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Nick Kazepis edited this page Sep 21, 2016 · 16 revisions

To keep its memory profile slim, LiteDB has a limited document size of 1Mb. For text documents, this is a huge size. But for many binary files, 1Mb is too small. LiteDB therefore implements FileStorage, a custom collection to store files and streams.

LiteDB uses two special collections to split file content in chunks:

  • _files collection stores file reference and metadata only
    _id: "my-photo",
    filename: "my-photo.jpg",
    mimeType: "image/jpg",
    length: { $numberLong: "2340000" },
    uploadDate: { $date: "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z" },
    metadata: { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }
  • _chunks collection stores binary data in 1MB chunks.
    _id: "my-photo\00001",
    data: { $binary: "VHlwZSAob3Igc ... GUpIGhlcmUuLi4" }
    _id: "my-photo\00002",
    data: { $binary: "pGaGhlcmUuLi4 ... VHlwZSAob3Igc" }

Files are identified by an _id string value, with following rules:

  • Starts with a letter, number, _, -, $, @, !, +, %, ; or .
  • If contains a /, must be sequence with chars above

To better organize many files, you can use _id as a directory/file_id. This will be a great solution to quickly find all files in a directory using the Find method.

Example: $/photos/2014/picture-01.jpg

The FileStorage collection contains simple methods like:

  • Upload: Send file or stream to database. Can be used with file or Stream. If file already exits, file content is overwritten.
  • Download: Get your file from database and copy to Stream parameter
  • Delete: Delete a file reference and all data chunks
  • Find: Find one or many files in _files collection. Returns LiteFileInfo class, that can be download data after.
  • SetMetadata: Update stored file metadata. This method doesn't change the value of the stored file. It updates the value of _files.metadata.
  • OpenRead: Find file by _id and returns a LiteFileStream to read file content as stream
// Upload a file from file system
db.FileStorage.Upload("$/photos/2014/picture-01.jpg", @"C:\Temp\picture-01.jpg");

// Upload a file from a Stream
db.FileStorage.Upload("$/photos/2014/picture-01.jpg", stream);

// Find file reference only - returns null if not found
LiteFileInfo file = db.FileStorage.FindById("$/photos/2014/picture-01.jpg");

// Now, load binary data and save to file system

// Or get binary data as Stream and copy to another Stream

// Find all files references in a "directory"
var files = db.FileStoage.Find("$/photos/2014/");

FileStorage does not support transactions to avoid putting all of the file in memory before storing it on disk. Transactions are used per chunk. Each uploaded chunk is committed in a single transaction.

FileStorage keeps _files.length at 0 when uploading each chunk. When all chunks finish uploading FileStorage updates _files.length by aggregating the size of each chunk. If you try to download a zero bytes length file, the uploaded file is corrupted. A corrupted file doesn't necessarily mean a corrupt database.