Litecanvas is a lightweight HTML5 canvas engine suitable for small web games, prototypes, game jams, animations, creative coding, learning game programming and game design, etc.
- Tiny: Only
(minified + gzipped). - Simple API: Just few functions to draw shapes and some utilities.
- Predefined colors: Just use a number (from 0 to 11) to choose a color in our 12-color palette.
- ZzFX: Play or create sound effects with ZzFX.
- Extensible: Use or create plugins to add functionalities or change the engine.
- Playground: Access or install the playground webapp to code and share games (even offline).
Learn more in the cheatsheet...
You can try our online playground or just installing the basic template:
# requires Node.js
npx tiged litecanvas/template my-game
cd my-game
npm install
npm run dev
If you prefer, you can manually install via NPM:
npm install litecanvas
// import the package or put the CDN script in your HTML
// CDN:
import litecanvas from 'litecanvas'
// Start and setup the engine
// learn more:
loop: { init, update, draw, tapped },
function init() {
// this function run once
// before the game starts
bg = 0
color = 3
radius = 32
posx = CENTERX
posy = CENTERY
// this function detect taps/clicks
// and changes the circle position
function tapped(x, y) {
posx = x
posy = y
// this function controls the game logic
function update(dt) {
// make the circle falls 100 pixels per second
posy += 100 * dt
// this function render the game scene
function draw() {
cls(bg) // clear the screen
circfill(posx, posy, radius, color) // draw a circle
Check out our Cheatsheet.
Try some demos in our playground:
See other demos in samples folder
- floppy: a micro game engine for beginners.
- PICO-8: fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games.
- js13kGames: a JavaScript coding competition with size limit set to 13 kilobytes.
- raylib: a simple and easy-to-use gamedev library.
- p5.js/Processing: a library for creative coding.
- Pygame Zero: A zero-boilerplate games programming framework for Python 3.