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LH Dashboard


  • It needs Node 20. You can install NVM and run on the dashboard folder:
nvm use

Environment Variables

If running the app without Docker, you need to fill in the environment variables in the .env file inside apps/web. The .env file in the root folder is not being read by the app.

  • LHC_API_HOST littlehorse hostname
  • LHC_API_PORT littlehorse port
  • LHC_CA_CERT To specify the path to the self signed certificate that the dashboard needs to connect to a LittleHorse server configured to work with OAuth.
  • LHC_API_PROTOCOL specify the communication protocol PLAINTEXT or TLS. If not provided it defaults to PLAINTEXT.
  • LHD_OAUTH_ENABLED enable oauth authentication
  • LHD_OAUTH_ENCRYPT_SECRET random string that will be used to encrypt the secrets and also the JWT token
  • LHD_OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL the url (domain) in which the dashboard will run (required for some authentication methods). For your local you can use: http:/localhost:3001/
  • LHD_OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL_INTERNAL the internal url (domain) in which the dashboard server will run (required for some authentication methods). Should only be set when the LHD_OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL cannot be reached by the dashboard server.
  • LHD_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID the client id configured in keycloack
  • LHD_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET the client secret configured in keycloack
  • LHD_OAUTH_ISSUER_URI the keycloack


Create a copy of .env-sample as .env-local and modify it accordingly to your littlehorse-server configuration.

Then simply run

npm install
npm run dev

The application will start with watch mode on http://localhost:3000

LH Server without authentication

If you don't have a lh-server running, you can use this command:

docker run --rm -d -p 2023:2023

Asuming your lh-server is running on localhost:2023 create a .env.local file with


LH Server with authentication

  • The LH Dashboard can use Keycloack provider as an SSO mechanism for a user to login into the dashboard and use it. For that to work you have to enable the toggle LHD_OAUTH_ENABLED in the needed environments.

  • You need to your LittleHorse server running in OAuth mode for this feature to work correclty.

  • For the needed Environment Variables please refer to the corresponding section in this README.

  • Here a detail of the implemented authentication flow for this project


We are using ESLint as the linter for project. Given that we have a mono-repo structure we have the main command for the linter in the root package.json file.

You can run the linter by:

npm run lint

If you wanna ESLint to try to fix the issues automatically, run:

npm run lint:fix

Configuring your IDE to have Linter Live Feedback


  • Go to the ESLint configuration
  • Choose Manual Configuration
  • For ESLint package pick the one in the root folder: <your workskpace dir>/lh-dashboard/node_modules/eslint
  • For Working directories use:<your workskpace dir>/lh-dashboard/apps/web;<your workskpace dir>/lh-dashboard/packages/ui
  • For the Configuration file use: <your workskpace dir>/lh-dashboard/.eslintrc.js
  • With the above config you will receive live feedback in intellij on regards to the linting rules that are configured
  • While configuring the ESLint plugin you can enable the option: run eslint --fix on save
  • The reFormat code shortcut will NOT use the ESLint rules, you should do:Fix ESLint problems by opening the IntelliJActions menu.


  • Install the extension called `ESLint'
  • Configure the VSCode IDE with the following options:
    "files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
    "eslint.format.enable": true,
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
      "source.fixAll.eslint": true
    "eslint.workingDirectories": ["<your workskpace dir>/lh-dashboard/apps/web",
      "<your workskpace dir>/lh-dashboard/packages/ui"]
  • On the actions menu choose: Developer: Reload Window
  • You should start seeing the linter errors in the code

Linter configuration

The configuration for the entire mono-repo is under /packages/eslint-config-custom/next.js. On the mentioned file you can configure the rules that apply for the entire lh-dashboard mono-repo.


Jest is being used as the testing framework, any file that has the pattern *.test.* in its name is considered a test and will be executed by Jest. To run the tests please execute:

npm run test

If you wanna watch your tests while developing execute:

npm run test --watch

Environment variables

You need to create a env.test.local file to contain any env variable you might for your tests.

Start the Dashboard with Docker

The Dashboard docker image is under docker/dashboard, in order to run it please do the following:

  1. Go under the dashboard directory, execute: npm install

  2. Build the docker image

./local-dev/ --dashboard

Execute either of the following:

Authentication Disabled:

docker run --rm \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  --env LHC_API_HOST='localhost' \
  --env LHC_API_PORT='2023' \
  --network host \

Authentication Enabled:

docker run --rm \
  --env LHC_API_HOST='localhost' \
  --env LHC_API_PORT='2023' \
  --env LHD_OAUTH_ENABLED='true' \
  --env LHD_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID='{a-client-id}' \
  --env LHD_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET='{a-client-secret}' \
  --env LHD_OAUTH_ISSUER_URI='{https://keycloack-env}/realms/lh' \
  --env LHD_OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL='localhost:3000' \
  --env LHD_OAUTH_ENCRYPT_SECRET='{a-secret-to-encrypt}' \
  --network host \

SSL termination

Assuming you have a folder ./ssl containing tls.crt and tls.key

docker run --rm \
  --env SSL='true' \
  --env LHC_API_HOST='localhost' \
  --env LHC_API_PORT='2023' \
  --network host \
  -v ./ssl:/ssl \

Running local with Oauth

Modify the .env file using the following variables

NEXTAUTH_SECRET=any random string