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143 lines (107 loc) · 6.84 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (107 loc) · 6.84 KB


A collection of all the notes taken during the development of the project.

  • GCC, Clang, and MSVC are the three main compilers for C++.

  • Compilers implement the C++ standard.

  • Code is passed to the compiler to generate machine code.

  • There may be compiler-specific primitives in the implementation of the standard.

  • Clang is the frontend of the LLVM compiler.

  • LLVM represents a more modern and flexible paradigm in compiler design.

  • The frontend of a compiler is responsible for parsing the code and generating an intermediate representation (IR).

  • GCC and MSVC contain both frontend and backend components.

  • The full C++ modules feature is only supported by MSVC at the moment.

  • Use .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json to configure IntelliSense.

  • A Makefile is like a script that runs the compiler's build commands and other related tasks.

  • CMake is like a meta-build system that generates Makefiles.

  • Automake is similar to CMake but is more complex and specific to GNU build systems.

  • Use 2>&1 to redirect error output to standard output.

  • #include is essentially an instruction for copying and pasting code from header files.

  • libvpx is the library for the VP8 and VP9 video codecs.

  • FFmpeg uses libvpx under the hood for VP8 and VP9 encoding.

  • AV1 is the successor to VP9.

  • WebM and MP4 are two widely-used video container formats.

  • reentrant(re-entrant) means the code can be interrupted and re-entered.

  • The compiler flag -D_REENTRANT is used to enable reentrant version of implementations.


  • find_package() is used to find and load a package and it has to work with existing CMake modules.

    • e.g. find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
    • find_packet(libpvx) will not work because there is no CMake module for libvpx.
    • However, pkg-config can be used to find libvpx and there is a CMake module for pkg-config.
  • Group subdirectories using add_subdirectory().

    • Compile subdirectories into libraries using add_library() in the subdirectories' CMakeLists.txt.
    • By default, the add_library() command will build a static library, and the final executable will be linked against it.
  • Include path needs to be explicitly specified using target_include_directories().

    • target_include_directories(target PUBLIC include) will not search subdirectories.
    • The PUBLIC keyword is used to propagate the include path to the target's dependents.



  1. Run the install commands per

    • mahimahi ppa doesn't support Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, so it needs to be compiled from source.
    • Some code would report error when compiling with GCC13, e.g. #include <cstdint>
    • gf-complete, Jerasure, libtorch, maxflow, nlohmann(for json), ringmaster should be installed in third_party folder.
  2. Modify the reading script to read the video file as binary:

    with open(y4m_path, 'rb') as y4m_fh:
        line = y4m_fh.readline(MAX_BUFFER)
        sys.exit(f'ERROR: {y4m_path} is not a valid .y4m file')
    for item in line.split():
        item = item.decode()
        if item[0] == 'W':
            width = int(item[1:])
        elif item[0] == 'H':
            height = int(item[1:])
  3. (Optional) Modify the thread usage in src/ringmaster_app/ and to leave enough threads for the fec.

    • e.g. const unsigned int cpu_used = min(get_nprocs(), 4);
  4. Download the video and run with command python3 src/ringmaster_scripts/ --num_sender_receiver_pairs 1 --videos_folder ~/codes/tambur/video --config third_party/ringmaster_configs/experiment_random_variable.json --offset 0 > out.log 2>&1

    • Most outputs are stderr and need to be redirected to stdout(2>&1).
    • The --offset parameter is used to specify the port.
    • The script will run for timeout + 5 seconds. The timeout is specified in the json file.
  5. Plot the results: src/plot/ --config=logs_random_variable_GE/experiment_random_variable.json --plot-folder=output

    • The output folder cannot exist before running the script.
    • (Optional) May need to install the font 'Times New Roman' for the plot.
      • Use python3 -c "import matplotlib as mpl; print(mpl.matplotlib_fname())" to find the matplotlibrc cache and clear it.

Calling Chain

  • Encoder -> fec_sender -> frame_generator -> StreamCode -> BlockCode -> jerasure_matrix_encode
  • BlockCode -> BlockCodeFactory -> set_cauchy_matrix -> cauchy_original_coding_matrix


  • Mahimahi will create a shell environment for each command.
  • Basic commands: mm-delay mm-loss.
  • Each shell would have a virtual network interface.
    • Using ifconfig can verify that the virtual the virtual interface would connect to the outer shell via a PPP link:
    $ ifconfig
    ingress: flags=81<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING>  mtu 1500
    inet  netmask  destination
    inet6 fe80::a9da:9a55:25c3:33e5  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
    unspec 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00  txqueuelen 500  (UNSPEC)
    RX packets 1978  bytes 2104768 (2.1 MB)
    RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
    TX packets 1927  bytes 83918 (83.9 KB)
    TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
    • The address pointing to the host outside all containers can be accessed by the env var MAHIMAHI_BASE in the shell.


  • Use extern "C" {} to include C code in C++.
    • C++ code include extra information in the function name for overloading, which is not present in C.
    • The compiler will automatically add this to standard C libraries.
  • Use lock_gard to automatically unlock the mutex when the lock_guard goes out of scope.



  • The encoder uses a string_view to visit the buffer returned by the libvpx encoder.
    • The lifetime of the buffer is managed by the libvpx encoder.
    • The buffer is only valid before another call to vpx_codec_* functions. (According to vpx_codec_get_cx_data).


  • Decoder has a local thread used for decode and display.
    • The decoder thread share a queue of frames with the main thread.
    • The decoder thread uses a producer-consumer model to wait for the main thread to push frames to the queue.
      • The consumer uses condition_variable.wait(mtx, lambda), which will unlock the mutex, wait for a cv signal, and check the lambda condition. If the lambda function returns false, the consumer will return to the waiting state.


  • Padding is used to ensure that the data is aligned for fec encoding.
  • The padding on data can be removed after encoding, and added back before decoding.


  • The end of the erased array is marked by -1.
    • The content of the erased array is the index of the erased data.
    • Repair packets are indexed from k.