Conway's Game of Life on 2-D toroidal grid in Scala & JavaFX.
java \
--module-path $PATH_TO_FX \
-jar game-of-life-assembly-x.x.x.jar --b=2
For more details and list of built-in game boards:
java \
--module-path $PATH_TO_FX \
-jar game-of-life-assembly-x.x.x.jar --help
See src/main/resources/help.txt for documentation.
Requires Java 11 and openjfx 11.0.1.
Install javafx 11.0.1:
run the jar with --module-path $PATH_TO_FX
Generate a standalone jar for java 11
sbt assembly
The jar will be placed in target/scala-x.xx/game-of-life-assembly-x.x.x.jar
Static analysis: I'm using scalafmt, wartremover and scalastyle. The compile task also runs scalafmt & wartremover.
sbt test # or anything that runs compile
sbt scalastyle
sbt test:scalastyle
Test coverage
sbt clean coverage test
sbt coverageReport
Check for dependency updates
sbt dependencyUpdates
java -jar game-of-life-assembly-x.x.x.jar --m=2 --w=4 --b=8 --t=250 \
--bg-color=155,155,155 --alive-color=250,180,0 --dead-color=0,120,50
java -jar game-of-life-assembly-x.x.x.jar --m=1 --w=4 --b=5 --t=250 \
--bg-color=50,0,0 --alive-color=255,180,210 --dead-color=0,50,130
To make the gif animations, I used byzanz:
sudo apt-get install byzanz
byzanz-record --duration=20 --x=0 --y=0 --width=500 --height=300 out.gif
Review new free monad design: compare; worth keeping?
Review file names & content
Review organization
Interpret free monad to Task instead of doing effects directly
Use Task for effects; combine with Task from free monad natural transformation
Use EitherT[Effect, A] to eliminate double either unwrapping in main
terminator should call close on javafx Application before exit (in place of exit?)?
fully test main; (scoverage: 2 error cases untested)
Hows about a time based test that ensures the stepper and animator render the first frame and subsequest frame correctly?
Consider using 2 mutable grids Array[Array[Cell]] dimOf and a aliveCount Array[Array[Int]]
- one grid is put in AtomicRef for rending and the other is used to to compute the next grid
- each frame, they swap
- First, test performance diff; then implement if worth it
try scalamock; switch to scalamock if you like it