MMPose 1.0 has been refactored extensively and addressed many legacy issues. Most of the code in MMPose 1.0 will not be compatible with 0.x version.
To try our best to help you migrate your code and model, here are some major changes:
The transformation methods TopDownRandomShiftBboxCenter
and TopDownGetRandomScaleRotation
in old version, will be merged into RandomBBoxTransform
class RandomBBoxTransform(BaseTransform):
r"""Rnadomly shift, resize and rotate the bounding boxes.
Required Keys:
- bbox_center
- bbox_scale
Modified Keys:
- bbox_center
- bbox_scale
Added Keys:
- bbox_rotation
shift_factor (float): Randomly shift the bbox in range
:math:`[-dx, dx]` and :math:`[-dy, dy]` in X and Y directions,
where :math:`dx(y) = x(y)_scale \cdot shift_factor` in pixels.
Defaults to 0.16
shift_prob (float): Probability of applying random shift. Defaults to
scale_factor (Tuple[float, float]): Randomly resize the bbox in range
:math:`[scale_factor[0], scale_factor[1]]`. Defaults to (0.5, 1.5)
scale_prob (float): Probability of applying random resizing. Defaults
to 1.0
rotate_factor (float): Randomly rotate the bbox in
:math:`[-rotate_factor, rotate_factor]` in degrees. Defaults
to 80.0
rotate_prob (float): Probability of applying random rotation. Defaults
to 0.6
def __init__(self,
shift_factor: float = 0.16,
shift_prob: float = 0.3,
scale_factor: Tuple[float, float] = (0.5, 1.5),
scale_prob: float = 1.0,
rotate_factor: float = 80.0,
rotate_prob: float = 0.6) -> None:
The old methods like:
will be merged in to GenerateTarget
, and the actual generation methods are implemented in Codec.
class GenerateTarget(BaseTransform):
"""Encode keypoints into Target.
The generated target is usually the supervision signal of the model
learning, e.g. heatmaps or regression labels.
Required Keys:
- keypoints
- keypoints_visible
- dataset_keypoint_weights
Added Keys:
- The keys of the encoded items from the codec will be updated into
the results, e.g. ``'heatmaps'`` or ``'keypoint_weights'``. See
the specific codec for more details.
encoder (dict | list[dict]): The codec config for keypoint encoding.
Both single encoder and multiple encoders (given as a list) are
multilevel (bool): Determine the method to handle multiple encoders.
If ``multilevel==True``, generate multilevel targets from a group
of encoders of the same type (e.g. multiple :class:`MSRAHeatmap`
encoders with different sigma values); If ``multilevel==False``,
generate combined targets from a group of different encoders. This
argument will have no effect in case of single encoder. Defaults
to ``False``
use_dataset_keypoint_weights (bool): Whether use the keypoint weights
from the dataset meta information. Defaults to ``False``
def __init__(self,
encoder: MultiConfig,
multilevel: bool = False,
use_dataset_keypoint_weights: bool = False) -> None:
The data normalization operations NormalizeTensor
and ToTensor
will be replaced by DataPreprocessor module, which will no longer be used as a preprocessing operation, but will be merged as a part of the model forward propagation.
The 3D normalization methods like
will be merged into codecs, for example ImagePoseLifting
and VideoPoseLifting
The data conversion and reshaping operation PoseSequenceToTensor
will be implemented in corresponding codecs and PackPoseInputs
We have performed compatibility with the model weights provided by model zoo to ensure that the same model weights can get a comparable accuracy in both version. But note that due to the large number of differences in processing details, the inference outputs can be slightly different(less than 0.05% difference in accuracy).
For model weights saved by training with 0.x version, we provide a _load_state_dict_pre_hook()
method in Head to replace the old version of the state_dict
with the new one. If you wish to make your model compatible with MMPose 1.0, you can refer to our implementation as follows.
class YourHead(BaseHead):
def __init__(self):
## omitted
# Register the hook to automatically convert old version state dicts
For models based on SimpleBaseline
approach, developers need to pay attention to the last convolutional layer.
def _load_state_dict_pre_hook(self, state_dict, prefix, local_meta, *args,
version = local_meta.get('version', None)
if version and version >= self._version:
# convert old-version state dict
keys = list(state_dict.keys())
for _k in keys:
if not _k.startswith(prefix):
v = state_dict.pop(_k)
k = _k[len(prefix):]
# In old version, "final_layer" includes both intermediate
# conv layers (new "conv_layers") and final conv layers (new
# "final_layer").
# If there is no intermediate conv layer, old "final_layer" will
# have keys like "", which should be still
# named "";
# If there are intermediate conv layers, old "final_layer" will
# have keys like "", where the weights of the last
# one should be renamed "", and others should be
# renamed ""
k_parts = k.split('.')
if k_parts[0] == 'final_layer':
if len(k_parts) == 3:
assert isinstance(self.conv_layers, nn.Sequential)
idx = int(k_parts[1])
if idx < len(self.conv_layers):
# ->
k_new = 'conv_layers.' + '.'.join(k_parts[1:])
# ->
k_new = 'final_layer.' + k_parts[2]
# remains
k_new = k
k_new = k
state_dict[prefix + k_new] = v
For the RLE-based models, since the loss module is renamed to loss_module
in MMPose 1.0, and the flow model is subsumed under the loss module, changes need to be made to the keys in state_dict
def _load_state_dict_pre_hook(self, state_dict, prefix, local_meta, *args,
version = local_meta.get('version', None)
if version and version >= self._version:
# convert old-version state dict
keys = list(state_dict.keys())
for _k in keys:
v = state_dict.pop(_k)
k = _k.lstrip(prefix)
# In old version, "loss" includes the instances of loss,
# now it should be renamed "loss_module"
k_parts = k.split('.')
if k_parts[0] == 'loss':
# ->
k_new = prefix + 'loss_module.' + '.'.join(k_parts[1:])
k_new = _k
state_dict[k_new] = v