diff --git a/theories/ub_logic/lib/list.v b/theories/ub_logic/lib/list.v index d44c7e517..058ebdc4b 100644 --- a/theories/ub_logic/lib/list.v +++ b/theories/ub_logic/lib/list.v @@ -949,6 +949,37 @@ Section list_specs. + iApply "HΦ"; iPureIntro. simpl. rewrite HP. done. Qed. + + + Lemma wp_list_split E (n:nat) (lv:val) l: + {{{ ⌜is_list l lv⌝ ∗ ⌜n<=length l⌝ }}} + list_split #n lv @ E + {{{ a b, RET (a, b)%V; + ∃ l1 l2, ⌜is_list l1 a⌝ ∗ ⌜is_list l2 b⌝ ∗ ⌜l=l1++l2⌝ ∗ ⌜length (l1) = n⌝ + }}}. + Proof. + revert lv l. + induction n; + iIntros (lv l Φ) "[%Hlist %Hlength] HΦ". + - rewrite /list_split. wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". + iExists [], l. + repeat iSplit; by iPureIntro. + - rewrite /list_split. wp_pures. rewrite -/list_split. + destruct l. + { simpl in Hlength. lia. } + destruct Hlist as [?[-> Hlist]]. + wp_pures. replace (Z.of_nat (S n) - 1)%Z with (Z.of_nat n) by lia. + wp_apply IHn. + + iSplit; iPureIntro; try done. simpl in Hlength. lia. + + iIntros (??) "(%l1 & %l2 &%&%&%&%)". + wp_pures. + wp_apply wp_list_cons; first done. + iIntros. wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". + iExists (_::l1), l2. + iModIntro; repeat iSplit; iPureIntro; try done. + * set_solver. + * set_solver. + Qed. End list_specs. Global Arguments wp_list_nil : clear implicits. @@ -1268,4 +1299,5 @@ Section list_specs_extra. Qed. + End list_specs_extra. diff --git a/theories/ub_logic/merkle/merkle_tree.v b/theories/ub_logic/merkle/merkle_tree.v index 06e5afde2..fcfe441d1 100644 --- a/theories/ub_logic/merkle/merkle_tree.v +++ b/theories/ub_logic/merkle/merkle_tree.v @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Open Scope nat. Section merkle_tree. (*val_bit_size is a positive integer, referring to the bit size of the return value of the hash function - Therefore all hashes are smalelr than 2 ^ val_bit_size + Therefore all hashes are smaller than 2 ^ val_bit_size val_bit_size_for_hash is one smaller than 2^val_bit_size since the spec for hash adds one to that value implicitly (to ensure positive codomain size) Leaf bit size is fixed to be twice of val_bit_size. @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Section merkle_tree. Variables max_hash_size : nat. Definition val_bit_size : nat := S val_bit_size'. Definition val_size_for_hash:nat := (2^val_bit_size)-1. - Variable (Hineq: (max_hash_size <= val_size_for_hash)%nat). + (* Variable (Hineq: (max_hash_size <= val_size_for_hash)%nat). *) Definition leaf_bit_size : nat := 2*val_bit_size. (* Definition identifier : nat := 2^leaf_bit_size. *) Definition num_of_leafs : nat := 2^height. @@ -761,17 +761,10 @@ Section merkle_tree. "correct_root_hash" = compute_hash_from_leaf "lhmf" "lproof" "lleaf" ). - Lemma merkle_tree_decider_program_spec tree (m:gmap nat Z) f: - {{{ ⌜tree_valid height tree m⌝ ∗ - hashfun_amortized (val_size_for_hash)%nat max_hash_size f m ∗ - ⌜map_valid m⌝ - }}} merkle_tree_decider_program #(root_hash_value tree) f - {{{ - (checker:val), RET checker; - hashfun_amortized (val_size_for_hash)%nat max_hash_size f m ∗ - (∀ lproof proof v m', + Definition decider_program_helper_spec (checker:val) (tree:merkle_tree) (f:val) : iProp Σ:= + (∀ lproof proof v m', {{{ - ⌜m⊆m'⌝ ∗ + ⌜tree_valid height tree m'⌝ ∗ hashfun_amortized (val_size_for_hash)%nat max_hash_size f m' ∗ ⌜is_list proof lproof⌝ ∗ ⌜possible_proof tree proof ⌝∗ @@ -794,7 +787,17 @@ Section merkle_tree. hashfun_amortized (val_size_for_hash) max_hash_size f m'' ∗ ⌜map_valid m''⌝ ∗ ⌜size (m'') <= size m' + (S height)⌝ - }}} ) + }}} )%I. + + Lemma merkle_tree_decider_program_spec tree (m:gmap nat Z) f: + {{{ ⌜tree_valid height tree m⌝ ∗ + hashfun_amortized (val_size_for_hash)%nat max_hash_size f m ∗ + ⌜map_valid m⌝ + }}} merkle_tree_decider_program #(root_hash_value tree) f + {{{ + (checker:val), RET checker; + hashfun_amortized (val_size_for_hash)%nat max_hash_size f m ∗ + decider_program_helper_spec checker tree f }}}. Proof. iIntros (Φ) "(%Htvalid & H & %Hmvalid) IH". @@ -808,7 +811,6 @@ Section merkle_tree. - destruct (@decide (correct_proof tree proof) (make_decision (correct_proof tree proof))) as [K|K]. + wp_apply (wp_compute_hash_from_leaf_correct with "[$H]"). * repeat iSplit; try done; iPureIntro. - -- by eapply tree_valid_superset. -- by subst. * iIntros (?) "(H&%)". wp_pures. subst. case_bool_decide; last done. @@ -817,7 +819,6 @@ Section merkle_tree. + epose proof (proof_not_correct_implies_incorrect _ _ _ K). wp_apply (wp_compute_hash_from_leaf_incorrect_proof with "[$H $Herr]"). * repeat iSplit; try done; iPureIntro. - -- by eapply tree_valid_superset. -- by subst. * iIntros (?) "(%&%&H&%&%&%&%)". wp_pures. @@ -828,7 +829,7 @@ Section merkle_tree. -- iPureIntro. naive_solver. -- iExists _; by repeat iSplit. - wp_apply (wp_compute_hash_from_leaf_incorrect with "[$H $Herr]"). - + repeat iSplit; try done. iPureIntro. by eapply tree_valid_superset. + + repeat iSplit; done. + iIntros (?) "(%&%&H&%&%&%&%)". wp_pures. rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; last first. { intros K. inversion K. by subst. } diff --git a/theories/ub_logic/merkle/unreliable.v b/theories/ub_logic/merkle/unreliable.v index ad43d029c..9cc3a3c86 100644 --- a/theories/ub_logic/merkle/unreliable.v +++ b/theories/ub_logic/merkle/unreliable.v @@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ Section unreliable_storage. destruct n; try done. lia. Qed. - (* Building the tree*) + + + (** Building the tree*) Definition tree_builder_helper : val:= rec: "helper" "lhmf" "n" "list":= if: "n" = #0 @@ -79,9 +81,9 @@ Section unreliable_storage. ("hash", "l") else let, ("list1", "list2") := list_split (pow ("n"-#1)) "list" in - let, ("lhash", "ltree") := "helper" ("n"-#1) "list1" in - let, ("rhash", "rtree") := "helper" ("n"-#1) "list2" in - let: "hash" := "lhmf" (pow "n" * "lhash" + "rhash") in + let, ("lhash", "ltree") := "helper" "lhmf" ("n"-#1) "list1" in + let, ("rhash", "rtree") := "helper" "lhmf" ("n"-#1) "list2" in + let: "hash" := "lhmf" (pow #val_bit_size * "lhash" + "rhash") in let: "l" := unreliable_alloc_program #3 in unreliable_write_program "l" "hash";; unreliable_write_program ("l"+#1) "ltree";; @@ -92,18 +94,31 @@ Section unreliable_storage. Definition tree_builder : val := λ: "list" "height", let: "lhmf" := init_hash val_size_for_hash #() in - (tree_builder_helper "lhmf" "height" "list", "lhmf") - . + let, ("hash", "l") := tree_builder_helper "lhmf" "height" "list" in + ("l", merkle_tree_decider_program val_bit_size' "hash" "lhmf"). + - Inductive tree_leaf_list: merkle_tree -> list nat -> Prop := - | tree_leaf_list_lf h lf: tree_leaf_list (Leaf h lf) (lf::[]) - | tree_leaf_list_br a alist b blist h: tree_leaf_list a alist -> - tree_leaf_list b blist -> - tree_leaf_list (Branch h a b) (alist ++ blist). + Inductive tree_leaf_list: nat -> merkle_tree -> list nat -> Prop := + | tree_leaf_list_lf h lf: tree_leaf_list 0 (Leaf h lf) (lf::[]) + | tree_leaf_list_br n a alist b blist h: + tree_leaf_list n a alist -> + tree_leaf_list n b blist -> + tree_leaf_list (S n) (Branch h a b) (alist ++ blist). + + Lemma tree_leaf_list_length n tree lis: + tree_leaf_list n tree lis -> length lis = 2^n. + Proof. + revert tree lis. + induction n; intros tree lis Hlist. + - inversion Hlist. by simpl. + - inversion Hlist; subst. rewrite app_length. simpl. erewrite !IHn; try done. + lia. + Qed. Lemma tree_builder_helper_spec (list:list nat) (vlist: val) (height:nat) (m:gmap nat Z) (f:val): size (m) + 2^(S height) - 1 <= max_hash_size -> length list = 2^height -> + Forall (λ x, x < 2^(2*val_bit_size)) list -> is_list list vlist -> {{{ hashfun_amortized val_size_for_hash max_hash_size f m ∗ ⌜coll_free m⌝ ∗ @@ -116,16 +131,16 @@ Section unreliable_storage. ⌜size (m') <= size (m) + 2^(S height) - 1⌝ ∗ hashfun_amortized val_size_for_hash max_hash_size f m' ∗ ⌜coll_free m'⌝ ∗ - ⌜tree_leaf_list tree list⌝ ∗ - ⌜tree_valid val_bit_size height tree m'⌝ ∗ + ⌜tree_leaf_list height tree list⌝ ∗ + ⌜tree_valid val_bit_size' height tree m'⌝ ∗ ⌜root_hash_value tree = hash ⌝ }}}. Proof. - iIntros (Hmsize Hlength Hislist Φ) "(H&%Hcollfree&Herr) HΦ". - iInduction height as [|] "IH" forall (list vlist m Hmsize Hlength Hislist Φ Hcollfree). + iIntros (Hmsize Hlength Hforall Hislist Φ) "(H&%Hcollfree&Herr) HΦ". + iInduction height as [|height] "IH" forall (list vlist m Hmsize Hlength Hforall Hislist Φ Hcollfree). - rewrite /tree_builder_helper. wp_pures. assert (∃ x:nat, list = x::[]) as [x ->]. - { destruct list as [_| x [|]]; first done. + { destruct list as [| ? [|]]; first done. - naive_solver. - done. } @@ -133,48 +148,425 @@ Section unreliable_storage. iIntros (?) "[[%?]|(%&%&%K&->)]"; first done. inversion K; subst. wp_pures. - admit. - - admit. - Admitted. + wp_apply (wp_insert_amortized with "[$H Herr]"). + + simpl in Hmsize. lia. + + iSplitL; last done. + iApply ec_spend_irrel; last done. + simpl. lra. + + iIntros (hash) "(%m' & H&%&%&%&%)". + wp_pures. replace 2%Z with (Z.of_nat 2) by lia. + wp_apply unreliable_alloc_spec; [lia|done|]. + iIntros (l) "_". + wp_pures. + iAssert (⌜(0<=hash<2^val_bit_size)%Z⌝)%I as "[%Ha %Hb]". + { iDestruct "H" as "(%&%&%&%&%K' &H)". + iPureIntro. + eapply map_Forall_lookup_1 in K' as [? K']; last done. + split; try lia. + rewrite /val_size_for_hash in K'. rewrite Z.lt_le_pred. + eapply Z.le_stepr; first done. + rewrite Nat2Z.inj_sub; last first. + - clear. induction val_bit_size; simpl; lia. + - rewrite Nat2Z.inj_pow. lia. + } + replace (hash) with (Z.of_nat $ Z.to_nat hash); last lia. + wp_apply unreliable_write_spec; first done. + iIntros "_". + wp_pures. + replace (_+_)%Z with (Z.of_nat (l+1)%nat); last lia. + wp_apply unreliable_write_spec; first done. + iIntros "_"; wp_pures. + iModIntro. + iApply "HΦ". + iExists m', _. + repeat iSplit; try done. + * iPureIntro. simpl; lia. + * iPureIntro; constructor. + * iPureIntro; constructor. + -- instantiate (1 := Z.to_nat hash). + rewrite /merkle_tree.val_bit_size. + rewrite Z2Nat.inj_lt in Hb; try lia. + rewrite Znat.Z2Nat.inj_pow in Hb; try lia. + eapply Nat.lt_stepr; first done. f_equal. + rewrite Nat2Z.id. done. + -- apply Forall_inv in Hforall. done. + -- rewrite Z2Nat.id; last lia. done. + * done. + - rewrite /tree_builder_helper. wp_pures. rewrite -/tree_builder_helper. + replace (_-_)%Z with (Z.of_nat (height)); last lia. + wp_apply pow_spec; first done. + iIntros (?) "->". + wp_apply wp_list_split; first (iSplit; iPureIntro; try done; rewrite Hlength). + { apply PeanoNat.Nat.pow_le_mono_r; lia. } + iIntros (a b) "(%l1 & %l2 &%&%&%&%)"; wp_pures. + iAssert (€ ((nnreal_nat (2 ^ S height - 1) * amortized_error val_size_for_hash max_hash_size)%NNR) ∗ + € ((nnreal_nat (2 ^ S height - 1) * amortized_error val_size_for_hash max_hash_size)%NNR) ∗ + € ((nnreal_nat (1) * amortized_error val_size_for_hash max_hash_size)%NNR) + + )%I with "[Herr]" as "[Herr [Herr' Herr'']]". + { repeat rewrite -ec_split. iApply ec_spend_irrel; last done. + remember (amortized_error val_size_for_hash max_hash_size) as x. + clear. + assert (forall x y z, (nnreal_nat x * z + nnreal_nat y * z)%NNR = (nnreal_nat (x+y) * z)%NNR) as Hr; last rewrite !Hr. + - clear. intros. destruct z. apply nnreal_ext. simpl. rewrite plus_INR. lra. + - repeat f_equal. remember (S height) as h. + simpl. assert (1<=2^h). + + clear. induction h; simpl; lia. + + lia. + } + subst. + replace (Z.of_nat (S height) - 1)%Z with (Z.of_nat height); last lia. + wp_apply ("IH" with "[][][][][][$H][$Herr]"); try iPureIntro; try done. + + assert (2^S height <= 2^ S (S height)); try lia. + simpl. lia. + + by apply Forall_app in Hforall as [Hforall1 Hforall2]. + + iIntros (hasha la) "(%m' & %treea & %&%&H&%&%&%&%)". + wp_pures. + replace (Z.of_nat (S height) - 1)%Z with (Z.of_nat height); last lia. + wp_apply ("IH"$! l2 with "[][][][][][$H][$Herr']"); try iPureIntro; try done. + * trans (size m + 2^ S height - 1 + 2 ^ S height - 1); try lia. + etrans; last exact. simpl. lia. + * replace (2^ S height) with (2^height + 2 ^ height) in Hlength; last first. + { simpl. lia. } + rewrite app_length in Hlength. lia. + * rewrite Forall_app in Hforall. set_solver. + * iIntros (hashb lb) "(%m'' & %treeb & %&%&H&%&%&%&%)". + wp_pures. + wp_apply pow_spec; first done. + iIntros (?) "->". + wp_pures. rewrite <-Nat2Z.inj_mul. rewrite <-Nat2Z.inj_add. + replace (_+(_+0)) with (2^S val_bit_size'); last (simpl; lia). + wp_apply (wp_insert_amortized with "[$H Herr'']"). + -- eapply PeanoNat.Nat.le_lt_trans; first exact. + eapply PeanoNat.Nat.lt_le_trans; last exact. + apply (PeanoNat.Nat.le_lt_trans _ (size m + 2 ^ S height - 1 + 2^S height - 1)); try lia. + clear. simpl. assert (0<2^height); try lia. + induction height; simpl; lia. + -- iSplit; last done. iApply ec_spend_irrel; last done. + simpl. lra. + -- iIntros (hash) "(%m''' & H&%&%Hfound&%&%)". + wp_pures. + replace 3%Z with (Z.of_nat 3) by lia. + wp_apply unreliable_alloc_spec; [lia|done|]. + iIntros (?) "_". + wp_pures. + iAssert (⌜(0<=hash<2^val_bit_size)%Z⌝)%I as "[%Ha %Hb]". + { iDestruct "H" as "(%&%&%&%&%K' &H)". + iPureIntro. + eapply map_Forall_lookup_1 in K' as [? K']; last done. + split; try lia. + rewrite /val_size_for_hash in K'. rewrite Z.lt_le_pred. + eapply Z.le_stepr; first done. + rewrite Nat2Z.inj_sub; last first. + - clear. induction val_bit_size; simpl; lia. + - rewrite Nat2Z.inj_pow. lia. + } + replace (hash) with (Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat hash)); last lia. + wp_apply unreliable_write_spec; first done. + iIntros "_". + wp_pures. + replace (_+1)%Z with (Z.of_nat (x+1)) by lia. + wp_apply unreliable_write_spec; first done. + iIntros "_". + wp_pures. + replace (_+2)%Z with (Z.of_nat (x+2)) by lia. + wp_apply unreliable_write_spec; first done. + iIntros "_". + wp_pures. + iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". + iExists m''', (Branch (Z.to_nat hash) treea treeb). + repeat iSplit; try done. + ++ iPureIntro. by do 3 (etrans; last exact). + ++ iPureIntro. replace (_+_-_) with (size m + 2 ^ S height + 2^ S height - 1); last by (simpl;lia). + trans (size m' + 2^S height); last lia. + etrans; first exact. + assert (0<2^S height); try lia. + clear. + remember (S height) as x; clear. + induction x; simpl; lia. + ++ iPureIntro. by constructor. + ++ iPureIntro. constructor. + --- eapply tree_valid_superset; [done|..]. + by do 2 (etrans; last exact). + --- eapply tree_valid_superset; [done|..]. + by etrans; last exact. + --- rewrite Z2Nat.inj_lt in Hb; try lia. + eapply Nat.lt_stepr; first exact. + rewrite Znat.Z2Nat.inj_pow; try lia. rewrite Nat2Z.id. + f_equal. + --- rewrite Z2Nat.id; last lia. + rewrite -Hfound. f_equal. subst. simpl. lia. + Qed. Lemma tree_builder_spec (list:list nat) (vlist: val) (height:nat): 2^(S height) - 1 <= max_hash_size -> length list = 2^height -> + Forall (λ x, x < 2^(2*val_bit_size)) list -> is_list list vlist -> {{{ € (nnreal_nat (2^(S height)-1) * amortized_error val_size_for_hash max_hash_size)%NNR }}} tree_builder vlist #height - {{{ (hash:nat) (l:nat) (f:val), RET ((#hash, #l), f); - ∃ (m:gmap nat Z) (tree:merkle_tree), + {{{ (l:nat) (checker:val), RET (#l, checker); + ∃ (m:gmap nat Z) (tree:merkle_tree) (f:val), hashfun_amortized val_size_for_hash max_hash_size f m ∗ - ⌜tree_valid val_bit_size height tree m⌝ ∗ + ⌜tree_valid val_bit_size' height tree m⌝ ∗ ⌜coll_free m⌝ ∗ ⌜size (m) <= 2^(S height) - 1⌝ ∗ - ⌜tree_leaf_list tree list⌝ ∗ - ⌜root_hash_value tree = hash ⌝ + ⌜tree_leaf_list height tree list⌝ ∗ + decider_program_helper_spec height val_bit_size' max_hash_size checker tree f }}}. Proof. - iIntros (Hmsize Hlistsize Hislist Φ) "Herr HΦ". + iIntros (Hmsize Hlistsize Hforall Hislist Φ) "Herr HΦ". rewrite /tree_builder. wp_pures. wp_apply (wp_init_hash_amortized _ max_hash_size); first done. iIntros (f) "H". wp_pures. - wp_apply (tree_builder_helper_spec with "[$H $Herr]"); [done|done|done|..]. + wp_apply (tree_builder_helper_spec with "[$H $Herr]"); [done|done|done|done|..]. { iPureIntro. intros ???H??. exfalso. destruct H. set_solver. } - iIntros (hash l) "(%m'&%tree&%&%&H&%&%&%&%)". - wp_pures. iModIntro. - iApply "HΦ". - iExists m', tree. iFrame. - repeat iSplit; done. + iIntros (hash l) "(%m'&%tree&%&%&H&%&%&%&%Hhash)". + wp_pures. rewrite <-Hhash. + wp_apply (merkle_tree_decider_program_spec with "[$H]"). + - done. + - iIntros (checker) "[H #Hchecker]". + wp_pures. + iApply "HΦ". + iModIntro. + iExists _,_,_. by repeat iSplit. Qed. + (** looking up the tree *) + Definition tree_lookup_helper : val := + rec: "tree_lookup_helper" "tree" "height" "idx" := + if: "height" = #0 + then (InjLV #(), unreliable_read_program ("tree"+#1)) + else + let: "height'" := "height" - #1 in + let: "split" := pow "height'" in + if: "idx" < "split" + then let: "rhash" := unreliable_read_program (unreliable_read_program ("tree"+#2)) in + let, ("proof", "leaf"):= + "tree_lookup_helper" (unreliable_read_program ("tree"+#1)) "height'" "idx" in + (list_cons (#true, "rhash") "proof","leaf") + else let: "lhash" := unreliable_read_program (unreliable_read_program ("tree"+#1)) in + let, ("proof", "leaf"):= + "tree_lookup_helper" (unreliable_read_program ("tree"+#2)) "height'" ("idx"-"split") in + (list_cons (#false, "lhash") "proof","leaf"). + + Definition proof_bound_checker : val := + λ: "x", + let, ("a", "b") := "x" in + "b" < #(2^val_bit_size). + + Definition tree_lookup : val := + λ: "tree" "height" "idx" "checker", + let, ("proof", "leaf") := tree_lookup_helper "tree" "height" "idx" in + if: list_forall proof_bound_checker "proof" && (#0 < "leaf") && ("leaf" < #(2^(val_bit_size*2))) + then if: "checker" "proof" "leaf" then (SOME "leaf") else NONEV + else NONEV. + + Inductive proof_idx_relate : nat -> list (bool*nat) -> nat -> Prop := + | proof_idx_relate_lf: proof_idx_relate 0 [] 0 + | proof_idx_relate_left idx n rhash proof: + proof_idx_relate n proof idx -> + idx < 2^n -> + proof_idx_relate (S n) ((true, rhash)::proof) idx + | proof_idx_relate_right idx n lhash proof: + proof_idx_relate n proof (idx - 2^n) -> + 2^n <= idx -> + proof_idx_relate (S n) ((false, lhash)::proof) idx + . + + Lemma proof_idx_relate_implies_possible_proof tree proof height idx m: + tree_valid val_bit_size' height tree m -> + proof_idx_relate height proof idx -> + Forall (λ x : bool * nat, x.2 < 2 ^ val_bit_size) proof -> + possible_proof val_bit_size' tree proof. + Proof. + revert tree proof idx. + induction height; intros tree proof idx Htvalid Hrelate Hforall. + - inversion Hrelate; inversion Htvalid; subst. constructor. + - inversion Htvalid; inversion Hrelate; subst. + + constructor. + * eapply IHheight; try done. by eapply Forall_inv_tail. + * by apply Forall_inv in Hforall. + + constructor. + * eapply IHheight; try done. by eapply Forall_inv_tail. + * by apply Forall_inv in Hforall. + Qed. - - - + Lemma tree_leaf_list_implies_lookup_some lis tree height proof idx leafv: + tree_leaf_list height tree lis -> + proof_idx_relate height proof idx -> + tree_leaf_value_match tree leafv proof -> + lis !! idx = Some leafv. + Proof. + revert lis tree proof idx leafv. + induction height as [|height]; intros lis tree proof idx leafv Hlist Hrelate Hmatch. + - inversion Hrelate; inversion Hmatch; subst; try done. + by inversion Hlist; subst. + - inversion Hrelate; subst. + + inversion Hrelate; inversion Hmatch; inversion Hlist; subst. + assert (length alist = 2^height). + { by eapply tree_leaf_list_length. } + rewrite lookup_app_l; last lia. + naive_solver. + + inversion Hrelate; inversion Hmatch; inversion Hlist; subst. + assert (length alist = 2^height) as K. + { by eapply tree_leaf_list_length. } + rewrite lookup_app_r; last lia. + rewrite K. + naive_solver. + Qed. + + + Lemma tree_lookup_helper_spec (ltree:nat) (height:nat) (idx:nat): + idx < 2^height -> + {{{ True }}} + tree_lookup_helper #ltree #height #idx + {{{ (a:val) (b:nat), RET (a, #b)%V; + ∃ lis:(list (bool*nat)), + ⌜is_list lis a⌝ ∗ + ⌜proof_idx_relate height lis idx⌝ + }}}. + Proof. + iIntros (Hidx Φ) "_ HΦ". + iInduction height as [|height] "IH" forall (ltree idx Hidx Φ) "HΦ". + - simpl in Hidx. assert (idx = 0) as -> by lia. + rewrite /tree_lookup_helper. + wp_pures. replace (_+_)%Z with (Z.of_nat (ltree + 1)) by lia. + wp_apply unreliable_read_spec; first done. + iIntros (?) "_". + wp_pures. + iModIntro. + iApply "HΦ". + iExists []. + iSplit; first done. + iPureIntro; constructor. + - rewrite /tree_lookup_helper. + wp_pures. + rewrite -/tree_lookup_helper. + replace (Z.of_nat (S height) - 1)%Z with (Z.of_nat height) by lia. + wp_apply pow_spec; first done. + iIntros (?) "->". + wp_pures. + case_bool_decide. + + (*left case*) + wp_pures. replace (Z.of_nat _+_)%Z with (Z.of_nat (ltree+2)) by lia. + wp_apply unreliable_read_spec; first done. + iIntros (?) "_". + wp_apply unreliable_read_spec; first done. + iIntros (rhash) "_". wp_pures. replace (Z.of_nat _+_)%Z with (Z.of_nat (ltree+1)) by lia. + wp_apply unreliable_read_spec; first done. + iIntros (?) "_". + wp_apply "IH"; first (iPureIntro; lia). + iIntros (lproof ?) "(%proof & %&%)". + wp_pures. + replace (_,_)%V with (utils.inject (true, rhash) : val); last done. + wp_apply wp_list_cons; first done. + iIntros (lproof') "%". + wp_pures. + iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". + iExists ((true, rhash)::proof). + iSplit; first done. + iPureIntro. constructor; [done|lia]. + + (*right case*) + wp_pures. replace (Z.of_nat _+_)%Z with (Z.of_nat (ltree+1)) by lia. + wp_apply unreliable_read_spec; first done. + iIntros (?) "_". + wp_apply unreliable_read_spec; first done. + iIntros (lhash) "_". wp_pures. replace (Z.of_nat _+_)%Z with (Z.of_nat (ltree+2)) by lia. + wp_apply unreliable_read_spec; first done. + iIntros (?) "_". + rewrite -Nat2Z.inj_sub; last lia. + wp_apply "IH". + { iPureIntro. simpl in Hidx. lia. } + iIntros (lproof ?) "(%proof & %&%)". + wp_pures. + replace (_,_)%V with (utils.inject (false, lhash) : val); last done. + wp_apply wp_list_cons; first done. + iIntros (lproof') "%". + wp_pures. + iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". + iExists ((false, lhash)::proof). + iSplit; first done. + iPureIntro. constructor; [done|lia]. + Qed. + + Lemma list_forall_proof_bound_checker_spec (lproof:val) (proof : list (bool*nat)): + {{{ ⌜is_list proof lproof⌝ }}} + list_forall proof_bound_checker lproof + {{{ (b:bool), RET #b; if b then ⌜Forall (λ x, snd x < 2^val_bit_size) proof⌝ else True }}} + . + Proof. + iIntros (Φ) "% HΦ". + wp_apply wp_list_forall; [|done|]; last first. + - iIntros (b) "H". + iApply "HΦ". + destruct b; last done. + instantiate (1 := (λ '(a, b), ⌜b < 2^val_bit_size⌝)%I). + clear. + iInduction proof as [|] "IH"; first done. + rewrite Forall_cons_iff. + destruct a. rewrite big_sepL_cons. + iDestruct "H" as "[%H1 H2]". + iSplit; [done|]. + by iApply "IH". + - iIntros ([??] Φ') "!>_ HΦ". + rewrite /proof_bound_checker. + wp_pures. case_bool_decide; iModIntro. + + iApply "HΦ". + iPureIntro. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_lt. + rewrite Nat2Z.inj_pow. done. + + iApply "HΦ". + by instantiate (1:= (λ _, True)%I). + Qed. + + + + Lemma tree_lookup_spec (ltree:nat) (height:nat) (idx:nat) (checker:val) (lis:list nat) f tree m: + idx < 2^height -> + {{{ decider_program_helper_spec height val_bit_size' max_hash_size checker tree f ∗ + ⌜tree_leaf_list height tree lis⌝ ∗ + ⌜tree_valid val_bit_size' height tree m⌝ ∗ + hashfun_amortized val_size_for_hash max_hash_size f m ∗ + ⌜coll_free m⌝ ∗ + ⌜size (m) + S height <= max_hash_size⌝ ∗ + € ((nnreal_nat (S height)) * amortized_error val_size_for_hash max_hash_size)%NNR + }}} + tree_lookup #ltree #height #idx checker + {{{ (v:val), RET v; + ⌜∀ x:nat, v=SOMEV #x -> lis!!idx = Some x⌝ + }}}. + Proof. + iIntros (Hidx Φ) "(#Hdecider & %Htreelist & %Htvalid & H & %Hmvalid & %Hmsize & Herr) HΦ". + rewrite /tree_lookup. + wp_pures. + wp_apply tree_lookup_helper_spec; [done|done|]. + iIntros (lproof leafv) "(%proof & %Hproof & %Hproofrelate)". + wp_pures. + wp_apply list_forall_proof_bound_checker_spec; first done. + iIntros ([]) "%Hb"; last first. + { wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iPureIntro. naive_solver. } + wp_pures. case_bool_decide; last first. + { wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iPureIntro. naive_solver. } + wp_pures. case_bool_decide; last first. + { wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iPureIntro. naive_solver. } + wp_pures. + wp_apply ("Hdecider" with "[$H $Herr]"). + - repeat iSplit; try done. iPureIntro. by eapply proof_idx_relate_implies_possible_proof. + - iIntros ([]) "Hb"; last first. + { wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". iPureIntro. naive_solver. } + iDestruct "Hb" as "(%Hcorrect & %Hmatch & H & Herr)". + wp_pures. + iApply "HΦ". iPureIntro. + intros x Hx. + inversion Hx as [Hx1]; apply Nat2Z.inj in Hx1; subst. + by eapply tree_leaf_list_implies_lookup_some. + Qed. End unreliable_storage. +