl_cam/clm files, allow char config_def variables to have string length
Fix bug: 1427 -- will now abort if case-name length is too long
Remove namelist name and ending to user_nl_cam/clm files M create_newcase Fix syntax errors, allow char to have string-length will abort if exceeds string-length M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml --- Fix syntax errors M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml ------- Fix syntax errors M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm --------- Allow char to have string length char* M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - Set string length for CASE variables (CASE, RUN_REFCASE, DATM_CPL_CASE) and RUN_REFDATE A ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xsl ------- Stylesheet to view config_grid file
Add compiler to clm test lists M ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.trans.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.clm.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Feb 22, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120222 One-line: preview_namelist fix for cam5_1_21
M ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Feb 17, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120217 One-line: fix command line parsing in create_test M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Feb 16, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120216 One-line: changes for compatibility with Machines_120216 which moves compiler options to config_compilers.xml, fixes for test issues
M 34797 ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh M 34797 ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh M 34797 ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M 34797 create_test M 34797 create_newcase M 34797 create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Feb 13, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120213 One-line: creation of user_nl_comp and preview_namelists in caseroot
A sample_grid_file.xml A ccsm_utils/Tools/preview_namelists M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Feb 16, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120216 One-line:
- extend create_test and create_test_suite to handle machine and compiler setttings via testname and command line.
- add autosubmit flag to create_test_suite
M create_test M create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Feb 02, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120202 One-line: port to llnl sierra, update machines_list.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Feb 01, 2012 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_120201 One-line: correct improperly formated fields in config_grid.xml, add more verbose prints to create_newcase M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M create_newcase
Originator: fischer
Date: Jan 31, 2012
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_120131
One-line: add ESMF test to alpha test list
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/A01
Originator: mvertens, jedwards
Date: Jan 25, 2012
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_120125
One-line: Restructure of Machines directory
M 34081 create_test M 34081 create_clone M 34081 SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES D 34081 ccsm_utils/Build D 34081 ccsm_utils/Build/mkSrcfiles D 34081 ccsm_utils/Build/mkDepends D 34081 ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile X ccsm_utils/Tools/perl5lib D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msread MM 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh M 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_check_lockedfiles A + - ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.sh M 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/archive_metadata.sh D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.csh D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_mswrite D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_cpdata M 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/clean_build M 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_resolved.csh D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_sedfile D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msls D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getfile M 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.pl D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_auto.csh D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.pl MM 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl M 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/build_streams MM 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getinput M 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_splitdf D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msmkdir X ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM D 34081 ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_l_archive.csh MM 34081 ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml D 34081 ccsm_utils/Components D 34081 ccsm_utils/Components/mct.buildlib D 34081 ccsm_utils/Components/csm_share.buildlib D 34081 ccsm_utils/Components/gptl.buildlib D 34081 ccsm_utils/Components/pio.buildlib M 34081 ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M 34081 ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M 34081 ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script D 34081 ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopp2.prebeta D 34081 ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopp2.prerelease A + - ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper.prebeta A + - ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper.prerelease M 34081 ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M 34081 ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03 A + - ccsm_utils/Testlists/S01 M 34081 ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.prebeta M 34081 ChangeLog M 34081 create_newcase M 34081 .
Originator: tcraig
Date: Jan 23, 2012
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_120123
One-line: updates for esmf, fix getTiming bug, extend create_test_suite
- add E01 testlist for esmf and update bluefire.esmf.auxtest
- modify csm_share build to include esmf dir whenever USE_ESMF_LIB is true
- modify create_test_suite to extend parsing of testlist to allow
both generic testlists (ie. A01) and custom lists (ie. ERS.*) mixed
- fix getTiming bug introduced in scripts4_111221 that cause test summaries
to fail
M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.csh M ccsm_utils/Components/csm_share.buildlib M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.esmf.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/E01 M create_test_suite
Originator: dfeddema
Date: Jan 20 2012
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_120120
One-line: Modified ERS tests to exit after first failure.
M 33962 ERS_script
Originator: jedwards
Date: Jan 13, 2012
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_120113
One-line: Port to titan, multiinstance bug fix
M 33577 ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh
X ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM A + - ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.clm.auxtest D 33577 ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.cam.auxtest A + - ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.cam.auxtest D 33577 ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.prebeta A + - ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.prebeta D 33577 ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.prerelease D 33577 ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.clm.auxtest A + - ccsm_utils/Testlists/titan.prerelease M 33577 doc/machines_list.xml M 33577 doc/chap5.xml
Originator: mvertens
Date: Dec 27 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111227
One-line: Reintroduced RUN_REFTOD (inadvertently removed in scripts4_111226)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: mvertens
Date: Dec 26 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111226
One-line: Made grid specification more general
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure
- simplified call to generate_cice_decomp.pl
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
- put in new default settings and the new variables listed
in config_grid.xml
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
- the following new xml variables
- note that now all paths for mapping files are specified
- currently only used by cice
- used by cice utility generate_cice_decomp.pl to
obtain ice block sizes
- if a cartesian or space curve decomposition cannot
be found based on the icd grid and number of mpi
tasks - then...
-if ICE_DOMAIN_PRIMEFACS is not zero, the list
will be used to obtain a decomposition where
CICE_DECOMPTYPE=roundrobin and
-if ICE_DOMAIN_PRIMEFACS is zero, a decomposition
will be generated where
CICE_DECOMPTYPE=roundrobin and
M create_newcase
- added new argument -grid_file that permits user to specify
user-specific grid and paths
Originator: erik
Date: Dec 21 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111221b
One-line: Add RUN_REFTOD, fix some single-point domain files
Update PTCLM M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msmkdir -- in case used set +t bit on directory create M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml ------- Fix some single-point domain files M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - Add RUN_REFTOD M create_newcase -- small change so that you can change machine directory and get the -list option to work.
Add some single-point tests to clm auxtest lists M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.clm.auxtest
Originator: mvertens
Date: Dec 21 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111221
One-line: Cleaned up more machine specific information that did not belong in
Tools and introduced ne120_ne120 and ne30_ne30 (gx1v6 mask)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_postrun.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_production_test_readme M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_production_test M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
Originator: jedwards
Date: Dec 20 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111220
One-line: Reverted change to make sure env is only read once - this caused
problems when env files were changed by test scripts corrected
cpl history path in testcase_end
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end
Originator: jedwards
Date: Dec 19 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111219
One-line: Added code to ccsm_getenv to make sure that env is only loaded once,
Moved env_mach_specific to the top of that file.
M Tools/ccsm_getenv
Originator: mvertens
Date: Dec 18 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111218
One-line: removed machine name from .build,clean_build,.run,.l_archive,
.submit and .test scripts
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_postrun.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_case M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_train M ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_production_test
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure - no longer need ccsm4test in configure
M ccsm_utils/Tools/archive_metadata.sh - machine name is obtained only from Macros file
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end - tests now only compare history files
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - moved GLC_NEC xml variable to env_conf
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script - short term archiving turned off just for last stage in order to permit comparison of history files
Originator: jedwards
Date: Dec 16 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111216
One-line: add CESM_MAX_THREADS fix ConfigCase bug introduced in previous tag
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M create_newcase
Originator: jedwards
Date: Dec 14 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111214
One-line: reformat config_machines.xml
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M create_newcase M create_clone M Build/Makefile (actually in scripts4_111213)
Originator: tcraig
Date: Dec 13 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111213
One-line: modify build script to buildnml, prestage, buildnml
Originator: fischer Date: Dec 12 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_111212 One-line: add 32x64 to config_grid.xml
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
Originator: trey
Date: Dec 6 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111206
One-line: add sticky bit to lt_archive.csh, add CESM1(CAM5) RCP compsets
M ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
Originator: tcraig
Date: Dec 2 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111202
One-line: remove pop2 rpointer fix from NCK case, now in pop2 template
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script
Originator: jshollen
Date: Nov 30 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111130
One-line: Added /bin/csh -f to all scripts in Testcases
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERU_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SMS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/LAR_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/P4A_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/APT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PFS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERT_script
Originator: erik
Date: Nov 29 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111129
One-line: Switch CLMFORC for CLMQIAN, Update PTCLM/perl5lib
- remove use of DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMQIAN add DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC (requires datm8_111115)
- Update PTCLM to use NetCDF4
- Update perl5lib to fix hanging problem
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M doc/chap4.xml M create_newcase
Originator: mvertens
Date: Nov 17 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111127
One-line: fixed domain file problems for ne120 and ne240
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
Originator: tcraig
Date: Nov 13 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111113
One-line: add NCPL_BASE_PERIOD env variable
- and Timing2 tools (not used or tested yet)
A ccsm_utils/Tools/getTiming2.pl A ccsm_utils/Tools/getTiming2.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: trey Date: Nov 10 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_111110 One-line: added support for DOUT_L_HPSS_ACCNT to lt_archive.csh
Uses HPSS account specified by $DOUT_L_HPSS_ACCNT if it exists and it larger then 0. Also modified the hsi command to "mkdir -p", creating any missing directories in the path.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.csh
Originator: mvertens
Date: Nov 09 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111109
One-line: add new grid specification for domain files and domain paths
As a result data models no longer need to have these files in the template scripts
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_newcase
Originator: tcraig
Date: Nov 08 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111108
One-line: add NINST_LAYOUT env vars and fix NCK pop rpointer problem
Originator: aliceb Date: Nov 07 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_111107 One-line: updates to archive_metadata.sh
commented out prompts for case metadata. Case metadata is now being entered and stored in mysql run db at http://csegweb.cgd.ucar.edu.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/archive_metadata.sh
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Nov 5 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_111105 One-line: Fix for FAMIPCN and for long term arhiver problem
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Oct 31 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_111031a One-line: Introduced a new match variable SSTICE_COMPSET_MATCH
RES_COMPSET_MATCH must now match exactly to the compset longname SSTICE_COMPSET_MATCH provides a partial match for SSTICE forcing datasets
M create_newcase M config_compsets.xml M ConfigCase.pm
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Oct 31 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_111031 One-line: Backed out scripts4_111026 - incorrect implementation
M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Oct 27 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_111027 One-line: Fixed NCK test when component uses only 1 task, force mintask count on intrepid to 512
M create_newcase M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Oct 26 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_111026 One-line: Fixed matching rule for RES_COMPSET_MATCH
Need to match identically - not just part of the pattern
M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: Oct 25 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_111025a One-line: Fixed incorrect filename, added special case for task count on intrepid
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M create_newcase
Originator: mvertens
Date: Oct 25 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111025
One-line: Fixed problem for initial date for 1850-2005 compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
Originator: mvertens
Date: Oct 11 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111011b
One-line: New compset specification mechanism
Major rewrite of compset specification in config_compsets.xml This is completely documented at the head of the new config_compsets.xml file
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 M create_newcase
Originator: trey
Date: Oct 11 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111011
One-line: New simple long-term archiver
Added a new long-term archiver. It cleans up after any failed runs of "lt_archive.pl" and then puts all the files in the short-term archive into HPSS and automatically deletes files successfully put. It does not use temporary directories or htar.
A ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.csh
Originator: mvertens
Date: Oct 10 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_111010
For the following test types,
tests that should be hybrid initializations had been changed to have RUN_TYPE
hardwired to startup. This is now changed to have RUN_TYPE actually be hybrid -
which will change answers for many baseline results
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml
Originator: jedwards
Date: Sep 30 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110930
Replaced -machines_dir with -mach_dir, moved
CCSM_MACHDIR from env_conf.xml to env_case.xml
Originator: jedwards
Date: Sep 29 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110929
As per cseg meeting discussion, add command line option -machines_dir
which puts env variable CCSM_MACHDIR into env_conf.xml
Originator: jedwards
Date: Sep 28 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110928
One-line: Add gptl.buildlib and build timing as separate lib, remove Machines
Added CCSM_MACHDIR variable which allows the Machines directory to be moved
and set the default to ccsm_utils/Machines
ccsm_utils/Components/gptl.buildlib - ADDED
ccsm_utils/Machines - DELETED
scripts4_110922a Changelog entry missing: ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh: code added to deal with cam2 -> cam restart file renaming and maintaing backward compatability.
Originator: erik
Date: Sep 22 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110922
One-line: Do cleanall in NCK test
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script ----------- Do cleanall after changing NINST_* values as this is required for clm M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest - Add NCK test in
Originator: jedwards
Date: Sep 12 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110912a
One-line: Update bluefire netcdf path to 4.1.3_seq
Originator: erik
Date: Sep 12 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110912
One-line: Add ne120 ERS test for I compset to B41
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B41 - Switch SMS test at ne120 for ERS test M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.clm.auxtest - Add more tests
Originator: erik
Date: Sep 8 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110908
One-line: Switch some ne30_g16 tests in
Switch some ne30_f19_g16 tests for ne30_g16 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/B41 - Add ne120_g16 test
Originator: erik
Date: Sep 6 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110906
One-line: Add HOMME grid support
Move nonlatlonclm branch to trunk. Requires clm4_0_35 and datm8_110906.
Update PTCLM to PTCLM1_110902
M create_newcase - Make sure NTASKS_CPL is set for pecount (fix bug 1403)
M ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile ----------------- Change use of strip to compare to null M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml -- Add ne30np4_gx1v6, ne240np4_gx1v6, ne120np4_gx1v6 update ne120np4_0.9x1.25_gx1v6 files M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest - switch f09 test to ERB.ne30_g16.I_1948-2004.bluefire
Add ne30np4_gx1v6 and ne120np4_gx1v6 tests M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 - add SMS.ne30_f19_g16.A M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 - add ERS.ne30_g16.F1850CN, SMS_D.ne30_f19_g16.A M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03 - add ERS.ne30_g16.B1850CN, ERS.ne30_f19_g16.A M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 - add SMS_D.ne30_16.FCN, ERS_D.ne30_16.A M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C41 - add ERS.ne120_g16.B M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C42 - add SMS.ne120_g16.BCN M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C43 - add ERS.ne120_g16.F1850 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C44 - add SMS.ne120_g16.FCN
Originator: fischer
Date: Sep 1 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110901
One-line: removed extra grid match for B20TRC5CN, and fix cam filename matching
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
Originator: tcraig
Date: Aug 30 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110830
One-line: multi-instance fixes and features
- add _N confopts for multi-ensemble setup
- add NCK test
- add NCK and _N* tests to testlists
- add CPL_DECOMP env var
- fix st_archive script for multi-ensemble
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/NCK_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C01 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C02 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C03 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/C04 M create_newcase
Originator: jedwards
Date: Thursday Aug 11 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110811
One-line: Update Franklin Macros and add a fix for clm standalone build
Originator: jedwards
Date: Wednesday Aug 10 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110810
One-line: Update Makefile to correct parallel build errors
Originator: jedwards
Date: Sunday Aug 7 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110807
One-line: Update all Macros files for consistancy.
Originator: jedwards
Date: Fri Aug 5 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110805
One-line: Clean up build issues
Index: ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile
Index: ccsm_utils/Components/mct.buildlib
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_intel
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_intel
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_pgi
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.postdefs
Originator: jedwards
Date: Thu Aug 4 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110804b
One-line: updated build for lynx and edinburgh
M 29628 ccsm_utils/Components/pio.buildlib
M 29628 ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_pgi
M 29628 ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_lahey
M 29628 ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.postdefs
Originator: jedwards
Date: Thu Aug 4 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110804a
One-line: updated build
This change allows pio and mct to be configured and built outside
of the source directory and avoids having to copy the entire source
trees for these libraries.
COORDINATION REQUIREMENT: scripts4_110804a + pio1_3_5 + MCT2_7_0_110804
M 29606 ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile M 29606 ccsm_utils/Components/mct.buildlib M 29606 ccsm_utils/Components/pio.buildlib M 29606 ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.postdefs
Originator: kauff Date: Thu Aug 4 11:51:19 MDT 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110804 One-line: new/reworked DLND_RUNOFF_MODE, DATM_MODE, DLND_MODE's
COORDINATION REQUIREMENT: drvseq4_0_03 + dlnd8_110803 + datm8_110803 + scripts4_110804
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: tcraig
Date: Aug 3, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110803
One-line: Update pe layouts for intrepid
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
Originator: jedwards
Date: July 28, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110728
One-line: Update Macros on hopp2 and intrepid, change A02 test from I to
Originator: erik
Date: July 26, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110726
One-line: Update externals and allows testing on generic machines
Add ability to set the following in create_test and create_test_suite and pass the input onto create_newcase. This allows create_test and create_test_suite to be used on generic machines.
-scratchroot scratch-directory
-din_loc_root_csmdata inputdata-directory
-max_tasks_per_node number
Externals: Update perl5lib to perl5lib_110726 Update PTCLM to PTCLM1_110726
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml Change MOAR case pointed to for I1850SPINUPCN compset so it's an 1850 spinup case A ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.clm.auxtest --- Add some tests for intrepid M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.clm.auxtest --- Change bluefire test to jaguarpf
M create_test --- Pass scratchroot, din_loc_root_csmdata and max_tasks_per_node to create_newcase only if a generic machine is being used M create_test_suite - Pass scratchroot, din_loc_root_csmdata and max_tasks_per_node if set to create_test
Originator: jedwards
Date: June 24, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110724
One-line: improve support for Cray systems - can now configure with 5 compilers on lynx
Index: create_test
Added ability to build only without job submission (Tony)
Index: ccsm_utils/Tools/clean_build
Added code to remove autoconf cache used by mct and pio
Index: ccsm_utils/Components/pio.buildlib
Need to copy pio directory recursively so that m4 directory is included
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_hera
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_im
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_io
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pingo
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pathscale
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_nyblue
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_atlas
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_intel
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_cray
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_lahey
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pleiades
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_pgi
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hopper
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_pgi
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.postdefs
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.chester
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.midnight
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_ibm
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_darwin_pgi
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_columbia
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_intel
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hadley
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_darwin_intel
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hopp2
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_lahey
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pgi
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_ranger
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_ubgl
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_pathscale
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_intel
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_gnu
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pleiades_wes
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_pm
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_po
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_frost
Changed interface to MCT/PIO configure. Moved common features of Macros files to Macros.postdefs
extended support to cray,pathscale,intel and gnu (gfortran) compilers on lynx. This can be used
as a template to extend support on similar cray platforms.
Removed -gopt from default flags in pgi builds - this flag significantly increases the size of the executable
and can blow memory with little or no benefit otherwise.
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_pgi
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_pathscale
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_intel
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
Added support for cray compilers
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.hopper
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hopper
Index: ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.jaguar
Removed obsolete entrys
Index: create_newcase
Added support for Macros.postdefs
Originator: tcraig
Date: June 10, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110610
One-line: improve test submission and reporting
M create_test M create_test_suite
Originator: tcraig
Date: June 9, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110609
One-line: minor cleanup issues plus lynx and intrepid updates
- remove duplicate F1850C5 compset
- remove F1850CNMAM3 compset
- add valid values for PIO_TYPENAME env variables
- add setenv DVS_MAXNODES 1 for lynx
- change lynx run dir to /glade/scratch from /ptmp
- switch intrepid test to "PL" for ERT_PL.T62_g16.D.intrepid
- increase intrepid time request for larger jobs to 360
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.levelC
Originator: tcraig
Date: June 1, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110601
One-line: updated testlists, add features
features include
- adding -confopts to create_newcase and having create_test use it
- saving more cpl.log files to baselines
- removing reference to gx3v5
- add _CG, _AOA, _AOE confopts options for gregorian calendar and aofluxgrid
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_env.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end X ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERU_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SMS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEM_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/P4A_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/APT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PFS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERS_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERT_script D ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.posttag D ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.pretag A ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.levelC A ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.cam.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.posttag D ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.esmf.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/midnight.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.esmf.release A ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.levelB D ccsm_utils/Testlists/pingo.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.levelC A ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.levelD D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.pretag D ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper.posttag D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag A ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.levelC D ccsm_utils/Testlists/chester.pretag D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag D ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.posttag D ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.esmf.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.levelD D ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.posttag A ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.levelC D ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.pretag D ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag A ccsm_utils/Testlists/chester.auxtest D ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag D ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.posttag A ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopp2.levelC A ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.levelA A ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.levelB A ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.levelC D ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.cam.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.levelA D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.esmf.release A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.levelB A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.levelC A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.levelD D ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopp2.posttag A ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.levelA M create_newcase M create_test_suite
Originator: fischer
Date: May 31, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110531b
One-line: updated jaguarpf ESMF library, fixed B1850BDRD CO2 variable name
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards Date: May 31, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110531a One-line: Add clm restart history files to short term archiver M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh
Originator: fischer Date: May 31, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110531 One-line: Update test list, new RUN_REFDATE for BC5
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml . B1850CAM5CN and B20TRC5CN have a new RUN_REFDATE of 059-01-01
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf . New ESMF library for PGI11.0.0
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.pretag . Add couple hi-res tests ne250_t12 and f02_f02
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag . Add f19_g16 BG1850CN test
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
- Set MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE="16" for edinburgh
Originator: fischer
Date: May 26, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110526
One-line: Update test lists, add machine hector, fix B1850BDRD
A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hector A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.hector A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hector M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml . add hector
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag . Fix ERs vs ERS typo
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.esmf.release M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.esmf.release . Remove ESMF tests that are expected to fail
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml . Add BGC_CO2_PPMV="284.7" to B1850BDRD compset . This changes answers for B1850BDRD
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml . Remove GLC_GRID
Originator: jedwards
Date: May 25, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110525
One-line: Make hsi directories world readable by default (from bluefire)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/lt_archive.pl
Originator: fischer
Date: May 20, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110520
One-line: updated PGI/9.0.4 to PGI/11.0.0 for the crays, except for franklin
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.hopp2 . updated to PGI/11.0.0
Originator: fischer
Date: May 19, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110519a
One-line: Create ESMF tests list for release, update docs, fix FAMIPC5CN test
A ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.esmf.release A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.esmf.release . This is an ESMF test list for release testing. It is pre and post . tag lists combined
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag . The FAMIPC5CN test should be f09_f09, it was f19_f19
M doc/env_build_list.xml M doc/env_conf_list.xml M doc/compsets_list.xml . Update documents by running write_docbook_file
Originator: jedwards
Date: May 19, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110519
One-line: Clean up longterm archiving scripts, add ne240tx0.1 configuration
ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msread ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_mswrite ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msls ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msmkdir
Removed old NCAR long term archiving tools
Removed workaround on path length that was required for old bluefire system
ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
Added ne240np4_0.23x0.31_tx0.1v2 configuration
Change so that bluefire uses new lt_archive script
New tool for hsi archiving on bluefire
Originator: erik
Date: May 17, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110517
One-line: Add append mode to xmlchange and DATM_CPL variables
Addresses bugs: 1337, 1336, 1158, and 1108
Add an append mode option to xmlchange so that it will append the input value to the end of existing setting (provided the value isn't UNSET). Only works for string data. Adds a blank if there is existing data before appending the new value.
The ALIGN years are changed in the compsets: I20TR, and IG20TR. THIS WILL CHANGE ANSWERS RELATIVE TO THE PREVIOIS TAG.
Add variables for handling running datm with CPLHIST data
DATM_CPL_CASE ----- Case name of CPLHIST data to use DATM_CPL_YR_ALIGN - Simulation year to align with start year DATM_CPL_YR_START - Starting year of years to loop over DATM_CPL_YR_END --- Ending year of years to loop over
M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange --------------------- Add append mode M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml --- Make sure DATM_CLMNCEP_ALIGN is set, add DATM_CPL vars to I1850SPINUPCN compset fix documentation in I compsets, make ALIGN year consistent M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm --------- Add is_char method M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - Add DATM_CPL_ vars
Work on coverage of tests for I compsets. Add a few tests to make sure all compsets are tested. Change a few others to give better coverage.
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest - Make I1850 test I1850CN M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.pretag ---------- Add I20TRCN@T31 test M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper.posttag ------- Change I to ITEST compset M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag ----- Add I20TRCN@f19 test M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.pretag ----- Add T31 ICN, I20TR tests M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.clm.auxtest Add f10 IRCP26CN test M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.clm.auxtest - Add I4804CN test, replace IRCP85CN test with IRCP60CN test A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.trans.auxtest - Rename from rcps D ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.rcps.auxtest -- Rename to trans
Originator: mvertens
Date: May 16, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110516
One-line: fixed T31_g37 B1850CN out of the box functionality
M README - started updating new scientifically supported compsets M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - fixed T31_g37 B1850CN out of the box functionaltiy M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml - New path to DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMQIAN for lynx (from erik)
Originator: jedwards
Date: May 13, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110513
One-line: Update pretag tests, mkbatch for intrepid
M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.intrepid
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.pretag
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: May 11, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110511 One-line: Fix resolution in testlist
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest -- Fix typo in resolution for test
Originator: erik
Date: May 10, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110510
One-line: Add back in changes to I2000 compsets and testlists with ITEST compset
Add a new testlist that runs the rest of the RCP's for CLM
A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.rcps.auxtest
Reverts these to scripts4_110505.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hadley.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopp2.posttag
Originator: erik
Date: May 6, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110506
One-line: Backout changes to I2000 compsets, and testlists with new ITEST compset
This reverts the following files to scripts4_110502
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - The exception here is that I left the new ITEST compsets in. M ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hadley.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopp2.posttag
Originator: tcraig
Date: May 5, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110505a
One-line: Add 2 tests to bluefire.drv.auxtest
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.drv.auxtest
Originator: erik
Date: May 5, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110505
One-line: Move PTCLM to external, add doc on MPISERIAL, add ITEST compsets
Make PTCLM an external. Add more documentation about enabling MPISERIAL_SUPPORT. Add I_TEST_2003, I_TEST_2003_CN compsets, make I2000 compsets run over 1972 to 2004.
D ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/*... -- Remove PTCLM make external ...
M ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh -- add line about MPISERIAL_SUPPORT M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml --- New compsets, I2000 run over 1972-2004 M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - More doc on MPISERIAL_SUPPORT
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest --- Switch some tests to ones that can work
Use ITEST compset in place of I tests M ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hadley.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/newmachine.port.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopp2.posttag
Change jaguar list to jaguarpf list D ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.clm.auxtest A + ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.clm.auxtest
M doc/chap7.xml --- Add more on MPISERIAL_SUPPORT and USE_MPISERIAL.
Update lists since last time M doc/env_build_list.xml M doc/grids_list.xml M doc/machines_list.xml M doc/env_conf_list.xml M doc/compsets_list.xml M doc/env_run_list.xml
Originator: fischer
Date: May 2, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110502
One-line: fixed DOC_SSTDATA_YEAR_END=0, added intrepid tests
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.posttag
Originator: tcraig
Date: Apr 28, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110428a
One-line: update ESMF lib on jaguarpf
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf - module load esmf/4.0.0rp2_O + module load esmf/5.2.0_O
Originator: fischer
Date: Apr 28, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110428
One-line: added new tests, update COSP build dependencies
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hopp2 M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf update COSP build dependencies
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag added tests for new compsets
Originator: Francis Vitt
Date: Apr 27, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110427
One-line: added new compset and adjusted compiler options for pleiades
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pleiades M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pleiades_wes
Originator: hannay
Date: Apr 21, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110421
One-line: update CAM5 compsets: create E_1850_CAM5_CN
Originator: fischer,fvitt Date: Apr 20, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110420 One-line: update WACCM compsets F_2000_WACCM_GHG F_SD_WACCM
Originator: tcraig Date: Apr 19, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110419 One-line: update ESMF lib version
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml ESMF_LIBDIR="/ptmp/svasquez/esmf_install/ESMF_5_2_0-O/lib/"
Originator: Francis Vitt
Date: Apr 6, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110406
One-line: add/modify CAM-Chem and WACCM compsets and changes for pleiades
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_mswrite
- added remover file command to pleiades write to mass store operation
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh
- copy .hs. (cam history sampling output file) to st_archive
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildnml.csh
- copy chemistry mechanism documents to CaseDocs sub-directory
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh
- corrected spelling of "invocation"
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
- added F_2000_TROP_MOZART, F_2000_WACCM_GHG, F_SD_CAMCHEM, and F_SD_BAM compsets
- added cam build-namelist use case to B_2000_TROP_MOZART
- changed "waccm_mozart" to "waccm_mozart_v1" for the waccm AR5 compsets
- added B_RCP2.6_WACCM_CN and B_RCP8.5_WACCM_CN
- removed "hybrid" run type from F_1955-2005_WACCM_CN
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pleiades M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pleiades_wes
- compiler options change
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.pleiades M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.pleiades_wes
- use intel 11 compiler
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
- provide default pe configurations for F_ CAM-Chem/WACCM compsets on bluefire
Originator: hannay
Date: Mar 28, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110328a
One-line: add/modify CAM5 compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml - new compsets for B_1850-2000_CAM5_CN, F_AMIP_CAM5_CN - update initial conditions for B_1850_CAM5, B_1850_CAM5_CN, B_1850-2000_CAM5 F_AMIP_CAM5
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Mar 28, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110328 One-line: update Machines and testlists
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh removed extra lines of code
A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.chester A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.chester A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.chester A ccsm_utils/Testlists/chester.pretag M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml added chester for testing
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml changed inputdata dir on lynx to glade set up hopper to display error message when selected
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.hopp2 updated modules
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.posttag updated tests lists
M create_newcase added code to display error message when invalid machine is selected (hopper)
Originator: tcraig
Date: Mar 24, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110324a
One-line: modify timing dir management to address issues with long file lists
M ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh
Originator: tcraig
Date: Mar 24, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110324
One-line: add SAVE_TIMING and change VECT_MAP homme grid default to cart3d
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_postrun.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: jpe
Date: Mar 22, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110322
One-line: Removed HIRES macro, modified ocean coupling time for tx0.1v2 grids
Removed references to HIRES, changed OCN_NCPL=4 for tx0.1v2 ocean grid
ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire added -qsclk=micro to build flags, addresses bug 477
Originator: mvr
Date: Mar 14, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110314
One-line: added grid info for 2.5x3.33
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
Originator: tcraig
Date: Mar 08, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110308
One-line: update timing tool for drvseq3_1_50
- add bluefire.drv.auxtest
- modify automatic reset of CONTINUE_RUN on RESUBMIT if doing timing tests
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_postrun.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.pl A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.drv.auxtest
Originator: mvr Date: Mar 02, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110302 One-line: adding ability to specify charge account with hsi write command
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msread M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_mswrite M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msmkdir M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: fischer
Date: Feb 17, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110217
One-line: moved jaguar pretag testing to jaguarpf, fixed FG test names
A ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag
Originator: fischer Date: Feb 4, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110204 One-line: fixed typo in ESMF, change BG to BGCN in compsets
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag
Originator: fischer
Date: Feb 3, 2011
Model: scripts
Version: scripts4_110203a
One-line: updated create_train, change modules on jaguar, new pes for B hopp2, new ESMF lib
M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_train updated to be machine independent
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf module swap xt-asyncpe xt-asyncpe/3.7 M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml use ESMF_5_2_0_beta_snapshot_12_64-O on bluefire
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Feb 3, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110203 One-line: Add new glc_mec compsets for 1850, transient and transient rcps
Change I8520 compsets to I20TR to make similar to other compset names.
Add new glc_mec compsets M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
Change tests based on new compsets M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.esmf.auxtest - Change BG for BGCN test, IG for IGCN M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest -- Change BGCN/FGCN for BG/FG and add IG20TR, IGRCP85CN, FG20TRCN, and TG tests M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest -- Switch IG1850CN/I8520CN for IG/I20TRCN add IGRCP26CN, IGRCP60CN, IGRCP45CN M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.pretag ----------- Switch BG/FG for BGCN/FG1850CN M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.clm.auxtest ---- Switch I85020CN for I20TRCN M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.pretag ------ Switch FG/IG for FG1850CN/IG1850 add FGCN tests M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag -------- Switch FG/IG for FGCN1850/IG20TRCN
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xsl - Update list to have list of _GLC compsets last
Some work on PTCLM, fix a few bugs, Add ChangeLog/KnownBugs files, add CESM_ROOT and CLM_SOFF env var options to test Add --scratchroot option, allow caseprefix to contain directory Fix --list option, update for new clm4_0_23 use-case convention M ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM.py M ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/testcases.csh A ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/ChangeLog A ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/KnownBugs
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Feb 1, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110201 One-line: Add NPFIX and AOFLUX_GRID options (requires drvseq3_1_48)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: hannay (mvertens) Date: Jan 11, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110121 One-line: Update 1850 SSTs for F case and create compsets for CAM5_1850_CN
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Jan 11, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110111 One-line: Changed pgi version of lynx, change queue name on franklin, added IG and FG tests
M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_pgi a ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopp2.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Jan 08, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110108 One-line: update esmf version on bluefire for new metadata capability
this is just for short-term testing. a proper release version will be available in the next month or two.
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
================================================================================ Originator: Edwards Date: Jan 06, 2011 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_110106 One-line: add flags required for BGP build ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Dec 14 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101214 One-line: add support for hopp2, and increase CCSM_CCOST for WACCM
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hopp2 A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hopp2 A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.hopp2 M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
================================================================================ Originator: Jim Date: Dec 10 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101210 One-line: Fix timing build, remove AIX flag from bluegene build ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.cppdefs ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_frost ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_nyblue ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_ubgl
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Dec 06 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101206 One-line: Fix run section for lynx from last tag
Also add a few comments about some of the changes made in the last tag. Move setting of myaprun to run of template script instead of .run file.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/testcases.csh Add USER_CC setting to yong M ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/README ------- Add note about aerdepgrid/ndepgrid A ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/KnownBugs ---- Add file with list of bugs
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pathscale - comments M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_darwin_intel ---- comments M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_pgi -------- mv setting of myaprun M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_pathscale -- mv setting of myaprun M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_intel ------ mv setting of myaprun
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Dec 02 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101202 One-line: USE_MPISERIAL changes and rip out USER_ stuff
- Add in changes for mpiserial making it easier to support MPISERIAL
- Add simple run for USE_MPISERIAL for all .run scripts created
- In all Macro's files if USE_MPISERIAL is TRUE set path to INC_MPI to
mct/mpi-serial version.
generic machines, edinburgh*, intrepid, jaguar, jaguarpf, and lynx*
- Fix bugs: 1209 (pt1 on edinburgh), 1187 (more USE_MPISERIAL), 1184 (pass FFLAGS
to MCT configure)
- Rip out USER_* and F_OPTIMIZATION stuff (other than USER_CPPDEFS)
- Add support for darwin (pgi and intel) and lynx_pathscale
- Add $GMAKE as a env_mach variable for name of GNU make (needed for darwin)
- Change F2000_chem compset CCSM_CO2PPMV to 367.0 from Chris Fischer
- PTCLM updates
Add support for darwin (pgi and intel) (intel working) A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_darwin_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_darwin_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_darwin_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_darwin_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_darwin_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_darwin_intel
Add support for lynx_pathscale A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_pathscale A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_pathscale A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_pathscale
M ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile -- Remove USER_* stuff, move include MACFILE to before ESMF stuff
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml -- Add GMAKE (needed for Darwin) M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml ---- Change F2000_chem compset CCSM_CO2PPMV to 367.0 from Chris Fischer
Change Macros files removing USER_* stuff and setting MPICH_PATH depending on USE_MPISERIAL M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.cppdefs M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_hera M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_atlas M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_pm M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_po M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_im M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_io M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pingo M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_columbia M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_nyblue M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hadley M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pleiades M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hopper M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_ranger M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_ubgl M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_ibm M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.midnight M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pleiades_wes M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_frost
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml ----- Change "--" to "-" so can view the file explicitly set "pt1_pt1" case for edinburgh to fix bug 1209 M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml Turn MPISERIAL_SUPPORT to TRUE for generic machines, edinburgh*, intrepid, jaguar, jaguarpf, and lynx* (previously only bluefire was supported) M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh ----- Document how to build with ESMF and USE_MPISERIAL
Don't set MPICH_PATH if USE_MPISERIAL is set M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.edinburgh_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.edinburgh_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.edinburgh_lahey
Change run files so that if USE_MPISERIAL is FALSE will simply run without a mpirun M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_hera M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_atlas M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.brutus_im M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.brutus_io M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.pingo M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.pleiades M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_ibm M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_ranger M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_columbia M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_frost M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.midnight M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.pleiades_wes M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hadley M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hopper M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_ubgl M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.brutus_pm M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.brutus_po M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_nyblue M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_lahey
Build with $GMAKE rather than hardcoded gmake command (needed for Darwin) M ccsm_utils/Components/mct.buildlib M ccsm_utils/Components/csm_share.buildlib M ccsm_utils/Components/pio.buildlib
M doc/chap6.xml -- Add a little more about MPICH_PATH and NETCDF_PATH.
Get PTCLM working with changes PTCLM updates from mpiserial branch Add PTCLM tests for yong (Mac OS-X laptop) M ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM.py M ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/testcases.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/README
================================================================================ Originator: Chris Fischer Date: Tue Nov 29 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101129 One-line: fix logic in create_newcase for IG and BG pes layouts, fix new trigrid def.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: Chris Fischer Date: Tue Nov 23 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101123 One-line: fix edinburgh intel/lahey PIO NO_MPI2 build
Originator: Chris Fischer Date: Mon Nov 22 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101122 One-line: pes_file bug fix in create_newcase (bug #1238), B55TRWCN pes update, and CME cost update
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: Jim Edwards Date: Wed Nov 17 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101117 One-line: Force POP default pio_root=0 improve pio namelist handling create_newcase ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml ccsm_utls/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: Jim Edwards Date: Thu Nov 12 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101112 One-line: Fixed incorrect commit in config_machines.xml, move if def for mpiserial to Macros.cppdefs ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.cppdefs ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hadley ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
================================================================================ Originator: Jim Edwards Date: Thu Nov 11 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101111 One-line: Added initial support for configuration dependent defaults for pio namelist Removed -DNEED_MPI_ROOT in edinburgh Macros
M 25495 ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M 25495 ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_intel M 25495 ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_lahey M 25495 ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_pgi M 25495 ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M 25495 ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M 25495 create_newcase
Originator: Jim Edwards Date: Mon Nov 8 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101108 One-line: -m "moved pio init from components to driver and consolidated namelist"
================================================================================ Originator: jet Date: Mon Nov 1 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101102 One-line: -m "add support for high res (Eul,HOMME) and flow control mods"
M scripts/ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M scripts/ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar M scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf M scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
Originator: tcraig Date: Mon Nov 1 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101101 One-line: add orbital env variables
Originator: fischer Date: Wed Oct 29 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101029 One-line: B55TRWCN fix
Originator: fischer Date: Wed Oct 27 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101027 One-line: load pnetcdf/1.1.1 add WACCM tests, update lynx_intel
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Mon Oct 25 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101025 One-line: pes_file bug(#1229) fix and WACCM compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ChangeLog M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Fri Oct 2 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101022 One-line: Add MPISERIAL/ESMF check and abort
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh
================================================================================ Originator: jedwards, fischer Date: Mon Oct 18 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101018 One-line: update pio config args
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_pm M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_po M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Mcros.generic_linux_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_pgi
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Thu Oct 15 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101015b One-line: made changes to create_train and moved all ${COMP}_NCPL to env_conf
M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_train M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M doc/env_conf_list.xml M doc/env_run_list.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Thu Oct 15 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101015a One-line: update doc for OCN_NCPL move from env_run to env_conf
M doc/env_conf_list.xml M doc/env_run_list.xml
Originator: fischer Date: Thu Oct 15 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101015 One-line: Add T31_g37, train script, mods for intrepid, and bug fixes
A ccsm_utils/Tools/load.awk A ccsm_utils/Tools/create_train added train scripts for jaguar
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure fixed help text for configure -cleanmach M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml added support out of the box runs for B_1850_CN at T31_g37 M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml moved OCN_NCPL from env_run to env_conf (bug #1216) M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.intrepid updated queueing for intreped M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag added T31_g37 B_1850_CN tests
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Thu Oct 14 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101014 One-line: update tests lists and machine configs
A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_hera A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.prototype_hera M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_atlas A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_hera M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_atlas M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.prototype_atlas M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag
Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Oct 5 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_101005 One-line: add COMP_RUN_BARRIER env variable
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Wed Sep 29 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100929 One-line: removed obsolete archive scripts
D ccsm_utils/Tools/archiving D ccsm_utils/Tools/archiving/st_archive.sh D ccsm_utils/Tools/archiving/lt_archive.sh D ccsm_utils/Tools/archiving/README
================================================================================ Originator: eaton Date: Mon Sep 27 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100927a One-line: mods to Macros files to build COSP simulator as part of atm library
. Add rules to build the COSP files. M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Mon Sep 27 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100927 One-line: changed xt-mpt/3.5.0 to xt-mpt/5.0.0
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.franklin
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Thu Sep 16 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100916 One-line: added the BATCHQUERY setting for jaguarpf - was UNSET
-fix will help prevent multiple long-term archive jobs from running simultaneously
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Wed Sep 01 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100901a One-line: added RCP6.0 compset and tests, coupld of minor changes
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
.. added -DnoI8 flag M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid
change lynx configuration and modified testlists M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx.pretag D ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_pgi.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Wed Sep 01 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100901 One-line: parallelized the long-term archive script
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_l_archive.csh M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.pingo M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.pleiades M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_columbia M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_frost M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.midnight M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.pleiades_wes M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hadley M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hopper M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_lahey
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Mon Aug 30 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100830 One-line: Add rcp6.0 to DATM_PRESAERO options, add in PTCLM directory
Add in I_RCP6.0_CN compset for RCP6.0 and rcp6.0 for DATM_PRESAERO M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml ---- Add I_RCP6.0_CN compset M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml -- Add rcp6.0 to DATM_PRESAERO
Add in generic component tree for Tools A ccsm_utils/Tools/atm A ccsm_utils/Tools/ice A ccsm_utils/Tools/ocn A ccsm_utils/Tools/glc A ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd
Add in PTCLM script for clm A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM.py A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/testcases.csh A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/usr_files A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/usr_files/mkgriddata.TEMPLATE A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/usr_files/mkdatadomain.TEMPLATE A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/cnvrt_trnsyrs2_pftdyntxtfile.pl A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/Fluxnet-Canada_sitedata.txt A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/EXAMPLE_sitedata.txt A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/AmeriFlux_sitedata.txt A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/Fluxnet-Canada_soildata.txt A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/EXAMPLE_soildata.txt A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/AmeriFlux_soildata.txt A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/US-Ha1_dynpftdata.txt A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/Fluxnet-Canada_pftdata.txt A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/EXAMPLE_pftdata.txt A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/AmeriFlux_pftdata.txt A + ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM/README
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Tues Aug 24 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100824 One-line: Fix bug 1172, bad argument for building threaded with Lahey compiler
Remove -fstack_check argument for compiling with Lahey.
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_lahey
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Thurs Aug 20 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100820 One-line: set CCSM_CO2_PPMV=367 for 2000 compsets, added edinburgh Intel infiniband support moved doc and comment changes from release tag into beta tag. Fixed generic intel (see bug 1200)
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.edinburgh_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M doc/896pe_layout.jpg M doc/grids_list.xml M doc/ug.xml M doc/machines_list.xml M doc/env_conf_list.xml M doc/compsets_list.xml M doc/chap1.xml M doc/chap2.xml M doc/chap3.xml M doc/chap4.xml M doc/chap5.xml M doc/chap6.xml M doc/app1.xml M doc/chap7.xml M doc/app2.xml M doc/glossary.xml M doc/chap8.xml M doc/app3.xml M doc/chap9.xml M doc/app4.xml M doc/app5.xml M doc/app6.xml M doc/bookinfo.xml M doc/app7.xml M ChangeLog M create_newcase M create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Thurs Aug 12 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100812 One-line: Add START_TOD to env_run
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Mon Aug 9 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100809a One-line: updated WACCM_1955-2005 and RCP compsets, added edinburgh pgi infiniband support
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.edinburgh_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_pgi
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Mon Aug 9 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100809 One-line: backed out one change from previous tag
backed out the following mod after realizing it would break down if a user was re-doing a portion of the model run and older restart files were not cleaned out of their run directory...
- no longer relies on the time listing of a given restart file type to determine the latest file, but instead uses the timestamp included in the filename (see bug 1192)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Fri Aug 6 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100806 One-line: fixes/enhancements to archive scripts
- added source delete option (-d) to hsi put command
- no longer relies on the time listing of a given restart file type to determine the latest file, but instead uses the timestamp included in the filename (see bug 1192)
- no longer exiting if a bad tarfile is encountered, will attempt to process what's there
- bug fix for the occasion where new files are moved into the st archive dir while the lt archiver is processing files there
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_mswrite M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_l_archive.csh
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Wed Aug 4 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100804 One-line: add RCP tests
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_pgi.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag
Originator: fischer Date: Tue Jul 30 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100730 One-line: updated machines and compsets
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msread M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_mswrite M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msls M ccsm_utils/Tools/taskmaker.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msmkdir add support for pleiades
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml add WACCM compsets and fixed F_AMIP_CAM5, F_1850_CN_CHEM
D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_schirra D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_schirra D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.prototype_schirra schirra decommissioned
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid add CONFIG_ARGS for pio and mct
A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.pleiades A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pleiades A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.pleiades A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.pleiades_wes A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pleiades_wes A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.pleiades_wes add support for pleiades
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml add pleiades, remove schirra, update intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml add pleiades, remove schirra
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Tue Jul 27 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100727 One-line: fix co2_ppmv values for FW and F1850W
Originator: fischer Date: Wed Jul 21 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100721 One-line: added lynx pgi support and hooks for lynx intel support, updated pes.
A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lynx_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lynx_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lynx_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/lynx_pgi.pretag
Originator: fischer Date: Thu Jun 17 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100617 One-line: fix env_machopts.franklin bug and added CAM5 threaded tests
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.franklin M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Wed Jun 16 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100616 One-line: remove P4A tests
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.esmf.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Tue Jun 15 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100615 One-line: fixed create_newcase compset listing to account for missing compsets
M create_newcase
=============================================================================== Originator: tcraig Date: Mon Jun 14 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100614a One-line: remove documentation of account and queue options from create_test_suite
M create_test_suite
=============================================================================== Originator: mvertens Date: Mon Jun 14 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100614 One-line: removed tests for B1850WCN at f45_g37
in testlists, removed ERS.f45_g37.B1850WCN.bluefire, added ERS.f45_g37.FW.bluefire
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.esmf.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Sat Jun 12 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100612 One-line: changed modules for jaguar and franklin (bfb)
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Thu Jun 10 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100610 One-line: add refcase for B_1850_CAM5, all science runs are tested on two machines
- add <compset NAME="B_1850_CAM5" SHORTNAME="B1850C5" GRID_MATCH="f19_g16"
- change SHORTNAME "F2000W" to "FW" for consistency
- add bluefire.science.auxtest ~ has ERS for all validated science runs
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.science.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag M README ~ expand tab to spaces
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Wed Jun 9 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100609 One-line: updated compsets and README for new scientifically supported compsets
Also updated create_newcase to have a more condensed listing and list the valid resolutions if an invalid resolution is entered. The new README has been updated to reflect all of the new scientifically supported compsets and resolutions.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M create_newcase M README
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Jun 8 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100608a One-line: fix typos in documentation
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Tue Jun 8 15:36:02 MDT 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100608 One-line: update cism resolution support, fix to INVALID outputs
- additional resolution support for CISM compsets
M create_newcase M README M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: eaton Date: Mon Jun 7 18:42:02 MDT 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100607 One-line: update cam use case in 20thC BGC compsets
. change cam use case from 1850-2005_cam4 to 1850-2005_cam4_bgc in the B_1850-2000_BGC-* compsets.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Sun Jun 6 MDT 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100606 One-line: Removed reference to CAM_DTIME from config_grid.xml for T85
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Fri Jun 4 09:15:44 MDT 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100604 One-line: Change queue name on hopper from debug to regular
M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hopper
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Thu Jun 3 16:04:01 MDT 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100603a One-line: Update for GLC and a bug fix
- remove -C from CICE debug build on bluefire
- add GRID_MATCH logic for active GLC compsets
- add more pre- and post-tag tests using active GLC compsets
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: eaton Date: Thu Jun 3 13:31:40 MDT 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100603 One-line: Modify BGC compsets to allow CAM to use data CO2 for rad calcs
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
<compset NAME="B_1850_BGC-BDRD" SHORTNAME="B1850BDRD" <compset NAME="B_1850-2000_BGC-BDRD" SHORTNAME="B20TRBDRD" . add CAM_NAMELIST_OPTS="co2_cycle_rad_passive=.true."
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Tue Jun 1 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100601a One-line: New BGC compsets & bluefire posttag tests
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag
<compset NAME="B_1850_BGC-BPRP" SHORTNAME="B1850BPRP" <compset NAME="B_1850_BGC-BDRD" SHORTNAME="B1850BDRD" <compset NAME="B_1850-2000_BGC-BPRP" SHORTNAME="B20TRBPRP" <compset NAME="B_1850-2000_BGC-BDRD" SHORTNAME="B20TRBDRD"
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Jun 1 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100601 One-line: Add ERU test and update create_production_test
- add ERU test
- modify create_production_test to use ERU test
- update config_pes.xml for a few recent layouts
- clean up sample_compset_file and remove old variables
M create_clone M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_production_test M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERU_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M sample_compset_file.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Thu May 27 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100527 One-line: Change ESMF lib from rp1 to rp2, add esmf auxtest lists
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.esmf.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.esmf.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.esmf.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Tue May 25 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100525 One-line: Change compsets to point to cism rather than gglc
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Mon May 24 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100524d One-line: Add CaseStatus, check_case, and .submit script capabilities
M create_test A ccsm_utils/Tools/check_case M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_begin M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_postrun.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Mon May 24 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100524b One-line: Change clm testlist a bit, update CLM I-case finidat files
- Update finidat files for I cases
- Update clm aux test to include ESMF (_E test) and change IG test to f19
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xsl - Remove SCIENCE/STATUS from display M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Mon May 24 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100524 One-line: rm SCIENCE,STATUS in config_compsets.xml, new: README, G intrepid layout, OCN_CO2_* var
create_newcase cat's scripts/README rm SCIENCE,STATUS from config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M create_newcase M README
new intrepid layout, use in intrepid.postag M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.posttag
add an allowable value to OCN_CO2_TYPE (in env_conv.xml) add a new OCN_ variable, OCN_CO2_FLUX_OCMIP_BUG_FIX, to env_conf.xml
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M doc/compsets_list.xml M doc/chap3.xml
Originator: mvertens Date: Sun May 23 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100523 One-line: Modified xmlchange to check whether id is in requested file (abort if not)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/xmlchange
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Wed May 19 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100519b One-line: Fix compsets to use FAMIPCN correctly
Note that GRID_MATCH must have an original compset defined with the same name
M ChangeLog M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Wed May 19 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100519 One-line: Use default compilers on bluefire, and new PES layout for edinburgh
Originator: kauff Date: Tue May 18 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100518 One-line: bug fix for create_newcase
As of scripts4_100513, create_newcase was causing OCN_NX and OCN_NY to be set to zero in env_case.xml. Only the X compset uses this value.
M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Mon May 17 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100517 One-line: new ne240_f02_g16, f02_g16; rm CICE_PRESAERO_TYPE; more pop2 archiving
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml <-- new hi-res grids, rm g14,g15 M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml <-- new hi-res layouts + + +
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag <-- new hi-res tests M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag <-- new hi-res tests
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml <-- rm CICE_PRESAERO_TYPE M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml <-- rm CICE_PRESAERO_TYPE
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh <-- recognizes new pop output
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Sun May 16 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100516 One-line: Changed all I,D,G compsets so that DATM_PRESAERO is on by default
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Thu May 13 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100513 One-line: put GLC_NX and GLC_NY definitions back in create_newcase, necessary for dead and data models
M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Wed May 10 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100512 One-line: bug fix: CAM5 testlist names on bluefire, T62_gx3 pe layouts
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Mon May 10 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100510a One-line: add "CAM5" compsets, change "track5" to "cam5"
add CM5 compsets, WACCM name cleanup BW1850 -> B1850W M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
add CM5 tests, WACCM name cleanup BW1850 -> B1850W M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.posttag
change compset name "TR5" to "C5" M ccsm_utiles/Testlists/bluefire.cam.auxtest M ccsm_utiles/Testlists/bluefire.cice1.auxtest M ccsm_utiles/Testlists/bluefire.cice2.auxtest M ccsm_utiles/Testlists/jaguar.cam.auxtest
WACCM name cleanup BW1850 -> B1850W M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
add missing endif M create_test
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Mon May 10 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100510 One-line: Merge scripts trunk with glc branch to bring glimmer support to the trunk
bug fix to create_test, changing an "endif" to an "end" M create_test
add cism files to the short-term archiving script M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh
remove GRID_MATCHes from IG compsets, because the initial conditions files are incompatible M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
remove GLC_GRID from grid configurations, moved to env_conf.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
add auxilliary testlist for GLC on bluefire A ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.glc.auxtest
add "cism" as new optional GLC land ice component M doc/env_case_list.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Wed May 5 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100505b One-line: Add CLM_BLDNML_OPTS to env_conf, add IG test to bluefire clm test list
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xsl - Separate into lists to make easier to read, add type and default in table as well. M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xsl --- Put more details and easier to view M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - Add CLM_BLDNML_OPTS so CLM build-namelist commandline options can be set from your case without having to edit the template file. Remove extra " that was in CCSM_VOC definition. M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest ------ Add an IG ERI test in
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Wed May 5 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100505 One-line: fix intrepid layout bugs, fix B_2000_CN_CHEM CCSM_CO2_PPMV="368.9"
fix bug wrt B_2000_CN_CHEM CCSM_CO2_PPMV="368.9", was 379 fix bugs wrt
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Tue May 4 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100504 One-line: fix intrepid layout bug, add intrepid & bluefire layouts
fix bug wrt add layouts for and group layouts by grid_match
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Mon May 3 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100503 One-line: fix create_test bug, fix GET_REFCASE message error, fix mkbatch for intrepid
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.intrepid
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Apr 27 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100427a One-line: add hopper, fix timing resolved RUNDIR issue, remove test report scripts
test reporting mods: M create_test M create_test_suite
timing RUNDIR mods: M ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh
hopper mods: A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hopper A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.hopper A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hopper M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/hopper.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Tue Apr 27 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100427 One-line: new WACCM/CHEM compsets, new T62_t12 layouts
- new WACCM/CHEM compsets from fvitt
- new T62_t12 layouts for C,D,G
- cleanup of f05_t12 B compset layouts
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Fri Apr 23 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100423 One-line: add brutus, update cost computation, add MLIBS to build
- add MLIBS to build to support link step order control. needed for frost where certain Macros defined libs needed to appear last to build properly.
- update frost (testing TBD)
- add brutus machine (testing TBD)
- update ranger (not yet working out of the box)
- update cost computation in timing tool, add BATCH_PES env variable.
- fix multiple configure/build bug, #952
M ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.brutus_im A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.brutus_io A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_im A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_io M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.bluefire A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.brutus_pm A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.brutus_po M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_ranger A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.brutus_im A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.brutus_io M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.intrepid A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.brutus_pm A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.brutus_po A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_pm M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_frost A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.brutus_po M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/brutus_im.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/brutus_io.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/brutus_pm.auxtest A ccsm_utils/Testlists/brutus_po.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Wed Apr 21 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100421 One-line: fix default T31_gx3v7 pe layout for bluefire
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Tue Apr 20 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100420a One-line: add OCN_TAVG run-time env vars, jaguar.posttag ERS.T62_t12.C.jaguar
M ccsm_utils/ccsm_utils/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/ccsm_utils/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Tue Apr 20 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100420 One-line: added new DATM_PRESAERO variable to env_conf.xml
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
This tag is needed to work with datm8_100420
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Apr 06 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100406a One-line: Add ARSC XT5 pingo
A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.pingo A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.pingo A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.pingo M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/pingo.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: kauff/erik Date: Tue Apr 06 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100406 One-line: Add CCSM_VOC, rcp4.5, rcp8.5, AMIP compsets, AMIP tests, increase cray walltime
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - Add CCSM_VOC to env_conf M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.cppdefs ------------- If CCSM_VOC is TRUE turn VOC CPP define on.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml <- rcp, AMIP M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml <- rcp, VOC M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.cppdefs <- VOC M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.franklin <- walltime increase M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.jaguar <- walltime increase M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.jaguarpf <- walltime increase M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.kraken <- walltime increase M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag <- AMIP M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh <- fix echo message wrt svn usage
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Mon Mar 29 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100329 One-line: update esmf lib, fix check_input_data
- fixes to check_input_data when running interactively
- updates to the esmf lib to point to esmf 4.0.0rp1_O on bluefire and jaguars.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Fri Mar 26 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100326 One-line: fixes for cs.status.xml script
- fix output file permissions
- fix to assume . is not in path
M create_test M create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Mon Mar 22 22:34:56 MDT 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100322b One-line: Have transient I cases GRAD_MATCH compsets NOT set START_DATE
Start_date for transient 1850-2000 cases was 1-01-01, should be 1850-01-01 Same with IRCP85CN compset while should be 2005-01-01. Should use the generic value rather than the value set on the GRID_MATCH.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Mon Mar 22 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100322 One-line: change POP pe count from 2464 to 2356 for X1 high-res configurations on the XTs, small Testlist change
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Fri Mar 19 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100319 One-line: set CO2_PPMV to 368.9 for present day
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
- set CO2 to new value for present day
CCSM_CO2_PPMV="379.000" => CCSM_CO2_PPMV="368.9"
- set start date for ramp and 20th century for f19_g16 to 501
- set start date for ramp for f99_g16 to 863
- the above start dates wil be used in the ccsm4.0 release
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Thu Mar 18 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100318 One-line: set CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART="on" for all GLC compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Wed Mar 17 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100317 One-line: remove PEM tests, remove compset G_CPLHIST
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M bluefire.posttag M bluefire.cice2.auxtes
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Tue Mar 16 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100316 One-line: intrepid compilers NOT hardcoded, changes to intrepid batch submit
Mods come from Ray Loy at ANL
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.intrepid
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Mon Mar 15 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100315 One-line: all xt's: don't set MPICH_UNEX_BUFFER_SIZE, -D_USE_FLOW_CONTROL
Also add jaguarpf testlist, initally same as franklin
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf A ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguarpf.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Fri Mar 12 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100312d One-line: update XT5 modules, tested to be bfb vs previous set on jaguarpf
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Fri Mar 12 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100312c One-line: remove CIAF test from jaguar.pretag
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Fri Mar 12 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100312b One-line: fix MPICH buffer error on franklin
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.franklin
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Fri Mar 12 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100312 One-line: fix to check_input_data regarding its interaction with the svn server
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Thu Mar 11 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100311
M create_test One line bug fix (addition of endif)
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Wed Mar 10 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100310d One-line: update esmf.mk handling,
- remove esmf logic from Macros files, add it to Makefile
- add support for system env variable ESMFMKFILE
- move USE_MPISERIAL and MPISERIAL_SUPPORT from env_build to env_conf due to cam configure interaction and fix impacts of this change.
- add module load esmf/4.0.0r_O to jaguar and jaguarpf
- remove local ESMF_LIBDIR path from config_machines.xml for jaguar and jaguarpf
- add some esmf tests to bluefire and jaguar posttag lists
- add two tests to bluefire.pop2.auxtest
- remove esmf.mk existance test in create_newcase
- fix compset shortname name error for F_1850_CN_CHEM
M ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile M ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_schirra M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_columbia M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_nyblue M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.cppdefs M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_atlas M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hadley M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_ranger M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_ubgl M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_ibm M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.midnight M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_frost M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pop2.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Wed Mar 10 15:34:17 MST 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100310c One-line: All I compsets for 1 and 2 degree use a reference case to startup with
Move xlmtestentry to proper place D xmltestentry A + ccsm_utils/Tools/xmltestentry
Add GRIDMATCH for 1-deg and 2-deg for all I compsets to use different datasets M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Wed Mar 10 13:55:25 MST 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100310 One-line: new PET_PT tests, intrepid B layout, B1850CNCHM compset, test_suite results in xml
- sync test lists wrt rel branch, in particular PET_PT tests
- improved intrepid f05_t12 B compset pe layout
- new compset: <compset NAME="F_1850_CN_CHEM" SHORTNAME="B1850CNCHM"
- new support for test_suite results in xml format
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M create_test A xmltestentry M create_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Sat Mar 6 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100306 One-line: Add stylesheets for compsets/definition, make CO2 in I compsets 368.9, fix name in clm test
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml -- I2000 compsets have CO2 as 368.9 rather than 379.000 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest ----- Fix name of RCP85 compset
A ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xsl - Stylesheet to display config_definition.xml file in a browser A ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xsl --- Stylesheet to display config_compsets.xml file in a browser
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Fri Mar 5 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100305 One-line: fix to archiving scripts to avoid any hsi commands on ncar machines - hsi commands will be added when hpss is fully functional
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_msmkdir
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Thu Mar 4 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100304b One-line: changes for PEA_P1 test to now work
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script
Note this also needs a change for cam.cpl7.template that should go into cam4_1_06
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Thu Mar 4 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100304 One-line: migrate untested machines to prototype_ name convention, delete calgary
- machines migrated to prototype_ are atlas, columbia, nyblue, ranger, schirra, ubgl, frost
- delete calgary_lahey and calgary_pgi
D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.columbia D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.frost D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.ranger A + ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_schirra D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.ubgl A + ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_schirra A + ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_columbia A + ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.prototype_columbia A + ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_nyblue A + ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.prototype_nyblue A + ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_ranger D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.calgary_lahey A + ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_atlas D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.schirra D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.calgary_lahey A + ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_columbia D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.calgary_pgi D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.atlas A + ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_frost D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.frost D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.calgary_pgi A + ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.prototype_frost D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.ubgl D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.ubgl D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.frost D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.nyblue D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.nyblue A + ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_ranger A + ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.prototype_ranger A + ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_atlas A + ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_ubgl D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.schirra D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.columbia A + ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.prototype_ubgl A + ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.prototype_schirra D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.nyblue D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.atlas A + ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.prototype_atlas D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.schirra A + ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_ubgl D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.atlas D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.calgary_lahey A + ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.prototype_nyblue D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.ranger D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.ranger D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.calgary_pgi A + ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.prototype_frost M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.columbia
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Mon Mar 1 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100301b One-line: tweak bluefire.posttag PET_PT test
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Mon Mar 1 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100301 One-line: add ref case for f09_g16 BRCP85CN, change "cam3_5_1" to "cam4"
also change "track1" & "cam3_5_1" to "cam4" in cam nml & use cases
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig,kauff Date: Thu Feb 25, 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100225 One-line: test, pe layout, esmf lib updates
- add bluefire PET_PT,PMT B case tests
- new intrepid hires layout
- bug fix of $found in create_newcase
- add esmf lib path to jaguar and jaguarpf
M create_newcase M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Wed Feb 24 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100224 One-line: add B_RCP8.5_CN compset
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Mon Feb 22 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100222 One-line: updates for pio and mct build
- Add Macros CONFIG_SHELL variable for pio and mct builds
- Update CC option in mct build
M ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile M ccsm_utils/Components/pio.buildlib M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.schirra M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.calgary_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hadley M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.ubgl M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.frost M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.nyblue M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_ibm M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.midnight M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.atlas M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.ranger M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.calgary_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.columbia
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Fri Feb 19 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100219b One-line: update cam nml use cases for consistency with cam4_1_02
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Fri Feb 19 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100219a One-line: add PST, PMT, and PET tests
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/PMT_auto_pes_file A ccsm_utils/Testcases/PST_auto_pes_file M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PET_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice2.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
Originator: kauff Date: Fri Feb 19 14:21:34 MST 201 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100219 One-line: bluefire xlf compiler patch, rm dublin, mod edinburgh pe layout & tests
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire ~ xlf compiler patch M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.pretag ~ move some posttag test here M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.posttag ~ replace f45_g37.B20TRCN with f19_g16.B20TRCN M Machines/config_machines.xml M Machines/config_pes.xml
D Machines/Macros.dublin_lahey ~ dublin is gone baby gone D Machines/env_machopts.dublin_lahey D Machines/Macros.dublin_pgi D Machines/env_machopts.dublin_pgi D Machines/mkbatch.dublin_pgi D Machines/mkbatch.dublin_intel D Machines/mkbatch.dublin_lahey D Machines/Macros.dublin_intel D Machines/env_machopts.dublin_intel D Testlists/dublin.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Fri Feb 19 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100218 One-line: scripts clean up, fix PET
- update clean_build script to remove source file for pop
- update ATM_NCPL and OCN_NCPL defaults from 0
- remove F and I error message for samegrid
- add copy of seq_maps.rc to CaseDocs
- change PET to PST and PMT tests
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/clean_build M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildnml.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice2.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Mon Feb 15 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100216 One-line: updates for jaguar
- change gmake -j to 4 for jaguarpf (was 12)
- add -D_USE_FLOW_CONTROL to jaguar and jaguarpf defaults
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Mon Feb 15 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100215 One-line: scripts updates
- set default pes_per_node to max_tasks_per_node, remove pes_per_node from create_newcase and from most machines.
- remove HIST_64BIT env variable
- remove compset FH
- correct nx and ny values for homme grids in config_grid.xml
- add descriptions where they were missing in config_grid.xml
- add NPFIX variable attribute to homme grids in config_grid.xml
- fix grid name for T85_T85
- modify ConfigCase.pm for docbook table generation
- update descriptions for env variables in config_definition.xml
- update PNETCDF documentation in generic machines
- update cost of PET and PEM tests
M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_setup.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_ibm M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice2.auxtest M doc/env_build_list.xml M doc/env_mach_pes_list.xml M doc/env_run_list.xml M doc/env_case_list.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Model: scripts Version: scripts4_1002?? One-line: accumulating changes for next tag
- rm run_test_suite - it doesn't do anything D run_test_suite
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Tue Feb 9, 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100209 One-line: Make sure Fortran mangle definitions are in ALL Macros files
This fixes bug 1091
Add FORTRAN_SAME definition to IBM machines that didn't define it. M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.schirra M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.ubgl M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.nyblue
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Tue Feb 4, 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100204 One-line: Remove CLM_DEMAND, add in CLM_CO2_TYPE and CLM_NML_USE_CASE
This change requires clm3_7_02 to work.
Change several CLM_ env conf variables, and add a new "I" compset for rcp-8.5. Add new clm test list for edinburgh, update documentation with these changes.
Remove CLM_DEMAND, add in CLM_CO2_TYPE and CLM_NML_USE_CASE M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml ----- Add new compset for I8521CNR85 (1850-2200, rcp=8.5 with CN, starts in 2005) M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml --- Add new vars delete CLM_DEMAND M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest -------- Add a test for new compset: I8521CNR85 A ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.clm.auxtest ------- Add new clm test list for edinburgh Update documentation with above changes M doc/env_conf_list.xml -- Updated from running write_docbook_file M doc/compsets_list.xml -- Updated from running write_docbook_file M doc/chap3.xml ---------- Document new variables, remove CLM_DEMAND
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Tue Feb 2, 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100202 One-line: sync config_pe.xml & test lists wrt new tri-grid naming convention
- sync wrt config_grid.xml:<horiz_grid GRID="ne30np4_1.9x2.5_gx1v6" SHORTNAME="ne30_f19_g16"
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Feb 2, 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100201d One-line: fixed ERI problem introduced with move of GET_REFCASE to new env file
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Mon Feb 1, 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100201c One-line: fixed problem in ConfigCase.pm
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Mon Feb 1, 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100201b One-line: changes needed for clearer display of tables in documentation
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M doc/machines_list.xml M doc/compsets_list.xml M doc/write_docbook_file M doc/env_run_list.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Mon Feb 1, 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100201a One-line: fix prestage bug introduced in 100201
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh
================================================================================ Originator: kauff, tcraig Date: Mon Feb 1, 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100201 One-line: update env vars, add interpid pe layout and other pecounts
- clean up grid naming convention for tri-grids...
- new pe layout for:
- add support for -h option in create_test
- move GET_REFCASE to env_conf
- move PIO_CONFIG_ARGS to env_build
- add BRNCH_RETAIN_CASENAME to env_conf
- add more pecount options to config_pes.xml including additional threaded layouts and support for exactly 1,16,32,64,128,4x4,8x4,16x4 layouts
- turn off automatic export of REFCASE data if it's not available locally
- add module load subversion to jaguars, kraken, franklin
- change "dublin" to "edinburgh" in test list
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Jan 27 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100127 One-line: change to have lt archiver run as size=0 jobs on jaguar, jaguarpf
M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.jaguar
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Jan 25 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100125 One-line: added edinburgh, fixed kraken test failures
- added edinburgh to Machines and Testlists
- commented out setenv MPICH_UNEX_BUFFER_SIZE .. in env_machopts.kraken
A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.edinburgh_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_lahey A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.edinburgh_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.edinburgh_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.edinburgh_lahey A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.edinburgh_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/edinburgh.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Jan 22 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100122 One-line: update prestaging and tests
- update configuration warning message
- add ERI test
- update PEA test to be only a 1 pe test with MPISERIAL and MPI
- update listfilesin_streams and check_input_data for better support for DIN_LOC_ROOT and DIN_LOC_ROOT_QIAN
- update prestage script for addition checks, automatic export, and prestaging of REFCASE data.
- remove PRESTAGE_DATA and DIN_LOC_REFCASE env variables. leverage existing env variables for feature support. remove CCSM_PECOUNT references
- update ESMFLIB to official v4 release on bluefire
- improve CME test to support rerun capability
- copy listfilesin_streams to CASE Tools directory for future use
- update test lists, add ERI, update PEA
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data M ccsm_utils/Tools/listfilesin_streams M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_getenv M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script A ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERI_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/P4A_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: 1/14/10 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100114 One-line: updates to generic machines
- add inline documentation with tag GENERIC_USER
- add more examples of possible setups in generic machine scripts
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_ibm M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_ibm M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_ibm M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_lahey
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 2010 Jan 13 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100113d One-line: fixes for documentation Originator: kauff
Removed reduntant listing of compsets and removed unsupported machines in favor of supported machines that are either routinely or not routinely tested
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: 2010 Jan 13 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100113c One-line: fix executable file permission in Machines Originator: kauff
svn propset svn:executable ON M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_pathscale M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_lahey
================================================================================ Date: 2010 Jan 13 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100113b One-line: add export to suite cs.submit script. update test lists, hadley, midnight.
- changes to B20TRCNCHM B1850CNCHM coverage on bluefire, franklin
- add check_input_data export call to cs.submit script for suites. this will help automate downloading of new data when testing.
- update hadley job times
- update midnight env to use pgi9.0.4 instead of pgi7.2.2
- add default pes for T62_gx1 cases.
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hadley M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.midnight M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M Testlists/bluefire.posttag M Testlists/franklin.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfes Date: 2010 Jan 13 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100113 One-line: remove obsolete setting from kraken batch script
M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.kraken
Originator: kauff, mvertens Date: 2010 Jan 12 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100112c One-line: add B tests, add B20TRCNCHM , error check create_newcase -pecount option
error check valid pecount options M create_newcase
Add new B1850CNCHM compsets M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
Add new B, B1850CNCHM tests M Testlists/hadley.auxtest M Testlists/intrepid.posttag M Testlists/kraken.posttag M Testlists/jauguar.posttag M Testlists/bluefire.posttag M Testlists/bluefire.cam.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfes Date: 2010 Jan 12 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100112b One-line: fix PIO build for XT's, update kraken machine files
remove FFLAGS_PIO variable, remove pnetcdf from PIO build on XTs M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf
change kraken to 12 pes per node, use same default pe configurations as jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
Originator: mvertens Date: 2010 Jan 12 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100112 One-line: fixed ERB, ERH and P4A tests that were effected by DIN_LOC_REFCASE
fixed hadley DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMQIAN M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
fixed problems encountered with running tests that used DIN_LOC_REFCASE with a non-blank value M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERB_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/P4A_script
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: 2010 Jan 11 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100111b One-line: new perl5lib tag - new filenames where a ':' was in the name - needed on platforms (windows) that can not handle such filenames
================================================================================ Originator: kauff, tcraig, jedwards Date: 2010 Jan 11 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100111 One-line: Testlist changes, mkbatch.generic_ibm mods, DIN_LOC_REFCASE mods
Replace B compsets with B1850CN (B is non-standard) M Testlists/bluefire.pop2.auxtest M Testlists/franklin.posttag M Testlists/hadley.auxtest M Testlists/intrepid.posttag M Testlists/kraken.posttag
updates to loadleveler configuration M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_ibm
- move DIN_LOC_REFCASE checks to ccsm_prestage to be consistent with env_run variable and so checks are done for every run.
- add logic to turn on DIN_LOC_REFCASE checks only when CONTINUE_RUN is FALSE.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 1/10/2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100110 One-line: Put in capability for data to be prestaged from ccsm4_init
Introduced new variable in env_run.xml, DIN_LOC_REFCASE This is the path relative to DIN_LOC_ROOT where standard REFCASE data is kept (e.g. for B_1850_CN at f09_g16). This variable is automiatically filled in by create_newcase.
$CASE.$MACH.build will automatically bring this data over into $RUNDIR. configure will check if it is in prompt the user for obtaining it form the inputdata repository.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
D ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xsl D ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xsl
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 1/8/2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100108b One-line: Changed pnetcdf paths for bluefire and frost
These changes are needed to use the new pio code which is now in http://parallelio.googlecode.com/svn/trunk_tags/pio1_0_6
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.frost
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens,kauff Date: 1/8/2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100108 One-line: Put in new comments for science support or lack thereof
Also remove more g35,g14,g15 grid combos (obsolete pop grids) Change compset name: G1850 -> G1850ECO (uses pop ecosystem)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: 1/7/2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100107b One-line: Update machine files to avoid communication problems
- comment out setting MP_EAGER_LIMIT on bluefire, since the default setting changes with processor count and we have had to set this to 0 to run consistently
- add FFLAGS_PIO to all XT Macros files, to avoid a PIO problem that occurs writing files when one or more components uses OpenMP threads. Right now, these flags build PIO in debug mode, which has been tested to work on jaguarpf.
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: 1/7/2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100107 One-line: Remove f45_g35 tests from test lists
Remove all of the f45_g35 and replace with f45_g37 in the test lists, as f45_g35 has been removed. Also remove DATM_CO2_TSERIES from config_compsets as was removed from definition file. And fix I1850CN compset name in bluefire.clm.auxtest test list.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cam.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/midnight.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/atlas.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hadley.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice1.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice2.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: 1/6/2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100106c One-line: atm/ocn grids allowed to be identical only for F compsets
M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100106b One-line: put in grid optional attributes into compsets
- special input data handling for 1850 control for f09_g16 and f19_g16 starts and 20th century f09_g16 - these now start hybrid runs from the supported spun-up data in $DIN_LOC_ROOT_CSMDATA/ccsm4_init
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: kauff, jacob Date: Wed Jan 6 16:59:25 MST 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100106 One-line: fix casename typo, new homme mapping files, intrepid mods
fix typo in B1850RMCN compset name: M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
new homme mapping files, pe layout, add homme posttag test M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
intrepid changes from ANL: M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.intrepid* M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
================================================================================ Originator: kauff, erik, jwolfe, mvr Date: Tue Jan 5 16:30:24 MST 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100105b One-line: compset name cleanup; modify handling of initial files in archive scripts
config_compsets.xml cleanup... Capitalize compset descriptions. Remove "TRACK1"/TR1 out of compset names/shortnames. Remove DEV out of TRACK5DEV in CAM compset names/shortnames. Remove compsets with CAM that don't have track1/track5, or convert to track1 Remove WACCM 1995 compsets (B & F). Improve descriptions for I compsets. I_1850 compsets are now over 1948-1972 datm forcing. I_GLC => I_2000_GLC, also set CO2 to 379 I_1948-2004* also set CO2 to 379 I_1850-2000* set CO2 to 379, datm over 1948-1972, rather than 1948-2000 aligned on 1895 I_CN -> I_2000_CN Add transient F case with CN "F_1850-2000_CN". Add stylesheets so can display the config_compsets and config_definition xml files in a browser (can also help find xml formatting issues).
Change comments in config_definition.xml so can be displayed. Fix a couple xml errors in config_definition.xml. Remove DATM_CO2_TSERIES as not used in datm yet.
Remove "-d" flag from POP build on bluefire, as requested by Nancy Norton Add default configurations for T31_gx3v7 B on bluefire for S, M, and L pe-counts Add default configuration for 1.9x2.5_gx1v6 B on jaguarpf
initial files will now be treated like restart files during archiving - latest files will be kept as part of restart bundle and interim files removed, unless specifically requested to be saved via DOUT_S_SAVE_INT_REST_FILES
fix dublin tools path: CCSM_CPRNC="/fs/cgd/csm/tools/cprnc_64/cprnc
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml A ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xsl A ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xsl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/* M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh
Update HOMME grids
- rm <horiz_grid GRID="ne16np4_T42_gx3v5" SHORTNAME="ne16T42_g35"
- rm <horiz_grid GRID="ne30np4_T42_gx3v5" SHORTNAME="ne30T42_g35"
- add <horiz_grid GRID="ne30np4_fv1.9x2.5_gx1v6" SHORTNAME="ne30f19_g16"
- change <horiz_grid GRID="ne240np4_fv23x31_gx1v5" SHORTNAME="ne240f23_g15"
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grids.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Mon Jan 3 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100103b One-line: more updates for User's Guide and release
D switch_machine M README D README_production M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M doc/env_build_list.xml M doc/env_mach_pes_list.xml M doc/env_conf_list.xml M doc/env_run_list.xml D README_quickstart
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Mon Jan 3 2010 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_100103 One-line: update documentation (for docbook) and config_definition.xml
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm
- added capability to write docbook tables for all the xml files
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
- changed variables CCSM_SSTDATA_ to DOCN_SSTDATA_
- added a lot more long description
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
M create_newcase
Note - the doc/ directory is completely different. All the original
documentation was removed and the docbook files and xml tables were
================================================================================ Originator: kauff/erik Date: Thu Dec 31 15:14:00 MST 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091231 One-line: rm old grids, B,I,F compset cleanup, F now means docn, new dublin testlist
- rm all grid combos using gx3v5, gx1v4, gx1v5 (obsolete pop grids) EXCEPT f02_g15 and all tri-grid compsets because there currently is no gx3v7 or gx1v6 (current pop grid) alternative for them (they don't have the necessary mapping/grid/domain files to run)
- rm all F compsets using camdom, rename "FD" compsets as "F" ("F" used to mean camdom and "FD" meant docn, now "F" means docn)
- rm C_PIO compset
- rm B_HIRES, B_1850-2000 (cam head) compset
- rm USEPIO from config_definition.xml (not used anywhere)
- rm all CASA compsets as CASA will NOT be supported (erik)
- Change name of I compsets to put CN at the end (erik)
- Change name of transient I compsets to use a dash "-" instead of an underscore "_" (erik)
- Add longer descriptions for CLM variables in config_definition file (erik)
- Add longer descriptions for compsets with CLM make use of either Satellite phenology (SP) or CN biogeochemistry phenology. (erik)
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grids.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/dublin.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.clm.auxtest -- Make consistent with new compset names M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.auxtest -- Make consistent with new compset names M README_bgc --- Remove documentation about CLM_CO2_TYPE no longer used (erik) M ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile -- add SVN header
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Tue Dec 22 13:34:33 MST 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091222 One-line: restore 1850/20th-cent track5 compsets, add T62_t12.G test case
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Mon Dec 21 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091221 One-line: removed surveyor and added intrepid mods"
D Macros.surveyor D env_machopts.surveyor M Macros.intrepid D mkbatch.surveyor M mkbatch.intrepid M config_machines.xml
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data - corrected error report for input argument
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Fri Dec 18 17:11:20 MST 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091218b One-line: add 4x5_gx3v7 support, rm track5 compsets
add 4x5_gx3v7 grid support M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
T31_g37.B and f45_g37.BW are part of ccsm4.x -- add tests for these M ccsm_utils/jaguar.pretag M ccsm_utils/bluefire.pretag
track5 cam is not part of ccsm4.x -- rm TR5 compsets M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/newmachine.port.auxtest replace BTR5 w/ BTR1CN M ccsm_utils/Testlists/midnight.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/atlas.auxtest M ccsm_utils/Testlists/hadley.auxtest
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Fri Dec 18 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091218 One-line: add dublin intel and generic machines
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.dublin_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Dec 15 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091215 One-line: update check_input_data for commments in input list
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Mon Dec 14 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091214 One-line: Add FDTR1H compset
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Sun Dec 13 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091213 One-line: added new generic machine capability
removed DOUT_L_RCP_ROOT, DOUT_L_RCP, ARCH, SITE xml variables
the following new arguments were added to create_newcase that must be specified for a generic machine -exedir ccsm executable directory (EXEROOT will be EXEDIR/CASE) (char) -din_loc_root_csmdata ccsm input data root directory (char) -max_tasks_per_node maximum mpi tasks per machine node (integer) -pes_per_node processors per machine node (integer)
generic machine settings that must be user editable appear primarily in the env_mach_specific file with the entry USER_MUST_FILL_THIS_IN
with these settings new generic machine settings in config_machines.xml are simple - as an example:
changes are completely backwards compatible
- verified that ERT.f09_g16.B1850TR1CN.bluefire worked and was bfb with beta36
- verified that long term archiving and resubmit functionality still worked
tested the generic setting for both generic_ibm (bluefire) and generic_linux_pgi(dublin) (note that could easily build on dublin by changing env_mach_specific - but there are currently problems running on this platform)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_l_archive.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_pgi D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_path D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lightning_path M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.ranger D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lightning_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.ubgl A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pathscale D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lightning_intel D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lightning_path A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_ibm A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_ibm A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_lahey A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_xt A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_xt A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_linux_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.dublin_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_pathscale A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_xt D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.columbia A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_pathscale A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.atlas A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.generic_linux_lahey A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.generic_ibm A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.dublin_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.dublin_intel A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.generic_linux_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Dec 8 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091208 One-line: add gregorian calendar and single column support
- add CALENDAR env variable in env_run
- add ESMF_INTERFACE and MCT_INTERFACE cpp tokens, needed for esmf register routines
- remove restriction on identical grids for single column mode
- update CCSM_SSTDATA_FILE to reflect latest version with calendar attribute in time units
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.cppdefs M create_newcase
Originator: tcraig Date: Wed Dec 2 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091202 One-line: update check_input_data, add "FD" temporary compsets, add ne grids, CCSM_SSTDATA
M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildnml.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_prestage.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/generate_batch.csh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Wed Nov 18 17:01:20 MST 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091118 One-line: mods to Testlists in support of release testing
- files ending in .pretag & .posttag are the official ccsm4.0 pre & post tag tests all other files get the .auxtest extension
M atlas.auxtest M bluefire.cam.auxtest M bluefire.cice1.auxtest M bluefire.cice2.auxtest M bluefire.clm.auxtest M bluefire.pop2.auxtest M bluefire.posttag M bluefire.pretag M dublin.posttag M franklin.posttag M hadley.auxtest M intrepid.posttag M jaguar.cam.auxtest M jaguar.clm.auxtest M jaguar.posttag M jaguar.pretag M kraken.posttag M midnight.auxtest M newmachine.port.auxtest
- add LM_BLDNML_OPTS="-use_case glacier_mec" when using glimmer
- expand tabs into spaces M config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Fri Nov 13 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091113 One-line: new directory structure for data and drv
- add hadley (UCB Linux with intel compiler)
- change Filepath in csm_share build to be consistent with driver and csm_share changes
- change st archiver to reference to datm instead of datm7 (same)
- change references to DATM7 to DATM (same for other data models)
- change data model sandbox reference from datm7 to datm (same)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Components/csm_share.buildlib M create_newcase A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.hadley A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.hadley A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.hadley M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/hadley.posttag A ccsm_utils/Testlists/hadley.pretag
Originator: jwolfe Date: Fri Nov 06 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091106b One-line: Correct p-netcdf module on franklin and remove some lightning files
- remove lightning_lahey and lightning_pgi files, since lightning is set to be decommissioned soon. Leaving lightning_path and lightning_intel as examples until we have other machine files using those compilers
- fix problem with name of franklin p-netcdf module
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.franklin D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lightning_lahey D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lightning_lahey D ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.lightning_pgi D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_lahey D ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.lightning_pgi D ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_pgi
Originator: tcraig Date: Fri Nov 06 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091106 One-line: fix ERH script for reproducibility (bug #1067)
M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERH_script
Originator: jwolfe Date: Tue Nov 03 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091103 One-line: Updated location of inputdata and shared disk space on franklin
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
Originator: mvertens Date: Mon Nov 02 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091102 One-line: Misc added compset F_AMIP_1DEG_TRACK1_CMIP5
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Fri Oct 30 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091030 One-line: Misc machine file clean-up
- in env_machopts.bluefire, add MP_BUFFER_MEM setting to non-default value of 64M to help fix Keith Lindsay's mpi hang issue
- in Macros.bluefire, add "-d" flag to POP compilation to save intermediate preprocessing .f90 files
- change SPEC_FFLAGS to FFLAGS_NOOPT to make usage consistent in all Macros
- add FFLAGS_NOOPT settings to Macros logic for debug and threading to make sure special files are compiled consistently with the rest of CCSM
- for PGI compilers, change "-fast" to "-O2" due to optimization issues and potential changes to the "-fast" definition
- removed settings for xlf12 on bluefire, since it is now the default compiler
- add new posttag Testlist for intrepid
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_path M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.dublin_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.dublin_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.schirra M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.calgary_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.midnight M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.atlas M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.ranger M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.calgary_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.columbia A ccsm_utils/Testlists/intrepid.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Tue Oct 27 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091027b One-line: Update perl5lib to perl5lib_091027
Update the version of perl5lib to perl5lib_091027. This enables the CLM_USRDAT_NAME feature in scripts.
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Tue Oct 27 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091027 One-line: Added compset_file to create_newcase and create_test. Added DESC to config_grid.xml
M create_test Added compset_file option M create_newcase Added compset_file_option A compset_file_sample.xml Sample compset file M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml Added DESC variable to grids
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Wed Oct 21 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091021 One-line: Some changes to Makefile so clm can use it as source, add in CLM_USRDAT_NAME and DATM_CO2_TSERIES
(moved from branches/co2tseries branch)
M ccsm_utils/Build/Makefile ---------------------- Add check if: ULIBS, CLIBS, and ULIBDEF defined before being set Add comment to MACFILE include, change RM EXEC to EXEC_SE as EXEC no longer exists M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml --- Add DATM_CO2_TSERIES=TRUE for I 1850-2000 compsets M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - Add CLM_USRDAT_NAME and DATM_CO2_TSERIES M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.pretag ------- Add some RLA, RLB, and RLO tests
Testing: Check that A and B cases on bluefire and jaguar work
SMS.f19_g16.BTR1.jaguar ---- Builds SMS.f19_g16.BTR1.bluefire -- Builds SMS.f19_g16.A.jaguar ------- Builds and runs ERS.f19_g16.A.bluefire ----- Builds and runs
Also I cases build and run
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Thu Oct 15 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091015 One-line: make PEM and PET tests in testlists more relevant
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Oct 13 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091013 One-line: general improvements
- update to kraken machine files
- updates for intrepid
- fix ERP and ERT test, rest_option setting proposed by dbailey
- turn off ERT compare cpl log test (#1020)
- change cpl log message for missing comm diag output to UNDEF
- fix test output throughput and memory diagnostics
- fix create_suite scriptsroot bug (#1054)
- fix PFS test output
- modify test generate behaviour when pass fails, data is not longer saved in generate mode
- add _R* single point option to create_test (#1047)
- add _R single point tests to bluefire, dublin, and jaguar posttag lists
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/check_exactrestart.pl M ccsm_utils/Tools/testcase_end M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERT_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/dublin.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M create_suite
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Mon Oct 12 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091012 One-line: add P4A test and B1850TR1CNRM compset
- and add 4 tests to bluefire.pretag
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/P4A_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Oct 06 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091006 One-line: fix qstat and qsub paths, need full paths right now
- the path /usr/local/torque/bin is not in the default path so qstat and qsub need to be defined with the full path.
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Thu Oct 01 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091001a One-line: fix MPI_SERIAL mode
- fix MPI_SERIAL mode by changing if test in all Macros files
- add PEA test, compares standard run with 1 pe run in cpl BFB mode
- add PEA and esmf tests to bluefire posttag lists
- add pecount = 1 to config_pes.xml and use that instead of special ptsmode_match in create_newcase
- add HAVE_MPI cpp to Macros.cppdefs for timing lib
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.surveyor M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_path M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.dublin_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.dublin_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.intrepid M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.cppdefs M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.schirra M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.calgary_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.ubgl M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.frost M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.nyblue M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_intel M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.midnight M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.atlas M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_lahey M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.ranger M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.calgary_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.columbia M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/PEA_script M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Thu Oct 01 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_091001 One-line: Remove redundant test from bluefire pre-tag testlist
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Mon Sep 28 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090928 One-line: lt archive fix to enable saving of interim restart files; added handling of dart output to st archive script
- fix is for bug #1039
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_l_archive.csh
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Sat Sep 26 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090926 One-line: Updates for ESMF
- update perf_summary.pl for cleaner output
- bug fix for PET, PEM, SEQ pe setup in create_test
- update valid values for DLND_RUNOFF_MODE
- add CME test (Compare Mct Esmf implementations)
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/perf_summary.pl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/config_tests.xml A ccsm_utils/Testcases/CME_script
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Fri Sep 25 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090925 One-line: Update machine files for Cray XT's
- update franklin, jaguar, jaguarpf, and kraken machopts files to use pgi 9.0.2 and a consistent set of other modules
- update support for jaguarpf to use the right number of PES_PER_NODE
- move jaguarpf pe configurations to be separate from other XT's, since it has a different number of PES_PER_NODE
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
================================================================================ Originator: njn01 Date: Tue Sep 22 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090922 One-line: Modify pretag and posttag gx3v7 test lists
M 18413 ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice1.pretag M 18413 ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: dbailey Date: Mon Sep 21 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090921 One-line: Additional IPCC/CMIP sea ice tracers.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Wed Sep 16 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090916 One-line: new dublin test list
A ccsm_utils/Testlists/dublin.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Tue Sep 15 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090915b One-line: lt archiver enabled to tar daily pop output
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_l_archive.csh
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Tue Sep 15 14:49:08 MDT 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090915 One-line: add T62_gx3v7 support, T31/T62_gx3v5 tests changed to gx3v7
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning_path.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/calgary_lahey.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning_lahey.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/dublin.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/testlist.port M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning_intel.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning_pgi.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Sep 10 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090910 One-line: remove noopt flag from -qsmp setting due to performance hit
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Sep 9 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090908 One-line: updates to scripts, fixes
- fix bug #1015, extra restarts in ERT and ERP
- fix bug in env_build checking wrt cleanmach
- fix SEQ script for new env_build checking
- increase pecount="T" pe counts for faster turnaround
- set CCSM_CCOST to >1 for several slow compsets (BW, BTR5, etc)
- fix bug #1012, automatic creation of testroot in create_test
M create_test M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERP_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/SEQ_script M ccsm_utils/Testcases/ERT_script
Originator: tcraig Date: Mon Sep 7 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090907a One-line: updates to dead/stub models for esmf
- move stub and dead template scripts to each component bld directory and update create_newcase to reflect those changes
- update env_build and Macros checking and error messages (bug #1018)
- add S_PRESENT_DAY (S) compset which is all stub + datm
- update franklin to remove module load xtpe-quadcore and PBS -l feature=quad at request of NERSC. these are obsolete, unnecessary, or problematic with next upgrade.
- add support for _DE and _ED (same thing) test options
- add ERS_DE.f19_g16.A.bluefire to bluefire.pretag testlist
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_buildexe.csh M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_check_lockedfiles M ccsm_utils/Tools/clean_build M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml D ccsm_utils/Components/xlnd.template D ccsm_utils/Components/xocn.template D ccsm_utils/Components/sglc.template D ccsm_utils/Components/xice.template D ccsm_utils/Components/xatm.template D ccsm_utils/Components/xglc.template M ccsm_utils/Components/csm_share.buildlib D ccsm_utils/Components/slnd.template D ccsm_utils/Components/socn.template D ccsm_utils/Components/sice.template D ccsm_utils/Components/satm.template M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.franklin M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M create_newcase
Originator: kauff Date: Fri Sep 4 11:10:30 MDT 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090904 One-line: new/corrected T31_gx3v7 mapping files
M Case.template/config_grid.xml
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Sep 03 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090903a One-line: Change CAM thread optimization to -O2 on bluefire
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Sep 03 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090903 One-line: Change CAM optimization to -O2 on bluefire and update pnetcdf module on kraken
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Sep 02 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090902a One-line: add missed files necessary to run on dublin
A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.dublin_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.dublin_lahey
================================================================================ Originator: feiliu Date: Sep 02 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090902 One-line: added capability to automate running ESMF enabled experiments
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M create_newcase
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Tue Sep 1 16:34:45 MDT 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090901c One-line: T31_gx3v7 support, new tx0.1 mapping files
- new grid support: T31_gx3v7
- new mapping file: T31_gx3v5 patch map, atm->ocn
- new fv0.5, fv0.25 <-> tx0.1 mapping files (fixes pop domain bug in mapping files).
- document epbal & albav in config_definition.xml
M Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Sep 01 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090901a One-line: added non CN pretag tests for bluefire and jaguar
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Sep 01 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090901 One-line: Make XLF12 the default compiler on bluefire
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.bluefire M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.bluefire
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Aug 29 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090829 One-line: Autoflip PES=1, USE_MPISERIAL=TRUE for PTSMODE
Update externals to perl5lib_090829
M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml -- Add setting when ptsmode=TRUE M create_newcase ---------------------- Turn USE_MPISERIAL=TRUE and pass ptsmode to set_pes.
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Aug 28 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090828 One-line: add support for machine dublin with pgi and lahey compilers
A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.dublin_lahey A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.dublin_lahey A ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.dublin_pgi A ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.dublin_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_machines.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/dublin.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Aug 14 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090814 One-line: new E_1850_TRACK1_CN compset, and more changes to Testlists
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Aug 11 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090811 One-line: Added new WACCM: compset, pes config, and Testlist
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Aug 06 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090806 One-line: Update perl5lib, move check for camdom grids to create_newcase
Update perl5lib to perl5lib_090704 -- adds get_usr_file method, needed for new clm build-namelist feature.
Move check for camdom atm and ocn grids to be identical to create_newcase rather than configure. The problem is that you don't know the problem until the configure step -- you have to rerun create_newcase. This resolves bug 925.
M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure -- Remove the check for camdom grids move it to create_newcase M create_newcase -------------- Put the check for camdom grids in set_compset
================================================================================ Originator: mvr,hannay Date: Aug 05 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090805 One-line: Create a new compset for Track5 transient
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: Erik Kluzek Date: Aug 01 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090801 One-line: Add some additional clm tests
M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.pretag A ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.clm.posttag
================================================================================ Originator: Chris Fischer Date: Thu Jul 30 10:20:50 MDT 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090730 One-line: Change to Testlists, pe layout for C compsets on jaguar, and WACCM changes
Changed B20TR1 and B1850TR1 tests to B20TR1CN and B1850TR1CN Changed pe layout for C compsets on jaguar from the default to the same as on bluefire. Made changes to config_compsets.xml for WACCM 1850 runs
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml A ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: Chris Fischer Date: Tue Jul 28 15:40:55 MDT 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090728c One-line: Change ERP to ERT tests M ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.pretag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag
================================================================================ Originator: Fei Liu Date: Tue Jul 28 13:15:56 MDT 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090728b One-line: changes make scripts build with ESMF library turned on or off M ccsm_utils/Components/csm_share.buildlib M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.cppdefs
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Jul 28 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090728 One-line: Add PTS_MODE, PTS_LAT, PTS_LON and command line option to set these
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm --------- Only add pts_mode stuff if turned on M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - Add PTS_MODE, PTS_LAT, PTS_LON definition M create_newcase --------------------------------- Add -pts_lat/-pts_lon command line option This will then set PTS_MODE in env_case and PTS_LAT/PTS_LON in env_run also ensures that grids are identical, and don't set ???_NX/???_NY is pts-mode
================================================================================ Originator: jwolfe Date: Wed Jul 22 15:44:19 MDT 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090722b One-line: Change jaguar module to fix build problem with old version
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.jaguar
================================================================================ Originator: kauff Date: Wed Jul 22 14:04:01 MDT 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090722 One-line: add support for jaguarpf, ORNL XT5
Mods provided by Pat Worley
A Machines/mkbatch.jaguarpf A Machines/Macros.jaguarpf A Machines/env_machopts.jaguarpf M Machines/config_pes.xml M Machines/config_machines.xml
================================================================================ Originator: mvr, hannay Date: Tue Jul 21 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090721 One-line: enable environment variable for saving all restart files generated, not just those from end-of-run; change the cam use case for track5 1850 compset
M ccsm_utils/Tools/st_archive.sh M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Mon Jul 20 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090720 One-line: Add CLM1PT option for DATM_MODE, remove CLM_ARB_IC, document CLM_* vars
Add a new CLM1PT option for DATM_MODE. Remove the CLM_ARB_IC variable as it is confusing. And make sure CLM_* variables have some documentation on them.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Fri Jul 17 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090717 One-line: Update perl5lib version, add 2000_control use_cases for CLM
Update version of perl5lib so that will expand env variable DIN_LOC_ROOT is chng_din_lc option is on. This allows CLM to use the datm7 version of the streams template rather than keeping it's own copy.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml -- Set 2000 control cases for CLM to the 2000_control use_case rather than setting sim_yr to 2000 (in CLM_BLDNML_OPTS).
================================================================================ Originator: mvertens Date: Thu Jul 16 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090716 One-line: put in fix for using csm_share build with ESMF library
M ccsm_utils/Components/csm_share.buildlib
Originator: kauff Date: Wed Jul 15 21:26:51 MDT 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090715 One-line: fv1.9_tx1v1: add support; T62_tx0.1v2: CDF64 true by default, new pe layout
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Tue Jul 14 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090714 One-line: Update per5lib, and change CLM_BLDNML_OPTS for clm3_6_46
Update perl5lib version to perl5lib_090714 so has option of converting DIN_LOC_ROOT to $DIN_LOC_ROOT.
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml -- Change CLM_BLDNML_OPTS to use -use_case 1850_control and 20thC_transientinstead of specific simulation year. This is needed for clm3_6_46 and later.
================================================================================ Originator: erik/mvertens Date: Tue Jul 7 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090707b One-line: add BGC spinup compset
Add a compset to use CPLHIST forcing data to run clm. Add a tool to help create files for that usage. Remove -maxpft for CN with clm, as this is already inside of clm. Change name of B_1850_TRACK5 to include "DEV" at end to indicate it's a development version.
A ccsm_utils/Tools/concat_daily_hist.csh --------- Script from Forrest to concatenate data on monthly files M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml --- Remove -maxpft for CN, add I1850SPINUPCN compset, add DEV to TR5 compsets M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml - Add options to DATM_MODE: CPLHIST3HrWx,CPLHIST3HrWxHfHrSol remove CAMHIST,CPLHIST M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.pretag ------- Add testing of f09_g16 I1850SPINUPCN
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Tue Jul 7 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090707 One-line: added WACCM compsets
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Wed Jul 1 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090701b One-line: point share filepath to new driver cpl_shr, cpl_mct and cpl_esmf dirs
M ccsm_utils/Components/csm_share.buildlib
Originator: fischer Date: Wed July 1 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090701 One-line: Updated READMEs and comments for env_mach_pes.xml, added new doc from Erika Marcum.
A doc/styles A doc/section1 A doc/section2 A doc/section3 A doc/section4 A doc/section5 A doc/section6 A doc/section7 A doc/section8 A doc/images A doc/includes A doc/index.html M README Changed references to newer env_mach_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Tools/configure Changed references to newer env_mach_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Case.template/ConfigCase.pm Added comments about variables in env_mach_pes.xml M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag -SMS.f45_g35.FTR1.bluefire +SMS.f45_f45.FTR1.bluefire M README_quickstart Changed references to newer env_mach_pes.xml
Originator: tcraig Date: Sun Jun 28 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090628 One-line: add a few new namelist inputs
- add SHR_MAP_DOPOLE, NPFIX, AOFLUX_GRID env_run variables
- add new timers to getTiming.pl for aoflux_grid
M ccsm_utils/Tools/timing/getTiming.pl M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml
Originator: kauff Date: Thu Jun 25 17:29:37 MDT 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090625 One-line: add scripts support for T62_tx0.1v2 grid combo
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_grid.xml M ccsm_utils/Machines/config_pes.xml
Note: this is for code developement purposes only at this point. You can configure a case with this resolution, but it won't run... eg. pop input files for partial-coupling mode (the C case default) are missing so this code won't run out-of-the-box, but it's a good starting point for tx01v2 code development.
Originator: mvr Date: Wed Jun 24 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090624 One-line: removed -Mrecursive from list of flags for pgi debug compilations
M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.kraken M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.franklin M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.jaguar M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.midnight M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.atlas M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.ranger M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.calgary_pgi M ccsm_utils/Machines/Macros.lightning_pgi
================================================================================ Originator: erik Date: Fri Jun 19 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090619 One-line: Add BCN compsets, Update perl5lib (adding %ymd option), and modify clm test list
Update perl5lib so that you can use the %ymd indicator to generate files with year-month-day in them.
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES -ccsm_utils/Tools/perl5lib https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/perl5lib/trunk_tags/perl5lib_090609 +ccsm_utils/Tools/perl5lib https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/perl5lib/trunk_tags/perl5lib_090613 M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml -- Add BCN compsets for TRACK1 M ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.clm.pretag ------ Add a PET test and make 2 tests debug
Originator: mvertens Date: Wed Jun 10 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090610b One-line: added COMP_INTERFACE and USE_ESMF_LIB to config_definitions
M ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_definition.xml added COMP_INTERFACE (default value is MCT) and USE_EMSF_LIB (default value is FALSE)
M ccsm_utils/Machines/env_machopts.bluefire removed MP_SINGLE_THREAD since this was causing a problem for mpiio
================================================================================ Originator: fischer Date: Wed Jun 10 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090610 One-line: Added to the how to. Added more user instructions to create_production_test, renamed faq.html
Added instructions on how to transfer a production run to another user to the howto.html. Added more user instructions to create_production_test script Renamed faq.html to howto.html
M ccsm_utils/Tools/create_production_test D doc/faq.html A doc/howto.html
================================================================================ Originator: tcraig Date: Tue Jun 09 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090609b One-line: update to perl5lib_090609 to add offset support for streams
M SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES -ccsm_utils/Tools/perl5lib https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/perl5lib/trunk_tags/perl5lib_090424 +ccsm_utils/Tools/perl5lib https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/perl5lib/trunk_tags/perl5lib_090609
Originator: mvr Date: Tue Jun 09 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090609 One-line: made the run script execute tcsh rather than csh to avoid a word/line limit which prevented large processor requests on bluefire
note, there is also a limit with tcsh, but this effectively doubles the allowable node request from 8 to 16 (running mpi-only)
M ccsm_utils/Machines/mkbatch.bluefire
================================================================================ Originator: mvr Date: Fri Jun 05 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090605b One-line: lt archiver fix to do all tarring in consistent manner so that cmp will validate transfers to the archival system
note, problem appeared isolated to the xt's (jaguar, franklin)
M ccsm_utils/Tools/ccsm_l_archive.csh
================================================================================ Originator: njn01 Date: Fri Jun 05 2009 Model: scripts Version: scripts4_090605 One-line: Replace "B" compset with "BTRK5DEV"; replace "B1850" compset B1850TR5; update tests
This change was made to protect unsuspecting users from creating a "B" case without understanding exactly what cam version was included. By removing "B" option, the user must select the desired cam "track" when creating a new case.
M 16490 ChangeLog M 16490 ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning_path.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/midnight.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/franklin.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/calgary_lahey.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/atlas.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning_lahey.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.posttag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/jaguar.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.posttag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/kraken.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pop2.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/testlist.port M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning_intel.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice1.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.cice2.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning_pgi.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/lightning.pretag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.posttag M 16490 ccsm_utils/Testlists/bluefire.pretag M 16490 create_newcase
Originator: tcraig Date: Th