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104 lines (73 loc) · 5.15 KB

File metadata and controls

104 lines (73 loc) · 5.15 KB


null=True and blank=True

FilterMixin does not work in DetailView

  • DetailView queries the object in get_object() using the get_queryset()
  • This collides with FilterMixin as it also gets its data from get_queryset()


Celery Manage Python API

  • python shell_plus from adit.celery import app i = app.control.inspect() i.scheduled() app.AsyncResult("task_id").state


pydicom and datetime

  • To automatically convert dates to the class this config must be set explicitly (default is False): config.datetime_conversion = True
  • Then the type is valuerep.DA ( which is an instance of
  • Otherwise dates and times are represented as strings (e.g. 19760831)
  • Same is true for datetime.time (valuerep.DT)

C-CANCEL support

  • GE simply aborts the association on a C-CANCEL request, but only after some time (maybe 20 seconds or so).
  • So it seems C-CANCEL is not well supported. We better abort the association just ourself and create a new association for further requests.

Parallel C-MOVE requests to download images

  • This is much more complicated than C-GET as only one C-MOVE storage SCP as destination can be chosen.
  • So the images of multiple C-MOVE SCU requests go to the same destination and must be somehow routed there.
  • The only option seems to use MoveOriginatorMessageID (see, which unfortunately is option in the DICOM standard.
  • Other systems have the same issue: 'Warning: the PACS station server must support the "Move Originator Message ID" (0000,1031) and "Move Originator Application Entity Title" (0000,1030) when sending CSTORE messages during processing CMOVE operations.', see


  • To deal with the below error message while starting docker containers just execute in WSL Ubuntu: sudo hwclock -s
E: Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 1h 22min 32s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
E: Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 17h 37min 38s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.


  • It is not possible to set an ENV variable using the Gitpod Dockerfile
  • In Gitpod ENV variables can only be set using the Gitpod settings
  • The PYTHONPATH environment variable can't be set in the Gitpod settings (it is always overwritten with a blank value)
  • What is ALLOWED_HOSTS?


Testing and coverage commands

  • docker exec -it adit_dev_web_1 pytest
  • ptw --runner 'pytest -s --testmon' # Watch only changed tests with pytest watch
  • python test -v 2 app_name # Show print outputs during test
  • coverage run --source=. -m pytest # Run coverage only
  • coverage report # Show coverage report
  • coverage annotate # Annotate files with coverage
  • pytest --cov=. # Run Pytest and report coverage (in one command)
  • find . -name "*,cover" -type f -delete # Delete all cover files (from coverage annotate)

Django commands

  • python shell_plus --print-sql # Show all SQL statements (django_extensions required)
  • python .\ startapp new_app .\adit\new_app # Folder must already exist

Docker comands

  • docker compose -f "" -p adit_dev exec web pytest # Run Pytest on web container
  • docker compose -f "" -p adit_dev exec web pytest --cov=./adit # Run Pytest with coverage report
  • docker build . --target development -t adit_dev # Build a volume from our Dockerfile
  • docker run -v C:\Users\kaisc\Projects\adit:/src -it adit_dev /bin/bash # Run the built container with src folder mounted from host
  • docker ps -a --filter volume=vol_name # Find container that mounts volume
  • docker run -v=adit_web_data:/var/www/adit -it busybox /bin/sh # Start interactive shell with named volume mounted
  • docker run --rm -i -v=adit_web_data:/foo busybox find /foo # List files in named volume
  • docker compose -f "" -p adit_dev up -d --build
  • docker compose -f "" -p adit_prod up -d --build

Celery commands

  • celery -A adit purge -Q default,low
  • celery -A adit inspect scheduled

Deployment for production

  • Copy cert.pem and key.pem from N:\Dokumente\Projekte\ADIT_Server\ssl_certificate to /var/www/adit/ssl/
  • Restart adit_prod_web container
  • Add the DICOM servers and folders