to prepare a virtualenv for dev purposes:
pipenv install -e .[test,doc]
to generate the sdist distpiecash-XXX.tar.gz:
python sdist
to upload file on PyPI:
python sdist upload
to generate the modules modules.rst and piecash.rst in the docssourcedoc folder, go to the docssourcedoc folder and:
sphinx-apidoc -o . ../../piecash
to build the doc (do not forget to pipenv install -e .[doc] before):
cd docs make html
The documentation will be available through docs/build/html/index.html.
to test via tox and conda, create first the different environment with the relevant versions of python:
conda create -n py35 python=3.5 virtualenv conda create -n py36 python=3.6 virtualenv ...
adapt tox.ini to point to the proper conda envs and then run:
- to release a new version:
- update
- update changelog
- tag
- twine upload dist/* --repository piecash
- to release a new version with gitflow:
- git flow release start 0.18.0
- update
- update changelog
- git flow release finish
- checkout master branch in git
- python sdist upload